The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 09, 1897, Image 1

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    'P ft IFF IPl " rFVIi?
NO 41
.gut lids ' V lllmett between
Ll'i sua
l? oo
'iirtrtiilna rte mtd(
made known
tmilutM Ultsrs to 01'ARD,
i S. LUCKEY j&f
( DEALER IN rfcj j
lacks. Watches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc,
Ly.icianorvd Surgeon,
I . ..A .id.nos or pcstoffioe. Hours
- -. n I n Vn an anA
,aMlle Brtle and Gronlta, MonumeuU,
HeltouM snd Csmetsr- work of
til kinds (or 1896.
Lain iinnt, near Po-tofflcs. Euftns, Or
c. woo rcoc.:,
Attoriicy-at-i-' . .
jmci-ODfrhiU block south of CUrlsBun'i
- re go ii
Hit ( lilted
pfflct In Walton block.
Snim nnrehiisd the. office and fixtures 0
tii Jtoeunl W. V. Ilendenon, I am now
Sml to do .ny:hlu in lb line o D.ntlilrj
i ibow ulJ vfllce.
Cmn ind Brldgs work t tpscltlty,
Loan and Savings
- - Oregon.
f 0R3-D. A. Plne, J. B. Harris, J.
'"wit, B. D. Pilne, W. E. Browu, 1. F.
"ottmon, F. W. Otburn.
TTn r.nit.i . . icn nnn
uit uy oanuai, . , , tsu.uuu.
wtral Banking Business Transacted
tillowed on Mm. A
tlloni entruited to our cut will receive
tne County Bank.
(ttUMiihed in usa.)
.nsral Banking business
branches transacted on
f-O. HOVE V, President.
-Q. HOVEY' Jr., Asst Curb
f Ulvriin
j Soi)cui, AnisUot Csshisr.
op lash Cap!UU50,000
J!?sna Profits, $50,000
sene - - Oregon.
kJSj1 l5f7;io bndMM dono os mum-
ld oo forwlga oooiitrUa.
Stroud to as will roosto
I IB .1 . .
i it i: i n..
nauonai sans
Oi Eugene.
mm ACCIDENT. monhay. OtTOl'.ER 4.
Nelson Hulio ItakeD fur a Ouail
and Sbol 1 Dr. Tajler.
V.UIU. M ,,,,
Psriiuularu reachlog Eugeue rtRarU
IJg thenhootiiig accidfut at Coburg
meutloiied Id yentwdav'a Oitahi.
bow it to have been a grow caso of
oartleMneitM, aud one that caiue very
nearly resulting lu low of lite.
X ue accident occurred about o'clock
yesterday iiioruliig ou tbe Jatiien r.r
gerpiace uiree ruilea below Coburg,
the "uiao wltb tbe guu" being an old
gaut eiuau named Dr T ler, and the
one receiving tbe coutents thereof be
ing Nelson, the 18-year-old ou of C 8
Hullo, who reside ou the Uarger
place. Young Hullu was workiuir in
tbo corn field husking popcorn whea
Dr Tyler came along lookluir for uuuil.
Beyeral bad flew up in tbe corn aud
tbe aged ulnirod aa all alert for more
game, w hen he espied one, as he sup
posed, about 40 yards distant with
about 8 rows of corn between. He
fired away aud bis aim proved good,
out bis Judgment of quuil worse, for tb
i.t.i .
oiru proven w ue me Hat of young
Hullo, who was stooping over at the
time. The load ot fine bird shot
scattered all about the the boy's head.
three entirlng bis forehead, aud some
about bis breast but uot peuetratiuir
tbe flesh.
Dr Mackey, oi Harrisburg, was sum
uioued but did not extract the shot
as the forehead was swollen, t ut will
loso later on. He said that had the
ohell been loaded wltb heavier shot,
the bny would have sufiered scriouo, if
not fatal injuries.
