The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 05, 1898, Image 1

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1NO )0.
. icur.uc
, , Willamette
iU .. r..iuMtiiTliN:
made known
, rates
on hk"-- -
,,. Mill
- i t... r
jckJ. Watcties, lmim. jewunr, nt..
trtl Work Warrants.-
planum! bur'ieo"
' .' ...t..Hl.i. Hour;
-i. nf chrlamau's
. inn rv
. . reitoii
aetlceln all the court
hfllceiu W. llou hoc.
... - - .1-
i.i, ikivan-1 "..w.... hiri
CtoKDinO BrldgsorksSpaclaltl.
is. o.
Lirr tun MAORI F WflRKS.
Mini aud K ,'l0, ,u Jr,",,' "d
laettle Marble na Granite, Monument.
HceJstouit end Cemetery wot a '
til klndi lor 18'J".
.a..U. smvt.nearPcirtofflre. Ku ene O
m loan
i ... 01 Eugene. Oregon,
-HT11 II P.iil nnl ... $58110.
I HbJ i HIM "p "
W. E. SHOWN. Prcildent.
B. 0 PAINE. Vict Prttloent.
F.W, OSBUHK.Caihlar.
W. W. BKOWN, Aal't Caihler.
r a it rv n.l... U C Rrnnvn
i. Paine, J. F. Koblnaou.J. B. Harris.
Jieijeral Bark,ir;$ Business
Bijsatfed ot) favorable erm.s
litta inned on tho principal cltlot ol the
Irdstalra; alio exchange lurnlitcd avail-
1 In all (ori'liiD roiinlrli't.
t(rel paid on lime dfKIia.
,-:proul vault lor tbe alurage of valuable
kllMllflui receive our promot attention.
ane Gountv Bank.
I iKataMlibed In 1881)
t general Banking business
II branches transacted no
orable terms.
A.G. HOVEY, President.
J. M. ABRAMr?. Cashier.
A. O. HOVEY' Jr., AaBt ) n
Q. HmiiKictg,
13. D.Faiin.
( .Mhlet
PI F.'.S.ioiKiBAiM, Aeaiatant Caahier.
Ol Eugene.
Id up Ush Capital $50,000
rplus and Fronts, $50,000
ugene - - Oregon.
Eu nml banking boaineae done on wuon-
wm ui.,k pin v. 1
iriw. Mangeold on foreign oonnbriea.
'"'seiTedaubieot to check or certifi-
eolUcUoB. mtroaUd to na wiU leoelre
(Jili'iis Fur Hie Eiisuirg Year Were
Ele'ehnd Other Business
ile I in An iiuii I Nravlon.
K.I. iii iiiltHiniiii, Fii 2": Tho un
nual (Miiv. iill.iti if the IiiliTi'iilU'Klnte
Athli'lie AiitL'in(lnii of Ort-DU tixik
pliuv in thu I'i'llu l niari hull, at Will
hiiii-iIi' i: ni verfliy alurdlly, 1'renl
drill Frank F, Hm n prtUling, and K
L llili inu'i, of Moiiin iiitli, Kt-rviiua
HCLTt-Urv in I lie iili-cnci' f tl;o retuliir
incuiuhf nl, W 11 VcC'iiriiiHi k itl Hit
MlllllH lnV.
II il futir ill (ho lx aHMM'iatvd col-
li-ycn with rcreitf lilt l, liumel):
WiUhiiii-tte L'liivtr-ily K E llrowu,
1 11 VuiiWiuklt-, U A liarlai.d uml Hal
Uiiiverhity oi On-gmi D V Kuj kiii-
dull and ij iSco't.
Oregon Agrii-ultu al Collfge-F A
Ortyon Slate Noruml Si-liool, Von-
nioulh SV M hmiili auo E L Illle-
K. II tall huvii'g Inn di-p )ed of, the
iiiiniit'-it of the prtvloui bi-hhii were
read and approved.
The ussiclntiou llieu pn.cteded t
collider ' d determine the fnllowing
The uullnlslied matter of tho Unlver
klty of Oregc li' dues for the year 1SW7
wus (ubled, to he taken up at the
lueMlutr, of the executive coiimiltteo
J lit-1 pricr to the June meet.
Tlie quiBllon of the exact atatus or
I'ufillo Collegi', at Fount Grove, as a
uit inter of the I. A. A. )., waa dlv
cucd at fome li nijlh, reaulting iu a
motiou Instructing the secretary to
coniinuulcate with fold college In re
lation to its intentions and granting
that iimtitutloii fifteeu days lu wi.icn
to Dignify lis defl.e to remain la the
association by paying its delinquent
due fur the years 1897 08. lu default of
which expulsion nhall ennue, without
further action iu the preiulxes.
