AGRICULTURAL NEWS I .., PERTAINING TO THE j' FARM AND HOME, .i,. of iff R,0'," b " v . jt. Worth Green Fodder . Unck-Keep the hence 0x" orucrt Ocaa. M.rketah'c Hoy. .re niay I nntrUeta that will take i h.-t luiv nt a tiiiltlrlfiit iitlvnuce .i..h...t luiv at m to repii. i ijv ii i ... .1... r f.. r,.e , ,.. i. lilt i kiiu " "-. " ' !WUk ' ' . ..V It M 1 . . ........ i . 1 . tliilt t ICIC !"- .l..r. mid 'll,,rt' H "lor'' ,1,n'r ,,f flntfw.nif f "-' ' lilackflicil ami i,l,r when tlie craK In cut In full ', tliiiii "Inn It I Hiittlclcntiy ma ,rf to rHiiilit cmly a nliot t i-xpoMiire to ' ...mli.T In Hi" Hwath. It Ik a lil i riav Job t' erne '"rue ''"" Lfnt thut I" " fu" of "8 tlm 1 . . ... full ii. II im unmuim in f lucid niiirkcta ure not Inclined f' T fur all '',ri1 lalnir, risk ami lima f ' . .... ill., tof ill timilll.t line In l.ilycill'l'1-- I"''"1 rlH' timothy In not kmiiol. 'f course, n ml Ita color con- ?.mn Ii. 1,111 ,lim' M n Br,,ll"l i ,, I. i 1,1 he taken. There may ho i.. itLriii "I 1 - Uirr'l" fnrnlslilni! the market with fmiMliJ cut '"'" ln f"n l,1,M"". tiffin rarely any profit from the ex IL r,,rt mid risk. In the long run !l . attractive ami n more prolltu iul,it of hav limy he put Uon the mar Lt when the Moo"' I" hIumI. The feed-t-t rlif I" l',ss- 1,,lt ,1K Ik IoI"B "lll( . I I .1.. A ...I.I..I. filers 11 tile? WOIIIII HO Ulliu un, n linn 5. the silver rule or ciiiiiiiii'rcuii iriins- Jn-tloiw.-National MucKiuitii. Grrrti Foil Icr for Cow F.arlv fotliler-eorn, when eaten hy the &,, will make a KiitlaryiiiK n-eii, ami f . . 1 ........ S' I II. So lillK !. lin n-"- mr .u..i r nf milk, l'nddcr feed when half ,'in r liiiinatnre Is very poor feeil .It l iiimI.v water. The eowg will fciisnine a lame amount or mien ton V r. aiiil plve a very annill (iiiatitity of Vilk. (live 10 eaeh eow four (iiarts of I ill feed. In the morning, when they i:f IkIi'K milked; then turn to pasture. Ut dikiii five (ii Ii cow an armful of t fmhler, spreaii over uie i.iKiiin', ,d the n:i iti iiiallly of mill feed madi no ;ui. mm one ariuiui or iouner; 'lerllie mill feed and fodder Is eaten. Til nut upon the likht past lire. If c () Lave to he kept In the staMe ml. give them, In addition, a small rkfiil f oat hay, or well-cured clover ij, The cows must he given all they :io -at On such a ration, good cows till average from two and one-half to :nv g:illins of milk per day all rfflii the Mimmcr, and the milk will ic of it'iod llavor and rich in cream. f i fast ns the fodder-corn is cut off. e grim ml lietween the rows shou'd lie tell worked up with the cultivator. :.d thin run out with the one-horse :!, making the furrow about live .i-bis In 1I1 plh. and sowed to fodder- ra. Siiw one large linudful of hone Wpkiite to every three feet of row, .dalKiut twelve grains of com to the it. Cover the corn as fast as It Is It will pay to keep the cows in good million: If they are allowed to he me lliiu, It will take a large quantity drain to get them in order for (lie Inter. Tin American. Cleariii'i fence Corner Nolhliig more clearly shows the alnstakliig and careful farmer than to ive fence coiners lietween fields or UK the roadside kept free from mis, prnss or shrulis. As a rule all i" old-lliiie fence corners were kept rnpiiioiis!)' clean. A good dial of 'liable bay was made from what the ilhe reached ill and cut there. Hut -in tlie horse mower and the self filing rcain-r came Into use, It everv nr lieciime harder to llnd anyhody !'0 iniild he hired to clear out the winilieis. The result was that the to railur than the scyth was reiiulr- ami the growth, Instead of lieing v!rlitu to fi'ii,.,. corners, encroached byoar more on the cultivated fields. A Knrnir' On I lit. The better machinist a farmer Is, the time and monee will I J' flimilil understand thoroughly ev T nincliliie he uses, and be able to re p rall but the most serious breaks for !Mf, and avoid being dependent i"0 paid service. It Is wise fore "clit to keep on hand duplicates of ll lulls n lire ni.iKi ll.i 1.1.. tn I L- Mvlng valuable time, esiieciallv 'he haying season. A well-equipped '' fbint, with screws ami units nf nil j '1. sbiiuM be a part of everv farin- 8 ""Ull. If one of tlm line el...u taste fop mechanics. L'lve him a ?..iO: I'll nil! JOee In develop It. He will ben vnl- " until I.) Ilil VP In III.. n..l,.l,l,r. "'i'i will probably e nblo lo turn i .... inuiest penny by helping out inr ah i. . I, ""iigbman. L, To w"rd Off Fruit Rot. i"l',n fruit rot has attacked the ?" rop. the best method Is to re 'niiil burn nil dried or mumiiiiiled from the trees, in winter, anil mrly In Kprin( .,, ,llw,nnP the fruit buds begin to swell, t '" ,M'J,'a,' mixture, nml j J1,M '"'fore the blossoms open. I , ' spraying when the bios. ,falli11-. adding a Utile pari L , k',,l' off the curctillo. Two iai si"T' K,'ray nKaln- A" "le nr i", n;lx""-e coats the fruit with the! un" UN "I'lw acetate, a I "Z K",ml"n. for the last two VZ , '" n,'are. ten-fold In- t'-'fi i R"""1 fn,lt linR A'nTio tlliK I,r,KPS. at a eost of I cent por tree.