The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, January 29, 1898, Image 7

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There is no Substitute for
Royal Baking Powder.
The "Royal" is shown by all tests, official,
scientific and practical, stronger, purer, and
better in every way than any other Baking
If some grocers try to sell another baking
powder in place of the "Royal," it is because
of the greater profit This of itself is good
evidence of the superiority of the "Royal."
To give greater profit the other must be a
lower cost powder, and to cost less it must
be made with cheaper and inferior materials,
and thus less healthful and of less value to
the consumer.
Royal Baking Powder
is pure and wholesome ; you are
not sure of other brands.
Kiigcno City Guard
The Woman's Belief Corp Acknowl
edges (he Receipt of (be Charity
Ball Proceeds.
To Tub Honorable Herd of Elks;
The Lad let ol the Relief Corps wish ti
express to you their appreciation and
thanks for your liberal donation. We
feel honored that we have been select
ed by you to dispense your charity,
and trust that our efforts to use It for
the best interest of those in need, will
meet with yonr approbation.
Your recommendation to send thirty
dollars to Mr Chas. Wilkinson has
been conformed with; and a message
from him has been received, expressing
his heart-felt thanks for the geuerous
May yeur benevolent organization
ever be blessed with that spirit of
charity, that spirit of peace and good
will toward men, which makes man
hood most noble.
E F. Ware,
Ray DeLano,
Committee. :
Eugene Veterinary Hospital.
For Sick and Lamb Animals Dr
B J Chambers, Veterinary Surgeon,
who for the past twenty years has
practiced bis profession In Omaha, Neb
aud Detroit City, Minnesota, having
leaned the city stables on Seventh
street, between Willamette and Olive
streets, will on the 1st day of January,
1893, open the same as a Veterinary
Hospital, where he will treat in a
practical and scientific manner all
disease of domestic animals. He
conies highly recoramendel by the
leading men of both cities.
Veterinary dentistry a specially.
Calls from the country answered
promptly. Chargea reasonable.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership heretofore existing he
tween J B McFarland and W L Mo
Farland, under the firm name of Mc
Farland Bros, has this day been dis
solved. W L McFarland will continue
the business.
All accounts due the Arm must be
paid to either of the former partners
within 30 days from date, or the same
will be placed In the bands of an attor
ney for collection.
J B McFarland,
W L McFarland.
.Dated at Eugene, Jan 12.1898.
Estray Setlce.
Taken up by the undersigned, living
miles west of Eugene, 1 red and
white spotted cow, no marks or brands,
left horn droooa. about 4 Tear old.
Came to my place about the 20th day
of December, J897. Owner can recover
cow by paying charge.
Rich Vaughan.
Eugeue, Deo 80, 1897."
Mare Stiayed.
tftrivixl from m nllM ft mile DOrtt)
ofEjgene in July, a black mare, 13
eurs old, weight about 1100 pounds.
Bulffimr fnralisarf and fliah.faced.
Information leading to her recovery
will be rewarded. Address
M Q Masterson.
Eugene, Oregon, Deo 20, 1897.
To Sell or Trade
One and nna.half lota in Irving,
store building and stock of merchan
ts, value 13000. Will exchange ror
arm property or stock ranch, or eei-
cueap for cash. Reason for selling, go
ing to Alaska.
0 J W Kitchen.
O Estray Hotlce. q C
. Came to my place November 24,
'", a ngni red onw, crop on rig"
Cur i . i Ahsuit ft
year old. At Anderson plaoe 4 mile
wti wauerviue.
Geo roc Barnes
Dated Dec 16, 1897. O
Black Land plows, C:u Iwii &. Son
Gov wliiteukcr U i ol o veil today.
Hon A (i Hovey ni t. mum to im
The total Indebtedness of Alniiiiy I
1100,902 (16.
MrsEunU McPheriou came upfn m
Irvlug today.
F E Goodman ol Cottage Grove was
In Eugeue today.
At least eight lives were foat in the
Spokane, Wash, fire.
Highest CHf-h pricj paid for wheat.
