The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 05, 1897, Image 4

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Kill DAY, M A Y 'Hi.
A K ' "l rain ' nided.
Jjf Sharpie was in Eugene today
Cottage (iruij will celebrate Jul;
J K IMti ii of Ashland. U In the
Albany Mill ifiil)iHi- tlii Four ili of
M O Warner went to Portland tbl
Public school color visible every
w Intro tody.
Oiigmal mgs el tlits gymnasium
Monday night.
fCtlmge Grove will oUerve iJecors
Holiday .Monday.
V W riHwii.un of Springfield, wu
in 1 1 1 ctiy t I ty.
JS F Kecliey o-ioslieli, linn beU
appointed u imlary public.
M I, Campbell ha rcluriud from a
bUIUCs trip lO I Mia.
A I A iti-u h id astanJ at the June-
linn ( My iii'iiiu today.
'J'hua; hid exceedinxly luM ''"J1
muuiiil the court house.
g.-od shower will likely follow
th ik pit-M ill extreme lieut.
'I'ltu plutc glass baa beuii put ill 'be
oiil (inldniiiili more building.
Quill- IIUUlblT "f tU r t'itlell at-
tiiiiliil the picnic Ht Junction City
(Jin- nl Hie senior of Un- U of took
an Involuntary bath In Hid mill race
the i.lhrr duy.
Come 'n tbe ( iy m i tuHl ii ill Mordsy
Ii ijfli t mi I hear how tit girl can euro
u dollar.
(i-.i W Piclt.-U mi l Oris i
i turned fnuu Junction on this after
IIO'in' lOCul.
Will ( uitli'iii-iii of San Franc seo,
former llugciio hoy, I visiting with
relatives in Eugene.
Hlit nil' Joluihoii will tomorrow turn
over itil'illii-r 1'iilli-ctl ill of taxes) to the
comity ln nil er.
T'i' Eugene agency of H Wenilierd
t in 4,mh Iti of beer t Junction City
by Hilton lul evening.
lion H II Friendly mid daughter,
MihH ltinitlio, Hrrivt-d home from June
l Inn on tbe llos-biirg IochI,
Mr I. U Ad.tir mid Mr, I, N
Honey K-l in iit-il tbl morning from a
very plm-uiil lrii to lt burg.
lii lit- it'r of Eastern cuttle
mi n In l lie tit tiuiM). Eugene I -Hit
cat' It- center ol Western Oregon.
AN 1'urgc, of Sun Frnoic.i, In I
the ci y on liumncitt and is nUo
vlslllug several of III old friend.
I'mf E II VuKlroy went to Corvallis
(inlay attend tb funeral ol the lute
Judge llry-iui, a warm frieotl of bin.
Jt llawlvy and wife of Eugene
foruit'ily i'f Mooroti luteutl In move
to Eastern Oregon to reside III thnl
purl of the at ule.
A runaway- Height train ran into a
pa-ciigf r lialu on the Oregon bhorl
I, In.' rullmiid jcst.-rdny killing 0 r-
tiliH ii lid Injuring H.
The I) U& N Co aces (hurt I II U
cut lioui Co Hand to San Francisco
and govt ihctnone U'tter, placing the
ate at: Cnliin $t; steerage 3.
(icoige Mclsnu and ami, of Van
Oouver, Wuah., are vUiling relative
and Mends In Kilgcue. They lode
here on tliclr bicycles.
K.iIm'H Cherry went to Cottage
tlrove loditv to work at aaitaut In
tbe H I' olUcc. Hit lumber Mr David
Cnciry accompanied hliu fur u few
tli viit.
Ho i It F Mulkey, of DiiIIiim, pued
I brunch on the Koaibiirg local thin
aftt'tneon bound for I'leaxalil Hill
while be will deliver th addreat at
th imvei nw of the monument of the
lulo l.iicluu 1'itiker.
