The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 30, 1897, Image 7

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    ....v 1ND A HAMMER.
... in the Uf of aa Kit
. ... careleMlv atrolllng down
the other evening, says tb
..i... Mnnnliln Katrl.
j t ha 1 11 u " i
S" " . r l'r,kv (Irani
Jyd -'"o
.. iinff the beauties of nature
r'.i ivaalooal glances la the
Ut of e chance news Item, our
LlloO "M Sltrauieu u " J"""K
f.ih.actofdrl.lng uall-pre-
.i tor the purpose of anchoring
line, as Its elevation made It
UeroUt of I be question a a uat
P iih what .killed attitude
J aim
meu wield
hammer, cu
.ii. H in to itOD and wltneta
it.C)lU . , .
. ... .. amiwi " '1'iinra ina
-moaui -----
, chair, arms extended above
to tueir utmoi, capauuy, altlirnaliln I ha
Voer in ouo ".
L gbe places tbe nail in paemon,
nitcl ber arm, stops to steady
Li ihen makes another eflort, we
LoUf ty9 t0 ex0,uue luo eriui
Wytbat l tlireatenea.
hull thud fallowed by a scream
Llh. rattle of nail and hammer on and all li over. We
oedooreyee and beheld tbe con
aocejaodtbiels what 11 was:
iaieibe tried to drive the nail,
itltbe next tlm-ahe will linger;
j ibts perhaps abt'll mlat tbe one
Ut'i growing on her finger.
Teachers' Examination.
Ida li hereby given that the reg
jiitrterly examination lor teach
in Ideates will be held at the
Vi House, commencing a 1 o'clock
too Wedneday, November 10, 1897.
L tncbera desiring atate oertin
Loidlploujao ahould apply at tbla
C 8 Hunt,
Co. Superintendent.
lu Eugenil
OMalhouof Drain, Man
Mra frank Bcott, of
ug in cugene.
A fine second hand Phaeton for (CO
air L Chamber.
oAiiuiin came down from
won thin morning.
Elegant line of fancy statlot ry Just
ituciycu at iioiieuuecirs.
J V itoblnsou returned from Rosa-
burg on tbe morning local.
Hon Geo II Willlama returned
Portland on today's 10:50 local.
Genuine No 40 Oliver chill) .hares
at 60 cents, at F L Chambere.
in-rt miller went to Pleasant Hill
mis afternoon on a hunting trip.
A W el
i icnara wa a nassenirer for
Portland on this mornlng'a local.
f mmm . .
v v wsaiiimrne. cashier of tha
Junction City Bank, la In the city.
R F Baker, a Junction C'ltv real m
laie agent, waa In Eugene today.
Highest cash price paid for wheat.
F. E. Dunn.
v r Hurlburt, M Waddle and J B
Bchaefer, of Junction City, are In Eu
Anxious for Its Im
Mm Will Be I'ttsotW Thit
$1,000,01)0 bind lit Let
A Rlaiitr ! Vital lrtae.
Tbe following petition la being cir
culated and will be presented to the
Mre J M Keeney of Jasper, Is visit- Oregon triumvirate In congress, to tbe
Ing hor rareni, 8 Handsaker and eud as set forth therein:
Letter List.
Oct 28.
ifcr.RevTW Brown, Mrs M E
kMrsJS Carlson, John
ULIal Hollen, Mrs
lb,8W Tompeon, Merlle
Lb, Miss Kate.
turn of sua cent will ba maua on all
V una out. Fenoni ctlllDg lur loiter
pkueiuia wnen sareriiKu.
' i .... ( i.i n f
Ceauty Warrant Call.
otice'ls hereby given that 1 will
ill Lane county warrants from
red number 1355 to 1534 Inclu
Interest ceases after October 15,
A 8 Patterson,
DitalOct 14, 1807. Co Treas.
