0 o o O CULTURAL NEWS a PERTAINING TO THE FARM AND HOME. F.rmetHliould Be Merciful to Ilia '..ea-Arl.e.lc Driveway for the " . Home-Treatment of Over frjCo.-ArUu!turl Note., -..rlllre to the Horse. r..u ever line Hio whlii when not . ..i.,t..lv neeeMMiri '.....r' horse lirlBlit-i'yul and happy, li lil '' ,,ud ,,u ,,l'art lll'"vy Hh the liil-erle of overlowlliiK. fiiHt divine or voiir Heverllle mill negleclH? ik. rou rii'Miieiitry rent him. ami fa- .., When tho roiid I oft, or the "A heavy, or the jrriuli' upward? il. von illattv him with a ihe ln( cr,iel ntrniil, or olwtrut-t hi l.'ht -nhblliKli-r. "r oxpoKC him to torment llu ...... i.i. - i t lllf hy Orreillll lim lilil l iiinin-i '.. ii Hhi hi It'K" III the fair or ..i.r la rank cruelty)? rurou nroteet him a ttiueh a pus from htornm, cold wliiil. severe leather, and from hot Hummer mm? im vou careful to have him recti urlr fed, fri'iiieutly watered, to ki-ep hi, itahle bright nud clean, light una wboleo"i. and hi bed Tree rroiu coli, .,i,-v. and other dUeomforts? Ikrou freiplently oil the nxle. lent thpT NTonie dry anil grainy nitron!, hi. toll- and often chimge hi shoe lent mId nd lameiieHS rehiiur tw he retard you as hi kind am M .l4 Vlorflttf frli'iiil or hi dread IH -iu lister? ju realize that lie lias no voice , his distress and uiiwt rely on to protect him from misery? Are ,i rnrhearliiB. kind and patient with rim? po you study his comfort, am (rent him as you would wisn, were you In bis place? m vou uot a cruel man If you do not? "Blessed arc the merciful." llu mane Journal. ( ' The Form Dnvewar. A "liee line" I a practical farmer' Uneof beauty. lie very properly want bl ft-Bce. httlifeg, cornfleld and or chard rows a straight a they eau be drawn, but nature does not adorn her bndsonpes lu that way. In ornamen Ul planting. Irregular wavy lines, or a iuvsslon of croups, are much more artistic and attractive. The entrance drive or "lane," as It I usually called, 1 nn Important feature In the surroundings of a country borne. The success of lnudsenpe effects de pend largely upon the judicious locn Hon anil arrangement. While the short rut llu? Is the most practical course for truvel between two points, art! tlcally considered a long, narrow, straight Hue, fenced on both sides, tin adorned by trees. Is something to lie avoided If possible. If the driveway mint be straight, let It tie through an open field or fenced on one side only, and lined with trees, or If enclosed by two fences let them be fifty feet apart, with a row of trees on each side. It may then answer for the family or chard of all kinds of fruits and nut trees, or If planted with maples, beech or oaks, will eventually form a mag nificent avenue. The Orange Couuty Farmer. Overfed Cow. "When It U kuown that a cow lin eateu largely of meal or of grain of any kind," Ur. Suiend says, "one of the best remedies Is a few quarts of water, not, perhaps, over a gallon at any one time; In half an hour lot her have nu otlier gallon, nud continue every hour until her thirst Is quenched. The first time the water Is given stir Into It a neaping teaswonful of ginger ami a tablespoon of good elder vinegar, and ailil the ginger and vlncgnr every see ond time the cow Is given drink. With tnis treatment many a cow would 1h well In forty-eight hours that would have died had the water been entirely withheld. If there Is bloating, use warm water Injections every hour, nud ii it is uot reduced In six hours irlve a pound of Kpsom euilts. and continue the Injections, also the ginger, until the cow is well ou the way to recovery. 1 as a simple, rat oiuil farm er's remedy; the veterinarian might presenile a better one. but the treat ment recommended will save a lnrge c.-. win. wnen tne veterinarian can not ue imil.-'-Mussachusotts Plough num. ... . Cur of Orofta. e believe In cutting grafts some eeks before tjiey are to be used, us ths secures tlfe.n when they have not - "un.'sap ns they are lu early "I'ring. The graft should be kept In ''ml very slightly moistened. Iu this "Vut surface will not dry up, but ralier a sap will exude from It that ,77 wl 1'clp It to unite with the I" which It Is placed If the Pts are rut early, and thus preserv- '".condition. It Is rather better.to 1e- 'grafting until the buds on the limbs rl i ay ,0 llls,rt tl,e Krnft nre J"t JfMy to burst into leaf.