The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 14, 1897, Image 10

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    for Infants and
tVtalorta I ao welt aUjitd to chlldns that
fjtnmmmi It aa anparlor to any jprwcrli.Uoo
lasratoma. JL A. Aa'K'S.M.l'.,
HI 8a Oxlwd llruukln, N. Y.
' tM un of Caitorta U ao unlreml an1
i urlti ao well known Dial II iui 4 work
jrrotrmt.rn to mlre It, Jaw ara Ilia
.KI.lirm.t famlUcai wbo do nut a CaaUirU
Kiila may ruu'h,"
Ciau iUarrx, T. p.,
hw York City.
Tin C'aarn'a Cum
Marjlaud Democracy Sound on the
Money (Jiaitlon.
The state Pcmocralio convention
of Maryhnd ticM tho other day,
with Fenitor Gorman in tlio chair,
adopted tho following ringing plat
form on the monoy qucstian:
"The Democracy of Maryland,
in common with tho Democracy of
tho Union, believes now, in honest
money, the gold and silver money
of tho constitution, and the coinage
of loth metals wit'iout dincrimina
ton ngaiiiHt eithir into standard
dollars of final payment and re
demption. "We noto with satiefaction that
tho de nand of more than C,.ri(X),
000 of Democratic voters expressed
at tho polls luHt November has
compelled President McKinley and
a Ufpublioan congress to urge upon
tho European Towers, through tho
medium of a duly appointed com
mission, the necessity for an inter
national conference to arrange the
terms of a bimelullic system, under
the operation of which both gold
and silver shall be used and recog
nized as money of the final redemp
"Tho sufferings of the masses,
tho honest toilers, tho bono and
sinew, iho brain and courage and
mtnhood of tho land, havo met
with the sympathy of the nomoc
racy, and the protest of our great
party, bo eloquently voiced in last
year's elections, has forced the Ho
publican party, despite its arro
gance and recklessness, lo recognize
thinmUofai aroused and pa'
triotio people And while many
Democrats havo not approved all
tho expressions of thoir ptrty in
national convention, bimetallism
will surely como. It may conio
through tho instrumentalities set
in motion by tho presont adminis
tration, though, in truth, inspired
by tho inlropid action of the Do-
mocrati voters. Hut it will come
and tho prosperity and happiness
that follow in iU truin will bo duo
to tho courage, tho undnuntci
fidelity and tho intelligent patriot
isna of tho Democracy."
A copy of tho Dingley tariff bill
is bef jro us. From it we loam
that tho tariff on wheat imported
into this country is fixed at
cents a bushel: hops 12 cents per
pound; hay $1 per ton; etc, t
bueh transparent sop ai '.his is
thrown to our agricultural tomoiu
nities. Kv.ry person of any intelli
tence who has investigated the
matter knows that instead of im
jnrting tho above agricultural
products we export them, h.'nco a
tarilf phicod on them is entirely
useless. The object of such tariff
rates is only to deceive ami hood
wink tho producers into the idea
that they are prot:ctod in common
with manufacturers who receive a
tariff protection fr m 25 to 200 per
It is tho worst kind of deception
and unworthy of the great party
that resorts to it in order to deceive
the masnes of tho people.
rrom a head of little Club wheat
brought to this office today we
counted 34 wheat grains. It as
an average head. We confess not
being farmer enough to tell if this
is an average production or tx tter.
1'robably better as at that rate ol
production a bushel and a half
of grain town to tue aero would
produce CI bushels, a good large
The young grouse will be ready
to harvest when the law crmil8
shooting on the 15th of this month.
raatorla amm Colic, O-aiatlpatlio,
mr KUmiaili, Marrhiaa, F.nv.'tatliiO,
Kill Wuniia, gW aWj, ami J.romota f
Without Itijurkiua mMk-atlun.
"rir aMWnl I lio lronimT.
your I'aalmla,1 arid aluill alwaja contli. . t,
do aa It lia lufarlald jiruluowl Uri!k-ul
Et.wi T. Piu, M. P.,
ISBUi 6trat ai.d 7tU Aa., Vv Vrk tr
- iHT, ?7 Jliuit Brm-iaT, Yuaa tm
CITY lOlH'lli.
City to It.-nt Itork (.'runner From
County llltjclo Ordinance Lout
Ollii-r llugiiiei.
