o FRIDAY FEBIUJATY4. . . Pner Urn returned from Port ELdnupbell went t Woodburn thl iuori tc .. unPilm. - ui D JJosweii, " r M-ftl U J'" . I I.. Iw.n... HI Kami roiurucM till foreuooii. "M ... ...ik Vlln.tr. I. ulll . I, ,UfW 'va,!" tiugene today. . MllU,l Utfiiiinore arrived home . ' ilm afternoon. (ttit Ankeuy returned to lilt mini lnjck'uc"uuty lust evening. Vbiteer WIW uwirtl .,.10 today- ... II A VV....I.I.I. ...... ... xi. and JITS "-"" sprio.flU ere 10 E"BH"e l,"lMy wiim lit I lie Deputy Hlllxlmro . . ..Iiiif Hi " " lulu'. v w H-wU-y, frt ""J'1 k:,,,l,, of , u uium til KuiMl I ll IH runt ui"i " 'pro n x Vandeiiburg reiurnei locouuge ;,. t"Jy fter 11 "'",rt l'u'l"t',,. vIm1 Jjullii"'il'- nrii Kristow oi i.otir.ge urove, ttli through today euroule home Lom Portland. HTCoiidou nud Win Preston were IrturuiuK vassengsrs rro,u ,"rlUd u" L GoUio l' broken ,lie record at kwswi I'ity- He recently lost it,nj Workmen are putting in the front of VhMfCluiiK building Just south of 'he 'Hotel Eugene today. PB Whitney, of Oakland, traveling itieut Kut of t,,e Southern Pacific Ulroid, Is In the city. Dr Chapman Is to lecture at Vood- .iimon the 12h Instant or ' Phychol- Ly tad Child Study." Hny llailey has received the ap- . ArMm.lwA.nf miKH., tiiMfiuva Ct tbe Lakeview, Oregon, land office. Dr C II Chapman went to llojeburg Wn nfteruoou and will lecture tonight jLfore the Douglas county teacher-' in stitute. We are Informed that the freight uiueos of the BPRHIt just about lliewme it was last year at this time. Ilolden Bros are busily engaged niling In their Willamette anu j;ieveutli street roadways with flue ravel. Claude atrahan, son of the late Judge Hrahan.who Is well known iu Eugeue practicing law with good suceenH In I'ortlaud. George H fiinllh, the drummer, after manuual trip ot Beveral days in Ku tne, left for Portland on this fore lunu'a local tralu. Mrs Sarah Nelsou and Mrs Mary Irvan, of Newberg, Yamhill coiuty, jiu Eugene viaiiing with Mr and IriJCWatkins. Attorney Markley left for Portland a a professional trip this forenoon, fea route he will stop at two or three f tbe valley towns. A replevin suit was heard by Justice Vheeler today. The action was voluu arlly dismissed and it will be brought a a diQerent form. Andy Taylor and family have re amed to Uorvallis from San Fran cisco, where he couducted a barber hop (or a short time. The Lebauou Express says that Trunk Sklpwortb. and bride will go to Junction City next week, where Frank Will open up a law office. The Postal Telegraph Company is reparing to string another wire be ween Portland aud San F'rauclsco. oiue of the wire has already beeu re ived at the Eugene depot. It Is claimed that a heavy financial ouuswill be paid Spulu to atop the .'uban war. Socret uegotlatioLS are aid to be in progrtsj betweeu the Btate epartmeut aud the iusurgeuts. The Salem Sentinel rbvb: "John II Aoltw has been appointed postmaster t Eugene, vice John Green, resigned." Vell, hardly. Guess the Sentinel has ot soma other town and Eugeue Ipixed up. The Paclfle: Yale University has a acuity of KO members. The number f students in attendance last year F 2,600. Ths faculty of Oberlin Col Re nurnbeu 70. There were 1,101 indents last year. i The republican state convention of lu was held at Eugene, 1 with W My Johnson president, aud Joel reandAaHovey secretaries. A fesentative to congress and three residential electors were nominated. slem Journal: Dr Sharpies, of Lane ,un'y. is delivering lectures on He can fill an audience full of prunes in two hour... I " Dr Sharpies don't know about jnine would go Into a very small Albany "wtliii mornlngfrom Han Fran- bad hCCOmPnled by hU wife wh0 bn there several mouths for rttlieut. whlnh rt.H h., . i"!,001' &nd " is now in a critical BATl'HDAYKEHHUBRYS. J P Jone, of (he Simtht-ru IViftV, Is in the city. PtiiiatiT Honey of Gin hen, was In' town today. j H JI Woods, of Dallas, wus lu Eu gene today. ' IU'V J C Wo'iley went to Collage' Ohivu today. Hucreiary Klucald was an arrivi.1 from Sttlem by today's 2.04 loo .1. i MIhs Flora IVltlemler, of Wood bum, ! caiut up this afternoon to vl.lt frit ink j Arthur MuAlixter wcot t) CoitiinH Gniv- thin nfieruooii to vitit his' broihtr Frank. MisUh. Fn.'ll U visiting with Mrs Gen F (.'roller, -lie will r.