The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 3

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    Jgbicdltubal news
r. g Colt Rarely Recovers from
)10",ronl W nter Oood for Cows-
t'b" TtnPorar' FeBCM -
acof oOnortPprlniionth Form.
Hnndlino Foal.
Illl'tnotl lit ri"i'i"j
It kIioiiIiI have lu view
T ..n mill I
full a'1" iinn-uni"-" "-I
. .1..i-u1iilni4iltt
fi, ,-p. Any youuu animal
V. ,..,, i.tut ti'coviT from any net.
.... r..rm mind mover rioin any
' I.-.. .In.-lll" ItH L'tlltttll
, ,h,. to kw' 11 "U
f ,utv fiHuUiloii. ami u'ltiu.
i i. It ti.:IV ini-i"' -- ,
jkt in ------ - . ..
, I,,.- mull fiillv nm tilled. If
J ,.,,.. mltlH sini't'-l at any period
Jii, L-iinvtli. tho effert la sure to fob
.... ...... ii. ,r tu overeoini' without
. ii " ., .
I,. t,u ami t-arc, jrrwitiy in wtiiu
i iii have I renulred to keep
t1(,'iiii:inily Browing condition. In
1, tin- chaiH'i-B art that It never will
i,'viT and ,,p wlmt 11 "'M'1 ,",vo
It may crow to lx n well-dovel-I,
liiirM'. hut It would have been
uiinh better had It suffered no
,',- in lt.t growth. lireedein' Ca-
ikt. .
I Pnn'U 'or W atertntr fowl.
V) mm h Is slll(l nlwuit the need of
,1,. water fur tows that moat lieo'do
jvi' toiiH' to the conclusion that pond
u-ii,.r Is iiIwiivh objectionable. It may
;i iienr lame cities, w here various
Xa of n fiiM' net Into It, and so alxo
tjv'llie spring water of such localities
i IHl,
rim. i!"t nwny from large cities or
tghice the pond water as found on
(nr farms Is as pure as that which
fti fiom springs. Cows will drink
irVveji If tin water lie muddled, rather
.... .......,. r...u1ilv ilrnn'll frulii
Ull iiir ".I..-.
tine r well. The reason Is liecaus
iV hut .he wat.r Is wanner. If
tit.,f,l i-nws will wade Into such
ink letting the water cover the ?
, 'Ilils Is very refreshing to
liiu In a hot day, hut Is best dont
viere there Is a running stream, so as
icxiii'Miiv to the air by Its motion to
. .. ...
the water fresh.
M ul'-li I'ti'lrr Kenrlmr Tree.
lliiHist all hinds of fruit trees suffer
. lu the summer for lack of water,
ImsI way to keep moisture lu the
1 1 is t.i thoroughly mulch It with
T ... l.l... !.... ...Ill
not, 4iu paw or mi.t unit), unit in
"tM'iit all "I'i'ii, dry surface. If not Ii
ii-lse can lie procured cultivate a
liH-e snil under the trees as far
Sllie rm 's eXI
think 1. 1' Ion
one of the 1
that an on
tjtlie rm 's extend. Many people do
louse soil as a mulch, but
best. It is for this rea
liiard in bearing ought
.'tavs tn he cultivated rather than
li In crass. Iu cultivated soil every
Jv -.hotter sinks down where It will
i the roots. Hut If the surface Is
liaiil iiml uncultivated, even the
vy rains If there Is a steep descent.
run iiff on the surface and do little
I. There Is an especial need or
i-ture wlille the -fruit and Its seed
itMtm formed, for this requires pot-
I lil. li eannot be used by roots until
(illsolvi il by water In the soil.
Th- Value of a (SooJ Spring.
irlnur of pure water on any farm
a ,.fs at least a liuudred dollars to Its
iiml If near a city it Is worth
inert', often such springs can
1 Ji'iuiil lu lilllsldes liy digging six or
i at feet, especially If the soil shows
-;i!ii;y plaees during winter and
:t)ni. If the spring Is lilglier than
' . house It can lie conducted Into th
I tilien liy force of gravity, and tin
v er can be turned off or on as the
I in wife may desire. There are
i' Jhlless hundreds, and possibly thou
ls. of larms where the b.'st pure
ijtr inn he conducted Into the house
a'iit'lit expense. If the water has to
l fttil a hydraulic ram will force the
r iji'r up hill. Tills costs somewhat
I fr. hut It will L'.'iieriillv nav.
Natnre Ftmliea.
fe eailllol l.llt f.,.l tl.nt nn utmm.t.t
knowledge of plant growth and of
c r processes of nature will somt
f l"' sldered n natural part of
-iiiaiiitry, and this not simply be
' i' It will make them more success
' ! .fanners or fruit growers or truck
i frs. Inn l-eeiuise as a matter of
" ft ii discipline It is an excellent
"ling for iinylxxly, helping to train
' Minimi to habits of observation
" I'll can be used In any field of life.
" IkIvIiil' a knowledge of facts and
! Jesses which will furnish pleasure
eentertain nt in all after life, even
" 4 Is not in,ie ,ir,H.tiy prolltable In
v iy mi the farm or the garden. Cinr
; tatnl Purest.
I KreU for Swlnr,
and shouts should have rings
Jiito their noses, and then turned
line oivhani. They will eat up all
jwortny fruit, and the fruit and
1 "ill keep them iu growing condi
l'enl inlllfeeil slim iiIl'IiI nnd
' Us. and L'ive tile 111 l.lentv nf eleiin
!r to drink, (iive the hogs and
"ii'-e a week a mixture of wood
-'uiiilierland coal or anthracite
viiiswer If It is broken up llne-and
it11'' Milphur. This Is an excelleut
liz,,r- It al.s-o purities the blood.
