The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 26, 1897, Image 7

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A Premium Nat)triiiluu,
The Cinclunutl Enquirer U a large
B page weekly ncwspiper, aud In our
(liillilll, lit lilt) best flHHT in t lie
country lor general new and In for
inn' Ion.
VVe aeinl it FUEL', to every subscrlb
er to ma eehly uuahd who pay
one year in advance
a premium. 1 lit regular cash ul
script ion pi Ice of the latter I 75 cent
Of the Guard 12 00.
Auy subscriber to ihe Daily
GUARD who pay 0 uiimtl a In advance
lt3U0) will receive I lie WEEKLY
Enquirer out) year an a premium.
These terms are strictly for a Is
vance payment. We must pay the
Enquirer in advance, ana cannot glv
It aaa premium utile we receive pav
On Wednesday evening, June 23
1807, at the home of tht bride'a sister,
Mra Win Preston, in thin city, two n
the old and highly respected pioneel
lamillea of the ktale were united by
marriage. The contracting parties
were Mr Hugh Hampton, of Goshen
and Mis Grace rtgatha Iluniaker, of
Eugene, He v Hubert Leslie, pastor of
the find Baptist church otllolated. Mr
and Mra Hampton Mart out in life un
der most pleasant auspices aud have
hosts of friends whom the tli ard
Joins iu tendering tl em hefirty
- . -
Cull lor Comity V si runts.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
lowing warrants will I paid ou pre
uentatlon at my ofUce. Interest on
same will cease June 7, 1897.
All Lane county warrants from
registered number 70S to llus both lu
clusive. And all warrants registered
prior to December 12, 1SIHJ.
Dated Eugene, Oregon, June 5,
County Treasurer.
Frms for Hale.
I have for sale several good farms,
which have been taken in foreclosure
by loan companies.
These luuds will he sold at a low
figure aud on easy teims without the
assistance of real estate agents. Ap-
p'y to
Sherwood Burr,
Eugene, Oregon.
r'.ir Sale.
A nice clean stock of general line of
hardware and paints, oils, varnish,
glass, pumps, granite-irou ware aud
tinware. Alcoafet of tinners tools,
with store room and dwelling. Keason
for selling, wish to go Smith.
W. H. Maxwell,
Sprldgfield, Or.
Notice to Kruliaud Hop (irowers.
The Eugense Soup Company is man
ufacturing a first class Whale oil soap
for the purpose of spraying hops and
fruit trees, which we offer you at a
reasouable price. Cull ut the Factoiv
and examine the same.
West Eighth St., Near Creamery,
Eugene, Oregon.
To Exchange.
Will exchange 7 lot, oue store
bulldiug, 1 dwelling house, 1 barti, a
good gardeu, fruit of all kinds and
plenty of it, located lu Spriugfleld. for
Eugeue property. For Information
inquire of
Irving, OregOii.
For Sue.
1 piano, 2 horses, 2 bugglc. 1 hack,
1 roati cart, 1 set doub.e harness, 4 set
Ingle harness.
Will trade for lumber and .hlngles,
A 8 McClure.
Have Your Uraiu.
Few realize that each qulrrel de
stroys 11.50 worth of grain anuually.
Wakelee'a Squirrel and Uopher Ex
ertnlnutor is the most tlleetive aud
economical poison known. Price re
duced to 30 cents. For sale by Osburn
DeLauo, agents.
Farms for Sule,
I have now thirty fine farms In the
Willamette valley for sale. These
farms include every variety iu size and
nrice. For description list, address
1 Geo. M. Miller,
Wilklus Block, Eugene, Or.
Moi.ey to Loan.
On farm lauds at goal terms. For
particulars apply to
' E J. McCLAN All AS,
Eugene, Oregon
Stock Cattle koh Sale. I aveou
to GO head of well bred young cows,
calves and two year old heifers which
I will sell at very reasonable prices.
For further particulars see or address
J. M. Gearhart,
Eugene, Orgeou.
Pure blood means good health. De
Witt's Kun-apaiillft purities the blood
ourea eruptious, eczema, scrofula and
all disease arislng from Impure blood.
Corner Drug Store, Vincent A Walton
This Is a ".(! lime of the year to
I.L. til. ..n... I, a 1 lv..f Itffflllator. It
the very best intdlcine to take In the
Spring for the blood snd to cleanse the
system of a.l impurity. "I lve used
Hiu.moii I.ivtr Kivulator s a cor
re..-l r ai:d blood purifier rnJ think It
an en. .'.lent remedy. al way keep It
on haiid lo take In preference to other
medcine."-IM hysell, Middleport
Ohl .
Bird e.-a at F L Chambers.
DrC II Chapman ha returned from
Cbas Friendly arrived up this after
noon from Portland.
