The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 22, 1897, Image 8

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I. L. OAMrBKLL, Proprietor.
Intereatlaf Collection of Current Ifnll
la Condrsiad Form From
Both Continents.
Four men with drowned ut the Cliff
hoise in San Francisco.
A dispatch from Honduras say the
ri-v 1 1 11 1 ion there ha ended ami the
country in peaceful.
Two blacksmith of Brownsville, Or.,
have invented a new machine fur 1111I
verizing elicit. It tuix been tried, and
it in said, work to erfoetiiiri. They
liiivi' applied for a patent.
Of the 1 14 Chinese who curiM on the
steamer Virtoria to Taenmu, only fifty
will lie admitted. The other sixty-four
will lie returned, order from the scorn
lary of the treasury to lliat effect hav
ing been received.
Judge Day, of Ohio, rjuuW fl' n as
sistant secretary of ut :tt . Ifockhill,
whom he succeeded, will remain niitil
Anintant Secretary Day In-come en
tirely fainiliur with pending negnlia
tions, when it Ih expected In' will be
apiiiitcd lo some foreign mission.
Hairy Flynn wa drowned in Lake
Michigan, near Chicago, und I, MM
H'lll Haw linn die HII'I Were llllllil to
aid lniii. During th x. i I ! 1 1 ii t
which prevailed A 1 Ix-rt Mattari, a poi
tator, ilniiHl dead, it in supposed
that heart disease wax the cause ut the
hhviihI accident.
Tin O. It. A N'. will send experts to
tin Si-veil Devil milling district to
inaRe estimate of tin probable trallh:
of thut region. The company in figur
ing on dividing the freight business
with the Union I'lX'iUi?. Tin nut nu--
tion of a sawmill near Iti'aria in u jiart
of the company's plan.
T)i cabinet Iiiih decided to send one
of the now guulnmts now building on
the Pacific const to Sitka, Alaska,
about July 1. Omit urtivity in Alas
ku, growing out of the gold discover
ies, has made tin' president and eabl
ni't deem thin step advisable fur safe
guarding Ainrrii'an i 1 1 1 r t t h.
The recall of thu force from Crete
ha been received w ith resignation hy
the Athens public. Tin liclyannin r
Kan attack thti no vit iniii-n t bitterly
for appealing to KuroM, hut most of
the paMrri accept thin iim inevitable ami
violently attack the Klhnikn llctairi.i,
asking it to render an account of itH
The steamer Hover, flying tho Anieil
run flax anil plying between New Or
leans and purls of Spanish Honduras,
wan lire. I on ly a Nicaragua!! inan-of-war,
while four mileit from l'uerto
Cortex, anil narrowly escaped Indng hit
amidships. It in hum 1 the run n of war
thought the Hovel wax aiding the llon
tiuruH revolutionist.
The Urusncl exposition hai hiun
formally oM-iiod. Kii IcihiI uml
the diplomatic coij were icncnt.
Prince llininarrk wan hinmi'i'd tit
FriiHlrichnnihi', Oerinany hy a tmch
li(ht liriHtemtioil uivi'ii hy hin tow iimiiicii.
The agricultural depariment crop re
port put the condition of wheat at Ml. 3
Kitiimt Ml. 4 hint iniuith mid "i on May
1 hut year.
The intcrcHt of United Slatcn citi
S)na at i'uerlo Cortex, the "cat of the
revolution in lionduriiN, will he looked
after ly the oruiner Marhlehead. The
vi'Mi-l ia now uu her way theie.
A M'tHlon ia now hcinn circulated in
New Yolk and finned hy hankem and
bnaineiui men, urti iiik! l'lCHident Mi Kin
ley to do all in hi power to ctlivt a
peedy aettleuient of the Cuhau inniir
reel ion.
Ijwia L. McArthnr, iiiciiiIht of the
lit!al firm of llroiunih, McArthnr, Fen
ton it HronutiKh, of I'ortland, Or., mid
tine of the prominent lawyer of the
late, died In Walla Walla, Wa-h., of
heart d incline.
The anpreine court of the t'nlted
Statei luia dH'iiliil the Hcrlmer patent
oane in favor ( the Hell Telephone
Company. The decinion iniiKiinHt the
Kovcrntnent and hunhcen h'iiiiiik nlnco
1 HI) 1 . Aocordini: to the divinou tin)
ltcll Company w ill control the patent
for ten yeara,
Frank Han, his two emu and a
brother, Chrla Hurl, pronperoun tier
man farmera of licdticld, S. II., wet
anphyxiated in a well on their farm.
Frank Hail waa overcome hy i win I.)
at work in the well. The olhcix dc-n-endcl
one at a time in an attempt to
rtMcue him, and all mot the name (ato.
The Hritinh ahip County of Had
d inn ton, which liaa junt auivcd out at
Cardiff, Waled, report a ternhle mvi
dent which happened lant lleceuihcr,
Junt ai the Yeaned w an Rett inn away (mm
the Columhia river, after letting
the tU(' huwner. Four ncamen wcie
aent aloft to unfurl the muin topgallant
ami, and one of them named I'M war I
Hull nlippdand fell tothed'k, hreak
itiU hi nwk and laith of hinlcn, death
ueuif inntaiitancoiia. The htxly wat
hurlcxl at a thu aauie day, mid the
hip proceeded on her way, making
giHl run home. Mackay waa run over and killej
in the Southern Faoitlc yards ut Salem,
The iteauier Nicaragua, which hai
Junt arriveil in New York, lnnn the
newt of a diitant mm eartlup.iake in the
inland of Uuadaloiipe and Moiitncriut,
of the Leewarvl Koi1. '''e We.t In
die. One liuiidml ple Ut their
live, and the pioperty damage in enor
inou. Twelve hrick lioune in Ouada
lou, and ait in Moiitncrrat were de
niolmhed, and nt'ore of other cracked
and eaiuel hy the nliock.
