The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 07, 1897, Image 2

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I. L. CAMPBELL, Praprl.tar.
Japan comet to the front with a de
falcallon of $730,000. And yet M.ey
m; that country lan't fully drilled!
Tim Memphis Scimitar ujri: "Mis
Ittye o. Haym left tbls morning for
California." Poor girl! Even marriage
cannot help that name.
- J . - -j
Wlille Queen Victoria', reign bit
I Ten tmt hie In many respect, it haa
experienced many tiling which En
gllshmcn would Ilk to forget.
The Houston Post undoubtedly la
right In taring that "thla la a time fur
sober aerond thought." Hut why not
have such thought flmt occasionally?
A woman In Buffalo wanted to buy
i l.o entire police force of that city and
have the men shot and cremated. And
they nctunlly lockod her up an a crazy
A New York Inventor clalma to have
d'seovered a way to prevent egg from
spoiling and anya he can keep them
fresh forever. Thla will lie glad tid
ing to thn one-nlght-atund actor.
A New J entry wife hua applied for a
divorce on the ground of extreme cruel,
ty lire ue her husband put a live tur
tle In her bed. That woman doesn't
seem to have found matrimony a Mft
When you hnve fixed upon a plan,
f ven In trivial matter, do not revente
It, except for good reason. Decision of
(hnriicter will thti In time Ix'come
I'l.ihllmil and hulilt ha well been de
ktIIm'iI a second nature.
If we at niggle to overcome a fault or
to rcHUt a temptation, and succeed, the
time eiime when we lone all desire to
commit the wrong; the self-restraint la
ever, and we enter Into the true free
dom, where dctilre and duty are one.
Ml Claire Ferguson, of Halt Lake
City, hua been rommlHHloned a deputy
s.icrlff. 1,'ulcss .Ml Fcrgunon' new
paper picture Hatter her, we are ready
to wager that If she ever Issue an at
tachment for au unmarried man ahe
vi III land him.
IliM-kefeller ono day glvea a million
dollar to endow a church or college.
' he next day with n stroke of the pen
lie rnlse the price of aome product of
o.i for a week and get It buck. Thl
Ih "IhinIiiiW Iii partnership with ro-
The Waller (Texan) Free Pre aaya:
"Who wouldn't lie an editor? When ho
t,H-a to hi olllce ho And that aome
friend hu been there and left melon,
fruit nud vcgetnblo. And the bet
j 'irt of It U, there being no graveyard
litre, we have prospect of living al
way a."
The I'hllllpNliurg (I'a.) Ueoord says:
"Our hnuilsome young friend. Jack
Ilariie, I upending a few day' In
town. Jack I all right and a iib boy ;
but tliiiKe rattlesnake pant are cork
er." Well, they might lie worse; sup
pose they were trohscrs.
cated at Delawan. That wai to be In
memory of bit father and mother. H
did Dot atop there, but left a not he t
$20,000 to be uaed In establishing a
public library and reading-room. Tbea
be monument that are monument.
They are none the leaa valuable, none
the I cm prized, becauae the man whoso
memory will be preserved by thtin
bullded them himself. Fortunate, lu.
deed, la the village or city that ha a
James Aram, living or dead.
One of the boast mude upon the ac
cession of the present crur waa that
there would lie greater religious free
dom for the subject or Itussla. Ac
cording to Information lately received,
however, It would appear thut, on the
contrary, the established church Is go.
lug to greater lengths tlum ever In It
proiteeutlou of dissenters. With tho
aid of the government extreme ui ens
ure are being resorted to to punish
those who refuse to conform to the
regulations of the Ktute church. These
are bolmi carried on by the chief pro.
curator or tho holy synod, who has al
ready madii himself notorious by his
wont ngulnst tho dissenters. The Ut
ter are said to number from ten to
twelve million, embracing many sect
and variety of bdlcf. The curious
thing ulwuit tho prosecution Is that
they ure being carried out against some
persons who, "owing to the alisence of
a formulated creed, try to strengthen
the busls on which their faith Is built
by conforming themselves to the moral
and practical demands of Christian
ity." That Is certainly strange ground
for prosecution, but tho procurator
niul It sufficient for the harawMlng of
these people. It will only sow deeper
tne seed of the whirlwind which Itus
sla Is to reap.
Tho expected has happened and Kal
rer iinum has written a play. The
tlerman Emperor was long overdue for
something eccentric, and a survey of
me nem snowed that when he Anally
i.rose out it wouia De in the histrionic
liDe. There was nothing left. He had
lerrormed In uiuhIc, made face anil
ither unpleasant pictures, gone to
(atch whales (and caught Tartars),
rnd done about everything else from
falling to go In w hen It rained to bluff.
