The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 8

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    CITlf GUARD.
I. L CAMfBEI.L, Troprlalnr.
Exports of Merchandise Last
Year Larger Than Ever.
Inleraatlng Collection of Currant Event
In Condomrd form Krom
II o 111 Continent
Tlio Minnesota state board of par
dona ri'fiiM-H to pardon tlio Younger
Tim National lie publican League con
rtMition mot in Detroit. Delegates wore
present from nearly all tint state
The departure from I'urtliitxl of tliH
Hritish ship Uleiu-I van brings the grain
fleet for tlio present season up to 77
vessel compared with US the year be
fora. Advice from Constantinople indicate
that tint tu 1 1 it 11 is oliiluratii regarding '
tin) acceptance of tho peace proMieal. 1
Kdhem 1 '.if list in hastening back to Do
niokos, and tin- furloughs of all Turkish
aflloers liavi I n canceled, In readiness
for h renewal of hostilities.
Advice from tlio south of France
how that the loHtruetion by the Hi mi In
there wan greater even than cat Her re
port indicated. The losses, aro esti
mated at 200, 000,(1(10 francs in tho nggre-,
irate. Hardly a village Iiiih escaped
1. imago, mid the iniinlier of person
Jrowncd Ih nearly H00.
K. M. Wuito, about 70 yearn old, who
wan th oldest printer in Oregon,
hopped leal in Salem. The pt intent
were to play the barber a gaum "f
basebull. Waito curried a printer'
towel a" a banner for tint printerit in
the parade, lie fainte.l from the heat
and never regained consciousness. I
The parliiiiiient.iry South Afriean
Commission, which Iiiih been inquiring '
into the Traioivall raid, Iiiih agreed i
u k n km reHirt. the reiKirl will ei
('imimnr Orgnnltad to flop ft,
eriilly IHarovarad Alaakan t'lalda.
Seattle, Wash., July lU.The Aluka
Development Company wur organized
thiy, to develop the coal and oil field
recently discovered in Koutheailern
Alaska by . (;. Johnson, of Lot Oa
to, Cal. Tim rejMirt made to tho
j company by .Mr. Johnson and T. J.
i Hamilton, of thin city, tho exjiert who
! made a thorough examination of the
property, show that the discovery in
I really the most wonderful find the
, world ha ever known. Tho oil field
I are located within u few hundred feet
of tidewater, 8.10 mile went of Juneau, i
The statement is inadn in good faith ' Mta,,'"''''t of imjxjrtn uri-l exrt of the
that the oil in dripping directly from L'nitel Ktuten, inmied by the bureau of
tlm oil rock uinl, in placet can be Jip. statistic, make the remarkable how-
ped up in buckets, while the surround- t'"lt "'' lcforo in the history of
ing coal be.U are inexhaustible. 1,10 '" try have the exisjrt of nier.
Thirty thoiiHand feet of pix, hail al- ,-,"""l's, which include practically
n a ly been ordered from I'ittNlitirif, and I""t" e'pt gold and silver",
hh soon uh received here a steam rHa'',",d " high a figure an during the
-homier will he chartered to carry it I"":ttl 7,!ar "iding Juno 80, 1897, nor
Kireaa Over I no rt a Mai
Uraataat In (ha Hlatorr of
lha Country.
Washington, July JO. The annual
and take material to the place of tlm
A prominent oil man ban (iven a
guarantee of all tho capital necessary
to build a relinery there us soon a
may he necessary to handle the prod
uct. The oil in pronounced of the best
ipialily ever seen and the quantity U
n n 1 1 1 ii i t ... .
Tilt" I'll If MM
'MliloU Arm Hill I
Wrt ward.
New Vork, July 10. A Herald din
puti'h fioui Havana Hays: The inva
i hi of Havana pioviuce by jmiurKoiit
foiceH on their march weHtward iH now
an aceoinpliHhed fact. The local pa
P'h are prohibited from puhliHliintf
even accoiuitH of "oniciul" victoriea in
that piovince, the object l)eiiir to diH
creilit the neWH of uniiMtial activity,
(lencial W'eyler may utipprcMn iicwh,
but he cannot i-nlivciiic ntly hide
woiiieleil HohlierH, and them) keep coin
in in.
The Herald'H correnioiident lit Ma
tanzaM writeH that Colonel Alvarex Ar-
pieNH an emphatic opinion that what- maud. ., with 70 men, wax completely
roiiieii J uly II, near JaKUey Orande,
ever lii-tilii iitnui there mitflit have
been for action on the part of the peo
ple of .loliaiiiii-Hliiittr, there wan none
whatever for Cecil HIubIcm' conduct in
lulieidiziln.', or'ani.iiiK "d Htiiuulat-
iiik an armeil iiiKiirrection a'aiiiHt the
KDVc riiiucul of the TraiiHvaal.
Ilenriiiie Laidley, I'ortntiuehe vice
rouxul at San l-'ruin iw-o, iat Monterev,
Cal., at the rcipicNt of the 1'oittiKiicHc
milliliter al WaHhinploii to make a thor
oiikIi invcBtiatiiin reKurdiiiir the ili
turliance over the liaiihinj down of th
I'lirlUKUcBe II.ik from tlie pole above
Manuel Ortin'n grocery Kloie and Vhii
I'lirniiiK of the 1 1 . i . ( liliii'H notirica
tiou to the iiiinini.-r at WaBhinion re
mltcil in the iiivi-Htipiiion l.aidley
ilcclaren if the alTair in not aatipfai tin ily
ixplainei the l'ortUKUe.4n kovci niiieiit
will demand an apology from the Coil
ed Statea.
lfcporta from the North nay the Al
ixka Commercial Cuiiipany'a ntcuiuer
Arctic wan crushed by ice.
