rr lVr ITOMF, cf monil vnv nmy b Partially .up. iFlR-U AINU piled If iho llgUtwi lmerfifwn.1. with lA imultry by tho cnt .ecuree for h.r ti. WEEKLY MARKET LETTER. ' bcOFINTERESTTOFARM. R AN" I ....rn Require. Peep, lr0" How to Cure j lo Bore tllllllV IIM1 tI M , " 'a i'.tl.-. .. ii'.aiit f" . cartloitda or r.cu '.-. ...! rr'." flu ., ,.....-. r...-...l ...... nil 1 III' iinri- niv ..r, . . I.. irri ! Oil r . .... In Kt'fiuiih - ? , 111." roK. HIHl til.' best ", .. ,-.-Is. Th bar- 7 .. r attache! to the rear, is i..f &'"'' " ' rk the crop with K'lUrr:;' mini!. It flu, ami iili " n. vomitf r'" After tho Mi:, n-irruw teeth flrat -"M liultry by the cnt .ecuree for h.r the chastisement she need. If thL done while they tire young, tlie cut may be miiBiu io discriminate between bird wiilcn equally Willi tube are her mil unit pry, ami young chicken... foul try men who have mi admixture of irauie blood la their fowl !i n.it need to give their ciiIh any lesson to let young c hick alone. If the mother lieu cannot fight off the Intruder on her beoisl tier lull ulll nul.Lli- l.rl -..' I'llllK IU her assistance the came riNiHter. who IIIHIH in Kllcll KTllllllllIKe IllSt the kill J of excitement hu want TWO MH.HtV tONTIMM. , t.i tl!t HI) I lll' Il ! 111 i t r:nt i-i tflCMl lltillu ll A mat mini ..till .i... in rimr iiiit-n. tu ..i.l vis.it some lai'Ku rl"ulV" !, work In !"'. rM:: :1.fi lnmtiou of .will U- worth to any farmer nt r I lie nei'i". r ,ri':" ... ... leaf ami the . .',,. of vour thumb. 4,,vlliHm - - I. .. I V Milch detiendn on luiw lii'L-lnnltn' u ninde ill pnuiliii: pear tren. It Ik for thin reiiMou bent to take them nt not more than two ycnin from the Inn!. and If a verr dwarf hiilili In d.ln.l one-year mock from the tern ft Ik better. J ne tiling io motil IXTKIKtemiy IlKIit, either In dwarfK or KtiiiiilnrdK. In the tendency of the ivntral nhiKit to take lilit of the Klip. ThlK imiinM lnrnc wood Krowth and little fniltlmt. on the other Imml n llttl.. iiliuliliu. Inuk of those kIiooU that ft tK fiiKt. wiilcli will alw:i.vn lie the uppcrmoM, will wild the Kali to bra lichen low er down, and thene will till with fruit Kpur and InIii to bear the following year. 1 he pear tree doeti not neel high inaniirliiK. Clre It plenty of min eral fertlllzeni. and any icroiind that will trow good craln or corn crops will be found fertile eiioiiKh. ..I '.. .lie soil lM L, lH, t 1 I1IICI1 OUl . ... - nu,!,rbW.-..ou.d be t i nned L .mini lx nclies Hi'iin iu ..... t lU beetH thinned to eight . .i. Hu nif fir iiuviuk f ,tePt i.iuKl not be cut, o It hiii' tlieui to rot. P '. ...... in irrowinir the early . ...... Iiirte ouaiitltles of rnian,.re. running It In lictweeu Z.i after the ground bat been F ...i.i. i In n few days the far, nmilu ruu througU with the t...r t inier this uounie HJl-m Lurl'im' the '"w Vl'ry "P- in ml nre kih.ii rea.iy i-r ...... L..-I., iHi-tH for rw-uniB io r ... . u. m.t tie alloweil to ..r ill., ii hints will ne rorr- L ff,h weed, htfis "u t " ut into the "liar fr ro,,r ,"" imlu'l. I'ioui HiX liumireu io cikii. J...I i..i,..t. can be iirowu to tne ' : 1...1 o iumlir careful culture. i.i........ Irican. r..:.. WftJl Her. i.- un.t -U of like nature . v..i-i- L-iHd bay for dry cattl " . .., it. , .,r ul.M'K II I1ICJ U.O ir. tut theni after the new m on A . niul U4 tJieiu ury out i day. Hke them UP tbe follow thrill with nlU'nuito old hiu-. ICacli load i.i mlt...! at the nite of one peck i:. in the lid. Make the Hta.k to ill i.r eiKht tons, or iweive i wap.n loads of It na gathered .i.,-k xhiiuld le run up iimt' !i .if the way. and then left over to nettle. After the Mack settles iff with lonir hay. rake down hard, ii,..n run two wires over tne top !d,i..vi. securely. A stack of tills A t.nr will smoke for sveral morn i after it Is put up. but If the hay tWn well Kiilt.-d iiikI several layers Irv luiv put In N4wvn the gren there wlU lie no danger of com ii in. I Kurttlna I M HofUI. yl ni . tit spnilns of the Joints and J, .in are irctioraUy best trent.il I'J jfni.iiliciitli.il of cold water. This Ls I imiili...! l.v nieiiiLS of a hone. This lid be u.sul frciueiitly, but not for 6 than live minutes at one tune, i ue Ik's nig should be put on at mich a or he Ik Uable to take cold. Ii horM' hliowa symptoms of much It ninv lie mves-snry to foment ef i-.irt : that is. utmly wann water In .! of inld. ThLs will ease the pahi will iirnl.al.lv Increase the bw elling, Uie rcluctlou. arterwuriw. or mis rll!iH. wilt r..l ii ivl n-ouvel'V. The lll- niatirv iiroeesst-H at tne sNit of the liin iiiean liicr.a.sil UUmkI supply to twrt, and ciuse.iueiit effllsJou into surnmndlng tissues. Thus, w ith a II nu iiluilvs L'et IllOlV or UvS " i keiilnx." mid the getting rid of tills " killing" Is often more troublesome t ii relieving the actual patn. Tin i iliiiitl. n of cold water by ooiwUiug. 