i I . 1 Mi: i, :i 'if : ' i i ) V 1 ; I; : ' t v - I ' . Eggene City Gaard. I. I CAMPBELL, rroprUlor. EUCENK CITY. ..ORKGO.V. They may fight again Knnta Claim, but tlili It a yarn Hint will never be worsted. A dovlca ln been Invented to Mark alioe by electricity. ' IWIhly aome adaptation of Hie Krimb ayslcui. Ko fur an wheat represent the farm er'a grasp of the plow, lie In atlll a Mrf aharcholdcr In the country' weali.'i. Prof, dp Morgan assert that Adam r, tin a Chinaman. DM lie get the queue to that discovery In tbu Hlbllcul at' count of treat Ion 7 Every now and then a EiirojM-nn country Mop forward and waken II clear that It will not maw) much provo cation from any country except Tur- Jiirce tiumircd Western town am Mid to lie under the. curfew law. And yet. I.y the time they're men and wom en the boy and girl affected will Is melting tlie Ih II Into latchkey all tli; auuie. "A woniiin," na Id Eurlpbh-, "should ! good for everything at home, hut al.rond good for nothlfiK." Th'j tiuUhl amnl women who make a practice of attending murder Irlnl sntury at least one of these requirement. It In now cxplulned that the (lerman Emperor treated the HaytlariM mi ' harshly hecnuso he wanted to teach them Mime manner. The thorough lios of the IllHtruetlon I heyond llc tlon, hut III I'ort IIU 1'rlnce the oiiliilon prevail that the tuition fee wan out latidlHhly high. A iiiislli-iil fiullKirlly assert that "o long an a srorrl.or breathe through hi me hiHtead t-f hi mouth there I no danger." Itm how I a peb-strlan to know when a scorcher lien r .l,tu-t. In hi dlr.clloii at lop m-ciI whether the fellow I hreathlng through LI none or not 7 the two Btatce which constitute tha monarchy an "Aiiglelrh." or compact, which regulate Hit lr rel;itlnn and Ox en their reKjiectlve conirlhutlon to common cxjM-udlturc. Thl compact run for leu year, ami expire the pre cut year. An Ineffectual atlenipt ha hi -ell nilldii bv Austria In ae-iir new adjustment of rhe financial burden of tlie common irnvcriimciit lliui lliin- gary hould l-ar larger portion than formeily. A a coiiipromluc, It pro powd to renew the Auul-Iti for a year on the old term; and the Hungar ian Iteli lmt.'ig ha pHcd a hill for that pliroc. J ii me II. Aligoll, .he I'iiII.mI Hlat'- Mlllliiler to ('iUtnntlnoiil,.. ha re newed our demand for Indemnity be cause of loe uffered hy American miwdounrlc In Armenia. The Porte ha continue! to meet the demand wltll the declarallon that It I not reon!- i hie for the louse Is-cmno- thfy grew j out of a revolutionary movement. M:n Inter Atlgell Insist nil Tlirkev' reniMin. Nihility because It troop participated in ine onrrage. Turkey replies Hint the troop were imiireliiir the revi litllon and Unit the missionaries and their property hiiipened to he In the ! way. The cliauee are that thl klml of dUciiKMlon will i-o n till lie for miiiih time iM-foreany Indemnity I fort lo om- lug. A Niirer way of getting It doubt le would lie that which liermany 1ki adopted In cimneclloll wltll other sllll liar oulrage In China. I LOVE YOU. Ihe climbed upon mj willing kne And Kjftly diapered unto wa I love you." Iter dainty arm were round my neck; Her iuiiiy curl were In my face; And In her tender eye I tnw The wild of Inii'M-euee and grace. And like a iiiil-nm gliding through The lit, ml tlinf lii.lw iIim itt l.ln, - - . Her miule fuiinil ai'-e to my heart And hade the hdoH all depart. moment of poealype, II lihh I w the alately lil., 'Jlit rralHhile nailed away from me, ''nine riding hark aeron the w-a: I ou lil ymi might return and tay U'iihin my lonely heart aluay. CihI hie the dnrllng little child U ho looked iii In my fare and nmllril, Ami wroiiKht into my heart a iell Mure aweet I linn iiig of lrael. (, niici-U, lUtfn while I pray Tlmt jo'i Mill make her life a aweet A that l.rief moment nan to me, W hene'er I heard her lip repeat, "I love you." -Family Mail !!ng. ME CHAPLAIN'S STOJIY. i Mot of the man v ami mtIoii tmn- Mi" that have occurred In I lie coal The old Arnhlan tale, of tnlH"hlef done hy evil aplrit that iial .im- llmsl In J.ir mid vhi In, tire full of menti Ing yet. A imrty of hoodlum In U'lliiNor, Nova Kcotlil, relciiNed