The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 2

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I. L OAMMIICI.f., Pf.rtUl.r.
llie man who conmitta thermometer
nowaday la a foolish borrower of trou-
Way down In Maine four young men
w i,nei .i apiece for chewing gum
la t'liuii'li. Wa'al, by gum!
I.lfc U ii short day, lint It In a work
lug ili.v. Activity may bud to evil, liil
lum-Hilty cannot lie IimI to good.
A r.ilili cm in I lint the In 1 I trou
ble III Illillil Wns iiiiiwhI by tle Mil! lull
i.f Piiwlmhih. vi,t was tint Mufti of
M'Sull l'.lljg?
Tlie liufTiilo Tlmea remarks, signifi
cantly: "Powdered Isinix will drive
lliem away." We don't liolleve It: Iml
it , dial's much cheaper tliiui tin
gold ine.
by a lieutenant of the Marina eorpa.
The band to really a aoelal OTgan,l:sa.
tlon nominally under the control of the
Navy I'epartnient, and iwed by tlm offl
fern and the Government feiwrally to
add to the llure nf tk
entertainment given at the capital. The
When ipriaging mead, are frealdy digbt,
And treea now tared throw (core a
Hi green earth how no fairer tight
Than oft-eyd kitie and blowing
position of leader would be esamldered Too rain, for rare, too lira for mini,
a "mini)" by almoMt anv iniudfLnii ami A mid ih sin. tt'ttr aitiljl tViu wl,.u
the mini who ha Just luwt It wioj very ' great mild mother creature seem
iiaii-nuiiiiig loruia of the dreary earth.
It r". lis alumst Incredible that
N v York yellow Journal Im l.ecii
wrc.,;i.g Willi I lie "In Jliirr Hire n In
lire" for two weeks without
Mllill.g M e iiitiller.
The mler day Auh'tson ninr
ri -i M .. .( o in HoKin i. 'iiitr:ii
nli l.v I 1, tune of the young won, 1,11
In 'tie ense s.cui to have l.-vn ovi r
Ionic! I11 Hie liewNMlier correspond
11. is.
Kll lie !): of lie lii'lirt In hclicllccni
t:o only hi I In' 'i.nj wmr, lull lo every
1 je will, 111 reach or II h lllllllelicc. Ill
Iifr-l In c ImlllTi I'l-llcc. "Who
shut ..te out In tin 11 H 1 1 It 1 1 be abut
out fn.,11 love.'
A llriiwlim 11 (Ti V.IM riilTi'MilnIwit
n mli.ils 11 St. I.i.til paper lliiit "nine
Jcat iisn lull districted I lie crop oil
lime .0 nun ttas rcpialitcil mill 11 1 11 1 1
11 yield." Hoi nowadays Tcta doesn't
IIihI It l.i'iif.ny to 1 1 1 1 11 lit hull.
A ll, rain's ml. Ml plague .im fair to
I'lilne In .ill end, owing to I lit Inrgo ex
Hirtni!i 11 if fii..i 11 iuIiIiIin for I lie I .mi.
!mi market. I 1 urn Victoria iilmii)
twelve H.i.iimiihI nilihlts 11 day, or over
four inlllii. 11 11 year, are shipped now.
A Sun I'lam lhoo paper says Hint Miss
Alice Thompson of thai eliy has lunl 11
iii!il ol cold 1 1 in 111. hi I:n I.m n,.,l
1.1 r 1 1 1 .MiiiH M' i'n 1. (,r w hii h mi re.
I.C I.I10MK Hull the effete Kiixt Iiiin 110
liioiioj oly of .i inr, Kiiii' r'Viirli'iiiloii.
Thnt lli'Klon I. nnk eli'ik who mole
f.vo.u 11 tin. other iluy 1111.I left for ran.
U'ln 1- tl.i I mm (lull he liMik the inoiiiy
"lieiillOe lie Wiilili'd to buy n blr.Vile."
'i'liiil oiiii.'Nier evidently wiiiited nil
the hilit liliyi le lliiiroVeineiilM on IiIm
In 1 1.
fooliHh to nit off liia olHrlul head for the
alleged Mike or art,
A I'lorlila UewHIMilier. nunmenMna
llMll the intention of Vlrirlnlii .nu.t
a Mtutlli to flL'iir Allen Vm: iiuiLim t!i
trite remark that 1'oe hna lill,l..t t
hliiiMolf a nioiiumeiit more endiiriug
I mm bra In the iMMina wbHi he left
iin a lejtaey for the world. That to no
iirifiinieiit nifiilnxt the Htiilue. All our
Kront wrltera have left behind tiiem
moiiiimeiiM of tluit Nort. but anlde from
Mie or two Ikm-iii. not eoiix11onl ir
t.'ol Jillt'-a to lie IiIn Inl r. la a
xii Nil book to mllliona of the jieofile of
IIi!m MMiiitry. It to no mli statement to
eny (h it he In far loiter known and
iinderHtiMNl In I raiM-eniid Kmrtaiid thim
he to in tlie liii f j,jh Mnj,. I
,1 h. r
to .r.-
ulm li.'U t
I illdn't think j.-ii
i:li no
And down the pathway tliroiicli the gram
To ni'liwd llie merry ehildren iii,
Kiiiifinit rhyme in the April uionia,
IIuw 1 here' red for the furrow , and
w hile fur the ilnUi
Iirmvn eyen fi,r the hrooka, for the treea
i riiii.n, iriiI
iVhen fiiivering leavea make leavra of
And Imih the award heneath them dap
IVhi-ii May hongha ereiun In eurling white.