1. 1 the I.I.m m1 vesseU has the effiH't of !'.-nltiR the auiouitt of blood which iild otherwise b conveyed to the I it. ajnl so result lu lis effuslou and Afu-r applying the cold wa ' I a wwilen bandage should be Unuid 'W'i' t''i;lit round the affeeteU -ikih. if em hi r liiieniiLslnir a layer of cot- 'tween limb and biuulilge. ....I.....I ul..-,c uvmlitolllri of "'. IUC Ul.llll.l. fug Ui tnuiii pain, remove tne ohiki p at iimi', f(r it Us then probably Wng too hard on the Injured part. If blindage, however, niust uot Ih : t off, but replaced, liandag.t) In itukm, other than lu those of the from tlie foot to tlic trunk, are ' f f the tiuestlou. Saddlery and liar It. .,. 1 f - t I, .. n I The dlfllcultr wiih i-nrlv m.iiiiL' n!n til ing Is always hccaiiKe the soil Is too cold. This causes the wed to germinate too slowly. Iiut so whiii as the seed begins to sprout warmth Is generated by the ail. Ciirboiilc acid gas Is de- veloiH-d, and this aids lu inn king the soil warmer. Hence the advantage of putting some manure under the kcc( when It Is planted early, so as to hasten germination. There Is the further ad vantage of doing this early in spring liecause the abundant rains Hint fall then make the manure soluble, and greatly increase Its effectiveness. l. miilng, II. i. Win. 4'iiiny't Itrtlow uf T ru.tr. t'oiiriii'iablu activity ha been noted . ! ill July wheat climi if thf mi. I week. I l. .in .i .. .... ; .. .'"..It it-;ir u .ii.lll!lliaili.ll ..v the elevator mill. Stock of wheat III t'hi .i.'.i ate now down to 3,000,0110 buidicU, aui tlii in tirmly bell by men who believe in higher price for t wheat during the next liO d.iy. There lias Ih'cii little doing in other option, iillliounhSciiteiiilicrwhe.it ha gained two cent. The new ha been Koine-j what conflicting in many rcpect, re jHitts of liaiwi-tini! from the Soiitliw'el lending to oiiiewli.it dii-iieart.u boll-; v., While the new ill oilier repcct ' Ma I'lilli-li in (one, utnl indicated a g I ili'in:in 1 for c.i-h wheat, l.eccipt have fallen otT rhurply in the Noillc ' Me-t, and cveiything iudnittc that from now on until the next crop moves, but littile will be received. Foreign croi new ha been luilli-li in tone, Kuro.ean a h i -en comiriiiing the re- h,i t 1 ilamaL'e to the Koutii.iliiau and lbil.'.uian crop of 25 per cent, t'oiiili t i. iii of India have improved but little. liiM.m rc'OitK continue to Kn'ak of hliiiag'. to wheal in ccitaill Kcclioli. while in France there ha Well only a flight improvement. KxpoM have kIiowii a moderate decriMM' under tln'se of the pieviou week. Ilia l-trcet' rc poits them at 2, l.'ii, 000 bushel, while ocean passage diHTcascd 1,4 10,000 bush el. Hnr visible Klipi'lv decreased 1. ;'., ouo bushel, and i now down to Is, 7y,noo bushel, the smallest in many year. Were there any Kpeculatioii we would see higher price at once, but the matket is in u rut and so narrow that it i at present Con trolled by a few professional who are scalping for Kiuall profit. While the present dullness lasts, we hardly look for a bull market, but our supplies are getting so low that the short ride is very dangerous to be on, and we advise our friends to buy wheat on the little breaks at present, and In satisfied with small nrotit until speculation revives. or there is u material change in llm situation. x'ortl. an s.'Mlli t! r W . .1 !l Ii. . I II h H ii' '.I. :r I. 'l. f!.', ,-US, . ft, ... I. II. III SI SI IS t'l'Mll.'ll. . in r. ii-t llir Oil s ts'kl.le C,ui!iMi''n, I, Hll't orll I .it . -1 ,-. ,u v. Io. h II. -i. e. r .1 lt Vs ' r n .1 r. 'i II II. ! 111. ... s' .1 P. 1 1 r. I , I II..' r :i .1. I. r h. ui .'in.irle .'. lie. r .1 i,'ii'"t I.IK. ii Hi .k.-ti mi i rill... ! ..f iiii s.i.i Since iss.'i the lliilih p.iiiiatnent ha voted "it 1,000.000 for new war ships and modern naval gun. AN OPEN LCTTCR TO MOTHERS. Wr lor s.rTtnn in llir f-inu ."irnn'it l.'lti c .u.iit u.r el Mr H.n.l "I'AsKikil suj ' I UsIll.K svAslUkU," " I lt s onnr! I'li.tirr, nl lltannia. Mas- uli i.i '.!, ...lh.'l :n...p.t .1 " I'll'L lll.K kCAsI . 