Ing the other power of Europe. Now
It waa time for him to rise up and shine
again, ami naturally he wrote a (Hay
a description or the piece has been pnl-
.isncii, mil it is not material to the enl
ode beyond CHtuhllHhlng the fact that
the dramatic nttack Is acute. The play
win no praised ny tut critics and nossl
My acted, and that will end the matter
ns far a the public I concerned. Hut
William ought to sustain till latest
freak longer than ha been hi custom
v. !th the other. He ought to Inject
part for himself nud go Into tho acting
line for a sea Hon. He needs the train
Ing In detail. Ho has been apicarlng In
nrlons slur part In the European
theater of peace and war. but tin
fulled to make a good Impression chief
ly been use the audience lias mistaken
his heroics for farce-comedy. The play's
the tiling, but William must bu In It.
A while before the sun ba rose,
W rather build the kitchen fire,
Our big black rooster crows V crow,
". If his neck would never tire;
'N'eo w get up V feed the stock
'.V water Fsonie V milk the cow,
'N' fix a .ate er broken lock;
'N'eu after breakfas' father plows
V mother feed the chickens.
The psncskes Wallle wouldn't eat
'.V eorubread left on Marjorie's plate,
A scrap or tout, a bit of meat,
'.V sll li e stuff what no one ate,
fihe puts it In that woru-out tin,
Throw out some grain, V pretty quick
She hollers nearly 's loud ' she kin,
"Come i hick! chick! chick! chick! chick!
chick! chick"
Bo wheu she feeds the chickens.
Voti'd oUKht to see old Top-Knot run,
. Haiity hop he s hurt one leg
'N' Plymouth Itock (the blggci' one
Kho hi 'iioriiioii moiiatrus exx)
'N'eu rtpcckle, with her uew-butched
A-cluekin' to 'em ' hard' she kiu,
'N' lion-in' 'em the uices food
Hlie eels it fer 'em out the tin,
" is-ck the other chickens.
Old fJrn.v, our cat, conies snoopin' roun'
'N' slyly M-eks from hind the stoop;
'F any incut's there be is boon'
"1' sliiint ko to the chicken coop.
Now (lllc'l with nil an owner's pride,
Wee Willie come with wondering eyes,
That look so brown V bright V wide;
He loves to watch 'em, V be cries
"lies see my buby tickens!"
I lore to ride the colt a lot
'.V so fer berries to the patch;
I love io sec our dog V Bisit
'Set In a tnrliie scruppin' match,
W tho" it's kind o' quiet fun,
I like it nearly best of all:
That's why I n Dim cut V run
1 o see Vm 'f I hear the cull
"Come chick! chick! chick! chick! chick!
chilk! illicit!"
When mother feed the chickens.
Will K Iiavls. in Chicugo Iteeord.
Au Insurance publication In the East
bus issued "Fire Tables for 1807."
From this series of figures It Is seen that
In IMNl the losses were IIIH.ikki.ikM),
increase or $:'4.(KH),(HHI from the losses
of IM:, IL'L'.OtKi.OtHj under those of 1SH4,
K'Ukki.innj less than MM, and f'H.OOO,
(SH) lower than 1NU2. I'nfortunntely
there I no text with the figures show
ing the cnuMo of the encouraging do
i reuse.
The editor of the Merkel (Texas) Mall
rises to remark that "the editor of the
(iuldo haa merely assumed greatness,
with no provocation whatever lo don
eiii'h all unbecoming disguise. Hi
puerile attempts nt witticism are Ir-
rcduclblii and proportionately Invle
vant. He la about ns much of an cdl.
tor-and gcntlemaii-ns a sheep Is a
billy goat." This ought to help to boom
the undertaker's business a lit t lo.
Hlr Ashmead Itnrtlett'a Information
from a "source usually reliable" that
Queen Victoria will soon abdicate may
lie correct. Htorles of Victoria' ap
proaching abdication have been ct
afloat nt least once a year ever sliti-c
the prince consort's death In IHtll, nud
the world Is at Inst getting skeptical on
this point. There has been tin Volun
tary abdication In the nniinls of lltlilsli
royalty. Few English sovereigns die
and none resign.
A movement Is on foot to secure par
dona for the notorious Younger broth
era, who have been In prison for the
last twenty-ono years for complicity lu
tho robbery of the Northfleld, Mluu.,
bank and the murder or two men at
that time. The Younger and James
boys were the lenders or a desperate
gang or bank robber ami murderers
or that day at whose door many crimes
have lMt'u laid, but to whom are nt
tribute! by admirers many or those
qualities which distinguish better men.
