The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 19, 1897, Image 2

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I. t. OAMPHKI.L, Proprietor.
The Greeks call their native land
"Hellas but they fight like two-third
oi it.
There's plenty of room at the top
Look nt the hum-hull column of percentages.
Chicago scores the first sunstroke of
J:i. )ou ran t Ix-ut the groat Amerl
chii hi m iiM-r resort.
The New VorU health ofllrer think
Hint tin (rip In trn:.aferred by kissing.
I'mIiiiwI Who's afraid?
The firo-k soldier dress In women'
skirt. IVrhnp that account for thrlr
retiring disposition In biiltle.
Sieve Crime says dmt the hntlle of
Vclcstlno Hounded like "an aviihuu'lie
of thunder." Thnt Round like Htcve
A will trust lui U'en orgnulr.od In
I otucioy. Ohio. Of late the liiolinjMi
lh'H have shown a ilUHmllloli to (et
ion rrcsn.
presarlo, but be was also an eietdlent ,
pianist, and a charming writer, a I
hown by bli "Rharps nd Flat" ami
'Quaver and Bern! Quaver," which
contain the tory of hi long and even;. .
fill career In music. Il .a th last
of the old school of Impri-siirlo.
Hy the narrow majority of -17a vote
III a total of XJ.mtii Toronto ha voled
to have It street cars run on Sunday
for the next three year. Till mid el
(Ion I lii'M every three year, hut the
bint two derided against the Numlay
earn, mid "Toronto the mmiV him liool.
llrprlvrd of III! melius of loroinotloli
on miti'iays ror six yearn. "I he dissent
ing rhiirrheii always lend the iht '
against the Sunday car, hill the iner- '.
rhliulH mill Ihe II. Mini or Trail., lu.. II llii
tired thl year of the Sabbatarianism ,
mid mustered Just enough vote to kill
ii ror the time is-ing.
Mr. Ijingtry ha secured n divorce
III I'll lir. rn la, whither Bin- went to lie
inserted tiy iier husband, who reuuilii
ii iiiletJy at home.
The prosperity of mlvlre I dependent
upon a thorough assurance that disin
terested Kood will and holiest Intention
prompt one advlxf r.
A New York paper remark that "tin
late Mr. Iliivciiieycr'N estate I less,
tllllll II.imhi.ihmi." In tliiM retiprrt It rc-
ihiiiii-h a groat iiiiiny other.
The fai-t that Amui Held hn dent
home .!,-,i tlil yiiir I a striking
evidence of what n foreign favorlie can
do In till country If Hhu ha half a
A Iiakotn paper says: "James Cyze
whlskl hn reiioiiuci-d allegiance to
I'riiHHln and I now a full rltl.en." ',-r-hap
he swnllowisl a section of hi
The NiicecHH of Hint Nashville nlr ship
merely prove that it Is Mlmply Imp,.
IIIh for the great Auierlran liar to
keep ll le-ad of Alncrlriili enterprise and
A Mlnueiipoll restaurateur ha uni
formed hi waitresses III bloomer.
That' a shrewd innlicymnkllig scheme.
Who couldn't enjoy a g.sxl Hiiare meal
u iiiiii hik'Ii surrounding?
Margaret Walter, of St. I.i.iiIh, U 7
year old. After living with her him
liillld llfly year, continuously, she llhsl
milt for divorce the other day. Well,
It lake tpiltc a while to Mini out a Si.
1oiiU man.
Few person hear lli-riiratelv. In..
I'll line few have hern trnliied to do ho.
li-t It Ih one of the roon,lnil.,i, Minimal
of all the flood to lie nrromplUheil by
the teacher. It culture Mhoiild nut iinli-
precede most other tliiltif M. but slmnlj
accompany them all. l ull hi the pupil
I listening nrlllely and llllrreMtedly, of
Wlilil avail are the ten, -her' Iiihiiiic.
tloliM, be they ever no valiinlile In llii-m.
selves? Mlldi of the troulile of school
life, many of the teacher' sorest dis
iippolntmeiitK and most depressing fail
ure, mine from the lack of training lu
lonklliK nud listening.
Trom rutty ntd!, a point! pin,
A button toicut to
A torn out, worn-out buttonbol,
Both cow and by-amj-by;
Frooi a rotten trlng, or ibo-la wak,
Collar that button bird,
N"kti that turn "blnd-tld befort"
Without tb lent rctrd.
Good Lord, deliver u.
Frera a hiftle, thrlfUe wife,
A mother wbo donn't car
Whether ih tidily weiri ber fowni,
Or rarelr rnmt, h.r k.u-
From a huahand who dxn't or know
now airt tra-k up the floor,
A father who think it fooliibneti
For th little one to more.
Oood Iord, deliver u.
From a lazy man, a beedlr woman,
A thoiiKhtlHi boy or ajirl,
Wbo turn the world half upaide down
With a whirr, a wblk, a whirl;
From auch aa theae and many more,
A a wo go on our w ay,
That wo may gracioualy bo free
Forever, "I,t-t f Fray,"
Jood Iord, deliver u.
ixxj Ifouarkeepliig.