'UI ' the s . -.ic IL.it li.isls.inc au.l il"r new " I'" -mi.:. si.,-i..iiiii- . i l it vs ii. I'i.r.ivni k (. f i w.ii'i'. r. Tins Is t lie .r iiti.il " I'l I s It I K t 1"! " !n. h Ii i, Isrt-il li"l i" tlif " Cl llic in lli. is el AnifiM f'T over thirty .n. 1....W Coil .' al Die sl."tpcr mid r Hi it II i, Iht i J ' d.'.-.Jii y'ut'il, ud h.. the ii..iiiie .f lllH. 11. FI.KTCIIIiR en the vi4 t. N.i .'in- li i, millieiity fi"i 'u I" " mi n one r.. . The Centaur Cullliuli) "I C.i.i'. II r et.lier ! ricsi.lrm. ,V.i,. ., 8.VMI lil. riTClll'R. M IX I .( I.l.l.ni. r I . l. ilnoili'- A iiicnii.ini hi an Fasten! city imt long ago li.ipp.-n.sl to meet a business iiC'pi.niil. nice in a public station as be wa paying for a iio-initiute convcis.i Hon an I smiling over it. The mer chant' eoitiinei:i upon the iv of the li.m-.il t ion wa- met by the remark lh.it it Hip to Chicago bad Wen saved and tj'.mi made on the order which had just ls-en t.ik. II by telephone. This inci dent selves to illn-lr.it.' one of the strongest point of the long-distance telephone it value a a biiines fac tor in large transact ions which rc.piire l per-onal interview. nonrs imuu. nut itov. .i i.'.l t.- l ' tlie-ln'e n.l si,nil..r.l I lllver- in.. v in. i ns. II..H.C s. h.s.l. I r.-lul I r. I-1..II Nii.l llioreiK-li Irriomitf In el.-l) r. -is- l . II. Mule III. i iMlt t.-sr tsk-n.s An..' i-t PMli I'h. I'i. Pun. ipnl. huthi.ipoii Irs San P.dhI.IIh. U i. 1 1 1 .. .f fntt. Salt iu moderate umouuts is doubt- hs an aid to digestion. The craving for It Is nn tu nil with all herbivorous animals, ami Is esecially strong lu those that chew the cud. If cow are not suited regularly the cream from their milk will not make butter so quickly. This Is Hissibly because lack of salt allows food In the stomach to ferment before It cull he digested. This always causes fever and Increases the caselne In the milk. The same result Is caused by the change lu fall from giwn feed to dry. Cows sliolllil He salt.il nt I.sikI twice il week. It is bettor still to kts'p some where they always can have ncecss to It. They will not eat too much for their good. 4F.y r.gni i lifenihly In ' Wool iM't ' fciil.l the ui I To Incrense the Milk. 0 nmWo n binre olliLlltltV of rU'll full fe.1. Where milk, cream or butter can be sold K'K1 prices It will pay to feed grain. . following ration can Ik; given to 'fh cow dally all through the summer: 'v'Mi qmiru of bran aiid one quart of chop, divided Into two fc-ds. One M U fi-d ui the nioniliw and the other at night. T1m- bran Is made Into MUlck slop and setu-unetl with a little 4lt. Th,. .so.- nru nt Iknmnre dllV A Hit When th.. mitttiirc rt-ts sJloft. ' Cow nre irln.Ti n hirire mckflll lit r.Lo, . . . m i .. oi oats ami im-iis or corn io.iu.-i "1 Bight er they have eaten up their slop. Hy system of fesrlinir the cows will Wenigo twentj-elgbt to Uilrty poiiwl 'J tuilk ;-r day, which ls wholesaled at -rnN t imiind. The bran makes mi "iindance of good.. a holeiiie milk, ""!' the cow Ui coiiditlotl. and It also "k.s( a v.ry rich manure. Thee drop- ""i" are scuttervd over the pasture ".. l-Uell tvu-.t, Farm NntraL Pointnea nerlv alwavs do well on clover sod land, and nre much Ioks lia ble to disiiise than when growu with stable manure. Ixuul that bus leen In clover should produce a gssl crop of tu.int.M.s wlihout the ni.t'llcatlou of mini tire Whv not have sojne competent mai: IoloiIIv iiiiiHilntcd Ui every communy to spray trsis mid destroy InsiH-t pcsln and fungus dlseiuses, taxuig eacn man for the niiiiilM'r of trees urow n .' I he thrifty man would thon no longer suffer from the habits of HU negligent neigh bor. It is n fnvonible lndUnthui for slns'p tloit the suutilv of rams of the mutton breeds Is below the demand. '1 Hiu ikhiiIs to the fact that farmers are liecoinlug ...... 1 .....s l thnt s.li.s-1) will niiv lu the forms of mutton tuid lamb, and that wool will lie but a secondary eon-sidera tlou In shis-p nilsing. V.verv Kheeii farm kIioiiM Ik- well pro vlded with gau-s; burn are dangi-roiis ,ri wll us too wasteful ttt time In lot Hn .town niul imttltur them up. There ls n great risk when rdieep aiv crowd ing through bars, only partly let uowii. that a h'g may if smippcl. a gii light gate may le made for .Vi cents more cost than a set of Kirs, and If properly buug will la.st n great many years. Buckwheat Is regarded as a crop r..r jHs.r land, but It does best under fa vorable conditions. The blossoms pro vhle excellent forage for the Iss's to work upon, and It Is also regarded us a very appropriate crop for plowing un der. It Is a summer crop and shades the hind, the yield of grain, however, seldom laying for the