tlie ileinon IniprlNonetl In a holtlo of wliia. ky. IteHiilt: Half a town dotroye, hy lire, and .1,1) pcrnon made home lex. Honlheiu journal are dim-UKNlng with eiirneHtiie the propriety of e- talillnlilng a aynlem of Kclernl iunrnn tlne a a more effii-tlve Nafeguard BgiiiiiHt me npread of contagion i ciine than either local or Klute regula lloli. In lighting nil eneniv u-1,1,.1. i..i ... no dgnl.anee of city limit or Hlate line ii i next to npHie It w HI, , . uioniy iMiunlly iiiici lppll tK. extent ui is upvraiiou. Owner. Ill order to get chenn liilmr Ihey lmporlel a Ualld ihiimm of 1 uoraiu e mid vcrty. lu order to atlll further che:i4-n lnlr they have, lu plain violation of the Ktnte law, main tained coinimny htttrv and virtually couiM-lled tlie miner to get their fam ily Hiippllc Iher.iit. The law ilii-lun-, lu the plalucKt term, that no coal mill lug employer hIiiiII own or Im liuerent mI In a company or pnrtncrhlp atore. in Home iiiNtiiu-tM, tlie employctt are not permitted to nave a dollar, mid many of them are kept constantly In .l.-lit at More where Ihey are comnlJtd to ex m-ikI tlit-jr niiiiii-y If they would nmuiw continued eiiipliiyuieiit. Thl I la vcry, and It In little M-tter thiin that "peculiar liiMtlltitlon" w hlch oiw-e tlour lithetl In the Hi uilicrii Stale. It I true that the coal oM-ratori inuuot liny and acll Ji ii ii in it being, and In that rewmt their victim have the advantage over the hIuvcn Hi it worked on the Southern plantation. Hut the uiat-r of the blin k wre obliged to fevd. clothe, iiikI Khelter the feebh- and helpl., Hinl thl obllgutlou iIihi nut Nttach to the mine owner. Kuril IllxTty a belong to the men, who are kept In debt by inaiilpn latloii of lunik Hccount. a hIiiiiii. Iliey cannot get iihmiii to move M.( fauilllc If t!,ey ilmtre to break away from iM.mlage. Ami If they could go to oilier mliK-H where that kind of shivery iIimk not exist, they would gel no em ployment, Imv'iu.-c they hail left unpaid debt. I M ent MV I M lit It ' KV a-n.l f) were boya together at WestinliiMter: we In butter iimklng, how far can the cow be from tlie churn? Certain New inland dairy fanner have given a practical niiMvrr to Hie iUelloii. They have made a anecessful experln ' "''1 11 "f fror.en cream to Loudon. where It wa churned, and the fresh miller wa put on tl aiket. A com puny In forming to carry out the Idea on a large scale. A slrlkliK' llliiNtratlon of one of the change that have taken place lu thl '''" N the fact that a ee of Cheyenne Imllau ha been trailing a band of while train robber In the West. Probably the red men have overtaken the palefnee nntla w bv thl 11 caused them to meditate on Hie Nometlmrs ,,, r reversal f Rm. Hon thioitg'i Ihea.lvanceiiiciit of civil Uiitlou. PairlotlKin lu china I KoiucHm, ,. played In a peculiarly wise and pra. ltl nil ay. If a wealthy man wIhIi.-m to , omethlliK lo hcuelit . ,U,r,., , whirl, he lives, he give It a carefully built road. Mr. Ils,i, the weli known traveler, pase. over ouie re luarkalile "highway of commerce" cut Ihroiigl, the rork lu mountain passe l,;'"n"1 1 rlv.-ra and carrli ....,.., giuierie lu which were tab let In honor of the giver of the mad. The young l.Miecn of Holland I learn ing a lesson common lo human experi ence t!mt Hie solicitude which sur round ii Is, n often n m.t, g sad bar to pleasure. The Pi-lw c n ..... . , , , ---"i.i ii v HOI- land havea1!i-,ed that Vllheln, ,H jiol tide a bicycle. Idea f propriety no. occu given a a nnson. She In all likelihood, nould combat u,,, o. . , w Brilvely Mlmw that the life or one so precious and so mve. nary to her subjoin must ot U.eitdnn tfered. And all ,, f,,.r , g ha. Irarn.d to ride and know the fun A pamphlet ha been prepared for Use III the Nchisils of a New Knghilid town, which reverse the Usual InethoU of ti nrlilng history, ami begin with Hit town Itself. It ilesrrlbe the ton graphically lu It relation to neighbor ing comuiunltie. It describe tha geological foi uiallon of the ureit wh!