The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 13, 1897, Image 7

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    W OCNTY!
... Hovel. K' Dead wood, on
V'" .ake Creek.
i'MleaKi Or, Nov 10 Tbere lea Creek, a. mile or two
V"11" .. Lane county. Hli
(to Peter Hollo. ud ,w l00k
-laid 1 or 17 J" WD""
' ; Tim acre or two ibai be
v!a has grown up to brush, togeth
er .....r wblcta be planted
"U .... th. .I..Hn.
1 In which he llvet Is hardly
fmrathe road. lit m eemoiu
rlaulileor hit hovel. He ha a
Uf alle Income from a farm In
Western states, but Itnevtr
f , ,pend a penny ir be can
Ik He came 10 iu cuumry
CbrUtlHbl. Norway, 62 yeare
fbeD J4year old. tin appear
,.,i..iri verv feeble old man
.bould he die In hli cablu, he
at lie there for nioothe, wltbln a
( oi tin .
Athta borne, one mile east of Eu-
Vol "" ' "
Lip 1897. of liver complaint Ed-
. r Tniniu wHuumumv iiiuruiiiir.
Cud D Judklni, aged about 70 year,
fremiti' w'll be Interred In the
Ln.fleld IOO F cemetery at 11 a
Uawrrow, Rev RC Brook offlclat-
i Mr JudKini it om oi me um
Jailed, He leaves oi a daughter
twowni besides numerous rela
,a tad friends to mourn nis loss.
At factory prices still, at F 1, Chhin
Oats Wanted.
bquheof AxBitLY.
Second Hand.
1 lot of second band bl'yolee, bug
backs, wagons and plows, and at
iwijdown prices on coin new nuu
Wood band at
F L Chambers.
Cipes and Jackets.
New fill line ot ladles plush capes
mi) cloth Jackets has arrived. Call
ud we them btfore tbey are picked
F E Dunn.
Btock Ranch Far Bale.
400 teres of best stock range, all well
taiced and crossed fenced. Timothy
tad orchard grass two or three feet
10; 2 bams with stall room for 80
M of cattle, 20 tons of hay, one new
Dewing mowing macbtne, nearly new
hj rake, wagon , plow, harrow. Plenty
otipriog water on the plase the year
mood. Good place for a dairy ; 4 miles
tutor Coburg. Price, $ 2,800. Address
orenqulreof C Domeybr, Coburg Or
Money to Loan.
We have a block of $40,000 to loan
oogood farms In Lane county. Ifyou
bare good security and perfect title,
tecan furnish you the coin without
delay, as we make our own examina
tion of security. Call on ns or write.
ts. STEELE aiu,
Albany, Oregon.
Save Your drain.
Few realize that each squirrel de-
troyafl.&O worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher El
iminator la tbe most eneeuve uu
conomlcal poison known. Price re-
i oed to SO oenta. For sale bv Oeburn
D sLano, agents.
Farms for Sale.
I have now thlrtv Arm farms In the
WillampttA voii.u fri uia. These
tana Include every variety in size and
. f or description list, aaure
Geo. M. Miller,
WUklns Block, Eugene, Or.
Money to Loan.
On farm lands at rood terms.
particulars apply to
J. McClanahan,
Eugene, uregon
A One quality of A No 1 red
Singles for sale at Coburg mill.
Welby Stevens, Prop.
For Sale.
One hundred head of stock sheep.
H IBock, Creswell, Oregon.
For Bale. My Carm adjoining Cos
0l"g, consisting of 230 acres, most ai-
CoodDlow land -all fennd. Term
l25 per acre. Call onor address
John Vanuoyne,
Coburg, Or.
Btrav Cat-vim. Btraved from
Bpencer Butte. Bept 11. one red calves,
o marks. Information regarding
me calves will be rewarded by
B F Goodpasture, Eugene, Or,
Feed Mill. The attention of farm
tr Is called to the fact that Messrs
Craig & Bon .f the Eugene oreamery
Dve placed la a mill for chopping feed
1W price and imnd work. A call
HI convince you.
