The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 20, 1897, Image 1

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NO 47
Vl 1 1
r incur nu ion Monday vrvp,,., i : 1 1
LUuliil uunnu. w ..ujo. emi-annual
.. . vul side u( lllamctte bctweou
. niitunntiiTrnili
ifgOISlr Buoovnitiivn,
ir. ! ! . ; . I
i .. iina rates maae Known
all biulim
latten to UU
Jocks. Watcnes, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
(gp-A II Worst. Warranted
physician, and Surgeon
lis uil residence over potto fTice. Ilouri:
,tam, M to 2, 6 to p. m.
Omcl-Ose-haK block toutb of ChrUman'i
Vilinttliie in all I '
Office In Walton dock.
Eiilnr nurchased theoflloeand fixtures o
., Isle deceased W. V. Heiidurson, 1 ra now
pnpued to do anything In the Hue o DeullBlry
luesuove saiu uiuce.
Cron ind Brldgi work a Specialty,
hf Dalmt and New Frloei In foreign end
VCraettfe JTartde end Granite, Monuaunta,
Headitones end Cemetery work of
11 klndi for 1895.
f UlsatttiStreet, near Pottoffloe. Eugene, Or
frtiimnt. VlciPreildird. Ciilile
m Loan and Savings
UUTORB-D. A. Paine, J. B. Harrli, J.
Davis, B. 1). Paine, W. . Brown, i. r.
Robinson, F, W. Osbura.
Fali Ud CaDllal. j : : $50,000.
Central Banking Business Transacted
Intent allowed on time deposits.
Collection! entrusted to our care will receir
pompt attention
Lane County Bank.
lKitaillhed In UU.)
A general Banking business
11 branches transacted no
vonblt terms.
A. 0. HOVE, President.
J. M. ABRAMB, Cashier.
A. G. HOVEY' Jr., At Ch
Q. HnmuoKR,
S. D.Eawh,
P,K. Shodoram, AailiUnt Caabler.
Ot Eugene.
Plld un I shh fanital $50,000
Surplus and Profits, $50,000
Eugene - Oregon.
A k.uu. Kn.lna ,4nne on reason-
terms. 8iKbt draft, on NEW YOKK.
UHN'inn a fxr wo ivriam PORT-
Billiofexohangeaoldon foreign conn Wee.
P0.1UraoelTalnihieatto obeck or oertiU- .
u collections entrnited to ni win rw
Pompt attention.
took Here farmers!
H IlaW Bank
Bring jour Hides and
Skins to our tannery.
For all No. 1 green bides will
pay you 4 to 4J oems a pound;
for No 1 dry hides 10 cnU a
pound; For No 2 according to
quality, 4 to 8 cents.
Now don't forget these prices
re paid In CASH at
The lllaaaette Tannery
Haines & Co
Couniv i 'ft,.,... A. .
' " "'""Hiiim court In sea.
O B t'oller, of Lebanon n n Eu
.... .....
niiuiury i, i Harris ban returued
rom ttalern.
1 V t,. , .
r uaner, oi junction City, wai In
J'-ugene t(nly,
W W Kfott camu down from Crea
well thl ninrLinK,
CWTeny, of the O It 4 N. enent
L3 J
nuuuay in Hugene.
Mra Geo Gill and children went to
waleoi Hi i. morning.
Bfcretary Klncald returned to Balein
by today' 10;5U looal.
L II Patlerson went to Portland on
tlila inorulng'a overland.
Herbert Buck man, of Baker City.
pent Sunday In Eugeue.
Mra Maude Bonuey returned to Col-
lage Grove on today's 2:04 Icoal.
Fatber Daly was a Paaaenger for Cot
tage Grove on today's 2:04 local.
Dean E C Sanderson returned from
Halaey on today's sou h bound local
Hm all pox la reported at Balem. Tbe
Dally HUtennan aays It Is only vario
R C Copple returued tbls morning
from Cottage Grove where he preached
Mr Felix Barger and wife, of Colfax,
Want), are visiting relatives and friends
in Eugene.