We need to bear ronxiiiiitly III mind
that Ihe blame which attache to III-
temper I not to be wholly thrown upon
Ihoxe w ho lve w ay to It. 'J'hoxe w ho ,
are naturally amiable must bear u por- -lion
of the rexponxllilllly. If they have
held aloof lii xlmple illxapproval, If they j
have not xlrlvi-ii to din-over it muxe, ;
to ward off Itx approach, to iiiiil.-rxtaud :
the temptalloiix that h-ad to It, to allay
the rlxluu excllemeiit, to Hunt he milled !
feelinitx, and to hi ri-ML.-tli.-ii it ,i,.r
of xelf eoiilrol In Ihoxe with whom liny '
consort, they cannot hold tliemxelvex :
Kiilltlexx. though their own temper may
bi' idaeld, llielr ow II fi-1-liln.'s xeri-iie mill 1
Iran. lull, and lln-lr own imuer of x.-ir.
rommaiid uiiipicxlloiird.
The new t'onnii-Kxmru from the West
nlreiidy are beKiiinliiu to exert a pow
erful lutlueiice on life In Waxh
liiKioii, A WaxhliiL.'tnn paper verv
rit'lllitlly refer to "tliu btxlevllr,! nie
tel le of dinw poker."
The SjraciiMe Standard ha dlxeoy.
Tiil a delillxt who luxlxt Unit "chai
meter rcHlde lu the tei'lh." Kn't It an
uppallliii; tlioii.-lit that while a mini I
Hxlix-p lih rhararter may Ih- xoakliin In
u Klax of water on the divxxrr?
The very rouKcloiixm-x of Imvlnn
fnllhfull.v and cheerfully Mtrlveu to do
the work kIvcii iiiiIo iix, w hether It be
"I iiml nrtlve, or xei ret uud passive,
tirliiK w ith II n rrrtalii hciinc of Nuccrsx
which roinpriixale for npparriit fall-lire.
Kloiieineuts are not roionoio m.r n.n
ally tiirexxary In Mi-xh-o, but our I re-
poi-tni rrom a in in-li near l,.in-l.,i
that ronlaliis far iiinie trnjrrdv than
reliance. The ardent xullor In tl... ........
achieved a Voiiiilj l.ix-liiiivar climax,
hilt only nrtrr a hi ric of kIiiIiIh.i-ii i.Ii
Htacli. e was on IiIh way In the
ranch to claim his bride when he wax
ronfroiihsl, It appears, by the jiTn
brother and 11 friend, and wax obll'isl
to kill ImiIIi lu order to i-inillnue hu
Journey. He then met iiml .1! .I.-I....I
a His-oiid In-other, ami laier. when rinse
to his destination, runaced In s ..
fill rornbat with a fnui-th uiiiii who had
been Helit out to slay him. ty this time
the Hiipply of II had Khn nut, and
the youui; man llnlshed the olepeuu-ni
In iii-cordanec with III -Ilnal pro
Brum. If all lover In Mexico are as
Kklllful as this one In ihe use of wrap '
on of offense and defense It Is n.ii xur j
prlNliiK that elo nis me not Hpu-
llir. A few score elnpemenis ri.n.hli led j
on Midi a lavish scale wmihl I... ali.nil i
piitlvnletit to nn ordinary Central j
American revolution In Ionm of life. j
Tariylown ha bej;iiu to tax the
(loiilds uioro lu proportion to their
xvisillh. W ill tlie i;, ml, U now lurry lu
Tiu-r.vlownV Will thry llii lo some 'oth
it place, ami llu-u In s e other when
rriiilrisl to pay iiuy t lilnK on their vast
A New York woman w ho has applhsl
for a dlvonv ulvex n one of her iva
hoiis the eliiirce that her husband of
late has kissel her lu a "cold, unit
of fact milliner." IVrluip slic lieis.-lf
was rcNiNiUMlble for tlwil: It l...
alinpl.v ImpiKssllile f,n- anyone (o kiss
one 01 our mux m tlitit way.
The Hiike of Marlborough, the other
nay, piopnxix.1 a lis,.luton conviiiin.
In t ln Ihe (Jueen upon the (!iwlhof her
I'tiiplre duriiiK her loun leliju. This
ilnlililless Im-linlc Hie iiciiiImIil... ..f
Iti'lllsli wealth tlirnilKli A nierlcaiix w l
me so nuic .Miirncanx hn to pay hand
Homely to Bet any ort of tltl, Into
tlu-lr lamlllrN.
The Itev. Mr. Shelll.-ld, an American
missionary, may not have converted nil
'll' ' , t'Ut hr has hless.-il tlictn
with an Invention which eiilltlcx hint
to any nuinU-r of yellow Jackets and
peacock feather. This Invention Is a
i. pew liter for the t'lilnese laiitfti.m-e,
nun ii win no away with the Ink .t
nun i'iiiiii oiusn now lusviwary lu I'e
lent till W rltlliif.
Tl WIIS when people Hushed with
money were not only travelers, hut av
Ixh lu pay it of all iiersoual sen
rendered to them -oiile. They sup
porlnl the 1 'nltitiii ii car iioi-ier" I...
eked out the scant wanes paid him ,v
the xleepliiK cur ronipaiiy Willi Krirr
ous lips from liavrlrrs. Times have
clmiiK-ed. People ate not travclini:
lunch for pleasure, and there Is tint snf
llcleiit business to lake them awav In
ureal number. hen they do K,i on
business they are so full of It ihiil Un-v
think they hae paid stilllclrlilly for a
iiIkIh'x lodtfliiK wl they h.-ne ih-pos
Itisl 'J with the I ii 1 1 in it 1 1 ( mv
III a hotel that calls for the service of
the establishment. Traveler no longer
throw their sllur dolhus at a m-mo
porter. They II, .lire I hill tin' I'
Company pays an S per rein, dhldcud
upon a lari.'c voltnne of sloek. .-in, I H,..
are of Ihe opinion that the nroilts ..V
the cnii:iny would n.i l. n n.