Lost. On tbe streets of Eugene FrI
aT afternoon a man's mackintosh
oolor, uvy blue: finder will ple
ev it t iKi. nfflna and receive re
For Ha i.b mi motvm of land: has
U house and barn, fencing, slash
"g, etc., aod living water. For fur
ur particulars, Inquire of W Banaw
jwtj nuck Is in tlie city.
J A Holt has returned to Coburg.
Black Land plows, Calliwiu A Hon.
Geo Crouer made a trip to Junction
J M Dick, of Camp Creek was In
Eugene today.
iiiaDKeii75ci'Ulba pair and
up a
Geo Detnierlng returned from
All kinds of fai mlog implements.
Cslllsou A Hon.
Dr Driver was giving several of his
short talks today.
The Ingham-Chambers party left
for California last night.
Highest caHli price paid for wheat.
F. E. Dunn.
Max H Miller and Jack Williams of
Jacksonville are In town.
Mr and Mrs Geo Long of Cottage
Grove, were In Eugtne today.
Superior drills and leelers,
Calllson & Sou.
Delos D Net-r, the architect, returned
to his home at Portland May.
Newman, the former Eugene shirt
maker Is at Do Moines, Iowa.
A fine second hand Phaeton for $00
at F L Chambers.
ColSladden has shipped a car of
condensed fruit to Racine, Wis.
Genuine No 40 Oliver chilled shares
at 60 cents, at F L Chambers.
Dr Kuykeudall returned home today
from his weekly trip to Salem.
GIUls Kelsey. of Fossil, a former
Lane county boy, is In tbe city.
G 0 MllU-tt, tin well known Junc
tion farmer was in Eugeue today.
Miss Graoa Clark left this morning
for htr future home at Eureka, Calif.
Mr and Mrs B B Taylor went to
Drain today to visit with hit parentt.
W Sandert will leave for a moutb't
visit to Ban Francisco Saturday ulrjbt.
VBMullayof Portland, deputy In
ternal revenue Inspector, was In the
city today.
M S Hubble won tbe cake stand at
the Wizard Oil Company performance
last night.
I will pay cash for 100 sacks wheat
tailings. Gallon RMcMurphey,
Mrs D T Awbrey, of Cottage Grove,
Is visitlnii her father, W B Andrews,
In this city.
A daughter of S R Williams is con.
fined to her home with Inflammation
of the slomanb.
Mrs J B Hopkins went to Bhedds
this morning to visit her daugnier,
Mrs Frank Porter.
The reason for yesterday's advance
In the wheat market was a report oi a
frost iu Argentine Republic.
Mr Searson, husband of the woman
now conflned In the cltyiJatl, came up
from Corvallls yesterday.
Buy an Oliver plow and you can
plow your ground now. They stay in.
F L Chambers, Agent.
W F Matlock leaves Portland for
Juneau, and will go ti Dawsou City,
In the early spring.
Martin Taylor, head waiter of the
Meacbaro, Oregon, dining ban, is m
the city visiting friends.
H M Chamberlain, from Florence,
Lane county, has opened a natch re
pairing shop In Ashlsnd.
Clay Owen and family of Hadley
vllle, will soon move to Monroe, where
Mr Owen will engage iiiousiness.
-I,. U M IWvis. of CorvallisTwat in
Eugene today attending tbe funeral cf
bis sister, Mrs i J asueuiBu, .
nnttawlev. who returned to uo-
bemia today with two tons of tupplies
for his mines reports tbree leei oi uuw
Governor Lord has followed me
. . n nfnTt tnlev and
example oi rre"n"
nameu iui-ji
Thanksgiving day.
