tiugcne City Guard 8 A I'URDAY OCTOBER To Weekly Subscribers. With this week wa commence ending out statement of ec count to subscriber who are one year or more In arrears. We hope these notices will meet with prompt responses. The GUARD furnishes a very largo amount of local and fien eral reading matter for the mon ey more we believe than any other newspaper In the state and there can be no question but that the subscriber receives full value for hia money. We have fully earned the money due us, and feel compelled to ask pay ment The amounta are small, and Individual subscribers can us ually make payment without hardship. On the other hand the aggregate subscriptions amount to a considerable sum to us several thoussnd dollars. Our bills for help and expenses must be met weekly and monthly, and subscribers csn render us a great favor by prompt payment JEWISH DAT OF AT0.1EMEBT. Today is the Jewish day of Atonement, called in Hebrew Yom Kippur, and it will be observed throughout the world by people of the Jewish faith. Iter Dr II Far ber, of Portland, thus explains the origin and rites of the observance of the day: "The tenth day of the seventh month of Jewish reckoning, called Tishrl, is designated as the day of atonement, and in Hebrew called "Yom KipDUr," the etymology ot which ii, 'the day of forgiveness, or eradication of existing sins.' Of course, like the ordinance of the other Jewish festivals, the observ ance of thiscalled the Sabbath of Sabbaths' dates back to remote antiquity to biblical origin, and was not known before the times oi Moses among the Isaelites. From the biblical injunction that the day is to be strictly observed, anl dis tinguished above all Sabbaths, it has been adduced in what mode and manner the religious spirit should permeate the idea. Fast- iog, or total abstinence, from all food, and even the drinking of "HAS TO TALK." Salem Journal: "I D Driver has to talk or be would die on short notice. Last night he hold a meet ing at Junction in order to diacoat the court home question that baa been shaking Lane county to the center, lie won t settle It, for peo ple no longer care much what be siys on any subject." The Journal is respectfully in formed that the "court house ques tion" is not "shaking Lane county to the cen'er." Apart from a few malcontents, who are chronio ob jectors, the people of Lane county loyally stand by the commissiouers court in its work of building i suitable structure for coun'y pur poses. That a few wind bsgs, like Driver, take advantage of the op portunity to make themselves beard in private and public is to be expected. Their palaver is of the "tempest In a teapot" order. While a few respectable citizens of Junction and Cottage Grove may oppose thebai Iding of a courthouse in the vain hope of future county division we do not believe there is any division of sentiment in sny portion of the county as to the necessity of the work now in progress. Men with any experience kn3v that the old boildirtjand ac commodations are entirely inade quate for county purposes, and un suitable for present conditions, The tearing down of the rotten stone work that surrounded the re cord vault demonstrated that the valuable oounty records had been kept in a very insecure place. The removil of the court house and the rebuilding of the vault stone work have at least placed ' the county records in a safe receptacle. FAVORS ANNEXATION. Senator John T Morgan, who has spent some time looking over the situation at Hawaii, comes to the conclusion that the island should be annexed to the United States. He says: "Under the government of our republio, Hawaii will soon gain a strong and dense population of Americans. In the breadth, am plitude and wealth of our conti nental possessions we need no more territory to provide for the welfare of our people, even when our popu lation shall exceed that ot China: but our commercial independence water during 24 hours, is a condi-1 that is a great doeideratum-requires tion obligatory, according to the I that a coffee-growing region and an law, on every Israelite. I increase of rice and sugar produo "What the fasting is to promote I ing lands shall be added to our pos ou atonement day is a thing that I sessions. cannot be gleaned from the mere "And it seems