Pins must In; kept up, keep their
d yards very clean; whitewash
' iiml out, and feed grass, oats
0as, or corn fodder nlieo n ,t'iv
i"t feed com during the sumni-'r.
Millrt tm .
"... v . norm's
1,k from its feedlnit value, mllht
Svi rv us.. f..i .... .. . i ..... ... .
. .... ,ur cieiiriiiK in.;
1 llf I'lltU'llP.H. .....
. ...... .-v ipn 'i'iiis ,i'i
sri" uitural exiHTiment station of
I'akota sent out questions con
'K the cutworms, one of will -h
Win a crop such as millet.
i the worms do not like, and
Mi efiecnmiij- vhk, ollt nll (,,,.
have the ground free f-Min
s the fall? out of sixty ai-
r.-.-,.ve,, only one reported that
s had followed a thrifty crop of
All the others reported tbnt
f 'T nillln stood the best chance
unmolested by wire worms -
ful'nrist. f Trmpor-iry Fences Be.t,
y year the amount of Int.tlor
lessen I)gi and It Is not. as Is
J-iily thought, l-ecnuse fencing ma-
l gnm lng -x-af,.,.-.. i flll.t tll.
r henpne-.(i of Iron makes the
''"'J-- fences really cheaer, con
f 'heir permanence, than many
j 0lJ tia leuces wSlch cost so
uiuuii inimr in t.t.t ... .. .
Ue fence has ,. , Ktt..ttor 0lUaD.
"Be Met Unit It can ,. ensilv
tnkeu down and set up again. With a
few hundred ,0,is 0f this fence. u
other fencing materia! would be needed
on any farm, i mier a permanent
leii.e. such weeds s fanada thistle
and quack grass will tind a secure
home, from which no cultivation can
dislodge them.
I, i"?W l,eeU W"'l'rov-.t.
It Is liy successive plantings of lieet
seed from the plants which shotted the
greatest percentage of sweet, that the
amount of saccharine matter in the
beet has been Increased from eight per
cent, from the best up to fourteen aim
veil eighteen per ceut., as some of the
Improved Krein h varieties have shown.
v" rln, a French seed grower, took
the lend lu these experienients. It
might lie supposed that in testing the
beets It would thereafter be impossible
to use such beets for planting, ltut
Vlliuorln was very careful in testing
to only scoop out a small part of I he
bulb, nuiiili. ring each specimen, and
when tht test of each was completed,
selecting those beets for seed which
yielded the richest Juices, ruder tills
treatment, however, the beets became
less productive than In those varieties
grown under natural conditions. 1W
slbly also It cannot be expected that
1 ts yielding such high percentages of
sweet should crow so large as do the
varieties whose sap Is not thus over
laden and can therefore flow more
easily. And yet It may not be any
harder for nature to change the car
bonic achl nas absorbed through the
licet leaves sweet than It Is Into starch,
each being different forms of the same
chemical substance, carlioii.
Flock in Kainy Weather.
Stock at pasture iu summer often suf
fer more from cold In wet weather
than they do from the cold of winter.
The constant evaporation of moisture
which Is hastened by the warmth gen
erated by the lsnly chills the skin, and
gives the animal what Is known as
cold, but Is really Internal fever. Milch
cows and those heavy with young suf
fer most, as they cannot so well run
around and thus keep their blood circu
lating. Kvery fanner has noticed that
after rain has fallen all day the milk
yield shrinks If the cow has been ex
posed to the wet. For this reason a
shed In the pasture field iiiny Is' a good
Investment. Better still Is It to get the
cows up to the barnyard under shelter
and cut some grass for them, giving a
bran mash to increase the nutrition.
Wet grass In Held or cut does not have
the proportion of nutriment to its bulk
that the same grass has In dry weather
with only Its ow n natural Juices in It.
A Clirop, Uootl Pllo.
A good slloi-au be built cheaply and
easily by the exercise of a little thought
and Ingenuity. If possible, construct
it lu any of the farm buildings, for It
will then cost not inure than ."o cents
per ton of ensilage, tiet all the height
you can, rather than diameter. If n
already have a large silo and you are
troubled with mold over the top before
you get a layer fed off, divide It with
rough lumber, and so have two. Try
to get at least twenty-four feet In
height. Figure on a cubic foot per day
for each cow or steer to be fed. Ill
building outside of n building It Is need
ful to have the silo double and large in
space ns a protection against frost.
Finst will get lu through one thlckneis,
as In the case of matched lumber silo.
Better use a rough hemlock, two thick
nesses, with waterproof building paper
between. Agriculturist.
Apple Tree Bnrern.
It behooves apple growers to be on
the lookout for the borer, which, If un
checked, will ruin their trees. The
parent of this Isirer Is a brown-iiiiil
white striped beetle, about three
fourths of an inch long and somewhat
plump, it lays Its eggs either at night
or very early In the morning, and Is
not easily seen against the apple trees.
Washing the trees with an emulsion
made of whale-oil soap and water, with
enough carbolic acid to make It smell
strongly, will keep the beetle away.
But it is safer to bind some clotn
around the tree trunk to the height of
two feet from the ground, and saturate
that wltli the emulsion, ns the odor will
remain through the whole season. In
stead of being washed away by rains,
as it might be on the tree. ;
Care of tiraln Drill.
