1 3 I 1 w Y A O ii 0 SSTiBLISIIEn MR THE DIWMVUMN UP UKVIICRATIT mUllim AP TO MM iS IIuNEHLIVl.lfl BT TDE8WE1T HP 01 R BROW KUUEINK, OK., SATUKIMY, JULY 131 ISD7. 'j jL I 1 ITv ? JLJ ' ' II ry EUGENE GUARD. ; J,.,.Jo "' ilUm,-lto Lor'-- ..';''7WNS: b lurtcu 1200. 1.00. .50. "U, If IS: ... mads known fan ra-" f .i:..llAn. ,naPP"4'"k,w lo Ul'AKP, lUCKEV Ilkk in- vt,e','Jh3!ns. Jewelry, Etc. yell fs m;(mi'TLY doxf. ,,l om nrrntd.-l 1 Bxvuvvw, a- . a. - and Surneon. fMtt i.tllio. Ho'im; C, t.. 'J . m. J M-i. 1 AHD MARBLE WORKS. .,! Nt-w Priori I" ForelKH and 1V,iUiH"'lir.iiiltc.l.mumeiii.. t.m. .iii.l ivmeterywurli ..f Willi til'AIlASTKED! ,,.,, ,., rat,fti't). Ens-lie. 'r WOO DOOCK, ;oriU'y-at-lw. li.:f li. ek wuih t.f Clirlmi'iiii i uKKtiON. li-.iKM'. .Trunin p IT I III' t Bl I k .kl U I.l DIJ HI IUI..1LIU nriniii . . - I'M" iiv i i t.'.l tlio eouiU of h Jit Wi.lh'ii iloi k L. WHITSON , lM'.XTlST. . . . . I .l.tun.in j,,:r i.i-.-l ine oinet ii. mi ha...."" ir a-'l u lleliili'0". .vi -!.. -.jtini.i! In Hi l'ii o iHtutUlry .. ..ii'l .".Hi.'.'. Can iiJ B;ldje work a Specialty. !. caw, t'ntfdenl. B D. PAINE. F Vica President. THIS W. OSBURN Clihl Jc Loan and Savings j BANK, h'jene, Oregon. vltu-i-li. K I'.ilne, J. II. llHrrtn. J. K .. II. li. l uiiiu. W. K. Bmwii, J. V. T -on, h. . Oitiuni. m : : : ''M E Eilxfl Eusinus Transacted J " a'..' T4.i.!..iii'. on time deiio lime dt poslu. "il n. . ii.ri-ti.lt.. our cf.r. will rt'eelvo VUt'u.il.'ii ie County Bank. .(-f.iiMtthi'il lu lii I DGENE, OREGON. General Banking business sl branches transacted on ""fable terms. I. . a. . 111JYK1, ITesiiien:. i. M. Ail HA MS, Ciwhier. A. t. HOVKY' Jk., Ast Culi'. lllSl.KICdS, I lrioi.lt nt, , B.Kaii. ( 'sri.il! 'ins.iiAvj, Aiiitaiit t I 0i Eugene. d Un I fluh fonH-jl -tSII 0I ou Li k to "oli..- .1 ...... ., rt 1111(1 liftil i I t' t I I ' - . " ...... i xnu minis, MtvM ! . w. linav - Oregon. kt-u-rl ! -..kiii bimluvu l"t i on trv ii-'-' ' . Svht ilnfu -n NKW Y'KK, S, v' '' ' s KK.VM'lSt'O i I Pull r J1'. "t:i.i;ux. . .1 etc'iL ., c.a f.Tei.a et'itrie. " riTtl r.t.irrt to i-.k -r wrtiii r. ; 1 1 :u U .i'ti.iu olrutod to oj will rocelv H Mlentjoo. I MONDAY. Jl'LY John Cogswi rily. I of LiiiLurg, is III tin- 1 1 rr v Kuiity of .la. per ; m I It' city luliy. Chit Villi. !i l.btlg, i I Cottage dloVo Wu ill I Iiljict.f t.i.lny. W K Allen, tin; Nrw I.. r fruit ilr.u r limn, w it h l.tf yc-tt rduy. Tin- II miiii i lulu.' in linker t-.i-jnt y llH been h NI fur "'.(i.iiiki. Mi.. l.iu-llii Liihgn r. i in in .1 this morning from I'Uii-iu.t Mill. .-i i.iii.ir I! ) Mi,!k.y. if I'.U ty Was ill Lug. 'lie y rlehlay. M in C D I'd w iir.N il l in in . I ei.iiii h.. ii. llii afternoon fi'iiu ii ii i i-liur.'. Judge J S Mi.ll. y, i-f t "t.t lnjr- (ii. , was in Ltigcue ! day on loii.t Muthew linn, look their n W tl.ri-h. er III III.' t i I'leu-unt Hill this uftt rnn.ili. Win l-'i.b.-r iiiul Kulii Xei. 1 1 Luliy Lop men, keie I." If i-te . I lav Ul.ll today. !' (' I'.. . :ili, c.f Maptc'oii, was lining liii-im iii Luginc -a'ui.liiy (-viiiinu :itnl Sin day. Mi I'mimi (i r i- i.te Anl.l.y, .f WeUer. IiI:iIii, i ill -.ile:!e, I y in ft (if Mr J M A' rum!-. J N (ii.-en, .r i f (.'ainii Cm k ' tlitnl a flmit triji t' Juti'-timi l i . v : oil tin le.