The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 22, 1897, Image 2

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I. L CAMPHrtLL. Prop, ,.
euokxk city onmos
Speaking about ho,lelrnnln . tin
come to think of It, ymi'ii better out If
jou are laming Tor publication.
I.'liciili(M k ji ml MiiiiiIhiIiIi Ih.Mi ny
that a s.nglc pound of the Hiu-mi Hili r
wcl would reach iiroiiinl i hi' world.
Hy their course In the Cretan affair
acvciaj Kuropcnii nations tin earned
it noiiiiiI thrashing, which they are
likely to ifi-f.
Ham I'lislm, commander of tin' Turk
ImIi force on lln .Miii'imIhiiIiiii frontier,
undoubtedly will prove a hard man to
blirk iiguilisl.
Tin- oyster In one of tlic atrong.wt
(mil lire mi earth, 'i'lii' force required
to open otic H inure III 11 ii nine hundred
tllllfN it Weight.
One report from Allien declare
there I "rouipliillllHe" In the air. Tlmt
I probably Ho, mill Hie honor of Kuroie
1 being eoiiiiroiiilHei."
A Maine paper say Hint ii mini In tiilH IllVt'llleil l pencil nlmrp-
ciior iIiji will sharpen pencil. ,nv
tlne New I : i j ;:i n.J reporier can pre.
vii ricuic.
If the fellow vvlin hll been praying
for rani Imely ulll hcihI hi mldr.-M to
almost ii ii.d. lie In the lower Mississippi
Valley hi ivine will receive prompt uui
careful mil nllou.
wimp exploded wfcicb caused t panic
and wild rush tot the door, during
wblcb tbr bunJrt-d jpx.-tatora and
thlrty-aU actora wer killed." This U
another Illustration of tb old aaylDg,
"to a war from honn. ,. ,,.
nowi." There certainly baa been u
m-h panic In n Kan KranHnfo theater
of revnt yenrn, and we doubt whether
there ever waa.
" a.
I'arla U excited over an Amerli-au
atyle of robliery, which ha Jut atrm k
that town. The story I tohl by the
I'arla corrc)iidoiit of the New York
Hun: "The lirotirletor of n flna naiin.
rant of a certain chin waa the victim
of a third awmdlc, though 'twna more '
a Joke Hiiiji a fraud. A parly of four
yoiiiiir blood dims) one eveulng, not
wisely but (H) well and too eXHlilve-
iy. at hi eliilillliineiit. After a inag
nllheiit repiiNt In tt private room there
Wll a d Inutile uhoiil uli.i ..ol.l ....
mid the proprietor waa aeiit for. Kach
of the dmcm div-lnrcd that he waa there
a the j(uet lt. ot.r three. The
dispute went on In a Jocose fashion
until the reHiaurant keeper threiiletied
to mil the tNillee iinleMi hi liloliev U'iim
fortlin.iiiliiK The four young men were
annoyeil at llil sugg.ntloii. '-J that
the way you treat gentlemen r'eaclnlm
ed one of the party, "Now, . bere.
S.nee we are out for a lark I prMc
that we blludfolil you, Mr. Proprietor,
and the one of u w hom you euleh flint
will pay for the supper and for two
more bottle of champagne." The rm
tauriiiit keeper agreisl. lie was secure
ly bllmiroliU'd, and he groped about the
iipnniiieiii in vain for a uuarter of an
i .u i niiieti ,ib religion, oor prayer inert-
Hi if bcaiuV
I'fa never J lned the church K yt, oor
u.u i ntvD sinetine;
Hut a tender aort of fi-eliug draws a
nearer lo HIP skies,
u: - .
niiHT- i Koi peep t nian'o tbroiik-b a
lmr ol lruliUi( eye.
T;.. .. .
.mil- nUI wiien noiiiiiitf inovei iuy
iioiianu aixjve tin aiiiful world
.-o preurlier ri eoiild aiir uiv up, in
wrath an' furjr hurled;
Hut lately I've been drifting nigher to (be
"flier I II 11 'I.
A ...I .1... I - i . .
; lon e nun lean me upwaro: I a
nine uiiiii;ei tiaml.
. Keem like the had thought nenk away,
wiin nun ve elniii hard by:
And eina word lht were handy onoe
won i come w hen he i iiigli;
ruef i. it art ' aliaiiiea me to ee thole
clear blue eye
!.e.k ill ine (when I'm gettiu' riled) In pity
an aurprifle.
I don know uiiieli of lu-avcn or angela
mi urn Ii lliiiu:,
Itut oiiie.iw, when 1 picture 'em, it ain't
won Harp iin.i wniga,
Itut wlih y,.,.r nir:a n tnnip,, and
i liner eye that liine.
An' lip. thaf n ami loving, like that
nine cnap ol liiine.
