The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 22, 1897, Image 4

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    tiugcno City Guard.
Weather IsiJirailnoi for I he .Ntil Ten
Foster's lant bulli-llu gavt forecasts of
llio lor in wave to cross the continent
from HUtto Z'AU mid he says the
next will reach the I'Mcidc coast About
-C lli, crisis the went of I toe k let country
by clime of 27th, nrvt central valleys
2X1 li to 3Hh, Kasleru states Slut.
Warm wave will crime the tint of
Itockics country about 20th, (treat ceil
trul taltevs 2Mth. Fnstern alalea .'tfll l
Why liai ho changed front on tucb Cool wave will cross the wis- of I tuck
an irnt.ortant rjui'Htiun? I le country about iMtli, r-at central
Is it becaupiihe holds hank Block vlly Eastern states June 2.J.
in a National hank. ,.r,.w.. H-.l 1'cmi.eralurB of (he we.-k eiidm ..t .v .. Myliin-eWow,r..,ul lu'IVx
..... , T.,.vn jrar (,,M,ut , ,,,., hike and III the
will ui j rcciato in value by reason north Atluntlo Mate, at the north of
of the maintenance of tho Binfle Washington. In all llier districts
"IX (iOM)."
The statement has been publicly
made that lr Chajiman cauie to
the University of Oregon an ad
vocato of free coinage of silver, but
has changed to a pronounced ad
vocate of the single gull standard.
gold standard which lower all
other value when com tared with
that of gold 7
Dt Chapman' J3000 a year will
the temperauire of the week Will lie
mIhuiI normal.
Hall). all ofth" week will be about
normal in Texan, lower Mississippi
vahey an ubout the uniier lake. In
now buy more of the products of other district the rainfall will be de
labor, food, elrithipir uln ll... n Ilcl-til,
tiiousand would have purchaned
five years ago. J)r Chapman may
have changed hi views on this
great qucMtion of political economy
to suit his rsonal interests. He
has a fixed salary that will appre
ciate in value while all other in
vestments and products rmixt de
crease in value, comparison being
made on a gold Mandurd basis.
Ur Chapman is president of the
".School of Law" connected with
the Univer-ity. Tho admission
fee to that department of tin uni
versity work is in conformity with
the financial views of this recent
convert to gold standard ideas.
The new catalofuo says "the tui
tion fee is sixty dollars (in gold
per session."
I'oor silver! It has not only lost
the friendship of this f 3000 a year
professor, but i not good enough,
to carry a hard working student
through the school that will fit him
for practice of the honorable pro
fession of the law.
TAXKS NOT I' It OS I' kit 111'.
Judge Kobt T Hough, Solicitor
of Internal Keve'nuo by appoint
ment from Cleveland, has resigned
although a warm personal friend of
resident McKinley, and had re
ceived assurance of continuance in
office for several months at least.
He gives tho following cogent rea
sons for his resignation:
"1 find myself at. variuneo with
what seem to bo tho policy of the
administration. I believe in the
free and unlimited coiiiHge of both
gold and silver at the ratio of 10
to 1 without the consent of any
other nation on earth, and I can-
.it .i I
not oenevo mat Heavier toxej upon K Ituascll
our jM'oplo can or will bring any April
permanent prosperity to our ih-o- Ju,"' I'arvin
pie. It Hcems to me tbu the con- . J!'.'r" " 1
.Hi;...- fir i i J W Htcwart, supplies for liau-
dil.o.m of hfe grow harder every rr, Haime-I 0 00, allowed
day, and, while tho masses of cur C i ('limi, supplies for pauper
toiling Immunity beg for relief, I'Kl'roner w-xid for pan, ere
nothing is being done to help them; r work on ferry 2 00
and somen men I fear that a much ,'! T
t ... . " llhrow "
longer continuation of the single j uhrow "
gold standard will endanger if not h Ashley
ties troy our civilization."
CouiiiilnHioDtr Court.
In the matter of the Middle Fork
and Pine Opening roai. Fred Wai tier,
i'aul lirlMlow and J 11 Hill appointed
vieweis and C M Collier surveyor.
