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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 14, 1897)
nn -r 71 71 1 h KSTABL1SHBB FOR TDK BIMEimTlOX OFDESOCRATin m.lEIPLKS. AND TO m 1JI HCXEXTLIV1MJ BY TUB 5.VL1T OP 01 R Br.0',1 EUGENE, OK., SATURDAY, AUGUST 14 1807. NO 33 I JJ I- - 7 r f ' ' . WEEKLY EU6ENE GUARD ..nPBELL BROS, PUBLISHERS 1 J TBBJHor m-IWCIllPTMMI: I? 00 1.00 -..ft. .60. made known lAdyerti, 'S application. letlera to GUARD, rTir"I7V DEALER IN rxk$. Watcties, Chains. Jewelry, Etc, jEPAIRIN" PROMPTLY DONE, illWorH Wa-r.leV r W. BROWN, M. D. and Surgeon n' nvar Dostoflios. Hours; RAKITE AND MARBLE WORKS, . in rfrlvn and L.DmKm and 1cw """ I MMMM Mrble and Orault.. Monuments, HJ.loi.rt end Cemetery work of ill klndf lor 1895. ALL WORK GUARANTEED ! , mL near IMstofnoe. Eugene, Or , C. WOODCOCK, Attoriicy-t-Itw. Uci-One hH block south of Chrliinau'e KfliESE, i ORKOON. talin.1)l, H. E. MAKalifcX RTTORKEYS-AT-UW. inffBf, kill pisetice in all the courts of ate. 'blue In Walton block. L. L. W BllECS, DENTIST. Hitln, Mirr-haned the office nd fixture! o mJo.fJ W. V. HeiiUenon, 1 am now to Jo iiTihlng In the line o Doutlnlrf iL; ibore Mid iitllce. Crean ind Bridge work Specialty. i t. tKKN. B. 0. PAINE. F ViciPreildent. THE W.OSBURN Cithl I'niidtnl. Me Loan and Savings BANK, - Oregon. CT0Rs-D. A. l'alnn, J. B. HarrU, J. u.tii, B. I). I'alno. W. K. Browu, J. P. RoIiImou, F. W. Otburn. Ffll Dj Capital, j: : $50,000. Jeieral Ezrking Business Transacted it allowed on time denoelU. Wtlom ntru,tel to our can will receive I'l'liUenlluu m County Bank. tbiaMlihed In 1881.) EUGENE, OREGON. A general Banking business branches transacted on !rble terms. f G. HOVEY, President. J-M. A BRAM8, Cashier. A. G. HOVEY' Jr., Aiwt Cashr f- "wiicn, 8.B.Eai, In ". t;ablI 3.1U.X.IUIU, AnUtant Cahler. Oi Eugene. ?' ,BP tih Capital $50,000 rsina i-ronts, $50,000 V6ne - - ntftrrxn. twS!- botn done on reunn - ilrAW. 1,1'." " MW YOKK, iVb, 0EF.'vrKANC1900 "A WW Tmnm rn . . w iviviKa r2iZ?'?l on forelpn oountriea. or oertin- . TCBM entnutl will receirs r H National Bank MS Tl If n or Dm i. nn,,,. i ...... 1 . . ....... ' V JtUA W If linn. 1IIV 111 V .W'if-i.ra'Srt I Another Assessment .Nettled-Kugene the, Center of a urstoiil of tlOOtl Koad An Hem appeared In the Guard Saturday stating that It wan the oplti. Ion of Dr U F MeCoruack, supervisor of road dUtrkit No 27, that only oih m, aensmtfiit would iH-timfdwl In hla die- trlct. Theattetitlou of Dr Mel'ornack belug called In the vtateineiit he Infornia u that ai.othfr anwiniHut i Decennary to iut the rond In g(.od condition for winter (ravel. The road In auiue places In that iU.trict wire very had I ant winter, i had in fact on the Bailey hill at one time that fenira wer torn down aud travel went through the Held. It baa b.t'11 the pnlioy of the county court for nevural year past to keep extending the Eugene district farther I nto the country aa : lie road are made llrnt cIuch, lience thle dlMtrlct, which extcndu from Willamette street eeveral mile westward, aud north aud south about three mllea, haa a large mileage of road w ithin Its boundaries, and one aneheaient of road work cunnot make uecetwary exttruhiou and keep roads already built in f roper repair. Our people want go-nl roads and to loug as the policy Inaugurated by ex- Judge Fisk, aud worthily carried out by Judge Potter, is followed no complaint will tie made about double asestimeiits. Give us Intelligent road work and g od roads and nn