The International (h Idmiiiiii); con
rent ion al Denver vcleuteil SuH I.nke
City uh itH next niectinn plane.
Hy the exphw-ion of a lamp Samuel
V. llrowii, a miner, mid Iiih wile,
Mary, were homed to death in bed at
I'lttaliu rg.
Five thoiiaand wrought nail workert
of South StalTordHliire and North I
ll'i irimuli trull ! n. I. ...... .....!. f... I II . '
cent iidvance in whch.
1'ieparatioiiH are on foot in Dublin
for the I'lirnell miiiiveiHary dcinoiiHtia
tion in October, und it in believed thii
J cur it will be larger than ever.
The Hritinh Kovcmmcnl ban liotilled
the ixdlector of ciiHtouiH at Vancouvei
that no duty will be chained on caliuon
brought fioui the United State.
The Htateuient of the Hank of St ain,
which Iiiih been formally gacctlttl, ban
incrcaKcd the adverse com im-n t on the
bank maiiaiieiiiciit. Il bIiiiwr a notv
I'irculation of l:iil,00il,iliHI pcsitaa in
cxccsii of the authorized m-iic.
Fully UU0 men are employed on th
branch line from Slccati, cioxii j( to
Slocaii lake. About 4."i0 Incn aie on
each end of tho linn woikicK toward
inn center, aim me contiact reoiiiiea
' the iiiHiirtfent (iencral Curillo. The
Spanish lost SO killed mid alxiiit the
saniii number wounded. During tho
ll'Iit l'.i of the SpaniardH deserleil and
went over to the insurgent"!.
A report iH current and generally lie-li.-vcd
in MatanziiH that the insur
1,'enlH have attacked and partially
binned CardcnitH. There are fully
i.OOO rehelri in the vicinity of MatanzaH
and CardemiH.
(ieneral W'eyler hart not Hucccdcd in
capliniiiK (Ionic., an, IIIM cvidentlr
Kiv-cn up tlie ic'ea, for he has left
Hain-ti spirit iik and in now at Cicufuu
i:oh on his way back to Havana.
nan tlie i-xceHH of oxjiortH over importu
ever lu'eii no larife. The only time
theMB tttnrv were approached wan in
IH'JS, when the United Stated wan mak
ing heavy HhipmentH of Krain to Eu
rope, to feed the people HUffcrintf from
delicjent harvest-. Tho statement ol
187, with comparisona, U as follows:
KxsrtH of doiuestio merchandise,
l,O:iJ,UUH,770, an increase over 1SU0
of itlxiut 170,000,000.
Total exHirtH of domestic and foreign
merchandise, f 1, 051, HU7, 01)1, as com
pared with SSa,00fl,UH for 18110.
The total iuipnrtM of merchandise
duriiiK tho fiscal year Just closed
uuioiinled to 7(I4, 373,1)05, of which
:)Sl,U:i3,0r, was free of duty. The
total importH were ills, nt lS,',Sr0,00L
Icsh than last year, and the cxeecH of
cxirtH over importH for the year was
Thii in an excess of ulxuit IHS.OOO,
000 over last year, and an excesa ol
ulsmt I'.'S.OOO.OOO over
The export of jrold, includiiiK ore
for the liscal year 1SU7 umounted to
l0,:i"ill,7KO. as compared with $113,.
4HW.447 for lSIM).
The iinMirts of gold amounted to f S3,
0 1 :i,G7n, an increuse of uhout $51,600,
000 over lSlltl.
The exMirtH of nilver during 18U7
amoiuited to $til,lM0,0:iH, and the im
i portn $-.'(),5:i:i,3J7.
The excess of gold imports over ex
i sirtH therefore wan $14,60:1, Tun, and
tlie excess ol Hilver exportH over im-
('rofraaur Andrea iari Hla
Troniioe, Island of Tronnoe, Fin
mark, Norway, July The ateanier
Hveiitkund, from SpitzU-r,c-ii, resirt
that Herr Andn-e, the aeronaut,
ascended in his balbsui on Sunday after
noon, at 2:30. The a-'-ciit was wade
under favorable cin-uui-taiices.
A the wind condition were more
favorable on Sunday uiuiiiiiit than they
hud preivously la-en, the order was
given that the start should be made as
quickly uh sisihle. Tlie prcpaiatiom
o-jcuiiiifl three in, I a half hours. The
balloon, which was cbnstene.1 the Eagle,
made a hiici essful a-cut amid the
shouts of the crowd which had gathered
to witnesH its departure. Despite the
lightness (d the wind, the bailisui rose
rapidly until an altitude of about 000
feet had been attained, when it was
foiced down nearly to the uifac of tlm
lieu. After a few sandbag had been
thrown out, however, It again urn-ended.
The Weather a as clear, and the Eagle
W'rtH visilbe for an hour, tiaveling in a
north-easterly direction. When last
men, it was nitivifij at the rate of 22
miles uu hour.
Discovery in Clondyke Dis
trict Causes a Rush.
Tliua Woimdl. ThU Man Dr.
In( Nature' Law.