About 2 o'clock this afternoou Lester
Hulio retuined from Coburg, and te
ports that bis nephew was much more
seriously Injured than at flrnt antici
pated. After making a careful exam
ination it is found that about 70 t-hot
entered the boy's flesh, about 10 la the
scalp, three In the forehead, a number
in the face and breast and about 3o in
the muscles of the left arm. Few
have been taken out yet, but will be
later ou wheu tbe wouuds heal. The
boy Is renting easily, though uuable to
move much, and no fear of his recov
ery is anticipated. This proves to 1 a
case of tlagraut criminal carelessness.
Mrs Klnuey, Presldeut V. U. T. U.
Ueoponsible for Important
Tbe following Is from Mrs Prtsidtnt
Kinney's annual address delivered be
fore the State WCTU at Albany h s
Wiek, as r ported in the Daily Demo
crat: "In order uot to he misunderstood
she read a statement in refereuce to the
Bta'e University of t rdto l, about sev
eral students being dismissed for
drunkenness, and two relused diplo
mas, also that two or three of the pro
fessors had been accused of drunken
ness. On account of Dr Chapman try
ing to convict the drunken boys an at
tempt bad ben iimda to get him out
of t lie college. Professors in colleges
should be like Caesar's wife, above sus
picion." Mrs Kinney has made au Important
discovery, and one of which no one
was aware until that estimable lady
brought It to light. It Is but another
Illustration of the old adage "Go way
from home to get the news."
Funeral Sertlces.
UAUT Guard Oetscer 1
The funeral of Lillian A
,!u,K.htr of Mr and Mrs Julius
took place today. Lillian was born In
Pratt county, Kansas, Noveitber 20tl
ISSS, and died October 2d, ISO?.
The funeral cervices were conducted
Dun Rilrt Leslie, and were at-
i.'iiiled bv alanzenuniberofthe neigh
bois, whose kindly sympathy, In tbe
.(.senee of the father and uusdbuu, have beea a (treat comfort to the
sfllicted family. The body was laid to
rest In Oak Hill cemetery.
Ti. k Old I!oakd"-Is the old State
Agricultural society, that has existed
for 40 years, saj a Friday's Balem Dally
Journal. It meets lueeuay eveuiug i
elect a successor to M Wllklnf, tbe plo-
,u. tmm I.aue COUUiy. wuu
ueer incuo -
la Uo m. member of the board of agri
culture. Membeishlp In tbe old estate
Agricultural society costs fa), anu
wheu it turned the Bute Fair property
over to tl e state board of agriculture
it reserved the right, under the law to
nominal, one member of tbe new state
board annually, whatheaappoaed
Pijneer Wllklns cau
by the governor.
probably have the place as long as he
wants it. Hewaaone of the bul der
of the lair In its Infancy, and was sent
to aevera" World's Fairs for Oregon.
Mr Wilkin. Is not chosen It l M
the old society members will cuoe a
into tut Fair. John O Wngb '
president, and A E Miller is secretary
of the old State Fair society.
P Holl. of Irving is In the city.
Hon H li Miller Is In Eugeue agalu
-ouue imau Fisher Is in Portland
L Overton
11 rove today.
returned from Cottage
Col H V Sladden came up from Port
laud Way.
HonJTHrldg.a, f Drain, wax
tue city today.
Mle Pearl Roberta left for Salem to
day for a short vUlt.
J W Oulley and family of Dexter
wire lu the city today.
TlmiM Hunt, of the IU.heuilaniiu.s,
was doing business here today.
FIIkt & Watklns shipped a car load
ol fal hogs to Portland yesterday.
Mht May Thompson or Lebauou, Is
visaing wltb friends In Eugene.
l' ron T Potter has bet n appointed
poduittster at Baker City, Oregon.
Ity Stearns of Oakland, a former U
ol () student la visiting lu Eugene.
Mii-s Emma Horn arrived home to
day from the exposition at Portlaud.
