The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 5

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He Talk Almut Lane t'ouuljr ami
Jlvr People.
We clip iho following from tho Pa
cllic Farmer, published at Portland:
C'akis, Or., July 10,
lloiiif again after spending out
1110:1th i J'11"0 county in grange
work. I visited all the sbiikch in the
county but tho Franklin, and scat
teied grango litemture through tliu
county generally and organized one
uew grange, l'lcusuiit Hill, with twen
ty five members Tlio grunge Is in the
pleasant part of Oregon u most excel
lent class f people well to do and
must make a success. In this vicinity
U a cheese factory, turning out a most
excellent quality of cheese. They
commenced harvesting wheat in June.
While in tho county I visited the
Mohawk, (ioshen, Orand Prairie,
plea-ant Hill, Dexter, (.'reswell, Coast
Fork, Hebron, fsiuslaw and ltoyul.
There ought to bo twenty granges In
Lane county nil1' I hope the ellleient
deputies will push the work to tho ut
most. Crops lu I.uue county are tine and
fruit of every kind plentiful. Prunes
are immense.
I do not like cheat hay; it seems
ipiite inferior to our clover and timo
thy, but it may be bet er than it looks.
My trip in Lane county has been u
very pleasant one and I hope has been
of s -me benefit to the grange. I was
most royally entertained by tho Ham
mitts, tho Haydeii", tho Spores, the
Stewards, the Hamptons, the Uristows,
the Wests, tho Williams, the Powells,
the (Jeers, the Simpsons, the Elliotts,
ami a host of others w hose names I
cannot recall, aud ljst but not least,
our old friend Dr Sharpies. The doe
tor aud his good wife are seemingly
quite happy alone cu their farm with
their 50 acres of prunes and immense
dry house and large warehoui-e.
He has been a successful surgeo-i and
physician in Lane county and is now
and has been for some time devoting
his whole time in the fruit business.
He does nothing on the halves and
takes great pleasure lu showing his
beautiful orchard and improvements
to his friends, and his hospitality is
J. Casio.
Lecturer Oiegon State U range.
Circuit Court.
Tha following causes of action havo
been filed with clerk Jennings, for the
circuit court.
Louis Hartwig vs Charlotte Hurst;
to recover $110, and for cost and dis
bursements of action.
Zorada Hartwrig vs Lewis Hartwig;
demurrer to complaint.
DiX'UNKU to Stakt. Junction City
Times: The horse race billed fur this
place Saturday between llald Hornet
of Eugeuo oud a Linn county h;re,
failed to como oil. It is claimed by the
backers ofliald Hornet that a race
horse of great speed had l eeu sub ti
tuied aud they declined to start, lu
order to save the crowd from disap
pointment a saddle horse race was
run between the hordes owned by Mill
l&aniett and Sam Furgeson for a small
purse. The former came out abend.
The attendance was quite large consid
ering the brief notice given.
Bill Giru.-Ve take the following
from the Mouioe items in the Corvullis
Times, concerning a man known by
nearly every old timer in Oregon:
"Nearer to town is the far m of Win.
Gird, Kuown as tlio 12-milo house in
the early stage days. It contains (!."0
acres in all. Flue stock raising is Mr
Clird's chief busiuess and lie has some
of tho best In the state, animals of all
kinds with pedigrees. Mr Ciird is a
good ueighbor and a warm hearted,
true friend who never yet lurne.l his
back on a man in trouble."
Some Handsome Casks. F E Dunn
has Just received from Portland a
couple of cases that are elegant pieces
of furniture, besides they will be quit
useful in his large s:ore. They are of
Oregon manufacture and the wood is
the Oregon oak. This wood is mid, by
furniture men, to be far superior In
beauty and strength to the Eastern
The Ashland Tidings prints a por
tion of the oration delivered by AE
Reames at the lute celebration in
Jacksonville. Notwithstanding the
fact that many distinguished speakers
have addressed our citizens on like oc
casions, Mr Keames' eflort is considered
aniong the 'st ever heard in southern
Carey F Martin writes to the Journal
as follows: An active young man is
Mr G O Brown, the first assistant in
the state lana office under General
Odell. Mr Brown was educate! at the
State University at Eugeue, having
that institution about ten years ago
and is altogether a very competent
wau for most any position. Hit very
pkrunt aid obliging mnnr and
litiuj( mtnnen i I unilorm
courtly make him a favoi ite iili all
Vho da but'iuta Ph hi.
t 0 III 111 I H , It
j Court met in special
I bor.rd present.