Chi -ugo, July 19. Charles B. Nel
.on, who, while in Washington Park
an the iti lit of July 1, in conipuny
with Mm. Edith M. Stuples, was hot
i the breast, expect to learn goon if
he U carrying uround a heart with a
M) IIKilI WAGF.S VXW bullet hole Uired through it. He sub
mitted to the X-ruys for two ieiugrupha
last night, in the hope of locuting the
bullet fired into hi chest on tliut nlglit.
The sciagraphs seein to indicate Unit
the ball cut through the heart on the
shortest ami most direct line, to lodgo
111. A story , n,.r t, spine, but they are not quite
interest that conclusive. N hen lie wan urotignt to
L.tinale.l l II Tlilrln Mllea In K
Iriit-Mlllluna Taken Out In
a Tew M'reka.
San Francisco, July
.li... in ieteliwitV llf
told of the fabulous wealth of Monte the Chicago hospital the surgeon gaid
Cri-to was related bv passengers on the j,,, W:1!4 B,ot in the heart und was
little steamer Excelsior, which has just ,(.iued to death. Ho surprised them
arrived from St. Michael's, Ala-ka. j ,T promptly getting better und ho wug
Million upon million of virgin gold, w,. enough yesterday to go to Wush
uccording to the story, await the (ortu- i,,-ton l'ark ami try to locate tho
tiate miner who has the hardili I and ' dump of biisheH near which he ami
courage to jieiieiraie into the unknown y rn, staples were oitting when he wug
depth of the Yukon district. There was !,(,
tangible evidence 011 tlie Utile sieann-i vt ,en tlie plioIOgrilJUIIU puuca were
,.t fniih of the story told by the develoncd a neison was able to gee
travelers, for in the cabin were scores ! tiacen of the bullet. Due of the plates
..f sucks tilled to the very mouth with ' nhowed the bullet in line with the
dust" taken from the pincers of the i junction of the spine and tho ninth rib,
Evidence of Stead
and Enterpris,
y GrniMi
rn..,. All h. (,.,
Thru,,,, Hlttn ,
One hundred ti,...i.-
""'""-"n rsclN,
It IS thought (he ...I "'kt
loria uu Heasoi, will TI,l4.
Henry Andermm m- . .
nore, was found dead i , ' 1
Willamette river at PortU
".ikoii lull, e,l u.l.L
..l.i . . ""II
eiiinerv iiirneii over on
uny previous
AmlraVa Honl.
Stnkholm, July 111. The Aflotu
bladet has received the following tele
gram from llerr Aielrce, via Tpun-oe,
written just be fine the balhsm was cast
lot c:
"III accordance with our decision, as
was announced, at 1:35 in the uioiuing
pl'cputalioiis weie made to etart; and
now, at !:')) in the uftenaioii, we aie
ready to,i end We shall piobably be
cariied in a north-easterly liiedion. 1
hope glad'! illy to get into regions w ith
more favoiahli wind conditions than
exist heie.
"It, the nau.e of ull my colleagues, I
Mend our wannest greeting to our coun
try and iiieii.U AXDI.'KI-;.'
King (l.-car has received a telegram,
dated Verges Hay, July II, and signed
"Alnhec," conveying the litilnble gieet
iugs and win mest thanks of the mem
bets of the eXK-ditioli on the point of
their departure.
1 lie Ai-riillaiil'a l'rriiriil jiiiia.
I'rofi-ssor S. A. Andrce expects,
should all go well, to reach the nurth
de by balloon. He pi iiinc to make
his lirst iittempt ill July, ls;ni. J'he
balloon and ull material necessity for
the ascent were taken to Spitzlicrgeii,
und eeiytlniig was made ready; but;
MirtM. $31,413,411. Never before has 1 iiecount of unfavorableconditioiis, it
the hilver iiiovement, Isith export mid
import, reached so high u figure. !
was found ncccksary
trip until this year.
to postpone the
A Ni-iiw lam Over a limn Willi ratal
Manchester, N. II., July HI. Five
youiiif men employed in Hal, twin's
Isiblun shop ventured out on the
swollen l'iscuiuog river in an old scow
' j without oars, depending for the guid-
iii, e of the Ik, at iisui a man w ith a
o.ud. The rains of the last two day
ad caused a llisid and the river was a
lacing torrent.
The men were unable to control the
old hulk and in a short time it was
swept over tlie dam, the occupants in
tin ir etroi ts to prevent this losing the
board they used for paddling. When
the boat went over the dam it fell bot
tom upward with the men beneath it.
Three gut clear, but only two were
able to reach shore, and, although the
other man was an expert swimmer, he '
was drawn under by the strong current. :
The diow tied weie: Frank Simniard,
Joseph l.avoi, ( Icorge Tin ien. !
They weie all single. 'Hennas Tir
rien and William l.avoio were Hwept
rime iiishoie, and by hard sw imming
got within reach of those who had
gaiiieied along the bank, mid wcru
dragged out.
'a Hie lUllrnntl Alalia Ar lllaeliiaril
III I hi Si-iint.
Washington, July 17. l'acitle rail
o:dallaiisoccupied the attention of
that grading bec.ncluded hyOctoher IS. i ""' "'"i"" throughout the day, and the
It is expected that trains will be run,
over the road by December 1, Twelve!
miles of wagon road have been coinplet-1
ed from the em-Mi inland. I
The difficulty growing out of tho'
boundary dispute between Costa Hicir
and Nicaragua is Hearing the point:
where diplomacy mid hi bitration will
l out of the ipiestion. The boundary'
commission appointed bv ex I'icsidcnt !