Council met In regular stnMlon In
chambers at elty hull AugUHt (, lh!7.
1'ienont, Mayor Kuykemlull, Council,
men Day, lray, FIhIh r, lleniUnioii
ud hut-key.
Minute of regular nnx-tlns of July
12 ami a ljourucd iimpting of July
27, rtail and approved.
The flnancv commlltt-e reported fa
vorably on the utuul number of blll
which were allowed und onli-nil pnld.
Couuclluifii Day, from tin judiciary
committee reported an ordinance for
Franklin street and rurvey and pro
II lo of same, w hich wbh read and laid
The proposed bicycle ordinance read
third time, voted Umiii and 1 -1 . Venn
two; t ays, tlnee.
The city attorney presented an ordi
nance providing for the cutting of
weedH, grana, elu. Itead Ural time.
lteKtrted amendment lo ordinances
providing for salary ol oMtvra, llxlng
salary of city attorney at t'iand city
tieaaury at HJ0, received and laid on
llio table.
Opinion of city attorney prcxeiited
that a general ordinancu providiiiit for
removal of old and dungi'mim btilld
lugs would not be legal.
The coinuilltcu on lire and water
Whs directed to examine Into the con
dition of the old building in the rearer
I'attemon's butcher shop, and report
at next mevtlii.
Mr Henderson from the c inlnlttee
on streets, preaeuted the monthly re
port of work done.
He alxo untitled tho tre t car com
pany to Improve the stro I along their
track and ralxe the track 1 l'10 extitb
llshed grade of the street.
Itcported also that tin city can rent
rock cruHlier and force of men for f 10
per da). On motion the street com
in 1 1 tee was authorized to rent the rock
crusher on th isu lornn.
The committee hai also contracted to
Hpriuklo Wlllauieltestrcct to the dt'x t
for f Ili.oO Hr mouth. Hums approved.
On motion of Councilman Day the
street comiuittej was illrected to report
at .the next meeting the amount of
lumltcr needed for the year, with a
view to purchasing a year's supply
The special committee on order of
bUNincsb and rules was granted further
Tho usual number of bills read and
referred to llnauco committee.
The bill of Ituri r & Anderson for
construction of l'-arl otreet sewer,
presented for .iSt.7.'i, and extra work
f :5. On motion extra work was al
lowed nt flO.W, and bill ordered paid.
Regular monthly bills were ordered
paid under suspeiiNlon of rules
On motion adjourned.
Institute (.'loses.
Today Is the final out. of the Lane
County Institute and It N pronounced
unqualifiedly the bent In point of at
tendance and Interest ever given.
Last night Htute Huperlntendei t
Irwin delivered an Inntruc'lve ad
dress before the Institute that was
highly appreciated. His theme was
broad, "The Kdueatloual Interests of
Oregon, and the Responsibility of
Teachers Thereto," and his well
known ability la evld-nce of the fact
that ti e aaute was well handled.
Tonight the teachers will be treated
to Ice cream at a social given oil Com
missioner Callison's lawn, by Supt
Hunt, and tomorrow at 1 p m the
quarterly examination commences.
Colonel H 11 Kosa and David W
Mathews, of Oregon, have been ap
pointed by ltinger Hermanu, to be ap
praisers of the Chippewa Indian lauds
lu Minnesota; Kafe 11 Dixon, of liose
burg, Or., to be a foiest reserve supers
vlor. All these olllces have beeu
much sought after.
The rush to Alaska is startling
and liny result in hardships to
minors who g in without reckon
ing on i. ui roes of supplies, Pro
visions must be carried on sledges
and the backs of men for nearlv
1000 miles, and the question ol
kHMing the men who are
into tho cold li. l U bec-omes a ,ier. ,
iou problem. The .iniiit. y itself
pro luces absolutely nullum ly
wmcn iiuuimi 11:0 uiav be suctatned.
The greatejt cycling meet in the
history o( the coutrry cauie to an
iid In 1 liiladclplna !atirday. It
was estimatevl 4 ".(K0 persons wit
nessed the contests. The vcSiecls
may yet displace the steeds of flesh
and blood in popultr esteem.
Two Inatauu-a llrlaUil by an Old Huntor
and Priictor Faroelty Arouaad bf
llun(r A Tragedy la Ilia FoothllU of
lha Hlrrra Xnvatlaa.
