., 1 ! II I P I AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD u CASTORIA," AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," A3 OUR TRADE MARK. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the same that has borne and does now bear the facsimile signature oj This is the original PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you have always bought on and has the signature of 67 wrap per. No one has authority from me to use my name ex cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. U. Fletcher is March 8, 1897. qA Do Not Be Deceived Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you because he makes a few more pennies on it), the in gredients of which even he does not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. ritEKlDENT OF COttNELL. Reference to Dr Andrewi uual Address. In Hi. An In the course of his annual ad dress to the Btudents of Cornell uni versity at Itbaca, NY, Sept 23d, President J 0 Shurmann made some references which have been accepted here as applying to the recent troubles of President E Ben jamin Andrews and the corporation of Brown university. "Cornell," observed Mr Shur tnann, "recognizes that the major ity may bo wrong and that the ma jority may be right; therefore, ab solute freedom is the soul of that institution. Price called ma jority rule system fatalism of the multitude. We believe here that ono man with Ood's truth is a ma jority and that a teacher is ex pected to do what Bocrates did, though he outraged Athenians and Buffered martyrdom lor it, com municate to others bis own belief and conviction?, or else suffer charge of eacrilcco. 1 buliove the institution should ceaso to exist a thousand times sooner than a sin glo proftBsor should bo coerced. "loochcrs should be free to in ventigato and to announce and pro claim what thoy have discovered They must bo free to present both sides of a (lueition. The teacher is not the representative of a cor poration or tin people, but a repre sentative of the God of truth While money is a necessity to any university, it U not paramount to tlio freedom of a teaching staff. Potter that the university bi wiped out of existence than that truth be suppressed. The object of a uni versity is propagation of truth Any pretension of a corporation to set limits on a teaching staff muBt be resisted as absolutely unwar ranted." llev Irl K llbks has fixed the weather as follows for October 'About the od, warmer weather will set in and from about that date to the Gth low barometer re sulting in storms will pass east ward over the country. Between this and the reactionary storms due about Olh, 10th, a high barom etor and very frosty nights will prevail. About full moon look for autumnal Btorais and prepare for much colder weather for several days thereafter. From about 15th to ISth fulls another storm period, bringing change to much warmer, falling barometer and more autum nal storms. After each October storm area passes east of your eec- ti')ii, look for change to cooler with frosts. The 21st, 22d, are the cen ters of reactionary disturbances. From 25th to 20th is a storm period, with moon at new in peri goe. This calls for cany hard storms on land and sea. Watch your btromctor and heed other warnings. A cold wave, with cow north, will follow this period. Watch and see." The free fair at ihe Portland Ex position building is a sucoess. It could not be successful conducted on any othor basis. wrapper. Baker City Republican: "The Valley editors will have a practi cal lesson of their home after death when they come here and go down 800 feet below the surface of the earth. It is slightly warm down in those regions. The Eastern Ore gon contingent, tf course, will go to the other place when they die." i A government officer who has gone down into the moonshine di tricts of Tennessee is wearing i steel bullet-proof shirt. That may protect him from ibe deadly bul lets of the law breakers, but the deadly slu 8 of moonshine whisky may find a way to reach a vi'a spot beneath