-The Agricul- rsk n.... ., ... . . ilil . " " pound it I f'V'.lml.mize le ,,r,,(M,s As tJt 'f"re ,U,WT. the hen that tviiir i K """lh,,r of "'"' V a, "'i-forming ns much ser- e ll",t " fewer eggs, but lavi i' InrB,'r 's"I'Pse a ,,a , ,'rK" a year, the egg o,,la ,1,e IM,U'"1. 1"T prol- Ij" !T ,HP've is.unds of eggs In "r;,,.n , 1,1 '", that an- rl ."' rt0,'k Iai'1 1,14 'K-'M'"' k Snq 'lni! ''-'l' to the M.und. In it a-inr.""" '"'n ,ll"t protluced 1-D h. ' ,llp nost valuable, yet f-nornietl as much ser- a " "jp one which produced but knrJ . PgM of the bitter are I , uu.'lvlP . , I he woui.l Profit on fewer egg. n " ymi give, i,,,, lUv ltrniUlivr tn; u.( com,uin,.r a falr Bat. vnrt.h and farmer, would t0 , ,,; S SKisr: Tl"-y: market i.h,. .. , . , , ""' ,M'M Keeper. ' ' "",r -- '"'"rjr Ventli.tion of Bub, It takes a Bu,i jHl of 0 . the hoise Hlahle hwihh and tit for liealihy Vi,K ,Urlng the sun r sou. ful.-KH It U ouhkly covered l,l. -in 111, f .v k 1 in r Holllel Ii iil ,11.. ..HI..I..,.. . . " l "'" "" .siors. the d.voui is'slng manure will ut nv waste n,.,. '""In. I'm It will Ik. worse tlIM edbivauHc It will Injure the health , ,,rl""-v 1 fslgh. of niilumU Many a hrse has P,IM. I,l, Imvmiim of the ammonia affectm his eves i HH,rly ventilated ami dark stal.lei. TI.U Is the chief advantage of underground slal.lcH In summer. They are c... but It Is very hard to keep them well ven tilate mid without offem.lve Hut If the underground stable lm. -It should, a cement floor, It mav n..t l. wors. Hum the overground stable that has a plank door tilled with the urine mid other secretions that have soaked into it. There Is no better pasture grass than the blue grass, which In some iuii-n ..f the country Is known as .lime grass. Its roots run near the surface, ami the pasture Is therefore sweet and good so soon as the grass Marls. In mldsuin- mer these shallow roots have another great advantage. They are b tiled l'.v the light rains which onlv is-netrale one or two Inches, and which will not reacii down to Hie clovers, whose nsils strike ilowu Into tlie subsoil In time of run more deeply. The clover Mot strike down Into the subsoil In tlm. of drought, mid the clover grow n then is liest. lih June grass the Is-st pas uire is in .lime, as later It will proh- ably U dried out too much. Krmrdr for I'cur Illluht, reimily for N-ar blight, and on.- that Is very ImiM.rlaut If It nccoiin.IMi. ..a t.-i... i i ..t i . . - i v.iiiineo n.r ii, is given ny a fruit-grower of thirty years' cxim rleiiee. He slate that he uses salt, in- ! cording to the size of the tree, from i one quart to one bushel, evenly spread j on the ground, extending beyond the range of the nsits. It should' . , In the siulng. Just as the frost Is hav- i Lug Hie ground, so that the tllu.r r.w,i. ' will carry It to the sap. Tlie vtl! d.- ! stroys the germs of the lilsciKe. It ! should ls done at least before the bmU I Is-glu to swell, and the fruit-grower who gives the valuable Information ! advises eaeh grower to uy the remedy I with II single tree, and the cos; of the ' e.M'ilinent will not Is' over PI cents. The remedy Is so simple that any one ! can give It a test, mid as the salt will destroy some of the liisoci enemies It will at least prove Is-nellcial lu that nsis'ct. To Kill the II or n At. The best way of lighting the trouble some hoi n II y is by the aiilicatloti to the cattle of an emulsion of some kind which will kill the Insects already there, and keen others away. Fish oil. to which a little carbolic acid -about a tablesioiinful of tlie acid lo a pint of the oil - has been added, makes a verv heap and effective application. Ker osene emulsion used as a spray Is also good, being especially adaplcd to large herds. The emulsion Is made hy add ing a half pound of soap (dissolved In gallon of boiling water! to two gal- mis of kerosene. This emulsion, when thoroughly mixed and allowed to cool, assumes the consistency of clubber milk: when used as a spray, It Is di luted wiih water In which tobacco stems have been boiled.