EUGENE CITY GUARD. I. L CANrBKLL, Pro.rLt.r. ECOENE CITY OREOO I KilUon declare that "homrta car riages at flOO already are lu night." Yi-h; bul how alxut the f loo? A hood at the workmen cao get places where they will be paid they will go to them. The Idea It European, nd, properly carried out, I likely to result la much good. We don't know whether Kdwln C. Urleo mil iniike (fold or not; lull Culvlu H. Hrloe him done it for many yearn. Tiny say now Unit poor Mr. llave liieyer left only f J,i),ooo; hut there In ine tint Inflict Ion In the thought that he left ull he hud. Virtue, however lovely, happy and harmonious, I it very weak. It liichidei III Itself ull the tower that ha been exercised to attain It, aud without which It could never have existed. II Ih the habitual choice of the good ovei the evil uiiide gladly ut last, but telling of niiiiiy a conlllct, many a toilsome climb before the habit was formed. Ill Ih through tunny victories over strong desire and passion which might hav swept UN awny and Hindu u slave; that we ciin win freedom to walk lu 1 the pleiiHiuit put hit of virtus. And now a California astronomer de chircH that lit leant one-hiilf of Venn Ih covered with Ice. rerhnpH that old girl originally came from Itoston. The Cincinnati Times Star complain because 1 .1 11 la n Itussoll refiiKca to ills chme the name of her next hintbiiud. 1'robulily she diH'NU't know yet. Iteinllng of that Chicago whisky duel one ciiiiiMit help feeling that there are tlllieit when the llllgel of death llilINt be ashamed of the Job he bus to tackle. It In hiinlly fair to nay that I'rlnce Constantino's military campaign haa been a complete failure, lie him turned out some llrst tins neHxiper bul- h i In. The shortage of Hunker Johnson at I.ogniiKport In only I.Vrtysio, but It miiat be reineiiilM-red that It wim amiiKiie entirely without thu aid of a type writer. It him taken (he country three yearn to hum (hut Mr. Ilitveiiieyer knew what he wiin talking about when he aid he didn't have to talk about any thing whatever. I'rlnce Consturitluc miutt lw having a hard time of It If ho cannot even act out to take IiIh own life without Ix-lng fore.-d to bent a retreat. It Ih roiMirtod Hint "he wanted to blow out hla bralim, but hi ollleers refiiHcd to M-niilt hliii.'1 Apparently he coiiMulted but oIII.itk on the lniHrliiiit iin-Hiiii first. The 1'rlnce In llbenilly siippllisl with death- -I II i . ... i iH.rumeniN. ami it wan possl-j Mv. vvry .... .... ii, umr a Illt-IIII Illlvlllllllge of liU unite and destroy himself before hU ollhvr could know of hia purisMe. ' Itut l"lng a founding Prince be seems to have broa. hml the mutter aa an af-j fair of Htnte, and ho miiHt have l-cn deeply humiliated to find that hla olll- j cent dlffori-d with him radU'iilly a to the wisdom of hla pulley. Hut fortil j iniiely tlie prince U not an olmtliiut don of the uioiiiircli nud gave way to! Hie persuasive eloiiueuce of hia attend- j antM. He U Hill able t "live to flvhl 1 another day." The bicycle set-urn to be making too rapid stride Into the th-Id of titlllty. It avenue of trade very aoou after Ita use lieciime general, ami It hu proved a valuable factor In many linen of business, but there bt danger that In imthiislnstlc advocates will pusii Hh A dispatch from Okhihouia aayit that the Indiana on the I i in it reservation are building an air ship. 