BF Baker, E Van Vraokln and M
AC Huff of Junction City, were In
Eugene today.
E P Whipple has returned from Wy
oming, where be bad been attending to
bis fruit Interests.
Mr and Mrs FG Barger of Colfax,
Wash, are violilug Mr aud Mrs J B
Harris in tbls city.
Twenty tons of apples have been
diled at the cannery.aud several weeks
more work is In sight.
W Banders will leave tonight on a
six weeks' visit to relatives In Bau
Francibco aud California.
Mr aud Mrs J E Andrews have
moved into a little cottage on Seventh
street between Willamette and Oak.
The County Commissioners court to
day paid L N Roney, contractor on
tbe new court bouse foundation, 12300.
The waste stone from tbe court
house foundation Is being hauled in
tbe streets about tbe public square
bitching racks.
It la unlawful now to sell Mongo
lian pheasants, grouse, eta You can
kill them for your own use, however,
until December 1st.
The B P pay car passed through Eu
gene on today's 100 local, and the
usual monthly smile of the Eugene
employes Is plainly visible.
Balem Dally Journal: "As tbe yelk
is the richest part of the egg. so tbe
Elks are the richest part of tbe great
fraternal and oharltable world."
James A Imbrle, of Washington
county has been appointed guardian
of tbe mluor heirs of John A Benson,
deceased, with a bond off 6,000.
Yesterday, while playing, the 8-year
old son of Mrs McMurry fell and cut a
severe gash In his head. Dr Chesber
dressed bis wounds aud tbe boy is now
resting easily.
J H Dlcksou and wife, of Butte,
Montana, are visiting relatives and
friends in Euceue MrDlckson went
to Butte, Montana, with the Hogan
cattle train three years ago.
18,489,250 was on deposit in tbe
national banks of Oregon according to
the hut statement. There are thirty
suoh banks. Tbe sbowiug is a good
Saturdays Salem Journal: R H and children went to Eugene
tbla morning Rev O F Clapp of
Cottage Grove, arrived In this olty tbls
Ed Scott, the young desperado of
Corvallls, was last week sentenced to
four years In tbe penitentiary. His
case is a pitiable one aud should be a
warning to boys who are gradually
slipping Into a lawless life.
Misses Fannie and Clara Condon will
leave for California tbls week to re
main during tbe winter for the benefit
of the former's health which Is some
what Impaired. They will first visit
with their brother, Hon S W Condon,
at Oakland, Cal.
Mrs F B Dunn and daughters are
residing at Palo Alto, California,
where lam Amy 1. attending co lege
preparatory to entering Stan ford Unl
verslty. Mrs Dunn writes that her
.elf and Misses Amy and Edna are
enjoying splendid health In their Call
Cashier JMAbrams of the A O
Hovey Co bnk nlaTUvi ,hU
morning from the southern part of the
county, whither be accompanied the
rwirYef the Black Butte m ne.
Those gentlemen will return to their
LmeaVftera few day. at the
The formal dedication of the First
Christian church's new home In this
olty will probably not take place be
foVethemlddleofDecember. Tbe lo
w7orflnl.h,ngl.blng donea. P
idl, a. possible and will make , a most
illenVbouM of worship when fin-libed.
Of the Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff i.f
Lane County, Oregon.
wml-ennual ttaUmcut of A 8 I'atUirton,
CountjrTrurorol Lane County, Oitaon, for
the ilx month! ending Uil. loth, 1W7, of all
money received and paid out Irom whom re
celved and from what wurre, and on what ac
count paid out, and the balance remaining on
Li XI Col'STT fl'UD.