-Farm News. A tl vntltfi'TO of Wrll-llrrd ' tock. It Is particularly in the time when all fanning Is hast prospemus that those who have been careful to secure c'.ily the best bred animals have the advantage. The first cffict of a de cline In prices Is to make the scrub ani mal unsalable at any price. All through the period of depn sslon the scrub stin k farmers are changln i from poor or In ferior stork to that which Is better. Hy the time they have nil secured the best slock the times will have Improved sw as to make tanning protiiable again. It Is really a case of cause and effect, though Hot often reeoguiwil as such. 8wcrt I'olutoe,. Hcfore the vines start to run, culti vate the ground between the rows, and, after a few days, throw a furrow to the plants on each side of every row. Take the Ins1 and draw the earth up close to the vines, and cut out all weeds. The after cultivation consists III stirring the ground Itotweeu the rows with the cultivator set to run shallow, and of hoeing the ridges mid preventing the vines from riH.ttng ut the joints. As soon as the vines com ineiice to turn yellow the pot at oca are ris', ami can be dug and sent to mar ket. It Is more prolltable to dig and sell direct from the field. irotcctin Cowl from Fllea. A very weak dilutlm" of carbolic acid will keep flies off from cows in hot weather. Tlie carliolic acid may be made stronger and mixed with some grease to put around the cow' horns, as the horu tly I more jsTslstent in it attacks nt this point, and there Is no danger of the acid here where the cow cannot get at It to lick It. No cow like the odor of carbollcHcld. Poll for Kaillshea. To grow good radishes, one needs a sandy soil, thoroughly ferlllir.ed. It I pranl'iillv Impossible to grow a lino quality on a heavy soil. The root grow 'very slowly, and they become i. .noli Mini lu many cases, wormy, A loamy soil i" (1" v,,,v wt" heavy day is not suitable. Thrnrr and practice. Miss lleftllass thinks a but a woman ares and said one ought to have Just as many r.-sMinsibilitics as ft man," young man. 'When did she . sav that?" asked tb" other. , Yesterday evening, "bile she let lie do all the pedaling up-hill on a tan doin."-Washington ftar. IWalrzIn I oolnraa. vmir ins'S'k. young uotuftn, ,i. I, ,1 the footpad, as he rein licl forwa rd. -Hav. n-t any." said the young wmi. an. "this Is a band l" k." nd ihe walked away leaving blir ,...i , ,r .'..niLck I l ia.Anl.. wtEKLY MARKET LETTER ".-,. vkln,t Co,-,,.,,,., .. , Tr.lU. Te ,,rp,'r,u"t r""ir ii , ""M'r '""'"'" w. the ,,,., I.h July hull. u. la.e buy!-,, ui iierHiii f the Tl' B'-nerul view of the trade I, that i-itiiatioi, i f.vorat.le f.,r eompara- ' 7 T1" '"'t " ' "T 1 '"V w '"""iK'H n "' U 't bu.hel. uml that the i.- ciop ini.venieiit hax not faiily Halted to keep, however, an influential party in th ti--1-1 A to the liMal out come of the situation, it in remuikiihle how close pe. are together. Th. ir iliflercm es aie hardly morn than a to tlm tune fir un advance ami it extent. HivciptH of new In-at nt t'liieago are away umlei l.i-t year's. The hi Kan k.i crop cIiowh in the arriavU at K.uiKan 'lly. which, without being ro very laige, ure a g..,l deal over li in. mill' hco. yet the foreignert have taken ail of tins Kama wheat they could get. None of it is moving toward fhicag... unless it i to go through to the oilier side. The small receipt are more cig- iiilicant IsraiiM- July 1 4eovei Si pleni- her, an incentive to rush the grain here, Furthermore, Chicago July is le. and 1 i.e over St. Lenin. 't'..Ii'.l.. ..r The eomnletial eiou iiiovemi.tii l,itv- ,r ilevelos-d that the ls'Jtl winter wheat .vi,,'l very much less than anvlimlv ''ml iimi d it to be. Willi Julv al- the receipts this rear at t'liicago me vaily l,h than last, the shil'ineiits exceeding the ar- riv"'- "r visible supply showed an in- rease of 1,, si, til 0 lun-hels, un.l now total 1 i,S14, IHU busliels, ngaiiml 4tl, 7"i4.ntK) bushels a year ago this time. Ti e foreigners took freight room in two (lays last Week for is a will U' received at all the pri:miry markets in a fortnight. It is certainly nothing against the market that tlieie is a e'ever active bull interest in it. This lias made it sotncwlat uncoiii I fortahlu for the profesi-ii nal short j selle.s. These latter have found out that there was noun lo I ! raids. The long line has not. however. 'lurg iKh to le threatening. ! and the tactic have at no time been j offensive. U I.N.W. as if the July would i go out at a modoiate prcmiuui over the : M'piemiH'r, an. I a il tlie campaign ; would be continued through September. Markrla. Wheat Walla Walla, .tlt.Te; Val ley, "Uo per bushel. Flour Best grade, f4; graham, 'f, 10; suiicrline, f i.'