The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 12, 1897, Image 1

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    3 V ET ''
NO 21
1. ..H a E J
.1 j
:i .
-iiM'.fil.l.. I'Uil-IM"-
W tUmui'lle h IM i
rate3 made known
f .,..: - '"'l':
i.. c.r.xiii'
li.-ii.i:i! in
miiti.V HONK.
.. it .r rallied.-D
. til 1 urn
.,,,1 Siiit!1""1,
.. ,..r p.-flUoe. Il ir:
r, ... "
,.1 N
.,, ivl.'fi In K.iri-Ull all'
,. ,,,.ii'.', M .iiiimeiiU.
, , ,.ml.;(.ry wiV "'
,i- u .''
IWiiIlK i
l AUANTi:ri !
. ... ,,,.ir y. ,..., K'li;.-".-.
.iitli I'l I'lirisimiii''
K, M 1 1' K 1. 1 T
Jey & Markley,
.3. I T i inr
Ii-''' "
. . . - nu"
ri al 'i I'" ' l ' n
V !' ,11 i I.m-I;.
Mil 1 1
rur t uii
I'U'-ii n i-.,:!,,
" ii hi 1 1 li i- i.! I !,.
' 'ill' I I, ;!!' S
I 'l-. k. 'J',i.. .,
iii"iil -i : 1 . ii in,
ii. i n -i hi, i , ( . ,j hi,.
Hie lull ill. 'I l. i- n ih..
I'll nl j I i f I ,,. , , 1 1,
hi I In- i II I w ;,s !,n i .ni ,i .,.
-.I'll I ini I In ii, ii ,,, n ,v
'l Hill I -1111111' , ( . lil lli.ll
. i lni . i in I i'i ,.f n "mi
ii nl' HiiriTu
I I hi nullity cctitiul p u I v mi I ul
I' il','ll .- ;. I ' i l Ho, ill tit
!'t ml mi',' ,, Kilml,
III lis ul I In- 1 1, ,lv he
i,tiii l,i r llf
' V.
lis c ' ii I - I
I Cllll-
i' shite
w liii h
llf the
J Dil In at his olaitu for h' few
Secretary Kincaid returned to Sab m
ilits iiiornliu.
Junction City will celebrate tin
Kim Hi i July.
A C Woodcock went to Sulttu toilay
on the tarly (rMiu.
Altornvy J H Medli-y nf Cutin
(irovf, was iu Eugene ttxUy.
Clnri'iice i 'U'liieiiH tif Drain, w;i
lining tiinhii'hn in Kiii-n tuday.
I'M win ttone iiiuiiMer of lite () A I
K H IJ, Hieut iuuduy In Kuyi'iie.
M b U C O.iburn of AUieini visiwo
, with rt'lunvr lu Kugene yi-terily.
I Mis lie ale (.'olciimn went to Join',
j I inn today, on her way toSali iu fur i,
s E-.h-iiii to
ll'tDAY .JUNK 8.
i'!li I'l. If
Ink' I III- I
M !, Ii.i'l
i I :
Vi-e i'lfsijtnl.
k awl Savi gs
i.,i,ii i. i '.Hi
, , J. 11. 1 1 nrrl". J.
v . c tiiimii, J. I'.
al E;r V rg him Tritutlii
im i.i i i v ;i
I :i n'Ci l:irv to
' i" -I I'r i: H Mi 'K. ri tit y
tr.l.liVf'l fn 111 II I'
ml .i i i t i l,r ii tin- :uii-in' inn i'f tl.i'
.Inirtiiiiii i'l i! i u l i;. mi, ii c-ni.
On II. -M, ii, I I I,, , ,,, H)
i nr :ir , ul i i ri ii-ui- ii.lili ij-riis.iiii
1 1. "ii I-. in, ii. 1 1 i- r"i on d i i d, i-i-m
nt I Hi.- . eh. .ii i i In- r. n
rinii'i.iit I. Sim t .ji, i i'l, i w, ro urn e
. I li.iit mini Si. .1 , i i.i) I iii d M,..!
-lurll. AlliH. lliliMiit, linlnliil.
inl I S til k-, D (Jill, ('m,, II,
I l;l-ll'.t 'n! tci .-..ii , S'll'ili mill Yurii-
A ''Iii I !.!.' ui n' !i im ii IimiI lliii
n V S I' ll ii mii riillid ii'Oli In
n:i ! i Cm I' lnuik. Si-m-iiI I'fll.i'
Ii I' k; iti .- :.'. lir-t I j . i 1 1 .1 In Klin U'ini!