-Anierlenn Cultivator. Feparatlnar Sheep. "hen cold weather comes the weak- th its among the sheep should be put by nemselves and given extra feed to fat- Ut, , for ,he b"tcl'er If iosslble. lick. na w,th 0 large fl0,'k n" tue m on the stronger and fatter sheep thin i n 1hose ,ll0t nre l001" 1,11,1 a- In cold weather the sheep hud- ,M. e,.lu'r for warmth. It will prob- th7 , Ulul ,llat most of ,lie tleks of of m have Mvl on two or three t' ,'poorpt sheep. If these are nt- atZ . .,0 at once nwl th ricks are de ,,Pord the i. t. -j. . ""l' iimj ue Biiteu. ii wiehi . by wash,S the sheep thor teiiui Wa,tr ln whlch rtl'cco Km. e lM'pn "oaked. making a tu solution. Then dry the sheep nader shelter j UjUt. nun mu Millie yicnnr the h ,taIow or lard wl" Jo-'iro1""! U2 ne'k nnl shoulders. The to "PCO wm tbei 8 ' , e lR'KS 01 nt m f'P' W blle tbe sreas will prevent 1 more from coming on It again, c t.. . R' After Torn! Da. TIteL nn! .. ' . If, " iiiey couTiDiie to grow han trost. there Is not much tnem no a la,or cr(vp ani nd a Cour,,e nnliB can be grown Vim . tUre anle season after tur w are off. But winter rvo will txmr Best n late If the land Is only own ,0UKn- We ,u,Te knowD to w !,e ' Noveml)er a nd barely above the surface the same year. " frew a uttJe more durliyr the p January thaw, and the next year madt goo.1 a cr)Ili ,, tt w(r)y nWo nt xye sown two mouths earlier, which nmde a growth that covered tho ground In the fall. In each case all the spring Kiowth had to be made from the root. Where that N established the richness of the kl htm more to do In waking full sown grain ripen early than doc It growth the preceding fall. Kx. fk'lvt'tliiK Itlrtta to Show. A the business poultry keeper Is doiibthys turning his atteutlim toward the coming poultry shows, a few words about helwtlug birds for exhibition may be lu order. rirt. pick out fowls that matured their feather (luring cool weati.er, a they have more luster to plumage than thoce that matured ear lier. Second. Meet the Ihm of your flock and put them by themselves. Put cut straw on the lloor and scatter their grain in this and make tliem scratch for It. Of the heavy breeds, pick out thiwe-llmt are uniform lu weight and pick out one-third more fowls than you Intend to exhibit, so you can allow for the defects that will almost surely come to light. Have your show coops handy and put the birds In them occa sionally so ns to get them used to the coops and handllng.-I'ouliry Monthly. K era 1 tin Cider Rweet. The usual plan Is to heat the cider over a slow Are to 170 degrees and hold It at that temperature for twenty min utes to kill the genu that would start fvrmeiitatlon. It I then put hot Into Iwttles, Jugs or clean kegs nnd corked tight nud the cork wired down. He careful not to let the cider ImjII. as It will greatly Injure the flavor. Another recipe reads a follows: Strain your elder Into the Imrrel and allow It to stand until femientallon gltiH, nnd then draw It off, rinse the bnrrel nnd strain the cider back again. Now take three-fourths of an ounce each of oil of sasKnfras and oil of wln tergrcen, put It In a pint of alcohol and shake thoroughly and stir It well through the elder. It I said the only trouble In keeping thl Is that It Is too good to keep, and Is soon consumed. Whatever method Is employed, the straining or filtering plays nn liiqiort ant part. Portland Transcript. Clover !lft in fchtirt Rotation. Clover Is nt Its best ns a fertilizer when It has produced Its second crop. Thl Is when It has grown two full seasons. If kept beyond this lime either weeds or grasses come In, ik cording as the soil Is licst seeded with these. Whoever keeps a field In clover longer than two years lessen the crop that can be grown after It. On the other hand, a clover ley will rot down the first season after It Is plowed, so that It may be sowu with clover seed the following spring. An old sod made up from any of the grasses needs to be cultivated two years before It Is ready to reseed. Hence the smaller amount of fertility It furnishes Is more thor oughly exhausted by three crops on It Instead of two, ns clover allows before the land Is nguln being reseeded. Stone Sled a for Winter Work. The ordinary stone boat has uot tilt enough In front to pass through or over snow so that It cannot readily be used In winter. In (dace of It many farm ers have devised what they call a snow sled, taking for the runners some stout pieces of Jiurd wood, If possllde with a natural bend ln them, and sufficient ly lnrge to fasten supitortu Into, which will make a platform 12 to 18 Inches high. Such slods are very convenient for huullug heavy weights upon, us they are easily loaded. On many farms such sleds are used In preference to stone boats, even during the season when no