The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 13, 1897, Image 3

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L Report of Brigadier.
Ceoerai .
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1" r,.
""7 tin
' 18 r
lllixjj j,
Oder.' '
ll a.
count -bahuj
if im
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orj it:
ant art
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win lib
Fori Walls
. Nov. 5. Brlga.IIr.
jflUUi .....--lam I,av iiiiiiIm
'"!?.,t to the sucretary of
' . .i...t tl, ilcnartiuent (if
7 L...'
toh in a fairly KmI
..hilie report! of the quar-
GT-rtMent anil the
r.f..nM inliate tli
ri(.nitrywrk M
' rlDiulii rler. . Y
at thero
wo posts
teem to be In lived of
General Jlerriam
Tiiliiy I'" Prevni,,", '""OORh
Vparlinent ilurin the entire
Irio the troops to pursue, with-
the instructions from
rs. The results an
-p inspection of the different
rtlin-ly satisfactory. 1 f"0'"l
ft WW
111 Of
Jff, Uk
if ui
: If
M.....i..itla. atnKw.f
L'I!l(ienr-y ami the administra
r ...i... tiiiiil ilnnnrtmentii
Udfiih economy ami efficiency.
Y' ivhieh rlftirininiwl
of most of the pout in tlm
h.v irreaflT oliantteJ, ai
jrtilroad coimtrnotion andoon-
L, dtrelopint-nt auil aettlemcnt of
LilrT. All tlironnu"" """"B
jgrrrlaiioni mm i"1""
-iIIt -ttled. Forte Spokane
Loin, both comparatlTely new,
L Hid to have already fulfilled
niiioni, aim me new pom now
traction at the city of SK
,iinirbly located at that notable
Lj wpply center, will Boon lie
rewire tne iroop mui iu
L for it gurrnon. ortaiia
I it I .Timlin atutldn lioa
V ,10111 lliu H1UM" .v-..".,
UbofiW trateuical Importnnoo,
jU defective ann luuueqnaie
aonlTidda another argument for
Ly, early abandonment. Al-
ienine remarki may ne appiaii
,j,birrackg. It wonlif aeein that
anr future at leant one or tlioce
Ubiriren np, ana poreiuiy me
iiiiht tie lncrcaned in atrenifiii
Uifri'lminictration and iiiHtruc-
Vuicouter barracka, tlie oldent
a ii the department, is iitanted
ilrttigical center ol tlie region
i lie Cascade range, now trav
is all direction! by railroad!, an
i narigable river. Meuna of
Wiitt eoimtruotion with tlie rail-
! owing Portland are all that ih
Jwrdulcr this an ideul Mation
i Urjer garneon, includinK all
fforti Cinby and Stovena, the latter
Binrrimncd, have been greatly
ViM in importance ly the recent
k!ol improvement at the month of
Oilombia river, rendering that
a gateway available to the
iiol Uie world. A larger garriron
knilley tronps, equipped with the
Dtrine armament, nliould be
:l and other auxiliary ata-
t it th earlient poanible date.
Tlx new artillery pout now under
'.nwion near Scuttle in connection
tht fresh witter basin proiwed in
: vicinity for naval vessula ia also a
it of equal importance and ihould
"rurJeIi at rapidly aa possible to
-neril Morrium a:iys that lie did not
t time to visit Alaska and make
"oil Inspection of that territory,
quote what his predeoeasor, Oen
Otii, aaid regarding the territory
In report of last year. Much ol
report was adopted by General
h to his anntiul report on Aluska.
u Accident In Vancouver, B.
"(Oliver, B. 0.. Nov. B. A tern-
toiler explosion ocourred this afftr-
P t the Hoyal City niillg, three
king injured G. Sully. Charier
'lipi and a yonth named Forbes.
""lately, the accident happened dur
the luncheon hour, when over 100
we men were away. Tlie boiler wai
K 60 yards and the engine house
N. Five nion who were stand
tine to the boiler miraculously
KJ unhurt. The bi gmokestack
tlie blacksmith alioo in which
eren men. hut all eacaned unin-
M. altlioiiirh the ahnn was com-
Pfly wrecked.
cause of the explosion ia un-
pn. The hntlni maa nrantii'allv ft
"ne. Of the Inlured men. Forbes
mot live. Sully'a Ipb will have to
Mutated, Dut 19 mav re0Over.
A Triple Murder.
'Mkersbura. W. Va.. Nov. 6. Re-
POOmeS from .Tnplrann niinnlV of a
I1 murder committed on a farm
FUmilea from Kiidev. Mrs. Mary
wiuow; fter young iiiiugnier
Prinii. naei If), wnrn clubbed to
kby Jul,,, Mnrirnn. a vnnnff man
NMrs. Green hn.l a.lnnto.1. The
f lerer robbod his victims of 85.
"ier daughter, who escnied the
lerer, gilVe the alarm, and Morgan
'rested. He confessed, and to
'offlceraare hiding with him In
0Ods. Ha will
fched before daylight.
