The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 07, 1897, Image 1

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p si
NO .'52
vol o
nl Wlltsim-lte between
., intuit -Ksl side
j(V,ll. nJ KlKhlh HlreeM.
TEKMH OK Hi.llsi'KUTloS:
Out ! . ! r !
tn Monti"- ,
Advertising 'ate made known
on application.
business letter to Gl'AUP,
Clocks. Watcher, Chains. Jewelry, Etc.
r-.lll Work Warranted.-!
Physician n nd Surgeon.
tltlics nJ rwi'l-nc over ptotfice. Iloum;
1$ . m.;12to2.6to9,,n1.
'J3. O-
p,ui,.llc Marble and CirHiilte, Monuments.
l(..Wtiiti aud Cumetcry work ol
all ktads fur IS.
PiKtnmm. Kusi'iie, Or
A llimii' lio nireci.
, block soull) o! Chrlmnairi
.,.. t mm. n. K. E. KARKLi 7
utnus s. "
IK.c. -
Wit; pi act U'o III hII tho courts of
( mi win W. Hon tlock.
Fiom the Tup ol tlie New
Sta'iuii to
V Y Scott of Creswell, was In Eu
gene today.
O p Hon", of Irving, spent Sutnluy
In Kugi ii.
L (i Iliilin, of Creswell, wn- in l'.i:- !
gene today. '
"ali-iii I
in-'.'IHV, Jl l.Y
iiu.liv is now crowd-
The CLauncfj
In tlie ! slid ollice.
Croon and Bridg work t Specially.
weiic Loan
Of uigene,
at'TOUS-l). A Plo. J- ,, i K
Holmison, K. W. Unburn.
I alt Dd Capital, : '
Geieral B inking Business Trai sactcd
lima denoilU.
.. .. .. - ..I n mir rnr" Will receive
l OIlVllUOUB Dinnriv -
rcinvt attention
Lane County Bank.
(H.U'.lUheJ In liW.)
A general Banking business
In all branches transacted on
avorable terms.
A. O. HOVEY, Prwiidriit.
J, M. A1JHAMS, Ciwhier.
A. O. HOVEY' JR.. Aswt a-.i'.
S, B.F.akim,
('! 1
T. 0. UuriBioM,
P E. SsoDORA-, Awj-tant I'tii T.
U Mmi
Ot Eugeno.
raid up Usb UpItsino.OOp
Surplns and Profits, 50,000
Eugene - - Oregon.
A ..trl biking bti!so .'." ''"".V
llnrn. hU,t .irr.f-J '-a NSW V'll.K.
rtilCACI). Kll VN' IiOO t I VUUI
lANU.OKtiRlN. ' .
Dilli ul ich; mU on ( .ruU
n'r -!i'irwCTi7linbJ-tt3 tr
U J lllii. .
AU ocllfclluM otfwv.J too wi!l r-)i-funV.
.tu lll Itropct ird llll.-n
Dnllv C.i;rJ , Augnl ...
At tin tint cml of Kiuliih .rii't
atiiuit 1 o'l-liH'k Imlay one of lOnm-M-'..
old and liiulily n(.ec i-d citi.iiiii l,t
U'im life. Wnrk ui the now building of
tliii E igi'iie Klwtrif Lllit (.'onii.uny
lm tn-1-ii juihlifd uloni; rupiilly it" " ry
I'llutt Iiuh l-tcii iiiudt to opiMiiti' Hu
ll i . i- I'hint ul one
Hun Julm C C'liurrli was out' of 1 1 it
cum pui iv mid i:m'ii lulxirni); dili
s;li i ly til-. The lui-l d:iy or (wo In
lias Imh-ii niitiiiK I lie wnkiiii'ii l.y
paiiilinir, and ut 1 o'el. tk wi'iit om l lie
Minf up tliiM UHt K ile to print IIku-.