- It the town cover. It tells In Icily the iory of It settlement mid early hi lory, points nut iioleworlhv bulhlliw. ami gie an arcouut of the aervlce of It citizen. Then It describe the """I "t low n government, show what otttccr are chosen to carry on the town affair, mid what each one doe, and tells how tail are raised aad "pent, mnl how ney I lairruwetl for tow n tisi. The 1 ii i ill who I. .nri,.. i.... I III thl little lK.ok will have at least the rudiment of local hlstorv.- local geography and local gover cut. He will gain clearer hleit of Ho. r..ii of thing and men uround him to the Stale mid tuition, and of the relation of present condition to those that at past, rsnnlly history and government and xlmlhir subject are taught through general slut, u ,, j,,.,,, ' olivtou a.lvanlage In iM-glniiltig uiti, W )h lt.tr ( hand, for the pupil' m, ,, olwervntlon suiiuiiiu,. in curiosity and Interest la another way. such instruction ,,lU which I attempted lu llr,K.kllne mar be useful. tie f ,. K,-eatest iH.,u of the time I a higher stnuihird of cltl- r. s.i,.. ii i hi town or cltv ndmlulN I rat hut that .ucstlon of government come closest to the Individual cltlxcn .vet It I these usually In which least Inter,-' I taken. If ,,. knowledge of these matter be early Imparted si u.siis, u,e voier or II ,.t ,, i rat Ion should take a k icr Interest In local govemn , mid should be belter e.UliMsl to ,e It- itm. MEDALLION OF WESLEY. It I truly singular t.iat the .laughter of a. few hundtvd or thousand ,., and near the shore of rar awnv Vlaska ahotild gel thl d several other large nation Into what look much ik,. quarrel, while campaign of extermina tion, now In piogr.-s, right h,.r,. , home, and Involving lnter..si .. more Important, create no ex.-lt, ,,'t at all. For what 1 the value of everv aeal alive c..uipnr.d with that of ,.ur rapidly dlsnpiM-arlug forest? . ,, cent to a thousand dollar. ierhtii and el the work of devastation Is go' ln on at a nit o rapid that the end I already In plain alght. Pi It would MM-iu that one of the chief care of s. h.MiU and iMlleg.sj w ould be that shut,. n;s should learn to apeak cor rectly. The mental drill tlMt accm,. panic the stnoy of laliguiige 1 Invalua ble. Of course.,..! I easy to say that ,1"r,, ' '"'.v thing lu life imire Im portant than oorrvet speaking. Thl I true, but a nation we are old enough to hav acquired not merely the essential, bat some of the grace n well. In other word. It I time we were adding to our common m-h.mlliig evldencea of culture. Aud ojie of the most lildlKputuble of these I ctirre.-t Jicccli. Tha dual monarchy, Atutrla Hun gary. I passing through a iarllauien tary aud coutltutlonal crlali of a e riu .liuracter. There exUta between Amlmd.ir ll.iiard Pr.-.,. Mo - I'l'iamiri .uriiKKiist I Lurch. Former Ambassador Ilayaid ha glv eil a ciiiusi ni.slnlllon of John Wesley founder of M.-th.iili Kill i. tlt.k . ' w,'(ii4m list K p I r o p a I church at Itrandy w ine, hel. lu pre Hcntlng the iinslal Hon Mr. Itayard k;ii,i or Wesl.-y: "So remarkable a' man ! ciiimot be siik.a I of without rcf.r- I ence to the faith he had In clvlllied tut rii r. manh.Hi.1. tlewasi sun, nvci and died an Kngllshnian, and hi life wa a most extraordinary I lllustiatlou of energy, iNiru.-stn.ss anil fearl.-s persistence lu following cm. ' Mention belief. It hi luteullon to broaden, widen and d.-epeu relig ion, lie was di-Ucii rr..... .i... .. the church.- and coiiis llc to preach In the Held and highway." Mr. Itayard said that'the m.-dalllon Was Die n-.krk ..f l..ul..l. ... t ""mo e.igevi.s. a remarkable mail, also blameless, home- ! Ike aud of pur,, life. He w a a potter ! but he had Hie ircnlii tl.st occiii-atlou to a Hue art. The work of I l .talfatvi x.i.l l tL' i t i . . I ...... , r.ogiHnu ict to the tnan- ufactorl, of china baking. Mr H,y. ard'N mother aud father .c-urcl ih m.