The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1898, Image 10

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    AVeec la!)!c Prcparalionfof As
similating tJic Food and HcfJuLv
liiig ilic Stomachs ond bowels cC
Promotes Digeslion.Cliecrful-
ncss and Rcst.Conuiins nciihcr
Otmun. Morphine nor Mineral.
Not N Ait co tic.
jtuu .uu -
A perfect Remedy forConstipa
lion, Sour Sloiiuch.niarrhoca
TacSitiiilc SiiJnnliireof
new Yomc.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought,
Boars the Fao-simile
Signatuie ,
VM taiNNf, Nrw ent.
Tim vulue of gold in not e-tnl
lished hy Ijw. Jt in independent
ol law. The value of silver cinnotr
be established by law. Il in inde
pendent ol law. Oregonian.
Tho Oreonim should git a
schoolmaster in itn editorial elm).
Tlio values of gold and silver nn
eilablished by law. Tlia Unittd
ctaliB law says !!71.-.) grain ol
silver, with -11.25 grains of alloy,
when coined, constitute a lollar,
and 23.22 grains of gold with 2.53
grains of alloy a dollar.
And ho Ion as silver wan given
eiual rights with gold, by law, at
tin mint, it was worth equally as
much 88 gold, and f ir years pre
vious to its demonetization a slight
er centuge above gold. Tlio values
of the precious metals, gold and
silver, are not "independent" of
law. The law says our coKicd til
vor is worth dollar for dollar with
ipild. It i then of tlio
M It HPAUail A.lll III KECOttll.
The Kalem Journal Fns Nome At'eil -
lion to the Lane County Ktatrs-nmn.
The Salem Journal of Feb 20
prints a long letter from W II
Spuigh in which be attempts to
di'fi'ixl bia opiioailioii to union of
1'opuliste, Detmcrala And Silver
Republicans on a free silver and
initiative and referendum platform.
Intcres'tiiii; I'roiriam I'owl Alter
ilunri Tliiijt l r liile.--l.
Tli j Local lui,uti lul l ly lux H
IIiH I In Kit) in M tun rliurrli imi i-al-unlay
Utt, Ih.i Ijr-l anil nnt
In iei' l Iny uf I In: l.i' iil iiiniiltitcM u lilc li
have I'fLir held linrlii hi I r in f
The m-h.ioii pi i.'.-l jlli hi- n k-y
lint I iixi -.1 1. ! ) u. il i i;i;i r I It. y VV S
liillil, ; .-! -r ! 'in- I'm iii.ii4'.
cli I. r-'li. Mn il!.' Mi. in, i'l ilm
Kllrlll' I'lllloC fi' ,ili 1 ll' ll Lllie It
rla.nexer.i-. i.i k iilit I'u l.i.L' Ton
Wl'lk lllll.l- liy lllf Mill' !' hr, v. Il'l li !
Ixrii III Tli'i'.l li i ll.' l .. I r ' j ni i, Wna)
MMIiflllillg lll'trtfl' IIM
W M hiiiiun, iIm'.i..i i.f -.
Meld fi'liooln, lueli t.i"k no lw Mil jeut
as: l.-iirln r ll.i- ('IiiIU'm incur
lii onli r In know Imw to l uiuf (er of
each puliculiir tu-i II. ai rial i s IiIk at-
tvniioii. I, ft lilm on -rv lii i.iiU
at nil tiniea. If n hi lU Imw imtU Jarl-
lli ii I' t JiuihHh l i r fialn It III c
llii' '.i-ui li-r li lli . n u i mlvii.tiij.i l'i
tfueli.T, ill . I it 1 1 1 1 pitinili.
F 'l'i 1 1 on, .riii'l.ul if Cubu.K
m linnlH, no ' I I i' Mel IiimU i.f Tfui:hlln
lli Hihtoiy cf I he ( ivll War," Halit In
I'Hil: ' Kieal eveiilt ami uiei Joi
l. Impi.rtaiit dutcM. Do not leant by
Mie. itiuily aue- mid tlicir flieclti,
IC , Ibe pupil khoul.l tli(irnuflily un-
iKtIhiiiI the nliivcryi (pivntion before
b t;liiiiliii( the ntuily nf Uih civil war.
l)l lilo your n-cltatinii Into tliteti varlH,
eliroiioloyy, Llouraiiliy mill Kforupby.