'I'lnme fellows always have liccn tinted for Ihelr hair rnlHlug eulcrprlHi'N. Huxley and Matthew Arnold wert once walking la Amold'a garden wttb Deeu Farrar, and fell to talking of ao. Hal dutlea. Arnold admitted to being fond of dining out. "I rather Ilk It," he aald; "It la rather nice to meet peo ple." "Oh, yea," replied Huxley, laugh, lug, "but we are not all ucb everlaat lugCuplda aa you!" An ambltloua youth once aent Ida flrat manuscript to I'umaa, asking the dlNtlngulahed novelist to become hia collaliorotor. The lutter, angrily aelz Ing hla pen, wrote: "How dare you, air. oae together a horae and au ana if" He recelvetl tlie following reply: "How flare you, air, call tne a bore'" Hla auger vanished, and he laughingly iN-nued the following: "Send on your iiianiiitorlpt, niy friend, I gladly ac cept your proHaltlon." A characterlaUc atory la told of a New F.ngluud man aud hla wife, who One evening. at exactly U o'clock, they went to the kitchen to make the final preparation ror the night. "Marthy," Mild the hua band, after a few momenta, "hev ye wiped the aliik dry jit?" "Yea. Jo. alah," ahe replied; "why do you auk?" "Well," he niiawered, "1 did want a drink, but I gucaa I'll git along till the morning." The other day a man wa witness to a coIIIhIoii betwit-u a man aud a wom an, both rycllata, abend of him. The latter got the worst of It, aud, Indeed, waa knocked over, while tho other wheeled awuy aa though nothing had happcued. The witness came up and aaalatttl the lady to rlae and remount. "Now I am off after that fellow," he hM, "to get hla name aud address." "Il'a not a bit of giMid," ahe quietly re plied, "he'a my hiiHband!" Herbert Spencer playa billiard. Once, Seiior Ciiinivim In quite correct In fay ing that Spain In mt a linlloii of liicr ehntils, Almost any merchant haa Dense enough to know when he la up against a losing bargain. claims for availability too fur. Thu menace obvious lu au Incident re-! "l Aiiieiiiieiiiu Club, he playetl fifty liortisl from KlljMilM-thiMjrt. X. J.. where ",' w,,u "u autngoulat, who run out a funeral procession comdstitl of two carriage and lifti-cii blcyclca. The properly solemn iiHut't of this ociik!oii could not fall to be marred by a sue cession of tiioiiriiwrtt on wheels. Such cliu will b held thlf morning i o'clock Instead of at half-part 9 a usual." Loat for I.OOO lt. The quarrie from which the an.'leot obialm-d tln-lr highly prlied Theallan o verd marble have been discovered, and are again being worked by an En glutli couiimuy. The quarries, which have beu lost for more than l.uou year, are In the neigh lxrhoxl of I-a-rlatta, In Thevaly, tireeoe. The ancient workings are very extfiutlve, there be ing no fewer than ten quarrlet. each producing a somewhat different de aTltlou of marble, proving without u doubt Uiat every variety of this mar ble found l "'' niltied paia'es am cbun-he of Koine and Constantinople, and likewise lu all the mosque anu m usoii ina of the world, came orllmilly from these quarries, lu fact, the very quarry from wliUh tlie famous mono llth of Kt. Sphla, Coiiatantluople, were obtained cau be Ideiitllied with absolute certainty by the matrices from whit h they were extnu-tcd. In modern time verd antlco murble lia only Ist-n olitnliiable by the th at ruction of s-jiiie inn-lent work, and It lias, naturally, commanded extraordi narily high prices. As a cortuHjueiice, a liumU-r of ordinary ui'sb-ni greens of (Jnt-k, French, Itiillan and Ainerli-an origin have Is-en di-M-rllssI and soII UJt verd antique marble. No one, how ever, who Is ntilly at-qtuiluted with the distinctive character of the genu ine material could be dis-elvtsl by these Inferior marble. Thessallan green Is easily dlstlngulshi-d from liny other green marble by the following charac-terlstli-s: It U "bnfchi" of angular frugmeuta of light and dark green, w Ith pure statuary white, the whole Is-Ing cemented together wlih a brighter grctdi, while tlie snow white patches: usually have their edges tinted off with a delicate fibrous green, r.idhitlng to the center of the white. The ce menting material Is also of the same tlhrou structure.