o o r 0 5S - ESTABLISHED MR ThE DIXSP.HIVVTIM OP DEUOCRATin TRINCIPLES, AJIP TO F1M AS B0SETL!VI!(0 BT ToElWKAT OF Ol'R BROW KUGENU OH., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 19 898. NO 8. FT! CI y .DjlbuJKilIlL WEEKLY EUGENE GUARD. cAnPl30LL BROS, PUBLISHERS ,1(.jKU ! ' lllameUe ' U"1 . t, Ulna, fa fcrenlb aa '" " . TVitdsOF HL'BoCRUTION: . ; : : U oo. Out . . , : : i.oo. Advertising rate made known on application. tfd. . " "" ,u"' UA j s. LOCKEY DEALER IN Clocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE pr-AllU ork Warranted.-! BROWN, M. D. islcian and Surueon IS? ami raiiileDM over poetoffioe. Hours! f ,. m.; to M ! I. C. WOODCOCK, Attoriicy-at-I-aw. OrrKi-Oue half block south ol Cbrlsmau's lloct. El'UESB, : OREGON. 08 irA J. Vil'tK, H. E. MAEKLEY ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Cage . . - Oregon Will piactlce iu all the court of itle. Office In Wnltou tlock. L L. WH1TEON, DENTIST. Having purchased the offloe and fixlurciO k.i.i. .i.Z....... w. v. Henderson. 1 am uow VHml to do any thing la lb line o DeutUtri nr he above aal d ofllco. Cross ana Bridge work t Specialty, E. C. GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. t DetlfiM and New Prices In Foreign and Domwltc Marble and Oranlte, Monuments. UcaJttoues and Cemetery work of 11 klndi for 1898. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! Wl itmstte Street,nearPoetoflloe. Su en 0 ... Of Eugene, Oregon, CAPITAL $50,000. W. E. Brown . President B. 0. Paine Vice President F. W. Ostium . . . Cashier W. W Brown . Kss't Cashier DIRECTORS- W. Csburn, B. D. Paine, V. B. Browi'i D- A P.ln. J. P. Ri1llnun t. P Ma.rU fl General Ranlinfl R;iines; jTraracted 09 Favorable Terms I Orlu laiued on the principal cltlee of the r alf !; alio exchange lurnlined avail- table on aH lorvlnocountrlee. T I'''""' paid on time deiwalta. 1 Jife-Koot vault lor the etorage of valuable 1 -d.,rtiioni rcci'lre onr prompt attention. lane County Bank. llataWUhed In 1883.) EUGENE, OREGON. A Qeneral Banking bualnesa n HI branches transacted no vonblo terms. A. G. HO VET, President. J. M. ABRAM8. Cashier. A.U. HOVEY'JR., Aast Gil O. Bunaicu. 8. B.Kixm, rreaiiiant. P SnoDoaaM,!AaiUUnt Caehier. H National Bank Ot Eugene. rld np ttsb Capital $.0,000 toplas and Pronts. $50,000 Eugene - - Oregon. tbt l!"r1 t"',kl boUa don. on rutoe- CH,f?x BlfM HrWt. oa NKW YOKK, jJJl of eiohuie'aoU oa foralga ooontri-. we loan BOHEMIA GOLD. Some of That $30,000 Ore Exhibit ii Eugene Mw t'reatrd t oiialdrra bt llxilirmeiii Imiiv Ouerd, Fib uaijr II Tuiluy Mr Bruneau. cf the firm of Jenulnga Bros & Bruneau, of Bohemia, wlm made tuch an u ii preccden ltd II ml in their cla. ids, tome of the ore ijoinir over t30,Ui to the ton, arrived in i-ugen on today's 10:50 local from Cottage drove, accompanied by Alf Walker. bringing down some speci mens of the ore, which were placed on exbiblUon in the windows of Lucky's Jewelry store. Crowd swarmed In front of the window constantly to see the night. The face of tho rock fulrly glitters with gold and It makes a pretty tight. The gentlemen reurned to Collude Grove on the 2:04 local, taking (he ore Willi them, After a tdinrt trip to Port land, where the ore will probably lie exhibited, sumple of I lie name will he returned to ibis city, where It v ill re main for Home time. Lincoln' lilrtluliiy. j i The Woman's Relief Corps and Ex Union soldiers celehrated Lincoln's birthday at the GAR Hall, Ninth atreet, Saturday evening. The Hall wai crowded w ith the member of the two organizations. Miss Jennie Higgiti presided In an admirable manner. The opening song was America; theu a violin solo, ac companied by an organ; Prof McElroy then delivered the address of the even ing, on Abraham Lincoln. It wan an able effort and wag highly commeuded. After this Prof Ressler made a short address on the same subject, which was highly appreciated. Grace Helton then gave a recltatiou. Thla was fol lowed by some brlel remarks from Piol Orton on "Lincoln." Mi?s Adallne Miller recited "The Man," theu came a solo by Miss Brown. After this the meeting revolved itself Into asocial and all enjoyed themselves In converse until 10:30 p m w hen they departed foi home very mujh