The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 26, 1898, Image 1

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.1 id. Hi
t i! 5
Weekly eu3ene qua hp.
i. Villlnmetto b twee
,1 Klt-li'1' fl"''
si ii-ci;!niitS:
A M,t ( re -i'mUI Peiforuisnce at The
Parker Last Xlgbt.
Dick Wilton aud wife leave fur Call-
forula toulght.
Mrt F P Nulling of Albany, vUlted
in Kuyeup over Sunday.
Assessor u v uurtou went to rot-
AdvertoS application.
nKALER in .2&ai3
Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
II ' VrrniUd.-
vLiL-ian and Surgeon
1 1
I'ally Gtifd rd.rutrf
Huelv. if evir, lm u local perform
ance Im-u K,veii mm eucceful In it
every ,., p.,,,,,,,,,, M tli retflillon at tage Grove this afternoon
l li't li.kir lu.l .. ..1.1 .. .... . i ..I . . .
o....u. . . .... K JU"" has returned to 1.1.
f.,ii....;. , .. . " "'""e ty.
Pa.r.- u "': e odBW .Dd g o num.
The Phn
. - n.tnlVlf!.
tad ui.; i- mi i, " i-
n t n r r IT
& C, W UU J-"- wwu,
n,i-OmUlf block south ot Chrlaman'a
tf.iKXB. t OKKUON.
,.,U.n.(r, K.E.KAEKLET
fill piactice in all llio court
Office iu Wi lion l lock.
L I. WH11E0N,
n.vini i.unliine'l the office and flxturoao
,.,-,L,d W. V. lleiult-rmin, 1 am now
,.n,l to.i.iHMTtliliig iu Hie Hue u Deullnlrj
uae tboTe aid uilicu.
Cronn and BflCgt work I Spiclilty.
GE3. 0. 3Li.ZS:3C.
Dalrn "J New Prlcet In Foreign and
Witic Marble aud Uranito, Monuments,
Uitthtoiiei aud Cemeterj work ol
all kluda for 1895.
njltj Sin el. near i'Oitofflce. Eu cue 0
',,""""'' wan ijiveu under lie
uK:fw, r the laduV ruiIJ of at
Mary' church, and at dm houae
piickcd from . It todxinc, ulie a ucal
fUin a neittd.
'J ho cm-t of ."rtwicllimiU
WIvih" wat js followt:
Admiral Franklin
Kuttvll Coleman, when laat heard
of was ut Bkagway, enroute la Dawtou
iit Dottle Sown left for Cottage
Grove ou the 2:' 4 local for a thort
Mrt J E P Wither irturui d today
f VlfM m m I ar - ..I.I - ft li.n
...Clvda F.l. " " "",' "l -oll,BB
Cliurlia Franklin Clal vin....i.k- uroe"
Lnwnnco Hundf ird Warner lirown Fr"k J Miller, ot Albany, la here
Ciinls Cha lva fSrinin oiWinlLe Iron woik if the new
Hilly l-ackuday Leonard Gr wurl "0U1M
KuKt-Mtia Illanclie Biralght Mla Lena Goldarullh left today for
l'urn .Edith Hodman Oregou City, which will be hvr home
f 111 Mm Linn fl,r amue time
UHHII Jel f Tha
ine fiiar..cteie were eiceediuirlv well al UakerClty. Think of thin you till
UKei:, and tome dramatic laleut ol reai zel" r "bit rllmale,
worm has beeu develoiied by the urn. Horace Ilurneli. pltv d.L.r nf ii,.
IIUIIIHII. llieaUUeni'S lirnvml IJoUriml. rHlllmail l...luu frn,,. nvvr
lePiHnirivajoiieami nuk-kly allowed in Sum'ay viaital Corvalllt,
u.i r....t..a I.... ... . . I
i iiiciihiiv uik m clever I mu. i i .. i- n...
, ----- .... VIMIV .fll.iaiV'.ll IS 111 lliu
"". I .ll -1-1. . . . . - .
. . K"f ' wi vian irienua lor iwo
"TPy I lr" aMUa CuL'irewell ueeka. Her achoail at Wallvrvltlaa U
-.iii.iaiuuiy (u .ported by Mrl' ..,.
r....n .... .. ... - .v. ......
i.auiiiiinii, ami him uriulit, snaupy
for a Union of Silver and licfomi Fonts
liy a Meclinf of k Lane
o Parly at Eipe, Saturday.