E O Potter, Judit salary (or
April W 05
a H 1 M lemon, treasurer salary
for April 41 05
C H Hunt, superluteadent salaiy
for April 6o oo
A J Johnson aherill salary for
April IUU 05
C It Kcott deputy slirrltr salary
for April 75 (K
A (' Jennings clerk salary for
April 100 Ki
V I. (J.bba deputy clrrk aalary
for Ap II 75 00
K.ltoweii ferryman aalary for
April 15 00
(Irani Ileiidilcks firry man sal
ary lor April 14 00
Ira M( Farlan.l Janitor I 25
May 0.
Henry Wood laiutity on coyote
scalp 2 00
Oil Ware bounty on coyole
seal it 2 00
O (i Wilkinson iMilinty on cou
Kitr wain 2 00
Til Met lane bounty mi cougar
County warrant No 47SI for f S 31 for
Ifavel allowed October 7, Istsi can
In the matter of the Middle Fork
and Pine Opening road; Fred Warner,
IV u I llristotv and J It Hill appoint
viewer and C M Collier surveyor.
H Ii Long, ferry supplier 1! 35
A H l'litternoii, atatiouery sup
A C WiMiilitK'k, examining own
eralilp isioks r 00
C M Collier, examining owner
ship hook 6 00
K It Nklpworth, examining own
emblp tHMiks A Ot)
LTHarria, deputy dUtrict at- Murry reform i ehool t 5 00
care of pauper
Is1) 00
sup lie lor pull-
4 00
4 Ml
1 7
J W Key
J A Allen " "
K M llo't ermaii " "
A Leamaid " "
FA I "oat " "
J2 50, allowed
2 00
2 (HI
2 00
1 60
1 o0
1 oil
I 00
1 50
I oO
lno advantage of having an Ore
L'llll limn in n i,iiuil,u. I tl...
, vp.wui. ... uie , rolu,r Wifk () ft
.... ... .ruiieiit uas Fiank IVkI work on ferry with
.i. i i . . i "
mitiuij iiccrueu. omiiiissioner team 12 00
Hermann recommends tlint ll n Air. I Win Hiueml work on ferry 125
1 25
2 50
2 50
2 50
2 60
2 60
2 60
2 00
2 00
1 00
uo oo
5 25
2 00
1 25
1 00
nier order forbidding pasturage of l"r Mllllean
atock on the Cascade 'forest reserve p'lT""
ou revoKcn entirely, or so modified
ns to permit pasturage under regu
lations prescribed by the depart
ment. Commisriouer Hermann is
w are of ti e big job behind this
forest reaerve business, and is not
willing to be mule a tool of in tho
prosecution of unollending sheep
men. This forest reserve fraud
should be repetled.
The demand of over seven hun
dred New York business nion, call
ing on the United Stat,- govern
ment to intervene in the Cuban
war, should be heeded. The fair
island lies at our verv doorway and
the commonest dictates of humanity
should impel us to end the useless
bloody conllict. The verv name of
Spain of itself is enough to unite
all b.vers of freedom and liberty
ll sympathy with the revolution.
The expected has happened.
Russia ban shown her hand and
further humiliation of Hreeie will
be prevented. Russian diplomacy
is not so dull a to allow a prob
able ally and natural friend struck
down and fatally crippled when
she can prevent it by a word.
Rost burg lays claim to being the
best si da wler town in the state.
It don't take a back seat, eitt er,
when statii-tu's are taken akut the
tuff that is often used with soda.
I ley
J Klllol " "
T Donaldson " "
P Hellknap " J'
W Whltsell "
11 W Millleaii " "
W Craig " "
M Craltf " "
J W Shumate, feiry lupphe
Jame Witlirow work on ferry....
F. M K'lwerman horse drowned
at MeKeiir.le fer.y
Wat llayden work on firry
David Potter " "
Ortle DelUtmp " "
Jack IK lo " "
Too, Yaughaii " "
C II IV-cker " " and
J M Witlirow work on feny
J T leailmond " "
Dototi " "
Pete Ashley " "
Fred Kaaloii " "
1'b at u I Hill lu-in.
May 17.
Fine hower.
Road work I on hand.
V L lirhtow expects to start Friday
for Pine Openings.
Prof Re id's sou and daugbb r visited
with Mr McKenzi- and family over
A hack load of Kndeuvorers went to
Eugene last week to attend the state C
K convent on.
Ham Park ha sold hi luterirt In
the blui khinlt I shop to hi brother
W L lirihtow- bus been apiointed
administrator of the estate of Marion
Robiuelt ol Crtawtll.