fitting that the suporfioial glance of the laws en- great republio, that is the citadel of joining it, but it may be presumed I the liberties of men and the exemp that abstinence from food and I lar of the true liberty of nations, drink bos a tendency to weaken I should find within its limits the physisioal desires, and to lessen the I means of producing every comfort passions of evil, thorefore. this was I and of meeting every neccessity of adopted to be obligatory on this I our people. With such resources day upon every Israelite who foels we can give a strong impulse to the that in bis weakness he becomes a I freedom of trade that must be the victim of to his evil inclinations, logical outcome of our system of and, standing before his maker, to government. We cannot live to crave pardon, he shall humble him-1 ourselves alone, on the narrow creed BeeOlInf Apples. ECOEJE OEATOttlO. Urbanized Last Rossini's Msjbt Will Produce "Statist Mater." Balem Journal: There are at the State Fair some remarkab'e apeclmena of seedling apples. E T Branson of Sheridan, shows a large golden pippin, fna Eugene Oratorio Society held Ita with a blush on their ebeek. The Ma- a, n,uii, rnr th '67-98 season last Jor Walker place, near Zena, shows the night at the Congregational church, vrcguu rwi widw, a aeep giossy sum- ,n(1 the Interest taken points w su ru Dg red, of medium large size, that haa thualaatlc .nd profitable year's worK a keeping record well Into June. C F About 15 new voices of marked abll Lanalng , a Salem nurseryman, baa wera jjej to the membeuhlp. sold 115,000 trees of this variety. D H .od wiii -a efficiency to the chorus Vanderpool of Soap Creek, Polk coun- trength betides numbering several ty, shows a rce red apple of middle roaA i0,t. nromlnent among whom si, beautifully striped and dotted mih mentioned Professor Irving w.m grr.ii. M n, of ... TJniveMty oi uregon, Mrs Sol Abraham Dead. baritone, and Superintendent Edward D Retler, of the Eugene public icnoois, Illf Ooa,fd.Ctubsr 7. I tannr As the 2.-04 local reached Eugene this I v n I fiord Nash, musical director or afternoon a telegram came from Rose-1 the society, duilug the summer, made norg to Mrs L, U Adair announcing 1 a careful search for an oratorio mat the death of Mrs Sol Abraham, In that I would meet all the requirements of the oity. Mrs Adair, who was returning I nrMniz&tioD. and selected Rossini s borne from a trip to Portland on this I train, iv-entered the cars and went on to Roaeburg. Mrs Abraham Is well known In Eu gene and has many frlenda who will regret to learn of her demise. tirsad Prairie tirauge Notice. Notice Is hereby given that thtre will be a meeting of Grand Prairie Orange, No 28, beld at the Clear Lake school bouse on Saturday, Oct 16, at 1 o'clock sharp. All persons Interested In fire Insurance are requested to be present as Important business in that line will be transacted. By order of the Orange. J E Jenninuh, Bee. Chicago Trlbuue. The Original Nashville Students, wno are just closing a season or one month In this olty, have been remark- ably successful, both In giving a pleas ing entertainment and lo drawing crowded bouses; and In the first place tbeydo give the most original and onlque concert ever given by a jubilee party. Presbyterian church Oct 13. Van Armltage Has purchased the Baum stock of I clothing and dry goods and will ofler them for sale Friday and Saturday, after which they will be moved to Portland. Mr Armitage is offering great bargains at this sale. Ills time here Is short and be will sell at the lowest prices. Dallu, Or., Oct 6. The Dallas city council passed an ordinance Monday evening licensing nlckel-ln-the-slot machines, and today the games were all closed. The council also passed an ordinance licensing bowling alleys. Offers of 14 cents were refused here today by growers for their hops. Con tract bops are being delivered. Cash Paid for Apples. I will receive apples daily until further notice at Eugene for which I will pay cash. None but shipping apples will be received. J. II. Harris, Agent 'Htabat Muter." The society will at once take up the oratorio and It will be produced dur Ing the season. MI mi Ida NofTsliiger was elected sec retary to suriceed W W Brown leslgned. The other officers at present are