"Aa u rulu tliu iimuntuia lion I a uhj
fjoait, which retrenta from Ilia iireaonca of
man and run Ij will attack blmeven when
wouiiili d," suld A. II. Davla, furmerl; a
pr.cclor and hunter on the Pnelflo alnpc.
"I liuve bfitight una down from a treo
with a bulliit, and onatrlklng the Kfotind,
InaUnU of allowing fight, tho creature tried
lo crawl away to -rpa. Owing to the
nnibriii'Na nt Ita aeniu-a the nioiiiiUiln linn
la usually forewarned of the aiinineb of
mini In tlinu to tiiko Itaelf out of tho way
uriKiii, find when confronted with hu
iniinlty In thvwiltU It often dlojilnya n '111
irular confidence und gi-ntleiiesa. Jluttln ru
iiru two romlltlona which reonqili'tc ly
rhmiKu the inountnln lion's onlliniry dla
eofll Ion toward mnn and rentier thla anl
iinl hla ImuUmte and duiiKirloua foe,
'J he one Is the npproneh of mnn townrd a
fimmlu lion with ctitia; the other Is when
Dm lion la half famished and fierce with
limiK'T. At aueh tliuei the llon'afi'iir and
toleninea of mankind ullke vaiiisli, and It
doc not healtiito to nttiu k hlni.cvcn when
the odd worn greiitly agiiltist Ita sticcesa.
Then Ita Innate feroelty, atrenglh und
UKlllly, Linked by Ita terrible equipment
of t--t ti ii ml claws, imike It a truly forml
dalilti enejiiy.
"In SO years' limiting und prospecting
along the rilrrru Nevada and CiiMUide
rarinia I have ieronully known of In
nUmees In wlili h the mountain linn nt
Uirked man without provocation, und In
wic h of tlii'sc Instances It upisnrcd to have
dona so because of hunger. '1 hn first wim
ninny years ng In Oregon. Two nun
were driving u herd of hogs from the In
terior toward the coast when, while pass
ing through a wild canyon, a huge moun
tain lion sprung from a tren ukhi the
shoulders of the foremost man and t Hid
to tear bis throat. It being cold weather
the mnn Imd nn overcoat of California
(ivemllH stuff, as strong almost as cnnvn,
With the wide collar tnrni-d upulsiut his
cam, and this saved his neck from tlio
lion's teeth. The other man had no fire
arms, but he run to his companion's uld
with tho long black snake whip used In
herding. A blow from the long lush of
in h a whip In the hands of a man w ho
can use It cuts through hair and skin like
a knife, und with his black snake ho whip
ped tho Hon till It dropped from the man's
shoulder and retreated. J he drovers took
their herd along to the next town, where
they told their story, mid a party of hunt
rrs went out next day and found and
kllhd the lion, which measured IU feet
from nose to tall. This Is a foot longer
than nny inountnln lion I have ever seen,
but tho statement lis to Its length was
Hindu to ino un excellent authority, and I
du not doubt Its truth.
"Tho worst Instance I knew of a moiin
tain lion's attacking a man resulted In a
tragedy. A party of five of us were lu tho
Sierra Nevada In Novetnls-r hunting,
The peaks were already white with snow,
und every snowfall drove tho deer further
down Into Iho valleys which were our
hunting grounds, lhvr were scarce that
year, und for that reason nil the eiirnlvo
runs ii ii I ii it. In that pny on them wero un
UMiully bold und hungry, anil the nine Ii
men ulreiidy wero complaining of losses of
stock throiiuh hears and wolves. There
cutiion morning with a light snow, fallen
tho night before, Just deep enough to track
a deer In well, und three of us set out
nnionii tho foothills In the morning. One
of our three wns a young fellow mimed
J'llliiinti, not long out of college.
"In tho course of the day we got scpu
rated. About tho middle of tho afternoon
my partner. Ferguson, and I cunio togeth
er, but Tllliiiiin did not turn up. Fearing
ho might have got lost, wo went III search
of Mm. we cunio at lust uiin his tracks
nntl following them up, we mine, Just nt
dusk, Oon Tillmnn lying lifeless In the
suow, his throat torn und Ills clothes part
ly stripped from his body. We at first
thought It wns the work of u Is-ur, but the
trucks In the snow showed It to have Ihvii
a mountain Hon, which hud leaped iiin
him from a thicket of mountain citlar.
