The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 11, 1897, Image 4

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Kugcnc City Guard
TarUTUwiMado by Manufacturers.
U.llroad Grant Secured by Ksll
mad Attorneys. Flnanclul
Legislation Dictated by
Mon y Losneig.
Commenting on the financial
question tbat rill come before thU
cjngress for determination the Cin
cinnati Enquirer say:
There Is much to encourage the
audacity of the bank pirty in their
claim that they are the beBt judges
of what 18 should be passed con
corning banking and currency, be
cause'they know best unler what
lawa.they can mike most money.
They have found this encourage
ment scattered all along through
the legislative history of the coun
try within the last fifty years. Be
fore the rebellion congress was
"stood up" and compelled to de
liver legislation to enrich manu
facturers under one administration
and to tighten the chains of slavery
and extend the political power of
the slaveholders under other ad
ministrations. During the war it
was stood up to grtnt principalities
of lends to railroad companies, De
sides loaning them governmen
bonds to well nigh cover the land.
It was stood up to enact whatever
loan and currency laws would best
suit the money-loaners of the world
and enable them to realize the most
milliops out of tho blood and sweat
of the people, ft has been stood up
to chance currency bonds into coin
bonds, and then to abolish the
silver coin in which they were
made payable, in the hope that
would :orce their payment in gold
of increased yalue. The publio
debt and the publio currency bave
been the playthings of the bank
Dower until, finally, avarice has
become so inflamed with what it
has been fed u&ou, and bo arrogant
from its success, that opposition to
further robbery is flippantly de
nounced as "repudition."
"In all thcBe wrongs upon the
people the laws passed by congress
have been drawn by those who
-were (o be enriched by them. Tariff
laws were drawn by the attorneyi
of the manufacturers; railroad sub
sidy laws by the attorneys of the
railway corporations, and all our
laws relating to loans, currency
and coinage bave been the work of
of the hands of tin skillful attor
nova employed by the money deal
era who were to be benefited by
thos) lawn. The people have had
but few lawyers. The doors of
congressional committee rooms
have swung quickly upon their
hinges at the slightest touch of
these consumers of the people i
substance, but whoever has intro
duced bills to oppose them has been
rccirded as a rather innocent ' bay
seed" or a dangerous .radical,
Avarice has named itself conserva
tive. and when vacancies upon the
federal bench are to be filled the
names are suggested of silken, sly
insinuating attorneys, rich with
tho fees paid to them by the great
syndicates, trusts and corporations
for demonstrating tbat tbeir denre
dations on society are legal. The
reason urged for tboir appointment
is that they are "conservative,"
which is another way of saying
that thev will protect their old
clients in the acquisition and re ten
tion of other people' property.
"It is in the light of conditions
like theee. which have long pre
vailed, that usury comes forward,
naked and unasbameu, and de
mands the right to dictate laws un
der which it may manufacture
money out of paper rags to be UBed
as "loanable currency," while bind
ing the victims who become tbeir
creditors to pay them in gold, ob
tainable only from the hard credi
tor by the surrender of whatever
amount of property he chooses to
damandfor it. Thank God the
present congress is beyond the
reach of theie conspirators. They
may make the llouee ot Kepresen
tatives obey tbein in part, but the
Senate will stand as a rock against
15 00
A MEanM."
Mayor Pennoyercan bedepended
uuon to Fpring surprises on the
publio when least expected. Ilis
latest feat occurs in tnat crushing
letter to the Portland newspaper
autocrat, luu Uregonian, lie
clinches his argument by calling
the Oregonian editor a "megrim."
This latest adroit flanking move of
our ex-governor h a caused a sua
den demand for Webster's Una
It was Dogberry, of rhikespeare'
an creation, whose pride and self
esteem as a judge were severely
wounded by the prisonor, who had
beon apprehended by Dogberry's
minions of the law, when he culled
Judge Dogberry an '"ass." The
judge, in that notable incident, in
Htructed the clerk of his proceed
ings to "write me down an ass."