F. E. Dunn.
B F Keeney ofGoicr, was doing
business in Eugeu e today.
J O Rhiuchart is touting a cur V
potatoes today for r-1 1 1 ; it it-1 t .
All klud-i of fai tiling inpli incut.
Caliismi A ."on.
II N Cockerline, the insurance mat:,
left for point i north by today' 10:5fi
Irving people repot t considerable
more snow nt that place than in Lu
ge ne.
Wm Mayer and wifu are expected
home from Rochelh', Illinois, in day
or t wo.
Supe ilor drills and, seeders,
Cullisnn & Son.
The coiMiiitiout iy t'Miit today is lit
work selecting Judges mid clerks of
Attorney Helmus W Thorn p.oii
went to Salem today on jrofesloual
Mrs F L Chambers' friends will le
pleased to lern that alio Is now it lie lo
walk down town.
NelsRoney, Bert Vincent aud Guy
Davis killed 15 ducks on their trip to
Harrisburg yesterday.
Geo C Frander, iii;nnger of (lie Port
land ofllce of the Standard Oil Co, was
in Eugeno over Inst night.
The snag boat Mathloma was at the
Eugene saw mill today getting some
lumber for the river Improvement.
I will pay cash for 100 sacks wheat
tailings. Call on It AIcMcki'HKY,
Dr W Kuykendall returned from
8aiem, today, where he made Ills regu
lar lecture before the medical college.
Frtd E Chambers, tlio popular
young hardware merchant, oflnde
peudeuce, is in the city for a short
The thermometer registered 30 th
grees above zero at 0 o'clock tins
uiorniug. Two degrees below freez
ing. The uuion of the silver forces Is to he
close all over Hie couutry. There is to
be but ono sliver candidate for repn
entatlve lu any district.
The thermometer registered 18 de
grees aoove zero una hum mug in
gissons anJ Siskiyou stallous on the
8 P R R at 7 o'clock this morning.
The Sultan and Our Missionaries',
Tk. I'nrin liua demanded the recull
no .
of two American Missionaries from Hi-
province or Aleppo, on me pieiesi
i.. ti.uir mission in likelv localise diu-
turbances. "The sick man of Eun i-,"
is as unreusoiiuiiic. as ms .i
health Is feeble. A a Ulirht contiasl
to hlsob-tlnacy and stupidity, tin- po.
plenf America are acknowledging lr
and widHthe beneficence of t e mis
sion of Hosteller's Stomach Rnr-rs,
namely, to relieve and prevent mahi
rtd, rheumn l-maiid kidney comj.iait.t,
ehronio dyspepsia, constipation and
liver trouble. The nervous, tin? weak
and the Inllrm derive unspeakable ben
efit from ll use, and it greatly mill-
Kates the weakness boh iiiiiniiiues
which are specially Inciduit to ad
vancing years.
Money to Loan.
We have a block of $40, '00 to loan
on good furms In Lane county. If you
have good seeurliy ami pcrieei uiw,
we can furnish you the coin without
delay, as w our own nt'iilw
tlon of security. Call on iw orwiiio.
H. STKKI.K & Co,
Albany, Oregon.
Notice To l'oulirjuien.
IfQou want fine cockerels from prize
winners, B P Rock, Rnf,nr Brown
Leghorns and 8 S H ambuss, call on
or addre-s Auo s Wllkins, A.-ll Oi-vc
Poultry Yard, Coburg, Or.
Wheat SrnoNti. Wheat Is boom
ing In all the tnaikets today. A Eu
geue buyer Informed us he would pay
67 cenU per bushel.
E-J Bjbgs Phced Inder $1000 Mi
(o Aj'p'ni lMfe the
Grand Jur'
Crlms il Hap t'hitrgr.