E 0 Potter J J. I go, S1t:i!v j.a. ;
; A S Patterson treasurer, salary
j one
C S Hunt superintendent, h.k;:,rv
Jl"-'-' .'ill no
AJ John- n lu-ritr. salary June Id'. 7o
(' L 'ol deputy i.I.eritt, salary
i Ju"1' '. 7-, 0 )
, A (' Jennings clerk, silary June 1"! To
; K L (iibbs, dep ty clerk, salary
j Jullu M0u
A J Zumwalt, rebate on tuxes, Co.
warehouse nt Irving; tint allowed.
I Hesignation of Jnlin L Mewatt, us
-urwiiiii hi man ui-iri-i ,u s7 a,,
copied and rep rt adopted. Alex
Lewis appointeit to fill the vacancy.
A J Ji.liii.oti notill d the (.nut t tl.ut
he had appointed M I. (.inpU;i ,i
special deputy slietill.
Ij T Harris deputy distiiet Hl-
tiuney state vs J M Short-
r'dge u -,i
W S r.tiel bl iek-initliiug on
tools l o
H H Friendly, pauj er supplies., s .Vi
Henderson it I, inn, medicine inr
J'W Vaugliun J P fees slate vs
J H Sh.utrid ,.
J II Welis constable f. is stale y
J II Shorlridge
1 70
:i tit)
Chas Button uitiies- state vs
J H Slioriridge 1 i i
J II Wells constable fees state vs
Rny Land
Walter Kelley witness stale vs
Boy Land
Warner Kelley witness tees stale
vs Boy Land
Chailes Craighead witness fees
slate vs Boy Land
James Land witness fees sbite vs
l!oy Land
J W Vailgliatl witness fees st ite
vs Boy Land
I K Peters, oil for tank ...
M J Hadsall, J P state of Oregon
vs Sum llarkleroad i reconsid
ered i claimed fi-.ii'i, allowed..
SJ Hubbord sptciul constable
s'.ate of Oregon vsSatn Harkle
road i recon -idcred i claimed
jj:!.L'"i, allowed
EA Hadsall special constalile
statu of Oregon VsSam Harkle
Mad i reconsidered j claimed
i I0.7.j allowed
Ed A Evans special constable
state of Oregon vsSain Hurtle
road irecon-idered) claimed
H'S cents, allowed
(ieo Had.-all spei ial constable
slate of Oroirm vsSam Harkle
road t reconsidered i claimed
f'J.'.li, allowed
(ieorge Hitler juror talent Oie
gnu vs Sam llarUlepiad claim
ed s-.'D, aiiniveil
George Bradley juror s!:ite of
Oregon vs ;-un Harkleroad
claimed jl.iii), allo.veil
Frank Hawley j iror state of Ore
gon vs Sam Haikleioad claim
ed MX, ullnwid
2 71)
2 :o
;i on
,'t Si I
( 1(1
5 00
0 Od
ll CO
1 0
1 CO
1 00
P J Jacks m jur-r state or Ore
Oregon vs Sam llaikli-road claim
e l f 1.00, allowed l'o'l
H B Gray jmor stale of Ongmi
Vs Sum Harkleroad
(ieo B Cutnp j iror slate of Ore
gon isSuiii Harkleroad ... .
SJ Hubbard, state of
Oregon vs Sam h'aikleroad
claimed i.'U-O
WJ lUinji witness state of Ore
gon vs Sam Harkleroad claim
ed f l-.ID, lillovved
B E Cobb witness state of Oro
gon vs Sam llarklemad claim
ed JIJ.00, nlloweil
A B lUilli lpli. witness state of
Oregon vs Sam Harkleroad
Claimed J-U.OO allowed
1 on
1 0
0 to
a io
.- ( 0
. 5.1 0
( W Wright lumber 00 00
B F Finn, luiub.r, claimed :is
,.IIu,.,l t-'i 01
C Cole, lumber . "' (l'
f ' Cole, lumber C'J !0
(,' Cole, lumber 3 5-S
Chas II Stickles, lumber ' 00
John Winzenried, lumber. ... 1-00
J I Jones, lumber "0
J A Holt, lumber 5 TO
Grillln Hardware Co, road and
bridge mutciial I :!"
Hind & Davenport, lumber 4 57
i " pauper supplies... 10 l'i
F B Bellman, superinlemliug
rock crusher -B ;'n
J B Yates, engine and hands
running rock crusher .. 1-3 ""
C W Wasliburne, gravel 1
B B Eby, repairs on road tools... 'i ."0
Hetty Bond, gravel, from mad
He'ty Bond, gravel, from mml
f u I'd
George Midgley, lumber for en
gine tender
John Cociiian, wood for ei glnc
2 10
! 00
1 :,o
C A Meriiu, '
J T Borland, supervisor mud
district No 10T for June On
; Begister, prii'ting ,J"
U A Bowland, deputy hhcrlll -
Ered CBeatl, " " ' 10
I) 1' Uurtnii, a-sessor I'-'1' (0
. I) W Coolidgi deputy as-esor... '.J .".o
John T Wi!on. deputy vt " i
SfKA ISO. Ten tilin the lilill.Uf
of In p lti'V r. r ipijin tht.n evir Tli.y Ml tb: tln-y will ie
eei f.iir pri . if tli'v can save their
their produclio.