Doubtless the Oregonian editor in
bitterness of spirit at the unoon
donable offense, writos himself
down on the tablets of his memory
a "megrim" to keep the insult fresh
for future excoriation of the worthy
Our ex-govern r U liable to do
most anything but se Ind no idea
Le would throw the national dic
tionary at the head of an offender
iu such a free and easy manner.
Commlisioners Court.
E O Potter, county Judge ,i!i.$06 65
A B Patterson, county treasurer 41 65
U 8 Hunt, superintendent CO 00
A J Johnson, sheriff 160 05
Cbks ! Bcott, deputy sheriff 75 00
A C Jennings, clerk 1WJ 00
F L Olbba, deputy clerk 75 00
8 C DoUon, ferryman 88 75
E Bowen, ferryman 20 00
V T Bailey, couimlsslonei 21 00
Janus 8 Dale, medical attend-
auce on pauper 8 00
T W Harris, medical attendance
on pauper 0 00
E A Zumwalt, keeping pauper,
claimed (51; allowed 20 00
J M Koeney, pauper supplies.. .. 8 00
James Parvln, pauper supplies... 8 00
E M Kimball, pauper supplies... 15 10
Hurd & Davenport, pauper sup
J F Walker, protecting roadway 75 00
R E Walker, protecting roadwaylOO 00
Wm Sutherland, road supervisor 27 60
L J Yoder, lumber 18 36
Hurd & Davenport, lumber 12 67
N L Harsbberger, lumber.. 66 43
J W Starr, nails and bolU 10 01
James Honlg, work with reck
crusher 7. .. 60
Henry Ream, work with rook
crusher.- V 00
Wm Calloway, work with rock
crusher 2 00
Mulkey eemeteiy road: E R Hollen
bock, W.W Martin and O Q Cart
wrigbt appointed viewer and C M
Collier surveyor.
Letter List.
Eugene, Or, Deo. 0.
Albert Atchlsou, Mrs M. Buckman,
Mrs W Cartwrlgbt, Miss Oower,
W L Qllbam, Mrs C C Ring,
Mrs DrOK Osborn , J H Wood,
0 W Winole.
i .kiT,, a iiiia nt will b mad on all
letter erven out. Feraoni calling lor letter
wlU plwkM itato when nd-ertlied.
IK Uixdskmk, Act. t U
For Sale Cheap.
I have 40,000 sulngles'and one 12
horse power J I Case engine, In good
running shape, which I will sell cheap.
Inquire of JII Habribs, Eugene,
Horses Wanted.
Tbe Music Mine Sold Several Busi
ness Changes of Importance.
Joe Cook, of Portland, Is buying
horses. Wants them to be 800 lbs and
upwards. Will be In Eugene on Wed
nesday, December 15, 1807, to buy
horses, at Bang's stable.
CA8KA of Adoption. Secretary of
State KIncald has addressed a letter to
County Judgs Potter, In which tbe
latter's attention Is called to section
2950 of the miscellaneous laws of Ore
eon, covering tbe duties of all the
county Judge In the matter of report
ing to tbe state department all changes
of names in cases of adoption of cull
dren. If any have been made In Lane
county by the probate court In 1807,
the secretary desires a list of them
nisform of blank has tbe following
headings: Date of order, iormeruame,
name changed to, by who adopted, re
marks. Corrcct. Albany Democrat: The
dispatohea declare that the Spaniards
are satisfied with the President's me
age." Tbe Cubans are not. It Is about
time somebody did something for tbe
Cubans, tbe most oppressed and worst
treated people In the world today.
Salem Statesman, Rep: "We very
much fear tbe Oregonian will make
Pennoyer governor again."
U 8 Marshal Houser will retain
George Humphreys as a deputy in his
office. Mr Humphreys will be assigned
tbe Albany district, which comprises
the upper Willamette valley.