snow Is on the ground. They draw more easily over the bare ground than does the stone boat, and will us unlly last fully as long. The ICurly I.amb. February and March lambs are the bust for eurlv market. If It should be cold weather for them a warm shelter inns be ready. In order to secure n good supply of milk tho dam should have llU'i-al grain rations. It Is very Important to push the growth of the young Uimbs, and It will pay to feed them with Kiirplus cow's nrllk ns soon ns they can 1h taught to drink. (.1 round oats, wheat, rye ami bran utaken good grain food. If a laxative le needed feed them a little llniseed meal. They should lie weaned gradually nud fed Increasing rations of grain, (live them grass pasture ns soon ns possible. Massachusetts Ploughman. New Wot of Securing let- Must people have well water uenr the house and can cuslly hove Ice made In the following manner, according to correspondent In American Agricul turist: On a very cold day pump up some water unit lei u siuim uiuu it commences to freeze, then take a pail ful and wet the bottom and sides of Icehouse thoroughly. A coating of Ice will soon form. Hy repeating this a w times n water tight tank will le formed, Into which wnter may be pour ed, nnd It will freeze solid In a short while. At night several barrels of wa ter can be poured ln and will be 'found one solid block iu the morning. It will be quite a surprise to see what a large quantity of Ice can be made ln this way by a person on a very cold day. Poultry Points. Low roosts are w hat you want. Young ducks will bent broilers. If you have poor, sandy land,- pat poultry on It. The poultry business Is very far from overdone. There Is nn Increasing demand for pure-bred fowls. Have a good, strong mnle bird and one not akin to tbe hens. A double walled house, the simics filled with chaff or straw, make a warm egg-producing place In winter. Make your fowls comfortable ln win ter if you want eggs all the time. Try ing to keep poultry without conveni ences Is certnln Iocs. Many farmers who have kept chick .. . , i ... . i, cik au me r liven nrai 10 biuuj mc business almost from the beglunlng.to make n success, for they have p'd no attention to It. llegln to give fresh meat and cut botcher's. Joncs to the laying new, lr you waul W&? of egg. At ffi.V sea son, when egg begin to appreciate ln value, It will pay to take a little extra pains to keep the hens at work. A maen a bjsh is the pink of pro- o GOLD BY THk TON. Thar. ii,. w.y lh,r Kptmk of J b Kaw.oo lljr, In a personal letter, received in Port, land from Willi,,,,, J. j0IIMi cotm resKiii.rnt in Duwniu fur, he faTH, among other things; 'The stones of the grent yield of gold published in the United State have not been enumerated in the least. The mind is unnlde to grasp the real situation, and f.prviute the sights that are so common hero to every-ilay life. In Dawson City today, ready for ship, nient, are between four and five tout of gold. Can you reulize that sunli a thing is possible, or at all probable? Just consider, too, that all that ia aiHiiit one-third of the year' output. Men handle gold ns you would a plug of tobacco. At the saloon bar, the stores, restaurant or other place o( business, tho mines throw up their sacks, and casually turn their backs, never stopping to see if they are ac corded irnxT weight. Would yon think of hail. ling your pnrae over to a Portland Innkeeper and allowing him to take out the change? "In many of the cabin along the gulches where I have visited I have seen shelve loaded down with nil kind of can filled with gold, lu one cabin on Kldora lo creek there are live coal-oil can full of the yellow metal, weighing nearly 1,200 pound. "The Canadians are exercising the law leniently, and to the satisfaction of the Americans, and generally speak ing, tho camp is orderly and very quiet, considering the vast amount of money in circulation, and the number of hard charncteri in the country." Hoiiift Notrt on Alaska There are two telephone lines be- tween Dyea and Limlemann. T. 11. Needhain has just started the Stickecn Kiver Journal at Fort Wrnn gel. The weather is so moderate at Ju neau that the people aro uot wearing overcoats. It ia eslimnted that tho carrying ca pacity of Portland nnd Puget siund steamers foots up 10,000 passengers per month. The luutlicr famine continues at Dyea and Skagway, and prices rule f 3 to till. The dealers promise a supply in a few days. Good weather for build ing continues. Colonel E. O. Lamphero and M. P. Gilbert, of Chicago, cnptialists, have purchased