Make free U'e of iiiiijih." An lOitrnit.
lute ou lii eof the civil war wtr n'veii.
After reoeiw K I) Itmlur, i lly i,ur.
Ihtemleiit of Kuf ue whooU, apnke ou
Moral limlructlon la the folinilatiou
of iltjlit llvltiK- Tliei'riii of the mor
al faculty In llrnt m-en when the child
doe rljjlit or refraiua from wroii( on
account of the pleaxlirv II will lve bis
parent-). The luxl anil lilubfht atate
la when the perwiii ncea that the IkIh
way of llvh.g iiiiihI l In aulijecliiig
hit will to divine wili.
In biography, literature, liiatory and
civic, are the lhitnt opMrtuulliea for
the culture of the mental faculty. The
teacher la the ilicil uulion of nil I hat la
ribt to the puil, and em-e olioulj
be correct ill balilta and deportmeni
The noon hour having arrived, J'rof
v. it V: ik .1 .nrii .l tU in' 11
A Clue t"Hi" IVriUmlun ,l10
) . ne Ouir-tf-.
Hncoud Muat l Inlerenteil ami
know how to I utereot olhrra
Third -Mut I oeilvi- inilo
trii'Ui. Fnurlli IVogrt-atilvf
Fifth-Coiiaclcnii ii h
'1' lie I'oncludil'ir fi-uluiei'l ll' afirr
lioxli'a M-twimi wat an hdiln-fa ni
".ii Ifiie 'IWliln In me ltu'bl
K'hiKii," by C 11 Chiijiiiian, midi-nl
i; ii o.
Fvury gixxl Ilin.K i hat baa t v. rt" i e , ) ( iIm,.ii!i Ii
loin (he v orlki I. ..n iiit-n ii'p"i d. llii"J "liey.'l
I.Mtlt'tll 1 1 lit) III' -ll' llUClllllK Hi 1 Mlll.i' I'lli. i
ai.:.h.h ni'i'iivKitv
Stw V 'iiK. V-
(iali'1 t Hi- I' '""
Mnli.f H- II..W).
in f..iir iii' u 'I l'i'' '
y, i( I.4U i !'
, ,,,.,-! il.ui He
( ,r i.i, . I I'l.l'l
f i - i ti ' n liiii'i
! In Jluva ii r. aid I"
mini fi Imh'U Apl'iiialil' I- v aluul'lr
In lioau 'i.i klii'H n 1" li-' !- l'1
vny iiiui Ii can lu I..11.11. w 11 11.1UI tt
paralUN. Al llir cIohi nf lu P iiiMki I'ltritidfiil
( iiHpinaii gavti n li- 'f vj.ualile but
InuxptM aive b jnl. mut H..IIU i.eulii for
lifo In buivucv l.uri.ii'
Kohnifh", r, Fibi'J J M "
man, who kil!-.IJ M aM.i l liiiiri-d ix
near M)rl It C e.-k, a l""ed u; In
jol bile la-l l'igl'1 l" '"'I'""
of tl.e uraud jury mxi Imirli I" "'
fiMldnr of llieiouiiiyjill Hi leUim
HBiei'leaitei'l the I'l'-' lat ein, fruui
l. i ll Hie 11I aie i-nl. rul, Tlieiv ii
'1'lie evtiuin aronlou vu opened l y
a ijuttriet t'oi.-iiiliiu ol Mr. iro"k",
Mitw Yoiau, Prnferiir (ileti and
Huferiuleudeut ltK..r rinitinj; "1'he
Hea Halo Ilai'taik"
After ,.r)er by Ii. v M I. Unite, the
ijuaitet, rendered ' The limine That
Jack limit." 1 he Jurge uudletice ttitl
"id to their aipri'i'i.itiiiu by
eUlbUHiatiu clneiiiiK that "Wli.n-
Are You Uoinj;, My I'relly .tlaid." a nuw no jmim id It" jr "t a t'Miiiiiial
rendered an an rue-ore. ; caiiii i,', ex .'-j I ibrmiiih the diMir.
tSuperiutendi-ut Hunt, I In 11
ductal the apeake ( the evening. 'A' C
Haw ley, pri.lilent Willamette L'ni
veralty, Salem, w ho look for bin theme
"The I'lace of John Jirowu in Hit-
lirt 0
The aililren. wna a maitniliceut pren
eolation of our politb u blMtory with
efpecial refetiiicH to ulavery. Many
new fai-la were piereuted aa ouly the
euthiiniantiu hittorian can give them.