pleased wl h tho evening's entertainment. TlieMrkiule Club. The Eutei e McKlulcy Club held a meeting at the residence of Mrs J G Gray Saturday evening. Mrs LO Adair presented a well writ ten paper ou the younger life of Abra ham Lincoln. Solos aud recitations were given by Misses Edith lioirman. and Maud King and were excellent. After this Miss Jessie Gilstrap gave a piano solo, and It was rendered w ill) pleasing e fleet. OQlcers were elected as follows: Mrs SM Yoran, president; Mrs Win Pres ton, vice president; Mrs E riebwam- chlld, treasurer; Mrs McNeill, secre tary; Mrs J J Walton, corresponding secretary; Mesdames LG Adair, T K Itrown, J W Kays, A T Cockerline and Cook, executive committee. A delightful evening was spent. Crediiori Sin prised. Albany Herald, Feb 14: The report of th aul jiiee of the Bunk of Oregon was filed yesterday In the circuit court, The report sho s that contrary to ex pectatlon the amount of the dividend to be declared will not be 12 per cent, but 19 per cent. This together with the former dividend of 6 per cent will make a total payment of "5 per cent, considerably more tbau wasexprcled by the creditors. A Junction Boy. V J Gilstrap, if Juoction City, will lepreseut tie Oregon Agricultural College in the in tercollegiate oratorical contest, to be held In Albany next month. He won the first prize for oratory In the college at the last commencement. He won the oratot leal contest for the selection of the representative of the college in the college chapel Saturday af.ernoon. Six other students competed for the hocor. vauT Uuanl, February 15 Rumor False. Yesterday and this morulng two rumors regtrding Ml s May Gillam. the young lady who was recently ravished by Kd J5ang, were afloat. Oue was that she had com mitted suicide, and the other that .he bad attempted the act. Roth have proven false, as she is with relatives on the McKeozie and I well. Postal Tkleoraph. The Postal Telegraph Co, is strlnglog another wire between Portland and San Fran cisco. The crew ot eleven men will reach bere this evening and will pot Id the Eugene line tomorrow and then proceed southward. Dally liuard February 11 Foot Hcrt.-TF Bennett, Fisher 4 Watklns' butcher, had the misfor tune to run a nail through his foot yes terday. He Is compelled to remain at bis home today. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 14. Elder Ford returned homo today: P D Gilbert Sunday cd in Eugene as UMUill. N A W Howe, of Creswell, was In Engene today. J C Gondalc, Sr, of C'oburg, was In Eugene today. Miss Hut.- Baxter has rullied some aud U now easier. E L Campliell of Woodbtirn, is again visiting lu Eugene. Samuel Mav.of Harrlsburg, reported a little better toduy. Secretary Kliienld returned lo Saleii on today's local train. II X Cockerline cune u. from Al bany hist night as usual. l)jan E C Sanderson leturned from Halsey on todays l!:!4 local. Alf Walker and family of Cottage Grove visited Eugene todny. Mabel Knowksof Maplclm1, return ed to lur liome on this uioruiug s stai;e. Thomas N Luekey, of Suk-in, a state employe, mude Eugene a businets visit today. WH rarMHisund 11 G Plytuateex- picltc s'ari lor uie KionuiK in a lew wtek. Misi Ida Evuxon a ill depart on to morrow's eariy train m visii wan friends in I own. Eli I't ikii'H slid son were passengers to l'orll ind this forenooi', where they will spend a few days. The I E Stevens poultry market building, corner Eighth and Pearl stree'.H, is completed. Mrs T V Cornell and children went to the Machlt.e Shops, near Portland, on tills forenoon's local train. Mr Oberlaud, who has bee.i woik- ing in Joel MtCornack'it meat market has gone to I'ort'tind to reside. Mr George Spear and Mr Emery GosMrr left on the overland for Wal l)a, wheie liny ex-lint to spend the summer. O C Osburn, lormerly f Eugene, is a candidate for city treasurer of the town of Athena. The election occurs iu a lew days. Geo M M flier left I'oitlaiid on the Oregon last evening for Sknpway with a couple of partners. He will prospect along the co.ist. Win Brynd of Point Terrace, on the Siuslaw, has arrived at.Skngway. Al fred Mason of th:it place, left for the Alaska town last wcett. Mis9 llenriotti Lauer, Balm Mann, and Laura