A dead body i laahe. to the irta
davit in the atom of the hiMiner Oeii
eral 8i(lin, which ia belli: driven aim
lennly alniut in the North I'acillc tn-can,
110 in ilea went of the (jiiceu Char loll
ialanda, and dins tly in thentorm track,
a ihown in the pilot chart of the hy
drographlo offlce for May. The limp
form that bang on the davit i the
only thinf ahoard indicatiiiK the pant
occuncy of liuiuan beiiii. Thi wa
tha new tiruunht hy the aeuling . hinin
er Willard Ainaworth, that ha arrivrfi
in SeattU from a rruiaa to the north,
nd it plaoea kryoiid douht the fate of
Um Ueueraj.Blyliu auj Uioae aboard.
Mannann I'rgr Mupnloo of ProcMfl
liifa tlnl nhrrpownara.
Wunhingtoti, May 17. Comminioner
flvrruunn, of the general land office,
ha luhmitted to the aecretary of in
terior, a letter uiging the ruapennion of
legal pioceeliiKt growing out of the
C'uncude range rcaerve uoU The letter
aaya: ,
"It ha l;en represented to tbii ae
purtinent that greut hardhip and loa
Iiiin rennltcd to tho nhneajwiier of Ore
gon bi-caimn of their exclunion from the
Kruzing lund within the boundiiriei of
tln Caicade ramie forcit reaerve, ere
a ted hy the prfnident'n proidinnation of
September 28, thi4 the lari(e
arean of gru7.ilig lurid within "aid res
ervation have heen lined for year pant
an a general grazing ground, and th j
HheeHiWnerN are dependent thereon for
the ntiptxirt of their Hock during cer
tain neaxorm of the year; that the uit j
ilintitiied hy the government againnt j
certain partien to rent rain tbem from j
pasturing their nheep within the renerre i
are reprennive and unjimt, and relief ia ,
"A nin-ciul agent of thi office report j
that Judge Hcllingcr, on the ltltli tilt., I
in the United Stale circuit court for
the dmtrict of Oregon, overruled the
leiuurrer to the amended complaint in
the cane of the United State v. Tygh
Valley Land & Livcntock Oniipany,
n-taiiiiiiU liin former deeiHioii therein
fTU Fed. Hep., II '.K)), againnt mi implied
licenne to line niieh laiidn for panturage
piirpuven, and recognizing the right of
the cuverriinent to mil) to protect it
property from threatened injury. The
Hpeciul uyent ntate that the neveral
aen hroii'ht againnt variou pernon,
to which thin ruling upplie, will proh-
ihly he at inntic and ready for trial Home
time next month.
"In view of the leginlation now pend
ing (Senator I'etligrew' amendment to
the niindry civil hill) renn'cting forent
renerven in general mid their manage
ment, and the authority therein to he
given the Keeretary of tho interior "to
regulate their occupancy and une," mid
the prohalde early action of thu depart
ment on the nuhject. I think it would
he w ine to niiHpend, for the prenent,' i
lcg:il proceed i imn grow ing out of nhoep
panturitig within the CuHcude forent
"I therefore reniM-ctfiilly recomuinnd
that the attorney general la- reiiuented
lo inntriict the United State attorney
for Orcgtui to ntay all proceeding in
the ubovc-ineiitioued cane until fur
ther older. "
A 4hMlljr lleheamal.
I'axton, HI., May 17. Frederick
William llolmaii, who iH to lai hanged
tomorrow for the murder of Mr. Weib
koen lledden, on December 2, 1HUU,
ln-ll it drenn rehearsal .tlii uiorning,
and wan photographed on the gallow
iinii which lie into he hanged. He
linpen to nell enougli of the picture to
pay for nending bin Innly to (irand
Haven, Mich, mid have it buried henidu
the remain of hi wife. In addition
to the murder for which be in to die, in nupHined to have killed
other women. After being photo-,
.raplied, llolmun rchcamed a npeech,
which he ban prepared for tho gallow.
I ulfiitl Nlmitpa liniirarllealile.
WiiHhington, May 17. The move
ment to necure thcaidoptioii of a till i
vernal n.ntage ntamp by the mntal con-k'tei-n
ban collapned. There were tint
many dilllciilticn, the chief one being
that of currency lluctiiationn, in the
way of adopting nncli a ntamp, and the
general committee, after considering
the nuhject brielly, itbandoue it an im
practicable, and will make uu adverno
icKirt to the congren.
HMrrmitrnlo 'anla llryan.
Sacramento, Cal., May 17. The
lioipioin Club, of thin city, i milking
ntrcnuoiin cITortn to induce William .1.
Hi vim to Mop over one day iu thin city
while en route to Oregon. A committee
has been appointed to communicate
with the Nebraska orator, requesting
that he honor the capital oily with hi
pronciiee and uddie it people.