-nmiu here uutll Hpring. It F' Moore and (lui;lilir, Minn Vary, and J A Palmer, returned from Drain on today 'it M:jO locul. Louis Waterman, of I!ih F.ugt lit So p Company, itm.l. n .u trip down the vulley todity. (ISO Humbert of tin- Ii vinMy Hchool. went to lCliiiiru tod iv and will preach tliern loiiuirrow. .Attorney V D Fen'o i, of i'ort'and, came u i lnl night to alieul i tie pti l:tl seMHion of the circuit court 'ii tliis city. Judge J J D.ily anil iff, of D.olii, are in the city. Judgr D tly him a cu-e beforo Judge Fulli-rtou thai un. m'I lr today. Dean Sanderson and Juo ll.m.lrtnkir, of the Divinity school, went down the valley today to meet regular appoint niciils. Jutlge Fullerton arrived dwn troin KoMelnirg thia morning to hid I a special term of circuit couit at chamb ers In thU city. Miss Retta Stuart of Albany, nrrlt'ed nn yesterday's local and will enter the U of O. She will r side with Mr and Mrs OHO Humbert. Mr and Mrs D J Martin of Sheridan. Iowa, who have been vMtiug relatives iu this stale, leave tomorrow for their home, via the lloutliern Pacific Bishop Cranston, thu noted M. K. divlue, arrived in Eugene tliU nfter uuon and will conduct s rvict'H at the M K church in this city tomorrow. Today's Albany Democrat: Miss Loretta Stewart, a graduatn of thu Albany Hleh school, left yesterday for Eugeue to enter the University ol Oiegon. Grants Pass Observer: "Col J B Straigh', of New York, who formerly operated the Waldo copper mines, was iu Grant's Pass last . eek. He is now iu the employ of the Hamhird Oil Co. Cottage Grove Messenger: Mrs Ida Spray and children arrived Saturday from Monmouth. Sho will spmid sev eral months with tier father, H Griffin. Mr fcpray left Saturday moipiiig for Klondike; he experts to return iu the fall. A man just from Dawson says that what the people there need Is a cure for scurvy and not relief from starva tion. A grand opportunity for the government to help a suflerliig scurvy people. People not willing to catch the scurvy by the way, should stay away from the Klondike country. There was one party of five incu on the Corona to whom the loss of their outfits means ruin. This party was from the Eat. When they got the gold fever they oiled their relatives together, and it was decided to mort guge two homesteads and tl.o furniture to get the money to seud the gold seekers north. They raised J0?'0 for the trip. Laureiiu Notes. The sod. ty was called to order by President D V Kuyketidull. After routine business the Mandolin club played several selections, which were highly appreciated by the society. Mr M lil Scarbrough delivered a pre pared address, subject: "Should the State University and Agricultural Col lege be combined?" Mr A A Cleve land's subject for an extemporary ad dress was: "The Life of a Senior at the UofO" His remarks were quite In teresting. A very Interest lug achate followed on the question, "Uesolved, that vivisection, as practiced by the stu dents of the world, is inexcusable." Mr C C McCornack led for the atllrma ative aud was assisted by Messrs Boone and Spencer. Messrs McArthur, Angel and Hooker, supported tlio neg ative. The affirmative contended that yivi-section was unnecessarily cruel and that it did not uccouiplitdi tbo desired result-, and, as it is pruc t ced by students, it i demoralizing. The negative contended that many important discoveries were made by