Mr I) W llrldges lias tsen inite
sick for the part few week , t ut Is
grow ing Utter at tlil w riting.
The unveiling of the inotiiliueiil o
the late Luciau Palker will be held by
tbe W of W on the 30lli day of May.
(Jijite a number of Woodiie-u are ex
H-cted to be present. State Senator
Hon Ii F Mulaey, of Polk county, will
deliver the oration.
The annual picnic ha been set for
June 12th. No pain will bo spared
to make the day Interesting. All
aland from abroad; are invited to
come and furnish the people with the
good thing of the day. It will be
known a the "Cltixcua" picnic.
Oheat Caesak
Walterviile Item.
May l'.
Road are good, grass I looking
nicely and caruper have liegiri to deck
I he bank of the
Dr Russell was visiting hi patients
hero yesterday.
David Rrooks expects to spend a few-
weeks at the spring tills lummrr.
Oscar Milllcau has taken hi cattle
lo hi mountain ranch.
Mis Vaughan, who has been
visiting with her sister, Mrs J W Shu
mate, ha returned to her home in
Mrs Luckey, of KaU in, is visiting
with Mrs J W Shumate.
Sol Poison ha charge id the feriy
Mr (' II Decker left last week for
, wan. tony that I am not so umcl, interested
,.f (lie Orcek. and Turks a. I am In lie na t. r . t Informing
peoplcf tin. vicinity that I have added a lineol
.w I lats,
I !(..! fit ii I (ielltH Str
I loslery,
Tl iretn I.
Nei.-.lle!-i OH' 1,1 'ill's.
.Not Ions, I0te..
Which are marked at prices that make sales
Call and be convinced that this is not idle talk
Highest market price paid for produce
W.V7.CHESSMAN, - Sppingfield,OrcQon.
L1 ki. H I
t7 frt
Hy nsiac Dr. Peon's
tellow ert Fills.
Ilii wuU'ler.ul rriuedr
...-..?. .11 w .I:m-s. uc - w raa .in inuty. i ui Fwrr. HeiKUi-he. W akcM.ue-s, L.-1 Mah.-l. tgM l-mis-
iioiii, NnvuusnrM, clriii, !.. of y ' m CrncuUvc uifesiis uf
th-r ri rsux-.l ly o trlin, in.rui ro..i., '
t .Ucco, opium or mmiilst.u. whiil) If.. J M ll rm:iv, t noinipo ..11 or
Inuiiy. Can berarricil in T'-t t'Xkri. loop-rli . b f r f ly nol
pwpaiif. Cin uL.r Frrr. SoLi I v nil iluiirituH. A-k f .r ii : lake no i.lln r.
Manulartiirr. ly Iht Iviiu Mr.lirine ... .. I':.ri Kranw. Lane Kail
Itiut Cu.,ainribuiiiigai;rul. 'i'li.rj an J Yamhill St , J'ortlaml, or
Osl.uru iuenls I lii! , eaiill.
! Shoes!
"Oregon Ci'y" Logyer Shoss $4.00
emoval Sale,
Commencing April 8th,
We will sell many ll,,... f
at coat. Our present quarter,
not ante enough r.. , f !
- a
We 'liall move ,( (he .
double roo.n u,lj,,,Ml u, JJJ
I be l )U of Msy, ami until that
lime almll make, priiva ,.
line of alloc that will im.u
move pay yon.
Thei are tln
lo uliii nriirli nil
wtilrti wuil.'fvrtMii
Hull. I'lMV
lnwiT lliftri tt v
I.OMK!'. . . .
The HuccesKful Applicant'.
First Krade: FH Day, Ja J Km
iiioiih. Second grade: W T Ferry, Wlnlield
Wilson, i: .nier Jordan, Wal:.T
IIoIIhihI, M K Kd wards, Jessie I
llolloway, llulda V lluydeii.
Third grade: l.lllie J Taylor, Italpli
Taylor, Mr Jane l'o well, ('has Mish-
lei, Annie ltrovnlee, Clara Ilager,
Clius Horn, Nettie Holler, (leo V.
Tliere were 4'J applicant for county
papers, " dropped out and li success
ful. There were live applicants for
stute diploma, but their paier have
not yet Uen llillslied.