In concluion, John llrown was char
acterised an a liar, a thief, a murderer,
and many late bUtorlalis were quoted
In proof of thix position.
'fhe Inlerent wa the lieat from the
llrnt to the lant.
Tiie eniolliiient of tta heia was
over Km.
1'he next local lLatitute will be be d
at Jutictiou City.
ii....- ?
1 S a&r&a
il t.n :
...... S3 ..... "';-v.
r-''I " , W a Vit;m!$L.l W- fJ .t.l
1 VS 1
(.'.m n.iiii'iil l..e
u v. li -kll"W u
ii I. i'Ii d I-) i . ' 1 1"- 1
ly an.- wl'li 'I.i- '"'J
bank -alled ll"j d.- Mu'u ( ii'i'lH'-'
1 C'o-c l' the M due.1,
I 'I'l l, eilie tt 1.1 .i ' !'. I'i'd I ' "
j i. pr l.ei " n ol ii t- I ei't'"i"l
O I liie.
() I) illl ill Jailed III K"- bill).',
Hilly Gunl Kubniiry H
I'kki i v Mad. Our ministerial and
Kenatnrml friend, Rev I D Drivt r, came
to town th In forenoon and foolishly
drove Ida w u no 11 In the rear of the
butdiieaa lioui'i juvt south of the couit
Iii.IImA liar. U'liupa .i.IIa a .1
Itisarehaahofold rsonal mat- Acker,u". paKr w.a placed 'P" ()f niU(l ,,HM ,,;, ,,aUe(, 0ltt stretl,
ters that have little or nothing to ,," ,.' " v .. "d d.-.olted. In trying to pull
do with the political issues of the , " i", "i ' Z.W. -V .. Ihrouijli the name a tug broke anu the
day, but much to do with Mr immt Inteieatitu clan exerclao In
Spaugh. Tho Journal aiiBwera Mr
Spaugh very concisely, but point
edly. It says:
0 nave no eommeut to mike
on Mr Simugh. lie was a Toonles
Detnouratio Silver - Republican
Hector in lS'Jti and soon alter elec
lion wrote us with Nalishictiou that
enough 1'opulists stayed at home
in threw counties he named (o carry
bent" I cir.'Kon lor McMnley
aa taught by her in I lie fourth grade.
Miia Nina Wilklua th n delighted
all w IMi a violin solo.
J II Aikerii'an, irliicipul of llarri-
I wm Htreet acbiail, l'oillaiii', who wai
one o' the luatructore at Ihu County
lliatililtu last uiumer, then tiaik up
Firnt Impremlona are lasting, there
fore let the teaclu-r be extremely care-
coined prudm-t.
Lit w inikcn the
.sum in 11 u, iu; 111: waic
Should lucre be war bi-ltvn'H
the United St ilea m id S itin, what
will la .ho aituatiou in Cuo.i? It
will Imi mainly a imval w tr, and
we can ppare an inoiuioua vol
unteer army to cton t tho Florida
strait and invent the inland ol Cnlii.
Tlio bloodrheil hi, il rdurvatioii mid
general misery w ill be brotigut to
an immediate vIom1. The liliMn
strength ot tho C'ub.tna will tln-n
be on our side.
W'u can tike tbo inlnnd in gti.iian
tee its indi'peiiileiice. The lull
couio would pioli ibl v be the one
to he pursued. I'nless C'ubii par
ticularly denired to ivttio in to tlie
Union elm should not bo united
with tin. With our aetivo syinpit
thy and j roteclion t.ho will be able
to get alonf . And Spain will have
lost her last considerable possession
in the new or!d.
'SAKU,, FKtlM OKKHtlN CI 1 1
"Why should all men opposed to
the money iower vote one ticket?
We might win that way. Never.
Let us turn over the otlices t. the
republicans. You can't have Hie
reform parly it it is going to gut
absolute jiossession of the pie
counter. If you want reform, elect
the other fellows toollice."