The grain drill Is much too expensive
an Implement to be left to rust by tieg
hct lu caring for It. The fertilizer
drills are especially liable to this iu-
.. , ...!. I
Jlity. iH'C'lllse iney nine nciu im.hi--aclils
which cannot help rusting what
ever iron they come In contact with.
Idle in use the friction prevents rust
formation, but If phosphate Is left In
the drill over night some Injury must
result. Worse still happens If the drill
s left out of doors to lie wet and rust
d bv rains. We have known careful
farmers who kept grain drills in gisid
inditlon twelve to tlfteen years. But
they kept them under cover, and ai
wavs greased the parts most exposed
to rust before putting away.
Farm otra.
The liiii'dock. considered
a nuisance
In this country, has lieeii cultivated as
an article of food in Japan for centu
ries. The roots, leaves and tender
shoots are cooked and eaten, and the
iinniuil value of the burdock crop Is
said to be about $PSi,(khi.
It will pay any farmer to read alsmt
his business; no manor now- rn-n-
. . I... t..... nm in..,. i- tl.lllir
enit'H ue inn m-"
he will never know from his own veil-
Ksm-elally in siicii worn as
lalrylng Is reading Is'iieth lal. ltecanse
there are so many proniein nm.
ilire scientific nttaiiiineui. niei o"
fanners can Hear oi ouit unuus'i
stunt rending.
June and July are the months for
digging the peach tree oorer ou. ...
trunks. This work may ! done with
out Injury to the tree, ami is verj nec
essary. The niethoil IS to cut iuio
ol.ilng made by the borer or insert
wire, but care sliouiu is- - '
work Is done so a to Insure me ue
struct ion of the borer.
i ,..l milch cow ha broad hlml
ilia rt era and thin foreshoulders. thin
. ..... I ..i.l....d V...U.1
.,.. rt.H-t) neck. iKiliited withers.
....i i i-.tween the noru. nat
Cne-ls.ned b g and fine hair. Cho-e-e
..t .. i i , tm f.irwariL w de
one W iu miu'-i" "
...nrt nnd hirge enough
to is? easily
1 ii,-. 1 i ll til s 7-ed cow .n
i .
r '..'" in, in i,r..r-rtiua to tlie
M ..II.!
U lia I, f (ilMi.uiit'a l(-il
of 1
Thcie wa rot nai li n.'tivityor bnsl.
'c-s in the wl,t;,t n.aikft during the
et e.k putidlv on in., to the Very
lot Weather tliioiiL-liuiit the the ntul't uf the l'ocky tnounuinn. On
"lint of the teiiiKirary strengtli of thtf
"fii maiket pi le u advanced 3 oent,
'in the advance did not hold and thu
; 'lo-e its at about the same at a week
.The July retmiisof the department
i'gricnliuie ii lj. itte the everage con.
utii n of s rm.' and winter wheat com-
'ii .c.i me M.u, villi, h la 2.7
lii-hcr than last month.
The Ounge Judd Farmer lays:
In the spiing wheat dlsliict tliB
tiioi;:!i has b.-t ii wholly favorable and
I 'evioiis hih'h condition of the crop, it
illy ii tit i i ed. The present Condi-
i"ii, :i.2, is . tactically the name an
( 1 1 cl lat month. Should it go to
!. attest witli no future drawback, there
j alum. lance in the situation to juntifv
in expectation of 2t'.0,(llHI,0n0 bushels,
tub neatly bushels in the
Dakota and Minnesota alone. This,
tNilli it reason;,!, I,, certainty of ut least
il.'i.otHi.lioil bushel of winter wheat,
makes possible this year a total wheat
u p of !;."i,0 10,(100 bushels.
For the past week the decrease in the
visible tmpply was f-M.OOO bushels,
and the total in now but ltl,tO'.i,000
'1 he weather was the controlling in
lluencc in the corn market diiririK the
last week. There was renewed activity
iver a ranee of alii ut 1 cents. Pur
in.' the first part unseasonable tempera
t tit t and lack of moisture ptevuilcl
llnoi'gl. out the entire coin belt. This
induced lil-ral buying for npeonlativo
.('count, foicing prices up 2 cents from
last week's tinish. Later, when nor
mal condition set in, the early buyers
took profit, resulting in one cent de
.line. Sentiment is decidedly less
bearish, t'onservativo operators prefer
buying on the weak spots, believing
that only a moderate crop can be raised
with perfect conditions from now on,
while all the accidei.ts favor the bold
er. Keceipts nt primary iiints fell tiff
sharply, but promise slightly larger
next week. The cash demand was dis
iippoii.tini'. riirtlHiol .Inrkela.
Wheat Walla Walla, 5(iiuc; Val
ley, l!?c per bushel.
Flour Best grades, :l.60(i 3.60;
jraliniin, ;l.2,); stipcrline, (2.25 per
t lain Choice white, 8H(ii40c; choice
gray, !)( ll'.lc per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, fltiej 1U.&0;
brewing, 1 i ( 19 ht ton.
Millstufls Bum, 13.i0 ht ton;
middlings, .M; tliorts, flA.fiO.
Hay Timothy, 1 10 ot 13.50; clover,
f 1 l.SOif I2.fiO; I'alifornia wheat, fl0i
12; do oat, 1(11; Oicgon wild hay, ('.ii$
10 per ton.
Kggs 1 3 1? 14c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creatnerv, 85i3 40o;
fair to good, IlUc; dairy, 25(30c per
Cheese Oregon, lP.jc; Young
America, 12,lsc; California, Ofci 10c per
I'oultry Chickens, mixed, f2.fi0(.i:i
pi'i'di.zcii;liroileis, f l.Tillui 3.2 5;geese,j
in 3. oil; ducks, (2. AO itf 3 per dozen;
turkeys, live, 10c per pound.
l'otutocs. Oregon Btirbaiiks, 40(i
.Hie per sack; sweets, 2.75 per cental
for Merced; new potatoes, 60i00e
per sack.
