The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 09, 1897, Image 9

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Schilling's Best baking powder goes a
third farther than any other; gets to work
quicker ; makes sweeter cake.
Schillings best
taste better.
Schillings Best hiking powder and tea arc
because they are mmirv.L,rl
tl'li-il tat m nilSttlttfr Unrl )
Got Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at
ticket (broun ticket in every pack.-,,. of bMltg ,iwlfcrV;
tea); lend a ticket with each word to address below before December tt
ttml October ,5.l, two words allowed (or eveiy t.cket; after Out only one
word lor every ticket. '
If only one person find, the word, tint person Be tt000.. if SH(u mu,
it, Ijooo.oo will be eijually divided anions :h m
Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard
creeping babie, at the end of the contest. Those .ending three or more in one
envelope will receive an 1S98 pocket calendar-no advertising on it These
deeping babies and pocket calendars will be different the ones oir.ed in
the last contest.
Better cut these rules out.
Tuurl.t Truffle In Ireland.
Ireland in now being opened more
than ever for visitors. Its attractions
are beintf more prominently placed be
fore tourists, and increased facilities
have been provided for viewing its
many natural beauties. The presence
ol royalty cannot fail to give a stiuiti
a to tourist traffic.
Send us names for
Free Cataloguo.
Hue II Lainbei"on,
Tort land, Oregon.
MKlHlNt TO fir
tOu (OOP in
xjI' "
I'lnw mid fieetler Ciiiiililiirtl.
Thiirnniilily works Hie Soil lo a depth ot 5 lo
ft Inrhi-. un Plow Crust.
flares 1 hcs. 8 to4 iiirlii'xlou n, llinrouglilv
cmi-reil with liKlit, loose soil. farmer Iiml lias uwj It ItElOM
General Agents for Oregon,
ton and Idaho.
Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored
Weakness, KcrvouftnrM, Debility,
and all th train of e? ilt
from early trrors or Utr
icettei; th r.ult uf
overwork, it kaeit, wor
ry, eta lull utrtingth,
lvel,lment end tone
Kivon lo evrry orirnn
tnd portion of the txly.
Nunple. natural nifihodsu
Immedtate iiiipwvtmnt
aren. railurpirupoii'ihlti.
2.UM) rrferencfa. Itix.k,
eiplanatiun and proof
mailed tiealedj (roc.
We want sn
HL'rllt in eai h
v 1 1 1 a K e ami
e 1 1 v. aho to
ork the country homes, selllnif our lloi unY
Hook snitalile for children, (inly one iktsoii
In e n il place will he Hopninte I, either Isily or
m-iitlfinan exiierieiice not neccs,.ary. ( oni
unssion. He liable house. Write lodny.
3no l'ot Street, Nun Kranelseo, fal.
et them at K. .1. ItllWKN'K, 'Jld SH'I -
front street, Portland, nr. Also auenl for the
' elebraied Clipiwr Mill; Inst fanuinK mill in
On' ttorld. Kvery farmer should have one.
"rile for prices.
if t ymir nuppllri nf 11 at rut rait'!.
I.nrtru Mm-k hihI low jirict'.
(jiuxla KuarHtiti'-ed,
VaoJiid-Clarke & Ch. DenUl Cepot. Portland.
Hebility Miir. -rer in an aggravated
fnrni shows it on his luce a haggard
worn-looking man. Tlie untie with
women. Hut what of the inaii who
has lost nil vital and manly power,
and yet looks like a physical giant?
That' is in st the ipic!inii to w hich I'r.
Satiden has ilevuleil twenty years of
tudv. It is true that inet'i ho look
strung AIIK weak in this re-peit.
lr. Sanden has found the eau-e and
explains it in his little work,
"Three Classes of Men,"
Which he sends free by mail sealed
from observation, or ean I had at
hisottice. It gives full information
relating to
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt.
It might be worth vour time to read
the little book, (irt it. or call anjl
see this wonderful licit.
Watt Waahlngloa 81.. I'ortland. Or.
rf u ,. r'UsiTTTa
aVy.aii i .-i.iJllilt'yi
tea makes
good cake
C rr . .