of a gang of Greek miner seven gold quartz claims in .Southeastern Alaska for f U'0,000. A large force of men and teams are getting out and delivering piles for the Nowell wharf at Dyea. This wharf will probably be the first of the three wharves under construction to be com pleted. An ordinary shack if there were lumber to build it with in Skagway will rent for $50 to f H0 a month. A squatter' right on a lot not far ':o-s the central district brought an offer of 700 to a t'ortlandcr. It was refuel. Archio Sheep nud W. Stewart, of Dawson, presented to the famous "Slim" llirch ns a testimonial of r' gard a nugget two inches iu diametea It is worth Slim's convict num ber iu Sail (jiientin will be engraved on it and it will adorn his neck. J. M. Fowler's townsite scheme -tit Lake Linderiiiaun, by which he hoped to plat out all the aavilable land and tux everybody f'i who put a tent on it, has been knocked in the head by the Canadian government, which has re served this particular land for the use of the public to put up tents and store thcii goods thcro without charge. J. Kav, of San Francisco, who took cargo of lumber to Skagway on tho Novo, says so great is the demand for lumber that tiiey can hardly wait until it is unloaded. Mr. Kay says that but small per cent of tho hundreds of people arriving at Dyea and Skagway, intent on pushing on to Dawson, have any conception of tho difficulties be fore them. He predicts that conges tion on the trails will be greater than last season. A com pan v, of which J. J. McKay, the Yukon freighter and the man who made the quickest trip ever made from Dawson to Dyea during tho winter, is the head, has been organized atTacoina to run an express between thatoity and Dawson. The company will oiieruto steamers on the lakes, and from tho Whito Horse rapid to Dawson, using dog and horse trains in packing from Dvca. It is estimated that the trip from Taeoma to Dawson will bo made in 18 days in tho summer and 25 days iu the winter. The company will at tempt to secure mail contracts. At present mail is scattered all along tho trail, and McKay asserts that he is the only man who ever succeeded In de livering mail on the Yukon during tho winter. Colleotor of Customs J. W. Ivey is receiving a good deal of praite for his vigorous policy in enforcing the laws rearm Una the liquor tralnc as long as the laws are in effect they will be enforced. His vigilance in adzing contraband stuff is attracting general attention. The liquor men are growl ing because be shipped away 20 tons of the fltuff on the Elder. The new ad ministration is making warm times in the North, and, as a natural result, the collector is cordially disliked by the Juneau smuggling ring. About every party of miners now fit ting out for Alaska take along a net or seine, which is set at night in some eddy through n hole in the ice, and sel dom fails to catch fish enough for break- fust. After the ice is gone, there is no trouble in catching flah in any stream flowing into the Yukon. A report lias readied Portland that ono Sullivan for merly a fisherman at Yaquina, who went to Alaska last spring, engaged in the fishing business at Dawson, and, with the limited plant at his command, ma le 17,000 last Biiminer. Ho started to come out to procure a supply of Cab ins uear. and was found beside the trail with hi throat cuterfrom car to ar. Klrh Flint in the llohrmla IHalrlrt. A miner came in from the Bohemia district Tuesday, bringing some of tbo richest sample of ore ever discovered in that or any other district in Oregon. He tunnelled 7Q feet and strucloa ledkje 10 feet wide, a one-foot streak of wOich show free gold that assay fllO.OOO to the ton. The, remaining ine feet contain Iree-mn Jng ore wwi aaaya 500 to the ton. The Tsuivjph of Science, CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED IN ANY CLIMATE. i yr A scene in The Sloeum Lalwmitory, New York: The Discoverer demonstrating to Medical Men and Student the Value and Wonderful Cmative Power of bis New Discoveries. NOTK. All readers of this paper can have Three Free llotllcs of tbo Doctor' New Discoveries, with complete direction, bv sending their full address to Dr. SIikmiiii's LuUiratory, UH Pino street, Now York City. The oldest specimen of pure glass bearing a date, is the head of a lion iu a collection at the Itritish museum. It hear the name of an Kgyptian king of the 1 1th ilynastv. 