Cleveland ahoitly bcfoio be relin
quished his office his siis-cndcd woik!
for two month to wab h the actions of I
bolh side before proceeding further. I
What Is said to be the greatest oil
discovery ever made is repotted fiom
Alask'i. Some gold p,opect irs several
months ago tail acnm what seemed to
lm a hike of oil. T he lake was fed bv
innumerable springs, and the Kuiroiuid-I
ing mountains weie full of coal. They I
brought nun pies to Seattle and tests'
proved it to be of as high grade m any!
ever taken nut of Pennsylvania wells. I
Il ia said there is enough oil and coal
in the discovery to supply the w nldJ
It is close to the occae; in f i,-t, expert!
say that the oil i o.cs oat into thu salt
water. j
Tho ninth session of the trans Mi,
sisslppi commercial cnugiess is Udug'
held in Salt kike. Kveiy state and ter
ritory we t of the Mississippi river will
le represented. I
A atatcnicnt prepared at the mint bu
reau show the minilvr of silver dollar
coined ut the dated States mints dur
ing the fiscal year was i l,So8,70l, on
which the seigniorage, or ptolit to th
government, uuiouuted to il,33il, 104.
The profits have been turned into th
treasury from time to time, as the coin
age progressed.
A large deputation, headed l.y for-'
iner ngeiit, (ieneral Hccton, of lit 1 1 inli '
(oluuiblu, waited iisin Sir Wilfred
Laurier, the Canadiau premier, ami
urge, I upon him the cxcdiency of open
ing up a route to the Yukon district
The srt ha dispatched an ultima
tum la i'eia,deiMauding the w ithdraw
al of the Persian Insii, from Tut kish
Harris resolution relating to the pend
ing proceedings against the Union l'a
citle finally went over. Kaily in The
day, Stewart and White indulged in
sharp personalities in connection with I ! t the will of the navigator Fell
Frmal I'rlaonrra In Kanaaa City
Not II I' lit lu Hoik.
Kansas City, July Hi. Women
primmer are not to be put to work on
the rouk pile with men in Kansas City,
Kan. The hoard of poli, ominissiou-
ers, who decided last week that this
should be done, have found public sen
timent tisi 'trongly (iiK t,, t,jr
lilan. In deference to the first outburst
j of h. polar opsisition, the police com -j
misHioncrs promised to rescind that part
1 of the order com ladling the women t
' wear men's overall's, but this failed to
j tally to stop the H I of protest, alio
the order is wholly rescinded.
The agitation here has dcvolpcl the
fact that the same rule In enforced by
! the police of Leavenworth, Kan.
' la'iivcuworth's women prisoners ate
made to break n ek, ami to wear over-
mis. iney ure worked separate from
1 the men, and break ns-ks with small
hammers, under a shed in the jail yard.
1 The N'avciiwoith officers declare' that
their women prisoners, as a rule, do
not object to the work.
from Hi Summit or I'lkr'a I'ealt to
('Inrailu Spring,.
Colorado Springs, July Hi. The au
lioniiccmeiit was made today that W.
D. Felts will make mi aerial excursion
from the summit of Pike's peak to
Colin ado Springs, a distance of 10 miles,
in an air line, and drop H.tMHI feet.
In making the flight, Felts will use a
series of rigid acroplani lodeled al
ter the wings of a condor. The body
of the voyager will hang usicndcd
from mi easy harness. In order to !
steer the apparatus, Felts has ptovided !
a movable vane, which will be opcrat- '
J ii tin Nrwiiniti, Allna Frank Itulli-r, l
IIioikimI al Sydney.
Sydney, N. S. W., July 111. John
Newman, alias Frank Hutler, convicted
of the murder of Captain Lee Vcllcr,
in the Pine untain district, in s;iii,
was hanged heie yesterday. He broke
down at last, the remarkable stoicism
which he had exhibited since his uriest
ill Sun Francisco last February giving
way, und he confessed his guilt of this
as well as other shocking crimes
He admitted that bis right name was
John Newman, and that he was Isirnof
gissl family in Stalloi.Miiie, Knglatid,
in 1K5N. He professed the profoiindest
penitence for his iniMlecds and at the
last moment willingly received the re
ligions consolation usually offered the
The execution was effectted without !
incident. Few spectators were admit. I
I led, those piesent beiiiL' iiriiieiimllv !
officers of the court and attendants di- j
redly concerned in driving out the
law 's decree. ,
The case is one that has excited in-!
tci se interest thioughout the colonics, I
and great satisfaction i- epics-ed in
the thorough work pet formed by the
detcctiies ill securing evidence leading
not only to the capture of Newman, but !
his speedy conviction and execution.
far frozen North. The amount brought
in is variously estimated at from $."U0,-
000 to $750,000.
There came in on the Excelsior some
40 people among them some women
from what is now known as the Clon
dyke district, though only 15 of these
biid been actually engaged in mining.
There were among them men who had
been for mote than 10 years facing the
dangers and hardships of the frozen
North in the hope of making a rich
find but who signally failed. Hut now
they come hack with foi tunes stowed
in their gripsacks and untold millions
to be picked up in the country of w hich
so little is known.
The new Kldorado lies just across the
Aa-kan boiindaiy in Hritish territory.
It is of icceiit discovcty, but already
there are at least 3,0110 people on the
ground and more are Hoi king in that
direction as fast as transportation can
be secured.