HllKhtest, I If n,,. niMini -,
lllcllt plopclly cnmpollvilcd pollels.
w ho coiuplalu lu 't it Ionium f,,r tlu-lr
pay that they are at once purler, run
ilurlor and waller. Tin- I'nll
II lit H olllil not to he objecls of charltv.
The company Is abumlaittly aide to pa'v
Its lieolile livlllv- ttiiues. It .- i t , I n U
act hnxe cotuociisailoii for lis 1....1
room oil w heels. The cost of the chain
brrmalds oitiiht lo be ll II,,. ,.,.
IMiny. The ncci-ocs who an 1 1 1 1 . , .
Illlt lor lt'iii-r couil.eiiviillioi u ill I,.,. .
xymtiathv from the Ii -Jllelilit' oi.lill..
that Is learuliiK throuuh hard ins-esslty
to withdraw lis tips lo the xlerplni; cat
potter, which, under all lln .-l
Hlances of iiiidcrcotiiirnsatlon. are llp
to 1 ne liien.llcant rulliuati I'otupaiiy.
If It I Hiu-.r.s ile Iota of Pane-
tin e .rr llvrr,
A tire Invention which ihe I II i
Intend shall be a most Hins-rssfiil r
Mil to the pliellliiatlc llrcx now so wl.t...
ly iiHed Ixsism to hr ;lvrn a trial. It is
claimed ll will not be mimvi.i 11,1.. to Hi..
mull tack, class, rlr , to so disastrous
an extent a the puciiuiiulc tins are.
It I made of section of cork, which
l ove make home beautiful and .!...
llnhlfnl: II sweetens dally llfr, and
helps one to endure troubles. The wife
iio really loves her liiisli.-ni.t u iu .....
Heed to be lold how to make lilm hap-
!. .-sue win ;ie him all he want or
iishs tor in his home, ami she w III tin, I
that he will repay her by preferring
that h.'inr to any place on earth, and
echoltitf ihe words of the dear old soiitf
inrr o place like It.
The death of Max Man-tiek remove
from Ihe amusement world one of Its
oldest nn, most widely known n-prv-
oiiuiiivc. ne was Ik.i-ii In Moravia In
ami came lo this countrv In lsis;
For thirty j.-ain h,. pr-Uled over fie
aiwinie or Italian n-ra In the flitted
Slate, fului nd Mexico, and dn-liij;
ine larger l'art of that lime will. 1..-11.
Hunt uccrs. HU prrlod of work fell
111 1 ue very Heyday of ox-ra, and for a
ie year .via ret im wa the fa hlnmi
ble rune. It w h due to linn that this
country flrxt heanl u-h tiu-ir I'm
tl. SoutiiL-. Albanl, Nllsson, I .urea. I.a-
grainre, Minnie llniik. HI Murska. An
llle Ixniise Cary, and other. The
droettaed wa oulr a raiuou Uu
.1 r"
ar almost si, lid, thr c-nirr Ix-Iuk m.idr
of all rudlcxMcoll prliiB. which bold
the iHs-tlon of cork tlriulv. Am- see.
tlon of cork may rnstly W reinov.-,!
and renewed. The s!lnk- act some
thlinc like a brn.vlrt whli h remor
fnmi the wrist b Htrrtrhlim the kim tnc
a little. Whether tin will w.-ar as
well or Ix'ttrr tlui I) thai Itliutt in t l.t
fi" iniinin 1 1 I
n-malli to be erli. It bits not yO been
tried, but the luvriiior .-Ut..,i .......
thlujt for lu i
"My laat day at Oxford," alghed Mm.
Jtomer a ahc lay buck lu the punt and
I'Ut up her paniaol. ' Un't It a aliame,
Mr. Klaworth, that I have to ico away
on the tlrat day of the 'elghta""
Klaworth of Kieler, havlnu imxired
the punt carefully, turned and cat
down opposite Mr. Homer, iiuihIiik
Ida knera.
"Ib-axily aliame." lift in (ft U'ltti
Rloom in hu vol.-e. "Itut muat 11 11
' Toaltlvrly iniiHt," replied Mr, ito
nier, ahlftlnjf her parao und lookliiK'
ai ner c-oiiipnnloli round the editr.
"We've Km to k to a dlimrr party to
morrow nlifht In town ami a theater
and danro the next lilaiit, niid-o-omethlnjr
or other every nlifht till (lie
end of the raon. Hut you're coiiilm;
to are ii In town, aren't you? Von
promlHed, you know."
F.lHworth dun Ida heel Into the tbx.t
of the punt. "Von won't have any
time to Hpare for ine in town-like uji
lu-re, you know," he an id, jilooml'y,
Then, more cheerfully: "We've seen a
lot of eiu h other the last week, haven't
wp'' H n thoiiKh we'd know n ea h
other for - for any amount of time."