Miller, and Wes-rs Wc Arthur and Sluhling of the University walked to Irving toduy returning on the afternoon local. A young man from Pleasant Hill w ho was at the teachers examination last week claims he wus robbed of $3 while in attendance at a meeting of the Salvation Army. SunJay's Albany Herald: Dr J P Wallace was called to HurrUburg laM night to viiit Mr Sam May, who is se riously ill. Mr May's son Darney, went up from Portland lost night to Harrisburg. Miss Barbara Lauer arrived hone ou today's 2:04 local from a 0 months visit wiih relatives at New ork, aud other Eastern cltleo, Portland and Sin Fiaiicl-co. She will be gladly wel- c mie l by her many lrieii(N. The steamship Oregon sailed from Portland for Skagway last ulght. Among the passengers wero the follow ing from Eugene: Glen O and Lew A Powers, Mrs V II Zumwalt, Jacob Kline and Peter Neusbaum. Florenca West Feb 1 1 : Eva Lamb of Deauwood creek, ageil 7 years, was playing with other children In the yard the o:lur day, when I he dog playfully hit a horse that stood there. Tnulmrsn kicked at the dolt but hit Eva In the face, knocking hoi sen-eless, in which condition slu remained for several hours. Her face was pretty badly cui, but at last accounts she was recovering. MrandMrs Robert Palmer, of La Grande, aged respectively 80 and 84 who recently celebrated their 03d wedding annlveisary, have living seven child en, 37 grand children and IH great grand children Among other pleasant memories the aged couple were among the passengers on the first railway in the United States, a line from Wilmiuiiton to New Cattle, Pennsylvania. In the last Printers Ink, Mr Hub bard has an article on successful adver tising, and iiuotes an ad ot a grocery firm in AshtubuU, Ohio. This par ticular ad calls atteollon to seven specialties and two of 'hem are Oregon products, salmon and prunes. Of the latter llie ad itn -I'ruties-llrst ar nvul of Oregou pruuis, very flue, but small, Cc a pound, 5 pounds 25 cents, regular price Sj. An Albiny man Just back from Skagway says everything is overdoue, Thousands of people are rushing into that place, many of them hving little mean. Some are well fixed, but thousands are looking t r work, and there Is uot euough employment for a tenth part of them. The cot of living is high and the result wlil be that sUf feiing and hardships niutt be endured by many uutil they can get money mough to briug theto back home. ODR CITY LEGISLATURE A Number of Important Shltn Duly Considered. lull tleperl of Prarrrdlnga. lellr Guard February 1'. The CUy Couucil met last evening In regular session at the City Hall. Pre-eut, Mayor Kuykeuda'l and Coun ciluien Day, Gray, Fisher, Luckey i.ud Henderson. Minutes of January 10th and 1,'ilh read and approved. Fiuauce committee reportid favora bly on bills and warrant! ordered drawn for (he several amounts. Councilman Day from the judiciary committee reported adversely on ordi nance amending Sec 14 of Ordinance 0. This is the gambling ordlnaucc. Motion to adopt report of tho com mittee lost. Referred back to the com mittee for amendment. Report of street committee read and filed. It shows a tot il amouct of 2004 feet of new lumber used, 134 feet of old lumber; 245 loads of crushed reck hauled ou streets aud 0 loads of dirt cleaned from gutters. Number of days worked by nrUoner-, 10. Councilman Henderson, from com mittee ou fire aud water, reported the attempt to place electric light poles Iu the curb stone of Willamette street by the Light Company. No action was taken in the matter. Committee on placing the Pearl street light on 75 fo.t pules, r ported they cannot be obtained at present. The following petition from the Eu gene Fire Department, In relation to tho election of chief engineer aud as sistant w as lead and referred to the ju diciary committee. El'CiKNE, Feb 7, 1808. To the City Council of Euuknk: At a meeting of the Board of Dele gates of the Eugeue Fire Department, held on February Dth, the following recommendation to the city couucil was adopted, to-wit: "That tlie Chief Engineer and assis tant be elected at amass meeting of the fire department held at the usual time of election and with the usual no tice, each active fireman being