the steel casting. It is a curious reason which is advanced for asking the release of Col 3 Younger, the eminent train robber, who has been for twenty one vaars a prisoner in Minnesota It seems that he laid aside theilog ical studies iu order to enter on the aetivo career of a bandit and now he w nta to got out in order to ba ojme a preacher. Horace Greely once said that "tho darkest hour in the history of any young man is when he sits down to study how to get money without honestly earning it," Jud g ing from the number of applicants thore are for fat federal officers at present, there is a docidedly dark iiour with a good many young men and Borne old ones. j A Portland preacher the other day expresBel a sentiment ia which most human beings can join. lie said: "It is a great thing to be a man. When I was a boy they sang a song of wanting U be an angel. The song was a mistake i wouiu rather w man than an angel." There are very few who. when the time comes, are ready to lay aside the man for the angel and the majority of us stave off the transition as long as possible. Even the most devout Christian will call in a physioian when he gets sick, just in order to prevent bj cmiong a premature angel. It the report ia true that Presi dent McKinley asks Spain to make an end of her affairs in Cuba is true our people will sustain the president. The desultory guerilla war that has been enacted almost within hearing of our shores for two years past is a disgrace to the nine teenth century civilization. If Spain cannot summarily end the war she should turn the island over to this coun'ry, else give it freedom. The result will be the same in either instanse, Cuba will even tually become an integral ptrt of the United States. When that event happens Cuban ill get good government and not before, (or the masi of her people is not capable of self governmen. a ad Spain is not a fit master for any oounirj. Nebraska politic is enlivened by a contest between the gold and sil ver republicans as to which faction das the right to use the name "Re publican" on the official ballot. COL. EDDY JOTICED. Au Fait on Both. Hatred and Kecolar Although lata io tbe season the Jacksonville Time cannot but criticise the efforts ol the Portland Tribune to disparage Ihe religious educatlou aud incllnatloua of James Bucephalus Eddy, the genial rail load commission er and Journalist. The valiant colonel baa long been regarded as au fait on both sacred and secular music, and bis friends are loth to believe that he would have made the error uteri bed to him by the Trlbuue la the annexed clipping any more thaa he would over look the best looking young lady at tbe sea shore. "Col Eddy lectured io Hoseburg last Sunday on 'Wesley's Hymns.' He drew a large crowd aud held the audi eooe n rapture for two hours. As the larger portion of the audience did not know any more about 'Wesley's Hymns' than he did himself, he was perfectly safe when he dwelt awhile on 'Jinny Oil Yer Hoe Cake Doue, 'Old Roslu tie Bow." His reference now and then to 'Take the Little I.amble, put It In youi bosom, let the old sheep go,' continued the audience In the belief that he was talking relig ion. "A funny Incident was at the close of the lecture, when a friend went up to congratulate Col Eddy on his efloit and carelessly picking up a volume of hymns, noticed that Dr Watts' name was on the title page. The lecturer noticed this, but said nothing." E3TKB EXCUKhToS. Mne Crowded Coaches Codi prised tbe Train from tills Pol t. Ittlljr Guard, September 17. At 8:18 this afternoon the Estes ex cursion, starting from Ashland and bound fur the Industrial Exposition, at Portland passed through Eugene. One coaob was added at this point, mak ng a train of nloe coaches and bag gage car. There were i tickets sou In Eugene. Tbe train "111 take on batsengera to Harrlsburg and then make tbe run through without further stops. Marriage Licenses. 