The memorial windows are neing
plaoed In the Christian cnuruu. u,
h.ndunnie and will be an
ornament to tbe nunum
license was Issued yes
a m. iropnnnn uv wuuvj
Tinrt to O B Alllngbam, 33 years
.id Addle Davis, 26 years.
in...i halonelng to A M Aiaen
becamrenungledlnthecartto which
ttached today breaking ihe
"V.T.rt. and snralnlng tbe pony s
t V " nntl all tbose hub vu.
ter Oak Cook Stove, are all told then
CI . I... nnnr npffll-
ZZFL Chambers. till has. good
pa . Aont mora 17 Y J""
p W Caatleraan and children, Mis
H Garnet and W Cstlemar accom-
204 local.
t a r.mnbell. of Ban Francisco
arrived in Eugene on this morning's
arrived in f a ftimral of
1-19 over ana u
4.1HOVm pHeman. which
her momer, -
occurred thlt afternoon.
n w Tilddlo may be touua
hlSenceon Olive street, between
Vth streets, one block west
o f tta T Minnesota hotel. He is pre
r tM . .. nrk in the best
pared to do an
m?9;: , .h John Grant, tte
iiknown Wasco county sheepman
weU koown www Antelope Tues
d'e , H. leave, no debt, and
day night. He whlch
.beep ano when be
lope county. ,,u n0 rel
i know.
"Is Maine Will be liiai-flalily
Linked Willi That of the
lri't snow Peak.
The Seattle PoaUutelllgencer of No
vember 7th, tayt editorially:
- "It Is a source of satisfaction to the
friiud and relutlves of the lute Prof.
Edgar McClure, of the University of
Oregon, that the purpose of bis fatefu
trip to the summit of Mount Rainier
was not totally defeated. Prof Mo
Allster has been able to read his notes
and to calculate theiefrom the exact
height of the mountalu. The result
leaves no question of the scientific ac
curacy, care and thoroughness of his
measurements, and establishes beyond
all doubt the precise altitude.
"It Is to be hoped and expected that
all scientific bodies, as well as the
United States government, will accept
Prof. McClure's figures. The tragedy
by which the professor lost his life has
given bis name a permanent, though
mwrnful, connection with the great
snow peak, ar d it is well that hix val
uable and geculne achievement be
rully recognized. It is Interesting to
add that the United States government
una luaue x-ror Mcuiure's measure
ments of Mount Adams t'ie onictal
Married. In Eugene, Oregon,
Tuesday evening, Nov 9 1807, at the
residence of the bride's parents, Mis
J E Davis, at Sixth and Chsrnelton
streers, by Rev M L Re Mr O B Al
llngbam and Miss Adda Davis. Be
sides the Immediate relatives of the
contrsetlng parties, Miss l earl Miller
and Mr and Mrs Lewis llelnhaw were
present. An elegantdlnner wasserved
Tbe happy couple will resMe in Co
burg during the winter. They have
the best wishes of the Gcard force.
It Is a Ultle Higher Tody at All
Special to the Gurd.
Liverpool, Nov 10. Liverpool
spot, firmer. .
New Yotk, Nov 10. Market very
firm, clo'lng at W; closed yesterday
at 953;.
Chicago, Nov 10. Active and ex
cited, closing at 932; closed yesterday
at 02.
Ban Francisco, Nov 10. f 1.44 ;
closed yesterday at $1.42,
Goldson Items.
Nov 8.
Miss Delia Morgan, of Junctl"ii,
spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs G
W Hollenbeck.
Airs D Carter, of Crook aounty, is
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs John
Ganger, at this place.
Will Lines, J T and W 8 Michael
and Billy Templeton started Tuesday
morning for Iudian creek on a deer
Theodore Hammersly who has been
sKk for sjme tlrue Is very little Im
proved In health.
A few of our citizens volunteered
last Friday and worked on the road
ove Bear cieek hill.
The Franklin road supervisor should
get out aud do a little work in his dis
trict, else he will get up some morning
and find a team drowned in one of tbe
many mud holes in that section.
Robert Poster Is overhauling his saw
mill this week.
The debating society met and organ-
gaulzedlast Saturday. It will meet
every two weeks.
Tbere are three saw mills here In a
radius of four miles and the fourth oue
Is talked of.
W H Roberts bos beeu confined to
the house the past week with a severe
Uncle josh.
Htauds at the Head.