The annual report of Treasurer D 11
liodiue (O A C) was then eubiiltted,
showing receipts abrogating J380.03
aud expenses lu the tuin of 1302 43,
leavlug a balance on hand of $3.00. The
report waa t canned for auy discrepan
cies, and as the proper credit lor
"WillaniefeV dues for I8U7 did not
appeur, It was referred back to Mr Bo
dine for correction, and thla without
prejudice to that gentleman.
F A Edwards (.0 A C) then made a
formal plea for holding the '08 meet at
Corvallis, speaking at large ol the ad
vantage and special guarantees to be
had that town, but the associa
tion wus indisposed to consider the re
location of the meet, at bo lato a date,
and the matter'fe 1 for want of official
The next matter to engage the at-
tutitlminr the voumr. Keutleiucn was
the election of officers for the eusu
ng year. The balloting lu this behalf
resulted as follow:
Presddeut-J H VanVli)kle(V U.)
to succeed F E Brown (W U).
Vice-President -V M Sinltb,
S,) Monmouth, to succeed L M Travis
UofO. -
Stcretury-L Scott. (U of O,) to bUC
ceed W li McCornmck, (Monuiouiii.)
Treasurer F A Edwards (O A K,)
to succeed D H Bodine, (O A C.)
This completed the work in hand
and adjournment was taken until con
vention In course.
Voice From the Weat rortlou
Lane t'ouutj Floreuce Popu
lists Kayor Uulon.
Tho Wont, Feb 2r.
KniToit West-Dkar Sir: Kludly
allow uie space enough In thecolumua
of your valuable paper to express the
sentiments of th? populists In Floreuce
precinct. 1 have couverseu wuu uioei
of them on the subject of fusion, and
they seem to be unanimously iu iavr
ofuulilng with the free silver forces
throughout the country. I see that
the opposition papers are doing all
they cull to corrupt tho plans laid
down by i he Iree silver forces, which
makes the fusion sentiment all the
stronger iu this country.
i 1 UI l blD.i
Court Konse Sews.
MJ Iladrall has Instituted suit in
the Lane county circuit court against
James A McChod and M 11 -V llslnger,
This Is a suit to recover money for
erecting a djke. Judgment la asked
for fS34.82and lnieiest.
The Vulcr n Iron work has entered a
foreclosure suit against the S'uslaw
River Lumter Co. Judgment is asked
for 15')0,3S and Interest and.'cost.
Interest Purchased. -B-it
niogs, son of County ( lerk Jennings,
has purchased Stephen Moore's Inter
e,i lu the Eugene delivery wagon
buslnef and will lake lossesalon to
morrow. JThen tr e firm name will le
Closed Jennings.
J.R Ream af Albany, is In the city.
P D Gilbert Sundayed In Eugene as
John O'Neil, of Portland, was here
llobt Clow, of Junction, Is lu
Mrs Jap Edy has gone to Creswell on
a visit.
O B Jacobson, of Gardlaer, wa lu
Eugene today.
Hon T G Hendricks is able to atteud
to business again.
Ed Bauru waa a passenger to Port
laud this forenoon.
K'da Nets, the Haleru hop buyer,
was In the clly today,
Secretary It R Klncald returned to
Saleiu this foreuoon.
Dr A Sharpie went to his fruit
orchard this afleruoou.
Scott Chrlsmau, of Cottage Grove,
vUlted iu Eugeue today.
Lester Hulin Is asslstlag lu the
county clerk's office tbia week.
Joe Lyons, a Drain merchant, waa
doing bualuess la Eugeue today.
P F C'astieiuan ol Portland, was an
arrl .al by this afternoon's tralu.
l'bU waa the day upon which the
senate was to vote ou the Corbel I case.
County Commissioner Bailey was a
passenger to Cottage Grove thla after
noon. R A S nod grass is quite low at his
residence comer of Thlid and Monroe
Geo W Elll', of Portland, one time
the publisher of a religious paper In
Eugei.e, a, cnt Sunday here.
The management of ihi Roseburg
Pialndeuler has passed luto the hands
of E J Stratford, J B Eddy retiilng.
Attorney J S Coke, Jr, of Marsbfleld,
who waa here on a .political mis
sion, lrft for Corvallis on today's local
Miss Susie Smith has finished her
term of school on Parsons Creek lu the
Mohawk country and returned to Eu
gene. Lou Moore is back from Portland.