T " 1 1 i!," .i i inji ,.f n. rum,
Vl.'l I it.- If . mt. r oh fnilll fln.'. r t
I'r. iii.- ,-u,, ,,f ,,. ,., ,,, iUr.-' 1 1 1
Ai.-t. (i. ,ai:r ... e.-.-u, r I iv.-r m.n ..f ) am.
I iy:v. t i '..ii i'- 'mi it lifu iM
I' r j--y . f ..ii,- (ur t;,,iU.-.i t!mt ilwilU with
- - . i i-. , -. i in -:i. ,
tw.-hi: :t. I.inl'! I
fI-"-I ....... I .. .1.
1 r
I' .sr ' i .'.i. e i (): I
ml ...
- l. rri.y tnl.t
l i tl . m in v m t 1. 1 11
VlUll i.u;. ,.( l., , ii ,.
I 'V l i .
m , i,.,ii.v.i !
VS.-'i .;v, , .t.!s..-.. .a (!,.. k...,, lt,
til i' - -u ft fi-! t . ..,.!!. .'.r.fur.rf I v.
I 1' all. a 1 1 '. a. i.. ih, .Junintf .Ut '
-M ry r I.I..U,. la V. i.,i:,.r. Journal.
Hi Msje.l)-. M.tli,. ,,r llritUiig With
MlnUter unit riitil.
11, lni'.,.itlo's iluily eiistniiis are very
na-'iil..". lie alw.iv p.v 1. 1 ,t M ,y hi i
a. in. anil n inulii- at work lln ;v uiiill I
p lu. Ilu reuiU and ih-im atl iirll. n
l.ary la s and iliviai n.
V!,eii a en I. In, t inmUter uililr. s
maji'-ty a! nut any jail lie inniter. lie In
ipnri iil'out i he sulijeet, n purjiom' and
cniH'.Uiiin, mil il.s idet It. lie U linn and i lamui ,il le. Wlien lie d, . ides a unit
ti r en. e, l.e fumiiil a(li r tlml lm nmviU.
At the Unlnntnu nf Matsiikata' cat'
diet, t arliamelit di eld. d I i n diim the ki!
ariesiif l!ie eat lin t ministers and ntlur
goM rnineiit i tile, rs. Mie prliiie iiiinM. ;,
Count Mai.iikata, addn m il liii maj,ty
about it. Kin majesty did nut turin'tit,
mid liuKild: "Many nttUvrs raiumt live
upon a IIxkI Hilary. Sume eiiliitu t mints
tililiave Urti nbllial to borrow tnniiey.
and I have advanced niniuy from my
tr. a-ury to ,ipirt tin in. If tiie prewnt
rnlilnet nilni-i, rs n taia their positions by
iMirrmv inn iimmy, uli i.ibiiiet lulnlsterr
then fore rim i!o so. 'I In n font I cannot
niiw nt to the reduction of s;ilarles. "
Count Mat-ukat.t n tired from Ids ma
Jisty. However, the rabllict nluv more
(leluibd I lie ipn stli.n ltli the count, and
Mutsiikatit vm M n, rain to inimull tho em
Ills majity was not Inellneil to utrl.lni
it i -1 1 1 1 , mid sent an nllemlinit to say to
lilni: "1 have ulrvudy rommandetl alsMit
tlio niliietioii of salaries. I cannot see you
nny nmn'."
Tliu salaries were tlierefon- nut reduced.
Ills majesty understands the condition
of I In1 lower rlassi'S, and familiarises 1dm
n If with the prixatii eoiiduet of the cab
inet ministers. When be reads newspaper
urtleles relating to thn private miseomluet
of m.'i.v ealilnet ininisters and attnellnn
blln. Ids IMiiJi -ty Komi times smiles.
Ills majesty Is baid of r ailing Ismks
and newspapers, lie is sM eliilly fond ol
lul liiall lsniks. Ho likes to coiiioh .lap
aiiese pis-ins, whleli lut ran tin very road
lly. 1IU ability In that rospivt Is much
udmlred I y his atti nilnnts.