-I'lilliulclphla Kit--onl. The man who "sow Wooi"gets there after nil. It Is stated that Hie yearly product of the woods of tills country Is H.K'O.iHKi.iKMi, more than twice the value of the output of the mines. I The Ihiveiiport tMnkota) News says: ' The I'lllgo Imjjs would better do their kissing at home." (iMiil! Wo advise the llaveliport hoys to take a lll'lil miiikI for full protection to home Indus tries. Tlie Montana mail who sent his wife six slicks of dynamite has been given the alternative of pnylng a line of ., otitt or going to the pciillciitlnry for rsNI days, l ivery body hopes hu w ill have a lovely time. a cortege requires ull elements of mis chance to Is- eliminated an fur lis possl Me, and bicycles are so prone to have various things hupH-n to them at Inop portune moments that tliey are tlecld- tHiiy out or pliu-e at a funeral. One punctured tire at such a time would he sure to create the greatest confusion, where ull things should Ih staid and calm, and the Imagination can picture many other typical bicycle calamines, delicately any one or which would Is- futal to funeral decorum. Surely a Hue must be drawn for bicycles, drawn at funerals. and let It be With (ien. Miles going tu war In a f.-.iiti stateroom ami I'rlnce Nicholas retreating from bullle In au upholster ed carriage. It may well be said that military science In progressing with the progressive age. "What can be more ridiculous," asks the I'ciivcr Post, "than a pair of checked bloomers oil a pair of bean pole IcgsY" lilve It up, 1 leliver seems to have cei tain sources of humor which tills low it dot s tint. One of tlie yellow Journals of (iolhiim having scooped the other by securing mi Interview with the Sultan, we shall expect to see tlie other blossom out ill most any day with au interview with several hundred of Mrs, llauild. A rails scientist claims that he Is able "to demonstrate sclent lilt-ally that love is a disease. I lull may be true; but a casual study of divorce court rts' nt'ds will demonstrate Hint In many cases matrimony Is an antitoxin for that disease. lu spite of the very large and pow erful naval force of (Ireat Hrltalu that country Is constantly seeking to In crease it by one inetimt or another. ' Just now these efforts are taking tlie ' form of au agllatloji for uu adequate 1 reserve of trained sen men, ami In tlt. ! discussion of the pn.Ject tlie fact has1 come out that France has a much larger number of st-mucn tlnin Kugiaiul. Km-1 gland, according to an authority, bus n 1 naval pence footing this year of 1 10,-j Poo men, while lust year France had ' IM,'i,immi. Jt also appear that England has had trouble to malulaln her tiuotii 1 of sailors even In times of pence ami would, of course, have still more tlllll cully If war should come. Till 1H ciiuwhI no small alarm In a nation whiwe iHilley nud position make It almo lutely iicccttsary to inalntalii a nnvy at all times superior to that of any other on earth. Efforts to make a showing of reserve seamen have proved failures, ami more than one ss-etl trial of new gunlNutts has had to be poNtistnc,! fr luck of an ndtspinle crew. The English know that Hie next war In which they engage may phuv the life of the nation at stake, and, us always, the bulwark will ls tlie navy. If (Ms cannot . ,,.. ponded ou tlie end may easily be guessi. i One of the latest feats of enterprise nu Hie part of the yellow Journalists of .New ork Is the printing t.f a very g.Hsl portrait of lau Stuart, the Carson light man, ami culling It picture of Mr I'hlllp funic, tlie llrlilsh iimbas sador at Constantinople. Chicago ltecoiil: tine of the revela tions of modern (sdltles lies lu the fact Hint the man who knows the most about the requirements of a large city Is some rural legislator who, when ho visits Chicago, believes that xissenger elevators are raised ami lowered by the iiitisinie nut potent will of titsL 13 ii iJT .j ri r tfw, i. i w a r.