MrJV Sliumate, of Walterv I e,
was in Eugene today.
Wall paper, new styles.
F L Chamber.
Attorney C A Sehlbiede of Roeburg
wa in j-.ugtne today.
Mr HS Bean returned to her home
at Salem this morning.
Prof N L Narrtgan arrived homo on
today' tiorllilsiund local.
Calilson A Son lead in pries
Hinders, Mowirsand Bakes.
lartle desiring liny baled address
M. Perkins, box 437, F.ugene.
Mis Lenta Plyuiateleft for her home
at Halsey on the morning local.
E E McClunahan Is at LuGrunde, to
attend the bicycle meet at that place,
MraWCVoraii a:id daughter nie
home from a visit iu Eastern Oregon
J H.Wyatt, the well-known attorney
of Albany, arrived up on the 2.04 local
Newton Jones of Stayton, an ol.
time Eugene boy I in the city visiting
Second Hand goons oi every demerit
Ion. CurrieA Huston. Mount tuild
ng corner Oth and Oik.
Hampton Bros are having a sign
painted on the front of the buil'iitig
they are shortly b occupy.
Walter A wood harvesting ma
chinery at prices to suit the times.
J T Callison A Son, Agtlits,
Miss BertliaTuit, of Creswell, who
has been a guest ut the home of J G
Gray returned hmu today.
Charles HollenU-ck, who is rm
ployed in Mr Dubois' hotel at Mc-
Miuuvilie, is up forasliort visit.
Geo F Craw returned today from
San Francisco, w hither he went ubom
a week. He reports a pleasant trip.
Mrs Harriet Grousbeck, of Creswell,
leaves via the (ileal Northern, for an
exteudtd visit at West Concord. Minn
Chas II Yaruey of Clow, is agent for
all the leading magazines and news
papers In the United Slates and Can
James llouig marketed a lie id of
lettuce In the city to lay that weighed
trilleless than two pounds. Who
Cin beat it?
Miss Ella MuAlisttr was a as. uger
for Albany ou the morning locil,
where ahe will be the guest of friends
for a time.
George N Frazer returned from a
business trip to Portland lust evening.
He says It rained in that city all day
ThosShaipis now in British Colum
bia at the races. He reports Black
Alder In better condition this year than
he ever was before.
The firm id Hampton Bros w ill con
sist of Messrs A Its-rt, Hugh and John
Hampton, instead of AlwTt aud John
as staled In yesterday's Guard.
Miss Ada Sharpies passed through
i the afternoon local t ) hel home
near Goshen from Seattle, w here she
had been during the w inter.
John P Joins and Edwin Stone
topped oft here this morning from a
trip south in the Int. rest o' the coming
Bl'O E clambake al New port.
Jacksonville Times: J B Beavenue
ha rented the Schumpf barbershop.
He has hod considerable experience In
this line of business aud w ill spare no
means to please the public.
Dr. G. W. Blddle may le found at
his residence on Olive street, between
Fifth and Sixth streets, one block west
of the Minnesota hotel. He is pre
pared to do all dental work iu the best
Now Is the time to tlx up your
lawns. First get a ictona law n
mower to smooth it down, then 50 ctt
worth of Gypsum aud sprinkle on it.
F F Chambers has both
McMinnvllle Traiu-ript: We learn
that Prof Glen, while at Eugene last
week, wa oll'ered a position in the
faculty of the state university, and Is
thinking seriously of accepting it. We
thould dislike to see the Prof, leuve
our college, a he Is an able instructor
A McMlnnvllle dispatch of yesterday
says Charles Galloway, a former stu
dent of McMinnville college, but now
of the uu versiiy of Oregon, is in this
city. He U maHlnga tour of the al
ley and coast on root. lien ne
reaches home at Oregon City, he will
have walked about 3"0 miles.
A letter received in Pot I land yester-
dy announces the departure for Paris
last Saturday on the steamship i.a
Champagne ol ex -Senator John H
Mitchell. Th letter was written in
New York by Mr Mitchell, at u ne
I III. ,.l U.
say the precarious urum,
Mitchell, who Is al the f renin cupiiai,
calls him abroad.
A Calapooia Douglas county corres
Dondent say: Itev S Minni. k, of En-
Bene, a talented young divine of the
(inistian church, held religious ser
vices al the Calapooia school house last
Sunday at U o'clock a m. At the
conclusion of his riiscoiir- there wire
veii aiveaaioin t hi church. 1 lie
baptismal services will be tondurtfd
next Sunday near the Calaprsiia bridge
at 11 o'clock a if.
