The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 19, 1898, Image 7

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    Royal Saves Doubly
Do not 1e deluded by the deceptive claim
of economy tor the cheap baking powders
Instead of savm&their use results in a waste
fulness of the most serious kind.
First, there is the loss of an occasional
baking, r lour, butter and eggs cost too
much to risk spoiling them with an inferior
baking powder. Royal's work is uniformly
perfect, and materials are never wasted
where it is used.
In tho second place, the adulterants
winch are used to cheapen the cost of the
low-priced baking powders have a most
U n rm fill n fmrf i r-n Iw 1 1 1 1.
No prudent person will risk an at'.'
tack of indigestion to save a few
cents on baking powder.
Baking Powder is absolutely pure
and wholesome, and actually adds
anti-dyspeptic qualities to the
Thus 1 ho iiso nf t1i T?.il : .
------ ...v - - v. i .
doubly economical.
f.rAX. MOf
.ngcnc City Guard
(YrtiflfliU Awarded at the Recent
Teachers Examination.
Tbe fullowing U a Hat of those suo
ctssful at the recent Teachers Examin
ation: First Urade.-Llllle Gasman, Estelle
BrowDlee, Harry L Down.
Secoud Grade. Delia D Morris, Em
ma tlreen, Llllle J Taylor, Ernest
Purvauce, Ruth Btevcubon, Ralph
Taylor, Dosia Hamilton, Walter A
Park, Pern ice Warbinton, Georgia
Burr. .
Third tirade. Helen M Swift, Clara
E Taylor, Myrtle Itenshaw, Albert
Tiflatiy, Myrtle Dodd, Mabel Know'es,
Wm Evan, Mary I Wlnecoll, Nell
Hiukson, Leon Edwards, Hazel M
Bradley, Dolton Baughmun, D Maude
t-witb, Maine Anderson.
There were 47 a plicants and the
awards were as follows: 8 First grade,
10 Second grude, 14 Tbitd grade and 10
were unsuccessful.
Soiueiumg to Know.
It may lie worth something to kuow
tbat the very best medicine for restor
iog tbe tired out nervous system to a
healthy vigor is Electric Bitters. This
mediciue is purely vegetable, acts by
giving tone to tbe nerve centers lu the
stoniiii'L, gently stimulate i tbe Liver
and Kidneys, and aids these organs In
throwing off Impurities In the blood.
Electric Hitters Improves the appetite.
aids digestion, aud is pronounced by
those who bave tried it aa tbe very
best blood purifier and nerve tonle
Try it. Sold for 6kJ or 1 1.00 per bottle
at Henderson & Linn's drug store.
Mining Contract.
1 Sealed bids will be received by the
inderslgued until Tuesday, Feb 22
80H, luclusive, for making an upraise
With suitable raanway, and one chute
from the new ledge in No 3 level to No
I level, a distance of about 200 feet.
I Also separate tenders for drifting 100
Or 200 feet on the new lode In No 2
J For further particulars apply to the
I l !.e lowest or any tender may not
iieeessarlly be accepted.
Noonday Mining Co,
Noonday Mlue,
l)oug1as County, Or,
Feb 1, 1803. '
Fur Sale or Trade.
A farm of 480 acres In Sherma
uuuty, Oregon, 20 miles south of
iro; all under fence: 200 acres In
Cultivation; survey of Wasco branch of
J0R4N runs near the place. Will
fU or trade for property lu or near
fonie valley town with good sohool
privileges. Address,
Thomas F Miller,
Bclo, Oregon.
Money to Loan.
We have a block of S40..I00 to loan
on good farms In Lane county. If you
egood tecurity and perfect title,
e can furnish you the coin without
fleiy, as we make our own examina
tion of security. Call on hs or write.
3. Steele A Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Sotlce Te Poaltrymen.
If yu want fine cockerels from prize
lnner II t i i. t.. tiT
T . 1 " IMJt'R, XJUU Ur DfllWU
Shorn, ami 8 H Hamburgs, call on
rLw "?? Amo,, Wilkins, Ash Grove
Poultry ard, Coburg, Or.
Estray Kotlce.
Taken Unbv tlm nnrinraloiipri llvlnir
-1 miles west of Eugene, 1 red and
mte spotted cow, no marks or brands,
"ft horn droops, about 4 years old.