T he fact Hint Tillman's rllle hud not been
dlschnrucd showed that the lion had Is on
the ngttressor. After killing this young
mnn mid lapping Ms Wood tho lion bad
drugged some brushwood over liliu and
gone away. It wns a startling sight to
come suddenly on, anil after wo had laid
pour Tillman's Ixsly out In decent shnie
rcrguvm and 1 stood looking nt cacti oili
er undecided what we'd better do next.
" 'It's live good mill's lo camp und no
trail. We never can carry htm there to
night,' Ferguson said at last. 'I'll stay
hem and watch the Imdy If you'll go lo
camp tonight and fetch the rest of the beys
out first thing In the morning.'
"So I gave Ferguson what grub was lu
my haversack and matches unit the nx
ond started for camp, leaving Mm cutting
wood for a lire. I got to camp nil rlfiht
before midnight, und told tho Isiys what
hud happened, and next morning at earli
est daylight we wero on the move for the
scene of tho tragedy. When we got there,
Ferguson wns sitting by tho lire, with Till
man lying there stark and Milt on the
ground with a handkerchief over Ids face.
After wo hnd talked a bit Ferguson point
ed out to us un opening In the hie-lu s tfO
yards nwny.
" 'There's tho murderer,' he said. It
was a mountain Hon lying dead with n
bullet hole In Its forehead. It was a Mr
und terrible looking brute, gaunt and lean,
us If It had been near starvation before the
bullet knocked It over.
" '1 was looking for him to come,' salt'.
Ferguson. 'lie came In-fore midnight
prowling iilsmt the camp. The tin' kept
lilm kick for awhile, but he kept coming
nearer until at lat I got a fair chance to
aim by his eyes, fine shot setthd him. If
It hadn't'
"Well, It did not need lo said what
might have happened 11 the shut hnd un re
ly wounded the Hon, for the 1 rule was
fierce with hunger mid already had tasted
human blood. Wo made a bier from Kip
HiiK and got poor Tillman'.'- uly to camp
und then out of the mountains, und thus
ear hunting trip dttustrously ended."
New York Sun.
Hardening Mwl.
A process of hardening steel by mean
of nn (loetrlo current traversing the red hut
metal has Uvn Invented In France. F.x
perlnicnts made with tools thus hnrdititd
ure mUI to have given surprising results.
A sharpened table knife cut a one eighth
Inch Iron wire as If It had Nvn a string.
Iron Ivirs wore easily cut with a circular
saw. Prills pierced east steel date with
twice the sjnvd and case of ordinary drills,
und In all the experiment tho tools show
ed im Injury.
rieaant mornings. Wet-tern
-'rcgou cannoi da teat lor su.naier
climate, and that of a kind that
'develop! splendid sr.tins. fruits.
hops, girdens and other prodibl
tions of the temperau line. Xo
swaltering of nights and diys, but I
pleasant equable climate.
Harvesters who have eotntuenoed
work report a splendid yield of
grain of an excellent quality.
aue.lloD. ror"7uk'u " ,,uW t0
frejisrt IU ""'
a il,n Lest iiPI'le sail"",
Id I
miu ...... - . - , , ,
young girl wle-n telling of a vb-.l ton
dear old aunt. , ,. .
"Wherein did It Mt '" 8 1 ,,,1h''
t,le suuocsf" tho molliir -r'rleJ qulKlca
ly, for tho mother t!.otibt she knew all
there was to know l.ut apt lo
"Well, I dn tkn .w," said the )'m
s-rson, "but It was tho l-t and she 1 ul
the sugur.lnlt U f.-re M.o cslod It, and It
was ao different fn.m nny other.
ltohapp. n.d t:.,t the mother had oc
rnslon to n, ik" .,.. nril- sauce for tea,
and not to ! ouM. r.u ly any aunt how
ever worthy sho n.ihth-. th" mother also
put tho angaria I. f'.rc he co. k.d lh up
),lo, but theyoun: 1- r-n said It wasti t a
bit llko auntie ..
Now, I liapiii'-d to know Just how this
auntie really del npplc sauce,
and will U ll jou, ir-ides giving you an
otle r way loo.
1'wltart npphs and uuartcr th. in. K
very large, cnt H.- '1 tarter once In two.
Have D quarts " I '-I'd, and put them
Intoo griii.Hu k 'tle; pour over them -cups
of sugar a ed t on the lack part ; .r
the range, wlo ti th'.-d a fire In It. U t
them cook sl until perfeeUy clear.
