U mpr. o - 1 v i 1 v a i A y 0 UTiBLISnER MR THE DIMEIIJiTION OF 0EI0CI1TIC riHCirUI. AM TO 1111 I0JMT tlTIHO BT THI SWEAT OP Oil BROW 1TY An IEEIU EUGENE 6UARD Ai1PIJELL BROS, PUBLISHERS Kant aide ol ,B",ll b 'ween M ajltll.! EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, DECEMBER H 1897. XEKM4 Of BU1WCIUPTION: t ; 2 ... Tf. 1 i I 11.00. 1.00. AO. iHvartlsing rates msdi Adv on application. made known (II bUellHIS 10 0U A ftl OlKOB- DEALER IN jjxks. vVatcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. BEPAIKINT PROMPTLY DONE iTw. BROWN, M. D. phyBician and Surgeon, ilffioa soil r- 11 or poatofBoe. Huftrs; ;. m.llXS'Z. ""'M i. c. woo"doook, Ait o r ncy-at-Law. Omcs-Onsball block soatb ol Chrlsman's Hock. EUGENE, ! OREGON. "LODGE 0? SOBROW." Beautiful and Imjiressivc Mtrmorial Service of B P 0 Elk j Guard, December 0. "Tin faults ol our bmthera wo wilto upon the Mud, their tlrtuea on the tablets ol lor anu mem try." Eugene Lodge, No 8.r7, IiPO Elk', held a sacral session yesteiday In M.-oulo lia.11. In accordance with urn: d Iodic Uws, which provide, fur an Aiinunl memorial, as follows: (IIMJ.WW.CI, r. E. mmiT ATTORNEYS-JIT-LAW. Vllljuitltf In ill' lUte. Offloe lo Walton block. rego of It, 151, Pec. 8. Ths first Bundsy In De- down the valley, oember of sach year ! hereby desig- ,ri Mtry n talker, the oldest n- nated and dedicated a a day lu which I niKlntnir t tiler of Oregon, coming her. hall be commemorated by every lodge jQ 1838) dled lt Forest Grove yesterday, of Elki the memories of our departed r,,,.t,,riAA lh., . CoUm Grove brother,, and aball be known as "The .. , , hl, L.L. WHITSON, DENTIST. Rln nurohaeed the offiM and futures o U. late deceased W. V. H.d.rn ' - iiareil to uo .nymui, iu mw " - he .bore aald offloe. Crewe " "nag work s eeclsll, Elk,' Memorial Day." The funeral service of a departed brother shall be known ai a "Lodge of Sorrow." GRANITE AND MARBLE WORKS. Hew Deilpii and New Price! In Foreign and Pomeatlc Marble and Granite, Monuments, Headstones and Cemetery work ol all kindi lor IMS. ALL WORK GUARANTEED I ri amelteStreet. near Poatofflce. Eulen. Or E. R0WN, B.O. PAINE. rVa.ldmt. VlcePresletnl. W.OSBURN Cathl THE kne Loan and Savings BANK, Of ugene. - - i SCTORB-D. A. Paine, J. B. Harris. 3. Uarli, B. P. Paine. W. . Brown, 1. r. Kobinaon, F. W. Oaburn. fall Dd Caultal, : : 550.000. Central Bet kino Busin tt. Trmsacted SACKED SESSION. (Adopted at the Grand Lodge Beialon held In the City of Detroit, Bial of tllchlgan, June .1 MONDAY, DECEMBER 6. O P lloir of Irving, is In the city. F B Bellman has returned from Haleru. W A Whltp, of Foley firings, Is in the city. Hecretaiy Klncsld returned to Salem this morning. Mrs Wm Fishrr, or t'or.alll, is vl, lling In Eugene. J A Owlno, ofrsaleiu, vUlted in Eu gene over Sunday. Flour was reduced by the mlllx 20 0nte per barrel this forenoon. Geo Frlzzell returned to hla homo at VcKeliitle Bridge this uiornlng. R II HnodgraM, the Horrleburg cattle buyer, was In Eugene yesterday. EH Laurr, of Portland, spent last night with bis parents in this city. J W Cook, superintendent of the MuhIc mine, Bohemia, Is In the city. Henry Lang, the well known Port land drumnie", did business In Eugene today. Mrs J A Gslnu went to Corvalllt today after a pleasant visit with rela tives in Eugeue. Attorney A U Woodcock aud James Abrams have returued from a trip to Douglas county. Ths awning in front of the Guard offloe was torn down todsy. More light wss needed. W L Bristow, postmaster at