The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 24, 1897, Image 10

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    S:,JN?-'',- -v 'V
for Infants and Children.
'atorl Itm well uUtl to rhlMmi tint
o.'iuicnu' it aa viijriirUanjr j.r.-criiti u
.i-atoma.- JL A. A h. mih, 31.
til 8a Oxford U , LrvAli'n, ... Y.
' tin (f 'Caatorla, I unlx-run and
..arlts so cll known Unit It ms'irm a work
upunTtnrntI"n ti vii'lnrac It. few urn I'm
LlRBtit famll. who do bxt kwj. laiitoila,
i' uin a7 rnnrh.'
CuiM .Uhits, f. I...
l.w VnrkCltr.
Caatorin ci'iva fv.ll, Conntlpntlon,
hViur StjriiTn't'j, l.inrrh.i.a, J'.riietatl.,..,
Kjlla Worms, gives aluei., fti.'l irfiiot.,f. '
Without Injurious m1,t.ii,
"For a-v.nd yumi I lWo r?nro-rj'"
your 'Ctvtforl..,' i,nl fl.nll alwnyc eolith, . t
do i an It Iium lov-uriahl .rouwJ Ia..,'.,. i..i
F.i.nm J-'. Pi.ii.i-s, If. P.,
1-Slh fitmit and Till Ave., Kui York ly
Tn C'turara romujir, 57 Mimsat fVrk-.IT, . Yoi f it
TPncrnwi uwinav hmmjuw "'w
'I'lio latest Mark Lnno KxrcHf
liaH tlie following I.ondun hop in
telligence: "Although tlitro in
JiMo or no huHinesH, there in, how
ever, rt-porte.l to a a sliglit
ten It'iicy towurJ firimr v.iIuoh ii.
coiiHOijuunco of the Hcverity of the
fij 'lis attack in tho homo plunU
ti i)8 utiil tlio generally unfuvorublu
tt :,orts on tho growing crop on the
c )itincnt and in America. There
it undoubtedly well-grounded rta
bi i for a feelinf of alarm, cjpec i
a ly in regards to the proBpeeU of
l..; Knglish crop. The attack of
. itiiin io a very severo one; itdocri
r t appear to abate, and tho bine
J only fairly clean where washing
been thoroughly and repeiit-
ly dono. Unfortunately, n.anv
) enters are not thing anything in
1 o way of waHhing, and it will be
a 'Hiestion of a few weeks whether
t plantations will go thrjugh a
I ight HcatlieleBti or will, serious
c nirfe(juenceH. Tho hot, forcing
H' uther that haw prevailed Hince
J' nidjy h ih been very helpful to
t) m bine, which lias everywherj
B wn rapidly and ban thrown out
un abundance of laterald. I'.ut the
tl ! lice are very thick on tho leave?,
Hi d Heeni to follow up tlio new
e! ooIm with gi eat .rehi-ttenoy. At
tl e satnti time, the ladybirds and
tl "ir progeny, the nigger,' armic
ti ely at work, and are clearing (.11
11 enemy hh fat as tliey can.
'i'mndcr Hlomis an I heavy ruii.B
M uld mow lie mot-t welcome, and
tl oho planters who have not washed
an hoping that this help will come
le them. ( la thi
Til 10 HtST I'AI'KK.
.M nut Si and for Honicthinir, .Not
iti-:.ji.y, jl'I.yi;u
( 'lillllli-rl,,, n t'l.Ull luiiioriow.
V Jl hhiHo r n in ,(, t-ity UKitlli.
Ilwil i-hiiiU on n i-Mirt Lur-Iiif-n IimiI
iiiK up.
( I.cltio.ui went In 1'iiitliiinl IIiih
Tlie C'Im.iI U- i-xi-ih-iiiL-nt iiklill lit
fcvi r ti ut.
l-'ruiik lin.w ii, SmitliMVliI, wim In
tliL'tlly (inlay.
I.'ii-li) Jol,n:iy IliuiiMiinl of CnliiirK,
mux in lOiigcnc tuilay.
I'hil. Ni-Ih, the Hulnii lii.p man, w an diUuim ure c;i. ! I--I v-i"'. " tl,e 1
IniiM.f Hi- I..- fl "'f - - '
Saw Mill - OUn r Jtmn.
It Uli-uiiml fnim hhI l.riiy
lliat KVIIy u'"l i,,iVt!
Hi(fh.-. urliil.-i ( MKieimi'iit flililHi'B
llieni H a li-n y ur. len-e f J '
Jon.-H lllllllhl.' IUlrr."N, wlierein me
new pr ,ri- .u i-nel lliem-i-lvc. Uj tut
(en iiiillin.1 tr. t of lunilrayt-iir. 'In
tt-ruiM faiil leu..- at fxpiratiini l
kti.Mistol lo prm liruliy U1 up to the
valuutii.n (.( (he mill. thut if ull ei-ii-
s' .'i-i-i-l
lu re over IuhI iilglit.
H V. Ilrown and wiftf relurn-d frmn
HoilllVlilc till- ufllTIIUOII.
Ahh'iy Kt Vfim, Jr., Ijn reltirntd
friuii a trip In Ii iker eily.
Work ii'puiiiiib' (he Wilhrow aulouii
N pri'Krrn-ing.
iJr T Harris nml wlfi-uie vM.iiig
In t rook county.
.rt.... 1 1... uiinl.. I,ii-.iiit'-ii win
lab Into (he hamt 'f Kelly ami lii.'lli.