'i 11,1. vw,.
unud to hi arroun'l!ri'i nl n
not shake ofT bli emhummvuV
Th .1.1 l.nth.r ahor.k llU t.CllJ lie
could not underatiind the lad at all.
ti. .. ..,..Hn....n rv.tir.f.,u t 1,1.1 r-iitoe
1 Ulll Uli'iirn'ii i r -
atorinliii; Into the room of hi r father.
Hue i-lirli ked w ith lauk'ti-r.
"I'lipa, (,'niinliiiainnia what do yon
think I w Jtiftt now In the stable:
Oh, It U too funny: I went there to
treat fileaiider to a lump of nu-ar.
When I called for fhrUtian there wan
110 reply, i I'lliulM'd the ladd'-r lo 111"
hay loft. There he Hat close to a rill
111 the u.ill through which tiie minli'lit
came like a narro'V t'ohlen baiel. In
hi ciuiiy liaml he held my Shakt-
IH'are. ,;ilf rendliik'. half KjM-llliiit Hi"
word", and following tin- Hum with his
fat. red linger. It waa mn-h a comii al
The count and the dowiu'er eouiite
were aln .'-t a uiiieli :nuiiKifl iin I.ida
MillHtei !,:i . :i. 'J in- count Kent
t., curlonltlcs. Wltb the latter
took service, and ai-voiea nis
UIlBliau ... -
evenings to eaniest and laborloin no
dies CoutiteH Li'la cried a l.ttle when her
new groom bade her farewell.
Winn you are a doctor, (,
. 1 1 . .. . i.... i., j.
hue haul eiuiiuniu-
coim back nniu
held the rosy soft baud a
lutnsv, huru wora-
minute in c
ed palm
'Ve. I'olllitesi. I will." he titamiller-
i .1. iitid blushed l.k" a NchoolUiy of Ki.
... i.i.. ...Li.
lifter i nii-'ian nno ih
fi.r'oitcti In the house of
S i
elli e w ep
"ouut Miiisierh.-ncti.
. .
I. iila had been for aev
hi court and In the nrls-
whi' h she moved.
when he fnlil Ilia hnri.t. In
I I a . . . .
in nine nut nt night,
wln.,i r "Xiiw I In v me." wh
there' iifiliietliilii? niU tut Mtwlif
my Ihroiii git ,,rt of hiiHky when he
oiee me. nir ih, n
I'm mire Cte got religion by the time
lie K.iy "Allien: '
hour. Then he imlled ofT the bandage tu nrn iV , .., ri'irn tut'
find that the four revelera had fled. " lNo J Jlh DA 1 .
Now liev. I.yinau AIiIm.u Intimate
that .loiiah lied about hi voyage wllli
In the whale. Thl H taking a mean
advantage f .lonah when he Nn't here
lo give ethleiiee in III own behalf.
A Pennsylvania Jury the other day
gave Anna ickinou a verdict of ti",
cent for false ImprUoiiniciif In an asy
lum. And now It w III be Just like those
fellow lo try to cheat her out of the
quarter cent.
The A i In ii I n .loiirnal iiiinoiinceN that
"a splinter which bud rcmnl I In the
fool of .Mis llnlie Martin for forty four
year has worked llsclf out." Thl,
we believe. I ol f the longeht Infan
tile Inlllcllon on record.
Imlln News: There are no flooil lu
Texa hut of Nunslilue and Hong, and
"re nr nigh tlune to Illumine
the gloom (,r lin bim nn, tl, nVfv n M.
leuce with symphonic. Such I the
ailiiatlon lu gleaming, gorgeoiw, grand
old Te xii
Chicago within the Inst f..w moiiili
ba had enough objii l lesson in prove
iM'joini any ipiestlon that it I Impossi
ble for the i.lllclal of banklii- luslllu-
tlon to bring al t a rcstora'loii of
K prosperity by loaning funds to
iin-iiiNin is.
Il I sillied that Isl per cent, of the
llliliiufacliiied f.sid proilucl r lt.
l ulled Slate are mlulleraled, ninl yet
the people of ibis country cannot coll
mime all H. pur, tmnU the
It I clear, thercroi-e, that we are isl per
ceiii. an liueiillglilcned people and need
a new iiiiiminail f some kind.
The collapse of a bank I always a
public calamity, the evil coliH(-.uence
of which iiiu uever Ih- iiiciiminsl In
mere pe uiilary loss. It reipilre some
thing beside column of figure to ad
equately represent the deplorable re
sult of such CHliistriinlii) n ii,-
w recking of the (ilobe Saving Hank of
Chicago. The damage to busluea lu
the resultant los of coutbleiice lu bank
ing Institutions ninl the general demor
alization of the credit atructure Umui
w bleb INi per cent, of our transaction
are based cannot be accurately calcu
lated lu figure. The fullure of the
(ilobe Saving Hank rcvenl a startling
record of idllclul pcrlbly and dishonor.