Hen Uindi Iiiib mild bit fur in of 1X
Hi'it'H no F.Ik prane L'- nil lea w eet
of h '.iigenw on the Kmalaw road
to it M i l.yoim ami U on hU way to
J.vbi'pliiue county looking up a new
location. Mi Uuah la an old time res
ident of I.aiiecouuty, and hi many
friemU wish bun aucccit In lilt
lip .v home.
A ri'oie of tbe yoliu - marriageable
.i i i. -
WOUlflllM i't liiouc, intiiniiii, imvr ei i
giinued a lengiie fur their protection
and to promote refinement. Now
wbatpbiuk Will it be heliexed lliey
have placed In (heir platform a the
riueiiliiil of iH-enllaU? lle.c It In:
"K.olvtt', i'loit we, the niendicra of
tbe Wmiiiili'ii Miiriingeable lengue, llo
ngrtv not to u any any man ho la in t
a patron of bit home iiewKpuper, lor it
In Htroiin i Ideiue of a ant of Intelli
gence and will prove too atlugy to pro
tide for a fiuinlv, eilucate Ilia ehlldreu
and t'lit'.niinnc InaMtiinonn of learning
In the community." Sctudhle glrln,
lll'HMli til l' - Col uigti l ir.iv Men
eeiitsei: Mr V Mine returneil Irom
II lieiniit es eiduv uiori lug in a aome
w hat wik Ii xoiie appiHiauce, and well
he in 1 1: lit . at Wi.liun.Uy afiei ti.x'ti
the t 'bin he mid hi men were inviipy
lug ut the fool of limit Scral.lile inouli
lain n iiii.'d hiU liunxelf, t 'hiiaClav,
Ale N bile an. I Nle.i.'iit were away, Mid
llielr entile on 111 coiiIi Inn of provl
lont lo. 11.11 elollilng w re eon tinned
Mr llln.t lilt 1 1 1. me. 1 1 tt I v for hi an. I eil today with a in w
outlll pivilou.
(Jretted lll I'ulillC hcll'Xil I'uplln I.Bt
Ua'.lj 'Jjrl, Mtjl li
I he Parker wa picked f;nin I hi
prowenliim lo Uih do .rn and from pit
to dome lnl night to wilne.t the tdon.
lug esercUe of Kugtlie'i public
clioola. Ibe in tire prog ruin wan ren
dered with a nicety and flu lull very
(red I. able lo all. Flow era werefalrly
ahowernii Uxiu the performer. lielow
ll the prorfraoi rendereil:
Mulc Iiiatrumental
...Fmelia II. mi, Wiuifrt"! Hnillh
Invu 'alloii It- v M L Itoae
Kay "TrtW Jlertha 1' White
Knay "Ilabitii" Moije A Idxou
Song "Pulling lluld Aguiiibt
the rttieam" Claim
luy " I he Tongue" Willie Whipple
ICa-ay "IMik liol for IVIecta"
A Oliw Kiiykenda.l
rtolig -(narletle
Kaveine I.oiik, r.ilua li Kuruell,
Mary , Oawford, A -nl UAwl.rey
Kiiy ' .SlepplliK Mloliet"
Ftlm I, llllinn-
Kay "Nothing i Lnl"
Vernon 1) Calllaon
lualruiuei.ini Holo
AdulUcN d lltlliiiuu
lay "The Woman of the
Twentieth Century"
Ktlna V U llurnell
Prophecy Thomaa i law t home
Valedictory Nellie F Williauia'
8oiig-"Thougli We 1'itrt" Claaa
AdtlreM I)r Wm Km kt-lidull
rreentatiou of Cerlillcale
Prof I) V H Iteid
I imlrumental Holo,... Winifred .Smith
Kxe.t i-e Hy Itoya of llie V hi
Fmpire )illl
Hy Heveliteell ( Jirla of 111 Cluna
llUft-MamloIln, Piano
Ilarlie Z Igler, Annie I) Awbrey
Walter' Dilll
Hy Twenty Uirlnof the Claaa
The entire perlormuiice of the even
ing with two exception!, were con
tributed by pupil of the Hoi i" ili, and
it ha generally been aald that no In t
tvr exhibition ha i ver U'en given
l.-Hter lluliu.