com plaint will be heard. It Is the uselett frittering away of resources that provokes complaint. Eugene la the center of a system of good road mid our citizens without dissent support the county authorities in improving aud exteudiug the roads that converge here. It is busiueas for he town Hiid business men. It is business for the farmer who must haul his produce to the market at a railroad station. Our roads cannot be made too good aud the supervisor who puts them in the best possible conditio:! is entitled not only to thanks but the hearty suppoit of the entire commu nity. UIILDISIJ PlKCHASEl). The Kavs Store Building- Sold For 84,200. This afternoon F M Wilklna sold to Frank L Chambers the oue story brick building, uow occupied by the J W Kays Furniture Co., for the sura of 4,m The lot U 25x100 feet. We are glad to see real estate com mence moving, even If the prices are low. Hesolutloiis of Condolence. Whereas, The Supreme Com niauder of the Universe, who doeth all things well has, in his wisdom, called from our ranks, our esteemed and hon ored comrade, John C Church, who has answered to the last roll call on earth to have his name entered on the Roster above; and Whereas, In the death of comrade John C Church, J W Geary Post No 7, Grand Army of the Republic, has lost ihe couusel and comradeship of a useful and worthy member; bis fami ly, a devoted husband andfathei; our community a loyal, upright and enter prising cittzeu, who went forth ut his country's call in me oar uays oi 1801, aud did bis duty a a soldter nobly and well. Therefore be It Resolved, IJy J w ueary rosi io 7, G A R, that while we deeply deplore the iuddeu death of our comrade, John C Church, we bow submissively to the orders of our Supreme Com mander, aud hereby extend ourmosi earnest sympathy to his bereaved wife and childreu in their great ana irre parable loss. Resolved, That thete rewlutions lw unread uimn the Journal of the Post aud a copy sent uuuer.iue seal oi iu 4 . ... . .... d..i in II, lu-reaved family, auu a iwv - copy also furnished to th press of the county for publication. Eugene, Oregon, August 6th, 1897. A V Jennings, E F Ciiatman, C E Kress, Committee, Freight Train licbedules. a ant 1. a Adair eives us the follow Ing informailont as to the movement of freight trains on ineoouiuriu Commencing August 9th. a through tri-weekly extra freight will be put on to leave PortUud Monday"., Wednes days and Fridays at H p m. U wil leave Ashland Wednesdays, Iridays and Sundays at 7:30 am. Thl. tmin will handle only through full load, and will pick up such loads at local Ical fieights will continue to run daily north of Junction City. South of Junction they will run tri-weekly, leaving Junction City riundays, ed nesday. and Friday, and A.h and Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday. AOood Yield. - We undt-rHtand that A J Zumwalf. crop of fall whea , near Irving, averaged thirty bushel, per acre. The quality is .xetlleut. MONDAY, AUGUST 9, L G Hullu has gone to Hodaville. Dr nud, of Uouroe, was in Eugene to day. John Cogswell of Leaburg, Is lu Eu geue. Jame McCullough, of Drain, is in the city. F K Alley went to Cot'age Grove thl afternoon. Mis Robert Green of Juneau, Ahmku Is in the city. 1 he Muan Hunt are ri.itiDf with frim.l at rieaunt Hill J. M. Keener and family, of Jariwr, w?i in Kufc-ene SunJajr. Miss Jennie Anderson arrived home ou the mon.lng local. Mrs I L Campbell returned hou: from Linn county tjday. Dr aud Mrs E D McKenuey of M.m