Hut a i-t.ort time li to-uutu!
t lie nf.., ,i tnpid crnplii: on li.e rcnf
was liciird, and In 11. e woi klnguieii
could Rrt to tlie ullitT Hid.i lie li:id
ulippt'tl to tlio edge of tlie loof, and
fallen J.l fi-t l to the nmtind. alililiiii;
on liis I .:i-k . A ffiv i.'(iiiviili-ive up
anil lie wus u:u. Th 1 1 To tlu'. o
loni; li id U'i i mi liunor to tlie i'im
itiiiniiy would liiT.i'i-fiirtli lie l.ut a
It liud all liappeiitd ho Hiiddenly t'.iut
it is hardly known jn-t liow Ihe aflnir
liapjit ne I. Mr Church was on Hit
ronf alone, tin I It Is evident he tdipped
and w.i nuiilile to reiraiu his foot I n jr.
although the roof was noi nteep und
tut "livts use d uy the carpeiiti rs w ho
nail, d I l.e shii L'l h weie hlill on. A
youiii-r mid inore i.ciive man could
liavf until u1 ledly caught himself in
tiiuf Tint wnr uni'ii on Hi luildmi;
had li'-en uv-rye to having Mr Church
go on tlie ronf to w.ii'k, hut in hlshtiriy
to h vve the building completed he eon
s' d r.d no', that Jdanger lurked; there.
Or ilr 'n the Hist phjsichiii to nrriv.
h i the so-ne, pronounced I im dead.
TlieueM" t-pread rapidly and in a few
limn. ems n huge number of ci'i.eiis
vieie nn the ground. I lie remains
were t.iln-ii at once to D.iy i lleiider
soii'.s um -leitakiiij parlor to bo pre
puled for luli-rinerit. From here they
will be re move to his late home,
wheie they will lie in Mute until tlie
funeral occurs.
O.i cxi.'iiiualion It was found that
his l.t-ck wan I' n,id.-o the I- ft arm
between the ui.-t and elbow,
(John C t lmrch was born in (ien
essee toun'y, New York, June 1 v',4,
but was e.lue.ited in Seneca county,
Ohio. In 1Si2 lie i-rnssetl the plains to
California, hut returned to the Eastern
states after a residence of six years.
He then enlist' d In tlu Second Keg-'
iment, Iowa Cavahy, and during his
four yearn service wai mostly orderly
a-rgeillil oi m. v., oeniu 'i""""vu
aflerwanU to a second lieutenancy,
but for which he did not receive his
ommissioi). After a short stay in
town, he removed to Lhcoii couiiij,
Missouri, aud there resided until IS.-',
when lie came to Oregon, and to Lant
In the all f thul year he viiibarktd
. t
in the hard .i ure lniMiiess wniu r
Kol inoi), with wlioiu he has hieii as
sociated ci ii-tunlly to the lime ol ins
death. In l flnu of Hob niwu &
Church sold to Starr, (irinin &. Ilrown,
which in tin n was mccceded by the
tirillln HaiiLvare Co. inai
time, Messrs Church and Knblnson
have been ns-ociated In the ideclric
light business. Dccea.-eu was at one
time tmsMciit of the Eugene Loan A
Savings bank, but owing to other Lusi-
m. Interest resigned the same, and
whs succeeded Ly W E Urowu.the
niesellt 1, resident. has !UUd several public
oillees with great credit to all concern
ed. Ho was in bS) appointed county
judge of Lane county, ly Governor
Voody, to till the unexpired term of
Judge C V I- itch, U.ceiisfii. in 10,0
he was elected a mcuiht-r of the coin,
muti council of Eugene. Elected
,. .in In 1SS4. he . ucceeded him-ell in
ls-.i. making at all I linen a Judicious
eoiiseientious omcer, hringJng to the
public tlie expel ience of years as a sm -i...ful
business man.
Mr Church was :i meuihtr tf UiS
t.lue lodge, A I'iA M, It A M, and
.oiniiisudery. He also was a member
of Spencer liutte lodge and Wimaha'a
encampment, I O O F, the A O U V
ai il U A H.
The sad blow fallB with severity up-
a loving wife and four thildrtQ,
Wiit, Earl, Ermine and Curtis, bf
'snhs'the entire population, for he n
. . . ...
:owu, loen aui iroji.-- '
1 nve ui.iuc mo..-
Secretary. Kiucald went to
this uinming. I
J H Welder ami wife are visiting in
San Francisco. I
Attorney J E oung relun ed home
this afternoon.
T and C S Frank and families are at Itridge.
l'rof I. C Carson returned to Port-J
bin I this morning.
Win D.irant has returned from S.i
lllias city, California.
.Miss Itosalie Friendly leturned
home this afternoon.