iiaii Oimro, M .'t
At about li o'clock I It it after noon,
le'Nler lluliu, one of llie oldeal and
moat highly reHpeeted o( l.uue cotiuly'a
pioiieera, paxMt-d away at hi renleuce
on High alrwet, between Si Veiilli and
F.ighlh. He wan aged 7! yeu.n 2
moullia anil 5 tlaa, and tamo to tin
county In 1HI7, oi f0 year ug.i tin
Kiimiuer. He nellieil nil the lluliu
tloliatioii lull. I claim, mIhiuI ll) in Hen
iiorlli of Kugene, and ha aiuce con.
liuually lehi.lcd in thin t'oii ii t. . He
removed lo Kugene uboul II) year ago
unit lia aluce tennltd here. Ill wile
preceded iiliu aboul live yeai ago.
Deceaned leave four i lillilren, C S
lliilln of Coourg, .Mr F A Tozier o I
Crenweil, H c Hullll of Creawell, ami
l ll lluliu, of F.ugciip, who were all
at bin ImtUide al llie end.
lliaU'le Wit the CuUe of hi deatli,
which wan heightened by complica
tion. lVceane I wan Well known ami
leiprcttil b luwlnof trieiidn, and ll la
Willi Horr..w they will learn of hit
llnul Journey.
Al llie lioui of going to prt an the
luneial airiiugemelitn Ii ut not jet been
Jnuctlon 1'ii'iuc.
The picnic held at Junction wan a
very vujoyatile ullalr and a t'uii croud
wan in attendance. A lint of the
event on the program I aa lollowa:
1U.00 Hand parade. Hand concert and acleclloui
by llie choir.
luetl Heat rice linker uud Miiy
Kecllation, Anna CampU II.
liecilaliou, Drii-xlll.
1I:U0 Oration, lion Chan M Hartly,
of Kugene, w hich waa highly "pokt'll
of liy till w ho In ard It.
lit N N Kit.
1.:10 Hand coiHvrt.
:IH) Jumping,
tlirl foot race.
Wreiliug match for boy
! al I ..Mil
Pulling the atone.
U.tHl l.adie bicycle lace.
Me im I ii'Ni'le lai-e. 1'arw ln Yoiun,
of Fugeue, w inner.
Home race, lime intiat enter.
Stroma marc Hint, W lley horne scoihI.
ltane ball match. Four Inning were
played, Kugene w inning.
1 he above contest w t re under th
npt tvlmoii i f J M Nit-holt and Johu
7.o0 Urand free coiuvrl,
S;;til l.tuee in tpera licunc.
Ol. luatiou at Munnd
A Mound ivrr'soiid nl writ' that
the people of vicinity are lutt-ud-Iiik
to celebrate Ibe Second ot July thi
year a tne Fourth coiue on huuday.
A picnic wil1 be ht Id at Congo prairie
ID the ility time, and a .'itu e In thel
evening Jut thin lde of the prairie.1
Kierylmilv who dehlie to npelnl their
Fooith of July In the country arecor
illill.' invited to attend both picnic
and ilanie, at a very euj iati e lime la
autblpulel. I
K Hard Lnt-Our l'ei'ii M
ilitiii Alone.
lUlll It
TheYreku, California Journul n.'a
reteiitUate, ban the lollowing Vu!
the baud of Oy""e Unit la expe .te.i
ti arrive In IM evenitig:
The Brazilian gyp- who I ave
cmuaed the reaid- nt' "f coui.tie
outhofhere in end of trouble, ar
rived on the nui-kirt of t ri U-t
Tuemlay evening A iiion- gM".v
I hard looking -t of Ix itig" tli'
j are with t bin out tit w uld be hind to
I find. For a numUi ( "fi tbey
have been milking tbtir way through
iheHacraiiiento Valley, ami the nllbvri.
have kept I he in iuhvihk inot-toftUe
time, 'liny have a lia1 It of helping
theniM'lve to evt-ry thin: in -ight.hiid
Ibeofllcer in Oregon almuld keep
I hi in moving If ibi y ilenire to avoid
bHvliig trouble with tl" hi.