entitled to a vote and the election subject to the confirmation of the city couucil as at present." Since the above plan would be with out expense to the city and would tausiy t ne firemen better than any other plan which could bo proposed to replace the present one, tho board asks that it be adopted, if the present sys tem is discarded. Respectfully submitted, D V KUYKEMIALL, Secretary E. F. D. Petition of Claude Pengraaud Oren Howe for a private practicing tele graph lino from the corner of Mill and Tbirtee tb to the corner of High aud Eliveuth streets, a distance of three blocks; referred to street committee with power to act. The following petition from 11 M Miller asking for financial aid was read aud referred to thejudiciary com mittee: Eugene, Fb 11, IS'js. To the City Council of Eugene Gentlemen: I tespectfully ask the honorable board of the city. council to aid me iu some way of paying my debts which I owe to the hotel for meals and lodging during my confine ment lu led from illness, which I con tracted by the fire In failing through the burning porch aud sustaining in juries to my leg. I was confined to my bed for a week. I am s ill under the doctor's care and unable to do any work Mr Young procured tho doctor for me. Trusting Ihe couucil will assist in some way, I remain, Yours truly, H M Miller. On motion of Councilman Fisher the street committee wus authorized to purcliHse crushed rock from the county if It can be purchased, and to put the same on Willamette street. Councilman Day, from special com mittee to make water co itract, re ported progress. Recorder directed to Issue warrant for collection cf delinquent assessment oo Pearl street sewer. A number of bills were read and re- feired to finance committee. Ou motion of Councilman Day the city attorney was authorized to defend the city in any action the Electrio LUht Company might bring for dumugc. Mayor Kuj keudall was excused from further attendance ou account of lllnees, and President Fisher took the chair. After discussing seveal matters lbs council adjourned. - -w School Rei-okt. The following pupils completed thecouiae of study in the Thurston public school and were zt nted diplomas by Supt. Hunt Human Needham, Thomas Tucker and Marcellus Needbam. The first-pained ,Wrvea esneclal mention, being but 13 years of age. 0 ITESDAY FEBRUARY 15. John IIollls relumed home this afternoon. C 11 Friendly, the pioneer ihummer, is In the city. Mr and Mrs W L Brlstow, of Pleas ant Hill, are in the city. The weather has turned cooler and the orchard ists are pleased. Archie Rice was a passenger on thl afternoon's tiaiu, bound for Cottage Grove. T P Keeney of Tacoma, Wash, Is visiting relatives and friends In I. sue county. Mis Cora Eddy, of Roseburg-, Is visiting with Mr and Mrs A K Eddy of Eugei e. Wm Mayer, T I) Linton and Kichard Blown made Harilshurg a business visit today. 11T Hill wdl light Priiievillu by means of electricity. T F Bennett, Fisher A Watklns' butcher, is at work again, but walks with the aid of a cane. (.has doner's large turn on Fifth street is about completed. Mrt Josephine Hocbelseii is ipiite sick at the re-lilelice of her daughter, Mrs C Marx. A number of Irving people In towu today as witness's In a civil case be-j fore Justice Wheeler. Mayor Kuyketidall has been con fined to his residence today. It Is probably a case of grippe. Jos) It LtwreiitMhit usvp'.el fio toremaut-hip of (hu proposed new re publican paper at Lebanon. C Beck & Son, of Aurora, yesterday sold 205 baits of hops to Theodore ltrn helm at 10 ceuts xr pound. Rev G R Calllson, who has been copying the assessment roll for Clerk Jennings, returned to his home today. M M Davis, ol Corvallis, Is In Eugene. He Is enthusiastic over the procuring of the Improvement project for Yuri j I n a bay. Howard Rowland, the live city editor of the (Juaud is confined to his room with ilckness. We trust that he will soon mover. The painters are now at work ou the Interior of ihe room to l occupied by Densmore & Svarverud, one door south of the Hotel Eugene. Miss Maud Miller, tho well kunwn New York actress and a daughter of Joaquin MilLr, passed through here last ulght enrouto to Coos Bay to visit relatives fora few