FRIDAY, JL'NHll. Mird (iritoe lhowii uriiwd home Ibis afternoon. Mm A Hi. 1. 1, ol 'Florence, in VMtii'if in Iv (ji iiM. IT iirow ii, ri I'm I iml ii bin-i t, in in the city. I r W Kuyl.i whiU m.ol a iri.i snui !. Ill II Ultl IIUMI.I. J . -j . , i Nfl-I , llf P"l(htll'l, "pfllt IrtJ-1 III III ill Kufct-iio. Jl'-v A li Skiicgnof Corvallin, arrived Ui IliM itltc iihmiii. tst uili i. in uie now leaving for their lioliik nil every tluill. Mi--. Laura Tilloii arrived home from Yiiiiiiiiomli on thin afici noon's lo cal. Hiii'lu Ml lliw I. iilvendty have been completci for the your IVJ .hool yeur. Anion ITitUHi , ,r.iiik'lit of the -'oi eat drove bank lm .-iin i) nwl dis appeared. 'II, e number In the graduating cU of tin? Agi'i ultural college I wveiileeli thin year. Mm U M McMurpbey went to Cot tage (iiovu dxlity loeltend Hie Sunday School Convention. lU'V liniuiell will deliver the Knurlli hi (he celebration al Moiuinr, Murinu enunty. The police ill Sit 11 Francisco slopped thu Mi.hi i Starkcy fight, declaring a druw in ll.c sevcnlli round. A i i l 1 1 ! ,1 h lire htill coining lo town 10 i i.t pinna lor t lie new tour I house mid Chrialian church luill t i; Mm (iiiiiell mid xoii Oscar, I lie lall.-r u Niiiilenl ul the unlveritily, lift today for ilii ir lioinu iieur Oiikluml, Oiegon. Miss Lva Vaughal), w Iio IiihIhi ii ll : ten. liny I lit Ki'liool fur I lie lilllld Hi Salem, lelurnid lioine I till ufternnoii Mi-i I .lhi Kent of l)i iio, wlm Iiuii b en ii n u -l hi ilio hoinu of Miiyor Kuyii.-inhill, returned home thin alter liooli. I'm eiiiii-i'i New York left Ne Yoik 11 ii lmr I. itt night under scale I order It Is Miiiulsed alio goe to Cuban Wulcrn. The t hi gull trotting hoie Kliiniiith won Hie great nee for nil Irol at Den ver, Colo, y.slcnhiy. Time: i!:lill, 'J.JO, "I'l. In l li o ironing "stake" nice at the slate fair "Lady Memo" hy Oregon Wllki a hui been filleted l.y (I V (ill! of lliifl eily. A letter Just received from Oihn I ciIk I I-., lin ed at Kiiilo II C, slulc he In cli i U l ii if in ii nloru w ith it salary ol f in i I iiinul ll. It I- ivpo.lcd Unit Jonathan Hum lie J I , I- going l'.io-t lo live And not letmii (.. O cgmi I le lii one ol Hie. HiiMrle-l 1 1 ( i I ii i - in I'm nUle. The Oitgn.i horm- KIlllMMlh, null thu lice fur till lint lit I'eilVrr yesterday, best duel-in live, liltlliatll took the lliild, fnuitll me: lll'lh heiitu, K i,'.-o.. Hi istu.v, it H I ' 1 1 It endue tor Vina ill the city loilay. He Id a soli of lie ild l.Hlie cclility ph lit t r, the liile II. Ii l; I, lliwduw. The fiiuerid of Joseph Springer, w ho died I humility, ItMik place at the t'uliiilii' church yesterday. Inter ment ut I he I ul hollo cemetery. Mr Arnold killed ii large cougar up Mohuu k yeHierdiiy aHeriiooii. It h oi he. n j . ln 1 1 ik havoc w ith sheep in thai hietieli. The ii'liiiiiclut inelit fXcrcU-i of the mki iciiiluiulo IIijh li.kd line Juir IDl'.L'.'l We ai know ledge an Inviia tin II to lillcli.l. tjinie k 1 1 ii ii 1 1 . r of the I'lilvemlty MltiileiitK I. II f.irlhelr lenpectlvo Iioiihk Oil loduy 'h I i itiiiM. Al I Inn lorelliinii' train the 1' ol () yell wan given. Mii Mind i'.i ipiir, of I ii.hi 'ido iii'e a in I he city to remain over commeii cm., ul m( k . I the 1' of O. Her nlMei Mi-t I ' In u, In a liicinhcr of the H III..I CllIM". S.nluvllle Hi nut In l,el alioii Ad vmice: hiither i hetlier and wife have Kne to Lower So. la. Mother Cliaoher'a heiilth . vein