Kelly In ut p.irlluinl uiel H''tli
(ininlH '. .Mr I!""lh I" ex'tc."l
ht'e next u.. k, uiel will pmhalily put
on a force of ii -i or tlft.'-ii nu ll nut
lUilnit if Ci.tla-I.rovv shmll
fifl i.rotnl of iticir tiMuli'.ti ami liike
Melville K Stone in Self-Culture.
A newspaper must otand for
something; if it viands for buxinesH
alone, tho world will knew it.
Jf u newspaper utands for n (th
ing but succoss, gained at whatever
cost its inlluence as an educd'nr
will be nil. J'riniarily, tho publi
cation of a newspaper is a huxincss
enterpri-ie. The world recognizes
and applauds huccchs. S If preser
vation requires that the editor and
Ins family shall be fed and clothed,
and comfort and Imppi ic.-s must
come in this way,
l!ut there aro suecerbful news
pij.ers -in the conduct of a hich
sensation is bcld it cntcrpririe
which no one wishu to admit to
his ii .me.
As intelligence becuix's more
widespread, the moral character ..f
American newspap. rs i-il. uind to
The best paper in even field
the paper with a moral purpose
is (urging ami et v:ng the
timo sci v i ng, cb;i racl erley sheet in
till!, W here it belong-.
uli liiten( in k.fiiin i Iuipr.ive-
J'li slitle fnir Iiiin ni iui)irlu(eil (l-V) I iiieni- lt iin-ir ( lean
for hune hull prize. street-, k-re.n lawn, nicely painted
Jo tipilu Miller ban l.-fi f-'sT Francisco house retouche I iih fraKWiit tUv-
for Ihu Alu-ka inliieM. ers ami Ivv ureeii in ver fail lo win the
KDSdirr Imshien uipoinled piwi- admiral Ion of iniitaht-i setkinif In-
miihirr ut Brownsville. veHtnienls.
The .Morineii c.iitiiitfcney l
tii(jriive f. .ii ml hut little eiicu'm;t
Client, if their smld-ii departure f.'f
I.i ham, ii In any criterion whieh
lo fi.rin foiicluHioiH. Th.-y r
rived Friday ami at ipiledy packed
their imrai.heelialla. flci-uriitiliii; for the
rMU.riiey Joliu A l u'hoii of Haleiu, in u)ilVe meiif iolied e,
. . . ....
in I'.ugfiie on letriil I'liMncm,
Ml-s Matin- fowKlil went to Hal m company, wuh In d.n the la-t ..I the
linn morning to vl-rltfrieniU. week. Mrs Young i at Jiruin, wh.-ie
M lirowt', a iiroinlneiit C'nxi'i I the w ill make a few iimiilli viit ilh
lion Jasper WilkiiiM, of CoUurg, wan
In i:ugcne (hln arn-riioon.
M F Vmidevert and J) Youtg, of
rrliievllli', uru In (he city.
MisH Alice Hhaw leaves this week for
an u luij ut I'ohy spriiiKH.
V I, Young, ot (he Southern I'liellh1
con nl stockman, Is In the elly.
Mrs Win Mayer an Ived home from
Sodavllie on the uftciioon lia'al.
J no J'.iich, the Hollman House por
ter Iiiih reliirned from Foley H.rlni;s.
fiieiid.H and relatives.
Harry I'rilchurd and FJ (irij. of
I'lirthiml, are registered at the Mier-wood.
Jack I'edlleld, with the Noonday
ll.B luuuUrri.r M.1I....H-" II. ''..'-"'
t, W l.llB 1 . lllU H"."S'
A trillelnorc tlmn years mri'i:
Vnh-y. ti e founder er jieiiioui".
IihI a SMiii'l iy " l'"" "T" "f
k 'I V,.. ml, a nf that MM"' l.v "'
weWthlTntfroni tho-.) licit I rejall '
.!.iv. 'X l.o clitlelr. n wiTecornr. il. i to tit
,r,.! e.'. -ei.t they w.-n A " ';r
CD., eloihlnu was m. i xeu-, a "1 '! 11 "'I'
p.,,,.1 that t!..' l.o)Si;ii.l cl.-N I ro
iTl.ud th.-r.iselves hi their elates without
Ii.nh r snK kinirs.
Jho coloiil-!s, many of them. t'
i..,r to l.nv si er eell linifh . loil.l"K
efniivkln'il Hut Hie ellmam in l..-.ria
Isr.oid snU it Ii no hanMili. to to, se.nn iiy
clad. . ,
Jlun.aii imture, howeur, in 16 :howiil
r. If In John We-hy's f-unday seti-.l wan
tho nan... as It l now. Xl.o children who
-....i.i ,..r,,.,i kl,, f, II nf say
ing dUiK., nil,!., tlilmri to tliu harefooted
Is .y sand g!rU W n Mr. W.-hy h-aid uf
this from thei annn of theehililr. n whoso
f.rt I are and wh.-o prldo was s. n-1-
the. la) ponder, d for uwinw as tonm
course. It would t o w l-e-t to piirsim. 1 Ir-t
h thoiiht ho t.unht to ln-i-t on ull tho
children coining to the Sunday school hai-u-fool.-d.
Ihen ho coiisld- r.d Urturlng theom nil
in icMindly en tin-' sin nf vanity. Ho did
m il!), r, but tlio next .Sunday what was th
mirprliu f U-ivht-n und I'lipils to set
l'rwt;h.r W.ley walk softly In with hirn
Clean, White fext!
