The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 03, 1897, Image 8

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... JULY 3
... n. rutin Furi-'M
Called to Meet in
Fin;. " Jul-
, eoiiventlo i of all th tefonu
.1.., court bouse " Eugene at 1 piu
,u,dy July mn wot.
Willi I'rl'CVU """"J -
reform In county, mate ami
V.i.mul ullnlr', the rrue aua equal
Huge " Kld ui ,h ,t "
.,,) should 1- ' "'0 govern.
' Hll.idlirf' 11 '"go-'1, "liver or
' lwr nli.'.ild be a full legal tender for
In delit- public ljd private; ami all
l,0 believe that the government
,iuld be by the people, ar- urged to
t pr sent.
TiiUiiH Is to all alike, democrat, and republican!, uud Is fo.
ll, i)urpi.rf . f cll'ectir.g au Union parly
Cgaiiizuti" in Lane county. Hood
,,keis will be present.
Cuiitiiy Chairman Uniou Puriy.
A Premium Hufot-criptlou.
T. . ( iiii-lnnutl Enquirer U a lurge
r i,ge weekW newsp.per, and In our
mlu...u, W the beet paper In the
wuutry fr general new and luf..r-
vv m'ikI U FKEE to every suhscrib
,.. the WkkklV Uuakd who ay
,e year I" advance us
, tr.Mnliiill. The regular cash .llb
acnpiiou price of the latter is 7o eeuts
i mi -uimcriber to the Daily
(U-aki wh' Pi 0 'uo"lb In advance
fctUUi will receive me " hrli
finUirerone year an a premium.
terms are btkictly for ad-
vantk payment. We must pay the
Eunuir.r in advance, ami cannot give
itua premium unless we receive pay
ment. jnadtj a Haul.
Bakkk City, Or., June 30. Au uu-
'kuown puriy or parties eutered tl e
?it mllec here l"-t night and broke
oixu Hie stfe, securing about tlOi'O,
'V' in gold uud fill) lu stamp of I, 2,
8iiil l'.'-iviit denominations. About
I revered letters wero taken, their
'value I'fii'K unknown.
! A sleile hummer, chisels, drills aud
'a brace uud bit were csed, all being
!1 ft In the oftl e except the drills. Two
'of H e chisels wero etoleu Imm a tool
cliest at the St Elizabeth hospita
'bulbing, which I In course of con
jtria'tii'ii. There lu no clue to tl e
Stiiv in KruitRiid Hop (ironer.-i.
The K i ,'ense Soap Compuny la nian-
ufM-turiui; atlrstclaiis Whale oil mmp
jfortlie i'.ii )ose of spraying hops and
Jlruit tret'x, which we offer you at a
wtmiiiWe pri.-e. Call at the Factoiv
Hid exuiiil uu iheaumc.
AVe t I.Hiii i n Sr., Near Creamery,
Eugene, Oretf in.
To Exclianze.
Will exchange 7 loU, OU9 Btore
luildiiif, 1 dwelling house, 1 barn, a
ood (tanleii, fruit of all kinds and
fleuty f it, locuted iu Springfield, for
Kueeiie iirooerty. For lufonnutiou
iiiiiiiie of
E W Zl'mwalt,
Irving, Orego i.
For Sale.
1 1'iaiio, i; horses, 2 buggies, 1 huck,
roan cart, 1 bet doub.e harness, 4 seta
liiitflt hanics.
Will traile for lumber ud ihlngles.
A 8 McClure.
S.ive Your Uraiu.
Few realize that each nuirrel de-
trcy H.fto worth of grain annunlly.
Wakelee's S ulrrel and Dopher Kx
friiiin it r it the most tdeetive and
.'...All I 1 II. I., A
wu,ill,'ai MIHIII KIIDHU. 1 hit iv
"feu to ao cents, f or sine oy usuurn
I'eLauo, agents.
I will givn fi 00 to any persou who
ill put me In communication with
lie William J Stretch. There is uo
iriiujiml charge against him.
J 8 Stiles,
City Marshal, Eugene.
Farms for Sale.
I h.'lVM niiu, tlilffi. Ana ruriiia III fhfi
a IIIIHT 11 UU l,iu...
lll'imi.tto . fm sola Tlll.d
lafuiH include every variety lu size and
price. For description list, address
(ieo. M. Miller,
Wilklns Block, Eugene, Or.
Money to Loan.
Un farm lunds at terms,
Eugene, Oregou.
Wood Wanted
On m...ription account at the Ocari
Can use a-veral cords of grub
Won hi like some delivered iu a
Jeasimnble time.
Mot k t'Ar,i.K for Sale. I haveoo
Willi iia nnll'H
" Vc u ,,l ,,.,,., ,1,1 i,,,if.,
" j LUI l,,u ll'IVIII T 1 1
w'l' s'llat very reasonable prices.
"r further particulars see or address
J. M. Ueakhart,
Eugene, Orgeon.
I'I'U Will ..,..1 (....,11 I..I.. I.
. iiwnc, uiiiii auijr
' for the dfliVfrv In S,.,,i.,l I)ilrict
5', u
sl ringrield. Or., at school houe
Y"' ! Illations furnished on application.