Art ,thou"
1'oor Frrnrh Oiimirry.
gunners of the French naw nr..
not to be eonirriitiiluted 011 their marks
manship if the results of the target !
practice 01 three of the larger war ves
sels at Toulon are to be taken as a cri
terion. The iuns of the thro.. V.......U
blazed away at the old wooden dis-
patch-Unit Petrel, utilized as the tar
ed, which was set about 4.000 yards
I (two miles) away, until 1)00 eh'irires
! were cxciidod, enough to have sunk a
I whole mpjadroii of such vessels. The
(Petrel is still afloat. This is sonio
! thing like the target practice of the
j flagship Pensacola, the frigate Iroquois
;and the training ship Januvtown in San
francisco hay at the centennial cele
bration of J ST, when at a range of one
mile they lired for over an hour at 1111
old scow anchored in the stream off the
Presidio, which was rigL'ed as a monitor
and tilled with combustibles, without
hitting it once. It was planned to
drop a shell into it that would fire it
and blow it up, but the defective gun
nery of the fleet and of Fort Point,
which joined in the bombardment,
made it necessary to send out a boat to
it and apply the torch to it by hand.
j I he excuse at the t ime for the poor
, markiniiiiship was that the nintniini
! tion used was old and worthless, boinir
a part of the surplus on hand at the
close of the war.
si oo icKWAiin, eioo.
The readers nf this muter will ! nlessi'd in
learn thai there in at li-Ht one ttreHileil ilisi'He
I that sl'leliee lias In-en ahle l(u-i;r.' Ill al 1 lis sf n. es
I and Ihtll is eutarrh. IImII's ralHrrli I'tire 'u tlie
I nnly nisiiive eure now know n in i lit iiitiliral
j trHU r.iity. raiarrli Iti-itiir a cut ititutintinl ills,
l t-H'-f. r'i il ires a i-i instil 111 luliril lrt"l'lll -III. I UK's
I'HiHrrh rure i-itikeii ini.'rnHlly.iii'iniK diri'i-ily
ii-iiiii Ihe til I slid nun on -.iinat-f f die - i.
leiii. ihereliy ilesiruyinir lln1 nnu il olnn nt the
iIisi'hm. and -jivinir Ihe pHiieiii siretu-rh lv
hulhlililt 111' Ihr fOh-lltutliui a id h-i-Iiiik
Hum re in tlniiiK lis w urk. I he prn rieinr- h e
sn inin-h fHith in ilsemative hhiits, thai they
offer one llilli'lreil Ihillars fiirany ease that it
fail. In eiire. .seinl for li-t nf le'tininiiiaN.
Atlilress. K. J. I'll K.N K V, lo Toledo, O
Sold hv ilriluui-l".
Hall's family fills are the best.
Dr. Max Seblier, of Berlin, has dem
onstrated that by the use of Hoentgen
rays one ran see how sounds are pro
duced by the voire in singing.
Hii-ilK mom i ts ami l-l i:r limn.
All Kn-tern Syrnp, so-enlleil. usually very
Unlit eolori il ami ol heavy hmly, Is insilc Iroin
L'lni'iise. "7V.I ti'tnltil 1'hiiin" Is lllBili' from
Miittir l ane Hinl is strii-ily pure. 11 is lor -aie
hv lir-l-eliist L-rot-er't. ill i-nii- only. MauniHi--tiin
il ly the I'ai tn i iust svKirl'n. All Ken
nine -''"i i.'.o'Mi lirtf'" have the iniiniuae
Hirer's uaine liiliorHilied on every ean.
A boy who recently died at the ago of
13, in Indiana, from excessive smok
ing, had consumed in the past live years
50,000 cigarettes.
I know that my life was saved by 1'ini's
Cure lor Consumption. .Inlin A. Miller,
An Sable, Michigan. April Jl, l-!i.'i.
The value of linuso property of Lon
don is :l,:iii5,000,0lK); that of Paris,
I, -HIO.OliO, 000; that of New York, fl.-
Try Schilling's lint tea and baking powder.
employ None Hut Vt niiirn.
Women have displaced men in every
branch of the machine shops of a bi
cycle manufacturing firm having a large
plant at Toledo, O. In this establish
ment girls are now employed on mill
ing machines, drill presses and other
machines used in the manufacture of
bicycle parts. The substitution of girls
i for "men has certainly not been prompt
ed by a desire on the part of the com
pany to assist in the great purpose of
making the female portion of the impu
tation self-sustaining, but rather to se
cure cheaper labor than their copmeti-
i Another I s for the Itay.
! In France, by means of the Roentgen
rays, the sex of the silkworms is now
determined while they are in the co
! em m. This deterimnation has in tin
past been ear i red on uncertainly,
usually by weight, the female cocoons
usually being slightly heavier.
Most Populous Nations.
The revised returns of the Russian
census give the total opulation of '.hat
country as 13tf,mi,i")i. This makes
Russia' third in rank among nations,
China coming fust with an estimated
population of -Hhl,iM0.d(Ml, and the
British Empire next with 2S-:,WH,".0.
Slain and Forrlfn Trada.
The capital of Siam has consider
able foreign trade. During li5 the
number of vessels that entered the har
bor of Bangkok was SH. and the lu
pert were valued 0, WO, 000.