Cover them cl"-i !y.
I didn't say M..!.:n;f about the water?
No, and that 1- ju-t "hero the dl!T. :-enco
come In. Tie a, 1 -i am cookid In their
own Juice, mid this n.hln.d ilh tho din
ar, mukc a i Mi mid delicious sirup
which will aim" : J' H "1'1-
llou't be nf- j''l "f their burning to tho
kettle, though liny will If put over a hot
llro nt first. It v. Ill not take long for
enough Juloe to exude to rook them, und
tlwy may l' Mt whole. Tiny must be
cooked until they lis.k clear and translu
cent. For tho oilier recipe use red apples If
you can. Cut tip a couple of quarts of
applis, or have a rouplu of quarts when
they nro cut. Do nut luro them. Put
them Into u small stone Jar. I'ut over
them two big cups of su;-ar and row
closely, l'laco In the own ai.dhtt!.
rinialn four hours ut le.i't. 'II" i"i'
should not bo very hot. Thenpplis
come out looking ns r. d in nil lei i!.;.r
through, und tasting sn diilclon tin y
would tempt even n lion tipple same low
to try them. Household.
Nouirtliinir About tlio Verl.ln of This
tVundrrful 1'rocris.
Oeiieral llelijuiuln C. Tllghmanof l'lill
adelnhla Invented the sand blast pi'e.s
It is us, d for cutting, boring, pulverizing
und ngnivlng stone, glass, wood anil nth
er hard or solid substances.
The well known nhriellng imvw of
sand when driven by ulr or water against
hard stibstnnees suggested the Mind blast to
lieiieral iilghuinn und led him to make
his first ixpcrlmcnt. Ilelltud upuviiy
simple nlr blast, producing but a few
dunces of pressure, and by nn ansof a con
centric jet of glass this nlr was mad.' to
drive the sand against theul ject to he ut.
He found that hobs could be I orcd through
common window glass In n few n eonils.
Kurt In r experimenting, he discovered that
he had only to Improve the ii paratu.s to
get Increased i Ricleney.
The wind blast performs both heavy and
light work. For heavy work n high pf s
sure and great vi loclty are in eessary. Tho
heavy sand blast Is used i-hh My for orna
menting a nd dressing stone after It has
been quarried. For light work tho pres.
sure Is light nod the velocity hv.
Isiters r-.-iy Is-cut In marble ly menus
of the sand In the follow lug immui, r:
'The stone or tenrblo Is llrst covered with
a thin't of wnx, and the letters are cut
In the wax, having the marble ixposnl.
Next the marble Is i is., und, r the blast,
and tho sand it.'. i e li lt rs deep Into the
stono without Injuring the wax in the
least. In like manner any ornamental de
sign may be rut into the stone.
Cilnss, too, may !o ornamented by means
of the sand blast. If nplivoof glass be
covered with line laeo and placed under
the blast, not a thr, ad of the lace will be
Injured, but the patient will be beautiful
ly cut Into the j-hi-s.
Tho sand ib i s i . t affect soft, yi, Ming
stibstnnees, but ii.h Uly cuts away In n,
steel, stone, g'a--. or any other resisting
substance, i he worknu n can hold their
hands under the I and receive no In
Jury by simply wr:,; plug their linger nails
In little pieces of suit i loth. Philadelphia
Iter llHllktllHlk.
In a nent Hltlo volume published I y the
Lincoln National haul; the customer is In
formed that "the pahook, while kept by
the customer, Is r, ally the property of the
tinnk und nothing' should be written In
It by the depositor, i ho custom of some
persons using th, Ir Kink passliooks us per
solial niemor.indiim Ismks causes endless
unnoyunco und lalor to the lsiokkivper,
who lias to handle hir;;e miiul ers of these
books In a sh, nt -i .ico of time." The ne
cessity for positive It -irtiotions of this kind
was demonstrated r.o ntly when a woman
hand, si her liook to the receiving teller to
havo tho deposit r, onrd, d. It was found
that n lino had ! , , n draw n under the last
figures made l y Iho l ank mid the amount
llgurcd up, mid th,n came the following
Paid Sterns i.n isj
t.Vs'k lit im
Theater tickets a eo
Cub am
When the l ock dork told the woman
that tho book should not be Used for such
purposes, lie was itaonned Indignantly that
It was her Isiok and that she knew how to
keep tally en the lank. Nvw York Trib
une. Three I'sed Middle Names.
