The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 13, 1897, Image 6

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Attorneys lie 4 8rvo ill Adverse
Parties With Copies ef Papers.
The following self explanatory.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, I and for Lane county.
To the Hon J O Fullertoii, Judg:
The undersigned pclltluiier, would re
epectfully represent ami show to your
honor, that the prictlce and rule of
this court la the past and now l, that
attorney! way take court papers from
the files, In the Clerk's office, by leav
ing receipt therefore, and
Whereas, The great Increase of
legal bUHlueea Id aald court, and fre
quent absence of important court pa
pers from the fllea, when greatly ue-d-ed,
reaulta iu great lucouveuleuce to
Htigan's, a will a to the officer ol
aald court, ai d tbe danger of Iom of
valuable uaper belonging to the fllea
of the court; and
WllEHKAS, The convenient oflitl
ganU and attorneys would be much
better served by the preparation of du
plicate copleH of a I pleadluga and pa-
ners. and aervlce thereof on adverse
part let) 10 aald suits;
Tiiehefoke, Yourelltlouer would
respectfully a-k: That your homr
make an order, inquiring attorney! Id
prvpuring uew com-! fur trial lit tbla
court, to urenareaud n-rve conies of
all neceseary pleading or papers on
the adverse parties to said suits; and
that tbe original paeia lu all aulta,
actions or proceedings shall remain in
tbe care and custody of tbe clerk or
other proper officer.
A V Jennings,
County Clerk.
It l hereby ordered by tbe court
that the above pe.ltiou be, and the
aame la hereby iu all things allowed;
and aald order Is hereby made.
November 4, 1807.
Circuit Court Cases.
12 W O Tlckett vs Isaac Darnellle;
appeal on coot bill. Takun uuder ad
visement. 19 James H Clark, receiver, vs
Joseph. Sternberg; to recover money.
Continued to adjourned term.
20 James II Clark, receiver, vs Wm
H Lee; to recover money. Continued
to adjourned term.
21 School Fund Commissioners vs J
.W Qtoss; foreclosure. Continued to
adjourned term.
47 Zorda llartwlg vs Louis Hart
wig; divorce. Referred to II D Nor
ton to report the law and evidence.
0(1 Etlle Putnmu vs A J Putman;
divorce. Required to answer in 20
days. '
03 Martha rhlnehart vs McDeyle;
ejectment. Continued.
100 E J Crow vs R F Scott; duniages.
Wednesday morning the following
jury was drawn to try the cse: Alfred
Brattalu, JC Rusbuell, W R AlcCor
nack, J L Zelgler, J C Nicholson, J A
Stevens, I E Bteveus, J W Gross, W H
Hoflmao, Win Cummins, B Beeler
and O Green.
The case was given to the Jury
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, and
ut 0 o'clock In the evening .returned a
verulctln favor of the plaintiff for
N B Alley, grand Jury bailiff.... $12 00
Ellis McCluro
80 00
30 00
D M Drake
J J Walton attorney defending
M O Wilklns, court reporter
8 dajs, Smltson damage case
W E Yates, district attorney,
0 days attendance . .... .........
Btatevs Wilson, acquittal, in
15 00
85 00
45 00
dictment dismissed 5 00
BUte vs Held, couviotlo 10 00
Davis et al vs Eugene and Lane
County 25 00
Saltation Army "Farewell."
Ensign J T Smith and wife, who
have conducted the Salvation Army
barracks In Eugene for several months,
'Farewelled" .at their barracks last
Sunday. They will left on tbe local
Mondxy for Portland, then go to The
Dalles to visit a sister of Mrs Smith's,
Mr and Mrs Hiultli have made many
friends during their sojourn in Eu
Election Returns.
Ohio Leglsla tare still in doubt.
Mary land Leg Islature republican. '
Colorado Demo-Pops carry the
New York Democrats have 60,058
Iowa 30,000 republican.
Nebraska Fusion by 10,000.
KeutucKy Democratic by 20.0C0.
mere Than Janes Kxpecte.
Little Rock, Ark., Nov 3. Chair.
man Jones, of the national democratic
committee, said:
"I regard the result of the elections
as particularly favorable to the dem
ocratlo party aud very gratifying to
democrats everywhere. It Is all they
oould ask, and more than many or us
Klght Ticketi In tbe Fleld-Tne Tot
In Detail.