111. CK AMI It I. IK. lllai k and blue ciilors nn not suhjii t to fnsliKniN this M-a-'in nor in any m'iimiii. They hold their u n and ill not wash out. They are preiiv solid culm, and but fur the misery of wearing them, Inilil become fashionable. Sump men take pride in wear inv tliem ns tnkciis of their prot'c ssiiin, us soldiers do their stars, lint bruises, black or blue, or Kith, oii:lit to have immediate attention, lor iimleriliein muv Ih- a nerve hurt or a muscle badly w rem lied. A black mid blue bruise is a bail thing, not only from its tender "orem s but the contused blood is prexeiitioii oi regular circulation. While sine spot like these will not wash out, there is omri liini; that will rub them out in no liui ', mid that is SI. Jacobs till. It is pis iiliurly adapted totheinpiick curt' A m-ii mi ul can Ih' won only by bard knot ks. lib sears mid bruises) but utter the Isnll is over, if any remain. Ibis one cure is I he best. Hruises come from con tusion in all uvih alum, nud it is well to remember ut nil times just w hat w ill cure thi-in the best. Detectives detailed to look after pro fessional shoplifters, always look to see if their susjiccta are wearing gloves. A professional, it i declared, never woik with gloves on. NKW ('HAZY SECT IN CONNKCTH I T, A lol nt fanatics In tin- state recently Im mersed an old rheumatic i:imn IsMliiy In tot- water to "heal her" as tin y said. She nearlv died In eonne.pieiice. How much belter It would have been lo have treated Hie poor old woman for her Inllrinity with llimtetter's Stomach Killers, which tint only cures rheuma tism, Inn prevents kliluey complaint and rem edies dyspe,ls. em i, iiiatlon, liver trouble and nervous protriition. (,lve it systematic ir al. Ill order to raise church funds, a Georgia minister charged admission to an entertainment where the contestant engaged in a ginger cake eating com petition. Portsmouth, N. II., high school girls advertised an approaching school benefit by appearing on tho streets ns "saudwich mn," with placards hung about their necks. The stomach of a dead man was re cently introduced in the probate court in Milwaukee, Wis., to 'show that the possessor was of unsound mind when he made his will. GIRLS IN STORES, offices, or factories, are peculiarly liable to female diseases, especially those who aro constantly on their feet. Often they ero unable to perform their duties, their sufTeritifr Is ho intense. When tho Urst symptoms present themselves, such as backache, ptiina in groins, head ache, dizzi ness, swelled feet, blues, etc., they should at once write Mrs. rinlihnm at Lynn, Mass., btuting symptoms. She will tell them exnetly w hat to do. Ghacb It. Ktansiicrv, Pratt, Kansas, says: " I suffered from Intense pains in the womb sndovuries. and thebachnche was dreadful. I had lcucorrhota In it? worst form. Thus I dragged along. At last I wrote to Mrs. Pinkhara for advice. Jler nswer came promptly. 1 read carefully her letter, and con cluded to try Lydla K. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. After taking two bottles I felt much better ; but after Using six bottle I was cured." Money... j ...For Youl If jou plant our new Vlneleae Hiinrh v,n I'i,iii,m and (et on tho market C wrekt In lore your lii'iifhhor. Karlleal, 4 l.arceal. Hwerleal anil Moal I'm- a K'r i I Beta diiclia known. l'"Mald SOcta ooniiil l,v exnress, lint nre,, aid, I Be Send lis ts, for latse t-atalosue of M wed nnvelliea lib le-uiiioiiials Iruin all over the I nloll, ami lare sia-tlns pai kage of our new hoini jresn I oite alileh cat- only ct a pmiid lo raie and lo crop- t a year in the aolitli. Sperlal prlrea to Aaenta who make J2 TO SB A DAY felling lllis aonderfill seed. Addresa, THE WEIIER NOVELTT IEED CO, X BUCMIitK, mu. o AaititTAiiS. rr Srrup. Taaiva 0smL Ufa Pt Tiiifjr.urf ((25.) IT W BM ( uugh In tigs ii 1 1 i-r ii nm AN OPCN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We nre a.srrtinv In the court ourriitM to the c.clii.ive u.r uf t lie w.ml C As I'oKl A." and " l'UUIKK nLAM'UKlA," a uui iimlc Maik. I. Dr. Smmirl I'ilchrr, ol llyatinta. Mnawchusctts, .islliroti;iii.it.irof " ri lYIIIIK SCASrnKlA," the Mine that h.tlkirtie ami does now bear the Gu-iimlr.1;tuilmi:otCIIAS. It. l-'I.liTCIIllK on tiny w rpcr. TliiaU llie ui Itfiiial " l'lTCMt:K H C.Wt'OKlA" which h.i. Iiern ul In the hxnica Of Ihc mot licr of Amciira for over Ihitly vrnn. Look Caichilly nt the wm'ier ami m that it Is tht kiHti yo Aiii uhi'dvi Aim A, and hat the tipiolure of C1IAH. II. H'l.i: l'Clll:R on the wrangler. No one haa aulhutity from me to use my name rtcrpt The Centaur Coiiiuniy of which Chna. II. Fletcher ia rrcslilrtil. ,1Uf.A S, ;.y;. 