I J. A. UlSH,
I Fairmount, O'.
U-l'l.- !
J W Cherry in uorkiu
In Victoria. IS C.
;t hi- trade
Wall, new MvI.h
F I, Chaiulers.
A c r of in, rchunciiM- u xlilppid
soulh from InTe today
vin i. o ... . . .
- ..,,... ii ,,M1 .ftl, prll.,.
Hinders, Mowirsaml Hukes.
rallle- di-liini; ;ny hated
nl he
M. I'KIIKIXS, 1,X4.;;, Kuyeii...
AMorniy H I X.irtou and i; Mc.
Cluri' i el timed finni J,mc n tn,!ay.
Hon J II MeCluni; an, 1 1, ,,, J j
Walton are home fr,,iu -urth,u I.
Mrs Win Laird of (irtleld, Wa-li,
U i-itl relative in Ime e.nnry.
(irllllu am! S-t !i M, Alit.r
wei t to Mnuro,. to lay l.y the talih m
Oeorye Kerci, it will y,i !i, ',,ley
Springs l-'riilay to Kpeii, (ir,v ,,r f,,;ir
Two hle.veles for dale cheap at t'urr'e
it Hu-ton's.
Miss Catherine (' Co'jswell will
to Foley Sprint; Monday to epelld u
few w -eks.
Crereent b'cyclerf J.",i'. INjiial to an.v
7j w heel u u l: See thi in at F L
Professors E H MeElroy and IS J
llawthori.e letunud from l.,rtland on
the 2:04 loctl.
Walter A Wood harve-lini; ina
cliluery lit prices to Miit the limes.
J T Cai.i.ison Six, Agent.
Mr ami Mr I Jones, relumed to
t'..elr hoine nt ,1'ines mil! near Walker
Walker today.
ISuiie, carts, h n-k an i wagons,
n-wn-id seci'id han I. I'rle way
down at F L Clnmhr.
The Euuene Ico W.irks received
Cir load of bi-er today and shippid a
Oir load of Ice.
Second Han i jrooiis oi i vi ry tlcerip
l )ll. Carrie & Hu-ton, Mount luiild
ng corner Dili and Oik.
A E (iaidner, a tlivinity t-tmlent n-
turtied to his hoineut Drain this uiler
noon. He will return next year.
ItevundMrs V I, Kos re'urmd
yesterday from the Turner eonvenlion
un laie well plenseil u itli its work.
It"v X It Alley arrive. I hoiue fr.'in
Victoria, IS C, his' evening, where he
hail been working at hi trade for six
Chu II Varney of Crow, is a'cni f.,r
ull the lindiiiL' iiiHuaziues nnd news
paer in the I'll iled State and Can
ada. Mr and Mrs Julius Hi flinan and
daughter, MUs Ivljtlie, will leave
Friday; fof a in mth's otilici; at F.,lcy
Mrs L I, 'ominii:nsee, i f I'ortlai'il,
for u fortnight Ihe guest nf Mr E It
MeElroy, returnrd heme on t e morn
ing local.
Airs Frank Allty, ''i(t i:i:i, l! C,
went on to ( olluge tirove loony in
visit lu-r parent, Mr uu! Mrs Win
Misce Ei iniiie Thompson and Kutli
Loveridge went to llarrishtirg today,
wl.ere they will be the guest of Mih
Vella Hayes.
Mrs L K Livermorc an, I daughter,
Miss Jessie, started tor Polk county
tliii lliornirg by piivate conveyance
f r a t wo weeks visit.
Three hicyclists for the liberty
of riding en unforbidden sidewalks,
last night, pu.d il each to the city
thi morning for the pri ilege.
If it would ipiit raining fora while
the road nn tieets would be full of
cyclists, who are priiyn g for good
weatlu i jn-t for a s hue though.
Dr. (i. W. Kiddle may lie found ut
his lesidemr on Olive street, between
Fifth and Sixth stitvt, one Mock west
of tho Minnesota hotel. He is pre
pared to do ull dental work 111 the hist
Xow I the tiuij to tlx up your
lawns. First get a Victoria lawn
ninwer to smooth it down, then 00 cts
worth of Oypsum sprinkle on it.
F F Chambers has both
The 1'nion Trust Savings Hank of
Tacoma has failed. The Mi-pension
was brought about by u court decisii u
that $2'i0,000 of city warrants which it
held had been lilegally Issued.
J H O'Xell of Pirt'and, the travel
ug passenger aen? of the O It & X
Co, we understand w ill be married it,
that city tonight. The (ii Aiu ex
tend congratulations lu advance.
According to the catalogue of the
normal schonl ut Monmouth, of the
4"i0 graduates in the last 13 .eurs, 2iS
are now tugged iu teaching.