Onions California, new, red, 90e(i$
f I: yellow, fl.Sft per cental.
Hops 7'j(ii8o per pound for new
ciop; lH'.it! crop, 4c.
Wool Valley, ll(ai3e er pound;
Kastern Oregon, 7(?'Jc; tnolniir, 20l
per poiind.
Mutton Oross, best sheep, wethen
and ewes, 2,4(ii21gc; tlreniel mutton,
4'ac; spring lambs, 6 '9 per (Kiund.
Ilogs Oross, choice heavy, f I; light
and feeders, 2.60(.t3; dressed, t;
4.25 per 100 pounds.
Beef (truss, top iteers, I2.75M3;
cows 12.25; dressed beef, 4 (tf 5 ,'4c pel
Veal Large, 3; small, 4 (2 4 'o pci
KeiiltU MMrltrtt.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
lirick, lit", ranch, 10 12c.
( Xativu Washington, 10(;i
lie; California, ll'...c.
KL-gs Fresh ranch, 17oMHo.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, lO'.jinllc; spring chickens, 2
M 3.50; duck, 2. .Mini 3.75.
Wheat Feed wheat, 25 per ton.
Oats Choice, per ton, 2l(i'22.
Corn Whole, -'0; cracked, per toU,
f2(i; feed meal, 20 per ton.
Barlev Boiled or ground, per ton,
l'.i; wliole, 1H.50.
Ficsh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, lie; cows, 5'c; mutton nhcep,
tie; irk, (I1..!-; veal, small, II.
Ficsh Fish Halibut, 3m 4c; lalmon,
4m 5c; salmon trout, n 10c; flounderc
and sole, 3i4; ling cod, 4(aG; rock
cod, 6c; smelt, 2l11ct4c.
Han r'ritni lnr.i lrkrta.
Wim.I Choice fiMithill, BWllc; San
' i ;.. ,t ....... i l.s' SirflOe: do veur't
jo.eiui", " . i .
Staple, TtitDc; inotitiiain, lutstsc; ure
gun, 10(i 12c per Hiund.
Hops Hid 12c .er pound.
Millstiiffs Middlings, f
20; California bran, $14(3 14. GO Jr
f:ly Wheat, fll; wheat and oat,
7(.il'o; oat, f T 8 river barley,
f.-Mii); best barley, fiiiflH; alfalfa,
;,..t ft. 50 clover, fiiw S.
i'otiitoes KeW, ill boxes, 00 fit, HOC.
Onions New red, SSWioc; do new
gilverskin, b'lfayl -r cental.
Fresh fruit Apples, 20(ct30c r
small Ikj.-.; do large box, 30fe 50c Itoyal
aiicots, SO'i'JOc common cherries,
1 5 1 25c; Boyal Anne cherries, 20(a30o
r box; currants, f 1.0063 1.60 per
chest; peachec. 25itiOc; pears, 20
40c; cherry plums, 2lna4'ic ) t x.
Butter Fain V creamery, H0c; do
lecond, lHwlilcj fancy dairy, 166
17c; g'sl to choice, i:5 rfl4cper'Ulid.
(Jheese Fancy wild, new, bc fair
to gissl, Ti&T'gCper pound.
K:.'s Store, I214c; ranch, 16'
lS's,0; Eastern, VSdli, duck, 13o r
Citrus fruit Navel oranges, $1
seeding, 75cia1.25; Meiican
liiuit.M.Tjn ii. 50; I'omnion lemons, 1.
A wine csk which holds U7.000 (al-
Inn, and tb l.t'g"ft tvr until, may
.....n t Malttrmura, Cl. Tb ttl
A s-.fri-t Nemtpaprr.
a . i an j.- ncnp;t-ier winch many
P'i-oiis ill l e r to tibtmn ha l u
exist. 'i:.v ilisi I,.... for the tirst time nt
the Von T.itisch libel trial in Berlin.
It seem that certain uristiK'rat ut
Kaiser W ill, hn' iv.uit turn in the fos.
ip tin y hear to an editor, who punt
j oft a '. t.litiontif tiie new tliiis
collected for the contributors and a
very few other person. To get at thi
chroiiiqne cai dalcnse a member of the
ecrct police f. r.-cl, with full a.iiuic.
cence fioni hi supeiior. the name of a
lioldeuian high in court circle.
KM i: III' Ills r.s Of I, lit: '
AMI -ilOMKtr
.'. ,!.- ii.ui, lis t Ih.'tr curr.-iiw 'iimiu.i
I.. II KIH el I.V Nil SI Irt. k .! -I.
'.'i vl Ill ii'.t I.. I it. r . i 1 1 1 n . I . ..ill
ti' t ii-:. . .1 1 In , oti,'.ii,M, e. it i. . ,1
-l ..ii I f . . i . fc-lie oil t.j ..n.. III. I:.. !rt:, -ii In ..r.i. r t.i SV..I.I .tv-i ..ih, hi. in n
i . r ei iiil. n..... mill pr... .-.l.. t h.- i . (t. t.
M J. H..(ll i. . ...-H.-r'. St. .HIS. 'I II I!. !.,
. 'u . : -i .- tl.iii nut .litMel u- in n.ii t..
t.-i. .-1 tin- I it.-r . .. ii '.it. ii' ,
till. I t. ..T. Ml). rtlCUIIIHll-lll mi H!H,;li.