Fcliroary ID, 1 SOS.
fcj --1 --TiT 1.1 T i x .t. -v -s
mi. couieillelia pruved a ttellar at
ruili ui. The popularliy of the per
formers was ouly Increased hy their
ariiaiic interpretation of the II net and
exjireenlous of pleasure iud tatUfuclio'i
wereaea-n on the (acts of the auditors.
Uvxler .News.
.ne Loan .
.AiSskVings Bank
. . Of Eugene, Oregon,
CAPITAL $50,000.
W. E. Brown . . President
B. 0. Paine . Vice President
F. W. Osburn - Cashier
W. W.Brown. Ass't Cashier
Cburr.,U. p. I'aliic.W. K Drown, D. A
iJ F. Koliluson, J- U.IIarrli,
tijera! Banking Business
psatfed on pauorable errjris
In limed Pit the principal cltlot of the
sintti: also excliHiige lurniiDed avail
fc ill liri'iitiicouiitrii-a.
t vi l on lime tlt-ioatia.
pruul vatili lor the itora. of valuable
Kttom reivlTc our prompt attention.
lie County Bank.
latUMlthed In ISSi.)
General Banking business
1 branches transacted no
able terms.
A.O. HOVEV, President.
J- M. ABRAMS, Cashier.
A.O. HOVEY'Jr., Asst J .
Whics, ;3.B.Eain.
rwaLt. (.'aahiet
E. SsoiHiRAgj, AiUnt Caahier.
National Bank
yfi Hiuartinn
j .
DP Iwh CapiUl $50,om)
andPronts. $50,000
ene - . Oregon.
Jl nankin, bnainea. don. on imiwh.ii
a. nik-ht itnfi. . Kriv v..uu
ttTll'J tnatJ to na will rcoir.
Bulurday'e Albany Democrat: Mr
Horace Burnett, manager of the
Eugene Jourual, was la the city today
o:i Ma way to Corvaltlion butlncat.
Mias Katherine Glen returred to
McMinnville on today's 10 M local.
Miss Glen has many friends In Eugeue
who were pleued to greet her during
her short visit.
mi.- . .-. ...
I-Vl. 'n "le lu ivouaris auu lue steamer
All quiet ou the Potomac schooner Bella, of Slunlaw, have gone
Moiui.o ii,.ui 01 . m came, wnere mey nave been
j .wnt.i nas a, niriVB Ulir. I . .. .. ... . . .
hut u i..iUr ....i .i " " lessen lor (lie a l nr. a iraue. mi
U.,. I.'IM. l ..l.
........ i . iuiiuio 1 i . i u n iiuuui a iu.
Mi.HH Maori Hlhrnb . t V..... . .i.i. I 11
. uuiwiuv. m a. a, ui. riaiL.i mi . a. ..!.. mi .
lr.i. .n.. ... . . . .1 luursuay a urowufviiie limes; air
xATiitr oaiuruav idi n,n , . 0 r. . .
Sundiiv i Can i engra, lormerij oi ayeut nere,
' ' I .1 tM.i.. ..I.LI I. It.!- H l
1 rcut t? iiuaj uigiii. iu iuii tnjr , auiug
Mint Btella HUan'l relumed to In Kninina Haluritot ninrnlmr la l.k.
school at Drain Saturday, aflera short chame of the nlicht ofllce In thatcltv.
,.c.v u iweoisaiiiowen. n.n.nn.n.. .!.,-h...i. .
lit- ur Kinu io say inal .Kurus nrnnlnnt atavkman nf T.ana axannlar
Woods is very much Improved in una at tl.a hnm. of 1.1.
111. "I
"r'i"- I IV T l',... i i.i. ......i. t tr i I
I f a aiaai-ij, iuid ncra. axat lliniVT I
Archie Mutliewc has moved onto the lias been In poor health for tome time
Temp eman ranch to farm. but It Improving under the care of Dr
Bt Valentine's day was "bserved In Ijlt"8-
the usual unbecoming manner, how- Today's Oregonlau: IUv E A Rues,
ever, we were eliubtud thla. lha fir.t evauireliHt from flporola. who haa luwn
time 'or yeard. holdimr meellnm at Euirene. opened a
Mrs Maggie Neet was at Dexter on 8er'' at lue Fl,t Evaugelloal church,
bu.Hlness last Haturday. Iast Bide, yesterday morulug and even
J.mnii.n., vinn-., ,.i.L. ius. lie will coulluue his work In I
.,.. , luvaii, Hiii-uuvu ine u u ! . . .