Tuelay i In lit Eugene wu t lie scene
i fa crime, which will, in all likeli
hood, pluco u young mall behind the The crime. n alU-iieo to
liuvu ueeil t'ommitted, l rape, aud the
details are of Mich u character as tti
reiiiler llieir publication unpalaleahle
Ou I lie evening above-meiilloned Ed
Bang called upon Miss May Gilliam
a 17-vt ar-old uli I ill the employ ol .. r
and Mr Frank Join in, so she states
and Hxked her to go walking with
him. Tills she consented to do, aud
after walking around f r omo time,
Ihey ciiine to the (Hive s licet slahles,
wht'ii Ed forced lier to euter, linked
the door aud tiiiug force, violence and
threats on her lite. a.coinplUhed his
designs. In her etlorl to get away
voutaT Hangs truck her ou the In-ad
and clinked her and the young lady's
heud and eye Me In a very bad con
ilitlon, both eyes being blood shot, and
it,, i..iiii.Ih swollen. One hand Is cut
t here she grabbed a kuife with which
ie threatened her life. Youiik Bangs
Was 111 Bll lllioaiemeu imm
. ....I K
time, but the voung lady uist iaims
any knowlelge of this until after they
started out walking, when It was Im
possible to get away.
As often as the girl screamed, w title
In the barn, she received achoklng In
return. Finally rJl jsangs, in passing
the barn, heard the commotion, and
forced the young man to open the
door, and leave. This they di I, after-
wiir ' going to the Minnesota Motel,
wlieie the hoy sec o red a room, and
tiiey remained some time.
I'lie nllliers were uotifled ol the
m itier uml afler making an Investiga
tion, a voiupluiiit was sworn out
charging the young man w ith the seri
nes crime.
The atlair, stutl as mildly as It csu
he, is revolting, and the pliliihle "con-
li'.iou of Hie girl makes it appear inoie
The prelimioury exiiiiloatlon oc
curred this afleruuou b.fore Justice
Wheeler. Deputy District Attorney
Harris up eared for the state and I, L
Stevens and Chas M Kissenger fur t lie
di tense. The examination was short,
(lie young ludy's statement being the
only testimony preseu'.ed.
At its closo Bangs was bound over
lu the sum of flOW to appear befoie
the grand jury.
Traiidj or.atlon Companies Coining
Motif y Out of the Klondike
The charge that business and tians-
pirUtiou companies are responsible
for a great deal of the Klondike min
ing fever Is probably true. It Is a
veritable gold mine for them. As an
iiihtutice we give the figures of the
business of the steamer Oregou on her
trip from Portland last Friday as re
ported by the newspaper:
;s steerage M0 $11,120
131 cabin fj.) W 8,550
i"0 tor.e fielght $12 15,000
50 dog and 20 horses estimated
(., $10 "00
Total $33,370
At his rate tl.e boat would soon pay
jtorni:it oiu:i.(n run.
Duvlil Dunns Appointed Collector
ol Internal IIctciiu. .
Washington, Jan 25. The pnsl
dent today sent the senate the noinU
naiion of David Du-iue to be collector
of luternal revenue for the district of
Capes and Jackets.
New full line ol ladies plush cuh-h
:il cloth jackets has arrived. Call
nud see them before thev are picked
F E Dunn.
Died Frank Wilkin received a
telegtam from his father announcing
the death of Mrs Al Bentley at Mon
mouth at 10 a m yesterday, and slating
the fuueral would occur at 3pm today.
Cuu) of death, pneumonia. Mr and
Mrs F M Wilklnsaud Mrs H D Hoh
lelt here at 10:50 yeMerday to be at her
bedside, but the telegram shows they
were too late. Mrs Bentley has
enjoyed good health all her life, and
the suddenness of her death Is hardly
realized. She has maoy friends In
Lane ennui ly, and this news will be
learned with sorrow. Mrs Bentley
was a daughter of the old pioneer M
or.M y Court Cask. George Midg
ley has instituted a tuit In the county
court agaiust W M Kllchlng, J W
Kttchlng and A J Thomas, on a
promissory note. Judgment Is ssked
lifr $95 and Interest at 10 per cent since
Jinuary 6, IHQ2. Q
Wheat. The wheat (jnarket Is
growing better, and G5 cents per bush
tl Is cor offered in Eug-ne. Ono of
our reiiaoie ouyers oneieu m wu
tract with a grower today Tor his next
crop at 5o cents per bushel.
