ASfeeetaUe?rcparationIbr As similating the rood and Iletf ula ling the Stomachs andBoweu at PromotesTJesDotiCheeifulH ness and Kcst.coniaitu nciiner Opnjm.Morphinfl not MinciaL Not Narcotic. AxJm JlmMJmd HkmSmd- (VteuW Suftr . nm ADCffecfUemedv for&nstloa- lion. Sour Stomach.Dwrrhoea. Worms ormilsions.reverisiv Cess and LOSS OF SIXER Tac Simile Signature of KEW "YORK. T W EXACT C0PYCT VHAPPtB. The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Fao-simile Signatuie or ON THE WRAPPER OF EVEBY t BOTTLE. THE KIND YOU HAYE ALWAYS BOUGHT. THOSE fPUIT HHIPMt.tTS. I tow Uenlon (uniy Fruit Uronera Were Robbed lost Tbslr Fruit d Asked te Pay freight Kills From the Corvallle Timet: F V Sheaagree n la another fruit ablpplng sufferer not hitherto reporUd. lilt total shipments were 1,100 en lea ol Italians, and Ihe freight kill agalnat him ralla fur blni to dig up about $53 lo cash beldte tbe prunes Hit Irene porlatlou .ople got. Still another la E Caldwell, residing across Ilia Wil lamette. On shipments of bis la two ears, oos of which waa 220 crates and lbs otber not learned, tbs extra charges aggregate a few csols less than ,40. Oue freight bill rendered by tbs transportation companies Illustrates tbs shameless way la wblcti lbs fruit men Lavs been mulcted. It was a bill rendered to F P Hheasgreeo and tbs statement of tbs sals and expenses Is aa follows: "20 orates of Italian prune old at 30 oenU per crate, 17.70." The charges against the 20 cra'ee are "load ing, 68; freight refrigerating and Icing, MS 40: commission). 70: total. 119.74 " Balance due tbe dealers, which Mr Hheasirreen la tenuealed to remit In raabla 18.04 At tbla rate. If Mr Hheasirreen slicks to the prune busl- oess and continues to snip green iruit, be must soon become very wealthy. Tbe grower as yet have taken no tens lu tbs matter. Thevars merely waltlne- to see what will turj np. All of Ibem 111 wobably act In concert If the transDoriallou ioiie ooniious io nreas lite collection or ineirciaims. i ne arowers are advised oo all sides to re- slat Davmcnt. but whether or uot tbe matter will come to mat pass r mains to be seen. COTTAGE GROVE SEWS. Clipped From lbs Leader ber 301 n. (f Oclo- IIOX A 1 BURTUS. Funeral Wedaesdav Fore aooa at O'clock Bhfcip. Hi HENRY GEORGE ON PACIFIC COAST Worked His Way Around the Horn Though a Protestant lie Mar. ried a Catholic Girl. Tbe funerai services of I be late Hon A D Burton will be held at tbe Baptist oborch Bprlngfisld, Wednesday at 11 a m sharp, by Rev J F.Day. Tbe re- malus will tbsn be taken char re of by Clelhsa. Bsrrewea fcle WsSSli Henry George the great sicgle tax advocate, who lies dead in New York City from excitement and overwork incident to the city elec tion campaign just closed, was on tbe Pacifio coast in an early day He worked his way round the Horn to California as a sailor before the mast in 1858. The Fraser river gold excitement wa-t at its height, but before he could get to the mines the boom had dubeided. He returned from Victoria, B C, to San Francisco in the steerage. There he did what work be could get as a printer, an J got a jib in a rice mill. Borrowing 120 he made his way to Sacramento. Here be started a little evenin r paper. "It was then that I came nearly starving to death," said he. "The war had begun and IhingB were un settled. We slept in bunks in the office and set our own type and got pretty much all our own news, though we had a reporter." He desired to enlist, but as all Cilifor nia volunteers were being used to garrison Paoiflo porte, he held back, as everybody believed the war would be over before the journey could be made to the east. lie stuck by the paper. "And I came close to starvation . I had no (shoes to wear and scarcely any clothes. So I went to 'subbing' on the other papers." MARRIED ON LESS THAN NOTHING. "I was then acquainted with the girl I married. She was a Calitor