tllntt' d ll.i' ll " r leal liinilly I'liiifi nted
lie in i ll' :i Mfnli iiniiii.t fmi in in
,11 Vli !i,i I ;,lni; I il'i v. illi I lie I' n inn
Mil;, ui'-i.l n itch, -d lit Ail'tiny,
Hid iii:nli' i-M-iy ill'iil In Cave
'mid Hi' of llit- hi ul" n -n ii'imi id
-IllU" Cnlllinil'e ' I'lnl.'lM'd. I'll III III.
t il. nlii' i' n!, I f ! t!; it III' ii U(ui 11
tin' M ir, -a ni' tiir fil", r ni'ivi im lit, ;
in- w mill d I lie ln:i-1 i'f t!ie l"'np'.e
4l,ii ;i I ll. 'all. -t III" pild-I.IU' dividid
l' III llilie i:i III.-, I' ti-l It of ,oi
Jl- , d, urn-run :u,d ilM'r li illli
inili. Attn In' c'lii'ludnl J Sum nv i
i .i ralli .I Inr. Ik- iuiiily iilnl I'T
llill fla t i tin' n-. tinn l iken C.V Ille
L n ion ' ii ty, and I inlii'lid Unit Hi
liver n. , n nf all iutui wmild lllit
i ml-1 ll.U ll .i: 1 1 tin- m xt iln'tmn
n il tl. ut vii tiny wi'iild chii tlit-ii
tl'iil.i He plainly l Ud Unit Hit'
Id I, iin i' i ild ill C at the civic men
if ilnir V"li wire tnt f in tu in it . Hi'
a nti d liariimny n ' hit Ori pin would
-i inl l n filver inen In , lie next t'nli-ii.-.s
lo rei.liii'i' id' ri -i i,t Ii.i'iiiu
iifidH. Mr Su viiH n u :i- l.iiiilily
mil i iil Ini-iii-t ii-iil y ii'l' nli 'l.
A 1 1 1 ; i an iiimlf In lay tin' I-
lit : it n i. do'i-i. e. i ,e "iiiii illu of tin
mail" i i iirM' of llii' Mali' n l.lrid colli
.It I . - nu I ,c lahli', and the -nine WI.8
irally U lliiilinu-lv I'liili'd Willi great
I 1 1 II f.
I'he rnlililiilUe ri lu-e,l I i iiit.'i 'l tie
ri-ln.itlnli i'l t liainnail M:iuriiiiiti
d he l.i . yli-i d In fnit mile III illliv
("I the 'ii -i nl.
Hi in it i"ti Hie mnt mi! I i'i- in' niiind.
l' l"lii the t:tH; i f tti-'M- iv eld it I
at ruMiy u.-i'i nun i n urn im- " r
,ill-l-n: li;ie I'O am III l iVtir of 11
till "I, i'l 'iili'i
.-Hi ml s ,i t IIU
M a;
' a: I I ( Vniti'te !i' k n
1 1 1 ni eric- hnli'Iit
1 1 ! mai Ui'ts,
in t .Mmi hul"
mill A l i: liii ' ii u
In iter
in I : 1 14-
lr.' fr
in. liiiunl J,ine -Yt-Kii
nliiy alteini.i'M ahniit
,,'t lin k i:k a inlii'i: mitli hy the ll." ni'
it' Hull !i wnikinu "iiit l.iiiltliiiit a1
hairinnun:, In' !'H H'e l"lllld,
-inkii'i: in hit ih nl ati'l almut s
f.i'i fii'itn had I'f cii wnrkniK.a
lS M'lllll II k'- H'' v.5 ' ii j'i'fd.
at tl h.u.'id and a takfii to tin
In 'lilt t'l hi- 1 1 1 i lalhi'l, J It l mlialli
near the nv.'i hud,;". At UrM it
lliniliilil I f "till d Minn nmvei, hill al
u .it Inth.v ii it'i' Tti r learn d Unit In
mi. Mill uiitiiii-t i' ll-, w III the cliaiict-'
f r n evfy iiKtiii"' I1'1"-
j Dr K A McAllinter went to Wreiin.
! Lincoln cntiuty, today on prnfuhMnimi
I hllxillftt't.
Kat'frHlack of of Portlan 1, wr
tary t.i Archtdlioi Clroxv, cuiue up
thin itltci li'ioti.
Min Laura Miller retiirned tnday
Ip'in an over Sundayi visit willi lit r
i ii it 1 1 ' ut Corvulliii.
A circuit ttrikt linker City on June
:M. Toe advance ogi'iit I a n t ; et
ii r Veil 1 1) this Valley.
Kvaii A Ilea nit, a giailnatc if tie
1" nf O will deliver the r'nilitli t f July
iiinti'in at Jaokptni ville.
A dt tiilirrer was today lllctl In the
fee of Taylor v Fuller for fViO dama
ec fur ile Tarnation of character.
The Mis-en Kearney, of Knnehll'K,
lio Inivo Ikcii vi-ltiiiK for a wetk
hen", le t this nmrniiig for rortlmid to
ieiiil n few day".