s.ssl and lals.r on poor laud, It belm,' used mostly for turning under Avliile In blossom. There Is nothing Is-tter to make young pls grow tlliul H I",,, n of U,'"H' Into which Uiey may be turned an hour or so every day until the js-as Is-come o scarce that all day Is required to satisfy them. They furnish the same kind of nutrition tluit milk does, and at a much cheaiH-r rate. When thus fed their frames will grow rapidly, and they can 1 given corn f..sl later ui the season, without the Injury that comes to hogs summeri-d on grass and clover un.l suddenly changed to corn. ulM.nt nceJlts to seiul a linsh- el of whetU to MvensJol from Chicago. Fifty yetirs ago the cost or shiuh.k boshed of wheat from ws'tJotis near fh0.ideli.hhi now rvH.n.M u. by rail wa much more. With improve ,odos and fuclli.ii- for traivsirrtiiii. distance has Iss-n o..uie..T. Irkct uutU -hl,..... .1- m-nd on time mm .. 1 .. . Is eh.siisT bCKlillse it cull u.li.1 Is more ciisiij Uon of the probletn Ls to grw larg-r crops per acre. I'l.rllnii.l Milil.pt. W heat Walla Walla, f.7 (u f.Sc; Val ley, ti'.lc per bushel. 'Flour Best grades, 3. flow it. 7.1; grahram, :l.40; superfine, f J.00 per bariel. Out Choice white, :Wi'40c; choice grav, Sim Site per bushel. liarley Feed bailey, fltlut 10.50; brewing, iSdt I'd per ton. Millstutl's Bian, fl4.f0 js-r ton; mi. Idlings, fjil.otl; short. lO.fiO. l:iv Timothy, low 13.50; clover, 1 1.. 10 uf 12. .10; California wheat, 10K 12; do oat, ll; Oieognwill liny, 'Jut 10 per ton. Kggs 12 'e (.( 13c i'cr dozen. Butter Fancy creamcrv, 30ni3.'ic; fair to good, 2 5c; dairy, 20c.n25c r roll. Cheese Oregon, 1 1 '.jo; ouug America, 12 'ac; California, It (d 10c. per pollll'l. Poultry Chii kens, mixed, f i.f0u H pcrilocn; broileis, 2d' 3; geese, f.50 ml.50; ducks. :!. 50 in 3.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10c per pound. l'otatocs. Oregon Burbaiiks. 40nf 60c per sack; sweets, . 75 T cental for Merced; new imtatoc, l.00(.i 1. 10 per cental. Onions California, new, red. It0cf (I; vellow, 1.50 per cental. Hop 7(.i 7 'sc per pound for new crop; lH'.Mi crop, 4c. Wool Valley, HiiM2e per siond; Kastern Oregon, Gut He; nmliair, lltnj 20c per pound. Mutton Uros, best sheep, wethers un.l ewes, 2'vc; dressed mutton, 4a(!t 5c; spring lamb, per pound. logs (tin-, choice heavy, ft; light nnd feelers, (2.50m 3; dressed, 3i.f 4.75 p"r 100 pounds. lieef tiros, top steers, (3.50; cows f...-,0(.i3; dressed bed, ocil'.',..' per pound. Veal Large, 3 '. 4c; small, 4 (. DRUNKARDS c "1 1 rs. ins ..r ilrink is a .11- I lli.lr lie. lis III Purls 1'itrlta. l'.tri manage to make 150,000 franc a year fiom pel nut to let chair in the sipiaic and gaidens lor the ac commodation ol piomeiia lci. CAN BE SAVED n rs.ms ..r ilrii.k is a .ll..--.- a inarvneiis i-.irr I .r ha-l n.. ,.. i. I . aUr.1 A ml las " '. ll.k. ll I.nslr l.-r all la.lr lor ,11. .nit .11 ink nllli. .ill kn li as II .-an u.' (I.. II I. Ill m l.-a. .'.'II..-. -M' '"' llk' . II M.li I I k. l l.v ....ii .Irtmaisl "'ii" ..i.r .l .liar 1.' Ihr II linm.aH . llr.MMl a N.- ..k an.l II will Is. ..ill snll.l. I" I.i.iiii ra.sr illi lull .lir.-n lis In. Io ' s,- i.-ll l..f..riil" ...allr.l r.f. More than 2000 people mysteriously disappear from Loudon every year mnl are never heard of again. MOM'S llllsf 5c per pound. Butt Sent lie r Fancy lrk.-ta. native loin 12c. Washington, creamery. 10nf lirick. 17c: ranch dices. Native 1 c; California, lt'4c. l.-...o V....U rune. 1 ti.i 15c ' i ,.iltry Chickens, live, per ....... llm 12c; sprin.H chicken, f..iu duck, (In' 5. ..i Feed wheat. '-' per ton. 1 lien (ii 3.50 Wl (.1 Oats Choice, per ton, fJU; feed f-I (",'rWhole, 20; cracked, per ton, -0; feed meal, 20 per ton. B'ulev Boiled or ground, per ton, (lil; whole, f IS.S0. Fre-h Meat.-Choice dressed beet, ......... c.l . cows, tic: mutton sheep, r,,..", "s- U'jc; iKirk, (i'a ..b c.i veil . small, udi i. i-'.'i. vi'.t lhilibnt. 3i 4c; salmon, ....... ..i..,..n trout. 7(nl0c; tloiinders 4111 .)C, r..n...-. , , -. und sole, 3"4; ling coad, 4(L' J. cod, 5c; smelt, 8(.i 4c. rock We offer one lliiinl."! P.'lUr, R.-war.l tor Mi eu t 1 alarrh Hint lulilml l l lir.'.l l Hair, i alarrli I'm.'- ,.,.. K .1 tilKNKY A CO. Pr.'l- T.-hMlo. We. I he iili.l.-r-iii.'.l ha.'- known J lli.ii.v l..r I lie la-t ! .ear- ami Inllrve him is rl.'. ilv lioinital'le in all Im-un Ira-aetli.n-. ami linan.iallv al.lr I., .ariyeiil any .'I'll lien ma.le lv (L.'ir linn w,-r A Iki i. W hole-ale I idlKK 1-I-. Tolcl... O. W l l.l mi. Kisv A M KVIS. W lii.li -ali' .iiikiIs. Tsle.1.,. O. all' alanh . .in- I- taken liil. rnally, In .lire.