roe, were In Eugeue today. E 11 Lauer of Portland, made his umi al Sunday visit here this week Setli McAllster was au arrival home from Newport on the 2:04 local. Walter Jacks u. the well kuowu Portland drummer 1 In the city. he retary Kiucald returned to his duties at B.ileiu on the 10.60 local Keuor Canovas, the SpanUh premier, wa, assassinated yetlerday Mrs J F Robinson aud family started for Foley Springs thl mori Ing fur an outing. cSuuduy's Oregonlau has an ilhis trated article from the pen of Prof F I. Washburue. J R Davis of Hhedd station, is the lie iv lest man in I.lnu county. lie weighs 330 pounds. Stephen Sineed, the well known capitalist aud hop man of Wallerville, was iu Eugeue today. Mhs Rarbara Lauer flarted to New port til morning, where site wi.l be the guei-t ol H 11 Miller and family. Wm J Darroch is quite sick at the residence of hU father In-law, J CI Giay. lie has erysipelas in the face. Misses Bertha and Imogene Htuurt of Portland, are In theeity the guest of relatives, Rev and Mrs Robert Leslie- Mr and Mrs J H Welder have re turned from a very pleasant trip to San Francisco and other I'allfornia points. Prof McElroy left on the north bound overland this morning lor Sa lem, Albany, Corvallls, Newport aud other points Mifes Lizzie O rlfB n returned this afternoon from a 10 days' stay at New port, where she was the guest of Mrs Judge Bryson. Frauk Grceg. who had his foot se verely hurt at the Eugene fouudry by a 1,400 pound calling falling on it, is Improving nicely. State Superintendent G M Irwin, arrived up on the 2:04 local today ai d will address the Lane county teachers tonight at VlHard Hall Darwin Yorau and Bert Miller have returned from a bicycle trip down the valley. The former went to Waterloo and the latter to Salem. Georee Fl-her says that Hon E P Coleman recently built a barn out of poles 70x100 feet, near Coburg, and that the same has collapsed. R R Emery of Greenfield, Iowa who has been the guest of Judge A 11 Fisk, B D Paine and other old time friends, started for home on the lOtfO local. Mrs E W Murphey rf Portland, who has been a guest at the home of her uucle, W W Haines, In this city, left ou the 2:04 local to visit her parents in Douglas county. Miss Elsie Scbwarssohild arrived this afternoon from a visit of several months at Ban Francisco Her Irother Julius accompanied her up from Portland. Mm H K Brown started this mom Ing on tne 4:19 overland for Illinois, where she will make an extended visit to her mother, near Streeter, and with sisters and other relatives In various other parte of the state. Dr L M Davis' residence at Alblna, which was consumed by fire the other night cost several years ago f 12,000. It was Insured for S,000. A piano and a ew household goods were saved. Mrs W E lioughmlller and mother, Mrs C F Peter, start on the morning overland tomorrow for Portland, where they take the steamer Htate of Califor nia, outward bound for San Francisco. Prof D V S Reid and his most es timable family left for Athena, Uma tilla county, their future borne on this mnrrlnfr's local. Their many friends In En,; e i"h them much success In their lie Held of labor. Mrs Wm Waireu and Mis Say re, of Astoria, nieces of Mrs o E lirown, stopped oflln Eugene yesterday, on their way home from a Ctlilornla trip. They accompanied the Brown-Moyer-Staley party a far as Portland on the 4:19 overland this morning. Thomas Kay, owner of the Salem w.i.pinn Wnolen mills, was m the cltr today looking after his Interest In this city in connection with his ..m Howe Woe. i eij ' i. makiun heavy mackiuaws aud blankets to fill Clondyke orders. Prof I) V S Held aud family Parted this miruiug tliolr new homo at Alliciu. He Is a good educator, h.ihU a hlijli standing in the Mate un,i w ill Slvesill.