Pleasant Kill, arrived this morning from a trip MKINLSY TO COSGRKSS Summary of the AudmI Mnsnge Sub- milled Yesterday. Its fceefe Is Wise. Pally Guard, December 7. Presldeut MoKlnley's iuesage, which was preseuted to congress yes terday, after exterdlug greeting to the Mill congress, and speaking of the con ditions which bav contributed to our prosperity as a nation, deals with liu porlaut natloual (uestlui's tu he con klered by the nrestnt setslun. A ... .. i... . ..i..i.i.. Dorlsiil POIUIS WHICH llisara ii ";; i that the governments Interested win adopt uienaures without delsy for pres ervation ot the seals. AHBITIUTIO. lis pledges bis cnjotirnccmcnt to ar bitration treaties which slmll avoid the bcirors ol war, provided they ao noi Imperil our lulereits or our honor. I'lKl EXPOSITION. A special commissioner fiom ihU country to secure space and an cxaltili at the I'sris cxpoiltlon In I'.KK) has re ported that he has secured Increased space fur American exhibits rcprecnta live ot the Industries and resiurces of otir country. THE, NAVY. 'Ihe pre.ldent speaks with much gratification ol live baitlo-shipi ol the llr.t clas, 111 torpedo-boats snd a sub marine bout now under construction, that ih recent Increase ol the navv was nueuea sou uas recencu-uiiU . I tl.ul dir.. annrovsl. lie rcciuiiincinia or lonr drydocks three he conatruoted ou the the I'u on the summsry of the topic, discussed lu the Atlantic const, at leant one on nge; aud the presldeut's recom- clh coaat, and a lloatlng dock men lint Ions coLceruluir them, follow,: f THE LOCil DEBATE. Mi-ssrs Ajiplfgate, KojieDdall and Wliiltlesy Will Represent U. of 0. NO SO Why does Cuba dislre to be recognized? It would dignify her among other na tions. Why does Spain oppose It? She wishes to keep her clutches on Cuba. W. L. WHITTLWV, for the negative, said that Cubans themselves are Indicting these dama ges, and not Spaniard. Cuba lias no commerce of her own. If w, recog nize theni we would aid rebellion, In ¬ surrection and anarchy. Our com merce with Cuba amounts to noth ing c s compared to our commerce with other natious. TIIR CLOCK. The leader, closed the debate In transverse order, Mr Applegate stat ing we must abstain from the least ac tion that would show us to be working for a result. The question of humani ty Is not Involved; countries should attend to their own business before they attempt to Interfere with out slders. He theu reviewed the argu ment of both side, and used up the re maining time In refutation. Leader Kuykendall aald the opln- Ion, of the majority of ths United Btates senator, favor the recognition of lodgings at one of our hotels last night. John ClarV, the hobo, who was laid up here with a sore foot, was furnished passage to Roseburg by the county court. Portland Pat lllo Empire: The acad- tnv (if Ml lenoe. connected with the It was an Impartial and Interested aud lei ce that congregated In Yiltard liflll Suturday evening to lUten to ths debate which decided who would rep resent luo University of Oregon In ths Intercollegiate debating league. I, R Alderman was selected as mod erator. aud Messrs Geo A Dorris, II D .r. -.1 T. Till... vfffUIH THE CURRENCY. . , ,nn Judges, -m - ., i hat Ihnl. V" u""' " ..iii ii,- Tim novation recelvlns ths 'pros" iu r- ;.. iniuenwMMijte. V . - ..." " I sti. ... n..inrii,.nf Tuha la evil of our currency system Is me laws applicable to the territory, i- and "eons'' or tno conwstsni, was - ---- Bieatcosttothe iioverniiieut ol keep- proves the