Times, November 6.
Tbe city election last Monday was
one ol the most peculiar election ever
held iu this city. There were eight
tickets in the field and remarkable as
the stalemeut may appear, politics did
not enter into tbe contest. There were
six candidates for marshal and on tbe
morning of election all seemed to have
an even chance. The vote as returned
by l be board is aa follows:
RP Caldwell 75
Robert Clow .46
J II Miller....
J P Mllllorn.
L B Moore....,
R F Baker....
Frank Wilkinson 59
D E Rufl - 118
Frank Moorbead 65
F W A Craln J52
J J Darnellle 46
J M Nichols 17
FL Ed wards. ...7
V D White 25
Frank Curtis 19
EJ Meats -8
Curiosities of Tbe Calendar.
One of tbe men who make up tbe
calendars used aa advertisements has
evolved a few simple rules to facilitate
tbe process. Tbey are: No oentuiy
can begin on Wednesday, Friday or
Sunday. Tbe same calendars can be
ued every twenty years. October si
ways begins on the same day of the
week as January, Arll aa July, Sep
tember as December, February, March
and November begin on tbe same days.
May, June and August always begin
on different days from each other
and every other month In tbe year.
Tbe first and last days of tbe year are
always the same. These rulea do not
apply to leap year when tbe compari
son is between days before and after
February 20.
Take it Like a ktan.
There Is a deacon in a certain church
into which one Sunday a drunkard
staggered and sat down Tbe preacher
was discoursing about the present pop
ular vices. Boon be exclaimed,
"where la tbe drunkard?" The drunk
en man was Just far enough gone to
think the call personal, so rising heavi
ly replied: "Here I am," and re
mained standing while tbe drunkard's
fate and character were eloquently por
trayed. A few minutes later tbe
minister reached another head In his
discourse and asked, "where is the
hypocrite?" Gently nudging bis
neighbor tbe drunken man said In an
audible whisper: "Stand up deacon,
and take it like a man, Just as I dldjjlt
will do you good."
Local Market.
NovS , 1S97.
Wheat 68 cents and weak.
Butter 8 J to40o per roll.
Potatoes 2ta
Hops-8 to 12a
Hogs, on foot, 3 to 4c; dressed 4 to 6c.
Alvln PlcClalae Dead.
Spokane, Wash, Nov 6. Alvln
McClalne aged 27 years, died here last
night of typhoid fever.
He was a brother ot Miss Minnie Me
MoClalne, of Sllverton, a student of
the University of Oregon, and wbo left
for that place In answer to a dispatch,
on this morning's early train.
10,000 Warkers Blrlk.
New York City, Nov 6. Cloak
makers union In New York today
ordered a strike affecting 10,000
Advertising Pays. G Bettman
tried for tlx weeks to sell his cow, and
then concluded to advertise her in the
Guard for sale. Asa result he sold
ber within 24 hours after the adver
tisement appeared, and sa he could
have sold a doien more if he bad bad
them. Moral: Advertise in the
Daliv Guard, KoTembt r 5.
Divorce Granted. Today 'a Ore
gonian: "A divorce waa granted to
Libble Beckley from J II Beck ley yes
terday by Judge Stearns on the ground
of desertion. The plaintiff testified
that their marriage waa solemnised In
Lane county iu 1889 and that her hus
band abandoned her In June, 1690."
Tbe parties at one time resided in Eu
gene. Dtlly Guard NoTtmber ft,
The Adjourned term. Judge Ful
lerton adjourned circuit court last
evening until Thursday, Jan 20, 1898.
He discharged all tht lurymen except
ing J L Z igler, who Is ordered to re
port at that date. This looks as if
some Jury work was expected.
Kansas Poetry.
A Kansas farmer is said to have
written the following: .
Just a baulln' out tbe stuff
, From the plains 0' Kansas,
Railroads can't get cars enough
For to empty Kansas.
Ort to see tbe farmers grin
Stroke tbe lilacs on tbeir cbln,
As tbe cash comes rollln in,
Over there In Kansas.
Women singing songs 0' glee,
'Bout ol' fruitful Kansas,
Babies crowln' merrily
Everywhere In Kansas.
Purty slrls a buyln' clothes,
Toggln' out from bead to toes.