Seldom doc a mere business collapse
disclose such a dentil of moral n.u..ii.
iich Involving such gros iM-trayal of
trust that men ordinarily bold altered.
The story of the wreck la black with
the tnoHt coutipt political Joldiery. The
deeper It la probed (he more nhViialve
me the stench to the nostril of
honest men. The Slate of Illinois
should prols- (he affair to the Imttom to
the end that tj blame for the deplora
ble comlllloii of affair may lie placed
where It belong and the culpable pur
lie severely puuUhisl. The Intcrcrts !
of honest banking, the Interest of the
mine iiisiiiuiion whose ruml were, ami the right of those
whose saving were engulfed In the
'"aelslr if political Jobbery and
''bulnal illation, all demand tlmt
the Investigation be made rigidly and
promptly. The people desire to ktiow
lf they have any protection lu law from
mh llagriiiit betrayals of trust by
those w ho imve committed tu them the
savings of the poor and the funds of
Stale Institutions,
The butler" new boy wa serving his
HiM dinner. He stood behind the chair
of the young Connie l.ldn. handing
her the dish with the asparagus from
the right Instead of the left Hide. She
gave him a disdainful glance over her
shoul.b r. He wa it helpless, over
grown lad. Ill big hiind. clumsier
than they wen- naturally In the white
cotton glove, idling Ilk,, grim death to
the line, gold bordered dish, iiml his
loiind, iiiimiii face wa red ami hot. ami
covered w ith fine bead of perspiration.
When the countess saw the embarrass
ment of the youngHler she relented.
The butler- boy made her laugh.
"KxeiiNc Ii 1 iii. co'intcs," Implored old
Marlot, the butler, "If my nephew's
lirst experience, lie will soon learn to
llo belter."
Certainly, Marlot." Hinlbsl the girl,
graciously. lieu she turned, looked
Hlralght Into the youth bashful eye,
iiiki n.shcii mm ror hi name.
"Christian:" answered the lad.
"l Mil' can learn anything one choose,
eh, Clirlsllair:" s.ild the eoiiutiiM, to the
overgrown, hapless youngster, with
the exasperating air of a would Is'-wlse
, young woman.
' The party which sat around Count
Mlnsloihincir festive Isiard grew
merrier a the w Ine began to How. The
i cavalier teased the countess.
v ho was never al a lo for an answer.
ld Marlot stood Klark ami stiff
bind tiie chair of the dowager countess,
and his nephew, Christian, wa rlghllv
glued to the back of the chair of the
CouiiteK I. Ida.
lie looked dow n upon the fair young
Heck, against which trembled' soft
Hioclllx, All... rejoice because the
Introduction f the liauicwcll Hie
alarm system does away with what a
local liewspnper call "the tlm,. hi.
ored s.steni of giving notice or tire by
a discharge of revolvers." A
municipal Improvement t IiIm Im decided
ly noteworthy.
The historical thin red line" often
liictit loiied by Kiigilnh wrltcw lu ,u
liectloti with their scat let coali s army
I Uvoiulng d.sldedly thinner. I'or,
according to order Just Issued by the
War licpartuiciit In London, the chest
measurement lor Infantry recruit ha
be. II icdllced ,i llilrty iw,, Im h,..,.
Cli iclaml I'i.ilti Healer: After uimli
de,.i, die and leveicnd scnlon
oi ii. e supreme Ixiich of Iowa have
h i i d dotwi a dclluitloii of the word
"" . '" Il mean according to thl
u, , cichable .luihorlty "in Hleal,"
;:n I s thus in,, I,, ji n iictloiiable epithet,
l et ;hls in. on, in. ,us detltililou be noted
d Hi li Ih, wlnvie nasslona ,1.. i
Ily aroused to the abusive pitch.
A device Is on trial In a Ihwtoti hotel
wh. h. It is hoped, will nsluce the rale
of deaths M asphj xlallon. A miiiiiII
chaoibci orhr.iss.Miiiniuiug ,h ksllver
I so attached t ,.v,.ry ,. 1US)
Hni utillghlcd gas escaping through
atop-co k will ring mi electric bell lu
""' i light nvcntlv two
guest accidentally left the g;,H on mi
..-.i.e.1. i.uti a prompt Hi.-tt-m t n,,,
otii.e protcd the cltlcacy of the contriv
The promptness with which water
run iiom cleared laud I illustrated
in ine .xiiiroii, l icks thl year. (Hi those
mountains wherever Hie trees have
is'cii removed I not even a Hake of
aimw. it bus nil , melted and
rushed down to wcll the rising
Mi-emu, tit, the mountain where the
trees ate still left there I yet snow to a
no,., i, oi cigniecn inches which will
gia.tually melt n the weatlo.r K.
