Eugene City Guard) THE XAKKETM. BA I URDAY, NOVEMBER 20. GOLD STANDARD FORCES FOCSD THE E5E3IY. Clnelnnsil Eoqolrer, Kor. IL "Gayly the gold Btandard forces went out to hunt the enemy on Tuesday morning. Easily they found bim. Reaulta: New York City, wbore last yer a Wall Btreet republican reign of terror stifled free epeecb in the great presidential battle, rolled up a plurality of over 81,500 for a democratic meyor, who in 1896 atood by hit party and voted for Bryan. To thU should be added over 20,000 votes, cast for young Mr George, an independent candidate, by men, every one of whom voted for Bryan last' year. New York state, which gave Mc Kinley a tidal wave majority, has repudiated the McKinley adminis tration by a majority of 70,000. Kentucky, where John O Carlisle lived and sang the songs of demoo Tape II n til ha contracted the Wall Btreet itch, has given a majority of nearly 3U,UOU lor a enver aemo pro tin r.latfnrm an J candidate, and blazed the way tor the return of gillant Joe Blackburn totne sen ate in the next fight, Maryland is back ia the democratic iold, and Oorman has triumphed over bis enemies. Massachusetts and Iowa have reduced their immense repub lican majorities of last year one half. Nebraska, the home of the well-beloved candidate of last year, has given an increased majority againBt the party of usury and gold domination.' in Ohio, the home of the new president, the republican platform, of which Markllannais the over seer, the state which has raised up some treat reDUblican chiefs, and a great many little ones, the chosen battleground ol the money power in the West, and reearded by its leaders as a rotten borough which they can always command, Ohio has riven the Hold dragon his death wound. THEAWFUL CAKP. Some years since an effort was made to stock Oregon streams with carp fish. The attempt fiihd, as the cool waters and gravelly beds ot our streams are not suitable for carp, which are of a sluggish ho gish nature, and delight in muddy swampy river beds and water. In diana streams were stocked with the fish and this is the phint of a paper from that state. "No monument will ever be erected to the man that suggested that the Indiana streams be stocked with carp, but a vote of thanks and a medal are awaiting the person that can suggest how the streams can be rid of them." A Kentucky paper which has for a loop time been trying to lave the Democratio party, "all by itself," has given up the fight since the party took up the salvation busi es the other day. The editorial which announces the abandonment of the enterprise is a curiosity in circumlocution, and a fine specimen of trying to "come down," while maintaining the appearance of still roosting high. Properly translated it would read about this way: "We have done our best, but we fear that notwithstanding our splendid efforts evervthinc is coins to the devil; but we feel it a duty to get back in tne nana wagon ana go to the devil with the old party, and all its sins, provided we are given dilettante consideration and are allowed to return to a seat at the first table. Of course we think this much ought to be accorded to us for old times' sake; but the fact is we have to go along if we only get the scraps. We're out of meat." t - .J All the femininity of any con sequence in Washington are wear ing their bair cropped, curled and held at either side of tl.e parting bv tiny combs. This because Mrs McKinley, as the first lady of the land, wears her hair that way, and, of course, should be copied. The curls have come to be known as "Administration 'curls." At the various summer resorts these dames from the capital were gazod at in horror at first, because the fashion is certainly unbecoming to almost every one, but wheu the "why and wherefore" was learned, maids and matrons rushed to their rooms, combed out their Merod curls and cut