7 ray PUm about the 20th day
f December, 1897. Owner can recover
by paying charges.
Rich Vacohan.
Eugeue, De0 30,
Lyons Bros, of Waltou, left Eugene
' nwnlng for upper Coast Fork
"n a force of men to construct a
across that stream about 20
fc'lteeest of Cot tage Grove.
. ... iuUI 13
CO., m TOM.
Powder Magadan Explod.-Estl
mates From 200 to 300 Killed
Explosion gbeok Havana
aud Broke Windows.
Ataquaiterto 10 o'clock last sven.
log, Tuesday lo.the United Btatta battle
ship Maine, anchored la Havana bar
bor blew up. Consul General Lee tent
the following dispatch to tbe state de-
oat t men t at Washington:
"The Mslne blew up at 9:40. Tbe
explosion occurred well forward, under
tbe men's quarters, consequsntly many
were lost. It Is Ulleved all the officers
were saved but Jenkins and Merrltt,
who are not accounted for. Tbe cause
of the explosion Is yet to be Investiga
ted. Tbe Spanish captain-general and
army and navy officers rendered every
assistance. Captain Bigsbee and most
of bis officer are on board the steamer
City of Washington. Others are on
aBpanlsh gunboat, and Id tbe city.
I am with Slgsbee, who baa tele
graphed tbe navy department."
The Maine was a battle-sblD of tbe
second clsss and was regarded as one
of the best ships In tbe new navy. She
was duiii ai tue urooaiyn navy vara
in 1890, and was 818 feet lone. 67 feet
road, 21.6 rueau draught and 0682
tors displacement. She bad two 10-
Inch vertical turrets and two military
masts, and h.r motive power wm lur
ulshed by twin screws with triple ex
pansion engines, having a maximum
borse power of 0293, capable of makl g
a speed of 17.8 knots, She carried four
10-inch and six 6-Inch breecb-loadiog
guns In lit r main battery and seven
0-pounders and eight 1-pounder ispld
flrlog guns and four gatllogs In her
seco, d battery and four whitehead
torpedoes. She cost the government
$2,oSS,00u. Sbe bad a steel bull and a
complement of 874 men. Sbe was
commissioned In 1895. Hr speed was
17 knots, making her tbe fastest
battleship afloat. The ar.nor waa 12
inches thick. Captain Bigsbee la o m
niander of tbe Maine.
Feb 162 p in Latest reports are
that eut of 4N) men In tbe forecastle
only 80 aie known to have been a.ved.
Tbe warship sank one hoar after tbe
explosion. It la thought the terrible
casualty waa accidental
Highwaymen on Wheels.
A Wheelman of West 46th street.
New York, waa attacked, robbed and
left senseless by two highwaymen,
mounted on bicycles In Central Park,
lie peat ed accounts of robberies by men
mounted upon wheels have appeared
in the papers In various parts or tbe
couutry, Those depredators of tbe
health, disesses of the kidneys and
bladder, will likewise escape an set,
and pursue their atrocious career un
checked, unless they are arrested by
tbe potent Intervention of Hostetlsr's
Stomach Bitten, the finest dlureotlo,
as well as tonic, known to modern
times. It is at the start tbat disease
is most easily overcome. Tbe nse of
the Bitters is followed by the happiest
results in dyspepsia. liver complaint
ana nervousness.
Successful Opbration. A letter
from Father Black to M Schneider's
relatives In this city says Dr McKenxle
performed tbe operation on Mr
Schneider's arm at St Vincent's hot
pltal In Portland Monday, and tbat
It was In every way successful
Although the Injury was received
27 years ago, tbe arm waa found to he
In fair condition, and the letter aaya It
will be nearly aa good aa before the
iijury, la a few months. Mr
Schneider's many friends will be
pleased to learn thla news.
Dally uaard, Fsbruarj IS
Duo At bia home In Irving pre
cinct, of consumption, last evening,
after a lingering Illness, Joseph Bond,
aired 42 years and 6 months. The
deceased waa born In Lane county and
waa never outside tbe boundaries of
his native state. He leaves a wife and
nine children, tbe eldest being 19 years
of age and tbe youngest only a few
weeks old. Tbe funeral sermon will
be preaobed at his late residence to
morrow and tbe burial will either
occur at tbe Irving cemetery or the
Eugeue I O O F oemetery. f
Married. At Hotel Eugene, Feb
16, 1898, by A K W heeler, J P, Fraos
J Aulauf, of Douglas county, to Nancy
A McCulIocb, of Lane eeunty.