Today's Sa'im Stuieptn in: Hon A
Hu-hand Mi-sSallie Hush, wl.o have
sent the past two months milking an
exbnsive tour throughout the Ea-t,
r 'tumid to their home in S.ilem on
last night's overland train.
ti,m I'ortlui.d Telearam i brutal
" ''f-M .-iiA , JCNE -e
l'lid mj,,,,! j,, !,,! ,,
Twol.r.. I tlv,. I.,, n i.i,,,.,,! j ,,,e
Where lire ymi g,,i,ltr ( .,.ir,e ,,,e
r ourth?
ocuts-s double mil wall f aptr at
F I, (.'tii in l,t r.'
in its levity w h n it suggests that Muy
or l'etiiicyir o-e as the (ioddess o
Lile rty ut the r g Fo: rth of Ji ly
celebration in la.- met.opli. Tnei is
but one mer't in the m g--!j' " 't
would draw an Imui ei;s- ciow d.
This is a g'd time of the year to
till e Simmons Liver It. gulutor. It is
I lie very !! uiidleine to take I:- the
Spring for the l.l I and to ele;.i:-e t he
system of ail impurity. -I bave u-d
Simmon Liv.r ISe.-ulator a a ec,r
rector arid bb.d purifier mi I think it
on ejcellei.l reim -iy. I always k- it
n hand total: In prefer, no-. th-r
d-ine."-IM hys 'l. MMI.. .rt
LiUcue uud Luue Couutj People Can
Ku Ij KeacU Lebanon by Hull-roail-To
Kaya by Team.
We have had sevral Inquires a-to
the rallr ad fare from l-:u'eue to
return, made ly partus
wnoiont.mplato going to that p!uc
to hear Hon W J lSryuu speal on the
l.'th o July.
I r-iu Eugene to Albany the ngti'ur
:ure I Jl.iiil,
.and from Albanv to I.-b-!4'1'
anon u , cents; iu tti L:S0 for round
ull CI "nr....
t'lp. Tlie Southern Pacific will prob
ably giw half fare rates, maybe less,
which would make the tare frm .;u
g. ne l
Those uisliing to attend can leave
Eugeiieim tlie overland in the morn
ing und l-turii on the overland the
next morning. Katlier a haul days
trip from Eugene from 4;l'.i o'clock iu
fie m .riling, till H-Js the next even
ing, but it is easier than to drive d-uu
a dis'aiice of about J miles going and
Mr liryau speaks ut S o'clock iu the
morning, and persons who wi-h to
diivedown will be uble to do so in Uie
cool i, the early iiiorning. h willu-
pure two days tima by team as the
Ul-taiiee of hj miles is tmi hard u diive
lor any ordinary team iu twenty f ur
l'li'f (iutill Llei'ted.
CoivVAi.i.ts, Or, Juno M. At a
meeting tins afternoon of the board ol
regents, Professor Ihomas M tiuteii,
tatuufiho state university of Wash.
iiigtoii, was elided president of tue
iibiicultural college and director of the
experiment station. He was no; an
applicant lor I lie pluce. lie was
chosen on the llltli ballot by u Vote ol
mx to live over 11 it Miller, '.lie pu
eu'. iticuiiibeui. All of the members ol
I ne faculty were relumed, except I'io
lessor lledrick, horticulturist, uud
I'i'oiesor 'Iryne, botanist
l'lulitaor Moses Cluig was elected
professor of botany and theoietical hor
iKulluie, und licuie Coote plofior
of piuitical lioiliculluie. Professor
John Fulion was promoted to assist
the pr-fiAsor of iheinieliy and his sal
aiy r.i.'cd to J.UU. .Miss Dorothea
N.i-h was made iusiruclor in diuw ing,
und the saluiy of Professor Helen
Crawford was rais. d to $.IMJ in ihe
eloeutioiiury cepartmeu t. Miss Snell
w as given au asjislaul in Mi.-s Carrie
Ly f .rd. 1'rolcMor Peruol w as made a
fu 1 piolessor of drawing and photog
r.iphy, uud placed in charge of the
(lev liacieriological laboratory, to be
estalilished ill couuectiou with the
experiment btuliou, for which a com
plete cut 'it wus ordeled. Cieorgu IJ
lvuily, ol Sulem wus elected printer.
An appropriation wus made for tlie
eslablisbuieut of a cheese factory In
c.u. iRctioii w ilii tlie dairy and iiinlruc
tious will be given in clieeie making.
St ps were lakuu to install u d'-purlin,
lit ol applied electritity and eleetri
eti eiiiiHriug uu tel u couipeleul
liisli uclor. A new and cxl-lidcd couise
i f study w as adopted, applicable to the
tout , course, w itli u department iu
the ugiiciiltural braiieh for farm uc
counts und economic farming. A reso
lution wus adopted to intensify the
study of Euglisli, und to apply it iu
every de pa rtuient of the college com sc.
I'rof clutch is u well kuowu educator.