-:n. s for a home The New York millionaires threaten to mote out of the State rather than to pay their share of the taxes. The States should have tax laws so uniform ns to pietent such a method of dodging. If these very rich men were to leave the Fulled States they would find iiinnv plaees In which they would U required to snare ine piiinu- liurdctis. 1 on cannot go through life, no matter How huuil.le your sphere, without be ing culled iqmu many times to decide I...H. ... . . Honor ami duty. Imty and honor must go hand lu hand - there can lie no til- Vnr...i 1...I ,1 - '--! iiii w- norus. loll can make your lives useful, Is-aullful and noiile. ou chii make them worihli mid contempt Idle, If au army olthvr In Ohio In attempt. Ing suicide has shot himself Ithout fa- xai injury, lie Is on a par with the old. shrewd, experleuctsl lawyer, who makes a will that Is easily broken when assalletl In court. If a surgeon tioc not know his own vital parts and a lawyer cannot draw up for himself a legal will, how are the rest t.f ua to mow ourselves or our business? I nere is in l lileago a scheme to pro- tnie worn nsMiiH ror men out of em- 1,1... in.,,, t V 1 1 . . .... ..u uioiiey III ih) glveu them, but they will be paid lu clothing or whatever else they may need of the article made lu the work room, old t-iotne will lie mended aud old shoes mailt nior errtcvable by cobbllug. A woiniui (hut innrrle pays big n-ut. The devil probably told Eve that ap ple won giKHl for the iniuplexiou. When the women begin to smoke to bmvo the men cau all use sachet pow der. The woman that prays hardest for her husband, doesn't tell him she' do ing so. It Is always a mystery to a woman w hy her husband doesn't seem to pity tdd bachelors more. The average girl would rather ts caught lu swimming than to lie seen with a gingham apron on. Life Is like a nutmeg grater -you have to rub up against the rough sldn of it to accomplish anything. Wheu a girl rides a bicycle she never thinks her own skirt blows up ai union as the others she sees. The first thing some men will j0 w hen they get to heaven w 111 he to huut around for one of the old patriarchs so they can tell him all the new stories they kuow. without giving the author of 'The Si n thetlc System" a chance of handling Ida cue. It wa very provoking, ami Mr. Spencer felt construliicd to speuk. "Sir," he said, "a certain ability at game of skill In an Indication of a well Uilancetl mint; but adroitness such a you have Just displayed Is, I must Inform you, atnmg presumptive evidence of a misspent youth." Jame I'ayu tell of aeelng an old gentleman In the lavatory ut a club putting soap Into his mouth, after which he murmured, "Thank heaven It s nil right."' Mr. Fayn Inquired verv why on earth he did It. 'Well, he said, "I've had such an In fernal cold for the last week that It ha taken away my tnste; every day I've tried whether I cau taste the sotip. To-day I tun, so I shall not go home, but dine at the club." And after that he did so, expensively and with great gusto. Jones, a professed religionist, had for years taunted llrowu with his un orthodox doubting. At a certain din ner, given by Jones, the lnwt lieca iMWic,crouiy tipsy. I.inlle were present, and after they had withdrawn, J Hung himself, with a lighted ci gar, Into a chair beside his friend. "He. fore I tile, old chnp," he announced, rather thick of tongue, 