them ofl. Now the McKinley curls have made their way from one side of the continent to the other. "Can a person borrow 175 at 6 percent without security in the city ol New York. Provided that person can show that he or she is a member of a church, a worker in the Sunday school and has the name of bein j an honest Christian?" Tha above appears in the New York World, signed "Honor," and is answered in the heading. "Not in New York." Wheat in. mill Weak-IIspt Potat et. sad Under tbe depressing Influence of a Urge crop lu Argentine, wheat bu de clined to 63 cents iu Eugene. It la too bad that more wheat was not told when the market price was above 70 cents. It baa kept a great deal of mon ey locked np and subjected growers to probable losses of large sum. It Is uiteleM to advUe telling or holding, as all aucb advice would be mere speculation. I be dispatches Indicate no future high price for wheat An Immense acreage la being put In here In Oregon. It will have to be harvested and sola no matter what the price. Tbe gov ernment crop report aa- a: "As regard ciopa now growing in the Southern hemisphere, tbe news continues to be favorable on tbe whole. In Argentine, the drought, which, for a time in some provinces threatened serious damage, seems to have been generally broken, and danger of any set lous loss from aucb a source ssema now, la tbe advanced state of tbe crop( to bave passed. "The Indian wheat crop baa been sown under favorable conditions, and tbe same ia In general true of tbe winter graiu crops of Europe, aud both In India and Europe tbt weather seems In tbe main, to bave been very favora ble to tbt growth of the teed." THK HOP MARKET. Kearly 8,200 bales are fttoied In tbe warehouses of Lane county, and not . . . 1 1 i over 160 bales nave nesa toiu muu shipped. For our best growths, olTert offromllto 12 cents per pound are occasionally being made, but generally refused as such growers are firmly cold ing for 13 to IS onta. The Salem Journal today says: "The large lot of bops from tbe Jaa Coleman yard were bought and paid for toil ay by a local dealer for something over $7,600, price, 134o. Exporters are licking up none but the choicest hops: At for poorer grades tbey are almost out of the mar ket and will be left for American buy era. California beets are selling above Oregon figures owing to tbe fear that some of ours art picked with mold." POTATO KS. Uood Dotatoet are I'l good demand and are bringing a fair price for a first class shipping article. Tbe Ban Fran olaoo market la hlebor than usual at this season. It looks aa if tbey would go higher, but this la only a matter of speculation in which one mm is wise as another. ftesolutlon of Condolence. Pasted byJuanlta Rebekah Lodge No 85, of Springfield, Oregon. Where At, in Ilia infinite wisdom the Divine Ruler of the Universe ha deemed it proper to take from among us one of our highly respected, and most faithful workers lu Oddfellow ship, aud Whereas, We bow submhatvely to tbe call of Him whose omnipotent power Is ever watching us, In surrend erlng to him our cherished friend, and father of our beloved sister, Mary Bur ton, therefore be It Resolved, That In tbe death of our friend and citizen we have lootamoet active and valuable citizen, his family a loving lather and the community an honest and upright citizen and belt further Resolved, That a copy of these reso lutions be spread upon the minutes of this lodge and a copy be sent to the family of tbe deceased and one copy be glveu to the daily papers for publica tion. Respectfully submitted lu F L & F, EmmaDority, Mary Chessman, Mary A Martin, Committee. Uucklen's Arnica salve. Tbe best salve In the world for culi bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever toies, tetter, uhappud hands, cbiltlalus Ourus, aud all sklu eruptions, aud positively cures piles, or no puj re quired It is