His niajesiy dlslikisall pnteiiso and
When It lias 1 is n repnrtetl M Ms maji sly
that some nf Ids sulijii ts have ulven their
lives lu time of Hood or earthquake to
preserve. Ids majesty's picture, ho has been
muc h Mil, hiil. but he Is anxious to ills
courage his sulij.vts from such jiilxotliin,
and to preserve them fmiu any but mves
fary danger.
Withal, tlio empimr's life Is n very
happy mid peaceful nne. Messed by the
love nuil respect of grateful subjivts, and
w In n his majesty makes a tour anywhere
In .la an without his guards hols In no
danger, but Is Mvived everywhere with
revi ii w ai.d joy. Japanese American
Tlio Koino nf Tiiiu h.
'Hie ipii'stioii ha bin II aski-d, "Whleli of
our sin!-! i-i most eapal'Ie nf Improve
me:',t." All K.nnlish H ientlst Niysprolj
ubly tlio sense of touch.
.Mrlrtly sj eakliiK thn senses are capable
rattn rof alteration and spii'iall.Jitlon than
nf ini mm mi lit. l or liistano', thosi w ho
hao mueli lo do lu the oi n air iHconie
immensely loiitf sighted, but this is ab
normal, mill the Increased superiority In
one direction is l ist by Inferiority in an
other. Put them are many trades whleli afford
abundant evideiieelhat the sense nf touch,
rt any rate In certain dins-linns, can Is'
largely di veloied. 1'or instance, the con
liolsseiir of china relies much iimni mi an
ulinnst, linis reeplible ditTerciioo nf fivling
In the texture than on his eyes In dlsemir
the hi iniineness of any piece.
'1'liu blind can very soon dU'i rii
ls twis n dilTi n ut in. tals inen ly by the
sense nf touch, and, In fact, the education
nf the blind nlfords a rcinnrkahlu Instance
of tln develiipnielit nf tills sense. Ill it r
tain manufactures the skilled wnrknian
knows entirely by this sense when a mix
ture has reached the proper degree of solid
ity nr a mati rial Is nf the right texture,
and ho nielves very high wages by virtue
nf this sense alone.
tin tho other hand, the House nf smell
and Iho sense nf tu-to aro each nf tln in
blunted and lose their finer Teeption
If tho sanni ubjii t Is freciueiitly m sentoI
to them. In cm ry case, however, It Is not
il,.. ... ii..i:.l Keiisn nf touch that is im
proved, but, a special exeelleneo of tho
sense. New York Ledger.
Sumo Truth lu Hint.
"Imk at this, will you!'" exclaiunsl the
real estate a ml house n ntliiKn:tiinlst. 'In
this paper tin ro is a record of b7 marriage
licenses issui d yesterday."
"Well, what of It:-" said his partner, the
J'sitiilst of the 11 nil, who was loaning
hack in a chair with his hat pulli d down
over Ids eyes.
"What of It," is h'sd thn other, "(an t
you kid!1 K7 marriage lloeimes muni
h" marrlagi s. 1 bo T marrliiges will b ad
to h7 lniUiries for huiisis. Hats, oral hast
ellglMu ai artincnK. It's bound to stimu
late business in our line, and we'll K1 1 our
bhare. "
"1 hat doesn't follow at all. Ilioe b
lirciiM's represent 174 1 rsnns, don't tlicyr"
"I'rnliably all mlultsf"
"t ndoubtedly. What of It?"
"Nothing," growled tho pessimist, "ex
tept that 171 persons who havo hitherto
occupied 171 apartinclits will hereafter oc
cupy s". You give mo a .uin. Ouawny."
l'eiirsou s Weekly.
Aalx ilui I'lato.
An usls stus plato is most useful as a
part nf the kitchen leiilshllig. OfK n
t lines It Is lint convenient to remove a
stovi) lid, and thusdiaib n tho fin-, In irder
to make toast, but Iho sllcis may lo
brow ia d nuil laid on thn nsls-stus I late on
t. p of the ranr''', although they will re
ii.lM in emistaiit attiiiti'ti to prevent
burning as If In Id un r tlio cutis on a
toa-ting fork.