'Tin dc-termlmtl to convert you." "As to tlie truth of one dogma," said Hrown. "you've cer tainly done so." "Which" Is that?" mumbled J. puts, with an almost hue. tiianal nourish ()f hla cigar. "The tits vutloti of the host." A Southern bishop arranged to spend three days timing his annual visitation at the home of one of the faithful, whose wife was a famous houseket-M-r! A negro Ihij- whs brought over from tlie plantation to bo the bishop's Imdy. servant during Ids stay. The inornliiir alter his arrival, the bishop having failed to make his rppeaiatice, Jake was sent to Munition him to breakfast .....I r i i.i i ,. . ' mm ii'ioiu inm smiviiig. in a rew mo ments .lake leiurucd, looking much , a limned. "Where Is the bishop?" "H 1 say he'll be henh directly." "What was he doing?" "A slut rpeuiu' oh his teef." I The lute Catholic bishop of New foundland i, ad a piano of which he tle shed to dispose, nutl which a friend, a Protestant doctor, desired to purchase. I ollsldeinble flu ff elisued before th. bargain was uni.-k at a price which the bishop declared ruluonsly low. The oiu.t teuicie in tne town which would accoti imvdate the piano wni the hearse ami lu tliN It was driven to the doe' tor's door, who came to the bishop in h'gh dudgeon. 'Why on earth," he asked, "did you send my piano home In n lii-arsc':" The l..idi..p eye twin kled a he answered: "Why. Oh. !. cause It wa such a dead bargain." A few year ngo Hie celebrated Pot ter family, of which IPshop 1'otier Is ! a im'iniH-r, neiti u reunion. Ourlug 'he I liinqut-t that followed, the various I heads of the different Iftildll.-s unv ami gave a short account of (!-,. ,H. grecs and deed of their am-, stors. I After nil tlie muker had tlm-hed, Hon, William M. Evan, who was present us the legal adviser of the New York branch, was called iqmu for a sh-c. Ii, snd resp .tided by saying that he felt there was little left for him to my, but after listening It tho aneMrv and history of the family, he fe't he could cast his eyt toward lira veil and e.v. "Oh. Lord, thou art the cla;- and we are 'he Potters." I.rft lo Chance. The Count de M lived In a state of single and Independent blessedness. He wa yet young, very rich, and was surrounded by everything which could give enjoyment to life except a wife. He had often thought of marrying, but hail always declared off Is-fure the knot was tied. Oiii-, however, he found himself Hourly caught. A young lady, tho daughter of one of his friends, pleased hliu her fortune pleased liLiu, not less, perhitjM, than her htii and accom plishments, ami there were very many reason to Justify the union. The Count, who had so frequently mudo tlie first step toward matrimony, but as frequently drew back, had not yet dixided on the course he should udopt in this case; he had promised tlie 1 friends of the lady re-n tolly, but had ' made no outward sign of performance, i Hi future inollier-In law, knowing his weakneiw, dcmundi-d whether he ; would or would not marry her daugh ter, und requested au Immediate reply. At till moment his fears and beslta- tlou returned with more force than 1 ever-he trembled at the consequence. ! To give up Ills cherlshisl habits of baclielnrhiMiil was almost Impossible, j lie resolved to appeal to chalice, ami i wrote two letters- ui one ho in ptetl i the luind of tlie hidy, In the other, re- I fused It. He thou put them into his hat, und called the servant. "Take one of these letters," ho said, "and curry It to the chateau of " ' I . " blch letter, sir?" "Which you please." The servant sehs ttsl a letter, and the Count burned the other without ois-ii-lug It. A century scorned to elapse Ix-tw i the moment of the man's departure and that of his return. The Count wils al most Is-sldo himself with nervous ex citement, not knowing what was to lie his fate. Finally, however, the domes tic returned. He had carried the Inter of ncceptanco. and Count tie M 1 now tho happiest ben.