Tha 1..t
.'u.j o nann avroiiieie.
i"llllilll?tnn V K Tl. nnnrn.
F" ' favorably considering the ques-
r' reciprocity treaty for the pur
f of encouraging our commercial re-
wun Canada. It is known tnat
Kason, who has been specially
W with the arrangement of the
ni:. . . . . .
. -vuy piana, la Irlendly to aucn a
,r of action.
riM .. . . .
r'ealdsbii fff Pal XTrtW K 'PKa Knot.
' portion of this town waa iwept
' morning by lire, the origin ol
'ctiia unknown, and which deatroyed
"W0 worth of property. The build
nd atoik of aix etores were
, ned, and the fir0 was only gotten
Lr. co"trol in time to aave the Soy
(" house, the outbuilding! of which
?r ditroyel.
jJNilllitLi of the farailiea ol
uoea.' OCCUl'y entire lou,e
CUT of Er.rait h.M,.ruli, Tr.u4 a,
xri!.IUlb,,1N0T- 8 -Ptin Aleiande,
MeDougall, general manager of the
American Bte Urifa Compuny, Is In
receipt of a letter from Captain L. La
Targe, matter of the whalebaek itcam
hip City of Everrelt, which tailed lust
nmmerfroin ian Francisou fr Cal
cutta, with a cargo of fod for the fain
Ine sufferer of India. The letter ia
dated at Calcutta, September 18.
Captain LnVarge tharg.-a that Kn
gllsh official at Calcutta are receiving
tlie faiuina auppli. without eiithuxi.
aain. The pilot cume aboard the City
of Kverett when the apprmiche! Cul
cutta, and told the captain that he
would have done better to have brought
a cargo of gnna, with which to kill off
the native Indian population. Cap.
lain LaVarge sayi that the City of Kv
eretl was treated shamefully at Cul
cutta by the government, and that the
treatment was specially out of place,
owing to the presence of the vessel rep
resenting the gonerosity and homanity
of the American people. There was
nothing on which a claim for duty
could be exacted that waa not enforced,
and the officials finding, after ransack
ing the papera for the ship, that the
officials at Bingapore had exempted tlie
ship from light dutiea, promptly en
forced them. The claim wai made
that tlie governor at Singapore had no
authority to exempt the ship from pay.
ing any dutiea. He fore leaving Cal
cutta, the Knglisb officials even insisted
on the payment of dutiea for the ship'!
NorlhwMt Fruitgrowers' Aaiurlatlon In
Annual Convention.
Portland, Or., Nov. 5. Tlie follow
ing announcement has been sent nut by
Miller Freeman, secretary of the
Northwest Fruitgrowers' Association,
whose headquarters are in Seattle:
The fifth annual convention of the
Northwes Fruitgrowers' Association
In called to moot in Portland, Or.,
commencing Tuesduy, January 11, and
continuing for three daya.
Tliii convention promises to be the
moat largely attended and the most
productive of results of auv in the his
tory of tlio organization. New and
important topics are to be taken up and
discussal, and the issues will be ably
bundled by tlie leading horticulturists
of the Northwest. Every fruit-produo-ing
district of imjiortance will bo repre
sented by progressive, widS-awake del
egates. The Northwest Fruitgrowers' Associ
ation is conducted along most practical
lines. Ita purpose is the co-operation
of the horticulturists in Oregon, Wash
ington, Idaho and British Columbia,
for promoting and stimulating tho de
velopment of fruit interests and enootir
siring proper methods of handling and
marketing the products of the orchard.
Arrangements aro already well under
way for the accommodation at apecial
rates of a large number of visiting
fruitgrowers while in attendance at
the convention at Portland. A com
mittee of leading citizens, composed of
II. E. Doech, L. M. Spiegel. II. M.
Williamson, Alfred Tucker, Frank Lee
and Buoll Lamlierson, ia cngngod in
preparing to make the stay of all thoso
attending as pleasant and comfortable
as ioasiblo.
JO.Itce nl no
nine ll..lriH. a. ... M. .
i acts psluMished m,m,r or utPf co
trol wheat value. Speculation mav
eui.rarily advance or depress values,
" in no ena tlie laws of supply and
demand are sure to axsert themselves
"ii control values.
It bai tu.itn a bmII.
evident proN,sition for several weeki
lii mat conditions warranted higher
values. Speculative influences have
repeatedly driven pricca downward, bui
tliu market hua reliuunded with the
biinvuncv of a inrU min II, n .........
The news am.oumviuenta f the week ' J1'1 '? t.h,t ?f
Proper Phelter for Ctock-Carlnsj for
Cabbag-a Advantanea of a Covered
Barnjard -Met hod of Washing Butter
-Harvesting- Weedy Potatoes -Notes,
Phelter for Block.