Nut All tlm Tinir.
p),M tor -re y.jii trm Med with In. m n la
ull th.; time'
Patient No - Not when I in ttslu p
V!i ltccird. o
II. i I lip Slalriiin l,r oi,,k llin
Aoom r linage.
lho late Lord Kandoli h I'liurclull was
S.'i'Z: " B,s7..S,r;,:
tin houiio of eoiiiinons wcm oft. iitluuH t! o
victims n ms pranks, ami many a d
rtorylnwlilch "Haialy'' llgures as the h. ro
Is stilt told In lh.' lollies, tine nig' t
w hile Ia'Ti ltandol Ii wa c. nv. rstng w i:i
si M lal (rli lids III tin- e.,fe att.iclicd to the
hniiM. aiii.stinn aro.e as loth-' time it
Would taken pedestrian to cross We..!n:ln
ler bridge. lMtlerei.t ejiinloiis were e, but tin Iwoof ihc dl-piitaMs weic
able 1. 1 agrie. At liiigih l.. rd Hamlolpli,
who had Isvn a ll. n: n.uhi. r of theili-
ctission, ntli ml t" wag.r that he could
cross from ttio Jll.l.lle-u to ttie Mm.
side of the bridge w bile " llig llin.'lhe
gnat N il In the do. k teller , ( the parlla
llii lit building-, was slnl.llig the four
quarters and the hour of p.'. Hie wag. r
was accepted by one of the meuilirs if
the comiviny, and It was (hat at
the hour named w line... should Is' sta
tlolleil nt each end of the I ridge la w atch
the performance.
A few mlnut.s Is fore midnight a si l.vt
parly nf Well known meiiib. rs was mvii
In emerge from a li'tle d.sir near Ihe
Is alor sipiart. rs lu the parliament build
Ings aud stalk sedately a, tosk the bridge.
At the InrthtT end thn party paused and
was ms'U surrounded by a curious throng
Nvcral ether legislators
oon afterward apsan d iind lolUclyre
piloted p.i-sershy to ki.'p to the left. Just
as"Illg Hen" Ivgan tu strlk.i tho llrst
quarter the llihe tlgun' of a man. weai lug
a top hut and evening clothes, was s.. n to
hap out of a little group nf nun on the
Middlesex side. Jsoiuii waggl-h friend
raised theory of ".-'top thief I " and In a
jiffy half a score nf wonder Inn men mid
buys Were fast on the hods of the doligluy
sprinter. A llc iniin, hearing the in
and observing the Hieing Inati, slart.d In
As llig Hen continued to clang the paet
(trew ontt. r mid Imtt. r. tine by ore the
pursiurs I . ,.. n to fall away, but the I Ig
pollccieiiti hung grlielv I ' l i t task. Win n
thecent.rof Ihe bring.' w ' reinh.d. lie
quarters lad Inn rung ami ti e prc'it I II
had already Is gun to strike the hour. A
chis r arose (nun llie waU'hcrs i ti the Sur
rey side, mid Lord Handulph. w ho had nil
til then I sen running up an Incline, now
had the il. se. nt In his favor. A few mo
incuts later the JUltlng mltvuiail rauii
tiHui his man, surrounded by admiring
"What's up!" stuttered the blealbles,
and bewildered Isibby.
"'1 wn slmkis to span'!" pufTi d ihe le
torlntis Lord Haiidolph.
lhoellicer niirbil, blushisl,
wlil his brow and went uway. Y.x
The I rian IniiHii l' I es ml dels .11. rr
Vot tils Money.
In sntiiK r'sHvts at least Mat life in Palis
coins to hold iiihantng.-s over that lu .New
Ynrk and Harlem. Tho coiielerge, for In
stance, has nut nbtalmsl yet the despnt le
power nf the imperial Harlem janitor, lie
diss tint even attempt to illctato to I hi
tenants when they shall or shall not cat,
and they may dump their ashes aud cook
their meals at their ow n swiet. w ill.
The I'.meli rge, like the Janitor, llv. s In
tho building, and he I expected, besides
keeping Iho building scrupulously clean,
to attend to all the wants of (its tenants.
Ho or Ids wlfn must run all the errands,
take tip tho curds of isltors nuil
no guest Is comi clli d to climb up In a Hal
when tlio ow ner Is nut. l'nr Ills serv lees
thn cnliclergn receives a regular fee,
it -minuting to about f .'''' I a year.
Tho rental, !., of the Parisian Hat Is
li:ti' !i less Hum that ot Ai'W lorx. nar
li in, or even llp oklj n. At Ni ulllysur
rielne, a bus ride of al-uit 1 hrie quarters
of nn hour from Ihe heart nf Purls, ono
may get a thnu room Hat, w ith kitchen
ami Imth, for less than fin a month.
Tho iqiartiiieiits In this suburb overlook
a iHiiullful park, the rooms aro liom sLly
"light and airy," and the kllcheii coliUilns
running water, n stove, meat safe and
coal bin. All the r s aro furnished
with iiarquet lliH.rlng, the celling lsdico
ratod prettily and I r. mil windows open
uut on tu little luilconlts.