After thinking the matter over he con
cluded that Klondike waa too cold a
It Is still undetermined whether
Hariy Prentice waa aboard the ill
Med Clara Nevada when ahe went
down at aea.
The lime has arrlvtd when every
fruit-grower should devoutly say: Let
ua spray. Again, actlous, Dot worus,
count moat.
John Evcusoii la quite ill at I he
fum'.l home in this city with an
attack of brain fever. We hope he
will soon recover.
The Electrio Light Co la placing a
Hue of poles on South Pearl atreet.
The holes for several ot the polea had
to be blasted out.
John W Brlstow, who is now travel
ing for a Chicago drug firm, la l i the
city today. Jobn i prospering, and
the Guard Is glad of it.
Attorney Geo B Dorrla returned
from Jack onvllle this morning. Mrs
Darrls w ill remain at that p'aoe a
couple of weeks yet visiting.
The welcome little swallows are here,
the advance guard having arrived yes
terday. They are a of an
early spring, so many claim.
Win Ebbert and wile, who have
been visiting relatives and friends In
Lane county for two mootha, left for
their home at Condon this forenoon.
The Dalles T-M of Saturday: ' Owen
Yanduyn, who baa been teaching
school lu Crook county, arrived here
today en route to h's home at Eugene."
Ex: It is said that 79,000 fools and
100 wise men are gologtothe Klon
dike this sp'ing. The fools will work
the mines and the wise men will work
the fools.
Cottage Grove Leader: Mr Oliver
Veatcb haa purchased a balf Interest
In the Fair Store, of J B Lewie, and
the new firm will hereafter be known
as Leis & Veatcb.
Wrn Kyle, who haa been to Seattle,
Wash, leasing bla eteani schooner
B Ua for the Alaska service, returned
here Sunday night and returned home
ti Florence on tbla morning's stage,
Yesterday morning at 6 o'clock Geo
FCroner happened to go borne aud
be arrived JubI Id the nick of time as
the building was full of smoke and
the flames from the stove had just
Ignited the wall paper.
Mrs Gsger returned from Portland
Snturday night and her condition
i. s -tlous. She was brought home by
Mla Wiuifred l-.iorceii, a named
nurse, who returned borne thla mora
The final contest of the interool
legists debating league of Oregon will
occur at Forest Grove March 4. On
thla occasion Pacific University (victor
over Portland University In the pre
liminary contest) will attempt to oon
vlnoe Willamette University, wblcb
conquered Eugene, that govern
ment ownership of railroads is the
proper thing lor the people of these
United State.
Addresses MjJi by Srveral Citiztus
A Colleclioo Taken.
Help ike tasia.
Dally Guard, March 1
The First CbrUtlau chuich building
contained a large and rnthualaxtic
Cuban Hireling lot evening, S B Eakln
Addrrstis were made by Prof
Thomas Condon, Rev R C Brooks
Rev M L Rose, Hon H H Friendly,
Rev W 8 Gilbert, Mayor W Kuyken
dall aud Rev Rbt Islie. All the
speakers were liberally applauded.
A collection was then takeu and
about o"J tuUcribed to the fund and a
number of donations of ' provision!,
were a so made. Toil ay 1100 were
handed Chairman Eakln to be turned
over 10 the commlltee.
It Is hoped to receive enough to for
ward a car load ol pruvisioua to the
Cubau patriots.
Delivered lie fore the TenrhfiV In
stitute. Saturday night the local Uacheis'
institute was most appropriately slosed
with a hlstoilcal lecture by President
W C Hawley, of Wtlluinette Univer
sity, SaleiuT "
The title ot the lecture, "Kansas aud
Jobu Brown," served to draw a vast
fuud of Information from the forma
tion of the constitution of i he United
States down throuuh the years of
heroism and disteiislon to the lime that
slavery waa banished from the United
States by the great civil war of 'Cl-'6o.
A wry significant statement waa
brought out during the course of the
lecture aneut the preseut strained rela
tions of the United States aud Spain,
Iu reviewing the acquisition of new
territory by the United States, Presl
dent Hawley spoke In calm but feeling
tones of tl.e treachery of Spain over
the Louisiana lai d grant, and the
diplomatic friendship tendered by
France at the time. The ominous
silence of the audience during Its re
cital showed plainly the feeling prig
iiaut in the niiuds of every one.