1X.IIT Guard Septemtx 28. Marriage licenses were issued t day by County Clerk Jennings to Geo Ollchres'. S3 years, and Miss Tlille Miller, 22 years. Andrew Dyer. 24 years, and Delia Smith, 19 years. Frank Bass Road Cottage Grove Leader: "Commissioner Bailey was up from Eugene a few days ago taking the necessary preliminary measure ments of the proposed uew bridge on the Fiank Bans road to Uouemia, so that specifications may be completed and bids asked for. He reports that the longest span w ill not exceed 00 feet. We believe tuattuecouoty court will ' advance the Interests of Lane county by the bulldlntt of those three bridges more In propoi lion to the cost thuu In any other road work that h been r cau be doue this year. Tbe Fiank Bass Is a treacherous stream and has been a terrible detriment to the Bohemia mines for years. Que man ha been drowned and many very narrow escapes have been made by pvrties attempting to cross this stream en route to and from the mines. But with safe and passable roads to Bohe mia Lane couuty will always ooutrol the business of what will some day not far distant, be the greatest mining camp In Oregon." Inlly Uutrd September 27. Quitk Kick. Mrs L O Beckwith lelt on last night's overland for Ban Francisco In response to a telegram announcing the serious illness of her brother-in-law, J W Fricke, with pneumonia. Mr Fricke Is manager of the Pan Francisco house of C F Weber A Co. A young lady of Hastings, Neb., MIm hvaetuart, Is a young woman who sees clear aud straight Into the causes of thing, as the following ver ses, which she contributes to the Oma ha World, show i Oh, Mr Dlngley frame a law: We need It, that la clear, Providing for a famiue In Iudlaevery year. And lobby through a measure, too, C mpelling the Most High To let It rain on us alone, While other lands go dty. For with a tar I ft In the skies, Aud a singlestandard, too, We suielv need the hand of God To help aud pull us through. A Cook county farmer recently went to a real estate ageut aud ottered to trade hla farm for city lota. The agent was all business aud was In for a tradu at ouce. "I waut to show you," he said, "a block of the finest lots auy where In Chicago. They are centrally located and cheap aa sawdust. Get Into my buggy and I'll take you out to see them." They drove out and looked at the lots aud tbe agent expa lated at great length upon the advantage of their location and dually said: "Now, when cau I have a look at your farm?" "I'll show it to you presently," said the farmer, "Its about ten u lies back ou the road bet ween bee and town." The Luetgert murder trial in Chicago seems destiued to become prominent in criminal history of this country. Luetgert boiled his wi e up in his sausage factory. The trial is now on the sixth week. -. - j Gold hunters are becoming wary, S tenners to leave Puget Sound ports this week Cr the Yurkon will carry few passengers. SHINGLE MILL. Sew Indotr for Cebarg Rlarta Up With Good prospects. Meters will Ooodale and Welby Stevens have started a sblogle mill at C'oburg. It Is In a building erected on the site of tbe old shingle mill, which burned down a few years since. For power they have the mevens Armltage portable engine, and are running a crew of six men. Itappeam that this mill suouiauu good business, as In tbe season just, past contractors have been compelled to seud as far as Portland to secure shingles. Lane county has une sum- . I. ..4 gle timber aud with a goou maraei easily within reach a;shingie mm should be a good industry. Dexter Items Sept 28. Heavy rains are following after a wMk nt xm.ilvtit warm weather. Tbe rain Is generally needed. Charlea E Chsudler and wife retnrn ed today to Silver Lake, after a week's Visit with relatives aud friends. Fred Parker and I-oule Addingtou htve returned from bunch grass ana Will spend the winter In old YYebfuot. Tbe Lost Valley school began yester day. Miss Jennie Ta lor is the teach er. The flood dam experiment tried by the aaw mill company was not a sue owe and they have given up the pro ject for the present. Farmers of this section are engaged Io hauling their wheitto iue.rk)t. Uncle Barney