Jesso James went lo his bloody ac
count many year ago. Hi brother
Frank Is living a life of comparative
decency among a community where the
James hoy were regarded as deities.
Tim Younger were captured and have
since been In prison. The warden, who
Is said to favor their release, speak of
their having given twenty-one year of
"honest, manly and faithful service to
the Htate," and a HI. I'a ill newspaper
professes to discover that there Is
"something fundamentally good and
noblo In men who preferred capture
and probable death to deserting a
woiiiiiIihI brother." It Is asserted that
during their Incarceration they havo
leeu thoroughly reformed, nud that no
KihxI can bo had by their further Im
prisonment. If this Is really the caso
they might ho liberated, but there Is
no use lu becoming mawkish aluut the
"Out every night until 2, nud you lie-
flcve him w hen he says It Is business!"
aald Mrs. Merkle, pursing up her lips.
"Ah, well, you ore an Innocent lamb.
Doris Moore."
Hut, Aunt Sarah. wl,v shouldn't I
believe what my husband suys when
he always tells the truth?" said youu
Mrs. Moore, Indignantly.
'HocniiNc he Is a man" snld Mrs
Merkle, iioihlliig her head. "I've li;i
throe husbands-Thompson wns the
Hi si. Ho w as a good provider, but he
provided for two, and I cot a dlvo.x
i'd "Hi i.v. Then I married Max
well. I caught him kissing the lined
help and began my Investigation. Thn
same old story. However, he died, and
that ended It. As for Merkle, I have
my thumb on him, but I cot It bv
rearclilng his pockets. Men are sticn
Idiots they leave their love letters any
where. When I'd collected a pack I
read them aloud to hlui one evening.
lie slays at home now after otlloe
hours, unless he goes out with me, and
he dou't write anything but business
letters. Hu Is old. you know, and a
deacon wauts lo keep up a reputation
for respectability. Hut your youin
husband -whnt should he care ir ,"o
pie talked about hlui? (Hi. there is a
woman nt the liottom or tills i o'clock
business, 1 11 warrant you."
viiy, Aunt Harah, luw dare you?"
cried Iiorls, stamping her root.
Kuinniage your husband's coat dock-
eta mid you'll Mud I'm right." snld Mis.
Melkle. "And unless you want A di
vorce, which I don't advise when
man Is only on a salary, show hlui
what you find, make n scene and end
It curly."
Why. you talk ns ir you km W some.
thing about Owen, Aunt Sarah," said
-ahe hardlr knew wbT-feellnz not
only lonely, but neglected and Injurvd,
"Owen ought not to have left mo
fTen for bulne" ab said, "lie nei
to come overt nlirht wben be wai
courting, though It wa an hour'
rey by rail each way."
And from thla she went on aklug
herself If It were possible that Aunt
8arah could bo right. New York was
eucb a wicked place; there were such
bold, audncloua women to be mot with:
Owen wes so handsome. Oh. could
Aunt Harah have ground fur her su
Owen, waking early one morning,
caught hla wife turning his pocketa out,
reading tho bits of paper she (omul
there. A note from cousin Join, who
had dcelrttl to borrow a typ-wflt
ten circular, recommending Htuiiip
restaurant; a letter from his niot.icr
telling blm or the doings at home.
Nothing but what she had 1'cii be
'ore. And Owen, whose cossclence
whs n clear as man' could be, was
not lu tho least alarmed.
Iorl mlL'ht rend all the l -lie's he
ever received, all he ever bad reeved
for the matter of that; but ho did not
like to think thut she would e. Jli.ii and
spy upon blm. that au old woman
prattle could muke her suspicious of
He had beard the advice Mi'.
Merkle gnvc hi wife as he steed out
tide the door or his little dining room,
end be was very sorry tha' I 'oi ls
should take It and march his pickets,
He hud a good mind to xpeuk out
rrnukly, to tell his wife wha he I'fld
beard and what he hud seen, mil to .is.
sure her that his story or night work
wus tnie; to take her with lut'i lo the
groat piano factory where he em
ployed, and convince her bow the
hours were spent. That wouM bo a
serious way of making all rigl.t Hut
Middciily an Idea ixippcd Into liU jolly
"I'll turn it nil Into a Joke" 1c sail
to hlmscir. "I'll make I'ory well
nshiwuiil or herscir, the difllng. I
write a love letter or two and put (lie u
In my jMickct and let her lit d II. en.