Next week w III he a busty one ii
the ! I'Ml'ciip, with cimiuit'iice uieiit exer
the ic -is of Hie university aiid circuit tour
bo Ii iu hisIoii.
Wnikmeu are today removing tin
wnnileii curbing from cement side
wii.ks alon the Lane County baiik
and in front of F F. Dunn's atore.
An irri'r crept into the Imuenf Sa'
unlay making us kay thai Trot
French1 cow, al Cnrvallls, gave, 10
out) imiiuds or butter lust year. L
-ht'iild have been milk i::btead of but
(lie ge Fii..ell, of B idi;
iiiiue i:own oil the ttage Salurtla
veiling. He will return Yeilnesdn
L'lit le (ieorge can mill tell good Mm
stiu ics without wll.klng.
Kuiulay's Salem Siatesnmn: Mi
Naima Ankeiiy, one of Kugciie'-
ciiarniing young ludies, arrived h
.Salem yeKterday aftemonu Inr
lavs' visit wiili Dr and Mrs
V U Mcroruack returned to In
Imme near Florence on the tge tliii
mnrning after having liad an oppm-
tunity of exchaiiging "clihiaiu six
gieetiiiRs with many old friends. M
McCorna -k has beeu troubled latel
itilh occitHlonal fainting fpells in
i nme iii for a medical exaniinati"i ,
with Hie satisfactory result thai Hi
doctor prtK-rilitd quiet ami ret, am
ahsieution from M'Veru pbysleal t-xu
el.-. V 1 wit-he he had cniifullf.
that d'H'tnr fevsral years ago. Th
pres' liption nulls him exactly.
Dkit." Malt-iu Journal, June 7
Mrs Li-chen M Miller, of Kugene, f
in Hie clly conferring willi some Si
li'in fiieiidi, in the InteriHt of a pin
iieclive monthly literary uiagMnine n
he iiub.lsheil In thai city soon. It
o be nil up to date publication
may be called "Drift." Mrs Miller i
i w riter of more ihau local fame and Ii
much wilh the loading literary peo f
f Huge i ip, l'ortlanu aim r.asifn
ities. There Is a field (r such a nmii
i.i ne lu Oregon. Wehfimt U"d hs
,t.t only wiilers of nati'inal repuiatim
mil a distinctively original literaij
a let'
N l i y Mi
il k' vi r a '
I'l' ili a ll !.',
It Mat tot-k a
i'V tile tl.i- :
' "tut 1 1 1
i'tl'l,' nl nu n.
Il.llua.l -,.i,i ,
S'altli c bit I,
r: ae.'n , Ii,- -',
hiili In . I
1 1 1 1 1 1 i ,li tl
.'.tl.llU' "
T. I' r
inr,. i .1 ,,
ih.- I, ii. 1,1,
ki t nil I ,
lial k, lilid M ill"
irntn.t urn U 1 1
n i ..-
t :
liiiuittic nrrlril.
. .y ,.,i:ml, JlltH' -.
- Miillinvley's cow kick
ati,i, but by 'he sparks
I pip " t ie t he bit! lis nl J
tnl S'l'.nlers ditrofil
:.l .i i . 'i "ii. fct r Sanders
: 11. i' barn with a
l'"'.;i Mimkiiig pipes, In
.1 li In l al k and hitler.
; ' I. w ii l.u bud hardly
.,', a !.''! s mie one toltl
- "ii l ie, and almost
ii.r alarm suimletl,
lie la I In s HI tlliirt
y hi tit lay water w u
w is t i la'.e to, save
- ie iai w us however
I w "nl and ehit cm
I It may be saveil. By
boy - -avt tl the Mal-
Inek luni, j ,-l afl"- the alley from
tob'lili'-ti.ii'ti ni ii i.fiti ipiiie lutily
ilauiaL.'.' I.
Mr Malloi'k c il'i ie I im iiin:anee. but
lll-s1!!.- Will be lunt, n il exceeding
$l iil Mi' Sail lers Pis a i nil f li.Mil
rti'l.ll (:' t'liilleiil balk, nil which
there was jSM in-u a n-e, tiOJ
wni Hi of w i 'l, with no in) i ranee,
and a good b u n with J-'iti instiiance.
Tine s f inns nf i,i-j btiisled. A
fenfi.l n.o: t tiil v.
I'liC hunk lilid ladder tl llt ii ll i' e I
raeefuily wmiig side up inar Hie M E
The mpis mi (he t-l i fin ii'ii I engine
nrnlii', oi'cabitiuiiig a .-! i 1 I deluy.