He occupied a chuir iu tlie stale uni
versity fora couple of years at one
l'uily UuHiil Jtnie 10
I)AY OK It. N AW AYS. Yesterday's
wann atmosphere seemed to instill u
new vigor into the horses of tlie city,
and so far reported three, runaways
occurred. Jno Stewart's horse slurb d
from Fisher it Watkins meet n arket
ami after a few luncy whirls on
Seventh street upsetting the cart and
getting it upright iigain started around
tli- block and for home. Xo particular
damages was doue. This h rse also
ran Into the horu attached to the
Chicago bakeiy delivery wagon, caus
ing It to run, which It did lively, too,
doing uo damages aside from scatter
ing a considerable amount of bread
urouud. Ab nit 8 o'clock In the evoi
lug us It'iht Hayes little bluck became
frightened and in a few quick jumps
piled the occupants out, both alighting
on their heud. and shoulders. They
were nulte badly stunned fur a while,
but are both reported all right this
momliiB. The buggy was damaged
some w hat.
oiiit Uum, June n
Cor His Man. Upon information
received Sheriff J-husoii yesterday
arrested one Cuineroli, w ho is wanted
iu Douglas county. About olie year
since he was b'.uud over to appear be
fore tlie grund jury on the charge ol
ussnull with a i eudly weapon. He
jumped his buil and has since man
aged to keep out of the way of the
ollicers, until his appreheuslon yester
day. Deputy Sherifl A gee, of Jtose
huig, ram? down on this morning'
overland toesoort the prisoner hack.
Hi'siNKs Change. Ileury O Mil
er, a son ol Wui Miller, the well
known hop man, bus purchased the
I'niversity Hook Store from J V
Ehweg.-n. Mr Miller Is a popular
young m m and Intends keeping a
lar;- 'o.-; ol goods in his hue. We
1 ir- of the -pinion that he will succeed,
Mr Ehwegi-n's many friends wish him
sii-. e.-s lu whatever business he rimy
Makku.k. Albany iK-mociat of
Tuesdaj: "Iu Albany, on Sunday,
evenng.Ju e7, 1V.7, by Itev iibert !
Mdxillopr.Heur.vE Froi.k and Miss I
; Winkler, botli of Albany."
Mr 1 look is wei? known iu Eugene -
ini.iug residid heie for a nnuilier of
. 11.. ir I.,... I II ,. i u III U' h 1 1 '
eirs, UiOJ ois i.-w-.-. - - ,
w l-bvi.
I'EACE A.tD (iOtlll WH.L.
state I niv rsity U.g' if
Cdlarges Agaiu-t Prof.
iOregonlan June 3.i
Au adjourned uui-ting of the Ongon
s ate university Is.ard of w:,s
held last lllght III the j ul-is , f the
Flr-t Natioatil bunk. ILi r,. I ut ' I ' ,:
chairmun of the h.-nid, pun I,, I, and
the other legeuts present wu, . Judge
Hellingi r. D H Th. inp ,..f this
il1. - ! - - lufumuii ei .i.e u- :;vjic
, . t i i.i . . i ... 1 1
S H Friendly uud A t! Hoviy
Jgeue. The abseut lu.'iiib t, w
; lll-ll of sillelll, C II II I i
j Dalles . wli i are ab'iit f , in i he
1 and Dr Han lhoii, u l.o .- . I
, h-me in le.seburg. I h- , n
r : A
of d'he
at b S
1 1 1.- -
h, Id
!. I
. and
. Mil
i ii a '
1 1 1 1 1 - i
ii' tac-
I'w o '
ill of'
l.l-. 1.1
llielit that u meeting w -.o I .
bad aroused a great umotii ' , -lion
as to w hat action tlie : . I
take iu the various char. -
juiiiHt President Chap; i
'und at the head of th- ; ,
I'loie-.ois McEhoy, ll.ii i.i.
; Jotiiisou,
1 1 h low n of Eugene l a-
Icruieut f, r iiionlhs pal, '
1 1 H v being divided Into i.u i.. ,
li-ns over the university 1 1 ;
wicks ago a meeting of th- i
reg Ills w us held 111 Eu-eiie. I '
tor t wo d.i , aii i i ach -essioi, as o u
tiuued until iie.u'y mi. Instil with- it
taking dellnilc lictloii on the t'ourg s
Adjourninetit was taken to l'.o ilmil,
and the toriu sieiuci to break out
At the meeting liM night the fal
lowing eoiiimuiiicatioii iroiu well
known clticiis of Eugene was presented:
nr., i. ,ii . . ii i- , j,m' . . i ' Ih", "f Pleasant Hill, advertised a lost
I o tlie 1 loiiolable l.oai (I of Kegelit
of the State l. uiv, is.t y -Oct lemeu : 1 r f,,r' U''"" lh" U ":K,'V l'L'AK"
Tho undersigned c.ien's and taxpav I !,lu'r 'l:'-v I'"-""! and nothing was
ersof Eugme wi-l, b. repudiate ti e ! '"-aid "f "'' ll"
sentiment expressed by the Lugcie I '"" k. 1 l' l"ir,l,'M 'ower
lil'AKl. concerning the state l.t.iversi- '""dingo., the side of Plsgah
tv and it manaeemei.t. ii.d t . ulllii.i
that tho recent pelilion jinselited to
the board of regent by certain per
son doe not meet wi:h the approba
tion of the best citieiis of Fugclle, and
to express their entire coiilldeiice lu
the management of the univcr-i'y, a
controlled l.y the louid of r. gelit. We
w ish also to express cur entire con 11
dence iu tlie honor, integrity und
ability of In C 11 Chapman, tlie presi
dent of tlie university:
J It McClung, It McMurphy,
J A Hurliiigamc, WSOilbert,
A K Wheeler.