guaranteed to give per eot BatUfuctlou or money retuuded Price 26 cents per box. For sale by Henderson A Linn. lie Formerly heslded at Lorane, Lane Cointy. Uraul'a IVwa Courier: Hoasa Brown, Hit last survivor of Ibe war or 1812 llvlog on tbt Paclfio coast, passed to bis final rest and reward Monday of this week, at tbe bomt of Orr Brown, on Applegate. Mr Brown was born In lha stale or etw Hampamra, juiy io, 17U2, wblrli would niak blaa at bis last birthday 105 yeaia old. He served in tbt war of 1812, becamt a Cbrlatlao man after tbt close of tbe war, and baa tver been faithful It bis govern men t Ld to tbt Christian cause be con tinued to lova until bla death. Tbt O A It of this ol'y took cbargt of tbt re mains, and tbt funeral sermon waa preached at lha Christian chapel by Hlepben Jewell. A large audience assembled to pay their last respects to a truly good mau. HOSE A BROWI DEAD. Commissioners Court. . Ordered by the court that Us ral certificate No 8, Issued In 1896 for 1800 taxes, be assigned to William Waltee, upon said person faying all 1306 and 1890 taxes. Nov 4. Cook road oo Sharp's creek; ordered established aa viewed and aurveyed and tbe supervisor through whose dis trict said road.may run Is hereby or dered and directed to open tbt tame to publlo travel. Redemption of lauds by Amos Rich ardson ; petition allowed upon tbt pay ment of the taxes and costs therein charged and an additional 80 per tent added thereto. Nov 5. Ban ford road, In Tp 21 S R 8 W: or dered established aa a publlo tflgnway as surveyed and viewed. Bptcial deputy sheriff's appointed by Sheriff Johnson: L J Yoder, J Klllen beck, T W Murphy, Frank Wilkinson R L Mclntlre and R F Scott. Big Pralile road In Tp 21 8 R 8 E; ordered not established. Harrington road In Tp 18 BB1W damages having been allowed by vlewj ers to tbe premises of J L Lombard for $S0 aud the claim of damages by J O Taylor btlng not allowed, it is ordered by the court that said road be estab llsbed as viewed and surveyed, upon the payment o' the sum of $80 to tbe said J L Lombard by said petitioners. Hamilton road in Tp 16. S R 7 W; It appearing by tbe report of tbe view ers that the premises of Mary L Smith, who had claimed damages, would not be lolured by tbe aald road, it la or dered that the highway be established as viewed and aurveyed. . TB Anderson Indigent toldlert family 6 00 Henderson & Linn pauper med icine 8 61 Henderson & Linn pauper med icine 8 60 A V Peters pauper supplies 90 6 00 8 00 13 40 8 20 200 tto, 8Ute ve Held.- AC Jennings clerk, etatlonery, eU W Koykendall M D, examina tion Buzan, Inaant F W Preutlot M D, txamloa tlou Buzan Inaant J W Harris corontr, BenJ Nel son m. E 8wanachlld, ttatlontry.... - George Carpy, land office fil ings .. OQCartwrlgbt, sawing wood A Corsl, moving wood J OY eaten, bounty on coyote... J W Owen bounty on cougar.... E A Lamb, bounty on cougars... DA Holland special consUble tUU vi Simmons claimed 118.16 allowed OeoADrury JPtUte vs Sim mons U S Griffin witness state vs Sin mons - Alva Simmons witness state vs Simmons - John McCollum witness sUte vs Simmons - Nellit Williams witness state vs Simmons - George Williams witness state vs Simmons - 1 60 7 95 6 00 6 00 9 00 765 0 10 15 60 7 60 2 00 . 2 00 4 00 Aoobt 1 Have Lost ity Hog. While, with black spot on loot of Ull; black spot on small of buck aud both ears aud on both side sides of bis head with while stripe running down over fore-bead to nose. Anyone seeing suuh adoir aud returulug same will be rewarded. J II Uarriss. Letter List. Nov 18. Hill. Miss Mattie Keeth, Mrs Lizzie Mulkey, Eugene, Milne, James Smith, Mrs Adllue Wiess.Mlss CVkg) A chars ' ul eent wl" UJ 00 latiara sivcu uui. rerwui valuug lor ivllvr Will plCMo aials wheu advurllawl. & K UkkukmhoN, Act. V H , JWaku Weather The past two days bave been exceedingly warm for this lime of year, aud especially