The discovery of the Clondyke region
1 resents a story that is uniquely inter- J
esting. Around Forty-Mile, on thr
Yukon, is a tri Ik- of Indians known li
the Slickers, and with them is a man
who years ago was known as (icorgt
Coruiack, but who is now called "Stick
(icorge." In September last at tin
head of a party of Indians, he left his '
hut near Forty-Mile camp and started
in a southerly direction, saying that he 1
intended to lilld a new gold held before
his return. lie came back two weeks
later and startled the miners w ith the
aiinoiiiicement that 40 llll Ici away there '
was gold to be found in picnty. The ;
streams abounded with tiie yellow '
metal, and all that was needed was foi
soinelssly to pick it up.
Many s-rsons (locked to the place,
and in time the word reached Forty
Mile camp that untold riches could bt
found along the Is'ttnni of Bonanza
creek and its tributaries. Men who
had failed at the former camp imme
diately packed their belongings and set
out for the new liel, Is. It was a hard
The other indicated it was back of the
junction of the fourth riband tho hreaHt
hone. These two points uro in a direct
line from chest to back.
i It is the opinion of the specialist,
judging fioui the density of the bullet
-pots in the negatives that the bullet
' w -ji lodged about two inches in front of
the spine. If that is ho, and tho ball
traveled in straight line, it must
have gone through the heart. If it did
not g, through the heart, how did it
Let aiouud tlm heart and reach its
present location? That is what troubles
the surgeons. Nelson's heart is direct
ly back of the entrance of the bullet
and surgeons sav the bullet could not
have gone in direct line without pierc
ing the heart. The sciagraph indicate
that the hall was not deflected. It Will
require another sciagraph showing a
lateral view of the patient's chest to
determine whether the bullet has
passed through the heart or not. If it
proves to be back of the heart, the
nnstery will be greater than ever.
When Nelson was brought to the
lio.'tiital and his wound wan probed he
lost a pint of blood. The Burgeons with a scaling capacity uf ,3; nv
were saiisueii ins neari waspierceu una mion ui cniircn,,
(. L. Wood, (if Oekl...
si. Johns, commit!,, i i.i.,.
lowing thocontentg of , t'
tlo of morphine. "ik
Tho present ,...
Umatilla county ' has i"? fM
disposed of and the buy, ?" M
for other fields.
At Susanville two,
gitggej a Chinese ;mercl,.I,,;T
from htm $100 i C-llh "J11
quantity of g,,, dust. '"I
It is estimate I tmt jj ...
will harvest neailv.ifL,! . '
001) bushels of wheat .In,' '
at 50 cents u busta-l. will
000. f."Y
Tll( Illll.Hiralli t
ice uir u fill 11!)!.. n
giowcis Association buv. .r
U cent a bo f.,r ,.!...",,ZU "UN
" . I'll Alllir k. f
ton association will p.(v so.... 7
or (JO cents per loo. '
iiie roruand JI,.te pa.i.;. ,
pany, whose plant is f
ion, lias received an orli-rforsoocw
. PlT ""'"i Torn dl-
III l'liriat Tf.i... I .1
- ifi'"'i .urn ino i.Mu. .
being filled.
In Linn county there, are 71 th...
organizations, 45 church edifice a, I
nnuun i-iipaeny oi Jl
said he had but a short time to live.
I en he began to recover they con
cluded that the bullet hud pierced the
pericardium, the sack enveloping the
heart, and dropped, perhaps, to the
bottom of the sack after bruising the
heart. The sciagraphs indicate that
the bullet did not drop, but went
straight ahead in its course, after bor
ing its way through tho breast bono.
In taking the sciagraphs, Nelson was
exposed to the waist, revealing a round
hole in his chest with traces of blood
about the orifice. Ho sat in front of
thd apparatus in A small room at the
hospital, with his chest to the Crooks
tube and the photographic plato fas-
leneu to ins nacK. Mcveral surgeons
and white-capped nurses were in the
room, the patient held a bit of cloth
tft his idles! to eiii-oi- Iho t,in,. K,.ll..
im, I trrtnir i, m rn.,.. I,,,! . 1, .. . , . .. fc I 1 fS winni,
; . v. " 1 : Jlis win.
. " 1 '.'"."" 1""""""' i Cocaine to lessen the irritutimi ,,,l l
' dechii-,,.1 lm r..ii I
no- I'liinenv oiei ine ,-mii l eiiio ileep
water harbor. The joint resolulion
was passed, accepting the invitation of
France to participate in the Paris cxs
sit Inn of 1000.
Slew-art moved a reconsideration of
the action of the senate in passing the
resolution directing the secretary of
war to proceed in the construction of a
breakwater at San Pedro, Cal. It re-
"I" I the long-standing controversy
over the location of a deen-water bur.
announceit today that he would lirst
alight on Caineion'H cone, a distance ol
live miles, and a drop of 4,000 feet.
From thin he said he would make a dc
seen I of 4.000 feet more to Culm ado
Springs, where he would alight.
New l lsli for the ( im.,
San Francisco. July ;i.. consign
mcnt of lish new M this coast, and "of
crabs, arrived this in,, ruing from th,.
F-ast. They are sent here by direction
of Commissioner Hi ice, of d,,, iujt(,,
S.ates fish commission, and arc en
route in car Jn. ;t, f that am.h of
the government. The is, are the
lautogs, mid are to he planted on the
reds of the Pacilic ,can near the Far
allones, while the crabs, which are of
the blue shell variety, and unknown on
this coast, will be coiM,;cd t0 ,,,
waters of the bay, but in ,1 spot to be
kept secret in order to give them time
to acclimate thcms-lve. and mulii.,!..
o,..l 1 I... I , ....