-ehtl'g lei.il. I p.H'iil.l Maelei.y, a well k li ' ii fill -! .eti of 1'iPill.iii l till.) the M-ile, il.nl in tint II v tl.U iiii.ri.liiL'. net. ii.". veai. : A !' ll.uiiier ii. ii w ifi f IVnlaml, wll i l:a-h' en hi elltlil K' tk Inolitll 111 Kuli y i j n ine-, went laiii.t yeleiiliiy mi.tiiluk'. I'ri.fe.ir P. J haulh ! in Yiiiiillu lay w a on the .iim'iiit f. r mm liiliK' lofal, J II I.eai;h, u le.hiii.i.i a-i-atir, i Hw niliot! ik ' y oi two in I'luiteiu. lit thinks Hie ll.jl.Hi.i i ilictrifl 1 a l it'll : out. Mlb l'aliliit Hi li. 1 1. ay fitine in' Saitirdiiy fveiiini; ln'iu Mt'inlow , w hi re sht Ink' iloM'U a eiy .tiin-Mtii ,1 l lll of M liuol. K MeM. r lit'.v Uf. on 1 1 i- ii.i.rnint;' oM ilaii I f..r t liii'.iii ami llnT lvoi t n. piiln iiii't x. i.l irol .hly Li iii. dt'l.l llilee or fniir Vket k. I'or u.itlui m uletl on Kml.i.v fM iiine tilivinn i.Vi r Iiom while Hit lire '-' iaitmi lit was I'raetii'ini; the fity toll t r-iiit liiUl ni'tM l'i'l " l" """ A family hy llu' nun"' "" Antlf.snl', who tin t "urnirf tht Wt-t left 'lni-fM-llii inortiint; fur Ynijuin: l:iy liiie lliey ill t;:..e on the mal.il o!.l oeeaii. (orvalii- Timi-: Suit Lri.tiislil iu H e fein.ty mint l y T K Clllll'llllltl fur l ol'.H'ti"' 111 ' "'' off .lit lei-sjj:, nnaiii'-t S Tiio.ni noil. Mi r.llhl lira.lley, klin hu lit'MI teHehini; iii ll'f l!'-.'l.u" h'Iu.oIh, came ilokk u ytlonlay un "in i,"jhim. no nil uii'i "'ei- .- Ilinl nilii; for tlio L kk vt in-lnkV t" iit : nai.in fiate t'ietlie- alol imw Ini lior inolln r. ' Jerry I Liin go to I. 11 l'ottir ami Hit 'iiimi'li of Hie McKet.zie touiorrokV ! it. initio fur the f.t-tivo tr.mt. Ia-hvo ro.leisikl Hirii'H leirher li !p or l'"iM Xationul bauli. ' FiotlC liean of Map'it.ii. xva in rim ii-. l 1 town over Suiitl ik reliiiTiiiii! homo on llila int.i i.mi- r-l:.;:. U report woik thojtfy u th - nioiitinf I'ii mii--law i.nrtf-iot; rapiilly. Mo.rs Ji lie iii.il Steven, H o I'ort Innil Imls Who went to Fol' V Splil.t akvliee', pik-.-t-il tl.foiitfli r.n'!e nioiiiliiL' on their rt-tu'ii trip Ihi wt II ploa-t tl witli llieii-outing. Mr Daviil M:u tin, Imih.U Miukiy, AJ Tiokuril nml Muek Davi were OUtil!,' ptkolilielH I'll tin MoKtliZle tano'tlila liiornin tin tkko forii'tr Liliikr bouml for Foley Splint . IVom now on fur a iimtitli or fix u-i'eks tlio tcii-ide will claiin ik noou j ..nioherof residents of Hie interior i towns, notwithstanding the sea Mrpoi;tv,, !,, jt i sale to cay tin ha not vet put iu i'snppe. ranee. I w ill bo nil that could Lo wisho Sundiiy' Albany IIoihIiI: Mr Ar cliie lihii'kliurn letuii.ed ji-sti-r.lay from Junction City, when-he hud b.e.i to look after the drug st "ie of Dr Lie, while ll.ut gentleman wu i.ll. mling Hu Win km. n grand lodg. ut I o. t- lund. ii W Aldridg- u:.d family nrr.ved i...... from Ciook county, via the Mo- Me- Keiizie wagon mad, thi uft. ri.ooii. Af or a vi it they will liiKe iiome .. t I of MiniiHe1 .Mr . iu no I""" " ' .'. , ..... . v..,.-- f..r l wa-tdit r ol the i-rinevine .--" - t kerul year. Prof D V S liU-il ntiive l i ... I,, o,. .ko nrei.kr.tl''ii- np is!f ri inn hi family lo Athet.a Cepted the prltlclpul-L school. H"th ol Li ho.ured p -ilioii-.oi.c s,',...i alol ''he "!!"'r 1 Frank K Alley, of where he p of the puhl iiii.:h'lei- ha ill lh- Atlin ar lliete. V ,.!,, ria. 11 cutiieoViT yeler.:i.V t i'lin hi wile r . ' 1 1.. ... v ul'd ,,1,1 r U i-ll I't-re. .. J W Ch. ny , .ft Vlct'iria hi-l rriuuj Cl .nlkkt. .Mr .n .1 uii III -Il n l.ly tt. . ii'in ! M r -t.tltl'l I. '"g ,. h-r 'iiin i ..,Ufr..i.i th ' Kn.i" h . .. 1 Mi - Seven Ii s . r i K,1appa:.'lMei:"i:"l:"l:1W"1 ,,. ,. .Ire- IIITrlH'; .holt- I ii'. f .l,i.uul,lr,h.pin-ou.e other nsius. W COONTY FAIR. , llu Lints IV.le Fair V;iiit Hie Ahiiiij U'VlVi ( ii ii I u n-1 a a it Hi in r I hi a . I.siiu e.iuiity, tin (Miiiiiioiiw. iiltli if (inv.iti ii.n-t l.le-e.l itli iiniiiiul tin I vee,. d.l.le 'Huli.-N. uii.l ivepy tiling llii.l pi. t In ike lij ii Mitvt'fiil fair lit- I. eyelet te.l In r l'.nrtiiliitie nmrf ill ill u:iy ii. Hrl e unity. 