Wood has go e to Thurston to reside. We areaonyto lose such an tktinmtle man from our neighborhood. Mr Dodge ha arrived from Douglas county and taken up bis residence on the Brlggs' farm. Since our last writing Hosea Parvln has taken a girl to raise. Messrs Grifiln and Hortewin are en nired on the river near thla place in cutting aod driving a lot ol cedar tlm ber to be used as bop poles, and post, 1 1 Springfield. C M Parker made a business trip to Eugene Monday. The Trent school district Is engaged In furnishing- the school house with seats and renovating the premises gen erally. "A long felt want." Mrs Suit and family, of Summer Lake, are visiting at L Cruzan's. Gro.er Williajn who has beeu tp to Harney for some time for the benefit of his health returned from there Sat urday. He la very poorly. His broth er Joseph accompanied him. A great deal of fruit la being dried by the farmers. They remember the famine of last winter, when fruit could hardly be had at all. Tom Brown is tearing his house down and removing it to W I u berry Frank Atkins la visiting bis mother for a short time. He Is direct from tbe Klondike dlggiugs. McKinley raised the price of wheat and we suppose it must be Bryan that la driving It down. "Consisteicy is Indeed a Jewel." John Allen aud wife of Cottage Grove vis! ted relatives here last week. Wheeler Bros of Pleasant Hill passed here today ou a hunting trip up the river. Messrs Hambrick and Lebow of Cot tage Grove finished threshing at this place Thursday and started home Frl day. They have a first class outfit and the farmers of this section would be glad to have them again uextyear. Did the republican party cause the degree of prosperity now with us. If s please don't let wheat fall any furth er. ItKOULAK. Pelly Uusnl September A. A Fruit Farmkk. T U Heudrlcks aud Joseph Luckey yesterday received a basket of flue fruit from George M Lakln of Holt, Moutana. George, who Is au old time Kugeue boy, has very Hue fruit farm at that place, and la quite prosperous, we are glad Io re port. Cannkd FrtciT. The Urge amount of fruit put up In tins this season by 8 P Hladdeu Is being stored In the Smith warehouse. No shipments have been made as yet. Part of the lot, put up In five-gallon tins will probably be used for the Northwestern territory trade, Pall liuenl, September 2S. Bound Ovkr. Charles Groshan, who was Irljd at Cottage Grove yester day for assault with a dangerous wea pon upon one Roy I. tun, was bound over to appear before the grand Jury In the of sum f 1C0, with J V Miller and Sid Vaughan as sureties. Hoi-a Pix)wed Up. C W Youughas had his hops plowed up. He thinks that It la too much expense to fight the pesta. Mr Young made thousands of dollars off the yard a number of years ago, but has not harvested the last three crops. l'tilt OusrUSeptermiler J8. Arrivau Mr Burdin, graduatj of Yale college, aud lejently electa I physi cal director of the Uulverslty of Oie gou, arrived this morning. The qiies tlon of the University participating In athletic sports should at ouce be brought up. I'Hlj uusnl, September JS. Dikp. Near Irving, Oregon, this forenoon, the Infant son, aged 9 moutl. of Mr and Mrs Ed Awbrey. The retii ius will be buried in the F.u geue Mason io cemetery tomorrow. An Inquisitive horse.wlth harnesaon this afternoon, leisurely strolled down tbe sidewalk aud attempted to enter several Willamette street business house. Marshal Sttl s dually chased the animal away. JOAl'lN MILLER- A Biographical Sketch 'f Oregon's Poet From tne jew Werld. rwlnnatus Heine (Joaq ilu) MQler, the New York World'a special corres pondent to Ihe Klonume, i.ss wo.. r . .. - - ....... .ml untlior. Ide leputation as - He was born In the Wabasu tiistnu. Indiana, and before ente, Ing his teens accompanied his parents to Oregon. As a youth he was a miner iu but abandoned inlnlugin v tc law. This dIJ not prove to his liking, and'the following year he was an ex press messenger In the goiu mimuu districts In iduho. Two yeara later ue was editing the Democratic