nia girl, of Australian birth,' an orphan and a pretty strong Cath olic, while I was an Episcopalian. I was very much attaohed to her, and tbe sentiment was mutual. There was a kind of understanding between us that we should get mar ried. "I had got into a sort of un pleas antness with my wife's people, for which I was. entirely to blame, as I see it now. Being a boy, I did not look at things in the right light. Having had a quarrel with tbs girl's unole, I ooncluded to make her my wife and end it, We were married in 1861. I was then 22 and she 18. I was very roor, but when I talked the matter over with the young lady she eaid the was willing to begin life with me re gardless of our poverty. I remem ber I borrowed some clothes to get married in." of the time it happened the fol from the Twsntietb Century is not uninteresting. "Tt now remains to consider what 'goodwill have been accomplished 8Pr,D;eld 1 0 hPJf !' JiJj f .. , I which be waa a charter member, and oy tne nenry ueorge uiuvciueui iu tbe not impossible event o( ma alnurment AU friends are Invited to feat. In using the word defeat in I attend.' Quite a number of Eugene this connection, it must be under- Odd Fellows will probably attend stwd that defeat is not admitted a particle. The outlook may change at any moment, and the enthusi asm back of tbe George cohort is very likely to bring victory at tbe last moment. But in the event of defeat the contest will have done an incalculable amount oi good. It will have served to open tbe eyes ot the people of the great merits of civio collectivism. Ciyic action is far more important in the present condition of our country than any other sort of action." a. I WLeelnr Itroa A Oweua 01 I m ,.u. . iiiiacL lor uat'v via ea all thousand ties, which when nuisusu, will make 4,000 sluce tbe mill was put la operation. ti,. n.,.i comniuv put a I m un mMrwaaa But w w bridge across Hllk Creek one day last week, near O D Wheelers place; eialmeuof Ibe nelgbborhooJ turned out to the raising. The ladle, of the ChiMlsu church will alve a sumier on Tiianasgmn evening. Brumbaugh A Bpong put quite a force at work last week, gelling "u. tlmbere for the mill frame aud exoavet Ins for tbe raceway. Mr Oto E Milllirso. of Chicago, anU oue of tbe principal stockholders of the Noonday mine, is lu me urove pil ing off the miners and every one Is wearing a broad smile. Considerable snow bss already fallen at Bohemia. Work has teen commenced on the M E parsonage just eat of the church. Home heavy aliening arrived at the denot last wiek for I lie 30 foot arraola mill, uow Hearing completion at me Fourth of July mine. A name of football wilt be played here a week from ue xt Saturday, be tween the Grove team and a team mm Eugeue. v v. Tnui'lift'D haa I ut made a safe . , run of about 4.000 railroad ilea down th rir to tMa dace. The whole. number of ties lost waa four. We kly Score. Following le tbe weekly score of cocktd hat at Pool's bowling alley for the week ending Oct 80: LAMES. Monday. Kettle Stewart Tuesday, Marie Ware 3' Wednesdsy, Marie Ware Thursday, Marie Ware .... Friday. Mabel Babb, Ask Your Doctor! Of all the nerve-tonics bromos, celeries or nervine -your doctor will tell you 1 that the Hypophosphhu ar best understood. So thor oughly related Is the nerv ous system to disease that tome physicians presence Hvpophosphites alone In the early stages of Consump tion. Scott's Emulsion is Cod-liver Oil, emulsified, with the Hypophosphites, happily blended. The re sult of its use is greater strength and activity of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. Utawn7wt book ill iboutlt fcnlftm SCOTT ft BOWNB, Nnr York. Hampton Bros. m Hi SI Call and see us. Can SAVE 00 MKT " Just Received . . 