Ell Hill, number Ciy, Pa.,ritei
I have be n suffering from pile for
i5 years and thought my case incura
ble. KWitt Witch Hze! Salve was
,.,..l i.. me as a pile cure, so I
bought a box and It performed a per-j
n.anelll cure." I
only one of
.. ... .i. ..t -in. ilur cures
Kewma I
a,reslld skill
.. v cin o'jn:si ,
f,eu it Is Use'
.00 rn,er Dim Store,
Vincent A Walton Proprietors.
Flul lr. ( iupuian but lrt a Nom
tie riuiul He Asbaiued f
the Canto lie Plead?
A correspondent writes a laboretl
article to the Orcgouian (. this date
defendirg Or Chapman w iih the usual
old sleieotypu statements us to his
"ability, learning, high ideal" etc.,
It is rather peculiar that "Eugeii
ile" should take up nearly a column
t f space extolling tlie greHt Dr Chap
man, then usea nom de plume to cover
his own identity.
Such an earnest champion should
not be nslmuied to sign his name to an
article discussing a public question.
tilve us your name "Fugenlte." IH
not be aahiinied ol the cause you so
earnestly champion. Keiuember state
ments of an aiiouMiiou correspondent
are always titUeii with a greut deal of
allowance. Give the public your
CIKUil COlltT.
b 'Vui 1' Martin vs M Marvcrud
coiilliuiatioii. ( niitlrmud.
'": Mary E l.iveruiote vs , U I.I v
ermore; divorce; Mot ion for oMcr to
mortg:tge plop, ny tor fMMI alloueil.
lielern.l to II I) Norton to npo.t the
It siiinony.
W A I'erkii.s vs W J Snodgravs;
to recover mom y. IVfaiilt and judg
ment f..r V2'.i7 and f ill attorney fee.
57 B J unil J A Ilia.lmoii.l vs A I
Stevens; to recover money. Sett'ed.
ti2 I he Koseiifeld Smith Co v J P
BargeraudW G While; to recover
money. )iinis-c. without pnjiiilice.
ro B Nel-011 Vs John Bradley; ac
counting an t to recover money. Ke-
feried to C Winlermier to report
testimony next term.
7t Geo W Kin-ey vs J W Lingo; to
recover money. I). rull ami Jiiilgmei.t
for $ll.4: and H2 attorney fee.
'.' State of Oregon vs John Court-
wright; burglary. Grand jury, Mon
day afternoon found a "tine bill."
The foll'itting jury was drawn
Wednesday: S B Mors, F A Tozier,
B F Sylvester. 8 E McClure, K J
Hemphill, J K Scott, F I) Biuton,
I; Cook, B 1 Paine, David Kl y,
Albert Win.eiireid and B A Allen
The jury returned a verdict of guilty
with a recommendation of mercy.
iranil jury, Monday afternoon found
H true I'lll." Sentence deferred until
June 2.1.
Si) State of Oregon vs F B Wilson
pointing a gun ut another person.
Grand jury returned a ' true bill,"
Tuesday foicuoou.
7 John Kelley vs Robert E Camp
bell; damages. Dismissed on stipula
tion, each side to pay Its own costs.
2'J In reassignment of A H Biglow;
assignment. Made report.
4S JWCriiler vs Levi P Hersh-
berger; to recover money. Deluult
and Judgment and order of sale of at
tached property.
03 S E Conger vs 11 F McCornuek;
injunction. Submitted and tukeu un
der udviscment.
0 In re estate of Joseph Bailey, de
ceased; certified up from county court.
Argued nud submitted.
10 E L Smith v N B Gentry mid
Arthur Tuliafero; Injunction. Con
oS Geo M Miller vs Koliert Mc-
Intyre, et al; injunction. On trial
before Judgu Fullerton. Argued and
1 Irving Wood vs Win A Kelley
and w ife; fore.iosiue. Order for pub
lication ofsuiiimous.
7 Washington Nu'.ioiial Building
Loan A Investment Association vs
Melissa Baker; foreclosure. Default
and decree.
Died. At his home in Cheshire
precinct, June 22, s!'7, of dropsy,
Iticlu'rd Bush, aged 04 years 9 months
ami 10 days. He was born In Arkan.
sas, Sept 3 l'.WJ, and moved to Oregon
in 1S12, settling iu Lane county the
following year and had continuously
resided here. Ho leaves a brother,
lieu Bush, who moved to Grant Pass
recentlv. and two daughters, one of
w hom resides in Washington and the
oilier in Alaska. He had lieen living
at the home of his son-In-law, Geo
Lakin for some tune. The interment
took place today at 3 p in to the cem
etery in Che hire precinct.
Plans Not Yet Adopted. The
committee from the t 'hrlstlan church,
bavin.' Iu charge the receiving of plan
for the new church building, has not
us yet accepted any of the pi ins offered
although they will probuhly ilo o this
week. Messrs Hendricks and Matlock
members of the committee, visited Sa
lem this week and Inspected several
churclu there with a view to helping
them In making selection, and they
are now awaiting the arrival of some
more plans to be presented before de
ciding. I'tiljr Cunl, Juiis
Sentisced to One YEAR.--Jobn
Court w right, convicted last week f
h rttny Iu Bond's store at Irving, wus
sentenced to the penitentiary for one
year by Jndge Fullerton this afien;oon.
