The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 19, 1897, Image 3

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f An"1 '"
T nl " .. .
J""' ..... ...l.l He
a 11
,!... ni
. t.bunl'1 Ked """'
,,f (ilrolilht Kt
OIIIlllOll II tllSCIlSe
w as In funncr . veins.
Im'iI u-t it riiroine
ot'L'aU. Without
l n , s... blent h-d
U .... ..... .llHllllC'l I'f-
III"! '..
pair cause 1" "' ' "I'
ll,,' stllllll cell '""
I tln
n In.'
Ms (M
lull I'1
ullit and mi t, plum, j af ,h(, ,Mr. j
fare. Win-Hi I, inn iiir.iuj.')i ulu.-h I'ar'.a !
t!ivou has Im.-ii .,,! ,,ii,r,, '
around th .uii,. f tp. ,l.,Uu wilt
make sli-nt wrk i,f Hi,-..- Tli.
Brill, ii ! very f,,i,, f . ,ri,, mi,l
I'ullna It will pt t i , ;,,
tin TliU iin-t li..l ,,f setniiu rid nf
u nil i w ill not . ,i n,-ii.-iil,l,. if ton I
HIV allowed (o come 1,,-nr tin- patcli, H
tln'.v arc ii Nil very fu,i,l of il,c Ltau.
A a tlr li 1 1 u nil Kiiliaiij!,,.
Tin- I ' 1 1 1 1 1
. 'f
r .1 i. ml V I II
I II 1 lilt' 1
ill Willi"", '" -
. . I . I...... . 1 ...... I.
, iTnl-l. M I" "in "' '
1 1 .in.. .1...
.unptonis uic
incurable, lli'iili I'
mull' 1'lllll.V. If tii'
II- .. ...i. .... tl,n i1I,,misi.
.,1,1,. vi v mm " ""
.ii. ic-
. .. i ,.i it w
""' . u..f
,, lull WII'IISC,,.- ' .
., ,y clvllltf C'llt-llll" . '
ni,- 111 form 'i row
Iv for KI'VI'I'III IVI'I'.
J t. .l.t:i
,,-.lill if"
-J ...h'linli il:"1
laiillM'inj I'
lllllll'llll tilt' follow-
.1,. U .t.l-ll
,i,ti..ii: i '"' (."
!i mii .r.imii"'. "i'ii'
il'll-lkc iii'" " 1,11,1 ","1 !lvo
t C,.' -i day." Ari,'r ""' Wl', k
r,'i,'.iii.-i ''i''',i '"' uln'"1-rnl,Ml,,-
iliiin any iiio,11,'Iii.' I tin
T treatment of the Milium.. The
J',,,,,,1,1 1 f Hi- best iitiiility iniil
Iimiiitiiiy. (o.ii-.'ro,MiHii..ui.ii.o
Ill .M.' r '" ,,r f,Ml
iH,cciallv injurious. Let him run
i '..!... li.,rl imsiuri' mill tin- fvl
i M.'i'iitiiiti'il form, hIIkIh-
ii. in . , .
. . iv ilimt. Ki'i ll
li:,l., ll,-il li
l-i l,ini'.
Frrline I'la Kouularljr.
,i,. iiiN in fi'0l:iiK l'lt.' " -'lv-
i ,1,, !r In. "I in n-Hii '
' ..Ml -.,-r Mitoll lltS-Ollll
ll:e I1 - "
... ,1. - :nul II IIOI l-Al'.-v . in-
m,tii tin- u.'Xt riuliir f.villn
ri, ,. olil sawni: that a
,,i i, v li-i-s a iioiiml f fat evrry
. i . . ...,i..i. ,.f t,-t,t ii
i it nu iio ,"
,i .I i!.i ii tr-ular iliiuw for n-i-,1-
. . . . i,f tltti unit
my ii;.' I " ,i,"i"n u."--. , -
1, ,i,.. -,.-,t wiiv to ili-slroy ill
i in in Is "t ftronx as
, '1-1. .i t.l.r la tm-i-ill-
:.-ii niw o-.,ii. I,,,- i-.k ...
... i .1.. i
mllltV. I UII IS I111ISI MM- II Hi-".
in.', rat iiiihv nor ofti'iirr than
,1 fr il.
Alktli In Weaiern I.n.s.
In on lu-t ru.-t : . i ,:,., r r,', u;!y
lM'foiv a t'.i I f.irii.n f ii ri:i.-r-.' hi:'.li,!i' !
by 1'l'of. I' W. t!i'. Mil,.!,, i
was luoii, lly , ,,ii,..,-i-,-., un, u uns
xliowu Unit alUall N il,,. r.-ult ,'t iLhi
t-;,'iiili.ii or i-.iiUs and fninnl on!
Ikti' ra'iifaU N too ;n!i to .-any it
nil' hi mi!iii i ill. Tin' liH'ii' .-111111111. :i vtli -aro
i ilaiih. r' vihs. .-oiiiii.i ii k.iIi ai..
Hal Koila. Tli,' last i-.-aloiis
tin' inn,-lial Injury l plain-,
at Hi,' Kiilfa,,'. In i ,iiiiii--I'.,.ii w.'li
tln-sc Mills iiiv found .lli, ! which uii.
anions tin- umst ahiiihl,' ,-l,-iin-ii! of
ftirlll.ty. ii i ii : ii I y sails of jioiasli nii.l
llini', ami foiiiul In cii-aifr mort!iiiH
III a i". 1 1 than In liuiiii,) laii'ls. Tin-.'
salts f iv,in iitly ai,.'iir on the siirfa,'i
only afirr Irrigation. In sii,-li -a.i' it
Will III' follllil llllll 111, 'J- i'Uli'i Ih-1oW
tin' sulfa,',' nail wire iinrlisl la solu
tion l,y w.n.'r ii-.-. I In Irrigation aul
lcl'l on tin' surfaiv ly i'vaoiatl,,ii. A
ri'iiinly N ili'i'p rultlvatiou with thor
oi'ch iiilv,'i-l.ail,,ii of tin' sulfa, In
nii-lianl rult'.vatlon, to rslu,',' i'viii,ra
tluii to a minimum; or liii.l'n' tho
uroiin l with hii. H i ioi's ns alfalfa. Tin'
iiioiv lniioriaiit ilNrovi'i'lt'S an' that
tin- Ausiiallan salt luisli will thrive
on Htruiitf all.all lan, Is ami that thoy
havi- also r,.,lii' is liiix.' yv.U uuJ a
tini' nuallty of sii;;ar b.-i'ts.