(in.) can fancy that those who wore ,-ho s
dn w their fti t far I a. k under the Ih lu h. ,
Olid the harefootisl nil. s, euliscloiH i f hi lug
III good company, fat cry straight and
l.s.kod satl-ll. d ami happy.
In th.i lonrn! of tho ". salon Mr. Wesley
took invasion t.i speak of the fearfully ami
wonderfully iimdc human Iwuly, ami, piae
Imr his f.s.t .n a convenient chaii, ho jravi
allst nf the Ix.lies, tendolisalld joints, with
inn, h oilier iinal.inileal knowlc (Igo. Ho
told Ih.- seho.,1 that no human heiiig could
isi.-sillr mal.o a nf machinery us
iicn v' ! ins as the human foot.
II.- railed i.ti.riiion to tho clumMiiisS
und ii'IIm,-ss ,f sh.ics nml hioekini-j, as
c impaMl wlih tho Iialural font. Willi Its
whll.- mid pink coloring, tho lilue veins
showing Ihroiigh, and each ton protected
l y a, transparent shell.
Even I In- tan oil the feet nf children or
grown h.,j In who ran barefooted ull the
tlnio siHiko nf the go. slnessand kiniln.
tho tMitor. 'J his tan was ma.l.i by Hit
Junction. City : Milling CoJZ
" -..FLOUR o L
Tho most jiojnilar flour in tho market 5
leading grocers. ' ljt
I tJ'lllJa.l-aA,.f't lun.lbluo.i!..,!..,.....
ti'U!i.t-- , I,, ul -
n.-i.-.t.- , ;':'"l.-
mrillri)! l.M.h, ..:,)... I f,', "f ' ?"r..lj.JJlt,'
n. in iti-.r, i rttMiH :.. . . '' ..n.-r . ..j-t "ru.-r
tiun. ., "'in. lf.-'!v.."i
ia l.,u..'MU,or.)..byUBNnt:U.S(..N X LV.NN.mia byosiii iin i i'''---i,''"''
Mr and .Mrs Hugh Hampton have I company, Bohemia, is wlih tho hoys gn-nt sun, and tho soft, ndorous winds,
reliirned from a wet k's viit with rel- of Collage Orove, making things
ativis. plea-ant for us. Helms many warm
J II N Lump, Juo A Carson and W 'rie :ds here who regret that he an
K NiIoh, of .Salem, spent last night lo H,"' " longer than the first.
lie eily. Hurt McDolo was doing hu-iiicss
Mrs Mary 1' Hpiller came up this ''ere Saturday.
afternoon from a ten days stuy at Sml h Itailey, forme' ly propiietor of I tunes Chicago Inter
.odavillo. . the
Tlio school thought this little lecture
very Interesting, and it had a much better
fleet than a scolding for the folly of van
I ly. t may be supposed, too, that later In
life tin-so buys and girls, when limling
thenisilves lit a disadvantage, tried In llial
out If then wen-not some oni eiisation
even In what seemed to bo r. al mUfor
M U'n-libu n, (In- oyster t-ul-
turn ex i It. w.ll be on ll... I,. v
about t!i L'Sti, r B.iys il.c
Co is It iy News. Ilo writes the sec
retary of tlicClianibcr o.' ('. nninc tve
111 it bo would like us accurate a
record of the, tcii-pcrntuie .f the
waters of tic- leiy, at tin. various
points or e; ii ill v de-ignato I, as
l.Mll.l., I I. .." .1-1 .1 . ..
, iei in- munis inn- ii, ere
. B l I , t .
numnrm. ami mi will ho tomo rumn, ,k .(i f.,- ik;.
u o r.asieril slali s nl Amei ca t h- Wor
Hi'n veriiiin tint is cuisine; uneasi
in s.j, prospects nowbere being rosy
Jloiders ol LS'.H. Imiis arc, tlierelon
li'ipeful; tliey believe that i' buyers
ttuid bo inado to apjircciato the
Ri.ivity of tbo isiliMiion, wbicli at
Jiicspnt tliey do nut aj.pear to do,
juices would iniikeii leap; and it is
around that to sell iitcumnt iiio
la ions wouhl ho extreino folly.
A Keruu-r l.ane Cmni'y Ih sideut IVIe-
iillVXI-s Pass, (lr, July !S -llosea
Itlown, w, lives , his eramlsoii
Oim Hruwn, on the Apph-i.aU. river,
near this city, ( celebrated "i7is
lo-lli aiiniversaiy. There wen. orcein
aontil i(KI re at ves ...el f, I. i...
- - ',,,.-.. in-
llillisi If eiilov., i Mi,, .1..., i... ... i.. ,
(.ili.hnreP .-. .. J ' cing
'J' 'ui 10 iiuiu ii i- iii'i-aieii v ii in, in 1 1, v,, ii
llantatioii3 tbrougliout, Kent are He N mi old pioneer In Southern
Unsatisfactory- vermin nm mi.,. Oregon, having conic fniiii New V.ib
' i""" .i,.i.. i.. ,i...
I I ' VI il llir nf i ..., 1 I - "
-j ,u ,uiiii, mi. i niusi
Hotel Van Hoiilen. HosehiirL'.
--'I a. ,. . .
1'i-of.i vv I, ,i,,,. .,, i..r, i... Ori L'oii. wus In town Suudav.