weeks. She weut to school In Eugen? fora few weeks at one time. Monday's Pendleton E O: Cl.ftou Cleaver has returned from Chicago, New York and other eastern cities, where a large stock was purchased for the Cleaver Bros. Dry Goods Com pany. Lee Teutsch it expected home tomorrow. The women are lu hopes of gaining enfranchisement at the November election in the state of Washington. Our exchanges from that common werlth soy Mrs t'rof Mark Bailey, formerly of Eugene, Is ono of the lead ers lu the movement. The steamer Oregon, which sailed from Portland for Alaska Sunday ulght carried 450 passengers, 400 tons of miners' outfits, 300 tons of merchan dise and mlcellaneoua freight, 100 tons of the ifovernment relief supplies, and lij tons of live. stock, viz, 50 dogs,. 41 horses and 31 burros. UNION IS KAYOKEI). Kisolullous Adopted by Wasco Popu list Central Committee. At an enthusiastic meeting of (he populist central committee of Wasco couuty at The Dalits, February O.the following resolutions were adopted: "Resolved, That the couuty central committee of the people's parly of Wasco couuty, Or, favors a union, couu ty, stato aud distrlc', for the coming election, and also Invites all other re formers to join in such auulon, who will adopt not less than the following as a part of their state platform: "Fast The Initiative and referen dum system of law-making In its op tional form and a submission by con gress of all Important national ques lions for an advisory vote of the people uuiilsuch time as the national const! tullon thall have been aiusuded so as to provide for direct legislation. "Second That Indtqiendetit free coinage of Loth gob? aud silver at the ratio of 16 to 1. "Third The abolition of all private and coriorale banks of Utue, and the Issue of all mouey by the general gov ernment aloi e, all money so Usued lo lie a full I' gut tender for all dibt' ul I 3 and piivab. Anil be it further Itesolved, Trial ihe above ques. lions be submitted to a referendum vole of the people at the people's parly primaries." Suit for DivontK.-lI D BufTum baa Instituted a suit la the Lane county circuit court against his wife, Elizabeth Buflum, for absolute divorce. The couple were married In Eugen' JulyS, laVJ. The Issue of said mar ring" Is one son 5 yeais of sge. The complaint all- ges adultery, lie ak f r the c re of custody of Ihe child. THE WOMEN WIN. Can Now Vole at School Elections. ko aa,. lbs Mi pre me t url. K'l'lal 111 till' liCAKD. Sai.hm, Feb. 14 -The Supreme Court decides In favor of Mrs Laura Harris In the case of Mrs Laura Harris vs Sherwood Burr, M H Wallis and R B Henderson, who wero judgee of the school election for District No 4, Laue county, Oregon, in the school tleotlou hist year, w ho refused to permit wo men to vote for school director. The decision covers twelve pages of type written matier, citing many declslous, and it says, Section two, Article two, of the constitution only appllet to general elections. The decision creates consternation among male Inhabitants, and corres ponding Joy among females here. A Valentine for the fair sex of Ore Mu YAUU.NA BAY PROJECT. Approved by Actlug Secretary klejohil. Me- Wakiiiniiton, Feb 12. Acting Sec retary Melklejolm today appioved the project for the Improvemcutof Yaqui na bay, Oregon, and Instructions have been telegraphed lo Lieutenant Potter of the engineer ofllco at Portland, In charge of the Jlstrlct, to Immediately begin preparations for the detailed plans and specifications which will be adveitlsed as soon as passible. The appropriation of f25,((J0 already made Is entirely Inadequate for the work, which will cost about (1,000,000 alto gether, and further estimates will be submitted, but meantlmo the contracts will be entered luto. CHASt.K OK LOCATION. K llansou Hat Leased the Satlock Store Kooul. E Hanson, the well known clothier and fccui.' furnishing goods man, today concluded a lease of the large store room In the Matlock block, cor ner Eighth and Willamette stieets. The lease Ij to take eOect March 1, at which time his goods will be moved from their present quarters in the Belt man block to their more commodious quartets. It is a very advantageous change. CliristKu Temperance