33 30 THE UOOD THAT WILL HAVE BEES DOME. In the light of the tragio death of Henry George tragic becauis wnveyed to tbe Qlllemle cemetery for I gaiurday, Rose Farrott 30 GENTLEMEN ROBBERY AT IKYING, ...t.r. rarrv off About $100 Worth ef Goods From J M Kitcneo's 8tore. itnroUn entered J M Kitchen's tors st Irvlnir. for the third or fourth time last Saturday, euppoiably aiier midnight, by forcing In the front doors and carried off goods worth at a low estimate 1100. Anions '' qoods were one bolt of dress " "' 45 wuU per yard, several Lull ilico, uoois and shoes, gents undershlrK oysters, sardines and numerous otber artioies. Thev carried them ott la a sugar sack marked "J M K" and also a vitriol sack, hence It Is supposed two men were concerned In the robbery. vo9 pair of boob, by some means were drop- tied In the rear of ihe store. o cw r to the robbers. A fine line of CAPES. Prices $20.00. BLANKETS from 65 cts to $7.00 JACKETS and from $4.50 to n, Junction City : Milling Compaq MANUFACTURERS OF THE "WHITE ROSE" GUARANTEED Tllti REPUBLICAN PARTY AUTO CRAT. "it is to be seen wnetner any body can be eleoted to congress from this state hareifter who is a Janus-faced, temporizing sneak on tbe money question." It is thus the Oregonian, tekas the republican arty of Oregon by the nape of the neck and dares it to d otherwise than the moguls of the Oregonian tower dictate. Does the Oregonian own the republican party of the state, or is it simply a mortgage which it will not press to foreclosure and ruin so long as its behests are beed ed? We bel'eve somebody "will be elected to congress from this state" next June who will be in harmony with nine-tenths of the voters on the financial question a silver man. And, we believe that this will be accomplished by a union of dimo cratio, populist and tree silver re publican votes. The Oregonian granny and the gold standi rd men from those parties will not be al lowed to override the plain sent! ment ot tbe people. Oregon is a free silver state and her voters, will no longer be hoodwinked and de ceived by lying promises and plat forms. Tht Clevelandites irom the dem ocratic party and the Oregonianites from the republican puty should be taught that they are a very small and insignificant fraction of the vote of this state. It will be done if the people lorget olitical prejudices long enough to vote their sentiments. This has bean an exciting day for Greater New York. A city election surpasses in interest even the most closely contested national election. The metropolis of the new world, has a pay roll of about $100,000,000 a year which is suffi cient explanation of the fierce battle waged for control of the consolidat ed cities. Pullman left his sons three thousand each per annum yet they are discontented and leek to break the will. There are thous ands of sons roaming about who would be satisfied with a moiety of that amount Circuit Court Cases. 63 M J TibbetU vs G J TlbbetU; divorce. Default Referred to II D Norton to reoort tbe evidence. Dl vorce granted. 77 W Hoffman vs Louis Bundy, et al; foreclosure. Default and udgment 6 School Fund Commissi oners vs. Barah L Johnson,' formerly Lytle, ex scolrix. etc et al: forejloeure. Con tlnued. .01 School Fund Commissioners vs MilburnO Brown et al, foreclosure. Default and decree. 1.7 Nancy E Addison va R and Sarah J Doty, foreclosure. Default and judgment for f 1085 and f 100 attorney fees. 100 J D Matlock et al vs Narcissus Davis et al, partition. Default. Geo PlibtrJM Abrams and John McMa- lian appointed referees lo partition tbe premises. S Cella A Wells vs Henry O Per. kins et al: confirmation, rouflrmed 80 Mary L Butler vs Geo M Jack son et al, foreclosure. Decree and judgment for SGOO, attorney fee of S40 and Interest. 94 John Tunuell A Son vs John Bennett and wlft, to recover money. Default and judgment for $76.47. OS Presley Comegys vs Peter Nye, to recover money. Default and judg niont for (70 and interest. 