agister at Eugene, Ore. Having I e-n au roltted to the bar, he opened a law office In Canyon City, and In 1808 was elected Judge of Grant county. It was while filling me juuger.u.F that he began his literary career and came to be known as Joaquin Miner, using that uom de plume to his ursi two collections or puunsneu poeur. He Is alltged to have lelected the sig- niiiint because oi uis vujiiu. Jouquin Murletta, a Mexican accused of brlgauduge, and in wuose ueieuw he published a paper. ,While touring Iu Europe in 1870 bo published his first volume of sustained verse. Tl:e work was everywhere commended. Retutnlug to America, he engaged In J'.urna lsm in Washington, D C, re maining thereuntil 1867, wnen lie re turned to Ca'iforula, where he has since lived and enruvd tbe title of "The Poet of the Sierras." He Is tbe author i f several volumes of prose, In cluding "The Daultes," which was nn-..i.rullv dramatized. His best known poems are "Bongs of the Bier- as," "S ngtof the Sunlands." "B ngs of the Desert," "Songs of Italy,' "Collected Poems," and "Souks of the Mexlcau Seas." Tne ihum popular, probably, of his many pieces o: poet ry are "The People's fcoug of Peace" and "Ou Rousseau's Isle." The editor of the Klamath Republl can offers to wager that cattle In Klam ath county will sell for 6 cents on foot In Klamath county before snow flakes fall. It Is now said that If Spain rejects our offer of mediation that war may not be declared at once, but diplo matic relatlous will be suspended, and our minister recalled. Harley C Stevens, Jr, of Oregon City, who attended the University ofOregon last year, Is now employed as tele phone expert with the San Francisco Electrical Co. The O R A N Co'a traiu was held up by highwaymen last Friday night, They only got about f20. Tbe robbers were captured In Portland last night They are California crooks. Prlueville Review: Prof J P Hoi land, principal of the public schools of this place arrived last Thursday even ing, rea.ly to enter upon his duties when school opens ou the 4th. Eugene warehouses are now stored to the roof with hops. Practically no sales have been made, and no ship ping is belug done, as growers are looking for an upward shoot of the market. Harvey 8 Jordan, formerly of Salem, Is now book-keeper aud aud cashier for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, which was recently purchased and Is now mauaged by the Piper boys, formerly Salem. He is a well known foot ball player. Cards are out announcing the mar rlageof Miss Lydia Evans Hay, of Harrlsburg, to Mr T W Carlyle, c f Brownsville. Miss Hay la the young est daughter of Mr Jerry Hay, the Harrlsburg hardware dealer, whlh Mr Carlyle is a piosperous young t rmer orLlnn county. A would-be Klondike niluer by the name of Hardeuburg, who got as far as Seattle, fell In with a gang of con- uuence men and was buncoed out of hla money, has struck a Klondike down in Texas by the death of an old nude who left him f 100,000. Harden burg has consequently concluded to go soutn instead of going north. ME Fifty Years Ago. We cooti) imiclne that this should fee The p'.ice where, In eighteen ninety-three Thtt white wcrlJ-wonder of srch snS dome Should shadow the nations, pol chrome . . . Here at the Fair the priie conferred Ob Ajrer'e rills, bjr the world preferred. Chlcago-Hke, the- a record show, Since the? started-go years at. Ayer's Cathartic Pills have, from the time of their preparation, been a continuous eucoeea with the public. And that means that Ayer's Pills accomplish what !.s promised for them; they enre where others faiL It was iltting, therefore, that tl world-wide" popularity of the ills ehould bo reoogniaed b. & World1! Pair medal of 1893 -a fact which emphaaiaes the record: 50 Years of Cures. Hampton Bros. Just Received . . A fine line of JACKETS and CAPES. Prices from $4.50 tS $20.00. BLANKETS from 65 cts to $7,00. HBTQN Junction City : MANUFACTURERS OK THE "WHITE ROSE" FLOUR OOO O O j GUARANTEED The most popular flour leading grocers. I'll VIJl J IX 1 1'JStHJl11 rBiinT,en".lrf rY'!7,revw.