H T Condon of th Register went to
Corvallis today on a short business
Whiter Jenkins aud wife, cfl.ea
burK', left for New York today by the
O R A N route.
Jolm P Jones travelling Dassenzer
ageiit or the H P R R, was in the city
A I I olden Is back from atrip to the
lowt r valley looking after his firm's
hop interest.
W s Lee. tbe well known banker
and druggist, of Junoti-n City was in
Eugene today.
Attorney J E oung aod Dr Geo
Wall, of Cottage Urove, were in Eu
gene yesterday.
Mi.- Khlert of Monmoulh, returned
home today after a visit with rela
tives I i Eugene.
MUmb Marguarila McL'lung and
Yira Learned returned today from a
vUii at Portland.
S.crelary Kincaid was a returning
pnssinger to Salem today, after spend
ing Sunday here.
Charles Huelat, the popular clerk In
F E Dunn's big store, spent Sunday at
Salem his former borne.
We h .v.? received a complimentary
tii'lo i to Hie Hood River Fair, wblob
is lo Ik- h- hl Oct 7, 8 aud 9.
tl r i-ce Wilier will leave iu a day
or i o for fcastern uregou, w lit re be
ha. f"iind employment.
T d y is Press day at the Stale Fair.
Mi- Catherine Coggswell is down on
the i iokTuiume for a paper.
AM rcey AC Woodcock spent Sat-
d.i ni d Sunday In Portland and today
is olding Referee's court in Salem.
George Smith, well knownbere who
is now traveling for a wholesale shoe
house or Sau Francisco, is in tbe city.
Cashier James Abramsor tbe Lane
County Rank, returned today from a
bunting trip, In the south end or the
Al and Harry Holden and Mr
Hotcbkiss were among those return
ing from tbe Portland exposition Sat
urday eight.
Mrs Mary F Baker has returned
from a visit or several months to Ash
laud. Hr son will soou leave for Se
attle, Wash, to locate.
A letter received from Mrs Trine
yesterday, says her husband, W O
Tri on. who is at Sacramento, Cal, Is
some better, but he la still a very sick
MrsC A Shaw and children arrived
here yesterday from Piatt, Kansas.
Mrs Bhaw comes here to Join her bus-
band, who Is employed as clerk in the
Racket store
Arthur PJonea has purchased the
Hill farm, on Bill Hayes Creek, Lane
county 240 acres, from the rew Eng
land Security Co, Sherwood Burr,
agent, tot the sum or $1,300.
Fred Fiik left last night for Orlnm-H.
Iowa, and from there goes to Wash
ington and Lee university to take a
course in law. Fred Is an exceptionally
bright young man (or whom a brll
llant ruture is predicted.
o.t.-H.t.. K.lem Journal: Mie
Tessa and Nellie Williams, of Eugene,
who have been visiting Portland
Mends, arrived In this city this morn
ing and are the gJest-of Miss Gruce
Savage ou Asylum aveLUe.
Saturday's Salem Journal; I '
(ioodule, the Coburg lumberman,
today for rdavllie, wl.e.e on ! day
he will attend a meeting of the iruj
ees and regents or the Sodavill.' eol
:efc'(., being a member of both bo-id..
Miss Hiekey, of Alar.iKia va... -
leave tonight mr her home after a visit
with Mrs (i R Cbrismso In this city.
The young lady has made many
friends In Eugene's social circles, who
will regret to learn of her departure.
The Or-gonian says Hon 8 M Yoran
of this city, ts now wiinrg
th i.i.olntment of collector
to accept
of inter-
. t....4 rift ni&llt!
D,I revenue at ruru.i u, ----mme
uneailed-for insinuations. Mr
Vor.n' resent the
remarks. H- ba confidence , of
the ,w.ltofUu county mulj.
Services at YillarJ Hall at 10 A. M.