I Kill Train Derailed.
Kufala, I. T., May 17. A cattle
train jumped the truck a mile north of
here thin afternoon while running at
full xpeed. The engine turned bottom
up, and ten cam of cattle were derailed.
An unknown negro boy wa killed, and
1'etcr McCarily,' engineer; C. Overd,
liicman. mid two other men were badly
hurt. Fifty cuttle were killed outright.
Neten Killed anil Several Injured.
Florence, Ala., May 17. Thin after
noon, the tipple, ut the Pinkuey,
Tciiii., ore mine, almut twenty-live
miles fiom'heie, fell, killing sevcu
men mid badly wounding several other.
Communication with l'inkncy in cut
nil, and full paitieiilan cannot be hud.
1'hynh iann have left here for the ceuc.
A ew lan uf Hhurt l.lua llwuda.
New York, May 17. The directors
n( the Oregon Short Iiine Utah
Noithern railroad today authorized the
issue of noiicumulative income ttond,
seiic 11, to the amount of 000,000,
in accordance w ith the plan proponed
l y the icoiganixaliou committee.
Iinne hjr a t'lrebug.
Springfield, O., May 17. The Fund
eibuig mills ut New Carlisle were de
ntioycd hy lire shortly after midnight.
U'sn, .'iO.OOO. Itwaalh work of an
The ar In the l'hllllnea.
Madrid, May 17. An official din
patch fiom Manilla, I'hilippiue ialanda,
aiinouncen that the Spanish troop ep
tuicd Termite, mid that titty seven in
.indents wcie kilhsl. The Spaniarl
lost twenty the killed aud 'Hi
li-iulallon ut ' Irl timxla.
Umdon, May 17. In the common
today, the bill to prevent the importa
tion of goo.ln manufactured in foreign
prison pn"cd the hmiuI r'aduig.
r'orajth .tdvauved
Washington, May 14. The president
tolay noiiiinatei Hrigndier-Ocneriil
J.IIIH- Forsyth, in coinmiiiid of the do
: parlmeiit of California, to the vacant
major generalship canned by Wheaton's
j retirement Inst week. Forsyth, it i
; expected, w ill retire within a few day
' alter hin continuation, leaving the way
open (or the promotion to a major
j generalship of some other brigadier-
general . .w l'lc luovt'iuCiit will pixibably
end with Oeneral Hrooke fuccetsling
l-i-rnianciilly to the plac of niajor-gau-rL
A California Editor Anxious
to Be Imprisoned.
Meateneed to Eight Year fur Manslauh.
Ur, H leller Hlinaeirto th
Wardan of Han (uentlii.
f?an Francinco, May 17. W. A. Se-
horn, editor of the Willow Journal,
Olenn county, made a prenning apja-al
tmluy at San (jiientin to U- bn ke. up
for eight year for mminluughter.
"I have no warrant for your commit
meiit," naid Warden Hale, "and iniint
refuno your rerpient."
"Then I nhall ntay around here until
I am locked up," wa the reply.
Sehorn waited at the prinon till late
in the evening, hoping he would not
have, to npend another day outnide tho
witlln. At lant, he went to the hotel
near the prinon gaten, there to remain
until necennary paper for hi incarcera
tion are furninhed.
"I have liecn found guilty of nimi
nlanghter," Sehorn explained, "and a
tho eiiprcme court ha affirmed the de
cinion of the (ileiui county court, I
biiHteued here to nurrender mynelf.
My llrnt obligation in to my bondninen,
thone ginnl friend of III inn w ho Htinnl
by me in mv hour of trial. I want to
releiine them no they may not feel oil
can y ulamt me. That i the reiinon I
den ire to begin to nerve my aentence.
It may look ntraiige, my trying to break
into jail, hut I realize there are eight
long year for me within San tjiieutin'n
walla, und I am eager (o begin ut once
to nerve my time. It would look morn
natural for u man to atave it off un long
it Kinnihle, but in my cane I can have
no x-aec of mind till the punishment
Sehorn wa convicted of nhooting and
killing Dr. J. K. l'litnuin, a druggint at
Willow, two yearn nince. Sehorn ntill
maintainn that he nbot in "elf defenne,
or rather, with a ntrong conviction that
he wa defending bin own life in "limit
ing. Tw ice the jury ilinagreeil. On
the third trial, Sehorn wa found guilty
of manslaughter and neiitenced to eight
yearn' imprinonuient. I-ant Monday
the judgment wa ufllrmeil by the su
preme court,
Killed FiMir While Men and la Looking
for Mure lo Mhunt.
Kldorado Canyon, New, May 17.
An Indian cal lis I Ahvote nbot mid
killed two teamnter of the Southwest
ern Mining Company, named la-e
Franzen mid IlenJonen, on tho ore road
In twecii tho niine and the mill thi
iifteriUKin, mid then went to the cabin
of Chrintopher Neilson, a proHjMH'tor,
and killed him hIimi. The teaiiislein
left the mines thi afternoon on the
down trip, but did not arrive at the
, mill on time. Manager Charle (Jriicey,
ntipHiniiig they bad broken down, did
not BiiHKS't anything out of the way
until an Indian came in ulniut 0 1. M.,
and reported that Ahvote hud taken a
gun and might kill the tc.iniHtcrn.