Kicb Discovery of a Miner In (he
B henihi District.
Cottaue Grove, or, Jan '.'V-Char.
ley Bruiienu, a miner, came in from
the Boheml i district tnduy, bringing
some of the richest samples of ore ever
discovered in that or any other district
In this state. He tunneled 75 feet and
struck a ledge 10 feet wide a on-(iNt
streak ot which allows free gold that
assays $;0,uOO to the Ion. The remain
ing nine fuel coutiiiua Irei-iiiilling ore
that assays $500 to the ton.
Commissioners' Court.
At tills lime the court istuhlished
the boundaries of road ili-tilct Nn 7t
to read as follow:
!! Inning at the H V comer of LO
Martin' donation land claim In JSee
10, Tp 19, HU3 W, thence north 2
miles to township iiue tietweeu T 18
and 19 S R .1 W, thence west mile,
tlieuce north 2 miles, thence east to the
track of (he O A C R R. thence south
erly along said truck to the center line
of Sec 20, Tp 18, S 11 3 West, Minor
east to J Wheeler's land, lu See, 25
said township, south along the
west line of s id J Wheeler's land to
the 8 W con. ei thereof, thence east to
the roast Fork of the Willamette
rlv r, thence up i lie Coast Fotk to i
point due east of the place of begin
ning, thence west to the place of be
J M Uavls Jur r county court $ 2 10
8 M Yorau Juror county court
J M Sloan Juror county court
II E Eastland Juror couuty court
H P Morris juror county court....
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 10
2 10
J B Hairlsjuror county court
T Billmire Juror oeunty court 2 10
Jai Billmire luror county court 2 10
J J Butler J P state vs Charles
Miller 6 00
J 11 Miller coustable state v
Charles Miller; claimed $10 30;
allowed 7 30
John Barker witness state vs
Charles Miller 1 10
11 Vlllt-r coi stable state vs
Charles Miller; claimed $1 b(;
i.oi allowed
Ttie lUis ti piloting 6 40
J Wheeler pauer supplies S 60
M F Fogle work on Coburg
bridge 27 00
A Coral work on Coburg bridge... 45 00
A E Wheeler J P state vs Win
McClaren 8 00
A E Wheeler J P sta'e E E
McClatiuhan 9 70
Sidney mM tt constable state vs
Win McCluren
Sidney Scot; constable state vs E
E McClanahan
L T Harris deputy district attor
ney stale vs E E McClanahan
L T Hums deputy district attor
ney state vs Win McClaren
9 70
0 40
6 00
6 00
January 14.
8 i Butterwlck witness State vs
McClaren $4 30
8 N Butterwlck witness State vs
McClaren 4 30
Otis Curtis witness State vs Mc
Claren 4 30
D Simruoudt witness Slate vs
McClaren 4 80
J M Moom witness State vs Mo
Claren... 4 30
J J Butler witness State vs Mc
Claren.., 4 30
Mrs Win McClaren witness Sta'e
vs McClaren 4 30
Wallace Major witness tftate vs
McClaren 4 30
James Nettletou Juror Slule vs
McClanahan 1 W
Samuel Handsaker Juror State
vs McClanahan.....