Sixteen relatives and friends from
Comstock, Hudson, Eugene sad Had'
ley v I lie partook of a fine wedding din
ner at tbe Hotel Eugene with, tbe
harpy couple, Tbe newly married
couple will go to Comstock tomorrow
At All Future Eugene School Else
lions, II Thsr Are All Taspaf art
The leading lawyers are all agreed
that the iiwrsnie court has clesrlv
established tbe right of women to vote
at acbool elections on equal terms with
Belem Journal: "Altoruey-Ueueral
idieaian was seen today and be de
clares tbst under an old law that bas
never been repealed, men and women
over 21, who In districts under 1000
aod bave children of school age, msy
vote whether they pay taxes lu tbe
district or not. Stale Superintendent
Irwin backs up this plulon, but
limits It to country districts. He Is
undsr tbe Impression that merely hav
ing cblldrtn of school age does not
apply to districts of 1000 and over, but
tbe voters In surb districts must be tax
payers. General Odell says men or
wsmso of 21 or oer wbo pa, tsxes. or
wbo bave children of tcbeol age, msy
rote. Ue agrees with tbe attorney
"Justice Bean ears tbe decltlou ren
dered Tuesday Is In effect tbat lu dis
trlcts of 10C0 or over any citizen, male
or female, who pays taxes on property
In tbe district may vote."
Tbe Salem Journsl tbluks as a
fundamental proposition men or
women wbo bave children of school
age must he permit t d to vote, whether
they own property or not.
Salem, Or, Feb 14-The supreme
court today rendered an opinion sus
taining tbe right of women to vote at
school electlous. Tbe decision follows:
Lauia Harris, isspondeut, vs Sher
wood Burr et al, appellants, from Lane
county; affirmed. Opinion by Wol-
verton, J.
The appeal In this esse was from a
mfgment lu tbe court below, awarding
damages to plaintiff for having been
deled the ptlvllege of voting st a
school meeting In (be city of Eugeao.
Tbe only question presented li whether
women are entitled to vote at a school
meeting for directors of the district in
bich tbe meeting Is held. Tbe law
under wblch tbe right Is claimed is:
In all school dls'rlcts In this
I w,lu population of 1000
and upwsrds any citizen of this
state shall be entitled to vote at
a school meeting who is 21 yeats Q
of age and hssresloVd in th ti..
Met 80 days Immediately pre U
ceding tbe meeting, and has
I UN mMlinis asm S TT
y in tbo (iwtrict n r
hlch he or sbe iavs a tax.'
It waa contended by defendants tbat
tbe law is In violation of section 2.
article 2, of tbe constitution, wblch
' In all elections not otherwise pro
vided for by this constitution, every
wnue maie citizen of the United States
of the age of 21 and upwards ... who
shall bave resided In tha bUIa !
moatbs Immediately pr,cedi ig such
election . . . shall be entitled to vota."
A history of tbe territorial and state
legislation touching tbe organization
and promotion of the common school
system Is set eut In the opinion, and
section 85 of article of the constitu
tion Is quoted. It says:
Tbe legislative assembly shall pro
vide by law for tbe establishment of a
uniform and general system of public
Tbcolauseof the constitution, "In
all elect Iods not otherwise provided for
by this constitution, every white male
eitlzen . . . shall be entitled to
vote stall elections authorized by law,"
Is interpreted by the court to mean
tbat eveiy male citizen, etc, shall be
entitled to vote at all elections not
otherwise regulated by the constitu
It Is further held tbat In tbe history
of the constitutional provisions and tbe
legislation nnder them, tbe qualifica
tions of an electoral school meetings
have never been Identical with those
of au elector under tbe constitution;
thattheschool district Is tbe funda
mental unit of tbe school syttem.and
tbat the power given to tbe legislature
under tbe constitution to provide for
tbe establishment of a uniform and
general syitsm of common tcbools
carries with It a plenary power to es
tablish tbe unit of that system; to do
termlne whst officers sball administer
Its affairs, and who and wbat maoner
of persons sha'l be eligible to office, and
how and wheu tbey sball be chosen.