One of the most Important and oft
neglected matter for fall considera
tion on farms where a few swine are
a proper alielter for
have been unifnrmlv ,..,.rUt.i ... i.;..i.. ' during the Inclement weather or
" v ! op advice, at home indi-1 f,"U fl,,d d1rluf tlie
rate hsa than an average acreage seeded ' ,hl" U n-",'Ktl,m iato wblph both hu
to winter wheat, owing to tho pro- 1 r"uilly and ',roflt en,er Nw,t ml,U
tra. ted drought, which has been broken ' '" Ueat,,,jt mBnnre )1Ic aA ,l ,Ue hnw
only in certain sections of the winter of ,,raw mcV 1 "".
wheat iM-lt. lt.wiptsat primarv points ore ve.ry Injurious to the health of tho
are fulling off and promise from' this on nlmB,i w" uy lelera un
to prove smaller than last year. Ex- avt hulldlngs breed vermin and disease
lirt clearances continue large, 5,8111,. aud ihould t- floored
000 buMu ls for the week, which la ' ! raised from the ground so the
hugely in excess of our exportable sur- wlud caD blow umler are very UDCom
plus weeklv. The export demand shows 'or'"11' wld weather, and the anl
no signs ofdiininutiou. On the con-1 ,,mli wl" Dot "'rl therein until the
trary, it is urgent aud increasing, the ' wlud ' cludid below. Every farmer
laxl few davs of the week having re-, know how to construct comfortable
suited in very largo sales for exjiort. ' 1"'1,t'rs. but It Is too often neglected,
Foreign advices continue extremely ' a,ld tl,e ulK not 0Ily permitted but
bnUiHli. The reports of our own con-! "ipelled to "rough It," often under
suls in Eurone more than confirm the ,u' mol,t unfavorable conditions.
maxinium estimates of Luroean lni
sirt requirements. Advice! from Lon-
Cabbage in Winter.
The old plan of burying, or putting
don assert '.hat Mediterranean ports are cubage In trenches during winter, or
outbidding England for Russian wheat.
The French chamber of deputies has
been petitioned to reduce the import
duty on wheat, and some action in this
direction will probably be taken sooner
or later, although not necessarily at
present, Ilus-ian advices, although al
ways unreliable and largely mythical,
are extremely bullish and must neces
sarily have some foundation on fact.
Tho Argentine crop is still an unknown
quantity. Reports are conflicting.
Diought conditions have prevailed.
LoctiHts have caused some damage, and
in tlie absence of reliable reports it can
for winter use, has become obsolete,
and a more simple and easy plan baa
been adopted. Where cabbage Is grown
on a large scale for shipping purposes,
the best plan Is to lift the cabbage and
stack them two tiers deep aud as close
ly as they can be placed In an orchard,
or wood If convenient, and cover with
leaves to the depth of two or three
Inches, the leaves to be kept In place
by a slight covering of earth, says
American Gardening. In this way the
bends will keep perfectly sound all
winter, and they can be easily taken
up m wanted tor shipping, for ram'
not be assumed that the crop wil be a y UM cnl(lm(rw, cfln KCI,t , the
largo one in yield. Local speculative Mme on,y ,t ,., not nece..
conditions are extremely favorable for nry 0 nmk- ie ,uyer
higher values. Stocks on contract grain : U(J ,ml)0rtnllt to kppp tUcm B nttle
are very small, practically exhausted, bc,ow ie freMlng polnti u ung
and thero is no immediate prospect or, ,11LF.. . kppn tllpm , .onie
their being replenished. We can dis
cover nothing in the situation at home
or abroad warranting any declines in
values, and would regard any decline as
but teniKrary, unwarranted, and
therefore a good speculative opportun
ity to buy wheat, tho final outcome of
which we anticipate to be tnuoh higher
Said to Be
In Danger
of Total El-
r.. r ;ar.n Kn K The United
Pttll i imiiiv! .
. At I.. !.... alnnmn. A 1 Ktl . I
states IlSIl COIllllliroiuii ...
tross has arrived from Alaskan wateri.
The report of Commander Moser w ill
... !... ik. AtuuL-n siitmnn will disap-
m-ar if there are not efforts made to I
propngate tne iisii. m "w"1""
i... t,a. ...irnrs ii ii rl gome of them are
maintaining private hatcheries to fill
the streams from which they draw
their supplies.
Last year the output 01 mo '
packers was 1,000,000 cases, of 48
pounds each, or 48.000,000 pounds of
canned salmon, ims
be a material falling on.
It ia understood that Commissioner
o.i.t. --ill auV ooneress for enough
money to establish hatcheries and thus
keep alive the saimon m
waters. .
Coinniandor Moser reports that many
..lonin. ii these waters wero
Bllllll iii. --
caught in the traps of tho Alaska can
neries this year.
I'ortland Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 7980c; Val
ley and Bluestein, 8183c per busheL
Four Best grades, 4.00; graham,
Mi. 70; Mlpornne, s.u per oarroi. (
Oats Choice white, 84 35c; ohoic I
grav, 82 33c jer bushel.
liarley Feed barley, $1920; brow
ing, $20 per ton.
Millstiffa Bran, U per ton; mid
dlings, $31; shorts, $15.50.