To Their (iriiH Coerei ttravti.
I ompot dlTComrtlo 'It Ituntly "'!
r . .., I j ..I at 1 1 .- I'"' .laMnll "I
Mi ur iffi miiiv mo ii.ium K l l ll' 1 o ti t
cemetery, MijmU)', J : ii I
AH xilent mid Mill in the burraekn
The rllV mill cniiiioii Hre mute;
Not l.eedii.g the blue, alul lint
th" cray,
The call of the drum and t lie (lute
No picket will challenge the at ranger
W here Il ittern llie llug ol f .e i.iuvm,
' They Imil not their friendt, nud I hey
I fear not Un ir foe-,
A leepln their graat c-vereil gr.ivex.
All nllent the camp by the tltep rol in
The liKh'n In the tents have gone out;
No Mil. tier wiih ( Iruut, tit.d no -nlilier
Ar- rudiiiig to nnnt w th u hbniit.
While velermm tire bilngii gii tribute
of llowern,
Fair eliuplt tn lo honor the hruve;
They reek uul the tiny, untl they count
Hot the I ourn,
Asleep in their griin covered graven.
Tre.ol aoftly then n noil eatiir
w illi care
Tlie beautiful bloHMiiun of May.
The Hum of llie nation were nolle aid
Hi live boy were the l!lut nud the
l iiuv.
Place tnrlnmln of I turd tach illow
H -mt'iiiber our army of briivet,
For home ami for country have strug
gled ami died.
They sleep in their grat-covered
t: raven.
or llie I IJ N Y, S V.
t'llilongi,ii Sue m v.
nuj (turn, Mny ;'ii. I
Phllclcglatik held an excellent met t- '
nig lio-t night clnsiiig up one of the
lieal yearn of work in all its hMoi .
Pre idcnt lligglna occiipi d the chair
and a large tilimhi r of uunibers weie;
present The member were keyed up!
to llielr very best by the prustnce of
Professor Carson
After the routine humms Clyde
Fogle convulsed the society hy a
v vld portrayal of "How Kuhy
The special (pleslion of debate was
then taken Up. The iiUesiiou wasulle
of Hpulai Interest and practical value:
"llesolved, that the ownership and
cuitrol of the railroads by the
1'n I: til Slabs govirmuelit Would he
prefeiable to private owmrshlp and
control, it U'ing conceded: Hist, that
such action be granted consti
tutionally, and the puriiliuso to be
made at a ooit not I i ex -ee l nix
billioi. dollars, and second; that riiil-
way 1 uiployee l aepointtd under tbe
civil e rvice."
C K W(sdon 07, led the anirmative
suppoited by M K Applegate. The
negative wan supporio.l by K U Alder
man, V M T.mplutoii, KA read, M
tlalloway, W S oung and K P White,
Toe chair decided in luvur of the
After debate W 11 SUUer gave a
prepiucd adtlrcts on "Civic Honor."
After llie paying of some sundry!
bills the siH'iety was adjourned.