Hl'Sl.NKrS riiOr-C.KI V t IIAM.tS
Che lift Clirinliaii I luirt li to Have
ll New lluiiie. j
The l-'ii -I Chilstian cl ureli of this
Hy i.s in have a new home, and as
ion as plans aie aircpted work will
f bi'i;iiii on their new eddlee. The
rushes have purchased Hie Knlierls
roH i;v mi the ciiner of NYU linnet U
tiid lli vciitli st i et is. from 11 NV
riiiiiiipMin, the purehiisi' price heilii
ll'00. Tlie In' I" SHxl-11 feet liml will
II. nv tilt-in Milllrieiit rtoui fur the
lew tiiiildiliir, w hich it is said will lie
he hatiilM'li'.f-t cliurcll builtiillg ill the
The properly fonm rly ow ned by the
'htct'li i n the it' of Ninth ami
I 'earl streets li .s Inen sold to Mi
riinmpfi'ii lor The lot is COxSn
et I is an i xcelleiil piece of pr H-rty.
John Cogswell, ol Iaburg, Is Iu the
Frank Test Is up from Porllaud fir a
J. D. MltlCrit 131! week stay.
! A C W'ootlcock r. turned from fraii'iii
i on the 2.1 4 local.
Mrs L M MHUr leturmd from Tort-
land this al'.etuiHiu.
I Htxi F. T Mil'ornack of Salem, sper.t
I I...I .il..l. l.
0. .. f. IS HIE
TH! D. cl 0. Bcrs L:s! ! AMU: CS21
pluslilj Ccj U He "Hiysttis."
Kecorils Were Sitmsln tl liiglit ami I . f t
The annual lulercollei'iate Hi Id met I
FisherA NVaikiiM i-lipiida carli a i f t H'.'7 is over and the Oregon Ari-
of cattle tt I 'on land today.
I'll Burggrar. a Salem arehiUct.
was hem aalti last evening.
Mrs U L NYillnughby went to Port
land ihts morning for a short visit
Mrs J V tlulli v.of Tru.t. with hs,
Ciltural Col lice has borne away th
Ciiamidonship cup. A small bam
went down from the I'nlversily il
Oregon and for tin number lu tin
'earn pulled out lit greatest uuiiihci
of points, hut the hoys have been ills.
heal tilled aU spring as the faciilli
chlldreu are speiiiliug a lew uay in nu ,nVe perslMently rvfu".l t" uranl
city. them any c uii'es-liMis, and but tor tin
P J Ji'lininu', the Cottage Urove I'ldomultable athletic plrlv f a few
mining man, w as In Kugelie last they would have sent dow n no team hi
all 1 his slu uld be an eje opener li
the faculty, luatiulf this linptirtaut
factor of college life, nride anil elilhusi
siu Is to le kept up the faculty must
of iiuce-slty, aid them In thtir wok,
Instead of placing In their way every
obstacle possible The lny have the
material In the school to have easily
carrirtl utrtlio cup again this year,
and woultl have done so had they been
liven the least help, ll Is In be Imped
K HendeiBim l' ihe facull v will urollt by thin l.umlll-
1 -
H011 NV N McFaddeu. one nf tin
leading Curvallis attorneys, was lu Hit
ciiy over last night.
John Myers, chief of police of Tort
laud, has Iwuii removed ami l J Barry
appoiuted to the vacancy.
A cement curb and gutter will be th
linpro.eiiirut of Hie sidewalk lb
truul of Dunn's store at an early Ua e.
Couucilmau K
returned from tt busiutos trip to Lake(g defeat, ami be liberal lu this
cnuuty. He reports a pleasant jnuruty I regard, or It may be the mean of keep-
Bev I 1) Driver is rebuilding his "'g many a worthy ami ambinn.s
dwelling nu Ills farm, unit beast uf Hit
city. It will he quite an Improvement
When completed.
Mable Who Is that good looking
fellow over there?
Mauu-Oh! that's only Charley,
lie Is wearing a new Kingsbury hal.
t'orvallls will not celebrate the
Fourth of July. The Times saya It l
owing to a lack of interest on part il
tlie eople, and a greater lack ot funds.
The slate board of education ha
issued a sta e certificate to llaltit
Htowell of Kugene, ami state diplomas
K. Ami I'miii.
Wmilil N"i
ijtc.unty Dank.
" VJI.
l-"l In Ivi.j
A I'r-
ill I'
,i-1i iii in went t'
in I I'ti, "Wl.'i
Ana tin U
polar be 1 r
5Sneral Banking business
2 3 tunsacted or
H''KV, i-resldeiit.
I'.!'AMS, Cushier
"' l.AiJH.. Asst.C
1 n
" t l.l , JH., Asst.! ii-ll' 1
' . '"r'iiriMftn'ii'iii""
1 ; .rffi 1
- -,f l.f.l,iFt iu 11 ft,
I he Aii.iiif'i"
ih,. - a la r
Why, he sits mi the Ice."