And Nraw'lerry en-am doth IIiihIi the
1 he gn-at mild mother ereaturea lie
And itrnw, in nlmeiire of the mm,
('lie with flu. nimoi Mini iirura Bt..l
Willi nil very i-.'oud hiiiI hiiNiied dark iiky.
w:m 111
Aiid down flip pathway through the gram,
in m-iiooi Hie merry elniilren m,
SiiiKiiiK a rhyme In the morin of .lime
How -Tin re' hite for the cloudieta and k fur llin 1 iirLio
Ami two Hiihliid horn for the aweet
KII'Klf iniH.n.
- Vii.'a ISrisn, in (;,! Worda.
A la 110 on an entirely new principle
la niiiioiiiii'i'd fnuii (iiTinany. The
MrlngN are Nlreti hed aeroKa the Nound
Iiik iMiard iin In the ordinary plmio, but
the entire hammer mecliiiiilum la ale
elit. liiMead, the e prcKaliitf of the
nej a puia , ai tloil a liitlgliel, Which r
aiiiomaili ally attrai lN and releiiM-N the '
wire. ihi.N producing vll.nitlo.ia Willi- SKTTLFO OI'T
Olll Hill M,,.lll,. ...... L.. u I.I..I. VJ A UHl, Vl J
I'llllli N the noiiiiiI lu the
't llllllll llli ttttum la
mid lo be very remarkable. The high
iiot.a riHiinlde I how of 1111 Aeolian
hm p. The middle ami low er ImlM urn
like linn.!, of a '.'..H,, r ,, ,,,.,, 1.
n hpoliiU remlily to everv vniliiiloii In
power and i-gprehalon. A note inn be
Hollliili'd for aeveral ml ri lit in U'll limit
varying In iiualllv. Ko rmllenllv .nir..r.
ent from all exlntlng liiNtriiiiienta are
the effeclN thai a new Kit In i.r omul.t
In n.iilnl ti, i.ring out Im cnpiihillticM.
Lull!; iikv.i bili.n with dani;ir iniiki'a
of tin!' WiHi.rn e.litoiN foil
Iniiily. 'I he At. Ills., 11 li,M. naya: "We
liiti'i d to buy a II11. 11 Hiilt ami near It
In Iml weal her. It will look like the
(let II. bill It W ill look UN well UN II hllh't
A woman In Man Iin nar.lin.i. Cnl.,
Iiiin I . i ll ttci lii ifil IliNiiue beraiihe kIii'
ms hln would like lo kUN I'very good.
InukltiK yoiinu man xlic iiiivih. If that
ti-Ni In iniepti'il iin 1111 eviileiire of In
timity California can eaNlly lock up
ul mil I'M pir n ut. of hiT male popula
tion. The A. 'Wot-lli n;.l,l Pout I'laliim In
have M'eii "n ati'iiuge looking llgure,
whUh n-M-inlilil n woman with loin;
I1..HIIIU' 11. 1 ir, tiyiiii; Hiroiigh the ft 1 r
Ihri-e nr four hlltnll-itl feet tuer Ihe
hotel." If t Mm h.l.l I111 II Nii'ii over 11
alooii II would hate Inh-ii iiiii.1i ealer
to illajjliioe the ihim'.
About three wecka two. aecorillmr tn
the I.omlou KeoliomlNl ll,,r una ....
! jx.Hlt In the Joint min k banka of Pn
iJiiiid mid Willi n the Mini of f.ViiUiiKi.
r Ihe people'a Mivltigi. Ilelore
Aliierl.'iuiH Ihioiio. ion miii'h i.ui.,nUi.
ed 111 line.' eiiormoim llgurea It ahould
I'l' milled I hut llii.v y,u- .. r..n n
- ........ u lull 114 till
.in euiiipui-fd with the lliriir.- t n.a
pleoiiN lniir i, .,ir nil, .1
""'"P I II. J I..ll
npri'M'iii n Mcady liicreate from JSmI j market.
1 ... 1
no. -11 I lie mini WIIN 1 LI MMIIKMI II...
kIiIcn this there Ih in Ho. 1 ill liLai tt I i'u
bind ami Scotland f 1 1 I.imhi.iiikj and
lL'.."iiMl,ia.O himnletl 1111 In It,.. Ii.,k
011 the Isle of Man ,MII t. ehnniiel Ul.
"The most reiiiiuknblf civil action I
ever heiiid i.r," K.1I1I a well-known at
torney to a group of friends at the Ijiw
yi'rs" ( lull, "una u eiNe tried In one f
ihe cln iill coiiriN of Xow Jersey Home
llfti'i ii yeaiN ago. Aa 1 happened to lie
on..- of the imiiisi'l In Hie caM, I reiiiem
bcr lie finis, mill have never aeen
liny record of a similar la waul t.
' Thin cane waa tried before the late
Jililp. tialiiim. ami waa entitled. Ntacy
vi. Pnrt.iii. mill Pnrlon va. Stacy, fur
there were eoiiiiter noil 11ID1 erou'ltnr ...t
of Ihe Kline mate of fnela. (ieorge
Stacy lived in a hiiinl) town on thu l'p
cr I't liiware l!iver, and owned a truck
farm Home three miles up Hie valley
from IiIn home. Ills farm lay along the
bank of the river, and he ahlpped vege
t.iln'cM In mi'iimoii to New York and Phil
adelphia, lii-sidca ailpplylliL' the local
Me had a good iraili. In tin.
village, mid kept a small flat-bottomed
bull, which he unci) to truimport hla
aliilf fnuii Hi,, farm.
"Stacy would load the boat with veg.
etaldes at the farm lu the early nioiu
ln'. Illlil lloat iliiivo kI renin I., tl... .......
mid c.l..iil.l 1 ......