Inn (inil'npuniUBl L ,,. ti . . . - I III City IO
-.... tirut, naiuruay.
John (Julley sold quite a bunch of
cattle this week to J.ihn Kellira nf
PlfBHUtlt Hill
Uncle Dun Huusaker is very poorlv
auu is inn able to he around.
The Mill Co are making slow pro-
gress at their logging.
It Is proposed tuvotea tax to build
anew ecbool houe In thla iiairi.i.
We tbiuk that the people cau hardly
puy a 40 mill tax, at least, until they
nave it to lo. o'.e auaiust It,
There will be a basket social with a
literary program, at the Trent school
house, ou Saturday eveulng, March 6,
to procure funds for the maintenance
ol a Sunday school durlug the coming
fn Ejgene, Feb 20, 1S98, of kidney
trouble, J B Stowell.tiged 71 years and
6 mouths. Deceased was born near
Kuoxville, Tenn. lie has resided iu
this city for a uumber of years, and
was universally respected. Deceased
leaves a wife aud several childit-n.
The funeral will be condueted from bis
late residence, corner Fourteenth and
Mill streets to the Masonlo cemetery,
Tuesd-y, Feb 22, Kev Riyraond C
Brooks officiating.
Thou Wlsby, aged 20, died Feb 20,
1898, at the home of bis parents In Ir
ving, of typhoid fever. The remains
will be iuterred in the Mulkey ceme
tery, Tuesday, Rev Ned conducting
the services.
Bki.vo Sxttled. Monday's Albany
Democrat: E E McKinley, the
wheat man, was in the city to
morulng on bis way to Tallman to set
tle the matter of shortage in the w are
house at that place. He has succeeded
In making satisfactory tettlements in
Marlon county and at the Munkers
warehoute, aud expectid to at Tall
man. A Democrat man saw him and
learned that the total shortage was
10,000 to 12 000 bushels. Of this 2,000
was at Muukers and 6,000 at Tallman.
Receipts are out f'.r 12,000 bushels at
Tallman, aud there are '6,000 bushels
stortd tbere.
city for iho next 15 days
MK Lewis, of Falrmouut, B nton
ounly, brought suit for divorce against
bis w ife, Mrs C P Low it, In the circuit
court of Bentoti county, the grounds I
being detertlou. They came to Oregon
in 18U1. Iu HO' Mrs Lewis refused to
live In Oregou or with the plaintiff,
and returned to Nebraska. Tbev were I
married In 1849.
Miss Clara Guckert, who has been
visiiiug her sister, Mrt F V Potts, in
tbU city for some time, started for her I
home at Pittsburg, Peun, Saturday I
night, in response to a summons au
nounclng the seiious Bluest of her
father. Yesterday Mrt Potts received
a telegram conveying the oad newt
that he had died that morning.
Pol Hand Welcome: "Hon D Pi
Thompson, accompanied by a number I
of friends, including Mr T M Richard
son, will leave in a few weeks for
Viadivottock, lobe absent for many
months. This party of gentlemen
will not, therefore, be here to enjoy
the Oregou campaign next June." Mrl
Thompson Is a regeut of the Uuivetsl-
ty of Oregon.
Court House News.
In the case of S R Williams vt J C
Goodale, the defendant lnterpotet a
motion asking that plaintiff be requir
ed to make out a bill of items and te
state the amount of each, and the
number of attorneys who assUted In
the trials, also to state the result of
said cause In tLe cireult and supreme
In the case of John Dobrick vs H J
Joiues, administrator et al; defendant
Interposes a demurrer.
Bids for the construction of the new
court house, will be opened before the
board of commissioners Wednesdsy
Ecu km:, Oki:oox, Feb li, 18'.i8.