-lh upon Id.- I'l"'"l l.oieoii. sur . . ... . I...' ... ....... l'rie.':.V n.T Im.IUi'. N.nt Io nil llln.'Kil-. i.-lllii"liiKMr.-e. 1 ilall s liillillv pill- art' Ihe lw-1. , There are 23 acres of land to every inhaliitaiit of the glolie For liing und chi-t iIim-.i- . 1'i-o' 'ure is the l" -t iiie.lieine we lime ii-.-.l. Mrs. J. I.. Northeott, Windsor. Out., t uiiii.l.i. Kroiril I. ami, for l.ionloii. I Some IS years ugothe (lis k owners of Australia, li'idrng that there wa a lair market in Knghind for canned mutton, detei inined to try the experiment of ex porting the fresh-killed meat ill a .......... mi . i.. Sheen which lull been bred with a view to producing wool rather than for table use, did not at tirst find favor w ith tho public, beside which an isvasional breakdown in the refrigerating machinery often ren dered the experiment an cipcnsive mm for the shipper. New Zealand si p were found to m of a much better qualitv. and by degrees .lifllcnltie were surmounted and 'prejudices overcome until New Zealand mutton has become a common an object in I-ondon meat imnket as the home-grow II article. Owing to the difference in the season on the other side of the collator, lambs lire reii.lv for exis.rt about Christmas time, so' that they can be placed on the London market earlier in the season than those raised ut home. The car cusses are fust cooled and then slightly fnizeii on shore; they are then trans ferred to a dry chaiiilicr on board ship, where the temperature is steadily main- tal 1 at a lew degrees below fie-zing. On their arrival ill port they are ugain transferred to . coll-storaKe chamber and kept there until wanted. - HI'S. ELLA M'UAKVY. HOW HE TOOK A BRIBE. Ihe Indirect Hit TiiU Man Had of t-i-lllnu Ilia Voir. A few years ago, when a lulled State Senatorial election wa luijietid lut lu Ohio, one of the kadilig candi date nce.l.'d another vote to niiike his el.fttoti sure and hi cumpHlgti nmiia- ger, after . aiivassmg the sltuutmi, is gun work iiiH.ii h bucolic r,'pr,'eiitat'.e from one of the Western Ueaen coun ties, say h corriwiionilent. The old man grew very liullgnnnt at the tlrst hint of money In commtlon with hi vote. lie fitmivl a greut d.tll. w..re a little ami very niolodrciiiintlcsl ly iLsaa-rted that "Ida manlHssI wu not for sale at sny pri.v." C.ntdually the fact wu tuipr,msl iiHu him that the one ms-er-sary vote cmld U- sss-ur.sl lu nn. i her quarter and that hi olwtuiacy would hae no effect iqs.n the S.'iui torlal nwult anyway, while It might imilcrlally lltT.a't his pia ketlsmk. ThereiiiH.n the old fellow niade an eloquent ln lu hi own Kduilf. lie wrongly a-.'rtl Unit he was an luui il man, wh.as." reputation wa us dear to htm as his life, and w hose cliurncler always had Nfii iuisM.lt.sl by iMiitact with the world. "You will readily understand, sir," ' he udded, "thul bin lug s.. miuii at slake as 1 do It would Is' Impossible for me to .Mitcitaln for one moment any proiNniUou you might make to try to luttueii.v my vote lu thl mutter. My ; vote ls not for sale, but 1 hnvc no ill fellng U.wawl you for what you have tii.sl to do. And a proof of that fa.-t ; I'll go right over to your room now ami Join you In a oial game of euchre, Just lietween olirs.Jv.Mi." "All rlirht." asneiil.sl the lobbyist, "I'm pretty busy, but 1 gue-w. I can II ml time enough for a single nilnVr with you. Ilow ulsjut stakes V" "Twenty live hundred a .Miner." "No two tlioiiwind." They played. The lobbyist lost. The man frum the Western It.wrve vote.1 f. the candidate w ho wu ehvt.sl Sen ator. He Saw It at l.'. Theiv Inive be,'ii ko iiiany stoii,' told alH.ut the average I'ugllslimaii' iuttl.il lty to si' the iM.ltil of uu Ainerlciiu Joke that It doesn't sis-in a If any thing new lu llluist ration of his d.nslty could be mentioned. Hut here Is a giHsl lo.wl story, which will be appre ciated at least by those who know the purtles. A genuine Britisher was lu Cleveland some lime ago. the guest of a proud I lieut cltlcli. The hitler wus belli on entertaining his visitor to the Is-st Hint ' wus going, and In honor of the close of his visit gave a little banquet at the llollendeli. i Kverythlug was of the nicest, and the party enjoyed Itself lnujdy. V hell the evening's festivities were uinler ion i headway, the honored gn.