itrni Ii Hiiwn for Moen I rons.
imi, !i of lh work of cultivation is
,lii,. with horse power that It Is
than i'er linporlaiit that all row s
,1 , in - shall he as nearly on a
,-!it l;m- as possible. 1'nles.s this
in- il is Iniposs.lile to nuiile the
vniui so as to avohl ileslroyln
,. i-s plants, heslilc lcuvln
. that i-aiiiiot he thereafter uproot
i,v,t wiUi treat (lilliculty. When
,-,1 Is in. i killeil by cultivation It is
...ill ihc more thrifty, for the prun
,f Hi,' i-.iois which cultivation trives
us new n.oi.s put forth Just as It
fur tin' ,-iop. Il Is for this reason
after harrow-Inn both ways over
immii.l before the train Is up. the
villi. r siiuill.l be set to work be-
ti-ii the rows just so soon as the
can he seen. This will ilcstroy
viM-,N that the liarrowlnirs may
Hu'niitf lliiika.
In raisin,; iluek set (lie cjrz umler
hens; when halclicil rcuioie to ii box
lin-il with .apcr hu.I kept In ii warm
place with all the sunshine i-.ible.
When two days ol.l put In !ar,l pen
iliiriiia day time. l'c l breiid coak.,1 In
water ami pic.s.,1 dry. lo not (ilvc
them water to swim In until three
wtks ol.l. I nisi with rci-'.an Insis't
powder once n week: when four weeks
i,l,l feci on corn bread oake, In sweet
milk: j-oiiuk onion lops cut tine and
mix.d'wiih their f 1 are healthful.
After four w.s'ks old they will thrive
ca almost any diet ami will with
1,-s water to swim In than Is generally
mionoscl. Always keep water for
drliikini: as pure and eleiiu us His.tble,
chantl'itf often and piiltlnn: RravW In
the ,IN! where wat. r Is k pt.
Bvl i rinwi,y' al
'f 1 r.l.
We have iiin-.i,. al imit an entire
Ae.kof heavy ilr.i.'.'ii market with
mi umK itiii.e of w, -.u.iu-i tlnii 1ms l,,-.-n
an eiitire r,-v, ,.f u (eclmu cxhih
iie l heretofore, and prices Imv,. daily
,e-lined fi.n with no rally
l..ilcver. The news h.i- .il-.i under
pine an enure cli.ti.i.','. and news is
now plentiful in aliiio-t . very .liie.'tion,
'lie' fUliflictl n nation however is as
sltoiU' as ,-,-r, but l,;1s ,.i ii. force a
all attuiii' lit be- au-e f.iiei."i,-rs w ill in. I
p.,V liny htiuli l,i ii, an, I M-ell to be
till. -i ly in hi!. -ici.t lo tl.e f.i.-t that our
vi-ible is now d.iw n to I. l.'iil.UoO bu-li-el-,
an I tin ir piireli.i-.- a,e veiy tiio.1
crate, even at the decline. I.a-l week's
export alllnlllit.-d to .'.I'.JO.UOO Im-licls.
while receipt ill the Noitliuel have
liown suipii-intly l.iiL'caiid have been
one .,( the iaii-'-s of ihe de, line. lie
putH ft.iin the winter w licit states arc
i-iy bright, aii l liari'i'-tiu,! ha coin-iiH-nccd
in Texas, I ikl.ihoiii.i and K in
.,. As y,-t llicie is little to judrfe by,
but rcpoils f.iy the yi.-l l will be very
heavy. Tlioiiiiui' rcsirl last week
e-tiin.ile I the w inter and spring wheat
crops would show it total yield of .Mill,
11011,11111) bii-licls. Cables urc I'oniun;
weak and lower daily, and il begins to
lis'k as if the bulls wcie beaten iiK'.iiu,
and ju-l ut tin' time when they be
lieved thelii-elvc on the threshold of
seeititf their hoiio of belter juices real
ized. Their position was never stronger
than it is now, and the situation is
Midi, tliat should the demand for cash
wheat and Hour aciin show siens of
rt-vi vim:, we would see a sharp return,
but until this demand doe material i.e,
there docs not eein to be much hope
for better prices. (Iiir visible supply
,ecre.isii '.'.4 17,0(10 bushel and the
woild' shipments were tl, 700,000
bu-hcls, show iii that importing! coun
tries aie as yet drawing the greater
jsirtiou of needs from oilier sources.
il cm lis n no.! ins.
Cynsiii" o'i I'otBtocB
The broad Imvcs of the potato are
what Ihe crop very lar.-ely depi ads
upon for iiiatinin- the uiN-r. It b kin
jHUlalil that they be k pi tns u as n,'
lis possible. The fad that K.vpsum or
land pla.-N-r nllra.tis nioNiure makes It
an e-pec!:il!y t""l uppli'-al Ion for the
potato crop. The first use of purls
Hiveil to , lollop ihe polaio larva oliyht
lo be made wlih itypsiiHi. Hy aitraci
lin: incNtuj-e from the n'-r nul thus
kein!'.i' the liMVt-.s inol-,1 more of
kei p!
the potato bc. '.es' r::
stiov, d before they hatch.
w 111 be (le
KicUlnu Cows.
West, in af;i-ieultural writer says
I'll lin n- aie Just lis piod milkers
li-KS cows that do not kick as there
a iiiiioiii those that do. This, we
tht.k. Is liimllv the fact. It Is the teti-
di'ii-ss in ihe udder, caused by the
fi-.ii f a larne iimount of milk,
if' iiiakes cnr.less ban, Ulnc of the
ti; very painful. The result Is that
t tie, heeonies n kicker, and soon
w .Tims into a tin 1 tit not easily brok-
It is usually the fault of the man
luv:iks ihe heifer to beilU milked
responsible for her chariieter us
i ft ilk. r. If the first otierntlolis on Ihe
t'eiitle. (liawlni: milk slowly
lllll the ha ' is somew hat cased, milk-
a sooihiiu' and lileasiiiv-xlvintt
Fowlnir by lluml.