' Sits on .cl' I'''
"Y s," "aid the A" "'o
1 filling else t" t
"Vi 11, vtil In- d i, ii" '' '
"Wnat il"- In' "I"
eats ti-h."
"Kills ll-li-.-Hs "H
li-'.l. I hen I I '1' 1 1
"Why, l
nn! iit C' pl?
"Oil, lion.
Misiveiid. "What
I,,'.' I tb n't know
SlH' UK PKilfiKrlTKII. Las
siimlay afternnnii veral huuilr.n
,eud ofcaiile were driven through Hi.
Kugene wagiP roud bridge across t' t
,iver on a run. The structure waf
tmcked full f the cattle ami ills cer
t.inly a wotlder that ll did tint tail.
II must have beeu lijur.d W hoever
,w lied the caltle fhoiild be arrester
,iiii Hind to the limit' We trust inn
,.uiy otllcers will actatuuee iu the
, nailer.
"Ibeie is
u' Wliy, he
I was IliVlii
TaINH'L AC'CII'KNT. Harrisbur
a. 1 I t I..
lb-view: Mr Oscar isusry mu ."
itisforiune t' hreak her cunr
from a fall wl ile g Iting lutn a hack
tnesdav. MmBusey hail Ifffll VISII
,1,1, her father W O Lackey at Hal.,
I f tud eats 1 Une pountr, and was starting 0:1 the
home Journey when the act loeni nc
,,i " 1 Uf a '.' on oocire,i. Hie reaii sue d ' y U m an.' , wrt, but lifl HU'li sue imn "-
,,, 1 ,, ,ol acoept. I ,.. ,! rtacheti bis eny ti.'l
p...,i b.'rto a luu- ,rBrll theeateutof the injury
Al bis I,' 11 North IN arl Mre. t
11 Ibis city iii "i:'io p in, Sunday, Jun
i IM'7, F. Aiiiti-rson, the well known
'iilraclor anil builder, pa-sed from
his life in!" : he eft nl beyond,
lit tt a-t il w a- 1 1 iii North Caio
luni "ii N, v. I. l'4'i, in d was llierefo e
ijetl "il y ins, ii ii.t'iiihs mill tidiiys.
His th in iff w us besleiied by an
it ciil. ni wliii li ii eiintil whilekf wa
Miikini; "ii llie North IN arl atreei
s-wer, of wl'ieh he In-Ill th" UOIltrilCl.
.Vhi In g a I oiiliti r w i 1 Ii a pulley
,,im, him 1,1. 1 be mi k L'nt fiom unUi r
is emiliol 111 il ri l "I on Idm. bruising
.ml bitlti linn hi. nidi. He conllliueil
,. 1,1. hr.aiiul tluiii c the nexl day and
In n tool; to bis 1 id, Ho ie lo reiiiali
until ill. end, which terminated h
iiiiplieatiolis nf the heart.
11.. lei 1 e- sU eiiildieii: Frank, of
1'iirthtud; Pies'ey, of Chliiago: Arthut
.fihisciiy. Alexander, of Portland
m l Mi s J-iinie an I StHa "f Hib
. ,. - ... 1 1 1... lull Prw..
i'V. .Ml wi re in 111-"-..s".w s "
, v who w. unable lo reach here
1I1. bi'lnvi'd w ife preceded li i III aboui
live vears ago.
)fiea-ed was :i man I moral wnltl
, ml ster n, ii inb giity and during bis
vt Ive vears It sidenee in Kugene ha
livid a life mid proved a character hlgl
11 its cniiei ptioli. H" us a consls
i nt and . arn. st member "f the tirsl
Itaptift church of this t ily and also ol
Kuweiie Intl'j A r A A M and A
The fiini ral servii e. w ill be held al
he f .liilly n fid. al - 'i'l p in 'I'ues
,h,v. under Hie charge of lb v llnbl
Le'.lie. itttt r which the M"foi.ic fra-
n-rrity w ill take cl.a'gf and e-mrt all
hat I- m .rial ol their late brother to
lis 1-,-t restinu place in Uv M isonlc
C, Uieb ry.
toung man away from the mciiooi.
However that is all over for this year
Following Is the list of eveuU ami
Half-mile Bun-Bruce Burnett, O A
C. lsi; Ostaiurne, O A C, 2d; Bishop
UnfO, 3d. Time 2;0U 2-5.
100-yar.l Dash lllggius, U of O. 1st;
Kelly, O A C 2d; Crawford, O A C, Sd
Time IU 1-,V
Mile Walk-Johnson, O A C, 1st;
Holl'it' in, O AC 2d; DcLashmutt, V
.d Olid. Time 7:4:1.