The liilloyig icsolutiois werei
adopted at the mivting of Mav 21:
Wiikkkas, ll has plea-ed the Ml-'
preine Archinvt of the univerte to
1'inove fiom our miiltt our e;eenifd
recent, lb 11 K h M Arthur, and,
WliKt:.ys, Hy hi math the I nl
versily lis lost an able aud eariieit
fi lend, tin it fore tn it
IUtl V h v, l'y ihe PhilologlsD
siH'iety, that while we Ihw in hum
hie submission to the w ill of the Mot
High, we (io 1 ft ihe Its mourn
ihe 10. si f our friend and benefactor
who hat tnen called from labor to rest,
and furt tier, he it
I liKsol.VKp, That in Hie death of
I Hon L K MeArihur the L'ulvemity
I ban lo.t one who wns always ae'ive
j ami relous in lis service, and an
honest and upribl nisii, v hose virtues
emhartd him to each sludeut of the
I'oiversily and uisken each one to
feel in tils ileal S a personal hs.
Copies of the move were onierid
pulili"hed aud eu: to ihe lafreaved
N.t,'i;CTI.M KOAD.
i' K.mrd of Comnil-ioiiers
l.ookll.g Well to llt-ir
The trip the flmt of the week
by Jii.lgf I'otter and Coiinnia-lolier 'oliiM'i-'t ih' mule for a road
. t', the Hltl.f IC ver Hilton wii 'liken
for tbe purpi-e of einililliik' tbi-in load
Willi til- re.pient ketl
by thote iliterenied ill tbe inilien, from
the boaril.
The pro d route leuven llie Mi!
Kci.zie r .ud ut I'epio:. about 3 mile"
irom Kugene, ami from there gn- up
(iute Creek. For aboul four tnilen, to
tliHtuminit, in ii v ry good mad and
one that with but II tie work could be
placed Inpiiuie condition. The trail
hum theie Into tbe milieu, which It in
proi-ed to tuin into a, travemen
a null covered with ln-we ohell rock
thut can easily be worked and t'jOO in
probably all that would be required
to complete the road into the tnineb
over thin route.
At llie June uieetinif of the county
board thin mutter will come up for
conniilerution and J'it what UMitance
i hey will conclude to give in the mat
ter will not lie known until theu. The
present hoard however, in establishing
a n.uui) for ittelf un favoring a progrea
nive road building nysleiu.and favora
hie decision of the mutter can he looked
The I'lir.lugtcn Arranging to Cap.
tuie Oiegnii.
Miouri Exchange; It in reported
tiiitt the llurliugion will simiii cum
ineiice woik on il long prnjecten ex-t-nsion
tn the 1'iicilic cnasl. The
. Mil, il is s:iil, into not extend from
Hillirgt teriiiinun of the ibillinglou,
lint to be built westward from a pnint
outh of rtleridiiii, piis-ing near the
lieinlw atein of the Kittle Powder liver,
skirting the southern line of Yellow
stone ptu k, thence in a tolerably di
rect line to lioite, Idubo.atid ucrorsthe
Snake river into Oiegnn, whence two
brunches iil lie run to (he eoitt, one
H1 nit Ii of I be hoe of the Oregon railway
aiiil Nuvi-.ition coinpiiiiy to I'irlla!iil.
ami the other n -it 1 1 through Washing
hoi to 1'iUet Si und. Sil.-titntiiilly,
ihm pmjeci 'i under coiisideratioii
prior to t!n punic of Is: '3, and he
tiory it revivnl ry a local railroad
man, who ciiuuit to have positive un
slliunee thai il w ill be curl iu.l out.
'When ll.-'n Writ. n' Home fer C'dali."
t'ullimeliceiiieiil tlllle's 11 coniill
In k's goiu' ter graduate;
He'll iiiuU.- a sii. ('h in Kami an'
uu' j
J'"1 ;
p:u'u!y ze tne 'iite.
He tarkliil nil the laiigllug "n ill' lalllt
'em in a tl.ili;
lint he always ta'kn iu Km;li.tli when
he's w riliii' home fercunh!