'I'liinyttir fin .lluiiM, if .o-.;l.e, rellieve lnT I. I tun. - tin. k i t llu fr.eit rank, In r. -lie .i...erly Ivlmiit. i'lie e.itii.l y lair, riclillv In :i t );' t . i tliei.i.e eve I I n llu year f..l the I'.itm- ini; e inti. tinny, emuit'i; t ii. at j tin 1 1 ii it- u la n their I ihoiiiiii -Mil j n. 1 1 ' ..i !i ii tini-hii! ami liny del . - elil In In . .1 ..! II iek" re-.'U- l'.t t .x'i.v I- I ! it- lull" In M-riiiii-ly -! i i rllie matter, w l.ili tin re Iti yol j .tune A i. mill er i.l I'lominent hum ; t': a'el I . I ine- llu II have eXp!e-ei II i Ii ''f i hat I 'n annual le!i r.uil.l i.eain I, i, Vn. .1 ami ina.lt ei inaiieiit, mi l t!,. nm, ri . fur it e en i ni. t he (.1 Alll' Ulll lelnl it ni l till. I tl.i l- n 1 1 o ur tt .'in 1 hei l hi iiiaCer. 1 ' the ieu, le a U it ni ami tiet on tin ir i iiin.iii Mil 1 1 10 liK Mlll'I'KK. III. Alimiilit lo l.e,i l ane foil 1,1) Tin- uir Will Ixeeiil mII l'l M ini s Miiiiin ill. To . he (iinillli'el', tt ho li:i iitilil-tl i ouly Ink. n euro of hi Irets until they hear Iruit in iiiaiit itie- an ' to all no i!f XV o like to Met Oi. uoti urnw a ii fielor of fun. me ee. (In c nth. ok at , iir'.' 'i.l hir (liei'Hi-iai( .1 rut ie.-i tieimly crati'yiini, m 'I mnkli u I it llliilt m llitlll III Lull" iMlll.ly. While it liait l eii Mii.l w ith ii cerlitii.ty that; 'ii) e ir In i l kkiMiM 1' hi''t(l fi.'in oltl I.ail., il relieHI'i l'l i f ieellt fnll ilili. ii- t.mviiiee one that (hi ninoiiiit i a 'okk- i t until. A f.mvf i-ati.ni kki'.h T X S j;u r hy a (il Alill ri Ji'Hll r, lit the l llJC'TK I II I- lieiy inn I aekiii;i lii u-f, riM ah il tin. f.tet that he lilt i-hi.lii lit of ere. n f.uit l.i 1 1 math' Lv Lii.i thi ytal kkoiihl i.rtil ahlv i t ah. tit the 'iii hilt of I next kkiek. anil kkuuhl eo ri-l "f Itltnl- uliiikv anil I oIiiiiioIh l.hiu. froin the i rehaitl- " I llu Wiilii t-tati', A I) l'. ir t..n nt. il T X Setir. f-iiiiii!tai;e. uly kk ith thi- he kk ill iMtnuieiiiv tin !rp- t of I til It ll i-oa.-. Mr S t.ir i ihiiny ii very comment! iLlo thinn l'' t tting hi iTiitt-i I'.lnl hnxts in 1. alii' county Mi-.i ly wi" K'1 here if they cull Lo lini'lo for . . . t i e .... . . r 1 1 nioiiijli liiailo llj to n.l live eai ui u t xp. et to liavo ciioilnli to till -" our ,v tl0 time piokiii iiiiiimt n t s mnl uj keep the Lux maker ku.rkiiiK ,ta,.v af erkkar.l. Tin oral- ato niatle "i't "I '' '"" wl.ite Iir. ll:ivli.Sa (u.hily to k.,.,kv -kith .... i .. e .1... iir.. ...... t. Milieu ju - i " nut imi i.,e v.,. - kkere rift Iktil 111 llu' r.a-ieiii iminv., Mr Stver wrote to IC tlliehl & Soli, "I I'lilla.lelphia, i no of the luri l 0"in- iiii-iiili Loli-e ill the I'mttil Mate. 1 heir rt ply, in Het, Nkiis that ilurint: tho tliloo year they h:k . Iirnnlleil Hie Hit 1011 Italian prune it Ini'l i-.cuilily : Krow n in favor, wllitm ut n lime lor j le- than In) ei nt. or : I, imil in h k'o'l j many instani't cniiciilerably LiK1" r- llu Silver prune, tin hrm no, i utu Mit-I, a favolite u the Italian, altlinir;li ftVeranil.W HP t ll. The IItiii,'iii mil I u reli ihlo protlllet tilid Call UMially he to inti. il upon u a money maker. (.: .iiileiiiikT the lu'e umoii' l "I frlt that Mr yar ;klone expett to tin out put for li the heavy grower or lhec..unt win ulltlo llieirokkli .hipping. I In Coyote I'it lllf. I'lil.y i.iittnl. Jay . ...i t 4u n.oiitu from Lu- 1 "'' . . .. ' ' I ii,.. Coyote picnic, u..it.i. ll.eioyote inciiif, mo i rt ,. verv plea-ant time, not the . . . . ,')k. ftl,iure . . ... 1. 