Mel Wurntr returned fiom Coi
Hay Saturday evening.
A It Seal, of San Fiunclsco, was do
lug business in Eugene today.
James Ihlliiian hn-1 family will
st irt down from the springs Wedius
d ,y.
l'rof I) .larvis, after a short visit in
Eugene, u-nt to Portland this fore
noon. Mi-s Jis-ie Fellow s id Sprinelleld, is
making In r home with Mr und Mrs
J liElliMin.
Attorney Woodcock returned from
Fol-y Springs this morning, much im
proved In health.
Hon T (1 Hendricks and wife leave
f ir Foley Spr ngs in the morning to
spend a few weeks.
Miss Catherine CCoggswell r. tumid
on Saluiday evening's stage fiom a
tiiji to Foley FpiingM.
Hon Max l'.uteh, of Ashland, peci
ul iigeiit of the U S land olllee Is in the
ci'y on olllcial business.
I, H Fields, of I'm tli'iul, superintend
ul of the S 1 K It lines in Oregon was
in Eugene last evening.
lr Prentice aud w ife will leave for
their homestead near Creswell totucr
row, lo spend a few days.
Mi-s Jennie Sinitsoii, the subject uf
the terrible railroad accident nt Spring
lU hi. i-s recovering lileely.
Chris Itarstch returned to Portland
this forenoon. He expects lo leave
tor Cloudy t e about the 10th.
Mis Emma Tho:;ipo 1 and Miss Si e
Dmris returned home fr m a ihort
ttip lo Yiupiina I5ny this afternoon.
Pnf MeAlister and his father, Dr
MoAlister, went to Newpoit this
morning as also did Prof Condon and
Prof Dunn.
Mrs K, 11 Friendly and children
Lave on tonight's train for Castle
Crulir In California, where they will
- n '
spend a month.
Juduo Hubert EaUu and wife, of
Union, Oregon, spent Sunday in Eu-
gene visiting relatives and menus.
They left for their home on this fore
noon's local tiaiu.
J H Donald and family, f Huktr
City, are visiting frieuds In Eugene,
being the guests of David Cherry and
wife. Mr Donald lor several years n
me time was in buslmss iu this city.
A horse race was run at the Harris
track Saturday afternoon, .hiu jarm.
betweeii Uranium's sorel mare aua
Cullv's horse, the wluner to take hclli
aiiiiiials. ltrantion came out victorious
and now has two "race" hors-s.
Co taire U.ove L'ader: Mr lXirwiu
liristow's little daughter, Dorothy, fell
and broke bonis of the foiearm, W ed- Dr Wall was called and ie
din ed the fradure aud the lltt'e one Is
gating along as well as could be ex
Pale Mine at
Rich in Md.
A mil rreml.iil.
ltlT iut.l, All .'
It F Dorrls, H M Diy m.d C
D.iyle returned hist evei ing Jmni
trip to the lllue Hlver mii im; di-trlol I
about 41 mile east of Emn-ue. lhey
brliiL' news of. 1 ich dlscoieiy iu that
district. It Is in th- old rv.-h.Ui'i '
I I... !! II..I.. I
III. Of, UOV, lll-lliu l' . . . ' ' .
of Portland. He has a tunnel In (mid
Hill, sixty -two feet and the reek Is
rich in gold, lie fore the geirlcuien be
gathered up a half pau of fie debris
1111 e by b'a-tnu and pa.iiied out nwi
? in gold. They also crushed some
of the lock and found gold In lil- ial
Mr Dale says he has a Pol Hand cap
italist backing him, who will soon
erect a mill on the ledge.
From I he ace until sce.ns as if l.e
has a propeiiy that will m ike
The I'.lue liivi r Mining Co will nsm
put a force of nn 11 to w ink 011 their
pro, city. I; ai-n pro-peets will.
Only about twelve men are now
..... I... .ltl ri..t
). 1. noi mi iiw v., .,,,,, I I.,,!,,
If Ihls district was located in fro.cti
.it .....
l!..'-.. il ...,'.! I... .urmllil vi lli .'H'" l.' H I
humaiiii v.