The X ravTare to I used in settling
whether the old masters in New ork
are genuine parting or not. If traces
ofa sigiiiturebefonndundcr he one
, in evidence, it will 1 prof enough
that the painting has been lam,-red
with. - '
a ...n of Atlantic water when evapor-
s,e,i 'M' t",ri't
TJund!; the''!!'
- I ........' a
ghty-one s.unnn m -
water, seveniy-niniT
... I s...-
ater in tne i-'
as much 1 poutefi
Make Rood Entrance, to Firl la-How
Orchard Phnu'.l ie lultivate.1-
inter Grain Ali,r Potatoes - mat
00 tweet inrn-Uenerl Kami Notea.
Wnahlnv Halt
Year ago It was generally supposed
, that in order to maki really line lun
ter one must Hot allow a drop of water
I ,0 '""i ll It. Of late years, since we he
Run to hear so much about granular
butter, we have been Instructed to
wash it in sueceive waters until this
was drawn off clear, or free from uiilkl
ness. It is my opinion that neither one
of these policies Is ihe light oiie to fol
low. ' I have tested this matter nf wash
ing butter for a number of years, and
have come to the conclusion that either
extreme Is to be avoided. To wash tt.
even In granular form, will give us a
butter that will not diiay or turn
strong so soon as that not washed so
thoroughly, but it washes out much of
the flavor, tin the other hand, while
i the flavor Is enhanced by not washing,
the buttermilk left lu it aftir working
1 will tend to put rl lien 1 Ion. for, as we
, all know, there Is nothing which more
i ipilckly spoils and become ill smelling
I Ihan buttermilk.
j To work out all the buttermilk break
; the grain, makes the butter salvy. (if
.course, we do tint want to do this, so
we will wash it In granular form
through two or three water (depoiid-
lug upon quantity of water used and
" upon temperature or tlie bnttcri.
work- In th.. i .I...- 1.1.. i..
) ' i-.iii iiuitl 1 lll'l oil; 111,1 lit;
j eorporaled, and call It lluishcd-.lercy
Honrs t'n.ler Apple Tre-a.
Many wliidfall tipples would be little
ll jured If a velvety sod. free r n
sioncs were spread out under them.
There Is no excuse for leaving loose
stones where apple must fall on them,
as the bruising destroy their market
value. Orchards much cultivated are
apt to have most stones on the surface.
It 1 better to leave the ground under
tree In sod, mulching the surface to
keep the grass from drawing too much
of the soil moisture.
Winter drain After Potato a. ,
Wherever the potato crop can be got
off lu time for seeding with fall grain,
It makes the very best seed bed. No
plowing Is needed If Ihe weeds have
been kept down. It Is only necessary I
to pile the polalo vines In heaps and
hum them, starting the tire In a brush '
J heap, if the potato tops are too green
. to burn readily. A great deal of plant j
iooii i developed ailer growing a crop
i f potatoes. It Is largely nitrogenous, j
as the potato crop Is chiefly --aier and
carbon, with some potash, which Is
mostly found lu the potato tops.
l-.ntrnncra to Kir'da.
Ill eouutry road ninkiiu' there 1 mtieh
plnwim; of roadside. and seraplng
tiwayof Ihesurfacesoll. This I almost ""I'' thoroughly smothered Ihe
illwaysa mistake. Hut thefarmershoiild weed. As the rape Is killed by the
see to It that at least the work of road I winter there Is no danger of II Iroiili
linpruvenient doe not obstruct the en-I I'l'tf ' lo next season.--1 udiana
ira s lo lit Held. .Making it easy
for the farmer to use any part of hi
farm II for him about the most neee
Miry part or road Improvement. Out
uf this Held Into the road he will each
year draw ninny loads, besides the
loads of immure he will likely draw
Into It. If a plowed ridge or ditch ob
structs the entrance to the Held many
wagons will be needlessly broken. If
a ditch Is reipilred In Ihe roadside op
posite a gate, the path master may he
uhllgi-d to convert It at that point Into
a sluiceway, wirh stoii, or tile paxsage
for the water. Au imderdraln beside
the road, three feet deep, with good out
let, is the best way to Improve 11101
poor roads, ltut whatever the method
mloptiil, the farmer should see to It
that road improvement doe not ob
struct gateway that he ha to use.
Feed t-nwlna.