The slectl e franchise," It Is rsld,
"conferred by section 2, article 2, of
tbe constitution does not nor wm It In
tended to fix and define the qualifies
lion of voters at school meetings, but
was designed only te govern in all
general and special elections, not oth
erwise provided for by tbe constltu
tion, sud applies to the election of all
officers known to the constitution, as
well a may be provided for thereunder,
aside from those provided for under
special power tf the legislature to es
tablish a uniform system ef common
Circuit Court Caar Jsraes W
Beam baa Instituted suit In tbe Lsos
county circuit court agalnrt Joseph S
Woodruff, W W Msatersnn and T M
Hunt te foreclose liens to tbe amount
of (24171 against tbe Champion aod
Good Hope mtnss and cable, tramway
and quarts mill on aaid properties in
the Bohemia mining district.
Coiumlslnrs' Court.
At this llu.s the I'lliseM of J.ier
and vkluity, prei-u!eJ a iiuineruu- y
signsil petitlou for a fno ferry aero
the (Middle Fork of the Willamette
river at Jasiter, Lane county. Oidored
by ths court that saul in-t It iu U
granted on co idltloa tbut petitioner
make the road to ferry from the south
side, a reasonably good roiui f.r (ruvi I
Court examined the report of Juiikk
B Hlutou. of road dUtrlcl No tl.' and
of James W Wyootr, supervUor ( 11
drlet No 112. said repo Is approved.
Chas Dlcklmou, commander of It 11
Hayes Post No Oi, O A It, located at
Junction City, at tl'istlmecoiiu-siiml
presents their petillo.) and loud for
the care of Indigent sold if h It-longing
to said po t or lu said vl. init); mid
Petition Including a list of the officers
of said ptwt and ibi bond for proper
expenditure -f said fund, being signed
by Chas Dlcklnxon, J K Bull r and L
W Clark; It is therefore ordered by the
court that said petitlou and bond be
1 n 1 1 h -y are hereby approved.
Hadleyvllle rosd lu Tp IS 8 H 5 W;
report of the viewers read, imvld
Thompson baviug filed 11 claim lm
damages, which would Ik cauw d by
tbe opening of said road; it is hereby
ordered by the court tbat Jacoli dates,
D t'orvellHiid D.vld Ihy be ami are
hereby app tinted vl" e:s to assess s ild
February 1)
Warren Nichols, road work and
repairs 011 tools, etc 25
Warren NlchoU, supervisor road
district No 3d 1 00
C K iMiquII supeivisor road dis
trict No 20 1 00
W Doster supervisor load dis
trict No 0 ... 28 00
E O Potter lalary January 08 65
A W Patterson salary January 41 6j
C S Huut salary January 60 00
A J Jwhusoii sulary January 100 00
Chas L8cott salary January "3 00
ACJei.ulngH salary Jauuary...lOU Oj
L Glbbs salary January 75 00
i Boweit salary as ferry mau.. ... 20 00
B C Doison sslary as ferryman... 38 75
C H Doylesalary as tilghtwatch .40 00
Eugt ne Loan aud tSttvings Bank
rent 0 00
J C Busbnell gravel 13 20
11 Bennett bounty 2 00
C M Collier surveyor 15 00
Star Job Office printing 3 50
W Harris attendance on pris
oner, claimed ft, allowed 3 00
B Young balnuceou road su
pervisor district No 63 3 75
It AIcGovern road supervisor
district No 03 10 00
11 D Kdwurds rend sutcrvlsor
district No 81 10 00
E F Chapman relief indigent
soldier 5 00
Henry Outes viewer Hadleyvllle
rjad 4 80
C C Bturtevant viewer Hadley
vllle road 4 80
W L Vllchell viewer Hadley.
vllle road 4 80
J Hadley
vllle road 4 00
C B Hadley thulnmaii Hadley
vllle road 4 00
S N 8ch rl in of marker Hadley-
vlllo road 4 00
C M Collier surveyor Hadley
vllle road 14 60
Uurd A Davenport pauper sup
plies 5 00
Henderson & Linn pauper medi
cine 1 Co
New Circuit Court Cases.