-fuctloii. The great law of demand Is In forie ai v uiu'iK'i. i ne inaiuns liinv .Iiiijii i" Cell's U pound for trulls JnT!ii i; nut fits over the puss. That i ", l'l a t,.u. Another 'i cents is charged furth. r mi, T S lland-aker, a Lano c m i' e tov, but who fur three yearn pas' In- i-i ade I is hcinu iu Kaias and fowa, i 1 1 1 1 ed to his liome iu this city y. -id iy. He will attend the Draki; Umx.isity at;iilu this winter anil has cl-'iV1' 1 f clurrch at Ni 'ada. Iowa, lie wi'l re turn ill SrpU uilier. Mrs I I. ('a'i. iit,-r uiid ilaii!t,r, MUs Wuifivd, of State Center, l.,wa, aunt and coii- n , f pr I, I, Whit-on, stopped oil here t,, visit tho doctor, going on home tin morning, 'l'l uy have hien making it toner of the West and are very muelidi lighted with Oie gnu and lu-r Kilul.rious cl'mntu urd flue crops. A coirespond.iit of the Corvallls Times, wriling con, ! ruing the State L'niver.ily says: 'The Slate L'nlvur sity ha- tiled to m ihI its l,(t represen tatives and I gll'i-s it I is hUCCee.led, for one will have to a lonir time before tinilii'g l-i'iti r mid more schol arly nun than l'i, U Condon and Young." I !.-1 K laKIN W O.N. The l.'aila .t I.itt!.- 1';, , i 1.,-wers Her l..,'il. t!i- uti'li I'ruin -i',t I.:iUe, I'.utte, under M..n- date if AnyuM !, fi..;n tuun, 8 ivs; "Pacing, LY.! !;.- T. i: lllkin won, lllack t Imnl n,l, Waller'ii third; be.-t time, :Mt.:." Shu U owned l-y V A K mkin, cf this city, iiikI is rapidly coining to the front a a purer. We , min t Hint she will lower the nliove eini-iili iiilily yet this season. Thu liivlmty Seliiio). limlv (,urJ August 10 Deau E C S.indeison of the Eugene Divinity school, informed a Gi:aku reporter today that the piospccts for the coming cho-l year were very bright, and the atteuduiico would be mile un incicuse over that of J;mt year. Of course a school lltlinjr young people for one ceitiiin work in lile will not thko a boom that would cliar- acterle oco which uinm ut geuerul education, yet the outlook Is that Its growth will be steady. The new sehool building Is l, ing built as rapidly as the workmen can (ecu re the inateilitl, aud wlii'n ll may not 1 ready for occupancy at tho (H-ning of the school year, ScptcinW-r JO, It w ill not be a much later date. I.lce lu Oregou Yards. Hop lice i-eem to be getting in their work iu pretty good shnK) lu nearly every yard in tho vicinity of Scln, mj s the Sa'tm Statesman. Tho only grow er we know of that Is endeavoring to stop the ravages of the aphis is ( Phillips. Ho hns a two-horse j-j-n-yt r Mid is running it every day, using mi emulsion pn pared by some one- near Hueliu Vista. Whether ho will succeed iu -aving his hops remain to ho hi en. Honey dew is also complained of t,y neatly every grower. If it were not for these two pests our hop growers would be strictly in It this year. The price promises to be unusually good. New Circuit Court fused. J S Conner lias sued WL Houston on u promissory note for HA. J S Conger vs KeuU-n S'nitli; suit to foreclose niortgago for the sum of J20'i. Hurd A Davenport vs H J llrund" judgment for: 3"!'