.1 1. 1 Hi.- Ilia. r..
In Home there are few bouses hear
ing the number 13. Nearly all the
lion-, that slu uhl bear those figure
arc mat kel 12B or 14 A.
Wr air n.., iliii. in hr cslllt oiir l .:'it I.. the
r. ln.ivr u. f ..I Kir w.u.l t Asl'UKl , mid
' II Is II IK St AslllKIA," a. uul
I. t't S emi. 1 1M, tier, ol Itvlttllis. Massji liu-rtu,
t .Kiln-. .ii nul..t flTCIIKK SCAsri.KIA."
llir t unc t ii.ii I. u.inr miit d,- nuir t.r the
!.., .mux . tijimr ..I CI I AH. II. II.KICIIIK on
t..i i.ij.;ki. T!iii.llicoliiii4l ril't'lll KS
t Vsl'nKl A ' kIih'Ii usr.l in llir homrt
of (lie itL.tlirt. ,.f Aiutiua f..r uvrr Ihitly vri.
I..s.k t un lu") ..l the w:j..K.r mi. I it it
Oit kmj .. s h.i-.t U...IU A.u, mij Iiud the
nnu.ituie of C.IAH. Vl.l-TCIIKK on lh
vr.ijH-r. No one hm autlu.nt)' fiom me to ue
niv name ev r.l The Ceiit.iui t'oitljuny of which II. I I I. her i 1'resi.lnit.
.lj.. ,;. 8A.VK1.I. I'lTCIIKU, UJX
Till l.iM.I tnti.t' Itolir.
The lord mayor of London is entitled
to wear an carl's robe whenever a
crow ne. hea l visits the city. The pres
ent lord mayor had sii. h a robe made
for use at the recent jubilee festivities
which co-i him i'.'iUU.
A little thing happened down at the
home of Schilling' Best tea the other
day that cost the tit i ii a clean 200,
and the most interesting feature of the
matter is that they could have got out
of paying it if they wanted to because
it was a v. .1 in 1 1 .ti y thing and no one
expected them to do it.
It seems that, in the earlier part of
the missing word contest, A. Schilling
V Co. promised film each to the two
peisons who sent in the largest number
of Schilling's Best yellow tickets before
.In tic 15.
It seen. fair that the consumers of
the tea should get those prizes. A
gmcer has a better oppoitiinity for col
lecting tickets; and then, tin, he makes
a profit on the tea But two grocers
won the prizes, and A. Schilling & Co.
paid the motley.
Now comes the funny part they
wai.tcl consumers to get f 200, and were
deteimilie.l they should. So tlicV paid
another $200 to the two consumers who
had sent in the two largest numbers of
That is handsome, to say the least.
A It. .tBlil. nl lurk.
Among the botanical curiosities
which have I n found in the isthmus
of T huantepee, lately much explored
by naturalists, is a botanical clock. It
is a flutter which in the morning is
white, at noon is red, and at night
blue, and the alterations of color lire so
regular that the time of day can lie told
from the tint of the flower.
It is well known that continued dark
ness has caused the vision of iiuimitl
to become partially destroyed.
HoirT'H s iinoi..
Nt.v. ht-r.-nr.-!.... b.'tt.T i-ri'.l f..r met more
III. r. null. I h ii w Ii t thHti si tloill's s-1 1. Hurl.
Ha-oik', shii Mmic e.illtlty, ChI. til duo ol
In.'. II. .Ill I'h. U l(tli...I A UK ust li'th -.i(,
r '.i". "' ' tifimiiU.
French pauier are provided for by
the fund arising from a ten per cent
tax on theater tickets. This tax aver
ages 10,0(10,000 a year.
W.'i.rT.r (mi- lluiiilnil Hi.llarn Civitr.l f..r
nut . n-e ..( t Misrrli tint! t'ltnuol M cun-ii I.)
Hitir- i Htarrh i lire.
K .1 i MKSKY .v CO., props . Toli'.lii. .
We, tl..' H ri.l--r-li; n.-.l . imvp keoMii K. J.
ch. -ii. -v t..r Hi.' l-l K W'Hru, tint Ik-Ii.-vi' him
-rl..rtly li..lli.rHlli' III all lillsllirsll trn-H. lloll-,
Hint Iimhiii mlit l. le lo carry out mi) ohliK.
linn iiih.Ii- t.i lii.-tr ti r in .
W tT Tarn.
tt hnli'sali' liriiimlMs. Toli .to. O.
W I...Ii .hI' I 1 1 i l-K I -1 s . T-I. .I" O.
Ilsll'sl Hlarrii l ure in taken IntiTiiitlly, n I
tin: .liri'. l l nt li I lie l.loo, ami iiiii. ou .ur
lu. .-..( lie's. .t.-in. I'rii'e 7.''. .er Louie. soM
l.v h I .Irui'Ki-i-. 'I'i'sIHiioiiIhIs tree.
IIhII's liimily .llls are lii lsl.
Football wa a crime in Knglainl dur
ing the reign tif Henry VIII.
I -hall n i oiiiineiid I'iso's Cure f..r c.ii
siiiii.i..ii lit r iiml wide.-Mr. Mullit'aii,
pliiiusii'ini, Kent, Kiiglund, Nov., I:i'i.
The stargaz.'ts of the Mount Hamil
ton iib-ervatory say that there are five
hiin. bed million burning suns in the
milky way.
In this workaday world fewr women
are so placed that physical exertion
is not constantly demanded of thein in
their daily life.