There are many farmers who find It
u, , ...lvMiitaL-e in mw other vrain.s w ith
a drill, so as to apply fertilizer
t.ho seed, who yet think
comes .-.,1,-r s ,w n , :i a
rowed sulfa -e and lira,'
reason probably I
Is apt not
Is bv the
fur tlie cow. For the first f
til"," tile heifer Is inilked she should
lir.' sotee iilipell.ilii: feed set before
!'. whli h she can eat while the milk
yiii-ltr' ,!,,,, ,, 'I'l.l uli.o.l.l nlwiiva
'iveu w hen there Is dancer that the
! will hold no her milk. The cow Is
f ne Idea animal. When she Is ealtnt;
kfirtily she cannot ensilv think of nny-
!in cNc - American Cultivator,
Fruit tT Ho dBlilo.
'fohahly the best use that can be
1" of roadside Is to fruit trees
SfMle tin
'in, especially of those that
f' somewhat hard to (rather In qunn-
'V- 'e have In mind n fanner who,
ifiny years airo. nlaiittsl a Ioiik row of
('Jerry nv, s on the roadside, mid far
p"iih from the fence so that the tree
"Jl Hoi Injure the crops Inside the fields,
Jf'se tics never failed to furnish a
Ifyiniri-riip.aiidsoiiipvcars the chewle
Tr' sold on the tree for four to Ie
4M:irs n.-r tree, ntiit sllll mild a L'ood
to the man who bought the fruit
f.V f,-W eltel-rins n-n,-n till-iitl llV llMSS
lllollL'll the trees wi'l'e bcsld,
1-traveh-d mud. Most people while
lll' 111.,,,,, ., 1,1., I loin. tl.
1 i, iii,,i,ii(i nie mo -
T'l'- I the tramps who were not too
"wW Were l'l.iii.i-iill,. tor, Intv 1'rolelblV
' -aeli-s ,,r peai-s had been thus ex
"! tlie result wonbl have been differ
' 1-vin then a few roadside trc,
r 'He public would bo ant to lessen
flf'-la'ions on the tieichtsirin or-
'?:ir'l. whii-ii near cities or lar'e v il
are the cause of much loss to
nut Blower.-KxelinilBO.
Ihe out crop
i atsely har
:,sl In. The
thai thus the :i,i',u
to be cover, d so deeply as It
Pill. The b. tt r tlltli:-,' the
. , , , .!....,.... 1 1 ni u he -Is
scimI lieu iia, no- '"-'I
sink, earr.v'.ni: the drill tulH-d an.l the
seisl grain to greater deih t.hati N
e,,d for the irriiln crop-Aiucricau ctU-
l oultry I'it-k'uir
Don't have the (locks of tens too
lai'e. If you h'lve more mau socio.,
live or eliihiy. they oiik'ht to be cp
united Into smaller thick.
An ecu contain ''',,m 10 1,,r
cut solid matter, neiirly I I per cent-
. ...... I.. I...IW
alluimell. I hill means uia, n,,o.fc ......
ncsl foisl rich in ulbumlnous maiicr
meat, oatmeal, milk. bvuu. etc.
While poultry will not thrive on m-
l,s-t, II 1 well to remember thai over-
lack of exercise are a is,,
Mntkrt (.Iio.IhIIi.ih.
rortlainl, t)r June II, ISU7.
Flour l'oit land, .-ahin, I'ascadia
and Dayton, f 3. 7 Benton county and
White Lily. ;t.7."; paham. :l.40; su-is-riinc,
f-.'.ilu ht barrel.
Wheat Walla Wull.1, 74c 75c; Val
ley, 7i'n per l.u-licl.
D.its Chotcc white, IWnilOc
bii-licl; choico j;ray, :17m tl'.'c.
H.iy Timothy, ' :l.oo.( 14. 00
ton: i'lovcr. 1 I.oOhi li.TiO; wheat
oat. 110.00 " I-.'.OO JH-r ton.
J'.ulev V I bailey, fl6.o0 jicr ton;
blew ini.. I l'.'.
MiUstutVs r.iau. U.i0, shorts,
lil.TiO; uii-l'llinns, tf-J I.."i0.
Ihittcr Creaiuciy, ;i0c; dairy, 20(.
22 i..c; st 1 7 'a t" :ioo l'r roll., i.'s reL'on Ihirbauks, 40.ii .Ml,-;
li.iriiet Cbilies, .'i-'i'ii i'i-'ic; K.u ly l!oe,
a.'ii.i40c pT sack; sweet. $-,.7." per
rental (or Meiccl; new iiot.ito,s, 1 1 i
in I 'j,,' per pound.
Toultry I'lii.keiis, mixed, '.'.. "iOm
ll.OO; eee.c, l. 0U-. i ."i.OO; turkeys, live,
l2'..o; duck-, -. ooei 5.00 per dozen.
KLv' 0",-" Ut'.'l'-1' iH-r
Cl.,.,e l li eoii, ll'-jo; Young
America, I'.' 'e per lsmnd.
W.m.I Valley, 12c per poum!; Kast-
el 11 I trefoil, I'. "I Sc.
Hops 7,- iH-r pouii'l.
lj,.,.f lirn-s, top steers, :l.fi0;
rows, !f2..',0i., Il.llO; die-scd beef, &
Il '.,,' per isniiol.
Mutton 1msh. best si p, wethers
and ew, s, 2'.4c; dressed mutton, 4 '
l.l ."' p.T Jsillll'l.
Ho,' tiros, choice, heavy, 4.00(.r
4..-.0; li.'ht and feelers, 2. 50:1.00;
,ies-ed .'l.Olli.l 5.50 per CWt.
Veal;:i', 3'8(" lc; small,
,',c per imuii'l.
Seattle. Wash., June 11. 1".7.
Wheat Chicken feed, 2t per
I ).,( Clioice, f.'Ka'.'J per toll.
Kloiir (.l.diliinc) l'.ilent excellent.
U!i; Novcltv A, .:!; California
brand, tl."; Dakota, 5.'.5; patent,
H.uley lt.illeil or ground, W per
fcsliui; and
of loss In the IKiultry
hens, well carts!
I V,ti,litiie'o,iH by the Acre.