-dalllou rmm Wclgewcid white via Itlng the latter-, home in Knglaud. There Is uoIMn tuor uucerUlu than aura thluj. at Westminster; we to Oxfird to- tlicr-lo Italllol; took our degree together In the Classical illoiior! School, and weru ordained together by the Illslioo of -, a curate for hi dloccKe. Here our iiutha seiiaratcd for Nome year, and when next we re Hewed our old friendship I wa the vicur of the town, atlll nluglu at .'M, llllil Jim wa the cIuihIhIii nf Die t,t moil Jail III the same town, and mur- rien. We were talking lu my atudy. a lu omen time, somehow the convcrsa tlou drifted to the subject of a recent newspaper article: "Ought Married People lo lluve Any Secret from Kuch inner;- I sunt ".Mi." Jim salil "Ve. We both sinllliiL'ly stuck to our text It was not often that we dllTcr.il In opinion, but thl whs one case, anyhow. "Why, Jim." said I, "you would have Ihh-u I lie last iierson 1 slmotil tin.,. ,.t H-cle. to take that line, for I am sure, 1 1 oio n urn i nave seen, that IT ever two folk were happy and loving, they ure F.llu and yourself. I can't conceive of your having any secret which you would not w ish Klin to know." "Ah," retorted he, with a n-cullar Ninlle, "lhat'H Just It. Well, I low son, I'll tell you one. If yon like, though," ne aiiiici, "it must remain a .ecret bo-twi-en u two. I have never iokeii of It lo any one lu the world, and never ahall, except to yourself." "Thanks, Jim, you heed Hot fear mi-, a you htniw. I mn only curious to know the case," and I nssumcl an aliunde of eager attention to .llm- Ntoiy. "I wa the chaplain at l.owiunrket. a you nr.- well aware, before I ca nu ll. -ic. It Is n pretty place, ami won der whatever made the government build a Jail there. However, there It Is. and Hi. -re was I. The amount f so. ct. iy that one got in Lowmmket was perfectly nsloiilshlng. Hud I hud the time and Inclination for It, I might '" ' I out n regular Wlotv' clergy man. As It a. I bad a full illinium i,r icrtuie. soli s, parlies and euieriatiiiin-ni. Among the ieople got lu Mth none were nl.-er than the V.nks. Mis York, n maiden lady of f. lived In a huge and bcautlftillv'fur nlshcd house culled 'The Cedar. in the nest part or the town, she wu known all over the district for her charity, kindness of heart mid pure life. Every body had a good word for her.' Nor was h. r niece. Mis York, any l.-s ,,,. ular. People lu I.o market fairly ,vr. .hipped both of thrill. "I was L's when I Hist saw Flla York, and at om-e succumbed to her charms' For week her praise had h.-ci, In my cars, and now, on nc.ualnlaii.-e, 1 found her beauty, her manner, her klndiies ,.f heart, not one whit les lliaii report stated. I loved her. of course. I could not say so at once; and whether, after two or Hire.. .....i In the course of my work -fur Mis tor the elder took great Interest In our ' ' "I'Hir she gu.-sscl inv ve and reciprocate! It. 1 could not then' any. I tonii.t, upon Judicious ii,,,,lrlos ..... ...,s .oik win -had lived with her aunt from childhood; that she wa now i; mat her mother was .1 i h.r father llu-d on the Continent for in nemiii: also that she wa her mint n....- i, rocs. in,.,,, r,,,.,, were of course only learned bv ,l... -. us ime cannot go to tiu. fountain head for audi iiiioriiiatiou "After much hein-t f,,m. . ...... , , , 1 aim ,ie- I ,1'n "'v,,,r ' """'" I w that kiln York wa not uli..n.. i...n... ... . . iiiit.rr- et to me, and I resolve! to nsk her to lie my wife. I need not go Into detail n. ... now 1 ,ii,i it. novond saying that .. .. one summer morning rather more than the year ago. when, having ""' "'" r aunt, w ho was out I met Klla In the grounds; and after talk ng a we walkel al,.nglVt, varlott Kut J.-ct. somehow It came out uuexpe-t-edly. and almost before I c.uld cm- renemi what it all meant. Klin York I l"-'licd to be my wife, .ubje-t to her aunt'N cuseiit. "Hut her aunt dldu't onsetit. I r, cched a dainty note that night-how tenderly 1 r.-gab-d It. How so,,:-from Klla,sa.liigt,tu. lfl( Kl)lk(l ((f mr visit to 1,,-r aunt, and had told her 1 wa ciiuing tomorrow for her an prval. MlssYorkha.lls.cn very kind but acted rather strangely, and sid I see noui.l ,v lue. bill khe (Mllld Uot (MUsent. a .he did not wish to Mia. My dear girl went on to av that alio had In vain trhsl i e... any more than this. "I waa In a cinlon frame of mind a 1 went next morning to s.v mim dork. "I wa destine! to know her ohjeo '" A I approachcl the lodg tha Isirtdres met me. 'O.i. Mr. Ilourn. thl la .hocking" O "I wa more puiiled than ever.' Why my engagei it to Klla should tw ho.-kiug' culdu't ae,.. aud I no doubt iorej it In my "fo attdden, too, air! Mid the wo man. 