ealaniianmeni oi mi. "' ' oiiesolvcd, That the United Btates m me nanus oi iu.urBou, u- fug all the former our money JSS M "B, lta M"naC AJJJTZ ......., conn i m immi nil. .. ... ..liiiatiiiin f'liita " uv ua.iuu iu J paruy, ,u w u... " liex.oie sysisn, o, : ., flt t declare war on account of currency tnal tne goveruiueua to ino itituro s neeua, ,LI " I .7. m. , . . v - I .t hi.. ..ii.n. Inirlululnrn the .. . ... k. ..nuait Tlia ramalmlir of luB Dledaed to redeem In gold, but lis re- attention u. ,UD - --- u.ier for u,e affirmative, said: is - y . - . - i .j i renoricu Drooaoio euunsj . ... . , , nma was aevotea to ameriiou ui u IV 1 1 1 LB MSB UU. Ifg.llCU " I I I IllHrM K llHig VI W.IIM.V.VUVJ .H . - - - - - . . I ...... i w 1 - - .ml h.nna tha onlv mesOS ail ,n"l"' I T.,. ihlniu ira nemaaarr. viz (11 ,mn,.n.l of the irovernment for ob- The nrcllent believes that new laws w TheM1 mu-t be oreaniaed r PP0UeuU ""- I I... 11.. .n.u.nilllint all " '"I - Ulnlnggold Is by borrowing It, whicn sua regulation. . J. government. There are both. Bpaln accounts for ths Increase of the bonded I o IoUIsasa territory Is 2.,5t4,54t acres, I la not master of the situation debt during tne cieveiauu aum.u...... mucU Ol It being iomie ibhu. "" ,re ZW.UW uuoan sotuiers vu w. - i.,..i. leader D V lion of 12(12.315,400 to secure money to 0, whites bw. semea ' Ulauds. Cleveland's special commls- - "-T;... .d W L was no enu io . . .. ... .. . ji.ioj 11..1 nBuwi wu.. me war, auu wuira i ... and treating ... t.,,i r,,!,. i... declared lode- WIIU mvmu.j w 7 7, . . Boveraiueiit should rcsuino ownerau bouds bearing a lower rate of luterest, jt (he ,aod now i,eion)?ing 0 Indians. nil for Ions? or sliori neiious. ne Invitations numbering about S00 ar imnaif inn ine iraterntiv re gretted that the size of the hall limited university of Oregon is doing good tbem to that number, 'tue program work this season opened at 2:30 o'clock with an organ M nd Mri Charles Hill, of the roluntary by Miss Mas nau, ourwg Beiknap Springs, left today lor rot i which the msmbers of the order . A A A,toria on a month's bus! entered the hall, taking the places re- neM ,Dd piCMUre trip. served lor them, led by .xauea wuier Q p HofrLM purcbBsed 80 acres of JliFage, a n iorau, vue.p . fsrm nm Irvlug rrom tbe occasion, anu xvo " ""' Morris Levlnirer for 122 60 Wt aorf, who officiated as chaplain The opening iltual services of this memorial day were then given in a most Impresslvs manner, the lodge membership reverently standing. The roll of the honored dead or no numbers but one, Waller vernon Henderson, and In a voice broken wun Numbers territory, keen up the gold reserve at $100,000,000. sna py pre.rn, . ... . . . M n - . - . . . i f r h7 i ui t i stuamw r-r Should the preseut policy oi raiswg - ,,,,... a commission Is now Is claims and In refuting ths arguments ueuts. THE 1EC18I0N. mi ... ., V. - ri ,i t It ui . a ti Haw Thersl mejuugee, wiiuiw uuij .in.niuiii lh. Ihrn iMat debaters. on ths , 7i . gold oy oona issue, u. "-, invesliiratiug , ids n..cr - """..n war existeu. vuu. .... -....,,,,,, of .innin. laurels recommended that the secretary 01 tne with In j Indians. u pendeuce and adopted a constituuon. . nrBon , th- in. treasury be given authority ,. , eel, IKSff France 1'!