Maltha E Dick vs Alex Dick, her
husbaud; suit for divorce. The couple
were married at Oroville, Cal, Deo. 17,
1887. The Issue ot said murrl igo are
Cecil Eugene Ray Dick, nged 6 years,
and Potolomy Clare Dn k, aged 4 years.
The complaint alleges desertion and
asks lor the care and cutdody of suld
ohildren. U F Sklpworth is attorney
for plaintiff.
In the case of N L Horshberger vs A
J Johnson, sheriff, etal, the defend
ant's attorneys yesterday filed a mo
tion to a'.rlke out part of the amended
N B Lytle vs (J C Humphrey; to re-
oover money on a promissory uoie.
Judgment is asked for31S, an uttorney
fee of HO and interest since Jan !,
Sternberg & Sender vs HP Cald
well, administrator of the estate of
John Morgan, deceased et al, foreolo
saresuit. Judgment Is asked for $200
and Interest since March 25, 1890 and
$25 attorney fees.
Household Hods.
The ancient Gretks believed that the
Penates were the gods who attends
to the welfure aud prosperity ofthe
family. They were worshipped as
household gods in every home. The
household god ol today is Dr King's
New Discovery. For consumption,
coughs, colds and for all affections of
the Throat, Chest and Lungs, it is In
valuable. It ha-i been tried for a
quarter of a century and Is guaranteed
to cure, or money returned. No house
hold should be without this good angel.
It Is pleasant to take and a safe and
sure remedy for old and young. Free
trial bottle at Henderson 4 Linn
drug store.
umj Uuird, Fobrutry lii
A Losu Wai.K. Messrs Giles and
Charles Fowler, of Walton, who havo
beeu trapping on the beaJwuiers of
Bow river, srrived in Kuge; e lai-t
night shortly after 8 o'clock, baviug
wslked the entire distance, 43 miles,
in 10 hours. They carried on their
backs bundles weighing about 75
Died. At Ibsnon, Ortgon, on
Wednesday, Februsry 10, 1S08, at 2
o'clock p m, Loy Plaster, the oldext
sm of Mr and Mrs George Plaster of
Salem. His mother is lying daugor
ously ill st her borne. Tbe young mn
was known by many Eugeue people.
I'apl Stelve Will Xul Kin-ss an
Opioids lota of Explosion.
i.. rul lu tlu- liimr.l.
Havana, IVb lu. 1 p i:t u no
1,.. n....... 1 ...... .. .
" neur.y ;mu men were
killed in t,o explosion ,, (i10 ij rt llftt.
tleshlp .Maine hint night.
There were ;I71 111. n on the paymas
ter's !i,t !n,t Sunday, amPit is s in
poed nearly tlu ,,. W(.re
board at the thnu of (he expUlor.
All officers known to bo u v.l xcepl
Lieut Jenkins and AssbUnt Engineer
The Spanish cruUr AIpIioiimi XII.
anchored near the Mnlne, .ivid 30 f
the crew.
win. x.r t:riiK34 AN opinion.
Cupla 11 Sig,U.t.,.f tl.o Maine Is not
I'repure.l to express an opinion M t
tbe cause ol the exph sloii.
Was a Tuifedo ExpIudrJ 1'ndtr lltr?
SKfll lo ,o lil'ARp.
Wa8H1N(iix, Feb llJ.-TI.e MhIii
dl-oster is the principal topic of con-
versatloii In Washington.
Members of ti e committee on For
eign Kfliillons express (lie opinion
that grave complications i,my result
uuless Spain can as uro the l.'nlicd
Stales that Spaniards had nothing lo
do with (lie wrecking of the. Maine.
Many express the opinion that a
torpedo was exploded under the Mulue
by the Spauiurds.
John Spnlm Is tho Drowned Mau'u
ame A Peculiar Character.
Junction Citv, Feb. 15, lsos.
ElHTOK (J LA HI): Mr John M,h,Iim
a Kusslan, wnsdrowncd In tho Wlllam.
etto river, ab-ut two 111 1 lex southeast of
Junction City at about 11 am today.