.'j M-r barrel. Oat t'hoice white, :ihnr40. gray, 87('i.t'.e per bushel. liarlcv Feed barlev, 1 f. (.t 1 tl. oO brewing, IXtii 111 per ton. Mi 1 1st tins uran, fit st ton; middlings, fil; shorts, f lA.fiO. Hay Timothy, fli.ol); clover, 10(fll; California wheat, (10(4 11; do oat, 111; Onvm wild buy, !i 10 per ton. Kggs li'j(S Hie s'r dozi'ii. Hutter Fancy creamcrv, 35(3 40i; fair to good, :!0c; dairv, 25(!t30c er roll. t'heese Oregon, II '..o; Young Ameiica, li'ac; California, t(ci 10c per pound. I'oullry t 'hit kens, mixed, fi.SOdt ,".0 m-i dozen; broilers, 1.6O(rf3.00; geese, t;t(rf4; ducks, fJ.SOnI 3 KT dozen; turkeys, live, 10(.tllc per s)Uiul. : l'ot.ilo. s. Oregon lliirbanks. So C ;4.Ver tack; new jHilatis-s, 60o s-r sack swiets, js-r cental, tl lions California, new, red. (1.25; : yellow, (1.60 per cental. ! Hops 1 u (it 1 1 'uc s-r pound for new I crop; lN'JIl crop, 4( tic. Wtail Valley, II (it 1 3c per sumd; Kastern Oregon, Wl'c; inohair, 20e i I er pound. ' Mutton tiros, l'St sheep, wether , un I ewes, 2 '4(11 2 'c; dressed mutton, 4'gf; spring lambs, D'v per nui.l. lings Dross, choice heavy, 4; light and fecihrs, 3.&0(n3; dressed, f;i(i j 4.2.1 S'r 100 pound, i Heef (truss, top steers, '.'.75((3; I cow '..2.1; dressed Isef, 4 uf 5 'uc per J mri.l. Veal Large, 8 (" 4 xtc, mnall, t($ I 5 'jO per pound. Krattlx Msrkrt,, L'utter Funcy native creamery, brick, 18c; ranch, 10(.r lie. Cheese Native Washington, 10( lie; California, U',.0. Kggs Fresli raucli, 1 8 rji 1 9o. Poultry Chickens, live, per pound, hens, lOw lie; spring chicken, i (alt.riO; ducks, 2.StK8.73. Wheat Feed wheat, f 24 per ton. Oat Choice, ht ton, $21. Corn Whole, $20; cracked, per ton, $20; feed meal, f 20 per toll. llarlev Itolled ur ground, per ton, ill; wlitde, Fresh Meut Choice dressed beef, steers, He; cows, GV'j mutton sheep, 60; imrk, ti'ji'j veal, small, 6. Fresh Fish Halibut, 4 "tcj salmon, 4(.rc; salmon trout, 7(j10e; flounders ami sole, Sin 4; ling cod, 4(t5; rock cod, 5c; smelt, 2 'v w li". Kan l iBni li." Markrt,. Wiad ChoicM foothill, U(il2e; Han ; Joauiu, 6 moiitli' Mi 10c; do year' staple, 7(!'c; mountain, 10(d 13c; Ore 1 goii, 10(3 1 3c per pound. Hops Hist 12e t mund. MilUtuff .Middling. llS.oOoiJJ; California hum, I.M" 15.60 i-r ton. lay Wheat,! 12 14 1.1; wheat and oat, l!ll(ctl4; oat, !10ia 12; river barley, $7(S; best barley, flMrt 1 1 ; alfalfa, 7(ii s.iO clover, ! 7. SO fa . Potatoes New, in Isixe, SOii 40e, Onions New red, "OidHiH-; do new silverskin, H.Vm !1 s'r cental. Fresh fruit Apples, 20W30O l small Ihix; do large box, 35iT.1'! Koyal apricots, 20'3.1o coiuiiiou cherries, low 2.V; Koyal Anne cherries, 25((t 4K per Ihh; currants, ! 1 . 00 l.fiO prr rliest; peaclief, JjijtliOc; Js-arii, iU 40c; cherry plums, 20m 3uo r box. Butter Fancy creamery, 21c; l" stronds, lSiuSiV; fiiney dairy, lfl( lSc; .knI to choice, 14 Mr per pciiind. Cheese Fancy tnibl, new, he; fair to food, 'e per pound. Kggs Store, 1 1 ' t 14c; ranch, 15(3 lso; Kastern, 14; duck, M lf lii.jen. Cltru fruit Navel oraiifl-, !1 (2; aeedlirgs, Tic fl.SS; Mexican limef, !4. SO' 5.50; common lemons, 1.50C3 s-r U'X. JI ipi v il"- ,"'4" no ""'' moves the particular cause of bia mi ortUB. CAN'T HELP TELLING. Ko Tillage m kmulL No city ko large. 1'rom the tlantlo to the r"!fio. Dame knonn for all that i truthful, 11 that i'i reliable, are tUched to the Uiubt thatkful letU-ra. They coiuo to Mrs. rinkhmn, at Lyuu, Ma-i., and tell the one lory 0 physical solvation gained through the uid of I.vilia K. rinkUaiu't Vi-fi-table ('ll!llH)lllHl. The horrrim born of displaci-incut or ulivration of the womb: llackiwho, Waring-ilim n, diinewi. fear of coining caluiulty, dihlrut of best friend. All, ull irnw and aufferinga of the past. The famed 'Vegetable t oiu- pound" Ivuring the Illustrious nnmo rinkhuiu, has brought them out of the valley t,f MitTei ing U thulof hnjiiine and uwfulucs. In onn i.l,.nM m crntlv MililiOi. a thirtv ii..,..,i,.i. from women in one small town who haJ rcguiued health through lU uao. - IT SAVES YOU MONEY Well a, ttratnrli.g Vmir Strength ami tilting u llmllb to Knji.y If,. ! 7lv TrV"J ! JhT!.w" At tXlZX" 1 '' mki' u Zfi yt ii.nir l ivriin ft ' 'Wx&ik "nV'iir.'rte rlJ io u-. - Ci-"" M.-.i. li'H ks Yni' ii vvt: sijr vsiiKltKli Viiflt I'm. k. ho lu, lie.. n I Illnll.'V lei-.llll the iiieli h y .11. it i IinkI in iimk. von lH.lrv :Iihi an r.'U..