vivi-section. That many nperitluns were painless, and that vivi-B.ctors were not unnecessarily cruel, and that the practice was not demoralizing, or immoral. Tho hinging point of the decision was that vivisection, al though a benefit when carried on prop erly by skilled sclentiiic men, wus not profitable when carried on by students us it is today. After thoroughly re viewing the arguments, thecliuir de cided in favor r.the negative. Kepoktkk. O GI.XT IN NKW YOIJK.' WHEN THE MOKE INTIMATE SlDE OF j HIS CHARACTER BECAVE KNOWN. ! The l.t.at lll.a.t,r , , f, to m,,, ! I urii'irilt)r mill lint LrJ It. ' Ills irrati-at M.I r.'. Vr. In ll Ilr- ' crlr.l lijf Thu.,. He Tru.l. ,1. I i Owierul llritnt faiiio to live In Ni w York i in ISM with ll.e lu.ttf t hi uiii ar.ill. UI ! uetvt nml liU iiii.'.iinlrcl hoiixrit tir MiiihIIiik him. With iii. h tll-iilileH iin.l o r monies us tho m, trinilU .i.v.inU only to a fuv ineii In vm-h iri'iiiMllun, It w. l routed within Its it.n tha lir.t eitl.. n i f tho republle. Tho lwl,i cf th;,t .nr.ly lirf uro, which hud bornu ullh.nit illni'hiii tlio bunleiistif war and Kialf, mid o( that plenMtnt, tai'lturiicounteii.tihv, m-n uvw ith thu wonted inikktery of nil rlr.jiiin.laiiiv4 and tho quirt cuntUli lu'o In f. rum.'. I (uiii a familiar oih at the lar.T erri io.i iilal of tho city. That nil. (.irtiine, ln, i tent to harm him on a humlnil t atil.' Ili'lils, kIhiiiIiI Hti lUo ilnwn tlio n!il I,, r i in the hour of hM pi.i.rtiil fanio no oiif ilrenuied, hint of nil (.rant hltiwi If. Tho morn Intlmntu Mc f l,n charai'li r iH-nimo known during hU laii r llfo In itn eant. 'lhal lit- Mtirnni.il of a- t e n ci'iilej a natiiri that was full of Mitl nes mid n sluiple u iieliihl, lli it liul.-. .1 "the lovlliu nr. i tho ilarlni.'." Ihn . .r ! , I sc'iireely li.iri;.i ! fure tho ln.ny h iml f dlM'iiMt hail Uvii laid iip.n firit b iw. d ilowii with until, riu . I iuU(irtin:e. (.!..,. W. C'hilllH t.llll of Ik lollMTMlllull 111' I, -I. I with lirant when tho l.iturwa -. mlnm Ills siiniuur lit lm liram li. IL a.'si .l tho Ki'lleral what hail Inn tl,,. r. .1 ' . -t illstros lie I11.1l Fii-!alni(l. mid llie ii ly was, "To Uidu'elvid l y thiw I iru-ii.l." It Is iiltoif. thrr 11 idiasaltt ehait. r that tho llfo of lo'iiiTiil iir.inl r. k.'IUh nttliU htIoiI, brlrf thoii.'li It Is mid although tlio imittiTln of tho storm are li.nhl out of that elear itky of eoniiiiituii iit. In Hie family i lrelo or when Hiirrniml. il ly 0I1I coniriiili's ho was by 110 imam tin' li re Hintslvi man ho lian Lei n taiiiitil. ilo was fno 11111I liiii n-ntirf In euiivi rsation, and, us C'hlliN r nilli it, t. ill.nl iin.ru than any slnitlo iiieuilur of tho e.iuiiany, but ho nihil il : "I.t t a mrniiKer 1 ntnr, an. I he woulil wiy nothing moro tluriinj the om n lntf. That was 0110 (ireiillarity of hi'." In thexo c.invi rsilluns li.mr.il (irant Boinetlines Went 1111 r the i'ii tilfi.1 mi iiis of thu past. lie was p'lirroiiH In hisi !! inatu of thu tmtn who hail fninrht lyhls side. Ills aituilratliiii of Mti riilaii was tin liiensiireil. Hit used In nay that " Little l'lill" was tho lireatest ll,;ht r ho 1 i r know, and that anothi r war would il.'vi 1. j ill him tho siiireme eomuiaiiiliT. Ills own reserved iiiitiire foutul in t!io tl:i-!iinj h iI dli r's nverllo.vlnx spirits, boii:ullis e nill doni'oiind honii'Ilint s eiiinli:.un i-oin or.