Tin-gen' lenieii also went over the
proposed extension of tho wagon road
into the mines. They report that a
111 it class road can bo bad, and parlies
have ollVred loito the work for the
small sum of Js,-,"!, Thecommls loners
court should let the contract nt once
for this improvement. A petition ofa
large number of citizens lias Ih-cii se
cured and died. On It l a largu num
ber of our wealthiest citizens.
The Eugene I-
id Willi OS'Kts
Hon 11 It MilUr aiiivtd up
nficiiionii train.
Dean EC S.iudeisin arrived
this aftcriioi'ii.
Mi-s Mamie Fi-k is ennllncd to her
homo w ith illness.
Henry Lang, the Portland ilriMimier
was iu the cliy today.
Mrs Hugh Thompson w. nt to Go
shen this afternoon on a visit.
Hon T G Hendricks and wife went
to 1'ohy Springs this morning.
MrsJE Nolauil aud children, of
Cre.iMll, are vl-itiug in Eugene.
Collector, icpoit that yesterday was
a fairly good d.n- i i thcr line or tnisl
ncs. Thanks to A I fie J Kiikhind for sever
aloi hs of the I. ndon Ilhistiated
Walli r Jaclrsoii, f Junction, was iu
thecity. lie now goes 011 but one
Miss Ida Ni ll'siiigi r nturticd Lome
on the afternoon local from a tilp to
Fr.iuk A'dey and family went to
Ci't'a;:" Grove this tiltern i m to spend
11 few days.
Tlie mercury at Klondykc rcachtd
UT iihove Ibis umimer and 72 below
last w inter.
Mrs S 11 Fiieiidlyaud children left
fm ( Vtlc CraU resort on hist night's
IMP l'Ah.GiKM'lIS.
Tlio Lice llaio Kuiued S ic
I Yards .Near (iervais.
of the1
Kuueral Services.
lisilv liuirU Almost .'.
The luilelal services of the late Prof
...... k ...)
S K Jlcl lure occurreu yesteruay 1 ie-
uooii ut 10 o'clock, at the family resi
dence, corner of Ninth and Piilteisou
streets. The vocal and Insfunicntnl
music was superb, which was iinilei
the supervision Mr L G Adair.
Prof Thos Condon first poke, pnyinj!
tlie deceiiHed many well dt served com
pliineiits. Then It- v V 8 (ii'd elt addressed the
people. His reiiiaiks were shoit but
eloipiently spoken, and were ipiite ap
propriate. The Interment took plaeo in the I O
() F cemetery, Eugene Lodge A V & A
M, of which deceased was a member,
conducting the services, Master E O
Potter being iu charge.
The nnll bearers were: Profs John
Sliiiub, E II MeAlister, F K Dunn D
VK Held, Dr Council and Mr E K
It was probably the most largely at
'ended funeral that ever oceiired in
this city, It being estimated that over
U,"00 ienpU) attended.
, HI niemoiy will be kept mined by
our citizens. Ills loss is sincerely
111 umcd by the people generally.
Stallord started this
morning for Hal-ey where sho will
visit with the family of nn uncle.
Hr Prentice and wife and John (Hay
and family h ive gone to lln.r home
steads above Cii-swidl for 11 few days.
Joo Pepiot of Gate Creek was' ill
town today nid reports cosldernble
travel on the upper ltriuge.
Pior F. It Mi Elroy returned to New
unit on the morning, where lie
will in In attendance on the summer
E l and J no Whitney and Hulpb
niuuili-y started yesterday for tlio
iini. 1 Santh'iti country on ahunt'iig
I II and daiigh'cr, Misi
Margaret, have tomorrow for an outing
of two or ll.rce wee
'1 be CloiiiHke talk Is Increasing lu
Eugene. It Is ipiite likely that seVeial
of our citizens will leave for Ahuka be
this lime next year.
on the
j Sunday's Salem Statesman: "Mf-
home : Kinley Mitchell, of (iervais, was pi
1 Slem yesterday having bus,iie-s lo
transact at the court house. His w iu
acompanled him. Mr Mitchell Is a
,'oniniisslon merchaiit m d iijs (be
prospect for a good hop crop on French
prairie Is not very encouraging, owing
to the presence of tlie p sby little hop
louse which has taken complete pos
session ol tlio vino in that vicinity
Some yards are coin pletely destroyed.
That the market will open at a good
price theie Is little doubt, he snvs.