1.. r....ini-M of which was ,he ,).,.k,."t ,ii..iii-r, w biel. wai highly ir,,jrtM ,v the M-llor Iiom nere, Thu Covo - hall lo--er prove.l to Le ,, unit ii h.r the Log' in contingent (hut wii t up against Hu m, th- score l,.,i.gsomethiig Lk. -'ito 17 in favor ,,! iho r u i ts 1 ur.i-is. Tiieir pitcher, young Hay., I aid to have cxtraor- .'i.urv al.ii .IV It M i.ere iw i-iei --.., H l.eri' tw 1-ter c iii- -hit ring hi . , -rt-1 i , nml one of the I. u'...i.lv l"l I '.ho te ..... ,.t t . .1 I... k.'l.'.g al. -I ei u i: ltt-t (he hail out - f hue twice and l.a.k lig'iiii helol-it r.ael,.'.. l.e pime . . .. . : . . t .. . i ,, .. i. .1 to- I he at "home. i " I " " victory. Tin: II I' l'l -' Virmiii inn-t Is plentiful iii Mario.i '' - ilein '.i: .inali ' hi. u.m: "Ihe i..' . , i . r a l.ui.l ruin. I . .a. i.t v or lire tht uhl n it uh:i-h. i, i-r-iwer wunt ..ii ii... h,e or i.Vi.tv .,,,,) .i.t.-.iy lh- hot. '!, t ui.111, Mit.-ul'ie, to -t. p tl ' " Increase ,lfllt. ,,.w. Lilher will d'.. don't want cs. I, cloudy weather They - ITKSPAY, Jl'LY "7 .1 V. Shi Key ha retunit tl lionit. Al Wa Itllf, of r.irtliiml I in tho t ii. j l'l f.1 lltains i hiifk from Cirati'.'.'. IV- .-tte i:.ht iiil retim e.! Lome !.i-t t v. i.ir,- i j l'.t u I.tireli fit I ul.iy . J II (i Ntill i'f (..'llllli ill till ..f i i.o it A X n, in tl.o fity. I'.'-i ii.ii.-Iit iii. my, of Ciotfliiu, mi. i . l iuiti in- inlay. 'I'M. in w t :i r i tt" oill hoeitiiit Ik la kiln-: 'viUit.hy tie'i i'iii(i. ii M. Ali-t.-r ktf nt to Xfkvp nt on the fain ll.i- f,i.em..... li :t ik Ware an.l Harry Hull have i'i t .1 1.. .1 from I'eli y j t i n Mi--('oi.i ivy of S i!i in, taint tip ell the n I. i al lo Y t-it Irii le!-. I n ii.' i'. inn lime I'tiiul t . an iiiiii- li'i I; l .i t;e eto.i 1 in l.uielie 1 tiiirilny. l.e-ti illlliill i hiiil u ;i Willi Ik Here fin t. 1 le a - it i-iillln-tt il il li Hi -I'aUi.i. Walter ll i.l.-, hti it tun. eil fr.un l!iwell Siini;- nitl.'M in:'.'Vf. III llt-i.lth. l'rof N'l'iina ktiT.t l.i Ni.it till io..tt.iiie. lh- family wili I II. w him Tiiiii-.l.iy. 1" It Whitney, of Oil.laml, fifljjlit nei tit i f he S 1' I! li, tk a- in I aii;i tit l.i-t i vt 1 1 1 ii lC- Mi-1 I. t'aiiihill letiiiiieil Inline la t i k t i.irc fit m ii i-it In I'i I m lilt in . n.i I lie l'all. .. W' nihil- .ltilieliiitl f.i tniij;lit: I'uii; lor Vi'.lni-il.iy ami Tlmr.-ilay: l it : i an. I kk al mi I. I's Sel.tlt.il-Jehll II Mil' 'hell ilX- .ieitt In iiriikt in I'letlaml from I'riinee, Atiiii-t l"i' li The l lniiilyko t xeitt in. lit ii-tiil ex teiii.iiii;. I hoii-.uiil ine leavini; in -le m et for I he mine. Mi- Aii-u Mellain of llarri urg, anivl n thi . nfifiin on vii-it lur eoti'in, Mr K KOltoll. M i - W 1 1 Walkins I. ft I'm Meieliaiii thi-l.'ieiio hi, lovi-it In r - Hi Maok, w he i Mel; at t hat l n .' Mi- J W Hani uii.l two ehilil n il !t It for CottaKv' (ii- 've on tho ufter iio..n I. it nl to vii-it it lutivt. (iiiiny M illiew reluriietl !at ud from Ko ey S riots whi le lie took liin family lor tin ir nitniner outing. J A Wathlle, l'ltil S U iger Ilinl l''raiik Davi, thleo knight. of tin grip fin k, funic in on I lie -.nl loeul. S ti Suii.lth, u I'ern I iilgo fanner, oii... hi lU'eet in u hox cur last night mill left for ('.iliforniu where lie kk ill I. if lie. Ml S U Kakin Hiitl ntiff, Mi.-n Alice Miiieen weie pa.-cngir for Collage iiovc on the nftei noon tniin for u ln.. vi-it. W II Holliiian uml wife retiiructl fi-otii Soilaville tlii afternoon. They repoil having hinl a very ploasant ami hi nt lieial trip. J M Shelley, proM.lellt uml niuiiager of the Kugi lie Mill it Klevator Com panv Lu lelurnc'i! from a two wn k-' trip to Coo li.iy points. Attorney J K Itroiiimgli. of Spok nie i in the city for a fw tlays, joining hiwifefir it vinit with her parnit, Hon uml Mrs ieo li Dorri. IlNstatetl hy tl e Ort'gotiiuii tint lite i-ilvir in. n will run Hon II K Kin eui.l of l'.ugiii', for giivernor. He woiihl make a splelidiil olileul. T!ie fear, early In t lie HCiison, of -e.ire.ly i f hay I not being realized u it j .... 