There were oil si, v .r ,,f lVel.Nrutlun
of Independence, and i nlv three had or
used a middle na'i. ; lVh,rt Trvut 1'ainc
of Massachusetts .n il 1! i, hard llenrv Lie
and Frandi Mghtioet J,o of Virginia.
Tho Ivs were both n:.t ims i f Str.iuord.
Va. HoUrt ' l':-!ue was six ycrs
elder than Tom 1'i.ine, the uliiclst. Tho
former was n !l stoulati; tlio latter was
born lu England
Some of Tlieui li,i,
The master l ad been giving n das .(
youngsters some ideas of adages and how-
to make them. Presently lie said.
' Birds of a feather do what?''
"liy eggs," plixd a small Ivv before
nnylKHly else had a chance to steak. an
Francisco Kxaiuiner.
The lt.ith order of kniyhthis'd is found
iu tho earliest. nm'S of tho F.tinlish sover
lipns. It dcrlwU Its nan.o from the cir
cunistanoo that balhlnjj eotistitui. d , no of
tho features In the Installation if
Maids of boner may retain th, ir p, -t in '
the household of l'nplatid so loiii? us
th, y reimiin timnari iiil. T lu re Is no lLcd
ugeut w hich they lire olilid to r, thv.
The ass.issination of Cinovns, late
prime n' ist r of Spiin, taii-cs a
feeling of iirrr b li rill the civi
lixevl world. lie teprcs on ted :n
iiioieraiu ilesno'io system ol gov
ernment and tell a vi'tiin t ti e
r.'sent nent of the unthinking pin
plo thahold tho agents responsible
instead of the systex of govern ,
tueut. i
MtOl! I'bhAvtM JMIJi.
11 a II V
llllerestillU' I !' "'" ,n"1
M'ctl f Old l-aiu-'
Warm weather p.evuils.
Many farmers no lia e iheir grain
ready fur market.
Latl Kriday the iberiiioineiir rto(d
lit degiits.
John Ulnz-l.riMl, feeler of West
l!ro, wa in ally i-vir.ou.e by
the In i.l li-t r'ri.laj; ".nil. ro
that be had to have a sack tit U
around Ins wulsl In keep the (lust ot.t
llustlllereilMMis ! ean-e eolisiileluble
bloat and the s... k b. ii I" be cut with
a knife.
Welcarii that I'
who has but. in - be
lllr'.'f veals, ill.'' I
liiine Jlainl nUcr,
l-.ast fort lie past
o Kinetic on liu-t
rtinday' b"ul
Ir Kiiyliei.u ill made a plofi
Visit to Ibis place last fsjinlay.
1'iiclo H .I" rt eaii.e m ar
huving a lire la I week. He set a brush
mle on Un? ne morning. About noon
the lire broke out, runiin.i,' toward the
baru In the gr.""- Wheu attested it
was within ten feet of his large bur.i.
Mathiw liiosgoi tin ir Ibashenn
aix day tiial. 'the iiiachii.e din fine
woik, no fau.t in any wuy, but several
attacljuai.ts that ue oldertd fulled
to C"Uie Willi the machine, the
boys have laid up until the coinpiinj
would furtiisli the attachments or
ma ,e some arrangements so 1 1 . tit the
In. will know what teiuis they arc
working mill r Later A Justed
and -ire now ut work
hoi the bcuiilt of i hose not knowing
toe postal law s on I he subject, the 1' M
of this place, handed us Hut billowing:
On P'J cicliou sj-'i'i, of I'ostul
Laws and Itegulations, "every
P M must keep his oil. . i ivery
dav execot Sundays and is. if
a alls arrive on Sundays he will keep
hlsolllceopeu one hour, If the public
require it. Ho need not k ep his olllce
o en ou Sundays, if no mails arrive af
ter closing of the olllce on Saturday
uigl.t and before ix o'clock Sunday
The cheese factory lias closed opera
tions for the summer, on account of
the supply of milk running short.
Some one was milking; a kick be
cause the poalulllce wus not kept open
on Sundays, saying there van a law
compelling the same. Wonder wii -re
lie got his Information? He also says
he ingoing to petition for a new 1' M
on those grounds. Ji o!