-.i-t Ion n cnmjiiemeut to iisilf. l i.r r. as..ns of much tho samosurth had a jm-i: ivo alTectlon for Lit in ral John A. 1.ol;:ui. 1!o was proud of both of thrm nti.l h.i y In thoir society. His loyalty to his friends was 11 1 in.. Ono of Ills v.rlucllis was "Near disrrl 11 friend liiulor tiro." Whllo ll Is morn than likely that tho fiiumus "liuii" i!!il not I iar with them Into tho Clilrap' cnuvintlon any real wish of General lirant's that lin y bo successful, I10 took a soldlt r's tl !i(rht afterwnrd In their inattidllei lit ly f illiilul llK'it In bis Is half mid in vi r f H'itot ll. His pai'ialily for his nriny comrades had lnH ii shown whilo ho was pn sidi nt. "I like," lio said, "to iiioliit thei l.il drill of iirmy and navy ullioi rs lucmisu tluy havo no tdltlinl Inlhieiicu." lho euro bo e xercised over tlio orphans of it criins who liuil ill. d on tint Hold was ton tlmiod 111 private life. Siiiicliiuis it took tlio form ot (,'lftsmid sulwi riptloiiH rmlly beyond his means. An application from 11 solillor's widow was ono tiling ho found It hard to refuse. Tho blow that struck (Irant down came suddenly. It Is a saddening episode to re call, with Its cruel shock of Mirprlso and thu still moro cruel Imputations that for tho moment wero east upon tho old hero's Integrity, but when thedust that had been raised by tho crash of thu liaiiMn;' bouse of Grant & Ward had cleared thu lljiuro that it revealed was not that of a 111 n 11 who bud bartered his honor aud hud risked all and lost in a dcspi rato throw, lint of an old soldier dazed by tlio vl-lon of a part ner's unfaithfulness and stripped In a mo mont of bis worldly possessions, and yet with bis personal honesty shining out from thu ruin of his house's it. -tilt mid bis resolutu cnuragu to redeem bis ill fortune standing forth like a solitary lower In an earthquake luveled plain. Grant had entered Waif i-tn t because ho found bis Incomu insnllleinit for his family. Tho Knlun of IVrdiimnd Ward dazzled him us It had dazzled other men In tho street. Grunt thought hlnnilf a wealthy man. H was a matn rof prldo to him that ho should mversn lho ill omens of his llfo as a prlvatit citizen prior to tho war nod doiiiuiintn.lt' before tlio world that ho could succeed In bus'tnt-s 101 in war. That Morning in May of lssl 'nine v.hi 11 hu found that his house had failed f- r mil lions. Hesolutely he Fi t to work tonm t his obligations. Ho even pledged his med als and ids decorations. Then ho l.i 0-:in tho preparation of tint memoirs coverin,; a period of which he could say with us much truth as Cusar In ids "Do JMI 1 Galileo," "Allot which I saw and part of which I was." Tho later scenes of that rriiu cauipalgn aro swathed In tho mists that hang 1 vi r in tho valley of tho shadow. H was another battlo of tho Wilderness. And it ended in tho sunlight yonder on tint hilltop that Is called McGregor. Now York Mail ntul Express. Onloiu and Ithi-iiiimtUni. A largj Spanish 'iiilon stowed id nvly until tender In a weak stock quickly mado from hoof extract and hot water Im a most palatable and liuurisliins dl.-li, e-j ecially useful, according to p!i slelans, In eoun toracting the poison of rheiiniatlo (tout. It should bo well siasoncd with c.iyi line. Thu lato suppirof a chronic sntTorer from this samo rhoumatin rout, and which Is taken just beforo rutlrlng, cntisists of a perfectly roasted apple, without sunar, tint with thick cream and two laru slices of brown broad. Now York Post. Llclitultig HttTitiifo Arti.t. "Yes, Julia rejected him, and sho was afraid to open tho morning paper for f. ar sho would read an nccountof his suicide." "(Shu didn't find it, did she:-" "No. Tho first thing she saw was tho announcement of his engagement t i a prettier girl." Detroit Tree Press. Over 1,000 ships of all kinds and sizes pass up and down tho Kngllsh chaiiiii 1 ev ery 21 hours, and theru am scarcely over less than il'M near Land's Km!, 1 :.:tig or hearing up for the ehanin 1. Londoners spend about tl0,0o0,0o'i an nually fur umbrellas. JKiONS KiKST DUEL V I'riiclliMl .li.kr Wm the t um ol lha litlil. j At !M 1. nn, May, 1 s, ". ndr. w .I.i. k mi. l.-. , loiiio lata eoun nud r. dini I .1 j llivn-n as an attorney, with a d rtil cit J iillii icit'.ly utle-tcd of bis taking lho onihs nivs-.iry to said ollm', aud was iiilmlliid us an attorney In this county court." J.tik-oii had ria.lt. 