Aug J Bogel, the leading druggist of
Shreveport, La., soys: "ur ivings
New Discovery is the only thing that
cures my cough; aud Is the best seller
I have." J F Campbell, mercnaui oi
Safford, Ariz, writes: "Dr King's New
nucoverv is all that Is claimed lor u,
it, folia, and is a sure cure for
nniimr.tion. coughs aud colds.
cannot say eunugh for Its roeins." ui
Kiiiff'aNew Discovery for consump
tion coughs and colds is not an exper
iment. It has been tried for a quarter
of a century and today stands at the
hpd. It never aisappomw.
.riot hnitlea at Henderson & Linn's
V. .m " " '
drug Btore.
To Bell or Trade
One and one-lmlf lots In. Irving,
.torn building and stock of merchan-
ji.. t:tfin. Will exchange for
UIOC, .11
a. rriv or stock ranch, or sell
mini -
cheap for cash. Reason for selling, go.
log to Alaska.
J W Kitchen.
the Crop Too Bid. Pendleton
n. .T E McClure bus returned from
.J. d.i..u wlmra ha has been at
IU I liuunv,
work with T J Sprowl's threshing out-
(u Arcordine to Mr McClure it win
be Impossible to harvest tbe Palouse
-roD this season. The Sprowl ou.flt
i,l contract ahead lor 260,000 bush
Is In the neighborhood of Davenport,
iva.h if it desires to do so, so vast Is
tbe amount of grain still standing In
... fuu The wheat is all bluestem
and has averaged as high as 64 bushels
to the acre. Work will continue
it. m the fall as possible. Tbe ex
i.n of the Palouse shows tha
there really can lie too much of a good
tbiog. It w0UlJ ta 'ess vexatious aud
to have no crop at all than
to raise a big one and lose It."
J C (IcmhI, lo of Coburg, was lu Eu
gene today.
Attorney L Bilyeu has relumed
from Saleiu.
The mason work on the court house
foundation It finished.
7, M Brown aod Jack Davis return
ed from Montague, Cal., last night.
Giover Cleveland's ton bat been
named Richard Folsom Cleveland.
L II Patterson arrived home today
from a short business trip to Corvallls.
County Judge EO Potter returned
last night from a trip to the capllol
Draud Mrs MM Davis returned to
their home at Corvallls on this morn
ing's local.
The old woodshed In the rear of the
new court house foui.datlon has been
torn away.
Mrs Frank Goodman, of Cottage
Grove is serlou-ly 111 and her life is
despaired of.
Mrs Thos Hoover and chlldien re
turned home today front a visit with
her parents at Albany.
Ctias E Fell hat been appointed
postmaster at Pendleton. It Is a vic
tory for Mitchell.
Spain has accepted our good offices
In the efforts to restore peace in Cuba
and at the same time asks ut lo pre
flllbusterlng. Sheep lu demand, as many of our
wheat growers want to use them on
summer fallow laud and on fall
L A Itodeln commenced today pick
ing a carload of turkeys for tbe Ban
Francisco market. Tblt It the first
shipment of the seasou.
Miss Cora Rotan, of Salem, arrived
up yesterday aud will take the position
of operator lo the Postal Telegraph
oltlceof this city.
Coniuilsjloiitr W T Bailey returned
this morning from his Inspection of
tbe new bridges being built on Row
River for the county.
The Wizard Oil Co was present at
tbe social sesilon of the Eugene lodge
Elks last night. The gentlemen be
long to tbe Roseburg lodge of Elkt.
Miss Fannie Lounsbury, department
Inspector of the W R C for Oregon
passed through this morning to her
home at Portland from a tour of In
spection In the southern part of the
Tom Cain has returned fiom a tr p
to Eastern Oregon and Spokane Falls,
Wash. He rcporta Morris Levlnger as
doing a large confectionery business
lu the Falls city. He also met John
Henderson snd T J Craig at that place.
Hon and Mrs H H Gilfry of Wash
ington, D C, left for San Francisco on
the 11:28 California express last night.