The liiiirketni. n In thn iielghlsirlnsid
deal In iiriKluetssiilt.iblo losuch miniature
homos. It Is possible to buy rabbit, dm k,
hare, chicken, turkey, goose and ntlur
(tamo by thu smiid. egeuibb s, cut ready
fur snup, can Is) iKiughl, and the l aker
brings around crisp bread at (l lio every
morning. New Ynrk Pre-s.
Tim Kjres of tlio Lnulr.
That the eii(ln lias a most wonderful
poworof vision Is slinwn from the (act
that It flics lu almost a straight lino for
any object which It desires tos.i ure. llaby
eagle also possess this farsightedness.
IxiliK Isforo human eyes call discern Ihcin
their gar.o Is filed nn distance, and their
cries of welcome to their parents am shrill
and continuous, 'llm struct urn of Hair
eyes makes thorn peculiarly strong. '1 lie
brightest K'aro of sunlight does not ulfect
them. Kagles ilo not lly as high In thu air
nn somo other birds, but llielr lllght Is very
loiiK and steady. A peculiarity alsmt
eagles is that tin y are constant tolheii
mates, not changing every M ason, as Imwt
Llrds do. homel lines the saint) Jiair of
fugles will return lo tho same nest year
after year. Tlicywviu I" biiomn iicqualnt
cd with tho locality, nnd If tin y are mn
tllsturlxsi ore regular tenants. New York
A Oullty niiM-li-iire.
"I wmqulU' nt a loss," said Mr. .Storm
Ingtoii Harms, "to understand why, when
I pointed my finger Into Bpaco and said
'tho counterfeit prow . tin. nt of a man,'
man not up and left pr.rlpltatly."
"I Kuess," in -la lined Hie I mis unr,
"thst ho imiit have b.s n thu man who
did It."
"C'liiii" In on it loud quarter. " Wash
lngton Mar.
1'lno and fir havo lonu llls rs, cxooi ding
ly well ,.,lapt.d t,. tbo us.' of the pap. r
maker, but the r. slimtis substames c-n
talmsl In the w.ksIs form so large a - r
iviitiitfu of tliu composition and are soilllll-
cult of removal that the paper makers uro
compill'd to liso other viirletles.
r.v.'o .o. - t..-
rluui nnd 'I'" Japatiesu solillers raiik
among ll.. b.-t gyn.iinsts In tho world. In
half a ii. ii. ut") they can w ale a 1 1 f's t wall
by sliii I) Is.i.liUli.g nn eae li oile r s sliooi
d. rs, one la in sii porting two or three
otlf rs.
Ihe il on. si I ta-t. n of the I'rln.-(of
Wain lane a n.ot n. tiiral origin, lb r
fatb. r In early maiilesxl wasa p.s.r young
rr son and I. ved almost In w elusion with
I, Is WIN) and i hlldn n. li. r mother, a j. r-
mu'n iintnn, Ualimd Inr to housowlfnry.
t.Kl IP VM Kl Mil-..
Ifyou iiil "i'i tiwii t i push
,, i i . i i, i i i.
lfyotl.Hl x.uMtiWii t ' push ' I - II 'H 1 1 1 1 , ol 1 lie" Mark l.tlltel'.X-
ti'rrt ai d (' ) to 'iti; Inr it ivs an ! press has a hop retrospe t eovering
n.W ., Ki,h.:rr,, f Victona's
votl' litlsliu -s nii,i .1 g i-alo .! , rotgl). f) ne of its selileln'eS are as
spirit i r s . ', 1 on: 1 1 , 1
w I hi arc a! a ., i - t r v 1 1
Lu- i ess i i i.i , i ,
anv liii ',. :, i'; '
Mf" it
- ,,ut ,.
ti 'li I r
,i t :
he done I u :i lie t ' i : 1 1 : I
r ..ii il
Worth; gi I h;i s:i hi, ami 'i,re it
tit', or on t, s-i ,. mi i uol let Ha
M, take lis
lt ie. 1 1 Vol. i .Hit
business In oii.i' to Votir tntt it, i ll
e 'lira,; t use whi' ilo ivtne. I! volt
want a ; r '-poi.,i, tow n, w Ii ro oeu
pie i. in io;i c who n rc ilisposi il to
in. ike tioinis, ilu'iiiln nwav with
ami l. t! Ir.nn sio'.t till jealousy j I'-'" '" ''ii a ttrailnal hut re
.in.l spite and work in n for i-om-; 'Id"ti.n, and the most recent avail-
. . .11., ..'... I to." ' .- I
tin hi nrospentv and tni)ti;al bene-1
lit. Wake up! Hull votir eves,
roll up votir si. v. s ai il ;.i to work.