,ei r.i,ni, u-iiiif inev lj,
Lets of the local fishermen.
lions al tlie end or the route.
The following is an extract f a
letter received by the Kxcelsior. Il
was sent from the Clondyke region bj
a prominent and wealthy young luisi
1 liess man of San Francisco to his brolhei
j in this city:
I "The excitement on the river is in
: deseribahle, and the output of the new
: Clondyke district is almost beyond b...
lief. .Men who bad nothing last fall
1 are now worth a fortune. One man
has worked 40 square feet of his claim
I and is going out w it li $ 10,000 in dust.
One-quarter of the claims are now sell
ing at from $1 .'1,000 to $,',n,otni. Tin
estimate of the district given is 1;!
miles, with an average value of $:no.
000 to the claim, in which some an
aiue,i as ingn as f I.OOO.OOO each. Al
Daw-on sacks of dust are thrown under
the counters in the stores for safe keep
ing. 'Some of the stories are so fabulous
that I am afraid to repeat them for teat
of being suspected f the infection.
"Labor is $1;, a dav and board, witli
100 days' wotk guaranteed, vou can
imagine how difficult it is to 1,'old du
plexes. If reports are true it is tin
biggest placer discovery ever made in
the world, for though 'other diggings
have been found quite as rich in spot
no such extent f discovery has been
Mionn xx nil II prospect,
high light thiough."
lug sensation.
For several minutes tho company si
lently watched r,nd listened. Then the
patient was turned around and the doc
tor held another plate to his chest for
four minutes. Nelson said he felt 110
pain either fiom his wound or from the
So I hp
Aalorla lluve
riii,i-niiii in
Astoria. July 11). There will be 110
strike ot the fishermen this season.
This was decided upon at the meetimr
..f :.a 111.. .
.0 us,,,-, ,eii ,., ,., ,,r ,e uril()s , els per aero,
.., .1 .1. . . . .
... ..I.-, upsiiig 1 ne action of tho canners iiumo.
it" icdiicing the price of fish to 8 cents.
Only a few- men went llshinglast night
pending the action ,,f ,he meeting,
which was largely attended. The situ
ation was thoroughly discussed, mid it
was decided to take no action, hut to
let tl e men do as they choose fish or
refuse to fish. P.y tj.jg decision, the
fishermen's Union cannery will imv
but H cents. '
rrom the indications tonight it is
likely nearly all of the men will fish
.1110 mane tlie best of the
PioncrlT. iii-it
.....! r : " . '
............ ui loiuuiuiiicaiitg. or mvn.K.
Till, ttlllmri.ilmi. I..... ..f .1 .
1 "'". in ui ii eautana.
tentiary has liled his n-nort f, ,k
quarter riming June 30 with tiefM.
tary of state. It shows there mik
convicts at the close ol tlieqiurttr,.
increase of tluee over the pm-eii
............ n. .1 . .
.(..... iv 1. iuiiiig me quarter 48 tai
received, 44 discharged, mil ow I
Oil tlio trial of the case of Hm a
the Southern Pacilic in hW.unr. k
wcck, 11 ueveiopeil that there a
law in this statu requiring-tint etui
should whistle at crossiiiLi. But a. I
ruling of the i-mut is that in orl
reduce the dangers of croing I11
111 i ii 1 ii 11 in approaching train ihodi
give projier warning.
Wavhlii t-tiin.
Everett has 1,205 children of riai
age, 11 gain of SOU over lust rear.
Tho capacity of the Cheney rvliar
mills is being increased from SO to !H
barrels of flour a dav.
Mrs. C. L. Myers owni the Im
liny ranch in Lincoln county, bettta
(1,000 and 7,000 acres.
At the pollatch on the Cliehilil t
ervation the Indians t rente,! their wt
visitors to a clam bake.
The supreme court liua granted Ik
pet i ton for a rehearing in the cue1
ex-Treasurer J. W. McCauley, of Ti
It is estimated that the wheitm)
of Adams county will average 40 bo-
Harvest hands ire in
into tho
loxvever. sav ther -Mi ......1.
fo. .1 cents but tlt they will salt
I"'" hsli. The action of the union is
heartily liitlorsed bv bnsii....
A Hi-ori-lirr l anaeil Her Ileal h.
Chicago, July 111. A scorcher is re
SMnsible for the death of Mrs. M. A
Morton, who was yesterday killed j
rtin,.u ..i- ...... l.i..... in. "... .1 .
bur.,., il , I .. I 1 ..... I '. . . " sc.n-ner, will,
. . , ecn- eievate.1 Hack mid lowered head, while
ing debate between Stewart and White bowling a g at a rapid rate, coll',!,',!
etisocil. , :,i. ,1... 1 . ..
I ".. no- noise iiiiren nv .xiih. .11, 11 toll
I Tl... ..I..I.. I
oe 11 iKim-uoi Hiiimai mvame uncon-
III I lie II una,.,
Washington, July 17 No husinesa
was transacted by the house today.
Immediately after the journal was up
proved a recess was taken on Cannon'
motion until Monday, Cannon having
given assurances to Hailey that, in his
opinion, a partial or complete confer
euce icHii of deficiency bill would be
ready bv that time.
! (irnrtal r'oi-ai I lie'a Trillion.
Washington, July 111. (leueral
t Icorge A. Forsyth,., I. S. A. (retired),
I is the author of a remarkable petition,
which was presented to the house of
r. piesent.itive yesterday by Mr. lt, .
knap, of Illinois. The petition prav
the house to sink,, the sugar schcdulo
from the tariff bill. The most scathing
arraignment of the sugar trust thus far
made before congress is conveyed in
the statements set forth by (ieneral
Forsylhe in supsut of his prayer.