. . , , """" oik. iiiin 1111:1 1 uown Kireaui to the town.
liaMl.g I.i'lnliill ollli cs sliotv 1I1.. uiin, ..f I wi,..,. 1... 1....1 ...1 . ,. ..
i"r!imnui.i . . ' 1 11 ,VUH " "latter
1. I. I-INI I H Ml oil tlii'lr ImuiL-u .....I .... . ... .. .
, . . " i'....iu ..1 mi iioura naru worn to row or pole
liaiikei-M nr.. ..ui 1..1.1...1 ... 1.. ....... 1 v
nceping a num. 1 n(. man lived lu a
sin. lil iioiise near ihe river on the south
aide of town, lie was a widower about
fill years old. ami had a family of aev
era! children. fl r 1 Iicm in-inn, on
"Across the street from Sinev livn.i
The re,rt of the State geologlat of ' "'""' Parlon, a whlow. who
nil rr ist ,J .r If L. y"W the far,,,.
r.ii.iK.o on hand. Therefore, there Is 0,1
hand Hie sum of P.isT.inni.inni of uulu
vesled wealth In Ihe llrlllsli Islands.
This Is a show ing which probably can.
in. I he excelled, unless It la In thrifty
I 'm nee.
In Si. I.oiiIn the other day surgeon
p.'i f.. lined an oN'ratlon upon a illme
liiiiM iim performer known as "Hie lui
iiiiiii oslrlih" am) reunited from his
Moinilfh sexeinl pounds of nails, nicks,
knife I'liiilcs, Mi, lies, giasN ami screws.
The man died, of course, but Ihe ief
a'loii was very succekHful.
PruUibly theiv la ,10 01 In r elly in the
World Inn Chicago where a nillrtNid
bridge oter a river would Im. so Impcr
f.H-ily guai'tlitl Ihai a train could run
Into the open draw and fall Into Hie
rltcr. Perhaps, too, Dial Is Ihe only
liter not siilllclcitly lii,ld to engulf
the passeiigerN III a watery grave.
P.v the lilnli of the PiichesNof York'a
Illlle Kill, the number of Queen Vic.
toila'N descclidaills rises lo eighty, set
eiity of whom aif alive, she hait had
nine ehililreii - four sons and tlvo
lliiuglilcrs roity.otie graiidchll.lreli,
and Hilny great grandchildren. Two
of her 1 lilldn u and eight grandchildren
I ate died
Indiana for the mt year luns Just Im-smi
iiiililushed. ami Ii fore) MM I 111 I'll I hlt"i
of the natural gas Holds at ,10 distant
nay. 1 lie territory that now pnsliii'ea
natural gaa lu. liiili-s 11 n-gloii of fils.iit
Mm siiiuire inlli-n. ami no n,.w ill, ...v.
erhn hate Iss-n maile or are imtv llkelv
to be iiimli'. A In the pnwsiuv
was II i-st noticeable In IMC, and It la
Mill illiiiliilelilng. It would not Is- Hiir
prislng therefore Hint If wlililn a ycor
or two llic sno oil- would Is. m.i inn.. 1. .11.
mlnlshe I Hint the general use of the gas
would to U nliamhmcd. Such was
Ihe case with the gns of western
Peiiusylvniila, and such will pmlmhlv
ls' Ihe fate of the Indiana Held. t will
In reuicmlH'risI thai Ihe Penusylvaiila
liclds, though long known, or at legist
oiriiNv'tsI, were not exteiialvely ont
nted ti 1 it H ISTs, and tl was not until
1M thai the gas waa piped to Plttn
butg. Then It was thai the Smoky City
iMiiime siiiokehsis, hut this ilkl not last
long. A few yiinra mid Ihe wella 1h
cauie cxIiiium.iI ami amoke once moot
reigned aupri'iue In the city of Iron,
Kiel and iiniI. The gas liclds of Indian..
it ..r. .1 iu.te..r.l l.i Itt? .....I . .. I
..... iiini nipiv III ll'r i
lei, yea i-a they I. si will lustim,. a thlinr I
of Ihe pant. Nature seems to have no I
ft ill 1 Inn 1 111; gas 11 111 11 11 f :i -t 11 i-l 11 A
having made a supply and di'sii,s It
ill iHs kets Mie PiMke the rt'loi'in i.n.l
gave up the buslines. Thorie who are
lein'tnlcut on nalural vas for h,uit .....i
light are amply forewanusl In tliU r...
is.ri Hint Ihe.V must lie on the nleri f..r
1111 artllb'lal aulvsiltute. Natuiv'a laU
oralory is btviken up.
; Ii Is so dllllculi 10 reach corruption
V.v ouliluiiy menus Hull ihe frniuerN of
II. e new constitution of I tela ware deny
H-lal by Juiy to pcistius accused of
bribery. I mler llils coiistltutlou hrlb.
eis can he sent tl, ,, peiih,.,,,!,,,.,. ,v
a con n.l'sh.n f Judgi n. This looks
like an cMi-eire measure, but there has
bu n great pr.n ocatlon for t i,.(l.
a re.
Wlillo the oiporluiiiile for making
wealth, are i.ot mi gnat on the rami
un lu Ihe elly. Ihere are other advanta
ges In rural lite that completely nso
tlml iiucMloiialil,. prullcg... 'i h,, lirk
Is hcalihy. Indi'is'iidciit and five from
the linriiM.ii g caiv that Is si'ts the t,,ll,.r
lu the crowdnl. rushing tide of muiilcl.
I al III.', linck to the farm" should be
the cry of hundreds of nu n.