Hay Timothy, $12 12.50; clover,
$10(311; California wheat, $10; do
oat, $11; Oregon wild hay, $910 per
Eij!22 4'c per dozen.
jjultt.r Fancy creamery, 4560o;
fair to good, 8540c; dairy, 2535o
per roll.
CUwo Oregon, 1 1 ,lo; Young
America, 12c; California, 910o
per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.50
8 00 per doezn; broilers, $3.002.60;
geese, $4.005.00: ducks, $3.003.50
per dozen; turkeys, live, 910c per
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, 8540c
per sack; sweets, $1.40 pur cental.
Onions Oregon, new. red, 90c; yel
low, 80o per cental.
Hops 8 15o per pound or new
orop; 1890 crop. 07o.
Wool Valley, 1410o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 712o; mohair, 20
22o per pound,
vetilent building, but this plan lias al
ways resulted in failure, as the dry at
mosphere Is fatal; cabbage must be
kept moist and cool, the slightest wilt
lug renders It unfit for the table.
A Covered Horn yard.
The barnyards during the winter are
often so wet and filthy that the anlmnU
are uncomfortable, which difficulty Is
Bought to be remedied by the use of
cornstalks and other mnterlnla as ab
sorbents. The barnyard can be reu
. . , I . . I. I.I1...H .l.nn .1.
t oereu ury oy uavuiK n uigui-i muu i..
level of tho surroundlug ground, but
In the arrangement of the barnyard
for the comfort of stock the next point
Is how to preserve the manure from
loss by rains, heat, cold, etc. The only
remedy la a covered barnyard, but that
Is expensive, though fanners would
find that the saving of food, better pro
tection to stock In summer and winter,
and the saving of manure would repay
any outlay In thnt respect, as any kind
of roof that would turn water from tho
barnyard would answer the purpose.
Waehlnic Butter.
In washing butter either extreme Is
to be avoided. To wasb It even In
granular form, until the water runs
off clear, will give us a butter that will
not decay or turn strong so soon as that
not washed so thoroughly, but It
washes out much of the flavor. On the
ther baud, while the flavor Is enhanced
by not washing, the buttermilk left lu
after working will tend to putrefac
tion; for, aa we all know, there Is noth
ing which more quickly spoils and be
comes lll-snielllng than buttermilk. To
work out all the buttermilk breaks the
grain, makes the butter salvy. Of
course, we do-not want to do this, so
we will wash It in granular form
Mutton Gross, best bheep, wethers through two or three waters (depending
A lloy Shot by a Brakenmn Near Coulee
City, Washington.
nt Wash... Nov. 5. Mayor
Ullliro uiiji .. ,.,
rc ....... I,,, a U,at returned from W llson
iUUlllfcCW i
Creek, and reports thatwhon the Great
Northern westDounu ireigm
.i Th..j mnrninir. at 6:80 O clock,
inure wrDj i- --- ,
a brakemun, nnmed Hutchinson, shot
a young man, 19 years oi age, uau.
c .i.i.i... n.i.n liml been stealing, With
OUIIIUCI, - - . .
some companions, a ride on the train.
Hutchinson ilreil nve snow. .
Ing fichidor about three inches above
the right nipple and lodging about the
.. distance from the left. A doctor
extracted the bullet. Justice of the
Peace Don Urqiinart leicgruj... .
... . I...I.I Hutchinson, and
notlflod Sheriff Snyder, of Douglas
county, of the occurrence.
... is xr K A cowardly at-
Uincinnau, - -
temnt to assassinate Mrs. John Henry,
a prominent and wealthy woman,
her home, was made this morning by
uui , jia,.,iirunt irar-
Lindsay JNeignneri, - """ ".- .
doner. While wrs. neu. - -JSSTkf-t
alone Xelghbert entered he
Lm and began flr nf. A --v "
bravely seized tno aacnnr... -S
Jl two -hots and pushed him out of
th room. He fled to the woou., a ..:..
Kr or two later he wa, found dead,
with a bullet through Ins head.
Reciprocity With t.n.oa.
Philadelphia, Nov. .d?.
. .. Clutua rircu t COUri
0?d that the duty
brought suit- dj - ' Bired
aid the government will be require
sam, s imiwirters. which
higher rate of il"'?;
1 Pennsylvania a new 1J'J
.h-noawislon.aatoor transferor dia-
aasexl UeM.
and ewes, $2.50(32.60; dressed mutton,
6c; spring lambs, 5so per pounu.
HuiSOross, choice heavy, $4.50;
light and feeders, $3.004. 00; dressed,
$5. 50 (3 8. 00 per 1 00 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.75(33.00;
cows, $2.25; dressed beof, 458o par
PVeai Large, 4ls'5o; small, 6i
Jo per pound.
Brattle Market.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick. 2425c; ranch, 1618c
Cheese Native Washington, 10
11 c; California, 9S,c,
E 'gs Fresh ranch, 28c.
Poultry-Chickens live, per pound,
hens, 10a; spring chickens, $3.60Q
8 00; ducks, $3.50(33.75.