so was last night. Tbe thermometer this moruiug at 6 o'clock registered U2 degrees. The weather puts out iu miud ol April or May weather. Fall grain Is growing rapidly aud grass is oerululy better tbau ever befoie known at this time of tbe season. Mapleton store James Parvlu I Sluyter E H Ingham Sidney Scott R S Knight Fob Sale. Milch cows for sale. Price a2Cordlug to quality of cow. Also flue bred helft rt at fair prices. Douolas & Co. Springfield, Or. 12 Cents Rkflsed. An offer or 12 ceuie per pound for hop here was re fused today. " expenses pauper supplies (mute) 15 00 A D Hylaud viewer Bauford road 8 40 Pleas Carter viewer Sauford road 12 60 Thomas Blacbley viewer San- ford road 8 00 T II McClane cbainman San ford road 2 00 Henry Carter chaiuman Sanford road 2 00 C M Collier surveyor Sanford road .'. 16 00 L Brelng road work 10 CO David Thompson viewer to as sees damages Herrlngton road.. 8 80 I E Stevens viewer to assess damages Herrington road 3 80 I N Green viewer to assess dam ages Herrlngton road 3 80 John Talt viewer ou Cook road 10 20 J F Walker vleweron Cook road 18 80 Fred Wright viewer on Cook road 10 20 Carl Phcher cbainman Cook road . 10 00 J E Damewood cbainman Cook road 10 00 R E Pax ton marker Cook road... 10 00 CF Mitchell " ,.. 5 00 W W Hawley packer " " ... 3 00 CM Collier surveyor " " ... 48 20 Mrs W 1 Marquis gravel 6 00 Casper Pickard " 15 00 Wiu Montgomery " 17 40 U Cole lumber 8 80 Trent Lumber Co lumber 23 82 Uarrlsburg Lumber Co lumber.. 4 70 N P Hunnlcutt et al work on McKenzle bridge 11 60 A E Wheeler J P ttate vs Ely aud Barnes, state vs Searson aud Miller, state vs Burglar aud Roe 84 S5 Sidney Scott constable state vs Ely and Barnes, sUte vs Sear son and Miller, state vs Bur glar and Roe 40 75 C A Wlnterineirer J P state vs Burglar aud Roe 4 65 J II Miller constable sUte vs' Johauna Krauase 83 80 W Taylor witness state vs Ely and Barnes 1 60 C E Simpson, deputy sheriff 2 60 R F Scott, deputy sberltl 2 60 Sidney Heolt, deputy sheriff 25 00 Pres Conngya, deputy sheriff... 81 25 J H Miller, deputy sheriff 5 25 Eugene Register, printing 16 60 B H Miller, prluting 7 70 O P Maya, rebate on Uxet 1 00 L T Harris, deputy district at torney, Statt vs Ely & Barnes, Miller et al 16 00 L T Harris, deputy district attor ney, State va Bert Buzan, In sane 5 00 L T Harris, deputy district at torney State vs Simmons 8 00 A J Johnson sheriff, beard of prisoners... 67 15 ; A J Johnson sheriff, telegrams 15 15 8 10 2 10 8 10 3 10 1 00 1 00 Unity Items. Nov 17th Frank Stllrs.of Pleasant Hill, has been visiting friends and bunting here for tbe past week. J W M Blackburn, of Springfield, has been visiting at Egypt during tbe last week. A brother of J WCox, wbo resides In tbe Paloust country, Wash, Is visit ing here at this writing. Rev McClain occupied the pulpit here Sunday. J W Cox made Eugene a business trip last week. R C and RL Edwards madtabusl nes trip to Eugent tbls week. H C Morgan, of Wbimbrrry, was In this vicinity tbls week. Cor. TLaKoK HUP SALE. W hat a Local lluyer Haalo Say i ho Hon Market. t On Tuesday G W Wm.c,ofHubUrd,ao.dUlror bops to Faber ."vein, i.i nv..,, " ...i- u ii.. flnt larite sale 13 0SUIS. ! , chronicled In local circle, for several days, tbe market being comparltlyely 1"''.' , .n tu morn- ing and, In an lnterv:ew on the hop situation. saM: . . d for bop. for the Lo.ulo.i market . -VI rtlvliii( orders for only fh't blst graToi & aultabl. for tb. nd?n market. Such go.xJ.are rather Thy reason of sua incalculable SnUf damage dm., by th. , r. snd lice during the harvesting of the onP' , -a i. Himnlt to fill orders having choice hop. have . from lis ers. but are but a very lew saws . .Vi' !..,.. am mnwlallv par- tlc-lar . to. quality. - ' slra vhl iois rumim S dealers find It difficult to ob- tain even lots. On uncertain markets local buyers can iaae Qascer Aavertiaewesil Itr ai Mb- '".. 