Orucey ut once sent a man up on borne
hack. Six mile up the canyon, the
I latter found the team, while the bodies
of the teainntern lay on the ground near
their wagon. He returned and warned
the N'ople ut the mill. A. II. (Irn.-ey,
the foreman, drove fourteen men in a
wagon to the scene, and brought the
Innlie down to the mill.
Fraiir.eii had nevcral bullet holes in
hi body, and .louen one. A party
went to Neilson' cabin early thin
morning and found him dead in bed.
A Chinaman, just arrived. rcmrtn
that Charley Moiiaghan, who lived
alone on the bank of the river, wan also
shot dead in bed. It in feared that the
Indian ban several more victims who
live alonu on the route he probably touk
after killing the te.unslci.
More t'hlneae fur Nashville :tiitini.
Tucotua, Wunh., May 17. Collector
Saunders today received direction from
the secretary of the treasury to admit
the remaining nixty foui of the 114 Chi
nese IhiuihI for the Nashville cxponition,
who were brought here three weekn ago
uu the ntcauier Victoria. The telegram
from Washington s.iys that thin action
i taken Uhii the urgent reipiest of the
Nashville cxositioti ntliciaU. The
lirst fifty of the lot were sent Fast last
week, including the '.'til iivently admit
ted at San Francisco. Thin make HT.'i
Chinese already admitted for attendance
at the cxHnitiou, in addition to a con
siderable nuinla'r brought over by the
Canadian I'acillc line. The Chinese
have certiticaten entitling them to re
main iu the country one year after the
exopnitiou clones, but, like the Chinese
admitted on similar terms (or the At
lunta cxMsition, it is considered doubt
ful if they can be collected mid sent
back when their certificate expire.
F ilalnn at a Klrewurks Kn.-lory.
Cincinnati, May 17. There wan an
explosion ut the powder mills of the A.
U Hue Firewoikn Company, at Head
ing, IV, thin afternoon. Samuel Slier
boll wan fatally injured. Frank Mooie
mid tb-orge Huckciihruck were slightly
injured. These thnv were the only
one in the building when the explosion
occurred. The lo wan only $:l0v.
Wanta linntngea for Titrtur.
San Francisco, May 17. Thomas
Keynoldn brought suit tivlay to nver
.'0,000 damages from Cliaric llcrrold,
Henry la-ppidd and William Kiordun.
The suit giows out of the action of tlio
defendants some month ago in hanging
Keyuold up in a bam to make him
confess lo the burglary of Herrold's
blacksmith shop on tin- San Itruno road.
Keyuold was convicted hy a jury and
is now nerving a term in the elate
Ile fi.r the Tariff Kehal.
Wiishiiik'ton, May 17. The vnato
comuiiltiv on tinainv reaclml an under
standing today hy which it wa prac
tically ugrcod thai the dejute on the
tuntt bill should Kvin Monday, the
U4th int. 0 Senator Aldrich will call
up the bill Thursday of next week for
the purpose ,.( making statement.
There will hp no further effort to get
the bill up until the following Monday.
Thi coliceesion wa made out of defer
ence to the WMshes.of the lVimvratic
tnember. and leeiis. of the delay in
getting comparative uteiueiit ta
Theodora Durrani Make HI Appeal to
Oovarnor Build.
Sacramento. May 17. -An PK1 for
the life of TheoJore Durrant, the con
dernned murderer of Blanche Lamont,
wa bnJay heard in the court of jat
resort. Governor liudd at in filial ,
Judgment in the case, and Eugene:
Deuprev, attorney for Dorrant, argued
eloquently for the lif of hi client. i
The governor listened to the argument
in ileiice, and only once did he hor
sny sign of br-ing impre---1. Thut wa
when Attorney Deuprey uked him to ,
oompare certain writing "f Ifev. Dr.
Gihaon with the writing " the pack-
Sge pent by the murderer to the mother
of hi victim. The governor scrutin
ized the writing closely, and asked to
be given the original" for comparison. :
Durrant' attorney had come pre
pared to Ppring a sensation in the case
by producing a document, purporting
to le a contend i S l" W"""1'"
convict named John l:oeiiburg, that
he wa the murderer of lllanche La
mont, and Durrant had nothing to do
with the cae. The alliy-d confession
was Introduced, hut w. devoid "f '"
fluence, owing to the f i t that the gov
ernor bad leurned of tlm matter, and
hud ascertained jmsitively that John
Itoserihurg did not uirive in California ,
until seven months uf:-r the crime wan
The governor said nothing that would
give an intimation of what he would
do in the case, nor did be show thut he
wa particularly impressed hy uny ar-
' gumciit that was advanced.
' Averaged Nearly Nrvenleen Klinls on
Her Trial Trip.
! Hridgcsirt, Conn., May 17. "The
fastest vessel of her clan in the world."
' wan the verdict accorded by the otlicern
at the conclusion of the "s-cd trial of
the new guubout Nashville tmlay on
Long Isl.iud sound.
The speed reipiired by tho govern
ment wan 1 .'1.07 knot. The average
speed made by the vessel wan li!.7tl
knots, making an exces of n-ed very
near three knot. With u bonus of
' $.'0,000 for each excess knot, thin
: means a total of ftiO.OOO for the huild
' er.