"The local bop men are lu I doing a
rushing business t prc-eiit and no new
contracts have been r ported this
week. The market yesterday was rc
ported Isdow !) cents for the new
crop. The lice tiro becoming more
numerous notwithstanding the active
ue of the sprayer throughou. the yards
iu the county."
They Are In It ow.
I'tsterday's Orcgonlan: Tlminai
II Parrolt, living on the East side, Is
a re t 'tl.'Uler for the eiifor eemeiit ol
tlio gaum laws; but it was hardly
thought h.i would furnish evidence to
c n vict I. is own sons 1 lo recently res
clved a letter from his sou MJ lK"
who Is at Foley Springs, and who
wrote to bis father that ho and his
Itrother Archie, with other of the
part , had killed several deer within
UM yards of their camp, and that game
is abundant there. Mr Parrott gavo
out the i. "formation for publication,
and yesterday the item fell under tlie
eye of ( iaiiie Protector McGuire. This
istheclosi season for deer, and, as
Pio ector MtGuIro has been exciting
himself to secure thu conviction of
other- -or violating tho gamo laws, lie
says he cannot consistently overlook
his Eust Side friends. When "Jlgc,
and his brollnr Archie return home
from their iiiountiaii cruise, both will
l Interview ed by the game protector,
and thoy limy as well bring a haunch
or so cf venison with them as convinc
ing evidence of their story.
t-U s.
- I .
I 1. :
r--: -.:
v. : ; , -
y. :r -w
i l i ..;
I iv a
U'..l. !l :
I ii f
i .il.-;
j. u.
1 1 .
i I ;
' 1:
'S -Jin't
, t.,li:;:gKh
. a'i nature,
;.l up by
.. ;i I 'ii:s on
. : i.l-.i-n:iia--
r l.lver
, l.'.UUINS
i j. It also
i'. i r'pe'lv at
tree from
t .-in, and that
i i-; t active.
.I!J hA tlie
ni. 't i: ths
A.i. r rr 'u H.pilJ
.i l.v. -I the
1 IV! 1 KHviU
1:lIj . ni every
. . . :v
;'ll nl''.
1; t r i:.
i Co., I'lilluileli'Mu, V.
liltl .M II td' PKOM1SK.
J. id it
II Colctl.a'l Stb
hj Saridi I"
d For
ifl 0,(10
I'm!)- (.iinM, Atimi.t I
III the clerk's oiHoe this aftornoou
a complaint was tiled of a sensatloual
nature. S. rah E Pierce lit s Instituted
nil mjainst John H Coleman for
breach of marriage promise. Sho ask
the ni-dest sum of Sin.iMH) and
costs. Sho c'aliu.s l.o agreed
on the llith of March to marry
heioliApr'l ., and that bo refused,
and sin) wants the a.r.etini for wound
ed allccliens.
We beli-ve thu case liguied In tho
clictii t curl once l i fine.
G V Kl.iscy Is attorney for the
plain till'.
Win el ill'' Itt III.
Johnston in Spokani:. C W John
i ... .., M,.K..i,l..Utou, formerly register of tlie US land
ir til, 'v - f .
oftlee at Hoseburg, wliogoi nini eii iu
ti trouble at New Oiluius early this
mouth, by representing h nisclf to be
n internment ulllelal. ill an t llort to
n -
secure rallria I trnnspoitallon, is now
nt HuoliniiH. Ho has become very
Mrs Muiie Lllhgow and dii ugl ter .Hy many of his former acipuiint-
..iis. .I.... ill - - .
sturto i yesli rii iy on a visu m n i um -UW!, w,,uld hardly r cognize mm
home in Pennsylvania, lhey will no ow It has been understood In Spo-
tilisent about tlireo months. aIMJ iml ,,, removal from oftlee last
Albany Democrat: Tho state teach- May was simply duo to polities, and
. il.... ..I V..U'l.f.rt I -..1.1 .1 1 1 1 .... I M.....I. l.ntm l..,..n
ers association inceunn i -1 miim w ilia miiurai u-'in im." .....
was undoubtedly a failure st) far mb I twIllliiK him Unit a gold democrat
attendance Is concerned and perhaps holding office had to go the same as
generally. others. Tho records or tlie treasury
Mrs James Hearvey, who has boeu department will llKoiy snow mo rem
i.uiiin,, her brother j M Stallord, on I cause or ins removal, rrom mo n i
ii.'.. tii,iii-L. and relatives ill Eugene, that Johnston Is now In Spokane, It Is
i I ... l.l.. I... ul(.n....1.t.l lii in.ltlnir nut of
started this tit irning nn uer riui muui. u ... B. a
trin iii licr Seiililo homo. hiJ trouble at iNew urleans.