106 Joshua J Walton vs Perry and Mary Pennington, fore, losure. Default and decree for fS5 and $10 attorney's fee and Interest. Throwa to His Death. A very sad accident occurred In D valley Polk county, Thursday of last week, by which Ed Sohythe lost his life. A donkey engine used In logging camp waa being moved by a process that would Insure accident In advanoe. A pole was set In the ground on an angle, with tbe top of the pole Inclined from the engine and lying al most on tbe ground. Tbe opposite end was burled la tbe ground aud to it a cable was attaohed raaohiug back to tbe engine. The intention was for men In sufficient numbers to get on tbe farther end of the pole and hold It down aa a oounterforce to tbe power required to move the engine. Ed Sohythe, about 25 years of age, laid flat on bis stomach across the de tached end of tbe pole, and when stsam waa put on to start the sled on which the engine was to be moved, the force was so sudden the pole was jerked straight op and the young man, who bad no time to save himself, was thrown as a missile from a catapult high Into the air and lit 30 feet dis tant with a terrible crash. As sudden ly aa tbe plunge occurred life was ex tinct. Ed Sohythe baa been a resident af P. D. for many years, where his parents still live. Such accidents are not easily exousabls, for It looks like mismanagement. 1 Satroo News. Nov 1. Born, at Jasper Oct 23, to the wife of E C Hills, a daughter. Mist Hattie Smith has a position at Mr Goyeeu'a. Quite a number f.f tbe Natron young people attended the birthday party at Mr Keeney'a last Friday nlgbt and re port a most enjoyable time. Misses Dollle Tahafero and Lena Smith apent last Saturday In Eugene. Seldom. . l It l.ft Rn. iit in n i' m wr niicuen says u u - fUUUUBY. 1 - A-I.ais. iv I . ...... ..... I. t.,lV H Kdward- 49 gored gentry continue meir wur. . . j , I i mi i. 1 1, I I mm IiiihI. W.i)nil.. n TVirltv 63 " ' " tujF..c .o.., .. .......... j , - , , !.. him Thursday, J II McClung o ""' . . " i.u... i. twk R2 1 dollar until it is stolen, itseeiua mv , ii n..ta 60 a regular gang of robbers are plying I I .l.i. nnnn All iOtlti. The most popular flour in leading grocers. QUALITY market. Sold bj Charged With Larceny. La firande Chronicle. Oct 20: "Miss O Langford and W W Curtla have been subpoenaed before Justice Blakeslee's court In Union In a case against C A Buahnel), the photographer. The Jjuee Bros are tbe principal wltne-ses for the nroeecution. They leased to Bushnell their photograph gallery and when Bushnell left, a few of the ap purtenances were mbslug, and Bush nell Is charged with tbe t l eft of tbe same. Dusbnell was arrestea aiuay ton Wash . and brousbt to Union to answer tbe charge." Mr Bushnell bad tbe Winter gallery under lease Tor a few months, and bis many friends here trust that be will be able to prove bis innocence. Daily Giurd, NoTeinbe2. WRC Inspection. Last evening Department Inspector Faunie Lonna bury, of Portland, made an official in apectlon of J W Geary corps, of this oily. The visit proved most pleasant and profitable, the Inspector only ad dins to her popularity among tbe members of the order. Clara Parsons, president of the local corps, Invited the G A R to assist In disposing of th elaborate banquet prepared for tbe oc casion, and right nobly did tlieyter form that part of tbe program. Sever al speech's were made, promlneut ainone; which was one by Mrs Lonna bury, who complimented the Eugene corps very highly, as belug the banner lodge of tbe state and the most efficient In its work. try merchants. It Is th-y are not raptured. too bad that Pall j Guard Koremberl. Toucm Hobos. Tbe marshal now haa under his charge three of the toughest tramps that ever visited Eu gene. They refuse i to work while out In the chain gang this forenoon, and for a time they were chaired to a telegraph pole. They will be con signed to dark cells in tbe city Jail, with r bread and water diet, uutll they