. SO Is demanded. . . . . . Pil, l.ilira, Auguit lu A Narrow Escape. Vest, rd ay af- teruooii uhout r: ri'J o clock hie was (lis covered to be blu.llig on the east roof of the Eugene saw mill, at the river. Work was suspended at once and all hands went to work limiting tne fire, besides the wl.istl-j was sounded, loug and loud, and several outsiders appeared on the hi en-, and the blu.e was ' on out. The lai -e tank of w ater always kept full, did 1"h1 work and one of Eugene's iiiaiuil.o turnig euler. prises was saved II, (' .villi. It was a close call, however. A Good'iorcnce Wect Tin. rund from Man!, ton to Eugene is now in the bent condition wo Lave ever seen it. The ruts have been filled and many rocks taken out so the road Is now quite sun oth and the stage makes tim.d lime the pa s-tigers enjoy the trip. l..Mr (, ..! A !.!. t 10 To Issi'irr 11m n'.i.s.-Judge Pol ler aud Commissioner Bailey went to Cottage Grove this alternoou, and fioru there will Hurt out on au tingtour of ull the bridge ou the Bohemia road. Th-y w ill probdbly U, gone until the l,.tt.-r p-rt fl the week. I !'.) i,,;ur i, A --st 10 $100 IS Nil kki s.'l he First Na tional bank of lhi city, this morning, received one hutidred d'illnrs in Ilvu cent pleevs from the United Stales uint at Philadelphia, Pa. l's IT; Welnhaid of ice to Kil s hv tactory iimmn'.I a car lurg today. Large iiuaulilhs of w heat are b.lin; received by t!u Eugene llmiring mill. The Eng lie Soda Works Is now c. - ciipvinjTijiiarteis In the old Wlnbr. giKery building on Willamette street. A Uiuatilla firmer iaied 5! bushes pir Hviv f Kus-iai Ked wheat, 1" I u-'ieN more than the ordinal v vaiie Ics. The foundation of the l' w ( l.iNtia i ehun h l being built, and the fiunn. work of the building go up nl once. A few drops of lain Ml heie about hi. '.d o'cl.ick this forenoon. At l'.iii nioiint ijuite a heavy showcis pre vailed. Tin-hop growers f pniu county w ill p iy I cents p.-r box for picking. Tnls will als likely be the pihv lu Lane c.uinty. A bieyc'.e, they s.iy, can be bought at S: attic f r almost nothing. Tin plieeislow l, c iii-e Ihu machine can't be ridden to Kloudyke. H (.' Mllkr, Junior editor of the Inile p -11.1, lit, of Woodbuin, willi his wife arc vi-ilin; their parents, Mr and Mrs K II Miller rt't'ds i lty. Y I' Yoian, who has bull employed as u .lei ii t v shcrill during the tax col li cti: n-a-op, is now acting as re port, on the Ko-lstcr. Did J. in, an that Yueon buy I:' cent wa-h dies goods at o cell Is per yaid and H and jl.'iO shirl wnl-tsfor "i 0 7"i al S II Kri. ndly'.s. Tho III, I, II,- Mile h no more. II inli-ht hav,- be, u hut for a lack of I'm am i-ilMipp .i !. It takes money as well us check to run a uewp:i r. John P Ward f I'oitland, has gone to Alaska, w In re he has an appoint. meiit as a cu-toms Inspector, tuid he will probably be statloi ed at Oun.'l luska. The largo smokestack for tho new plant of the Eugene Electilo Light Co has arrived aud Is now at tho S P yards, from whence It will be moved to Its new home. Portland Wcle me: A business block ndolnliig that occupied by lliieltino A Co, near Second and Pine streets .which, a few years ago, cost t-o,iKM), was sold during tho week for $ty,to. Fred Wlthrow last evening had one of his right hands cut by au accident. He was shoved agaliibt a person w ho had u knife open, mid the nbovo was the result. He Is carrying thu Injured member iu a Ming today. Tho Iluriishurg K.view notes tin, t tho I.alior Kxchungo organized lu that city Is erecting a fruit dryer next to thu Douglas l'lour APlll unit will en gage in the fruit business this season lu an experimental