ii lo he deellniu Her iniiiiy fi n mU hi e mhui lo neii ner wel. iiitiu. I'ottiiKe (frovo MenMeliser: lleniy 1 ';iy mi he lum hcvn imtliiiK ill hi" h'wic nine the hM unit iiioviuk. lie now .leii.iiitly IcCrtlcd In the 1 luw ley iYldf lire. I'iiiI I kk Ih ct'l, lined to 1 1 If roclu will) liliunit Ihat thrxatelm tiii..l fcrr, mid will .rohahly he iiimhle to attend the tirudimtiiiK exeirixen of the reulor clukK, of w hleli he la a tneiiiU r. li rhui I'laliitleulcr: The anii.uimv m. ut Hint (he round liouatM of tiiuiiia I'm weie lo he brought hei, ni.i I ' by a Im'nl iier, ma to have been ireiniiturt'. No such action h.v I . n titki u or Is coiUcm;ilalo.l. iit.i S lluudraWer and family ar ii. I ft tit Stlein (tilay, driving up in tltir own conveyance. They will wllh their l.ane intinty frlelidn the Ittct ol" next week, (jeor-e lo.'k at if Sub in oftlolul life agreed w ith him. ll n I'hil'p Milmhan. f 5al.-m Klate Ihii-U er, Vliitetl III Kll gen.- ..ier last night. Ho ban boat. of. .'. i . . . i . t I....I .. ..... t. .... 1 " -.".... i;. ....... gMr..o i. l' 1 . .. I. ...... . I ...... . 1 . : ..i- ii. b ... i. .11.1-it pit-nan.. i en... lie retui in tl lo Salem on (hit mornings ' local train. ; HUM-lii Ml). i For the In leu Hlliiilujr School I'llliii la he held mar the I'lng Yantf School lluii-e, Moliank suiurday, June 111, MM: i l y the Miool I'rujer by It-v r.. Soiij by I' e Iiool. WonN of welci, me, - by Iluyr.K ICecl tui.oo .Mm KlU Hayden. Miinie Utrtet. ittfi'itatlon (iijce NcmI. K-iMtatlon-U IU Z'lmwalt. Hoi.f l .ia and (i;lle Duryen. ! iutiou ('rancla (iiore. Il- i Hhiimu Myrtia niewnrt. I.imrum. otitl mu-io. J t -ci -lallon Ml li ii in Hruiy. It' citutiuli J.hw i'i .N'.mI. a I lr..- lu-v CrH. duale Q'litih't liloner. S.n t l.y the Juvenile vUmi. H-cltation ( nrrie liuiyre. iU'i'llullo:i Itolierl llarria. I n-l rtt ii.r-n tit I Illume. Id ciUlioli Kdylhe Alhio. Ili-eitution Addu lluiihhury. Sm l.y the lire llallon Carrie Tim.on. hlmrt ud i!rt i.liy Kwv I'lutl. Hong - (jii.irtel. m Jhiryie w ill I ehaiimaii, und John KHin uiarnhul of thu day. I'luity of aw liiK, and a kooiI aliind to be kept on the giottod. Kx.-reu-ei will bejlii at 10 a. in. KverylxNly come und hrliiK your buxket. H4KK KOHIIKI) Ai JC.CH('. The HutKlar MmJe a ( od Haul t'.M) Takru by I lie llilef. Tlie uiont e.eiiaive robbery ever per etiuted in Jnnclluii ( ity tnt urr. d Weilutnilay nlfc'ht, nuyn the Timea The ufo In l,cw 4 NudioU' iiiitclier mIioi WHoi-iied and tliutliiefwuii rewarded Of thin aiuouul MID beloiiKed Ut J M Niciiolx, Mill lluiiiclaiid Ml (loadiiian, which r - ten I. tc.l their earuliige in thu many cullle Mil.iiitnl ut till place. The ri liiuiinler Udoiiged to l.eum A r.ntraiitv wun iiiu.Im ihruu-h the buck window und the coiiihiii.tlhui of tlie aufe wuh winked lo in rft ellon. Two mi.-ilcinll cliuiuclem Were Keen III the eve in iik but (he liiarnhal uw one of (hi in bourd the 10;)ll overluinl. It in a inyHlery all around und will .ei Iiiiii I aolveil. .New Circuit Court i as. i It ttinuii v J.iliii K llclnhaw and Dora IteUhitw, I. In wife; lo recover f 110.4,1, wi't tiilerm' ni K .er cent from lid. I, Iss'.i, und tlihhiimLiiit nt i.f ac tion. iIIT Hunt, Jii ni- I.'. Is IhilMi Timk l-'iank T Siokt--, un riiilh-i of note, who pilnl the rul. a und regulatioliN of noieU w Ith a Ivt rtlvlll.-litM i.f Ih.