Tlie jury In Hi" case of Louis Hart
Kesolu Hons Passed.
wlirvs I harlo'.io Hurst, tried boiore
Judge Potter, yeslerd-.;. rendered
it.. r..r i.b.intiil'of SIS. The sum
l-MIIV V l"l .
of Jl 10 was the amount sued lor.
A Kuindykk Lkitkii. CorvaMs
I'lines: John Stevens, brlilgo loremiui
on tho O U A E, I nno man wlto lu'
Information from tho Clondyko thai
... - ii.. linn mil. 1'iif. reue bed tho inibllC
..I t li.. ill llilM IIIIITIKM1I1 lllB I ."-"" y
"""""" .. . ni. I rvii.n I of Ids came down on a re-
wuter main on v iiiiumito " ;," , IHi
The following resolutions were
adopted by a committee of the Alumul
Wooiation appointed by Ihe presi
de!) I: . .
WllKllKAS, L has picas u the great
Author ol Life to recall from earthly
existence the spirit of our beloved lei
low .alumnus Piof n K McLiure;
fun lit it
ItKsoi.vK.D, That while wo realize
il. i be bus n issed to a higher and
i, iter state of being, the alumni none
the less mourn the loss of one who was
i ... .i ...... -. 1st mu un allium I
evi r active aim rucikciv
a true and noble son and brother, a
.K.s.liast friend, a couscio. lious, ue-
n..l mid able teacher, who was faith
,..i .,..i.. i.-hUi in raying tho -'ebt
1 11 1 uuw " . I
u l.leli men of learning owe to science,
iusi.i.vkp. That while we know
i.w little buiuan aid aud comfort
avail. W" -t respectfully extend to
.d family our ntarueii
i.j this hour of deepest s r-
A Slncero Trihil'c.
1 lie briefest and best cxphi atlon of
tho marvelous success of the Into Pro
f....r I'.dL'ar McCllire. Ill the class
room, Is found In a sincere tilbulu
from an old pupil, tnim-owncr of Kuslo,
''Professor McClure," be said, "knew
li s'.inctlvely t io dill" reiice between
tlie pupil who was naturally a student
and the pupil who was not. I had
Usn in his classes only a ihort time
when he discovered that I could not
Minkiift brilliant recitation, and he
i..rnnt..n arm i nut cunuy urriviu rfiiiii"- -i
, 'I : , .hi- rrhmd,Mr Hteven. lias re-
rojiohed Christian churen
for the new
Mrs P It Klnsey returned this after-
noon, bringing with her Mr and Mrs
John Krausse's little daughter, who
will remain here during tho absence of
lu.r i.areiils on a trip East. Miss Mag
gie went Dot with them also.
J v Claik aud family have returned
from an extended visit to Halem, 1 orl
hind, Tho Dalles, and Klickitat valley,
celved a letter. Tlu letter states that
tho writer brought down with him
JS'JT.OOO In gold dust and that as cpilck
a certain business ill Oiegoll could be
arramred ho would return to tho dig
gings. Meantime a brother, h ll
chargoof tho nilno, works twelve men
whose wages per day are from i- m
20 each. The writer has a high opin
ion of the new diggings, aud lays that
the hatd tales of hardships to bo cn
,tor...l nm sometimes uiagiiitl d. The
The prctly liiiio city of Eugeno,
Oregon, is said to be, proportionally,
tho most enthusiastic wheel section of
ihe coast. A road club recently form' d
there has u roll i: :!'KI names, and Hon
EO Potter, tho county Jn l.e, Is pro-tl-dout.
Tho slrcits of the tou nro
smooth and even, and tho niljueent
coanty roads Ideal wlni'llns paths.
Like tho nicasle, when one member Is
takeii with tho blcyclo rover, It attacks
tho whole family. They do not believe
In community property, and each
owns his or hr own wheel. The fami
ly of M H Ihuktr. w ith a membership
of six, pos-esses six machines. A
profitable place for salesmen.