The Shoe Dealers.
I niiy Item
A Illii Dill K -A Corviillis dis
patch say: There Is'uucli activity
here In gathering cattle for the big
drive that w ill leave Fuene about
June I, for the Fast. Himmi A Co
ait) buying -IHO head, of w liicli 'MM are
to lie hhipped by rail. Tlie rest, all
yearling and 2-year-olds, are to lie
driven through to Wyoming. It is
exiected that the drive, will reach
Wyoming in September. It costs fl
a head to ship, and the driver figure
that the baud can be driven for i2 a
head or less.
Paily ouaui, Ma;
MaI.KMi Tl'RTt.K One !y t .is
wk Jame Martin found a mud
turtle on the side of the mountain
about one mile south of tlie lleudriek'
McKenzle river ferry. On ibe under
side of the turtle was the following in
serlption: "C H It, June a, is:,"),
Itliough ipilte plain yet still it ahoweil
considerable ell'acenient. AC II Kar
tell formerly resided in that vicinity
and it Is thought be made the inscrip
tion. Mr J 1 Donaldson was show lilt:
the turtle in town lodav.
J It Holbro k .ml ili.ubti r, Mi--Maud,
went to l-'ugene lust w.ek.
The M K ipmru rly confe.-eiiee con
vened the lo b mid Mill at this plnct
with luarkul lotiri-t Ford
H V Fdwardsiind .'s un Stun s paid
Fugeue a viMt tliis week.
We think there u ill be a .inil tipple
and cherry crop thW s-:i:iii, li lt the
Niimllor fruit ill not h one fourth of a
crop In I ins si rti. hi.
Mrs J K Hull. rook went to lvn;eiie
tliis week to consult a physician re
gnrding a swollen lot.
J N It Fuller went to Fugene on
lill-ine's this week.
Sam Mores is scaling Uii for it C
l-'il wards this week
li.ti-r nuns.
1 V . . , ' ,J '.iwiw Vv
5-CO win make the season of 1896 as follows
0.3U Moiidnv at (i O Walker's barn, Walker
Tuesiiiiv " "
Wed in whiy " " " "
Thursday : '
Friday at Kli Ilnngs' livery stable. Fti
yelie. Saturilav i.t Fli Hangs' liver atable,
Filge: e.
Description and Pedigree
-,rin,'ti. M A l-ln ;lsh 11 a (Ixrk l.rimii. If.
lisMil-)ili;h. nllj ulii-.. hi k'H.i tl.-.-li w.-U'll
I.o I.- ..i li. I -; m1.'IiIi1 li- sttloli. lie uaN Msy 1-ri 1 1 I l.rr.l l.y s. II '
.t .-TlliKti.'!.l. k.'litiu-ky. Mrr, WismUmiiI
.Iii'IkIi. iiimI i re o' K.-lillunrth,
J I'.', : ry Ifinliriiio.ri'i-oril Jli.-.a!).!
.irrel A 1.' .'!-!.. nl..' Mcln.irlll.i I 'nil n ,
i'iiiv..,.' Msu.-iiih. 'J :j I' Hint luanv
fri-t tru. -r-; li-- l.v l -tn I . r . ti t Inrf.H rt- ..I Iji.Iv
'I linrii. .' !' , U.nhIIi.i.I Allillati' ilsni u'v
A l.-xsii'l.-r. Al-lnlliiti. ir.. ..I ..nk'Miilth'i. Maul
MI.mim1 l.'.-ilsii.l JJl'4.Jinl ilain ly l rsclkiT,
lli..r..ui;lil.rf.. win ( ll....n. s.iv nf .-al c
Kil I!n- if r.i'i.l .lam i-l Mail. I , 'J an. I
Irai-. - i. a i It r-mir Ii I'i it.!--..- ii UiumiiKh -.r.-.U
W It 1. 1 Mlal!.th KlanilH Hi t i lis.' m-ssoii.