Pio,i is Jiis:y proud of lis new pub
IV lU'rary build. ng. which Is said to K'
cue 01 II, e lliiiM f , In Hie
world, but I- has Jul Hull so
much money Iscu eMmbil n.m
the build ,1 u and lis arttoHe a...!n.
llietits that thciv not suillcletit fuinls
left f-'T the jniiv'h lee of lssiks, Chicago
(si Is pulling up a inagnlil.iMil Ik. me for
Ita public rending matter. It might pro
111 by unj.a'uii.tte cjample. A
elly ca'i do with a les ornate ainuture
iln r limn rim short of Iss.ka.
I'olly oI'MlliiHiy Ntair.
As the various Cotcruors rmle by en
hoi -cluck lu the tiram memorial day
para le. each In plain dress, but at
tciidul by a b-llllant military stair, the
iiiestliiu was nalural, what Is the us'
tf nil lhnt Why should Ihe ex
ecutives of Stales of Hie union be or
gaiilnl m, Hie basis of sonorous tiles
ami gav unlfornnV The national ex
ccutlie Is Nkiiipllcliy ItM-lf lu Its dem
isratlc unireleutlous,i'ss. The ex-is-ulhes
of Ihe great American mun- j
ic'.palltles present Ihemselvcs U'Toiv the :
pubic with Hie dignity of ipilet re
licence. Our Stale (oncrnoi-s alone In
Auie-lcrin public life swing out w ith a
parade of unrealities. If the Ih.veriior
of 11 Slate were tlrsl of all a tullltary
olllccr, if the Slates were Iirltniirn'i- :
er, Mie. too. had sevi.iiil n
. .... ...a,., u, ....
about grown. Mra. Partou owned a
aiiiall inict of laud Just nbove her eot
,tage, where she pastured a ihiiiiIht of
iws. She sold milk and butler lu the
town, ami. with keeping a few Isinrd
era ami taking In sewing, managed to
earn a couiforlnble living.
! ""lie ruing Stacy came to town
1 with a load of fresh cabbage on his
I boat, lie drew his frail craft up to the
I iiiiih at the usual landing place, and
1 secured It there by tying a rope around
ja stake In Ihe ground. The oilier end
of the rope was fastened to one of the
oar lucks on the Isiat. Leaving Unit
ami nirgo ungutirdiil, he went up lo the
town market to sell his Mock.
"Il happened mi that particular morn
lug that one of Mrs. Carton's m,i-i val
uable milk cows had Jumped over the
pasture fence ami waa browsing along
tne luuks of ihe river. The smell of
fresh cabbage re.u-heil the nostrils of
Ihe cow, and as Stacy's Ismt lay full
length along the bank It was an' easy
matter for her to step aboard, where a
good breakfast lay unguarded.
"Some of the nelghlsirs saw the wid
ow's cow eating the .armcr'a cabbage
but for some reason, never explained
j wh.v 1 hey did not Inform either of the
'parties at Iniercst. It innv seem mi..........
( thai a tint should turn from a crate
; of fresh cablmge to chew a cotton rope
j bill thai was what really hapiMied.'
i'l'he result was that her sharp teeth
'hui cut the rope In two. ami 11,.... n...
I ,h,:"' 'ceil from Us tmsirltigs, began lo
1 Ileal dotvu stream,
I "Stacy, coming back from the tnar
; kcl. was startled to see his boat ,1,1ft.
lug dow n the river w It li a cow standing
, In the ls.w lashing her tall In fear and
, nc'iotviiig aloud .or aid. .Mrs. Part..,,
! heard the voice of Ihe favorite of her
I herd and reached the bank of the river
' at Ihe same lime as the fanner.
I "The current was strong and awlft at
that point ami there was not another
'a 1 lu sight. Half a mile below the
low ,1 some big Jagged rooks mso out of
H e water near the middle of the river
o..i.-.t s was ct.uglit In a atvlft
eddy, and while the owner looked on
helpless to do anything Hm frail craft
si ruck broadside on a sharp rtH'k It
rt.Miled from . blow, turned partly
around and sank In in Id stream
.Mrs. I artou's cow evl.i....n. . .
"". coin. 1
iit'ii...! D...I.....I ..r ........... ... then Ihe military alflff ..I i"' '-" '"S" "'" '"rP,'"t -
the boat an
face again
"Ihe farmer swore softly when he
iw his boat go down and the widow
threw an apron over her head lo shut
out a sight or Ihe deiith struggles of
her favorite cow. Then the ,,vo m.g,
bors watched the river for a few mo
ments iu alienee.
Vt lu ll (l:ev tnrnml ut..t- i .
ha a rcnsoiinbleiiess. As It Is, this
pr.iuclng mid hclltlod Maff Ls both Ir
riiiuina! and ntwurd. The eltlclency of
Ihe" asilslants of the lioveruor would i
be as great without uniforms ami 1111 I
meit'i'.ng tillos. The dlgnltjr of the
Stale ecutlve tnsils no bracing of a
f.M.llxh Imllatlou of a foreign court to '
make II ressi'tivl by the ssple. The i
ereal'on of fake "generals" ami 'Hid. ;
.m...l" lit- H I !..v. v..i..r'H ...... I "
............ n --. , llllll.ll-tsis , ... ......
of them a vear. Is rk-hilv ,"" "" nrN' S'.ilk.
. ... 1 . " -i-". . v ,.o-
.,' - .... etery cent of
i". Mr. Macy. lou know I Will' Ik. t
" 'You ought to keep your 'own 6 we
they belong.
" 'It waa your boat that can-!.
. . . . 1 ,. ... .
oir. iiiivi.f. tin-re s s"ii.y !'"
IW1 a issr lofie Wlilow
work for 11 living
would treat me no.'
" 'ily ls,at In worth three lino s lis
mucli aa your cow.'