FriJaj in Memory of Edgar
Srbool III A ajonrn far IU-
Ou Friday, Oct 8. at 10 o'clock
a iu
at Villard ball, memorial sen ice d
be held iu memory of I'M or Met loir
late professor of chemistry.
Professor Thouia Condon will de
liver the p. luclpal address, and ol'iers
will speak. Several inu-lctl uuml cr
will te rendered nNo. An invliulli n
to the geueral public U exlem ed.
School will be alj nirm-.l for Unit
day, and regents, facnliy ami students
of the iustltutiou as well us Ids friends
iu other walks of life will puy loving
tribute to him as au educator a d citi
Charlie Horseman Writes to the Katt
Oregonlan From Lane County
renuieion JS () "C II II scman,
who has beeu at Elmira, Lane cou.ty,
since July, writes tbe East Oregouiau
that he will start for his home lu this
county on tbe 7th of October. He
states that times aie ijuite good lu the
valley, having much Improved since
bis arrival. Harvestlui; is over aud ao
la bop picking. Tbe good prices for
both wheat aud hops have cheered
the people up greatly. The valley la
full or cattle buyers aud calves have
advanced H per head withlu the
past three weeks. Many lu the valley
are contemplating going to Alaska In
the spriug aud owing to this exodus
ranches are being offered at very low
prices aud some are even willing to
take horses lu exchange for their
Society News.
The Christian Eudeavor of the First
Preebyterlau church weie entertained
Saturday night at the home rf Mr anil
Mra Jacob Kaiiflman, on sutli llinh
street, the occasion being their amiiih-
ly business meetiug. The election of
ofllcers, held at this lime resulted us
follows: President, Miss Willa Huiinn;
vice president, G W Ueutlie; secretary,
Miss Zola Grimes; Junior t-upt, Miss
Mary McCornack; organist, Miss L ila
Straub, aasistuut orga 1st, Miss Mue
Uovey. Some 40 were In attendance.
Music filled nn important niche iu tbe
eveulng's enteiluiunieu'. Au elegaut
luucb dainty In every detail, was
served. Several uew membeia were
added to the membership roll, and the
already prosporous society will have
occasion to look back ou t:iis evening
with pleasant thoughts.
Profes or K H McAllater, of the
Unlversiiy of Oregou, lectured Satur
day night ul the Congregational
church b.l ! the Fortnightly club.
He disciirstd the inlluenceof the moon
upon the lldes aud Ihe Influence of the
tides upon Hie earth. ' The lecture was
fil l of deep thought and very Interest
lug and was list, lied to mHIi consiiier
shl Interest by those present.
UAl'TIST v i U.
Satutdsy night Ihe Baptist Young
Peoples Union of C E linderid a re
ception to L'nivirsliy of Oagon stud
eutsatthu DorrisArt Gallery, where
the elegHiit roou.s were tastily emlel
lihhed for the occasion. A lurge num
ber were prifeut and thesocisl Conveu
tiouuliliis were extend, d in a most
pleusaiil form.
The C E of the First Christian
cl,u:c! i. 1 1 their regular .nonthly bus
l.nss n.tetlnu ft 'he home of Vr and
Mm J SS'il a About 40 a re present
Hii.l altel u si. oil s -sioli the
evening u-nl in rl'asanl sfK.-lul
Uiiiiilo i. Dur ng the eve, ing a lunch
u seivd that added rpprecl lily lo
the evening's euioj ment.
Won An. tiikk Rao:. -An Oak
land. Cat, disna'ch of Oclols r 1st says;
Bessie Rankin was the hottest sort of
fMv.rite roi the 2:17 pace. She sold
,.i a":.lnst f-1 for t lie rest or the
Held which cm Intid of J Ryan ulid
Oiclatiis. Tlie only eonli tt w us fur the
place, liliu' " P. hi and Dictatus,
Itai k i. won us he pleamil In very
ordinsiy lime. Dictatus succeeded In
iindiui; second (dace la the second
heat, but in tbe other two was last."