He says that Orei k'sat common as the
daisies ill tliedew;
kin run it race in Katiu dance a
lig in Cieriuaii, too;
I Kit' !'...,,,.!, I I.Ij i, mi ..' t..r .,..1
.... .., .1 -ill t,,n Wit, VI 1UI, HI,
won't he cut a dash?
Hut lie always talks iu English wlieu
he's wriliu' home fer cash!
2 reckon it's a comf.ut jest to know the
buy can speak
In all tliem fnreigu languages, an'
gallop 'lotiiid in Ureek;
Hut bis wisdom' amaziu', fer he
clumps iu a flash,
An' always in English when
he'twiilin home fer cash!
Atlanta Constitution.
The liypslej.
llie maraudriug gang of grtasern
w,l ars disgracing tills section of the
j country by their pietence, cauied
j IkM night at Ooslien, and un the local
I passed through this morning had not
j tn-guu to pack up preparatory to coin,
i"g mi although they may In-expected
j ttt nny tune.
A letter received this
morning from As-essnr Hurlon states
that w lieu they were in Cot 1 age Grove,
tliey adetl in the most Uwie-.i manner.
They would go into buutes without
Invitation and by force purloin trinkets
orauy thin: that took their fancv
Tliey also slopped sib. ol cliilJren at d
took their (liniii rs away Irom them.
The t est thing our citizens cm do is
to absolutely refuse them anything,
and if they c,i Imo'.ent perforate
tin in like a poious pb.sler. We can
not gtt rid of them too quickly. Thev
wi.l In-jiiit at useful at a fertibz-r as
iu other wa.
Hunting at,re;tt l.oja.
llie liraiitn Pats Mining Journul
as the 'ate Kd SblelVelin, who was
f"l'"d (had iu the mountains while on
a prospecting tour, w a great believr
in the iiiine ol Southern Oregon. The
p'.a.-e where bis body wa found lies in
the mineral It It extending from tirave
cretk to the Liohemia district. He was
a nlrong tn-lipt . r in the existence of a
gieat loilf in i, t u it slid wi.s doubt
Ks 111 M ui-,1, 01 1 in lisle when death
cvnt.t k I un. Mm Seh ellelm lives
iu a 1 u'nti:, i, sii't-uen iir .Ms nmla, t al
I: rnia, I u; uvt. sed lorseiera years
made Wm-dvilie h i Ls.Uquaiters.
Prorramni. of Ker,in,n of 20th An-
DUul lonillieiici.uitu'.
11 A M Uaccttlaureiite Hernion, HV
Cuu, K Linke I) L) Portland.
h V M S'lidt nts hecttal.
ILtalMV JL'.NE 15.
3 to j P M l'resiileul' Reception.
8 P M lleuniou under the Aunpicea
ofti.eYWCA audY M C A of Hi.
L ol 0.
2PM Planting of the Clua Tree.
3 P M Alumni Meeting.
8 P M I lie Aildrens liefore ttio Uni
versity, Hon H 11 N -rthup. Portland.
thcrsdav junk 17
0:30 A M (Jraduatiug Exercises.
Opeuingof the Fall Term, Sept 20,
Pursuant to call a iuubh meeting of
bimetalistn wan held at the court house
tlil afternoon. The object or tbe
meeting was to select delega es to at
tend the state Uuiou HimctallsU meet
ing at Albany 011 June 2.
David Kby, of Ooahen, woe placed
In as chairman of the meet! ug and At
toruey L L Stevens, of till city, o
retary. After llie object of the meet
iug beiug made known selection of
delegate was next in order, resulting
iu County Treasurer A ri Patterson
and L L Stevens being selected.
J U Stevenson was selected to repre
sent the silver republicans. makiDg
three to go from here. Other prom,
lueiit silver men will attend from here,
and an enthusiastic state meeting Is
expected, so that a perfected organiza
tion before the next state election can
he crystal izd.
Coborg' Items.
May 26.
V M Vnuduyn weut to Eugene to
uay. Misi Helle Vanduyn is c. nflued to
la-r room with sickness.