The time for the thirty mile out
' wa 1 :!).VHil. The elapsed time for the
second run was l:4S:ltt. The gunboat
Nashville, Wilmington mid Helena
were provided for by act of vongress
approved March :i, IMC!, and in Janu
ary of the year following their building
' wan awarded lo the Newsirt News
Shipbuilding Company, of Newport
News, Va. So thoroughly have they
carried out their contract that, not
only have the vessels Won the highest
praise for their workmanship, tiui-li
and performance, but their excess de
velopment of speed ha already netted
the contractor the snug bonus of
A Hill ltrirled In the s.nsle lir
Washington, May 17. Senator
i linger reported in the senate today me
bill for the regulation of vivisection in
the District of Columbia, unanimously
adopted hy the senate committee uf the
District of Coliiinlua. providing, tiist,
fur the line of anaesthetic in all pain
ful cxieriniciits on living invertebrate
' animals, the no -called inoculation ex
periments, tests of drugs and medi
cine, and cases of iccoveiy from sur
gical procedure being t-xpicscdly ex
einpted from this requirement; second,
for the licensing of all experimenter
by the district counui-sioucr, except
those who are duly authoi ied otliceis
of the government; thud, for the pro
hibition of vivisection iu the public
schools, and in exhibition for the gen
eral public; fointh, for the inspection
of nil place of expcnnieiit by inspect
orn to 1 appointed l y the president of
the United States.
Iled Trllla In s,. Ollirra.
Oakland, May 17. Samuel W. Km
inon. a Siutheru I'.i, itic tl.ignian, sac
rificed bin life lod.iy while warning u
group of versoiis at the pier of un ap
proaching train. The accident occur
red at the wagon cio-sing un the mole,
just neyond the ea-tein approach to tin
big depot. A p.niy of four men
walked along the ioelw.iv, not noticing
the nppioaeh of a train In his anxiety
to save them from accident, Kmmoii
did not observe a I. sal tram that was
backing down, and stepped aside to
avoid another tr.un right in front of
the local. The on the rear
car yelled, but Mtuck the whiie-huin-d
flagman with teiritic force,
fracturing hi skull. He fell in such a
way that the wl Is only caught his
right foot, nthciwisc he would have
been mangled horribly.
Finmons, who is i;s war old, was
conveyed to the receiving hospital, but
never recovered ihbi '.iii.h,..
Kent lo Jell rur l ilthlurM.
San Francisco, M.iv I ;. W. It.
Hiadhury, a hn-ul luillioinuie, was to
day sentenced to twenty-four hunts' uu
pilsoniiieiit in the (Minity j ul for vio
lating the civic ordinance prohibiting
expectorating on the floor of street
cats. This was Hradbury's second
offense. He claim the privilege of
pitting when and where he pleases a
an inalienable American privilege, and
&iii .... i . . . i . -
win in.ise les i case oi in punishment.
FhiUdclphu, May 17. Kx-I.stm.i.
ter John Wiinaniaker, at a ban
Hiiet of the Husincs Men' U-aguue,
this evening, made a remaikihle
ui'inIi on national und ntate politic.
After commenting on the failuie f
promised ptop,.rity to appear in cense
u,uetuv ,.f rrcsident McKinlcy's elec
tion. Wiinaniaker said that the low
state to which the political religion o(
the nation w.ts brought hy unscrupul
ous boss,-, mu,t eventual ' rcault in a
new party.
j rrutr.Ui., a, tn( nglry lull,
! Fails. May 17. The syndical cham
ber of textile and daperie has ad
drvned a communication to th Uuiie-I
Slates js. luting out the dangers
the Dingley taritT involves to the in
dulr and the trade of the whole world.
s' r'liirlda Senator.
j Tallah.isse. Fla., May 17. Stephen
K. Malloty was' Unitv States
senator today on the S.Mh ballot.
j It i estimated that S. 000.000 ton of
1 pure silver x-e held in oluljli ty all
ilii wau-r ut lU earth.
The Government Waking Up
to Their Condition.
Mr. Aal.. ' " K,,"U ,U ""
,.r,..del Ih. Tru """
Thai I're.all 'he I.U'"'-
Washington. May l.;.-T'-'-
n.dden an lvnden. outbreak '' '
. i . i the cmito , au i
..tntinieiit K'lay t "I ' ,
during the early the drift of
,,,, wa- strongly toward apecdv
a i radical a, Hon by both eongr-r. and
tbe ut later there w as some
what of a reaction ,.,n it .,... J
knnwnthat the president while keen y
alive to the situation, and anxious
learn everything ,..ibl that could
guide his conduct of our uban and
Spanish relation-. t-X that further in- ,
formation wa- n- ary. and for the
immediate pr,-e.,t the ...e,t.on wa
not oi f recognition of the bediger- :
snrv or iudepede, f the I uban m- ;
-urgent, but of relief f,.r the
citiz.-nn, destitiit-; and h-lpless In the
towns f thel'earlof tlm Antille.
The foreign relation committee, it
should In-stated, while agreeing Us.n
the nece-sitv of relief for the suffering
.ni. ric..i,s, is favorable to more radical
measure-, and a number of its ineiu
her are earnestly de-iron of instant
action bv tl lecutiw in aid of the
Hisiirgen's, but have not succeeded in
, wiling the administration to their
view- that present action inappropriate
and ive.
