The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 7

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....JULY -A.
. .t suto Miffeii Severely
v "
f Oregon rrwpw
i . r....r luTtiMifH miller
1 1 I U IMIN1 " - n
iv.l.oll H" """V" U"tU UJ
I ' , ,H.ul bales. C.illlo,-
r' ,' ,-l,inaicd al about 40,0t0 bales.
t" build"" " " Btuftlle,t of ll,e
co.i-l hP growing slates aud
Uuii tr") il' Wtu,l'i""
I,,, nl about 1,000 tlt 'f choice
?" n uud In easu ru Washington ol
".""1 of l,,lli,,ere"1 ."
i"u i,' ttlti't-ftlifr likely that ihe ur-
!m- "f laUm VM'A
t,ini'v sumo ou'' 'uroudH """J"
tun. it Hi -r fl" xlH,rl 10 Ku,s
L.I U'CUW ' u""',w'' 01 1,10
""' I. ..I.. 1 1...
II... ui.r.'UIPM IMMIII7 I 111
ltl' - . ., ,,
Jmnllest Kllowu " fcw J j.. ., ...
mm ui! aveiagu oi 800 weight ler
're which in alve the average.
jl,e',,r.Hln t will probably reach 400,.
L immlrtd-welgbt aud Hie chances
irt-ilmt ihi will be reduced by (tie
i.niiin, win-"" ,e remrieu jjicuuiui
, the h'P gardens or i-.ugiauu. u
. ..... , t nest holds uutll the flower.
fa lime, the yield will be etill farther
Louis It Searles, oue or the largest
Jvslersiu .ew York and I'acltlo coaul
fce,,,, says Ihiit even whh the most
(.voruble crop rep 'it lu England that
0,,, possibly Ih wade, there must be
fcrge importation from the coutlneut
iu.l the l ulled Htates and the brewers
In- obliged to uie considerable of
fee ir surplus of two year ag. New
Turk ill produce at out 20,000 bale
ft in 17 than lu 1800, when the
field was H0.000 bale. This is due to
Kiluceil acreage and poor cultlvalion.
ftulerthe most favorable clrcumstan
gfr, we cannot look for more than 70,
qtW lulif , and there Is a possibility of
r eii hi than that because of the ver
Jjiii w hU li are alurmingly plentiful in
ill thehopgrowlug sectlous.
These insects are wofre now thau
tfcry h ive been siuce 1SS0, when the
l wu- entirely destroyed, and if
iuy continue to increase during the
atxt two weeks the damage will be
jreut and the estimate for the '97 crop
jay have to be revised.
IXew York price today:
Jtei-orts have been such as tocaute
pricea to look up a little, and market
sua tinner tone. The movement is
lot large; buc if there Is no Improve
UKiit in crop reports here and abroad
j lurtlur udvauve may follow. Stute
ig'ij clioice lams are Oo per pound;
(ood to prime (ij 71c; common to
iir,4: lie; PaciUc coast 1800 clioice,
Ilo; good to prime, 8J OJc; common
t fair, 0 (t, 0; State and Pacific
Wt l ;-", 3 (t, 4 Jo, and old olds, 2 Qj
Notice to Fruit and Hop (iron era.
I The Kiigeiise Soap Compauy is man
ufacturing a limt class Wbale oil soap
for the purpose of spraying hops and
fruit tret!., which we offer you at a
Rnsonable pru-e. Cull at the Factoiy
ltd examine the same.
Wet Kkhitii 8t., Near Ckeameby,
Eugene, Oregon.
To Exchange.
Will exchange 7 lots, one store
building, 1 dwelling house, 1 barn, a
good gulden, fruit of all kinds aud
plenty ol it, locuted In Springfield, for property. For information
liiin nf
Irving, Orego i.
We are cloMnc nut our line of diahe
id giniK ware. Now is your chauce
fcr real bargains.
(Ntrk twine at 'Z'. cents a pound. Best
.Kliine oil 40 cents a gallon.
I. K. Teteks, Dili street.
For Sale .
1 I'iiiiin. 1 hnnt's. 2 biii?Lic9. 1 hack.
1 r.ia i cirt, 1 set doub.e harness, 4 sets
Ji!li liarneM.
j ill trade for luinlier and Miingles.
Save Your lirain.
Few nalie that each bqulrrel de-
truvit f l.iii wnrlli nf iruiii annually.