" 'Tli.if. rlelil! lii.tio-e oil llie all 'oll
can b"caiise I um a woman
one to protect mi'.'
"ltv this Um.. Mrs. Parlon
tears ami the iielghlsirN Neimratii
cy culled on llie widow next day and
told her that he luid ppsif that her cow
bit the rope In two and ict the boat
"She retorted that she could prove In
a court of law that the boat was Iml
awurely anchored and ddicd him to
bring ault.
"All attempts at compromise failed,
and the upshot or II all was Hint Mrs.
Parton brought suit against Stacy to
recover the sum of Un, the value of j
one cow. I
"The farmer retained the Arm ( 1
which I was a member, and brought '
a counter-suit to reinver the value of
one wooti.n llntlMini ami one load of
cabbage. The town waaalsiut
divided In lis opinion of the legal tner-
lla of the case, bill the burden of sytu
imthy was with the widow. I'.efore
the papers In Stacy's nise were Hied
the double action was the talk of the
town, ami It was predicted that we
Would have In ifct 11 i-Ii.iiil',. of velille in
order lo obtaiti an Impartial Jury.
three months after the Nllll.s were
1 rough! the case came lo trial ill the
Circuit Court. Mrs. Parton' null was
tried Hist, by agreement. A score of
witnesses were examined, and the
Judge took a lively Interest In the trial
from the outset. The court room was
crowded with mioctntoiH.
.Mrs. Parlon was a irood witness.
She was a rather good looking woimin.
and she wept at Just the right time to
impri-sa ine jury. Stacy was the Inst
witness put on the stand for the de
fense, and the Judge took him lu hand
at once.
The examination of Stacy by Judge
(allies was something like this:
"Voti are George Stacy, the defend
ant'' " I am.'
" This Is a very remarkable cage, Mr.
" -v.
" 'You are a neighbor of tlila plain-
" 'Known her long?
" 'Forty years, about,'
" 'Prom childhood V
" You are a widower, I Udleve, Mr.
" i mn.'
"Mrs. Parton la a widow?
" 'Yt.'
" 'You both have children grown up?
"'In the ordinary course of events
you will both be alone iu the world
very soon. Your children will marry
and leave you.'
" i ao.'
" 'You have known .Mra. Parton forty
" 'Alniut that long."
"'The Judge was silent for several
minutes, during which time he slowly
turtiitl the leaves of a law bisik tlmi
lay open on his desk. The lurors wit.
leaning forward In their aea la, hsiklng
urst at tne plnlutllf and then hi ii.u
defendant. Stacy waa getting nervous,
nnd iM'gnn to turn and twist In the wit
nesa chair, ily this time the nlalmiir
had evhleiily caught the drift of the
Judges questions. She kept her eyes
llxcd on the Ibs.r, but I could see her
color coining and going rapidly.
"The Judge cleared his tli'r..o
turned to the wltnesa again. There was
Just the trace of a smile oil his face aa
he said to Stacy; "Thla la a very pe
culiar case.
" 'She brought ault first,' the witness
slain, uered.
" 'You own a farm, Mr. Stacy?
" '1 do.'
" 'Mrs. Parton owns some cows?
" 'I lK'lleve so.'
" 'How ninny cows do you owu?
" 'Xone.'
"The Judge I1mk.1l nf l.l. !,. i...
again and then glanced at the plaintiff
for a moment.
"'Have you tried to settle this case
out of court, Mr. Sinev?
" 'Yin, before she brought suit.'
" 'Ild you offer to iniupminlse1'
" '.No.'
'".Mrs. l'arion s a good wouiau?'
" 'She la.'
"'She Is a smart woman?'
" "I never saw a better worker.
" "Was she a good wife and mother1
" 'Y't's.' 1
"Don't you think the case can be I
setlled out of court?' i
" 'Thai's for Mrs. Parton . i
Are you it illing to try to settle if
"Hy this time every person in the
court room was smiling broadly. Sta
cy's face was as red as a Net. and Mrs
I arton was blushing Mrlously.
"Judge tlrlmes. with ,1 ....11.. ......
--- . " ...... . KIDS-
faction, announced that a would
l-o taken In order that the dofeanh, nr
n..f . ..ave a prlva.e wuU
"Half an hour later Stacy and Mra.
anon ,,,. nto iue court , hand
'"""l' I. k'olng up t() tiu. Jll(
they announced that tliey ha.l nerved , 0'
settle their case out of court. Thev
fl.fetr of Life and Fropertl' TepcndN
.. f L.l. I.l.rratlon-Urlaln of
1JIUB , ' ' "
1 . ' ... AM
lb fjtm i""
lb kailroada.
Hfunl.tlna Time of Train.
The aysteiii of haikHlm railway
train by the method kuowu aa tralu
dispatching la one of comparatively
I r.-ceut origin. It has been ameuu.n
I and m as to meet the re
; qtilreuicuta of tin flic, until now there
j U a Htaiidard nsle, and nearly ail, If
I not all, rullr.snls In this country con
form to that code 111 the nN-ratloll of
I trains, pas-eiig'T ami ireigin.
i I'uder the old system trains were run
j by time cards. A train left Chicago,
for Instance, at 7 p. in. Roll).' west.
An east-bound trnJn on the same line
that was before the double-track sys
tem now In vogue by some cntnpnnle
had left a given station on Its schedule
time. The time card when
and where ihoso tralna were to meet
and Jin. In an open country, on a
line comparatively straight, and In the
daytime, there was no danger even un
der such at, uncertain and blind uys
tetn. Hut running trains under such a
nystetn on a road made up of curves
and In a foggy or black night was
oluillir). trt l.r...ilr jl. ...... tl.o m.rVMOS st'S.
tem of those who had the rcsHiusiblI-
The man who first suggested han
dling trains by wire Is still living. His
name Is ltols-rt Pltealrn. When the war
wa.s under way Thomas I Scott was
I at llie head of the Pennsylvania aya-
j tell,.