Wiikkkah, At a nnn-partlyan rm.vcutinn held at Albany on
June 2, lSi7,ci.iupsed of leading P, puli-t, Democrats aud Free
Kilver Republicans from all Prt of the state of Oregon, railed
fi.r the purple of adopting a plan for union of all the reform
forres In the state, a comuilttoe ruiiiiai'd iqually ol Populists,
Democrats and Free Silver Republicans, uunuliiioiialy recoiii
mended that during the slate ramphlKU of lS'.is tt.e Populist and
IK iiiociatic party organizations be kept alive and intact, which
report was unanimously adopted by said convention; and
Whkhkah, Then alter, on July 10, 1SU7, nt Eugene, Oregon, a
n m-partUin county convention whs held, composed equally of
Populists, Democrats and Free Silver Republicans for the purpose
of organizing the reform forces on union lines in I. sue county, at
which the plan of organization us rtcommeiided by said Albany
convention was unanimously recommended and adopted; and
Wiiekkan, The same plan uf oignulzntion was thereafter rati
tied and adopted at a Joint conference of the Populist, Democratlo
and Free Silver .I'vnublican county cenlial committees held at
Eugene, Oregon, ou December 2L 1SU7; and
Whf.keas, Thuplituof keeping the Populist and Democratic
organizations In state and county alive, bus oieu ut all tliecon
ferenees heretofore mentloued unanimously approved aud adopted
by all the reform factions;
Rksolved, That we, the Union County Central Committee
for Lane county, believe that audi plan Is advisable under the
peculiar political conditions exlsllnir, mid that such policy will
teud to Insure the success of the union movement in Lane county;
and further, that It would not nt this time under uuy conditions
be advisablo to make any nuturul change In the plans of organiza
tion that have heretofore and do now see in to mtet with the ap
proval of a majority of the reform forces. (Adopted). And,, The slate cuuiral con.uiiUees of the Populist, Dem
ocratlo aud Free Sliver Republican parties In Oregon are endeavor
ing to form a uulon of Male and district tickets; and
Whekk as, Br action of sld state committees heretofore
taken, the state conventions ot said three parties have called their
respective conventions to meet at Portland on the same dale,
March 23, 18'J8, for the purpose of consummating such uulon or
Resolved, Tirnt wo hereby endorso and recommend such
actlju as Is by said committee contemplated iu order that the
relorni forces of the state may oe enabled to support ono state aud
dlstiict ticket.' (Adopted).
Whereas, In order that said Hate conventions may be legally
held, It Is necessary that the respective parties in each county
hold separate county convention- to select delegates to their re
spective state conventions,
Rksolved, That It is proper and In line with the polloy of the
uulon forces in Lane county, Oregon, that the Democratlo and
Populist parties eaoh call their county conventions prior to March
23, 1898, for the purpose of electing their delegates to their respect
Ive state conventions. (Adopted). And fnrtlier,
1 1
i i
Wiieksas, It Is the policy of tho Union party aud reform
forces In Lane county, Oregon, to put a union county ticket in
the field for the coming campaign, it la hereby
Resolved, That it will further tho objects of the re'orm forcri
In Lane county aud asslut In Iho movement for uulon of said
Populist aud Democratic county conventions when they mett,
each to take action as follows:
First Elect delegates to their respective state conventions.
Second Elect i ach their members of their county central com
mi'tee, aud elect their chairman thereof.
Third That either party driring to keep Its organization alive
as heretofore recommended by tho Union party, proceed to nom
luate each one candidate for the lowest ofllce on the UcKet to go
upon the official balbt under their respective party names.
Fourth That each of said conventions authorize their respective
ceunty chuirmen, at a time to be I y them selected, to Join with
the cliah man of the Silver Republican county committee and the
Union executive committee in calling Union primaries for tbe
purpose of electing delegates to a Union county couventlon, and
that such Union county convention, when called, nominate a full
county ticket to be supported by all reform forces in Lane
county, Oregou, and that said Democratic and Populist conven
tions each, af'er having taken such action, adjourn. (Adopted).
Resolved, That it should be policy of the Union party to
nominate such persons as may have been nominated by the Dem
ocratic ana Populist parties, as heretofore recommended.
(Adopted). And further
Resolved, That we believe that the Union ciuoty convention
should not be cal'ed te meet for the purpose of nominating a
Union county ticket until alter the Populist, Democratlo and
Free Silver Republican state conventions of March 23, 18)8.
Rev J M Dick, of Walterville, r
rived here on today's 2:04 local.
E H Rice and D T Btauley, of Otk
hind tpent laat ulghtln Eugene.
E Detmerlug, the hop man. made
a short trip to Salem thlt morning.