Tin- ewnt of the day was a report to
their colleagues by a sulKMiniilittee
which ye-terday examined the state de
partment's Cuban repmtn. Thin state
ment, though not given lo the public,
was ... f ir .lis. Iie-ed ill character an to
give i;-e lo a g'ssl deal of excited com
meiit anioi g senator and members.
The report, based Um facts present
ed hv the United states consul in
Cuba', it is sl(id, brings out in strong
relief the destitution which exists not
only among the Cubans, but among
Americans and paeiticos now in the inl
ands who were driven from their farms
and into the towns by Weylei's orders,
nil I are thereby prevented from sup
(sirting themselves.
Forneveial days pa.f, the nuhj.rt
matter of thi icport has Is-en under
,sel--ioi iplietly lllllollg II few of the
friends of Cuba in congress, and they
have o-t no oppiriunity of impressing
upon the president their convictions
that it is hi- diltv, s the chief execu
tive, to delay no longer in taking active
leps to terminate the present condi
tion ol affairs in Cuba. These lepie
setiiatioiis. however, have not liecn nut
ticicut to in luce h.i-ty action. The
president is moving steadily ami with
ull speed that safety and sound judg-I
tin lit w.iiraui iu the collection of fact
ton. hing the conditions that exist iihiii i
the island tislay. To Ibis end, Mr. Cal
houn is now in Cuba, officially on an
other ini-sion. hut also charged with
the oli.ctvatiou of the conditions that
prevail. When lie has reported to the
i lent and the latter has obtained
what he regaids as a sufficient store of
inform it ion. based on facts that cannot
In-ipiesliotied. he w ill be ready either
to take himself, oi to suggest to con
giess, such action as these fa,- war
rant. Meanwhile, he has under considera
tion the best menus of affording relict
to Amei icaun siitlering as a result of
the condition on lite islands.
Today, the president saw, by up
t 1 1 ii t ltn-ii t , Kdwin W. Atkins, of Bos
ton, who is largely interested in Cuban
sugar plantations. Mr. Atkins gave
him a faithful pictuie of the ivonoini,
conditions that prevailed in Havana
and in other parts of the island when
he left.
roiiilnlllf e'a ltenrl.
The senate cmiimittiv on foreign re
lations today had the Cuban question
under consideration on the basis of the
subcommittee appointed yesterday to
confer with the president and Secre-,
boy Sherman. The icport was pre
pared by Davis and Foraker, Republi
can iiicmhcts, Morgan, the Democratic,
member, declining to participate in it. j
The report consisted of a concise
statement of th,. contents of official re
ports from the American consul in 1
Cuh.i, bunging information lip to with
in a week. This icport confirm the
newspaper reports a to the situation
on the island, and even goes farther in
depicting the deplorable situation than
do must uf the newspaper stories. K
pecial stiess is laid upon the condition
of American citizen. It is positively
stated that hundreds are in u starving
condition and wretchedly clothed.
Deaths me daily refuted. Americana
me scut te.c. I iii all parts of the inland,
and are shown no consideration what
ever bis-.iuse of their American citizen
The American are generally person
who reside on the plantation,' but who
have been driven from their homes to
the towns, and, being among strangers
and without employment, are compell
ed to subsist uu aliuust nothing. They
arc not allowed to return to their plan
tations, even to pick berries or secure
the least article of subsistence. They
aie theoretically under the care of the
Spanish army, but the army is without
commissariat. They have no mean
of leaving the island. Their condition
is pronounced wholly deplorable.
The committee was especially impress,-1
with this recital, and the opin
ion w a generally expressed that tht
situation should he remedied, if
hie. It was considered a placing even
u worse asturt Uhmi the question of out
relations with Cuba than the imprison
ment of Ameri -an, of which there vr
now comparatively few instances.
The report also indicates a gonerallv
wretched condition of all the inhabi
tant" uf the island, because of scarcity
of focsl and money, csj-iallv in tin
centers of population, and Uvau-eslso
of the pressure of the ,,.o-t malignant
disease., such as yellow fever, small
jvx an I dysentery.
The report indicate that the Span
lh army is not so strung now a it was
a year ago, largely on account of these
ravage, while they indicate no dirain.
lit ion of the insurgent force. The re
port were from variou eon.uls, lu
eluding Lonsul-liHosral U.
i i , Mav 17. Ex-ei-t for the
(i l- ,r.,p, remain in Do.i.oko. tbe
llkk,'( c',... "..fine's ""'i-YE
U1,h)rin to Lamifl. where it will be
" c ler communication with Uenml
.,.ki Thi probably explain
a, lumber of Kdhcm Panbs .
tM.p have been rm, Tr Ik
l. to Vol,.. Without doubt the re
fute of the feist of Dairam.s very wel
,..,. to the fatigued men.
The fighting in Kpiru lis Wn nn
,(.ci.1Ve. It i believed that N ICopollS
j, not yet captured, but only the
height commanding the town. The
. " . i .i ,.f irivimr Droleo-
lireek maoe " ' .
lion to the peasants, hut theyev.den ly
l ad information as to the reasons for
he apparent of the Turk. i n
Ffirua. Thin in the seventh time the
(ireek have uttempled to advance to
janimi and have w ith 'H
which the Turk have never followed
"'h vid.-iitlv there i wunething wrong
with the Turki-h force at that po'".;
The n nt reis.rt that a nninlM-r of
ofllcei were taken from Jai.ina to Coii
siai.linople in chains may -rh:ip ex
plain it 1'onsihlv Turkey is holding
h.-r forces there through fear of a move
ment from liulgaria.