"Welupe never to have it said of ' the first day'a woik. A light
t we satisfied a mortgage out I lri ' be
proceeds of political trench- ",le rK''t w
ery. 1 lial was said of Mr Snaugll. eommauu repcl. An erect poatu re,
i..iait u l.iln 1 1 tn Itiillum v.tlini
, .... I Ui lliat we PatiHlleJ a inortirttire out I lireHloii oun Lo muile only by th Unii Haukey.
il. kiliitii" ti k I ii 1 1 kn. I ilui.'ii 'n ia . .... n n I I
v ol Ihu liroceeds of political trench- ",le '"' u "ght with in and lima can
oniv nnoni one inn mat in tue
gentleman lost bis temper, and a
last result hn waa compelled to unli ltd
bis wagon to pull out of the mud. Id
a short time be bail a large crowd, anu
hegavaoue of hi regular street lec
tures. Ilecoiidemued the county and
city ofllclalft Ami, then gave Attornevs
Bkipworth, Wo id cock ami llilyiu
some blesnings; then told what be did
not do at Salem, ending up by saying
that Joe Himon was worae than a
Sou t her.-. Pacific train robber. He re
served bit ''delM e" with I overtoil oi
bis next, also hi trip with Moody
- -
Tmmii M urk by a Train.
Cottage lirovi, Or, Feb. -S. 'I be
nortli-boiind .Southern Pselflc l"cal No
17, kniM-ked a IraliipilF ibe truck at
the divide, four mil.s i.ortli of here,
tld mornli g. Tbetniiiip had evident
ly sat !ounili bis btllidle to rest, going
tosleeo. He was brought here and is
belli ear d for by the ci'y. He seems
to le in a gitul ileal of I um, end uu'y
b) injurul iiiteruiilly.
in Children
can it overcome in almost all cases
by the use of Scott's Emulsion of
Cod-Liver Oil and the Hypophos-
phites of Lime and Soda While
it is a scientific fact that cod-liver
oil is the most digestible oil in ex
istence, in
it is not only palatable, but it is
already- digested and made ready
for immediate absorption by the
system. It is also combined with
the hypophosphiteSfWhich
supply a food not only for
the tissues of the body, but
for the bones and nerves,
and will build up the child
when its ordinary food
does not supply proper
B ure you ctl SCOTT'S EmuMon. Set that th
Bun an.1 luh arf on tlic wrjpprr.
All drugRitu ; yx. and Si.oo.
SCOTT & UOVVNE, Chtmisu, New YoHl
We hope he is a sincere and honest I nn" "'' P- graceful movement, a mu-
nuin. W e can Imvtt no controversy vou-e, a win poised and a well
Willi him however." developed neivous system, native abil
ity, scbaloishlp and culture all make
up that which will coii-ilu,te a cor
rect personal iiy.
IsFtYourJ fieihbor
l!LOoMi-"Ilr lb. you were rttwiiv! th.t Pipct Held.
. iS rKI r" e.ll ill """'' I,1' "" "I"1"!
nS SIS to. i v o.osht .1 it. bin.-
( Champagne Flavor) Is the best chewing tobacco In the world and
- ,i i hrm enouffh so that every ona can afford
llVC-Cill aitv .J . o- a
the new
to enjoy this delicious luxury,
A trial will convince.
Blowing any trumpets, nor hanging an)' big banners on the I
outer walls to attract customers,
we Want
Our Friends to understand that
wc will not bo undersold, and
will duplicate an)' of tho prices
of our competitors. . .
All hes-t luam'is calico
Ordinary and shirting calico
Cabot V muslin, yard or bolt.
Chicago LL, best made
Ladies' wool hose were
Ladies' wool hose ribbed top
Ladies' wool hose ribbed top
Heavy wool underwear
Heavy wool underwear...;
20 yds for $1.11
2." da for lit
.. 25c now 19c
. 2oc now 20i
.. 35c now 2
1.00 now 75t
, 1.25 iiowP
Oltb(;o.l AN MCMiAl'lTY.
i. i i
it aeeps one ousy guesting
whether the OregoniMi shapes its
couisj through alitor ignorance, or
utter mendacity mid the long -(dah
lia cd habit ot lying about pohti-
cal opponents. A
Was the subject presented ty 1" I,
Camplidll, president nfOHN'8. The
purpose of Hid recitation is to leu. I tne
pupil to observe individual facts, to go
lave instance it ,rom these to geueral facts anil tociu-el
that in the Siimbtv n,ii. ",, habit nt ol.servullon.
vt l...r.. il... .ii i. 1 i. , 'r,, rU",,f "1B citation should be
" --''v.i uuuuii UlU lail- rl it l.rl..r r..i l.. l.ri.
r.i... v i. " '
tD . ,, ni,y appropria- facta which you have passed over; etc-
Uuion of silver forces takes s
practical form over in Washington.