Pally tiuai l. An ml t
Kii i.i i'. A dlsptteh wus received
here last evening by .Mr Houser, or
Alpha postonioe, but who bus been
working In Eugene about six weeks,
that his son, Sundford Houser, aged
"I years, had been killed thai day lu a
railroad wreck, at Itluo Canyon, Cai.
rim young man was a brakemiin ou
tho train, wo learn. Iho uouy win
arrive hero for lutciiitcnt in a few
The body will arrive hero on Satur
day morning's overland tialn.
Tho father Henry Houser has goue
to Alpha to bring his family hero. It
will take him four days to mane tne
i, .1 1 1. 11.
A later dispatch says young Houstr
was slandinir on top of a box car as it
entered a snow shed and was kuocked
oil and Instantly killed. Inore
was no wreck.
Washington. '1 hey report a pteusauv . . , , j , i nondyke with
never expected mo to do so. ue knew tliu ,t Hy tho V iiiameue viuiej
i. .. r ......,., . uioileiit. ntiil nevi r I i.,.,.,. ,.v..rvtliiiiL' us a cereal aim nun
til lib . i m . - niiiiTW . - v. j o
could bo a student, lite I yet kuowj also
that because a boy Is not a student h
Is not necessarily a bad boy. In the
clussroom be showed mo every consid
eration; out of tho class room he was a
companion. 1 can say without hesita
tion 1 1 at be was tlie bet teacher I
ever bad. I deplore hl death, for by
his untimely taklng-oll I lost a person
al friend. '
I'sinci SoAl. Htcidion rimeiil of '
Wttlterville, was In Eugene today. He
Inform up that he Is now spraying
his hops tho third time.
lonetloii Citv Times: Judge Putter
wus hero Wediieiday and Inspected
the wi-ik on tho county road that
1. ,.....i. ri..i.ol1v Colli-
pusses UllooKU J
pl.t.d by MrMlUelt. He was much
i.lea-cd with the work and expressed
In; opinion that the plan of gruding
thu slough Instead ofb.ldging would
r,.-ult us an i conoinlcal investment on
tho part of tlio couity .s well a the
The tlr-t
-C N Thorn
lots bis licui.'-
: W CI
I, IV 111. n
la-tit g friends than he.
! ' vrriuiL- inentsfor the funeral have
I,,,!, vitrei, made,! ut It will.' robab.y
j occur Thursday.
I'm lb'i' Pi-.-T.-fa'em Hiatcsman:
. inn ITU
In the Aurora ilistriei sp-n,...b ,
Wi.dhiit has prsc.ieally l--n given
it would reipiire almost f""""'"!
us I
n-iving. s-tvs lliegrowvu
i.tdown. The !,.pe of warm sunny:
little later on lieu
lu-,l.Ki', That a copj ! these
rr,!uilons be ,.pread:oH.n the uilnut s
of the Alumni A-sociatio'i, that a -opy
t furnished the family of Professor
McClure, a i-"p' to each of ti e Eugene
paism and a co'py to the Portland Ore
iron Inn.
'. u. Dt'SN, 't2.
K. H. M Alihikk, Msi.
J. E. liRONAI OII. 'Hi
-nil ftf ChlePifo. who
time he used tobacco, the second 'I'"1" ,piarti rs in Eugene, will shipa train
sla chips and whale oil soap, aud ,.!, fnmi M iller's stulion to
he Is u-in,-;oomnion ordinary Ur soap, ijjjl, al ,lt (;L. (; i, Inst. Jack
which i an bo obtained at any gr-cery 1 .);iVi w m .... 'm , h,,rg" of the same.
.r.'. He favs that on exiH-rimenting ,.,., i, lit shin one or two
he funis that oa nb ne kill- the iu,i4 ft i Eju'-i.'-. Some of the
verm: i ju-t as well as t lie more i xpen. i ur(i iriU1y n the switcliesav tin
hive prepiiratlons, and therefore he will , J(i t fi)f UU fci.ipment. A J PicklitU
liereafb-r use 11, and thereby save m. - wlil , churge f the last lot. Boon
eral dollars per acre. thereuf'er train lout's will bo shippt-U
I from two or three Houthern Oregon
LfclT TonAV.-.Saturday's Salem I u The cattle are one, two and
Journal: Oil Fay, accompanied by ; . r ,i . ,,ricl pally the latter.
irminici uuuiiiri I-I.....1-, ., ,.,.,. llwnoflil I lie VailCV w tui
" '"J I" "I . . - ,
diuined of cattle by the Heavy sI'iiUi5
lbipmentsaiid drives, but this uoes
pet piove ! I '" the case.