Presi dent, D W Coolidge; vice presldeut, Mrs Alberta McMurphey; members ex ecutive committee, Mrs R C Brooks and Mrs 0 u Linn. The society will uiett Wednesday night of each week, the place of meet ing yet to be decided upon. Patriotic. Dr Henry M Field, editor of "The Evangelist," New York: "If I bad as many sons as Jacob I would bring them ail up on American History. It would teach them the manly virtues courage, Independence and love of country. It would make them good citizens and Rood men. Nor Is there anything so fascinating as the story of our fatbers-of what they did and suf fered for their country. It is, there fore, a matter of congratulation that we have at last a history worthy of the subject that waa begun twenty years ago by the late William Cullen Bry ant. and la but Just issued by the Scribners In five massive octavo vol u iiits, with 1,600 illustrations! The whole work is said to have cost two hundred thousand dollars! May it have two hundred thousand readers. A. Wheeler, Agent. Shingles. cedar solf and subdue his cravings for one day. "The dayof atonement was in stituted for that purpose to give man the opportunity to reckon and become reconciled with his maker; not in the sense as Christianity conceives it: J. e., through a media tor; but man being the child of Qod, must personally approach his father in heaven and crave his par don. This is the Jewish idea and teaching of the 'Kippur day. It cannot be viewed otherwise in the light of Jewish history. Its earl- est observance was not intended for any other purpose. The idea took root in the mind of people, and a of monopoly; that is the real and vicious principle of monarchy. W must be as generous in our com merce as we are in our well-wish ing for the individual welllare for all men of all countries, but we must provide for our own people.' Russia has suggested to other European powers that the differ ence between the United States and Spain should, when the crisis comes, be settled by arbittation The umpires rt commended for the game are Sweden, France and Switzerland. Uncls Sam though is able to play the game withou an umpire. He has a very live diy was designated for that purpose, diplomatic answer always ready for but the simple prayer did not ,ucn -Igwuoiw. me won suffice; hence the ceremonial ob- dootrine which invites Euro- servanoe was made a part of the u w u"i dav'a ritfta. an ti Imnmu it ivilK I OUt of new World affairs. Aud j , " -i " ""-i.. . . great pomposity and peculiarity." UD3,,6im 18 Pc7 "ietoen The telegraph brings news that a motion will be presented toths Unit ed States court to dismiss the appeal of habeas corpus in the Theodore Durrant case also to affirm the order of the lower court, It will be beard early in November. The Federal judiciary bas gain id no credit by interfering with the state courts in this celebrated criminal cue. force bis views on He asks no advice. this question. Short crops in Ireland may cause a famine for the sons of Erin, but Uncle Sam has 1,750,000,000 bushels of corn and in case of necessity he ought to be able to furnish a little meal, especially when corn is said to be so cheap in Nebraska. An expert has discovered peculiarity in yellow fever. If the weather is warm the number of cues increase during an epidemio, while the mortality; lessens but if the weather becomes cooler, the number of cases lessen, while the mortality increase. The Queen Regent of Spain em broiders beautifully and makes lace, and smokes cigarettes. The Spanish royal establishment is not overwhelmed with dignity. It is rather fortunate, though that the majority of the monarchies of tbe old world are nominal. Tboee that are not are dangerous. A fine quality of A No 1 red ahlnglea for aale at Ooburg mill. Welby Stevens, Prop. For Sale. One hundred head ofatoek sheep. II Bock, Creswell, Oregon. Slap Sal at ai rani. ST Paul, Or., Oct 6.