- T the matter recommends that when a United QIAIUKT1KK. Th maaiitent concurs wltn tuesco of the Southein Couled- j . . Pcesldent Monroe recoguiwu eracy; tia iiilirereucy of other nations. States note Is prsscnlcd at ths treasury The pi uiam com. .r. -. appleoatk, and redeemed In gold, It shall not " ' n'dmenti t0 01ir quarantine lows, ,dur of the negative, In speaking again be put lu circulation excep. iur with tl)e ,mrpose 01 Pre0"lluK 'U?,.'V" Mbed: Does belligerency ei id. In his opinion. It Is of great .reduction ol contagious diseases wliuin , Importance that tbe government our borden. conB,ilorod nr0 ,Ue UoluJ 8uUi t0 extend recognition? should not be required to provide the wm of bo'ua.Jed rallrontls, congres- c.bVei,nd thought the conditions did t-old needed for excliange or iorex- 80oal library, and tne civil servi. ,B tr nii ej states in acting; . . . . . 1 1.. a I as . a I . .Anm f nv I in nrfiVnillullli I " t a porU It Is pointed out Uiai me exisi- consiuers mero .a 1 ii.ev bavs not ths machinery suracienv I ....lum las frskttCTlt t. W Ith vreat dan- In the latter. ,.... " ' . . r Avorailirn- lug . concHalon, rrcsuiem siuniuicy ror exercising um pu' ger. He Indorses the plan recently lUlcltuati lhough he bas omitted niaoy coudulons of riot, anarchy and outlined by Becretary Gage for reform- important leferences to matters with WRrfare l(ti Cta Cuba bold her lurtner aats wbicn congress wmu..: .mnn nlher nations? in bank. bere. berefer..emb.r..ou0 "non Cuban, loyal in IB. 111111 IIIUI BIV Kiswa I llirin SJSIV " at Baletn tbey contest with Wlllametts University, the sunject being: "Resolved, That labor organizations ar an eoonomlo benefit." U ol O Is to . 11.. rru ... Una. IWla Am. exist? Ars " . . ... p-n.n- .. Htm iha ) ' u-'"""" tt...- Uatlry ne T. , . r, . ...i.im .nrf ...... 1 mveraiLV. roma vjiu.r. .ui'in.. "- dais to be decided later. FIKUMEX'S ELECTION. M. Young Elected ' Chief Horace Bsrnelt AsiisUnt and This Is certainly a bargain. Rev B F Bonnell and family, late of Dallas, have moved to California, Where the reverend gentleman has engaged In evangelistlo work. Archbishop Gross passed through this mornlDg to Portland on his way sorrow, Exalted Ruler Page said: "I. front CoUage 0-, where he vain we call upon him; ne nas passcu cau . Into the light that is beyond the vauey oay. of the shadow of death; the places Lee M Travis returned today from ....L.......n 1 in win know mm Pnrvnii a. wnere ne umutreu . v- .-.t.n.. mora we r Pilled .nn.VVaalilnirin foOlbstl ESme. HIS no more, auu uu , Buu-...-o . - . .. upon to realise that In the midst of decUlons gave satisfaction lo botr lire we ais In death; that lie who glde. watches over all our destinies has the Th8 junotlon city couucil has decld nirit. of our departed under His . , . MaDt quor licenses lor 1 .io..fi.l can, and on that last great . th. oneyear. The saloon day will again connect the chain of I gn Mfced t0 llBVe licenses made pay- .a s If Cnl. I . friendship so recently Droseu. - abeMml'annua:iy. log ths currency, ana that notes of national strlcled to Issues of $10 and upward, and that natloual banks wlln. a minimum capital of $25,000 be allowed to be organized, and all national banks be sllowed to Issue notes equal to ths face value of their bonds deposited to secure such circulation CL'UA. Ti.e auction of the Cuban war and our relations with Spain and the In surgents occupies the greatest space nf an Question consiaereo. 