Wakelee's .Siiiirrel and Uopher Ex
fmiii'itiir is the most tfleetlve and
eoiioiniiui poison known. Price re
iiieed to 30 cents. For sale by Oaburn
I i'e 14DO, agents.
f I will Kive $5 00 to any persou who
Will llllt I. .a 1.. nn .nitliidtinn with
- i in dim lull ll l. hiim
! W illiam J Stretch. There U no
wouiiihi charge against him.
City Marshal, Eugene.
Farms for Sale.
I tlllVA nnim l.tMl.. ufma 111 till
tt' it iiiuijr lino iBiiuom
nillametta valley for sale. These
rm include every variety lu size and
"'-e. roruescr nt on 1st. auarefs
(5eo. M. Miller,
Wilkin Block, Eugene, Or.
Money to Loan.
'Ill frtrm at nn.jl lamia For
jffiicuiaiK apply to
i E. J. McClanahax,
I Eugene, Oregon.
lw k '-"atiLe koh Sale. I haveoo
W head of well bred young oo ws,
v" and two year old heifer w hich
wu: Rt very reasonable prioes.
or furtlicr particulars see or address
J. M. Oearhakt,
f Eugene, Orgeni.
I'ok w.r Kificen hundred feet ot
lie)i r.i-.l.. a . ... it..... ... ipjIa
"f will s,- ehep for cash. Lu-
"e aw Works, RNIount
J'fo IlEST. A furnished bw
5--r... ms. Handy to street can. In-tUiAROofllce."
lYrmiitil. t I i T '
W E LuugliiullUr utaited t.i ( ,i- '
lis this uioruliig oti.u titiHiin 4 lrii.
Mm Chan Mayhew ami child re j
turned t. EunniB i n l-i nijjhi1. 1
train. Mrs Mayhew win r. -i I- I . :. '
lor the reeut.
K. W. Ilrudy, of I. I tJ .1, , j
the city ou a vWt with t,rii,, r,
Robert Brady, the s 1' ., ,:,v
popularity Imgira-e nirtu.
Judge Fuller'nii ntn i,. I t.i !.,,
home ill lio-elnirg lat iiighi.
hand duwu neveral d.-. i.,,,,,. , , !,,,,,.
county cans In a few ila.v-. !
Mm Hearv.y, of S.-.,,le, -: ., j,,
Kllijeiie today and will vi-ii h-r l ,,..
ther, I. M. S'atlord, ..f M .-, ,
other rela'.ivis in t!ic cc.ii.n-
Mrs Eilin Matlock ri lnn.i fi,.iM ,
Vlhit to Sail Fralici-co on (M- , , ,
luiirnllig. On way linine l Vl,
Ited with fri li.U at UoM l,mv.
The Mirs Iliinv, ol W u i-lir,
Ma w ho have bi en vi:;ii-Mi ;,:,.
MrsJ Itl'liiin, tiers in il,!., in, . :,n,,
ou their return jminu;, t. d ...
Tln tiiii Uaipir, of Indian T, ni
tory, Is voting i,t i. , f
Whattani In this 1 1: y. I'.i I ' ! i. tin u
lug hiuiie I.e will vi-it i.hiiivmal
Piea-ant Hill.
MiH tirillin wcil l i l inv.i li,
this ninrnliu where flic will Ictlic
gu.'ht of Mm J I! lin.s 'ii, wiili whoiii
she will viil Newport i.ext vu-k f..r a
reai-lilo outing.
Elder T B Foul i n the
overland train at noon a -l
weeks' trip in Southern tie n
church work. J I. c uuc I ere i!i:( . t
from Lukeview.
DcIof I) Neer, of, d, . icl.iteei
of the new couit lioiiM', c.imc no l..-t
Highland will, this evtnli g or t 1 1 . . i
row pre eut plaiiKtii the emiti'y c.'ii:t
for the foundation of the new luuldiii;-. i
V L LH I.ailii :iid i.'e have I. till n, d
from the Chriittiau K'nilc ivi.r Coiiveii- ,
tion. Mr llel.alio is Mill, in g Irmii ;i
severe cold he cout'iicle.l the la-t iv
he was lu San Francisco.
J M Whitney returned ho m on I
last night's overland from I'nlifornla i
via steamer. The company Ikii iml j
yet placed him in a new i-iii n mi I ,
he will remain here for a t m '.