220 Yard Hiirdlii-KiiyUeiidiill, I' id
10 JenuleTivloraiid M.i'tha Calef id o, 1st; NkIsoii, PC, '.d; White, V of O,
Lugene. Jd. Time 27
Act'iu sidewalk gutter Is belne i I ) Ya I I) nil -Stllei, O A C. 1st;
placed along the Lane County hank Itedmoiiil, P C, 2ml, Llvesny, W U,
and Masonic Temple. This Is I'f 31. Time 53 1-fi.
!lr-t kind of this particular work In Mllo Bun Htimpson, OA 1', 1st;
this city. Bead, U of O, 2d; Stanley, P 1', 3d
"'nii, ;stalesmn, June 5: Cha I'une 41O.
Huelat has leslgned his pnelliou in 2JJ Yard Dash Craw ford, O A C,
D.dryniple's dry goods store, this city, l.l; Colvlg. O A C, 2d, Jllgglus, V id
and will go to Kugene, where he will O, 3d. Time 23 l-'..
accept a position In the store of F i- Two-mile Bicycle Kace Scott, U ol
Hiirricburg Kevi-w: Mr Beit
L 'ke and child were passengers Turf-
day night for Ager, California. Al
this point she will he joined by two
sisters from California, and togethei
1 1 iey will visit their father, Agent
Kmery, nf the Klamath reservation.
Mrs Lake was a teacher in the rcnom
it the agency several years ag .
Salem Journal June 7: Prof Wash
iiurn, of the chair of biology, BtaU
diversity, was a slate house callei
today The Malo treasurer reports! ,( o A V, 2d; Williams, O A C,
Imut $250,000 paid ly the variou-1 ,ieB,t 0 feet.
unities on state taxes for IKMi I In
ailroatl commissioner made anothei
lea wilh Uov Lord toilay tn file and
icknnwIeilgM their bond but lie would
ml mushier the matter at all.
The funeral ol the late E Anderron
eiirretl this afternoon, Itelng largely
itended. Many beautiful floral pieces
a ere presented by klud friends. Thr
ellglous services were couducted by
Bev Leslie, while the burial was under
he auftplclf of Eugene Coniniaiidry I O 8 N H
Knlk'lils Temrlar. Euvene Ixlgi I W U
A Fit A M, and AOUW attended In
Is idy.
. " , -
1 . . ; r . .
I - ,
I !." I 1 t
! 1 it 1 . 1 1 .
Ml, !
1 1.
.Vlll till
Jlllt ' I.
t i 1 :
I IVI !'
11I1 '.i.K'
p. Jt ll'
! i' .
t J
' I"
I ,. 1
'i 'V
I. '..I t '
l l It.
. tCifJE
; t;ti-'t
, !s slui'cjiti
I -!l nature,
. ''i.e. I tip by
'i Itius on
I K'lruina.
.7 'nu I ivrr
i: .' M.MAtONS
,!. It also
"i 1: rr.ivrlvat
' ,1 he her trom
' intcil.
'(I 1 )ivnen
': , 'i. .uid that
, t 1 ! pi .utive.
, ....J nntt? the
1. T.W.tiNS
',.'. "1 tin's the
" 1 :i I'.JillJ
'I the
:.-! i', 1 h'l.uU
I 1 1 1 . "ii '.'vtry
J. Ll. -Ci tii.i X Cik, I'bihitlclpfila, ra.
Kin nor in:sti.i iihns.
J. V. (icuiy Post nl Kugelie, Phs
Some 11 gilll'iins li' MillltloiH.
o u
I'iriii on tin- ll oil .wk.
I,, it i,l Kl.nel'f. s'
iM'le nn tt h.-t Sa lir.l i
II, lie rin'e In
of the
O, lsi; B'dtlle, O H N S, 2d; Melcalf,
PC. 3d. Time 6:20.
120-Yard Hurdle - Kuykendal!,
if O, 1st; Nelson, P C, 2d; Kelly, O
C, 3d. Time 17 2 5
HKI.I) KVtN 1.1.
Broad Jump Kuykeiidall, U of ,
1st; Osborne, O A C, 2.1; Williams, O
A C 3d. Distance l'J feet 2) Inches.
Shot-put Gallagher, O A C, lsi;
Hiuitli, Uof O, 2.1; WatleiH, O A C,
M. Distance 34 feel 5 1 Inches.
Polo Vaull-Hesler. PC, 1-t; Stimp
lllirh Jiiiiiii Alhilil O H N S. 1
vY'hlte, U of O, 2.1; Price, P C, i
ileight 5 feet 4 Inches.
lUmiiierThiow-Tbarp, O A C, lt,
Biallne, OA C, 2.1; Eldln, O A C, 3.1.
Distance M2 feel 0 Inches.