I . i nut. a oik Mth I'cir and tretnh-
lil.e; littt tike it b.r cnu.tcil th i!
hlo.-.l -viil l. II. I.c.ivo results to
theinsclvcs, ....r...v no trout.!.', lull
all unitr to make it the hides'
kind ol'a t.- ti. Cotowoik.
"' '" '.
A htrike i f mam k us wealth is
reimrtul on the Yukon. M.n ith
the liatilihoo.l to (I'ttnaie making
fortunes, i'l'iti iixm iiiimrs ie-
C'.'ive .fl,"i a d.iv nnd bo.ud. Aninnn
the :nost luckv inc.) J I Which., td
l.os Angeles, w Ii i cl. an .1 up about j lie Hindu on the average. This pre
rl7."i,0l)0. lie l 'inuht out t'lO.IKlla'uts Hie lowest I'lire in there-
and inwstnl the rest. Kiol I" I '
lppey, of Si attle, houj;hi out ah nit
f.0,000 ai.d has :f lT.".IHK in siulit,
. i . i : . .. - 1.
ami claims ins lit: 1 1 s is worm
if'i.OOll.OHO o' nn. re; William -tan-
Icv, of Seattle, rl.'atel tip U'J.lMHl;
Clareiics llcrrv, lHUMll; llenrv
Anderson, fj.'i.lHlO; Krank Keller,
t .)(),( t It I; T .1 Kil!ey,.t;:.'!,ll0i); Will
ia n Slone, of Nanaimo, !,S"i,0lK,
ami at le.i.-l tliirty more who will
not talk.
T! e Salcin .I'jiirunl lias loured
the following mil: It is the (.eiieriil
opinion lliat lime will l e htil two
tickets in tho tielil, Kepuhliean ami
lliiiielallio rnion. tleo K I'liuin
berliiiu is a rc.nlv talked hy the
latter forces fur tl.e next governor.
l'he Mitilull faction will sick
run I'.i rjer lli riiiii.ii, general
land ci.inmii-Miii.t r, for gov
ernor: 'I'r. usurer Met.sclian is to
he secretary of hl id , hi. d Senat it 1
I. l'atti is in tieasiircr, Fr-iiik H iker
or state printer, .lusiico Moore for
judge, aiul Id lt'in in for attorney
.'eoeral. Thu other republic ns
ivill seek to renoiniiiate their pre.-ent I ic.-iu r involved in the aholili in of
state nllicialH throngboiit, except the imp duty, ami the prepondor
treasurer, who is si i vltig hi i re ond ! ant importan e in llm noord of
Haiunlsy's Ovciliunl Travel.
Today, as during the past lb roe days,
lai'ue iiuuibeisol the Ktnb a. vol ;;eur.
. .1 ..... .....1. I........... I
SlliniStS passcil llliougll I .lie,. to. ... t .1 I
, ' , , , , i iii ( IregouiaiiH. One of li e prob-
ward bound. I he liisl Main, a sp, clal, , , . , , ,, .
passed at l:'.5 a in. The r. gul .r No ir, , a1 lo ones is that the appellation
overland piissed ihrougli lo I' .or s e -' iirst became current in "the days
Hons as follow : I'ust . etl.,n, i.'j'i u in, ,,1, tbo ilays of gold, tlie days ol
lo cars; second section, Il I am, In i J,, tho milling tilll 8 a trave-
cars: (hild section, llioil a in, 7 ear-;' , . , . ,
, i. i. .rwhoppent the nubt at a farm
fourth section, I l:il() a in, Hears, limy ' . , , , ,
willeuiilinuetocom.. ihrongl, t r . b" He on the marshy banks .f tho
row, although lu not so larcn numbers, . I. nig Tom, in what is now I-ane
No 1". going through in Uo or possibly ro aiiyt letnarkeil thai the children
three sections. , jn t, country hIioiiIiI be provided
Thun.aiu body id the Kus-cmu dele- We iiHioiig'' i ., i ,
being looked for on eve, v m-imi. , I 'loughl of that, ' Haul the bosteg.,
I .t the ranie time displaying to tha
AT tiik Cni:AMi:KV.-A tipoii. r rf Ht,, i Miie.f visitor her baby's feet
leu.ned today that .be Kuge main- ,
iry W ill, eolllllienelng lirxt Week, re-I .