The Mliiatlmi t plli-aled.
Guidon. May 17. The correspondent
of the Times at Athens says: There-
siuupti f otTerisive ojnMation in
Kpiiu gieatlv complicate the situa
tion and t-nd to hamper the negotia
tion for -ace. The evident intention
uf the ireek cotumaiidoi k is lo capture
the Turkish .sitionn there in order to
show that they have not been defeated.
Iu an inteiview fnlay. -M. Ifalli, the
premier, repeated hi statement that
hunianilaiiaii motive are reniible
for the advance in Kpirus, but he did
nut deny the advantage which might
he hoped for from the capture of Pre
versa and the tn-cilpatioll of the adjoin
ing Turkish teiritoiy.
"We are still at war," he said, "ami
until an armistice in concluded recce
retain- her liberty of action. We can
nut allnw our activity to he confined to
The-saly.wheie the Turk are predomi
nant. The siwer have hindered us
hum acting in Crete, but (ireece cannot
be barred everywhere nor compelled to
resttict her operation ton limited area.
"We have dune our best to obtain an
armistice, and until it is accorded u,
we inii-t act where and when we can.
If we have not already prosivilteil the
war at variou s.ints and among the
il.inds of the Fgean, it in only Isvaune
we have taken into consideration the
sufferings to which the (ireek impiila
tion might In- subjected."
The government apparently think
that a renewal of the war will hasten,
instead of ictard, the armistice. Thin
calculation may prove to lie correct;
but it in more likely that Turkey will
seize on it a an excuse for delaying
the armistice mid will deal a crushing
blow in Thessaly.
t llesierale KllKNgeltlent.
Arta, May 17. Desperate fighting
has Is-en in progress all day near Fil
lipinda. Two brigade of Urccks, with
many guns, two companies of sap poem
and a squadron of cavalry, attacked the
Turks, who were almost without artil
lery. The (treekn forced the lirst Turki-h
line of defense, hut met with a
stubborn resistance at the second. In
several places the bayonets were no
close to the camion that the former
could not he ued. The buttle ntill
continues us this dispatch i being sent.
Secreti-,1 a Nulary Hill.
Salt Lake, Mav 17. A special to the
Tribune from Helena, Mont., says:
Secretary of the Senate John Hloor wa
convicted today by jury of having se
creted the "nalaijr dijj'' fco prevent its
passage the l;r ii'iglut (the session,
and the puui-iine?:; vai fined at one
year's impi i-nii i-ii, i. W was denied
further bail and i tioi Sn jail. The
bill in question tirv rpsercd both house
the last day, but wan never signed by
the speaker of the bouse. It would
have cut dowti (the rrjaries of the coun
ty officers und thcimm'ber mid salaries
of the deputies J'ei cent.
HlgM .: a Half t enia for Wool,
llcpivr. Or,, U- 17. The largest
indivi Irtal elm of Wool in thin county,
Isdotigins: u William I'enland, about
4-.'' sack- iir-ie-,Htli:g 150,000 pound,
was sold about u mouth ago, the terms
of sale being made public tislay. The
purchase price was H'.3 cent per pound.
Mr. IVnland's clip last season sold fur
cents a pynnd. Thi wool w ill be
haled and shipped Kant the first of
next week. Frank Lee, of San Fran
cisco, in the buyer. There in about
1,000,000 pounds of w,miI now in the
warehouses here. The qiiulity is e.
Til Meel the Comuimi Hanger.
Vienna. May 17. At a convention
of Austrian maufaclurer today, it was
resolved to call um the government
to undertake to conclude international
agreements with the European powers
Uh a view "of effectuallv meeting the
common danger to European cconoinv
arising from the prohibitive tariff puj.
icy of the I'nited Slates."
Kraiih Knilialmliig Flnlil.
llnrlington. Iu., May 17.-Willim
Wat and I hurles Feioenhiire, brick
yard employe, are near death' door
from drinking embalming tliii.l. Lat
b'ght a farmer named Uracil came to
tow n foracm,,. He go, dnmki ,,
hi way home he and the coffin and
ii J'iK-containing embalming fluid were
throw,, fiom the wag,,,,. The brick
aid men rescued Hrael, and hi ,,,111.1,
,"" T0""1 which they ,n.
; sisc,l contained whisky.
Terrible liallw.y
St- Petersbnr,. M.,y K.A ,rrible
m ay dnvister befell ,e militarv
ran. la-t evenmg between Eliva and
oskenhaven. on tl,e Valkie Juriev
Hue. mji,,, ,-ars Were stasl,l. TVo
em:v,s and nearly m M
N,U...,,xty other were seriously
Hf.l) hlne.e Loaa.
M?-v 1T A prelitninarv
of N.l,tHi0,0l0 wa
-fired .Hr icday j,, Lcl.U ol" a British
. ir-J-saUj,
Evidence of Steady Gro
and Enterprise.
Froia All lbs Cltlea aud toM
lbs Thriving Sl.i., ,UUj
Oreg no.