, .... .. I ... , . . .u, .u.iii b I', ii.iii in u
.i.ienit- isriiigo mis morning to .mines Arnoni, t.r I orlland, was fl;,t." mlmitted llummv sh.wlv to the
.eini a inoiiin. aim ng rrn lay's arrivuls a I (lit in. mis with whom In- was enjovne: an
drove." evening Just a l it eonvh lal. "Igaessl'iu
I l.ioPt, tit I If,,,,,, rli',,1 M,,t- ,,,,,,
starts lo l-oh-y Spring In the morning I Hcthert Leigh, who but nei'lilly -There's a man 'rooming just over mi
on a pleasure Irip. went lo Bohemia (o look after mining that I lows a piccolo. If ho had any iv . i
1'iof J W. Johnson ami wife left for '"'eresls there, Is with us aa n. He ' , ""' J''''""!- """k'
report , every.hlng as processing In j,,,,, ,,, ,,',
tlie gold llelils, and a rtih that way rl-e and at varying Intervals he ll' play ill
will soon he a nalurul sequence. tho nut suiirl-.'. .o matter what hoi.r of
Two rigs, loaded lo (heir limit ol f1'0 ''(s'li' !'e plraii. n, .ir an ln,p, m ;es
..,.,,,.,.11, . , , . ,. . Mm, Ii,-11 Jump out of I . d and cut lo,,..-.
u.pat it,, among w ho.n were (m- lot- ,. n ,,,t that l,,s his ,li,, o,i;io;,.
tage drove basu hull team, on thi ll It doesn't plav the eh. . do, but ll Is the
.Mrs S (I Si:aw (his morning started I " tt Suginaw for H game of S.mday uusll-t no. turiial yaw r you iv. r heard,
for I'l.iou, diegon, on a visit (o Iicru"- of (ho C (i "'f'-ieotlur i.lght hewak.d mo ly blow-
,..y u. , . . ...(,."'..." niiiui, anil ar, i..e s..iiie
Oo.s wasionclusnepr.s.f of (,e lol- time his cat was en tho lloor nf mv llat
lowing reui:,W In l,r our knights giving a concert. Hero was mv chance for
their summer's etitlng ut MeKenzie
lli-iilge (hih iiioriiing.
Klghl railioul hii.l0'i men ol the S I
If K aro pla ing (ho strut' uru on the
raiiroud near Kugeno in order.
daughter, Mis Jumper Stevens.
N K Ilrowu and wife will leave f.r
l oley springs in Did morning. Kd.
Miv laiialnui w ill lata- them up.
J, logo J C l-'ulleitou fame down
from Kom liurg this fotcooi. to holds
t.iiel' special term of the circuit court.
of (ho hat and ball.
l-'nlitiKl- .Mt.Nni'.
HlKI). At Kreeiiioul, Wash, Heal
Seattle, last ,s.,(urday inoiuiug, from
Hon Til Iiiil.y, ,,f .Meiiiphia, hus Ol'liUs fever, Mrs C 11 Jackson, after
ol-oii iij ,i ilo I l s S 'u:ii ir from ten "U illness or six w.eks. Mio Uavis
ntssec lo succeed the late Senator tWlsuis and one daughter, Mrs !' L
Hauls. (iihhs, ofihis eily, who had wen al
J T Donaldson, and fainilv of "l'r ,,wlUv' oedMde when tho lliial
ston, have gone to Texas where thev 8UI""'" eame. The lady formerly re
. I ..i. t. ..i i ... ..... ..... . .
e.vpecl (o remain t.vo years. Tney
In ISIJ he was stationed at Sark..n's
llarhorN Y, serving (here for a time.
Ho Is thought to he theoldct man
in the state of Oregon. ,id (he see,,.,, I
oldest in tin. I'nlted Stales.
He formerly resided at I.oian.
ol i lie grjwt-rs do not seo tlieir way
in present prices, to K to tlio ex
.i. ..r f.: .
, v niiBiiu iK. ,) iinoui soint
ussistancn it is very doubtful wba;
tl.- issue of tbo crop will j,,,
W orccstcr. Trade at this market
is at a standsi.ill, but in
view of tho severe attack of blight,
-K l.lcrs ol g.ui.1 ,ound (iiialili -s
t?l. nv ratlifrlossilisposition to jires.-
ra is. j no KUes last w.,-k did
much damage to l.ino in expose
eiualicns, and bli,;l,t c .utilities to
increase in spite i. repeated wash- !? '""""''I'1" i'"-" sh.ns of lasi
j..,,-. ' 1 " Ml"' most deheuio odors are tlmsllv,!,,!
siuou In this city, her husband Inn
ing heeu engaged hi the second hand
bu.ineiKt with .Mr Winter. Tney lell
liere about two years ago.
will drive the entire distance.
This al'leiuooii's local carried two
sleepers w hieli die company Is work
ing lack towurd l'lis.o, thut !owu
now helug iieai ly dcslllule of ears.
Tlie cement gutter in front of the riyilviM' fl,," Victoria, Ii I', Un, alter
sweet revenge, for ho thinks as much of
that eat as nf hlnisilf. 1 selulasmall
dumbbell, suahhily into the hall and
let drlvo with -.:i my might In the din
tlolinr tin. I. line voice.
ef pain, followed ly a series of v. lis th.
proclaimed "burglars, murder,' and t!
prcing i f 'help.