He will I taken lo Salem loiooirow.
Before being senlelutd he wus ex
amined on t lie cburge of Insanity by
Dr Preiitl'.e and Brown, who pro
nounced Inm sane.
Hint Guard, Jane Jl
BovaI. Fl.tsii.-D E Bice is In
mourning today. A speculator u-ed
his nickel i'l-'.be slut machine and got
a royal Hush entitling him lo 100
cigars, u u ner a g .o.i iuvp.inii.iii ii
a ni.-K-l. Ar..ta niiri eon-i-w m int
i.r i i.m .Li..,. Mnt rr.iiii I lis set-
- - --
down, ruf llisiu ce me ace,
'pi"eu, J' K anu ten ol heart.
Ci'Kii.nFNP? iiii! mww
Fiiiil Kfiul!: Young Fellow Will
Lose His ri,ice""fli;ipii;in Will
M'..f---ruwn WillSiiy"
Vl. hi Mutrdliail l illlorlul.
June :!2; ' Because the people of
that city have given expression of
their Impatience with the mcd!Uome
young hli.w who holds the posit 1. 1 of
pris.ileiil of the Stale I'niversitv, the
Orcgoiiuo urgiies that the institution
should I moved aw ay from that
tow n. It didn't occur to (lie Oiegou
iau edih'i' to siicgs the alternaliw f
niovniL- the town from the university.
One i .naiiyns practicable as the
oil er and as likely to lie acted upon.
The result will be thai the
young fellow w ill lose his place, for
W hit'll he
i- utterly undeserving and
st i. ii lit . Mr Chapman will
away fioni the university.
and aim.'
In- lliovt 'l
and tli l
wu and the Institution will
stay w I,, re tin y at. This may take
some lime, but the sooner it is i c
complislied the better It Mill be for all
The people of F.ugene aie not re
quired to say black is w hite and white
black, and rostrate themselves lo be
walked over by eveiy upstart, in order
to keep the school fioni Mug moved
auay from their tow n.
h iuhkr statesman comment.
'in a letter to the Statesmen a
fiiend of the Slate Cnlvt rity at F.u
gi no says:
"'I enclose y hi a it py of the
charges preferred against Dr C II
Chapman, of the Stale I'nlversity.
1 'Kase publish it. Will you also state
editorially your opinion us to windier
or not you consider the ehargis spi cillc
rnough to rc(tlirc uu investigation by
the board ef regents. Ought not the
... ... t ..I.......
aciiised iiimseli, n ne omsiucis uie
charges untrue, demand an investiga
tion at the lnihd of th" board of re
gents?' r'ie charges are us follows, and lire
signed by thirty-three prominent biisl
mss and professional men of Eugene
and twenty fornnr students of the
State I'nlveislti :"'
Hero follow cbaiges w hich we pub-
li-h in another column F.U. Gcaud.
In brh f: The charge preferred are
sullicient to wnrrtuit the most
thorough Investigation. Any man
guilty asclmrged is unlit to be presi
dent of a band of coyotes. L'nlis the
president of the Statu 1'iiiverslty call
vindicate himself, after a rigid Inves
tigation, fr nn the charge his days of
any gieat list fulness as sucli president
nr.- ut end. Mr I hopmaii Hmulil
court an itivt s'.lgullati by the rtgeney
and he will, if the accusations are
A Pioneer. Died, at hi homo on
Silver creek, in Harney county, Ore
gon, on June M, 17, T N Baker, al
the age of till years. He wu born in
Pike county, Illinois, Feb. 3, I.S37;
crossed ihe plains to Oregon in 'o3 am!
settled ill Lanecoiinty; ho was a vol
unteer in the I tog lie Kiver Indian war,
of '." and '.Ki; was also with (leu How
ard in the Piute war of '7S; wits a man
respected and liked by every one who
knew him. He loaves a wife aud little
sou to mourn his loss. He ulso bus
one sou iind daughter In California,
and leuve four brothers and one sis
ter, W A Baker anil Mrs M T Awbrey,
of Lane county, and J. F It. J. ami
E D H iker, of Harney county.
luity Unsni. June'.M.
Kki.KYiK Ei.kitkI). The following
regents were elected yesterday for the
Eugene Divinity schisil at the Turner
camp meeting: Mr L E Cowies, of
McMinnville, lo succeed her husband
Judga J W Cowies, for the term of one
year; J A liuwley of Monmouth, for
the term of two years; lion Neil
Cheatham, of Olympla, Washington,
for the term of three years.