Mr aud Mrt Wm F Jonea ami chil
dren, ot Wilbur, Waab, are Id Eugene.
.uarsnai miles was on the it reels
gain today, after a tuslle with a sore
C F Crouer has moved to a residence
on Fifth street, Juat south of his new
Several (lags were flying on private
residences today but not atloele one
ou burluesshoutea.
U F Llttlefieid and W II Alexander
went to Cottage Grove this afternoon
on a short pleasure trip.
"ansou nad a rorce or men em
' v VA1 P1oJ"J today moving his ttoek of
good to the Matlock block.
Salem Statesman of today : "Mrs M
E Smith wat a passengeron last night's
ovenauu train for Eugene."
George Craw today sold and dellv-
red to 8 E Brown, a handsome new
piano for the Hoffman House.
1 tr. v ...
j u Lawrence, brother of Mrs Geo
Stansbury, of this city, started thlt
morning for the gold fields of Alaska.
A J Lawrence left here this morn.
ing lor Dawson City. He baa beeu
mining In Arizona for a number of
Misses Anna and SUIIa Brooks of
La Grande, who have been atteudinir
the U of O, leave tomorrow for their
JudgeWBMcFadden. of Corvalll-.
as returned from a trio to Weaiern
Pennsylvania, where he went with
the remains of hit father for In
Mr Caleb Gray, of Halsey. was In
Albany yesterday, and went to Por.
land today to auswer the matiar nf an
accusation against him for Illegally
lllng liquor In his druz store, be
fore Judge Bellinger.
From Sunday Oregonlan: Rev J E
Snyder, pastor of the Third Presby.
terlan church, returned with hit wife
yesterday from a fly lag trip to Browns
ville, where Mr Buyder lectured to the
local ledge of Knights of Pythias. At
he was formorly pastor of tbe Browns
vine Presbyterian church for at vera I
years he had a number of acquaint
ances in that place, many of whom he
was able to meet tgaln.
eaiem Dally Journal: Hon Will R
King, of Baker county, wat In the eltv
Monday on business before the supreme
court. He It a young man who la
likely to occupy a place on the atate
ticket of the Union party. Two terroa
In the aenate and one In the houae, and
an able lawyer with great pot tonal
popularity, makes blm suitable
material. He estimates that 23 coun
ties out of 32 are unalterably committed
to union.
Albany Democrat Feb 21: Mr Ben
Monet, who left here several weeks
ago for the gold fields of tbe north,
returned last night and It at the Ruts
House. He went only at far at Ju
neau. He learned the situation sum I
elently to satisfy blm that the aooner
be returned home the better for blm.
Hundreds of men at Juneau and Bktg
way are absolutely without money
enough to get a place to ! ep, and
tpend tbe nights in publlo placet often
with a stick of w ood for a pillow.
Voters Mint Proper!) u District
or ( liiljn u to Kuiicate.
Kalt'U) J.i.inm!, Km. il.
"la State of Oregou vi Hubert
Hlpgtcy, nppeal from Waihiiintou
county, the supreme court decided
today u ailint the dcf. ndant. Defend
ant was ludlctid lor voting unlawfully
at M achool elicllt u, In that not having
property Iu the district ou which be
pays a tax, or children of school age to
educate. The court refers the matter
to its declahu in the Eugene rase,
Harris vs Burr et al, thai section 20UO
making above restriction as to who
may vote at a school election Is coustU
"Thequetiou ol applying the gen
ersl law tiling peualty for illegal ot
Ing, Seo ISIS, to Illegal voting at a
school election, I a lo decided by the
court, which holds Iu this case thtt the
statute does apply.
"Tbe Eugene deciaioii waa to the
effect that a woman owning property
in the district on whch he paid a tax
could vote In the district. This do.
cIbIoii today Is that It Is a felony for '
a man to vote at a school election who
has no proieriy or children to
Still in Real Estate Florence
West: Geo M Miller writes us that he
exDects to leave In a short time for
Alafks, He is a member of the
Child Found In a Church Vestibule.
La Grande, Or Feb 21. A baby
nicrning, Feb 23. The time for filing boy, 10 days old, wss left In the vestl
bids closes today, and at part have
been deposited with Architect Neer a.
Portland and some here, it will enable
all of them to hi collected here. Mr
Neer Is ex, i c!ed up tomorrow bring
ing with blm tbe bids left at his office.