'Nonody expected It T " 'Whatever the matter?" iflld I. "'Why. haven't you heard that Ml Vork la il -.-n 7 No! Oh, dear! Poor think; hud a (It In the night, doctor say; wa ipilte iinronsrloiu when Ml Kiln got there, aud died at b o'rl.s k tlil morn I ng.' "My heart aank; I felt faint and giddy. It wa Nome minute ls-fore I could move. You will never know how It feel, IIowmmi, utiles you ihould have snrh a blow, which I hope you never will. Hut I am hound lo say that my one thought wn 'My tor, lonely lll.rllnir riln 'There were no more detail to be learned alxiut Mis York' death. She ' waa burled lu Niwinnrket churchyard, i Kiln wa III for weeks, and could not j ace even mo. When she wa well enough i attend to bii-lnes It wa I found that she Inh.-rliisl nil her aunt' money, and a she had already accent ed me, we were marrlisl a twelvemonth afterward. She had been awfuly lone. . ly, ahe said, slnre Mis York' death, but no couple have ever lived happier j and Id-en nearer and d.-arer to each other than Klla and I. May (ixl bb-s h. I 'Amen.'" aald I. solemnly and revpr- I ently. Klla and I." niirsii.sl .llm "eoiiM , never give the remotest gue a to her aunt'a objc-tlon to our engagement, aud It would probably have remnliiisl mytery to me, a It ha to Kiln even now, had It not been for the following circumstance. Some time ago I wa sent for at the prison to see a rather desperate character, whone end wa very near. He had been sent to seven year' penal servitude ome three year In-fore for forgery, and after serving two year at Portland had been trans. ferred to l.owiunrket. Ill milieu ninro wa superior to that of the ordinary convict, even when a Turgor. Although I had him several time, mid cer- lalnly ben struck with hi face and ! nppearniire, we could not be said to Im 1 friendly, a he had becu Indifferent to all my advances. j "I found him living In the hospital, and I siMin saw that he would uot live j very long. I "'You seem pleased to see me? I , mid. Yea. sir, replied No. l.-.L". 'I m ghid you've come; I hardly t-xiecied you would, considering how standoff- i II I ve lircn. Hut I wanter to see you, as the doctor say I'm not likelv ! to last much longer.' 'I tnlkcd to li i in nlsuit hi smil un.i Hplillual thing. That we may pa by. Ilowson; I believe I,,. uI n,,. oughly penitent. I askel l.ini f there wjs miyiiiliiK I could do for him. es, sir, there I one Oil HIT If I'll, I will. It' such n curious one. I luir.n.- lll.e lo ask you.' Hi eye looked eager ly nt me. "'Ho on,' I an hi: Til do li if ....i hie.' 1 "I've had a iiueer life, sir.' mil. I ii,.. convict. ! mi-la IU. M.,. somebody and done some l'.khI: Ihu i SU3MARINE COAT. I ralnlns n-pntntlon. world wide ami i.i.ta An an Initial aten I proposed ro, ii.-'i. -- i lawntlonof Kkliard Kaddalx Bwlm , ,.,ie to the lecture flel.l, and made U and Mve Like a liiivb. I ,,. .. nniMillitiiiclit at a little town ti, Irmlitiiir. submarine Isiat hll Im-ch re-ently siibiultti! to var:ou test, which. It Is claimed, amply prove It approximate pcrfe-Hon. The yountf Inventor U sir. uicnaru tian.iu.i, whose fame had not extended Is-yond the limit of hi unlive town of oh- kosh, Wis., before he Is-cuine the In- I .1... ..I,.l,.1 nf u-l,tcil venoir in u isi.n, .in- m im- "I-" Ii.. h..n n i,l,,litelo ttolt ha nbsoI'lMsl liireutor and men of science for many year. The Isiat a.i she I to day hsik very i like a war ve- of the nioM n'gr.-s-1 slve type; her steel prow IM-Ing trotij enough to ph-ri-e the lde of any ur-1 mured criilsi-r, nnd very likely t'uit of j any man of-wnr. ia npiciirani'e she Is shaped like n hiite cigar or torpedo, tapering grinliiiilly to either end. mid j presenting lo the wnter n surface In w hich the resistance I practically re duced to nothing. She Is Isi f "-1 long 4, feet wide and 7 feet li IlK-he high, n 11(1 I built on a lii v nisi iipi"'!"' - i t.i.itniin. I charged a pretty atllT ad mission price for thooe tlnn-a and In such a locality, and It a welled my head considerably to make my bow before a crowd.! house. "Mv subject wn 'Light.' nnd, after a .'