'd h! majority two moiiihi U'furo this iU't'. Tl bad studied law at Sallsltury, N. C, iindi r Hfriu'it Me. l ay, who had for several years ttf.lt it 'If rotirts ut Joncstinroiigli lu tin capacity of lav.yir and judge and waswell iicipi.uniisl tvi:li tl.it country and peoplo. It Is alto I'tllur j rol.aliht that Jackson count to tho noun! country under thu aihicoof Mc Coy. iln lit il 1 1 in n. shortly afti r his ar rival In Joiie.liorotigh. wus retained iu his llr-t suit, w hielt 1 rovt d to K' tho oca-Ion I'f his llr-t duel aill. lllsopp im tit was lho oldi r and moro Icannd Walghsitll Avery. It mriua that l eloiii I Avery had Hie 1 1 tti r side of tho eatt-c. and that Jack Ion, fon teeing tltiat, tried to Iriak his fall I y a hit of plea-antry In the 1 1 rpeira lion of a practical joku on his opponent. Avi ry, as was the eustom in those days of circuit ridine;, eat tied 11 few hooks and his lirleN in a pair of atldleliags. Jackson knew that the authority rellnl upon l y Colonel Avery to niu the cam wai Hanoi's " A I Tlilgi'iin nis," and, know lug vv In re the lutokvtas ki t, he went to the saihlli hags mid txuaeted the book, siiI'Mimting 11 piece of I aeon of tlio sainn slia e. W hen in the ciiurso of Ills iirgunieiit Avery had 1KV.1-I011 tu appeal to Ids authority, ho took from h'.s saddlebags the paekngonuil unloldid 1: I etoro tho courl mid jury. His pn eediiit did not n jtly. SusiH-cting .lack nut of l'i Int. 1 lie guilty person, Avery turni d up. ti Mm mid gavo him a tongue la-iiiug. Jackson was much iiiigcred In turn 1111 1 wrote upon tho lly leaf of a law hook at dei'iand for a rotrnetion. '1 his was not f. .rtlii'oiulng, mid Jackson sent ti ls I hallengui At lit sT 1.', IM. Sin Wlii ti 11 mail's fi-elin utul character an' Injure I Ii-' oc.J.t to sc. U a spevdy nilre-w.. i.u leet ui il a ft w lutes from mo esterday mill uitiP til.t.illy uitii- rstaitd me. 1 i-hnrni" ti r von have injuri'l, nr.d, tarthir, you have iit-iulted me 01 tile pri--i lien t.f n court anil n hir'e 11 ti-li. 11 ''. 1 tin ti l..re call upon you its a f...'ltllell...ll to civo satl f:i.-tloll tor the sltltie, Ulld 1 luilher call ttpoll Volt to s'tvt lite Hit 101- iiier naiiii'Oiati ly vvitlto.it eiuiviN-niioii, ntul 1 II .e J.,11 eatl il.i Willi, tit illlllli r until tile bu-ttti -s i. ilotte, t..r it 1. el.lllstent w ith the rhara.-ter I'f it e-111 ti icati when ho injures n 111:01 to iiialrii s;-e. .ly ii-i .oarti.ti. Tlierefon 1 hope y.'ii will it"t (nil 111 iit. eiutK 1110 this day. l rotti vr t'l't si, Amuilw Jachshn- I T'lt'ol. Avi ry. 1'. S. Tliis i ii niu,' lifter court adjourned. Avery iieei pUtl tint eliallenge, and tho duel was fought at dusk of Aug. 1-, liSS, In a ravine near thu coiirthouso in Join s lioroil;;h. After lho exchalign of a few shots Jafksi n iln laretl blnisclf satisllcd, midllieuntaoiilislelt the Held, toln'Oomo mid remain Una im mis. Memphis Com-lilercliil-Aj pt a I. WOMAN QUESTION IN SAMOA. Tint Mttlil of lint VilluuK 111 Ilia Lottu K1111I of tho I'ucllle. The "taupu" is always a young and good looking girl, generally tho daughter or adopted daughter of the chief. Mho Is chosen us "luaitl of thu village anil main taitti d hy I'ltutrlliuli.ilis levied from all thu Inhalillaiits, who snpply her with fisul, clothing (the latter not a heavy or cxpen sivo item) and a large, well built house, In which slit) Is c.vp.eti.l to dispense bos pit.ility to all linportaiit visitors. Three or four attendants aro always with her, whiAc duty it Is nut only to serve her, but to kit p a watchful eye upon I11T and fni that shu in ver strays from the path of propriety, she being destined oven tuallv to Weil soiiiu great chief. On tho ceremony taking l laeo lho vlllagu to Which tho bridegroom belongs must