8t,le? You bet your life she goes,
Over there In Kansas
When the cares o' day is done,
On the plains o' Kansas,
And the kids begin to yawn,
Sleepy like in Konsas,
Farmer wipes bis glasses blurred.
Reads a chapter o' tbe Word,
rhen kneels and tbanks tbe Lord
That be lives in Kansas.
Lanrean Notes.
Dally Guard, November 8.
Vice President Hoi brook called the
society to order. A fair sized assem
blage of debaters were in attendance,
bearing lu mind that the weather waa
bfd, and tbat there was a Freshman
oartv drawing awsy a number of
active members.
The society met In tbe new hall for
tbe first time. This Is used by Dr.
Chapman as a lecture room. The fur
niture and library belonging to we
Laurean and Eutaxian societies bas
been moved Into this department thus
making quite a comfortable room.
Tbe question for the evening, "Ite-
solved, That tbe United States should
adopt Savings Banks," was ably sup
ported on the affirmative by Messrs
McCornack, Hooker, Barber and
Richards, while the negative wa sup
ported by Messrs Grimes Boone, Har
ris and Kuykendall;
Tbe affirmative contended tbat tbe
postal savings banks would be a great
help to the laboring classes, inasmuch
as a man canuot deposit a small sum
ofmoneyina national bank. This
would thus throw a great amount 01
boarded money into circulation.
Tbe negative argued tbat there
were already enougn Dauai, mere
would be an extra expense to the gov
ernment, and tbat there would be
greater chances of fraud.
The decision was given In favor or
the negative.
A committee was appointed by the
president to arrange for' a Joint meet
ing witH tbe Eutaxians. Tbla meet
ing will undoubtedly be a success and
every effort will be exerted for an in
teresting program.
A meeting of the corporation of tbe
Laurean and Eutaxian societies was
held yesterday afternoon for the elec
tion of officers, with the following re
sult: President, E D Boone; secretary,
W B Dillard; treasurer, J R Barber;
librarian, W H Johnson; asst librarian
Miss Leila Straub; 1st trustee, Miss
Anna Grimes; 2nd trustee, C N Mo
Arthur. Drain Hills Burned.
Correspondence Roseburg Review:
We are sorry to chronicle the loss of
our grist mill by fire Wednesday af
ternoon, Nov 8. It is supposed to
have caught en the roof from the
smoke stack and was beyond control
when discovered. The loss on mill
and maobinery is about 17000 with on
ly 11000 insurance, and on wheat and
flour probably $1000 more. The latter
belonged to Mr F G Leonard, who
rented the mill last spring and falls
heavily on him, representing hlo en
tire summer's work, almost, beside con
siderable money Invested. The mill
and machinery were owned by Vm
Russell, aud sou, D B, and O D Drain,
tbe latter having abojt $2000 in the
property. The loss is very severe on
these parties as well as the town and
DivoRCC-Ashland Tidings: J H
Woods his filed a suit for divorce
against his wife, Irene Woods, in Laue
county, the charges being cruelty and
adultry. Tbe parties . formerly con
ducted the boarding bouse at the log
ging camp near Snow, and tbe defend'
ant caused some exoitement in this vi
cinity last week, having a searching
party out looking for ber In the Jenny
creek country, where it was said she
waa wandering in a demented . condl
tlou, but turning up later all right.
Administrators Appointed.
Thurston Goodpasture bas been ap
pointed administrator of the estate of
A D Burton, deceased. Probable value
of estate, (4,000. Bond , $3,1100, su rites,
Mary E Carrie and Ethel Burton, U W
Young Jacob Glllasple. ' Appraisers
appointed M H Harlow, B Flowers
and Presley Cheshire.
A Denial. Dr NJ Taylor and
daughters have returned to Portland,
from Skaguay and deny emphatically
tbe slanderous stories published in tbe
Portland Telegram. We believe Joe
and think he bas been harshly treated
in this matter.
A Resume of Various Brent Occnrrlnr
In tbe Past Twenty-Fonr Honrs.
Dally Guard, NoTmbr,
Last evening proved one of much
profit and pleasure to those Woodmen
and friends who assembled at their
ball in the I OOF building to greet
Geo K Rogers, general organizer of tbe
Woodmen for tbe state of California.