They were the guests of Hon and Mrs
T G Hendricks duilog their stay here,
and bad a pleasant visit with many
Wm Rasmus, of Portland, arrlvtd
up today aud will meet Helmet lodge,
Knights of Pythias, tonight relative to
the production of "The Confederate
Spy," soon to be staged by them, with
Mr Rasmus as Instructor and In the
leading role.
There are eight surviving soldiert of
tbe war of 1812. Three of them are
each more than 100 yeara old. They
are Uosea Brown of Grant's Pass, Or,
105 years old; Elijah Glenn of Newark,
N J, and Eleazor Smith of Danbury,
NH. Each of the latter two are 101
years of age.
The Alaska Thawing and Heating
Co, was incorporated yesterday at Sa
lem with three Portland men as Incor
porators and (25,000 as tbe nominal
capital stock. Thus it nature to be
overcome and tbe frigid winters ot tne
north made bearable. What cannot
man do.
Albany Democrat Nov 10: W B
Chance, of tblt city, was brougm
home from Philomath yesterday In a
battered condition. He was working
on the bridge near that place when
some striugers and a car fell about 20
fpot and Mr Chance was In tbe midst
of them. It was a wonder be was not
killed, but Instead bad a foot crutned
auu two ribs broken.
Grant's Pass Courier: Mr II C Per
kins of this city, bat beeu appointed
deputy mineral eurveyor for tbe dlt-
drlct of Oregon, by Kobert a aoer
sham, survejor-general for tbe uregon
district. Mr Perkins is a capable man
and the surveyor-general hat made no
mistake In his appointment. Bonos
will be filed toon and Mr Perkins will
annnhareadv for any . workln mat
Miss Mary Ann Crotber, of Phila
delphia, who recently celebrated her
lr4th birthday, clairui to oe me omssi,
old maid In tbe world, xsovwiin
standing her great age, the la actlvt
aud vigorous, doing some oi tna ugni
work In the house every aay. one
goes upstairs without help, and op to
nine vears .go sbe waiaeu reguiany
every Sunday to church, a dlstanoe of
one mile.
M me Navarro (Mary Anderson)
in Paris for the purpose of cultivating
her voice. She la accompanied by her
husband and they Intend to remain In
tha V caoltol for tbe winter. She
has engaged one of tbe leading teach
ers In Paris and will continue to study
nntll she has effectually developed her
r have no Intention," sbe
states, "of returning to the stage at
nnhiin slnirer. although I am not
to occasionally appearing an
Attention Ladles.
flea window display of ladies and
children's colored and black shoes.
I rew ror winier. i ne
Dr Edson, the Mui-lati.t, Ulvm
The followlug regarding Charlea
Wilkinson, appearing In the New
York World, it brought to the atten
tion of the Guard through the k I iiil.
ueasof Henry F llolleubeck now iu
that city:
To the Editor of The World:
Will you penult me to apical to the
publlo through the columns of your
rarer In behalf of a singularly deiwr v
ng and pitiful case of d litre. that
calls for immediate relief?
It Is tbe cast of a bright young low
er of unliiiachable record who was
once an honored member of the Ore
gon legislature, and later, when bis
health began to fall, a practitioner of
high repute In Arizona. Coming to
New York a few uiontl s ago, be was
almokt Immediately seized with con-
DrEdson, tbe seclallat, who lias
kindly given him bis services, tells
him be must go at once to New Mex
ico, and gives him strong hopes of re
coveiy If his orders are promptly
beyed. Every day lu this climate
lessens his chances, and yet, having a
wife and child to support, and being
absolutely without means, be must
stay here and die unless some means
can be found of tending him and hit
family away.
Does It not seem too had to let this
mao die and leave a widow and or
phan when $100 given now would
probably save his II f. ? Will not a few
bei evolent oues co-operate with tut?
John Balcomh Shaw,
Pastor West Eod Presbyterian
Church, No 307 West One Hundred
aud Fourth street.
stricken lawyer aided.
To the Editor of The World:
I beg leave to acknowledge the fob
owing contributions for me young
lawyer, stricken with consumption, iu
whose behalf I appealed through The
Mrs J II R, fl; name to be with-
be A Brother Lawyer, (5
Cash, f 10; Sympathy, fl; through II
F H d Co, $40.