Ull persons knowing themselves la
id to Howe & Rice are requested
a!! st the Salem Woolen Mill store,
tone, before Nov 1, and settle the
be. Tbe butinese must be settled
J M Howk.
Capes and Jackets.
New fall line ot ladiee plush capes
V cloth jackets baa arrived. Call
Jj see them before they are picked
F E Dunk.
Save Yonr Oram.
Ifet realize that each saulrrel de-
hjt 11.60 worth of grain annually,
glee's Squirrel and Gopher Ex
Nnatorls the most efleetive and
pomlcal poison known. Price re
H to 30 cents. For sale by Onburn
PcLano. agents.
Farms for Sale.
Pve now thlrtv fine farms in the
luunette vallpv for sale. These
N Include everv varletv in size and
f. FordeRRrintlnn lint, address
Geo. M. Miller,
Wllklns Block, Eugene, Or.
Money to Loan.
0 farm land &t omtA terms.
fUcuiars apply to
E. J. McClanahan,
Eugene, Oregon.
Aflnenualitf of A No 1 red
'tles for sale at Coburg mill.
Welby Stevens, Prop.
For Sale.
ne hundred head of stock sheep.
H IBock, Creswell, Oregon.
ahRiAOE Licenses. The follow-
PI marriage licenses have been iesu d
wunty Clerk Jmninsrs since our
report: Robert L Voung, 80 year,
Mary W Thomnson. 24 vears: EU
"Bashford, 30 years and Mariam T
so years; John Thomas Miller,
f years, and Miss Joan Huston, 80
""av Calves. Strayed from
Pcer Butta. Rnt 11. ona red calves
. . i
so mark. r.i..-.ii.. ...nllnii
f"" calves Will h nniriMl hv
B F Goodpasture, Eugene, Or,
Bale fin ,nn of land: has i . . . . t
L uuuse and barn, fencing, siasn-
t i v., uu iivinir water, ror iui
,Qer nftrtiAi.l. i i - iir anAn
r vuiBia, inquire ui v b"""
-aue. ur.
EDMiLrThtfntlnn nf farm-
r1 called to tbe fact that Messrs
ig 4 Son of the Eugene creamery,
T plactd io a mill for chopping feed.
r Prices and rood work. A call
and you can
Tl ey stay In
All kinds of fai mlng Implements.
Calllson A Hon.
Judge W 8 McFadden of Coi vallls,
came up this afternoon to attend cir
cuit court.
Dr John A Ilueter, of Jacksonville Is
visiting bis former townsman, G D
linn In this city.
C L Lemaxtere went to Junction
this morning to assist Rev Rose In a
revival meeting,
Vanael Fan leek, a native of Austria
made application for citizenship before
Judge Fullerton today.
Buy an Oliver plow
plow your ground now.
F L Chambere, Agent.
J A Burllngame bas been quite 111
for some time with stomach trouble",
but now is Improving slightly.
Sirs Wm Preston has returned from
Mc.Minnville, where she had been at
tending the DaptUt Association.
John Klttsenger, who hid his leg
broken by a fall recently, was taken
to his horns at Fall Creek yesterday.
I will pay rash for 100 sacks wheat
tailings. Cull on R McMurphkv,
Mrs EO Potter and little daughter
arrived home this nir.rning from Ash
land. Mrs Potter's health Is much improved.
Henry Wllnon, while playing on tbe
public school grounds yesterday re
ceived a full, brulMng one shoulder
A Salem buHlnets man advertises to
st 11 a piece of property In that city for
$4,760 that five years ago wua bought
or $7,250.
J G Gray Informs us that he dried
40,000 pounds of prunes at his dryer
of which 21,000 pounds was his own
Hon P H D'Arcy, of Salem, was an
arrival by this afternoon's train. He
will preside at thesoclal session of the
Elks tonight.
Theerand jury msdj a preseutment
today, and Judge Fullerton took tbe
matter under advisement, ana win
auswer this evening.