cooinc warm, sink Into the ground and
iiirougn me spring, of ti. adjacent val
ic,v i ceil stream when they will need
' Kxcellcticlcs," a all traveler know
are dirt cheap lu Kutoiie. for no t hi,
eral man I socalhsl by all the servants
ami peasants In Italy and the other
i-aiiii countries, duly one A rlcau
at a time, of all our seventy odd mil
lions. I entitled to be so called. That
crsuii I the Coveruor of Massachu
aetta. He Is so by A constitutional pr,,
vUlon of the Commonwealth. Not even
the l'rcldent of the l ulled Staie Is
entitled to be so addressed. Thl mat.
ter wa act tied more than centurv
ago lu the convention which rriime.1
uiir Coiistltuilon.
In an Italian dally newspH,r, ti.
Itomau Trlbunn, of the ah llf ,1M
ary. nvuri this extraordinary jra
araph: "lu S.iu KranelaiM, California,
there tisik idace riis nrlr i.,r.-i,c. ........
, , : - jwiiic i
U a tbcater. Duriuf a ;erforuiauc a
1 hiiae of Their l.lvra Cnknnwn to the
(lencral Public.
The recent death of I in ii lei W. Voor
hee give pii ullar Interest to the fol
lowing bit of correspondence by Win.
K. Cnrtl In the Chicago Itecor'd:
Hiirlng the closing hours or the Fif
ty -rum-ili emigres three members or
the ".MilliomilivN- flub," ,l0 senate
I"" "r'''' I n called, were silling In
s commute, room condoling with each
other over Hie expiration of their public
life. Said one or them, ami he came
from an Dastcrn state: "1 mV), ,,
,,T,'r fl' bttslii, concern to hmk
aller It business Interests In Washing.
Ion which will pay me about a much
as my Senatorial salary, and I think I
will accent it. If I till. hlllA I ulitlll
I have to give up all hope of reelection
and consider my political career
"I would be mighty gin, to give up
my political prospect.," wild No. L', who
11:1,1 1 I'" pabllc life for more than
a third of a century, "r,ir such a Job,
or anything else for that matter that
will bring me bread and butler. I have
lost all my practice, and It will 1K
mighty hard work to get It .,i, k again.
1 haven't the slightest encouragement
for the future. The only thing eau
ilo Is to go Imck home, work In o,v
den and raise enough vegetables to
my family. 1 bave decided lo try It,
and wait for something to turn up."
"I have mi home to go to, have no
garden to work, and I haven't money
to pay my expense there If I bad one,"
said Senator Voorlui-m who waa the
third member of the group. " have
been lu public life since l.sili," , 1V.
tinned -'-thirty six year mi. I ,.n ti...
i'llll s,
Chrisilan and ordernl him to go to his
study. There the new groom confessed
that he had appropriated In, in time to
ime t ne nuking nooks. bHks on aril
llclal Irrigation, tialional cconomv
(ireek sculpture ami Trench novels. II
had read them all lu the hay loft over
the stable.
"Hut you did not understand a word
oi ineiii - Kiid hi master.
"No, not a word." admitted Christian.
The count became Interested lu the
rank, uuNophisticaii-d youth, who was
far from good looking.
"What Hid you think when you read
all Ihia slulT':"
"I hat some day I might burn to mi
derstaud It all."
"Ye. It I possible," answered the
aristocrat, loftily, s ewhat impressed
with Ihlsy igand stubborn giant l--
fore him, who with eager, misguided
hand rciichcl out for the treasure of
education and culture.
"What gis.,1 will all this understand
ing do you 7" I
oe giisiiu was silent ami the inter
view tunic to an end.
one winter evening, not long after
Ihia occurrence. Ib i. .Mr. l-Viiimann
who presided over . villaire church
ssike of a Strang w scholar, lo
whom he gave private lessons in hot
(icrman and Latin. Christian, the
groom, was appliing hi Christn,.,s
Jtift. a sum of inoiier which I'oui.t
Miiistcrliavcu was lu the habit of be
slow ing upon all his .servants, to the
payment for th,.s,, lessons.
The aiMocraiie family of the Mins-
terhavens pointed out their gnsuii a
1 of a ftvak to tu,-- visitors
and aciualiitan-es.
(Md Marlot w.i deeply distress,.,
ov,'r '' si.i f allalrs. and It vvoiil
have fared hard with Christian had not
"unless I., laken his mrt with tin
"" - oi. .ii uiitt tin new groom
an interesting personage, all but his
Hands; tl,ev were too red and mi-
alia a-ly.
iger than she tsik ht-r
si dl a celebrated
led several gisiil
nan had been In the
' for a y.ttr he asked fr
dark tendrils. 1'iluiy lace half veiled
the rail- white Hesh f sho,ers,
the like Christian had never seen be
fore. ( nrlstlan came from a poor, forlorn
home lu a little out of-the way village..