agree to work or until they serve out tbelr sentence. Daily Guard, NoTember2. $10 and Costs. Zlpu Yarnell, of Collage Grove, tried to run tbe town last evening-, but Policeman Crontr landed bim In jail early in his engage ment. He was taken before Recorder Dorrls this morning and fined (10 and cohIs. He paid $7.00 and tbe costs and Wis given one month's time In which to settle the balance. Dryer to Start. Tbe GooUell Re. frlgerator Car Co, will, lu a few davit stait the dryer in the Eugene cannery, making a run on apples. They have packed a car of apple and will ship the same In a short time. Ilf Baits l Dallaa. Dallas, Nov 1. E C Klrkpatrlck, We'la and Plummer sold 161 balea of hops here today at 12 cents. Seventy five bales belonging to different parties here were also sold at tbe same price. rail Bea. Syracuss, N Y. W J Bellen, re publican candidate for the legislature dropped at tbe pol e today. Apoplexy waa tbe cause. Diet att tarn rails Stanton, Va., Nov. 2.-T'ol. James Cochran, republican nominee for state senator, died at tbe polls here today. Died. Luke Sales, of pneumonia, In Eu gene, on Sunday, October 31, 1897, at 11:50 a m. Mr Sales was born August 8, 1849 In Blackbawk county Illinois. In Kansas, on July 4tb, 1873, be married Emma Adams, and soon bfter moved to Iowa. On March 28, 1884, he came with his family to Roseburg, Oregon. About two years afler, tbe family moved back to Iowa, only however, to re turn lo Oregon, on August 28, 1892. Tbe family came to live In Eugene nearly four years ago. Enjoying bis usual health, he worked all day Frl 'ay, Oct 22d In the rain. That night be was taken with a severe chill that dtvelnped intopueu monla. Medical aid. and the loving ministry of his faithful wife, kind neighbors and friends did all that could be done for him. Mr and Mrs Sales have buried four children. Mrs Sales aid five children (one son and four daughters) mourn his death. Mr Sales waa a member of tbe Baptist church in this city, as is Mrs Sales. While living In Roseburg, Oregon, he and bla wife were converted, and upon confession of their faith In Christ wre baptized and united with the Baptists. The dsy Ixfore his death he assured those by his bedside that lie experienced the sustaining power of God's grace. Funeral services were held Monday at 2:00 o'clock p m, in the Baptist church, conducted by tbe past ir, Robert Leslie. A Friend. A a. I ifciAnaaer M FOR TOBBACO, CIGARS, CANDY. an GO TO. 6BACC0 r, Julie, Qold5mitt?'5 CORNER DRUB STORE. VINCENT & WALTON, Props. Successov to I. Hemenway. . . Dultrs la Drugs, nidnes Chemicl , fum es, Fancy ardTlet Articles Sfonges. Combs, Brushes and a Complete lino of Irug Stmdris, 9tk ana Willamttis III Eugtni, Or. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Look Here Farmers! Bring tour Hides md Skins to our tannery. For all No. 1 green bldea will pay you 4 to 4) cena a pound; fur No 1 dry bides 10 cents a pound; For No 2 according to quality, 4 to 8 cents. - Now don't'forget these prices ere paid In CASH at Tbt UltBclU Turnery. Haines & Co See-8w-fluality Goes Up and Pries Comes Dm PIPER HEID8IECK PLUG TOBACCO .(CHAMPAGNE FLAVOR) outweigh! in public favor all other tobaccos. Under no oerW will you find to big a plssc of really good tobacco M Heldsieck." Don't put up with an Inferior article when uw costs but 5 cents. TURKS CREEKS. 1 want to ssy that I am not so much Interested In tJ'f T6! of the Greeks and Turks as I am In the matter of Inforrniua people or this vicinity that I have added a line of BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHING GOOD Ladles and Oenta Straw Hts, Hosiery, Thread, Needles and Pine, Notions, Etc., Which are marked at prices that make sales- uail and be convlncedhhat this Is not Idle taix- 3 hest market price pald'for'produce- WAV. CIIESSMAIi, - SpringfielMrg sVaVa ,.f,VZtt raiiangootf,bruNnitaiHN i.yNN."'i,,r'MUL 1