John M William,
Cupt Isaac (fray,
I D Oilbelt,
John S Clay,
C S Frink,
Itli Miller,
It It Miller,
W I! Hollciilieck,
I I) Driver,
I! I, Willnilghhy,
J L iegler,
.1 'V Kays,
W M Orecn,
C S Furrow,
K Mount,
H W Manville,
A V Fogle,
ii I Kct uey,
C' V, Woodson
.1 C Iliggius,
Je-siu Met lung,
Ma IS H e,
J S Mc.Muiry,
F M Wilkii s,
1 1 F Kerns,
W K Scarborojgli, W II Stalker,
X Winter, Kutherin- I'ntteisou
IS C I) inn,
E lit U F,
F M Telliplctoll,
Ida M Noil-inger,
Stewiul 11 Hiinmi.
C M Deiismore,
W A Wood,
1, ISilycu,
Tlie i tuiiges ugiilnst l'rof. s-ois Me
Elroy, Hawthorne, mid John-, n, after
some discussion, were, on nm i-n of C
C lieekliiali, dismissed.
Judge C It itelliliger movi ! that th
vote of the Eugeue ineetin.r to
lliiitely postpone the clung. against
President Cllll Ulllll be . c.n-ldi Ii d,
which was ugieed to. 'In. n, on the
further motion of Judc JMIing-i,
Protessors MeElroy, Haw limine and
Friedel, tho only memleis of the
facility iu the city, were linucd lo ap
pear before the board.
d'bu w . re each (juesti-i,. d nlalive
to the charges made again-! I n r-1 I . nl
Chapman, Their htalen- nt billy
exonerated tho president, and, al'i.T
listening to them, Judge Hell.nger
moved that the charges against l'n .-ii-delit
Chapuiull, not being well founded,
be dismissed. This wus tnuuiiiimu Iv
agreed to, und peuco uud harinnuy is
now lesloied.
On motion of I) V Thompson, the
chuir of logic wus established, and
E IS MeElroy elected to the suine, ut a
ailary of fci'iOO. The chan of cllius
and pedug.-gy, formerly held l y Me
Elroy, was abolished.
Prof (ieorge Lllley, of l'ortland, was
on moti'iu of D 1' Thompson, t in t, d
lo till the chair of iiiathimatic-, ul u
salary ol HoOtl.
After the transaction of mmu minor
business iu relation to the university,
the meeting adjourned.
(Jeorge Lllley, elected to tlie chair
of Mathemat cs last night, bus resided
in Portland about tur years. He
came to this city f-oiu Pullman Wash,
where h wus presnl-iil of the state
agricultural college. He came lo 1'oit.
luud to assum- chargu of the l'uik
school here, as principal, serving In
that capacity fo. several terms. Pro
fessor Lilley i u native of Illinois, and
for many years has been greatly Inter
ested iu educational worn. For some
time he was president of a prominent i
college lu South Dakota, leaving there
to go to Washington. He is the uu
thor of a number of inathwnalleal text,
books that are accepted as authorities.
l .: i ...i i. i..:y i
H AHIiV I!'A -1 1 makes little dif
ferci.'ce to boys how cold tliu wuter is,
so the sun shines Several youngster
were bathing in tlie Willumette from
the Eugene sawmill boom the other
evening. Itsther ciki! we should mj
I'AiMUNT.-Jamn Mc-
fUrcn received a check for -,W tin
morning, Imuariine for the los by
tia of the residence on (he liinlr tarm
. 1. .. .m l r. .... I.. ,, il..,-,. ii.rri I l.n.ll. I,
Hiij'ii j i. k ." "i v" ""J " "h" '"P
j the local agent, C C (ioidsujith.
I iirycLi: vum:
!.i' I.. .1.-1 I pp.r V.dicv Will be
ih d Juli !.
The i.ute lor the races lobe helJ at
.'..'eiiau's pai k under tin- management
ot the Ku.cno Cycling Cluti has been
ci.nuge.l t,i .Jul v ;. The track I in
ii e eon li loo, a large lot of suitable
p i.'s a i . iU .eil, the race .Mil I un
it r the sanction of the I A W and
ei cry thing p-n t to a uio-t uuccemful
n -ei trig.
I lof, lice llellls.
Wit, June 2 .
A . Ti iv of I,,, ii live been at work
long the road up Hough.
He Us'iig h. tll.s (ii plow and
s.-iape ii. m and have the r. ad marly
.oinp:, ed Iioiii (lie head i f the slough
to Mil;; ,i:l. .
A I. if! ol .': v that Flank Drew put
in ..i ove I w u f-r (HV Hurd tluated 1
J.i;i,. a ! .1 .i . - - lo, e and ha not t'eell
I. und V i.. i'. i- - al out PM leet long i
w hi-it w a. u-c i t I, iiii ii the lafl am
il.-aj pi ah d and It Is i bought the pll-
lii;; w ele tui lu' i loose by some oll ho
wauled li e lope.
I C I, .-hat,, mI.o mini, In re from, M.i.u , a IV w days ago, has
hooded a poi tioii of S J Itralid's laud
i o: ii p 1 1 -.1 i g the lliisoid part of the Oil -o:i
place about l-sacr s-for $;l-H'0.