In Sesttlti the Democrats, 1'opulists
and Silver Republi ans have no n
inattd a ticket in opposition to
Republicans. Kach party is repre
sent 1 on tho ticket.
Free silver clubs are being orga
niied all over Lane county. We
have yet to hear of any man hiving
the temerity i propote the org u i
tttion of a gJd standaxl club.
The United Stite t-cuate I a
again decided that after a legisla
ture hat lail 'd to (-erbirtn a duty
in electing a renaior the governor
cannot ppuiut.
tiju is heided "Yaouitm Appronri
atllll Pt-foilled bv Den
mere is no excuse for such
lying. We beg pardon of our read
ers lor using the oll'onsive term, much to ask of a child to get the
but it IB tho only woid that fills eu,lr thought rrom the printed pages,
the nill. The Oreconian know. tb Another class i.f recitations may 1
oud, a clear presentation nl new ble: s;
third, analysis, the iilullon nf the
parts to eacli other; fourlli, syntliesis;
Hub, review. liefore assigning a
topic for study see tint tho enlld
has a cornet Idea of the subject, for It
whose house is conspicuously clean, whose work worries
her least, whose leisure time is greatest, how she tiiauages.
The chances are ten to one she will answer :
' I do all my cleaning with
ct,l i n . . w . wa
v.n ..jr u Ktmcra. largest package greatest economy.
Chicago. tJLUuls. ewVok. llctou. 1-blladelrhla.
Boys' and Youth's Clothing
At and below cost.
Special Bargains in
Biduced prices during this month. All wc ask is
come and price our goods, and if not as low or a
little lower than others, then don't trade with us.
J. H. McClung.
Moil's Nerverine Pills
iiresent House of Representatives is
lurgely Republican. We give the
ooiu congress began March -I,
lVJi, ends March 4, 1S90.
Republicans 2Q2
IVmoerate i3Q
Populists 21
Fusiouist 1
Mlver a
Th great
rtmtdy for
nervous pros
tration and
all nervous
discastsof tlx
generative or
sex, such as Nervous Prostration. Fail inp or
U! 'L.I.. - .
iy. iNigntiy tmis-
Republican majority over al'- 47 schools, v V Alliugham, then read a
caivfutly prvpaied per ou "The
Detail of School Management "
"ORKHO.N FORfJOLD" THK MOTTO a" tteu(iou to details will cause
OK KK11HH0AS LKtlit K larger in tiers to take care of thetu-
CLl'BS. selves. Correctues of i km lure lu
staudtug, lu walking, lu tlie holdlug
of b, ok wbiltt sitting at the desk, are
. apt Harry W ells has dsiigned Wl'11 w.rthy of the teachers' time and
a campa'gu buttn lor the renub ! ttiought. tvt that the mi nil l neat
can league olibs. It U red, white and uJ clean and keepa bl surroundlogt
blue, a cannon in the center, I tut same. He-prompt; lie accurate In
round which are the words: "The expression; w clear lu enuuclatlug: be
Mrst nun lor lSUS Oregon for pleaaui
calleil "ttsl" recitations lustead of a
"development" recitation as given
above. In this give many examples
ami much work that is not fouud lu
the text book
Much bard work Is required from I lost Manhood, Impotenc
II,.. .n..1,,1 .......I... i . .. I tinnt. V...1K1..I -7 ai
...v in iv:iivi, inrieiuiu jet 1 im I -- w,...u. unn, nwniat worry, ex-
u-aoher pay mucli utteutlou to his ?.r7 . co or .Opium .which
health. , ' ilS "'ty. $1.00
The next order waa a lln and M0TT S CHEMIWL CO.. Pron t fitalsiSs HnM.
guitardut't glveu by Messrs Uroet aud k.. whli... ..
eigler. This wai highly appreciated
aud the gcu(leeu kludly rvspouded
to au encore.
ibe principal 01 the Juuctlon City
TlK-T .,v,.rriiit. XV,,Aknri.. Irr.'irn.