W F Martin Juror State vs Mc
1 0
1 5J
James Taylor Juror slate vs Mc
Clanahan 1 00
WT Carrol Juror Slate vs .Mc
Clanahan 1 00
II B Kennlston juror State vs
McClanahan I CO
E E Smith wituesK State vs Mc
Clunahan.. w. 1 00
J M Whiting witness State vs
McClaiuhan 1 00
EJ McClanahan witness State
vs McClanahan 1 00
C A Burden witness State vs Mo
Clunahan 1 70
Slg Young witness State vs Mc
Clauahan 1 70
J W Vaughan J P, Stale vs
Polts 4 45
J II Wells costable State vs Pott 8 85
Betty Eurl vitnenss State vs
Potts 2 00
Jes Griffin witness State vs
Polts 100
W T Kayser bridge block 24 48
J M Starr lumber 6 00
If V Wheelir supervisor road'
'hi rid N ' 10 31 00
J W Claik hauling lumber to
crusher and bridge 2 60
S A Jlulln medicine for pauper 1 25
W T Bal ey commissioner 80 00
A W Williams reck for bridge,
claimed $19 75; allowed 11 75
A W Gilbert rock for bridge 12 60
At tliis time It was ordered that on
the payment by George M Mlilei of
th j sum of $200, all claim lor delin
quent taxes and on account of tax sale
certificates held by the county upon
the land and premises of said Geo M
and Lizzie Miller be cancelled and sur
rendered; the sum of $200 lo be paid
upon a settlement and compromise of
all claim on account of taxes levied
against the said Miller or upon his
property for the years 1893, 1894, 1895
and 1894, In whatever form the raid
or such claims may now exist or be,
and upon the receipt of the said sum
the clerk Is hereby authorized to can
cel all tax sale certificate held by the
county upon any and all landd owned
by said M'ller and to jo note upon the
records of ales.
Bok.n. In Eugeue, Tuesday night,
January 25th, to the wile of JB Ham
a 9 pound boy.
FJ Harbin, of Mc.M in nvil l., Is in
the city.
Col IMos i) Nt rr to Port
land tiHiay.
Mr and Mr Fi.nk Scott, of Cicswell
were lu Eugene today. q
Mis Maud DemiiMro went to
Junction this luoruing.
H A Kuti, t lie Salem fruit dryer
man was In Eugene today.
' II A Kiltz, the Huleni fruit dryer
man wa In Kugt lie t dny.
Attorney II W Thompson leturned
fjoina rofe.s.iinl yllt to Hal in lit Im
afierno n.
F W Vallle, ol Portland, pnstoMce
lrisieclor, arrived In Eugene on this
afternoon's Ir .in. 1
HonT T Goer, of Marion county
one of II e brightest ri-publicun poll
llclans li Oregon, is in the city
B X Itaruelt, of l'jrihmd, arrived
here this afternoon to adjust the I'm
sler ls, and Is now engaged in the
FC Savage, of ponluml. travtling
agent of the Chicago, St Paul, Miutie
soilisiiiid Omaha Railway, was in
Eugene over last night.
Mr I) J Martin aud family have re
turned fiom Newport after a picas
ant tup. Ihey cxixct to Mart f.r
home In Iowa in about ten dny.
A murrlage llco'lise was l-sin il lute
yesterday aftorn on by County Clerk
Jennings to J M Slu lley5l j cars ami
Mrs Nancy J Appl?gate, 47 years.
Jacksonville Times: Messrs II E
Ankeny and Via Cook of the S erling
mine, have given up their intention
to invest lu mines near Yreku, Calif.
Mrs J J Poll wa a passenger for
Goshen on the afternoon train to at
tend the bedside of her father Jos
Eaton who Is lying nt the pilot of
Dr A Sharpies wetit tnCorvullis th's
morning where lie will d liver a lec
ture befor the Agilcul ural college on
the subject, "How to Grow, ( ore ai d
Market Prunes."
Jas II McKibbetl, of Portland, pub
lisher if The Senator, the idllciul organ
of the Kulgh'eof Pythias, Is in the
city for the avowed purpose of increas
ing circulation.
The battleship Mulno has bien
ordered to Havana. It's errand is sa'd
to be peaceful. Comment is caused,
however, by a formidable licet of war
ships at Kry Wrat.
Today's Salem Statesman: MUs
Kalherlne Patterson, of Eugene, ar
rived In the city yesterday and will
remain for several weeks, a guest at the
homes of Mr ami Mrs C P Bishop and
Mr and Mrs Thos Kay.
It was 85 degrees below zero at Gran
ite, In Eastern Oregon, on Monday.
