The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 19, 1897, Image 10

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    V I
If'EMMY.Jl'N 1 jf
for Infants and Children.
i'uiiij It tut tuHuriiiTUiuij iinwrljitli.a
. ii I Ui" a A. Audita, M. V.,
Ill Ik. Oxiurl Ut, LrookJn, :,. y,
lea u of 'CwtorU U tn unlrorul ar,4
n.ilu wail Iffunro that It ihk a work
iI-rn.tlon t- lulomn It. I'mr are the
.L'Ij!nt f.mill'si who lo not twj, Carturla
uiJa 4uy ream."
C'UlLO. Uattic, ft. P.,
l'w York C'lly.
Cl..rl folic, OmUljuUk.n,
dour,, Man-Iron, lru tallon.
Kills Worn., gliM klnrji, ai.d promotsi it'
Without liijurtoui motk'stloo.
"For rm year. I hare rnnomm-r.:' o
yir 'C'Ml'irlV and .hall alwavi coutln . 1,
ilo o u It Ujm lueariaUy produced biir:ii'ul
r.uu r. rubri, m. i.,
Jifith Sow Wid Tib An., N.i York .ly
Ti Cirri. roPAT, 77 Mciuut Brurr, ftw Vo m
IOVT BELO.NU 10 'lilK "1 1'tiH.'
Junction City Tiun.-H, June 12:
"tiixtttn inewbcrn out ol lortytwo
COIIBtllUlllig t ho populist Cfiltrul
committee met in J'Jijji;im Saturday
to consul-r ine ui.tion of tlie Hale.
central cuiiiu.iitio which declared
in favor ol u 'iiiilillt-ol iiiM-rm'l''
oouri-e. A resolution wasolhreij to
uudorcu lliu m l urn ol tho etale coin
unite wbicli wu tabled. A warm
dmcuesiou wm in. lulled in und
although it wan u Mrailit popu
Jlut meeting J U ."tepheiiHou Wan
i to run oil at tho inoutli.
Ho lias li en honored tv i 1 1 j olline by
the. r.-piitdi, no iurly lor yearn ninl
urate, incorporation!". It is too bad
that such iH the cane. They are c it
uated in i fine motion of country,
have a body of citizens the i.'Uiil of
any of the Htnte in intelligence, ytt
allow personal and local jeilousieii
to retard their common Rood and
advancement. The town uliould
uniio in name, an in lu in fid
and work in a common ctiusc.
H"l rt' Tri mdl for flv cent per
CorvullfK i i to bave another
C.i'i (:ij r.
W J Cull, .u.i bun Iwri upjK.lnlKl
vf iii-.t--r t H,iIii.
J L ilillir Iim Uen aj'jinlntfil ,oi. j
iimiLT a' j u'..on vlllf.
Mian Mtllt May of llirriabuiif I
litiriif .M. Hmlie Hmuiii,
ii iimurane.. aint In Ji.-re uiljuminir
nB-jiiuer. recent Iohh by flre. lfitt.u.l Ti
! jiiiiriiifin arrivi'ii in
. - ... 1 1 . i . . . . . '
r hi i oriiaiid on (lie 2 04 local
MUt Laura ffiatlie of Orruon C'li
od un uIiiimiiuh i,t (lit) U of O I il
i- rllv.
Mi raniiio Condon, who Iiuh l.e, i
ucbir of ait In (be Forect (Jn.v
m I u r tf .ut.... ... . t . .
- .... v , . ,,,, ;, aneriiiMti
Hon 11 ( Mlllfr and family rln.v
i im.iii i nrvallm yeilcnlay Mi,
uiiKhti-r, Ml km Laura in a iiiiniber o
hi '07 l.? of O t-laM.
Mm JainiM Coor of Indi-jieiKleiic
vUitliiu at tb home of Mr Appl.
ali during Coiinneiic tn -ut H.ik
Icr ilaiiybtcr one of (be irrailuntf.
of llm. Stale Cnivi-rMlyforllicJ preHfiit
MrM Fuil (,f Summer Lake. Lak.
foiinly arrived l.ers yeHlerday comiiii
aero. (lie Military road. Mr Hull re
lrlM tliKumiiilt free from no-. I.m
tlie road very rough, waMied out and
"l I'IKI toiKlilliill. He uill return I..
a fuw daya, Kintf by the MuKenzie
r"ai, Aiti, a lm,l of uupltlvn, lrclu.l
li Kttcelf binder. Thin I Mr KiiIi'h
M,Ht lr'l he valley for iniieiear.
A U .H..I. .... t
.' ( iii-b come over
I'oliticul economy hhan.H uied A",,,rlu "cor'llii(f to the folloii,u
waa never knuwii to lilt hi voice lo '"ke fun of (Jen Hancock for f.!'"" ,,u,lK,'t: The reetiiit,, for
I n . ehall ol bi j.arty unlt uM he wa calling the tariff a local miction, , , '" "'e p"ll,e c,""r'
mi ii.u i,..l...i ii.:. i.i I .. 1 ' in run iifiiind tliU vwr ni.i.i.i j.
VVI U'i l.niiu .. I,...- riiri)
.uioiunuBunaior at roui.iirei ith a( ,,.H The enll
voting with the republicana on the mte by ihu council made up last Feb
hot turui inn DtTuUHe it givt B ' 1 ' "im i-oiirce v.a H3iK). For
Louiaiuna hugar lantern lieuvy A'"" lny ,UMt ,lle lecelp'a wer
l-rotection, and, in ff-i-t, Jurte ,:" LttiHt i tr H.e .,e
, . ' ' Ho. it and forfeltureM
Hut our Orcgo i cciiatora will not
vote for thouitercriU of their i-tate
and the producers i f Oregon, iih
well pa of the ei.tire Pacific coast.
They vote in fcu.-oii und out of eta
ion for protection to i iiHtrrn man
ufacturer, who fell to us at
orbilant price whil
on tlie ticket. lln im like munv
oilier relorinerH. lli caueu the re
publican party did not kcepbiiu in
olliie tie turned relormer. lie in
how where he projM rly belong him
the reiu.iiii:an juirty in htrtnglh
t find by ins i llbdrawul."