Candidates. Tbe Myrtle Point
Enterprise, republican, says: "A M
Crawford, of Roseburg, Is said to have
given up the fight for circuit Judge
and is aftei tbe nomination for secre
tary of stale on the republican ticket.
It lookt now at if the republicans
would nominate A C Woodcock, ot
Lane county, for circuit Judge and G
M Brown, of Roeeburg, for district
attorney. They are all gentlemen.
Arm of i eminently well qualified f r theoffloee,
... b...M al..l. la.
. ... , . , . al w nail nuuwu .v. ancii a aa a4TK I aa ,
Miller 4 Davison of W rangel, Alaska. d uomned woum mak, . 't
real estate aud mlnli g brokers. 1 successful canvass."
buleofihe Presbyterian cuurcn last
night. Services were being conducted
bv Rev R M Hayes, and the child's
continued crying led to hi discovery.
He isa bright little fellow, and ws
wrapped Iu blai.keta, being dressed in
cl-aaand good clotliinif- will ine
child was fouuda note purporting to
be from bis father, stating that the
mother was dead and be could not
take care of the child without a home.
A request v as made that tho child be
taken care of, as the father was going
to tbe Klondike. It is likely that the
story Is a lake, as a young working
fill early Sunday evening went to a
family and asked them If they did not
want to adopt a baby, tell log a slu.llar
-lory to that in the note
Dikiu. On South Deer Creek, Fri
day, Feb 4, 1893, Mr John Llttiell,
aged 70 years. Mr Littrell waa born
near Council l!lufl., Iowa, crossed the
p airn to Oregon In the year 1852, lo
cating In Lane county, where he ie-
sided ei?ht yesr, thence to the Ump
qua va'li-y, vthcre he built a pern a-
'nent ho r.e.
Revival Services. Each nigh
this week at 7 JO o'clock revival ser
vice) will be held at the U B church.
P O Bonebrake, pastor. A very
cordial invitation Is ix Is tided the
public to attend.
Wilkinson writes from Denver, Col,
under date of Feb 10th that be It im
proving rapidly, und Is now seeking
MrCornark't I'oruer.
Penis rather scarce.
The general health of our communU
ty la good.
MrCulby and family havo lelt for
Alaska to make their fortune.
Mr Bomers Is building an addition
to hit house, which adds greatly to Ita
Trevlt Kompp visited with hit
grandmother Siturday.
Mr Chase Is working for Mr Sowers.
Born to the wife of Mr Smith, a
daughter; all doing well.
Bud Kompp aud Chas Mlshler havo
been breaking horses for the past few
A goodly number from here a tend
ed the debate at the Bet lit 1 school
house last Friday ulght.
Mr Lackey ot Hanlsburg, was In
our midst this week on business.
Fall and wluter town gralu looks
flue and tJ far there Is as much or
more grain sown thnu there was last
year, with indications ot fair prices, to
we are told; but no one wauts to buy
the coming crap at a figure that will
Justify one to sell.
Fenplo's Party Couny Committee.
At a called meeting of the People's
party committeemen aof Lane counfy.
Oregon, conilating of 2S or 30 mem
bers, It waa resolved that the secretary.
Mr A M Swcauy, act In Mr John
Sutherland's absence, aud call a ceun
ty convention to meet at the same time
and place as the Democratlo and Sil
ver Republican conventions, for the
purpose of electing delegates to the
State Convention and transacting such
other business as may be necessary:
N MARTIN, 8 K Gkokoe,
W Qross, S R Jenkins,
T J Duckworth, WW Withers,
Enoch Ream, J H Wonki,
J D Howard, J C Vincent,
A 8 Patterson, PRWallis,
HEVkatcu, Committeemen.
R B Haves. President.
V Jenkins, Secretary.
M Eugene's
Leading Store
You will find a few suggestions or what our Mam
moth Spring Stock, will be. Among the advance
advanee agents are
Fancy Silks,
Black Silks,
Fancy Ribbons,
SUE Fancy Laces,
Val Laces,
&HavOrgandfe Lisse,
Organdie Garmaine,
Organdie Mullhouse,
Hats and Caps,
Boots and Shoes,
Shirts and Ties,
Collars and Cuffs,
Art Squares,
All the new Linings and Bindings.
I can show you a 24 la. fancy silk
for 75c. Can you beat 11?
F. E. Dunn