Portland Dally Tribune; "The Dally
Eugene Guard on Saturday was en
larged irom a six to a seven column
dally paper, which Is accounted for by
the faot tbat tbe business men In that
olty bave become liberal In patronage.'1
Tbe Lebanon Advance says tbat
during the last two week, O W Simp
son ot Albany biw bnuyht iud shipped
from Lebanon 15 COO pound ' ( d ied
nrtnteM nd apDles. For thfti plos be
Dald 0 cents, and for the prunes 4 und
6 oentt.
Hon J W Hamilton delivered tbe
Elk'a memorial address at Boteburg
last Sunday. Tbe Roseburg Review
says of the address: "Mr Hamilton's
address was scholarly and eloquent
aid was listened to with rapt atten
The Observer states that tbe Graut's
Pass-Cresoent City Stage Co. has
burst ed; the liabilities are about $0000
and the assets consists of tbe stock, etc,
on the road. Contractor Peterson and
his bondsmen ate Insolvent, and the
original contractor will have to step
la and take charge.
Tbe Dallas woolen mills will thl
wsek begin running day and night, In
creasing tbe number of employes about
43. The mill will be operated at Ita
full capacity In tbe manufacture of
heavy flannels, 12-pound blankets, and
all kinds of miners' goods.
In Boston they don't nay "There'll
Le a hot time in tbe old town to
night," but tbe esibetlo blonde mur
murs, "Tbere will be an Interval of
time remarkable for abnormal temper
ature wltbin tbe corporate llmtlsof tbe
ancient municipality as nlgbt draws
her table curtains around."
Dec. 8, '97.
James Hemenway has bought the
interest of his brother William In tbe
livery business.
Wm. Hemenway bas bought out
Mr Lewis In tbe grocery busluuss of
Lewis A Burkbolder.
City Marshal McFarland and Con
table Wells, ran in a gang of hobos
for drunkeuness and fighting yester
day, and in searching them the offi
cers found that one of tbe number
was well supplied with money and
some Jewelry, which was stolen Mon
day night from Nobis Rice, at Rose
burg. Mr Rice arrived this morning,
Identified tne Jewelry and also tbe
man as one of the gang that was seen
near tbe house about tbe time of tbe
robbery, and took blm back to Rose
burg on tbe local train for trial.
Geo Frazer of Eugene, came up on
Tuesday and bought U or tbe machin
ery belonging to tbe machine abop
here, formerly run by Mr WarnlcU.
Mr Frazer gets some fine machiuery,
which be will add to bis plant In Eu
gene. Mining property In the Bohemia
dhtrlct Is now changing bands pret
ty lively.
Geo Long, of Long & Sons, has
bought Tom Johnson's mill and mine
at Elepbai.t mountain. Mr Long
will put In an engine to run tbe mill
Ben Curry and Harry Stevens bave
sold their claim on Grouse mountain
to Spokane parties, the price $1000 be
Ing paid, which Is pretty good for an
undeveloped slaim.
Tbe Muaio mine is sold to parties.
who own the Noble Five mine In B. C,
J P Junnlngs, Geo Turner, N E Lin
sey, J I McGregor and another gentle
men are tbe company.
Postmaster Ely, of Kelso, Wash
started an outfit on Monday for the
Bohemia to develop some cla'nn
which a company of- which be
manager, are opening.
Geo Ad kins, one of tbe owners cf lbs
Noonday mine, arrived from Chicago
Sunday night and started next day for
the mine, a rich strike having been
reported In tunnel No 2, on which Ed
Jenksand James White bave a con
Bird Farrier, wno la wintering on
his claim on the Steamboat, has struck
It rich.
For Infants and Children.
McCoruack's Corner.
Deo 7.
A very bard rain last nlgbt.
Fall-sown grain looks
Ducks are quite plentiful at present.
Moody Neat, of Oak Hill, was In our
midst recently,
Mr Somers Is working In town.