Wheat-Feed wheat, $25 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, $20.
Corn-Whole, $22; cracked, per ton,
$22; feed meal, $22 per ton.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$22; whole, $22.
Fresh Meats-Choice dressed beef,
steers, 6c; cows, 6J,o; mutton sheep,
6c; pork, 7c; veal, small. 7.
F esh Fish-Halibut, Be: salmon.
t,'c; salmon trout, 7310o; flounder!
and sole, 34; ling cod, 4 5; rock cod,
APP1". 50c3$l Per
box; peaches, 7580c; prunes, 8540o,
pears, $1 per box
Ban Francleco Market.
Wool-Nevada 11 (3 12c; Oregon, 1
A 14c; Northern 14 16o per pound.
Hods 10(3 14c per pound.
ifornia bran, f o- 7",
Onions-New red. 70aoo. -silverskln,
$1.00(31.15 per cenU
.a Vannf creamery, UK
do seconds, 25a26o; fancy dairy.
Cheese-Fancy mild, new, 12,c, lair
to good. 78c per pound..
Egs-Store, 18(3 20c; ranch. 878
40c; tern. 1624; duck, 25c per
dToUtoe.New, in boxes, 85380c.
CUrUr Fruit-Orange. V.
$1.60(33.00; Mexican limes, $2,603
8 00; California lemony choice, $3.00.
do new
mcb times and undr sficb rfrcarr
stances If the milk could easily bv
made Into a good quality of cheese at
borne, It would be a matter of much
Importance, nominally In the North,
but especially In the South, where, as
a rule, Ice Is not to be hud to aid lu
The I'etinsylvanla Agricultural Col
lege has been working on the lino of
making small cheese to meet the exi
gency of these conditions, They have
been making a cheese of about seven
pounds weight. This makes a cheese
of good size for handling and for fam
ily use. It Is reported that I'rof. liny
ward, of that Institution, says thero
has been a ready sale for all that has
been made In that vlclulty, and tuoro
could have been sold. The price re
ceived Is thirteen cents a pound, equal
to twenty-six cents for butter. It Is
not stated whether a bulletin has been
Issued detailing the process, but If not,
most likely one will be ero long. Prac
tical Farmer.
.. ..WStTIOK.
rotators Under Ptraw.
An Indiana farmer who has been
quite successful lu growing xtntocs
explains bis method of doing It some
thing like the following: lie breaks up
bis ground deep and works Int3 tho
soil well-rotted comtiost. The surface
Is mnde level aud smooth and the pota
toes are dropped on top of the anil In
straight lines. The whole Is then cov
ered with six to eight Inches of Kiniv.
During the season ashes are liberally
sprinkled over them twice; the result
la tubers of the finest kind. We have
no doubt whatever of the success of
such a plan aud of the production of
flue tubers, but we venture to suggest
that the piece waa not large In extent.
When potatoes are grown by acres, any
thoughtful farmer can see that tho
amount of straw required would be Im
mense. No doubt for garden puriHises,
where smooth tubers are desired, this
course would give them, but no better
thau to plant furrows, covering with n
layer of straw and then of earth which
would require very much lesa straw.
The matter of expense sometimes gov
erns farm operations. Oermautowu
Onions from Heed.
To grow onions from seed the prac
tlee now Is to sow the seed In IioiImhIs
or cold frames In wlnCr, In order to
get sets, which saves he cost of seta.
Maggots do not Injure the onions
grown from seta as seriously as they do
from seeds. A Oy deposits eggs on the
sides of the young shoota, the maggots
from the eggs going down Into the
bulbs and destroying them. When wis
aro used they grow rapidly arid get
ahead of the maggot. HcshI ran to
ho wo almost any time, the seta can tie
trauspiilutcd In the spring. After tho
seeds have started the young onions
should not lie kept too warm, aa It Is
not necessary for the sets to be of
large size.
That the world Is coming to an end sud
denly at a given time la not what In re
ferred to. There are diflVrent kinda of sen
sations, as very many people know who
feel iharp twiuites of pain in the big nerve
of the thigh, (v iatica is a very painful
e million, and the torment of it makes one
think stmirtliiiig is come to an end. Hut
lust at the Ii rt eiinlion or twiiiK is the
bet time to line H. Jacobs Oil. The Imi
pain the more esily it is riirrd, and the
till prevents Its development hy soothing
the nerve. At any stak-e it will cure.
Sanitary lleforni of llunibay.
The Indian government has formulat
ed an Important scheme lor the sanitary
reformation of Bombay City. The
control of government and municipal
lands will be vested in a nominated
tssly, which will be empowored to lay
new streets through orowded localities
and to erect dwelling! at low rents for
tho poor. The scheme involves an ad
dition to tlie municipal rates of not
mure than 2 per cent.
hlaix ii v roiaoN.
upon quantity of water used, and also
unon temperature of butter), work In
the salt until thoroughly Incorporated,
aud call it finished. Jersey Bulletin.
Harvesting Weedy Potatoes.