"'P as iiiiiskm, -Ions are at times.
pay belter than do most siaple
'Tups fur those w ho are willing
'" them the care which all ardeii
1 I'eipiire. To f't the best prices
early as the land Is waruusl
uifai-e. l-'reiiueut ctillivatioii,
the land as light as possible,
much to ii;ake It warm, bo w ill
on a iiewj- 'iirued two-year-iv,
r sod. The very earliest niel
"" plant. -,1 in n coiiaact siia.-c.
a ln MM2 over the hill to keoti
winds throuirh the daytime and to
We"V.-r.ll nt lllirlit T..., nr mnra h...hIs
ph, v,l in ,...i. i. iii n-hieh nrp 1 ' r
'd to two plants by the time ae
l-ir'n to nin. line of the worst
"'!l.f of Hll .,,,.1.... i.l.nii lj,n trlvtn
"i" larvt of the Mar or June bin.
tv;ll trnr.l r.n ,1, ...Wak .11 nl
.-I I,...
W.'it :i
at ti...
t 1! ,1,,
14, :
t cull f ul sources
K wo would keep up the vlRnr and
fecundity of our ths ks we must iiiiu'
new bl.Hid into them. If service or
vi.roeoiis L'l-owth Is de.slrisl.
there must ! a fre.pieiit chane
ciM'kerels In the ths ks. out the thick, disposing
reallv old stock ami i
v.. otc A few ij.sHi
for will raise more chickens this sum
U11.;. tllllll if Kreat llock U crowded
together In unhealthy
Host.m coiiimls.sion merchant sjiy
that If farmers would miir.'ct all Hie
ch!ckeii.s and eK Ihcy can spare each
week Ihcv would l' Min'riseil at the
reL-olar Income that they were receiv
ing, and they would find more profit Ui
writer say that crop bound Is
,;,, more than Indigestion, and ehaivoal fowl rarely ev.
l,ve this trouble. T i prevent It by
ovcrv now "'l then charrlmt several
,..u.sf ,s,rii and allow ln tl.e ln-ns to
pick it off.
Form Note.
IeanthetreeatplHiitlnir towards the
direction of prcvailiiiK winds.
H sp,s-lal care in early spriui!
,-,,Ue rcliinis arc secured.
svnm ma'le of tninnliii.-l siu-ar
."b,st iiul.l.eap-sl f-l that
..I...I, lo bees.
,t. fold Increase in Um
Is noted the past u!iim
1 w Ith a year a.-o. u
. ",:,hmiiio0
IKI bll-llel.
ton; whole, f 19.
I'm n, 'JO ier ton; cracked.
2o; feed meal, f-10.
MiUstutVs llian, 15-00 per ton;
shorts, !.
Hav l'uiiet souml, per ton. f l.l.oo,
Kastcrn Wasliintoii, IT; California.
i;li( 14.
J-Veii Clioppd feed. 1S.O0 per ton;
inidillines. -".'; oileak cal, HO.
l'miltrv fliii-ki-iiH, live, per pound,
hens, lie; spril.s-chickclis, 2.&0i 11.50;
dii.-ks, fini H.
ii,,,.r Fancy native
brick, lt'" raneh, Hi 1-".
,M,, Native Washink'lon
11 i ,c; K.istern, 1U-, C.ilihunia, U' .c
Vegetables l'otaloes, per bn, i J.oo
of 14; parsnips, per sack, !; hcrK
per sack, 1.00; turnips, per s.ick. l.oo,
rutabii(ias. per sack, 50c; canots, per
7,-,,-; ciihbai;,', per iuo i"r,
onions, per loo lbs, l.5o.
,.H l'er 100 in. )"'.
Iliv t, urn I ulilii-lly Tlii'ii
M rukli-r I rum Srlli of
l itis 1. ill.-. IV.
fr. ni ll f Tim.--, I ... Aniii'l,-". 11.
Women sutler from certain disease,
peculiar to their sex and usually have ilelic.ii-v in eakini! of such ills,
.lust why, wecani.ot say. There would
seem to be no more reason for silence in
mcli matters than there is about the
oidin.iry every day ills. Occasionally,
however, a woman of strong seii.e
I.Hiii I, and i an exception to the rule.
-ti.-li acne is Mrs. Uosio S. Thoiup-on.
ol ' ;il;i li.i-t First street, l.os Auelis,
Cal. Th: is w hat she says:
"l-'or live or sx year 1 va seiio:ilv
ill with female complaint. I could
Imt is about, 1 siltlered intense pa n.
and at tunes 1 wa hardly able lo raise
iny-.-lf up in Led. 1 was then livin:
in San r.eiii.u.lino ami I cousultc-1 a
pi y.ii i.m w ho thought he could cure
inc. l-'or seven iiiouth 1 wa under
h,-cue takim: Iii prescriptions, but
he did menu s.-1'.'d ut nil, and I i,w
w,.r-c instead of better. Finally I tiled
aiiothci physician and I wa under his
cue (or scvctiil months, but he did me
n i unite good than the Orel one. 1
tiled all sorts of remvilicH without any
belieti, ial effect.
Tiiullv I saw an advertisement of
lb. Willian,.' Pink Pill for 1'ale Peo
ple, and 1 rr-olve.l to try them. 1 be
i;.in takini; the pills. The effect wa
wonderful. Almost immediately 1 he
fan to improve. 1 have taken these
pills now for six or seven months and 1
am entirely cured. I had previously
tried cvciy sort of remedy that 1 could
think of. beside consult inj many de-
tms, ami ii"lliiii helped me until I
took these pills. Tlie.v me the best
remedy 1 ever used, and the only one I
would leconmiciid. 1 am now a well
as I ever was in my life and have had
no return of my complaint.
"I make this statement voluntarily
and in the hope that il may lend others
now surtcrinn as 1 Mifteicl to try these
"This statement is tfiven solely with
a view to helping others ainl dircct'intf
their attention to the cieatcst medical
liis.-ovciv of the a'e Dr. Williams'
fink 11 1 1st for Pale People.
Mis. Uosio S. Thompson,"
!U'.l Kast First street.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this llth day of Anciist, ls'.nl. .
.1. C. Oliver,
Notary Public in and for l Angeles
coiintv. State of California.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in j
.1 condensed form, all the clement j
necessary to k'ivc new life and richness ;
to the blood and restore shattered 1
nerves. They are an unfailing specitic
for such diseases as loc otor ataxia, !
partial painlysis, St. Vitus' dance, sci-
aliea. iieiirabia. ihcnnialis lervoii j
headache, the after effect of la grippe, ;
p.ilpitation of the heart, pale and sal
low complexion, all forms of weakness
cither in male ur female. Pink I'll
arc sold by all dealers, or will be sent
post paid on receipt of price, 50 cents a
box, or six boxes for 2.50 (they lire
never sold in bulk or by the 100 by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine
Company, Schenectady, N. Y.