I'iril viiial,.,ii1,T,lll,, )fe.or
"'' !'''i' .." '! m.n-iitia
11,11 ll.vja l.liv auvrn"
l l-iHhm w,,i.mnli,l. n ..lilitf tip-
.-li'PMirril of unit IhxO . No
known f,,r wnmrn l-'-iil.l.
Ilim. ,! hnrin-lll.- be
.,,in... ,.r,. mi prp ,,m
"l"'!-, "-.1,1 h ilruirKl.i
MOTT CHEMICAL C0.,u. "ii.u.
For Saleat Henderson & I. inns
Forsale hi" Wilklua A Linn.
Sold." Portland Chronicle.
"Capl Harry Wells' may find
shortly alter the first Moudty
in June that he was mistaken
about the inscription 011 his cam
paign button. There is a txissibil
ly that Oregon will dt-lar for
b inetallism gold and silvei. Anv
how the ' Capl" should 1101 be too
previous, but give the a
chancd to decide the matter.
Af er the recess Ibe audience waa
agaia eulertaiued by a guitar aud
mandolin duel.
U W Jouet, au alumuus of the IT of
O, tdltor of Oregon Teacbei'a Monthly,
and supt.ilutudeiit or Marlon county
schoats, thru addressed ibe luslitute
u.kiu ' I'lit Teacher Who ISuctteeda."
Flint He inut kuew much more
lhau be Is to Uaeh. Iucomiieteucy Is'
ou of Ibe greatest reasons for failure, i
Cbildivu like tbesubjrct best w hich is I
tauvibt benL i
OU Cail 1
be cured 1
If wo tu:Ter fmn. r .... ,
' i mm, crow t0 ,(,, 0,,
i-.tvia.iM on ilia racise Cmi,
:v . uk. Jordan a co.
KN ill J I Market St Etld 1852. '
W Vonntr Burn nj mlil.lle ,
rmnTih.. ""etl ho aichiUecu.a '
',n ,"U"":'' " ex"
. i-ix-rtiiitiotrli.rit,
i. . a h" ' -rantd hi.
: " -'" "-s "'' u nl in-mrJuit rrl,.f Utt A
l""w niirs. l h... i .ii i x
nJ vjiur, i Svw. i.i aiHl Surv. tr-muiil f
us nit ! ill v
CieARS, '
Junction City : Milling Company.
i-FLOUR,Ljj... i
The most nonnl HI flrVIll 1 - 1 A O 1 1 1-vtf al l
loo,i;.,rr 1 avui iii wo iuarKet. com
Julie ' Qold5mitl7'5
-lUraitn fjlf
a. takiii. ... -"" wi .urn, m
i" !rl f)i,,iiiIXai um f
ii s'itw !'"",;-,J"s "ir). A
ivu.."....?-.. i-i'ii- ' w ""I rs- f
.. .
' .'i.,"",ro""ra '1 Wll'K ft A'Ffn
frl. ft r?","l,,,r Marrlaare f
o (AtaluaUsj b.A?lBa.)
Orrat Museum of Anntomr
UK hoax and Ur.. vi . j ... l . T
mM- "--J .kM and d a.
1081 HaHH Stmt SM Fisndar Cal
Look Here FarmersI
Bring tour Hides and
Skins to our tannery.
f... .11 x- . . ...
. v. on .-mi. i Kreen 1,1,1,.,,
ttl r .via ( . at
" "? 1 cenisa pound
lor No 1 ,ry hldtt 10 cVnts a
pound: For No 2 lWrd7, ,0
4Uality,4to8 cents. c
Now don't forget these prices
re paid in CASH at
Tb V. IILmetu Tannery
Haines & Co
SZi1 wJi!f. .:?
I'lles. H .baori.ih.
. mrni lnn-ran.i ... i, . ' 1 -lc Oint-
It: 1 L
Is I ' 'I.
itfthe'awKwdte Interested In the welfare
Ladles and Gents Straw Hats,
Needles and Pins,
Notions, Etc,
VV.W. CHESSMAH, - Springtlelil. Oeegnn.
T' t Fasin:i:
Uf.!it ,
r:i' -V:, V
.1 ll.M .
J. lli.v,.'i
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nn.nir?.,.."Mi K-m-rt i.lnm wnw. w:-U l."""-"1? .
lilAM.ajiilhellwlll llU aV luil A l I. 1TUM-