Mrs. Piiikhain make a M-cial appeal
to mothersof Urge fumiliea w hoae work
is never dune, and many of whoinaufTar
and auffcr for lack of intelligent aid.
To women, young
or old, rich or poor,
Mrs. Pinkham,
of Lynn, Maas.,
her invita
tion of
free ad
Tic. Oh,
wornenl do
not let your
uvea be aac-
Y riftced when
word from Mrs.
a k aviai a
I'lrikham, at
the first approach of weakneaa, may
fill your future years with healthy joy.
Mm. A. C. lit iit.KR, J 1 23 North Al
bany avenue, near Humboldt Park,
Chicago, 111., says: "lam fifty-one
ycaraold and have had twelve children,
and my youngest ia right yrara old. I
have been suffering 'or "m time with
a terrible weakneaa; that braring-dowo
feeling was dreadful, and I could not
walk any distance. I began the naa
of Lydia t. t'iokhama Vefetable
I nm pound and Sanative Waah and they
have cured me. J cannot praiae youf
dteujuute eauugh."
Tlioimi Wetitworth lllgglnson Is
low In I'nghin.l ami Is writing a scries
if articles mi foreign travel.
"Susan F.scort and Other." a eollec
Hon of short stories by lMward I'.ver
fit Hale, will shortly Is- Issued.
It. N. Stephen will soon bring out
the historical romance, "An l'lieiny to
the King," ha..! lis.n hi drama of
the Kline name which wn
with such Knives by I'. II Sot hern.
The long cs'ctsl new tolunie of
Jutlu McCarthy. "History of Our Own
Times," which brings the story down
from lvsii t th,, diamond Jubilee, mak
ing (he third volume lu the compihsl
work, Is announced for publication.
I'd wanl Bellamy's new siok,"Kiuab
Ity," Is now promised to appear In n
few days. The slight delay I due to
the necessity for the hook to it jn x 'it r
simultaneously 111 the l ullisl States,
Oroat Britain, France, (icriiiiiuy,
Switzerland, Belgium, Italy and other
count rlis. It la of Interest to recall
that over 4si,ihn) copies of "l.ooklui:
Backward" have bivu sold In thlt
country alone.
That famous mart of Imok. picture
nnd oilier trcasimss, known to more
than one generation as Christie's," I
to U celebrated In a volume by W.
ltolsrls, who Is Just the man lu all
London iuali!lcd lo write It. It Is
calhsl "Memorials of Christie's." nnd
besides traversing the annul of the
great lions.. (lf auctioneer It w 111 gath
er together stories of many famous
Mile and record prices.
Miss Jcaniiette lilldcr. lu her
"Lounger" columns of the Critic, take
a rather discouraging view of the n
ciniiiiry benefit of tlctlon writing. She
says: "There are not many men, or
women either. In this country making
even $:t,imn a year out of fiction.. The
person who makes flii.iMsi a year out
of that branch of literary work may
count himself fortunate. I do not Ih--Ucve
their are live writers of lletlon
In this country w ho make as much b
their s'ii alone."
llonin I, lie AmoiiK the Imllan.
Mrs. Alice C. Fletcher coiilrlbules a
paH'r with this title, one of a seili s on
similar subjects, to the Century. Mis.
1'leielier says: (Hie would liardly sup that there could Is' piirtlcular
rules as to the manlier of sluing upon
the ground: but here, as III every other
part of Indian life, there Is ii rigid ob
servance of custom. Men may prop
erly sit IImii their hit'ls or cross legged,
but no woman may assume these attl
tildes. She must sit sldew !se, gather
lug her feet well under her. and make
a br'Ud. hiniMith hip. When working
she may kms-l or siiiat, and when
resting she, as well as the iihii, may
sit with legs extended; but nt all other
times men and women must obwrvc
the ctliiuette of posture distinctive of
sex. To rise without touching the
ground with the hand, spi'lugiiiK U
lightly and tio-ily to the feet. Is a lilt ol
good hrt ding very dlllleult lo one
not to the manner born. Careful par
cuts are particular o tialu their dill
drell III these niceties of behavior.
Among the Wlnin lnu'os the Utile girls
lire drilled in the proM r way of slim. I
lug when under observation on dress
occasions. Their position of hands and
feet Is aNo the proMT one for the wom
en in certain religious dances. While
among the Mctix, a mother wllh u
giMxl sized family of boys and girls pro
pounded to tile the Ueslloll ttliethi l
w hite women did not tind their ibiugh
ters more trouble than their sons; she
whs sure she did. "look ill those
girls," mid she; "1 have Ihe'r clothes
to iiinke, their hair to btald, and lo si e
that they barn how to behave. Now,
my boys are no trouble." As I glanced
at the group of children. Hie glossy
braids of the girls falling over their sin-
gle smock, and the Isiys, naked but
I for the breech-clout, their miniature
s alp lock oriiii lited with a bras
sleigh bell surmounting a sinii l of
frowsy hair, I recognized the kinship
of maternal perph'Mtlea the world
Col leg Men In I'tilillo I, I In.
H. C. l-hluiinn of Kliglaml, who wn
B candidate for ehi'tloii to parllauieiit
at the haiids of the Cauibi lilge const Ii
ueiiey. In all address' the stu
dents of Harvard College recently, gave
rxprvssiloii to this view: "The proper
aim of a university ought to In
IliereiV to make knowledge useful, It
ought to broaden men's views nnd
make them lirtelllgi-nl nn I Interentliu
men, able to nerve their country in all
( ways. I shall cite the example of (iiml
1 stone, lis showing the cITect of collet;.,
training, lie knows more iiImmiI tie
navy than most of the otllcers, nn I nioi-i
alsmt etithetlriilH tlniu iinylsnly elsi.