-sl liuqMi.d ' to notice the china. Il wu of I'.ngllsh , 1 niuniifnctun.. and each piece was mark I e.1 with an "II" for llollendeli. It gave I the vNHor a text for a few characteiis ; tic Anglo Saxon remark, j "You're a bliKiinln' cnnnlry." he said. , "but mo young an' Vlples. Why. every- thing we "ave In old Knglaud Is stipe- ! 1 rlor. don't you know, to w hat you , ellH liiislnce. You caw n't eouiiele ! with the mother country, you know. ' Why. you eveu 'live to come to n for the very chlnyware that covers this table. That's light, by .love! It's queen ware!" "Yen." s'lid one of Ihe diners with a delicious drawl, "and you'll notice If sprinkled with the il'' you Kngllsh men hae droiossl over here." A smile ran round the table in which the honored gmt did not Join. It was lost material on him. Nirt quite. Alsint a month after this feast tin Clevel.llider r.sehisl a letter from Ills friend, who hud returned h "Say," the letter rend, "that was a don. -oil clever Joke your friend got off on me nt the supper the one hIioiiI the Ms," yu ri-n bt r. lo you know, I luiighiil like everything ut that when cume to think II over III lmil'ii. It was awfully go.nl." Cleveland Plain lienler. $40ir not $20(f Two S.in Francisco rocers Ring Iiros. and T. Salomon j won $ico oo t-acli bcc.uise they sent the most yellow tickets 1 mif I C til. l'.ut grocers and dorks can get more tickets than other consumers; so we also paid $10000 each to the two persona named below : Mrs. Win. Funk. Wiimemurra, N'ev.uh, IJJ ticket, Mrs. L. During, 8i Hiy.ii Strfrt, San Francisco, 71 ticket. Mrs. During got a number of friends in San Francisco ami near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their tickets; and she used the tea herself. l!y the way. she uses Schilling's Ihst baking powder and extracts too bad she doesn't know how good Si hilling's Best spices arc! Iiut she says the extracts and baking powder arc wonderful. A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very near getting a prize. She deserves one for supplying her customers such good tea. IVtter read our advertisements every day some contain suggestions how to win the prize. IK the w.iv. grocers cm'! compete for the two o priM offered for tha most xcllow tnkfl in one envelope brt'iren June i5ih ami August jtst. They tan how ccr, compete for the JJioisi.io prize. B SCIlll.UN(VS Ul'ST THA SAN FRANCISCO Does Your Back Hurt? The Dull Pain. The Tired Ache. The Sharp Pain. The "Catch" in Your Back. I'liMI AND, 11 . Jlltll' S. 1MB. "" mV-r v!:vV., h..r.ri ... ....'..;;. ;; jur'&hr.i.MUiira ' " vr;:;:;,;, M . .,,.11. - j.i-i ..n- i- Mi.-'tv. ii ". n.' on ny- UK. KtMIKVII I K. Tllie IIKI.T .lie. I" ol ell. el l -Hies. l"l I"' 1 - SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., " -'"" Whrn K-nllMi; lr A.UrrLur .nu menlWH lil$ fftr. CHEAPEST POWER... Pohuilt (ins and .Gasoline Engines (JIAUWIKHD OKDtK. FOR SALE CHEAP 405-San 11 II. I. HcKulei, -as or Gasoline, l-j II. I. Ilei ciitcn, ('.as or C.asolioe. 11 II. V. Krgaa, Can or C.asoline. I-j H. 1. 0i iental. C.as 01 ('.nsolitie. 14 II. I'. Olio, t'.as or Gasoline. 1-4 II. I. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline. 1-0 II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline, i-in II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline. State Vour Wants and Write for Prices... Hercules Gas ....Engine Works 0a, Onoline and Oil Engines, 1 to 200 H.P. Cta mai I'onttry " hen there r rM-en,onill ilisflDIK-nr "f young chicken. cms-1iiI1.v nt it la inut-t likely that yie family "t ill limve to tw the fiiief. t'nts J1 triac-herouH nnliunl. aud cunnot desnd.d uM,n. The anw cut that W1nr,( the dnr relit ullow little chl k to fut fn.m the Kline dich will "No ' "Ifc'lit kill mnl ,.at the chicken with " rellnh a their ow ner would 'Vuftn wL.n cv.kerl. But the Uck 1 Tiiklnn No C hance. There u.d to Im. n p.s-uUr old Jiw- nr 1.: ...! Hiver. who eu.-rtau,., v.n ,1U.,-r,-..l...- cmcennn,. .. , rm .me is-cil. oil, lifter all irvJ Ui .Uulthe plaintiff men" the def-ndanf attorney ar.' o 'ddher.'.'-exch,:,.,,,,! nr.. doti, l-i:cve I -an 1c Mr Smith. I have a very clear ' n!o. of -he .Ull, of li.r ami anything tr"" ,'woul.l h,ve a tendency to-.-, c- n,.w. and 1 d-n t want to t. ke au. chan-."-C".- TUn.-Hcraia. Sun KrHli.'Isro Market. Wool-I'hoice foothill. ''lU'i Pan Joaquin, 0 montl.H' Hut 10c; do year ataplc, 7Wc; mountain, lomc; tire con, 10U'c p'T pound. Hons Kni 12c per pound. Millrtuffi.-Mi.Mlii.B-. 'Hr'0" ao.f.0; California bran, flSM, 14.50 .er '""'lav-Wheat, S(.11; wheat Bt.d out IT' 1; ,,:"' ,i"lS r, riv,'r bl,rl,'-v .1,if; best barley. ..60H; ull.ill;a, t.Vd 'j clover, 'i'" ,,,.,,,. New. in boxe. SOn? UOc. Onions New red, IIOdTOc; do new ' ailverskin. hO'"'''0 percental. Kr.