1 .. 1 1 . 1.. ...... lit il 1. II isi-llll C'lllllllH ill io iiiik .j.......... - with report of pleiily to follow, Aiumhirof the country ti-ueheis nr.. in town to attend the institute which convenes tomorrow. Large uiimi i r- uie expected tomorrow. A ntimh. r of Siilom people i-peiit Sunday ut Mi hatntk ill Marlon county. Anion": Hit number were Mr DA i,in.Hn. I daughter and Mi. Curiie Fru luliy. 11 Lough, Ihe fXert aisayer from linhi inia und until recently treasurer of the Nooday Mining Co returind to Cottuue drove on the uftt niouii train. Hois very enthii'-iiK.'lic over tutu sei- i.i i ..,,..11, I It will t-xiiirieiice in "I " I bomn before many iiiooi.-j. MrC I 'roner and daughter, MUscs Fannie and Maggie, have gone to Iielkti!ipS,tiiigto remain for a time, in ll. e Lot,. that lh- medical prr- tlos of the spring will prove of Lenollt to Miss 1-i.i.nie, w no ... oie.. lumIi wllu visiting with hi mother acute sullerer from r!:euu.ati.ii. at the home of her pari-iits, dov and . . -... . . 1 1. 1 .... .i..... .. A little over li year ago in- owner ui i.i.i ... th of html in the vicinity of Iloy, Wa-hiiigton. 'I'.i mil -'.utli of Taco. m i wa- eoii.pi-;i'-'l t" I' lh- trsc.ror i .'.ii I. I l.e l.inei.ii-i -r . ' . . ... ....1 tl... uhelil fur " " ulng . U,e purcharei ' V ......ni. pii.-e. Iheif l-i pr:u .""-'..K'-." farming r-uriuicii'lei,i C Hunt returned ori the I I'' CnhfoMiiu express t-wlay fr m hi trip L.-1-t t" at'eiid the Xa- tioliul 'I ln r A--o. ia'.lo I Ul wu i wank . On ii r- urn l.e Hopped at ' SMiita Ai,s. ' aiir.iriiia, to oc..iiilmiiy hisihr.-eilanvthter Mie fierturde. . . ... , i 'i'i..... Ilal -v nun .Men-, t . ... . i . : . l. .. have ' - . ' lieell Vl-I'llig Willi niniun iiieie iui illi niativts there for the post year. COBBER TO THE FRONT. Tom Ymjliaii Ikf" rr N. N. urn fws Vfi(erJ;iv AIUt- llu l.ale l.miii'iitt'il" link Aiguille til Pmly l.uttt.i, Ju.) I'oliticii! Low nianj iloeiU Hit coin miitctl in tliy liiuiie'.' The cl.ivalrou South never w ltno.-eil a iccne more thnllii'g, iiioro lull of the ilisphty of human pu-sion than the little town of CoLtirg, eight iniltH lioith of Lore, Locaine llu sotTit of Jo tortliiy. Xol unlike m'iiio olil Souihorn parish I Coliurg nml its euviroiitne.it. A little country village on a hraneli rail way, Mirrouiiileil on all itiilo Ly farms of brnitl ami multiple wore, corre npoiitliug to Hid plantation of the South, the owner well-to-tlo mil coutoiiteil, liofpitality one of Iheir prolitlost virtues, it Is tay to boo that iiltruistn I ii tin very atmosphere while faiieit'-l wrong is ipiickly le s 'lttetl In tin weak nialiiier Here is the story at haiitl: 11 n Thoina Yaugliiin, represontative lo the state legislature from I. alio county, a prosperous fuiint r, n piettirentio ami iiito.e.-tiiig speci'lien of the curly pio neer, Lig-ht artetl, lint set In Lift opln Ions a an ol.l oak in the ottlh, hoi drove into the town from hi farm u sliort tli.-liinee holow. lu front of thu store w hore tin hud slopped, wort a few nu n among w hoiu it i o ily iue essary to ineiition hi atlvoisii' y, Kov XX MalhowH, formerly a resident of Kugeiio A lliiglit be exptctid con cr:ktl.)ii drifted mid llnally lundod upon the Hiihjoct all Westerners de light in-politic.