It rn. To the w ife of II I, Mitchtll,
Aug 3d, a son. Also t the wife of A
II Mathews, Augolli, a sou. And still
there's more to follow.
J F Jilume, wife ami daughter ilen
rietta, wetit to Kilsoti Springs; last
week for Mr llluuiu's health. Ml
Illume litis not been well for some
time. It is to be hoped that the trip
t-i th i springs will greatly bene !U him
I'fol C 8 Hunt of Kitgene, cume up
lust Sunday, and left his three little
girls to visit w ith old friends.
Miss Maud Duuham, who has been
slopping with Mrs V L llristovv for
several months, left lor her home at
lirdcpctidtnce, lust Wednesday.
Listen for the wedding for next
Sprayers ut Work fipiprayetl Yard
i:o' Lialite bo; Harvested.
Tlio Pest Present to an
Alarming Kxteut.
The army cf sprayers are still at
work, many growers .have llnished the
s coin! spraying and are now started
ou Ihe third round, while some have
sprayed fiom three to tour times, and
one ut least six times.
S unt' growers that sprayed once, stiy
that the new y formed hops have the
pest iu them, and they are fearful that
they will lose their crops, (ieiierally
speaking, yards that are nnpr.iyed
will go uuhiit vested. We believe tills
Is conceded.
Several leading gro vers inform in
that they believe they will be com
pelled to spray up lo picking time to
Ii at vest evi n a small crop.
Th-1 situation as we view it is cer
tainly alarming. With the bet of
weather, only forty per cent of a crop
is expected. If rainy, foggy we.itlit r
should prevail for a vvctk ot more it is
doubtful if hardly any Imps would lie
Ahu'.it a doen growers w'.i i luve
Fugle hops wii c;mm iej picking
tomorrow and Wcd iesd ty. Tney me
liojit, but Hie ipulity will pnt:tMyb
u, 1 1 the aver t .
lvs.iNK. - Mrs, bllen Prrttiiian, 7.'
I vcirs, an inmate ef the Jsvir farm, was mm'
: incl on thf (harm- of insanity Saturday af'er
no'.n K-.'.ire'.al F.sniiiii-rs i'. W. .nii ,1.
W. ll.uiis atel or-lorcd C'liiiniUril 'a th- n-y-
h T!iH is her , eon iiiilne nt. M i-
i-1 , a :e 1 .' i . i a', times, 'I'ne iinf.a'.i.
., it, I idy .. t.iki't. to Saletu by De utv Mier
;lf Sett Sun lay morula -. Her liiih.o,.l,
Win. P. iiiiiau, has been in t'ie osvliuii seirr..l
vc.irs. Tin re Mt new llllt paticnti in
Hew Feed Yard.
Cnr. 10th aisd Wiiiimnts St I
0ppolt S ret Cir Bjrn . ,
TEAM. 10 Cis.
SINGLE R1S. 10 cli.
Ladies toilet and wait
ing room in connection
. . liivo uai u Cull . . .
k'L'TAN & Ul'iiARU. - - props,
The lixjst popular Hour in tlio marki-t. J50j,i
It-ad in-' LTtii-crs. 1 1 t
UaTjJW.V? lilt ill, P"nrrrrtMii.iT..rtps..t.blJ.y
i Jiv'.-viktf?tIlBiiMrii,i.i,,.iir. ir!.'.,., i,-, ;,,',;' 0oh uisl
Ul'tilil0ll0.ln--.,liyllK.NUIiUON VNN.IuiaurosUL ItN iY";!
of Spirits
co common In summer-time,
accompanied by loss of energy,
lack of thought-power, means
a deficient supply of nourish
ment. The vital force Is lost
It Isn't a question of muscle and
sinew, but of resistance and
endurance. At any age, but
especially In youth, It Involves
the risk of lung disease. Loss
of flesh and a cough are threat
ening signs.
of Cod-liver Oil, with the hypo
phosphites, meets these case3
perfectly. It tones up, fattens
and strengthens.
In Scott's Emulsion the taste
of the oil Is fully disguised,
making it almost as palatable
as milk.
For !( at tie. snt i. by all drnjnftrta.
BcoiT b.iwsE, Miu. Cbeuj.sta, Naw i'oci
City Has Leased the County's
Out lit and Will Improve
Her Streets.
As u ll be noted in tl.e council pro-
ivi'ilmn (In- City of EiiKi-ne lias leased
fiom I.titu-coiitity her rock crushlug
nin.'liinc, i it) i in- and force of bauds.