1 iw Ideot shows that in tne revolution iw dnnlnir In 1801 the united ovaiee, through President urant, ports. attention. Intei it allowed on time deposits. Collections entruited to onr ears omp mention. wing this was their "Opening uue. Rev Rose then lea in pryr., which the choir rendered "iNearermy God to Thee." A very preivy v ill rJ 8. B.Baew. Casblsc I VTVS - - - .... . aa There Ts Llaht Beyond the Btties, r - ..n hv Misses Renshaw and "uu"eu ' waw m -- - He'll SiaUQ 11. Father W A T. Q. Hssnaiou, PMaidanL P E. Bmodorabs, AasUUnt Cashier. First llaW m Ot Eugene. Vnravn. nf the CbOlr. I . .... . Tn-l.. l.la rhnlr B M Yoran, a. eulogist was then y" Introiluced and delivered the memo- from this city retur rlaUddress. He spoke of the solemn " Mr faithful practice of Cbar,ty occu rred yes . Justice and Brotherly Love; , uas w'wu-- -- that Is eood and beautirui in mis wu.. aorepitn. - -... , Paid op Ush CtpIUl $.0,000 Surplus and Pronts,J50,OOO Eugene - - Oregon. A ireMrml banklnt bnshwss doni ion rgg able tens Sight drafts YORK, CHICAGO, SiN FRANCISCO and POET- V . .... n -m r-t . AT iianuuttiiuufl. . aj. BUla of szehau sold oa forslga a7 DepoaiU reoaired aubleot to check or oertin- CAU'oo1uioUii eotmated ton wlU reoslvs (rompt attastUoa. SfrhShW irsternal Located by the nomination of Attor :u.m Power LeyOeneislMcKeuna to be associate ffisTthM themselves: sxpre-lng Juitlc. of ths U S supreme cour. beliellnan Infinite Being, Is revolu- Ge0 W Rice, finance kee per of .initn ths world In oimentlng ths r-banon tent of the K OT, tbs tlonixing w. -.-". 7 -- .. .V ar...- n,.hi f2000 fellowship of M.w DZZ, JTZWrtlfl. erhood of God. us ps - ths amouns o. e- - . ...... iv. una nromer. naiwi ..i. ha it dv on u" iriDU'S w - , . ... h.n Ml deva. Vsrnon Hsnderson, wno nu " p.id the ciaim m - way Icto the realms neyonu. . cloi many eye. unused to emo Ion .... Ilk tonrinr thOUllhtS Of were moiai. wi - - loved ones gone, me "-7'--" s -Ma asni-l WU 1 IWUCU matt en y uw mM with rapt attention. At Its close many commendatory words were beard r- rdlD,.t. h, an The address w ; - ithem, "O Be Joy ful In the , Lord," fDanksl by tbs choir. u ology" was then sung by the audience. and the beneaiciwu v . fr' Raw Rose. The posuuue w w "Tannhauser" was played Dy Huff. Lano County Bank. lEstahushed la lSU) EUGENE, OEEGON. A general Banking business n .11 k. Sranaaeta d no vorable terms. a n tVAirVV Tai Mant.l . M. ABRAMS, uasnier. k. O. HOVEY' J K-. Aast Casn A, SK.tTEsccED.-H A Harrington was Wash. lst week tn i Annth. In the Washington nenltentiarv for manslaughter. An ppial to the supreme court has been made and a stay of Judgment iu It will be remembered be friend accidentally while under the in nuence of liquor sometime u A "new woman" Guard whether It form for her to go on proposing. No, lady asks ths would be good ber knees when if be loves you well KAN ME C. C0ND0S. The following telegram with its sad a It. I. HAASsnCnrVS news was receivea tut. uwiuiu. "Oakland, Cal. Dec 6. Thomas Con don. Bpiln; It would put terms lib Spain. c v. a allow AY, .nirmative colleague, said that five, nd onlv Ave thlnirs ais to be consider od! (11 recoanlzlng Independence; (2) nlorvon nv (SI UIS OUr OOJCO. tv make a neaceful end to the war; () bellloerencv: (51 do nothing. The first three are Impracticable, and T nmen't election held yester- to da aa not a verv exciting aiTair, us on hostlls ony 82 Totes being cast. It resulted as follows: FOR CHIEF. C. M. Young. M. a Hubble M Young's majority 6 FOB ASSISTANT. Horsce Burnett ..; Wra. Hodes 81 endeavored Burnett's majority W It Is but lust to say that Mr Hodes refused to be a candidate. The gentlemen elcctedLJto lusoiespou- i.i.t twined away without ,i.n fourth la ths only thing to do; ""u" r . - . . : j a