I shot for my room, but sonic nne cli.k
e.i tlie iie. trlo light just as 1 oniciul, an
s.s.ii I vi as iimlerguing mi invostigat
Willi all the occupants of the asking
iusuoiis. !,, ,.,,, vvounclnl in tho shin
nv tl.o UiiinliU II was a new tenant and
jn.-nilel the piccolo Head. After along
oil, Ulsellssloll I se ,, flTIO
maiitmu-tlie eat bad Inva.hd my room
.... .. my per canary.
1 lion t claim that I was blameless, hut
argucu mat some sleep Is essential, and
inovid." Detroit l'reo l'rcss.
Beautiful eyes grow dull and dim
As the swift years steal away.
(Beautiful, willowy forms so slim
Lose fairness with every dny.
Hut she still if queen and liatli charms If
U'ho wcura youth's corouul beautiful
Preserve Your Hair
and you preserve your youth.
"A woman ia rs old as she
looks," says the world. No
woman looks as old as she is
if her hair has preserved its
normal beauty. You can keep
bair from falling out, restoring
it3 normal color, or restore the
r.crmal color to gray or faded
';.'ir, Ly tho use of
AyerV, Hair Vigor.
If vnii want
Mens, youths and Eovs
JJregon all wool '
Suits- Come and
fte what special nrices
In discounts we will
Give you for CASH
At Brewncuiii.. !",.,.
-"'-' wicininj,
1. (I. Him, men. e ,
V K. SNoiHiW4l AMMt
hi hU If
Ol Eugene,
Pot;! lin In. 1. . ...
ISumlL'S Pllli Prnflfo itd
uugene - - Ores:
A tr.....! 1 t.:. i f
i.NKliANCiSLO,:!S.i, jr.'iUft.
Rill nl .!.. i i . .
DsposiU re. tiyci mhjpgt to clrl r.
aie Di orient.
All collectloiu ortiu.ttJ to t, T ,
irt tnpt attei lion.
t lieliil I'
CiolMi to t I...M.V. kh.-.V di-j uteli
tlmnr, I'Ih.iimI ill fniiii,,). Which On.-l.t
t.i liil. l.urera of Flower.
LenrilH lesMio fri.m Ih.i Moll 1 1, ,f t'p".
Ill the Ih.vver ,i-,,ii m c.ijti. j a,i,.,..d ..i
KhiHiini 1 1 1 1 1 1 v ever, il wlih cl.inlh .1, In
HloiMim frtt. r,n r n,,.r -hi,, f,tt the
llovverK lire elaee.l, nml tho rower HiU.,,1,.
tan.-,, lun to iil ,,rl. nmt r. mln n. rf,,.,,...
MiiM.nic i'eiiijile vtiiM torn mil toiliiy
uliil u new one in t eing lai.l in i-on-I'oiinily
to the j-rmlo ul Kigi.lh ulieil.
Ax-Itilly lum In Ua- luot few iinvs re-
ceiveil lllj canes ol hlioon iHiiiUllillig
i.vei mud nir, hieli vv.iiKI iinlieuie
Unit lie ie.UI liiteiule.l to ImmUr IliU
. 11. l'lieliilly ivcelve.l h ton ol
iliiunnm clilps thin luoriiine;, nm ,
itlreii.l.v nol.1 it. I.iine ciMtilv farinerii
me IIkIiUiii; the h .eM with all tK.r
I'raetlev lor tli, Doct
A k.Klely Inn recently li.i n formed, all
inenii,erH ..t which j.leJKo themselves'
u ecMiicatn llieiP(eiuU,IKles tothoine.l
..... mcuiiy 111 ..r.i. r that science 11ml thero
i.uuiiiiiiiy may Lo lien. lit. J.
iw n.iio will nodoulit regard
...... ., .uglily iicsiralilo urraiii;emcnt
eeivt-i Doer l.ionlli and all ..v. ...m... ... . . "I-" It
.., ,1. , .. ., , . ' "IT"--.'.! to tho cuninion
.iv 11 tin .liill'U 0 IIIIIHIill tlie ""."....III.
..iieirjf na.i nire.l lo hi
liii j;" toui.iin- and will leave 111 u day
oi I .'.. -... ..... ,..,..
. . v ,oiui.VKt llllll Jll g cotlU
I try, 111 hid 1 ukon eouniry to work f,r
iiiccoiiiimny ull win tr. H in to re.
coini'Uiiy a lniiMing,-.
most im Keeiirely no on the eoll..,n., . .
t tallied.
In thUvvny iho jessamin,., ih,. v i.,1.f
tuUros,. and nrance l onnm.... t,-. I
H. roM I raneo, and an ho lu ro ns .nro ai
Iho day they were, pivot, forlh from Iho
llovveiH theins, Ives, i ho einanclitlon ,,f
Iho odor from IN Inn risonment u
Hiiiito. i he fat, cut Into t.nmll cuIh-s, U
I'l.i. ed In hi'lrlis ,,f wine, and the .I. II....I.,
,'ss, ii,.,. In,, ,,..,11.. .1 .....
Al.-l K 1 . . . .... ..i, , m. ,rsi. ,,t
. -.nnu v uiiiaiu nun nave not tlie 1 1 ""'r'' !-"'."i
-i. 11
I'fM rs Juliet 1111,1 Si,.Vi.:m
I'loyeH of Ihe Kul .National i,;,,,
I', rilainl, iimve.l In Kiit-ene today 011
tlieir wlieelK inro. to to the
MeKeiiio KpringH.