The usual failure u getting seed to
grow is from sowing them list deeply
lu the en fill. If It were possible to
keep the si -oils dark ami moist, tle-y
would be all the la-ller fiom being
sown absolutely on the surface. Kv
ery one familiar wllh forest growth
must have noticed how forest t !
seeds, whlfh simply fall to the earth
mid lire covered by the few leaves or
Ihe remain of grasses, germinate
without dllllculty. lu cherry trees, e
peclally, the stones which have fallen
from the tree, lying on the surface all
winter, sprout and grow rapidly when
spring time coincs, and yet cherry sim-Is
fr&m the same tree, collected by 'he
seed sower, sown In tin way lu which
seeds are usually sow n, freiiienlly fall
to grow. In order to have, mi-da 11
near the surface 11 possible and ye'
protected against drying up the great
prince of American practical gardeners
Ihe late I'eter Henderson-recommended
for planting vegetable seed
that the garden line should lllst be
stretched along In the direction where
Ihe vegetable were lo grow, sprinkle
the M-eds along the line entirely on the
surface, and then simply tramp them in
the ground along the Hue. In this way
1,0 garden seed ever failed lo glow If
It were goisl, and garden seed are
generally good, for II has been found
that even old sti-d, 1f guarded agiliist
extreme heat or moisture, w ill continue
to preserve I' vital niwor for au lu
ilelinlte period. Still every purchaser
desire to get s I as fresh as Misslie.
If the suggestions given are Isirne In
mind there will l- very seldom com
plaints about the failure of garden
seed to giow.-.Meehan's Monthly.
(n'tivatinit rchard.
Many people who plow their orchard
In spring fall to get the full benefit
of this cultivation by not continuing
it through the summer. ' All fruit grow
ers understand that w hen the orchard
get Into iH uring It should not le crop
ped. Hut If because there Is llo crop
growing the orchard I allow, d to grow
up with w I, these are nnne apt to
rob Ihe soil of what the tree nx t re
null". H Is i'"'. however, fertility
that the orchard mot nn-d. It I mois
ture. The object of cultivation In the
orchard Is t keep the surface mulch
!. so that all the rain that fall will
ina- Into the soli and Is- retained
Vry shallow cultivation, repeat ml af
ter each rain, w 111 keep :he soil hoiient.i
always moist, for It will prevent the
erowrnir of wevds which i'"--k out alt
the moisture as fast a ml in biiug It
to the snll.
t'mut " swrl Torn.
Every one ha noticed the fact that
smut 1 much more pri valour on ooi
corn than 011 that grow 11 lu tin Held for
feeding. Not only are the stalk n(
sweet corn Inuie tender nil Jul.) tluill
those of the tl d l grain, nit the harvest
ing of the sweet civ-n U ala) dulie by
breaking off ear when 11 Is lu It
most succulent coll. lit',. Ul. Of course
a single case of smut prup:iu:itc tup
Idly under such conditions, especially
If the picker feel of e.n li tar lo Jo.lue
whether It I lu lit condition tr 1.-".
The pressure of the en- wlih-ii llil
method of Judging Involves bruises Ihe
stalk and gives oppor unity fur the
smut spores to propag lie. In too 1 umv
gaiilciis sweet corn Is tiunu in mi
cession. It Is not llil evh.iilsilve criqi,
mill were It not for the sum', th.' practice-
of growing It lu succession would
not be a bad one.
I riilt II-tier 1 an Takr.
I'sed lii moderation and w h 1 fully
ripened fruit will do no harm to any
bmly. The tltflll appetite of children
often tuli for soinelhiiu- between decline, due in part to local speculative
meals, lu the clly II Is olieu reH.ud conditions. The salient points of,
i-d lo by the too Indulgent parent by weakness in the market, however, have
giving a piece of pie or cal.c. A healthy been the laigr receipts, eiioriuou stocks
boy will digest aliuo.t an thing If be nd the insuniciency id the cash do
ha plenty of play lo keep him in-live. maud. The forward movement i now
Hut even the healthy boy would fare : falling off. Farmers have practically
much better If he were given a ripe ceased selling. The cash demand i
apple or pear or peach. It Is is- also improving and a stronger 111:11 ket is 1
take lo suppose, a most people do, thai probable next week. I'rop procct
llice are hurtful lu hot w eather. A'.l j are unfavorable. Serious damage lis
that I needed is that the skin be re- occurred since the last government re
moved and that I lie fruit be fully ripe, pott was compiled, ami the next report
tJreen fruit I acrid and astringent. "how a very largo decrease in the
It often ciiiim- ciil.c ami bowel ills- , estimated yield. Present Values sre
oae. Hut well rlpeinil fruit ealeii below the aveiage for vears past and in-1
w ith moderation Is good for everybody.
1 h Turnip Vlrld.