B.l.on hand March 31.1-v:, 12.fjo
Keccivrd from laiei t2fifl 74
Itecelred from redemption, 4H 06
Becelved from keeping of p
Conkel 1 3)
Received from County Judgo 10 00
Received from e.talve S 4.1
Received from poll tax 'fi 400 00
Received from court fee S 09
Received from cancellation 11 W
Received from road ittrvey. 41 HO
Received from clrcui llcenae u Ou
Received from iherlH fvea 65 SO
Received from clerk fit. 1.SM) SO
K-s.liu oi
Paid Hale taxri for X
Paid Lane County warrant!, April
IA964 M
l,Kd TS
It.tM 83
' " June
m juy
" ' " " Auguit
S.KM 81
4,?i 39
4U9 M
September 27
4,0.10 6
Total, to Oct 1, 1M,
t,m M
Bal. on hand March SI, WJC, tfi.MS 01
Received from taxei 26.S4S 47
Received from Unci 68 14
i.l2,Wl 43
Paid tuperlntendent't oidcn My 119,507 28
1.H.M 4
104 A3
S.64.1 10
5,463 75
2,003 08
IJ2.G&! 43
To bal. to Oct. 1, 1M7,
Received from itate trcaiurcr 7,3M 21
Paid Supt, orderi Augut ".',97 76
" September ,7K 4U
To bal. OcU.lNW
Bal. on hand March 31, J7
Received from itate
59 0!)
Paid on roal warrant!
V'l 17
5 47
fj C4
To bal. Oct. 1, 1C07
Bal. on hand March 31, 18V7, l 28
Received from Bnei 87 M
Paid to Informer!
112 5P
04 28
ITO 78
To bal. Oct. 1, 1W7.
BaU on hand March 31, 1807, f.72 li
Received from Co. Supt. w
Paid Bupt. orderi
64 75
!15 26
To Oct. 1,1807,
Bal. oa bandMarch 31, Iftl
Paid on clerk'! order!
IM 44
84 26
W 44
To bal. to Oct. 1, 1S97
Bal. on hand March 31, 1807, w
t9 67
To bal. Oct.l, 1W7,
P 799
n a
19,122 13
60S 65
80 90
1S6 35
3,005 55
73 67
120 M
24 10
?7 03
114 20
l: 35
21 42
!17 W
21 62
114 13
35 40
f.sH Uti
yt'O 50
7 25
09 07
7M M
30 15
117 64
475 03
73 24
fix 40
21 W
259 04
W1 M)
rei 3
122 41
2 10
20 4
4 HI
11 28
27 70
15 35
371 IW
16 76
114 01
Cities and district
19,122 IS
509 65
80 30
1S5 85
3,005 65
73 67
120 58
City of Cugcne
" Cottage Grove
" Pnrinitflcld
School 111! No 4,
.. J2
., at
,. io
i 52
i 60
i 77
i. til
i 07
u :)
. m
u m
.. l.YJ
24 16
6 53
21 50
114 20
1119 35
21 42
37 .'p6
21 62
114 13
32 58
688 06
967 34
7 21
69 97
768 83
17 5
147 b4
463 65
73 24
64 48
21 02
2.9 HI
0117 811
Ml 00
1U7 11
18 H5
2 6H
81 28
27 70
J71 M
I 70
144 VI
3 16
12 69
12 38
15 Hi I
2 10
2 1
2 23
15 35
12 05
$18,700 46 $18,579 79 $180 67
g 9
$A8,l: 01
82,661 43
7.J90 24
EV 61
78 78
115 25
14 44
9 67
' a
t61,19918tl,930 86
10,1)70 S5 2,OM08
Hi) JO 18 730 08
Lan. County fun i
County echoo"
Htate school
Koed fond
Flih and game
12 50
260 60
6 47
64 28
64 75
180 67
""' r.:.. ... 18.7W94 I8.79 79
18,7tO 94
Ciljr U -
ToUl H27,4S9Wlll9,tMt3H,1012
r-tate of Oregon, tM
County of Lane, j g rtUl(ODt j0 h,,by cer
Uff that the foregoing U s true and correct
,uwunt of the amount, received. rld out and
rlteTnlngonhand In the county trensury of
.Id connty U the .ix month! eodmg on the 10
of October.A
nw97 ABPATTxmsoa,
0 m ' County Treasurer.
gemi-annuel .t.tement of the amonnt o
meter " "-"d torflZj
.ooay paid to the connty treaaorer by tbe rie-
iff of Lane euanty, Oregoa, for the tlx month!
ending oa the 10th day of Heptemhar, A 1), In07.