Makried. In Eugene, Saturday,, Oct 2, 1W. Mr Earnest Sloan
nd Miss Lulu Hull. Rev M L Rose
officiating. Thy left this morning
for Lot Valisy, Glil a u dunty wheis
tbey wiil make tbeir future home
They have many Mends who will
unite with tbe Ucaku lu extending
congratulations and well wishes to the
golog couple.
i, (YgKU i II ol I.-'ul'Urg, Is In the
Ci l Folsoin nf Junction arrived up
O P llolV n turned home to livluir
this mornitiK-
Roy Stearns h fl for Salem and Port
laud l hi in. mini;.
Kiiin S (ioiiisniilli, i f I'orlWnd, was
In Eugene today.
Mr and Mrs Thus Aubrey of Cot
I age drove, are lu the oily.
Mrs F EGooilman of Colt am1 1 1 rove,
r turned home this sfu-rnuon.
Rev tiiti I) Neidy arrived h'une
fiom Irving on today's '.'.Ol local.
I'liele John, liiuitioiid aud MrDc
laiiev, ol Coburg, were in Ettgeiio to
day. Geo F l: .U rls ii of I'orilaiid, tiar
eler f. r the Blake, Me Full ', Is in Eu
gene G W Wl ilsell, deputy hhetlff or
Doulis e.niniy, I- visiting In Lane
Ilany .Vuiklcy, of lireshain, is vis
iting his sister, Mrs tilt t'hrlsmsu lu
this city.
Mrs ll-'i j Piilelietl and daughters re-
luriiei! home on list night's overland,
from a visit ut Poilluud.
M Suit and family, of Summer Lake,
aie iu Eugene. Mr Suit will take a
load or provisions home with him.
Mr Batt aud family of Grant's Pass,
Is moving Into the Phllllppl residence,
one door north or Hou L Bllyeu's
Mrs Geo Gill went to the state fair
at Salem tills morning, where her bus-
baud has a string of speedy horses.
Conser block, corner of Ninth and
Oak streets, has received a coat ot paint
and la much Improved lu appearance
Roht Collins, A Lcroy and T K Col-
Una, comprising the traveling Mando
lin Club, are iu the city. They are
first class musicians.
Truckman Hubble moved the Jaa
Whlleakersafe, at Creawell last Sun
day, to Cottage Grove wheie it will be
ued bv Grlfllu A. Veatcb.
Miss Emma Saltzman was a passen
ger for Sutein this morning, where she
imh an elegant lot of embroidery on
exhibition at the state fair.
L N itoney went to the Pioneer rock
quarry on the O C A E this morning
to iiinke arrangements for some fine
rock fir the court bouse foundation,
Monday's Salem Journal: MrsC E
Parker, of Eugsne, promlusnt Lady
Muccabce, Is a guest or Mrs Chas
Charlton, 3S8 Church street, over the
George Purk was released today
fi'om the remnlnder or bis sentence In
tbe city Jail. He goes to take the gold
cure at the Were sanitarium west or
Mrs Rachel Campbell and daughter,
Miss Kate leave tonight for San Fran
cisco, and will spend the winter lu
California, Iu guest or added health
for Mrs Campbell.
Mrs Fletcher Llun has returned to
Portland from a three months sojourn
at Santa Cruz, Cal, where she has been
visiting at tbe home of her parents
Colonel and Mrs J A Sawyers.
Miss SU lla PittDnrrls returned last
night from an extended visit at. Port
land and Clatsop Btach, the guest of
Dr and Mrs K (1 Clark. She will be
warmly welcomed home by tier many
Mr J S Kelly, of t Hill, wltb
his mother and sister, took Monday
night's overland train for Ashland,
where they will probably spend the
wintei. They are traveling for the
benefit of Misa Kelley's health.