W 1C Allen and , James came it p :
Inst. Ililrlli from ewhll!L. llleirli.nn, i
Mr Allen will erect a fruit diver on J
O tlrav's orchard farm, with a capaci
ty or 100 bushels ot green Til t iah
tweuty-fotir hour?.
Dress Goods.
SS-incli All' wool Suitings ".b. ;
reduced to . 'c
38-luch All Wi-ol t ashmcie ji'e;
reduced to " c
5 -lncliAll Woil hum. Cash
mere 7oc; reduced to "c
Our extra line of Imported Pi.
Patterns ranginir in price from ;s
to 15 will b - sold at a rcdiiet ion 1 1
33.1 per cent.
You can only judge this oiler by seeing
it. Ask to tie -how n 'hioiigh Ibis
Our line oi Ladies' and
Gents' Tan Shoes will bo l
closed out during this,
sale 1
Table Linen and Crash, i
Owing to the lnnm-tous gradis r
carry in this line it is mo-t iuipes-i (
ble to iplnte prices. We oft. r
50o-grade " o""' 1 r '
75c-grade, ' P' f yd
An equal rediiclioii will neiaiiie l out
through the line.
"Napkins and Towels at
25 per cent reduction.
WasTSIks anil Trimmings.
Iu this line we claim the super I only
and Will give special iudu.vui'Oils to
close out the Immense line " have
on hand.
20 Inch Jap-Silks tit 3 c per yai.l.
Tall'alii Silks for waists .a f o n . c lo
f 1 OU per yard.
Our Clothing will share
perhaps the largest re
duction. Summer Suits
during this Sale will be
sold cheaperjhan ever.
ttSwisseTand Oemities.
60c grades ''' l"'r
35c.gra.les l-J '
Hoc-grade v
We will close out every yard ol sum-
mer goods this rnonlli.
"Visit'our Shoe Depart
ment for Bargains.
Sateens and Cheviots.
L'n.nnh KlltfltlM
- c
iu'lllak and Colored Sateens at
from 10c to'ic per yard.
"Special inducements of
fered on our Hr.ndker
U ri.r.Vl I' HILL SIKI.l.Y I CIillMi.
V Vuuti.' I.aiy Take I'mi-hiiiou 1 in
iment for fuugh Sjrup -A
Niirnm F.M'ape.
July 21. M'7.
The in Iglil were lint iilillleex.
cited la-t Tuesday evening, when It
was learned Unit Mis Anahel Kelley
I. ad uci id. ntiilly taUeii a iluse of in.
nieiit, uTiic'.i colitaiiied consul, ra'.de
itcoiiile, for cougli medicine. In a
tiliort (iiiie she fell Hie i tied ,.f it a:.d
grew very sick, refilling aliiio! paia
sr it allovii. An emetic was admin
istcivtl at one, whleli relieved her fir
the lime Uii.. Ill t he nieatil ime, a
runner waxotl for a physician.
I'r Van Vnl. ih arriving in time lo
!-lii ve the, and rem.iiked that if
II. e In ilihols had not worked failli
folly uiilil he c.i lie, that in ad prol a
l.ihlv tin' cure vou;d have been hope.
i. s. hi this eae her brother had
lli iiglii:.ssy put the liniment it: n
c inli nie. 1. en..' 1 1.-, w itli, nit re
iii .v ing the label or marking it poison.
I'. ...le be too cart fnl in ina'tei
of this kind. It's uboiit the s riie a
' did let know it was loaded."
Fill ni' r-, Alteiii..i!
Y. il are I er. l.y m.tliUd that we are
reidy to f irnisli racks to those who
i-li t.' avail tlicm-elvcs ot th.' advan
tages i ilind by our superior f.ieiliiii's
l'.r handling and storing wiika r.
Our wareliouso i, dettieh-d from ,e
mill, l hereby gi viiia you th 1 very low
est rales f in.iiramv, low It, . To. im.l
as we II wv. Mt engine you lire less lia
b'e to ,'o.s by lire.
Tne highest niarkel irlce will be
paid in cah at limes fo. In a'
s'r.nd with tw.
Voiir patroiiage solicited.
FliiKNK Ml I.I. A Fl.KVATOU '.
I'.V J M. SlIH. I ,K., Pres. & Mgr.