Mrt-pohn wustowlmr cedar imsN rroni
across the river aud bud them tied to
tbo seat of the. boat, and be endeavored
to turn around lu the boat and through
a misstep somehow lost IiIh balance
and fell over backwards l;i the river,
and as the current is very strong at
that place bo was not seen to rla
Mr Wm Johnson stood on the b.nk
and witnessed the accident but was
not able to assht hi 111. Parties this
afternoon are trying to find the body.
Mr Spolm was a very strange char
acter, having lived in this vlclulty for
several years, his only companions be
ing his dogs. Ho lived n BD old ghack
of a building and much of the time he
IveU under snmo lurira tree, without
any other covering than tho trees al-
lunieu, winter and summer.
ft Is claimed bo had a large sum of
money which bo kept burled In the
ground and of which he spent very
rarely. It is reported he had a brother
living lu Portland. Oregon, who Is
quite well to do.
He was a man who had no enemies,
and attended strictly to bis own busi
ness. Sl'KCIAI..
Havana Harbor Full of Aubmarino
Mines to Blow Ua'ne to Hell.
New Yohr, Feb 10. -Dr C E Pen
dleton, who arrived by the steamship
i.ampssas, rrom Key West, this morn
ing, says that while he was In Havana
he heard nany threats of violence to
the Maine. Finally a Spaulard
heatedly told him: "We have enough
submarine mlues under and around
the Maine to bbw tbo Maino to hell
whenever v c pleaso." The doctor Is
conservative. He attached no Import
ance to the threats until ho learned of
the catastrophe on his arrival.
Will Probated. "
Dsllj Ciuurd February in
The will of tho lalo Catherine S
Duvls, deceased, was filed for probate
In the ofllce of the county clerk yes
terday. She was ths owner of real
and personal property to the probable
amount of $2,500, It provides as fol
lows: First The payment ol all her debta
aud funeral expenses and a monument
to her memory.
Second One seventh of all the rest,
due to each of her children, viz: L E
Davii, S A Huddleslon, Ly, u gus
Davis, W L Davis, Csrolinu E Davis
uii. I M M Davis; and one thirty-llflh
to each ot the chid re 11 of her deceased
daughter, Jane (.'astir man, vl.: Frau
ds Patterson, (Jen W Evans, E F
Campbell, Annie B (James, and W It
Third M M Davis, son, appoluted
exscutor without bonds.
Tbe will was executed Nov 12, 1897.
Witnesses, E O Potter aud II C
MAltlilKiJ lu Lane county, Oregon,
Feb 19, 1M1H, by J J Butler, J P, ivtn
Harpoleaud Serena II Davis.
THK .HW.K KXri.OSlO.1.
Kumors il Treachery Dead and
.Mi-.-log, Investiga
tion (iri'end),
Intenso excitement exists at Wiji.
ing'oii and throughout tho country
over the explosion and sinking of tbe
C tf I'litile-.-hip .Vuli 0 In Havana
hurl or.
Secretary Long is t l tho opinion
that no Intelligent opinion can le
g.veu at pr. sent as (ii tho cause.
Admiral Slcard at Key West has been
iiotC'.td to uppdni a board of naval
Inquiry ami prnmd to Havana, em
ploy diveis und uiuko the fullest In-
vcstlgui jon us to thtcuuu of the loss
of the ship.
I XI'l.osioN
Willi IN?
Il In thought that tho question as to
whether the explosion camu from
without or w ithin can bo definitely
sill l,d liy an exiiiiiiniition of the
plates, w hit her they are bent out or In.
A lurito majority ef officials behove
(he explosion whs the result of natural
The navy depart, nent will take steps
to recover th ordnance If It shall be
dellult. ly settled (hut the ship cannot
bj llouted. The llavaun dry-dock Is
large enough to receive her.
1'liU Is the gieutest naval accidental
disaster since the smiting of the British
war-ship Victoria In tbe Mediterra
nean in IS I3hy a sister ship, through
a mistake in signals, when 22 onicers
and :tJ2 men lost their lives.
Only 2 olllcersout of 22 lost their
live., at d they were of tho Junior
grade. A very remarkable exemption.
I'ho tirst explosion was caused by
0 0 pounds of gun cotton. Bubsequeut
explosions by shells an t cartridges.
One of the ship's officers said all tbe
msga.iues w ere closed at 8 o'clock and
tho keys turned over to the com
mander. Ity tho loss of the Maine the service
able war ships of tho United States are
reduced to six. Spain has seven.