( lilMIWI,? f-al7fIlguMtl 11. mlm be. WukKuin. l.,..t Vl,m,, Ktw'l r-ijQ lei.. fi iafieil jPfcS-Hri g'1 (li'vutul. liiipoKMiry t:i"l vaiiii" 6iwtiMti,b I santl blood I iCnllvort - at lMl. MtfeiMI. M Ml, m Wl. CUm. UMeklV la UUgenO. urate 1T UbflUftiuun Twenty YCflJPSeeww For more than twenty years we luve been tellin; how Scotfs Emulsion overcomes the excessive waste of the system, puts on flesh, nourishes and build's up the body, making: it the remedy for all wasting; di seases of adults and children, hut it isn't possible for us to tell the story in a mere stick ful of newspaper type. ' We have had prepared for us by a physician a little book, telling in easy words how and why Scott's Emulsion benefits, and a postal card request will be enough to have it sent to you free. To-day would be a good time to send for it. SCOTT & BOWNE. N.w Yerk. A NEW POSTHA8TER. Perry B. Sherwood Appoiutetl to the Cottage Grove Office. Clia.tnJ ... . . oireiuuuwMM)uy appniuieu pOSl master at Cottatre Gruvt. I.nn mnntv Mr Sherwood has teen a resident of Collate Grove tor a Dumber of years ana at in present time has mlnlug In terests In the southern portion of Lane county. Tbe leadine candidates f r tlon were V 8 Chrisman and Alva P CbUrchill. J P Currlu. thn nreoent postmaster, ha made a splendid oftl- ciai. -wo trust tbat Mr Sherwood will fill the office ss acceptably." HOP Prices. Salem Journal: "A large 8tlem hop erower has nrlw. di rect from Enaland that the lt of Kentish hop ae selling io London for35ceuta. He ban confldence that 'he tirst Oregnu hops will bring lrom 2) to 15 cents ixr pound. It ia tlie general opinion tbat growers who have not sn.u lire in the best position, as even buyers (-ouf.ss that tbe top of the market has not bee Jaukson, a largi8rower at Hubbard, w no lias nearly 40.000 pounds, was iu town today. He ia not so horfiii .n.i sjsmetauioruiacropia going at cents." 10 A Larue Vield. Norru Him,. phrey luformsua that he will finish dry ing hla crop of prunes Thursday and that be will b sVt) 100. OOO runn A of dried product. Considering that he uas ouiy j acres or bearing trees, and that be shipped lss.000 fruit, this Is a large yield. Call and see us. Can SAVE YOU MONEY tW" M'0 Milling Conjsij .000 QUALITY in the market. Sold by btllldf r AJitfnt't T tlonn.tpnrtrsffun.aej-. isil In Ti't tttwlict. 1 t-T hoi ; It fnt-ssjE h... IK JAJ pulrt, vilhi wrtttm wtrantrr or i ...if nr, ' ifUit. Writnl &r? J medic ttl hook, wnlt-d plain w:urn--r. with Utltmmiu innanciRlUMniUnir. jtrini'r'rr'NiiprltrHil term's lJOBrs!fcersu;aTv.r.; .ni - TTlSsji.H, I a au .tutu ... u. i.a.v, musi, CORNER DRUGSTORE. VINCENT & WALTON, Props. Successox to V. Hemenwaj. . . Dealers In Erugs, Hednes Chcmiclos, fuses, Fancv andTletA.iii Sjcnges- Costs. Brii ana awmpiowuua Irug Suniris, 9th and Willamette Sit Eui.tM.0f TERMS STRICTLY CASH. FOR, TOBBACO, CIGARS, 1 CANY. GO TO.. Julie, (joldsmitW i Look Here Famed Bring Your Hides anil Skins to our tannerj. For all No. 1 preeu bidet i pay you 4 to 4 coins a pound; for No 1 drv hides 10 ceuU pound; For No '2 according to quality, 4 to 8 ceuts. Now don't forget these price are paid in CASH at The lllamette Tm Haines 4 & Yellow fever is killing ofl H many people in tbe South, but it not proving as fatal a "'J J Klondike fever in the far When lull reports from AlMkiw J w cmiimiT. it "ill Pw icvciicu in. . ably show the Klondike few" have been the most serious WW. that has overtaken the Ame" people for many years. The Oreean cirls are sling" about as level headed as yu . find them. One of tbenc i asked recently why ene marrv. renliecl: "I liaveconaiow- money of my own, 1 hv r h1 that iwears, a ret r-.bbit i chews and a stove teai you Bee I am not in neeJol band very badly. The taxable property of CUt county shows ilallmgou $1,000,000 in the pat Jer assessment roll .lor 19 b been completed an I show valuation of t3.OOS.T40, as g $4,012,505 last year. 1 Ores ALL V lEtll. DSrt ll L. litlni tlbor itO '10 Utrli in i L I It Ml 9