Me knew nothing beyond what he hail
learn.-d at the village school and front
the parson, who had prepared It 1 m for
continuation. He had never .,i,
Ilea uty he had never even dreamed of
To wait at table was not his sole oc
cupation, for Christian had been ,..
pis lally hired to care for ,,,, young
countess' Shetland pony oleander to
lift iter Into the saddle when 'she
-lie,! ucr norse to insouipanv her
latnei on UN country rides. Hay after
day her dainty f.Mt rested in lils'hr-oml
red palm. Hay after day It made him'
happy he knew not w by.
Count Mitisierhavfti was an ouiuivr.
on rvader. and his daiu.-lit...- vi...
money I have Is In my pocket thl -"that praiseworthy' ,pial,tv
morning, l dou'i know what 1 am go
ing to ,io, and In melancholy tone,
often with a sob In hi voice, the ven
em hie Senator described the boH-l.-ss-lies
of hi future.
It wa only a few days ago that Sen
ators Cormau and Allison were ,ll..iw.
slug Mr, Visuhee' situation and trying
to contrive some method by which he
could lc made iviuriirtuble for ihe rest
or his life. They ,m, ,lo W(J. u,
give 111 in h pension. There wa no post.
Hon on the gov ernment list to which h..
could be appointed. So the oiilv ihlinr
to be d lie was to create one nii .ion.,-
that would not tu- lo.. lik..,,,,., r... -
man of hi feeble health and
sultli-lclit to keep the Wolf from hi'.
door. The situation of Mr t'lw.rii.u. i.
- '- f o
not unl, in,-. There are several ,.
bvi of the Senate who,, financial con-
tillott would answer the descrliul,... l,
gave or hi own, mid yet that body Is
failed the "millionaire' i-luh."
As lloi.e In Japan.
A Japan,,, au.-tlou U a mot ol..,n
affairs The buyer do not coll ,o,, th-
hld. but writ their uatues ,w-.k...
with the amounts they ar wllllu tn
pay. on nil pa of er, which they put
into a 1hx. Th. slips ar looked
through, and the
the person who has msd the blgg.t
Sometimes a man starts nut i. i .
wolf, and discovers that ha u ru.n, .
rabbit. v
ii i i ...
novel ami works or current literature
the count's library contain,-,! valuable
sclculltlc works of cany mid later
date. Just now a third person ,vni,sl
to take an Interest In these Ixx.ks. The
count missed nrs, on,.,,,,,! then another
work, which he having
laid In a certain place. After awhile It
nivvajs came Kick to where he hid
placed It.
I.ike the wise man that he i...
aid nothing alsoit hi discovery It him that hi daughter's" Ns.k
hunger had hsl her onto the He,,. f
science. Soon I.Ida herself, ,,,
.Nunplaln. Her Shaksp.vire had dis
appeared. Christian was scut fr a,,,
omlercl to ,,k under Hie cud, In the
billiard room, where the young out,.
I's was wont to hold her siesta ,.
sultry summer da, . t,,t the volume-
,l:1,l(s !' bound In given with gold -
was not t . round, til.t iri..
tlvcn a hint by the fount,
"l.ct me know what y.o, Wlltl, h.
.orcad andlvvill help you." sugg,-,..,,
I ouut Mli.Mcrhavcn. The old scrvaut
protest, si. '
He would not dare to touch the small
'. "f "r,vmi,'!' '' AvImvAl.
h.n night cam., he wa much too
tired to read more than hi pravera and
say hi N-ad. Christian, of whom he
had expected so mm h. wa no help to
him whatever. He was a stupid lair
lout, and tried his good nature beyond
lid ura ti, v.
"You muat be ivaUeut, Marlot," tJ
When Cht-i
count's sen i,
hi dismissal.
Are yon dissatisfied, Christian?-
nsKeil ( omit Miiisterhaven.
No, the lad had no co Iulm (.. ,..i...
he merely wanted to g t n,,. ,.tv.
"City pleasures and city wavs;'ah
see!" laughed the Cunt. "V'u y
fellows are all alike. ' '
"I lltn going t college. Count."
"To college: What for?"
"To stmh."
"My dear boy." remarked the Cunt
affably, "v. .ii have an n-.,o i...
presslon about studying. What are vou
going io st it, I. :
Christian was deeply embarrassed
lie rubbed ins ciutnsy hands up and'
down his leather breeches.
"I lltn going to be a scientist "
"You'll l,.ne a hard row to hoe.
Christian, it,.,,, slilJ. hl,n, ,vll(,ri, v
can earn vu,- .I.nly bread and a little
The Coiintesi
eral vein s belli
to. ratic . ir b'f
'I'l I hose Vollli
place, though she was sull a celebrated
be.'l lit V. She had refll
oilers of marriage, ami her iicitialnt
utioes regarded h'T as rather eccentric
on thai account.
line morning, when she returned
from a ride with her father nml the
Imke dTgelli. slie found on the rircp
lion table in the aiite-rooin a card.