ivlve from the country ii"i.r 1.1. wollyn T,i(J i;0l),lt,rn l,cii0 railroad is
luiM.piu.nlsnfmiik daily, and proh increased freight
ably ll'Otl, bringing tlm t:ul received , . .. ,
daily up past ihe Win pui.d mark. business. Opening tbo Ogden gate
The en-ninny is making over In way has been very ad vaiHageoiis to
pounds of butter daily, and Is l.uilillnir tho lino in Oregon ami has nearly
up a good business. j doubled llm freight and passenger
Lost am. I-'iiimi - Y.-tenlny Mr ! business. Mr Markh.uo is giving
Alt; Anton went plei.i. In'.' in ar llie j tho people new methods. Ho is
McKenzie river, about sewen miles , jy t10 ri eti t man in tho right
from here. When she telurne.l Imme
she 'liscoveieil tht her Riibl wato'.
was gone, iler ilaughtef, Miss Merlin,
drove to the place this morning look-
( f(l(, t, losing walcll and b
, , 11(,.,.r Jumped
11 M i i l
' of be buggy. Hatlu r lucky.
I i ut
Willi TIIK I'. T. M - '
evehP g the Kuge;. hive, l ')
provided a duiniy sod an
... ii...., ...,, am i n.i
in.ii-e and I ntii linn I In ins. i v -
I in-
ol .
. lets w ei.' pres. I'l
knights of the onb r i.ot la i : v
I'roin all ti ports given ut t y h
M ry plea uut time.
Wit V I.I W. I.'llliel.' li b 'a
i4 very ill at t'"' ii , ' !
,1 .,'tor in kltend.iiicc.wo lean'.
i ,.v
li e
1,, t
yt fy ,iU,u ,10),g uf JliH K(.,,very .
IIOl'i IN :(,L.M.
" l lie area of l.uni 'Mlllivaleil lor
linjis in 1'ioT nmoiinteil to ,'it;,3'J.!
acres. The acii!ij;o passed through
v ruitis llu.tiiatiiiiis, ailing toils
lottt'st point in 1SI'., when IJ.T'.IS
nous were rei'or.leil, and raising to
ils maximum of 71,71'S acres in
I 7 S . lk'iii)j r. ilib id soiiiowliat in
siii'ci I'llinj; years, thu acreage ad
v.itH'iil naiu till wo It i i ti it in ISS.'i
at neatly the same litiro its in
1S7S. Ki r the past ten years there
,l""' reuirns ior ioimi givu oa
! - III acres. These liun s will proh
ably he reiluced this yar, so that
the close of tlm period under eidl-
f Hi.ier.unm will most lueiy snow a
' reduction of 3.1KH) to l, COO acres
:lr"" thiM'UHlvatlo.iol 1S.W
Tiie highest nviTajrr I'riees realized
dm in the past lixty years are re-
c rile. I in the celebrated 'famine ol
ISSJ, w hen the erop being only cs.
1 1 iiiale.l ut I'J'.'.ODti owl, the aver-
aie price nalizi'il was jCIS llsSd
per ewl. A strikiim contrast lo
t lis lii;iire is fniiml in the year
j 1W, when only CDs perewt. could
ccrd of the penal. I-or tho past
lour years tlio average, however,
c uno down very near tho lnwe
record, shoninoj only (ils till perewt
from 1 SO I to 1S.)7 being much he-
j low any previois four years in
litect succession, and with .he sol
itary exception of IS'.lli being tho
must unprofitable of any proceed
ing season. The American
growers now look upon Knglaud as
thn national outlet for their surplus
I roilucti ,n. The average gr iwth
of the United S'atos for llm past
seven years amounts to 21 1) ,000
hales per annum, their natural
homo consumption being about
1S0.OO0 hales, they have therefor'
about (lO.OeX) bales of their own
gronllis to dispose of each year;
to'htitns they import b imc special
ticrunitt hops, tliuir ac'itial surplus
is greater, and their exports for tlm
past six years have averaged 78,-
1 000 hales, nr about 12"i,000 cuts
When we k iow thnt hy fur the
largest portion nflliis quantity is
ant o Kngliitid, il hardly needs
i iniillier word to tho iiiliiun-o
events happening in the past sixty
Salem SialcMUHi : Theie are
many stories told as to the orig'n
if the term "Webfoot, ' as applied
pla 'e.
Then are 105,10(1 "indorsed"
pli. a-its (,r less than I3.CKX) ollices
at Washington. 1'resident MeKin
b v k now b that mom than 90,000
pe.nons have got U be disappointed
in any event and bo shows no in
'.'.'.nation lo hasten matters in this
c mi,. in, remarks the Ktst Ore-
N ii 's have Isi'ti posted al the
i.i in.-a' AsioiM informing the
:'.,,. i, ,."i th t hereafter only IS
cei l- ii joijiid would bo paid for
ei.iii . k -aim mi weighing over 10
ii.itn.ils slid 1 j cent for Bteel heads.
I The pricti luu ltiM 4 veuld.