Thnt sins of neglect will follow a man
until he Is duly punished Is never more
conclusively proven thatfwhen the neg
lected potato field comes to be harvest
ed. Not only la the crop greatly les
sened, but the labor of harvesting has
been Increased. As a matter of fact,
the farmer who can and does keep his
potatoes free from weeds saves lalior
by the operation. Sooner or Inter the
weeds have to be uprooted. It costs
less to do this while they are small. If
jone then, the yield of marketable
tubers Is so much Increased, aud tb ex
pense of harvesting Is decreased so,
that It really costs less to harvest a large
crop kept free from weeds than to har
vest a crop failure made so because
overrun with weeds.
Weaning Young Lambs.
It Is always best to wean lambs from
their dams before cold weather or
droughts Injure the pasturage. But,
however good the feed, some grain
should be added to keep the calf thrifty
and In good condition to enter the win
ter. Oats are the best grain to feed to
lambs or sheep, and when at pasture a
gill a day Is sufficient, as It Is not de
sirable to fatten them. Much of the
future value of the sheep depends on
how It goes through the first winter,
it should ho kent growing, and It Is
also making a fleece to be shorn In the
soring. Both of these operations re-
nulre rich food with a large proportion
of nltroeenous nutrition. Oats or beans
will autmlv this. When lambs are to
he fattened odd corn meal with bran
and a very little linseed meal. The
latter la especially good to Increase the
wool growth, and some may sareiy lie
.riven with oats and wheat bran to
lambs that are to be kept for breed
Ing. '
Maklnu Pmsll Cheese.
deal of luuulry has been
msde for some means by which faml
Mabel with rierhaus only two or three
rows could make full-cream cheese of
their milk whenever they might for
anr reason choose to do so. Families
.111(314' oat, $10 12; river bar- j wan, cbee,e as well as butter. Some
i t78' best barley, $10(S; . times butter Is very low. and again the
irllfa 18(39.60; clover. $8(910, weather U too warm for the ordinary
rrh Fruit Apples. B6 boo farn.r to make a good quainy u u
i 1 L erapea, 30 (3 80c; Isabella, ' Ut bet.aUse he has not the necessi
inXf lUchetT 60 mWt a
i 60 1 rbox; plume. 88 cream at the proper temperature.
The Lettuce Heed Crop.
Alwnys lu saving lettuce seed, choose.
that which has most leaves, and which
bus grown without Interruption from
the. seed. The practice In many fam
ilies Is to pluck the leaves three, or four
times, and when at hist the leaves lie
gin to be tough, let the plant send up
Its seed stalka. Usually tho largest
crop of seed will come from the plant
that has the fewest leaves. But It will
not be worth planting. Grown as let
tuce for seed should be without (lis
turblng a leaf, each plant will produce
verv few seed. Yet seed from this
nearly seedless letfliee Is worth any
amount of the seed which la produced
In the usual way.
nnlKn Hot the covert tnsMln sd-
mhiltirn In the ilrliik, the hsMl, or Mime olhrr
ruUe, but the poImiii of malaria hurtvim tlie
i vet ol in. rlJ. There It a stir and certain
aiimtiile. ' lln.iptter'i Htumseh Hiltert, wlili li
iml only inrttltei Hie tyau in actlutl malaria,
but ruvl nut lit teeilt when they bave germlM-
tle.1. PytH-ia, roiiiilisilon, rlieuiiiellp,
liver and kiUnrjr trouble are couquerea by me
A Minneajsdis genealogist reckon!
up tour lulliona ol persons oeiween
tlliam the Conqueror and one ol his
desoeudiitits now living.
Economy: save 10 cents on
t package of "cheap" baking
powder and cat the cake.
You couldn't do better for
your doctor.
Schilling's Bat money-back
baking powder is at your
an Krr.aritra
A daguerrotvpe of Louis Fhilippe,
taken in 1840 by Daguorre himself, has
been presented to the Camavalet mu
aeum in Paris.
ling in tne count ourngni loinr
of the w.rnl "CASroKlA," ana
We are attertln
eselutive lite of the wotu "CAHTOKIA
"l-llCIIKK SCASTOKIA," atour l iJe Mark,
I, Or. Samuel Pitcher, of llysnnlt, Mauachutrtts,
watthe originator of" riTCIIKR'aCASroKIA,'
the same that hit borne and does now best the
facsimile tlnttureofCIIAS. II. FI.HTC1IKR oa
every wrapper. Thit utheorlgtnal'TlTCtlHR B
CAsTOKI A " which hu been uted In the homes
Of the mothers of America for over thirty years.
Look Carefully st the wrenper and tee that It Is
tkt hind w kavt atuvvi uf (, and has the
signature of CIIAS. II. FI.KTCHRR oa the
wrapper. No one has authority from me to use
my name except The Centaur Company of which
Chat. II. Fletcher Is Tretldcnt.
A St. Louis paper is marvelling over
tho case of a septuagenarian whose
white hair turned black in a single
night recently.
Farm Notes.