Kolt .-V't.K-l'ue coaiine lee-
llleut i-vlilloiiel I'lilvelttily i.f On-
on .Moutlily coiilau.iiiK ll,,. ,intf olu.
iioiiauuu line h.i tm. .., of ,,r..s.
il. lit, li'jjeiiU, (Jiadnales, te.,
with other lunie.iine; work Is now ell
the j.rean uliil lor ,e at i-.e vaiiou,
hook n'.oreH.
Ho lmnlly think tho I'lonlvkc
luiiuiiK district is iiH rich as rei.ort
ul. or omir.1,1 ,1 r..... ... 1
. nieii nave
ma lo largo htiiken, but think of the
thr-cor four thousand that ox
Jitiionccd all tho hard-ihiis of tin-
.Mr Krank Alley and el.iUi, Vic
torla. lit'. ealllO il.ivt II Iron, I. ......
alol,let,.r..-,.r., .. ... . ...w,(.i
' l.lovelliH luorii in; and nr.. vi.
at the Ii 11110 of Kev N It
Seventh ftreet.
lucaiiH even to return hoino. Then
ngiin a great many of tl.o 0 return,
iii),' in reported to have im.k. only
If 1 0,000 If ihodiinnsi aro
ns rich as n .ott-.'d it in ouito un-
Jikely tiiat int-ii would leave their
claims with co (.mail a t-takc. Wo
tmlieve Alu-kit is a r.. it mineral
co.intry but btill it h.irily will j,.,v
lK','.!o to V't excited ai.d inch oil
too fast to th of t-.irnal
Alley on
Mrs I'ha May hew Miu , ,ji,i ari
vlKitiiiB relatives at Salem. -I 0 t..
mate was too severe for tlie c!iih
heiicf the letinn to the valley, yt
May hew Is .till at Anaconda, Mont,
AmoiiK those who are making inon-
'V in tlie Cloudy ke e-,,.,1 rt.Kin )
Wilhur V Cornell, the well known
llo hm l.eli llieie sev, ral
Ilo vv i I leloi ii to On-(;,i !l,
; fall.
" n wo p.) to ro.-n," rt marks the
CY'Uvll (Kan.) Advance, "wo hear
thnt iho of liarvc.-t liands is
12 1 day; 1.0, if yon dont (jet your
Xaper next wnk you will know we
liuvc pone to tl.o harvist lie!, I to get
Hi.-, icy with wliich tj buy our bttterl
IialfA calico .lit-jsmul a sack of i.'i't
flour." eannoi .,1,,.,1,, fr lvo r i', n,.Tt th.,,H.r' 1 fr"'"'1
uuiera. .ow lork Herald.
In Ins Inierestlntf work ,111
is riiiinery, that "whll,' ciililv...t..r ,,f
KMrdells s,., .,.,W4,ul, r,,r
lion of Iho eye. th, y all,. aether 11, ul.vt tl. l-rilltt-r
"1,'sf. v, IV , li.ll . V., ..... 1 .. !
for th, irodors as vvella lor ihclroulors'"
And wo in.. v add. the l.oli... .... ,,n ...
mo ef our ,.vv.i vva.te o,ir,len .', ..,... i 1" l ' i ;. i.e,l I r l... ......i
valley, honev s,l, le, n:.,!l, clov'o j'itili I i.ntalieo I omptiny, Is In
mid wall. !vv, r i criunirs, Mi. h as vie eet In ' vlil ' ( ' 1 i i Oil panv's
the .hei .. ure ia.l.. .... . r... .... I , . ... . '
.. ,...,., tuunnitr . in ei,i,ueeiuii ,.t
eoiiirlv.l lhn o, her (lowers .1
VMhcvm,. 1 eiado pure v.lih a lull,. 1 '
Iroi.l.l,,. -1 ,,.,, l,oir..,vI.,,ldl. ,- , : lll'l'.irl Kr
... ...... s.,1Ir. i vv.mld eiiy aiv shii) .",1 0 ear
' am :i 1 1', li , .... 1 I ...I . ,. ..
- ..,ui 11111 VV ;l VT
i:,'i 11 is v, 1 . : : 1 n !,.
I"! in the h II ..' ;,t:i It I,
lill It VV I'.h cl.ll .lle.t .'.it,
l;iuio Ih-,., or (mv ,!,,
fLNKAY .S llool. p, mo.-IIib lt,p
lisl iSiiiutiiy fchool of this city held a
plciiiotit ISeav.-y's hrry, ou (ie Alc
Ketizie liver today. Ii was a in..i
dellglitrul allai,-. I he day vvs
in iiillstliiei.l,.fd.lto,eiit kinds, und
M'tue line iiiumc was reiiderul.
elegant dinner was served.
In nil ,,, ...oi, .
' "'..r.v Mauons, iiovvcver.
-..., , on, Jir, ilnUHi l,u, i u,0t lluip
ls liievcryeascl
-.-... ....,.,, lllu goiiiiers, exivjit when it
J-Milts front drovvniiiK, whcl,
thero can ho no iHissihlo doubt.
This elves the doctors plenty of miotic,,
ami rroKihly demonstrates m , , !
of diagnosis. Very often, l1M"'f
cm , ..tlinarv ,,eo,ile, vv hid, have
resulted In d.ath, it may he iiresunicd that
a wron,, diagnosis has iicoumado ,d
. .suuamo treatment has consemiently
M ew,s,the d,.e,or never after k, ovv ,
uc m,?' l'Ut tl",,,,,'",, '""'hanconf
'111 tilt t'n.m,. .1 . ..