inako nn tillering of valuable units, largo iuau titles of food and various kinds of property to tho vlllagu of which fIiu Is tho maid, so that, apart from nny considerations of abstract morality, sho Is looked upon as a valimltlo asset and Isgiiardidiiccurdlngly. Should she, however, yield to thu fascina tions of sumo handsome young iiianula (dandy), bur hair is cropped short, sho is stripped of her filinplo llnery and degraded to tho post of attendant on tho more pru dent virgin who may bo chosen as her suc cessor. On tint other hand, tho young "blood" plumes himself on his coiitpicst, and tho moro adventures of tho kind ho oan boast of the moro highly ho is consid ered. Thus, thuugh tho less culpahlu of tho two, tho woman has to niuku all tho sacrllleo and bear all tho punishment, so that in this matter at least the savagu Is quite In touch with tho humane sentiments of civilization. John Harrison Wagner In Harper's Magazine. Musio In Our I'ubllo Sjclioula. An eminent choir leader, In talking of church muslii tho other day, remarked that If muslii wero Intelligently taught In our public schools there would bo less bungling among singers and less vnliiablu time wasted when tlio inortt advanced lessons becanii) necessary. "Theru is little use," lio continued, "in any singer wasting his or her tlmo In expensive Instruction whilo theru Is any Haw In thu rending or rudi ments. A career based oil such lines Is mi tip bill undertaking from tho start, lie foro tho ambitious singer attempts any thing In tho musical lino thorn should bo considerable prolloloncy In reading and familiarity with nil of tho preliminary work, und this may bo learned of any singing master in a ruasonablu tliu and at a small cost." All public sellouts should touch tho elu incuts of musio and that with thorough ness, ll should boas much a matter of course for thu pupil to know his or In r notes and to be expert In scales ami chords us to know tho lei tors of the alphabet mid how to spell "baker." Hueh knowledge would In duo cour.-cof time L ad the pupil wliu hud great natural gifts for musio to tho study most congenial, and would sim plify after study mid miiko a future much Hearer than If It 'wcru necessary to wndo through ad ot Um primary parts und vvurry over Intervals and accidentals until thu heart and soul went weary and thu courage almost gone. New York ledger. Mrs. Jtorir'n l-ojioveri. Heat 2 eggs, without separating, until thoroughly mixtd. Add a utip of milk. 1'iit u cup of Hour into another IkivvI. Add to It gradually thu e.-gs and milk. Heat until smooth. Strain through mi ordinary gravy strainer. 1'ut ! "";u '"to greased hot gem pans and baku In a moderately quick oven for i- minutes. If theso aro properly inadu and properly baked, they should swell six limn He ir original bulk, lintl may Ia' us. d for l.nakfast or luncheon rrsvm d with a liquid pudding sauce as a ,i f. ., rt. Wit wheat Hour, if sifted three tun. .-, may bu Fiih.-tiiuicd for vrt-ltu Hour. t. ,...01 nam IiiKi.ro bettor results than tho-umudouf llghlir metals. Mrs. H. T Uorer in Ladles' Homo Journal. A KK.W'S KOU LSIO.N. Volets Will Not ha Misled by Appeals' lo Old I'mly 1'ieJ nlici s. L'nlou J III I'll! ,'ltSS-l'llioll in ' State. Tho Junction Titiicn t'tiys to ridicule a union of free silver forces. The e litor Im 1 a suit snap (r two nr"ind t!to lci.'