Mo, To amonst rwaivrd.
April In ela A eor'aey IXl.WO 47 W'f. IM Ml
May 4S.IM 5 - 111 34
June IDvlinqnent roll being written.)
Joly In eoln A currency 8. 7S
Anaut " " t.STSRI
B.n.tembr M " 8T 40
Mc. Ily amonnt paid, to t o, Trawoivr
April la eoln A eor'aey 127.072 64 W t'e
May " " 67,WA W " I74 21
July " TOrttTS
Amruet - l,7t,U
Da. Ca.
4i U6.KH7 SI
Mr Jl, on hand 1421 M B'pt SO, on ha d I.Wt SO
Total W,8a II - V7,M II
Bute of Oragon, )
Ctmntyrf Lane,)
1, A. J. Joixaoa, Uli.rlR of aald County, du
hereby certify Uial the foregoing etaUment la
correct and tree.
Witneii my band thli 1'ita day of October, A.
A. J. 10HNHON,
Bhenff of Lane County.
Brml-annual report of the County Clerk of
Lane county, itate ot Oregoa, ehowtng the
number and amoont of claim! allowed by tbe
County Court of aald county, for what allowed,
number and amount of warrant! drawn and
amoont of warrants outatandlng and unpaid
from tbe Ut day of April to the tuth day of rjer-
tember. 1W7, both inolu.lve.
Cls. AU'd.
$1,974 17
8.018 83
02 00
1.989 71
664 80
665 20
sue 21
IIS 30
2.201 IM
194 60
166 00
222 60
265 80
1,600 00
625 17
840 09
810 65
120 00
1.672 00
705 00
'825 00
41S 75
676 W
660 98
60 40
29 60
07 00
41 17
820 91
2,723 14
41 U
Wti. dr'n
11,974 27
1.018 83
2 00
1,909 71
1,724 P
664 NO
190 00
666 10
209 20
819 80
e 3201 98
194 60
Itoada 115
Bridge. 71
Uountla. U
Paupers Ill
Aweuore 16
WlloeeM 163
Juitice. 24
Juror. 122
Constable. T4
District At.omey ... 29
Bherlff 63
Hnrveror 14
Legal eorttoea S
Mi.cellaneoua 26
Bnildlngand rrire S
165 00
3 60
165 80
1,600 00
636 87
140 09
810 66
120 0
1,672 00
70S CO
825 00
418 76
. 676 16
600 96
60 40
29 60
67 00
a 87
620 92
1.721 14
Court house 4
Furniture, fuel.
liicliu aud water... 20
Stationery 14
Printing IS
fcx'm'tion teachers . 6
Clerk 22
School luper'tmid't. 7
Treasurer 7
County Judge T
Commbilnnere 25
Bapervisora 20
Insane 11
loqnest ... II
Bailiff! 6
Tax refunded 14
Ciroult Court 20
Kerrtes 74
Hock Crusher 70
Indigent uldler.....'
Amount returned on
warrant leaned in
excaei of am't of
claim allowed ...
26,5(5 87 134,505 87
Total receipts of olerk'a
omierrom leei rrom
individual! inoluitlug
court feel, recording
etc, from April 1
to Sept 80, U97
$1.888 80
Total expensee of office
luciuoutg aaecmen.