Mr Fi'-bak expect to return lu the fall
oreir.y winter with hi family and
ri in .In here.
Ill lose t Mill I'ti I.
About time wick ago Malhews
'"o.iu.ain, uosnen o ie easi,
.und the li -t bull in ii deep Hole, or
lather il. pi. --ion on the north side of
he mountain.
Itlnek and rope were secured and
the bull was liiu. I out alive, though
v. ly poor and wcal from his long fast
II- had lien mi-sing for eighteen days
during I he w hole of w hid. time it is
ptohahle he was coi lined ill the hole
w itli no wad r and feed, except a few
mall w hicli be had ate to the
ground. lie weighed 1700 pounds
w hen he wa missed but came out
much lighter.
Dr. King's New Ihscoverjr For Con
sumption. This is the hist medicine in the
world for ull form of cotiuhs und colds
iu d for consumption. 10 cry bottle is
g aiaiilccd. It will i ure and not (lis
:. point. It ha- no tiial for whoop,
ii cough, asthma, hay fever, pueuiiiii
n i, bronchitis, l:i grippe, cold in the
h .id and lo:' consumption. It Is safe
fi all age, pleasant to lake, and above
a !, u sine cure. It Is always well to
lake Dr. King's New Lifo Pills iu
c niiietion with Dr King's New Dis
covery, as they regulate inn' tone the
.stomach uud bowels. We guarantee,
perfect satisfaction or return money.
l ire trial bottles tit Henderson it
I, inn's drug store, liegulur size 50
ecu's and I IM.
iri tlt supplies nl lllumr.
. ii. iv h n-iiiiou! stuck limy Is- khOutim!
I.. I
f i .nt n mem iii-i i isii.!.. In nil, Biel lu.rer
s..u.:t,i in iitn Ly itny win lion sail
i ,:.,r - i. . !i iill,i..ntei lo lie
n..:iy -l i 'i -uili'i:. I vi.l- ne dlriTt, eoa
v iii-.m; in. I uliiple, llnll.'iites llosli'tler'
Milium Ii 1 ' . 1 1 t -. i - ii t-iilii I utiexaiiiil('il,
ell-in ) lin t I 'M f. i-l pilllly, Slut .oec.t ol
l.n... ;ti. s It. ut i-niislitir..? it na lavslnntile
handy .ir .1) -i r-ltlpHllo.., llTiT
i . iii . I ! it 1 1 1 1 , iiilinuy ii.i'l iiliTlno wi'skm-n,
1 1 1 iiumlli' i-..iiiil:iits h iimiarial lever
! i.i., lent- I. in, i. - mi. I nil I pcriom are
.11-1' sl.
,1 i.i.
I - nl
sum I-
1 1
til H
I I.i II. Hint Hit. .liy
h uomily lollowl
iriit .t-ijrri. relll.Hllril.
iHt.-l lliroiiKll IU us.'.
I'lisiliiia m in. iik int'ill-
il nil e.illl illi-si-i
l i .er. linen n
Nl HliU'li S.
leu. t.i K
Delllillct 'I aes.
Slie-lll Johnson uud deputies are
now busy arranging the delinquent
tax list, and will commence at once to
serve Hie notices on the delinquents.
The list w ill I. imparutively small
this year, although we cannot give the
exact llgun s.
Letter List.
July 1, 07.
(loo fi Karrington
Henry W'ibberley,
Julius Goldsmith.
Win Eiiriihworll
(! X Howard,
C W Zuiuwull,
iiimi'i. nl hi. t, rent will 1st made on all
it rerio.ii I'MiuitiK n.r .viler
will p-
' llllle w lien
M.t'U'ss, Act. P. H'
A Jim Sai.k. It is reported on what
sbrln ved to he good authority that
ti e Fishermen's l.'nion cannery has
sold Wi.O 0 cases of Chinook salmon
to a linn in Scotland. Tho price was
1 1 per ca-e, w hlch means fJ'K),(HO for
A-toriu, und that to be divided among
llshermen who livo here. Astoriu
I -hi 1 y Miiii'l , June :ii,.
(JliiiAMKH. -A ehiipter of the i n -d.wineiit
runk, Knights of Pythias,
wa lu-tililled In thi city last night
by the district organiser, M M Clurk.
Too following oltlcers wero elected:
P: i si. I. 'id, CD Wiiit. r; v lee president,
V,' I. ( I- : ; se. .-',D W Cnlldge.
I'.ii KIll ol Ji'H. -riie people of
1- i-etie generally will celebrate on
Situiday, July .'Ird. Many of our
ci Iens w ill celsbrate ut Junction City,
Citing- (irove and Pleasant Hill
wtdleronie will gi to Albany aud
Amu ii i k Vn ri M. J O Van Win-k--,
a university student, lorgol about
thu hii'ycl' i romance and took a shot I
li.h ou.i N .lit Ii street sidewalk after
d.irs. I.i t evening. It cost hiui $.'J for
, he laps,-nl ine.uory.
Juiii.'t Scott.