-dlct In Franco. -, ' j7?7p7iNCTURES AND THE BEST WAY TO REPAIR ThemTJ wan r RT7ii yffi 3 vi r iV Buioic -New York World. " I I i - 1 1 -Ml I I r .1 T -f-A o r y I People of Uriatoli Kniland, to Honor the Naviuutor's Memory. John Cabot, tlie discoverer. Is to have a monument erected to his honor nud memory by the eople of the city of Hrtstol In England. This year Is the -looth anniversary of the discovery i tlie drive wheel, nod so put the ma chine In motion, and as It reaches the bottom empties into a trough placed for that purpose. This trough (F) la sectioned, four-lift li being on oue aide of the division and one-tlftb on the other. The water caught In the small er section Is for use, that lu the larger section, or foiir-tlftlis of the water pumped. U by a ut-nt device emptied Into a chain of buckets which hung on wheel E. Of course, these full of wnter will cause it to turn with a pour equal to the weight of fotir-flfths of the water pumped. Euch bucket as It reaches the bottom of the well Invert mid comes up empty. As wheel E Is fnst on the axle of the drlvo wheel this extra weight adds power, 3 ,l -T. ;i J XIOXt MKNT TO JOHN CAH;.T. A Color Test on Large Scale. A ctdor test on a large scale occurred recenlly m-ar (ieseke, tieriuunv. The Vidmeile. the Wiild. ami tlie ll.sler aro three brooks which hmo their source hear (ieseke. und accordlinr to ti.,i,li.i..i. their waters hud subterraneous connec tion with the Aline, a mountain stream whose bod Is some five miles distant. Millers on the lower Alme dumped refuse , r, nit of the upiM-r stream, and tho millers ou the Yoliiiodo. the Wald, und the littler clalnittl that by doliifc- mis the water supply of tho latter streams was m.-i-terlally diminished. To determine this connection, a Unit four pound of pot assium tluoresolnute was dumped Into one of the ttldle the miles from the oun-e of the Hitler. This ink i.,.. Is niarveh.usiy powerful, and a solu tion containing one part In ten million shows a distinct tluorwcence in trans mitted light. Twenty. Hve hours later the Hitler t.s.k on a N-autlful dark grceu color, showing (vnoluslvely the coliuiftlon between the two streams An exiHTlniont at another point show ed with equal clearness that there was a subterraneous connection between Alme and the Wald ami the Volmede o"uKii mi tins case rorty-four hours hud olupsttl lietwoon the depositing of the dye stuff In the Alme and the ap-It-arumv of the coloration In the other l reams. or tne .Mirth Ainericiiu ttintiuent, and Itiistol considers herself cspit-lally con ceineii, ticciiuso It was from that nous port that Cabot and his col leagues stilled In the Matthew on Ik lm'M M 'SHfnl voyage, ou which she sighted the North American continent I lie site for the iiiiuiui it is (lie sum mil of Itraiidor In the heart of the citv 'i'ii.. i.iit i . . .. mo is iweiuy nve acres In extent " I n donated by the tow """"" 111 ne purpose. The monument win mho tne torni of an ornate tower wn:oh has heen designed by W. oiigu. i tie eminent Kngiisi, architect 1 " uiov nt is under tho irul.hin. ami patronage of the Marquis of Duf. n ull, i lie l atiot niomiiuciit commit fee. before appealing for funds. t ready In possession of JIo.inio, which Is one llftli of tho amount mt-essiiry for me nuiiiiuig or ti,,. memorial tower. S E LF-OPERATING PUM P. One on VounB lndianu Farmer Hat 1 xliiMtion. "scar Jones, a yung fanner, llvln one mile northeast of llagerstow u Ind.. exhibition a pump with which he expects to save people, l,0 M't waier i.y putliping, niilliv ,, w,,r '"'" It Is 111 fact ft solf-imor 7. pump. The accompanying draft pr." Uiltlt a It .1 I. . 