I A short lime la-fore the battle of An
j tletam I.llinilu scut for Scott and told
, him with characteristic frankness of
I the program. As showing Lincoln's
: capacity 11s a military man, he told
I Scott that the battle would lie fought
near Aiitletam. about such a time. The
commander of the Armv of the Polo-!
inae was present
the only obstacl
foresight could discern. In the way of
victory, was the liisuilic lent means the
t bit-eminent had of handling Its troops
and the munitions of war.
Scott thought that rid be arrang
ed, lie consulted with Pltealrn. who
bad general ktiowlnlge of the han
dling of trains, as he had of everything
else In connection with railroad mat
ters. Pltealrn said It could be done If
he waa given full authority to handle
nil the trains. This was granted, ami
the work was done on the same gen
eral system as that now lu use, ami
I itcalru delivered at the aniiolnteil
plaiT. on time, every man. horse, un...
'ii, gun and other war munitions which
were Drought Into play lu one of the
great conflicts of the war. In plain
KnglUli, he simply sent one order, or
Ii to run wit itatlon, ualeu It It ao
fc'beduled, or itop. If the blade, or unn,
attached to a bleb pole at the atatlon
points over the track, It Ignlfje that
. ..a n. r.r.lrs for the train and
it w ill not Htoi). If tlili blade be drop-
nod It tueana the contrary. At night
a red llk'ht on the pole nieana the same
as Hie outstretched blade by day. A
white light liidli'iites the aume aa tbe
blade lowereu.
The old way of a conductor having
... - ut ,.i.ui.p .11 liiu
10 i,,.i.ii .. ' r. - . . . . .
and departure or of asking for orders
Is done away wlih, except at division
points. The tralu uispatcner ooviatea
that, and time In unveil.
Within Hie limits of a crowded city,
like Chicago, trains are run on what
Is known iin the bhs k system. Some
roads have electric connections show
ing that Ihe track In clear between
certain points. Oilier roads have the
system of disks, showing different
lights by day and night. This system,
however, Is lndes'iident of the train
' rinc
s . ffars
nulma and IJew
through, h(f
K. It.'rri. .. .... ,ru'l(i l. .1
atnmger iimu ft .'
bonieln N.-w York '"'' taJt
uo years g. ,(. , 0 M
over the cotintr,. ,m
on mi..,. .... ... ... .'. " 'oot. 1 '
" isanij u u-n, "Jii.l
Ilia habl 7.
of tranuia c. ''"""-ut
'"Jy l bat kind of.'.W,
r.' .'1 npon ,
iiii.iii.smi ' .r ht-
...... ' 1IIIIA
cimiisl that IM-
MKht-henrted l,, T b
return,., I ... 1 , 1 M,r In trn
tl'at Ida father , H
an li,lierlian- '."M akft j
1 . ""''era iu..
mrs. ineincoit,,. ,,f W11,.VV"U,,
.. ... . nuiii
jaMes e.
dlspalcher's business, allhoiigh It Is of
assistance to him In Hint II,.a
The President wild j him f some of the responsibility of
so utr as unman' 1,-, 1 1 i n ' imln, ulil.ln 1 ... ,.u.-
I ii connect Inn with this subject, there
Is some additional Information which
will Interest the layman.
All north and east taiund trains nre
run on even numbers, south and west
bound trains, obviously, are ruu 011
odd numbers.
Trains do not run consecutively on
Freight trains begin to be numbered
from the last highest nuiulier of pas
senger trains. There Is a series of
numbers for trains on short runs.
(in four track systems n.'issom'pr
trains have the outside; on the thris
tracks Ihe same, (in double track sys
tems passenger and freights mix, of
course, and on such systems the work
of Hie train dispatcher Is one of greater
responsibility. If there Is a wreck or
" ' .
t .si:- mi .'.assa ' re j i
:'i.i.' .. . rTT7. "
1 nun h.Hiii ir iu 1. 1.. t. 1
tnessage. to all conductors and etigin
ers a, division supei-lntei is em
l.-llll !!. 10 ir VI. 1(1 11, 11,.. tt-rritorv ,1... I ,"l,.,r.,,,,,,I" '" "II trains wllhli. I.u
I ndcr this r 'ii"iunlcale Inf.irma-
'r. She wen, dow Vltl L,., hI ii'r ' I" Jlul"' that
" - - - - r Vheiipj;:-
Naval regiilatloiiN have trlumplust,
and the hv r of the Marine Kiml h.ia
Ih'.-u disiiiUNe,! from the set t I, v for re-tu.i-i
to play the Jlnky tuuei ordered
to the ponortsl men to whom 11.. w..
lilies Is' by service ami devotion.
Tha broiixil and k.i'ii soldier of Ja
pan. Prln.v Yamagnta. when he vial ml
us a year ago, found this' Imitation
colonels ami generals who welcomed
him 'or the State u ttuslr brsv mil.
form very amusing. They had never
Ninelled powder; m.wt of them had not
even sorvtsl anachronism, lilltter
d.s's no harm, but such unreality as the
"military staff" Is out of place In th!
illy.- lllustrattsl American.
After a man haa !eeu slckVa long at
three week. Ida wife, who nuraea It I tit.
lo ki aa If the had bee aUck tlx ft
aa aoon
am. I shall need the money
as ten 1 an spare It."
-W hy. Mrs. Parton. you ,xlMx ()o
net expect me to pay ,ou for the oo,vv
I Kild Stacy.