LnnKiNu loR A Ledoe Grant
J'nss Mining Journal: A J Barlow,
Dr E Mingus and EC Cornelius left by
wagon on Tuesday for the South Ump
qua. i h. rehy hangs a tale When
the dcicl body of Ed Hcli It III 1 a was
found soiuu weeks ago in a lonely
cabin, 2) iiillus east of Canyouvllle, by
Its slile wus found some rich ore and
In Ihe I 'an wus about 1 1 in gold. It
a1.ars nmt when the messenger (f
ilealli found the veteran prospector the
lutltr hud discovered the ledge for
which he had searched so long mid
laboriously. -The gentlemen who left
this week for the scene of hi labor
profess to know w here that ledge Is to
h.- found and have gone in search of It.
It I surmised that the Info' million
cime to them through Mrs Kchlelllin,
with whom Col Barlow hn been in
communication. But whither such
be the source or I heir information or
the locality was rcveuli;d by the spirits
-let us hop- that thev "HI II ml It. II
is an llilert ' ' g f o-l t hat the locaiit)
where they will make their search lies
Just across the divide Irom the
creek strike.
Telephone Line. The Yreka, Cal
ifornia, Journal stales that arrange
ments are beln made to extend their
line from lt-d.ling us far north as
Yreka tbl year. Ou the north end
the line extendi as fur south as Ku
gene, and tue I teutiou Is to clo-e up
the gap next year, making a fine, long
distance telephone line belwien Port
land, Oregon, and l-.s Angeles, California.
Allil.tli KOllM.
I.a lid Ciiou'v Aimroiirintr Uonsv fur
Ill 110 Kier aud Bolienila KoatH.
.iieioMowmgoroer wire
the commissioner court eslerday:
in the matter or an appllcnllon for
the Blue River Mining road: It I
hereby ord. ted .y the con it that an
appropriation of iiMwill be paid to
the one who bids to construct tho most
load for that amount Grade lo be S
feet wide, level and smooth; bids to If
opened July I. 1S'j7, at I p in;
wink to tt'gin at end of wagmi
road ileal the "shed" aud go east en
county survey.
In tht matter of an application
an appropriation for work on Sharp's
creek road to Bohcmli mines; It is
hereby ordered by the court Unit $ l .Ml
I and is hereby appropriated upon
said road.
Dun ts Fur Farmers.
Don't forget to grease your wagon.
Don't use stay t huliis ou yotir ttagnii
when limiting heavy loads
Don't think of buying a new wagon
it it h less limn four inch tires. Six
would be better.
I't claim to be an advocate n
good roads and then go ami buy it nar
row -lireJ w agon.
Don't have everything lying Ions
alio in ihe premise. Have a place foi
evert thing, and see that everything is
kept ill place.
Don't raise scrub stock of any kind.
It don't pity.
Don't neglect your pasture or water
Don't give your horte cold water to
drink w lieu he is very w arm.
Don't beat that co v because she
kicks. Just lie her legs together tight
ly and avoid further tr uble.
Don't foigel to take ul bust two good
p pcrsund keep abreast of the limes.
Beiiiumber it is (he wide-awake, up-to-date
farmer that is the successful
ne today. Ex.
he Stomach) t'aitiiol ba t relg lllrd.
tt nil greater Irs. a than a ilnl.ait .1 r -l ic nir
ftiiti'. True, sneh a m.sheiiio rclictes cm-
lll'stluii for ihe unit., l.itt al llix xi'enso ol
trrnl Injury lo 111) Inl.i.lliml .'ami!, wliU-li II
l.i nil Inllaiupi mi l weakxni, linn utiilltiuii II (or
Ihe iHTfortniilKa. of Its ini..T lllliellous W l.l.-
y .Ii Herein is Hi.' aetlouof H.iM.ll.r'. stonm.'h
Itilter. a tonte ii,.,'rlent s hleh pro.tueol rllects
inoinpt, luiloi'.l, t ul never viol. ail or ('..iiviiUlini
I'llrlly of i a Ik.IhiiU' lni;r.'ilc nl lis tin-
liuiiHliM ttsvnr, us ttcnlHl liuhi.-iire neon
ihe iniii. I, sii.l tli I h..i..i s: I. ti-B ol ti retiu-
h. ll. ii In ca-ss ol ..lstlHtli.l, llv.T eomelstttl
Hit.l .ly-it-ls, ( .nihil..- .. riii,-r II s most 1
i.iinI. Itoiiily Heil c It liiir..Nt.'s l,.ih
.ihi.'uI visr t ! tnlwu '. I-, trsiiiinlli..s kii.I
nit'i the ii4r.nis -j m. mi. I Kites sn
ii it u . mi 1.' t olif lnr tin ( I. A WHH'gU..