Fifteen of the principal flowers
known to botanists were originally
found within the limits of the I'nited
Slates The various variolic and the
dale of discovery follows: The acacia,
before ItilO; tiie arbor vitae, he (ore
l.-,f,!i; Virginia crc,'i'r, 102'.i; sweet
feinbusb. 1714; American hawthorn,
belore Hi:!; trumpet honeysuckle, 10511;
two varied. ( I magnolia, MSS and
17.'14; mountain tea, before 175S; can-
dlcberry myrtle, lll'.l'.l; pig l"'iry,
1 7 :t; ; 'rose (without thorns), before
172il; St. Peter's wart, 17:10; trumpet
Mower, UilO, and winterberry, 17:H.
The exact discovery of SolliO specie i
not known, the date of earliest mention
being given in that case.
I lere.l On; I i-li In h I ion lo lie Iti'lil In
I ,. I I 1,1,1.1 ll, i-,;'ill
. tinirit I an .iii.-emeiils for
, 1 -i ,u .n l .l.'.l-ilce have
it..:, , . -',.' ing tl.e lini-hing
, ..ii, In ie I for a tine celehr.l
I'm 1 1,. i. 1, I 'regon. This will
I mi sun. I. iv atlci noon,
1',' 1 . Ill Ml,
li e -.o. Ii .
,ii i. , c -.,
(j'i I i.
w it ii a tn
1 .lone, al li'.llo, being the
y mi which her in.ijesiy,
to; l.l. her loi.g lelgn,
1 . i n,.. I m i ice al 'l'l ill i IV
thc imnicli
l,u K. Sinip
Orogoii and
present and
Tins sen ice
, as similar ones
ill,, I the world,
,'oliCiies of New
1 Aim i alia, ll.eti. e to south
so mi wctward, until coni-
RUium mnrninl or evening from feme low
Inn. I. i.ll.-ll .'rrii . in 11. Iniil. Hi i-il nl ln I
l.r- W here ll,,rUl IfnT in e m , no nlli' H I
.id . null-. ,iniii ieil l.v .mii.i-i ill. -ii-iii m.'.lie
c itl i,l. Kiir-I Ilii-ii-H.-r. si..iiii li Hitler, l
I. -iii rut,, lien nn.l ri'iniih N.iier.nn
v .ii, n.liiiliil-. ur si-i.nirn. in it ii, .i iit u' ri'-
i. , n er i iiiuilri . -I l-liiliill In (,r- nr.' Iln
!: 1 .11 1 1 u i.i lll. lin I, is si-. 1 I in' Inn-. I klnn II
I- , ie .lv lot il, -..-.-in, i .0-1 1 ,.H1 inn. kl.llli y
lie ul, ii- ntnt rli.'iiiiisii.ui.
In Lexington, Ky., there is it club,
tlie voungcsl member of which Is SO i
csis old. All the others are over 110.
s liooi
..oi.ll cl
el.. rge nl lb"
, 1 III til.' I'-'
i , lei ,y w ill
li, under
lo-V. .1.
-",' of
t ike 1 .11 I ill the sel i ccs.
, i iii- mm i- i i: lei e-I I eg. a
will be held ail ai
,:!. lliee, leg W 111) ill,
'.aland a.
Ati i.-a, an.
II 1 .irk a. i
nl st. .!..!, i,'
it l.l-, and s.
li.-iit till re. n
will b,
i.s the Atlantic the city
, New in. I, w ill take
ii 1 ,1 mi across Ihc coin i-
mg the I acme ocean n
II, ell'. Sel,, . at H -, T 1 1 it v rt me . I Hi
j-. h .ti r.-i'iilrtl'.nii ,nr ,-m i-il- iii
, -o-s , i, ,i lhI-1 ..tie ol I In- In .1 .eh
l.e' W I'-l. I tl ,'iiH-I !-, - Hi,'..,
Two rows, two pig-, eighteen liens,
il giavliouinl pup and a bull were given
t,. an acent by an Abilene (Kan. ) I
fat mer for a cabinet organ
Ileum- 'f Oliitnielit. fnrlnlnrlh
I, i, OKI,, Melturj,
,I,-.T, will .nren .i.-.tcv ini- .i-n-i-
.,. :i Mii.l , . -i,i , , I-' l ' . i a.-t-Hinii' lln- t
I. Ill In It . lit l'l ,1111 II llirelldll Hie "on en- '
I,,..-. m ii li .lii.'il.l le-1 -r I..-
ii i. nt. J . y.
in l..r 1-ei en : . I
r upccully liablt to kldnty di
oie, ( uied tiy tht coniunl Joltlaf
and nervoui train In which thtjr
art tubjiclcd.
ifiioiri tha kiJneya to healthy
action. Itere il ona of irany lull
moniala on this point ;
M. Nfln. 154 North Curtli Straat,
ChUano. III., a :
.i ChUano. III., a :
V"'J - I ,. n ,",,,i, flu, ml N.
4f f i K . , ' . I. . I I'-o- . 'i ..g.s'
!iJv ii i..., ,i in . ,..', l-.i
nl back to the pl.i, f begin-
,-g. I'.vciy -el vice will commence at
In w ith tlie niagnilicent "Old llun-
, 1," "All i pie
Canada i to have 800 a.Mitional
.iioncv order olllee. There are at
,icseiit only about 1,201) of such olllee
in the whole doniinion.
ell II
pi-o's ( urc for Consumption has I.
i:...l .etui lo me. - Win. II. MeCh
I 'hc-ier. Florida. Sept. 17, I .'.
It rains on an average SOS days in
the year in Ireland, about 150 in h'ng
lairl, at about ninety day ami
in Siberia only Hixty days.