I ,:,; '. "'"".reaotlcInK in ,,.11
"f lllcalculal.h,
itarv stations this r. ?,
. , , r i.'iuro
Asim ial term of c!ieu t court coll
vened at 11 o clock I his foienoon
I'lesi-iil, Judge Fullertoli, ISherill'A J
JohliH.n lll.d ( Ink A C Jeiinines
1 in- case el . 1 11 1, nun vhJoii, Hi l.n HavlUir a I.arL'o hili r..ihM..'
and John Helm Jr., : 1 d I) M Klem-I Staple and Fancy Grocirinl
eii, 10 r. eovei money was called. lu the host marketn,
I Ins I., an i unity pr. e. edini; to colltct
a nolo 1 1' s.;-.:, m,,! intetet. Kleiiiheu
was an neei niiiioilalioii signer and
made iioan.vvt r. II, hi,, Jr., claimed
hi only sighed il.e iiisirument as a
witness, and Helm, .Sr., claimed the
note to l.e usurious, allegiii't that
omul. . 1 via- churned, which lie
never i. e. Tie rlainlitr claimed
thai li -l : 1 1 . . : t e-1 i 11 was n Hoiiura nu
(ic A I), i n. nml ,l;,o A Ciirsoii. art
alt. iii. v. I' , i,e 1, Im, nil ui.111 m
W illli ln. 1. 1 r, se;ils II, 0 il..f,,i ,l,,.a
, N .v.ll.HIJlOi
Hie I nljo rend, led .-, verdiet ill favor
01 Ihe . ii 1 11 -: tl".
Mi.t on in t.ieei , . ji k Sladden Ot Orf-rnn
l' ft. V 1 j I . . 1 . '
,1,,. iiiiia nun
vaeaiii u a i'jdon,. 1,;
'it.cii. riNAL Tuooks. anil taM H
Walt. hi
plaiuiil!' ami
feu. I or
'Die 0 :l
tvlvis, ,1. ,t
I CPU oiler the imbli btlter;;
than any other lion, lp L'sps I
r.-'Hiceirallliiisui Mn
II. S. Land
Joel Ware, having bote"!
pointed U. S. Circuit C
I CommisioiKT fur tlieJiv
is now pre;i'
1 . -,
v W liinnle-1 1 - 1 11 r..
-rr-i i(j iiiUKO J 1U.MKSTKAP UU.' I
1.1 iei 1 ie ren
MaiU-y appeared fai limoilV ill CoMESI Ci
M Wilkii.H for de- rr. : 1 , ,
iiavnig nan uiinv u-ais
t tjok ihe mutter under perience in this line, li-'I
ii:n t knt.s Today's Salem Stales-
In ,0 - V II w,.i ...
" i.uneviiie, 1 f ),.orrr,t
c iiircclcdd (id oormds of his IK07 Ule80L
pt I l.ili.ii'hnl I !r,.s.. the e.d. hei, ID ,er l.ouiul. an
lvaiiceol I, '..nts to Im ,,, , .
li'Slime. The till vers havo mi n..iln
'i the halaiiceufila. uro) Tlle w).
" i as placet! 011 lilt. j ,l0
I I oll ee V 1 s!, lil....
guarantee .sUbfaotion
every caso. Ulhce in
Fello-vs" Jiuililine, W U
the eily
reivnt San-
Mr and Mrs Chailet, Wilkin of IVu
dletou who have heeu viitinK m )v
residence of W C Yorun, went 10 Port
land today where Mr Wilkit.s will rc.
resent Ins home lod;o in the iium
10 iu-.!. hi., r .lloiis of ihe , O f v.
r J P II. .Hand is having ,js
lernir of llilyard mil
I'i. I'
ll Us. ,
I.. .'chili .In,. 1, reiin.iii u,,.i
- ,.,,
I '. I V t ;e.- n- I
a.ts of .-ren fruit from
1. . ,
'fthei,. i;, ,... . " ' 1 "' 1 "M ,:"!' -I'a-on. prln
; pel .to 1 ,. , !,., cp'l'y Hal an and Silver prunes
1 It 1. .1-ihe I ,,1 , l'mii from Hum uc an.) lnt n,t
Ih. fa, h. in,,!, and .hrow ,a , , ., , . ,T " ''' " ' "" " " )
otropellovvci, a,h ..,!:;,.; J, t; ,llihl : T.Kl.iy'a S,:,,n, . j
rorsih.-iirs. s.-.i, ,:r ,!. f. ,,., aiM , l.unn tl. 1 ,,, ,,, Ml,.
fri'.ll ones; rel , at I'U 1 is,.-. I . . . . . , . .,(.. 11 1. , Weill
nnd.hof.,ivMll h.iv,- 1.,- ij,-1 , ',..? J . l'.l;:i I.,., ,,, t if..
la I ho ,.. , , .,.,v, ,,1:IV , ; eil .-e.s ,,r a I .lay v i,l. ..
(."no irip.iui.-ii vvi:h 't;, ;lo , 1,. ,1i,. couil'ine l.j.ii.,. i,l, .
r.oie ,,. a iiy in iv i thi, manner , w hil, alien, I
noil,,, her ovv 11 i finn, ..,,,,
.... ., h.. .. .;-: ' " 1 1 m.ii win.