.rnu'li.-:. A IhIh I lnh ' it 01, -nlllB I k. l.v
-1 . ri 1 1 1: n - t jii.I, l.y Ki' .luety l lav. l.y I lm-iu-
l I ihv Jr , .lain l.y Mi-iiitiriti.i NI.-t..ciii-1-r, l.y
..i. iiiiriii'i . njuiMsicr, ii.1 i.y ii.n .11. Mil l.rl l.. l.v
llil..rt.-.l Mii nter; L'li.l ilain. Maine M. h'v
Jfii.'ll: l.l ilmn. IU'IIim llr.iu t. I.f v....,... 1-'
nr vi.i:.i.t -iirnian. lienl l.uln. . .Mav
Wie-eit, I . au.l ui Iiits
'I Kl:Ms - tin in hisorp Mar.'H fr.nn a ills
1.0 1 .- ill I... i.Hiiri il fr.'e l a e will Is-tal en
I., pn v.'i.i ai et I. -nil., Imi will urn u... r.''
sliuiil.l any 1 ic ir.
ti. W.MKKH.
Al-.iym will I'nnl al llan.'k' alntilc tin- kHllli'
ilayaan.l Mini" j.rle.1. 1:11 It- rt 1 1- I hi 1 1 k I i 9 1 1
inni ll Ii. .!, Vol .Si, 1 I. ,( ll( K, (Vli. llalie.)
O. 1', U Al.hl.K.
They tfave.
& SOrN
AFFived at Itast.
Oar led
Beautiful Designs ct . . .
. . Mil-Season Pri:es.
2 CT-IXi -.
, ViNCLHT & WALTON, Prop?.
; Successors to I Hemenway.
, Dealtrt In .
Eixgs, L':dlcincs,
ChoaicL-s. Pcrfo
Fincya d Toilet Articles
5i:rccs Cor.ts. Erushcs
a Ccsclota lin: of
Tri'g Cundri s.
9tS and Willamette SU Eugene. Or
lallv tiusrvl. May .M.
"I'llHlsiUN Vouk." Tho new
religious pNoer started in Ktiiiciit) tko
" t litbtlsn Veiee," uinc cut today
It is a 4 I'Hjj.-', tlirenMiunm naf er and
is tlvvote.l to (he Interesls of the (.'hris
t inn i-hureh of the state. The name of
Itrv M 1. Koo appiars as editor ami ('
11 l.e Masters as l uslness manager.
2 00
8 00
11 (HI
6 IS
U 25
6 2A
A N'kw Sr pkkintkn iknt. K M
I rolran of alelii, has Ihvii
(i'eiintendent id the slste rfform
soIumiI lo sun-eed It J Heiulrieks, win.
lias resigned. Mr t'roisan will take
Charge June I. M r Croisau is 42 ears
ofauan.l Mrs (.'roisan, a itatiKhter of
Alex Mi-Xary of Polk county, ln
will t matron Is 34 years of se.
Mav 20
Items sea 1 1 e.
1 1. 1 1 1 n it s ln.s "oie i n a trip to ;
Washington ei iinty lo take Mrs John-1
son lliillier. i
Win tirillln f..inn rly of Fall I rei k
hasiuoviil to a laneh en the south sii!e lei-mis who hHve u eoiiyliini; sj.( i
of Ml ion. every ulith?, on inrount ofatieU:i.n
Jesepli I'.irkirinmlealtinto Fu'i no l'"'1'"" Hu' throat, m.-.j i.v,.,.-,,,,,.
i " "me i v a (I
' ' . CoilKh Cure,
Jlrsjolm l.laktly (iiismiI here to.lay , n.ieiil Wall n 1
r..ii... in.. I.. I .. . I.I I .... il .. l:.l ,'
I. III.,. .11 I I.T I . Il III II II- I II I 111' .11 ll)' , ... ,
... Km lei! u InoieaLoui (),,,,
MmiHeCouoliCure, hut ,.u ,.uh:.v
iii.ii ii rnri u ..-i ms
of (irover t in-, l.nnl fur Him l..ii.....r,.ii.. . . ' " 1 ""VU. l-.e.-i
v "ue ins's w iio has ,,i it It
I) ii 1 1 in. ( i. 1 1 in l'Hin What l.iei the r...i. i.. . 1 " I
" . H llll ll HI! !()
., ,rl.-.l., 1 ill i . ... I ,!.... J y"'h'
... mini iui llill. line Hiss. Ii
lis Hr in :
.reti ar)d Batter Qolor,
All Wishs with hfiij
Lace Boleros, Lace Ties at
S H. Friendly's
P- t i
Belknap Hot Wedieal Spi
Situated 60 miles east of
Eugene on the Mckenzie River.
die Fork
The t if A 111
spi aks of the eniididiiey
lose i i
Con, i i ,
:'l'o.r e i
XsIiuhI 1. ui!- ralii'e w -alir
V';" sl.-1. Klectrle, ll,,t
a' -I ' I hiIis. . . .