Mr iSiepln ii-iin dot s not belong
lo Hie .lii." lluil llmkeii I (illtli s u
matter id gain und peraoiial ag
gr' iidizeineiit, hem e tl.iCK iiolht.ind
Well lu til? grace of the Junction
We would niggcr-l to the Time
editor tliMt if be wirdicn to kno
Wlnt tho proplb of L.ino county
think of clean politiirrt, and imll
vidual purity in public alburn, he
nliould arrange lo run annum Mr
Stejiiioum ior y iii ,. w,ti,..
the gill of t, (.eojdii of Line
eouuly, no matter on what lit Kit.
lie niy "lni hiiM bteu honored
Vtilh ullieu by the republican
parly." We bud toipponed ii
the piiiplx ol Lthu county thai
lionor.d any man ho fort.iuale im
tu lieeli'vali d to u jiohilioii of jmblic
.Mr Sicphi iison mav will bo con
ttint to n-.-t his case with tln people,
ltv nttcndilig Hiriclly to the dulics
of his ollivc, and iiiiupelliiig htrict
llillierence to tho 1 ,ws in Hclni.d
mailerH, he mad.t em ini.8 who
is.iaii(lf77l. In July and A,.. ..
last year the total for Hie two mi.iithH
wan I hi- yeai the two
ill probably bring In not more than
I'tillr 0 Htm Jinn., l.v
I'.i.M-iion orOl KKKUs.-The Itoyal
i .1. i
ieii ureKon are In Mellon
at I'orlbniil. n,
" i:'"1" r .llow litf nil . en u..r , ,
, ... ",fu, virauil
.... uuirr pro-iuco muni iw B,ip. niKii pri,., I. X Honey. f I'm,,.,,,
I i . . . . - i - r- -
ja il ai.roa.t und Hold in the "rl""- KfHiid h!Kh prleut, II S HtraiiKe
markets' of tho world. Tli'j slum ' r,'"" Vt'y kimr, W T
lliatcouie loour.loor. l, c.irrv ,.r ": nuA ,,,rit'-.
'vWieat to market are cm,... i ,J . ",T;:V.I,!M.,,,,,v.,,,r:..'''""1
, ... ' ' v . i .iai(.n, or Albiiiy, ran.l
rcaHou of .r..lnbitivd tar.H lawH, to Uvrclary, .1 K Kobimton, of Eoirene-
i-oiiiu iii o.iiiasi, an. I llie w n.-nt thai K'ann ciiuain or tiH. host, j jj 'j'hlcl-
i carried aw iy by them most pa "f ,'l,'l''"lence grand lect irer,
freght el.arg. H boll, wavr V r I tl.,.rl. of Portland. Kua
.... ' liOtlKe was rt.rmented by Mesar. n V
are not al o,.l to tra.l, win, tho,e s Keid. W, VtwtUm mid K 0buru
who buy from t,s,butarcl o,11pt lle.i tlel. Knt... Ti e )i-aki conirralu-
i.i pay larger prices lor lnleiioi ""v Honey und Itohlntton
goods lor the bi nt lit of the niaiiii
It wan In sn.'.klr r "i.i ! ' ' ''
after dinner. T!i.-y I.-"' bn"l '!" r'' !';
ny jJiton.-i rNil rme.'.in,iit. but I'.-l.
l.ul ihiiil In af;i-r I. is tlr worktr
pieaniuv, in t.'i" i-i'S' i i j-rl it l', iiinl l '.v I
ww now lul i f ' 1 1 hi in. n1 r !.'iii!I.'l.'iititiK!r- In villi!!'., bi. k .!..,.i"'1.
tiielr !.. r- iv.-!l iiti-l.-r way and tbe lu.-U- ;
t !,!,. I.I.,. '- ,;,:T, l.v ili".r ml.'. '1 li'J t -i I r- ,
lad fallen i, :i l!..' ';' t of i.iiitrlrii.n-y. 1
No ore of II.. thr... men "as tnr.rri.-d
ft fet. but .'..'!:-" IfjrimiillK t-i P""
urnew li'it v .rv . f lh invi'ii:...ial l. !i- 1
flor lifu. I !, y li.'ul )is! u wor-e t !i . ti
llm uvfrtif r;n. "f y iiiir m.-.i. m t.'..' !
'tli'T 1.,'ithI, t .. y I. "I It-- -1 i. , );'. r. '
'i' were I-m ip f , f.vl !.at : .'
Illicit liave t "i'i r.:i.::.r. r !
tl.e town ami ki ...n.r up .,u.- l.-U w.ili- '
out IroiiMimr f"r t!.- e.orrow. '1 !. r. was
n i arti(...!.ir i '!':' in tin1 ".:!' -r ri. j
J'lie i .rilori'v "' I.!.. ...n-;s i:..-n liao; !
l-ralj ..My Ml th.' - .:.' filing Jit I. ..'! I
or another or. t.'j -. t.-' f .1; I. .ai- "f
t'l.'iii liae y.t'i -ii t.'.eir f I i n t-'- .' .-urale. ;
ly. maiTH tl i.i il '1: '--I'oy ." er aft'T j
Wanl. " Oili.-r. I. a ..- in .u i".l without .!ia- I
Dmnif tl.eir :- rn-tly, ami it li.'.s i
ln Iju.l f..r r !.'
'i'li.i. ,ari. .1 .r Ilini' men we-., at l.-.i-.t
K'MllllielV.lil-i-l lo e.,Htem lale the ill'' I
of liiiimai.. A- ! the "rt of mm. an
they would lii..- to u. cry, then, was natu
rally a diffcre: f .;.inioii
"it Is cui.iiiH," v.i.l lin k. r-t. 'i!i, in. .!
tatlvelv Ktirrlu ' 1. 1' tr.., " hut onlv I u
other tlay I met a fir w ho, It ii'iix t .