Iliree lliu.n tin 1 1. I- Hie sverus.-l.iu.
I'll' ute Postponed.
Pi.easanl Hil l,, June 21, 'U7.
1'lilToit Gcard: Pleaso stale In
your dally and weekly paper that the
school picnic to have lieen held here
June 20, consisting of a union of tie
Natron, Jasper, EtUndale anil Pleasant
Hill schools has beu postponed on
account of tho wet weather, until Fri
day, July 2.
James Donaldson,
Hons Mathews,
Hewer Work. The work ou Ihe
Nor h Pearl street wer has I sen
somewhat delayed by the heavy ruins
of I he past few days, which has caused
Ihe edge of the excavation to cave In
slightly. Workmen were placed ou
again th. morning however ami the
mains will i imiii be laid. On therioiith
purk sewer workmen are today exca
vating acrus Ninth street to connect
with the present swer terminus ut the
northeast corner of thu opera house
block and the work of laying mains
vill be begun at once.
llow TliUY
.' ollur One Mandrel llnllsrs KtWkd for
sny esse nt t'slKirtt thst itttuiul bu tiuiud by
null a i alarm i aim.
r J :HKStf VA CO., l'rop., o
W'r, Die iim.IitIkiiih list.' known K J l loan y
for tliu Inn! l.r yesrs, anil U'llevo lilltl perlrelly
liiinorHlile ill all Imlliieiw Iranaaetloii ami Hiiaii
Inlty luearry oul suy ublisalluu by
lli.-lr II rm
ssT.ti I l' ax. Wliiil.siile liruarirtsia. Tol.slo, (I
W Ala. isn, Kissis .Ii IIamkiS, W Unlesalo I'riu
gists, IoIihIo, (I.
II I i t atarrli Cure Is lain. a Internally, ' t
lii illrerty upon His I.I.mmI an. I iiiiichin aur-fa.s-s
tti ilis R)Ntein. I'rles 7.'. cents M-r bolllu.
sol.l by all DruKKO'". Trallinoulalii Irto.
Dally Uard, Juno 21 .
Was Bun Over. Yesterday even
ing us Mr Vogel was walking along the
sidewalk near the corner of Ninth and
Puurl streets be was knocked down by
nu bicyclist and before he could get
himself adjusted wus run over by an
other following. He Is quite an old
gentleman and sustained a nuniUr of
bruises. The wheelmen of the city
generally would like to ne such riders
lined as a mutter of protection to those
rider w ho are careful snd painstaking
Ilurkleii' Arnica Salve.
The la-st salve In the world for cuts
briils-s, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever
soies, tetter, chaped bunds, chill lulii",
corns, and nil skin eruptions, aid
positively cure piles, or no pay le
iiilrcil It is euuraiiteed to give per
fect satl-.fai:tlo:i or money refunded
Price 2ij (wiits per box. For su'o by
Hen dekko n & Linn.
Huh Wanted.
Bids will be received until July lo,
lh!(7. for the delivery I7l School District
No 1H, S rlngfl. Id, Or., at school house
ite, of 7,ih0 feel irf dressed lumber
rt-ellcutioiis furnished on application
J. A. Bl'Kll,
Fairmounl, O'.
Strayed or Stolen. A large
Hereford bull, weighing 171) rounds,
' rayed or stolen. No marks or brands
hut has ring in nose. Any Informa
tion leading to recovcy of uld bull
will ls liberally rewarded. Address
Matiiew Bros.
Pleasant Hill
Ii. Hi s. At I'l. ii-n tit Hill, June 24lh
IV.i7, to the wife .f W L Brlstow, I
i duughter. Mother and child are do
lug well, but W II I past recovery.
l m i;-iw Jim: 21
i wo oicjcie r..r sale ci.c.p al i un.u
v Huston s.
i.y ,-MVnls-a double roll
j( ('mi.r,.'
ill paper at
I Miss I '.'In l.e.uiicd is
I. I
' home w uli illu.
Minuenpolis bimlci-, Waller A
WimiiI mowers ami al ( alii m,
( 'rescenl lecycles o. l'.ii illo ai.y
tT'i w hit I m. ii.-. v. c 11,. in ii' !' I,
( 'liamher-..
Attorney .1 B Wyatt, of Alhanv, I o
spi lit hi-l night In this ciiy, i, inii i . I
home today.
Charles Starr, of .Iiiin ti.iii i- nu v
enmloyed in the laitcne l t II'.
vaiorCo's mill.
There will be a picnic un l dar. . id
Wulterville, ntar Hcii.liicKs liny i n
July .1, Monday.
Hugglcs, carts, Links, mm wagon
new ami sccoini iian.i. rn.a s w ay
dow n at F L Chambers.