Mr. Itomerahlfte.1 her OfirnHi.1 inr-it.i
: lu order to watrh an idKht paddlim;
( down to the aliirtlntf point at Iilley.
1 "They look audi nice, clean, whole
ome lx.y," R,e mild. "Thai' what I
like ao about Oxford. All i. boy
look aa though-well a though (hry
hud a bath every moruliifj. Wl ni bo.1'1
I that?"
; "O, that' the Ilouae-CTirlat f.'htirch
1 1 menu. Hut lot's "
I "And who I that at the en, I r
"ll... r . .
em itamiiy; he atroke, you
! anow . aw rul outsider.
j "He look nice." said Mi-. II r.
following; the boat with her eye
I urn, 1 any." sal, I Kl worth, "cun t
you cut the dinner party and atnv on?
we eoui.i nave audi an awfully grod
Mr. Homer turned her rye to CIs-
worth and shook her head. "I'm t
carried off by uiuln force to iiIkIiI. ' aln
Wild. "You Hre. 111 v luisbiin.t U .-.,...1.,,,
011 from ItlrmliiKliiim thl afternoon to
pick me up, and we itoaltlvcly must g,t
10 ion 11 ny tne last train."
Mr. Itonier leaned back on lirr ciikIi-
ion ami alKlicd. "Hut you're not nn,k
Ilifc-. Mr. Klxworth?" she said; "I don't
iiumi your amoklng, you know."
"I don't wanr to smoke," said I'M
worth. "I say." he continued, nfirr
pause, "w e've had a ripping K,,od time
in nisi wis-k, haven't we?"
"I've enjoyed myself Immensely,"
mini .Mr. Homer. "Kvervhody ha
1 11 " klml. The I'elhwlcksaiechai-iii.
Ink- people, and let one do Just a one
like, and - "
"Yea." ald Klaworth. "I ahull jilwivs
ho itmteful to the I'ethwlcka."
"And you have simply devoted your,
elf to me an old married like
me, too!"
"What rot:" aald Klaworth. "Why
I don't believe you're more than tlui'ii
a year or two older than I a in."
"Ah, but 1 ntii." Mrs. Itomer 'aljthed
alilftltiK her parasol acaln. and turmsi
toward the river. "Wasn't that the
Htm?" she asked. "Hoc ,, ,,,
that the race I atarllnu?"
: that only the tlrat Bm, " said
Klaworth. "Hut never mind the race
let' talk alx.ut I mean I want to tell
you - -"
"Ion' be silly." said Mrs. io,m.r
tine up and lookl.tu win, K,vai interest
down tlw course. "Of eonrae ,,
alx.ut the nice. Thafs Just what I've
come to e"
"I Mleveyou are offended with me"
aald Klaworth. izlimmllv -i
- . - " ".ii'oose 1
de-en-o I,. , ( ,,,vp 1BBH )ir
don last nlKht only I thouitht von didn't
eem to mind, you know."
"Mind:" said Mr. Homer, ttirninK to.
wanl Klaworth; "mnd what'
thought you wrn- particularly tiler Inat
"Then, you wcrn't offend.M
"Why ahould I be otTcii,l. .i
"At what what I did "
"Why. Mr. Klsworth. whnl did yon
uu .
1 Klaworth turned a puwh-d face to
Mr. Homer for a moment Tl-en 1 Irk
JiW l-lt of tluff rarefully fro,',,' ,p
knee of his tlanneU, " mean," he s.,i,
"I mean when 1 kissed you."
'."' arid Mr. Homer"
' nl'.m,i )V.f""-V R"rr' 'f " "'""'J'''" "'-
l lti A. .th looked up boldly at Mrs
Homer, who,. ry.- wander,-,! vasudy
round the horixon. Her ey.-brow lir;.
"I don't remember." ahe aald
"lVn't you remember." pursued i:u
enh, ' when we were atandliiK List
uUlit after supper at linindon'a look
in Into the sardrt.? waa lust W.
hind you quit,, rloae- and "
"Yea?" aald Mr. Komer. quite vn.
tly. a her eye came to n-i m.. im-
worth' fa.-e. which waa atlll b-mt '
the knee of !.' flannel.
"Well, I couldn't help It, Tou know
ut you did know, didn't von?"
"1 did not," and Mr, ii.mirr "I
hadn't the leaat Ides. And I rau't un
dertand "
"I'm awfully aorry- illy," Mid Kla
worth. Mm. Homer watched him In ollen.-o
for a few moment aa bo plucked at
tho kue of UU flannels. Tha ber
brow wrtr.kk-d a little.
o aorrTr' ihe aaksa.
"Wly iro jou
v I 1 J I ev
"Heeauae I'm mro you ro angry;;
now iren't you?"
Mrs. Kotiier reflected, rubbing the
handle of her paraiol gently agalnat
ber chefk.
"Well, you aee." iho wld, ifter a
pause, "after all. I didn't know."
"But auppoaing you Lad known,"
said Eliuorth, looking suddenly up at
"It would never bavo haouenvd,"
said Mr. Homer, firmly.
'I I . ... .o.n,. fnr m raw initllll'll I.
Elaworth looking moodily ucroaa the
river to the towing path, where the,
rn,L ...... ,4 ... vli.iv tlx. riiri-a and
undergraduatea were hurrying down
In run u tl a lx.ta Ml. Holller
looked reflectively at KUworth.