H tiinrv i-lnii'
i, ,11.. I ' .nil
Iiel,. ,il
i i,i- imv Inn !r ilrllik m a illsi-ti.i'
,-nri- ..r win Ii I'""' n 'll.e-.v.-r.-'l mi
. .. ... On. Iii.-liri,.!.- In.p hi
, .nu.i. ii a kN.iwun - ','" l"'
.,., in lea. .-Il'-i'. ""I' ami II." HI"'
II - Mill J.'i" l 'il ks ' .V'.iir .Inn.''-
,1. II.O in II. ' li . iii-iiii. - ','.,
VitK.HliU H i'" ' '" ,- -i
.. .... .i ii..... i...u li. ue S
t,,ili. wrl-ii-r. "ini i. in "",',"',",'.
1 u . I.... ..IIm.I Vi nil.
il y .
it on earth do
h.-II." and pimni'tly at I o clock the
s.i wee will he (nought toil teinpoiaiv
slop, w hen Ihe cotigieg.ilion will join
in singing "Oo-l Save the Oiiccn."
The sell ice w ill I c pi inted on slips
lone , .f the committee generously
,,)'., red to donate llo-e) so that cveiy
,,t. will be enabled to join ill the ser
vice, and It is expected that a great
liuiiii et w ill be pic.-elit. The collec
tion will betaken for the benefit of the
hospital (uii. I, which is being gotten
up by ilic lb iti-h-honi resident of the
-lute of Oiegon, (ur the endowment of
a bed 111 the lino.l ;l 111 II I 1 1 a 11 hospital.
Tl.e clmii of Trinity chin Ii mo now
practicing the special hymn and the
sci vice under the very able direction
..f Mi l ichler. the organist, who has
I kindly given Ins services for the tsva
I shut.
1 On Moin lay evening, .Inne 21, there
j will be a giand promenade concert and
lull at llie Armory, al which will be
given songs and music of the various
lit itish . omit i it s i Fnglish, lush, Scotch
and Welsln by the very best hs'al ai
! tists, who in seveial instance will ap
I pear in Ihe old-fiihioned native cos
i tuine, such a the pietty dress of the
I, with short skirts, red
' cloak, and the tall sngai-loaf hat. The
I Armory will be splendidly decorated
i with Hags, etc. and in this connection
it may be said that the secretary of the
tieasiirv, tluoiigh Collector Ulaek, has
given iiistiiiction thai Hags for this
purpose may be hionghl in fiom Vie
to ia, H. C.. dee of duly, the same to
be icluincd to Victoiia. The band of
th' Fiist legimeiit will play their best
M'lci lions, which are always enjoyable.
In addition lo the music the ladies
will have bnulhs, representing the
ililleicnt divisions of the I'nilcd King
dom and colonies, al which refresh-
,is i,o cream, badges, etc., will be
...1,1 ,,n,l these booths w ill b,
ml in the Hair and emblem of the
.-i-i of ihe coiinttv thev represent
Love number of tickets have
Oct n sold by the various member of
1 1.,, eniiitiiiiice. and bom t li ia it is easy
to judge thai iiveiy great number of,
people will be theie. The proceeds of
! lln- conceit are aNo for the benefit of
! ihc hospital fund, and the committee
1 ,-speciaily desire that every Hrittsh
j born icsidciit will goto that concert.
! The price of tickets has been put at 25
j cent each, with children free when
1 .. ;.i. il,. f, ieinls. This was done for
the express purpose of allow ing every j
I'.i itisb-boin icsidenl, however humble j
1 bis station, to attend, mid thereby take
some pait in a celebration that is not j
likely to occur again in their lives.
1 Wbiie of course the concert is S iallv
for the llritish-born resident, this j
do, s not mean that their American:
j fi ieinls aie not lo coin,', as if they do
they will be most heartily welcomed, I
an i al the same lime be sure of a most
' ciijovable entertainment,
i lln Tuesday evening, June 22, the
i celebration will be brought to a close
Ly a LniHluet at the I'orltand hotel,
which Mr. liowers promise will sur-
ss any lb ng that has ever I n held
that "(a ni' us place for such entertain
ments. The menu card are work ol
ait, and will be treasured nl souvenirs
ni th casinii. The dinner will com
mence pi. mplly at K::i0, and after the
mate, ial part has 1 n disposed of
speeches will be given by the best
sneakers In th" city and state, includ
ing ti e governor and others equally
- - w.-:i known.
c a urn The committee appeals to all liritlsh-SA"--0
, ;,, ii,,. Hia to of Oregon
I..HIII I ' . r,
t i siibn'i ihc lo tl iidownieiit of tile
hospital bed. This is not u city affair,
but is known all over the slate of Ore-
K ,,i as oi f the most charitable in-
s i niioii. when- no one is i-ver re-
.'-l'l "I. ..-.( I'l'-.'li- I""" r.-i-iiul.l.' I ii-i -i j. 1 11 p :.,,.,.,.
,' nil i,sIii-iIioiii.'i' ll,i' 11 llliln t- Ii'ltlnlil III ' I I II I . .
II,,-K I l;l inn;i ilenie I ill. .III. 1 -'1 I I ' . , , ,r r,. I
ii,,., . , Htiorit i in.- nisi, iiiin iiinii ! i- j iLZltIii.--A--- I" '?''."
i i in i A ( ' . I..I. .I.'. i'. i-.uiiH'.ii. ii" mer- SZZiC Z. '....-iiini'
It-lliOirt. I ul II l,
1 1-
S N I'
I irir.l .fio,i
I Ike ur nl W r
,.lr i I W irnH
I Srhntil.
n H t Hit
ii.ii-n.t ln imii
I i In a t hitm
Htid t (hWi-ii mi
ui'oii i Ih Moo. I hioI tin
li ni In I'") niil MhiL
ion K-i I lie lie mi inc
ii lid' 111 lo
,'l!tnon rtl- lit
Ntl.l t' if UKK
rimiU. hi niiu ilirccily
run- miriri. ol t hi "- 1
, i ni hi i Ii i uii' -.urij I
Il li tHk'll HlllftlHil
ii'ilu, o , x K.
i.. ru-r ..
;1U urc lln
J t hcin-
A -. o
i' y'T
l it
A nrw nuil ninUini? iniu'httio m-pinN-H
an many ikuU in a tfivrn timo as
wvtv ftirmi't iy mtidi hy 1.000 111111.
mi Bill GOODS
i. Mia
Spiciil Rates
TO I I I 114.
r isrrv lln- inn-i i-einrli'ii' Una nl HyiniiMiuni
ml Allili'li,' .,! nt, Hi 'iil
sen. I (nr our vilili-in- ( aia.min
SI .'( Market Ml.. SH I ranclaru, 't.
J, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Uyannis. Massachusetts,
was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," th same
that has borne ami does now y JS "" 0,1 rvcr,J
hear the far-simile signature of CtyxTucA'U wrapper.
This is the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," which has been
used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty
years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wra pfier and see that it ia
ihe kind you, have always bought T JZ-J on
(Viiii. . Fletcher is
Q,)ia. ii'm-A. n,p.
a n d has the signature 0 f rv. wc wrap
per, Xo one has authority from me to use my name except
The Centaur Company of which
.March .S', 1S97.
Do Not Be Deceived.
D,i nut rmlangrr the life d your child by accepting a cheap substitute
whicli sutiie druggist may olTer )ou (because he makes a few more cnnicj
on it), the ingredients of which et'Vll he docs not know,
"The Kind You Have Always Bought"
Insist on Having
The Kind That Never Failed You.
masons row usim;
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast Cocoa.
rVcausf it is absolutely rurf.
llf.iuse it Is not nude hy the $-callrJ Puhh Process In ilifiiiu-ils are used.
rVcaue Ivans of the linest quality are used.
IWiair.e it Is tmile hy a method which preserves unimr-aited
the ex.uiMle natural llavur and ixlur of the heans.
Pfcause it is the most economical, costing- les than one cent
1 cup.
Ra aura thai you ! Iha fnulna artlcl mada by WALTKH
IIAM.K CO. I. Id., Ma... l-.atabll.ha4 170.
. "
. ii'H.i
t jmtute
new notatiic. 1 '.I'' ler
KU'M Krefli ranch, 1 1 1 -lo-
Fresh Meals t'hoic dressed beef,
.leer, 7c; cows, liy; niutl-m, shoe,..
II ',e 'r iKiiind; lamh, fe: x-rk, '-.e. per
in, Hie I; veal, small, 7e.
1 Kr,.ul, Fish - llalihut, 4"'ac;
salmon, il-se; salmon trout, 7 Hie;
rloiinders and s"h'S. ii"' '".
l'rovisioiis-llams. lar.-'. 1 Ic; hams,
Pinall, 11 '4e; breakfast ba I0ej dry
milt si'lcs, '-."' I"'r ix'un'l.
FrlIim.n.oiis, California, fancy,
:t.i)().,.3..V.; choice. fi.OU; Cal forma
fancy navals, f ! " :))')
w in Fran, is. o, .June 11. 1W.
I'. it." ' h''K"'U Hurbanks.ilO'ri 7.V-;
Kaily' 11.'". 'i"'T'"'i "iV'.' ""!''
I. ...La .'.llol I .).-: swecis, I" '
In ii home for sandw ichiiien in Ion
lon there are said to bo several nni
veisitv uraduateH and medical men,
,id ii Seotelinian, who ran tl"""!-''
f JaO.OOO in threo year.
HOIl XT AM) I'IKK twin.
.ii L. Svrmi. MM-alli'rt. inusllv
il I.
1 IK 11 I Oil, in-
l ainl
sun.r ( i.f ami l uricily 1-iif
.nii . l . in '
I.P.i v l.o-l
i'i if'
i. inn U- iT'im
. nm I.' Irntn
11 i. lor -mi.
nil. liililln--
Il aei'in. alnnwl nut ol lilac t ajr thai a
r a ulHlit ill iiiiv.ii'si ni-
ml y
Ii I in III a .ii
man may !
nieiil ami
Kluiit in iihyitli al ilvlnii-
llml a nl r I l I ii kl i-miin nuiuu
le leal ol iivrvw. Hill If. ry
iok at in urea,, iiiki ioij
. ,ii l.l knock ilnwn an ui Willi
; . . .i.-r... ,L , i, i.i -vki i" " aiiki'ii
itirer'. name'l
It costs more tn str k a match in
France than in any other civilized
(.outrv, I ause tl.e business l mo-
lioiniliied by the coierlilliellt.
rllll 11'
I, ,-,l)lll II.)-'
I lniolis New
A marly
OVliollS of
inon-ilis compi"'
...,.1 'i
' . .i. U-'.weell the HrnU'll U'KhorU
and Huff C" l'l
n,-,llli er uti'l
will be had
l nitike t-X
o- . . ..... I
fru i'ii'm "i" " '
iiv ili..roiu-hl.v to
40 ii .'a),'.
)..T,,Kaneh,l ."' I e P'-r 'I'";""
1. Kuicv creaioi-rv, 17 -,r,
linn, -i .-
I. 1 ., 1 , in l'ic; i.inej-
Si Cull lS, I 1 " "
Fancy mild, new, 7 '-j "' ''
Amei ic.i
i i. an e.- Unit
Ideal-table f" l. KkV
i ,i...
the jear rmiiKi "'"J
fllelit niotlier.
.lust Is-f.U-e
.1... tin,,, to i
..,,.1 moth. I'lSilf "I"1
rl These three '.n-s'ts
.1 tnictivc work b
9 make irraMiU ""'l' '""!J','!
Jtp.i.rn'.api.llof .sildisBier rn
.nrts Ly e.i;.o.
ill untd U 1
-.1 loc; San
li UlolltiiS,
ea.-s' beur-
do the'.r in"st
i.f,,r bl"-s"ms ,is-n.
111 ..I I'i
Che- In IfiMI-l. 7 '' S
,;.,,s'..e; K.t-t n. U ' 1:"'-
W.-.l Clciice f'-lhlll.
Jiiaiiiiin I'l.ii'.S 7 1"
" .a i'e s-r s uiii'i.
l,v W'li-it and "at
i ...I..!- .in .i S.imi; i
,-oll,.re i, -in....
raw. P' ' :'1'' I
Fruit, fl
Curtis 1 i nil "aim. -
-,u- I lirij-O I"- ''-'
Iflfi.. l-nrtilli.'. Iim'
l,i KiltllllK .')' ''
lull ; . r I . il 1 - ,''
rrnl null i lp' r .-l'.'"
'1, ate I a nn-r.-'i.-I,,...
ii,u Icti.-, li' I '
ol 'I rail I'.rnk
'...- itiiitii-y ny .in'
r, iu .)..-i-ulaliiin in
i i, i, .ii. i We l,uy .ml
.; n en llirre nil llotr
I . . il tllH'le nil a .lllAil
ni full,:.-. VV rile inr
,,f f 'i i. ii' i' k'.vi-n. Si-v.
nIl i I Ii li n-il ill
.. IV, ll-l.-l- nl i, llll-l.