Ill), Would la-III! tlio' nlie eo I, III Wall! ,f U
Wlfn. fhe ha- I ,!.. "f (",ur.. I ii. ver
(VHll.l enl.l.i.I..t.. -Ittin;.' .Imvil to lilt. In r
very rniinj i.."i..i,. an iilv voinaii.
And nhu Is alr.ul my own h. ihf. line
'S not want to have to N-t d doi.lile evi v
time one kl-i-es one's w i!" and I i ha to
Bloll.l Ol) tiit'' Would he ..r-e -'ill. -lie
Hot talk ejeetit h. n lias ....
tllile to talk Illi-.Ut. That I-a eivat
.Most wonn ii ruin a man s t. l v
their s'r.tual elu.i I.T nlai! t,inr-wh. !.
really don't iimke llie lii'ht, t, rei.. .
oi... way or the other. A smar', well I
woman, with Hues like a ra. in v... ' ! 1
Xoliii of your laeka.L.i,ieal, all m.-r llie
f.lio...rt of y.jiiliif ttom.iii. with hair lly
ln over her faeeiind J( ,e fn k, hut a
tfiil who's p.t a )f,,d flo-uii' and is ii.'t
ii'ham.ilof letting K.'!e know it Ai.d
her voi. e! I don't think I cut heard toms
i eviraonlliiarily Hriiiiatlieiii'. A remark-
ula.i woman, without a do.ilil, a . ry n--inai
kaM woiiian. "
"It's funny," broke in little Chat lie
Saxenham, "that you should only li ne
(oine a. r i-s your Idea more or l. s p , , n'
ly, lv.-iiie I have only jii.t come aer.-s
mine. I was at dinner .low n In Kiiie,t.
bl-lde one of HioMt holl-es fa.-illrf the
.r!., joii know (he other nij;ht, and. ,n
luek would have It, I took her in and Mt
n.-xt her., that wasn pir for v..u.
If vo l like, lllu No. ...t a hi woi;,;,n!
loir my own fwirt. I can't Maud the cam. I
ly e of unl .lie'd irot that lov. lv h..,l,. ,,f
nil i.airtiiatuilntersraveal. ut, don't v..ii
know, and wldeli one never af l.,.i
I've lieo r collie llenKH i.i.v l.f,,r.. i.,,v ...
and her hi.s were iM rfn iion. not t,', r, ,i
you know tlial'H Uvitlv hut jut an rl.
iiulslt.. tint. Hut you must l r i,.
any n-al Idea of her at all." Ai.,1 cioi,.,
sank down d.vvr Into his chair and -s nt a
1 1 "moke round the shaded
livtrie liithls.
"For my" ri. t. lTi... i ,.i
Ni'li In I he army five year-, hut had retire,!
on comiiiK Into a pile at his father's death
i ii ko -a woman who's a irirl, if that
Isn't any contradiction in terms. What I
mean Is. I like a woman who. I, I..,.-
Mill pretty younir. Iheworsl .,r. i
(,'lrl Is that she Is nearly alwavs a woman
at least when '' more ii,', 1 1 .. ....
and one can't v. rv m. ii ... ..... . '
In Ihls ominln-, t !...ii.-f, i ,,.V,i s,,.i, ,'.,',
miioiniK.i native n.s. imrs in India !...,-
fhi'lih! ay
..n,' that
tin.,- I was
t at, !n r for
aid the "Well, I
It was tl.e Han't exciting
r is enrn.l tu mo. tho
a tel.vrr.ii h .'I'enitor and (lis
the Mountain Valley railroad
. , lr
i"in; any In a western mining coiwiij.
m.s'u w Id and lawl.s country, and I was
i;..t intic!. in love w ith my pla.-e.
"(lolilron, where I was located, was
r a!:y n more than a ra!!r.i.l rta-ti.-n.'
Ii was ti' t ' ii tin- line "f tho MoUIH
tain Yalhy ra.lroad. hut ( n a fpur wlilch
ran to the In..t mines. '1 ravel was not
...rv . x-.n-ne. in la. t, nut one irani a
i'.i.v a--, d ii. y Ion, ly station.
(in toe i.'.th day of every month lrr
i.h'd ly.xtr. ss f,.r the i.iiicrlijU.'iyVut
. r the I-'oM Mil iiv' cn is'iiiy (he money
w i-h w I.i' h th.- mil.' r w, re jmld iff. Tho
at... i;.t a'.eni:"d l.'w.en t!5.f'0u mid
fjs.r.o. (in Jim, , that year, the siiiht
Int. ml. ni i f th1' mines came to me and
the ay iriotii y will lo licre
t 'ii . rrou . a- u-ual. I lit 1 want you to cx
ir : . i.i.v, th.n .'I'.liui.ry vigilance In
l":h.','!'; , m ,!;,, r-vinii uniy urn
. j , r..t un in 'he m. am'. .Inn imaln.'
". tm. ly !..:! v,a n i ame to liiKpIre ter
ror. 'J In- individual who Imre that linmu-
.- eai fohri'iu. t was an Hiitiaw it (rrcat
.'..rii'.iii.l r,v liitlcn, Ilo stopped at noth
Ihirii'.jf I.1..- i.iel.t w hleli followed S it.
I. r t I-iin-rorm sM 1 1 llironeli the inoiili
tail,-, s. ...r:lv h. :oic . n'cluck tho next
i:i ,i n i '. ..' 1 p.,i..l w,,id uver thewlro the train Ironi I'ik. viller.iulil nut ff t
to (j.,!. It, n mhiik to a washout Mow Ih k. If was thoii'ht that tl.o
(lack '.'..ld I e made pa--ah!c by nfteril'sin,
and that the train would reach hit Million
aloni i; o , , k
"At .'. .,'. I", k that evening I receive.) n
i n s.,j in;, that it would Is. Impossl
Iih I r the tram to pi, Ihrouidi before 0 or
Pi h i the i..-xt inornlnir. I M-nt word
to 1 1. i tile, t lo the mine niisTlntcmlcnt,
v!:o in turn c. nimuiiicalctl it to the lnci.