way. Baker Clly Republican: Miss Eula Palmer returned to our city jesterduy from Eugene, Oiegon. Tho young lady luiH tieen attend. ng the State Uni versity In that city for about two years, and her record as a student Is a credit to her parents and thu people here. lu speaking of a probable suit agulnst thu S P U R, l,y Mis- J nnioSmllson, of Sprlnglleld, the Albany Democrat says that the principal witnesses for thu railroad are W B (Juissnoss and Ed Mills, of Albany. Mr Mills was Just behind Miss.uiilson when she slepad or f. U from thu cars. Dllectuul work lu exterminating the hoplouso is being done in Washington county lty the yellow Jackets iu some of the yards of that county. An owner ola yard ut Laurel repot ts that on the vines where tlie vermin are abundant are. also to he. found a swarm of yellow jackets, and witli tho hot weuther he ihiuksuot muchdumagu will result. Geo A Whltmoroof Klamath coun ty, is visiting his nephew, Volute. llemeuway, iu Eugene. Mr Whltmore resided in Douglas county in tho lute llftivs and early sixties, and occasion ally look a hand lu pioneer sporting events ou thu turf when a truck was maintained on tho Rluir farm adjoin- ng Eugene Th lu-tors In those ... ....... . ..I scenes have, W illi l'.-w exceptions, mm down the burdens of life. , Oregon Clly Enterprise: Vrof Mc L'lure gave a lecture .during Chautau qua on the acetylene Pghton Thursday afternoon, July li, at the Round table, which he demonstrated wilh appara tus. He was a great f.iv.. rite among tho students at Ihe stale university and universally cteeuiod for bis many sicrlinir dualities. Hit ib-a h comes ut, a pi rsonal U reavement to hundreds of per oiis throughout the Mat'-. T 1 1 K rl.VIK PA III IP. ir.iisurtr Pa'i"r-on Tinlnr Scut tin- lial of Lail'-'s Tan s to Treasurer lU't"Cliaii. P.. I ,,, AiiK'Ot I County Tr.twuier A S Patterson to day tnl to Stute freasurer Jut-i bdi jl3k 12, which completes the amount if Iiixps owed bv this county '.o the s'ule. The delinquent tax rolls w ill b- put lisbel in about two weeks and th4 r-J liiaiuiler of taxes will thou bu col. oct, which will be ap bed to ouniy usil -DAY, AUG SA: NK.WS. lion. C. k. ..kiu-o i All 1 St i-i. sumption. It polled of Con- in IV.f , ::.. I, a,.l M We l:k t!.it I. Ilowlng from yester lay s PoiCi d Unci, Ing Tribune: "A IT'.i. mn s, i f Jai k-onville, Is iu Hie city t.i rai-o funds for tho purpore of sending Hon C 1C Wilkinson t the h '-pltal nt Asloille, N C. Mr Wil kiiison is lu an advanced stage of ooi.- tiuiptiou. At A-hvill,' is an institu tion for the treatment of the din-asu her.t hopi ,--s cum s lire Mild to have Is , n cured. Tin re Is n possible chance of , avhor the v. iiiig man. He was for i omiplo of yen i connected wilh tho cu-toiu hoiiso in this city aud about a Year ugo went I ) Pho.nlx, Arloua, to live. Ho was elected to the legisla ture from Lane county alHiut six years ago, when he was 'Jl years of ago, !c ingtheii the youngest man evt r elected to the Oregon ligisluluie. Ho is one of llu, finest gentlemen ever met. ll Is ilcploruhlo that he should be stricken w lilt tin? dread dUcae." Mr Wilkinson's many friviids iu Lane county will read the above with ninny regrets. It was hoped that the liniatu of Ari.oini would restore lilin to good health. To Mr Wilkinson is due the credit for the appropriation for btlildiug the University nl Ougoii's dounllory. If a hu'o-ciiptiiiu paper was circulated In Uugeiii' l, lui-e funds for him it ought to be be Mib-oi iU-d to