I ' ''-J'l.v. I do. , he Nmt Wonge,!
j " who In,.,, y for that
I and the load of eabMge? Vour cow
I fcewe.1 the rope In tWtv.'
! " ltut you left the Niai
lour imw JiiniNs out of the '.Na
ture.' " 'Yon should have fanteued the Usu
v-lti! a cluilu.
draw ti.
Never yulie Pull
It Is lmp,Nlble to till a Bla
lately f,,, with any,,",;
isnt.,r -l-t . . iiu 10
" common fluids- su, h
a water or u,ilk-re attm..M
Mdcs of ,ho vessel Into whl, h they are
I'la.vd so that they rise ro,ln,;
brim, leaving a hollow in the m,i .
Hence a cup tilled ,0 the poln, f 0' '
tlow with any of thea.. lh,i,,s ,
al.lutely full, though It appear ,
. at the e,lge. Fluids, w1""
hand, which do not adher.. ... '
i f the
- .... .... v ( j
Httrarti-il upwar-il bv th .m
tl I n-, ""J "e In
.'... mert-ur- m a gUi
forum a convex urfaoe, while waw
forma a tvueave.
Hy the aid of volcanle ...,i..
two new Islands have appeared duri,fj
the pnwnt century, and nineteen hvl
dlsapmretl-bave been .utwuerged! .
Thi. ,au, . not gain ,0 ,he eanb E
tblry thrv ktlanda.
were to Ih' liandled
more trains can I... r,.., n ..
old sys I'm.
It Is not claimed tl,.,i i.;, , ,
" in. urn s idea
I was t once adopted. It was taken up
j slowly-, and each system so adopting,
It did so Independently, j ,,,,,, sM1(l. ;
w here In lsMi, there was held a con- '
ventlon to discuss the propositi,.,, of !
establishing in this country what Is
now known as standard time. Kurt her '
It was agreed by all roads to consent 1
to a general arrangement. , . I
.. mi as 11 oo,n(I , I)r!1(,
tlcable, for a standard code of hamllln
trains by telegraph order, ami this
code Is still effect. It Is known as
the double-order system, n system by
which the same dispatch is sent simul
taneously to all parties Interested
I'irst, to the train of superior right
W llicll rcsllolllls to 111.. ..r.l... .1. ' I
Inferior trains get the same order and '
; 't upon It. This rule Is it, vogue on I
every liniortant railway system lu the
I nlted Stales.
: When It was first suggested In the'
Nest to utilize telegraph lines 1 eon. i
nectlon will, the operation of tr.lns -h'gh
railway authorities entered a pro'
test, for they fancied meant the '
Wing wy 0f railway secrets,,!,. I
a HIS Won ., L' . r
, "v., 1 1 n I was go t,g
and this would not do. The pri ,1
-orklng of Ihe systetn. howe,
1 If way. The A I. C's of I u. !
;t;!" " '""s,c,vd. a , l
" "'"i'iuui that fh. 1.
.mm aiawi, "Pls kZ
K-ht-MwIthsomueh co,npllc,L r
l-.Mis.MI,,, s on W1UM ' re-
A a general rule, there are '
'rait, d,slteher. In a svs, . "as 'h 'If
re divLslons. and dhlslon. on
1 " "ivia oi, tins
nl or management, only of
tralna aa are in ,u .1.... .. 11
wt .how. tb.'Sr's:
,i.. , , i.ii.i.-ine iniorma-
Halt, as t how far It shall
I follows thai a man who Is a train
li-l ntcher must be thorough rail-
r1 "" " must be an etllclent
t euaph op,',a,or. Circumstances
-"I'ictliiies make a train dispatcher of
wan In a short lime, but It I., t of
''" " "' (Ms that position under a
less service than fifteen years
I Slle,,, one Annuel l'oK Horns.
I Acoustic signals are oxo,. it, mi 1.,
I "I'd sea, ami rr imlienting tlu, .,.
,b.ach of v.-xs'ls to the , -n a
1,1,1 '"''"'tm.ately they m m
. ;.v.vllablet,mll,l.s now dalnuM
'.... uiciv are around then
! wh"lv "'' niul Is not always
at the soa-lovel.
SI'il.-wr.s.ked S.M, cnptalms
Hint the sirens tlm.t
s""1'1;"" oast liave t
.: V '""'' ",hI ,h,,
" '"pers or n.viigwice.
of llTT to Acdc,ny
, . . i"icn,.inemi that has so
, ? y. luly set
r, . . ra ruuml that Klreus
-'.'.....Mie,, ,y ,.utra, ,...., ,,,
::ZTr t u,e
.pl..?. w iikw or hiss
s r, I ,, 10 ,l,p ll,Wit of ,l,o
Wth of allot, t eight thousaml f....
''Vr.ran'r tUU e H,e
whe 1 1 u L ',',,r,, but
""en it l.s travor..., i.",liv i-l, ,. soiiiiii wiiijiena
URi 1 mlly tiU It Us'otnea Hi'imvly m-r-
I't'ble ,1,(1 ,, hn 1"
vhen ,heZoela lef, U'liltulH u
r.lie, I,., f,,,! ,,!,,. S,llU,1
Ixixfiments have lu...., . .
this subj.s't with . 1 ",n,,e "
aoiui.l -,.. I" '"'-" course the
In a : n n!"t nil.fc-j'ly
" ., antral line
nfftn t'louM,,,! fe,.,.
II. .r .
". .i.i iiioui' ii M.r -
Mount Vernon. , J-j
w ho had l.. ivi...,.i...i ( I
t.v. and In. r..i 1 . .. "I' I
...I r . V "". r" l ""l fckr
fold or more. As . UId Bo,
"j-v "in "eautinioiie Rmtt.
cd to marry. 11,. ,wltme i
"...I..1ISS MI.IU' .Miller, a prenjl
;" -".venraoM.