"I tnn't think It mi verv nl.-e of
you, Mr. Klaworth," ahe aald, "to do-
to ao that ri or tiling wiinoui my
knowing It. Why did you do It?" j
"There didn't n'cin to be iiny-aiiy
other wnv," r-idled Klsworth. Then,
meeting Mr. Homer's eyea, he aald:
Hut you needn't I.hikIi at n man. It a
"I'm not laughing," aald Mr. Homer.
I'm very mud) annoyed."
"Hut you aald you weren't aiiKry,"
aald Klaworth.
"You haven't told me why you did
It." aald Mr. Homer. "And there' an
other k'lin. That' the start. Isn't It?"
"I couldn't help It," aald Klsworth.
Hon't you are. w lint a mini sn-s you
every day talk to you ami and all
that, ibn-Hit't It aland to reaaoii, VI .
I may rail you Vloli-t?"
"'rrtalnly not," said Mrs. Itomrr;
why, I'm old enough to be your moth
er -very Hourly."
"l. nil!" aald Klsworih, "you look
awfully young and and J'.lly."
Mrs. Hoinrr shook her head. '
"I put my complexion on every morn
ing." she Mild.
"I don't Is-lieve ll," said Klswor'h
"And I dye my hair," routinued M s.
"I don't care," said Klsworth.
"And I-I'm married," aald Mrs. Ho.
U. Could l.o Thins hlcli Aaton
labtd King sad Qne'
Old Dot, the fumou and world-renowned
lahlo Scotch collie, la dead.
Thut simple sentence will cuue Uiuny
a regret to tlmuxawU of heart, even
If Hoz was only a d-g. He wa better
known thiin thotiaaiid of mm that
1. .1 ..l.-..s nilnelit. He oii-e
inina e-i"' - - - .
...... 11. r I. s tiiiirve
.. ..11..-I n.n.ut'h the Vatic-ill
dept lu Windsor fiitle and wx 'tted
,y Queen Victoria. The I,l'""' ,,f
kVale offensl J-"',"!"1' for him uricr wit lii tnarveloii tricks. The ilog
... . .1 1. .1,.. v..ti,..-in lie was
WIIIK'XJ llin"ifc -
eut-rtalnl hv the rresideiit of rranre,
the Czar of the Hussln. King "f
Norway nml Sweden. In fact, he had
b.s.n to almost every foreign court and
. . . . .ll.,.ilt,i r.
hail rix-elv.l the atteiiimii 01 ',.,.
les lit every department of life' activ
ity In th! ami other lands. ITealdetit
Cleveland stroked hi shaggy coat In
the White I loll.'.
I!nj! di.-d ill San Anton!". Texas, re
cently. II" to I. II. Harris,
a stM-k bntsler at .M.-ndoti. Mich., mid
wa 14 years of age at hla death. The
dog was never on public exhibition,
but wax the traveling companion of
h!s owner, w ho took supreme delight In
showing the animal to hi friend. J
The d"g rniild aelert any card In the
dc k when told, and If It was not there
III-' Turk la n horn aoliller. and 1 renri.,1 n-l.t. .1 ,.
" . . 11' L ..... . .,.'.1..- . 1. .. .." "'' and .,
"""" iiti, nor a lawver- K 1
, iihniit these tilings, lie la taught that he I t he a i- r,,i k-
t,. bring killed or wounded in battle a the sure passport to the '
im-m- .-,(i,o.. leiuiio ' r IK ....... u ...iioilK IIIIII III' aigi..,l 7 to
li s r. !igi"ii teaches him that no matter what hla r.-e. 1
.1 , ..- ,. ,u ii. I. mmI.. ..iii'.. ).;.,. i.. tM. . n. .. 1 n nr-k v
, I . .- t ) r Hniinils in hntlle rntitle him to thl nnr-,..l;t .. n rth i..
. . . ; . 1( y,JU ....
run aw.iy trmu ilaiiger.' i'n tne conirary, lie court It. That : "'"ft
I In- I.i,l'I;-1i mid I- rriich m
ine conirary, no courts It Th.
ever gave the Turk rrnll, tJX'S
waa an aaaaulting column ... . 1 """ai,.
- -- - - n ' ..... ... .-i.-iiir .... .
.1... it .i,.... n .....!.:.... . . ""Han
i,ie . loii.-iiii .... . . . . . ..nnuiiti ijk roimiin . i, . "'ai,
rxtra Inizanlotis ta-k to be umlrrtnken, It usually ft. i ,i , a'If "P.
contingent. ,ul ' Uu t-
. jriv
yi y:r.s vn toiiia w ki
.pomks lioz.
ih il
ii i
- really'
Klsworth returned to the obdurate Lit
of Huff on hi knee.
"I suppose," he said, slowly, '
does ma Iter." Klsworth looked
straight Into Mrs. Homer's eyea. '
are laughing." he prolratrd.
beastly rough on a chap."
The ahollls of the apeepitor on the
banks, on the liurges, and lu the boat
grew lu volume: a bell clanged -'he
algual rrom the bank that a boat was
within humping dlsiam-r of anoihri.
Kxrlti-d turn tore along the lowing path
with i al tics, ami shouted thr naiiii or
their colleges lu elleolirageineht as the
rights came up the course. Hut fls
worth heard none of these thing, lb
h-ard only the laughter that bubbled
from the Up of Mrs. Itomer.
jou ulwilld boy:" she said.