Tin1 idea, a aimed to be tarried out,
is to f'. itl up ut once and crush a large
quantity of rod; for the clU's use.
I'lariil .n Hie s;rt.eta it will pack like
tt'i nHphait I'liveineiit, nmking a road
(hut will not in i d half the repairs
of a ttra t led loml.
C Iv II mi li'rsoii, chairnmn of the
c .intiiittee ou streets, is this afternoon
looking dp a I'oiivelik'Pt location for
Hie c-'ii.s'ner and the intentiou Is to
place It to work at once.
S.inviii.e Court Comei to the Rescue
of Oregon's Creditors.
Sai.i m, Or., Aug. !. The supreme
eou t to !av ','utlereda decisions In the
1 1 roe niaiiilai.iiis suits brought to com
pel the cniary of atate to audit
claims and druw warrants ill payment
In each eise, representing three
classes of elu i ma, the lower couit la re-yer-ivl
mid ll.e secretaiy of state Is re
(pined by mandate to audit the claims
anl iiitiw win rants iu payment there
of l'tri) at 'onkok. Mr Cieorge Por
tei, n pinti.ineiit fanner of Monroe,
itiul on i.iuidiiy of hi inorihage of the
lungs nt t tie age of 4.-,. He leaves a
w ife and si v. ml children.
Any sars.tparilla Is sarsapa
rilla. True. So any tea is tea.
So any flour nfiour. But grades
d'.fTcr. . . vat t; fcsf lt-g
o with sarsaparilla. There are
grades. You want the best If
you understood sarsaparilla as
well as you do tea and flour it
wouU be easy to determine,
t-t you don't How should
you? When you are going to
luy a commodity whose value
you don't know, you pick out
an oU established house to
trade with, and trust their ex
perience and reputation. Do so
lien buying sarsaparilla.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla has been
on the market 50 years. Your
grandfather used Ayer's. It is
a reputable medicine. There
"ujr vsapariuaa
but 0Dly one Aycra. It
( cures.
- r 11 n mjmm
i Sense.
If you want
Mens, Youths and Beys
gregon all.wool '
Suits. Come and
See what special prices
In discounts we will
Cive you for CASH
At Brownsville Clothing Sto
England ia ojipofid to bilu.
iam and tlio govern tm ut diauaa-.
64 it ly every possible mfa.u. ?,
u the crtditor nat on and 1.
the metal in whiil, the ,1,! t
other nations mti-t be piid to t
preciate in valui to the
extent. Her capital M h, .
most doubled n value bv tt
monetizat on ofsilver and toc-s;
unm. appreciation of g-dJ at th ti
penseof the rest of tho world, h
ml... ikn :..!.. .l I .. . 1
a nuaii tug Dlliyiu gum SlluMSl
doing in monetary circta. (-
pressing the debtor, Kl.ell.erb
vidual, municipal or national, u:
tmniensil v increafing ths nii'i
holders of itold ai.d seturitit m
payable in gold.
American wool-growers ire fit
ly to gain some aJvtnigsi.
prices through the great n-lvU
it the 8up ily of Ati'tr.iliin
which must cn-ut1 from tlie iLr
age of the pasturatttt in the
wool produciug area of tint m
try. Australian tlieep ire rtf-
starving to death in large numbff
and others arj being shuijhtai
for their skins, ro tli it it is wan
ted that one-hnif of tl.e usual i
clipof that country will be wr-
Seed in this way. A last ;t
clip amounted i 013,000,000 1
the effe,:t of thin ivill be very ca
tena! ly felt.
GO TO...-
Julius (Joldsmitli
Having a Large and Complete J
in the niarheut
I can Oder the pul.H WW J
than any other Ihhk " w
ProCiceof all Kinds un '
U. S. Land
.!. J TT a Civciut
Commissioner for the di
01 Oregon, is r
to makolioM km
1 (ol-p
n... .. i. ,i.v .11 11 i"1-
f IIMAl. 1 Kuur.-s, ....
.. I'.VTl'S V
iiniony in a.
it-...- v,.t ii.lriv vcars
llUVlllfe - ,
penence iu
fnst nil
guarantee sau--'Jl- ,
ntii,.i iu
every case. v-"- $
i- 11 ii., ;!.! inf. "t
reiiOH's i""