Mill, etc $1,671 00
Rtc'U In excess of ei'ea 214 80
11,888 80
Bemi-annnal lummary of financial condition
of Lane eonnty. Or., Oct, 1, 18V7t
Warrant! eotatandlng
April 1.1K7 $46,634 87
Wt'i inued from Ap'l 1,
to Oot I. 18V7 26 505 87
Due oong'nt school fnnd i,l OH
" insutute fund 64 76
H exoeea fun I 14 26
" pad fund 5 47
" state sohool fond 730 tJ
" fish and game fund... 64 28
" ludigKUt stddlera fund 9 67
" school dlata. and cities 180 67
$77,734 81
Warrant! paid from April 1
toOetobwI. 1897 115.225 01
Canh In handi of sheriff ap
plicable to trie payment or
couotr warrants 1.H5 91
Cash In hanua of treasjrer
applicable to the
of oouniy wuranta 4,930 86
Estimated tax oollecUbl.
applicable to the payment
or c
county warrante .
600 00
Cash In banda of treasurer
du. schools, clue, and
special funila 8,172 16
Net imlubtodueai Of county 12.780 74
Net IndebtedneM of county Oct. 1, '96, 122,180 18
Stat, of O. agon, j
Countrof Lane. 1
I, A C Jennings, Coonty Clerk of Un
connty of Lane.itata of Oregon, do hereby cer
tify that the foregoing is a true and oorreot
statement of the amonnt ot claims allowed by
the county court for the six months ending on
the 10th day ot Beotember, 1897, on what account
and the amount of warrant! drawn, and also the
amonnt ot warrants ouUtsndlng and unpaid.
and that the foregoing summery Is made op
from the aocoontiot the sheriff, treasurer and
clerk, and la a correct showing of the financial
condition of Lane county. Oregon, as shown by
ilil aoconnia on October 1st, 1897,
Witness my hasd snd official seal thia 11th
day of November. 17. A. J. nanmua.
County Clet k.
ToBk Mabried. Carl Smith, of
Phinavn. son of Mr and Mra E C
Smith, of tbls city, Is to be married in
a few davs to a young lady who resides
in Iowa, and who waa a olassmate of
bis at Leland Stanford University.
Mr Smith Immldlately after his mar
rlaae. will leave for Honolulu, B I,
where be has a position open to him
lu a leiral firm at a guaranteed annual
salaiy ot $1,200 with a sure prospect of
nroini.tlou. In advance, the UIJARD
dtsirvs to extend lta congratulations
Mr Smith has hosts of friends In Eu
gene. .
A Good Hunter, Jerry Sullivan
f ie diminutive star artist with the
Wizard Oil Company, went hunting
yesterday and bagged seven pheasants
aud oue goose.
Married Near Irving, Nov IS, by
Elder C B Davis, W P Ferguson to
Luclnda Daly. The bride had Just
arrived from Nebraska.
II N Cockerline Is lionm again..
C L Scott visited Balem Sunday.
Buyers are offering 62 to 03 cents for
The roads across the niou ntultis are
closed by enow.
Hobos ate still traveling south lu
goodly numbers.
Hon John Kelley, of Sprlngtlclit
was In Kugeue today.
Father Daly arrived home from Cot
tage Grove this morning.
Harvey Soiumerville was In from
hi Harrlsburg ranch toduy.
A li Seal, Ibe well known Sou I-'nu-
Cisco drummer, is lu the city.
Mrs RS Beau returned home loSa
loin today after a few dtys' visit here.
Mrs Thomas Awbrey returned to her
home at Cottage Grove this afternoon.
John Simpson has so fur recovered
that he Is able to be about our streets
Mis J A Campbell of Sun Francisco
came tip from Portluiid by today's 2.-04
J 11 Walt of Portland, roadmasler of
theSPRR, speul last uigbt lu Eu
gene. GeoNewburu wei t to Portland to
day and from there will go to his for
mer home In Iowa.