The summary of points scored lu tin
f turtei u coutesls are as follows:
o a 1: 1V1
U of O
1 V, 14
S.MAi.i. Am.iunt of Bnow. The
Priueville Ile view of June 6H1 hs
this: "Dm Iliiidiiian arrived Id
Priueville last Thursday from Thuu-
inn, Lane county, lie csmes across
he mountains by the McKtmle route.
He says there la all together 10 miles ol
sin, but ll Is in patches ami Is no'
it er 5 feet deep In any place. T1
lava has un snow on It and In a sLort
tine traveling will be good."
From Hunday'a Salem Statesman
Yesterday's meet was a record-breaker
Jeven of the slate lecord werekuockcil
into smithereens, one Nonhest
record wan broken ami two win
-quailed. The statu record lor the hall
mile run previous to yesterday wa
2:12J, the hundred yard tlaali 10 Z 0
mllo walk 8:03 2-5, mllo run 4:58 3 5,
220-yard dash 23 2-6, 120 yard hurdle,
17 4 6. the pole vault 1 3 feet. 'I hi
Northwest record for the 410-yard run
Chukch to Be Dki'IcatkI). A lei
er from Bev U A Biair states that lh was533ri, and the two records for the
First Cumberland Presbyterian church I Northwest which were equalled were
if Portland will lie dedicated on Julyli, hundred yard dash, 10 1-5, aim
lib, 1407, at 10:30 a 111. W J D trby, D I the 220 yard dash of 23 I 6.
O, of Evansvllle, Indiana, will ofn-1 The gross proceeds at the gate ye
ciate. Members aud friends or lb I u-rday were 1321 25 and the ixpeiie
denomination In this vlcluity are cor-l$2I5.25, leaving tM, which were
dially Invited to attend. divided among the live col lego teams
Coiiinciiitb r and Couirudi . of J W
tieary I'os Nn 7 tf A li: We, your
1' mi mi I U t- nu resnlulimis, beu leave to
nuke the f'lliiw in report :
In repaid In 1 he net Inn taken by the
tru-lee of the Soldiers Home lit U"Se
ll rr, ( Iregnii.
sl. We ciiuuol sen w herein the
trustees have any pow er or right, nu
Ihoii.etl by law, In methlln w ith the
pensloiis nl llie liiiiiait s i f the home.
Ve alsti believe I hey have violatetl the
s'li-i"n law s nl 1 he I S gnvi rnnient,
teetlolis 4TIiaiid 1717 of Hie revised
-laliili s nf tho I'niti'd Stales, ia we
have them In Cue 11-,) and are at a loss
In liutlelstaiitl w hy lin y should make
such ruling, unit -s it Is fur political
I'lirpost s ul our I'l'iulnu June elecliiin,
is we arc aware Hi it CoiuriideH linns -i.y
and Alley me both regular poli
ticians; therelore, be it
Iii:-iil.VHi, Thill J tieary Pest,
tl A li, No 7, deiinuiici. tho net Ion i,f
lie Inislees, one and all, of the Sol
liwrs Home; and be it further
BksoI.vkh, That we belit Ve Orms-
ny's clrciiliir letter, sent by himself, to
lie dillereiit ti A l( pnst., is intended
tn deceive, ami the grand
army mei Unit am In this iiepurtmetil.
We also believe that the obi heroes
Hint f"ui;lit, hied and would have died,
t it had Inen their lot, In save this
iiiimi, an. I made it possihle for tho
tars and slilpts to ll"ut over every
.t.i to iu llie union, 1 0 liillnii ami too
f -e hie tn t urn tin 11 br ad by the sweat
if their bmws, should be Hud r w hole-
s une rules at the home. At the same
lime tnaae Cicm fud that they are at
in alms house, and are jusi ly entitled
10 the freedom 1 I the land they helped
1 1 save, wltlmul Ihu hand of a despot
11 rule mill miiUe tin 111 itfiniil; be It
lUsiii.VH., That we believe the
I'oiiiiiiiinihiiil and matron of the homo
have had a hand III the Hoke Smith
oarloftho pension qui ntinii, at the
iiniue, for there has been u complaliit
igailist I li-lii for the last two yuils; we
Bl.s11l.VKD, That any old soldier be
ing guilty of such an act, to an old
com mile, after taking the OA K oath,
should resign without delay, for they
sre certainly void nf Hie patrlotlo love
one veteran should have, fur another.
UkmiI.VF.w, Thai u copy of these
resolutions he s.-iil to each trustee, aud
m the governor of Oregnn, mid to all
the lending newspapers, except the
Oregniiliiu, fnr publiciit Inn, as sunn as
possible, Ic fine the Statu Km am inelit
Signetl: I'.. F. Chapman,
A. C. Jknniniis,
(dissenting lu part.)
ri...r..iuv. uirtlclnatlng In the event
i- , - .... ,, ...
l lie winner 01 me nit-jri.10 into..