-). It was an t u y step from this lo the lulo Oregon legisla ture, of which Mr Yuiighan constitu ted a f.action of the membership. Through doviniis cluninels the conver sation rose ami fell a to whether John II Mitchell 'ikiigliini'i cherished friend i held up the session or whether tho "opposition" luado tho session tin laUL'hiiiL' stock of tho tiooiile. Of c itirse iiorconalitios Wore br.iughl iuaiid llnally Vaughau's canvas iu this count v was discussed, w herein can o the culmination resulting In I uile Viiughan climbing down from his ve hicle, iu which he hud b:-tn wated all this time, anil with his horsewhip co.nmeiict'd Iho chastisement of his clerical opponent. It lastetl but u short tinu, however, tho "powers" iu 'erf red, a "troc'ia" wa established ami now tho event hm passed into tho history of their live. OKKtiON W II 10 AT CUIH". IhroKliinff Shows tliu Wheat of Good lualilj-A lit) u eh l-.stl-mute by Cuuutitu. Advices from tho prliifipul wheat growing counties in tho Htuto show that the wheat crop will be tho largest in tho history of Hie state. A conser vative estlmato pluces thu yield at lH.uU'VKJO bushels. I-'a- lorn Oregon w ill have 11,50(1,000 bushels und West ern Oregon iliOOMX) bushels. Thrtsh Iiil'. whloli Is now In prog resH, shows w)(,ut (J o( lhe imi (juuiity, Fol- iw lug is the estimate Ly counties: Counties. itushols. Cum Ilia 4 .-.00,000 Union 1,500.01)') Pukcr WOO Morrow W.000 Wasco 2,000,000 Sherman s.ooo.txw (iilliaiu 1,000,000 Lane 1,000,000 Itontoii CW.Oi.O Yamhill 0"".W0 Clackamas m Marlon f,W l-olk l,-OO,0OO Llnu l,2)f Washington 700,000 Paliy (iutnl, July A I'.ov Uc.N Ovkb. Tlii morning an accident occurred on the comer of Xinthaiid Willatnette streets which cn be attributed to a carelessness that should he Closely guarded against. The ..... . .,i,.. ii. m i..r..i. ..I P.n. little son ui i I jrs lilipaKt r, wu witmiug I t,e tr, ,-t and on reurhli.g thi corner j noticed a Uam coming uml stopped! ,.,e to a telegraph polo l. l-t II pass. ' It. .1 '..I.. I. ...... f.f I ...it.f 'I'i till. WHS look VdirlJtio,: the lui,, lurn-d . sharply and before the spectators hurt! ly realized 11, the little fellow wa uu der the wheel, one of them passing over the elbow of his right arm. Dr Kuykcndull made a hasty t-xumina tiftn Mix I found no bones broken. The 1 bruised membel was dressen ami uie do.-lsiioAT resting -.. j. i... .... : Cutcheon regrets Very ...,.,.1. Il.u .... i.,.... ,..v I . . . I .. .. ,. . . , i .. n. . on me opp.iw smu ui i.. """ a'-r" lK,le he fulled to aee him. ehleiit. but stales i,.ai as uie ",. . . , ...i. r.linu to lr.IT'.U ITKMS. (iolil lllll' Kim ml i" tin' N'' of tho Willamette. Ill Folk! July 11. IvC. Tho Warner, of Fall Cink.an.l Mi itolit rlH, of I. inn county, were hen last Saturday. Mr K w a looking for II lofutlnll. II M 1'iirviii was in F'lgciio Mouth', aftf r hiiidi r supp'it". Haying I getting pretty well al.ni. ('Hiding lOiiinii lid il hilt' the I'.e.ll The i;riiiii ami hay crop i very g.m.l. F. l' Williams will hind ami tut J M (iilllllh's grain tin week. J F Taylor, II li Vincent ami Mag gie Tcuipleiiiiiu wire in laigeno la-t Saturday. The grist mill i undcigoing repair, but will start up thi w et k. Uibx gootl work. !: Tfinploiniin, our cui-tahl ', I now at Wiilla Walla. W ah. The hop post Is thick- Frank T lor w ill spray hi yard. X S Perdue and a Mr Ko- were lior. Tuesday oiillilting for the gold mine- on t tin inn (h fork of tho Wllluinelt. They think they have found some thing thin will pay for winking. Pi MKU. Former Tugi u Man. IVnillfton Tiihuiie, July .": "il M Floan, the blBi ksiiiith. hu hud all the work he could nttelid to for three or four months. Hp ha working for him iu addition to hi