N"t ice to ( ontrnctors
Notice is hereby given that bids wil
In- r. eeived f.r the erection of a church
building for the First Chrisliuti ( htireb
of Fugene, Oregon; lu'cordttig to the
phiin and speel Heat ions on deposit nt
the First National Bank, Eugene,
Oregon. Said bids to be opened July
2,'lh, 1.7; the iuillding conmilttee
reserving to themselves the right to
rej. ct any and all bids. Snid building
to be completed by October loth, 1V.I".
T (i llKMiRHK.x,
J I) Matlock,
W A Win in.
Building 'omiiiiitee.
Read This Ad.
0 0 0
( ijKMiin u Sale at this in-riu.l the si-iison h' you an opportunity to select
.'n"ls from j.racticiilly unl.iokn linos.
Otir stock vet contains many of tho . easoti'- latest novelties winch wo will close
nut afunprecetlento.1 Low l'ikes. A lad which is plainly illustrated by the
manv iuotations herewith suhinith'.l.
UY .lireet your attention to a eompari-.m of the lines we offer ami the prices we
Ilea. I every line, if one thin..: iloe- imt iut.-iv.-l you another may. We reserve
no department from tliis -r. at .-iaM.'lit.'i- of Triers.
I f you call at Our .Store during this . al- you will undotihtedly leave well.pleased
with your juirchase..
Kead the .juotatioiis and price li-ts und- r respective headings.
: ! : 5
j I he VI alter 1 Ji. nil li I. ..,
i Kvery man, w oman mi.I i l.i.d w ho
'knows anything atnut ciri'iis.s, and
(wl vi r raw the Waller I. Miuicnm-
1 m.ius ; 5 shows, wi l delighted lo
;kli"W that the big rlmw s, In a.l t !u ir
Uii.igniiicel,ce tunt cx.i!'. .1 ..ii .Ui.r,
Will r.lli ! iXllilnl III t'.ll '.'l.e i ll
Hun-I iy. July 'J'', and ( r...,le b th
o v., ihil .oi. Willi the glai'.ii-t iii.tii
lug s r.el pataile ever 'ril nuv pa
rale were llist fxploitid. In the
glial snows will be m n s( vi lid i e'
litules, which Cull tint be MilieUe
where. Tliore who lnne seen lie
III Ul-ti r buvalaplis I'll'li.'ll: e a (he
gual. si. the strangest an 1 must
ui.i'l'ie nun vi 1 to which the deep
..Cian ever gaV." birth, l l.e rlniggy,
i tierce, though liemitiftil, li.e -e-i iding
l."ii, Wallace," Is par e.. . 1 ei.. e li e
; I'U i..;. r .j i.i'lMi; id..l pctfoi in. i.
i l'he lal y linns, four of a hind, in
' Lints of Hie f..nst, are a si ; aiii:e nnd
ioeh s ;'lil. the Koliian bi po
di ini. , an eMict repiodii. of the
l. :-.! Ainiei.t Uollie, and ll, i-model
ii races ii'.iii, h, il to it, me a. l ce el
'iiiiL. i !ul , iiilhig, itiul in ni: : hints
..'li ill' t' . best races tun in i mod
em', 'l'he eiicii-, whi'.h
ciin,-'.s oi one I uiiilu l and liny su.
pen. I a l, uii ;vell b one hundred
siijieii. t s;.,, 1.., uies t. ...... fil. I hours
! ill W liicn to give :helu.
The liienagel.e will be H ilcli.;litf ll I'oi tol, I ecus,, it mole
i w i.d, I one ilid stii.l. .' beasts thai Ol r
pcoi!e have ever I : re had mi oppor
. tUliity to -i-e. '1 he s i.i.v Is gnat IU
evilv .l.iug and M::a ! in nothing.
j ' I 'ni : y u .; .. i i jr .'i
A Bah Fall. I he fnct develops
jthat lliefa'l tecuied yesterday by J
j M laliy i-avcy . : ions one and will
!'iyhiiu up for some time. Mr Tally
w as hauling a load of iiimlier out near
j the r. u'.h i ml of i ..iiniount, and on
reaching a sharply un lined place w as
dumped oil', stiiknu- an oak stump,
i breeking lb.' right tliigli bouu close to
the h'P joint. h l'lent'ce and Kuy
keti.lall weie called a. id attended the
injur.. I man, and today report that lie
is getting along ni.tly. l'hey Hlate,
however, that owing to the. reriotls
iiiiture of the br. ak he can expect to
lie Mat ofli-i back for eight weeks, at
hast. Mr Tally has been driving a
slab and lumber wagon for tho Eugene
laimls'l Company aud can ill atlord to
lo-e ti e bu-y limn of the next two
mouths. His many friends regret his
great misfortune.