. lent Ilk- coiislilerntloti of the topic, It wn my purpone to turn on some light fun Just to show my versatility mid send the jieople home saying what ,i promising young man I wu. I had talked about live minute when I no ticed some of the folk on the front Kent nodding nnd yawning. Three minute Inter there wan only a person here nnd there who-e eye met my own. and n Ho. end of tell minute every Willi with in the range of my vision iippi-im-d to be asleep. ISoiitnl to nrouse them, yet slick to my subject. I shouted lit III" top of my healthy lung: 'Hint out the sun, cttlugulsh the moon, o'lliler ate the star ' "'And blow out the run, cut In ft THE STUOENTS' I0NUV) A Ili-Bllt Iflll C lit ii in it ii.u. rat a lilood, i;v.nt Havana ha one of ti, ful celiiL'terle on the w..n "4 .pli-re. Sloney h,, !.,. . " costly I,,,,,.,, 'run on It nnd It costly passage of the city work of line ai t. The l.... r t ..... d THE IUDIUTZ IJOAT. I heavy frauiework of angle Irons, glee! ! plates closely tilted over one another, i Her weight I HI tons, and h-r con ; m ruction fur restating the enormous i pressure of the water nt the depths In , w hich she will at times be submerged I perfect. Once In the water, If for j a surface trip, there I little to ta- se-n, nothing, In fart, save the two turret projecting above the water, mid us ; these are only two feet high the spec tacle !s not suggestive of the great In terest that Is below. I'n.ler the aft turret ta the engineer, the outlines of tlie hot air engine show ing Jut forward of the turret. The pr.i-ller sh.it'i runs forward to the ulr engine, nnd .nm- this engine ure the storage batter.'; cells In the sides of the Isiat. On Hie under side of the Ismt forward of Hi proH-ller ta u long mid rather slender rudder. One of the most I nt crest lug th'ng to incii of science ta Hie method by which the Isiat Is lower ed and raised, nnd this I one of th crets which the Inventor I not yet ready lo make known. Certain It' Is that n method which might with profit be employed by elevator companies. red-nosed old patriarch who pretended to awake with a snort. "That settled It. The meeting broke up In a roar. I left town before day light nnd wu In the hard w are business a year before I knew that my pinner had bought every ticket and put up the Job." 1 let roll Free Press. lowly fringed with tllflt'lilt!... . " if, blc. but lu the Oildst of tub, vj b-ctloii towers a bountiful .. , " " alve pile which. In view of preJB7' ilitlou on the InIiiii.I. p.. .., em hie Interest. American a nlways visit the spot where ( aim j! a use in niiiiiiratloii tiK) ., " metrical outline nnd Birur... , The beautiful memorial Inh . j Monument to the Hni,i,.,.. .. 1 " Cuban atteiiil'nj D, i-..i' . . 1 K I ----- - oiversltv Havana have nlwny bc.-n S.anlsli rule on the Island un, L had nnil-tyranny club, one nik. ty or more yenra ago a party 0f ikT Im-liileiit revobirloi.Uiu ..... , i. I ' wltll the foolish patriotic ,.,,n..,.,,I of youth, climbed the cemetery a nil smeared tin, Inml, ,.t . , . I " a iiexn tain geiii-rnl who, In hi time, ,ti tZ tyrannical toward the native tmZ! Hon. Tin (Imwl u-iia r.... . ""sV - iiniusa nruj properly nuntahnblo br I..,.II.U ..., . "l"B.j ll,ii-iinnll, r-.. .. I . . . i m K "-" mis. a ,t.j . properly Cllllcd delniiintiwl ii.... .M don In loyalty be taught. An luret -Jtf. mm v - -.- , When We (r.iw Old. Oue of the first Hlirnrlse that ni-on!.. a . . have a they begin to realize that tln-y nrc leaving Hie r ir.l of a goodly nittn- her of years behind llicin, ta that peo ple think Ihey ure old. Casual remark lo that effect made before them come n a distinct shock. The spirit does not grow old; It I merely bumpered by physical Infirmities, nn.l more particu larly public opinion. People are made old: thev clve mi youthful practices because people think they should, though Hint wa more In Hie past than lu the present. There ta no doubt that people, women nnrtlcit- hirly, lost much of their physical force because n they grew older It was "proper" for them to give up this nnd that and settle down. Now Hint grand- mmww TIIK TI.IlK;Ts, XIOXt MK.NT. .(.... ....... 