brother, D M Sloan, two "Diiichiuoii," two Nankeen and an English-American. They all gel along together well w lido at work, but Ureal Caesar how they do poke fun at ouch other during their Idle moment. ' During the la-l week Mr Sloan has turned out six complete set of lilleh ings for combined harvester. l'-i h set consis of l:l lon.t burs, ami these again are in ido of Ihroo Inn each loeketl togelhi r. X inn chain ulo go w Ith eiieh set. Thosti hitching have been miiilo for J Slocknutn, llaiiilllon A Kourko, J I. Hughe imd lu W Meeker. Mr Sloau's li'isint'ss Include black smithing, wheclwTightlng nml hoi sliiH'Ing and ei.chclopiirlnioiit i In the hands of a skilled niecliunli'." Dkscuvi s His Shntkm i:. Toe following f.oiii a t'ortlaml paper I about a iniiii thai wu In Kugeiio for a tiiiiii ami bent several person out nl j small sums of nioncy: "Claw Shun , who o parents roldo In Yunoolla, . , .mm, a member of the Salvation Army. The girl lias uton iu i oriuuiu t.vo weeks, ami room at Sixth street, with a younger sister, Violet. Claw made tho nc.piiiintanoe, a year ago, of one, A W Moore. Wu at that time a nuirriod man, but It not now, hi w ife having secured a divorce from him ft few week ago. M.sire doslnd to marry Clara. At Hist she thought she'd honor hi. proposition, but ol lute appears to huvo reconsidered that ue parenlly fragile promise. On Monday evening Moore culled upon Mis Shun gle. Her sister wusubsont at the time. After he had loft-ju-t a few inliiuti ho returned, was not admitted and broke open the door. Arrested at Clara's Instance the man ptotesled that ... . . I. i i he did not Intend to harm a hair of her head, loved and dished to marry her. All Ihe sumo tho court taxed him $25. Ho Is injtill." Fun m Kit )kk ion ( i i in.. M is A my 'Joolev. formerly of Wood burn, drown- d herself a few duv ug ) In tho river near Auhurn.California. She had been reprimanded by tho lady with whom she was living for being out lulo at ipght. One of those who wore out riding with Miss Cooley on the even ing proceeding her sulfide says that she had a letter In her pocket which she road to herself mid which seemed to allot t her greatly. Tho theory 1 ti.nt ii. wits some love ull'uir that brought disapisiliitiiient. I he Albany Democrat Is Iiifoimed Hint MissCooley at one time attended tho () A C and was engaged to a student Iheri. Dally iiusi.1, Ji.ly '' TlIK l'.VAI'OKATi.K'H FlIlhT WollK -III conversation with I' M Wilklns today a (ii'Aitt) reporter learned thai the Lugone Cannery Company would begin operation lu about 15 days, or as soon as iney couin secmu n-.- . silver or Italian prunes. They will can tomatoes and probably handle - I I r.1 HliW pears a well. i ropariiiioos i. 1 lie nir inane t" in.-n1" I . , 1.. ... I I., IIUS worn, uii.i , , ,.,.. llit.Tr ouiiniug u.m " " "" thoroughly overhauled and renovated. .1 In.ll) i.iiat.l July .-7. Hot Contuai SH Fll.Kli. Two more hno contracts were filed in the clerk's ;i 'oll'n'1! today wherein Juhii Itrown and H I Muii.ii irlvii chsttl'l lllortlfllg- k) ll-U-r, duthrlo A Co on their grow ! cruiw for tow and .'M re u-ctive- i. , ' " - rt - " " Ini; crons for JOoOand .'IWO rospct ly to secure moiify lor picking and murketing their crops l)l.T duirt, Jul) Tax Wakhanii sherill" Johnson and dt iiulies tomorrow will common. to serve warrant on iloliiiiient tux - ,..,.,, l,out two Jl". "'-IV - . ..... II. h iroiieltV IWlllllllll-illll'l " ' "- "I" - i, no anveriiseu ui.u " i . 1 ' t !'.''. -C-''' i' t C ; - of in. I- . ' '' ! n't -' .-.;.!! . i :l , : i , :v ' ' .' 