I e. liti' iMil.i-r tin d, I turned In inrlr that
nll.t. .-1-ep, how ei it, was out of the
, .p., -liotl.
I ' ''! he 1 ;.'.': :!.',. fr, llit, c.Viri's and tele
era h t I!;,-. w, re all ti'nh r one roof.
' 'i: ni. r of the Hi; watchoiise lit was
I. aii.iy a."; ythn, . l-. was partitioned olT
s i as to ti.ake u prhate inelesure. Tho
s, ni.. r and i, , , iver tu i-e alli.xcd to a table
car., ni. if l.v iar my I id, and if necessa
ry it was o..ji,lc to transmit or taken
tin --;o.'e v khotil iv. ii nri-iinr.
"Ah t '', ird midniL'ht ihe telegraph
i.'i-ti-ui ,. m I , -hi r.) j K,nr, lllT
.all. op, ti. d the key and iiskod what was
want. d. 1! p, rat. ,r nt I'lkevllle win d
I a.-!; that th, train, which had Urn dctav
..1 or. a,,-, unt ,,f ih,. mishout, laid cturtcd
fiTlioln', ii and would tva.'h iIhtc Ik Iw.s u
I ai.d 1 "'el. k In II..- inurriintf. .Atpiv-el-e!y
''.i.i i, ,. t ihe I nil n si, ainnl Into
U, l.ito;,.
' 1 ,!" ' x Vy t't!-r iiliphtcd mid
nati'i'ii n. e a hue,, and li.uny Bi-alid pack
up'. Ii i.miaiti.d iJlT.aiin.
'Un. that isn't ,,11 N,i, ,he inpsseii.
p-r. will, a laiiel,. ! havoa box lu the car
mat s a- li.aiy as lead. We've won
d. tin- all the nay np tho mountain what
ii ' 'it la 1 1 1 t.
"He loXWas lilted fro,,. 1, ,., ,1
la,,,l,n,,,d inthclnlehtdejarlincntof
" was miiy , f,rt limp and 4
mil, horribly siicee-the ,,f ,). ro, h
lex in which a cllni i, inclosid
I'... ii.e jay motley In the safe. torn.
mliiiiation bs k and retintl. 1 fell
'. from xvhich I was umus.xl
Junction City : Hilling CqJ'
The most pnpulur Hutir in tlio marh.t
leading grocer.--. ' 1
'fi, ' T '3 s'f' '"I.'j ii' '''' "l ft.
vSiV'-it : r "" '
! JM l ..'....'. ., ,,
'f 2 "I t vi,"."",'.'-. '", .',.
iurtale 111 K.iviis',Or,v.,ly 11 i:.M.hi(.-.o.-. .;
ll III.
with a nart by what nccmcl to U the
In kin-..I Die sounder. Jt wid as char us
" , "m7isfj
' "l',JI'T,sVW,W
Gun Goes Off
instantly when you pull the
trigger. So sickness may come
on suddenly. But it takes time
to load the gun, and it takes
time to get ready for those ex
plosions called diseases. Coughs,
colds, any "attack," whatever
the subject he, often means ore-
ceding; weakness and poor blood.
Are you gcttine thin? Is-
vour appetite voori Are vno
losing- that snap, energy and
vigor that make "clear-headedness?"
Do one thinct build
uo vour uholf svshm witfi
Cod-liver Oil. It is the essence
of nourishment. It does not
nauseate, does not trouble the tt
stomach. And it replaces all K
that disease robs you of. j
A book telling more about it gent H
free. Ask (or it,
SCOTT 4 lijWM:, NtW York,
If VOII want
Orpgon all v.ccl ys
jjils. Come and
ee wliatsp cial prices
,'n discounts v.e will
owe ycu for csh
' A A I-l
crcwnsvil'e CletHrrft
1 . . k
is liCr, ti civ,., ik., i
''n.!.ii,.,i,.,iiu7 .lJ
Conn of Ihe ,,i (J,7' . 't
')' d.Mie. en , -M,l
ll'fHihdM ,f V,,, w,'k.(
I),... II... .1.. i . ""lll'llltln
7": '""-'.tdt.niT.
h-k Hipiieou, . .1... i , i.v.r-
County 1 'inn 1 hi,, I , iiiz n u,.c, ,0,
Over c.,iH, or lis lu,i,ou nnni.
,,,,11, si iiiirion
.tiaieli, IS;,,, hi .he liileafitQ and U. i t, -five ,U
lrl Ul.ll ll. mr l
me one had
"!ok.n: 'li.ware! Danger
A 11. 1 I.i re
wroiig in (In..
IVrullnr Clilam I'srcuta.
Ii ani.tlliT iliriiiiie 11 ls n wiKriinlilo fact that Cl,l..,,s..
,,,, pin'iils aro lu tho liahlt In certain
Hfs! I.'.l. I man- ministance. of abando... ,. 1 " . . 7. ? J..1. ':
'".ivoiirr n;is no lonur.l lor labm. "-v """'"'"U. mid It Is ono that
lis treatment
nut comiiiuallv forees the
nn id, ..I, ...... .-i.i ......
. I . .. I "."S-. imiiiiuiuvou J IlkO tl) IM14S
lltl'l I'oinill'llsil I III I aver In si, ... . " I'a
Oil the oil,
I , .(in, IIUIN-
l" Is Kani.'d by eximp.rath.n ..,..( ... i ..