Idssoluilon of Partnership.
The partnership heretofore existing
tu t ween E 1C Henderson and tl D
I.lnu, druggists, Is this day dissolved
by muluul agreement, E 1C llouderson
having disposed of bis entire Interest
in tho business to F M Wilkins. The
new llrm, Wilkins and Linn, will
collect all accounts due and pay all the
bills of the old llrm. Thanking the
public for their liberal patronage and
asking a continuance of the same for
e new llr 111, I am
Yours truly,
E K IIkndkk.sov.
Having bought" Mr E K llender-
sou's Interest In tho drug business of
Henderson it Linn, J want to thank
the public for their liberal patronage
duilug my earlier years lu business in
Eugene, and now under the firm
name of Wilkins & Liun we extend 10
the puiiiio a kind luvitiitlon to call ou
us when lu need of anything lu the
drug Hue, and hope by careful work
and close attention to business to
mcrU a Hboral share of patronage.
Wilkins A Link.
llimetalllo Club Meeting.
All citizens of Junction and adjoin
ing precincts who believe In the resto
ration of blmetallsm, without waiting
for the ad v Ico or consent of any other
nation, uro requested to meet at Juno
tlou City In the city ball on Saturday,
February 10, lB'JS, at 2 o'clock p m, for
tho purpose of organizing a Union
llimetalllo Club.
Junction City, Feb 0.
Jauks Hayes,
James Calvkrt,
Jas T Clow,
To the Woodmen. Circle,
I desire to acknowledge the receipt
of the he ne lit received from tho Wood
men Circle ou a policy Issued to my
wife and their lato neighbor, aud tbat
they have placed at her grave a menu
meut. The fruternal snlrlt of the Cir
cle and the promptness with which it
meets tiie duties prescribed by tbetr
laws, speak well lor Its membership.
W. B. Andkbws.
better List.
Feb 17, '08.
Chit wood CIiiih V
Click W K
Dodson Mortiiuore
Ollham WL
Mourry Mary
rhllllber Clydo
Sawyer MrsJennle
Kettle Maggie
Wheeler LlllaJ(2)
WinjumMary (2)
Woodward O L
. A rlmrun ol nne int will tx irsrts on all
lelliTi s'vhu nut. HcrmiiK railing lor letter
will ltHOl!o wbun silvvrllM!)!.
, li K llssmsiios, ActrM.
Mare gtiayed.
Kl.'syed from mv plnce 5 miles north
of Eugene in July, a black mare, 13
years old, weight about 1100 pounds.
Bulging forehead and dish-faced.
Information leading to her recovery
will be rewarded. Address
Eugene, Oregon, Deo 20, 1S07.
To Sell or Trado.
One and one-half lota In Irving,
store building and stock of merchan
dise, value $3000. Will exchange for
aroiproperly or stock ranch, ureel
clu ap for cash, ltcsson for selling, go
Ing to Alaska.
J W KiTCiiJtjr-
Kstray Notice.
Came to my place November 24,
8U, a light red 00 w, crop oil rlg.U
ar, uadurbit lu left ear. About 6
years old. At Anderson place 4 wiles
auuve wauervilie.
Geohuk Ham xs.
Dated Deo 10, 1HU7.
Wanted Preston A lUle wan t 0
cords of otu body Mr wood. CrJl on
them aud learn particulars.
liy Spcii er Precinct Teller Itiiin tiilllc
Wiichka-1, Tho 1 stliiiilon of the
Cnited States derl in 4 (lint: Conrets
ahull have power to coin money, regu
late the valuo thenof and of foreign
coin, ,u i, deelures (hut:
Nottulo shall coin money or iiuiks
anything hut void mil silver colli a
tender in payment of debts; and
Wiii.iidas, Tho constitution does
not confer power upon congress to del
egute its .power to coin money to any
other department of the government,
or to corporations or to private persons;
thercfoio tie il
1:i:soi.vki, l'.y the Spencer Pre
cinct Bimetallic C tl , that we, mem
bers of tho same, declare that we will
unre-ervedly adhere to tho declara
tion rt-nl tho spirit of (he constitution,
and earnestly contend for the mouey
of und coin declared by It to be legal
tenders in payment of debts; aud shall
oppose tho truiisfer of the financial
maiiugemaut of tho I'nited States to
hanks, syndicut' s or oilier Institutions
outside ol cough-. An I lie it further
IU:sel.VKl, That we recognize that
silver, as well a gold, is declured a
constitutional money, at the present
legal ratio, without reservation; there
fore, we si all and do advocate the un
limited coinage of Imth metals into
legal tender coins., Tint the proposed
financial system of the present and the
the late former administration-! of the
United Siutes ure not only unjust and
injurious othe people, hut are oen
and llugraiit violation, of tbe letter
and spirit of tho conslitutln', and
should bo opposed ly every citizen
from self-interest ss well as for the
preservation of (lie fundamental prin
ciples of our government.