Miss Edith Veazle dine up Irom
Portland toduy aud will vUlt her sis
ter Mrs Irviug M Gleu.
TheOregou City woolon mills start
ed up yesterday ay with 330haud. It
will ruu uay aud ulght.
Marshal Stiles brought a hobo before
Police Judge Dorrls today for begi;lug,
and will be tent out of town.
Mr Carlton, a resident of Eugeue,
had au ankle dislocated last evening.
Dr Biown atteuded to the injury.
Mr and Mrs Frank Anderson re
turned to their home at Portland to
day after a visit with rulutlves hero.
Percy McMurray, sou of Mis Min
gle McMurray, fell Sunday from a
wood rick and broke oue of his wrists.
H N Cockerliue, of Eugeue, was oue
of the party that went to Vaqulua Bay
last Saturday with Congressman t on
gue and Ellis.
WuiR Reushaw has sued John T
Cardwell, In the Lane county circuit
court, ou a promissory uote, for tLe
sum of 1200.50.
Todav's Salem Statesman Mrs C D
Combs, of Eugene, who has been visit
ing Mrs J R Krauise, of this city, re
turned home last night.
MrsEConser, Mrs W Shauuou and
Miss Boise expect to spend several
weeks about the holiday period at Ash
land In.Southern Oregon.
Misses Fannie acd Clara Condon left
for California last night. Thoy were
accompanied by tbelr brother, II T
Condon of the Register.
Albany Democrat: Tbo report (of
Referee Woodcock ou the sale of i the
Willamette Valley has been prepared
and Is looked for at any time.
Ed Whitney has returned from a
hunting trip up tbe Santium lu com
oanv with his brothers, Joe and Jobu
of Albany, and reports game plentiful.
Baker City'a exchequer Is swollen
once a month to the tune of 1200, lu
this inatauce the proprietors of gam
bling games being tho dancers, they
are tbe ones who pay for the muslo.
SB Hanua went to Salem today.
He Is traveling In tbe Interests ot a
library astoclatlon, which has for Its
object the establlshm -nt of public
libraries In various towns.
Fendleton E O: "Mr Elmer Cleaver
of the enterprising firm of Cleaver
Bros, has ottered to Invest f 100 In the
artesian water venture. He baa thus
started the ball rolling." Mr Cleaver
Is a former resident of Eugene.
Zoeth Houser has tendered the Uma
tilla county court his resignation as
ahBrlff and December 0. will enter
upon the discharge of bis new dut.e
as United States Marshal of Oregon.
H V. floodell of Ban Franolsco, the
Inventor of tbe celebrated Goodell re
fregerator car, was in the city today,
looking over the dried apple business
t the cannery, of which he is proprie
Jsmes Tarker, of GoBheu, was In
the Guard office today telling about
his big bog which be expects to dress
750 pounds when be kills him In a few
weeks. A few years ago Air ranter
h,it.,ared one' that weighed 802
pounds. The lard frtm the hog brought
h v. rtrown and Harry Jackson ie-
turned from a trip to Oite Creek, on
theMcKeuzle river, jtsterday after
noon, where they had been to I lie for
mer's homestead. During their stuy
ih blllmi one deer. On account of
some changes being made In Hen
drlck1 ferry they were compelled to rt
turn by tbe Camp Creek road.
Attorney ER Sklpwortb icturntd
from Albany last night where he bad
hn attnndlrjff circuit court. In the
suit commenced sgalnst tbe Wlllough
bv assignment case to set asldt deed
tbe same waa dismissed on motion of
plaintiff, and the court ordered the
asslenee. P E Snodgrass, to distribute
among the creditors some $1,800 lu his
I.iiiih Countv Meltier Lo8es ills
Earthly Poesesslons.