1SS answers. .. . . . itnr of lha rnltenllT ot CblCMO sdvsrtlfixl In s morulni ppr ol thai al-vJor luformitloo c ncernlpf llexadscty i . or tit fln.ied pfopls. Us has rerelved Few u.-r-" V mniiltnrtB. SK? with Vml0..." T whom HoVwirr. inU pi.i.u m.UrUI nui. ''"J Efidiler. Ule'i lurmollt ind smle lei often wcr "itlb. b.o.1 vlnorout constitution er n MflT In 111-, and In-luce pr-matur. ey ol Ibe .it.1.nli Th moil aeiil.l .iinU-r ol ph".ic.f .".ill', in exl'te-o U llo-tetter a CASTOR I A For Infants and' Children. Tit Hall ttfutin in Owing to a late shipment and a delay In tbe arrival ol my S 1 p SAL 1 1 c ii A f Li E Fall Dress Ladies Fine Boods am uhc::. BLANKETS!- BlankeSl Ne are offering special nducements in our- WOOL and COTTON SEE DISPLAY WINDOW. Semless t (lUiC per yqri I have decided to give a Special Salt for 13 days commencing Wednesday, Not. 17, 17. Following is a Pries List of Same oi the Bargains we Olfer. DRESS GOODS. 60 lu all wool serge, reg fl 00, now 87o 46 in " " " " .75, now 62c 42 In " " " " .60, now 89c 86 In " Cashmere reg .40, now 82c 88 In ' Fancy Mixed reg .60, now SUe Cheap French Mixed reduced to 13c LADIES FINE SHOES. Ourf3 00 Kid Shoes, If ce or but. for (2.45 Our 2 60 " for 1 08 Our 3.75 Vic Shoes, " for 1.60 Our 1.60 Dong. Klmes " " for 1.28 Our 2.25 Kang. Calf. " for 186 50 in All Wool Dress Flannel at 39c. We also have a few Ladles Mackin toshes left to close out at $2.25. Remember this Sale is for 10 Days Only. Yours truly A. V. Peters University Book Store. .... New Management. Complete Stock of- Ihported Japanese Goods fi Rooks and tationftrv flt.'ouest fun uge - - - x ' UUI(?9 pries H. G. MILLER, Proprietor. New Goods gava arrived at Salem Woolen Mill Store o and see them. Prices are right f J. fl. Howe, H'g'r. REMEMBER Our Soap Deal It only tor a abort time as our present retail price Is tbe Portiui.d wholesale prloe without the freight. AX BILLY'S ....DEPARTMENT STORE.... Look out for Some Priees Next Week. Superior poto$rafs .-, ... Excslllng sll others In lifaiik? . . Irtistio ar;d PWiarjegt Results. Studio of tho Da; & Henderson, Dnilfli-takeri nd EirMntrj, Cor. WiL and 7th tts. BEST 50 et CORSETS OJl.... Wall Paper Sale! IN order to make room for our new spring 6tock, we are going to closo out our stock of 1897 wall paper at prices that will astonish you. In other words we will cut the prices on white blanks and gilts RIGHT IN TWO and will make a big reduction on our ingrain papers and friezes. This is a bona fido closing out sale. Everything must go and will go if low prices will accom plish it. You have never had a chance to buy moro cheaply than at this sale GRIFFK EAQWAE E ...IB 1 fill sn It eivasi 1 Ravc At your own prlj DOyS uul,i closed out W Clothing o cio" h g of all kinda this full, and In orkf io niske room for Ibiro spiim slock, will cUe eut sll our boyf t piece ulls at prices fat ' P"J you, tbey are up-t(wlste and sll m In every n-tfwrt. ftleee from per suit up. Every suit guaranteed represented. In Hens We bavi- a very e Clothing att he.n. Suite from $3. 50 "P' UJJ! want any kind of "Uii, overww ranuor siugle garments n. and get prlceH, and look oJ of sain pfes. Tbey are right up iu styles and werkmanshlp. sending orders every week. FIT GUARANTEED IN EVERY ORDER. Premium script will not bo given after January 1st, 1898. P. FRANK &SONS, RACKET STOJj AlR-TlGHT- . . . STOVES Art tiklng tht Lfsd Over sit Heating 3love. o LOOK at PRIRF BUY 111 till .... ..They wills We keep the only genuine airtight GOLD DUST Smokeless tinder unrf FYMSIOR Black powder loaded shells kept bj - S. L. LONG. " MANHOODlESTOREDJIi n H Bria Poww, Haulichi, W.kefulneM, " tirt Orp, 'o. opium or stimulants, which leto t for fs JT1 Pl-ii Circular Fr Sold r " Manufactured by the Peao Miclne chV S, fott luCo..diaU1bBiinaBnU Third sndTirnhm - - l Oalprn ff orsiea. I