Then there'll be a row, nud wlwi it's
gone far enough I'll out with the truth,
A 'bit of u Joke settles things the best
It seemed such a comical di l hat
he bun t out laughing over b's lunik
last, and nearly choked hiinsi lf I w lo
in trying to swallow his joke wt'.'i h.'s
However, he had not tlm? to carry
cut hi plan until Sunday cn;ie.
Then, while his wife was busy over
the dinner, he took from its hiding
place n little parcel or pink-tinted pa
per, with a rose nt the top or the sheet,
and concocted three Idiotic and ex
travagnnt love letters, signed them.
"Your best beloved and ever lov.'ig
Fanny Ann." and put them Into en
velopes addressed to himself.
He was rather clover wltii I.U pen.
and Imitated a woman's baud very
Having llrxt scaled these up, and
then cut them opeu again, be M i iliem
in tho pocket of the clothes he wore
on holidays, and which ho did not
wear on Monday when he wei.l to
work, left tliem hanging In tic ward
Id to drown myaelf nJ kart 'on
free. lour broken-bearted
And thla. then, wii bow bta Jot
had ended. Tbl waa what bo had
brought about. Doris bad killed ber
elf. Then, be would follow ber ex
ample. But first he must find ber body,
and pay It the last honora. Ho caugh
up hi bat and loft hi desolate bou.o,
tho tea re gushing rrom bia eye a he
remembered bow UW1 bad Uen
When he readied the street he s.ood
bewildered, asking himself which way
he should go, what he should do. 1 heu
It come to him that be must report the
horrible facts nt the tiition lions- and
bsva sn nhirm sent out. Tho polli'9
nl.l kn.iu.- uluif to do better Hut"
could; and with heavy steps aud r-l-Ing
brain he sought the big brick bu.ld.
Ing before which the great lamp hum?,
and entered In.
Ijiin ns It was. there wna a llttlo
crowd there, gathered nlx.tit Koii'dblUii
that luy In the middle or the noor.
"What Is It?" he EUbped. with Wl'd that could amrcely form a aouud.
"Young woman Jumped into i" n-
cr," cried a policeman.
Mv Cod!" cried Owen, bursting
through the crowd, and falling on bis
knee before the wet figure lyiug on
the floor, with a policeman's cout uu-
der Its beud. "My Cod! It 1 my wiic:
The next Instant he gave a big howl
or Joy, for the great eyes uuclostd i
themselves, the little trembling hands ,
were outstretched toward him, auu ft
faint voice said:
Oh. Owen, take me away from thla
dreadful pluce aud all theso dreadful
For Doris, although she bad really
thrown herself from the end or a wharf
Into the river, hod been promptly fUh-
ed out by the river imjIIcc, aud although
soaked to the skin, terribly frightened
and hennlly nshamed of herself, wail
very much alive, Indeed, and when
Owen hnd whispered something In her
car the story or his Joke, which we al.
icady know could only sob:
"Forgive me, Oweu, pray forglvo
She wna a bit out of her mind, y i'l
see, with a sort of fever," Owen ex.
plained, "and Cod bless those who
saved her to me."
Then ho took bis wife home, aud
whatever else has come to Its buiiiii!
door since that day, the green-eyed
monster. Jealousy, baa never entered. -Dublin
"I know he Is a mail," snld Mr. Mer-
A genius In Kochester. N. Y una dls.
covered, or thinks he bus, the cause of
the hard times. He say It Is bicycles.
J here are Hti.tHHi bicycle In that city
or lso.tKH) Inhabitant. This wiseacre
estimates their cost at $,UHi,tNKi, and
that (lie owners do not earn any more
wage because they (tosses the whet Is.
and therefore conclude that tho bulk
of the owners economise ki the matter
of food, hoots and shoes, cloihliu,
shaves, drinks, street car rides, Ilcr-
les, and so on. That genius think that
the wheel, which ha afforded so much
pleasure and brought rosy checks to
heretofore pale face lu such large
numbers, Is destined to keep on main
taining hard tlnn-s. That genius will
bring up lu a madhouse if he doe not
throw over that peculiar phase or tne
bicycle question. Ills friend should
present him with a bicycle and act him
to riding It. That will be tho surest
wny o divert Mm from aulclde or au
Insane asylum. What the world wauts
on the bicycle question la Information
that will lead to the extinction of the
Chicago Times Herald: For many
years Jivmes Aram resided aud pro,
pcred lu the pretty village or Delavan,
Wis. He wna not w hnt might be term
ed a Bleb. 4im lits -ttrnxtv a lew
vjiuS Hart tUsitf it In most
Jtt u eurVaprUrw irftia'iatcd 10 ad
Tarn' tli Interest of Jil town. It I
apparent that he wanted to live In the
thoughta of the people after he nnd
crossed the river, tor hirjceuerously re
nicmhered several or the churches and
the cemetery association and theu di
rected that flM.OOO be ued In bulld'ng
a home ror superannuated Methodist
AilnUteit and tbtlr fatuUlea, to be lo-
Would l.arrup the Kid.