To the Oregon Delegation In Congress:
We tbe undersigned citizens of tbe
state of Oregon respectfully call your
a'tentlon to tbe matter of tbe Improve
ment or Yaqulua Bay, for wblcb an
appropriation of $25,000 was made by
tbe last congress to apply towards tbe
completion of lbs original project; and
tbe same congress further authorized a
continuous contract of $1,000,000 In ad
dltlon for tho extension of tbe present
Jtty system In accordance with tbe
plans as recommended by tbe special
board of engineers appointed by tbe
president underlet of congress te ex
amine and report upon tbe need and
feasibility of tbe project for securing
deeper water on tbe bar at that place.
Although nearly eighteen months
have passed since tbe aot became a law,
not one dollar bas been expended, nor
has a step been taken towards tbe let-
tins; of tbls contract: while other and!
less Important points where contracts
were authorized In the same bill, the
ooutraols sre let and the work Is now
In progress.
Now, In tbe annual report of chief of
engineers It Is announced that the sec
retary bas not approved tbe Yaquloa
project and therefore no estlmstes are
submitted for the coming year.
The work of Improvemr nt so far bas
coot a large sum of money, tbe success
of the work, and tbe benefits accruing
have Justified the expenditure. There
Is need f.r deeper water that tbe trans
portation facilities may be enlarged. A
competent board ol engineers Lave re
ported that tbe project Is entirely
feasible, and the bay worthy of tbe
Improvement Congress bas authorized
the necessary outlay, and notwith
standing all this tbe money Is with
held and tbe Improvement already
made allowed to go to destruction.
This Is a mat'er of vital Importance
to the people of a large portion of Ore-
gon'and adjoining states, especially the
producers and shippers, and we orge
that yon ts our representatives Im
press upon the Hon Secretary of War
tbe Importance of tbls bbor ss a
natural outlet for a large territory and
insist that he comply with the .'aw
and order this contract at once.
Tbls matter needs tbe early atten-
A ttar a nrntracted Visit Wlla Mf "u " "icuu
pirenta, Mr and Mrs Evenson, Mrs E question of transportation facilities
Vat ink will leave tomorrow for bet
future home In British Columbia.
Prof George Lilly bas rented the Mo-
Clure residence on Eat Ninth street.
Tbe goods of Mr MoClure are being
stoied in a room In I O O F temple.
Geo Rlnebart, of Condon, is here at
tending court. Time Is dealing Riuuiy
with George, and he looks but little
older than when be tilled Lane county
Dootwoit until all tuoae Has Char
ter Oak Cook Stoves are all sold then
nv 60 ner cent more by your negu-
eeuce. F L Chambers still has a good
J T Brvriuton, who has been clerk'
in for 8 li Friendly for some time
left for Portland today and will take
ii,. .toompr from there to bis former
home In Sun Frano'sco.
Prlnevllle Review: L 8 Logan and
Rihrd Phllllber retumed from Eu
last Saturday. Mr Logan will
remain a short while looking after bis
interests and will then join uis xamuy
at Eugene,
n v niii.Un may be found at
sir. vi. iv
Ufa KMI .l.mee on Olive street, between
UiO vw-
Fifth and Sixth streets, one uiock
t t,a Minnesota, hotel. He is pre-
correctly solved Is
couutry. Wliu the
that could be made with this appro
priation Yaqulna bay would become a
seaport of much Importacce.
A 8 Hammond, of the O C A E It is
authoritatively stated, la now figuring
on an extension of their road to East
ern connection and two valley feeders,
one to Eugene and one to Malem as
well, consequent only upon tbe pro
posed Improvements at Yaqulna bay
being made. "
rbe appropriation for this wora was
made In eood faith after careful exam
ination by a competent board ana ure-
bou should not lose tbe opportunity
presented by tbls Improvement ny a
lack of energy at tbls time.