Union. The Chrlstlau Temperance Union of Eugeno, held the regular meeting at Mount's hall, Wednesday Feb. 9th. Mrs Condon read a very exellent pa per on "Safety for School Children which was fieely discussed by the la dles present. There should have been more teachers and parents present, aa it was a subject of great importance At our next regular meeting, Feb. 23, Mr Farr will read a paer ou "Th duty of the State to the citizen and the duty or the citizen to the State." Members and friends, come out and hear this. It will beef Interest to you all. The meetings are growing iu In terest and you miss much by remain ing awav. YV. Mothers You should sea our lata shipment of Boys' and Youths' ...CLOTHING K CANgivoyou a neatduraUo suit wiia largo Bauorcuimr iw boy8from4 to H years old for just larger sizes wuii- out sailor collar $1.00. Navy bluo sergo braid trimmed sailor collar, tho neat and serviceable kind for $1.50. Next comCS our cuto little Vcsteo Suits "Our I3ov8 Delight" in natty plaids with sailor collars trimmed in bright braids from $1.75 up; theso are irresistible. ALSO A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF YOUTH'S IN THE PROPER COLORS AND RIGHT PRICES AT F. E. Dunn's Ill'.t A WAV A (X'JII KM'. II rs (ieo I' Hall, Sr, lbu Her Right Arm Broken. Mr and Mrs Geo T MhII, Sr, who ave been spending a few days at th r place near the Mckenzie Bridge, started home la-t Friday morulug, and when they arrived at the Frank Mason p'aciyabout 40 miles east of Euij ene.they met with a ruuaway accident. 1 1 happened thusly about 1:30 o'clock Friday afternoon: They were driving along tho Miiooth level sandy road In their buggy, having the top up and well bundled lu, it being rainy, wheu all at once one of (he horses stepped on a stick and it Mew up and struck him on his leg when ho commenced kick- n g and running. The buggy was I raw ii overs log about two feet high ind turned upside down, and was Iragged about two rods In this posi Ion before tho horses broke away. MrsHull liad'one bine in her tleht arm at the wrist broki u and was other. wIho bruised, but not seriously. She wiiMlakeulo Mr Mason's cabin and made at comfortable as possible under the circumstances. A leant was pre- u red and Wades was made that even ng and the next day the stane was caught at Leaburg ami they arrived In Eugene Saturday evening about 0 o'clock. Dr Kuykeudall and Prentice were Immediately called aud set the broken bonn and dressed the hand, which was necessarily nulte painful on account of its swollen condition. The buggy and harmss were badly broken up and was left w ith the horses at Mason's to lie brought down In the future. A Double Accident. Pally (iiianl, February II rids afieruoiu whlleClint D With- row was cutting wood ou the Daviea place, across the river ft out Eugeue, he made a mls-stioke and the ax cut quite a gash on the Instep of Ida left foot. Mr Wlthrow at once started for homo aud when near the Eugene bridge met a learn. The accommodating driver gave hliu a seat behind him, but when l.e got a good sight of the blood Mr Wlthrow had pulled oft his boot he fainted and fell off the seal, taking tho Hues with him. The horses started to run away. Mr Wlthrow Jumped out. The man recovered from his fainting spell aud came on to town, where he found hi hursts had been stopped without dam age to themselves or wagon. Albany Won. The match shoot at Portland Monday afternoon between Albany's two crack shots, George Froman aud Sky Meeks, and Port land's two best shots, Hughes and Ileal!, was won by the Albany men. The shooting of Meeks and Beall waa excellent, but Froman failed to get upon Ihe combination, the birds being very slow, whereas he Is remarkably quick, and Hughes, who has been con sidered the best shot In the Northwest, shot miserably. Tho score out of possible CO was as follows: Meeks 22, Froman 17, tolal 3H; Beall 21, Hughes 13, total 3 1. Died. A telegram from Columbia, I'eun, this morning announced the death of Mrs L (1 Adair's oldest brother, aged 77 yeais. No particulars as to cause of death, as Mrs Adair bad not even been Informed of his Illness. Mrs Adair's many frleuds iu Eugene will sympathize with her In her sad bereavement. Attention!