(ikkk.slkap, Or, Nov 11 During
the high wind of the first week of No
vember a large fir tree camo down on
th.) dwelling of a recent settler named
Giltaon, lit ar Alpha, ou Dead wood
creek, Lane county, crushing It Into
kindling wood aud completely de
stroying all tho household furniture
and a wluter's supply of provisions,
with a small quantity of Hour, sugar
and salt. The tree hud caused Gibson
8ouiu anxiety, becatite it leaned toward
tliu hoiue. As he at at breakfast be
thought he hear I It crack, when tbe
wind came in an unusually heavy
glint, and he went out to chop It, with
the hone of throwing it aside. He had
hardly struck a half-dozen blows when
the tree sturted. He shouted to his
family, and the barely got out of bouse
In time to see their worldly goods
stroyed in au Instant.
Th c Ei.ks. The Salem Elks last
week held an opeu session that was
one o; the social events or tbe week. A
feature was the reckless manner In
which the Exalted Ruler W J D'Arcy
lined the members for different things,
provlug an amusing feature of the en-
tettalnment. He fined Hon J J Mur
phy for "being the first guest of the
evening at the ball;" Ed N Edes
'for the privilege of serving the session
as Beeretury;" r 11 D'Arcy "for b' lug
a brother of the chairman" for "being
a singer" and for "thinking he was a
sluger;" Hon I L 1'atiersou for "being
the chief conspirator of the "Mitchell
push' that held up the legislature In
January lost;" Walter Lyi.n "for mis
representing his frleud, Senator Pat
terson, la the Oregonlan;" E Hofer for
'defeating the chairman by 1,000 votes
In his Into race for the legislature;"
Major F E Hodklu, "evading the law
when It was tlirowu at bliu;" Mayor
J A Illchnrdson, for "not keeping the
streets of Salem clean of mud during
the rulny season;" Thomas Sims for
'fulling to receive the nomination for
sheriff in 1SU0;" Hon Tllmon Ford for
"disappointing the audience by declin
ing to tell what he knew about woo
lug." Attorney L T Harris, a mem
ber of Eugene Lodge of Elks was one
of tho guests, aud greatly enjoyed the
Saturday's Balem Journal: "On
liiursday, Curly Coolldge, son of the
Sllvertou banker, was shot at Chetco,
lu this state. He was looking after
some farm property there, when the
dastardly deed was committed. A tel
egram was received by bis parents yes
terday, but no particulars were given:
His funeral will be held at Sllverton
Monday at 2 o'clock p m. B Smith,
who waa with young Coolldge, was
also wounded lu the fray, but not
Siqnop Prosperity. The delin
quent tax list of Multnomah connty is
published In the Oregonlan today. It
consists of 67 columus of nonpareil
type. At the price formerly oharged
by the Oregonlan for suoh work, 60
cents per line, tbls will yield said com
pany about $7,303. A sure sign of
prosperity with a great big P not for
the people but for Messrs Scott and
Corner Stone. The work of letter-
ui; the corner stoue of the new court
house Is being done today by R Mo-
Neel. The south side of tbe stone will
bear the words: "Deles D Neer, archi
tect, Portland, Oregon. Ereoted A D
1803." Ou the west side: "County
Judge, ;E O Potter; Commissioners,
T Culllson.WT Bailey."
Born.-Iu Eugene, Nov 12, 1807, to
the wife of Alfred Stewart, a son.
Eugene's Itaftjest - - Store
With the Smallest Prices,
Courteous treatment and one price to
all Is our motto. With a complete stock
of reliable goods and the right prices we
rarely fail to please our customers.
P faw Good Sljiijgs. 3
New mackintoshes Just received.