im. suflerlng. Ws leave tomorrow uiB"- qUeetious or numauny uuiay - Seymour v. vowiw. action; uonros aaj. From this It Is spparent he passed based on policy or humanity; Cubans .... ...a .,nltfbt. accom- and Amer cans in uuoa are suujcuv w ;o"p7.n.nd ,0 bloodshed in Cub. Urn&J diabolical law. of Bp.ln; Cub.n. ZTTZ but It. eftort. were unsuccessful. At P 0Df er brelher, and hi. wife, and would become frei .men; America must h flt ch nremen. th.t, tima the Question of granting uou' a . .n(i MiM ciara not wait for precedent. m""' '" 1 . . 1 n. mri it d 1 " - 1 Tells It Ulffht. u.t n.. remains will commence uieir n .atlve Coiieague: Are we u-u . ' . . . 1 . l.l.r. .. . - ... 1 W rllnl.l. .n .... . . . . . . . KpeaKing 01 tne aueiupn Bsnton county or dis ssiate, Union says: he will take tbs step wbentver rigiui nurDOe ever lived hailnr.nbi: Cuba has sufficient rights . Unia i,lmnini, caae Is causing aud duty demand it. It is due to Mdldh)ione, First and foremost, a now and our recognition would avail cou.Uerable stir Just now near Mon Spain, lu view of our friendly rela- . . kcoua ,d artist of ability, her nothing; suoh action would not Ind Jumpers in a county whsre lions, thai sue oegm iu deVoted to ber work. annie uuuuu toptuewar. . land is so abundant, ars in w- that shs can ai d will achieve the pact- fc ber nfe Daplred those with whom aonesadamb temptlble business, and in this case flcation of the Islands and Introduce ' n conlft0t to realize that to afflrn!alve colleague, asserted that w uot malts It stlok'by lawT Their reforms which the present dj.u..u ,.. 0f the All-Wise meant AinorCan capital and American com- .l.imsare notawfl." minUtrr is committed. i.i mora than outward show; mprea la suffering; Cuba 'supporU l.sr- An(i.ii iu.t and trus men will - I UU.O.U.B I . . . . " . Hawaii. nie,ut devotion, consecration- ielf. our commeroiai interests who D0Muiy respond amen to thai view 01 t,.r.n, 1. made to the trtaty with wlliie in her life work as an artist, 10 CuU ,mount to iiuu.uuu.uw annu.i.y. , th, ih. Hawaiian islands, laid before con- whlcb ,i,e applied hereon n l,-Z gresslast Juue, which has been rat.. belUb. thorUghness ana aueuuou the question of gfnD r,.. w n a tinan and Miss Clara not wait for precedent. belligerent rights to the Insurgents " w,th r at the . d boone, was considered, as now, but was not m.in. will commence their n...tt,a colleague: Arsws t a .1 lAUiniSEI a . . a . a I favored Dy urant, auu takes a decided suud against believing tbat it is unwise and u--- Journey to this city, wnere iu Bpatn7 Bueistoo ... I """"V m-ni IU UVe dace. other nations; ws are nouna oy iutr. cUliMnof bul n.i.l.Hi life of so great purity national law not to recognise tbs thsCorvallls child, at been Bed bv the mwaiian re.uui.u,- . h er motive. neuassi. now awalU actio., ny ne ol .vervone. and there I. sincere BW?"..:, h. and. to . and deep grief In Eugene, corapiB" ..,. 7 , that "every consideration of dignity knowiedge that shs has and houor requires it." , , mmmv KioARAGCA canal. ..,..mPnia lor the funeral made, ins retu.ii tha sorrowln rela- ttodi'StothJ proper route, feasibility Wednesday morning on ths 4:19 Call- EOGEflFS BIG STOHE. WITH THE LITTLE PRICES- Miss MOKTWAGE COMPARES. . uit.ht. Increase of Hrw Mortgsge ludebt- dneis Over Mortgsge feW factions in L.ns t'ounty Uurlng 197. the other dsy had re; turns from the different counties of the .tat. showing the release, of mort gage, msdsdurlng tbs P"" imouat for Lane county was $201,000. The Oiegonlan siaiistic, nioabaou jj0 krrangemi In regard lo this matter, ol ' such lm- baye Jtjl W!SJS LS inftd la! " July To accompanied by Id ratAlUiinOIVU PrP" . T l.e 1.