I mid yet he Is now the onjy great man
J to sit .t ill up for frttsloin inn) Jusib-e In
Kiiro;,iiui iHilitli's. lie and other iiil-
lege lien show ii range of knowledge
nial .litereett In subjects which ntbr
do not. A hirge art of the Inrliiei
that theftc mllege men get III col'.cge III
F.nghl'Ml lM due to the union s s lelli .
nf Oiford and Cambridge. Tl,-y art
large, ws'lal organizations, open to all
stiab-its who wish to Join. They ars
the i Iiil wllh their reading rooms,
wrttlng ns nn. deUilllig halls, and so
forth. I have Ihh-ii told that some Ilk.
organ izat Ion lui Isen pro(s.ed fm
Iliirvard, and I hos- Hint It will sue
cissl. ns it has had In Oxford nnd Cam
bridge such an immense liiflueiui- oi.
the iii'-u In public life."
Ilerllea uT fireat V lue.
The most remarkable gold Is-etles Ii
the world are found hi Cent ml Ainerl
ca. Current Literal u re any. The head
mid wing case nrc brilliantly polished
with a luster as of gold Itself. To s ght
find touch they hate all the seemliu
of that metal, oddly enough, anotli. i
species from the same region ha I In
Hpisarnnce of Is-ing wrought In solid
silver, freshly bnrnlshisl. The- gold
nnd silver beetles have a lunrket
ue. The' are worth from ?2.i to $."(
A Hanlnnlc K mrli,iii,
"I'm aure," wild the icirl w ho U n
gaged, "that Herbert Is a prize."
"Ye," riilhl Miss Cayenne, "but In
a case or this kind If so dull. nit to tell
y-in-llier you've won a llrst prim? or a
boob) pr!e." N ashintftou Star.
Who will get it?
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is f because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing word?
C.ct St hilling's lesl tc.i at your grocer's; take out the JJ .'.'.'.v Tiehd
(there is one in every package); send it with your jjucs.-i to aiUlics bclun
before August .Vs'-
One word allow ctl for every yellow ticket.
If only one person funis the word, he jjcts one tho'.is.uiil ilollars. Il
several tin I it, the money will be tlivitlcil itinlly antuncj tlicm.
F.cry on? sriitlinj u yellow ticket will jct . set of c.iuilio.iril creeping
Kibics at the etui of the contcat Those scnilin three or more in on
cnvcltipe w ill receive a cli.iiininj; iSi)S, im .itlvcitisciiicnt on it.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay ft 50 each to the two persom
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out. You won't sec it again
for two weeks. B2
Rebuilt (ins and
IN C. I. KS lt'i: l OKDEK.
1-1 II. P. Hercules, (' 111 Casnlinc.
i-i II. I', llcii'iilcv (' or ('..isoliiif.
1-2 II. I'., (las or dine,
i-.t II. I', (iiicntal, ('.as or Ciasnline.
i- II. 1'. Otto, ( or ('..isiiliiic.
1-4 II. I', r.itilic. Oils nr (iasnline.
1-0 II. I'. Hercules, (las or C.asiilinc.
110 II. I'. Ilci tiilis, liiis or (ijMoliiie.
Slate Your W ants and Write for Prices...
Hercules Gas
SSS ....Engine Works
Gaa, Gaiuline and Oil Engines, 1 to 200 II. P.
I'rus.lH'a A Miliar M.iihiI.
The workiiiK of iuiiIht in Prussia is 11
inonopolv iu the liuiuls of 11 firm which
ow us the two best mines, the Palinnick
en tind Kraxtepclle. For the concession
it ha, ltcCohlinK to a report from the
llritisli consul ut Ditnt.i', to pay to the
Ocrniiin Kovcrnuicut a royalty of tlfitl,
000 murks a year. H is reckoned, say
the Loudon News, that this linn lias,
up to now, paid 110 less thitii 1,000,
000 in royalties to the Ucrinitil kovci ii
lueut. In addition to tho output (roiii
the mines iu IH'.ii'i, 11 you.l deal nf iiuibci
was picked up no the bench ut the l'il
Ian, iu the province of Kust Prussiu,
Iti tifct washed up with the scuwood dur
iiil the prevalence of northweslei ly
Kale. The shore ut I'ilhiu after 11 storm
is sometimes covered with a layer of
sen weed three feet thick, amoiiK which
tho amber is found entitiiKled. Men,
women mid children find easy and lu
crative employment in scarcliiiiK for the
amber iilonx this part of the umbel
coast. The coplu eiiKHKed in this pre
carious work often earn ll u day 01
more. Iu 1HU5 iilsuit 100 tons of raw
umber came to Dantiin to be worked
up, as compared with 1 10 tons in 1X114.
It is nearly all melted to make, lac ami
varnish. Tim luier pieces ure also
in in le into beads, which are sent nil
over the world. The beads known to
the trade us the Leghorn coral, lire in
strong demand.
Iluaalan llallroaila.
UiiRsiu, with over 4,87n,OO0 sipiure
miles mure than tho United States, hit
I5H,0(IO miles h'HH of ruilrouds, say
the Hoston t'otirler. Most of the en
Kincs burn iiKphthu oil for fuel, with
excellent results. This oil is the ref
line from the first rcflninK and cost
about 40 1 ts per barrel. This oil is
itlso used for fcnerul lubricating pur
mim'. None of the ttngiui'M have bells,
but iiiHlead they have two whistles.