These petitions will be generally cir
nutated and It la safe to say, numerous-
i .lonxi anil tha neoeaaarv work of
the Oreeon delegation will be tbe
crowning future to new possibilities for
this section
Dr. King's
Mew Disc ever
for Coa
This the best medicine In the world
for all forms of Cougbs and Colds and
ConsumDtlon. Every bottle is guar-
oi lUD ulfll K. nt.d. It wll cure and not aisap-
pared to do all nenia. - - , for Whooolng
rmiaii. Asthma. Hay Fever, renu
t T .nrlnna Cold 10 Republican, was Indicted Sat- Coniumptlon. it Is
urday, and arrrsieu Mu..u, Mfe for 11 ages, pleasant to take, ana,
charged wltn pnnuug -
art C fl BttaCKlUK
Hallock, editor of the Tribune, fn the
Issue of Septo.. ber last,
m,.-. wniM. ho were located on
Sixth street, and being ordered out of
town by theolly omciais. Vi h
lo nivH their walking
on tairmouui,
papers from that suouio iu u-.-
j t t,i. piiv. luvy u.i
turneu w .- - .
i in tiia iimuce utiuik
reaay ngurcu -
i iouh on bonds.
r T H Pntt. Of COUaB"
ill i ts ' M
u i..n ...tTerintr Irom carles oi ou
u" .. .u. r on lulury re-
ofner nos, vuo - -
. j ..,-.. 1 vears aiiO. li
oeiveu . nf
thought neces. -
tbe rib. The operauo..
. .. ,v Dr .
irpVtirntsiood the operation we:l
above all, a sure cure. It Is always
n nr Klnir'a New tiUO ruis
lit mn nation with Dr Klng'i
kw nisooverv. as they regulate and
n. ik. .t.imarh and bowels. we
guarantee perfect satisiaciiou ur
turn money. iee trial oottie x o
derson & Linn's Drug Store.
Regular aires 60 cents and $l.w.
Money to Loaa.
We have a block of $40,.K to loan
on good farms In Lane county. If you
havesood securl'y ana penect wtw,
we can furnish yon the coin witnoui
Hiav. aa we make our own examina
tion of security. Call on us or write,
8. Steel 4 Co,
IfAlbany, Oregon.
Programme of Local lnstitnte at
Tborsteu, Satardar. Kov
veniber 6. 1897.
10 o'clock A M.
Physiology class exercise Miss
Mabel Reid.
How may a teacher Increase bis
salary? Moses Gum.
What constitutes a good school?
Mrs Olive Lang.
Supplementary readlng-Mli Emma
1 O'clock P. M.
Tbe Life and Work of David P Page.
-MhsLottla Jobn tu.
AddressE D Iienler. Supt. of ,Eu
gene l'ubllo Schools.
Child 8ludy-W M Sutton, Princi
pal ot Springfield Publlo Schools.
Tbe Country School Problem-G W
All teachers within reach of Thurs
ton are expected to be present, and I
hope that a large numb rof the pat
rons and friends of tbe publlo shool
will corns and spend the day with us.
C8 Hunt.
Co Sup't.
Circuit Court Cases.
68 C R Cook vs Thomas J Johnson;
to recover money. Default and judg
ment fof $30, an attorney fee of $10 and
69 WP Cheshire vs J it Davis and
wife; foreclosure. Decree and Judg
ment for $330, attorney fee of $43, in
terest and costs.
117 State of Oregon vs Jamrs H
Harris; embezzlement. Grand Jury
Tuesday reported "not a true bill.
119 State of Oregon vs Frank Reed;
It with Intent to commit rape.
Indictment returned on Tuesday of "a
true bill," Immediately arraigned
and took day to plead. Judge Walton
was appointed to defend. Tbls Is tbe
Cottage Grove rapist
77 Stephen Smeed vs 8 U Bianton
et al; foreclosure. Judgment and de
cree for $1240 and $120 attorney fees
and Interest.