'Ml . h ,, ...! .i .i I err ;v, ,iss it .!. , ' , :!v at : i t 'in . I'-l. 1 tlls'"tl ;, .1.1.1 t'l.l' ' ; .. I:.. ; a. te tMe ''I'VDNS jV.t AS i i o '.Me ' , , : j'.iJ i Hie" I . I i .,U : i ,i v. ay t1 . S.i r : t . li . I I l . I.' rt ,. . w. v ' V .! .it W ,1 , .. Iiv a tl : ll.ll' i l. .' i!.t: i . i aht.i.!.- p -.v 1 ; ; LU. V. I'I V ' ' ' J. II. .till.: X i .... 1,. '.l.i. I'm. iii:r hum; i: and iiii.iiku. Tin i tin It. p it gr.ijili (oil li 11) Tilt'- 1. 1 Kl;l' .ol., July - 7. - I argoi s oil mitt; option, Mu i kit linn -.. ' i. .. l itui'T and pil-iige lihnut .'I pent e il il turn cheaper. X i w YoitK, Ju'y -7 an, I higher, cl-ing ul 7-.. t lilt .kno, July 'J7. Illgiu-r; cli.-in at 7.1 . S.IN l-IIAM l-i .', July . Miliket ;i.n;. tinner nml hif.lu r, cln-in, li. un nt Hep .New tt. Niiri'inherg I ho weather of late hu hi oil, f.ir this t'ol ol year, exceedingly Id an I wel. In f.n I, si.,v La fallen ill some of tho hh-.li lying distllcls. Meanwhile, of f.iur-o. th- hop plant hits Leon until. !o to luai..- n.tii h pro- gn-s. Wnldoif 1,11a. If li i Tin! general i'"il liliou of thy plant in the-.! pari loaves much to Lo th-irtd, tho cold, wet weather Laving Lieu Vt-iy tlitrl mental to it. lloekeliln llll , limit I... - Colisidorillg the limn nf year, the plant I certainly backward, the miluiniial wiatlit-r at presonl I scuicely conductive to II further development. 1'oseii The warm weather Inter- pered with shower of rain I'.of much Pencil I to tho plant. There I no sign of disca.-o ami It p e it slate I llll that t an l.e ili .-iie I. S III Allln'llgll the day have bieU fairly waiui, th i.l,;.il an iLchlodly cohl, ninl in con-. iiiet:t ' Vermin lloiir sho uml tin i plant d noi. Foil Tin: Mt Ki:s.ii-. -liev M C! Wire, of Alhany, nml "i, arrived lu l-'Ugelie this fnli lloi.il iiu.l after Ik Visit here will go to thu upper McKeiizle rtsort for nu outing of two or throe week next Thursday. On (hut morn ing they will. Lo Joined Ly Dr W H Mittliews, of Sun Francliico, editor of the tVlforuiik Christian Advocate, who w ill accompany them. Dr Wire's host of filomU In tho city are pleased to gn el him again. puiiy ijuui.i J i ; rol.K K Cot ili'. During tho hist Ml hours Jmlgi Dorri hasdisposed of bus Ines as follows: Albeit Winter, lined to and cost for louvlng bis team tied up nil day without food or water. L llalley was let oil' with cost for get ting tight. A vagrant, Albert Jones was given ft day for resisting arrest by Olllcer Cronor last night, and is do ing tlni'i on the street. Paily t.iiat.l, Ju'y " Fnisr Wiikat.-C O Davi, of Coy ote, brought In tho Hrst wtieat re oelvi'd at tho L'ligeiin mil s, thi morn li.g. Il I full and plump and belter looklfg than any harvested la-t year. It Is a g.sid criterion to Judge tho '1)7 crop by, say those In a position lo know. From now on it will kei p mo mill busy handling the crop. pallr tiiiur.l July :7, I'dsi'MAmi T.itrt AI'I'i.inikh. The postmuster-geiioral yeteiday appoint ed pontina-t-r for tin following four Oiegon postollh'. s: I timer, .Marlon county, O Frui k Kbcitoii; Silver ton, Marion eoimty, T W lllchos; Stayton, Marlon c uuty, W S Wal ters; Newport, Lincoln county, A II Hampton Pally . ' m r i . lu jr -'" Spuainkk Hi Anki k. - l.u-t even ing wiill- Thoina Cain w a standiiig at th- Falriiiouiit sit .i'' hi t-mil ttnrted mid li)Juiiiiing to the gro'ind Iroin tho porch ho alighted on a rock turning one of his ankle, spraining it piit badly. He 1 resting caiily and w ill le all right In u few day. X'Kky Cm iu iIi.c-i:, -A driwlng of Ihe prop. io.l now Lane county court house I- "ii exhibition in S il Flieud-- ly si very 11 pitted . show window. It will be A ....king Lulldinij w Lm coni- I