-.l t K.S..I. Sutne tn.-ti tiHVe a . .'Jn.lli-.' HL'mii.l miulniitf ailverllsr.l. ' Mill ll.e i-iirri. sIiom n In Imve Im-.'H fsT j '..riiii'.! l.y I ir . SHti.l.-i. 1 1.1.'. irl. Il.-lt 111 11,1 eeni. itelt.l it 1.. ev.Tv'r. I'h.'i imti IIihI II ares alUTMll eUe Imlv It w.inl.l vt Is-tter lo 1 :ry llim yery mmi'lf hii.I 1okIiI r.s'..tntii.'tn1i'.1 ! lN-(..rt kiHii.hi.u tun.- nil. I money with i choicr 1 lri.its. l'i'Nii.r a (,ir trint ..I it h ill iiirIih It nn 1 irrsiirv to u.i- ,nv nilitr r.'in.'.lv. Ir. s,n I. -11's Kli'.'iru Itfll r.i.u tn. m.iri t Ii ti on II. nilh's .l.s lot bill. I .. I u or l . a.'i'or.lln tn he iM.wiT. mi.! liiiihlr.-.U In thi. city sav il is y.irih ti'ti 1 1 1.. a. iiim-h. 1 ,11 kii.I si-i II, or t..l for the Us.!., "1 lir.-i-1 l,-s.'s ol Men." It S"Cllt I'l.Ll'ly M'Hleil I') lllNll, fl.'tf. SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO. !,Vi Wrtt WiKkliliiKlnn St., tirtUatJ, Or. J'tntMt ni'fifntfi thit Ptiprr, VIGOR or W Easily, Quickly. Permanently Restored WpukiiPtw, Nervounni'M, Debility, un.l all thotraia of ) f mm Mrljr wrrort or lair icm; lli fMulta uf ofrork. irko. ir- )rj, le Kul trrnclh, d-loimnt utl lit iftn lu vry rfa nd Mrlinti f lha ImmIj, rtinipU, aalural nifttbtxt. ImnifHliAt iturtvrmiil Ma. r ailurvimpoiiilil, 2.HO rfrara Hmii. aaplanailua and prvofi ttailad taaalatlj frac. ERIE MEDICAL CO., NIA0ARA 5Tf bUI J AtO, N. V. State Agricultural College. OF OKECON MIIKNTIUC r'att.'I lM KNT rut: iiKsr in tiik htatk. Mlllrary traiiilnt l.y t'tilleil Si, lea i.rliMf. 1 ,i'iii)'.t.o in-triii'iora. Surroitii. tttnt- healthful ami moral. t ree I. lilt. ill! No lliel.lelllal leea klelte, tll.'lll.llllg l.oanl. r.H.ln, I'lothltlg, a-lilliK. I I, elf., ahi.lll PM st selns.l year. t all Term l)iell, Ke.lel,il,er VII. Kur calaloirue or other Information g.l.lrra, THOM AS M. HATCH. Trr,., t'orysllla, (iri'K'iD, , . Portland, Oregon . A. P. AMrsosil,l.l. s.,rrln. J. A. Wt'y THE BUSY WORLD OF BUSINESS fttrt proitntik f(H lTrefit a huH1rMi of t frKdusifi, a4 Vill t tk"Uikii't atvr, Hrrttl Ibr aur ru Lf bal 1.4 aei, Vflly, A BUflNCSS KOUCATIOft FAY WHEAT Make nimn'v Uv lUt rCM Hi rtM-tlNltT III I lllrHtfO. r (hiv ami M'll wliunt ihfff m mar ?U. r.rtiini.t Ittivi iit'i'ii iiiatm 111 iiunii M-yinhiiu' i ltailnu in finiirM. Write- fur lull p. inn- H It r , It.'Ht itt fllTi'lU'D rn N-V. rr 1 ti'H?i jf'r.fiifM on lln tiicitvii linatt i( 'I rati1. hl a HM'T'iiK'ti ktum nt in l.ul. rifn li.v fi tuf. Ih'i'k 4 in, I'h t LM hnanl n 1 raid ItmkHr ' . I'ort , h nl. Krt-gon, HpokAllv an-l atllr. W aah. E1SE BILL GOODS Special Rates lit l.l Its). A rsrry the mot coii.t. eie Im, nf 'iymnasltiin ami Allileln i.ti'-n "il the l oa.t SUItS 'J UKlFOlMy DtOt 10 OROIR. sau 1 lor Cur All... I 1 aiaiogu. WILL it FINCK CO., SIS SWO Market St.. Saa rranolsva. Cat, MitTK WKIIM tt""l I" fnita 17 mlniilw 1 10 t.i hour, ailli heart. rriiilrlna n i.revHiiia or slier tn aiin.-ni. "' Isalltn. tarv. ng, itli-lin. ami tlm ain nl naiiwou. ami noi-omiiia .lru. .unn n lln, alelt l.n, .ll.eoll.lorl or l.l st"-r , ft. eta, No l.wa ,.( lime ini-sla or .1.1. mi. "i from hoguioaa. lll I M' TII K Mlllll Spa-rifle h,a neaer lalle.l lire g n ranleeil . tTer.'l ," .in 1 e-aOiily iren .I -i i.' r .I. V tn lor free Informailoii siel .n.--ri..n hlanli, Amlre.a sli.eui.l Speeltte I .,. , A 'I'I I lot llllll bull. III. g. ..ik,na, W a-limgloli. """"VrtTulTsTfV" 1 1 THIHq," Mm Wia."!,as...llil-iis s.d,l,ralal S .1 .1,1. t.,l..i S 11 - U. a I. . .1.11.1. ap'v-S S 1 1. las gunia alU. a raraa w;s.l "'I.. atxj la i l.-r .1 a'O.isa. Ily eaau a ( f ta.llla II I. fh !" - ' all DRUNK isrsl .an bs ,arM with- fit ll.etr kriowleg, by NTI JQ, tl., .alTeln.ia ,,.r I r tl., drlna baMt. Ail drngg'atL wriu- narutiMMlb S'4a, S tart tlla. sCauu HAiLCO Ftt. Full III I'TI'HK aiol rit.r core.1i no .a on I III Clire.l. aelol lot I.e. I'M MakartSUt f' STtsrisi b, 11 MsriSI St , saa r rsrifisru, CUE TLyti"' 11 aaal (uul bri ..... 1.1 ul - ' -a. . . 1 arnis, laaafs-M, wa. P'lrt oraia-. jiassls r 1 iTi is m , J RAILROADS IN RUSSIA. si T boo.,, nd Mile, of Railroad Are Sow Halng Kullt. The Suite of Illinois haa IO.i'sM.) mile ot rullroiid, loa .sKl and MlchU'itu "..'sin. Til" three Ktatea-lllluola, wllh t hind uren of .'sl.iM! inure miles. Iowa, Willi 11 hind urea of .Vi.inhi H.iiuro miles, mid Mlelilk'nn, with a laud are.t f .".T.iHNi have collectively Jit.i.'iiO uitlea if rullroiid, or more lime the empire of Itussla had, nccordiiiK to the hist elll lal reHHIs. 