Mrs I-'. ank Aiiilersou and children
returned lo their home at l'o (land this
morning after a visit lu re.
Miss May Slebbins is at Point Tor-
ralcconlbi' Sliislaww liere she will
visit with Mrs Sliles for a time.
Miss Kclicccn Haines returned loon
today from Coivullls, where she h;;
been lu utleiidauce upon the O '.
.miss iiattit' altou went lo t or-
vullls this morning where she will lie
the guest of Miss l.aur.i Alexander.
Sam May, the llarri-hiiig inerchaiif,
was hero today adjusting the Blair
home loss He allotted the fell
amount, ji i).
Miss Laura Al. xiiiid. r. f t'onnlli-.
who bus In en the guest of Ml i ' ,
Brown, reliiined home on Ihe Hum
burg local today.
An extra coach went to to. l uigoi.
the 2.01 local to conve.v Hie "lle-t I'.o
plu'' from (hat place to the big clam
bake ut Nevt port.
Dr C II Loouiis left this morning for
Scuttle w here he will nt once enter
upon hisduties as spielul agent of the
C S laud olllce.
Deputy Sherill ( lias Set t took
young Court w right lo ,a, m to.lnts.
w here lio w ill coinmi iiiv u one year'
term in the penitentiary.
Don't bo careless or WHl. fill ttitli
your Incandescent htiincis. The char
coal threads u-e l as tllauicnts in these
eletiric lamps co-t l2,noil a pound, te
murks an exehnnge.
C A Woinlson, the newly clcclc.1
tutor In Ihe C of (), went (oCorvallls
today. Ho will be joined thee by 1 1.1
r.ryson and together they go lo the
A'sea country for uu ou'ing
B F Alley, of thu Baker City Bepuh-
lican, passed llirougli this morning ou
Ilis way home from Boselnirg, wlieie
he had been a tending a lin e ing of tlie
trustees of i ho S ddleis liome.
Professor F L Witsliburn stinted f..r
Yuipiimt on this morcing's local
where hu will Inspect (he oyster beds
and give and gain audi liifonualloii ua
may bo practicable In Ihe furtherance
of this Industry.
Edwin Siiiieund John P Jones, who
are winking up enthusiasm in the
Klks chilli bake ut Newpo.t, wenl
north ou the HI :- local. Thev exisc'
a repieselilative crowd from this city.
I'ucle Johnny Diamond of Coburg,
w ill leave for Foley Springs lomoriow
morning w heie ho w ill spend a f. w
weeks. Ho has been iilllictcd with
rheumatism for a few days.
We are anxious lo do a llttl.i good in
tills world and can think of no pleas
anter or better way to do it than by
recommending One Minnie Cough
Cure as a preventive of pneumonia,
consumption and other serious lung
troubles that follow neglected colds
Coi iidi Drug Store, Vincent fc Walton
It would be hurd to convince a mini
suffering from billons colic that his
agony Is dun to a microlie w ith an uu
pronoiinciiblo name. But one dose ol
DcWIU' Collo and Cholera Cure will
convince him of Its power toallord
liiHtant relief. It kills pain. Corner
Drug Store, Vincent, A Walton
We might tell you mote about One
Minute Cough Cure, but you probably
know tliut it curt a cough. Every
ono docs w ho has Used It, It Is a per
fect remedy for coughs, colds, hoarse
news. It Is an esiatial favorite for
hildren, being pleasant to tuke and
piiek iu curing. Conor Drug Store,
Vincent A Walton Proprietors
The Kosuhu'-g Itevlew gets this nil'
on tho women of Lugene: "A balloon
ascent and parachute Jump is to bo an
atliucllon ut tho Albany Uli of July
celebration, und the profi tutor (V) ud-
vertlses that hn w ill murry any woman
who will make tho u'l'eiit with him
and slay in the balloon uficr bo cuts
thu parachute loose. If this prnpn.j
lion is ever Iliad.' III Kilgcne, it Is
slated upon good authority Unit thu
bold iieiial navigator will bo forced to
nlargo the carrying capueity of his
liulloon." The Ashland lit rd gets
the same thing oil on Jacksonville.
During the winter of lsii.1, K M
Murtiu, of Long Biu.ii, West V;t
collliault d a k Verv cold w hich left him
Ith u cough, 1 . speaking of how he
:uted It he says; "I u-t d severul kinds
nl cough syrup but found uo relief until
I bought a bolt)... of (iutinbcrliiin's
('oiigh Hciuetly, which relieved me
ilmo-t Instantly, and in i short time
brought about u complete cure." When
troubled with a cough or cold li-e
this remedy and you w ill not Hud it
iiecefsury lo try several kinds Ulore
you get relit f. Il has been In the mar
ket lor over I went y years ami con
stantly grow ii iu fut or und popularity
For sale at 2.) und M tents i tr bottle
by Osburu v i. alio.