IV M'i,y it
Us Lilmrini, . .,l.. l ,. I,.,... ""Uml ".-rim.- allows mo
e i i iii'io"'T"', u ni cnornionu i,...,.....,
Were ,owei lul noiii;li to d. feat liim 1111,1 U'1 I'MUM or I.rovo j'','" ,f "'"
.'.rreuou . T..i- .Hiol.i-",i"..'l-r- laln.r rr.,, ,1( r TXJTv
er.Mlt. M.isoulit to elevalo t10 lo lake tlie ,aees of J i, ; , , ...'l' .. tl.o ,-harKo with of .lie pul.lio m l,oU ,,n,l orkim.-men. The law, '".'mum,;
toi.e.'i..e1.r.aierc..l.,l.i,.l.(7i,ioK 8IV0 "r"1 ,'' tle n.a.uifaetur- ,l',,'0l,,I,1k- ...
tl.o lea.'h-rs !,,, w. re l I hut leave the laborer at I.i. heal.h'nnd MlHr i.n, "i' ii .."J1.1 ..'"?
ii..,. . ' ' '""". iciea
1100, w I, leeaeh f the llrxt Uv- or N,
I'a.'li'TS w h i wt re to beei n o ',,r the ir.iiniiiL' of tin.: ""'r,7
That he w is lid. at. for n n.iin
initi.iii may t-ol. lv lie nttnliilteil to
Is it any wonder, with this nUto
of all'iirs, imiiiense fortune
have In on l.uilt up. as if ,v m,,,,;,.
n" i
the l.icl thai our j.le h ive he-, "" l"" l,,,ll""l' r laborers tu.d
i-ome use.l to a hlicr-b,..!, c.relcH t " I ' ' v ih eontuni ill y j-row l.anlei
lliai.iiKei,',,t f,. ,iml "aruei f Ills the li-i t i mut.
Hir.iiiH, ami were not ahve to llie
lni.orianre of r' tainiiiit Ihe cervici
of a eaicfiil cuiii.f le nt mtii w.
(oiiitlit I i fully carry out Ih, h i r
of the Inns, ami .ro.'iire lull,
work an. I l.ctier rtxilts fn.m on
I'Ul.lic kcIiiioIs,
There is i cl .sli of aulh.u ily i
Line eouuly compare,!
which the iulerualio ;a
!ical ions ol Kur...e pale
lni.ii!ic.,i.,., T, marshal .,,
. Coltane (Jrove ot nut id
bis bailiwick acr.'Ks the river int..
the mil-rid pit. incts f the town ot
Leiilati the other tlay, whereupon
ni" iiiiirnul ..f l.eiiini Klrinht.Hy
took the al. ileal, (',,(1,,.,. (ir,ivp
oflieial into ein-tolv on charne 0'
lO'ii in i 1 1 i i k. m-t aLaiiist the iitalut. h
III lli Male id Ot .cl., l, ,1 (',,, f
t : ..i
i.e.. in. i, ami against Hie peace i,i.,
UiUlilty i. the ab res:li,
It is within the '"ii mis of possi
bility that tho oilueni of vttnKe
will anno in their wrath, crone tin.
rivers that neparate the ooniemliii);
rival towns, nn.l rescuo their chosen
official freitn the duraniHt vi. in
trim of protection an I c.uniot In
.vi.i.h.l. The n,illi..iituris control
ir law makiiij; iiia.hiu.ry.
tmrnue ior their own inteicsts und
i.e people must Miller.
f....s. ...... .. .. a... . . ...u i n.x
' "oi riu to Her market vl...
.. "Hit rroni IlK.aKe ,.f 5 sho I "," a t,
will bo useful to Katlier Laiiiboo husk. f, I ''Or1' Ix-sl.t.. ti
1'ici, nil,,, the baby, feed tho buffalo, ami
.war or two later i-nt fern, dl up ,,1.
'"' ,1" nuts and carry water, It will be ,
thai a limit hy female child will be ,v o
.7 V , ""I'""1"""" invest meiif. H,,t
the child be .lekly, then It Is i!lff.,r..n
nasty ltle,hln hs.ks "'ml
... .,..v- r. ,ilisive. ir it d Un wllhln
'11 fractious N'lrUwlllrenllnin:
iin.l add anoiher tonuent to th toeuiln,,
w.'rl,fdevlls.l,atM.rroun.Ui,s. .
roriill .arileM.iileprt tho tlnv ,rt to
M.-ne lonely ,.. , rn away ,,U,k v and
' ""oe.iuiiK else. Charity mk-bt
'"ssihly neeept Mon.o Mich revulsion of the
maternal Instinct It. fX'l.ini,tlon, and I, .
.... hr,,,,., ,,K,s, w, ntl(,r
mt holy tl,ln" anil thecas,, f ,,0 rah.
w lit l . VM i-el'llivtUin
lllackwiiiMhs Macaine.
-Mor. Ilu.l.lhi... ThiuTiTrlMI.,
.... ..., ma a ii.iv more. I was In
troduced t.iKirl ut a dan th,. ,her
nlKlit who rcallv was a ,.iri ,, i
fhoul.l put her ,iedowii at U,'ut "
Ihafs thes,,rt of airirl 1,1 . . '
"feourse. ,s Iliekurstcth siiid,' v.,u can t
"it down to ,!ir,er every iiihto',s,si,e ,
scarecrow. l i..,lrt ' i, ,,., k
wry iiiucli ais, at ti,., i t in .!
, . , . i he I a..
.s.svfr,,ck ty,., myself. ni, all deferei,, ,,
Illckie. .-seems more feminine somehow
t.i un-. III, ki rstethhai,,. ,,,,! (,. :
Ht lilt 4'liX'k.
"Whew. Ill- he saal. I L,, ,T ..
llm two other men Sii, t h. v h l t ,
oul ', f.Ki, and foo,, ), !( .,,.,,! I
A KlrinK of I,,,,,, i-as ,i,,i,l,, ,.
mldnss ,., lr,.,,. .,, . ''l
hans,,,,,,,, Ir.,,,,, Vl,.,:lMh. , ,
dlns-tloii of Ken-in-to., ' j
lllek,.rst..,hs,.,l,,edhi,,'a',o,si,c,.1l, !
V :::" t::::
, " .n iv. r Iin I., re ,,
I""1 ''."'sonid, , , .,.,, .1N,
ham. A inome n I ..-..r ., ., .. , . ,
in and -I . d on
llir, alet:
; l sal ni In I.. I. The moon wasshlning
bnchllv thMtiel, ih,. win.l.m- 1 ,...i .