6AM I UL, riTCHlik, M O. (lermany has f:l0,000,000 in gold coin packed away iu 1,000 iron chests in tho fortres of Spaiulnoti. This is intended for use a an emergency fund in case of war. Stt or Ohio. I'lrror Toi.tim,i l.ii As CorsTV. ( " t rank J CiiKSKY makes oath that lie la the senior partner ol the linn ol K. J. Ou:nky A Co., ilolllS bUkluesa III the t'ilv id Toleilo, Couuly snl slate aorcoaul, an 1 that tbe saiii linn a ill pay the sum ol tiNK III NIHtKli luil.l.AKS lor encli and every ca-e ol I'atakhii that cannot lie cured hy the use of Hall's i'ataiikii cert UtANK J t llKNEV. Sworn to before me and subserlls'd in mv presence, this dill day ol lieeenihcr, A I. IKsti. , A. V. lil.KAStiN. jsKU.! Notary I'ubllo. Hall's ( aiarrh Cure la taken Internally, anil acts directly on Ihe ldHs and nitieont surfaces til the system. Heml for ti-llnionialR, free. K. J. HfcShY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by ilrtutKM. 7. Itali a Kaunly I'llls are tbe best. A sweet potato, 23 inches in circum ference and nine Indies in length has been raised by John (Irahani, of Alii lent, Kan. A Her helda aw Imlleil liy all ol hers, setitl natnmt fr particulars of Klmt Holvutoii'a Treasure, the li.NI.v renewer of nuiiily aircuKlti. MASiiN I II KM II A I. 1 11., I', o. IU, I TIT, I'lnlailrlplila, I'a. A new German paper strainer con sists of an endless chain of bars passed automatically and continuously through a receptacle. IIOMK I'ltOKI ITS A N Is I'l'ltK rOOII. All Kasiern Syrup, so-called, naually very IlKht colored ami ol heavy body, ia made from ulucoae. "Tin Unnlrn ift-tpj" is made from Mivar Cane and Ii itrlelly pure. It II for sale hv tlrsi-elass eriM'ers, in cans only. Manufac tured by the i'Al IHC Coast SYHI'PCO. All irell uuie "Tra tinnlnt Iimm" have the manufac turer'! name llthoiirapiied on every can. For lung and ehet diseases, I'isn's Cure is the besl medicine we have used, Mrs. J. I.. Nortbcolt, Windsor, Out., Canada. ITEMS OF INTEREST A mechanical device recently pat ented pastes paper labels on 100,000 tins in ten hours. A rabbit with two well developed horns was recently shot in the field of Chase county, Kansas. Infant schools began in New Lanark, Scotland, in 1815, in 181K. EnKland not till A local South Khoro train came into collision with a Orand Trunk local at St. Lambert. Canada, and August llourbon and James Coudry were killed. Four huntlred years ago onjy Kuw aeven metal were known. there are 61, 110 of which have been discovered within the present century. If Chinese children tlo not obey their parents, and tho latter whip them to death, tho law ha no punishment for Itnitti a (tltmltntma In rtari.nta ! 4,A ..,..,.,.. ..v, . ,,..... cardinal virtue. W. T. Woodward, the Kentucky horschreeder, is going about telling his friends that ho ha been cured of rheu matism by carrying old elcctrio light carbons in his pocket. Two New York men have invented an electrical dental mallet for use in hardening tooth filling, the tool having a central bar, which strikes back and forth as the current is made and broken. The combination of a lump, hull and brake for cycler' nso has been patent ed, the bell being set in the back of tho lamp in position to be struck by a clapper attached to the brake plunger. Schoolboys should beware of licking pons or blot with their tongue. Ac cording to Mr. Murpmnnn, of Leipsio, there are microbes in ink, and it may be dangerous to prick the skin with a pun. Saville Kent, naturalist, lis an owl, or "morepork," as he calls it, which play possum, stiffening itself out until it apears as part of tho branch of a tree in tho naturalist's yard. j Jd twithstanding all the effort of in ventor, no one has been able to dis cover substitute for leather. For ahoes, belting, harness and thousand other use, "there's nothing like leather." j The annual convention of he Ilrotherhood of (steam hliovel ami Dredge Engineer, in session at Chi cago, passed resolutions favoring a 21 foot channel in the Chicago river and the construction of the Nicaragua canal by American capital. .