Tun a Rh("iniallra,-t!H
nil Liver Corns aii'tim'
A(iui-, riivateDi.eualii
Fine Hunting and Fishing In the Vi
A Hnetainplnir 'iniiind, well .1
yml anppluU with ttsltr L iiuvs
I rum a inire luoimtalu iimm. . . .
In. ui s.
Ill (il l. Mt.
"Wake up, Jaeol , Ihe day is hresk
ing:" so sai.l Is Wilts I .it t It- Karly
Kisers to the man who had taken
them to arouse his tducnish liver, '.'or
tiei I'iiic Mole, Viiid l,t X Wi.lten
I'ropi ictots.
We are hum.. us to do a little in
this world and ean think of no phas
atlter or Letter way to do it than hv
reootiiineiuliiii; due Minute Coiik-ii :
('ureas a ,ievei,tive of iieuiuonla, '
eonsuni'ti.,n ai d other serious lunir
tmulles that follow- neirli eted eol.U
an esjm ial f.. vol it,.
1 i i i , . nl. . .
' ' " ""he Hlul
I 'nri:i r I ir,,..
-. "
' ineeni A- n Ultc
ILlSrn'lnVon t"T' Mf0n,,, "I rMs,.
ssna.K R,i, di,s. ForHisninillntoraiatlon aditreil
Can Hill. Proa-, or
C M Hill, Mgr., Belknap Springs,
Store, iren
'iiii k In ciiriin;
on Troprieiois
li in lie l.ll ,.,,r. . r l
.... .. fc i i j i i,. . rt.i
"'J''" 1" nllaiks f I, in
""'t I iiuni.t
. hoi
"ui eil.iii,', c.ii
JxlllHV. I
I s I
eolie to j, urn
l-e had hy takiiiv; fhu
I liolria and I)
i revi no it
.... ... lliaiiiir ll.l K
s, u ii... . " ""i.v a
' "'I to.l.of t
Lawn Mowers ni fiarn unt
dTLk!:: T'k "' w fiard2n To Is and Spra, Fumps;
'"w mis re.'iieitv m.
e BUY NOW 0 c
Prnlirv Nplfinn aid Ml
Screen Doors and Scr I",
n -
J'lirjiiK he
-Mail n, ,,f j
winter of
oil liiiu.h
I argest Assortment ,nd
ere, Vi I cent A; Walton i a U le eo,
I MM, h M
'Vest Va.,
"' l fl him
Haw's Tliu?
Wruitir ini- lliiint.a.1 l,.l!ri Kswar.l f,ir
iiiji i'km' el Caia'rti Ilial ratiin.t ts curvU bj
lla.i'i i atarrli i no-
t i I HiMiV A Cl . I'tois. , Tlli (I I
, tin- r.iaiuM Int.- Liinaii K J I lu.u. ) ,
for ilii-ist 1 yrat. an.t ls-l:i-i Mm s-riM-i.y j
hoiHiralli. In all tMialii, liaitai'tloli anil liiian
i la i 1 1 atti. Ut carry e'.i an) i.thnaUoti tna.U- .)
Ihi'li linn
iIA I si- X. ale I'rwilix. Il,l,v ii.
W h i is.., Ki n t s A SI abvlS, boU-aaU. ru
SOI, lull.. In. II.
Ila I i atarrli f nrv la lakou tnlrrnallr, ail
le, illri-i-iy iisii tlo t'Usst anil luiiiMi'it ui-lais-
nl t lif i-tn 1'ri.s . i-viiii vr botfv.
M.l.t lT ai Inualtla iMtltUi.lllall trvv.
I'ally uaartl, Msj .V
1isi HUT t.'ONVt N ru.N. J'het lulsl
lan ehiiicli of I. sue county coiiuiieoiv
Sili-lrlcl iMiiveutiou si Juiielloii lo
day. Anioin lli.ise ho went lou tj
from Fiitfeiie uere; Kev M I, I
Jno Uan.lsaikei, J I, ilsiln, I. II
Iwmlaml, I (I I.e Maler and Mii
Or K.ed.