Golug faitlier down through history
to the despicable niethcds of treason,
murder and robbery ol John Brown
aud bla gang, the speaker presented
the matter lu a most scathing rebuke
to all such evil-doers.
The address waa intensely listened
to for over one and oue-half hours, aud
at Ita dose President Hawley was
warmly congratulated.
In Memorlaiu.
After an Illness of itveral weeks,
John B Stowell passed away Sunday
evening at 20 minutes after 7 o'clock,
aged 71 year and S months.
Mr Stowell was born near Kuox
vllle, Tend, Beptcmbei 21, 163, at the
age of 14 years he removed to MUsouri
In 1851 he crowed the plains to Oregon
aud remained at Salem until 18o4,
when lie returned to Missouri aud re
mained two years. In 1850 he again
started to Oregon, but the bniiklug
out of the Roirue River Indian war
causes hliu to change his ooursu, and
im went to California, remaluluir ihere
until 1858, when he returned to
Ortiron and settled on the
Bushuell place below Eugene, in
IHnn ha returned to California and
suent one year there, then a year In
V.vada. and in 1S02 went lo wans
Walla, where he lemained until 164,
when be again went to California aud
pent a year, then returned to Eugene
where settled permanently.
Mr Stowell battled with many hard
ships durlug his life. Uecrosed the
nUlnabv nrlvata conveyance, inree
times, irolns across once on Horseback
with bla wife and two children.
He waa the father of seven children
six of whom are sllll living, fbey are
Mrs Macule McMurry and .Mla Hattle
Stowell ef this city, Jmne sua Milton
Biowell. of San Fraud c and Mrs
Aiina '.Ik lint of Portluiid; he also
leave a sister st Colfax, Washington,
balf brother in Shasta county Callfor
nla and a balf sister in San F'ranclsco,
Mr Stowell was a man or. total atsti
nence, aud w as never known to spend
his evenings away from home. 11
was a devoted husband and a kind and
t,.ino fiither. He was a member of
the Congregatioual church of this city,
...a il, funeral service were con
ducted Feb 22. ISM, by Rev R
llrooki , assisted by Prof Condon, and
the remains were Int.rred in lb
Masonic cemeteiy by the aide of hi
Dally Guard , February 28.
Hops SHiPPfcM.-Palmer Ayres to.
dav ahloped 35 Isles of bops to
Weaver, of Sussex, Wis. Hecould not
-r n ofler on them here, while Mr
u-, made him an offer of 10
cents, which he accepted.
Hom Hold. Edmuiidson Bros so
,-a. t Voia the balance of lliei
W e.a -
bops, 67 bales for cents per poun
They will be shipped East at once.
J W Brlstow weut north on today's
I ical train.
F A Toiler was a passenger to Hai
r I. burg today.
FJ, the veteran drum
incr Is In the city.
Jauiee Hodman waa a passenger on
today's train lor Irving.
Blind John Keeoey weut to Sslem
on today'a train for a visit.
J T Deadmoiid and family, of Ne
braska, arrived heie last night.
W S Lee, the well known Junction
hanker and druggist, gave this office a
pleasant call today.
Mrs Katie Porter aud child, arrived
thisafieruoon to visit with her parents
Mr and Mrs J B Hopkins.
Doc Blanton !s now working In the
Merchant's hotel, Portland. Fir a
number of months he was at Nelson,
15 C.
Attorneys J W Hamilton and OP
Coidiow, of Roreburg were pansetigers
on bid y's local tralu for Corvallis and
Lincoln county.
The U H Senate refused to seat H W
Corbett seualwr from Oregou by a vote
of 60 to 10. Senator McBride voted
against seating Corbett.
Today's Oregonian: No further in
formation lias been received from Rev
(1 A lHalr than was repoMed yester
day, aud his friends are esrneily hop
ing that when they do hear again, the
news will be more cheering.
John Deadmoiid returned on this
morning's tralu from Nebraska, lo
h!eh state he went last July. He
por a times very clore lu Nebraska,
cattle being tho ouly product that
brings a fair price. Good yearlings
are worth 25. Cheap corn accounts
for the high price of.cattle, which are
fattened, then shipped to market lu
Eastern cities.
Corvallis Times: "Ex Postmaster
Robert Johuson, of Corvallis, waa In
the city today on his way home torn
San Francisco, where lie bad been to
look for a boat for the Alaska trade.
Every old tub that could be kept on
the water, though, had been lakes,
painted up aud sent north, aud there
waa nnthluK left for the Corvallis
Met In Ai'Joumed Term Today Pro
Pally Guard February IK.