1.....1 ...... iiini nun i.ei.i 11 nil 0 ollrllie charged to certain students. Xo ok Knew If they were guilty, but iliefw Inn Instated Hint they were. Xhjr said the offense wan an net of tn-as.1 They culled upon the captain g.-nml to 1 ii 11 Ict Hie dentil n.-naliv. though the executive of Hie Island m his ti i i ii I revolted against such tI ty. The Catalans would have It, TW nMruy after .nairlage. and broke the ! I r: q.wV---- '.,- .- h-nrt of my wife, w iel soon after- I . -cM- ' i--- -'"7 . . - . , I've a life, and It's ' fefefeV Vr' iL. precious few friend I've had lately. nn.vl.ow. tt I ,,h. I mny be for- -;-r tl- worst , Al, If .,- ,,r,.nil.s,. ; ZZt me to do one thliiir wl..... r... .1... . . 1 .-a-i 2? ;rr,,,t - ... :': :fA said i. 1 v- r&&fii fif jv : - v-i vis.j 1 -..--c--;iV4& (Uvvv 'V-X shall die lnii.i.r.' 'I II promise as far a I run 'What Is It?' "'If to take cine nf your wife.' an swered No. l.-.J. -Ah.' Mil, I h.. ..,,111,... I thought Unit would astonish von "Take care of my wif,.;- 1 giuel nt him In miiiuciucnt. -Why. f course J shall: Hut wh-,t is that in j-v " 'A great den!.' said he. "'Why?' "'11,-cause she's-my dnilghler:' "I looked nt 11 1 tn in terror and ns'on- ' !" t. and wh 4 iihout to semi rr t,(. nurse and for the doctor, feeling sure he was rumbling, when he said, sl i "'Sll down, sir. please; I can't t-i'llt mn. h hf.g.-r. You ncd (,t send lor 11-. 1 mi -on, 1 m at r u n. 1 1 .. would g've. vol- n shock, sir. 11 It g-o,-me one Hie llr t lime I s.-.- 1,... with you. Klla York -you see I know her i.time all right-was i.ulte u child by her aunt. .11.. owiied me. nnd never ii.i , . , . . nun what her father was. In th.-n t. inlte right. She changed her i.ani from Wilson to her mother's iiaine of York, nnd completed it... ,11. "I snt In dumb alien.-,.. What could" I any? Klla. my wife, a convict' daughter! " 'Plense. sir. don't t.-ll h.-r," said he. is.ie 1111 never known; don't let her know. Hut I fell I must tell you. sir and you'll not think any worse'of her '' and 1.1 ,-yes l.mkel pleadingly mid w istfully at me. , ".'Y' "I'1'.1 '.'0f ''""' ",t- 1 hall dnzel. but I feel what vou sav Is true. Hut Klla Is my ,, -, alwiiy shall be w lille lu-,.. I wish I had not heard this, hut It cannot alter my love for Klla.' " 'Thank tiod:1 he said. v...i .1. there one thing more. The doctors Miy I shall sh-cp myself awnv 1 ... ...... think It could be managed for mv d'arl- ! i"g 10 give me one kiss ere 1 .lie i.w, one?' " 'I'll try. Yes." siil, I 1 vi,.. i..,,i )ou II leave It to me.' 1 win: (illll lilt'ri! i-,in t . 1 1 ft llllil. WIhxii I ... 1 mi. thought 1 was in, Ml,, imlcel I Overwork, I pleadel. In another hour iney came to tell me he Win tuLuii and would not wake In thl world. "I took Kiln w in. in.. 1.. t 1. .1 , ' ill's, ,n;,i, l.llll, said I. 'a prisoner I... I- .1P1.. . and w ho ha ,-.- fow-frlends. told me to day how- he hn,! sn I'An .....I .. C like you to kiss him ere 1... .11.1 ... own daughter would have done, will you 7 t'ertainly. my darling.' And w it), eve full .if i.... ..... .., . . . ' "" I"".' IUI. ...lemsciou r.irm rose, the eveli half o.icn.sl. it... f...... . ' ... ., . ; iiiiici. ,,e ill.ln t know ; did she? "I Iel her away, weeping; my own heart full. I afterward verified hi "tory. Hut Klla ha never known any more, Howsou, aud never will. There I sometime a secret which should not be share! Mwe-n husband and wife. ...... sun, isn 1 ttierer I " " ' Mia' - "mmIZZZ "W I V I." V Ti.H t. . ' 1U" "A"lATZS SniMAIilVE and for In the slukln a well as in all "iiier. not l l.- s s? il..s, 1.. .. . . " - n is nil- nei-vab.e. Kvriy motion made with the most perie-t case and grace, and this thirty-one ton man of war dls.rls It-self in the deep as tiniurally us a por poise. The Interior of the ta.nt ran 1k made 11s light ,-is dosdred. A w ire loop runs from the dynamo, on wlileh .. Incandescent lights. The Ix.at can be raised and lowered at the rate of three feet n second, nnd she dives In the Wilier -is ...,..l:t ..... ...... ... s a (meg in resH.nse to an almost imperceptible pressure by the pilot. As experimented with up to dale tlie boat has been mn at a rate of fourte n miles HIl hour on the surface of the water, while an approximate N-ed of ten miles ha (. , , under the water, but f,,r ,, ,-,,; Hps shehaslH-enrunntarnteof f,-,,.,, tlir-e to five miles per m,ur. Tll0 , " ventor and the members ,,f ,1,.. cate express themselves s RJltisll(.d ' ' ' : TV'1 "s Win ' for ....t,-.i...,v.,,,.nssses, , ,,,s, t 1M.es. Tlie problem of the nlr In the bo-,t ;vs vital ,,m-. In the full s,-nJ 0Z Here again one eiK-ou,,,,.,,, ' 're fully guardel se-re, , ln"fu" l"t It is known that the alr ' mixed on the lm.it--.,,... 