-S J Kerr & Sons, of this place, have sold 10,000 pounds of bops to Lillenthal A Co, for 12 cents per pound. AN Old Story. The wreck of the Brother Jouathan, which went down near Crescent City with a large load of treasure on board many years ago, baa been discovered, for the fourth or fifth time, by Sllaa White and C D Moody. A piece of wood In a good state of preservation haa been brought up from tbe deptba of the sea. which Is believed to be a portion of tbe miss ing vearel. Similar reporta have been circulated at different times during the past 20 years, but none of the treasure baa ever been recovered. Among those who lost their Uvea on thia ill-fated vessel were Mr Samuel Luckey. wife and two cblldreu.of Eueene. who were returning borne from a trip to the East. Mr Luckey waa a brother to Joseph and ,Warren Luckey of thia city. t rem I cms Awarded at the Hiatal i-air: Atlas Saltzuian, Eugene; tray uium, iveueiugion, or long or short, tujeetoieix uolllee, let: diinl.v of - - I Kensington embroiders, lit. C4NMNU To.MATOKS.-The Eueene vauoery piantis at work today can- niaioes until Saturday noon. iuug'a"Bluokelee will kill fkrthir man any other cartridge made. F L Ciiamhkrs. Wheat t3 Cents,-Wheat is quoted Young Cattle Sales. James L and Josiah Porter, of Silver Lake, Lake county, have a band of 68 bead of calves and yearling cattle at Geo W Wblteett's place near Cottage Grove. These young; cattle have been bought and gathered during the past two months In Lane and Douglas counties. The calves will average 8.60 per head i and tbe yearlings a small advance over that price. Tbe owners will start to drive the cattle to their range, on the other side of tbe mountains n.-xt Monday. It will take about fouiteen I days to make tbe drive. Sliver Lake la about 150 miles from Eugene by the Military wagon toad. A Welcome Change In the condition ;ol an enfeebled system, de apondlug mind and lmpalrtd digestive pi ratui li produced by ti a lupreme tonto and corrective, Ilustetteri BUmeh Bitten. Tbe nervous system ol delicate peraoni Invariably lack! tone. Thli tbe Blttura ti part'cularly adapted to supply, ilnce by Inviioratlng It lauds alio to tranquillte tbe nerves. Tbii beulga result It elleoti through the medium of Improved digestion, and tho establishment of regularity In the bowels when they are dis turbed or obstructed. The stomach li toothed and strengthened, and the system lorn fled by It against malign cllmatlo Influences, and after unwonted fatigue, both mlud and body are refreshed and their euerglea renewed by it. Peisous whose vocation rpmiimi uf.n nhv. steal or mental strain will find It a matchless compensator for dl mlnisbed vigor. Commissioners Oct 0. EO Potter, Judge WJ J A S Patterson, treasurer CHHunl, superintendent &" J A J Johnson, sheriff. 1 C L Scott, deputy sheriff. w AC Jennings, clerk F L Glbhs, deputy ,J HCDotaon, ferryman 38 E Bowen, ferryman W fj John Smith, wood ' fi B Klfdon, paupt r supplies 1 W B F Russell, pauer supplies 132 00 H CBjerke, road supervisor, dis trict No 73 15 00 P T Carter, lumber 12 00 Harrington road ; matter came ou to be beard on the report of the viewers heretofore appointed to view said road, and a claim of damages having been Died by J O Taylor In the sum of f'JOO and by J L Lombard In the sum of 300 should said proposed road be es tablished and opened as viewed and surveyed; It is therefore ordered by tbe court that David Thompson, I N Oreen and J O Gray be appointed to view aud assess the damages which would be caused to the premises of each of said clalman's by fie etub lishiuent and opening or said proponed road. At Cottage Grove. Dr I D Driver, D D, the senator from Lane, was a pas -eager for the twin oitles on tbe 2:04 local today accompa nied by W K Scarborough. The rev erend senator is billed to speak there tonight on tbe court house square topic, and will arrive in time tn gaze on the anxious faces of the residents of tbatclty who are seeking for Informa tion from such a high source, before he steps on the rostrum to deal out con centrated knowledge of law gratu itously. Ifanyof the "opponii " should happen to drop Into the meeting, as they did at Junction city and divide time with the senator, klnetoscnpe privileges would prove to be valuable. Promfc. On today's 10:50 local a family left Eugene that is in its way very peculiar, ano one that is seldom seen. The personel of this family is Mr aud Mrs Becj Benson ai d teven children. They came here from South Dakota a id re on their way to Nel son B C. In tbe family are three pairs of twins, and the ages of the children range from 3 to 8 years Two pair of the twins were born within 14 months of