'1 ho Lane county circuit court met
in adjourned session today at 10 o'clock
a ra.
Present-Judge W U Hale, ot the
First Judicial District, presiding, Clerk
Jennings and SherluTJobcson.
O Oreeu was appointed ballirr.
The following pioceedlog weie bad
Irvin v Calvert; to recover money.
Demurrer confirmed; to auawer iy
Howard vs Elinlr Lumber Co; to
... t ti a .. ..
recover money, to answer oy oaiur-
day morning.
Forrest vs Goodale; lo recover tuouey.
To answer this week.
Rostelu ve Park, to set asldn detd.
Toaaaweithls week.
Harris va Columbia Implement Co;
damages. Demurrer susiainea. lieave
lo answer complaint granted
Court will probably be In session all
week to hear motions, eto by attorneya
so that when the first day of the regu
lar March term begins, next Monday,
a number of the casea will be at Issue.
In the first district thla la the regular
practice, which saves large sums to
the counties. The terras should be
nhanired so the same practice couia
obtain here.
Judee Hale is a splendid judge and
decldea questions from the bencu wuu
out hesitancy.
An Aged Woman Bead.
Floreuce Watt, Feb, 25. .
At the residence of her daughter at
Capelands, near Florence, Oregon, at
2:45 a rn. Feb 14, 1808, Hannah
Pblpps. the beloved wile of William
Phlpr. aud mother of Mra w a cox,
aged 83 years, 9 montba ana Zd aays.
She waa born lu New urunswica
April 22, 1814, and waa marrieu ucio
ber 17, 1835-ber husbind being only
two day her enlor, and they lived to
celebrate 03 wedding auniversarie.
ti.i. wra a ven children born to
timm. but only one waa left to walrti
as -aw .... w
wltb the grief-atrlcken husband and
father beside the d , log ted and receive
the last fond band-clasp of a gentle ana
lovlns mother.
Mrs Phlpp wa a member of the
Eplsc psl church, being received Into
the fold of the cburcb In infant
baotlsm. She wa couflrmed with ber
huaband at the church! St Jobn In
Cornwalha by the Lord Bishop of
Nova bcolla October 24, 1888, and
came to Acme w lib their daughter and
.in.i.v. Mr and Mrs NY A Cox,
October 17, 1880.
O-s The Pay Rolls. Albany Re
publican: Lon Cleaver, one of the
prominent republicans of Portland I
in Dyes for a few weeka. He la on the
custom bouse pay roll and smugglers
bad better be Cireful, for ihe Doo baa a
keen eye and ascent like a blooauounu.
The Work of IoiproveiucQt on
The Htver la Ueas t alileu.
Yisterdays few filuuds of Cup'alu
II L Hatch or the U S suagboat,
Mathloma, teudered him a very pleas
ant surprise by golug down the river
with the boat, partly on a pleasure
ttlp, and also to see the Jetty and re
vetmeut work that has been completed
oris uow in course of construction.
The ladles of the party provided au
elegant dlnuer, whleb was served on
board the boat, after wblcb the party
from town went ashore aud visited the
quarry where Ed HuUlilns of Salem,
Is procuring the rock used in the Jet
ties. Iu the evening Ihe I .t-r re
turned to torn In rigs, aa thu b at will
uot be up for some time. F.v ry one
preseut spoke iu highest terms of the
kiuduesa extended them by Cuptalo,
Hatch and his officers and crew.
The party going down were Mr and
MrsS E llrown.MraudMrs Win Reu
shaw, Mr and Mrs Ed Iiutchliif, Mrs
James HofTuian, Mra W K llnlluiau,
Mra J A Gwlnu. and II W Rom land.
Captain Hatch was assisted lu enter
talulug the guests while they were
aboard by bis first officers, CVplalu,
Oliver Golbralter, Engineer J A Gwlnu
aud P H Hatch.
The river haa mad s decided change
toward a permanent channel In many
place (luce thla work has been going
ou. AtSladdeo rlffis sjutty 700 feet
long ha bees made. At Dority'a the
revetment and shore protection put In
extesda about 615 leet. The work at
Beattsr bar I now occupying the at
Isntlon of the boat, aud it will lake
about 10 days more to complete the
same. Yesterday the crew waa busy
getting brush and rock at Two Girls
landlug for the Scatter bar improve
ment. It la a sourco of considerable-
gratlflcatleu to know that never be
fore In the history of the river have
Mich substantial improvements beei
put lu aa now, and Eugene merchants
can realize aa never before that su open
river will soon be theirs.