Cuiiiuiibslnaot' o.
.1 T Culli-on, coniiilsnlocf
Y T Biiley, commlssljnor.
.1 I' Sutherliind, deputy i
I 'i'i 1 1 -ticli as the clt s
oill'.rs Inif.) reached si
i i. . in. ol ui relation to rli
in ov pending hot euri Lane
the i .!y f Kugeiiu, UDd til
th.' . ..only can bo betblt SUl
.1 d -III :--:. of said suit; l( I
"' ' i. d hy (he court, that t
att.'i ncy he and he ! herei
(o .ll-ini (he - aid case of L
vs tin-ci'y of Eugene with
dice. ( in the O'loptlor d tl
I I ' (Mi-op voted ni and
an I I'i I'otti r voted yea.
s Blaiiioii and team,
with toad crusher ,
.1 I I ail'.-. ill .t Sen nvuisir
Il I) Poller, stumps 41.50. x
-es, elf. to cents
II i: Bice, work with
cl usher
Fiank I'.sl, dredgllijj fori
Jack I i. lie, ilied;lng for t
claimed ;7 ud, allowed.....
'go Barnes, dredging fori
I'lios llalon, dredging lor t'er .
F l la-lon, dredging for ferry
D Jou s, ..redglng forforry.
Jjs Keiiu. rly, dredging
f' try
I hihp I ii-hco, rebulii on t
.-nail Coeliiiiu, rebate on t
claimed i.."i.7t allowed. .....
) F Knox grand juror
I ' M I'liiker-on gruiift iur
J J WlnnJ grand Juror.
I' J l.iiolley grand juror.
M A llltgond grund
Wm fill. my griiinl Juror.
C Ilagcr g and juror..
S It Williams trial Juror.
r D But ton (rial Juror.
I, Gilsirnp trial Juror.
B D i'aiue t iu I Juror...
M 1 Aw luey trial Juror........
It A Allen trial Juror
it F Mor.s trial Juror
J J .-colt, hhtl juror
Abet Wln.iMirled tilnl ur
F A l ...icr, trial Juror
David i;i.y (rial juror...
K J liciiiphill trial piror...
W B Haw ley trial Juror ...
F A Taylor jr trial Juror
.1 B ( 'onk trial Juror
B F Sylvester trial Juror
I I. Slew art trial juror
S i: McClure trial juror
J S fustic trial Juior
John Puguto trial Juror
G W Beams, witness atatw
Yale ,
I'l Btuiiis w lutes statu .
Boy Johnson witness ataU
Iheroii C Thompson wit
slate vs Yule M
W ;. JWbito
F .Thompson
witness tt
wltnesi state
Klia lllcksoti wltnttti stat
C T Peck witness statu vs !
elttiuied S 20 not allowed
M J Court right witness aUt
John Courtw right .
A E ('millwright witness
s Joliu Courtw rlglit
Lisle Freeinun, witness staU
John Court wrlght
S L Bond w itiieM state vs J
J B Yates witness state Vs J
Court wrlght
K D Johnson witness
John Coiirtwrlght.
$H. SO; not ullowed.
Henry Bice w lines state VS
Com Iw right M
Arlie Meek witness state VS J
J W Wulteis witness stats
John Couitwright
Fan ( ice k wit lies stuto vs J.
Coiirtwrlght .
Flank Monro witness UU
John Coiirtwrlght .
John Inwall, witness state
John Coiirtwrlght M
Thomas Wlshy witness staU
John Coiirtwrlght
F H l.lndley, witness stsU
John Coiirtwrlght .
K M AbUilt witness slats
John Coiirtwrlght
John Maxwell witness itaU
John Courtwrlght
Amlmllu Maxwell witness
vs John Courtwrlght. ........
IIC Zuuiwalt witness staU
John Courtwrlght
Green Zumwult witness LaU
John Courtwrlght
Small In size, but gi eat
ivWitt'i Little Karly H
gently but thoroughly, CU
gcslloi,, dyspepsia and Cot
Sinitll pill, safe pill, best pll
Drug i-itore, Vincent A; WaJt
When we consiiiur mat
tines are about fivo times
the body, we can rculUo t
siillcilng experienced wbet
Inlliiliitd. DeWitt'sCollOM
Cure subdues luilutiimallot
ki d k n.plittly removes tht
Corner Drug Store, Vincent
It t ill be uu iigri ei blt .'
persons subject lo attack-
colic to learn that prompt I
bo hud by taking Chiuiiberli
Cholera und Diarrhoeu ilci
muny Instances tho attacl by taking this I
bisiii us tlie tl rut symptoms .
ease appear. 'Si Atltl 50 C
for sale by Osburu A lK l.AIu ,