1 1 1 -1 1 hhoivtsl that ill the beciuuliu of Ihe preiu-ut ycrir Ihe total length of rullwitys open for tntllle In Itllsslll WHS J.-l.llT.'i lllll.H,. v( Wch IV- j 2.'Ui lullea belonged to the alnte, ex I elusive of I'l.'i miles of the 'I'r.ins, asplun j ltallroiid. which Is 111 Hi- hands of the MlnUier of War. Tlu iirc.i of Itussla In KunN Is J.loo.iKiii s.ti.iie itiibtt ttud I of liussla lu Asia il,4im.isKi muare I miles, a total of s.."mi.ikiii siu.ue miles, j This ilellclciicy of eunin.imi. niton, how I ever, is Ih'Iih:. if not rapidly, it t has! j siendlly, overcome, nil. I It U computisl I thai there are i.ow Cmi'i 111 les of roads j III com s,- of cousi, ucllou, nml It 's cstl I mated that by the cud of the century tin re will be sonic thin.; like .IJ.inhi 1 miles of nil Iron I lu the Itusslau Cni 1 .lic. two thirds b.'loiiL'iui; In the stale. ' The growth of lb inllin.i.l system lu . Hu-sla. miwleslly becun In 1I7, has I licen very rapid since IS'.m. The Hint road constructed was sKti-vu milei leii 1:, from St. I'eicrsbi;ri; to TsarsUoe Selo, nml ill 1 U iIiIh wiih the only line in the empire. At that time the ( lilted Stales had lu ocraliou L'.Mni miles. In lViii the mlleiiu'e of Itiisshm rullionds had lucreiised io."si mile, nml In isiln il mils still less than I.inki. The rail road 111 i lea .-e of the Culled States In the same year was :t'i,tisl miles. In !" the mileage of Itusslau ivilliviid was 7,imiii miles; in Ismi It was l-l.taai; in Iv.hi it was p.i.raai. It 't.t since lu with audi rapidity that, as atated, II Is fvpccttsl tiefore liHHl there w ill Ih' I'.' miles of rallroud In Itussla, though, of course, thest lie mi's compare poorly with the totals In Ihe I'nltiM Stales, w here there lire ISO, not 1 inll.'s of rullroiid. One dllliculty from which Ihe railroads of Itussla have heretofore suffered severely him been the lack of freight business. In oilier words, the Itusslau railroads have been run chlclly for passenger trul!!.', the protlls of which are rela tively s'liiill and the exH-ns's of w hich liiordlualely lari;e. I i to twenty-live years npi the railroads of Ittissin car tttl.v as many passengers In a year lis Ihcy did tons of freight, thouxh Ki'iidmilly the dlspnrlty lift ween the two has liecti lessened, and since 1S0 the proportion of freight haa W'ou materially larger than hereto fore. Ill the l ulled Stales iiIniiiI 70 per cent, of the railroad earnings nro from freight, nnd litis Is the chief Item of prollt lu oiMTiilloii on all the Hues. The Itusslaiia are bculunliiir to iillll.e , """ r" ,T --""""T "' their railroad faclllllea for the trails- -Nirtatloii of frelnlil to 11 greater client ; than was foriuei'ly the case with them, I and ns a result of this inn miners of the various Hues have found It protiiable lu exleiul them. New Vork Sun. The Kind of Man for Kitaln. "A iiiiiii who ci.n stand turuin dowu for the cabinet us well lis be did nuxht to 111 like a good minister to Madrid," the .'resident la p'ported to have suld lo a friend shortly before he Kent to the Monale the iioiulnatloli of Sleuurd 1 WisMlford. riacldlty of temper, cotipbsl Willi slrotiK resoltilloii, rts-om. mended the New Yorker (is tit for the (lltllciiltliss of the .Madrid mission. Per- j haps the President did not recall tlm 1 hctirliii: of (tn. Woodlord Uhiii n cer- lain very Iryliw ts'eiisloii Ioiik iM'foro j Ihe cali'.liel Incident. If thill hud collie to hla mind he inllit luivc felt ml- illllomil force In hla esllinnle. Many years itso, anya the iisli'nlisii cor- j resK.nlent of the Kt, l.ouls (ilobis, lieiiiis'lnl, there was 11 Hcnsiitlomtl j iH.lltU'iil homicide In Kemper county, I Miss., Jildh'c ChUholui was Ihe victim, j Ills ease iH'ciime of llllei'eat. I The Ki''l"ril K'lVelliniellt took tip with I vUr tlie piinUlinient of the crline. ! Slewnrd I. ViKlfoi'd, of New York, j wna ss'lected to no to Mississippi to assist In the prosecution, The action of the government wan resented, Threata wen liuide that the Yiiukee lawyer would Hot ace hla home 11 mi In If lie llinde himself too orTenslve. (Hi the day (but (It'll. Woodford walked Into the court room he looked Into an array of forbidding: fucea, nml olww-rved that there aiseiucd to be nn avernue of one shotifun to eiieli Mlsslssilpplnii pres ent. He put down his law tsioks on the tn I de, slowly surveyed the crowd, and In n tone ludlciitlnit perfect coin H.siire, wild: "There MS'llia to 1m a ifisnl deal Of dUpluy of nrnis here, rersonally, 1 don't know that It la objectionable. have had some eXerleiice In looking down the barrels of pit s of larger ciiIIImT. Still, If