A solo by Rev R C Brooks, assisted by
W C Yoran, Rev W 8 Gilbert and L G
Hulin on tbe chorus, opened the pro
gram. This was followed by a short
and pltby speech by Consul Com
mander EO Potter introducing me
speaker. Mr Rogers settled at once
upon his subject and ror inree qua
of an hour talked of the ultimate ad-
vantage of fraternal insurance as
against "old line." He saia inai
Woodmen did not believe in idieiiai
terv for the fairer sex, but in practical
compliments, and this tbey proved
by placing around tbeir tovea ones
substantial protection. He regrets
tbat people do not observe the Divine
teaching to "love tby neighbor as thy
self," because their protection would
not be necessary, and insurance would
be unknown. Since it is so, however,
be averred tbat it is exemplified in the
order Woodmen of the World to tbe
blghest degree possible, and cited
many illustrations to prove his asser
tions. He said tbat since tbe order
wa instituted, June 6, 1890, $2,500,000
have been paid in benefits, and that
lu membership of 115,000 extends oyer
44 states and Mexico. He also stated
tbat tbe Circle bad been officially rec
ognized by tbe Pacific Jurisdiction,
and urged all Woodmen to be patriotic
to tbeir sister Institution. Mr Rogers
isan ableexnocet ot tbe order, and
aside from Head Organizer F A Falk
enburg Is probably the best speaker
tbat bas addressed a Eugene audience
oil Woodcraft.
Tbe Knights and Ladies of tbe Mac
cabees held a very social meeting in
tbeir ball last evening and are fast be
coming kuowa as a most hospitable
order. A literary program was ren
dered during the evening, provided by
the ladles, and was a treat in every
detail. An elegant lunch was provided
to which ample Justice was dose, and
tbe remainder of tbeeveulng was spent
in social converse. ,
The Freshman class held its first
party in the gymoslum lost evening.
Tbe evening was spent Iu danolng
and progressive whist, In which Mr
Eaton and Miss Carleton carried off
the honors. Light refieshments weie
served at ten o'clock, after which
dancing was continued until after
The chaperones were: Professor and
Mrs I M Glen, Mrs Drew Griffin, and
Prof Purdeu. Those piesent beside
the cbaperonea were: Miss Lauer, Miss
Watkins, Miss Parrott, Miss Thomp
son, tbe Misses Miller, Miss Schwarzs
ohlld;MlBS Johnson, Miss Griffin, the
Misses Bonney, Miss Carleton, Miss
Estes. MlssAllaway, the Misses Tay
lor, Miss Wheeler, and Messrs Stanton,
Spencer, Hopkins, Zelgler, Van Dyke,
Glen, Brldgeford, Smith, MoArthur,
McCornack, Johnson, Hooker, Eaton,
Senders, Barry, Wagoner, Gam ber,
Dantaff, Stubllcg, White, Fountain.
Julius and Morris Scharzschlld and
The C E of the First Christian
church lost evening held their month
ly business meeting in the cburoh. Fol
lowing a custom of several years tbey
rapidly deposed of the business at
hand, and then devoted several hours
to social amusements. These business
and social meetings do quite a little
towards contributing to the strength
of an organization, and every effort is
made to make each meeting more in
teresting than the last.
Last evening a number of friends
tendered a surprise party to Miss Lena
Kauffman at the home of ber parents,
Mr and Mrs J Kauffman, corner of
High and Twelfth streets. The even
Ingwas delightfully spent in music,
games ana social cnat, and was pro
nounced by those present to have been
a most auspicious event.
Last evening from 6 to 9 o'clock tbe
ladles of the First Presbyterian church
served oysters in tbe Hendricks block,
corner of Willamette and Ninth streets.
It proved to be a successful venture,
and during the evening large numbers
of people availed themselves of tbe
privilege of securing a dish of the pal
atable bivalves, prepared In any style
meir ianoy dictated.
Same Here. The wild goose is go
ing, and, as an evidence that tbey are
thinning out, the Willows, Cal, Re
view says that 20 yearn ago Hugh
Glenn paid out for wages to goose
herders, 40 In number, for one season,
aud to supply them with ammunition,
the snug sum of $12,000. Now it
wae out iu goose herders on the
vjibuu raucu ana not a 22nd part of
aamage is done to tbe growing crops,
0 and Cbtmawa
tbe rigkio Over the
. Gridiron.
pally Ouaid, Nowmbws.