" "'" soiimhr. It made not the
"1, Hbl.'.t nintlon, y.t th.- inessap. came
ne.nn, tin., time even moro BtartliiiLdv dls
Iim t than h. fore. '
l !""i h.aiinj; the third m.'ssairo n
Miiid Instantly revert, , I t ihehuee L
v !;', ?:';' !'V'n"r' J'"'l'ar,i,inin)?f
..,....,.. . nor extend as hie),
' .e ro,,,. t, lvlvt llWu
"'M lM-f..t above the level of mv 11,
; "'"il'-tf .-. tbel.d I could p.vr
.-Ml,, .,,,, see .,ll,ar,sf n.eC.
I'.r nl tile stall, in.
"I f' -e stc, Ithily ,., ,Hw,l0Il
I .' i r i ll i ' "' partition.
I"t Lr-. Ihin- I , ,
;7V'"' '-"'"'-In iheiCl
' l .1 "I I ,,e -;al Ion ;,,.,1 .. , . . . .
' -'",. n-e and a man's I,
11,1,1',: ,e
I'.l'ill.,' II e I it V el,,, K II, ,
"rt postmaster of Hazel Dell und (,ne
oMI.e pi.i.risMVi- li.ui id Una , i-l ii,i
ni llie e u.i, 1 1 , ,h ,,.,
with a paper, pt.s-ii, u
Biuiness men a.sking for uwiMain i
Improve the miiiiary winjou rou.l from
Joli.i llm', . iiii-M.L.n.n, a .i,
of 34 und ,ll(j jMlHil
under,. ..t M..u.jih.l.,. u i,t ,u.
h..vioi. jt. ,,,.,,, i s (
uersin,li,,SM.; ,,y
llie eouuly ,uit wa lo i .p,.,., ,ke
a in , n 1 1 1 til'. i. ........
Juy Ihe mailer ... Z . . . ?" T -''k.A-.'.: V-'cleik P tH
. ,-.v,vu in ii.v , ' i u e ti, K I- Jl i,fsid,,li,t
'" l"e lrt.j.t r mill ii ,,Jl(i
t-0 lo the an, on. t.
ft klllll . I .
. '. . " ' ' '1 lu .nn.
Loiirt W in rem W p llrr,
n.l n.Bt . W..IL. . i
....i K,i. i:;D:
o-ls. ... "WK:
.. e ,,,e .Mm, a d, ,
nt-V Jblnniei v ,.s ,..i,..,..i .
.1 Tlo '."'""JoMr,;
ml a-e.uuK costs , ,HI tb,
re iprop.riv . lowl: Tkr
-- .... ...... . , . ih tii wist qi,,,M i
' W.M W JI . ci .lu,ig Id
L.lie ( i iinh . (i .,, ,. .
iHlft-r fir Kale lb, br, ALi.
l;r"l'tn.. ,l public .,,.(, i,tcAl
the ( nit H.h d,, i., r :
t'oiinty, OriL'on m i .Miiii.. a. uli
.. i .L . . . '"
u.'iy. irtio. llu,.,i ,1,. l..j
Its t
t nn!
d I
H'tiAK iKiHr riiospnurv.
l'rosp. rily has ulruck the (.near
ri'Utiers iruet. I'mler lh sii,.,,,
us of roposf,. taritV legiblatioi.
villi: nn increnite.I .Irn'o .... . ..' 1 .
.... fv.i;..,. . .. ,..,...,. in.rrrore, to If... it.,,,,....
vntra, n- inislnarv Mslethu. ih... .,.
"OishI I.or.1." -.
don't mean t , t, ' .
"t," v ;.
on a Miss K-n,
"The ili'tie, "' s
'Well. , , ,.
"mum's the , i,;
story in-ts out. , ,
last of It. m, -..
"in- of us kIio
laily. Let' t,, v
He pull.-d ,, i ,
.lust nt (hat m ,
pullisl up U s , . ,
tli-n, the atr,,, i i
Into the cliil. n .
hlnisi'lf n,st th, , , , .
"Hit ratiit the h !l ,
ithut Ivhlnd him v.
And then the w i,
nation Ktruck t!i, t
ment, and. de-i,,,,, ,
Inoro tun., 1....1...... .... .....
ncrclv ten,,,. ; " """ " I" "I la
,1.11,1 i. ...i ., "" iiinnisr of Aiu-r wiiicii
,1 Ihe
' ' lot
, ir-.inij to
la r,
. lr I
"I I-'
an iii-i..,;
''' 'l.iek. I , fll(.(, ,vlh
" ' I'K ln-tanily t lsh(,i
: .' i, M..,wutolirlz
M n,
ltll.llllOsl. .....i .
II. ii ,iV . lo, i '. ., ''"""'K'daiis as hla!l,
or Human
iiuii'iiiu'i irut iui,'. i,.i,.,. ... . i- ,. ,
, ,, ,, ,. " '"-'i i n'le.stant -'"l""v. r.Jicii,
"'"'f. as mrire. ltlsalltho i
solw- Into on,. . .,!,
- r. I
er :
re is.
a,,, I .
11 I "
l h;s a L ,.,
v "- '"" . a
1 I ''.!.! e Virs.
"I, i... had e .f
bow, ,,,,., h,.,!
''i'sof Ihe ho,,.,,
I- "en,d a:,,
, '-a r.llly ,.f ihe s,,
' '"'' I he ., ,,.
r 'l,-.'o milt ure, (hey
; -' .ter.
IU.SVe.1 then,
'If to I ill.
II'' !,,
I, III' ,
,t ., :
l"i' lip.
I? 1 Was
Ihe !.,! :.
"I dr,,,
"par trust iii,.ek hug advanci-,!
'"""I'ly. It i .ntiniatei. the
Vniericau Kelin.ry dtoeks have
ui. reHsed in value in sums from
tu to !fi:..oiH),(w. it it.
"t e.ners to nay the,, wjl ,,ay
Hiis immeiiH- Mim, i,1tt.r,.."t
""ro-ii, in nhape of advancti
prices for
A ttt vote on the supar schedule
II 'WS the fo oivillir li. ........ ..t .. .
O u' I'l po-
A TK kh.- iv
fJi.iuld ceenlv ii.lmli ii,... ... .... r.n I A runny Mr
know, il,enl,,,r f il,,hsts uL J. .. I MT: ,,U-Vl".,i. a .lap s,.