- lun I -ma men (hereon, in now in limbo, having icachc.l Ih it place thin morn ing for a 4 ihiya m.J. .urn. i.lcrdHy all. I no n he an ipuckly itviti -lug the point when- ntdewalkn (.et iiiiiiow, when he wan brought up lt f.ue Police Jutlge Il irrU and allow ed Inn line Italian hand at pleading bin nw n can' to Mich an extent that leni ency wan given him, but un he wan proceeding in the naina manner again I bin munilng the above resulted. I'H ljr iluaul , Jane I.'. Htit itrv Stu ui, the Young 1'eo uUV l-'oreigu Minaiouary S.n-iely of the M V. chinch, held their monthly iiiceling la-t idglil al (he piirnoiiage. I'hlrly yotiny (irople were prenciit. Albrlha program ot (he evening, a ot-hll hour W'ti eojoyetl by all. S.uue nflhe iiiemla-rn, w ho are ntu.Unl in die univer-ily, t.vok thrlr dcpnrdne on the ovei html liaiu, for their li.imen in Souluei u Otegon. Oikii At the home of tier daughter In thin rlty al Washington and l-'ntt Mreeln, June ll, I Mi;, Mra Violet IV h non agetl hi yearn, 10 miitithn and It) tluya, of piieuiiloui.t fever. IVi-cuvd leaven live ehlldien, Mm W A Cram ami Mra Marntern reaiding in thia city. The funeral w ill occur at -:.1i f-utiday nlt.rnu.ui, lo the Mill key cemetery, Itev J T Ahta-lt onicallng. btlly toitnl, J una . KN.IOY A III R l : KM-. l.ant (light the annual stutlrliln hop provetl to In. all event long to le reim niln-red by (bono altrmling, About .to ivup't were present and tho entrancing "train of terpaichoreau munic did not ivano until the wee niua' lioura. bally liiitM June 1.'. I'ikasam- Hill's I'iink-. The annual picnic al Pleasant Hill, which Inalwav looked forward to w ith plea lira l.y Kugene renldentn, took platv today, and mtwlthtlantling the threat ruing weather and Pugue'a. prediction Kugoiie In very well roprcae nted. l.t.lf Outiit, June : ItaoKKN. evening the Akm 3-yetr tild ton of Profen.o' V O Young ' hll playing on (he balcony, fell and broke hit right arm i vi the ahoultler. I)r ltrown et (he injiin-tl memln-r and die little patient it now progressing nicely. SfAlK 11 A It CtlNVtMION -On ' Monday at I oib-peiidece (be sttfe () A ' it i . . i . . , i . . . ncv....ut...ii iii ins neni .-vveral .. ill . . 1 ....... I - . in go mm n iroui uere, ainong w In. in l re r A Helniiei, J A llurllngauie and 'KH Miliar. I THAT J I' NOTION I'R'NIC Kui'ne IVople wcoreil. - J'liiftlnu V liUkey loo Stroi if I r Mu m. Ourfeelinga have been hudly lacer lited by mine fet-rirninut i.-ti imlulge-l J In by our nHeeincd -n t ml" rill "'" Timea, of Junction. Junt think or I!. Kuireno ionlu wilt t Jui.tlioi, 1 , i. IUII1IH Itlilal.'.. I.T (IIIIICI ' Mill tf Hul In tlnriiin-d hV the li ilto' wbihUey got in, icy und oltreperoiw, and had to be tukcii .a it- of by tne polino. Thn uuL-i.iii'hmei'iury r inarkn are inade aiauit it. KuKenu eopleur nut that Junction article, und the oltlcera of thai city aliould liae b'.rue will) (hem a. id (rat I them kindly even though they came In warlike attitude and t ..iyed to aweep the tt ' lean. Tuka warning fmui tin.1 u-t and h reaftvr hen a Junction ftut is pro vided lock up that forty rod wln.