The hands of a woman and the toes of
a boy were frozen while they were
traveling to Suiuuter iu a stage. It
wan five degree below zero at Baker
City Mouday. It was a httlo warmer
The passenger travel on the South
ern Pad fio railroad, overlittids, both
north aud south bouud, Is as great as
ever, notwithstanding the very ma
terial inrreuso lu the uew trafllo which
went Into effect on the 201 Ii Inst, be
tween San Francisco and Portluiid.
The January travel thus far has been
the largist lu the history of the road.
Mrs Catharine 8 Davis died at the
home of her daughter, Mr 8 A Hud-
dleslon In this city, this morning at 4
o'clock, aged 87 year and I days. Thus
auotler of Oregon' noble pioneer
women goes ti ber rew ard.
The deceased, whose maiden name
wa Catharine Hluyter, was born In
New York January 23, 1811. While
she .was yet quite young her family
moved to Pennsylvania aud settled
near Wlud Gap, When she was about
16 year of age they agalu moved and
settled at Linn, Ohio, where In 1831
she was ma'rled to Benjamin Davis',
In 1838 with her husband and three
children they moved to Plymouth,
Indiana, where they remained until
April, 1847, when they s'arted aoross
the plains for Oregou, coming by the,
Mod oo and Rogue river route, and ar
rived whers Eugene is now located
October of that year, locating on a
donation clulm about 2 miles north
west of the town. Her husband died
April 0,1858. filie still lived on the
old place until her children were all
grown and married. She leaves rive
children living: L E Davis, of New
port; L Dvl and Mrs S A HuduW
ston, of Eugene; W L Davis, Nash
ville, Lincoln county, and M M Divis,
of Corvallls.
She was universally beloved by the
early settlers of Lane county. Before
coming to Oregon site had studied
niedlclnj with a brother-in-law, wl o
was a physician, and for a number of
years after her arrival here there was
not a ptnslclan for miles, and she was
ever ready to ue her know ledge in re
lieving the dlstres-ed. Many a time
she mounted her fine riding horse
daring the dark hours of night and
start d out on a mission of mercy for a
bard ride of from 15 to 25 miles, and
that too, without compensation. Hon
T O Hendricks Informed us today of
ber coming to bin old home at Plea
an). Hil a dark rainy night one Jan
uary, when her knowledge saved one
of his brother from dying.
Every pioneer In Laue county wll
hear or her death with sadness. She
wa a gwd, noble wmari. and we all
mourn her departure.
The funeral will take place tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the
rosldonce of her daughter, Mrs 8 A
HmMh.tou. Wret Eilflilh street, to
the Masonic ceim-tery, where the Inter
will take, place. All friends re
spectfully Invited to attend.
ClKiikia hit SajsTlnl Two Mill;
Will Hon The Schools.
Nome I laiirri . Iii.
I t'liuu Or.tnn:-ln your paior if
January ."ili, appeared an article
h -aded "School Tax Levy." Home of
thes'a'i-inciitH are erroneous and nils.
IcudiML'. They siy n saving of $tlUS
loot been uia.lo in incidental ex
Let Us see.
InchleiituW the past year $4:23 oil
Incidetitu's lite previous year... 3(12 3
Incidentals lhl, ear more than
lust $ CI IS
Tliey are also w rong In their siatu
meiit on salaries. Evidently there I
something wrong with their nrltlinic
That Hie tuxpayvis of the district
may know the exact Unsocial condi
tion at this time and vote Intelligent
ly, I herewith hand you in advance
the report ami rccomiuendailniis that
will he submitted to Hie voters of the
district for their approval, Friday
evening, January 2H, and feel confident
that tho people of Eugeno will, In the
future as in the past, vote their school
hoard the necessary money to carry ou
our puiillo schools.
I am not seeking a newspaper con
troversy, hut the o.her members of the
board having carried this matter Into
print, we want truths and fuel though
the Heaven's full.
J. L. Pa as.
Eti'jeue, Jan. 17, ISO".
El'flKNK, Ok, Jail 2H, 1&93.