At a regular meeting of th I OO F
held last Saturcay nighl tie follow
ing olllcern -vere elected: J A Holt, N
(i; II K Allinuliain, V O; Win Nay
lor, secretary; M C Burns, tiensurer.
The W of W last night elected the
I'ollow ing otlleers: Frank filler, con
Mil; II A Daniels, advisor; Wilbur
Vaoghan, escort; J Mugill, watchman;
EJ U-ach, sentry; Joh:: Cochran,
O 15 Allinghaui leturued Suturday
from Portland, where he has been nt
leiiiKiiir the I'ruml loilii of I t) O F.
r o - a -
From yesterday's Corvullis Gaze te:
'Eugene w anted T'ine for starter ami
a Multnomah Club man lor referee.
Thin would have made tlilngnpleanant
all urouiid fur Kugeiu, an the Mult
nomah wish the Uudes to win, their
team Laving a date wttli Eugene after
the Salem contest. It would have
been last year's football fiasco repeated.
However, the 'top of the Willamette'
boys didn't maka their point. H E
Judge was chosen referee and Roy
iUtier, ofCirvahis starter. Brady
Hurnett will doubtless act us assistant
The atiove is contemptible. The U
of O bnys only want a square deal, and
w ill win If they get it.
Try It.
Only a tuacpslxochlquahitt b.ossom,
Plucked hy her little hand,
She gave me at parting Senor Anita
isiibel Ca men Delores Jtmnita,
Of Xocliimilcocuetl,
Near Mount Popocntapetl,
Over the Ilin Grande.
Jt DUK Hry.ON'8 IU.MAIN3 Thurs
aiy s Albany Democrat: The remaius
of J K Bryson were taken through
Albany this noon for Corvallis. Mrs.
Hryson wan met in Portland by her
tins and Judges Burnett aud M c Fad
den, and at this city by several other
prominent citizens. The funeral ser
vices w ill occur at the family residence
tomorrow at 2 p in, aud will be under
the auspieles of the Masonic lodge of
wnien lie was a member. Before bis
death lie left Instructions, among
other things asking for a sbisrt burial
service, and that Prof Frei cb make
remarks at his crave. The Corvallis
bur will attend in a body aud will pass
appropria-e'ions shoeing the
nign respect lu whieli Judgi Brvson
- ..-.... several Ainany la yers and
nroiner ."Matons will attend t ib servi
ces from this city.
At Cottauk Grove. -Ttsiay's Cot
gc v,rove .messenger says; "The long
rt. nt- Kjpsy outnt arriv.-d yester
day consisting f al,ut jj , 1.
gon. Iim.l.d wit), '.aquia squaw, and
rappocsen. 11 is a mixed outtit, i)ert
being among them Mexicans
d Y.'iquia Indians. We
hst I hey are f.,r nr what It to
bsd.iiie witithein Lin u ,...1, 1 . ... .
,, . , " "i oe we l
, though for ptople l0 kwp lu
The cycle pall, .hnuij Ubulii,
Al Waddle of Poril,1(i ,
city. ' " 14
Itim Mulhewt was down
per today. 'a,
l'rof E B .McElrny nrriv.
'1 Uj 1 .
lu low 11 todiiy.
i::i ivrk
" " imius on n
after liiMiu ticul. "
.1 It 1 i ru v rl tir ... .1 1
C A Gray and W D I'uuh ,n ,
night In Eugene. ,m
Dr A Sharpie wan down
Goshen orchard today.
E 0 Lake, of HarrLhurg, uiDu
City yesterday and today,
Mrs J M Keeney, and sua y,
Jasper, are visiting i;U((
t I Tuttle and E C rM. e.',.
Luke cattlemeu arrived lurs lut h.