"Ir. Christ Ian Marlot," It rend.
The .voting g i'l was surprised. "Hr
Marlot -that name " Then suddenly
recollcctiiig.' l'apa, our former groom."
she cried, passing the card to her fath
er. "We must Invite him to our recep
A dainty note was dispatched to Ir.
Marlot. Countess I. Ida desired his
presence on Thursday evening from ti
to lo.
Till, l'r.o.t in ion ,. lit e'l In,, llf Inwf l.-luill
the old family butler threw back Hit
portiere ami auiioiiuceu nr. Liiristiau
The nsseliiblt'tl eilests seemeit to
know thai a phenomenon stood in their
midst, a lull, serious man. lu Irre-
til'o.'lf ll.'llih, iillire l,'.l ,rr,' inn,
. ...... j
without show of embarrassment before
the Count, who Introduced him to hi
laughter ami the dowager.
Again the doctor bovveil nml K.'iluteil
the Volltlg Countess. He Irleil to Hliellk
but liis voice failed him, and when he
lined his composure be could oiilv
stammer and proceed ill broken syllables.
I.Ida watched him with Interest. The
wholesome red of the country boy had
gone out of hs countenance. His fea
ture w ere large, nsof yore, but n well
trimmed beard practically covered
ilietn. The stubborn brow of the Ideal
ist was more than ever visible; at the
tetnpies the hair turned gray. Ills
hands were well groomed 11 in I showed
the skill of the manicure.
A man -a brave true man" Ihoiii'hf
Countess I. Ida. and was happy In the
anticipation of obtainiiuf n ellmos.. ,,f
is strange life and career.
The society belle devoted the best
part of the evening to the newcomer
She was tender and benlgu in her ef
forts to show her ulm
"Old Marlot has nut on the best silver
all on your account, nml I myself pro-
men i ne uovvers at the last moment,"
she whispered, as he conducted her to
the dining-room.
Me drew out the chair for her. nml a
she sat down his eyes rested again on
I lie soft, silken tendrils tlo.t 1...1
coyly against the tlrin white Hesh of
her neck.
Kvery one was eager to know some
ihingorihe learned man. Me was the as-
sls,:"" "( "' f the foremost surgeons
ieiina. "Several treatise by him
had III, heard In ,,,.,.11...., , , ..
'"xi" in journals,'
said those who were well acquainted
Willi hi name.
While the L'liestu i.itLn.i .1
,, " "..nn, o, int. new-
lllflitflmt Iih.i , nly appear,,, tlle
sod,,! ,riZo, Hr. Marl()t Bnve Count
(ss I.lda brief out line of his career.
lu-family friend ,0 whom be had been
nt had Interested himself In the lad
from the start. Me had helped hi... to
,l"al" ''' Instruction. ,, when
"...years later he left ,s home .0 go
to college ,is benefactor had liberally
aupplied him with money. Me, Marlot
was deeply Indebted to hi,,,.
"Me lived to see Ih,. .1.,,. i 1
"''.''"""'I to the university," be said
ihcn my striu.'L-l 1,.,.
these I w ill tell you later' W
Its 1'iilsnaniis Nature Kbonld Bs Mors
General!? Known.
Cut for beating or lighting Is known
to almost everybody who luhabit or
' visit large tovvtis or cities, but It la not
n generally known ns It should bo thut
gas la sometimes very jKdaonoua.
Natural gas," derived eery much an
well-water H from natural subterra
ueuu reservoir, though not good to
breathe Is not esM-hilly poisonous, Thu
same is true of ga derived from oil,
1... a.,. il,.. iaollii,. nml jiImo of tlmt
111' in, 1 1 us s" - " ......
common variety of Illuminating gas
made by ti. suiting sou com, uuu
Known as ' con 1 ga.
Hut there is another common kind,
.silhsl "water ira." which Is execedliur-
ly iM.lsoiioii. Thl I made by passing
water-vapor (steam) over hard eottl
previously ralsisj to a white heat. In
., , .1 i.i... ,... ...... 1 .....a......
1111s cnse uie 11 1111.--1101 iiiiiiiiFii
llrst lecou.NieH tiie Kteam (water) Into
It eieincnisio.xygeunuiiiiy.irogciii, ami
then unites with one of them (oxyjreu)
to for... a deadly gas known as car
bonic o.xlile.