Table plums and piunes, grown in
the East, were selling In New ork
City September H ut 10 to 20 cents per
ten-pound basket. This gives some
thing ora bint as to why our J la. Ian
prunes have sold at 40 to W cents per
While buntlug near Tui gent a f
days aicotheaon (if J II Scott found a
meadow lark tat a n freak of na ore,
It was wingless aud could not fly. It
been t ken to (lie O A C at Corval
lis and may be seen in the collection of
curiosities or that college.
Corvullis Tlu;es: There arrived at
the college Ihe other day a curious
bird It wim hybrid, U lng a cross
between Hie riallve Onkoii Kroiise and
the China pheasant. It wss sent to
the O A C by a man at Junction, and
wan intended for Ihe museum. On
examination it uasfoiiiol lot so had
ly mangled by 'he simi it ai killed it,
that to urn unt it w ill lw almost Im
TIih Dalles 1 -M or Saturday says:
W H Mausfleld, forem n In this
office, took the early morning train for
Portland, and from there goes over Ihe
N P to Cosrnopolls, Wash, where,
next Monday morning at 9 o'clock, he
will be united In marriage to Miss
Henrietta Owen, youngest daughter of
Hon II C Owen of Eugene. Billy's
many frleuds In The Dalles and
throughout tbe atate wish him "much
Joy" In advacce.
Naiueiol the iieu to 'fry the (Ws a
the .tut Term of Circuit Court.
I'.llr Uuaid.oelobrr 'i
The following Jurymen were drawu
rortheuext Urmoftbe circuit court
by Clerk Jennlugs aud Sherlll' John
on, and witnessed by Countv Trea-
urer Patterson, today:
S It Piper, larmer, l'otlK (ro
lilt Harris, " ' "
W W Shortrldire " " "
JCMchohon, 11 Mokawk
Tliomrs Heavy, " "
J L Zelglcr, grocer, Eugeue
L B Roasmau, farmer, Eugvne
SolC Jacobs, " "
D M McCiady. painter
I E Sievei a, farmer, "
J C Bushuell,
Joel McCoruack, butcher, "
J R Parker farmer "
R Kirkpatrlck " "
Thurston (Joodnaslure farmer "
Joseph Perkins farmer Cottage Grove
lieo Wears " " "
John Simpsou " Coyote
J F Powers " Mprlnglleld
J USteveus "
Chas G Shipley farmer Juuotlou
C J Ehrmau miller "
O V Kimball . farmer IajsI Valley
R F Field Richardson
Alfred Bratlalu " Cam Creek
H O tlarrlsou " Willamette
J A Holt
R G Calllsou
R E Walker
J L Hunter
B F Keeney
livery "
farmer Fall Creek
Farewell Tarty.
llly Uuard, Cctotwr 4.
At their elegant home ou West
Tenth street last evening, Mr and Mis
G R Chrlsmau eulertalued row
frleuds, who called to wlsli boil voyage
to Miss Frances A Illcksy, or Sau
Jose, Calif, who left oil last night's
over'aud for her home, after a six
weeks visit lu this city, the guest of
Mr and Mrs Cbrlaiuau. The leading
entertainment or the eveulng waa pro
gressive w hist the first bouors of the
eveulug, a baudsomely bouud volume
of "Tales from Shakespeare" being
awarded to Mr Harry Markley, of
Gresham, Oregon, while M 8 WallU
proudly carried away a mammoth
penholder aud pen, which was a re
ward for hla exoeedlug difficult task of
securing the lowest score. A dainty
luuch was terved before the party left
for the Southern Paulflo depot to wit
ness the departure of tbe guest or hou-
or. A uumber or neatly rendered
musical selections added appreciably
to the evening's enjoyment.
Miss Illckey has been very popular
u Lugcue'a social circles, and has
mado host or frleuds who hope to
attain have the pleasure of her presence
among thorn.