Euthle Pratt killed two geese Mon
Adam Mlsuler Is clerking for Mr
Schwarzschild in his book store In
Mrs Tabor, who was sick but a very
short time, died Tuesday. She lived
In this locality but a short time, hav
Ing moved here from Slnslaw precinct
She was well liked by all who had the
honor of becoming acquainted with
her, and she will be greatly missed
Irom the social circle of our little com
The Lively Headcheese.
A number of families, about 80 per
sons iu all, of Corvallla. have been
poisoned by eating newly made head
cheese, but so far no fatalities are re
ported. Several of those poisoned are
still In a critical condition, especially
on account of weakness, but it is be
lleved tbe danger point has been
passed. . The headoheese was made on
the farm of John Hurlburt last weekj
Nothing Is known of the character of
tbe uteuslls In which It was prepared,
but It Is supposed tbat It was by faul
ty kettles r pota that It was made pols
Unity Items.
Dec 8.
Ths weather U somewhat blustery.
J It liolbrook went to Eugene last
week on business.
Rev Stockwell, of Springfield, oo
eupled the pulpit here Sunday and Is
till pwacblng, and will probably con
tlnue until tbe holidays. Rev Mo
Clain Is here to help In tbe meeting.
A J Renfro went to Eugene tbls
week to see about a logglog contract.
Mr and Mrs Jesse Holbnok bave
been visiting relatives In tbls vicinity
for a week.
It Is n t decided yet whether the
Eugene Lumber Co will log on Fall
creek or on tbe Willamette. It Is
hoped that they will log on Fall creek.
Robert Edwards killed a Jack rabbit
tbls week. He said It had ears a foot
John Guiley, of Dexter, was In this
section lait week buying calves.
Joseph Mattesoa If again vliitlug
Egypt. He has not decided whether
be will go to Klondike or i ot.
ralrmouat Item!
Deo 8.
vn rjiiAan: Where Is our corrs-
spon 'snl? We haven't seen any Fslr-
mount Items for a long lime.
Mr Lombard Is treating his bouse to
. . m . l.lnli M.Mlltf
a beautiful coal or pami, wui
adds to Its appearance.
Mr Holloway, Falrmount's enter
prising blacksmith, Is having his land
niowed. preparatory to building his
residence In East FalrmounL
Mr Orcutt bas purchased a two-ecre
.mi hlf nlot of ground fronting the
boulevard, a few blocks south of the
church, and Is building a neat cottage
on tbe same. Verily, Falrmount Is
Miss Jessie H"lloway bas Just oloted
a very successful term of school at
Spencer creek.
August Fisher raised a fi e crop of
apples tbls year, consisting of Nsw
town Pippins, Blue Pearmalo, White
and Yellow Bellflour, Greenings and
Glorl Mundays, many of the latter
measuring 14 Inches.
A Subscriber.
The Bush for wold.
Late advices from Juneau, Alaska,
asy tbat notwithstanding the fact
tbat every North Pucltlo Coast paper
bas for months been publishing tbe
fact tbat people cannot at tbls season
ol the year cross either tbe Dyea or
Bksguay passes, evsry steamer brings
additions to tbe hundreds of people
already there awaiting an opportunity
to continue their Journey to tbe fields
of gold. During the past 10 days tbe
five steamers from Portland and Seat
tle brought over 400 passenger.
Dit & Henderson, Undertakers ni
Embalms, Cor. Wii and 7th tti. -
Superior potorafs
Eictllloi all ethere la
Wke .
Irtistie agd
Pwnanerjt Results,
of to? z rsrAvf
' JH01O COMgAAf.
Prices before you go
to Klondyke.