120 State of Oregon vs J A. Holt;
rape Giandjury Wednesday morn
ing reported "not a true bill." Tbls Is
the Coburg case in which Holt was ac
121 State of Oregon vs t'baa Groshon ;
ult with a dangeruos weapon.
Grand jury Wednesday reported "not
a true bill." He was bound over on
tbe charge of striking .one Roy Loud
on the head with a blacksoake whip.
A Queer Check. A report comes
from Creswell that a young man, who
bad recently come Into that commu
nlty, endeavored to pass a check given
by Foster Bros, of Sliver Lake, for
217, while It showed almost Indisput
ably on Ita face that it bad been drawn
for $17; tbe figure 2, tbe check waa
drawn In figures, bad been added by
someone. Foster Bros do considera
ble business and It appears strange
they should draw a commercial paper
without writing In the amount called
18 Vitus vsEJFnuler et)
confirmation. Bale confirmed.
87 Irving Wood vs William A
Kelly; foreclosure. Judgment an d de-
cie. a
69 Sarah E Pierce vs John B Cole
man; breach or piomlse. Dismissed
and defendant awarded bis costs. Tbls
Is the case wherein the plaintiff sued
tbe defendant fof tbe sum of $10,000
for breach of promise.
63 M J TibbetU vs O J Tlbbetts;
divorce. Default. Referred to H D
Norton to report tbe evidence.
68 W M Lively vs 8 P Garroutte
to recover money. Tbe Following jury,
was drawn to try tbe case Wednesday
afternoon: IE Stevens, S R Piper,
DM McCrady, J F Powers, J A
Stevens, J L Calllson and RG Calllson
It waa agreed to try tbe case wun
seven jurymen aa tbe panel was ex
hausted. Jury returned a verdict for
$58 and Interest la favor of plaintiff.
73 Ella A Houghton vs C F Hough-
ton; divorce, ueiauu, ivewncu w
Geo A Dorrls to take tbe evidence.
Divorce granted.
79 Daniel Stanton vs J H Whit-
aaker: to recover money, continued.
94 John TunellABon vs James tx
Whlteaker; to recover money. Con-
Ill F E Dunn vs E P Peaoh; eject
ment. Jury taken Tuesday afternoon
as follows: Bol C Jacobs, Geo Bears,
Joseph Perkins, W W Sbortrldge, J L
Hunter, J C Nicholson, Alfred Brat
tain, J C Bushnell, 0 W Kimball, R E
Walker, R F Field, Joel McCornack.
The case was given to the jury Wed
nesday morning Jury returned Wed
nesday evening a verdict for defend
ant. 123 Otho J Enger vs G D Bblrey
and John Doyle, garnishee, proceed
Ings against garnishee. Dismissed.
12S James Jennings vs Tbe Nooo-
ilir Mlnlnir Co: appeal f om J P
court Cottage Grove District. Jury
drawn as follows, Thursday morning:
Geo Bears, J C Nicholson, Joseph
Perkins. W W Bborrldge, 8 R Piper, J
L Zelgler, D M McCrady, R F Field,
J L Hunter, G W Kimball, Alfred
Brattaln and R E Walker. On trial.
4 91 James Sanford vs J F and Eliz
abeth Amis; foreclosure. Judgment
and default for $1230 and $100 atty
Lost. On tbe streets of Engene Frl
day afternoon a man' mackintosh,
color, navy blue; finder will pleaae
leave It at this office and receive re-
Jadge Williams lis a New Idea Con
cerning the Donation.
Dally Ouard Ootoba 27.
Hen Geo II Williams this morning
presented a very able argument on tbe
demurer to tbe plalntlfl's complaint,
In the "court bouse square caso" Inter
posed by tbe attorneys for tbe olty of
Eugene. He Is a careful and poworful
raaoner. In the court bouse case be
says that It la a publlo square and not
a court bouse square, and that the
erection of the Jail Is against tbe word
Ing of the donation and that the
county cannot build a court bouse on
tbe same ir an objection Is made by a
citizen, nor can tbe county sell or lease
it; that tbe square Is virtually a park
under the donation.