No further contributions will I
needed. I thank those who have thus
John Balcomh miav.
New York, Nov 2.
J II Wilkinson received a letter from
Charley who It now at Denver, Col-
oiado. He reports bis health better.
Mrs I J Caslleman died at her
residence iu Portland, ov 8, lbU7,
at 1:30 p m, aged 63 yeara 11 mouths
and 11 days. The remains were
brought to Eugene and a short funeial
service held at Bt Mary's Epl- copal
church at 2:20 this aftei noon. Deceas
ed was a slater of L Davit and
Mrs James Iluddleston, of this city,
aud was well known bere. She bas
many frionds, who will learn with sor
row of ber demise.
Mrs Jantha Jane Castieman was
born In Llmavllle, Ohio, lov28,1834.
She removed with her parents, Benja
min Davis and Catherine 8 Davis, to
Indiana In 1838, from thence the fami
ly removed to Oregon In Is47, and
settled two miles north of where hu-
gene now stands, Eugene F Skinner
abd L Bhaw, living on the present
site of tbe town, and Elijah Hrlstow
and Wm Dodson, at Pleasant Hill, be
ing the only settlers then living In
what Is now Lane county, others
owning with the same party and laUr
In tbe same year.
She was married to Geo W Lvans Iu
1850, who died In 1853, leaving her
with two children. Later she was
married to P F Caslleman, who sur
vives ber. She also leaves four chil
dren. MitL Patterson, of Columbia
.nnniv MraJmlire J F Campbell, of
vvwu f a -
Hn Francisco, and Mrs ti uarnes
and Wm R Castieman, of Portland,
Mrs Caslleman resided many years
In Eugene, and will be well remem
be red by all the pioneers of tblt couu-
Jjexter Items.
Messrs Frank Taylor anl Howard
Vincent went to Jone's mill Sunday,
where they will work during the win
Miss Carrie Hunsaker roturned Sat
nrHav from Eunene. where sue nas
been visiting tome time.
Mrs Esther Johnson, who has been
living for some time in wasnmgiou
county, hat returned to ter iwuie-
make borne.
The cltlzene of upper Lost Valley are
erecting a bric'ge across Lost Creek at
D C Mathews.' Tbe county lurnisnes
tbe material.
MrsOs. Gartln, who hat been sell
ously 111 for tome dayt, Is considerably
ni proved.
Mist Ioea Dunten was married last
Sunday at ber mother's residence, to
a gentlemsn rom Eastern Oregon.
Name unknown to the v rlter.
Vr John Blakely returned irom a
business trip to Eugene last evening
The Trent Mill Co have started a
logging camp on the upper creek. They
will log all winter.
n.ifn. Woods bas mosed Into the
bouse on John Gulley's place and wll
The Dolltlcal cyclone, which struck
,i,Motfin1v administration In tbe
East, la only a forerunner of what
will befall tbe prosperity spoutert In
Oregon next fall. Already He Bryan
In 1900.
-J-v-.jsvr'.-f j.ti;. -i'dr' r,i -
As well as the walking plows, give univer
sal satisfaction.
Don't be short
Oliver Steel
Guaanteed to Scour.
A fresh carload now at...
f. i, mmm
An Unusually Small namoer appij-
lug for Permits at This Time.
County Superintendent Hunt and as
sistant, John 1 o'clock
this afternoon commenced tbe regular
quarterly examination of applicants
for teachers c rtlDcates.
Tbere are 12 applicants for county
certificates, 3 for state eertlflCAtes and
2 for state diplomas, a total of 17. This
Is a very small class.
Mrs Eben II Blachley died at her
home on the McKenxle, Ave miles
nonhof Eugeue, on Nov. 0,1897, at 8
Vcloek p m, of catarrhal fever, agea
70 years, 11 months and 20 days.
Deceased was born In Oblo, nov iu,
1820. and was married In Indiana on
Feb 10, 1837, to the life partner, who
still survives her. In 1854 they moved
to Oregon with thilr family of six
children and have since resided bere.