If fanners would reali.e how many
bushels of tiiruls. can be raised from
an acre, and their value as subsiltute
for hay in w intering sheep ami con
llo one would lie without at least half
an acre. They can be raised without
cultivating or hoeing; are not an un
certain crop. Any fairly good pleii' of
laud, a clover soil, from which the hay
has been taken, will do. Make a well-ham-owed
seed bed. For ail acre, mix
thoroughly half u pound of seed Woh
h pound cointutToiiil fertilizer, and
sow with phosphate allilchineiit of a
grain drill. Nothing more Is necessary,
except, perhaps, to roll the ground.
Last year, from an acre prepared a
stilted, Loral bushel of turnip worn
taken. The Tribune.
t-nwlu Knp. In Corn Flrlita.
An Idea wliieli we have lately seen
suggested I that of sowing rape In
the eorutleld after the last cultivation.
A farmer who tried it last year say
that hi laud was fertile and the sea
son moist. The en-d of seed and sow
ing he estimated nt thirty cent per
Here. When theeorn was eut the rape
hail reaehed a height of about eighteen
Inches and Ihe sheep were turned Into
the Held, lie believe It was worth
' per acre to sheep. In addition to w hich
Fat I'en Watilrd.
Willi all the abuse Hint may be heap
ed upon the fat In-u because she doe
not lay, she bring more In market
1 1111 tl any other kind of poultry except
the turkey, and nt time the illfTorcnee
in favor of the turkey Is very little. As
the consumers are willing to pay good
prices for fat hell, It Is he-t to sell
them 11 soon a they 011 so laying If
lu a very fat condition, a the time re
quired to get such hens to the proper
condition for laying again may be
weeks or even mouth. The best time
to sell Is H lieu you have the article Ihe
con-rumor reiiilreN, and at the present
time the fat ben Is In demand.- l'ort
land Transcrlst.
Live flock I'nlnta.
It Is a mighty poor plan lo keep scrub
stock upon hlgh-prl I laud.
liorsH't ewes have been known lo pro
duce a many as six lambs at a birth.
They are enormous mllaers and good
mother. For raising lambs for mar
keting at alMtit three months old 110
bleed I better than the llorset. The
111 11 1 1 1 ill of the older sheep Is, however,
not so good II that of some other
breed. New York Sun.
Timothy on sandy Poll.
Timothy grass Is often sown on
sandy soil, not because It Is espn-lally
adapted to It, but because sandy sol)
I not easily seeded wllh anything, and
timothy, which can he sown late In
summer and all through Ihe fall, suc
ceed rather belter than the grassi'S ;
and clovers sown In spring. All muuly
soil are delliienl In mineral plant food.
Timotny noes 1101 reipiire unit 11, eiiner
of pli'siliiito or i m 1 1 i - ti . until Its Hi'i-ds
lii'Xln lo form. It docs nut need oite
iiuirlcr ns much of tlniw mlio'iiils or
nf Unit' iih dot- clover, iiml us Us roots
run near the siirfucc, It Is nidiiiiri'il
chlcily by thf niu nia K'Uhcrcd by
fulliiitr rains In their iimni:e lliruiiuli
the nlr. When once seeibl with tim
othy, the crans will ren, uln In windy
mil until It Is starved out. and
t.-lk" its il!ice.
Ilavtall Maj H:in l' More t'lilnean
Ac-iirdiiU I" li Him rrillli-lKco ilie
there lire III the flllted Sillies 4U.IIIS.
Iliilile liurii cll..eiM nf f'hlneHe m relit
ac In Sim l'riiiic,-i therw are 'Si.w
to llo.ixio t'liineae. II lid their childl'iil
are cut te d to the rights of citlr.eiiMliii.
The ai'lliH.: eellKUS mIiows 1 ..V s i children
leu 1 ! it 11 17 years of sue of ('binese
iarentii:e. and lhi la prohalily a very
lle-cmpi' le cellKlla. onlnu to the dull-
en, iv hi 1 1 1 is i li i li w inniniiaiioii irom ine
Chiliese. Jn llie HiiHiilliili IhIiiihIh there
are L' l.i "i I'hllleHi-, iiml If the Is'.llllds
an- uiue J'sl the iiwijurily of iIh-m- will
lie ill S ii n I'r.iii' lsK-o w ithin n few- years.
Many of the lluHaiiall Chinese lire
marriisl. moHt i tin-in to Hawaiian
wuiiieii and 111 this m . mi lilt i .11 of .Vi.ihk,
there would he Uot lens than 111,'SNJ
False l i ooiio y In lireroe,
(iri'Hi- Is. of course, mm- comiM-llei)
to eeoliomize; but luti-ad of lllllk li re-trelK'hlni-tits
111 the tlirectliill of llik'll
ly-paid piMs wllh purely inmilual fiine
linlis, the xuverumi-M has ibt-libil to
b'-K Il by rilin lllj the WSK.-S nf all a
ondary iillb-iiils ly fill s-r cent. In ad
d.tiou the national m IkmiIs have fur
time been rinsed to save the aulariet
ol the U-acher for that period.