this cne Is to be tried With shnlk'UUs, It mny be well lo haw nil nude ratiilidliiK ' 1 1 is t effect before we .M'jeln.'' Tin' posaeasora of the ahotuiins tlrop pi d out of the court room oim by one, nml when they came buck they wera not armed. Tea lirlnkltiK. There la a jiretty lejfiiul 11s to (lie orlKln tf tea-tlrltiklni,. The nlory K,N-a that one of the dimulilers of an Knst ern aoverelKll was Kreatly eiiiimonsl of one uf the youuK noblemen of her futher'a court. One day her lover, without tike knowledge of her attend lints, presented her wlih n ft w ur.sou branches, one of which she cHrefully kept, ami u rciichtu her npurtmeiits phietsl It In n uoblet of witter. Home time afterward, while fondly HiUiklim of the youutt iiobleinriti, she wna Hel.e.) with a aeiillmciititl iittaek, nnd Im pulsively drank the wnter in which tike Krceii twlK hnd '"S'H slnii'lln,'. The wnler to her surprise had a unwt njtree. able ttiale, she ate the leaves and stalk. The flavor pleased the prlnctsa so much that every day she hnd bumbi-a of this tea tree brotitfht to lu r, which tdke ale, or put In water and drank the Infusion in memory of Imr lover, The Indies of the court sa'luif her appreclnilou of tlm new drink Imitated hT example, and with such pleiisliiki results that the lirnctlit ssii spread ami apealily tsj nme universal. A "lender Outfit. 'i have Just finlslieil a story where the act rl was as 'thin as a Imp le,' and the hern 'is scrawny as a pine anpliUK,' " That sort of story should padded ouL"C'Uvelaud ITaludealee Morpbln rirnd. In Amnrlra. A Tariiian work on the morpliine habit lay. it i moal nrevalent in tier- i many, France and the United Statfi, and, strange to lay, that the medical profession tiirnisli... ihe larejjst iiiinils'r 01 iuoriiiinii, .er cent. .Men ot 1. isure come next with 13 per cent, then merchants, 8 ht cent. )( I.Otitl lien. Is tl.'iO ere men and of the (finale victims women of mean furnished 43 er cent and wives of medical men 10 per cent. Nlat I'lnnrr, ami HufTrag,. Tlnwe stales in which coinplettt or limitisl woman uffrat;o bus been estab lulled by law are those which have taken the lead in the selection of state flowers. Colorado hits the Columbine, Idaho the syrinia, .Montana the bitter root and I'lah the seruo lily. Tin1 state flower of Nebraska ia the k'oI.Ioii rod, which ia likewise the state Mower of (rc!on. kT TO AN AITIIOVINO NCIKM'K, to A ylnorou, totnsi h la tin. rr,l.'at of niun.Utir Irsaitisa. S...111.I it ..! i , guaranty .. ..i.. i iii,iat iii,r i-isaiu ny, a 1. early . siii..,iii r.'iiiilar halm of hialy Th.ii.itli 11. . I Nlunia a natural pii.I.ih incut, li mav Im a nr I tl.ioiiuh Ihe a, .-ii. y of lloati ller'a Sloiua.'h Illtl.Ta, oih of Hi.. iio! erfeetlt, InvlsnlNilla aiol Iio.nI IitMIi.t, tn raiirn.-e Tina hue tome al. lorlilli.a teniae II aialiot ma lana. ami r. liii.l U-, Li k 1 1 . xi alt -. Cullall). alien ""'i 1 iivii niaioiii. A maKiictic well of ureal power has licen struck at Howersville, live miles south of Jamestown, Ohio. The well was drilled 140 feet deep, and nt this di p h the drill tiecame so matfuctizud that particlca of iron clung, to it. lKA KSS Aor UK I 11 Kit l.y lisal, aa thojr can not rcai-li thr itivax'.l imito.n nt thr r,r. Turn. i only one to iiirv iloaliieaa. ami Dial la l.y roualitie lional r.'iu.-.lii'a. Ih-alnraa ta ra.iM'it l.y an I11 ftMtn.'il .'.. million 1. ( tin. lu.i.-ona lining .f tl.e Kiislaelnan Hilar. W hen Una lube K.'la Inllaiii. .'I tun have a rmnhllna aouixl or u...M.ri.M.i hrarliig. ami lieu II l entirely eloae.l ili alne.a is 1 i.e reaiiit, ami iinieaatneinnaininaiion ran Is lak. -n 0111 ami this tills, real.. re. in its normal (, hearing will Is- ilealrote.l lorever, tone .'im mil nl ten are i aiiae, l.y ealarrh wl.leh la iioihtng Imt an liillanir.l ciiiitlliioii 01 the inui'.nia aurta.'ea. We will glte tin llinnlrril Is.llara for any eaae nl ileafuesa (.'aiinsl l.v . alatrhl that eallnol Is' enre.l hy llall'a l aiarrh fur, s. n.l for eir culara, (ree. K J CIIKNKY A CD ,, II Cilil hy ilrugill. 7.V. llall'i rainil) 1'illa are Hit beat. Nicola Tesla, the electrician, says that he has practically crf.