-. .a-AM The committee having It 1 charge the 1 lncnniiWej ,nd u?, a tendency to memorial service, we -,;-"'. dec,,Va the public a. to iu RPhrisman ana b bwv i- -t.tna of the state, inasmucn w R C. n 7. ..- .at eredlt for tbs sue- "tatus of tne s , . w .r-Tmanner in which the memorial a reporter of the um.- , . ... waa " -ewful rendering . ,, .... Mtate were re- 1 Hinntraun m a - program- m . . - f ,3,015. Con o.iiv0asrd,Defember7. . m pujlUbel by SALOON BOLD.- l'V Wlthrow. this oia ---- . -.joon to unarm ureK"u," afternoon, so h w S'ce by tbs new proprietor. ' ths m be correct, tnis snow. practically no Increase of i..ui.iilnMH during the "":"'7r..i,..n.l Is now at work; loaiwvv , ".--- . - .,. tha that be Will vrauamii. i "- ti.a oommisslon when It Is Spared, together with bl. own recommendation, as to action. bimetallic commission. On April 14, 1807, the monetary com mission to promote an agreement for cons...... . ----- Drc8lu,ut lb. 7, white tbe have not been able 5J at-wn. pllsh tbel? mission, bo hopes Ihelr'Tornisyultlnialel 'bring ;.bout coLnUlon t both BJ3d. Ind "sHver a". mSney! on a basis wficb will bring In Jury to nobody. KKCII'ltOCITT. He bellsvci that some grievances In .. ..iiin... !.. he removed or al- evlated by reclpriclty, and that the velume of our business msy be enlsrged. MEIICHAKT MARINE The president contends that our mer- mnroved wwiu TP. IV .h. onmmerea of tbe sea, and the Government should by "J (n.i.t end encour every proper u.c... sge carriers under our flag. fornlaexpreti rs-.n..i I'ornelia Condon was born L a nw OlA .in.. Twlloa Oreffon. AUItUSl iw, iui .in. tha dauffhter 01 rroieswir u I'ondon. In 1873 the family moved to Forest Orove, and In ifi7 i P.uocne. which ha. since been .... . imma. Deceased Is an ...,.. nf the Unlveislty of Oregon, . . .. ..... i inn. Uha but nobody hurt. It was Just drop In prloes In our cloak and mackintosh department. Ws bavs wraps from $2.W up, as the lines are somewhat broken, we offer you extra Inducements to help us dispose of the bal ance on hand, the cold season 1, just commencing, ws do not wait until spring before giving vou this opportunity, U will be (0 your Interest to look us over. n..r -Q dress goods are customer SEALS. international . .... .1 .1.. m .rn.i 1 nil lu m; vuv. . u, I.I..I... in nntoher and November ..!,. the president -n trrintnt wm retcbeu 001m nmj si A Hard Fall . . . A nra.lll.llUir in IU. !..i..,i art at Ban Fmi cUt dtiiliig the . fc d . ,.bout thla tlrrs as to what in(Pr of '94-05. and In September, w0 ,t,ttn ,Urprlse our friends with at Semlo'Fot'estGrove whet, .., &Sgi f AW speflt. Jie boolyesr i"cl,ln.rtKd Hf.ll, wilt give you TC W well. Ask to see our etana vove, from 6O0 up. . 1... n..,.m I VT Iklliu ' ' ' - cit.i. in Puclllo uni.ersnj. ' ha verv Idea you neea. health forbade ner retu.u i " in going ttie rounus uon blmy clime 01 w"'" --7 Uutrs gives you a spienaia om . ...iod hv her brother, II 1 .,.?, 1,1 nv uaeful and ornamental as ACWli!'."' at I Condon, and sister, Miss ciara v. don, she sUrted south about two ' . j fm W 1 at n ii weeks ago, bu sioppeu whatappfarelto be fatlgu. prevent- log further travel, jmo parv..- .. i- ..mninma appeared ontii UnCOtl'Ctou.ni.i . days of painless lingering, she passed away. Sugges tions. Our Basket Shot $! U I Decided Suttnt tor Toil. F 1 tmn.