If tbe courts bold tbls theory, which
we doubt, and the square Is fenced In
and no county buildings are allowed
upon tbe ground, It bas been suggested
that It be leased to Dr Driver for bis
premium bull.
Sliver Wedding.
Dal IV Guard October 28.
Last evening Mr and Mrs F M Wll
kins celebrated tbe 25th anniversary of
their marriage, at their elegant borne
on West Ninth street, surrounded by
their children and Invited guests. It
was a pleasant event that will linger
long in their memory.
F M Wllklns and Miss Emma
Uoltra were married In Lane county
and have since resided here, Mr Wi J
kins bavlug been for tbe greater part
of this time one of the prominent drug
gUts of the slate, and both himself aud
wife bave been well known In church
and foclal circles.
Tbe rooms were charmingly decor
ated -Alth potted flowers and tbe tints
of autnmn leaves. Muslo was rendered
during tbe evening by Miss Nina
Wllalus, violin, Harley Zelgler, man
dolin and Miss Winnie Smith, plana
lb fresbments were served during tbe
eveuing, the tables being presided over
by Misses Wllklns, Hovey, Yorau and
A numerous lot of elegant presents
were tendered Mr and Mrs Wllklns.
One very unique present was presented
by A J Johnson to Mr Wllklns. It
was an old saddle and .on a card at
tached were the words: "Used by F
M Wllklns while courting Miss Emma
Goltra." The old lello will be highly
Those present and Invited were: Mr
and Mrs F M Wllklns, Mr and Mrs T
G Hendricks, Mr and Mrs 8 M Yoran,
Drand Mrs T W Harris, Mr and Mrs
J B Chambers, Dr and Mrs F W Pren
tice, Mr and Mis EJ Frasier, Mr ana
MrsCbas Lauer, Mr aud Mrs J 8
Luckey, Mr and Mrs II Ankeny, Mr
and Mra A J Johnson, Mr and Mrs 8
11 Friendly, Mr and Mrs Geo B Dorrls,
Prof and Mrs Thos Condon, Mr ana
Mrs F W Osburn, Judge and Mrs E O
Potter. Prof and Mrs E B McElroy,
Mr and Mrs Q R Chrlsman, Mr and
Mrs I L Campbell, Mr and
Mrs Geo T Hall, Mr and Mrs P
Frank, Prof and Mrs Young,
Prof and Mra Straub, Prof Letcher,
Mr and Mrs H B Miller, Prof and Mra
J W Johnson, Mr and Mrs 8 H Holt,
Mr and Mrs J W Kays, Pres. and Mrs
O H Chapman, Mr and Mrs R Me
Murpbey, Mr and Mrs E C Smltb, Mr
and MrsJ H MoClung.JMr and Mrs J
F Robinson, Mr and Mrs L N Roney,
Mr and Mrs L Bllyeu, Rev and Mrs
W 8 Gilbert, RtT and Mrs J T Abbett,
Mr and Mrs W H Abrsms, (Salem)
Mr and Mrs W H Goltra, (Albany)
Prof Luella G Carson, Mrs Church;
Mrs Craig, Mra Shelton, Mrs William,
Carrie Hovey, Edith Kerns, Lou Its
Yoran , Maude Wllklns.
An Escheat Salt.
Albany Damocrat, Oct 27,
In the case of tbe state agaltst tbe
xeoutor of tbe estate of Mary J Cos
tello, who died In 1887, brought to
escheat the sum of about $10,000 left
after tbe provisions of tbe will
of tbe deceased bad been satisfied
the jury this morning brought n a
verdict in favor of the state. The de
fense was oonduoted In the Interests of
tbe claimants to the money remaining
In the bands of the executor. Tbe
verdict Is a declaration tbat they are
not legal heirs. Mr Nixon as executor
did not contest It. He appeared with
bis attorneys Weal her ford & Wyatt
simply to protect tbe Interests of tbe
trust In his hands. For tbe purpose
of disposing of lbs money properly be
had made a trip to England to ascer
tain If there were any lgal heirs to
tbe ee'ate.