by our leading eiti.ens. Personal. P.cly i PuilisM, '1 ll f ll , of Allilllsl IC Butte, is in H e A .1 city. Guy Hull f l'oillaiij is visiting til Eugene. ( has Friendly, thu Well know n hide buy , win In town today. Sb.ic Supt G M Irwin returned to Salem on tho morning local. Mrs B V Moon started to Salem this morning to visit her parents. Miss Orell of Cottiigo Grove, Is visit ing with friends In this city. Mrs Kalo Harris was n pssmuiger for Cottage Grove on the 2:01 local. Hurley Miller and wife of Wood bm n am vi cling ickulvcs In this clly, F auk Hall and family, of Salem, uru iu thu city, tho guests of C R Bou ncy and family. Geo Hall, Jr., and wife, left for Mo Kenie (Ilriilgo this morning, where they will peiitl a moi'th. M;..s Vernlii lloiiiUrsou returned this afternoon from a visit with her grand p'uvn'snt Lebanon. Mrs M A llunsakir and Fred Her hold left this morning for a month's outing ut tho Belknap hot springs. Gen V Picket returned this fore noon from a month's visit ut McKeii .ie, Bridge. I Ie is looking splendidly. Mr B F Dorrbi and her brother, Mr Satnui l Pelle'le, of Yreku, Oil., have gone to Y'ltquimi Bay to spend n ftw days. Mrs U.iimia Goirie, of Welser, Idaho, wi.o has been the guest of Mrs Juiuei Ahruham, started home on the morn ing local. B J Huwiey and family, of Bohemia, huvo n.ioved to Eugene. They will reside In tho Chambers house on Wist Sixth street. Mrs E H Cut tron, of Monmouth, ar rived up this iifterueon to visit hor daughters, MrsDrT V Harris and MrsT J Crulg. MUs E Saltmau went to Hulem this morning to visit her nephew, Ernest King. From thero she will go to Portland mid San Francisco. A C Dillcy , chief of police of Halem, arrived here ou last night's ovcrlaud train and left for his annual sojourn at Foley Springs this Monday. L N Koucy went to Salmon creek, on the military, road this morning. He nuys work Is progiss.-lng favorably nn tho new county bridge ut that place. Frank Wilklu.s, Chus Stiles and Mr Culllus Icavo tonight lu chargu of the I'h nipiou train-load of cuttle, bound for Chicago. W II Abruuis and wile, employes of the statu ut Salem, me visiting hi Eu gene, having arrived mi last night's train. They expect to icturn to Suhul Saturday morning. Bud Hyiimu has returned from trip to Eastern Oiegon, bringing home with him several horses. Ho says Harry Bri tow Is working at good wages kt Squaw Creek. Prinevillo Review: "Johati Kratlss tho old tier nan, arrested here hist week and taken to Eugene for running nil with mortgaged property wus in Prlinivilhi lust Thuisday. He wus either turned lose or made his en-ape." He was released on his own recog- ii i .a nee. The last l-suo of tho Florence West says: "Missis Bertha Matlock and Addii) Bangs arrived in Florence yes terday having con. ii to Mapleton nn the ftage Joe Mntkck. Henry Gray and AImi Bangs in rived at Florence by Tuesday's bout ou tl.elr way to Hecota for a fott JPhl of lumping out." (':.; 'V L: lA.ll s? Is v - :. t r V - n't - -'f-ntsh ih n.nure, 1 up by a i.l U V .! ... Mm tis . . ii .-i . : I : rr.y; Wel., ' pc, . Ve'lt will . I IV l diur. . I l i i I li d.lii,. . ;.l;e.i . p w , LAt '. p,.l J. u. ; i ii on ' I l hruinv . r 1 Iver ;i.n.O.NS ' :;. It also i r !'t!v at i l l I tree liom ! '.i :." rite J. i-l noit',1 htn . .i, .mi that i i - 1 1 active. i. J n-te the s:amons i. M "A All INS 'i imI.cs the ' r , i !l,uij , ' t the -1 I . i ! bhuU l i t . ui vsery ! ,'! ' .'I "I 'i u o : , 1 1. 