'Laces and Embroidery.
' To appreciate this line yo I must see it.
We h ive extra good bargains in I.acen;
we nm-t close out the li lie.
We will s npri-e you w ith llalgalns
throughout the Futile Line.
Sheetings and Muslins.
I I llleached ( 'V per yd
II " l.oiihdale ( Ti: per yd
(I-1 " Shetlnge ( h c per yd
s-l " " ( 1 le per yd
i !i- " " ( . ise ht yd
, ID I " " ( . e(. j.r y,
I t nbleached Sheeting eoire-poinlitigly
j P rices quoted nro only
i ood during this S lie.
This Month's Great
"nid-Summer Sale at
SI 11.1. (.01 Mi IV.
I.iigland Wheat 'lake a II.saj
Jump -Mil ket Kxcllcil.
I.i VKiii'iMiL, July Sl.-CargiH's on
passage, excited and about one shilling
and l pence deaiei; Liverpool spot
ipllel but eteady.
Nkav Yokk, July Jl.-Marki' ..dive
and excited, cl.-iug at T'.,c.
I'liii A.ii), July Ul. lligh.r ami ex
cited, closing al 7 1
Sax Fkamisiv, July Ll. Market
active and excited, c losing al fi.dli
A private dispatch says tVccniber
wheat is booming and going up.
To Fruit (.ruw.
I'a'l on or w rite Thos Segar, l'.ugsi e,
about your prunes aud other fruit, at
the Eugeue cannery building. Mr
Segarls prepared to pack fruit and
make arrangement for shipping it to
Ivistern markets.
'miy.liniril, July o.
Paralytic Si rhkh. Yesterday af
ternoon Hays Mulkcy, w ho resides ou
Fern I.iilge, about nine miles Mow
Eugene, suffered a paralytic stroke'
allecling his right side, and he Is now
lying in a very critical condition.
His sister, MrsJ B Han is, of this city,
was at oiut. ent for, i.nd sends word
this morning that hi recovery is very
doubtful. Mr Mulkcy, wUn is a sou of
the hue Uncle Philip Mulk. y, has for
u uuinlier of ycarr been a suilerer from
kidney troubles, and (his aggravtitts
the unfortunate stroke of paralysis.
His many friends hope for bis re
covery. ( KCEI.TV in Ani.mai-. The people
from the surrouudliig country, who
come in for the day leaving their
horses Hid at various places around
the city, as a rule look after the wants
of the animals regarding feed aud
water, but occasionally there art ex
ceptions. Yesterday two team were
left lu Ibis city from about S o'clock ill
the morning until late in the evening
without fond or water. The officers
will be stopping such neglect, if con
tinued, and this warning should be
omiT Gusnl, July -I.
Makiu.uik Permits. Clerk Jen
nings today issued Hrmlts to wed as
follows: Joseph V Fleck, L'7, and Miss
Jeniielto KlUaboth dates, l; Atbc j
Oberslnner, 21, and Miss Winnie
Springer, 30.
David Barrett Wound Around a
.t The Tannery Tliis.llternoon
One In llrokn. una Other llruls.t
Ptljr J ilj -'.'.
About U. o'clock this afternoon ns
Havid Itarntt, nil employee at the
tannery of Haines A Son, w as working
near an exposed shaft, It caught a bur.
lap apron ho was wearing
and In n fraction of a
second he was caught up mid whirling
around the sw iltly moving shaft. John
Haines, the Junior partner heard hi
tlittt yell and la mi incredibly short
pace of limn shut down the engine
hut the shaft must have onc around
one hiitiilriilor two hundred times
W'fore stopping.
Mr Barrett's left leg was caught under
hi light am! doubled up and bound
lo th.i swiftly revolving shaft breaking
it b.t ween I he hip and knee. Whirling
around thus sw iftly his head came
in contact w itn some projection, break
ing his nose. Every cll'oit win made
at once to release theunfortunalc man
from his position, but ll was fully ID
minutes before it could Is'
accomplished. rs W J Kuykeudall
and J W Harris were at once
notillid and hurried to the scene, and
as we go to prtss are dressing tho
wounds, when ho will be removed to
his homo. He will be laid up for rcv
eral weeks, the wounds Udng very
serious, but not fatal. It was u very
close call, ami but for the promptness
of Mr Haines in stopping the engine
the results would have been terrible.