Fourteen wagon ,,. l)(
received at MihuIv's i
Dalles, lust Week fro,,, ,, i'
The Linn County i'ii ii,(-,.ra '.
tiou will bold it aii;,i re,,"
lirownsvillo this year, June J
I 11. ' '
Wall Marsh, of Centerville, yttu
ton county, wras badly hruim,! tnj' 2
eral of his ribs broken, bv a Dogi, J"'
bull. '
Tbe telephone line U-ing bujjt ,
tween Forest Urove and Hillnrjuu
Anton Pfanner will, it u expecM ?
in operation in about a week,
A delegation of CinatilU hi.
have been visiting D.iker City in "
of deer bides, from which tlxt-y
fact u re moccasins and glovei.
Cattle riding will .m comment.
Poplar, in Grant county, us g nunitw
of steers are contracted for May drj,.
cry, besides some stock cattle,
Jackson county ban a woman nuii.
carrier, Mrs. Vol Stiekel, of LV,
Point, who will carry the mail bt
that point and Uig Untie thin ummer.
Old settlers on the lower Siuilaw, ig
Lane county, say that growing en
and fruit trees have not ltrnknl b,
lino a condition as they are now iukt
nine years.
A clergyman of Medford Im tnrt
liaise eight Chinese jiln-n-mits, oni?ci.t
and seven hens, near 1'hiH-nix. Kjorts-
men are recpuesteil not to molest thtrt.
but to allow thu species to increase.
The recent warm weather Inn g-wit
reduced the quantity of srmw inij,
mountains in Grant county, ninlmicj
streams that have heretofore Kvn or
fordablo can be crosseil without Jin,
Sixteen liundnsl bead of sheep trt
sheared ill Lava, Crook county, Us
week, and 1,100 bead nmre sill
sheared there the latter part of tl
month. The flocks are in good cmii.
The bridge across the Walls Walla
river on the Upper Walla Wallinni
near Brow n s null, in I mat ilia cwir,,
has again been repaired hy theonunrt,
mid the contractor s.iys it is as n-cj
as ever, and will not for some timet
materially affected by llixsl.
Not long ago a borne hclnngingtei
Dalles man was taken to the tiliic-
tnn side to pasture, hut he mun pn
tired of his surroundings, und rewlrsl
to beat bis way back to hi home. Alut
making a number of attempts to boH
the steamer anJ bi-ing prevented wA
time, be plunged into the water, rutt
ing the opposite side only a short d
tiince Ix-low tho landing, none tht
worse from bis rough experience.
Kittitas county warrant are (fllicj
at 3 cents.
An agent is in Tort TuwnsenJ look
ing for a location for a colony of fir
era IaUl Ohio.
Dftring April the treasurer of Sp
kano county receivtiif loo.iiod, sihmi!-
bursed $140,720,
Under the new school law in Wssb
ington elections will occur on tlie ser-
ond Saturday in June,
! The contract for building the Fr
: dule-Bliiiue road in Whatcom wm?
! bus Ik'cii let, for 12,US4
Government Engineer Clapp fl
, that the work done iu improving Gnji
harbor has already resulted in M
good to the harbor. ,
Tho rpnidnnts of Clallam ColintTtil
petition tho postal department for
dailv mail service along the M1
from Port Townsend.
1 A srvcro earthquake slnn'k wm W
' in Waterville one night lt '
; The vibrations lat.'l 1 j or 20 Moot
and woke many people.
drnninicr. with fivers
nt.i Imnli. nil, I lis Iii-IIiV storif f lt-'
other ilruninier, was working li"'1
in North Yakima last week.
i Tbn SnriiiurVeok Creamery Comf-wT
started lip its creamery in Ellonsbors
the first of this month The (vtm.
:.. . i n.. r nun imilli'B
in prepareu vu iiwieiiv - i
milk daily.
I A good road club ha been forme.1
I North Vakimaby the wheelmen,
considerable money has ls""i ?n
for the purpose of putt .l.isNaU-lirt
nue in condition for bicyciiun-
Company A and battery B,
., have decided to keep up t hei
ganiiation, in spite of the """' '
priation made by the last I""1
and will meet necessary cvpeu"
A successful operation of skin f ,
ing was pi-rtorniea at i"- - - - -rv,
hospital in '
Tacomn, me oun-.
father of a Birl from PuyuUiipni"1''' ,
. i
the cuticle to replace a )
from his daughter,
n.. i . . . iiiin in
in op"
mere are nve logging r
at ion on Ostrander creek. i
county, two Having Biaio ' -r ,,
The creek was cleared of "lllk
last wwk, the first time in ,0,'r-
The work was done wiui -
and steel cable, . bu
State Su()eriiitendciit Hrj
decided that women a w ell
must register lor scikkh e--
exnense of the registr.i i""
home by the school ;,1",n,,'V r0ft,v
registration done ry no- e-
as in the cao oi men. .
Fire broke out at the ;1U ),..
Palmer tunnel in Loom s
The office, blacksmith I'"P.
buildings were destroyisl.
employes losing their l',''1''7('i,,y-t
and other valuable. T '" wji
The tunnel , ml''
The S.attle Times nay . ejl
prising discovery ba ''7.'" jt r
while the sugar beet I'M. ( lt,lts'
the rei-ent legislature. l"'",v1' ,),, f
bounty should be paid n"-' t;,
dncer received not les? j pre
t9r bis beets, tbe law- enro"'
tides for a bounty on b tl