A Chicago Kocord corrctpomUiU
write: Ha Uio world so prognwscd
In retlneineiit that young pipk) se
ll u ire seirmtrol by IntultUuiT It
would seem tlist that la Die belief of
the sclnml iMwrd or thl city. A strnii
ger visiting the lowir-grndo roiun lu
our imbllo schools stN a rotliHHl, wdl
educated young womiui plactil Ui
charge or fifty or more young chlldrtMi
-half oft hem young "toughs," gathered
off the streets, many of them comlpg
inu iiomes wnero "ruMltliur tlie can
and family tight are common occur-reis-ea.
Them' children have no re
sH'ct for anylxHly anything outshle
or tne currs ami kicks they nxvlve at
homo and lu tlwlr dally struggka fur
suprtMiiiicy on tho streets and In allev
Now, how can these cliUVInm. coming
miner uio iiinuence or moral suasion
for live hour a day tlve day out of
seven, lumng no rear of
learn that nnst essentliil element or
manhood or womanHSHl-acir-cntidT
Moral iiHNiu I a very good thing,
but tlrst we must have something to
work uism. We never can rx;Hvt to
have good, law-abldUig cltlxen under
the pivMiit system of training the
young. There wight to b a special
hum, with a special teacher, who hna
Um ower to punish. How can a teach
er do her beet rr the good ohlhrron
when all her rrce U usel up In trying
to coax Hie unruly one to tichave well
when they know lie can't enrne
obedUweT O.M.(H)KKIt.
Milwaukee, Wl., June 11.
Xtkln Him Mlasrsble.
Mre It waa Jut three year ago to
nlht that you pixposed.
He Now, what did you want to
bring that up for, on the only night
of the week that I have away from
business? Indianapolis Journal.
The Amtricsa Pathsr.
"Fa, Mr. Wither will ask you for my
baud pretty oou."
"Who I Mr. Wlthenr
"He I the gentleman who ba Iwen
spending hi evening ber for tb bast
three year." Life.
Hullo!" cried a voice at the do r
which opened nt this moment. "Her..
Is Aunt Sarah talking ngaliiKt men as
usiiiit-what ha KHr Merkle done
now? I thought he bad sowed his
wild oats."
"Look out ror your own cron Owen
Moore," replied Mrs. Merkle
1 don't set up ror a saint and neve .
did," cried Owen. "Oive me k:ks
Doris. I'm aa hungry na a hunter, ai d
I must eat and run. it's nil nk-nt mrnin
Doris. Well, so much more lu the mi
lii bank, and. Indeed, we've no rea.
son to be sorry."
'1 miss you very much. Owen." .m i
Doris, ns she brought a hot dish fro n
the oven and act the chair at the t:i.
bb. "I'm as lonesome without you as
a kitten without Ita mother."
"I keep thinking or you, too," snld
Owen. "Oil. Indeed, I don't like It u
bit, but I say a dollar put up ror a
rainy day may keep us from the heart
He ate his supper In a hurry, laugh.
Ing and talking tho while, then kissed
his wife, shook hands with her aunt
and took up his hat again. Out ou ihe
stairs he mused a moment. Aunt
Sarah'a shrill voice wa lifted once
"Don't I ee how honest he Is?" s,)
was repenting. "All very well, Dor',
but look In his coat pocket all the muio
-look lu hid coat pocketa."
"Old cat! She'a at It again," ,mi
Oweu, who heard, but like the good.
iiiiiurcc, inn u innt ne was. he only
laughed as he rail dowuatalr. T be
devil will fly away with old Ann:
Sarah one of these days, but she can't
make my Dory believe any ill 0t mo,
thn fa one comfort."
Meanwhile Mrs. Merkle had poiu
home to tell her unfortunate in..o
and Doris sat herself down with her
feci on tne Iiiarth, aud thouuht .-..r .n
she had heard.