A FaU.. Last
If....... rtitl...n ufl.llu wurLiiio
iirurv j iiiou, ! nriit, " 1 1
...H-f-it iiui.Ii. nn i.i.hcott-isasouol H W bcott, editor of
Uil n URI liastu sat iii o -- s
...lo, badly spraining l.l. ribs, aud . ibe Oregon lata
now a gentleman of leisure, peudlng
t icir return to normal condlMon.
Kuvkendall Is a hurdle laoer wltu
out an equal lu the vallev.
X uf is Orr.-oda' 0g.iiu. :
:uWs ds.t U Iks (fs
, rs.Wts..rl.r.T. It st NJtH ttt
., Itlr4 witti .Siultlionish l t.',!
i. hair.nan K.nbrj h l
1 .... BtPaliKU
.i d hss A'Ul r..ii.p.o-. -
S -Yii" Kd
the Iti seliii'l
won the one
1, Hie live miie iu 14:"'
.1 tl,,. haf in 1 i in I:'-.
I willi Ci.rvall s in-
menis i"1 - ' 1
K.4KI.V . . .., v r(iivlliharrcK llf"'. "'" '
ir attorney of this wrk on -W-rday shows. ! Iboln.
hi. frb HUM ' ,,, m,kH B Ini.ris'ing l'J 111 - n
, Sll'l '
he 1 'I l,e I 'nioll Sii:i l'i hi nools
11..1 . L mil In, il it union picnic
li e 11 t.n iiik school house, Saturday,
June l!l, l-!'7, t"'!nmeM''iiij a. out 10
o'clock iu Hie f"r no"'.l
'1 here Ii. a 1'ii.e g'ove on the bank of
M, A.n'iati i r.s k a shut instance ahove
the .1 Ikm I l'"U A 1." ".I pnigrani has
It-eii arrai i 'I f r li.e 'Cession. A
basket r i,i If st ivi'l. hvery-
SllMHV Ii t
I'i .iii.Ii n.t-l . A "II.
I emir v'o ii" "i
is I
.I,.' .. I.',
I .ti.elie
I hi u- Is about
'1 'he road is lu
il tssaid. fur Hie n pub.lcaU
tlo.i l. l d s'liit alloiuev.
Inialch "
flU' cji dm mi.
To HiKiiuKu. Bostburg Itevlew.
D. W W McCoiiniik ha ieaed ibe
Lane nsldeuce p.operty aud Is pie-
LaW SrUDKNTs A class of 43 law
students were examined hy the sil
. .rintr t,,,,.ii 111 luftiitute for the 1 are orenie court Monday and 43 were ail
rv' ln.i.rb.1 nilttea W SIX nave neen conuiiueu
lor luritier invesugaiion. Among iimst
... n'i..i
11.......... i,..i.a I.' Itrnn trA. I au'lillieu were: I.I1M t 1 11 if 1 11 1'-1 1
li., - - - 1 f 1 . . . . ,11
I C. ...... I ll l.'.IJuf.r Ifitu.htirif . K J
i.ient of the Oakland-Bohemia wagon -
rd directors, I advert!Hng for hid o na.e n, ,
.... i..i... .j n,.t r,..,i Tb land of Portland, and K. Iv
r ...... I LT..I.II .f lunLuiiiul 11 Mr III
-u I- U Ul l.u iVi miU nii hi auuii m -
..,.1 t. in I.,, Jiiiia lath. It ulunuler returned homo yesterday
rllevel Dial will complete the '' vny 1 rw.nn B..iiKr.u.... . ..
...,lil...r.;lll remains an un-i- from uis many me. us. pre...
...rfMn.l.n.-.(.r th. county .nnro. that the gentlem... will make a luce
irlition of 112.0. l"-ffM on-
uur Siei.y Animals l.iavo Tonight
For the Aniicoinla Meet,
lulu ...1 ,r,l, J 11 nt'
t) 1 tonight's fielght ft ur nicer leave
inr Anac 111I11, .Montana, wiiero iney
will he it'teliil iu the liieetwhicll
oiiitneiit'. h June '.'i. 'l'hiee of llie aui-
mills art pacers and nne a trotter. They
have all .11.1. In gontl t line, and ll call be
predicted they w ill slo w lip Well In
the races.
Itelnw Is a list of ih.' ai'lmal going:
1'.' -sir Kii.kin, 2:2I, pacer, owned
by F A Bii'ikin, Eugene.
ClalKWii, 2 2T, trotier, 1 wnetl by T
Moliy Nnise, 2 21, pucer, owned by
vVm ( larke, Medford.
Win linw has charge of tho Sieley
linrses ami ( larlu inn with Molly
Nurse, W O Trine l inking after Bessie
Itallkln. The l.tllrr all lllal hat
'oiimh tl lutn creat for. 11 this spiing
s d w ni pinve a siirpi iso t i even her