Tho eniiines are finely painted, tint
wheels red, the frame black, jacket
and cub Krccii, with a fine black stripe;
the inside of cab nearly white, or
cream color. The speed of freight
trains is limited to 20 miles nn hour,
und the fast express is limited to 85
miles .r hour. In switching nnd
making up of trains nil signals are
given by sound that is, the switohmun
has a tin horn which he blows nnd the
engine, driver is obliged to repeat this
signal by whistle before hit goes
ahead. When and engine stops the en
gineer is required to give three short
Singular KAVrta of Calil.
A bar of lead cooled to a point about
800 degrees Fahrenheit below zero, ac
cording to the experiment of M. Pictet,
gives out, when struck, a pure musical
sound. Solidified mercury, at the sttmn
temH'rature, is ulo resonant, while a
coil of iiiaituesiuin wire vibrates like a
steel spring.
Tho Kiel canal is lighted over d2
miles by electricity, and is the longest
dinliiuce in the world lighted continu
ously in that way.
Tin rm tin' tr rtrliik tm ill nmrvfloiu
riir- l-r itn h Im trwn im .ivrrr.l "4i " A 1 1
Jm." li"-ri lltMkra Hit tnrhnmlP ln- All tlr fir
tr ififf 'Iridic Miihoiit kii'iMn hv m ll t
givt-ti rclly In Irm. i-i(T-, Kiiip mini llir Mhi
If "Anil Jt" i" nil hr liy y-'ur iruK"i mm1
ilitdar to Hi lifnova. t hrnlcaM , ltn')
av. Spw Vnrk ami ll will In Hftit fMwttihl, Iti
iiain raMr. with full 1 r- ii-.n how u kIv
n-rftly. lufuruiMilon uilld fi.
TIim iihmii tfriiHriituru oi tli t-arth
takin n a wholt, in 60 iltvrwn F., nifl
thetivcrutfeuiiuuul rainfall ii 30 .hcIhm.
nl I'TI ItK artd I'll. EH cure-l; no pav un
til rur"! , nij inr wmi. I'm. jii"hilii
i f oRTKNf I Kl I), A.M HarKfll nl., nnu r rauciacti.
at Cuoaa MrnipTTaMMUaut, V
la ti" a ay. a t amrt ita.
aU I
M 11
... (insoline Engines
Military tritlnlliK l.v t'nit.'.l SUIca ..Ulcer.
Twfiit v 1 w .1 1 11 -1 ruder-,
s.iriiiuii.lltiii. Ii.'nltliliil m it.t nii.rnl.
Kris' lultluii! N.. iiichli uliil l.-.'sl
Ktls'iisi's, 1 tit-It t.i 1 tiax rloihinx,
tMllllli. I...ks, dr., Hls.ltl fl.4ls'rM'lim.l yt'ar.
Kail Trrm tlin Sts,l.iHlrr VO.
Kur ialnl..Kiii or ntlu-r lii(..riiinii..ii atltlrt-iw
TIIOMkH M.liAl t II, I'rr...
('..rvnllls, Oregon.
How to Attain It"
1 W.m.l.Tful N
llnll.-al, written
dr M.n otifjr. nm may 1st had trr,
asairtl, la ulaln envel
u0,ou apiilicatlon.
I Niagara IL.
Special Ratas
to its.
We carry tht mmt rompliMt lint nf iyntr.s.aai
ml Allili'lii' ttOiMU on Kit t.
N n. for our AtlilrtU' ( Kiiilotitiv.
nH H-40 Mnrlml Mt,, hmi Kmnrlira. Cm,
rctw ul a)nntlHiiin In
( hirnKn. huy ml
fll wlttmt IIut mi inur
fiiiH. rtiriunrt iiiive imtii lmtne nn ft mnau
M-KimilMK ly irn-lniK in (umrei. Vrltr lor
lull mriii'Mlrn. H'ii o( rf Orrtii' mven. Htv
frl tri' ri pf rlriicc on Hi ' hun limftril of
J rn'lf, nml t iliormiafh kiHiwli'tlirit nl th bul
llftma IdiWMinil, lloj'tt III tt. t il., I'll ratMi Hnn
(il Trxli HrnkiTi v nli ( in I'lirtliml, Orvgon,
Hnknv nl M-Hllr, W Mil.
V Mna Wiki'W iMMitMiiB Hinr UmuuI lwyi ht j
ft QWtl l-hlllrll iM'Ibllltf II ill 1-ltHll.aWft-
ft en (hvfftiiiia. ln. vurf wKirf rf,.-.ttl I 4
b turn Ifi rMiif.1t f..rrtirrlM, TwmiIj 6 emuU ft
In.IIU II lalh hrt nf all m
Lame Pi.-k,
Riiilrajd Ha.k,
Stitch In the
Hick, Lumb.tio
and nil hack
troub'es are In
stantly relieved
It ont!ilnK, w:irmlni, Invlj
of;it nit currrnt prnrtrtrs the
ArakmrJ tlssu- S'ndt the
lifr-blooJ hounding throti(!i your
Vein, rclievr the p:iln, t.ikf
out the sotencn, warm, tunei
aitJitrrn 'thent.
re-tniorce$ na
ture and
Perm nently.
It U worn while
you sleep, and
can be regulatFJ.
KraJ about it in
the little book
"Thrje Claw
ef M:ii," ttts by
mail or at the
ttf'ue. A'i iJvUe
lire. Call or aJdreit
33 Waal aahlii(tn Hi., JJortland, Or.
I'lmtt atrnliua IMt itijwr.
N. I". N. I'. No. SO. 'T.
II KM wrllliii ts adtartiaara,
uautlua tltia papar