.iiture ami does not wt Ijiiine tiu j ro'jabilily of liiv inj; his ftiUire cli.iiices in that di rection nipped ii ilm hud. The peoplo are not listening to petty hunger on lor political crumbs. They are determined to take the govorntrent of this c.iuntry out of he hands of Wall street ami the gold spe.nl ning patriots who deal in polities frmi a lin.incial sUnd- p lint. The only way this stutetvin as sist in tlie reform is to elee'. two silvci eongresstEen, and u senator o will neutraliz tlio volt) of Si-naiur MeUride. Just think of it! S, tiainr M 'Uride voting to retire greenbacks by borrowing more gold with which to pay fur them. The speculator aro hungry for more boiuls und that is their only chunce to secun them. Tho Times iiiuy not have- noticed that the Demo.'r.itie, I'opulit and Silver Kcpu'dtvaii sen atois stood shoulder to tdiouldcr and voted ng iinst aotl i ll'ijclually killed that mops'.ron gold bug proposition. With the representa tives of lho three parties yoting to gether at tho national capitol he would awaken petty prejudice out hero in Oregon to defeat reinforce ment of tho faithful representatives in both br.uich'ja of congress. Tho silver men are not so blind a not to Hue the trap that is set lor them. H is b. tite I w ith old worn out party names and prejudices. Thero is union in congress; why not union in statu? Notice to Ituildlne Contractors. The lt iaru of County Commissioners of Lane county, Oregon will receive bids at tlie olllco of the county clerk, and ut the olllco of IVIos D Nccr, Arch itect, 13.11 1st St, Poitlaud, Oregon, until Feb lilst, lS!y, ut 12 o'clock noou of said day, for tho furnishing ol all materials and labor tiecv-bary to build and complete a court house lo accoidauco with plans, details and spctlllcaiioiis drawn for tho suld Lnno couttty ut Kucuo, Oregon, ull of which can be s -eii ut tho architect's office and ut the olllco of the county clerk of said county. A ccrlillcd check drawn upou and indorsed by any wi ll known bunk ud mado payable to tho order of 10 O I'otter, couutyjudgu of said county, In the sum of 5 per cent of bid, must ac company each bid, us a guarantee that thu successful bidder will enter into contra :t with said county with good und sulllcicnt bond lu the sum of the full amount ot contract price named in suid proposal, within ten days after the opening of said bids. No bid will bo considered unless uccoinpunhd by said check. As an cvldonco of good faith, con tractors will deposit with county clerk or urclulcct, at tho time of taking plans from cither oftlce, f Zi.W to be forfeited to said Lane county In caio of failure on the part of such contractor to put in a bid kus required by this notice. Tlio Hoard of County Commissioners reserve unto themselves the right to n jeet any und all bids as they may deem best for the Interest of suld Lane county. By order of the liourd, A. C. Jennings, County Clerk. Maiuuaok IjIcknhks. The follow ing marrluge licenses have been Issued by the county clerk tlnce our lust re port: Pleasant L Tucker, 33 years, and Mary H Millego, 22 years; Francis Corwiu CoIImau and Alice F Mono lurg; William T lierry, 1!S years, aud Miss Lot tin May itostwick, 21 years; Itobeit F Fleemau 1!) ears, and Miss Hcrtha U Van Dnrn, 18 years. Con sent of mother of the youtif? lady was filed with the clerk. This is a young couple and both reside In Kugcne. KvANOf.i.iziNO. Halcm Heutluel: "KvaiiKclisls I'otter und Miller come to Salem next week and will conduct a revival service fxtending over many days. At Eugene they secured about 110 converts, and ut other Oregon I towns they were quite equally success- ful." These gentlemen did not hold meetings In Kugcne' The Keutincl is always publishing mysterious Items. I Cottage (irove Messenger: I'rof Hoi brrok, theielebratcdhu.btig,dppurted , for new pastures Sunday. Itanium's ' saying was worthily ll'ustrated at this ! place: He's a slick one. j I t'KKN AT HOMK. "Kcpudlates Ills Own I'aitb." "Fn dt avors in Destroy HU Own I'arty." As a letter from W S U'Uen, un til lit.'ly chairman of the Clacka mas county l'eoples central com mittee, has been given wide cir:u latioii through the Oregonian we publish the other side showing the position U'Ken stands in at his own home as voiced by tho l'eoples party paper of that county, the