, The Hoi brook, Arizona, Argus, in au
illustrated edition has Hilt to s ty about
a gentleman frwm and reared In Lane
"In tho far Northwest, where tl.
deep voiced Pacific; sighs iu iiiournlul
cadence, and the stately Columbia rolls
down from the mountain timtuetsto
mingle with the briny waves, the
Jovial little subject of this sketch wus
launched upon the broad stream of
human existence In the year D.'s. Hut
the picturesque nature shorn of I:
monotony by the hollow sigh (if the
wlu l and (lie splash of the wavis,
bound him not by liisepaniblc bond
In the soil of his native state. I in re
moved in Arizona in Ivul and embark
ed iu the sheep business, and in addi
tion (hereto has dealt considerably in
horse. He has been eminently suc
cessful in hi t'li-iues ventures, and
ow ns seveial line herd of sheep, sev
eral ranches in Apache count V, ami
also several near Show Low,
Navajo county, In present home, lie
was a member of the Kutirti eiith leg
islature, aud iu is d he was elected
sheriff of Apache county. Shortly
after Navajo county was created out of
upail of old Apache, and ill IVii he
was elided county treasurer o' Navajo
coii::ty. 1 ie has proved himself tube
an olH 'er, and Is a pleasant
and sociable gentleman, who ha nu
merous warm friends In every ii-ction
of the county."
Dli:u At Junction, June L'tl, 1S!7. of
paralysis, John S linker, aged o7 years,
2 months and 10 das. He w us sick
but f. ur days uud Ids demise wus uu
looked for. Mr Baker wus proprietor
of tlie Junction City hotel, and wus a
highly respected eiti.en. He leaves a
wife, two sons and three daughter
Win and Jim linker, Mrs Carrie dear
hurt, Mrs II E Morris of Harrishurg,
and Mrs Dollle Van Viankin, also one
brut lu r, William, of Arlington, Ore
gnu, and a sister, Mrs O H Smith ol
Corvallis. The Interment took place
Monday afternoon at the Junction
1 O O K cemetery and a large crowd of
friends paid their last respect to his
memory, a number of the business
houses of Junction closing during the
I-alljr liusnl, Jims
School Ci.oskii. Miss Jennie
Heal'.ie yesterday closed a very suc
cessful term of school iu the Hogart
district, two miles north of Eugene.
lu tl e afternoon closing exercises weia
held : : ere being present the full hoard
of diicctois and many of the patrol. s.
Besides the part taken by the scholars,
very appropriate remarks wero made
by MrJ EP Withers ami Minn Ella
Armitiige, and all present expressed
their complete satisfaction with the
progress made under the supervision of
Miss Heatlle.
Kk-AITointku. Wo uro pleused (o
statu that Judge, Bellinger re-appointed
J.k I Wu.e L'nited Stales Commis
sioner lo resldo ut Eugene, yesterday.
Mr Ware thoroughly ti deistunds his
business and nearly every llnul proof
iu the middle and eastern portions of
Lane County is made before him. He
has made laud inalUrsu special study
neurty all his life uud ho Ih therefore
the right man iu tho right pluce.
Statu Tkaciikkm Association
I'ho State Teuchers Association meets
lu Newport July and ends July .!.
The following Luno county educators
ure on Ihe program: "The Teueher's
Itelation lo (ioverninenl" E H Me
Elroy, ex-state superintendent of puli
lie Instruction, "fix I Hooks und Sup
plementary Work" E 1 Young, stuto
university, Eugene.
McMlnuviilo Transcript: Prof.
Olenn wus a cadui Saturday last. The
Prof has accepted the position ten
dered him In the Statu I'niversity at
Kugetie, that of elocution and lan
guages. During his stay heie l'rof
Oleiiu bus made u multitude ol friends,
not only as a man hut as au Instruc
tor, who are sorry to seo hliu leave;
aud he I- equally sorry to go but saya
circumstances wurrant Mm In s do
ing. F:II Hill, uuin bcr Cly, l'a., writes
'I have been sull'cring from piles for
'Ji years and thought my case incura
ble. LhjW tit's Witch lla.el Salve was
recommended tome as a pile cure, so I
iHiught a box and It performed a per
manent cure." This Is only one of
thousands of similar cures. Eczema,
sores and skin diseases yield quickly
when it Is used. Corner Drug Store,
Vincent A Walton Proprietors.
The Corvallis Times says a gentle
mau who Is well posted iu alfuirs lu
Portland states tint everything Is very
(julet In the metropolis of Oregon. The
residents of the city expected that
times would begin to Improve about
the first of May, but Instead of relief
they seem to get harder If anything.
A few yeurs ago there wsre killed daily
lo Portland from 233 lo 110 head of
rattle for the local market. Xow the
dally kill 1 only about forty heud.
Other business shows a similur di
During the winter of lS'J.'i, K M
Murtln, of Long Beuch, West Va.
C n traded a severe cold which left him
wllh a cough, 1 i speaking of how lie
cured it he says: "I used several kinds
ol cough syrup but found nu relief until
I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Itemedy, which relieved rue
almost Instantly, and lu u short time
brought about a complete cure." When
troubled with a cough or cold use
this remedy ami you will not find It
necessary to try several kinds ln-lore
you get relief. It has been In the mar
ket lor over twenty years and con
stantly grown in favor and popularity
For sale at 2 and 30 cents J er bottle
by Osburu Ji leI,uno.