ltK.Siii.VKD, That the present politi
cal emergency should lift every citizen
and voter, who has the wilfare of the
people and the preservation of our form
of government at heart, above tbe
limits of a narrow partisanship that
all must know, If persisted In, must
lead to and end in tho degradation and
II mil enslavement of the producing
and laboring people of our country.
Besolvkd, JTiiat.we without regard
to party names, former party associa
tion or past policy of any party, sball
voto to restore silver to lis place with
gold, as a constitutional and standard
mouey ol the United States.
Kk.soi.vki, That we will support
the candidates nominated cr to
be nomiuated, by tho Joint ac
tion of the free coinage or bimelallo
elements, In county and state conven
tions, and lu so doing, we hold that
we are not under any obligations to
surrender or abandon any views or
sentiments fonncrly entertained by
any one, or nil ot us, lu regard to par
ty po'lcy or prty Issues.
ltKHOLVkD, That we Jiold what a
statu Is not pel milted to do, no indi
vidual, corporation or set ot Individ
uals in any state can legally do, aud
the proposition to enlarge the power of
tbo banks, coming from tho present
administration, wo declare unconsti
tutional aud unworthy of the respect
ful consideration of a people or a party,
thit expects to perpetuate the liberties
ofthe people.
Adopted by tho Spencer Precinct
Teller lUmetulllo Club, Feb 12, 1868,
II C Huston, Pres.
(J A Mii.lkk, Sec.
All papers requested to publish.
Logs tor suit.
The undersigned will have for sale
ou or about Juno 1 a lot of first class
yellow fir saw logs, about one and one-
hulf million feet. Nome are now being
cut aud banked ready to roll Into the
river ut my farm near Elllstou. Par
ties wishing to purchase, saw logs are
invited to lull ami inspect them on or
about May 1 nex . Also I will have
about as many more for sale by next
all, and a further lot of from 3,000,000
to 4.000,000 feet to bo prepared for
market during the season of '08 anil '00.
All of said logs will be bauked at my
pluce on the McKenzle river.
John Cocihwdll.
Elllslon, Feb 1, 1898.
Towue's Dotes.
McMinnvllle, Or, Feb 14. Charlra
W Talmage received a telegram from'
ex-Congressman Towno, now In Cali
fornia, requesting that bis Oregon
dates bo changt d to March 7th, 8th,
Oth and 10th. He will speak at Itose
burg.Suleni, Portland aud Pendleton,
bcglnuliiK at Koseburg on the 7th.
Thomas Fvlliugton Dead.
MonKOK, OR, Feb 14. TtiiniM Ful-
llngtou, a prominent citizen or this
place, died at his borne this morning
of typho ptieumonla. He was a lead
ing member of the Catholic churo'a
and greatly belovid by all. He leave
Better. Hanlsburg Item: Mr
Sam May, of the firm of May it Sen-
(.'ers, has beeu critically ill for several
da.V, but to the relief of his es'.imabla
family and bis hosts of fileuds.'hli
puysJcUus pronounce bis condition to
bias favorable ai could possibly be ex'
pacted under the circumstances attend-1
In ' h'.s case. Mr May lias been a
prominent figure in our social and
iiiHiness relations so long that his ab
sence from his post, creates a vacaucy
which Is bard to fill; we all hops
or his speedy recovery.
Union Meetinci. There will be a
Union riveting et tie churches en
Sunday olit under the aumlcls
,,fl. j r.vungellcal Alllauce to bead;
drvs-L.l i y JU-v Brooas of Anburusdale
to take up their residence.
' o 0 O 0
0 e 0