"There: Kxeter ha made a bump, ami
.loll haven't even cheered:"
"I wasn't thinking of the rue, .' s.-n
Klsworth. "A man doesn't think ,,f
things like that when he's
"We ought to be getting b.n !.."
Mr. Homer, ns she waiehed tl ,.,.,
puddling back from ihe u inti'iig p.,t
to thrlr rrapretivc bargrs.
Klsworth iiiiii red the punt and be
gan punting up stieain. Aftrr a stroke
or two he stopped, and trailing ihe p..e
In the water behind him. said. "I sup
pose I mustn't come and sre vou -
Why not?" said Mrs. Homer -i
wa Imping to s. e a lot of vmi wh.-n
jou came up to town r 'down,' Vou
call It. don't von'-"
"You mean It?" said Klswortli -He.
cause, of use. 1 shouhl he- .,!. , i. .
thought perhaps after what has Inn.
peiied "
"W hat has happened?"
"I mean after last nk-hi i ... i
what I've aald to, lav - bnt'i ...... i i. ..
, , , , " ' -Mll'lll ,
help It, you know, hut I i
might find It a liitle awkward inv inert
lug "
': there's Ulek ell tl,
Mr. Homer She w.-ive.l .. ...,i ,.
, " . " "o: nig
parasol, and a lift,! straw hat on tl.,.
r.ancr Large i.ientlllcd Mr. lioim r fls
worth punted alongside, and was fori i,
with iiiiro.ltiee.l to Mr. Homer
Mrs. Homer held i:iworih's li.m.l
moment at parting.
"ou mustn't." an,, said, "tnl. t ,
seriously what I said."
"Vou mean , M,llt lnjill;.-...
"N"'" 1 Mrs. Homer, "a bun:
my hair, and So on I '... ..I I... ii-
shall are you In ( n
"liood looking I.o.n," Md Mr. .1mr
as he walked up through Christ Chun 'i
meadows with hi wife.
"lau't he?" said Mrs. Komer. Th.-n
looking al.lenai up nl .,. als.,.u
she pr.s-eede,. -And n; ,,.k , (,,;
you think? 11,'a Is ,,ve with me aw
fully In love, poor 1n,v."
"What, another. Ke.-illy, V. the fb.
lie I roaecutor ought to take von up "
.-1 .,.i ii ... . . . i -
.-...I i-n-s n, Kissed hie:"
;. VI, come " began Mr.'ltonier.
It was stieh an absurd M-tie klas
on my back hair. I ,-euld s.-.-rrely f.-d
It. And 1 couldn't la,,,.., ,.ls;..N.
cnue. of course, h,. tl.ongiu I .n.ln t
know. Ami now he's So n,lsrr.t,K.
atsnit It "
"Hut w hy ahould he W inisetable "
began Mr. Komer, "If hr
" don't belogh-al, Hick. ' Yo don't
mind. I tick, do you?"
"Mind." aald Mr. Homer, aelr.-in- ,i
elgar from hla case. "Of ,txi
If lie doesn't." j
Thry walked on for .i ilnt.. i .i i
Mr. Homer pulling at hla cigar.
"Well." I,c Md at length "'on'tv
very serious. VI. What are v 'ibmu i
Ins' of? The alllv Ivovv
"Stupid old Pick." aald Mr. Ko, ,r
glancing at her hush.uil.
thinking of you. Vou are s s.
IM. k ao horribly sensible."- The ' u
gate. ' l1'
a whine would follow. He could dis
tinguish betwis-n color a well ns a
human Is-lug. More wonderful than
ull. he could count money, making the
properchange to an exact cent. If told
to bring .V;l.:il, or any stun from coins
of various denionlnatlons, la- would do
so without a mistake.
When told to walk like a baby, hr
would creep along the lh,r nud Imitate
a child to perfection, He could pretend
he w as lame an I walk most pitiably.
Ho, would a No wash hi fret, or liny
foot a dirri'ti-d. He would bring
any object that he roiild curry when
sent aftrr It. Wlini onre told a s-V-son's
full name he never forgot It, but
would always deliver a letter or pack- j
age to that very indlvmltial at any i
place he had ever visit,!. ;
W h.-n he wa once taken to a place
lie always remeuibeinl It and would
return to It If sent on an errand. Many
pi-iNon who have eros.. the sen on
the same vessel as the dog will recall
his wonderful feats performed on dis k
for the beiietlt of the sailors' relief
fund. Mr. Harris had often refused
$o.iaai f,,r the truly wonderful animal.
Hoi leave Just as wonderful a de
scendant, she being Hozzle, owned by
a Chli iigo lady. The daughter In some
respects excels her sire. She cannot .
puzzhsl In any arithmetical problem In
addition, substruction, multiplication,
division, or a roinhiuation of two ot
more of these processes In whole num
ber under twenty. She gives results
by bark and never make a mistake.
Several veron can hold pieces ol
paper with number on them before
her. She look at each one. lUli.nni...
the units by so many barks, and nt the !
cl will add the entire S..H..U 41 Hit
Made a Hallrood Fuienslon Bridge
In Ohio.