The Chemawa football team arrived
.a. .mi war driven
on tue iwi - .
.i.,n,ih tha business street before be
ing taken to Klncald ground where
this afternoon' contest i now on.
Tbey were met at the depot by a
number of student wbo will extend
the courtesies of the university and
city to them while here.
The "natives" are a chunky, bealtby
looking lot of boy and look capable of
putting up a very tlfl game,
The heavy rain of last night con
tinued today and gave the Blwasbss,
who are much the heavier team, tba
advantage, by reason of a sloppy field.
The following Is the lineup of the
Pattie Q
Sanden r K
Decker I K
McCarthy r t
Hunt U
Williams re
Maston 1
Davis rhb
Smith 1 h b
Leabo q b
Maston fb
Kuykendall, umpire; Dlok Smith,
referee; Holtrook and Becker, line
men. FIRST HALF. .
8 to 0 in favor of Eugene.
Uof 0 4; Chemawa 6.
Total U of 0 10; Chemawa 6.
... 1 1 1
A Strong Item.
The Lane county correspondent of
tbe Albany Herald, says: Mr Whlte-
aker thinks be and Mr Wblteaker
are tbe champion onion raisers of this
part of Oregon. Tbey planted seven
ounces of seed on about twenty-seven
rods of ground, and have put in tbeir
onion bouse of marketable onions
3,657 pounds, and sold off the ground
180 pounds, whlcb would bring It ap
to 8,837 pounds, besides tbe refuse on
ions, which have not yet been weighed
but at a very low estimate there would
be 600 pounds more. Add these to tbe
good onions and we find we bave
4,337 pounds from less than one-half
pound of seed and about twenty- ?n
rods of ground, and out of tbe lot we
think we can find 1,000 that will weigh
one pound each, or 1,000 onions that
will weigh 1,000 pounds. He took
four to Eugene the other day that
weighed 6J pounds.
Unprofitable Shlpplug .
Corvallis limes: One freight bill
rendered by the transportation com
panies illustrates the shameless way In
which tbe fruit men bave been mulct
ed. It was a bill rendered to F P
Sheasgreen and tbe statement of tbe
sale and expenses is as follows: "29
crates of Italian prone, told at 80
cents per crate, $8.70." The charges
against the 20 crates are, "loading .68,
freight refrigerating and lolng, $15.40;
commission .70; total $16.74," balance
due the dealers, which Mr Hheasgreen
la requested to remit In cub, $8.04. At
this rate, If Mr Bheasgreen stick to
the prune business and continue to
ship green he must soon become very
Dily 6uardKoTembr6.
Marriage Permit, County Clerk
Jennings today Issued a marriage
license to William A May, 81 years
and Miss Inez E Dunten, 19 year.
Mr May Is a resident of Grant oounty,
while the young lady 1 one of Lane
cunty'i fairest daughter.
son, 01 opringneia nave raised om
very large squashes this year. One is
one exhibition at Ax Billy' store that
weighs 162 lb and they have another
at borne tbat weigh 160 lb.
Election s. Both side ttlll claim
the Ohio legislature, but it seem to us
tbat the republican bave it by
minor majority. A controversy 1 also
on in Maryland over certain return.
' McMinnvllie Telephone Register
Nov 4: Tbe barn and content Includ
ing five horse and one oow, belonging
to Cbas Oatman, three miles south of
thi city, was desiroyed by fire early
Dunaay morning. Tbe fire was dla
covered at 2 o'clock but it was too far
gone to save the stock or any of the
content. The fire 1 considered In
oendlary. It is a bad log. Mr Oat
man was severely burned during his
efforts to release the stock.
There was a great sensation In Clat
sop county last Saturday when the
jury in tbe case of Ward, ex-countv
treasurer, on trial for the defalcation
of $12,000 failed to find & varmint
1 t 1 .
" pr io ois arrest waa a very
prominent citizen in Astoria and hlirh-
iy npeciea, out leading citizen are
sausned or bis responsibility In the de
falcatlonof the oounty' money and
inereiore mey inink be ehould uffer
thepeualtyofthe law. The people
whoaredkddedly in favor of Justice
'jwwu mere ao not Hesitate In con
aemning the Jury.
f Vein aw
the guest
dies Aid BonU. . "
III v Ml M J
wlllrvea publlo dlone '
iff vint-. onw n
I. at Monro Nil . -v .
81. 1897.