HI. Ml.
S from I.'.,
I "Lit.
lilii'al forces:
For inerciiMiitf thP . o,) ro
i'"hlicans, i democrat McKnery of
oisiau.i i MV,,r r,..,.,!,!,,,,,,
nes of .Nevada ami 1 pop,,!,,,'
Me ait nt Nevad.i.l '
I'ppesi d: 'J". d. mo 'rats, A
uiisis and ; nlv, r rep.,!,,. 1
Total vole: J ( 4X .....
to. ivl '1 1 ' '
The pcoplu nuy now undemland
why the sugar trunt conn ib..t...l ....
Imiiieusc rutn to (be M.-KTinl...
U,r,s.l...,l,y. , ' I ? lv,. ,.hier. She w. ,,,',',;
-luldlilsin. t)f daiM- I'hrlsUa,,,, 1 , ver I , , w 1''"1 "!- "f U i
allow ,.nly .s.(,,H',mi t ,., ' 1,1 mv.r U. summit of .. f , ., ,
obiin.,-, wMie, e Moh,u,:::1f: ,-ii':ii-7-of.i.eis,.:,1 ;;
;'fy eh, after, win, ftlHlll, ft,0 T ' ' ' ' l-'veil her hnslv.nd and , ,
I attach very llU. value , thei mmu ,'"? '" "' a h Pi.v ,, i
tl-'S.t.ll Ioks t ,, ...,, V",U- ''wrful hear,, llurlui.-.!,. , L ' 'U ,l
fro... Ih. Truth fortun,e!y "B "tZt 'T '" m',T L ".. " , e
K-I by majoriti,,. Yml , " l' wak..iirtt by ,h0 ti.-ki f ,. ,;, '"
ef rnslerlck Jl.m T 'S , Z ""J l,w If he s..,'
'"I. M-'lodup thecal
ml -, utile ,! .. 0 '
-s the nijjht had uvl:
.', ,. , lie .-. C i .... ,
, i , . , " "- 1 urninir,
1 a--,ti t,.e -I,,.,- i ,i, ,
- i.r ,,,:,. ,,,r,,i 1, i.,M my rW,t c7t
"' .'.nil wall,, , across the llur f
, ' f r-ini,' at
"I a man hehtiiur f,, i,,.
V' i-,.r,i,d it t, ,. n ... ., .. ""
l"i' n:. wi,i, ., . . , ' " ,u i"' Hour,
, ,, , instant.
' " I' lI.el'.Mlrlvino .mils t0
,. . i ,. .".u i..m ii a man in im.
' ' ' - , i. Id ,!,,.
" e l ...I .
i. Hit.-I ' ,"1',"f '" voice,
"..i.. ;."',,i;m!V;;i;',;u,-h,w,,M',M
v, ,il, .Vl. " ; V, " ":,'l)!',l,""1'-slhat
",v''"' I t-t '! tu h ' i,i Indian. I
l"t I , i.. ?1"11? cxainlmd the
i M'ir.H.-.titu;. for ' I, , ' ,;,s'""l-'iiir.Tof
,-'v;i, I,r I , , TV,J "'ere
l.v,..imilar 1 ,K hich
1 mi a-iruli
"1,1 lllTIMd at 7 ,,',
"'l! Mell, hu, ,h,. .,
"" on, y, , ,,. ,, .
'rilisninouilt IXPlliile.i l,v ...... C,...:.
iar witii ihe ins ils of ., (.j,,,t
" " "(lie in niukicK t,,
oi li, e ro.'i I p.sV. ,,
in,.,. . ,
" " milts fio,
""' 1 "'I" l"abl.v Kood
v.', oi, to,.,
Kt clioii
l''i"iii Kueiie to
I'Kltil this -2 1 d ,li nl ..oi
A i hvi
.Shu ill , f Liii.e Cuuttj.Op
Isluncnt, lie was In n
is tin- Mine, unorihi
...... . ,. .,u-l is. klis's., ... .... ... ,, . .
... i. i.uui.ruv, or, w Ht ... a i " .-ni spirt n'
ih.ui... ' awoko lier htis lui.,,1 n.. . "l
tKvn I,, a minority." I... ij .7.." '.'""'H '' Hk-v di, Z'.
i i . . '. alarm in,. I .. . . . i.'T
'i ii ho,-,, i .hail i,. H., , ,,,;,;;;
alarm ,,.. "
irwe,,,,...;;.,:;,;:;,';;:,, Iit,,;,;.,, 7;'?
'"" ":. On l be com rary, ,. r,'t ,, . t0 ,h Primeval
l", W hero si,,,
Oian I'hrlsth.niiv
1 lnor.. .1 ... - "'""'"i tue tivklnj
"'ay I'rove ncc.,ih mrtlt lu Chl.-ao. 1;As,m,,l..l. ....,... ' "4.-.,iiv
iiutl,. tt r(, nU,
o .vt,,ler,s ,h,sl,,, of i'hiap t '
'it b,,. until ..,...
I','',"; k' ''wasnh'niKiimi
tn.' maeiiinui,, ,.. .
nn v.. 1 .. . . -. :"
... ... . ' ""IMillllllll ,1 ,.
.,,,., I ' "-sand (old thoH,l.
"'nl.. ,n , , n s'"liclc,,t
-..,a the uTh! ; " V' " hands
and h,, , r . '",' , 11 w 'un ly lH)Um, .
...... ,V,r" "Ic.M-l,..
Wob! !esThe ,.; ...
tale built. J''iP. Mr, U
11h!i.-, p , iu 1 ., . .
'"" atnbulan,; , n-'"' Thw',
Our i's and....
....Oilier Eyes.
Our I 'a ore. just as strong as
they were fifty years ago, when
we have cause to use them.