Contractor Hutchlna baa a fores of
men at the Smith butte quarrlea blast
Ing out rock for the Jetties and la de
livering the same on the bank of the
river at Two Girls landing.
Aa the work adjacent to Eugene I
completed the Mathloma will not prob
ably be bere again for some time, a
abe will continue to work down the
New Colors in Btami-s. Iu order
to be la fasblou with other countries,
Uncle Sam la changing the color of his
tamp. It baa been found lnoie con
venient In international postal circle
to have stamps of the same denomina
tion possess the same color. A lately
announced the one-cent stamp Is now
green Instead of blue, and Ihe EugeDe
postoffio haa Just received notice that
there will be a change of oolor from
brown to dark blue In tin five-cent
denominations also. This vbange wlil
take place in about 10 days, when th
present stock la exhausted.
n - p
Leading Store
Fancy Silks,
Black Silks,
Fancy Ribbons,
Fancy Laces,
Val Laces, .
Organdie Llsse,
Organdie Germaine,
Organdie Mullhouse,
All the new Lining and Binding.
I can abow you a 24 In. fancy silk
for 75o. Can you beat It? .
F. E.
Itabld Orga a (lr I lie lioveruuieot Mill
Gloating Our ilm Tiugla
Maine. Infamy.
Havana, Feb 2.S. Spaniards of all
parties are unable to conceal their joy
over the ilisantcr to the .Maine, ana
even In their newepuperi", sfierthe first
conveutlouul expres-lon of sorrow, the
most cruel and Inhuman teutlments
are found.
Dlarlo de U Marina, the oldest
newspaper lu lUvuiin, popxeM-Ing the
largest circulation all over the ivlund,
has published most unfeeling remarks
about the dead American railors.
'I hey Have No boat.
Every man w ho joins a fraternal
order has some pmhou lor so doing. At
a recent hoo hoo ctiiicateiintloii otieof
the candidate-Muted Unit ho Joined
the order beeutise his wife wanted blui
to, and another xaid li joined because
he felt like it. D nvn at l'.liua, Wah,
a logger Jollied tho Woodmen because,
uo doubt, be thought It was a loyger'a
associatlou. Ho told his experience to
the Chronicle of (lint place as fjllnws:
"You want to know if I rede the
goat Monday night iu the Woodman's
Camp? I want you to unduratand that
the Woodmen at ti t got a goat and
uever had a goat. They Just thrash a
man ovei the he ld with a whole wagon
load of hooppulSB and then run over
him with tho ruining gears of tho
wagon, pick h'm up and console hi ill
by telling him that lie wandered onto
Ihe wrong skldroad and .choppers had
accidentally fu'leii a tree ou him. Then
they put him .la an old krout bar
rel half full of krout not fit lo eat, head
up the barrel, and fool-like, keep pull
ing at It till It gets awny and roll
down stulrs two or three times. Then
let you out and tell you you've been
riding the gout. No, sir, them fellera
don't run tinlr logging camps with
Court House News.
A demurrer has be Hied iu the
disc of Clara A Thompson vs Johu B
'Coleman, suit for damages for slander.
Attorneys Bllyeu aud Sklpworlu ap
pear for defendant:
A demurrer has also been filed In the
case of N B Lylle vs C U Humphrey,
action to recover money.
Mattle J Bond has been appointed
administratrix ofj the estate of Joseph
W Bond, deceased. Probable value of
estate, f2,n00. lloud, 15.000; surety:
A J Zumwalt. Appialsers appointed:
Allen Bond, Green Zumwalt and J C
Dally Uunrd M roll I
Five Days. Robert Lies was given
five day la the city Jul! this afternoon
on the charge of drunk and disorderly.
He was given the sentence principally
because he was unable to travel. He
is a moulder by trade and bad worked
a few day lu the Eugene fouudry, but
being paid oil last uight he got chuck
full of red liquor, and during the
.course of the evening recclved good
beating aud a bed lu the city Jail.
Salem Statesman: They took out
ore receully from a new find in the
Bohemia district, near the Lane and
Douglas county lines, that assayed
$32,000 to the toll. Why do Oregonl
ans waut to go to the Klondike? The
product of a few ton of that rock
would satisfy any reasonable man.
You will find a lew aiiguesilon of wLat our Mam
moth Spring Stock; will be. Among the advame
advance agouta are
i as ass
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Shirts and Ties,
Collars and Cuffs,
Art Squares