July 1st
Collectors plentiful today.
Eugene w ill be dull Saturday.
Nothing like having plenty of tain.
Hon A (i limey I home from Port
laud. Prof Flit del has gone to Chicago on
Wild blai kberrli ure it-tailing at
cents per gallon.
HoiiS H Friendly returned Iroui
Poltlalid last l.igh!.
W E I , of Junction City, visited
Eugene on busine-a totl'iy.
Work Is pn gressiiig quite favorably
on the North IVarl street n-wer.
Mis M.n k Sonuiu rville slid Mls
Nellie Stewart went to Sodavllle to
day. Homer Kceiiey, class of ''j7 expects
loatteiul the Cooper Medical college
next w inter.
Many i f nur eitii us will leave for
Ihe coast und mountains dirtctly after
l he Fourth.
1 he ileiimcrats of t ililn declared for
silvei and nominated Horace L Chap
man for governor.
A number of F.ugeue people will
attend the C I'. Convention at San
Frunclsco next week.
We understand Dr I'll
will leave Portland for tho East to
spend his vacation.
Misses C i: Hull and V E Adair, of
this city have been re-elected to posi
tions In Ihe Portland public schools.
The dilou Savings it Trust Co, of
Tacomu, Wesh, has closed its doors
No statement is made us to Its assets
and liabilities.
E C Smith left yesterday fora trip
loSan Francisco and California points.
He weul via Portland ami t ie O U &
N Cn's steamer.
l'rof E It MeElroy Urt on today's
local t ain for Milwaukee, Wis., to at
tend the annual meeting of tlie Na
tional Educational Association.
Albert To.ier I. us brru appointed by
thu police commissioners of Portland
license collector, with the pay of
captain. We congratulate our friend.
He will make a splendid ollicers.
The State Sunday school convention
has been in session at The Dalles this
week. Luno county, by the report,
show a loss (if 17 schools. We hardly
tbii k thi Is correct.
Walter (irililu and Seth McAllsler
returned from Corvallis this afternoon
on the local train. They rode dowa
ou u tandem, hut the roads were too
muddy to wheel home.
Al Hampton left this morning for
Chicago uud New York, where he goca
to purchase a stock of dry goods and
clothing for Hampton Bros new store,
which will open about August 1st.
Puss the gisid wurd along the line.
Piles can be quickly ;uicd w ithout au
operation by simply applying Do
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Corner
Drug Store, Vincent & Walton Prop
"Wako up, Jacob, the day Is breaki
ng!" so said DoWitt's Little Early
Risers to tho mull who had taken
them to arouse his slugijlsh liver. Cor
nel Drug Storo, Vincent ti, Wultoa
Pure blood ineuiis good health. De
Will's Sursupuilllu purifies Ihe blood
cures eruptions, eczema, scrofula aud
ull diseases arising from impure blood.
Corner Drug Store, Vluceui, & Waltou
McMlnuviilo Transcript: (leo T
Hull Sr., and wife, of Eugene, whila
on their way to Portland last week,
snipped over a day to visit their old
fi lends, the Messrs Dullols, of Hotel
Small III si.e, but gteut ill result.
DeWltt's Little Eurly Kiscr. act
gently but thoroughly, cuiing Indi
gestion, dysjs.pslu and cointlpatloti,
Small pill, safu pill, besl pill Corner
Drugstore, Vincent A Walton Prop
rietors. It would lie hard to convince a man
suffering from bilious collo that his
agony Is duo to a microbe with au uu
protiouncable name. Hut one dose of
DeWltt's Collo and Cholera Cure will
convince hliu of Its power to afford
Instant relief. It kills pain. Corner
Drug Store, Vincetit, A Walton
When wo coiisiuer mat 'he lutes
tines are about five as lo.ig as
tho body, we cau reall.e trie Intense
suffering experienced whuii they are
Inflamed. DeWltt's Colicaiid -holer
Cure subdues Induinniatlni. at onoe
ai d ft mpletely removes lb, dltllculty
Corner Drug Store, Vincent A Walton
It will bo an agrieiible surpre to
persons subject to attack t bilious
colio to learn that prompt relict may
lie hud by taking Chamberlain's Collo,
Cholera and Dlurrhocu Jtemcdy. In
many Instances the attuck may bo
prevented by taking this lemedy a
soon as the first symptom, l the dl
ease appear, ii'j And fit) jent bottlea
hir sale bv Usliuru A Uel,ano
We are anxious to do a little good in
this world and can think of uo pleas
miter or letter way to do It than by
recommending One Minute Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds
ComorDrug Store, Vincent A Walton
We might tell you inoio about Ouo
Minute Cough Cu-v, but you probably
know that It curts a cough. Every
one doe who has used It. It Is a per
fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
ness. It is an especial fuvorlte for
children, being plcusunt to take and
,u U-k in curing. Cortu r Drug Store,
Vino at A Walton Proprietor