-it we have less aud less cause
to praise ourselves, since others
Uu- praising, ntid we ore
more th.m willing for you to see
u through other eyes. This
is how we look to S. V. Eoyce,
wholesale and retail druggist,'
Puluth, Miun, who after ft
quarter of a century of vbser-
vaiiou writes:
"I have sold Ayer's Sarsara.
nlla for more than 25 years
both ot wholesale ami retail'
aud have never heard .,... 1.:..'
. . 41IIOIJ
but worJ C Praise from m!
customers; not a K;,,r,i .
P'aiut has ever reached ....
believe Ayer'e Sarsaparilla" to
be the best blood n,Jc... ... .
. l-......i.r, mai
Has K-eu iutroduce.1 to n
eral public." Thi. . '
tuau who has sold t , .
I ".""aonus 01
Jea, of Ayer.. garM
strong testimonv 1,...
ouly echoes ronuh,; .
111. 11 "suiiuiCUl
t"e world over ...:... .
"NothlnKbutu;" '':'s'
for Aver-, c ' l ralSC
r Aera arsaparllia."
In Ihi C'rcif't r.iurt ,.f tl.e ftiti 4 Of I
t"r I.i. i.nitv,
Clia.ln J.aiur l'liiitifj 1
v 1
S. ('. f'nrs.-p, (h. M. t'i I
t. II. Hush ell, si.riilntf
Sender. hii.I 1-h.h- Cm.
I l,l..I.M, i
To Isaac ('arson, the nlwve tuni k
In the name of ,e of Orecoe. I
it.-. iv .uiHtiiniie, toniMwHr in .' I
on or bcf..r tht s, c,,il .M.-nilay ia JsatV I
fiat lieinif the tiist .1 ,v ,,f ilir nnitt.l
t nn of mid cant ai"l iiii-nvr thf nt
O tie pblllltlll tiled lle'l.'ill IT jllJ.W"l
a ere will n taken f,.r tl.e frlinfl
ee , in ui,.iteee r1 , ut,-,, lytl,iW"l
S. (' Car-mi und ';,.,,,..,. M. Cmtci ii"!
of lej'laintilf lip,,,, !. f..lin -tl
rea ropertv sitiiated in mi,l jl I
t re n lowit. I 'on. 111. le i, n st tin N'tti!
.'"r 1 i f emu, ty miim'V '. Mo "
l't' o. line lii-tir.i 1, lli East m'
hah . of Ihe d,,.i,iii,. I oul rlim ij. IV
Hornhiiekle llllili, ,, :,i in n'lln Kl'JI
K)W thence .V ill, l" lie cmtti I
I ke on said cliiini th ,..'o l" ' I
f the line ol the l,. t the X H 'l
sid chiini; IhmeM 1- ,.t tn th ."
corn r of mid claim,' th,inv Ni'rtli!
ta.t line nt said chum t" tn .i
erne'- of C.unlv siowv N" b":
Xi.rth 81 ilej. I.", min. West 40 ' I
' lace of be iniiiiiir eoi.tuiiiiiiit WH" I
land In I.une ceiu.'v 'n-uen u,'1 ." I
emery of the nun el' Ss'Ki'W " 'l
Stat. ijnlil coin with in:'!,'4 ff I
ts-r aninim since .1 .1,11 1, -Id,, IS,I
assessed a.aui-t at..! il -'r'l
fee. rii.I f,.r ,.,..1 ei-i iiom-na
airaiimt th 11 lib. .SC. I aif n t! Is I
M. Carson, and .nil, , li.r relief I
Court may seem ii'i..l 1. H "V"!
- by th 0 ; t. ,- ,1, :,. .1
judee a'h - regular .Man te,ui th I
. that Ml-Wl'rt- .if tl.ii .. .i, ii. II. 1st Oi'' I
i you by by In li e K.'"".!M
".'rtniia ne,4scaper et s"""!' M
HUbllsl,..! 11 M
e, ut ve we-ks. i!i.
u. B. rv ua
ro.ii k: iv
U. Land Commis
1,11,.. ..... " vrvironian ti... .1.
Mr -Max Mailer , v 10 dUotOr.L. ,. "V lw 0,1,1
sviourv. , -e-iuiru ilia f.uc
s JUtlellon I... ... ... S
which the pontrs, that rcpresnt tht
. 1 ...... . . ,
iiiui .n in Li iin.ii. null, nil,, ...1 1 . ,.,,, .;.... , . .
rs . .. . 1 ,u""- vole is
for the Is-n. lit of our readers we 'vinplet.t vindication of t !i. trie
may utate that Cottace tirov- ai d "1 l''t!". made .l.irinir t,
canipaii'ti. tUt 1!,.. 1 1: .
m . - 1 ' in
' a . ir . 1 , ... - 1
it parini rsnip int., t ,
The inar trust at ,.H,t.
7he True CiMiueiiea.
V I'ally IWl,, kll ,... ... , ,
nine b.:l. w i. 1, . ..... ..7 """Un-
, A"': VNTV- - '!'ni Journal
T e 'owest blihler .. .1 . .
t)Mal .1,0...... 'Vlt I.NtIO
on baL.i. f.,e .1..1 r . "" C0llrt hau was Arch v 1
M they tlnd our ban it" ' "V n bid ,
I HAT Miml I . '.yi'v.
; J I
seilei (:,,...
ea k iJ
Tot- Ware. Iim vin2 been f
n ..J I
Iintcd U. S. Circuit i"'
omniissioncr f'T the distr. -1
Orctron. is n..w
to make Hum km had Fil
Fixat. I'm,..!.-, iin.l take ti
LeiiiiitiarereallvoiiHt,,,! . '"t'a'Kii, that th-
j "t r t v
Ci-ount of local jealousi havesep ml m-t,.
""bs Us, ,,. ,.,,
i.m. Mtrni.iiv in CoM'Mi
l,u r ih,.
m" "i li. r I
b ti..
;Mnvi:iff hl thirty yttrs
! Iicrioiir..! in tin'.; lilli1. 1' "
. I- ,..,;n it
! jai-Mranu'e s;ii:-oi-i'u" ,;
in -"
every caso. ( 'JI'kx'
i 4
fiTLtCt J ail I;
I rejio-vs 15U1UI1 .1-