Mr and Mrs Blachley at first settled
on Grand Prairie about five mliet from
Junction. They have raided a family
of 11 children, six boys and five girls.
After residing on Grand Prairie ror
many years they moved to Eugene
aud resided here seven years. From
here they removed to a pleasant home
on the, wuero
since resided. Grandma Blachley was
a of the noble pioneers whose
womanliness has done to mucu lor
TI s annol laos. no mors we'll aes,
No mm We'll klu thews llpii
Thoie laughliif ye we loTed so well,
Are cloeed In death, eclipsed,
To Euoenb. Salem Journal Nov 10:
Miss Cora Rotan went to Eugene this
morning whire she will take charge of
the Postal TelegrapU oilice in mai
city. Miss Rotan bas been connected
with the local ofuce ror several monius
past, and under the efficient training
of Mrs Anna B Nlckol Is now cap
i.iH of laklmr charge of an ofllce
Eugene's - - Ingest - -
With the Smallest Prices,
Courteous treatment and one price to
all is our motto. With a complete stock
of reliable goods and the right prices we
rarely fail to please our customers.
New' macklntoshea Just received.
Ladies heavy ribbed underwear 2icts
a anlMiuliil winter weight In the cel
ebrated Ouelta Combination suits 60cls nrnnlnn hose .. 20ctS
Plain " "
Heavy Fleeced "
Heavy Oxford Gray hose
Clilldrens black ribbed hose.,
Men's cheviot suits
Mens all wool ohevlot suits...
Don't Fail to InmtiGate Our
F. .
xJ i ii'i.jU
an imitation.
Commissioners Court.
O K Ross, hauling rock for crush
er t23 50
J F Ross, feeding rock to crush
er. 23 70
F E Creed, superintendent and
engineer, rock crusher 88 00
DrJ W Harris, vlslta to prison
ers, eto 8 00
O A Rowland, deputy sheriff 00
A M Richardson, road work 5 00
Geo T Hall & Son, pauper sup
Theodore Jacobson. bridge work 18 28
Eugeue Lu mer Co, lumber 63 00
Bbetton Estate, gravel 4 80
G Cole, lumber 89 28
II It Klncald, bar dockets 15 00
B II Friendly, carpet.i. 12 00
I N Grecu, deputy sheriff 2 60
L T Harris, deputy district at-
torney, State vs T Skinner aui
Ex 13 M
Clare uceL Mark ley, work on
MuKenzie road 60
J T Rowland, road eupervleor
district No 107 80 00
Grlflln Hardware Co, supplies
for road and bridges 80 23
E Bangs, livery 00
L L Marsters, keeping paupers,
claimed 1 10, allowed 17 CO
A D Holland, keeping pauper... 19 70
J W Kay a, colli a and box for M
Salet 15 00
LNRouey, on court bouse foun- '
datlon 1000 00
J T Calllson, bridge materlal...H3 60
Eugene Light Co, services for
October 28 00
Declined. L Rouey bas declin
ed the foremanshlp for tbe repair of
tbe Bouth Santiam bridge,
him by Linn and Marlon counties.
Tbe bridge is a new one and seems to
be poorly construo'ed and It will be a
dangerous job to repair It. Thlt It oot
the reason that Nvls refuses to accept
the Job. By all fairness he waa en
titled to the contract at tbe start, and
he does not nowpropose to have any
thing to do with it. In fact, be told
the court when the bid was let that It
would not stand up under the specin
catlous. Store
Meobanlcs overalls In black
eight pockets, elastlo suspen
ders Wota
(O'll "tjatd (.ptnonoo me, dj foso
Heavy ribbed anu nuece iioea
Boys' natural giey and fleece
lined underwear
Heavy boots, all sizes, f 1.50 snd
Good heavy shoes $1.00 and up
The genuine snag proof gum
boots, short f'1.00, long
Velvet grip Hose supporters.
Just lu.
Blankets from 60 cts a pair op
lew Method o! Recovering Umbrellas.
ugene. Or.