I'll A r..i v III.) el. fr.a. j
Table K.H-k, Neb., July l. The
'wenty-lWlh infantry bicycle corps
died here ut ;t 'o'clock this after
on, after a day' run tvvering 80
miles. From here the run will be
made to Hulo. where the corps will
cross the Missouri river into Missouri.
territory near hetUda. The ultima-: Washington. July 111. The secret vv
turn state lii.t , refusal to comply , of war today traii'mittis to the house
with hi demand will be a.veptml , a f ivmable report on the ex.111111, ,ti
..e. ,,,,,,, ,,, w ;tr. iwiesia la ix-lirved ol 1 1 uinlmldt, I al., barlmr.
10 00 oeiiimi J'ersia, the government ol leis.rt of the
tiollatile, and dashed down thu street,
colliding with a liunppost ami throwing
tlie iinfortuiiate woman from the ve
hicle. She was instantly killed. She
had been an invalid for years. The
s.-orchcr was thrown from hi wheel,
but remounted mid rodeawav before In
could In- apprehended. The hoise w.,
badly Injnrisl and di.vl in a few minutes.
Mlnera' Hay In Watlar.
Walhuv, Idaho, July 111. The sin
gle-handed dulling contest resultisl in
a victory for C. A. Patterson, of Mur
ray, he drilling 17 8-S inches. Ther..
was voting for the most s.pular voting
woman on Miners' l'nin Meniorial
day, at JO cents a vote, and 6,000 votes
were cast. Mias Jennie. Uraham,
nuike, won the prie, a gold
w ith I. tUj votes.
watch, j
which the
The new Yerkes telosoo "bring the
moon A ilhin alsuit Sod miles.
A Kail Cnilntrrrell.
Washington, July 19. Chief Haien.
of the .vret service, has given notice j
of the discovery nf a new ct.unlerfci j
$10 silver ecitillcate. It is of t,, I
series of IStfl, cheek letter D. with the
small carmine aval, the portrait of ,.. ;
dricks and the iiano-s of Mewwr. Till- j
maun and Morgan as register and treas- !
urer. r-sp,vtively. The counterfeit is j
a, apparently a WiMkl-cut pin
dudion. very sa,rly, the seal
ocuiif light pink instead of carmine, tl,,
linn Hon n liy a Tniln.
Austin, Tex., July in. -This mom
ing at 2 o'clock a height train in the
International Ureal Noithern rail
road yards ran over torn white l ,s, all
of Foit Worth, who weie sitting
thet.a. k asleep, killing three f them
instantly and badly wounding the
fourth. iho k i 1 1,-1 arc: J,,,,!, Hndgea
( 1 ha.los Sweeney. K. U Moiitgomerv'.
lbe liijincl boy was llenrv Ktis.
The train ran over the bovs as it , un
into the ya.ds. On leaving it n hour
later a negro named L. F. Cox, f
Waco, wiio attempted to grab a brake
bar to steal a ride, lost his hold and
fell under the cars, being mangled into
an iiiiiecegniable pulp.
A on.rr In ( j,- Tubing.
londoii. July J. There is great ex
citement th,. liirniingliam stock ex
change owing to the liolief that there
is a comer in cycle tubing. There h,s
... .1 .1 iicaiT n ivance 111 prices An, I
era 1 spceulatoi baVU lHV
A U-e is never cauhgt in the
and you will mqice that anta,
and spideis wili prepare their
iigainst th,. ,viig of a storm
bonis in idvince.
Sr-iilii au.l .I,,,,,,,, Again s.,1,1 ,,r , ,.
lining (gal,,., ,h, I lt,., sta
London, July y.A l' dispatch
to a newspaper here says that itp,irv
ut t ,.. 1.....-: , 1
xx asps
American inii r tl,
elicited ... ..
,. , 01 tne rumor
trial the government of Spain and .1 1
pan have arranged an ollensive alliance
PHMt the I-,,,,,,! states. The terms
of the undertaking, which is for tl
"'itial protection of Cuba and Hawaii
ptovides that in the event f aggressive
'" the part of th,. Cited State
tniding toward interfere,,,.,. in ,,,.;
affairs, r Xm,v in , mnMt1
"f he Hawaiian islands, both Spain
"'" ''Pat. shall declare xvarsiinultane.'
T 'I'- States, and
- .a l inake hestih.dciuiinstrations along
'-tl' ""' Atlantic and Pacitic coast li,.s
Tln-I'lal Worka M,,,! twn.
flcV,.,;,, j,,,, ,y Thp xwuks. ,-los , every ,,.,, lr .
'"' this miirni,,,. T,e heaters' r.
tiised to go ,0 wo, k, and without them
I : was inqssssible ,0 operate the
Hie coinpanv decided ... i.... ., ... .
detinitelv. ' " '
Will Seeiirr Iho Iron Works.
Port Angeles, Wash., Jy i9.Ar-
.....iiieiii- were perfected today
M 1111 ine city win
"on, steel an.
ias organization
""g dispatches
John Cain
uu. syndicate, submit!..,! :
,i,7 ' !.. of PortAngel
''' l'i"'--ited a certified check for a
...........i.,, PU, evidence
get thePittshn rir
tinplate works, whoso
was reported in the Pitts-
several months niro.
of good
At ..