- m MEN IN THE PUBLIC EYE. With tho millions of Anna (build Count Hon i (ace do t'astcllane is still jHising a the modern Tiberius. His latest act of magnificence- is to purchase Ihe Palazza ilella Scala in Verona, for tho sake of the eleven ceilings lu it painted by Tiesdo. These will dec orate his new palace in Paris, a repro duction of the (Irand Triiion. Paris regards the career of tbo little count with mingled awe and envy. When w ill it cud, or are tho Oouhl millions really inexhaustible? John M. Langston, tho colored law yer,)Hilitician and orator, bears with be coming dignity the many honor which have come to him during his eventful lifo. Ho does not look over 08 years of age. l or several year be was a law lecturer and dean of tlo Howard uni versity law department. In 1877 Pres ident Hayes sent him a minister to Hayti. Hois the only colored man Virginia ever Kjmt to congress. A a scholar ho rank among the leaders; as nn orator he is tbe prince of the plat form. James II. Kckels, who, within a few days, has retired fiom the olllee of con troller of the currency, evidently does not propose to hide his light under a bushel, because he is no longer a public ollicial. He delivered an interesting address at Chicago the other night on the subject of "Public I-icadership," wherein he strongly favored independ ence in politics and vigorous individual action, regardless of party politics and party lines. OXE J3IVJOYS Doth tho method ami result wlien Syrup of Fifi is taken : it is iilensiiiit and ref roNhiii) to thu taste, ami acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and lJowels, cleaiisca the nys i teni effectually, dispel, colds, head aches nud fever and cures habitual I'OIIHtllultlllll. ttl-rnti if Wura iu flin ,lIy Km ()f ''kind over tiro- i1llli1 lilii'iuinii til ilin tfiufi-i miff nn. ',,, . , nf . . . ; ' " , J . ,l" u""m wll ' 1 ' w Pn Tll, wl OMI7 "om "'"hi I healthy and agreeable mibHtanccH, its II . ' A t,.f . 1 many cacciiciii ijiiuniieH roinineiiii it to all and luivo mudo it tho most popular remedy known. Kyrun of Fit's is for sale in 60 cent bottles, by all lending drug gists. Any relinhlo druggist who may not luivo it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for anyone who ' I . . . It . . . nihiies to try ii, uo noi Bucrpiany substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 91 FHAN0ISC0, CL. louisvilu, xr. cw rout. u. r- TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT tXPENSf. The f amoin A pnllanoe, and Rainedleeof the Rna Medical Co. now lor the Brat time offered oatrlnl without. aipena; to anr knnalmin. N Ol S 4.1 1 r l D0 PBld lu advaaea. Cur KffocU of Brror, rron rr Kioeaaa. laOld orTouna-. Manhood Kiillr Iteatored. How to Bolaraa ana 8irentheo Weak, Un'taveloped portion of Bodr. liaolutely unfalllna; lloma Treatment. No U. O. I. or other eohame. I a plain unr u a, u. u. w ERIEMEDICUCO: A plain offer uy a nrm ui uiuv."a. , BUFFALO. N. V. 11 niauaaa a ttzsmmtxssaBissS WHEAT Mali money by luoceiifiil )ru)t inn in 'liicK(i. Va buy inl me II wheat on mar. vim. Fortune! have U-en mal on a mall U-KinnniK by trading in lu- turpi, n rile for lull j.artlrulari. tteiit ol m ertnre (flvfii. Hvcral yfam' e HrteiMe on the Chirairo Hour, of Trad, and a ttiomiiKh know ledite tr Ihe b' Ini'-n. Heml lr our free rehr- I enr b(Mk. DOWNINfi, HoI'KJNH Co., j ( htraiio Hoard ol Trailu Hrtihrti. Officea In Portland, Ort'ifon and battle, V anb. f " ""cTtT ""n" "T t T H I N c . ' P Vaa. Wisai, aiatuiaa Sratr .Jiijuiil alwaya na 9 aaMl f'eluiarrn hM-lbliitf. II ao,.lhi ll.a rhild, mlu 4 I rna th riinia. allav.all ala. fllira wotil r,.u.anit i La i a Ilia rwat rMmii i't niarrnueak ww . na. : h.tt!. TILllwDMiniail, RODS ft -r trv.ng and )fratlnx OnM or BUrtr ' r it '-r bnrlM irfawatir. Ma I rW LKH, Uux U7,luiUliitoti,CoiiU, MAP or AI.4HK A-Knili.ral by th H. Irtmnt ul Him Interior txtui tu b iiafd I'. H. army ullfirt rtiailHl to A lika. Th bn ami miaat (IrUtllni map of A lk alnii ltnit. W til tw DiI1h1 upon roaUt of vrrm iM-) In ic atam, or munty or1r. t( lM,ru kHAT, Fublubtr. f. u Boa til, Pyriiautl or. AT LAST! les il Remarkable Discovery of an American Medico Chemist. ITS GREAT VALUE HUMANITY. TO How Every Reader of This Paper May Obtain the New and Free Scientific Sys tem of Medicine CORRESPONDENCE-ADVICE AB SOLUTELY FREEAND PROFES SIONALLY CONFIDENTIAL. Worker in tin' wi,l, uui x,l,,ri il IUM of uhhIitm i-lo'initr are il.uly n-tiiiiiiilinit the taurlil with new ,hi,Iit. I'roii.ainr ami l i inaii vif with nu ll oiln-r Hi tlirir rum liirnihilili rlhirl to li'i'n the lllaol hiKniiM ity Vi-lerilay il win I'a-tetir unci Koi k, nml I I : i v ii i r-1, un in . uith a new lit ov er v whii h ia the remit of ye.iri of cureliil hi inly uini n-M'iin h. I',ireiiiii-t inn, ,, in the wurlii'a ffrentrnt liii'iiiiMa -tiiiiils T. A. MiN'iiin.of New York "at y. lilt n ai'iin hea nml rtiieriiiii'iita, Jiatiently enrrieil on for e,ir". have linally i nlniiM.it. 1 in n-anlia kIiu Ii un inivinic a lietiehriiil to ! ii iiiii ii it y ii ilieiliMiiverieaof liny i hetiii'-t.Hiii'ieiil or iiiixleru. Iliarlhirta w lin li lor ynira hiiii la'i'ii ilinvteil towanl the iliv uvery of u imaitive run' for run miiii, Ii, in. were lui. illy Mm , --ml, ami al reatlv hia "new m ieiitilie ayslrm of iiirili l ine" Iiik, liy ili lllnely ll-e, Mriiiiltieiitly eureil tlhiiiMinila of ii,,,irc lillv hoH'lrt enea, nml it Mi-mail nei e-ary nml hu inane Inly l hniiK -in ll faeta to the intention of till i'livahila. 