Pii'Mi' at Co.otk. On next Sun
day a picnic will be given lit the old
antral school grounds about oliu half
mile norlh of It Hays' place. The
main feature of the day, aside from a
blgbaskit dinner, will Ihi agaiueof
baseball between Coyoto and Etl
gene. Everyone Is cordially
invited and tho hospitable
people of that section anticipate a
large attendance. Etigcuo will send a
good ilclce' ion.
Kid Gloves.
We make a HHclalty nf this line and
can wive you tho best value on Karlh
lor n.on per pair.
Wo have kid gloves ranging lu prices
from 11.01 to2..r.O per pair. Every
pair guaranteed.
Mens, Itoya and Children clothing
This line will receive tho largest n
iluctlon lu prices of any line of goods
In tho house. I 'all and get prices
and bo convinced.
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Lenoleums.
Wo cull not Intelligeiilly ipiote prices
for this ilepiirtnieiil. ir you want
any uimhI In this lino wo suggest
that you call during this salt and be
beiiellleil liy tho pi Ices wo Imvo ar
ranged In this department. Wo will
sell carpets at cost this mouth.
Clothino-Mens' and Boys'.
Wooller Cheviot Hulls for (U.uO; trood
valuoa'.tlU.Oi). il.lH) suits lit 7..VI.
If you want a suit for summer buy
It now.
Washed Fabrics.
Lappet t Mulls, Tissue Itrndca, Or
cmnlies, DIiiiIIIch, (iriiss I. awns,
Linen llallste, Ktc. This entliu Hue
will bo closed out regardless of cost
Outing Flannels;
quality 10 cents.
Ladies Hosiery.
Wo quote, qualities at bargain prices.
7io quality Peerless JJIuck Wo
Wsj a:io
S,o " " PMo
(k! " " V'a
This Is our regular line ot hoslury aud
the prices are guod only during the,
Knitted Underwear.
Ladles and Misses, lu this department
wu have exceptional hargaltis to
Ladies Hhort Hlceve Vests (i loo
good value Z cents.
r.uo Vest (; 2.1c
You must see this line to Judge Its
Wo will only maintain
tho prices quoted hero
during tho sale,
vi;iii:-ii.v, ji'i.v :'i.
lill J lilies Ut 1' I. (. ll..llilM.
t'olilliiisiioliels Court III se-sioi,.
All ;itiy g tr.'.ci its nr.' ulrculy selling
rlpo t nmito. ..
Waller A. W.JJ.U' M .w.r., J TCaU
li-otl fi Soil.
Attorney J II V. ..:.; 1- .1 . u .mm
Cott'in (iroio.
Miss I lot. i S-.!', ...r (.'o'lilg. us iu
tlieclty tod .y.
Mill 111 .1) .11-- l' . . a. J 1' t'ulli-
SOU it O ill"".
I'.ii-ini ' is '.y ql'it Ulouiul tho
County ni!!. 'i s i. i.v, .
A vole nil ; be : .: . I Li, I is eXsctfd
III the el;le i.'lll i. : H .
I' It l:r. id, : 1 in ..hi mill mini
visited r.ugei . :.i .t
Mr in.. I Mis I N i ... .- i of l amp
tlieli, iiii.'ilili.i' i'.'v
Prof i; It Mcl'l y icluine.l frvlU
the Must to r..:!l:ii. I c-b i l iy.
l'llllics disiiiiig li.iy b:il.'d B.lilrest
M. I'kkkin-., l"X I ..', l.ngei e.
I t I :. 'I in.l t.' is b:u U t ) I'orlhiud
ut the h. .id of an i . uiio.i purty.
Wall paper, in u I U s.
1' I. I '.lauilets.
Min St. 'ill le !l is reluniid
from ;i week's vi-it at I'lia-ai.t Hill.
I'allisoii ..ii m i.! ,..'.. yi-i pricis
on binding twine licit w ill startle you.
Crescent bicu'l. s ; ,. i;.iial lo any
wheel m i I . '.' til nil at K I.