1 " " "s ii mny nw K, .y 1( ' " oi tne cari' iiL'i. -..iio 1 gcrstowii. where, for some tim. been buildim? Illlil tltttl- .... I . 1,11'0 ,lrlv' l 1 (A) Is eight feet .oiiiueier ami rests ou ball Itu d. I """" ,r,M,l1 sx inche . . . .., ,our inches iloe,,, Wlth metal , V """""'i t'.v dotted lines a. a. 1-oe.i us io rorin pockets ry rour inches. "itine axle an- two more who j II I nil eighteen Inch j " a cog chain, Is ,-, the In Ha ll has In bearings. ttvo lnch or On this ''I tH and fog wheel onectttl with " "eei it on in ii,,.,... ..i . ""lie same axle with C , ' i I lu tl... ..1... ... . . . - 1- me ennui Wlloel which Is by Noi Worih Itush." When calling anything ' not worth a straw." one mean to Imply that It Is worthies. The older saying wa, "not worth a rush." aud (his bring out tint orlglu of the phrase, lu the day l fore carpet It was the custom to ttvw the floor with rustic. When cu.-.ts ..f rank were entertained fresh rush, were spread for tlu-m; but folk of lower degree had to be content with rustic Unit had already Ut-u usttl, while till humbler persona had none, a not hwii belujc "worth a nun." President MoOmh. of Prlnoetoi was atvustouiitl to bad the morning cxr-flm-s In the chapel every day, Hnd dnr Ing the exerclst-s he gave out tl-a ... tlces to the sludeuts. One morning, after he had tvnd the notices, a stud -ut came up with a notice thai Professor Kargv' French class would le at tl o'clock that day Instead of hair nu t l as usual. lr. MoCosh said It w.i too lute, but the student insisted Mat ; Profeswor Karge would He much dlsij,. Hliititl If the notice waa not rod. The j exen-lse went on and tho doctor forgo all about the notice. He started t.i make the final prayer, lie pravttl for Hie President of the Fulled Stale tli . member of the Cabltief, the Senators aud Itepresclitatlve, the Oovernor of .-.ew jersey, tlie mayor, and other c'tv othYlal of Prlmvton, id thou came to the pmffMor and Instructor In ,'ie ivllege. Then Professor Karge' Uotice came Into his mind, and the assembled students were astonished to'fcear the venerable pivsldeiit ; n ,,ri ble Prufefsor Karge, who Freuoli New Hair and Troth at Hit Mr. Jacob ditty, of H.vkor. Mi,,,, Is so year tld. For inauv vear. i,!! was au luvulld, contluttl to her W, ,,,, l,,.., l,..i..l... v . . . ' ! - "' i-'.. iiTiii ago nil,. lost her teeth, and. of course, her hair wis w hite aud scanty. The last few months have sit-ii a wonderful change lu her however. She haa five now teeth and Hie Indication are that nature Intends supplying her with au entire now set 11. -r hair 1 coming lu luxurioiislv ami is Jot black. Her general heaith Is good, so perfect. In fact, that the oilier day ahe took a five-mile walk. Mr. Cone lad. Crlmotibeak-I don't Isllev. . man ever stole anything but he Jived to regret It. -Mrs. t riniHonticak lou stole heart once. John. "Ye." Yonker Statesman. my Corrcl- Kural Teacher-What current event of great Ititerettt can you give nie this morning? Small! (eagerly V- My ma has Jut mado twenty tumbler of Jt-IL -Judge. -WsbT st?. CAUGHT ON THE PILOT. Thrllllnu and Ketaarkable Experience or a Penvcr Wheelman. Louis Itlethinunn, a Denver bicyclist. Is dally receiving letters asking him what make w heel he rides. The present unwonted accession to his Unlly mall comes as the result of a thrilling ex perience he had while out riding with his friend I.nuls Phllbeck, a visitor from Indianapolis. The two took a spin along beyond Sand Crook lu the aftcr uoou, and about o o'clock started on the nturu Journey. On nenrlne the