-key and ael out an arlkle llml ha It ell ruu through the il!itnu lie until ila lighting oevi.iah ijUulilien have leeii eliinlnaled. Time and time uxalu il ban been demount ruled t li ul Kut'in ptople laiil.ot Wltlia.lklid Jillictlim w liinkey. i'reveiiliou It U ltt i lliuti cure. K t il uwuy 'rom Iheiu. We repuhllhh die unkind uiticle of the Tlmen: "The Kugeue Journal ban connideia Idetoaay cuncrrning the Juncliun pic i. It-ami weule aurprnted to lldnk lln Juurnul Would permit ilielf to U lilletl witli irpuria fmui in-MiQ.ihi t artlet We will nay there were tun- tmigh preneiil anil -ome were pelhupa thu of ardent epirita, hui die tllllt. kent ulnl (otigbeal ill (he W hole angiegallun were from Kugeli und die only tli un k ui rented and (brown l-.i o (lie eily ii-lilc duniig lilt- day liitili roller Iroiii l.iigeiie. II arr.'nr alao that the inamliiil w un i.u deck, the Journai'a iipnrl lo the eontrary nut wnhalauiiilig. We w ill also utld thai the ininnhul wan on deck (o the norr.iu ofccilitln toiight. in the future when Ihete rolling iudividiiuln culue duw n In have an "un lul J. illy " time, more than one of tlibin will routrihiite to (lie l ily's exchequer (juilv liberally.' (Ioks to I'iihi i.ank. Ilrow rtvil e IU-vJK Snyder will go I Portland lhe hue purl of iiext uiek w here he ban accepted a call fiom the Kirnl rienbyteiiun eluirch of thai city tin next MJiiilay, juna I.i, at ll a in, Mr Snyder w ill preach hit fait-well wr- moil (o lib I'renoyteriitn eongiegalion and in the evening he will pu-ncli i farewell aerilinu ta) thu ci lienii public Hiiring Key hnyiler'a rtiiitei;te lure of a lllllt! lera lliitu two yiatn, u pimti.t of the l'lttby teriuu i liuich, he him lueli bit atvd W illi nondel till htlcce.tH in bin ministerial work, through vhicli I trgeaud blind loum el tncli e.lillce has li.-en eltcletl itotl hVi" I VI new nauit a. bled to thu tll-.-llllicmlnp o (lit l-0-igre:atinll. The people uf lliuw nn viutt ant: viciniiy will regrel vry Hindi that Mr Snyder and fmiuly w ill remove from their, but with I hem many happy ytuin in whatever loculity their lot may be rant. Mis Snyder ami childieii will nut go to 1'orilaiid foi two or (hreewecka. An KI'Isouk. All Anl.uia dispatch eiiya: v iianea r. iniiauu, w Iio li .c been at work on th line near Knit Steven, hail a nlraiige adventure a bile on hi way to the eily, Ily mih. take he atarted (hrmigli dm fort, against pausing through w hich tin re i a law. When well within the workn lie wai tliscuvercd by Kngineer lltvarttt, who atoppetl him unci tolti lilut (hut he could proceed no farther. Kant lam) asked him if he could return the way he came and received a tu g live autwir. The engineer Mated that bei nilsi, Ion from I he eerielury ol w ar wa iieccnnary lo promenade through tlie formication. Kant land asked il the wcietary wa around, uiul i pr. uiptly run out of die eiicloau.e. I'lm olUclala have roinnl rable d lllcully In keeping people out t.f (he ork. Vinllor eludu lln. guards i incut tlaily." bail j Out id Jain- i.' MaiVACKK ruNU-. Y.ster.l.iy tie. 'accule annual picnic he 1.1 al tinsh, u one mile eat of (ho city r.i die Mat l"t k grove, wa rewarded wuh a gootl ly atlentlaiire. A program wan reii dned coi.nitling ,.f add rente, recila tioiitaud music. Amimcmtiit were al.i provided lor In tho way of borne races, bicycle race, a ball game, e le. llwa a very icce.ful altalr and I hoar attending from Kugene were iimiv than well pleantnl. Skik.u si v !u..-Thurday' Kosu buig K-vuw: "lrS Hamilton str lousiy ill ai hit lioine in thi city, but in rrporiid alighdy luiprovi-d. Or K J Page w a called troin Dakland last night In consultation with local phyniclan, reluruii.g home on (he Ibudmrg Itval." 