1 I, Mr u. tin; iX. ( ,,., l'l.ioid, Iji'iU, l, two rum-US-tuts. Clio Join nai i ii, s ti,) prof,, ( (union Hint .McKlroy. - I ,,r llu, i' it Says Some Klml Words olVhe Latter. We liu, I the foil, u ing editorial cor respondence, lu tho Kill in t 'tatty Jour nal o y c-ti r lay fi.uii ew port: "Pr f 1'hoiims t'oitd m, tho pioneer theologl.l of On g. in , and uNo a teach er ol history at the State University, Is spending thesmiuurr ut Newport us Is his custom, lb-has a .largo aud do voted follow Ing of students w heiever he chooses to spend his time, for oneo a student of Condon's Is to bo always a student of science and an admirer of tho professor, lew men have the great gift of awakening enthusiasm aud arousing an anient Interest iu tho subject matter to w libit l.u attracts a -tchtlon and few imparl s,, fteely ami generously. Prof Condon bus collect ed at Etigeuo geologic .! hj ociuicua and dulrt (notc!i i. ml draw lugs) of all tho great forma'ilona of tho atalc, that should ouo day hoeoino thu property of the state and tho basis lor publish ing a geology of Oregon. Prof Con don has reared a:i Interesting family of sous aud daughters, but regrets that uonu of them aie prepared to tako up and carry ou his lifo work. "Prof McElroy, of tho state univer sity, surprised all at tho Statu Teach er's Association tor what was called such) ut New pott by st I ongly opposing; capital punishment. Ho declund no teacher had u light to whin u child. Tho law of Oregou allow ed no teacher to whip unless tiuth, irl.ed to do no by tho sch, nil boaid. As u whinper Prof McElroy was a record breaker. Ho Is said to huvo w hipped ll'j largo boys at Corvullis nl ono whipping. Tho fact that at thu Slate 'teacher's Assoclutloli ho uiuilo a talk ngalnsl corporal puu Isliuicitt shows that McElroy Is uiak. lug progress. Ho has not taught much for font teen yeais, iu ho w as state superintendent, for twelve years aud has held n chair for Hcveral years at thu statu uulvoiHlty. Tho chair has been shil'tud several lluiei and a new label put on it. Education lu Oregon heretoloio hos been itdju.-drd to McEl roy' faculties. It Is a hopeful sign that ho Is adjusting himself to pro gress. "Mel Hi oy us uu ollliial was a rustler. Ho probably framed and hud passed moro new laws than any mail lu Ore gon, lheso laws w uo not always for the purposo of building up his owu ofllco und increasing it, prollts but In eluded tho creation of new olllccs, and liuw Institutions. A man of ich force was a costly luxury to the state, unless his work promoted thu school system more than hoiiio other uiuu would have done lu tho twelvo year- he was state superintendent, i'lieio was a marked absence of McElroy ' force and orgiM- skill in thu recent Newport teachers association. McElroy used to have 100 to liud teachers at his stato association. State Superintendent Ir win Is a good circuit rider. Ho cuu preach and cat chickens with any tuutl bulls no Ho had about JO males and S'l females at his New port meeting. He got thero himself a day or two late still somewhat sea sick." SIISUW HATCHEKY. Tho National Flsli Couimlssion De- Chios o'l Its Operation TUIs Season. Florence West: "A letter from Con gressman Tongue to Postmaster Kyle, which was received this week, brings tie news that tin National Fish Com mission' hns decided to allow thu ex p ndituro of 1' 0 to operate the hatch cry til Map!, ton this year. Thl la welcome in w and llui thank of this (immunity are due to our congressman f it his lilort.i to o'. Ion." bring about this dt-