. 11 iiieeiniL or t iiu
..; .1 . .1 ,,1J v'.i'.eiis lo
light the ag,e,.u.t was signed. Port
Angeles furnishes a 8ito for lhu workg
t. 0 000 The Pennsylvania company
--tees to bog,,, work within ninety
; and will employ from 400 ,0 5
.,f i:1:1 i1
on me facifie
learns that
Iglillng al an.lla.
Ion. Julv 111. Tlm Tim. .....
t Athens says that he
the reisirt of ti,.,ti,,
(audia Hritish tr.s,p lllh
basl,.l,aiuks is without foundation.
No l.ritish tH,ps, he adds, have be,.,,
killed al Can I1.1.
( ut Her l,ll,,v-a T,rMt.
r.,io. .1 uly ly.-Kn,,,,.,
ne n an eng ne-litter,
01 lier four young
her own last 'night.
''ut the throat..
I'hildren, and the.
is be
Tom her.
ichoountry w,l, dl.regard the ulti. i wort(,y f improvemd.t by ; .n, and u7Z
uatutu. 9 1 (state. I and engraving UJ.
W ash iiigt. lv U i niU.r. that the president has decided on
heiipj,. ntuient of T. V. Powderlv to
' l-""""ss inner-general of immi'gra
Hon. lo M,c,,e,l Mr. Stump, and the
xvmni.s.,,,,, p,l,,a,v u fc,,lt ,0 l)it
(rUulv ijvu. '
Wool In llr.pllrr,
Heppner, ()r., July m, Wool HIM SllipH., KllSI
.- aa, 1 Ml 1 IUiU.... ... t
large line of U rVZ,
r-tfour day, at m ?t "
M.a.,rP, Fruit Crop.
Loilis. Julv 10 Tl.
savs io,l.,r- ti.. .v ..' ixepnulio
th'is v, . ri- ",l n 11 cr"l of Missouri
7.t to' kmnvS 1 t y' r'lkin.
2.,t nay these figuresre (Jo l,?
The importance of thi er.l
''a .,, ln r r
r. July i9.-cUIlllle
brother i;.... . "'8 baby
.' " i, noout
ere mimed to death
Tho old courthouse block it Spnf
together with the buildings, lu t
sold and turned over to MtMlxwat
Mrs. Flora File, w ife of Colonelf.
J. Fife, a well-known theatrical
military man, died suddenly in Two
of typhoid pneumonia.
Chiuinccy Lamb, who va injured !J
a horse and cari ied from Florence, U
ho. to Colfax, on a stretcher, M
Colfax ufter intense suffcring.
TllO lit .1,1. 1. 1, lib. telclihlllie
bus been successfully strung aero
Columbia, mid that city is again 00
neded with the outside world.
The thiee Simpson enmni on
Katnilchie road, in Thurston coantj,
got out (10.000.000 feet of log
June, lSDtl, up to .Inne of thii Jfr-
Dr. Blalock. of Walla Wall. "
thoiitv on fruit raising, f
should be picked a week to 10H
fore fully ripe, for commercial "f
Cuptain Matthews, who it no to
ing in HiMitiiam 11 ihree-nnistfl f''0
er. lias lust returned 110m
co with a contract ta coimtiu.'l '
schooner at mire for Captain h'""
of San Francisco.
A bundle of tlie ballots lint
J-. 'I' f,.,r the city fi7
nion-11 III lllcouia, -
ire.1 It" vw
"esse,. H,,rti
19 months
i-hildren. lir. ;.. ni1
. ,,. " '""I'oer, were
..A V,r'"' ln ( ..
"iiiHling, w. Va.. Jul
onl change , ,,e mining i,u
.-t irgmiu ia . 0
Uilnceof the Fleming.... 1
iy ti,.
ition i,
losing ( ,1 ,
in I....I
ine, about two
'i miles west nf
was t on lire
t it ui , mysteriously reap)
dav. The bundle was
troller Heiihain's dc-k
knows hoxv it got there.
Sam Lush savs that ll,"f'"L71-llrf
and robbed of $IM) eash "".'"
Shih.h. The robbery was ip "
daylight, being about 4 o'cliln
nfieruoon. ai
Alexander Frasi-r. !'
through the Crimean war, was
.1.... I I.. I.!.. .. h ViTl'Il. '
UC.l'l 111 HIS X ill 'I II I"
ri 1 1 1 11 er 111 1111 easx eiiai'i
clothes und hat on,
fcilliJ i f
l.,,r no a
111 1111 easy iu. .
. . . ,; 0
er, which was recognized -
He had placed tlie v'"!"" ' !!Pj
the mi, Idle of his orcllCKl "
rnail '
the trigger.
i ne cnntchie siaie .
. . ..:nd
constructed in three inn1"""
nlovinir iilaint 20 lin'li
.1: .. i-;.,.. in ll;
oiiisioil in inii.n'h , ,.
near .
liati reservation.
" moilier'a
miles beloxv, -jnd
l.iix.t.... .. .
, wneii it tl .
An English
mountain division, m ar
1 I
the ut"r' "
reirular ,h,il. , lltt"us that
Unocal iSI;
Okanogan county
Marble Mount. . aii
Judge Carroll, of the
for Pierce county, has .t,v
tion of priority of claim "'' rJ
" f I . Ill i x -
Tlx' I
lA'tiger receivers, up- " fJt,
tie paid tirst, the l.u" . r
lien for supplies fip-nislir-i
July , Ih'JO. and May !
ueit. and finally the lUX 1