11. i. u niemln-r of (he board of regents i.f the I'lilversily ol Oregon. II, n gene hope lie w il many friends iu K;i retMVer. P.l.i t ai-iikDkivk --Hieing . r ve of 'JO. II li.s.l ,,f ......I.. ... i.ri.uui .iiimmiiij lo W yoming ntaii.d totUy from the ! l via raueh, mar the llav.len bri.tne. ' Ihey will In- taken a. ro.' the tuoiln . ( laiim in twoitivmionn, die tint leavinir ... ' 9 ' i!s morn log and tho M-coiid tonior. trow. Tbry will U twoor thrn 1 mouth onbe road. THK SdLliltlW HOME. Co.mia.ioueruf I'-l- Wri,uLa f ,. v Mcllride, I'nltedi i r ..fib lutli " 10 mr " ,i,. Itiniant. eiiL-loBing a roiio"" from Mr K F Chapii'Hii, of l-uKene, .. . i... .... (,. ....riiiiii rules r- ivlil- , Ivutlt-nledby the bourd of rn ull:tvoidnhle pon,p..oe,...-..v v-...-"f. . P '? n..t,,i,.r.'ll,M ul but on ll.u new date net everyone Can urt gun, iviiii. K. le b urg Oregon ,1 have llie honor to j ntute that thi. bureau baa received ; iMimcrniint-uuinluililH relative tothiaj matter und that il is understood lht (he Ix.ard of manager of nuid Inetltu- , don huve adopted a rule w hich re quires that wUn an inmate ahull ; receive a liioli he ehull be anovcu , .... four dollar per month thereof for Inci- .l.-nial exnen-ta und the riinuiniier .hall be nuid io(leind. nt relative", If I.u I.u UU hlli'li H III I llat il hua been iv t v ottm - rontended that (bin lule I- In viulutiou of the provision of Section 4.4j ol tne Uevlned Statutes of the I'mbed State an amended by the Act of February Jn, Ihs3, which provide that any pledge, lliortgiige, wile, unsignniellt or transfer of any right, claim or Interest lu any pens un which bun bteli or nuiy hereafter be grunted, shall be void and of no effect, and any person who ehull pledgor receive an a pledge, mortgage. sale, assignment or truiisfer of any right, claim or interval in any pension or pern-ion certillcatt w hich ha been or may hereafter be grunted or issued, or whosliull hold the same u col lateral K-curiiy for any debt or promine, or upon any pretext of such security or proline, shall be guilty of u misde meanor, and u pi u cniivii'doii thereo shall I lined in a sum not exceeding one hundred dollars and the costn of the piu.eciaioli. It i alleged that innsi'.uch an the Inmate of the Home in filiation are required to turn over their pension checks lu tku i. Ulcers of (hut institu tion, the provision of add Section ure viuluted; but thu rule complained o is substantially the tame an the rule in force in a number of the twenty-one Stale Soldiers' Hoiiien which exist in die I'niletl Stales. The Act of March 3, (.see ii; Slut, al Large, fiOTi provides, in appropriating money for (he aid of State Soldiel' Monies, '.bat one-half of any sum or Minis retained by Slate Homes on uc count of pensions received from in mate ahull he iliducied fi t in I lit) aid ihcrein provided; lima, in i Meet, sanc dotiiug die rule in .pic-liou. If it -lit ii I tl ti hvltl that the rule in ipiestion viobile die Seel ion and Act referred loalaive, it would be necessary not ouly to protecult the clhct'r i f the lln me, but each iiimute thereof. For the reason staled, I tlo not be lieve that any fuither actinu on (he pari of thi bureau in expelimt or necessary uud cotinhh r that the .pics - don as lo the propriety of the rule eoiiii.luiiied of is one which is properly williin thepr. Viuco of the statu uu- ihoritic to duteimine. H Clay Evans, Cimimbdiouer. THK NEW t'Ol'KT HOl'SE. Plana for the New House of tho County iu He Iit cnied upon Toil ay. 1'tltv oiur.l, June 1J Iw" " it no mi ii 11 f(tn V straw I I . t II u. ll. I ' I.. I ... ..uV.; :: 3 . ju UKv l'..ll.. ...! . .... i.muj u n .tun reporter learnt a Unit plans fur the new court house will he decided upon .y the county rom uiisMoiers thin evening' or tonight. Several prominent architect have in (lie past two weeks submitted plana lor their approval, but owing to (heir work in oilier matters have not had lime to fully consider them until now. l'lie citizen of the count v geliarallv will r.