W'lieti coal Is btirttisl In a stove with
an abuudaiit air supply It unite freely
with the oxygen of the air to form car
bon dio.xiiie, or carbonic nciii gas. jtt.t
If the air supply Is for any reason ln-
sultbieut the rar more poisonous gas,
eiirlsiiilc ovlile nun- be formed Inti,u1-
- - IT ' - - " -
and we read oii-asloiially of cases of
poisoning rrom this "coal gas which
has escaped from stove. This form of
"coat gas' is not an illuminating gas,
ami is rcaiiy more iikc ine "water kiis '
than it Is like the "coal ga" above de
scribed. It 1 for.msl only accidental
ly; never, like the other gas of the
same name, Intentionally or for sale.
It can be avoid,! In Htove ami fur
naces by making sure that the draughts
lire giHxl and the air supply abundant.
The important dangerous substance
In all these gases Is the cnrlMiiilc ox
ide, which has a peculiar action 011 the
red blood-cells of the animal Ixsly. It
Is the duty of these red cells to carry
oxygen from the air to every umik and
corner 01 tne bmiy. Carbonic oxide
turns out the oxygen within the cells.
ami rides up and down the hloixl. ves
sels In Its stead. Hut carbonic oxide
cannot feed the tissues, and so a kind
of Internal suffocation take place lead
ing. If continued, to the death and dc
htrin tlon of the body.
The most remarkable case of gn.
poisoning are those In which person
lu house not supplied with gas have
been found dead or dyiug; the gas
which killed them having worked Its
way from a leaky main lu the street
Into the cellar, and thence upward
through the house. It la also
by physicians that many headaches
and other ailment of obscure origin
are due to small am unnoticed leaks
of gas long continued.
So long as any kind of gas remains In
the pipe, or Is completely burned on
Its escape from u burner, it can do 110
harm; but uiiburmsl gas, whether from
leaky pipes In the house or ir..oi ....
from defective fixtures, or escapin
from burner after the llauie has been
accidentally r Intentionally blown
out," Is exceedingly dangerous to hu
man life.-Youth's Companion.
thiT:.,' '""k7
s,riU ,r., -. ,
oon. ulai
When i.....
' 1 inn ha,, .-, '
tllbsl 1 ""'"Hw.
till, s.
"I'lc of ,
111 II II...
- " OI. ,.
mi 1 1
title of a "V
V , " '"r"l,M...
A,"lr's' lb,,,,. ,v.-
name was fr.ri. r..:,,,,.;';?;
story .,
am? calls
1 1; v.i
. v
-sscsr-i ., ,. '! r
, ,-J ... V , I I
(Vuntess I.Ida sat at ,,o window of
r pretty bom loir Tl,.. , .
11, ,, , , , 0.1 ncii l is I.
"" 1"'r,'"1'li IHla vied with ,he ,,
of theevenimr d-Iou- ,1 . ,s
1 , , " " iiiiereti 11 V o-
; "-P"n mists throng,, ,he s,;j
Ivi , , " "Kht of the
1.1 Ulg Hay 1 veil nil, 1.
1.. , "' 1 - i xue close-
".l.tcn page of a eer In Llda's
'l"-istljin Mnrlot in,i . .
" ""' "PrlM of his farcer. it w
"ot Innate ve for .... .. ' . . ns
-'faming and booklore, nor aiubl
Hon to throw off 11,., ..i'- ,
a ruler among .,, h
Ced bi n for-)lnl t0 8lK,vssnmI
I.ove that ciiino int., .,. . . .
"" and fancy f;, ;," ..," ,m,r'J
he crave,! Iu r... -auu now
"' I- .0 sluire hfs L,em"y I
r?m ,"" K'rt'a eyes.
1 - .i.'uioioo with ..,,
John Sherman as n Itusines Man.
I hi Is a business mail's ,ims.
trillion. nd John She-man Is a busi
ness man. He has been very fortu
""''. or very .skillful. In hi i,(..s
ventures. T. ,(,lly ,nsl ssfll)
which Is recorded of hi, )nv,,
" k in the early day of Ohio, when
'"" "fs" '"'-V "f fifteen. He h.
working with a party of survey,,,- dur-I"-'
Hie summer ,,,,,1 .,, winter came
'"i he took It into hi h,, to go ami
see his brother Sampson, who was at
work on a Cincinnati paper, n,. i,,,,)
not much, mi v. a fniiio,,
... . , ' 001111011 III
most heroes In their youthful day. ,
- .. means 01 paying f,. tht lrp ,
"'"Bin a and loaded It up with
.f sal. and ,,,iTs. llnkI
, 1 ha (before the river froze over he
vv-oul, gt ,0 r .,,,
Sa w I1" "l,",'"S " l"'l,''
f "!,s ,,""r "' "'-'s.' Hays, and the
river froze, so t int if ....
Ii ,. ,. , , " isneriiiaii
r,"' ".'""'inatl before the oil.
,r ,"""s "' iletnlned bv ih.. ..... ..
cldn-V il "'vestment. , ,,
Uilnt. Me got eanght ,ho .