-li fruit Apple, 2.'it.bo --r B,ull box: do lav Is.x, SUM H5.r Uoyi ui.ricot 20.1 4oc cm 11 Iierrie, -., :).ic'; lioval Anne cl.errie. 4:..f.-.00 ,"er box; currant. 1.00..r2.0U per , he-t; reaches 25' .'': I"-'"'. ;.; cherry plums. 20iu 4 Ic per box. i,.tt.r-F.in.y creamery. Hie; do .H'..!,d. l.V.l.V4c; fancy dairy. 4 ', e.ssl toehoice. i:i..il4e per pound. (-,,- Fancy mild, new, he; fair to.' I, 7''' T 'j'" IH'r I""1"''' j.-., w ire loi ir.'c; ratn li, LI"' I,;..': k..ft. U'13: ''"- ,3u 'r I. rV. Il. , s ri, Citr.i fruit-Navel mam;-. l-"' ,:( s m..r'. M"x"::" lime. fT.rt 7.50; common lemon, ...' ml. SO. Ilenu-.das in 1770 d. va-tated by a ,,.,'ful famine, durituf th;' '-''! ), le a'l.v one Na, o, ..- - . die I, the trade I ..me dlsovan- 1 . . .. , it, 1 1 -r nn- .mJ tne re.ei.'i - Writing to Mrs. Plnkbam, Savs-- I bnTe lieen usintr your Vefe tal.le Compound and find fhut it docj ,11 that it is recommended to do. I !,, been a aufTercr for tho luM, lour vear with womb "trouble, weak back and excre tions. I war. hard ly ublcto do my household duties, Rnd while about niy work wua o nervous in''' vJ5; v r"1 - ..1 eoll.ct The tir-t prln'.in.' i" 1 ubl--he l at Cuu.bri.!e' i America h ., MarJ., iu ltii'J. uo ..... .. T pn.r, - was per-uiKlea w ty - ham'ii Ve-. -tablu ('..iiipound and to day, I am feeling lit"' wou'"n " Mi: Km.a MHiwivT, ccba Koad Btati m tlnriiiniiti. t). Ly.Ha K. Ilokham' Ur nile work in uui-on with tho ComponnJ, and ore ft "r cllre ,"r conhUl"ltlon .nd ick.beadahe. Mr. rinkham'. Sanative Wash Is frequently found of reat value for b,.l upp cation Cor-!Un.m.!.-nre is freely adlciUd by tho I vdia K. rtrikham .Medicine t o., I-ynn, Mas , and tha Mrictcht confidence aa , inred. All drufcv:sa ell the Pink bam', remedies. Tl..eirUM.O.mf j pound in thr-e foruLiriuid, WiM, j nd Lorcii(f.- 1 11 1-' r- - - -- -1 --- V, . IS I I T liave tlie Wa H r $.t,.Mi. Auio.iK those wlio know the editor of the New York Herald there la a iit. lt phniHc that "Jninc tiordon Iteliuell never ninkea a inlHtake." Il would fare III with a Herald man who kIioiiM dis pute thl phrase It Ih ii fad thai he ninkcH few error, and also that he never acknowledge one. tlnce lie cordliiK to an unveiitli'd atory when he wiih home lit ChrlHliiia tline he went to hi club for dinner. It wu hi ..llslOlll tO iilve the waiter 1. dolliir. When the dinner was tlnlKhcd lie thought to Hiirprl''e the w-rvllor. who tuid Ini'li unusually acceplnble III his ntteiilloiiH. Krom hi walNlcoat pik ct. In which were two little roll of lililw, Mr. lt.-iitK'lt tk one and hand, ed It over, apparently thinking It con-taliM-d live one-dollar note. When the waiter looked at his money after Itetmett had KoiM'iind found that 1. i.,wl ... ft IKKI Hole be wa n-ally frlghtetied and Kiive the roll to the steward. A few Hay later, w nen Mr. Itellliett next visited the eluh, the roll was teiider.il to him with Ihe ex phi nation by the waller that a tnloiake wa evidently made. Ileimett never look.-d at the money, but, stiirlm.' the waiter IhdlKiiinitly In the face, dei-'.iir-ed: 'Jailiea t.oliloll Itellliett make no inlBtaketi," 11 ml walked away. No Canae for H. ui.v slmiilil Inndlaille oh ,.1. llllOB, " j Ji-ct to children?" 1 Mother I'm sure I don't know, but n tut ati'4- what lby I eryliiK als.ill anil tell Johnny to stop tlirowlnu thliiK at M-opl' on the ireet and make Ceorie and Knle ceue tltchtlnif and tell Hick If he doesn't slop blowlliK that tin horn I'll take It away from him. -Trifles. Molher'a Ouila. "Mot-her," said Mr. Huiartoti, "say., the smell of stale tolmis'ii make he. Ah," said Mr. Smarloti, llllliu his ple. -Ho she has concluded, she says, thai .he will stnv until she (Jets usisl to '.t If It take her all summer."- Indianap olis Journal. Fr? - I Ihere'a Man a flip. "I it ottled. Mrs. Kljiy, that your dauichter Is to marry youtuc HullloiisV" Not at all. There's notlilinj more MTlous than an elntieiu.ul betweeu theui. '-Uetrolt Free l'rcsa. t ri.IO.'i lle...rl I" iir. H Heiijamin Franklin, ono of the w i. t of n, could have foreseen tho dilllcultie and complications that have Kr,.wn out of his famous bc.picst to tho eity of Hoston of $5,000. more than 100 year ai:o, be would probably have can "...lied that part of the will, or at least llia,le its provision very .I.ITcrcnt. ro mark the llnlTalo fommerciiil. The fund which now amounts to :UH,000, has laen invested mainly a Im direct- . k 11 1... .,!., ..r I II, lirsi o. lien. .. vear the principal was to be laid out at the discretion ol tne iiiiuhik' -1 I... lown of IIiiHtoll, HI lllllllliioo ... . . tmblio w.uk which may be jii.lcd of most utility to th" inhabitant, such as ...Hillimtions. bridues, a.piediicts, pub- i...;i.li....s lii.th. t.nvellient, or 11.1 0..1 e. ."re-l .... whatever may make livin in tho town more convenient to it M-opi am. re.. der it more ..Kreeabb. to strainer ro ...rtinu tl.ith.