Aunt Sarah was a very unnleaiuint
person, who always made iron!!.,
wherever she went, but she hs.l il.
leputatlon of being very setislb't
which such people are more am to i...
wihu ciicoriiH, amiable folk, and what
said she really believed, ror she hid
no goon (noughts or a man or won au
lint Doris wa very much In lova with
Owen, and Jealousy I always close at
rami w iiere love Is strong.
in vain mr! tr, ,0 oonvlnc hi v.
aeir that Owen wa too much ti. lore
with ber to think or anyone else I he
IlttH? seed or suspicion had been id.iut
cd. and It grew like Jack'a beanstalk.
It was lonely there In the llttU opjvr
flat al night, and IHrls bad becu ued
It a law r.nully circle beror she Mt
her country home to share Owen t fot.
tunes iu the city.
After awhile she round bmelf crying
There they might have renin IncJ, for
Dori hnd growu ashamed of ii".- mis
plclons or Owen mid dcterml n.- never
to-ransack his pockets, but that Auut
f-'nrnh uropped lu agalu Owen
!,ad left t lie house.
"Out again?" she said, with a ncd.
"Ye, and hnrd at work, Hior boy,"
teplled Doris. "Aunt Sarah, I'm sure
that he Is as true to me us ono uugel
could be to another."
"I should like to look through his
IMickets, though," giggled Aunt Sarah.
"Look, then," said Doris, throwing
open the wardrobe door. "There are
his things."
Auut Surah took her nt her won,
and a moment more her shrill, vixenish'
voice cried out:
"Threo pink notes, my dear; and all
signed 'Fanny Ann.' "
An hour afterward, Doris sat at the
(enter taCe in Uer little parlor sobbing
The light from the shaded lamp 't
upon. the three pink notes, all wet wl:
......... !..-...... i.t .
lidin, vmruB 1-ollllHiKluonS, US We
know, and so absurdly rapturous and
Idiotic that they would have betravei
the fact that they were jokes to nny
nut a Jealous woman. Hut Ioi-l, In
her woe and wrath, had very Utile
common sense left.
Aunt Sarah, frightened by the storm
her own deed had raised, had taken
her departure, nnd Doris had resolved
to wait for (iwens return, show him
tne letter, ami at once go home to her
mot tier.
For awhile It had seemed to her Hint
she would find nt home a refuge and
consolation for all her woes. Then ni..
Is'gan to wince with mortlilcntlon. To
tell her mother that Owen was false to
her would not be so bad, but that her
raster should know It, her friends
Jack' wife, the whole connection.
"Oh! Life would not W worth liv.
ing miner sucn circumstances!" porls
cried out. and then nn awful thought
crept Into her mind and gained tlw.c. A I.... I
" "--. i jv.uouh man- or
woman is a mnulnc. Let that be an ex.
cuse (or iHirls when she cried out at
i 'eat n Is the only cure! Death!
I'eatn: And If Cod will not kill m0 I
must kill myself:"
At 2 o'clock Owen opened the door of
ins tint and went In. Things did not
look as usual. The kitcheu Are had
gone out. ami no little snack had been
kept warm for him. The bed In the lit
tle bedroom was still neatly made ip
and no one hnd slept In It that ulgV.
In the parlor the lamp was yet Inn
Ing. but IVirls was not there.
As he looked nlout him he saw
doors and drawers open, things scat
tered about, aud a na nicies terror bo
gan to possess blm,
"Doris!" he called aloud, but there
was no nuswer. He walked to the ta.
ble. There lay three shecta of pink
paper with a weight upou them to
keep them rrom blowing away, and lie
side them a thither letter addressed to
himself. Poor Owen could bnrdlv
command himself sultlelently to trar
this oH'n and read the coutent.
"I have rend Fanny Ann'a letters.
Aunt Sarah found them In your isx kef.
Oh. Oweu! I thought you loved me.
but your heart has Nen stolen by that
wicked woman. I wa not pre.ty
enough or good enough to keep you
true, but now that you are false I do
not care to Uvt any longer. I am go-
Management of Domestic Animal.
There la a very striking likeness be-
tweeu the dispositions of our domestic
animals and the superior creatures who
own and control them. Indeed, one
philosopher calls our dumb friends "our
Inferior children," nnd with some show
of reason.
The close student of nature will tell
you at a glance what sort of a master
or caretaker au animal hag had. The
friendly utid kind spirit uinkos friend
liness nnd kindness everywhere n'liong
beasts, while 111 temper, spite ar.d vl-
cioii.mcss show nt once In their reflect
ed results upon the Instincts of all In
ferior ereiituros.
Th vicious driver approaches bis
horse' head. The animal at once
draws back and tries to pull away. This
angers the man, and he beats the poor
beast for recoiling rrom his band.