'ihe nieiliml rofeaiou throliKhiuit Aiiierieii nml Kiiti'i lire nlimiat iiiiaiiuoiia in Ihe opinion that nearly all ihyaieul inl ine, Hi naturally tend to ihe p'neralioii of i'oiiMiiiiilinti. The iillliiteii die in the ahorl, t'oUl ilnya of inter nun Ii faster llian in die loiitf, hiit tlaya of "iinit.ier. The IhM lor lina iiroveil the iln-mleil tlia-ra-e In Ih' I'lirahlc iH'yoml a iluiiht, in any I'liinate, anil haa on 1 1 lo in his Anierieaii ami V!tirnieuu lulHirnlorlea tlion-anila of lei I era of lienrttelt irratitiiile from thoae iHiieliteii or nireil in all nana uf the wurlil. No one liannu, or llin aieneil with, any ilifen-e, ahnillil heaitiile a ilav, hut "lioillil write lit nine. Kneta iruve that the Hoetor has iliaeuvereil a relinole anil aleuilule eure for ('oiiaiiinition ( TiihervuliiM) ami nil lro, , i li, al, thront, hum nml eheat tniuhlea, atnhlairn roUL'ha, eiilan hal iillii liona, wmf ula, iieneral ilii linp ami weakneia, lo of lie, h, a, ,il nil waMinir t'uniliiioiia, ami tn tleinoli'-lriiti' ita Wiiiiilerful nierila, lie will aeinl Three Free Hull lea (nil ilill'ereiit ) of Ilia New I'i-i'overiea, w ith full iiiMrueliuna, to any n-uiler of thia ihiimt. Siinily w rile to T. A. Moeuiti, M. C, UH l'ine Mr.iet, New York, niviim full aililrraa. There ia no rhnrye. for -orreKiinlenee-nilviev-atriully pruii'Miioiuil umi loiiiiilen tuil. Kuowiui!, na we tin, uf the iiiiiloiihteil I'llleney uf The SlcM'iiin Syateni of Meilieine, we urj;e every aiill'erer to' lake ailvantuge of Ihia moat hlienil irouaitioii. A ayatein of nieiliial trentiiieut that will rnre I'alarrh, luiiK troiihlea anil ronauuip Hun la eertniiily itnoil for-nnil w ill cure any wn-tinK tiii-enae thut huniniiity i heir to. I'leaie tell the lloetiir, when writiiiR, that you reail his generous oiler in our jmiier, Tho i lly of Hunt Fn, Now Moxii-o, i withtiiit rat, mice uml oata, a the nir i ton mrollril fnrthii90 aniiunl. Joy ami lniliie aliine forth In the eye ol the inauly ami alriuiK. I'litilMi'iiee, aelf-csleera anil love of aoetety eotne wilb llie return of na ture'a vliior. Kleelrleliy. the foree of Tltalliy. luakea nieti ureal. II lirlnifa baek the Are ul youlli. it lielpa niniiliooil. Dr. San Jen's Electric Belt la the rlmaen aorliiK frinn w lileh la ilrawn Ihe vital enemy wlileh lliliiet the veliu of men ami ilevelojis the iiitvh ami liyaleal Hiuera. 'l lie vlgoruua aiamlnril uf our raee la Improved by It. I hi. vnu wUh In rea.l llie alory nf llow vital foree l reneweil by eleeirlellyf If ao, gel Hr. Hanilen'a liiaik, "Three claaaeaol Men, whli h will U' aenl eloaely aealeii, free from olnerva liou, upon reiiieMt. A liiKik lor the laitlea, "Maid, Wile and Mother," t an be hail for Ilia asking. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. SS Weat Waaliliifton Nt., Hortlauit, Or. i'lriinf nirnlioa fail Paper. INHNNNMNNNMINM ! run 14 UtriTS -WL Vft wl.h to tain IM.lW) naw eoa. el.rrT .,,mar. ami hatio itHar l Pkg, lLartv Hrintt Turnip, I I'aa i:i li.r Kaiiuh ' Itiamarrk UurmiiWr, 10o 1 Uud VMoritleUuc, Uo 1 K loit trk Mrtf.n. ' Jllllt)0 4 i A tit Outfit). ' BniliMtl'luiiarttMda, Ue r-RTIIfMI ril n , W.rth 1.00, rr 14 mtu AHnva 10 pkff. worih $1 U0, will mtl y iti frr, ttigfttior mill our irril Fltnt n1 H1 ,ulciu tipun rcipt uf thU tX'ttr aod lie. tiitai. W Invit your trail uiil know whan yuti nnr try Halir'a MiUyun will nar vH ajonf wit h- ont ttii-m. rntHtnraal fll.AU m. HIl.(.'tlugAluuao. NF.C- Juki . aaUktl tiitD co. Li momi, wn. grow paying cropa beraua tney re aj freab and alfraya the beet. For ale everywhere. Kofua aubttltutea. Hllck to Kerry teed and proaper. IW Heed Annual free. Write for It D. M. FERRY a CO., Dttrolt, Mich. YOUR LIVER Is It Wrong? Get it Right. Keep It Right. Moore'a Kevealed Itemed y will do It. Three doaea will make yon feel better. Oet it horn your druKKt't or any wholesale drug houae, or from Hlewart A llolinei UrugCo., Seattle. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGS (0 Bucll Lambcrson 180 FRONT ST Portland. Or. no. . . tt. r. . v. HBW writing ta advartiaera, aleaae aaeatlua taia paper. IH IS HAPPINESS IN STRENGTH ! ml r Jat JLORTHEPN JL M jff GROWN