Those present were: Mr and Mrs G
R Chrlsmau, Dr aud Mrs F W Pren
tice, Mr aud Mrs J II Welder, Mr a d
Mra Wm Clark. Mr and Mrs Wm
Mayer, Mr and Mrs C R Bonney, Mr
and Mrs Jno Krouebuscb, Mlsa Frau
cei Htckey, (San Joae) Mlasea Auna
Harris, Nettle Stewart, Jessie Park,
Pearl Park, Lizzie Hansou, Ada Hau-
son, Laura Bonney, Measrs Geo Midg-
ley, M H Wallace, II W Rowland, Geo
Gross, Ed Hanson, Frank Hansou, W
U Markley, (Glreshaui) N I? Markley,
Henry Bonney, Chester Chrlsmau,
Casper Clark, Oracle Krouebuscb.
An Orkcion Rom anck. Friday's
Salum Dally Journal: John Coggs
well ol Leabuig, a Lane county pio
neer or 184.1. la at the fair. His bale
and hearty appearance lu bis 84th year
Is oue or tho best exhibits or our Ore
uon ollmato. Mrs Comrswell died a
few years sgo, aud waa In ber day re
puted to be one or the moat beautliul
woman lu Oreiou. Mr Cosinwell met
ber first aa a vouna alrl east of tbe Cas
cade mountains and roll lu lovs at H rsl
sight. He says he did not see ber
again for a year. lis bad bunted tbs
wilds or Western Oreeon over for her.
He stopped at Jesse Looney's farm
oue night aud who should be meet but
Mary Gay, with whose charms bs bsd
been so taken up. As be ssys girls
were mighty scarce In those days, ea-
pecially girls aa pretty and bright as
Mary Gay. He was Introduced and
Mrs Lootiey In a bantering way
suggested thai there waa the mau
Mary should marry, as Mary waa then
seamstress, and young Coggswell
was well supplied wltb worldly goods.
And they were wed, and to her dying
day Mary Coggswell bad all that she
Rktuhned Home. Councilman E
K Henderson and Mr O W Knapp re.
turned this afternoon from a three
weeks' visit to Lake county. Tbey
went by the military route and return
ed by tbe McKen.h . They were six
days returning, 'lhey repirt times
Improving wonderfully lu South East
ern uregou.
Jelly Stolen. Some person re
cently entered the basement or tbe H
E Aukeny residence and atole there
from a large amount of different kinds
of Jellies in glasses.
Prolific Jas Barger bauds us an
ear of corn that makes a splendid
record for productiveness. By actual
count It baa 10 rows and 010 gralus.
7 . i-a- "" J-"- S.
, - . v. 1 4 Js
, o vi
TUI! P.T.37
l-i Sl'V.V :s I IVTI Prc.VLATOR-dont
f'1' ' 1 1 t i- 1 1 c I UrRitsaluKglsh
diiiiu t!u '. i.-it.-r, Ju-.t h'r.e all nature,
ai J Hi - -!V ' i t., nc i i hohed up by
t'i ik ui !'! ;t J u.i .i,., uhuh brings on
Mai im, 1 k--..r ivi.l A'mc and Klieuma-t:-.m.
' y. i:it 1 1 v.ake up your Liver
no.v, I- r ! m.; , u t iKc bl.MMOSS
I ivi:h i:; ioi u do It. It alto
rful.iti -i 'm Liver keeps It properly at
woii., w !i .-.i your syiteni will N fiee from
poii.m ai'.1 i'iwli.i. ImJv Invigorated.
Vou ci' Tiii: Hi;sT lil.()01when
your svt.-; i H h A condition, anJ that
w ill only t'e when the Liver is kept active.
Try a Liver once and note the
ditlen.'KC. But Like eitiy SIMMONS
Livi k i'ri .ri.AriiK it in Simmons
l IVMt Khi.t l ATOK whic't makes the
dillernue. I .ike it in powJcr t m l.)uld
alre.iJy nrep.irrj, or ni.ihe a tea .it the
f nvdrr; but t.ilif SIM.MuNS I IVTH KtOU
ATUK. You'll luij the KLL) L on every
pKk.i,;e. Look for it.