Oowiilng, Ilupklna nmpaiijr'a :lw
uf Triid.
A low tango of value for wheat h:i
11 tst iblitliisl iluting the week as the
result of diminished speculation, in
.reused receipts and accumulating
Hocks, the market cKif in weak umhr
;hese conditions, with still lower ten
leney. Clearances cuiititiiio large,
tlxport saies have la-en only moderate,
tnd there seems to be a pause in the
ICuropcan demand. The diminished
volume of speculation is probably thu
weakest feature in the inaiket ut pre
'lit, M the trade generally have accept
M as a fact that liumpe wants all thu
nrplus f,sd product that we have to
pare. The pieseme ol a so-called
"bull clique" has largely resui-
ible for the decreased trade and done ,
much to check the advance. The in
creasing stocks Would not prove siiftl
cient to depress value, but in conjunc
tion with the lessened export demand
nd alienee of HViil.ition the curient '
of the market has been turned and un
til conditions are changed a lower rango
of values ia to be expected teuiNirarily. :
Corn value have so tiered a severe
vile sisvulative buying. The shortage
ill the world's wheat crop would in it
self warrant better values for corn, but
in connection with the serious shortage
in the mtato crop, etstimatod at
1,000,000,000 bushels, it is apparent
that corn will be in greater export de
mand than ever licfore. We regard
present weakness as but temporary, said
ertain to Is) followed by much higher
rnrllHiltl Markets.
Wheal Walla Walla. 7lo; Val
ley and Hlucstem. HlvfSJo er bushel,
FhirHest grades, fl.40; graham, I
X70; sii-rline, f j.60 ht barrel.
Oats I'hoice white, S 7 (4 8 He; choice
gray, a lie ier bushel.
Hurley Feed barley, $ I lift SO; brew- '
ing. HM','0 per ton. I
iMillstulTs Hran, fit per Ion;
middlings, f'.'l; shorts, l:i.')(l.
Hay Timothy, flSiu, li.ftO; clover,
flOurll; California wheat, flO
do oat, (11; Oiegon wild bay, i'JiJ)
10 per ton.
F.ggs ltlftt 17 'vie ier dozen.
Hutler Fancy creamerv, 4Siiif0e;
fair to good, Hjiit-IOc; dairy, iiOnCDoc
-r roll.
Cheese Oregon, 1 1 'vo; Young
America, U1 'uc; California, Dot 10o pel
1 l'oultry Chickens, mixed, (:l.00nt
S.fiO nt dozen; broileis, '.'.UOot '.;. ri;
geese, ft!(7; ducks, (4(tf4.fil) per
dozcu; turkeys, live, U(itl0u per
j l'otatm'S. Oiegon llurbaiiks, -lUnt
I lie -r sack; new isdntoes, hoe i-r
I sack; sweets, f 1.40 s r cental.
I Onions California, new, red, fl.3j;
' yellow, HO! per cental,
j Hup 1:((1')0 t iHiund for new
crop; JNlltl crop, t)(it 7c.
Wool Valley, Mdflfio Kr Hiutii;
i Kastern Oiegon, low 1'Jc; mohair, U0o
I -r iMiniid.
Mutton (Inms, best sheep, wethers
I tml ewes, li '4 (U a ',c; dn-ssiil mutton,
j 5c; spring lambs, 6', ht siuii.I.
Hogs Oross, cboicit heavy, fl.M);
! light and fullers, ( it uf 4 ; dressed, f.'ii(
B.fiO r 100 iKiunds.
Hn-f Oross, tip steers, 'J.76(;t3;
cows .'.'.'&; dresseil bcel, 4 (it 5 'uc mt
Veal Large, 4 (rf 5u; small, & (4 tic
H-r isjund.
Naallla Markets.
Hutter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 23(t'.Mc; ranch, UdtlOo.
Cheese Nativu Washington, 10(4
lie; California, U 'uc.
Kggs Fresh ranch, 30(4 2 lo.
l'oultry t'hiokens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; spring chickens, fJ.ftO
(rf.T; ducks, :i.&0(i(3.76.
Wheat Feed wheal, f.'IO per ton,
Oats Choice, ier ton, ti'i t 'i'.i.
Corn Whole, 34; cracked, per ton,
3.'l; fee. I meal, f'JJ er ton.
llarley Rolled or ground, per ton,
t '.".'I whole, (.3.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, flo; cows, 6 '-'; mutton slui-p,
6W6',c; (Mirk, 7c; veal, small, 8.