Those who are congratulating tho
farmers on the higher price for whent
have overlooked the fact that potatoes
are bringing three times as much ns
they did two years ago, and the potato
crop Is no small one In this country.
The quality and also of fruit on old
bushes Is much Improved by severo
nruuing or thinning of fruit, and this
applies equally well to all tree fruits.
The demand of the times Is for quality
In everything, rather than quastlty,
nd this certainly applies to fruit grow
To destroy weeds la pavements and
garden walks make a strong brine with
salt and boiling water. Apply with a
watering can. A moderate quantity of
salt stimulates the growth of all vegeta
tion; It Is, therefore, a mistake to sup
pose that a sprinkling of salt will ex
terminate weeds.
The best way to treat clover In the
fall Is to spread manure over the field.
The frosts and rains will pulverise the
manure and the covering will protect
tberoots.thesolubleniBtter going below
to assist In giving the "lover a good
start aud vigorous growth lu the
spring, Increasing the yield and bene
fiting the land.
To keen bees In the winter the hive
must be under shelter and protected
against the cold. At the same time the
hive must not be kept too warm, as ine
bees give oft considerable animal heal
In the hive, and may time be tempted to
come out should the weather be mod
erate, perishing with cold before they
can return. Kuough honey should lie
left In the hive to supply them until
Fall plowing Is frequently resorted
to when the late summer and full have
been very dry and the ground is nnrd.
The winter may bring but little rain
not enough before the spring planting
season to thoroughly soak the ground,
but If the lund has la-en plowed It wll
absorb and retain more moisture tlinn
If left unplowed for the water to rut!
off from the hard and packed surface
T. II. Hale, the great pencil grower,
says that In setting out peach trees you
w ant a thoroughly prepared son, meui
nni-slzed trees; neither a very Inrge uor
a very small one; that the roots want
nrettr close pruning, and they want
good, clean-out pruning not such as the
nurserymen give them witn inetr ma
chlues, but a careful cutting; and if
you cut very closely you will get far
more rapid and sure frowin.
When barreling apples press them Id
so that no apple can move from Its po
sltion. If the apples are sound they
will not be Injured by slight pressure
It Is when the skin of an apple Is brok
en that It begins to decay, but If In
dented and the skin Is not punctured an
apple will keep In a cool place during
the whole winter, and If closely packed
a barrel of apples may be shipped aiv
distance. . ..
tu Vi.torn Rvmn. arv-ealled. ntuallv verr
Huht e.ilnreit anil ol heavy la mill, troin
Sliicote. "Tm tltirtlrn Oriftt" Is mtite from
Husar Cane ami ia tirletly pure. It It lor .ale
by llrnt-clswi sroeert. In rant only. Hsnulao
tnreil be ma I'iciric I'oasT svsitCo. All sen
uine "tra (Inrtlrm irifii" have the niauulao-
lurer's name lithographed ou every can.
It is said that the flesh on the fore
quarters of the beaver resembles that of
land animals, while that on the hind
quarters has a fishy taste.
"Kin Solnmon'a Treasure," only A phroriltleoal
Tome Known. (ee llli-llonary.) viu a bus.
weoka' fraiinent. Maaun Cbeluical Co., F. O. Bos
7.7, 1'hilatltlpliia, I'a.
"Ancient" coins, many of which an
todate the Christian era, are made in
lurge quantities in London, and find
sale all over the world.
I believe Ptso's Cure is the only medicine
t'lttt will cure coiitiiiiipt ion. Anna M.
Koss, Wllliuinspoit, Pa., Nov. 12, "tti.
Try Schilling'! Dett tea and baking powder.
To Curo FemalA Ula 6om Trtw
Reasons Why Mr. Plnlcham
tat Mora Buooosaful Than
the Family Doctor
A woman Is tick) some disease) peon
liar to her sex la fast developing lu her
system. Bhe goes to her family physi
cian and tells him a story, but not As
whole story.
(the holds some thin if back, loses her
head, becomes agltaU'd, forget what
aha wants to say, and finally conceals
what she ought to have told, and thua
completely mystifies the doctor.
Ia it any wonder, therefore, that the
doctor fails to cure the disease 6tlll,
we cannot blame the woman, for It la
very embarrassing to detail soma of
the symptoms of her suffering, even to
her family physician.
It waa for this reason that years
ago Mrs. Plnkbam, at Lynn, Mass.,
determined to step In and help her
acx. Having had considerable as
pcrlenco in treating female ills with
her Vegetable Compound, ah encour
aged the women of America to writ
to ber for advice In regard to their
complaints, and, being a woman, it
waa easy for ber ailing sisters to pour
Into her ears every detail ol their suf
fering. Over one hundred thousand
women were successfully treated by
Mrs. IMnkham last year. Buch are tM
grand results of her ezperlenoa.
There are 71,000 more women than
men in the state of Massachusetts, and
thil excess Is all In persons over 14.
Wa offer One Hundred Dollar Reward for any
rate ot Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's
Lsisrra Cure.
r. J. t MKfie.1 a ., loieno, u.