'r.'8 IW.enilcaUca,,::,'; hec.,rls,..fl.lllK11,llltlle J ta nbso.lHsl l,y nnM cn list Ic sodq nnd lime. K HO AT raising ncaln. 1 111,01,.... .. the turnhiL-s In ,. I Z. . . .. ' " lm hk- I Almost any,,,,,. ,, remember, ns n I child, wondering how it would seen, ' very old -In the child's estimation" - - eveiMi years. Then when th . . - . even 40 year have pass,-,!, . Jhlhl, who hs become n woman, look l,;,,,k ' ' " tl""t she feels U. older ,,,! surprisingly lti,. wiser thm that chlld.-New York Tltncs TRIAL TI51P. have Ktuib Ilti4 U',,l-,k I...I ,,,,, ...I... n,l I v ' " ..... inc iijtii inns Miot to death. This wa In no time of will'. It wa In a i-,in,... u in. I'mi luu policy to suppress nnd putiisli rlf oroiisly the slightest symptoms of re "u on 1 no part of the ni.tlve nopuU tlon. To the memory of these atiulenti rile innsslvo l.lolill.nent wn raised. stands to-day as ullent evidence ol deep-sen ted lintagollislll lietweell iVa wu ami 1 -iiim 11. A ProttiiH.l, Kture ,"hu"h,:".':""M rlke out t'ltlZt'U WllO Mtttttn. In 1. .-!.. . . ... i-UMUPh), jj im 1 111. n, . cn LESSON IN PALMISTRY. The I,e of,le lear, ,f ,.,.,, Indicate, Stroii Kccliu,. The Um of the henrt beirln m haihl toward the forellnger. It some times terminates on. tlie Mount of Jupiter nt tho base f the forefinger, sometimes ends h. tween the first nnd middle Angers and sometimes ends on the Mount of Sat urn nt base of the laM.lio ii.kt... .,. Tin in-.... - . - - me ;--e of,hi lln f tlle hjrt;:: mil..,, '" 11,10 ls roiiij It Imlirates strong feeling. If , k J stiMt.ger than the heid llm. ., that the ln,iiv,.. ., .llue 11 ""'.i can im. i.si 1... ... . ! mm IMlllnv'a ll.uir l ..I- C,,l I. A dispatch from Dcrlln to the I'lii.-npo Tribune, s.-.ys that the thrlce-loekeu vaults of the Spniulnu fort res wert opened a few days ago for the aimusl cxniuliiation by the Secretnrv of t Treasury to see tlmt tlie J'.mi.immi.imk) In Cold, which the Kelchstng voted In 1!T1 ns a fund for first expenses In the next great war, wns nil right. Huron von Thleliniiiiu selected n few lings at ran- dolll. Culllll,. ,1 tlm rr,,l,l In 1.1. ,111 rilllllteJ the number of bag and weighed tlie wnoie ninouiit. Some dozens of worn men were occupied for several hour In tlie grotesiiie tuediaevnl function. The sum cuts up $.'1,IHn..,IhWJ Interest yearly. Waa a Peaiiatiln Clerk. Merchnut-IInve you had any eil" rlenee in chliuiwnre? . Applicant Y'ears of It, sir. Merchant What do you do whenyoti break a valuable piece? Applicant Wl.ll.rT naiinllr sot It together again and put it where som feelings rather than i.- Listoiner will knock It over I Is.l. . . ' s.il. 1 ,,W tv - -.-'lumui-iou II 410. i 111-Hit. ; ,.... i-i"iiinieiice v....r. toure r 1; it. ,i...r ,,1.1 n... . ,. . . IKn, --ii,,i . " " i..., sniu 11 wanie.i me to mi In, . . . . ' :?h.'te -".uiidnzr" ,!. liar 1... lf r lift wun tear dimmei eye. "You're right, old fellow, and Cod ble y,, both;-- vn 11, Tbe pmt I born but th waiter sir! la ntald to order. Having won , , "Trmih 1- ..HI made' ; , ,i,0pa, -Inches ,lu.U.k l , . . .fgPaiki, fl.tterel mvself th-it I '"s,rict, P"T bu.ine career. I mow, a,;; z;:'mLhrihu l life, who wtnV.0 J 1 U'ad 11 G Mir.Ut..t . a(a Kin 1 e. roil of pa,,Pr New Paper Material. A mill employing fifty men Is no engage In making paper from thf wignsse or wignr canircfuse, wlilvt" w as ouce the greatest nuisance to tM Rcar grower. . 11 11 hlch may 1m wunJ containing . -ru.on. or ,h; r n uaed. for taking not,. V '""JP mjs..... uivei nn,. There U room for evwyloiljr In lb I world, but we caut all have front ronis. (: t cetera. ' 15 i) It 111 llUlniai t.m - man tO te mouey n tnking out a iteut creatlou. -ir ivv - 0 0 a