Ladies heavy ribbed underwear 26cts
A epli'iidiil winter welirht In tbe cel
ebrated Ouella Combination suits 60cts
Ribbed woolen hose 20cts
I'lalu " " aicts
Heavy Fleeced " 16cts
Heavy Oxford Gray hose loo's
Chlhlrens black ribbed hose Kiel
Men's cheviot suits if 4.00
Meus all wool Cheviot suits JS.60
Dcn't fail to InvestiGata Our
F. E.
' ,R E G U I AT0R7
"''-ma'- --truii m
Is Simmons Liver Regulator dont
for,-t to Uk it. 1 he Liver gets sluggish
during the Winter, ju-.t like all nature,
anj the syr.t.-n bcc inco choked up by
tlie accumiikiU-J want.:, which brings on
MuUrh, l ever and Auc and Rhetima
tisi.i. You want t ) wake i;p your Liver
now, b.:t b: stirs you take SIMMONS
LlVLR Hm'Ji.AroK to do It. It also
regulates t!u Liver keeps It properly at
work, w hci your system w ill be free from
poison anJ t!. whole Nvly Invigorated.
You get T HI It iJsT 1 i LOO I when
VOIir SVMlTTI it III At vtn.litl.m an.4 th..
will only be when the Liver Is kept active.
1 ry a Liver Remedy once and note the
dnierence. But take only SIMMONS
LlVi: 1 Mrr.i it atdu i u Ciuu.iu.
LlVLR KtiGULATOR which makes the
difference. Take it in powder 0' In liquid
already prepared, or make a tea jf the
powder: DutLikeSiMM(iNsl ivku Rcr.n
Latoh. You'll flllt! til 1,'1'M 7 nn mvmM
I . . .111
pickage. Look for it
S U. Zclliu Co, FkiladtdptkU, Pa,
The Morning Tribune.
Monday's Dally Evening Portland
l'rlbune: "Beginning next Monday,
a week I om today, the Portland Trib
une will appear as an 8-page morning
paper, with a complete telegraphlo and
local news service.
"As heretofore, only more so, If poa-
slble.lhe Tribune will be a people's pa
per. It will talk, work, and fight for
the masses of the people, regardless
of party and politicians.
"It will be independent, observant,
Instructive, and aliove all, It will pro
claim tbe truth.
"For such a paper, bullion a founda
tion with tbe expectation of growing
gradually and steadily, there la an
ample field In Portland, and the Tiib
une has full faith that it will succeed."
OUIo'e Official Vale.
Columiiub, O., Nov 15. The offi
cial vote for governor at the state elec
tion is thus recorded:
Bushnell, rep 429,816
Chapman, dem 401,715
Holllday, pro 7,658
Coxey, peo 6,264
Dexter, nat dem - 1,001
Watklus, social 4,212
Lewis, negro protect 476
Liberty 8,170
Bushnell's plurality was 28,101.
Tbe vote In Ohio for President Mo
ld n ley and other candidates for preal
dent was:
McKlnley 620,991
Bryan .474,881
Bryan, peo 2,615
Loverlng, pro 6,638
Bentley, nat pro 2,766
Matchett, social labor 1,166
Palmer, nat dem 1,668
McKlnley'a plurality waa 55,109.
Deer Plentiful. Jep Hills
brought to Eugene yesterday and sold
tbe hlud quarters of eleven deer,
which he killed tbe day previous on
the head waters of Fall Creek. Judge
Fisk, Barney Taiue and Drew Griffin
have returned from a trip up the Mllll
tary road to Pine Openings. They
brought home with them eight fine
veulson aud said they could have easi
ly killed 60 If they had wanted them.
Over 200 have been killed In that sec
tion. Morodeer Is reported than for
years, the result of enforcing tbe game
law during the close season. . '
Mechanics overalls In black
eight pockets, elastic suspen
ders 75cts
Can't rip 'em collouadi psnut... $1.0)
Heavy ribbed r.nd fleece lined
underwear ... . SOola
Boys' natural giey aud fleece
lined underwear 25cts
Ilea try boots, all sizes, $t.60sndj
flood heavy shoes $1.00 and up
The genuine snag proof gum
hoots, short $'(.00, long $1.80
Velvet grip Hone supporters.
Justin. ;
Blankets from CO cts A pair up
to $9.00
New Method oi Recovering Umbrellas.