We. tha nniteriltned.have known f. J. Cheney
for the latt IS years, and believe htm perfectly
hurorable In all butlneat trantactlona and
Itnaiirlally able to carry out any obligations
msde by their Arm,
W it a i sets.
W holr.ale PrnroUta, Toledo, O.
WatDiNO, KisstN A Marvin,
W holeuila Prusiiaii, Toledo, O.
Ilall'a Catarrh Cure It taken luternally, set.
Ing directly upon th blood and Bin rout tur
laertol the tviiem. Tetilmonlala tree. Fries
7.'v per bottle. Hold by all drusgltta.
nan a r amuy rina ara ine ue.
Broken Down Men
Men Who Have Wasted the Vital
Power of Youth Who Lack
Vigor Can Be Cured by
Thlt It tn appllanre which la known all ovet
the world for itt wmiilerlul Ionic Innurnce up
on the aanlug vitality ol men -anil women,
lie touch It the touch ol Ills. Warnnh and en.
ergetla health lollowa lit application within
ten nayt. A perinsneni cure ni in weaaneta
rrmoratlon of new lite It aaanred In th long,
ett atsudlng caaea within W) daya.
Pr. Banden will tend you s hook upon this
tuhjert, with valuable Inlormatlon, Ire. II
IHiMtUle, call sua eee aie iinuu, pvu. iry it
ami regain your niautiood. 1.11 naa s ntw
charm to I how who wear 11. Call or add ret
SS3 Weil Wathlngtoa St., Portland, Or.
PUatt swKi'v (Alt Pmptr.
Vegetable, Gra&s
lbs and Roses.
it and Shade
Treesj Sorav PumpsJ Bee Supplies
j Fertilizers J Catalow Free JJ J
DUllTllPDuDP P Proresslonrji
Send tor Catalogue (71111111 im
a a
r CHiupn si Tssimnu.-- a
s ye. win.U'TtuoiaiRHiacr tkuuia Jwarabl
aaad ( leelkliie ll anUhM UK rklhl.tnn-S
k e,u Ike suiot. alia., til rl". '" r"ll.t"
C Iht km rnnfl. fnrdlarrkae, Twealj tn wan a
r b.HO.
itttttt a a aa itt aa
N. P. . V.
Wll KM writing ia l vertiaer,
mention this paper.
55 Q
1 V
Hercules Special
(2 actual horsepower)
Price, only $183.
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Heresies Engines
are the cheapest power known, burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no smoke,
Cre, or dirt . For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they bave no
equal. Automatic la action, perfectly
aofe and reliable.
Sent! for Illustrated catalog.
' Hercules Qas
Engine Works
Bay St, San Francisco, Cal.
cur you ot Iiyt.
IS, lllillgettlon,
iumai'ti trouble!
ol all kinds. Price, ft. On receipt ol tain w
ill ilellvur It at your nerriexprMonic ire
of charge.
....FRANK NAU.m,
Portland Hotel Pharmacy, mill IN!) 0
sixth ami Worrltou iret. ruML"
How t Bettor Loat Manhaod and
ftrfect Dtvalopoitnt.
Thlt great work, plainly written by a high
medicarauthority, allows how manly vigor
can be regained and obstacle to marriss
removed. It la a mudern work for men wko
suffer from nrvn debility csnted by over,
work, youthful indulgence! or Inter aeeiaa.
It pointa out how to be cured of nervautneta,
aetMndeney, Impotrnry, mi Menu, without
Interfering with butineta. .
TM treat book, entitled "COMPLKTB
will b mailed free. In plain, aaaled wrapper,
to the adJrets of sny tlncer Inquirer by tha
Erie Medical Company, Niagara Street,
Hurlalo.K.Y. NoC.O. D. schem ao daceptioa.
Make money hv inreetful
lieculallon In Chicago. We
buy and tell wheal on mar
ulna. Pommei have been
mail on a email beginning by usdms)ln fu
turei. Write lor full ptrllinlart. hv.l of rel-
erenee given. Several years' eaiieriem-eon in
Chicago rlnaril ot i raoe, ami a iiiorougn anow
ledge of the bulnet. fend for our tree rtr.
enee book. DOWSINU, IHil'klNH A Co.,
Chicago lloaril ol Trail nroaert. uiucoa m
Portland, Oregon ano neaiiic. ata.
i carry th mottromplci Hue of Oymnsalus
aud A thistle on th Coatt.
Send for Our Athletic Cstalogu.
aia-SSO Market St., San rranolaca. Cat.
Ilie fious Russian Brome M
Vielit dnubl tk sisnunt of sny other graas
for hay or patlur. Will stand the dry Mason
and grow aa vlgoroutly In sepieinher aa tn
June. It grow on dry hlllt where nothing elte
will grow. It tolvr theirolilein of pastures
la Ih northweat countri. Prle Wc per pound.
AddreaaallorderatoM. .1. SHltLliS.
Meites, Idaho.
aaj wtavtD-H.t t.4
i. gerf11! IM" ia..kraeMit eaaiett..