-j. uce di d the building is now assiited. A Madly lUiigKU Trial. Oakland Record: The (rial of Wrn J siierl ick indicted for murder lu the tlmi degree in killing Chun J Walker in Lake county was a bungling fuilure. the prosecution fniK-tl lo stale iu the ndiclmeut (hat (lie murder wa com. milted in Lake county and the prose cution alao failed to prove the dying statemeut of die deceased. The nros. cution's case was all "balled un" fur the want of lecliul al knew ledge of the rciuiieuiuis of the law. The defense put In no evidence. Judge Hale in structed the J iry to bung iu a verdicl of not guilty, which they did wlihout leaving their eai. District Alton ey J. ItVey tried die rate alone and the at lonieyn criticise his legal acumen qulle severely. Sherlock is a stockman and aiker was a sheet) herder Ti. killing was unnecensary. The uiapute i wan over a r ge. ; A Pionkkk III.-Cornelius Hills one of the oldest pi,.e.n of I.arJe I jaunty, is very nick at his home at j Jp. r. Liu;,. Iiope is entertained of In. ... ii i, - ".i.ij. in inns came to Lane entity wiih the emigration of and . tt Middle Fork if the Willamette riv., . . .. inn twelve luile Kiu'ei... IK' Mr. Hills oa'ii.r .in the full ,,f M7 w hile Fugene Skinner, die pioitjt r settler, came in he spring of the tauje yn.-y. KAttS I'OSTi'ONED. Owi.ig to l lie ruins and ut certain '. t . have been 'Ivell by the Eugene ' ;....,..,... at Meriuu'a park UiUafter- l' park tU . . ,, ... ,,., itn..n nanln it.eil the siiiiih until Kr day, June . It la to be regretted Cat this t i, jn rril rMt annured thutamoal excellent pro- gram will be rendered, Sunday fscUnol Couveutlo'i. Cottaoi: Okovk, Or, June 11, 1907. The eighth annual convention of " . .. ft! .1 1 A u , the Lane County unuay oc..o. - ii.. ... ..... 1 I'uutur. , ociallol) was rormany open ,v.... , !:-. June lOt h, in the Method in! ! ,-hurch ul Cotlaga (irove. In the - ah-euce of the president, Mr elliu U Harp, of Junction, the vice president Uev lieo 1) Needy, presided. Alter a nhort, earnest devotion service, very cordiul addresaoi were made- by Edar King, and L T Wooley, of Cottage drove, welcomini; tlie viniting dele galea and Mettini; forth tho purpose uud importain of the convention. Kespouaels w ere made by Clyde Fugle and A E Wheeler of Eugece, Mr Wheeler supplying the place of Wui l'idiey of Junction, who was too 111 to bn present. After en roll men t of delegate and appointment of couimitleen, eticour aging leportn of the woik iu various districts of the county were read he ore the couvt ution. Much enthu siasm wa shown, and the delegates weru made to feel that their welcome was indeed heartfelt and siucere. Tnv evening session was held iu the Cumberland l'resliyteriaii chuich. A very helpful pruise service was con tlucted by Kev H V Hronks. A male iiiartette composed of llryaut Diaie, Kev Brooks, Rev Gilbert and Clyde Foglo then rendered a selection which wus very well received. Kev M L Rose, one of the speaker of the even ing, was not present, but