Fresh Fish Halibut, 6ft 7c; salmon,
g i. M6o; salmon trout, 7M I0o;f1ouiiilers
aui 3014; ling cisl, 4(rt6; rook
ooti 50. IIM.iii 21,(0:40.
Han franrlaro Markets.
Wool ChoicH fiNithill, 8fiI2c; San
Jouquin, 6 niotiths' 70c; do yrar's
tupln, 7(4uci mountain, 10(4 lit; Ore
on, llc No s-r ptiund.
IIom I0(( liJo er (Hiiind.
Millstuffs Middliiins, (10.CUC((3O;
California hran, f I ,'t. 6U t U.fiO er ton.
Onions New red, 70otHOo; do new
lilrerskin, ttftrntf 1 i-r cental.
Potatoi'S New, in Imiics, 8fift Hfio.
Hotter Fancy creamery, il7(at it8r; do
tHConds, 2,0(4 2ilc; fancy dairy, i'.Ut 24c;
good to choice, 20m tic n-r smnd.
Ekks Htore, l(26c; rum h, 80(4
32o; Kastern, 20(4 25; duck, 20a pur
Citrus fruit OrariKes, Valencias,
$1.60':); Mexican limes, (3; Csli
lurnia lemons, fancy, f i; do roinmon,
11.602.50 per tsix.
Fresh fruit Apples, Ii0(i5c ier
larti Imix; apricots, 20 ra? 40c; Fmilain
bleau (frajM'S, 16't2.'ie; niUM-nta, '.'0(4
85c; black, 20. 10c; tokay, SOiitSOc;
.eaches, 35(4 50c; pears, MScriffl jier
ixii; plums, 20(d40c; crab apples, 20(4
Hay Wheat, 1 12(4 1A; wheat and oat,
$1 1( 14; oat, (10(412; river barley,
17 fa H; best barley, (10(412; alfalfa,
(4(4 1U clover, 94 10.
I Convict Crjr fur fla.
Massachusetts convicts are K''Ui'K
fastidious. Not content with Uoston
baked beans for breakfaat every day
they have just sent in a petition for
enstard pie avery Kuiiday.
The loftiest Inhabited place Id the
world is the Huddhist monastery of
Hauie, in Thibet. It is 17,000 feet
' above the sea.
Inroads nf Derm an Trait.
France imponed $ti. 000,000 woith of
Jewelry fiom (ic'iimny last year. This
fact bus caused c ui-te' nation among
the laige Jewelry ni.itiiif.icttliers in the
foimer muntrv. Tlielieiman articles
are nearly all of a cheap variety, and a
large proHition of the jewels which
they contain are imitation. It is rath
er striking to see the (Jernians cutting
into a brain b of trade in which the
French haw always been easily first.
French exports of jewelry and watches
continue to be very impoi tunt. In the
Far Fast China and India the
Fioiich have almost entire control of
the watch and jewelry trade.
Tin: 111. 1 K.
Tin I. non in ti r Mint 11'eemv. !mrra.e.t
I'ell.tUliMI it, the III : 11 .1 hIiii'Ii lia- Ilk uritflll 111
il ,-i.ia . 1 1 l lie in!h -1 i r I - I loo loi.l.-r tin
linliie nl III,' "hill,'.." ' lis. ' "tlti'k'rltiift"
n. I inn II it ruli. I, Tin. -n l Hi,- ,li .i, .iii aliiiniit
ci ssili .li . i ninth ulu'ii altaikril Willi Ho..
Ii'tlri'ft siKiiiarli In t l,-r s. tlial, innri'iiv ,-r, anin
IcIhIis In liiiusne.n, eiiii.iialtnii. rlolia and
It'it-I. kill lie) etiliit'lallll. alul del viiu.lit'sa.
An Ameticaii scientist has recently
discovered new microbe which is par-
I iiMiliti I e .l..kl fit.. I iv.t t.t tl... liuui,.. ,f
the human Imdv, and the most striking
peculiaritv of tlie creature is that it is
nearlv all mouth.
A magnetic well of great isiwcr bus
been struck at lloweisville. five miles
south ol damestown, Ohio. Th Well
was drilled 140 feet deep, and at this
depth the drill Is-cuno so magnetized
that pai tide of iron clung to it.
The Wauls, to make handles for their
stone axes, cleft the branch of a tree,
placed the stone in it and left it till tho
wound in the wood bad been com
pletely hcalcl.
. DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of llyannls, Manachusettt,
was it, originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the sama
that has borne and dors now f on every
bear the facsimile signature of MSffitUcJUU wrapper.