I'uluii Puclilc, Deuverand Gulf tracks they heard the rumble of nn approach ing train. Phllbeck, who was lu the loud, saw that there was not time to "THE T0MB&- For Over 11. If . clr, &J ri." I" " , V. " !"l ue iiiosi iuiiiou ptHnnlj iru i-.uiin is uie loliiln, of x wuicu t now being di-aiulitU rotim for a more couimoj0Mlts." iiic uuiiuing, whlcu waWM-. gray gninlte, was ereotwlbe;. itiiu iam. lit-lni: comn hihI i..i. year. It has housed durlof than tlm-e score ytunof etk a million prisoners; tmt ta liuiiiiioiis in the history of rria, unfortuiiutes who wt-retfjdto unetl there during the wln:er regaining their fret-dom iin,t nerore the passage of the la electrocution as the olflclil ta ending forfeited live 0 tk U there were many exwnUoMi Toniba. All told, there m d hnnglngs. Among the Itmutst Tombs who suffered the rta alty of the law within lu rij J dipt. Nathaniel (innlun, tit n trader, (lordoii snllid fron K lu the summer of lSiiO In tb il: bound for the west coast of J!m was captured mi liln retari with nearly into negroid piiW: hold, by the Fulled Slits r. Monougtihe-hi, in which be u mates were brought pritowm York, and nftcr a short dftm: the Eldrldge street Jail, wera red for safekeeping until tri : Tombs. After two trials be wicowW- THE TOMBS, JJEW YORK'S FAMOUS I'UISON. u.f.,l.. ,.. .1. . .. --. "oss i ue murium nn.i stum,.,, off at the same time giving n xvarnlui - "'"i- me hitter did not fully understand, and throwing nil his leg power Into action made n dash. The train was coining thirty miles nn hour r. J1 -ori.RAt1N ,.., , " i t r Just the Kame iR iu '"""1- r vor7 d'alU ruldH-r buckets 'or , ;;;ks-,,f Ur"tf the The putnpMock let I. i.. . tlUchtU.wM;'" ,-'"'" to tho oi tue ttr vo i,...i ... . Into ... ,:...r.1 !M"I'" the rim. the rim turn I rtU !LS CfOUT ins rtLOT nid caiiL-ht Itetiim, r . " ".uauu JU81 W us Ullllbl,. t ui lu""u8i " passell the km?, V U1! UI,tl ' J Then h . ii 1 "overal hiiuJred feet. oars for.i.!:.. M.,u.Uk'''t uu1t the lunnn. Xiiiio Ii.!!!! i l'""1'"8 of Hloth cow,..; . .. u,,;"1 10 l0" on the in. t at I, , wiring cry from There , , v t W ,lu'lr 'ntlon. ''tl.e "nKCt,,,,!,f U,e fla"(a" the.,,c,Xn !U:Xlr condition tr. ,:: B nair-tinxed ... wneei wn in .i. . . V -- icust uamagttl. ex- uor . th'X becoml " lue Klnl 0' tool sentenced to be ha used In 1 yard of the prison on rW"-1 1SII2. On the day before t! he nttenmtitl silliide M P0IM was resuscltntetl. Attbelt1! he broke dow n utterly, and"' be the niliiilnlstRltlon Of afc"i Unit he was t bled to waitaJ to the scaffold, where h""! surrounded by a strong Jt ted States marine. At nnn itmo three men '' In the Tombs nt the sametlwM nnntl.ei- four Silliide M freiiuen't iiinoin: men COBJ-J death; but of recent J"- VI the Isolation of sii. b prlsW"; I strict watch kept tempts nt successful. self-destruction it.ii.un 10 IW1 1 "Clvlllzutl.m should bold tw I Innl Aztco accountant '."V, J - ., ' I llilllieliccs oi tne s ...vll Kninou (J. Oarcla of W v ... n e T nr tJ I co, who Is stopping ' Ins. "It Is wivrgtoatirl gin or tne cigaifi.T I have given tin- .v Invcstlgiitloii. niKi "",,- beyond doubt that i '' j got a whiff t.f tne l""' tl Invaded Mexico Uiivler . . ., .i (..liiiceo 18 ,. let s tiicu um-' - form, nud the Span"'"' '' .ic. ' ... i Hat them how to roll me.- ,., sniokable shape , v i.... ..... i., ni.i i-.up'iTi vifcinvn. .... - . .. v route It found Its ny w though It was ueanj , Imr hero. The werf n. -J.-l. cocoa and its pr-Hiin'. '-.? Corte cttntiut-red tl',,,n- long till the l'''Il,orJfc" i..a'1 Ing the various V',.-tf bean. When the T '- they na nietl It H"' ireek wonls "'"T'm gods.' "-St. Lows ..f eltfUtttial'"V, ... . ,i,iid la man, woman v United State da'"''