Crow. 1, u.n
Dodson and wit - t., ..
art tba guest of freodl ,J
EE Kn.pp bad. f.reWel, .
her manv
"MU ,e 'or tbs Esjt
Mr. J E Butler returned Moods,
morning from California atw . .1. '
ant visit of several week, with her
son. w
olty I digging the eooDd Well
on Second
tbe mill
No .and to .peak of was eo.
and aufflnlanl ...!.-
naier wis
at twelve feet.
ROM. of KniMn ...11 - .
" . : " ' - wum not re.
mo members of
v city .U(i
returned Monday and continue
1 meeting durlosr tha rift at
cloelng on Thursday tvenlng. Thi
meeting were well attended and
much Interest wai manifVticd. Tbe
ITMaw la a iiu..i.l 1 .
. - rivasaun muu in i retting
speaker and present hi subject with
much force.
Eastern Oregon Prosperity.
Dalle T-M: Almost evervdav n.iu.
merchant are agreeably sumrii k.
their old customers, who bave not hid
money for year, coming In and
settling account that bave beta
running for four and live years. This
la ail an aocount or the big wheat crop
tbat baa been harvested this year.
lea Trail. Geo M Miller of this
city, write an article to the Oregool-
an from &ugen on an "Ice trail to
Dawson." He says It can be made
quickly and cheaply. The Oregonlan
oallaltan "Jngenlu plan to succor
miners advanced by a brother of Joa
quin Miller." George says he is will
ing to put $600 cash In tbe scheme and
also give his time.
Dally Guard NoTembert.
To Select Judges. At the meeting
of the Eugene Fire Department to-
night Judge will be select d to set t
the election to be held tbe first Moo-
day In next month. A chief and as
sistant will be chosen at that time,
and already namea of prominent fire
men are being mentioned in connec
tion with tbe offioea.
We have been shown a samrjls of
dried apple being turned oat by tbs
Eugene cannery dryer. They are
very fine.
AGervals doctor dunned a young
man for $10. and the young man pro
ceeded to whip him. He didn't pro
pose to be dunned. A similar cos oc
curred In Albany Saturday.
Milton Eaele. UoMannls of lbs
Pendleton Tribune, will probably coma
clear of tha charge of gambling. It
takes monev to gamble and llcliannu'
occupation In Itself give the He to tbs
charge. Oregon newspaper men sel
dom gamble, for the very good reason
there are few men wbo want to put
ap good money against bad subscrip
tion bills.
Tha nnrnma oonrt of Oreson boi
banded down and reversed or modified
and set aside ten oases appealed from
one county in Eastern Oregon. Per-
hana It would ha too much of a J"lt tO
Judicial dignity and an upsetter of tbs
respect due to the bench to give vu.
judge' name. The supreme court dm
reversed this particular Judge in eigm
straight oases and the other two were
modified or aet aside entirely.
Ahnnt tha middle of this month the
'n kniur hmiM of tha Oregon City
woolen mill will be ready for work
and tbe entire factory will then be
nnt In operation to lta full cspaony
Nearly all the departments ere now
running, employing more than 800
operative.. There 1 every prospect
for a busy winter for this establun
ment, the manufacture of goods for tbe
Yukon trade being an Important P.
of lta work.
Oakland Gazette: Prune shipper"
in tbe valley cannot secure boies wi
which to ship their produoi ine"
rlea being crowded beyond tbeir ca
pad ty. Dried prune, are selling for
and 4J cents with Indications that
priee. will range higher, and upon ins
whole tbe prune industry P10"1
bright. There are many orcbaros
about Oaklland, large one, and dryers
have been built thi year wiw
tlonalones underway.
Oorvallla Gazette: Joe Hmim,
nnm.t.. hi. full-hack. 1. at feugeo!
ooachlngth anlveralty football team.
The mooes, of the O A v "t
Saturday evidently ha frlgnieu.u
dudes. Rock Bryeon, Eugenes
tain, saw the gam here and pr--'
hi. account of "how the farmers jay
ball," convlnoed hi. team that
needed extra coaching. The Chen
wa Indian play the dudes at Eug