each other. TUeyareJa very healthy and bright lookisg family and make an Interesting group. Reception. The reception by St Mary's guild of tbe Episcopal church, at the home of Dr and Mrs F W Pren tice was oue of the most successful so cial functloua ever given under tbe auspices of church ladies In Eugene. Tberioms were handsomely decorated with cut flowers and autumn leaves, and during afternoon and evening nours tbe ladles were taxed to enter tain their large number of friends w ho called, The event will long be remem bered with pleasure. Sacrifice Sale. an Armltage is selling off (hat uaum stock In tbe Titus block. The goods must be sold at any sacrifice. Bale closes Saturday night when the remainder "f the stock will be moved to Portland. an addition. Professor Thomas Condon is having an addition built ou the west side of his residence on Bum wuiua oe win use as a study. The foundation is already laid ana tue lumbtr for the structure Is be- log hauled on the ground. FALL WRAPS VVa Vi n TTft i,.. Misses . 01 ladies j Jackets and Capes, And extend a cordial Invitation to the public to rail and examine the same. See our stock before buying as prices were never so low as ut the resent time. We are receiving NEW DRES? uuuua every ay. AlR-TlGHT- . . . STOVES Are taking the Lead Over all Heating- 5lovc. 1 LOOK at T PRICE BUY 1 n iiiiii They will suitj We keep the only genuine air-tight GOLD DUST Smokeless powder and EXCELSIOR Black powder loaded shells kept by - S. L. LONG. TURKS GREEKS. 1 want to sny that I am not so much Interested lo the wdfin of the Greeks and Turks as I am in the matter nf iuformiojlbi people of this vicinity tliut I have added a line of BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGGOC: Ladles and Gents Straw Hats, Hosiery, Thread, Needles and 1 'ins, Notions, Btc, Which are marked at prices that make sales Call and be convinced that this Is not idle talk Highest market price paid for produce- W.W. CHESSMAN, - Sprin afield Tomatoes at Cannery. Notice is hereby given that the Eu gene Canuery will can tomatoes Fri day and Saturday, October, 8 and 9. Parties having tomatoes must deliver same by Saturday noon, Eugene Canning Co. A Clean Up. A Cottage drov. dispatch lays: A clean up of 14 pounds 13 ounces, avoirduoola. valued at ?2985, waa made In tbe Musio mine yesterday, the result ofl5day8' run with a five-stamp mill. mm 9 lha 0nA.lMi..t rt - (uwiiw, uuuee )( One 10 cent pkg Vanity Fair tob.... 05c une 10 cent pkg Bill Ross smoking 05c One 10 cent pkg Lottery 05c Good green coflee 5C All Bummer Shoes at cost. All sizes and all bargains. AX BILLY. EXPERT LABOR - ARTISTIC GENIUS- TRAINED EXPERIENCE Bne OotihugJ THt RESULT OF YEARS Of FAIR HONEST DEAUNO HAS MCM The Thos Kay Woolen OF, SALEM At the pinnacle of the profession. The M,vi'lerif ,rt!'j Biicwss HIOH QUALITY LOW Ut 1 1 ' ks(i I ABA 'r SATlSFACTlON-to test thelt ability to give you all lb9- SALEM WOOLEN HILL STDRF Fimenn. UbL ' 3 III To The Public GOLD DU5T TS TTTtt VAMK of our SB loaded shells, ami for price they cannot be boat TRY THEM BE I have purchased the stock of goods belonging to h. Baurn, amounting to 2,500 at a f c mca wm enabIe me t0 sell it for one half what you are obliged to pay elsewhere. 1 hese goods will be on sale . . FRIDAY AUD SATURDAY, OCT. 8th and 9th OJW. We also carry the "CLUB" and "EXCELSIOR" black powder loaded shell. GRIFFIN HARDWARE COMf University Book Sto Complete Stock of- 1 Superior potorafs ralU.. .as asl . Ircistio agd Permanent Results. Studio, of tft i, " . ? ,,lnje t0 them at your own nrit Itenietuber this sale la for Friday and Saturday ortlyT..." Respectfully, .... Van Armitage. IN TITUS BLOCKNINTH STREET-OPPOSITE HOFFMAN HOUSE InpoRTED Japanese OoodsJ XL V.C Pod a r i. i L-L:r! t..A Rill Cine -UUrt dlQ idliui" r H. G. MILLER, Proprietor MUNHnnn PFnwn i n i mmi i ill hi ii ii.u Lui giismnlMo (o cure .11 nervous disists, se M-- Brsia town. U'keluln. ...Ii" ' siont, Nmtounes, sll drilns. Ions of Pw'r,' f1"f.' ither s. nUMd b ow-eirrtion. T-"""'. J tf.Cr, tobcco, opium or stimulants, which t4 W 'n i t.1"? tint carritd in tt 1.W ,T Pfpi4 ClrculsrFrw. Sold . il druiWt nttc Msnufucturfd by the Pra MntiHne Co i.T!L j, so-, r- to.,Uutribiuiuf sgents. Ttird snJ Osksirss DeLaao agessla Vut' " l,r'r i i