To the h'nal voters of School District
No 4, l.une county, Oregon:
We, your hoard of directors, beg
leave to submit a financial statement
of the atl'iiirs of Hie district at the
present lime, and would respectfully
ask you to vote such tax as you may
deem necessarry to carry ou the
schools another year.
Cash ou hand lust year $1291 60
K'Ccived from 2 mill tax 3375 64
Received from county fund 4237 4S
Itecdved from state fund 1277 12
Receivul from tuition nun-
reslduits 185 00
Received from rent of lot 11 00
Total $10377 04
Teachers' salaries $7583 54
Janitors' salaries 458 00
Clerk's salary 125 CO
Wood 200 70
Incidentals 423 60
Inten-t 350 80
Cuth ou hand 1170 04
Total $10377 G4
The present Indebtedness of the dis
trict is as follows:
Ono unto to I) A Paine for $2000 00
One uotu to W Prrstou ror 1000 00
One note ti Florence D Gilbert 1000 00
Total dibt $1000 CO
Estimated expenses lor the ensulcg
year are as fo'iows:
Iute'est, for one year $ 3:0 00
Wood , 200 Oo
Teachers' salaries 7703 00
Janitors' salaries 458 00
Clerk's salary 125 00
I Usui once 05 On
Incidentals ; 425 00
Rent 100 00
Tolal $0570 00
Basing our estimates en appropria
tions for previous years, we shall prob
ably receive from
County fund u $4240 00
State fund 1280 00
Tuition from non-residents 185 10
Cash ou hand 1170 64
Balance to raise by tax 2094 4,1
Total $9570 00
The central building needs an addi
tion or two new rooms aud a general
overhauling, rooms replastered and
bulhliuu painted bolli Inshfo and out,
foundation repaired, new roof, seat
and desks.
Realizing that it has been difllcult
for niuny to py their tax the past
four years, wo ft el that it would not
lie right or Just lo add an additional
burden on them ut this time by asking
for tho necessary money to make these
We would therefore ro-peclfulty
recommend that you vote ui a 2 mill
tux, wHch, W illi Judicious economy,
will run the cho I the u mini; J cur,
aud leave a balance of $000 to $ 00 to
reduce the i. resent debt of the district.
And that you give us the power to
rent the old''lirltiun church building,
or some suititiiie room for one of the
grades from the Ceniral school
Itesiiectrully submitted,
J L Pa ok.
('Iiuiruian of Bourd.
I'NTKTK. The Oiegoiilun states (I at
Hon 8 M Yonr, of this city, was a
candidate for tin- olllce of collector of
Internal revenue. Just filled. This Is
raise and unwarranted. Mr Yonn
never applied lor said oince. lie is a
candidate for collector 'if euitoms at
Ciitci'ir lYUHT Cask. !t M Bay
has Instituted suit lu the Lvie county
circuit court against EJFrarh-r and
wife for the sum of $375 and Interest
for rent of a store room lu M brick
iloail Nu p.-1 visors.
Tl.e following roud supervisors with
their piw-tniiice addresses have been
appointed for tho ensuing year by the
eoiumi-isioucrs' court:
Dtsr. No.