If Vfilom .....I . . . I
. . . .... ... f n iiiarrtta
J'lH'li lie Kijirri'il tn in..k.n,..
r-ITUtl Utl L
oy like a king. (. n,
1 . : --..
..I.-, un iu, ss a im linger, jm-
lle lie went for a dr! 1,.
. . "" 1
More wnere lie saw unwelLlue
eu ne stopped Ms ln,rw n I
always some hoy ready toMlilni
IUBI, Ilir Which HTVll'P l!,m
(live a dollar or more. Oticbotl
eu a dollar for handing liltniir
10 anollier he gave a il.illrl.
i"K up uis i.nggy whip. Toii.
ue pain ?.i r,,r ri-gti atlin him
and he Is considering the QtMt
purchasing a valuable itll
and ilomitlng u t the city foria l
Ihe Annuul I'llgrlmuse to Vrcrikl
gnrled with App chrmioi
A chronic meliili e In tlif hniriifJil
and eastern Kiirupi' the annul .)
age ot pious .Moslems to Jlwt 1
Ihreateniiig 1I1.111 cut it iunitb;
on iu-t ini nt of ill,- nnsi ucr in U
plngue far worse than ehulrn. E
Kebir, or Itig Heiniiii. as thfTtrbt
11, lulls tins year mi llie U'rtiollu.'
w hich time Aruhia will l inwj'
nnd con, hti, uis will he fnvurifwi
Htti'.tilt' i.r. .... ...... i..i. ..f iliw.u TV
haliilaiits of Meecii live eruwW
and surround their Imnie. wiin mt:
tilth nnd foul llie tt:il.r mim.1t. Ill
ease such as cholera nr the baharf-'j
be inlrodiiei ,1 ii Mt r;i iirht war (WW
wildlire. The cinstniit oauwiill'M
illg of cholera n.illiitiil ntltrr.
Aiiiong the religiniis nrdinin'S ,L
to th.. M ..In.'i ti nrr
ttint of itiLrriiii:iL't' lu Minn.
.Moliiimintslnn -ttniiii-ii ilun'l (vtinl
some time in his life in.ikf Ib'P I
age. Any time liefrnv ht'oiis'-
yti-i.r I.V..1.1 'I'lirL...,- frnm I Wit!"
...... .......... .. .
try exteiiiling east ward (TiiAJ' I
fart lest colli in s nf . alaysii. w
the whole of Africa, pilgrims ft' I
year, turning their tei' M,,l
nbedieiiee lo this I'liinliiaii'i. w
sick In- 1I1.. un. inn ii v the. I"'
....un. .. .. I......I ...4 ot:i
,i",,nni ,,i j.t.l ,n.,.--.
their end. .Months ami 'iu'!'w,r I
I,,. ,,. ,i...t.., t,, the tank. W'l
ferings nnd hardships have MM
gone which il would !h m'" v.. 1 I...... ...,. n iMtileilisr1-'
of a iiilL-ritmigi' nf 1". I
...1 I. ..If ntxttttf
tt iiiiih iimre 111:111 11111-iin" 1
having died hy the way of ob' I
proceedings ot tin' pilgrim
they lite also lend lo tin;
The chief source of danger i :
.1... e .... ... ,1,0 r.tillM c"
ine lilllions .i-iiiA. 1.1. .... - ,
Well." where it is si '" sb"1 ..
f..r li..r ion!.'!. A' .
;ter m
...nJ it
times there is hut little
and ihe
ery one wishes 1
In these reput
... ... . .........
piigl-IIIIS Ml.!'.'. .
1,1 1 ruia ul "".:
. -..s -
I miriii'Ulei"
1 was alsiut'
1 1 th
sv vv
Ir J'1 ;( M il
PII.OKIWS AT 11 ac.ab'
. I ,
pilgrim it, turn. tnW ,
atauda hesi.le tin' ?'
the water is po'ir.-.l r v
I -' lnio th
1 ' IWeril.v
' ' f will k
uM ; f.
'VJ V'lix. an
fe;;;: t .
'' v.','. y 1 l"iiee a
a ? '. f 'xm
t.; 'answer
''I'- s ttU- M,lp
Fi'tTlJ ' ri'igsii
I t
1. ...... rlt- Irinks IIS
.1... ..... .i..- i,i,. ..ver hi
. i.r irsi hi. 1. ....
strciiniing Int. k 11H"
II . 1. 11, v is
niiniii. . . . ,
1... l...r nn.l Sll.'ther .1... .i.'ishiiir
(ne day in ls:u .-vI
. . 1 . ...i t rrr 1
I.. tl ....... U.l.l 1 1 1
... .il,-' 1 n.
1IU- A
I of tl'
. . .1...- When
.-. ,-llievn ...... - lnft
In done at this well
are not to he '" jt
piigrimnge Is ..r-'r. .
UOJten Illllf" " ,, 1 w, 1 Or"'
of0.he Citl.f.U, kVU'J .-o:-
water after mi tl"
cm the iinfortuMtT"1"
We have never lf
art, but the n;r ""
no enlarged picture
tii Iakt
'g the
s: Vl
eli tin. ,
'l fff.-c,,
f"'. l.-av
s iu th,
r.1,.1, ,.
s had f,
All 1
Rafter mi;
' Tenpni
-Ty year
Is 1,-h,,,
,taH.V tholl
u growl
"r cheap
lre f,.
g Jhelr
' U. tin,
'le fro u
v, ry us
I nf i n