I One of the si range freaks of the re-
-rut Hood in Ohio wiis in wanning uwny
nil the hiippo o of ii heavy railroad
bridge, and having the bridge Itself
, nrartirallv unharmed, susnemled In
i ml, lair. A pier was thus transformed
. Into a suspension bridge In a night.
This bridge spanned the Muskingum
, Hh er, near Clarki svllle, Ohio, on the
Cincinnati .V Muskingum Hallrond.
Tin- structure wa w hat I known as n
tun span truss bridge. Kueh span was
7.1 feet long. W hen the country nil
about was under water, the bridge
stood hard and fast, for It had been
, strengthened to as great nn extent as
possible by stone piers and henry
foundation of mixed rork mid earth.
1 finally one night the watchmen locat
ed nt either end of the bridge hrnrd n
rrash and a mar and Ihe bridge moved
Vrr.V prrrcptlhly. It did not seem to
tilt, but tat her sagged, and as the night
was stormy ami n hard wind blowing
the railroad men made no effort to In
vestigate iiiii i I daylight rnme to their
When they did finally look the bridge
rail, Just a a tTdivTTl "
overhead wire. 7
n copper wire carrlei th
motor, which is t .
The current used ofI
more'than In n,. ' r 6j0
curries the current i....1
cannot be cot ten fr... .'M
In the third mil nS" w,ta'-
tuiU nt the an tne time t-,
would not be fa ml ti...
V"ced In , tlle s,a
diinger notice along tue'
liedeslr bins n.,.i -.. utt:
" ""rumen
Illuinlnatlnn Oa. Mtl, -
There Is some talk it, p .
Willi the guillotine and oil'
lug for It some other mojeo,,.
punishment. At tirt i,
that the verdict would be n,9 .'
ror of death hv
l renrh scientists do notiBls
this method, clnlmlnr that ..
structlve agent Illuminating gu,
more swift, sure ami palnkntk
trlclty, and for other rcan,u
more desirable. Indeed tti.w,
1 wmmmm
riitirr ser les nn,
give the result by the required number i ,,v"' t '" "''' lie that greeted thctn was
... .M.K. i.oMie win also tell the time ' "mniing. the siippons to the bridg
of day In hours by lurks. She will i '"'"' swrpi awav for l.'ii; frrt Ih
K" ""' ro In the house. unstaliM Kl'l'e this the railroad rein.-i ln.,.1 it.t
or down, and brings any article which
she Is bidden.
She prays like a t ratlin do
hind feet In n ,-halr and her front
I'oiul Allre wlt'i tiobln.h.
Kenlinand Marker, a prosperous fnr
nier at Malvern, near Canal Hover
J'hlo, I-.,,. novel feature on hla itld
in a pond of large area whirl, la liter
ally alive with goldfish. s..,.,.t . ,
sco he placed two n the pond' and '
in. se nav,. meitipned until there -,.
to be millions of them. ,
Not Shr.
Kean-Un't your wife afraid to drive '
that horse?
Strain- Not at all. It's the ppl,.v, '
nuvt who r 1,-nr.hi iiA... , i
Times. """"
oil the tlis.r. Then she or,,,-- in., ..
pious dog, assuming a most' revervn
'"'Huile. and will not move until
..omeone says "Amo..." N0 one invd
"ilk to her but lu an ordlimrv tone and
she ols-ys nt once. The two dogs per
hap never had an e,,unl. Thev could
H-rfor, mental operaiions whirl, many
human beings could not.
IVrils ol Match Tlaklnit.
i The white phosphorus used lu the
; manufacture of the modern match is
extremely dangerous to handle It is
volatile that Is, It gives o.T acrid and
Irritating exhalations, whh h, wheu ah
smlvrd by ,. workpeopU, .vumln
the bhmdnnd In the bodily tissues and
produce the disease known ns phs.
1'horlsn, A worker aiHTrrlng fr,n this
.lisense , lllllt, tl1!leml(. jiul t
"Un has a special .1,,,, and thenlor of
I'hcsphorus ran be drter.rd even In his
hrvath. Worse than that, this deadlv
rug promotes it, some mysterious wn'v
the evacuation from the f th..,',.
mineral salts whi,-,, ,,, ,,,.sa - ,
uuiiutrtln thr bones In god
"-vl.hdiawalofthese.,,,., ,
hitimetiuHfrightnii dise ,,,,.;,
i. . ,,,,u y-s
" -"ooiniis io nothing
the destruction of the ,s
face. Sud, s th,. deadly ,-k,
Phosphorus, whhh neverthrl
o.-nns inrompaialilv th,.
hat was more, they held the ties and
I ine sirnigcrs in place, lu fart the
with her ! wbole loailhed of thr st rtirt lirr srrmed
ns solid as before Hie Hood, except that.
oi rouisr, saggrd down owing to :1k
sia.-K resulting from the giving wn.r
I I lie supports.
rw I i,Bl, K.t,il,ll..e.
"lierlnrlly of Klrctrlcltr
' he supplanting of the steuin locouio-
ne in electricity has begun. The test
....oi,- rrcelilly u the New York.
-Mr., nun Hartford Hallrond be-
''.'.. nun lord and New ltrltaln
H hrll it I....H-I- . . .
, ' "'I hauled ovel
"'ii nines in t,i., m times w-m, I..U- i.. i.
lug .than '""'l ordinao- steam rail
j"-ue., ,g. i iirtlierinore, this
mg saving i r,,,. s t
mu. cs ouiy half as mud. coal to make
miles N.v electricity ns would
'"I "- "ssary If steam were employed.