AifaOcaMlt PsrehaM ftleaerlte
l.iaadrloM frim L ndon con firm rumors
h.t h.T. heretofore reached thla ilda ol the
Atlantic that aflmneal powerful syndicate
I. in nroeeat ot lonnatlon In Rutland, Kranoe
n.rm.nv m ddt an i-j"b
. In the Klondike ration. Of couraa
Ihli will lead toa ' amount of peoulative
inailnn. but ihrre li ! in Ine Klon
dike. elaewhere, which a Imoowime w
' . . -a ( tha aMialmnf lint
lailan Stomach Blllento the foiernont
i . .i.n mmm m io' mer oom'
nuiiK "--V H.l..
Dlaltii. me duiiou. aim w., ..-.,..
prompt wild from this aenl.l aUer.ilv,
mllM n uea. Tellownea. ol the
kin and eyeballs, far upon li e
nnu eautnl OOor in me ureain
UniKur, and
that chirm iter-
It alw remedies a d iin-veiils
malaria lid rheumain anm n,
trim bis lack ol stamina, ny.pepi "
have establlh-n ihemc In nnpu'ar t.Tor
It deserves I ir aud perslsuut trial,
As wellfas the walking: plows, give univer
sal satisfaction.
Don't bo short sighted....
....and buy an limitation.
Oliver Steel Plow
Guaanteed to Scour.
Afresh carload now at...
f. l. mmm,
Sire att Oakleael, Or.
Boskbuko, Or.. Oct 27. W T
Fmnrv'a steam flouring mill at Oak
land burned at 5 o'clock tbls morning.
lb loss Is $12,000. He carried $9,(00
lntu-aoce upon tbe building and ma
Oblaery. About OOOO bushels of wheat
were stored In tbe bulldlrg, belonging
to tbe firm and to farmtrs. Tbe fire
ia aiinnoaatl to bvs originated In tbe
furnace room.
Inaotlvlty In Balem Market. '
Saletu correipoudent In Oregoulan:
Inactivity In the hop market con
tinues at Salem. A few purobasee are
reported by buyers at prices rauglng
from 12 to 14 eenta. Tbe purchases
that bave besn made, however, are
few. and the Quantities limited, ana
tho market cannot be aald to bave
opened. There are no less than 18 buy
ers In Balem but the sharp competi
tion and vlior anion purchasers to be
expected Is not manifest, for the reason
... . I I , . n rt...
largely that oraers in sumo iuoiu.
have been withdrawn.
Borne find a cause for the present
nltlon In the fact tbat the two weeks'
hop fair Is now on In London. Not
much attention Is given to buying
... SB nl
durlug the fair, It is saia. iiioimr
will close, this week and It Is predicted
that shortly thereafter orders will be
placed, and tbe effect will be seen lu
activity among buyers here.
Stock Banch For Bale.
Ann nf beat stock range, all well
.:. i -a nr,i fenoed. Timothy
ivuucu au v.- -
and orchard grass two or three feet
i.i.k, o ,.-n. with stall room for 80
iead'of cattle, 20 tons of hay, one new
Deerlng mowing macnioe, uerijr
. i,. mn. nlow. harrow. Tlenty
ofeprlog'wateriontbeplase the year
1 . , ... . j.iml ml n
round, uooa piaoeirji
east of Coburg. Price, $2,800. Address
orenqulreof O Domeykb, Coburg Or
Driver's Subject, "I."
. .u r, TirlD Driver Is
AIU-.U ireuivvi...
up on the Bound lecturing on himself.
... jtM...n HI toa for bis dls-
xi a uuu uiuctwu.
... all reaolva thsmselves
wuin. ui .-v -
Into the same subject. It la a big one
too. .