Everything Is susceptible to kind
ness, aud the signs and Indlcntiong of
a good heart toward the helpless and
dependent are unmistakable.
In one farmyard a single word will
bring every fowl nud bird to the mis
tress as fast as feet and wings can
carry them. They flutter and chlrn
for notice, aud the pigeons alight on
her head and bauds, and even cling to
her clothlug. She can pick them un
anywhere, and they rarely draw back
from her hands when they are extend
ed. Children are not well taug'it ou
these lines. They are allowed to annoy
and Irritate animals. The ii,u u
brought to the house for the baby's
amusement The child pulls It and
pitches It, and If the little thlnK- barks
or growls It is punished uutll it under
stands that It must bear without re
sentment or retaliation whatever cru
elty or pain the new owner chooses to
Inflict As the child grows older the
Idea Is kept lu mind that the doe is his
property, and soon he acquires and ex
hibits the property feeling. "If mne
ami 1 guess I will do ns I pleise with
It," Is ofteu the beginning of a career
of brutality.
The humane societies are doing great
gooO, but there Is room for a great deal
note. There ought to be klnduess
clubs for the children, or every neigh
borhood. There are many porsonj who
d. not know that horses nnd other aul
mals sometimes die or loneliness nud
homesickness. Many a beast has drag
ged through a long siege or heart-break-lug
sorrow, and has finally dl.l nf .
bi ukeu heart.
We understand far too little Af tha
sufferings and reelings or animals. Be
cause they do not speak our language
ai d we cannot comprehend theirs we
are wont to think that they have neith
er reason nor sense. Who can tell but
tha: In the grand economy or nature
their Intelligence rauks well un with
ours, aud that their usefulness la quite
as marked In the estimation of the
great Creator or us all aa Is that of
many of those who attach such great
Importance to their own surln. n.i
Crnelty Cbnracterlzr Celestial Ad
ministration of Justice.
That the lender mercle of the Chi
nese ure cruel la one or those uxlom
which need no proof; ami a rase which
was lately reported Illustrate In a
striking manner the extraordinary In
difference to human life and suffering
which characterizes IhiIIi this callous
people and their ruthless governor.
Tlve case In point was reported to the
Throne by Liu ring, hang, the ex Vic
eroy of Sxech uan, who states thut
within his Jurisdiction there dwelt a
family of the name of Wu, the I'- pli
en ted members of which were the
grandfather, father and sou. Ou the
...i.... i .i .1... i.
, iK-i-nniou in question me pairiarcu u
I attended a neighboring market to make
purchases and to hnve bis wood-cleaver
sharpened. When starting on his mis
sion he noticed thut his grandson was
unemployed, and being of a rrugnl
turn of mind he Isule hi in nccompuuy
him nud take some or the home-farm
produce for sale. This apparently dls.
turhed the Irascible temiHT or the
young man, who took the opisirtuulty
or being In the neighborhood or a wine.
shop to take a great deal more or the
local spirit than was good ror him. Ho
was not so tipsy, however, as to lie uu
able to carry the oil-basket and bam-lMK-pole
which were among the pur
chases which his grandfather bad
uiiide. On the wny home the rider
Wu 'ook the opportunity to rebuke
blm for his Intemperance, a proceeding
which so enraged the youthful scion
of the house that he snatched from the
old man the cleaver which ho enl...l
nnd knocked him down with a terrible
blow ou the neck. The spot where the
old man fell happening to lie rocky,
the Jugged edge of the stones com
pleted the deed of murder, nnd he
never moved again. Horrliled nt the
consequence of his crime, the grandson
cntt about for means of dlsMslng or
the lssly, nnd remembering the oil
basket, he dismembered the corpse
nnd having packed the remain In the
basket, carried it oiT and threw it into
a neighboring pond. He did not sue
coed, however. In doing this without
having been observed. A certain neigh
lsr mimed Tso had soon him throw the
basket into the watur, nnd finding him
flushed and excited, plied him with
such searching questions that Wu ill-
assented, and the gruesome terat
euueted with the full letter of tbtbV
Influential CallfornUn Caot latlr
tha ( Bar' liomaln.