'' appliance w hich w ill rer'olu-
... e.i '.' ",,s "l''rl-
""" mree years. It wn
''.''taskrt Itearh Hond,
M-i-tcl brrause It was not
... ,, ,a, riertrirltv was
" "ns,,, or the current In
French sdrntlsls seems to be tit:
easiest way to grt rid of coodcl
crltninals is to asnhriintii tin
means of illuminating gns. II.Brl
hit, than whom no one lu Franca a -I
Irr (iiiilllird to si irak on the iiil'H
strongly In In ror of tills uiodeofc
tal punishment.
There Is no arlnillfle nlikti
the use of illiuhlnatlng gaiforlbirl
pose," he says. "Here In foiksf
are reL'iihntv nsolivvliit.! Iirmal
gas. The anlniiils are idnoed lniS-
Which Is ronii..el..,1 u-llh 1 HIT
- - w -
nml they are stilled very wnnifK'
Lflls Is tiii-ii...t ...i Id f..r irit!iiolIi
might be iispliyxialed In tliiifiH
. . . . a . I
it la pi-oluible Hint they would im-
least for some seconds; dull '
not be Instantaneous. There'
contractions Miasms, and. In
(Illetlce n moment... rv strlti-'gle lp-1
nsihyxlu, the result of whlcb
I'lltllSU, I,., n ,..... .1 nil,,, I U h
lug. As for Illiiiulniitlng a. -1
tains a allu-hf nronortlon ot era
carbon, and this latter elemmt r I
duces asphyxia almost Inimsli'
'CI I f alli-h m 1
.iii-irniif oy lllt'lliin u. -
eoi.l.l n,.t., .,.,1,0 Mint WOUld ! 1
solutely inathrtnatlciil, and out
(leiiuied criminals could MP
the world after a very uni-i -
t. .1 1.
llUIIll lll'lllli.
Thnt there would be stronfw I
tlou to any cbniiKP lu tne ri""
KaivoH.1l.. f..nrlnllfl tl
t i .ll "-tllirS rCi iiiivun - i
Among the bitterest opponetu
i. . i,.. ...,nii .i.,.i-uwn and " I
i.i .i, I'lo,. lie U'l
n uu ll-Mlie lll ill uic i-v - i
........ .......... mtkltfl'l
incite, nrll who ruin n a.-- . .
ntmlly bv renting thrlr wlndowi'f I
sons nnx oils to ser exei-uiw"
... . ii I.. In a iPHM.fl
over, Hie guiiioiiur is. i -
the national Institutions In FnW. I
there are thousand oi
Frenchmen who cannot MP.
llm 11 Ic on, the heSt dMtM"'
Instrument In the world.
hort of
'f the
f w hit,.
a re.
for it ,.. ' '" ,,M "1'ilerial
o-.o.i.niure or matches.
W here I tlat syj,-,.,
-...,- hrrr ln,heNl.,v York aVib tl"
"O- when' It does,,-, ,., ,.K " '"'""
111 In keel,,,, f 1M :
Jordan ami ,i,. ,..-. . '" lr,isiirrr
""" -.. H 18 tl,
"lie up to date.
he only S)r,.
A oroa, fH,h,,r u p.,,, , punl m
to haw, but the effect U uolcsoui
sundaA:rr;::(y(,u f
".owe,, ,, ... .'
Tlmtny S,t,,, p . . '
ter . . ' . r"w n.iles. ut af-
. ' lllilltj 11.. s
lookiii...' . .. . W!Xyy nl. that
nndiiiid..; ; ni,!,"n- "n.
.... l "'nod. the elenrl.
atone tif, . . . . ' V'T ,,r l"'er. and
a th.s v l'r R lr"""-v lll'- It
New ' .. ll ' :V"7 " ""sed the
.nouev o,P J , .,0 mud,
Iterlln to Hartford
Tl... ....
rZ?": -.ween the
4i in nr.i i..... i.
Slid conn........ .... " ""ieu tog,.t(Ker
h, 1.1 .... ,., M. ,0 ties. I,,,. nro
"" "I'H-Ka of Wo,,, T,
r'l nre m,l ,n 1. ' ''. oT1"" "inning
ciirrrtit. The t,,n . . " ,lle r,turn
"rlWllg twen.r . Int'm".
I 'u me Hat top 0f the third
Hegan Idle oa a '" x'r .!
Two white-haired old Wi I
sitting togeiner 111 -"-v ...i
vntcd train the other aftcm"
cllsctisslng their gronu-'iF
says n Chicago paper. The
.ngers. "-
lug uiau. sat n few lu
them rending a tiewspHl ,
Now, there Is "'a,u'
man with the paper. - .
. . ... .. t., nr..
nn gotten aioug m "
i,nr,l. f!il I h HI n re: 111. "u" ' .- i
double It If he IheS D
Mld the dhcr cldUN
iu a very
If he
he began life
didn't he?" . ,
Well. I should any
nnsu er ' f oil V W,'iK"r" ...
and John and I n "r
would raise h til. 'Bfl
understood why the r1
wheuOhey heard her or-
The owl's wise I"" ' ,"'
a physiological odl!:y.
fixed Immovably in their