U lo tl,e north flirt of the nanie to
rro',.s,, J. (' ( , !,,!) f , y(1;
t.V ol Or.
next y,ar.
U Will leanle th,.
- vv onli , f M .
pV.elllc Hill'
-n'o .,i-ii iai
ei,!y the s , nil. on ,. ,,. .,
:-ld iKiacrvsofurviwI..,; wheat, U'acrcs
j of o ils, : acres . f hops and tl neirs f
whet t - n .itn for, the pr. p.
trty.ef M,, K,,, j ,,uson, a j.idKilieiit
; I.svin.' K,. 1 ohidin.d nj,,,,, ., t,r .
I V.t a I-; for flit
' M v r W K.ivkei.da!!. e nio n :v ...
. -
al In,, llo, u,,;ili,. where 1 . I .... 1 -
s' .to hi, fsoiily for 1 1. , ir inn, j
su.l will 11., roll ve tl.M 1
tiiiv, ruin,.t Trockcry.
All crvHkery ware and furnish. ,1 to
Iho 1 . vcrnin, t ,M ,,0 M,vm h. s .
O tol1;;'', lSl" l-:li"t''v.irofro ,
1? 13 "''"im-1. r until it is as hot a,
lolU., water can make It. It Is tl. . i
Sr'V"" VUl""1 '''' ' ' -
1 , 0fv"1,' 1;,""t -"-"'loan d
fcvtlon ,t,.e ' i : 1!"!"
roi'tcu. .New- York l.ui.
.'fy will ma U ..
Me Men
ms Churn,.,.
ell JOU Were In t,..,.. ... ,
t-iWoparth, ,,,1.;,,-" ' ,",ldU
'And what" were your ,,, . (
That th
I - 1
.anal'lv uron ,!,
Ualis '
Would I o nil 1 .
P't The chr..;.r u'
, , . " "i-ro 111-
tu ,L-1,. ,,, .... .
11 . it, ...,v.,iai' Tim LT10VV '
""-ton I,anscr!it. 1
t-i .' n
-":m li.tle men and
tut they are
A --cy have ideas and
'.; .:r own. Fortu
7 .oca tc ome fond
1 in t'v
cn t is
form of
ix-siscv 1 h..,t . .il.,.,. .1
Wt.atv.-ast ho,,: l'nai awful
1 r;.' o. and, r
i,avs and
w I'.ero lit .ill,.
eo'i, eil. I), 11 Ki.l,. r
j from Ihe l indens of ehief .x.iutive of
I the nniuic palily
' r has deadly , olM,u ja ,
llovv. i'., nnd ..I- ,,., .. " . "
lllltf rlii.i -L- w
ts-ami(ul th.niKh'j; ls '
fy. 10 i.".:ui.5iON. This
.. :: sr "' the wastincr
C-'.xr I f. '
tV IV- ' fscrfu'oUS
-r.otat0,v. all UkeScott
v. without for "r
g t?ioarntbonourlshme,nt
- -J eh muscI"
-1: .-more about it, free.
?'illY ,0 taw-tstitute for
v";lf 'iJi the rJ thino.
,.S:VTT& r'WNE, New York.
How the Wonderful Alnblp Cut' I
Tho wnnl luilloon niciins"! b'' I
To MnntLxiKli.p of Annonat, Fm.
Invention of tho halloon U credit-
aid that he was led to turn bb te
la balloon making from the foUo-K
A French laiimlr s's wishing rl
. . , , ,.. . , 1 1, in ft ' I
peincoai, quicKiv, 1 la.-eu -work
pfinw, liver 1, KIOV'O. lop1
hout from escaiilnrf hy tlio oroni'M
top of the pott icoat she drew tlx
closely tOKothor and til them.
the uuriiioiit dried ami twi ".-
Al thn AM,'., no.,, nil, Hi tO DIVl"'".
rofy tho nlr con. cntrat.-J wm"""
ket work frame, tho p i'!
move, and flnnlly rose In tM"'-
Thla an nstonUhc.l till? luuM-",
she ran to her nck'li'nund '
to coiuo nnd witn. s-i the iW- -
, iviontgoiiiorwas union "" ...
I r .... . . - .i.J In tCJi1-
Rested greater thin to liin, ..
tnrnml homn wit'i - - s.imetbin?
.. i
no at oneo u. i.:i'i
different kinds of utm.r1""'- .
Tontlon of tho halloon v
The first publi,- n-viit
1 ma. i' u"v . ,
goltlor Uil loo u was
Tvas a spherical l a
pr idd uuttonci t ".'',
and tho flumes w. ro Ml '113 t
choppoil straw. 1 m '. (J ,
assumed a araccful f. rni,
tlmo was oompl, i.'ly oisin" ,
en signal the stays were n!
uaiioon instumiy ryx-
acoolerated until lr rl',1 "Lj!
then ix-cniiio uni.'erni iinu ff
elevation of more than a p
inlntiu It reinaitif'i 1
gently In a vineyard nearly
tant from tho nla.-e r ei
Tha fl,.ot a.I nrur, r. tn I'-"
n "a balloon w. ro M. I,iWI'Ilr-
and tbo Warquli L'AI--mllv .: i
ei or a ualioon ".-r-.vjjjet-roo
to a heluht ut about s,v
adftdohla TL-ot.
'., :
.v! i
i. (ttv
A 50
In i
' i
t- avpt