(. K C'liiM and mi.'c, of Koseburg,
Will, registered lit the Hotel laigelio
Mis-cs Mttn and 1 cna I Uvis stinted
this iil'teriioi'ii for I'uiiii Tcrrucu to
visit fliltlds.
I'r lliown ciime iioine nil this morn
ing's local tiaiu lioiii a professional
Visit to M itie l l. l li.
Miss (inldsiiiitli ui lived homo
this afternoon a is.t wilh her
sisters al Oregon l ily.
At Wood's glmeiy stoic No 111-,
won thn washing machine, Who 1
tho lucky person'.'
The Uregoiiian says a steamer w ill
sail froiii Portland for tho Alaska
mines oil or before August 1st.
W 1". I'.rowu and family 'I'd not leuvo
tills morning Tor l'oley Seiings, tut
will go lu tho uinrniiig.
Attorney A I' Wooden k w ill l. avo
hi th morning for l'..l. y Spring in
tho McClanahatl vehicle.
Kov U N Wright, of Illinois, who
has been visiting in this city, lelt cu
tho IOiVI local for hi-t honi..
Tho annual nacllii;: of the Statu
Poultry association will bo held In
Portland about Jan, 1st.
John Shaw, w ho iiuichiise.l a largo
uuuiber ol slwep this sp: lug, roturued
liure last night fiom tho Last.
Second 1 laud goou oi every dcicrl
lun. t'uirlo & HiMtoii, Mount build
u c r ii !r '.till an I O ik'
Several hop contractu wcro tiled at
Oregon i'lly yesterday. I'rlivi stated
varied ftolil 9 to I') cents.
Wultcr A Wood harvesting nia
chlnery at prices to suit tho times.
J T Cam. Hon A S i.v, Agents.
Thn (.rant's l'li-i Klectrlo Light
I'ompiiuy'a puinpiiiir and power Bta
tiou Inn nuil yesterday; loss )."i,(KH).
lohn llroeii, one of Portland's early
pioneers died lu that city yesterday,
aged M) years. I lo was probably worth,
Dr. (I. W. Hi. 1. Ilo may ho found at
his residence on Olivo street, 1st wish
Fifth and Sixth stns ts, one Muck west
of thu Minnesota hotel. Ho Is pro
pared to do nil dental work In thu best
10 F. ltroilie, usslstaut lighthouse
keeper at Tillamook Kock, arrived
hero hist evening on hii regular vaca
tion to visit his mother. Ilo will go
to Horcium on Friday's stago and also
vlklt 1'oipiillo and Coo Hay. After
this he w ill leturu hero and spend the
balance of his vacation.
Al Hampton arrived homo this af
ternoon from his Eastern trip, where
he went to buy u stock ol goods fur
Hampton Jlrcs' new t ru. Ho re.
nurts business picking up, weather
hut, an enjoyable trip, and tho other
usual accessories of an r.tistern Jour
Hon H 1) (llhron diid on fc'uuday
morning at hi firm home, two miles
west of Salem, In l'olk county, after
an nines'! of a lew weeks. Ho was
aged (il years. A wlfu andouuion,
Frank, now a merchant of Dixie, sur
vive him. The deceased was serving
his second term as member of the
state board of tquall.utlon, which va
Ciiicy will liavo to ho tilled by the
A visit to the Kugeno Mill & F.levu
ti r Company's mills by a reporter this
morning, found them getting ready to
receive the "J7 er. p ot gtuln. Mr llrat
ton, the f re'imn, stated that a numtier
of sucks liud nlready been taken nut,
yet they did not txpiet to receive any
grain until the ll'sl of next week. A
numU r of ftiriners l.avusnid however,
that they would commence threshing
the latter part nf this week. Thin U
considerably carll. r than lust year, the
tlrst f the i crop coining iu tho first
w eek of August. The farmers are now
binding and woiklug long hours to
get t' threshing at once, and every In
diculion points to a crop that canuot
hut prove satisfactory, and the Ami
nes of the market price Is very gratl-
f'l"g" -
Di l i r Wakk. -The UrMln Hard
ware l'o ha- Hue display of Delft en
ameled kitchen ware iu their show
wl: dow. It comprises di-h and stew
pans, stew kettles, dripping pans, rlo
kettle-, etc, etc. Splendid for cooklug
fruit. 1 no llnest thing out. Call aud
extimin them.