! ' ,fc ' i. . ( Ir'-s.'ii I'.'.io-I
. . - ii I illlnlill. Or.-K'Jll,
fn-ed, and no more worthy object could
be found with which to celebrate, the
reinn of one of the bent and kindest of
nioiiaicl:, tl an by K vin something
for the sick and needy. 11 you cannot
Hive dollais do your best, and if any
w ish to subset ibc so iiiueh a month for
two or three they year can make their
payment in that way. Any of the
rotiimillee will be jileased to aeknowl-
the i ipt of any money sent
them, or il can be sent to Mr. W. K., Ihe sec, clary, Worcester
blis'l,, rorthind. The i iniitteB re-
.1 lie. I all lioli-residellts, who ill-
t. inl beiiiK pn-eiit at the bampiet send
in their names at nine.
iariiu-ri' Tiiar In Tnrky.
A f.tiiiier's taXi-H ill Turkey are class-ihn-:
( 1 1 one-tenth of all crops
and fiuit-; ('.') 4 ,. r rent of tlie rnilim!
value id I -OU--C and lauds; (111 5 st
n i l on i-veiy transfer; 14) an iinnnal ,
Cllie t.lX of il'-; I ' nce oil eViTV sheep i
and '.'1 peine on every "oat. Thu
taxes aio ri,'oiini-iy colic tel.
olii'ii Irun
11, ..u. - l.u
1,1. II. t' Mill In. IiIk In-art I. aoll. ami It a
t...i. ...,n i. li i. kviioiHilile. ar a. atrotif
a. hi. arm, tnil hi" m-rv lalla ollen ami lia
I. aaliami'il ill l I nix-1 f . II" (!" uinlr
ainml II, ami II li'a 'm .iraini. Ut.
Hamlen iilalna llm ri'aauti III lua book,
" I liri-a l'la.e. ol Men."
Till, lamoin Bell rurri'i't. llie Irnnlil. It
I. worn ilnrlnii li m,illy. ami a. nnt
tore or vlial uii'r In nntliliiK lull elwirle
Hy It la ll I'aek Iha KrU.
t K-tlt.-r . Hi nervm ami vital parlanl
rvii In nalliralnl Willi r.ieeirii- rin-iaj.
Ki.i.e.-,,'. 'tlie Inr I vitality ami '''" ''7,1",",' V. F I ' t r li." t inakV I ..ri
Cll and we Ur. Hamlen t.slay.
r.,n.llall,.n mid T.t of Iha K.moua Ball rra.
The book I. al.. Irce. Hy inH. ' "". clu"l'lJ' ,lrd'
SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., w"' v..i.ini..nm...i'rtui..i. or.
H'aeii vriUng lo Aihtrliur plrnu mrnlmn llil per.
tin- body. ami. aftrr II l worn nil hour, every D
Rebuilt Gas and
.Gasoline Engines
an I -4-altn.-,
f7'.l 10;
,if.llf.l, '
nr s;
.v.-r, ,
,.-,(i j lo.')');
Tropic ,1
Ml M-r b
i t
n a v
' !... one uart. ri"' aT-"--
runs n.pi m . . - - -
t!ir Uadi aud l-ull th'
ni-arly wtilw.
Ilio'l l-ll.
API-! 1!-'-!-." 2 I-r
C p-r barrel.
I HU-ii!2c per pound.
1 o
.!, t.'.'m
f,o; colo
y, -' 00
i rih
Easily. Quickly, Permanently Restored
Vrukiii'Hs, NcrvousncM, Dehlllly,
ftl. 1 nil ,n II1IR Ol rTIIV
f r - - in ,! .rrur.or Utp
.-.-; IN. rull of
ry, lull Irak.'!,,
l-vi,.'H.,il ami tuna
o, --rf a r f . o
r.1 .irn-.n ul tti t"lff.,- r..oi,l u lli.wl.
' liuni-.,.i i-ipr.iriii.iit
2 'iff, re'iimnr... fpi-aa
ti".n.U"a .n-1 ptiMta
U. A. 1 41 M-4 flue.
bLI I ALU. N. V.
Ill I'll UK ami r 1 1, a. i',ira-l . rei . ui,-c.
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ff,..T..iiiai.i. Ma jiaraa . oi vu - .-.,-
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I'i alice
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on all
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patient has piece.
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a-ill ,
III,-.. In III Ililli-ll Mil.elllll
eiitricity ill diess is tow I ground
lll-ioli ft ' .III the 111 ili.-ll Museum
in., iii. A man who was in the
-f w-i.rnv' -indals iiirtead of
,,. coinif wit '"lit a collar or hat
i-lil I v tin in -I "lit.
It'o t?i"le Were fl.M jolir-
n ils ir l-.-l,. d in ihe t'nile I Kingdom,
of wbi'-h fourteen wiQ il.iili'-s.
i . - M ,-i,-r of the ( lan
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i'.iv :
i-i II. P. Ilcrcutcn, Gas or Gasoline.
1-2 H. '. Ilcrciikd, i'.an or Giisoline.
1-2 II. I'. RfU'in, Gat or Gasoline.
1-3 II. I'. Oriental, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Otlo, Gas or Gasoline.
1-4 II. P. Pacific, Gas or Gasoline.
i-O II. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
mo 11. P. Hercules, Gas or Gasoline.
State Your Wants and Write for Prices...
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
Gal, Gasoline tod Oil Engines, 1 to 200 H. P.
405-7 Sansome Street
San Francisco, Cal...
le.. ;
.nt I
now ;
ii.t ii, M. liii-i'Ttli, Wales,
n.i iiiiioii-ly (or 70 )'jia.
d 'JO.
ii.. ' r-. ""-
tjii sl AJTlat (Ail.
I iWn r. Ta.waO.sL
I'TA a-,''! Pf omiT'w
vm1!. Ut-thtnir
K T M I W 0 ' ,J1
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ft ..i. th. ftimi, H mrvi? I 2
I Ih- Mn.ri. f..rdivrrhjf. Twi
f K..H Ln. It Id that h0l ot kll. A
N.P.N.U. No. 70B. S.F.N.U. No. 7ttl
rniui.aMx -m