J. U. Zelllu A Co., I'UlUdcljihlm Pe
a Medical Ikpartmeut ot tulrerslty
of Uregou.
Oregonlan: "The free scholarship
established under tho name ot tie
"unlveislty seholarshlp," In tbe med.
leal department of thu L'n I versify of
Oregon, Is now vacant. Thh scholar
ship Is open to graduates or the univer
sity or Oregon w ith the degree or A It
or B S uhiii recommendation by the
faculty of Ihe university, and under
certain rule that will be stated upou
application to clthei Dr V H Chap
man, Eugene, pre-ldent, or Dr H K
JiMephl, Portland, dean.
"Tho faculty desires to call attention
to the fact that the number of ma
triculates Mug 322, and the graduates
10;!, the pcrcoiitugo r graduates to
matrlculata comes well withlu the
limit prescribed by many atate ex
amining boards."
Marlon Ci uuty Accident.
The Salem Journal lira this account
ora man losing his life by a very or
dinary accident:
"About 0 o'clock Satunlcy evening
Clark Rogers, an old mid highly re
spited risideiit of Mariou county
while at work lu hU baru on his farm
seveu miles south or Salem, full and
fractured his skull. He did not re
gain consciousness and died at 7 o'clock
Sunday morning.
"When thu accident occurred Mr
Roger was engaged lu storing away
oiue choice ears or corn for seed. Hav
ing piepnred a uumber of ears, be
mounted a dry goods box about 3J feU
lu height to hang the ears on a nail la
thu Joint. He lost his b.!unce aud fell
to thu barn ll"r sinking his head at
a point Jti'.i behind the right ear, ou a
Steadier and Higher.
llljr uutnl Oi'tutwrJ.
The Eugene Mill St Elevator Com
pany's advice on whuut today are
that the cereal goes one cent higher,
making todays price 00 cents, and that
the market Is steadier. This Is good
Died. in Eugene, Oct 4, 1SD7, of
spinal troubles, Jesso Hawley, aged
0.1 years. Mr Hawley came to Oregon
iu 1 HIS from Iowa. He was married
lu "S.i I, and leaves a wife and four
sons. 1 lie remains were taken touay
to Monroe, lion ton county, for Inter
ment. Mr Hawley Joins the hat
swelling ranks or noble pioneers lu tbe
great beyond. Though gone,, tbs
memory or their deeds and aehlev-
menu la held lu reverent remem
brance. Marriauk Permits. County Clerk
Jennings today Issued thu following
marriage permits: James 8 Rea, .13
years and Ethel Marsh, 23 years; Chas
Mays, 27 years, aud Martha E Moftutt,
17 years. The mother filed her ccn-
"iit to the murrlagu of the last named
young lady.
bslly liiisri, OctolMif .V
Teacher Elected. Miss Maud
Wllklns has been elected a teacher lo
the Eugene public schools to succeed
Miss Jennie McClure. Miss Wllklns
Is a graduate of Iho University or Ore
gnu and we trust, will makes worthy
success or to Mis Moi'lure, who was
among our last teachers.
Pull; tiuanl, I eiooer .
Cii'ttrr Coimst CAAra. Filed In
county clerk's oil lee today the follow
ing cane: Martha Rlnebart vs M C
Doyle; suit for ejectment and damages
ror.V). Jol n Tunell A son vs J II
Wblteaker; Judgmeut Is asked mr
1120.22 and Interest.
To Seattle.- Mrs A 8 Met lure aud
daughter, Mi Jennie, will leave for
Seattle, Wah, next week, where they
will reside In the future. Their many
frleuds w 1.1 bo sorr to learn of their
JluWuUi'iis in this r gard.