Ashland Hecord: Mrs R J p. ,
vlsltlug lier brothers, the Mesnojw
Mlna r lveatl went to Pleauut B11
Unlay lor an over Sunday vUH
Casa Matlock. Alex Smith aod Join
Utirger left today for a Q,liing h
Miue iver.
The picnic at Meriau' pirk todit
took a large number of young woe.
out of town.
E C Smith and Geo A Di.rrii wt
over to tbe McKeuzle today to iuj'.i
ror the restive tiout.
t;has Mayhew and family will 1MT,
for Anacouda, Moutans, TuhJit
where tbey will locate.
gupt C 8 Hunt and Ilev Gilbert
weut ti Pleasant Hill today to attend
the teachers institute. The latter will
makt an address.
Rv Kbeltou or Ban Jons. Csllfoml.
went to Pleasant HIU this afternoon.
He is working Oregon In tU Interest
of a religious paper.
H A Copple, one of the divinity
school students weut to Cottage Urovi
this afternoon where he w ill conduct
services tomorrow.
Oe Alexander, editor of the L'bta
on Advance, one of the brightest coun
try newspapers of the state, is viiitinj
bin parents iu this city.
J G l-teveiiBon has teen cli(n bj
the Eugene silver republicans as 1
delegate to repiesent tlicui at the Al
bany conference June -nd.
Hon Rodney Heolt wan lu from bit
Linn county farm today. He reporn
an unusually fine fp-p of wheat ia
prospect for himself thin jear.
T M Hermann, son of B ng-r H.N
inonil, coniillissloiier of the genenl
laud office has been reiiitlated 11s chief
examiner in the pension nlli. e.
J l. Zieglcr returned to my fnmi tin
east, w here lie had been uttciniiiiiitlie
f 11 Assembly of tif l.nil.'.l Stsi
He repnrts having had a .U itaut time,
New berg Graphic: Uev M Wire,
of Salem, is here arranging to have a
fruit dryer put up on his fruit tnot
mirth of town. He already tins tM
lumb.-r on the ground f .r the build
An elaborate plot to rob ti e Portland
pontolllce has just been Inliea suu
arrests have caused a big sensation.
r .. L!.... T.'.,lnt n teetive HOI-
iveiniijr .-.utv .i.k'"6i " ,
sapple, Jailer Watson and others ol
that city are said to be the cnipir-
.I,,., draiit has sent ill 1' bill W
the government for expeuses in attend
ing tho dedication of tils fattier siomu,
amounting to $779, This includes ex
penses of bis family and a trip ir
California. Tbe government laid tb
expenses f all the other numbers of
the Graut family.
A Literary Publication-.-A ne
literary publication, a monthly maga
zine, Is soou to be launched upon pub
lic favor In this city. H' m
Issue of the magazine will spP"
about August 1. It will be Issusd
from the Register printing department.
Two well krown literary lights of this
city are the prime moveia of the vn
ture, aud noted writers of Oregon, Cal
ifornia, Chicago and New York art
iuterested lu the movement and
contribute to the columns of of tbe
magazine. It will be devoted to liter
ary work iu geueral, and specially to
the development of literary gcuiuain
Oregou. Register.
The Drive. HarriBburg; Keview:
Brown & Homtuervllle have conip'1'1
all arrangements to make their drive
to Grant county. The cattle will be
divided Into two bands, the fi"1 10
start Saturday morning and the
to tolhcv Sunday, They bve W
head of as line young cattle as ef'
left the Willamette valley. B wlU
take about 15 days to reach their at
For WYoMiso.-Fred V Fili 1'
yesterday to go with a drive of C"tl e
purchased here by the Chase Cait
Company, of Wj omiug. H- t0" 6"
toU.klaud, where the .veMl bui
will be collected, and the long J""'
ney will be started about Jul
Fred will l. Hl...tit atsiut four
land Nt-w mi Green i'f.O"l l':r,
I will take his p ace as nigh' c rs m I e
J lloiel iiolliuau during his awtuce.