Rev Gilbert, alwaya ready fur tho occassion, took hi pluce on the program and addressed the convention iu a very helpful and Instructive way, on the subject of, "Progressive Sunday School Work." Mr H C Brook thou favored the audience with one of her ul nays de Jighlful eolos, entitled "The Holy City." Tills was followed by anoCier ad dress by llev. litooks, who fur. her de veloped the line of thought so ibly in troduced by Kev Ciilbeu. M; ny val uable thought were brought out and it is to be regretted that t hero was not a larger attendance to be benefited by Itiein. J tie evening; program ue wue cloned witli another aeleclioii I oil! tl ! ,e quartette. I- nbite of the small numl or In at teitdm m.n.1. iir,..i I. tld the conventioii L very successlul and enjoyable oocasion. A Dumber of very instructive paper .on various lines ol Sunday Csehool (work will be presented loduy. I C. V, F. Ilnrty Years Above the suow rnei Henry Cable, a linker county mine owner, nuid to a repo ter in Pendleton i the "Tin. i the nrt nme i ! ,nV beeu out of the snow fo'3U years." Mr Cuhle in one of four brnth era who own the Columbia iniue, iu theCiacker creek region. The four brotheti have for uine year beeu working on the mine, aud id today thoroughly well developed. The Cable brothers are very independent ol others, being equipped lo do all their ow n engineering work, (heir assay ing and anything else deunmded, aud even havo a private photographing outllt, bnth for busmeas and pleasure. Mr Cable it now on In return to the Cracker creek region, having been speiidiug some week in San Jose, Cel with his brothers. In Februury Ia9t ihey bonded their mine for u sale at a good price, aud bin brother will not ,e turu there any more. Mr Cable aud his brothers have beeu miuersfor20 y.'ars. During the tlrst 10 years of hi. long stay up there he did no mluing buihasfor 20 years been so engaged, and for the last nine of the 20 ha beeu Gaoling (he Columbia. Heuceforth having speut 30 long yrars lu (he louly regions of suo w and craggy canyon, lv will p.obably live in California and Kive up the hardships of mining. Teachers Elected at Janctiou. rimes. June 12: A (.pedal tohiv.i nitintC "f '" lard of director called Saturday for the purnoi Wan nurnAtA , t electing teachers for the fall and wir lrr tfrl -school. Owing to the large uul'lr 'f applicat ions, suppl. mt.ut(id hm.-iuoun end. rsements, the i ,lle,'Uu rt8 lengthy ,,iie. Tliere Weru Inrle o.,.ll..... . . J "i i1"11""" aim atl -r , , , , ' cure ) mi consmeration the followii z were ;electet1: principal, W W Allingham. nrsi intermediate, Mi ss Anna I rain. oiid Intermediate, Mis, Fantile vii itun. Pnunf-Ji,, HATUItDAY OPHofll of Irel.ii. I . . """welt. this forououn. M bv riecretary UlDi-ald arrived Unn afteruoou train. Upon tU C P Houslon, of Junction (.i(f In E-igene today. J tt DrW WOglesby.of Juncti iu the city today. "l ll C I HousUin, of Juuetion w . Ing the city today. M Mr und Mr Wm nmn from Junction today. P Hon J J Daly of Dallas WM to ir. rival by thin afternoon',, train, V R Andrew went to Colt Grove tbie afteriKHm to HUli 8uBjJ Attorney Keuedict of Florenoe h arrived In tl. city to attend ci,Z court. State Siiperlntwndeut (j M irtl passed through thi afteruoou i ' HOUlll. 