Adolpb Kutner, tho Callforniaa wia
va not permitted to cross the tmZ
or Husslu owing to his political tad
ilgloii convictions. Is one or the meat
influential citizens or the OoUlen 8ut
lie came to the United States, a
gee, from Htissia nearly fifty yearaiw
nnd went to California In 1S52. R
started In business In San Franrlrco
nnd did very well until his partuerib
soonded with all the firm's rund.Thea
Mr. Kutner set to work to rchabllltite
l.lmseir. which he did by hard work
and thrift. Mr. Kutner branched out
and opened a business In Fresno, H
1 ii I It the first schoolhotisc and present-
cd It to the city. He Is now the leading
bunker of Hint Interesting little town,
president of the most Importnnt com'
l lerclnl house of the San Joaquin Vat-It-,
and operates large stores at Fret-
tc, Hnnford, Selma, Fowler, Sanger
nnd Madera. He Is a large shareholder
in the lending banks or nil these Cali
fornia cities. lie supports. fine resl-
deuce lu San Francisco nnd bas made
i la- yj
Keptoduoed from a picture In the l'eklu iChln i) (laiette.
Anion the K.klinoa.
It Is said thut the Eskimo, as th
tlve or Greenland and the ami.
shores or North America are called, dis
like water very much. Therefore they
hardly ever wash themsolvea. ami
when thev .t.i as thi. n... .
and ready. If their feet get wet they , , hmn' confirmed;
change their boot, at once, a the ex- t m . m'S of Sus
treme cold of the climate render. ,tht?r Tf, n ?Vh'n- n,ost I
feet Icy and their boot. 7ft lr . S '1.1 tho-h " tn r her
1 I.v I.. .U. . . ... . "
tlmntely confess! his crime. At the
same time he bound Tso to secresy, ami
thrcntelied that if he revealed the in nr.
I der be would charge blm with having
.iu uu .ici-oinpuce. l so vowed that
not a syllable relating to It should pass
his lips, nnd then went off nnd rojiort.
ed the whole affair to the son of the
murdered nuiu and the father of tho
murderer. Horror-stricken, the father
laid the whole matter before the mag
Istrate; the case was tried, the murder,
er made a full confessonu nnswfr
to what tortures we are uot tnld-and
theu came the question of the aeu
tence. Liu ringchnng recommended that the
prisoner should be put to death by the
"slow and lingering process," which or me culprit being tied to n
cross nnd being then sliced In the
ber or cuts which the Judge considers
....- ...I- c.rvmnstauees or the case.
dip In the water. No doubt thl also
Is the reason why they so seldom i
the luxury or a wash. So, too, they
cannot swim; and. even if they could
the accomplishment would ha .oi..'
since the cold water would freexe them
7. , T . V u "n K,""mo mamma
thinks her Infant needs a lim u.t.
ing up and titivating, she use. her
WII 11-,
Veal Bralna.
"My wife I a sure enough genius."
.o sue wnnen a Dook?"
of the murderer acted with laudable
promptitude, and, considering hi rein
tl.'Wd.lp, with a very full sense or
what was right. Hut I.ln. Interpreting
he na iona theory of Interdependence
held that the father should not be ab
lowed to escape scot rree, , ne had
prove,! himself incapable of bringing
"P hla son In the way he should go. and
he exiHiunded the law by nyi '
as In the case of . wife who murder
:Lai f n-'"T-' the hu"
' ' J , revlve rortJ Mows on
several visit to Euroie, but be aa
never before attempted to crosa tl
border Into Ilusslit. Ills relative H
that country hnve always gone to 0
many to meet blm. Mr. Kutner la o(
of tho wealthiest men In the San Jo
quill Valley, and has contributed lib
..lly to the support of the less fortunaw
member or his family. O"'' of h"
brothers wns nn eminent physician In
("uboii, Corninny.
She' the Mascot of a Political Clab la
New York.
The Citizens' t'nion of New i
City hna a Maltese cat with all
Slx-foed cnta from time lniniemril
have been regarded as mascots. T&our
tle execuuou ground, should
uui sue aeoi ner nat nn ..i..w. ""nils, oe nisilo tn no, .. .
the whole time we were movlng -lD of the slow and HngerTn. nr
trtMt Free Frvs. on hla errant wife .n?f. .. ?TW
A laxy'man can t heln T .."D'htr for,V Mow, so ,'
than an ladustriou n.ta'caa. ' " ti rZZ S ,Uff" like
, ...Tiiar, ue tmpcror
"six-toico TRILnr-
burdened with the name of Trll hy,
mascot is of a cheerful disunion
even temper.
" At the Club.
"When I see a man sit and play
tnlre all the evening I always imu
mubt like blinsclf pretty well.
"Yes. r.L-d It look, as thomrb V
sort or monopoly In It, too."-Clllc,
Some girl seem to think that
they walk along the street all n
ought to wear blinkers, like bora