Oregon City Herald: "In tins issue wo publish the res iguation of Chairman U'Ken with a very long and 'crushing' argument to sustain his position, and through which he evidently expects to swing tin committee into lino and hive his resignation declined, and his domiuecring leadership en dorsed. His resignation s'.ould be promptly a vepted hy the commit tee. "Mr l"Kcn has not been usked to run n fusion campaign. lie ia simply asked to abido by the prin ciple of direct legislation for which he has dono such valiant service in the past. No populist has a right to say what tho result of the vote will bo and, certainly, every popu list should use his inlluence in every honorable ay until the vote is taken to bring about the result he believes best, but bulldozing and domineering and chicanery are methods which illy will become a populist. There is to be neither a fusion nor an anti-fuiion cam paign until this qusstion has been lecided by tho voters themselves. "U'Uen's codicil to his resigna tion is devoted to the MitchoII- Pennoyer faction and tho Simon- Corbelt faction in the republican party, Ilo is very familiar and deeply interested in this 'factional light but, in our humble judgment, hud ho aud Mr Young beeu less fimiliar with Mr Simon and taken less interest in the fight within the republican party's ranks and de voted more time io tho upbuilding of tho people's party and its prin ci plea tho populists at least would have been better oil today. " There are two sides ot this ques tion of fusiou. While a portion of Mr U'Ucn's argument against it is true, yet much he says is mislead ing aud wholly insupportable That lho republican party is divid ed hopelessly dividod ia Oregon we grant. Hut what is ol more importance to u is the fact that populi-tts are also divided. To as sist ono taction of the g. o. p. in liiU state in its ellorts to down the other is not our business but how to everlastingly bury "'lh of thorn out ol siiht ought to be our 'para mount issue' just now. How are we going to do it; by pulling apart or by pulling together? "Our state committee in its wis dom solved tho problem, if it is possible to do so. 'We are evident jy divided upon the question of "union or no union," said the com mitteo. 'All together we can win, divided we shall fail, Lot us refer this wholo matter to the boys in the trenches who must do the vot ing and then abido by their de cision. If they say 'middle of the road let every man of us fall in line. But Mr U'llen fears the re sult of direct legislation and pro ceeds to bolt his party and repudi ate liis 'one-plank platform' for fear tbe people haven't sense onough to govern themselves. He is per fectly willing to lead his psople but not willing to follow. He has builded a machino on which he is now preparing to break hii own nock, or else ho is insincere in the unfortunate position he has taken. In either case ho can be spared as chairman of tho people's party in Clackamas county. "It is with the deepest regrot we fed compelled to speak thus plainly of a man we have always esteemed so highly and have fought for so faithfully, but, forbearanco has ceased to bo a virtue. A man who will repudiato his own faith and ondeavor to destroy his own party, invites the suspicion ami compels tho resentment of his heretofore most faithful friend." t'RK.N ALMOST A LOSE. Silver Republican, Populist and Democratic representatives in con greis stand shoulder to shoulder against the gold standard forces. At.d with this object leBSjn plainly in view, U'Ren cf Clackamas almost alone of the po;iulist state central committoe, stands for dividod action with con ge Unt triumph of the gold stand ard cause. U'Ren is made the subject of Borne very uncomplimentary re marks through his association with the ring element ot the republican party. fUUHIOU. Q o (0 O O