Co nor Ir iiji
. I tt II ll u I a , In s,,ekiiu. r 1U. ...
eill eo il l...
When we cms,,,,,- mat the lutes-' m i .' . ft-vernl klu,
i . . I . . '.'"' ! If found lmr..ll..r... .,
noes nir aooui ur ii'nes as lout; hs 1 loiiL-ht
""I.V, Whieli
S, L.
r- ' louioi no t. li.r... .;
1 . . , 111 1 1 .
the body, we can realue the Intense t'oii... p.... . . 1 1,M"I' i lain
.... ... '.toy. u ii,. i, ........ ,
suiierniB exix'riemvn wtn-n thev are : aiu..i,i . , . """"i in.
Intlamed. I VWitt's I 'olie .o.l I I...1..... I i ... , . . 1 Ml"' U
H a rri VAi 9 l-am
Tinware and
Granite Ware.
Ninth Mi
1 ... 1 .1 I .. . !
i lire atioone iiiiiaiiiinniiou Ht oniv
std iTfi'l'ltUly nn rvia the ditilfiiltv
I'orner Drug itore, Vimvnt A Walton
lolera ; I'louht aU.ut
It would 1"? hunt to e,.iivin,r a nisn
snff. rliir from MMou eolle n,oi i,ju
j aumiy Is due lo a niieiols. in, Hn m,
I priiiioun.-Hhle name. Hut on,- , ,,r
I iVWitt's Colic and I'holeia i ore ill
- i"inpu ie cure.' VVi,...
w illl a inn .1. ... , .
r. ,, t ? ' ' l" 11 u"
' , .r 'W: ki'"' U-.ore
""'lvKr.,Wl, , i" n'"1 e,,u-
'.v Ul,u, A cr u" le
1. 1 ii-
. ii
-I. V
.v " We have a laiKe and
11 line ot l,..uii.,n a " i.,..-
' II 'i u l.i.o. . -. " aim l-u. ki.ik
Z "":.. f.?"Ure Inter-
i no
Letter 1. 1st.
May i.D, t7.
MrsJ V Marker, Mrs Auna lUrker,
tieo Itrowu,,
A rharvv .f our is-ni will rs- ma.U ot All
l.-llt-o sitrtl ..ill I rrs.n.1 railitu l.r lUr
Mill Uatf ilalr hrll i.ll?'IIM-l
ji.iu. Jl.t4.l aa. r. N
coiivnu-e him
i'i'ant relief
1 iirf Store,
ot ir s.vr ioaih.r.1
It kills p.,in. Cn.r
Vimvnt. WhIi-mi
5T0NE JARS . . .
F.ll Mill, '.unitier City. Pa urit.
Paitr iisir.. Mar I have lorn suffering from nil.- r.., ,
Makkikh -At lie CmHioiio church I - yarn a. I thoui.'h; niv cas.. in.., I
1 1 this city at l- u'clock ii.hhi tol..v I 'de. li Wut't Wili'h lUi,l si, '
lr Kind N-IiuIktI. of Mount Aiiir.l ' mended I., me a a oil.. ...... '.I
id Ainrh Hemirl, of Molirvie, Itev '"""k.'lit a lsx and It performe I a p,.r
Father MUck iitt.'illii. A luniitsr '"snent cure." This Is ,,iv .,,(
Of frlemls were In alien. iu.. ""'"sainls of similar cures. V.-r. nm j
'Mil,fises '.ld iplieklv
rf when ll nu.l. Corn.r Iiiiik s:,iri;
, Vimvnt A Walton l'r. .rictui
t'elllline kjooil .,i,i f .
.M.-.Iv ' '"'"' thai, fr.
; !'.!, V,.,' ,;,.,lh- -h!
fail to call on us.
"jC 3FS. T
I.ea l.rnfall wood and aiM'gM brttl
f lnd on our floora.
Hon.N May li, ls;:, to the wife
Cavrry rtiouipssui, aQ.n.
Rsme.nberwe re
'"'ton Shoes.
jOl. "-- .
DEALER ?N . V. ; . "
Sple and Fancy BwerfesT
Sky l.akil',' h.W iler J'
lis. lt. l S'i I
Drle.1 Apple- :y""fijil'
1$I2 Washing Michirt S?