To Mkxh.'o. The H. F. Olympic of
July 31, states llhas received a plias-
,, pi.ii fiom Mr J II Welder, of Eu
gene, Oregon. Mr Welder starts for
Mexico Pi a few days, where he will
loin Major 'eed, and together they
wld take rovers' commissions to pene.-
irate all parts of tlie land of tho Mon
t'zumas that can bo reached on I
wheel. No particular route has been
iuips d, and no stated time of absence
agreed on. The kodak will no ucu
as the demands of tho Inhabitants will
warrant, and as there are few peram
bultttlng plctuie-takers in that country
It Is expected ninny shekels wMl to
gathered from tho dons and seiiorltas
of suu-klssed Mexico.
i-aihef a
the grower lo think the)'
clnti crop."
MiRKitu.-Iu Junction, July
i.e. by
, . t ... vr.rv llirka.
Hill J1IB 'J
foretiiau. iiiiiuv lor Doiifflm cmritr. where
he has been awarded the contruct fr
extcn-lln the Ilohemla-Oukland road I
f.'t,ttKS'i-K PkiisoNAI.s. Tho West
Master Gregory ..egh r of Eugene,
iu this city, visiting his cousin, Hnlph
Kuotts The Misses Davis of l-.u
m'tin. are visiting with Mis Stebbim
at Point Terrace J M Shelly or
the Eugene Mid and Elevator Co, ar
rived In Florence the -Itb-
Dully (, AiiipnU
Itoi Nt) OvKK.-Jauie H Harri
who was given a preliminary hearing
btforo Justice WTntermeler, yesterday
alternoon, on tho charge of euihezzle
uient from the llrtn of tho Columbia
Implement Company, was held to
await tho action of tho next Lane
county grand Jury, in the sum of two
hundred dollars. He gave the wpjireu
bonds, with Win Heushaw aud D E
Kico a, sureties. Tlio amount claluieU
to have been embezzled Is about f.ICO,
Mrjllairis stated to a Guard re
porter that ho merely was holding the
tlOO belonging In tun company uuui
they settled with him, claiming mat
they owed him f'r w.ige a balance of
$11."'). He say he I Is-Tfcctly wilN
lug o have the grand jury luny mves.
tigate tho entire matter.
,i - - -
i. i" Ni.uh. Tlio N Y Journal and
ltulli-tlu of July ':7th Is latest New
York iidvic! to hand. It says: "Even
witli tho present mitliK.k for tho 1S9
crot, so ninny thing may happen that
dealers hesPato to contract for fall or
winter delivery, at It to 1 cents the
rUk would bo fair but buyers will not
hid over 11 cents. Tlio Uermau crop
piomlses well and will be tho princi
pal competition agint Oregon. The
German's put up a crop for all there U
iu it us to qnality
An Albany
iroiu I.- - 7. , .., ., A,,,t
Tliu ur.rU Is il.i IN. .M JUO' U'iil vi.j,
!, d is the pro. t thai em u-h" I'jtler. Mr J M ( k
i i i iiai i ' - - ....
mine In Douglas county.
to tie completed by October lo,
oo. t of IJ.tKJO.
at a' 2. iV.'T, to Mr and Mrs S L Moorhead,
in. Tho Gl'Ahl congralulale.
iir.a tweiity-fivo Chinese
Hill, the railroad
i)u..i-i'i vi I'.Ai.i.Y. W'earo Inform
...iii,,. iiiiiiuii niunes are dropping Mork
i...n ...! ffrowets would i man sh
I IIIIQ U'.i;t - ..... ...
1 . . . .... -il...- I.. 1 til t-isallti to
ike o have some cihuit ncuiuv. ,. . , .
reventthis A large amount of the ! m:.uate. on Thursday. 1 he bird.
ctss . 'i;'!?s:,.t,r,," b0"
shipped East fresh.