Second Hand.
a - a awwvn i Satin blovoles. bug-
glee, backs, wagons and plows, and at
awsydown prices on both new and
second nana at
jo jj I'QBUiueia.
'aOreeoulan: beT
position of bops In the world's markets
LTvery strong, and for tbls reason grow-
nt f. rsaf IAP
ers are holding on, waning
rrlces. In England, the -National
Hopgrowsrs Association of leading hop
growers of tbe country, which con
trols the bulk of the crop there, have
unanimously declueii tonoia i-
. . i. Tl, are vefV
Improvement m v- ,;- nrmBul
few selling In Oregon at the present
time, althouKh It Is reported that oper
ators in the Northwest have contracted
loeell largo quantities, which iuc, -
i.i.. u.nura. This fur Jo
nfiw uuauiw .- .
cntals tbe top pi Ice ollered, with the
oulk of the sales ueiog u
14 cents.
Position Accepted I' D Oilitert,
who has been clerking for Gray & Bon
for the past two years, has accept d a
poltlouaa couiiuHroial traeer fm
tbe firm ofCbaae & Banborn of t'lili a
go, dealers lit spicva and cilet-H, Hi a
..i.. ni tinn nnr nmiith and exDensvs.
aaiMi v. ,tv. i -
ui. f.miiw will continue lo telue In
i Euirene. we are to learn. The
I w . . . a B l ...a a
Failed to Indict.
Dall Guard October 28.
In the circuit court of tbe Slate o
Oregon for Lane county.
State of Oregon vs Wm Simmons.
Comes now tbe grand Jury and re
ports to the oca rt tbat In tbe matters of
the Indictment against the above
named defendant returned yesterday
charging him with the crime of lar
ceny, that tbe grand Jury In canvas
sing the vote on said Indictment made
mistake, and tbst there were not
sufficient number of votes In tbe grand
Jury to warrant a true bill therein.
We would therefore ask tbat aald
error be corrected by dismissing said
lndlotment. D. It. Harris,
This Is the case wherein young 81m
mons waa bound over to appear beore
tbe grand Jury on tbe charge of tha
larceny of a worthless revolver from
another boy.
Uaeklen's Aratr.a Salve.
Tbe best salve In the world for out
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, fever
soies, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,
ouros, and all akin eruptions, and
positively cures plies, or no pay re
quired It Is guaranteed to give per-
ect satisfaction or money refunded
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Henderson ft Linn.
Attention Ladles.
See window display of ladles and
ohIIOren's colored and black shoes..
New for winter. The latest
FE Dunn.
At faotory prices still, at F li Cham
Oat Wanted.
Inquire of Ax Billy.
Dally Guard, Otober 28
Married. At the home of Mr and
Mrs W E Edrls last evenlug, Rev N B
Alley officiating, E L Baabford and
Mrs Mlrlaa Cook. Only a lew inti
mate friends witnessed tbe nuptials.
The 11:28 overland last night carried
Iheui to their future nome at itoee
burg. The Guard Joins In extending
Dally Ousrd, Octobe 38
Improving lie ad Bed. Messrs
Holden commenced woik this morn
log Improving the road bed of tbe
streetcar line. New ties are being
put In and It Is expected they will
soon have the track In first olsss
Dally QuardOouiber 2.
Evidence Filld. II D Norton,
rvforeeln the case of Mary E Liver
more va L It Llvermore, suit for di
vorce, filed the evidence this afternoon
with the county clerk, which was re
cently taken before him. It make
545 pages, type written.
Anna A McCrady baa been appoint
h1 administratrix of the estate of
Henry A McCrady. Probable value
of estate $1,120. Bond $2,240; suretiw,
I Bonnett and J A Stevens. Ap
nralxeri aPDOIuted: L O BeAwltb.
1 0 F LitLlefleld and Jas H Hoolg.
111 convince you.
but Is not yet outoi u..