This is the original " PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirtij
yrars. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it it
ijitnd tfnu havrjtlwats bought stf yfT7m ontha
and has the tig nature" of (&Afl&&M wrap
per. Xo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is
March S, 1SD7.
Do Not Be
or. not endanger the lite or your child by accepting a cheap substitute sonn druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more wnnie
ou it), tlie ingredients of which even fie does not know.
"Tho Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
Kind That Never Failed
" .icX rX, rX, rX rXvr
A lH-rfrct tyft af the hlrh't ardrr of siollrnrs Is mm of act art," fl
Costs Less
IU tura that voa gal the
gt nulna srlkla, nail at
J I7q.
S. Silverfield,
Hercvlei Special
2H srtnsl horsepower)
Price, only $183.
Ins His aluuiai-li,
1M.i.n; von may
air triail all tin"
ri-iiii-ilii-s anil onlr loiiml relu-f trniii Inilist-s
linn i atarrh ill Hi' Slmiiai ii. In tr ng Ilt N
l . I-1 II I 111) )ou a III mill a I I lilt. I'rli-r.
tl. Un rfi i'M'l ol sama w ill ilrllvrr II to ymir
in arr,l i'l.r. "Itli -r lrr of liiarnv. Agrnt,
....FRANK NAU....
Tertian.) Il'io-I I harma. y, BOalLaNO OS
Slilli ami airrrl, rwai .!, un.
Spiclal litis
W I isrrv Ilia niml riniiilrtt Una ol (.rnuiajlurB
ami Atiili-ni- oiwsia en lliat'oa.t su usifosiaJui 10 osois.
"nrinl lur Cur Ailiiciic aiauniiis.
SIS SV Maraat HI., Saa fraasUae, lal.
Tour daughters are the most pre.
clous legicy poaalble In title life.
The respoiodbility for them and their
future I largely with you.
The mysterious change that develope
the thoughtful woman from the
tlioughtleae girl, should And you om
the watch day and night
As you care for their physical well-
tHtlng, so will the woman
be, and so will her child
ren be
Lydiu K.
Ynkham Vegetable Compound " to
llre reliance In thie hour of trlaL
1 housands have found It the never-fall.
llf power to correct all Irregularitlee
ml Urt tI,e woman on tho seaof life
1 Ull P"!ial health all should
Womb difficulties, displacements end
the horrors cannot exist in company
with I.ydla E. Plnkham's VcgeUble
r Mas Wiil.iw'i sisttaiaa Siarr bvuid alwar ba l
S asisi rbiuiiaa trvihina It a
'tit i-t.lif.aad la S
at Sva eaoM a J
a r.t, lh trima alia, all isOn. cam w
Ism hval rvnt.t, fitr ttlarrhiaa. Twaat
Baker c5: Co.'s
Pure Deliilous Nutriliotis.
than One Cent Cup.
RAKER A CO. Ltd. Li,
HrH't front Hit niniu(i turT ami snv nitli!l'm.n't profit, m
wt iin1irvl. llM-m our s,riftn( ar riutom ma1t and not
II kr thmr throw n otlhrr In New York wr(-li., wherv ftllh
bmU fit rolKO. 4Mir Karnimu am $ iiaranlal an to durahlU
liy ami ivl our irlr in lur i af- ranicv from upwarila)
itn Kur Cft.larf lira, from 91 UianU; Nei-lt H, from 7ftc up
ar1; Kt-nuiiif Alaka Halklii itarinpnii maU frum 91A0 up
want. W rile lor liifurmat.oii iml raiUKu.
I. tllna Pur Hanafarlarvr,
iJ Thlr4 Hi.. 1'ortlaud, Or
Power that will save you money and
make you money. Ik-rcnlcs Engines
are the cheapest power known. Burn
Gasoline or Distillate Oil; oo smoke,
fire, or dirt For pumping, running
dairy or farm machinery, they bave oo
eual. Automatic in action, perfectly
safe and reliable.
Scad fur illustrated catalog.
Hercules Ons
Engine Works
hay St., San Francisco, Cat.
77,. - -J
Portland, Oregon .
A. r. AaMSTaoNO, ll.b., Prla. J. A. Wiaco,S'y
thc autr world or tusiNcas
IH Hriaai at aaaSraaa itw (raSaalM, aaS
all! te laaaakaS awr, Saa af car .al.lataa.
LMia afeal sa4 a toaak. Tartly,
t fTI'IIK and PUBS enrmt: so par
Ik III cnra.1 n-iet lor boot. Has. MtsariakS)
AVoaTsarisLD, y UarksiHl.. Haa tfraneiaoo.
N, P. ?. V.
'Hit writing la artaartisare,
alio litis payer.