-ctcd an ap paratus by which telegraph messages may be sent without wire. He pro poses to give a demonstration of his mastery of the electric currents. Pis.,', 1'iirc for Consumption Is our onlv nit'.lieinr for i'oukIis suit colds - Mrs. ('. Il. lt, 4.111 Slh avr., Ilenvrr, I'ol., Nov. ri, 'ICi. John I'ratt wore at his funeral in Hoi. Ion, Me., the other day, a Hue pair of calfskin hoot made lor him in 1KH2 AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WK ARE ASSERTING IN THE COl'RTS OUR RIOItT TO THE KXCI.IISIVB USE OK THE WORD "CA8T0RIA" AND PITCHER'S C ASTORIA," AS OCR irad mark. , DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Ilrjnnnis, Matsnrhusettt, wa th ori(inator of "PITC ER'S CAST0RIA," the same that has borne and does now V . Z hear the facsimile signature of OutSyffl&c&U This is the oriinl PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY i the wrapper and see that it is the kind j014, have always bonfht jrtf If"'. on the and has the signature ofTUif wrap per, Ao one has authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. 11. Fletcher is President . - Mirch S, 1897. tf., Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting; a cheap substitute which wins druggist may offer you (bccau.e he makes a few more pennic ou it), tlie Ingredients of which even he doc not know. "The Kind You Have Always Bought" BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNATURE OF V7 Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. A ptrffct tyss of t hlrhnt rtr at tsctllfncs la ntsnsfsctart." y VVnlfor- tlnlrnr A- C n 'c- !X ti uiivi BREAKFAST COCOA 5 Absolutely Costa Lett Us sars that m it th, (aulas arlkw, auds al WALTER J.J Establlthsd ? ; 7tJ. a-4 -aTTTTTTTTTTTTtTTTTTTTTt' TTTr.- ! 1H . ft i p; i Jn KSl' mil ii i H" lienules Special ' 2't actual horaepowtr) Pries, only fISS. August 31st 1 is the last lliV of the $1000 I . . J ,,ww nilSSHlJ WOrtl COntCSt Schillings Best tea is wonderfully fresh and line. Rules of conteM publithtd in Urg. dvertiiement abo.l the firat and m.ddl. of each month. AjI 1 I'arlalan lleyeniiea. I'aris gets its revenue chiefly from the octroi duties, which now yield more than fll, 000,000 a year, and tba cost of colleetitn; which is about !'J, 000,1100. Kvery article of consiiniitioti brought within the fortifications of I'aris, .whether fissl, fuel, or building milteiral, is subject to these dtltiea. There is also a tax of 10 per cent 011 the amount of rent paid by each tenant, a license lax on business, a window tax and a do tax. These produce alsmt' !IH,000,OUO a year. About !S,000.000 comes in the form of contributions from the republic toward the inauitc mince of the police department and the street. AImhiI ! 1 5,000,000 comes from "what are strictly municipal revenues," which ure derived (mm such sources as rent als paid by the nas companies over !:i.tio0,000 returns (nun the (ertilil- ink' sewaife, !:l, 400,000, and publid markets, fl.KOO.OOO. What are called the extraordinary cxcnses of I'aris aril devoted, li ko our own, say the Mil waukee Sentinel, to tba carrying out of new public improvements and the con struction of public building and ar. provided for, like our, by the Issue of bonds. Their annual averse, varies between seven and cidit millions of lollars." I'aris harbor a widow, Mute. Juli a, who inherited from her hus band .'5,000, 000. As she disapproves of the way in which he made Ins for tune, she refuses to use it contentiliB herself with an in. 1 o( 8,000 franca. Sixc for size, a thread of spider's silk ia decidedly toucher than one o( steel. An ordinary thread will bear a weiiiht of three grains. This is about 50 per cent stronger than a steel thread of tlie same thickness. 1. 1 T K R A K Y. tinrlnal. bnal- II II LIU III Ilea.. 11.11,1. al. an, 11. eol.. si. 'Sl an. I .re.aral..ry eonraea. Htata 1tiiilns, lor normal eoiir,.-. THeiily elshl Iti- I r tu tors. :i.'7 alioli' t o. allot. iH-ailllflll, ishile. In the aitlinrhs. with all ihe,.i,niases ..I s irreat city ami none ..I lu .llivaniase. rree from aaloona ami Immoral nlai ea. HoarJ- g halla r..nneete.l with M-hts.l. tiovernineul inil.l hut ttrni. r ii'rtttrt lor year lltaj la l-SSI. Hehoul , H..ien,lHr 2t 1SV7. I als- logne 'nl free. A. 1. 1. ...a. I no". as H.W, 11. n., I'nlreralljr I'ark, Or. n. r N. I1. Nil. .1.1. '7. IIKN wrlllng l ail fxrliaora, tnatttl.tii tl.l, ,aitr. .la,a on every wrapper. uuiwi w wv o Pure Dcftciou Nutritiou, than One Cent a Cup, DORCHESTER. MASS.H- Dyts J BAKER 4 CO. Ltd. U. 130WER .FOR... PROFIT Power that will savt you money and make you money. Hercules L'm;ines are the thcaieit power known. Hum Gasoline or Distillate Oil; no ttinuke, fire, or dirt For pumping, running dairy or farm machinery, Ihcy have no equal. Automatic In action, perfectly aafe and reliable. Send fjr illustrated catalog. Hercules Gas Engine Works Bay St., San Francisco, Cal. ti -to, ii eggt were aoju jKiruiii-u v "