2 Rodney Scott. CoUirr
N P llummiK, Mohawk
Joseph Hllddleslon, Mohawk
J M Davis, Springfield
F L Crenshaw, Panther
Richard Iviston, Thurston
J F Smith, Jasper
ll C Wheeler. Pleasant Hill
John RS..irs, Pleasant Hill
James, llexler
H B Elllngwood, Walker
Thoinii All, o, Cottage Grove
N W White, i 'on ui.,, Grove
V C Short ridge, CoitagH Grove
Fred Wright, Wnlker
W It lluwh-y, Lorane
It L Dmi'i, EiigfMH,
Noah liurg, 1'ieswell
I X O'l.'ik. Sliislaw
Jacob Gates, Crow
(' W Itychard, Goshen
James X I.uper, living
J M Gcurliurt, Eugene
W J Darroch, Eugeno
Henry Kehu Hii, l.lewell,ii
George Kirk, Walton
Jacob Taylor, Halo
A J Mack, Kueim
John nrigu", Irving
I N Edwards, Junction City
Peter llurpole, Junction City
Henry Smith, Franklin
Muuricu Allen, Junction
(IU MlUctt, Juiict'.oii
S W llarptde, Franklin
W T Kayser, Elinlia
Merrill F Custeel, Junction
L Simons, Eugeno
F A Post, Waltervllle
M Hager.Cr- swell
ZT Fisk, Hale
Darwin Brlstow, Cottage Grove
Henry Curler, Lowell
55 J J Peplolt, Leuhurg
67 8 It Muhen. Gate Creek
Win Eyh r, Springfield
A W ltond, Irving
George Hale, Hale
John Jeaiin, Eugene
W II Long, Cottage Grove
J A Roger, Is ibel
T J Blakely, Lowell
Sam Sla'rs, Lowell
J II Spores, Mohawk
R D ll.iwley, Creswell
J Atkinson, Lorane
John Schmidt, Eugene
Geo li Camp, Mapleton
George Smith, Eugene
Georgo Kerr, Wild wood
I) G Palm, Lorane
H ll Diugg, Bluchley
A L Vaughan, Thurston
Phllo Wilcox, Springfield
W It Kanoir, Waltervllle
J W Cox, Fall Creek
Alex Lewis, Mabel
Wm Meade, Hermann
E C Potlerf, Dead wood
N C Fisher, Elnilru
W HSpuugli, Heceta
William Cornelius, Ivison
Richard MeGovern, Lorane
Joseph A Morris jr, Florence
W II Faleo, Ainu
James Bedford, Cottage Grove
W M Marshall, Creswell
James Itelknap, McKenzle Bridge
M Doane, Eugene
R B Mils, Florence
A P Walker, .Vopletou
Wm Southerland, Gleiitena
A Scliulte, Acme
Ernest Rowe, Greenleaf
l't;01l AS U A KI.EtTKD.
Senatorial Contest In narrta.n4
t'omst to an f.n4.
Annapolis, Jan 25. McfJomas has
bseu elected senator. The tenth and
lust ballot was taken at noon. The
vote was as follows: McComas, 62;
Gorman, 47; Shaw 5.
The Preslleiit Coming.
Washington, Jan. 25. Should
public business permit, and there be
no complication which demands hi
presence here, Prisident McKlnley
will probably visit the Pacifio coast
slates during the comlug summer.
Ill understood that the president
will, after visiting Yellowstone, go
to Butte, and thou visit Spokane,
Seattle aud Tacoma. Portlaud will
be given a day and then California
will be traversed from Shasta to
Sun Diego. It is said the party
will Include not ouly President and
Mrs McKlnley, witli their nieces, who
are also of the White House family
but at Uust four members of the
cabinet, probably Secretaries Gagei
Alger, Bliu and Gary, a. d Private
Secretary Porter.
Tub Ha mb Womin. Mr Sarah E
Pierce, w lio wmh arrested In Portland
a few days -ince; ou the charge of keep
lug a lio iseof ill fame and of (nllclng
mil ois into the same. Is In the Mult
iioiiiuh county jail, beiug unable to
ruls - a bond of $1,000. This woman 1
known by many people In Eugene and
Junction city. She is the same arson
that recently sued Joliu B Coleman
for $10,000 damages In a breach of
promise suit at llm last term of court
and failed to appear to, prosecute the
ciie Cohuiuu Is happy thai abe is
no v in Jiil.
A Mirtake. A letter from George
MiHican, who li lu Crook couuty,
brings the news that the rumor pre
vailing here that he was Intending to
cress the Can-ado mountains aud then
go to AlusKa, is untrue. He proposes
to stay with his rattle and he has one
ol Hie most favored stock ranchee In
Eastern Oregon.
To SKAUWAY. Tula moriilug RE
FustUiid snil nt phew, and K Smoole
went to Portland, from which point
ihey will gotoSkugwav. Joining the
lame force already there seeking the
yellow metal. ;