-r for health or teiii.rary reHi.leiice." Th.) money is in the Hos ton city treasury, hut it appears the Illl,Mil,i,.Hl authorities and the trustees are at lo-rheads as to their rcpoe- tive iH.wer, ami also as to the met utnl H a liiHt n'wort the matter ha n carried to the court. An application I to be made to the npreme court of MassacliUHctt to decide who ha authority under the will K, exts nd the money in 011.1 of the sev ril 'way. Hiiwested by the testator. 1 1... 1. , ......I a wav nut of the difll- II I io o" i.-''- - " - . . , ...1 .11 lu. (..oii.l 1111.I that the fund ...:n 1 1 t.i i.Htiib inh tl 1 ranklin 1 1 us been nroposed. It i one of the most remarkable legacies ever made, and the benevolent intent i plain eiiou.h, tl.ouKli -ri.ap nm.--press.' I in sufficiently detinue term. Iliirlr.l Ilia Wrong orp. Fairplay decribes the followiriK as a true stoiy. Utely all Knulisli family had the misfortune to oe an sued unt, who died iu M. Peterburt(. Ar raiiKcmeiits were 11101 carefully made and direction -iit that the body should lu. forwarded to Kiik'land to I interred . .. . . ... , ..,A ti.i.M 14 1.. ..... 1:1111 V V 111 l. I). maiiiiliceiit conin airivod and beforo it was lowered to it last resting place it was opened for insiMftion. Much to the dismay of the familv, instead o Un Unit the familiar features and frail lorm of their ladoved aunt, the corpse . . .. ; ..ni,...r. rlothe.1 in military 01 a hi." " --- . , ... , Karii.ei.ts and d orated withrlWha and mish.lH, wa uirff-H- f--franlii! . h'Kram wa. .Iipart-v' to the UiiHian capital, to which tha followiuK Bllwer wa. retnrne.1: "Lady buried ye.ter.lay with military honor.. Please keep the general Ilow Hawaii I. ProniMiiire.l. As wu liuvn now started nn the roa.l ,....'..r,l ,1.11 1L.IIII' iiition of Hawaii, it ia but natural that Americana should want to pn unco tho name ol the f...,l,eoi.iiiiu- new territory correctly. The correct pronunciation ia "Ha- i... tin, "u" .minded a in "father," the "i" as in "lime," and tho "e" aa ill "we." tho accent la-Inn " t s"0, on.) syllable. It is well to know how the new territory is pronounced, say. the diicaKo Trunin", even uuioro u. c tera into thu Union. New l'a for Hand lllait. Tho sand blast ha. frequently lieen adapted to a number of ingoniuuB op eration, and the latest phase of ita utility is in the rlcansinu of ship.' Isit toms. The Atlanta, one of tho United Slates men-of-war, wa. recently dry docked and by mean, of compressed air sand was forced against the side, of the vessel, cleansliiK and poliHhiHK tne iron and steel a. brig-lit a. silver. 1 n v JHEJRIUMPH OF LOVE 1 j Happy" and Fruitful Marriage. I.ary MAS who would know ! ORAND - i n in 114 ,h l laln ruiln, ll.a.H'l Sr.-rrU ami II. e Nr llncirterlr .A Mcll. alSrlrm-eaa..Mr.l to M.olid Lilt, who woul.l aiixia f. r l l f"l 11 ..... M...1.1 r.il.iia nl.. lulls. aliisiM will I' uuf wmulrlltil llltl beok, rallnl "l'iiiniUla Man L . ..... II. .u. Allsla vi r i.i mnl, ....... - ------- f . il if . . ...... ..1,1 1. 1 J 1 1 QJia UUIIT t.illrrlr Ywm; In plain .caled turn. t ERIE MEDICAL CO.. aS&B . . a a Ma' tnoner tr ia0 llllJCA I rrsaiiil ss.ulili.n la Mil M r 11 I ln. K"- b,,r Il Lfl I trll wheat tlirr un mar- . . ....... .....I. n a amall hifl i ?ulaTr.. He-, ol r.'lr...,e. v. aral m"' p.irnni'f "II lh 1 H"" I ra I. i"l a Ih.'r.n.Kli kn.,wle.U .it th bual lr 1 l, ...illill. Hol SHi. ...., hira.;. Boaril ,,l "l ra.l. Hr.'.rr.. OBii-m in I'orllsnd. Or.oa. Hi.nkaiKsnJSralllt.Waah. Spaclal Rates TO tl.l B. We t-srry tha m.lr.ini(i'.ft II... ol (iymnMiur aiei a iin.-o. - IUI1S ANU UNIF0NMI MADC 10 001. Mint or our AUiltuc . iialomi. WILL FINCK CO., 1. .10 Marhat at.. Ban yranaUco. Cnt. Mm. wli.E.Jt lsniataur auuia '', J J ,U. ,u.na. all... all "''"i a I s II.. haVnisli t"rd.arrliQ. Iwaatf Li'aii.'ii'irJ'ivi.i--" , IT! H an.l riU' KJ,Ju III euraoi kiio .... iZ o.T.iri.LD. m M.rkat 8... an ''""f BASE BAIL GOODS A ifrar.hnin.er ran aprlim mora than SOU tiiuv. itl own length. N. I. N. V. At' Hit writing la atartar, V luaalloa ihl. tW Na. S, -tT ilaai