Our walnuts and almonds are tbe
new crop.
itemember in buying orangea or
lemons from us jou're getting them
obesperand fresher aa It Is fruit that
I raise on my own place near Sau
4 d dry peaohea 25
4 d dry apricots 25
50 lbs flour 1 00
1 doa lemons mhihhmTI 10
1 rioi oianges naval M flj
2 ll.s Arbuckle coffee 25
2 lbs Lyon coffee 25
2 lbs very fine roast '6
2 lbs Green com 25
1 lb 1887 walnuts 10
8 lb caudy 25
1 lb alruouds 10
5 lbs lard fresh ' 45
10 ltm lard fresh 00
17 It granulated lugar (cane) 1 00
60 Iba One Pair., salt . .. 45
SOlbaaack salt 35
We give a banJttonie book to each
and every customer.
1 n n 11
vtrnfmnrTO 111 9 III
If II Ul u
For Tho
Our Stoek is complete with Goods
Suitable for the Xraas trade.
i lairai pn dti cdc ' z'.'WO Govt
bini.ii .wiitin9, IARI r i.r "
.. Jnd Manj Others Impossible to Enumerate.
10 EaaUiefs for h
Paper Salt!
ill fool
75c each
LADIES fllilt OlOOIi J10SE.
IN order to make room for our
new spring 6tock, we are
going to close out our stock
of 1897 wall paper at prices that
will astonish you. In other
words we will cut the prices on
white hlanks and gilts
and will make a big reduction on
our ingrain papers and friezes.
This is a bona fide closing out
sale. Everything must go and
will go if low prices will accom
plish it. You have never had a
chance to buy more cheaply than
at this sale
Don't forget to call and see our prizes, just
fc: arrived. Wo give you a present with every $1.00
worth of goods you purchase
VWWVQ n 1 tlCTCflC
University Book Store.
New Management.
Complete Stock of-
Ihported Japanese Goods
? T$rre -rsJ C . fit lowest
r-. .1 r: it n in i r i i ii 1 w w i
ru. une V ui,wl&,Jf tiuirrtprie?8
H. G. MILLER, Proprietor.
1 1 Ml.
At your own priw
Clothing JK.!JE
higjof all klDdsYl'.ls isll, snd Id onto
to make rrom for or latgs J j
slock, will clot e tut sll our boy "
piece ailts at prlcts Ust P
you, tbey ere up-to-date snd iJM
Id e ver j reppect. Pi Ices from
per full up. Every suit guaraniwi
In Hens
We have s very
lin ind IM
Clothing ffirr
em. Suits from $3.50 UP- VJ
want ny kind of suits, owes
rants or single garments mi, "
and get prices, and look over o rl
of samples. Tbey are right up"
In styles and werkmansblp. "ew
sending orders every week.
Will mnfif nrVkoot. oil v.-.nnt:,: i
v. wmnuuii uu any ana ail goods in
"B. aim ii necessarv on nonnnnt. of nhv otmna nA.j.
, sii in tiiuao viUUUS
Piemium script will n6t
be given after January 1st, 1898.
Air-Tioht .
TVin't ftiit nff crt itn tAM. ..n i .
- - jwui mi wooi lenre arMa too
,ong- "u'V0111" fat,t Dd when thl is gone
y.oru,reou;nchbe;e;Tdostbar cbft,w- on v
. . . STOVES
Af Uttlnytht U.d
Over ll Hxitlnc Stoves,
if Dr. Pa'
MRMunnn nromnm nyi
iv h in i n r iN 1 1 1 n r 1 1 yhio. i,ir.
u.r.nto to curt .11 acrron. dlmM IKb wTiS ?m,dS!
. iwr, ocb., W.kelulDML LoM Manhood viii..V501
ion NcrroiMneM. .U drain, low Vlinwn InnJtZzA
tobacto, opium or timnlantwhtetf ld fo InS "'-'" of
Inn!tT. Can becarried InV rwk i J. t'r' Con.u motion or
W.nufactured hT th. Prm Mrtidn. JSr',iUkellooBr
Iru, Co., riDt:l
A tV
" ibep ins uniy gcnuing an
jOLO DOST Smokeless powder and EXCELSIOn
Hack (older loaded shells kept bj m
r -"y r-