1 '"I Mr and Mr. LS Rwand ,etur,w last ulght from a tureewetkoaiu Walton. IW Mine Lillie Raker, a U of 0 itu..oL la convalescing after au mum of measles. O n Claiborne, of Stockton and AC Ransett of Mluto Park, Califrn. w in the c:ty. Mlsa Delia McFarlatid left on thli morniujf'a local lor a visit to Oremii City and Portland. Frank Ankeny has gone to bi, father' mines iu Jacksou cuuoty to spend the summer. Mrs Holiver Coggswell aud Ilttli child are up from Harrisburg for t visit with relatives. Geo F Craw left for a short visit to 8au Frauclsco thi morniug. Hs go by the Vuijuina route. Pendleton Tribune: Mist Clw Lane, of Iugene, is vitltiiig Mi Myrtle Lane in this city. School Superintendent C 8 Huntn. turned from Florence last eveniog. Hi reports a very pleasant trip. BP Agent KE Hoyd pud wife, of O egon City, came in on the 2:04 local aud w ill visit a short time. Geo II Yerington came iu from thi Rlue River mine yesterduy, where hi lin.t luu.ii .. M.n ...... . U ..M-. UVVI1 ll.l tnu IOA. UlU.llll, , Fred Fiwh left yesterday with tbi Simms cattle drive for Wyoming. He will be absent about 4 mouths. Messrs Renudreau and Copple, ' vo Divinity students, left for Cob.,;;! Grove and Hebron thi afternoon to conduct meetings. Chauncey M Lockwood, privatetsc retary lo Hecretary Kincaid, came up thi afternoon ccoinpanied by bii family for a nhort visit. Miss Ilcla Gilbert, of Albany, csmi up today and will visit ut tho bomeof J W Howe on Thirteenth street dur ing commencement week. Miss Dora IJIuuie, of Pleasant Hill, relumed lust night froai an extended visit of more than a year with friend iu Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Harry Templeton and F.d Bryson, now studen s of Williams college, Pennsylvania, arrived on tlieafternoon train and will spend comeocemeDt week iu Eugene. Dr Charles Edwnrd Locke, of thi Taylor street M E church, Portland, arrived this afternoon. He will dr liver the biicciilcntirate sermon at VHJ lard Hull ut 11 a in tomorrow. Sid Horu and family leave tomorrow on a trip across the mountains. They will go by the McKenzie wagon road, follow up the Deschuttes river and re turn across the Military road. They w ill he gone about two week. The Corvallis Times says mny cord of wood are being hauled to Cor vail Is at present. It is sold at a ridic ulously lowr price-f2 00 per cord for fine oak wood, delivered. Rut this ll on a par with other things and Is that consumers cau pay. Hon D P Thompson, of Portland, the newly-appointed member of thi board of regents of the University of Oregon, came up this afternoon and will lecture at Villard Hall tonight on "Turkey and its People." He u ex-U 8 Minister to that country and well qualified to give an Interesting address. He is a guest at the home of Hon H R Kincaid and will return to morrow to Portland. RE Davis and E J Tierce, of Sn Francisco, arrived here on th over land this morning aud left for Leaburg on the McKenzie In the forenoon. The gentlemen are experts with tbi rod and fly, and annually take s sum mer outing at some one of the numer. ous trout streamsof the coast. Tbii ' their second trip to the McKenzie0' which they speak as a trout stream In terms of the highest pralae. The Corvallis creamery will tgiD operatiou next Monday. The PliDt lias a capacity of 2400 pound an lwur' or the product of about 1000 cows. Tb building is "6x52, two alories big" and thehurn is a 400-sal'ou afflr' All of the appliances are of the latl pattern, and the concern U the Pr'T" erty of George Taylor, who was tfiveD by the citieim of Corvalli- a bonus o $o00 to :ablisu tuee-derprise. O O O o O o