;;;; ;, for,,,,. .i,.,-y !,,;."
"t " he., he and his salt reached C.
J"'"'"' ''.r of , he latter vv s . v v
down ninl 11... .. .. """ivaj
1 frl..,..lH. how-
,,. pious,,,, w-1,1, ,.
MuM-mi,,,. expressing . ,,,
'"' '"'y '' "'o bl-ick , , .1,,.
K ver,,m, ,OKoli(( sm u a 1
''ot I n thii 1 "'" n".vthlng on I, or
t l this. l. whs probably right
Hut for n iK tmp f W.
be seemed to he e..,barklnL' i
vvii.i.M., 1 010,11 King; in some
I 1 .. "'" f"n,il-v re
I'. - .
1 ""I.- an..."
which si. , .. ."'"Wv,
II H H ffn.l . .
atone. -""JtjL
t-'d. Had, i,.lw ,
. ru 11 .
"- on I, u r,,.,.m I
-"r agah.s, .J '
or ti. ,,,..
that Af,.t 0lr'-l
fee,,,,;,:,,,: :
means f 11 ., """"ssil
Imr , I .'; .
" "sill.'
America ns In i-..,. .
pnniln . I-
country. At-tioo. .. 11
Information in ,i. .
I...II..., r -ItOT-
""" " '"'"U-rvHih,
I'OC .Xloilern f..
ncateV" Is ti, i, "... wl
In tl,.. A....0 .. '"'-"'"'il l
. "si''H:tai
the oiienin , .
Which I to he Ml- 1 1
'J'"t Oilman. rju, V
ll.Ok, II. m .. . "K
' 'i r laic, 1.
.....11 or l otneii, itM
sieveiiH institute. !, H,
ton I'eck. I'.islnii I'otter. a
illlguisncl edtlealom f J
.., , . t usillo,,,!,., ..
memorable s,nkiiiK .1
" siuiciiiiomu iiu'tii,,,,
AeraKe Length of H.J
,111c i litest ion. w hat ,...
Million V must iH-ailuiltw':'
rerent answers, ncfonliu. -
try to which II Im rij.j.Ii.sX I
mica ny tiit:siea
three years .'..nstittite th-.
of biimau Hie fiiralltlirjjj
the globe, but so.ui. in,,,,,.
fourth to a half of tiieiimu
before reaching tlio p.f;
age Is lunch loo high, nlt
of in on 11 1 a i n ,-oiititric in
to the purity of th? atiu.s;,
outdoor life and absteiuiD-1
have n higher averiij tin: I
of lowlands, while tkex h
longer lived than tin. iui.
flat, marshy distrli-ts. S:iJ
even here there nr.. ruiitrsi'
the .Nelhcrlatiilei-s. a kxl
whose country Is Ihdovr thrr 1
sou, 'have very large r- j
Individuals who have utta:a-1
ohl age. It is asse.'i,.( t :
lies that the people of tt--
trlct live lon.'er tium tt,,.
and an argument is thrttV:
to the tlls.-nlv.iiiiiig,. of Ih:
h'glng the greater nervem tp:-
excitement under vvliirli k
cities live. The wlmlr st1.
ever. I beset with ilifll.-ult'B'
character that even the pr
statisticians are iinalile to f'
elusive answer.
Our Oldest Rrclmni
The Third lleglnii'iit of K:
the regular iirinv of llio fnit-
Is our oldest military orgaaiu J
began Its history as llie F,v
incut, established lu June. ITS
with "Mad Anthony" War -I
(llan cauiiaii:ns. It w.i it I
llent 111 the w.ii'of lSliami!
ende of Its existence la thrO-l
regions. Then It wont to iV'l
lllg the Seiniliole vvnr.nll
nt Palo Alto. i;es,i,'ii,li..iril-
terey, Cheriil,,icu anil Vrni
Hie Mexican war. The W
fotiirht Xavaloes ami AM':
ward of tweiitv years, ami '
Civil War took nnrt In twemr-
tles and sieges, loslnit Id &
wmitiitiiit nml ml
llglltlllg reginiciit pnlil TeM-r
visit during tie- rims ni i'"-
more. You may suciiisl in -
... -,., ,Ke gom. out you may suir
lu doing u." ' "
"I have starved Ivfore."
fun? ''" la" bnV i0U l"a,1,, f"r our
Christian refernHl the Count to l;,.v
Mr. I'eintnann. who had con,,.t,Hj
preliminary studies, pro,,, hhl) , ,J
' "'""mm mat (. l.rlstlau had u.ado
wonderful progr,. m hi wtu,li... ,,
then- was niorv in the lad thau had i.
p. -an-d on the surfa.v. l"
Mirprls,M at this Information, the
( cut to help the yu
a''C Me reoomuieuded hi.u to ' a
frWud. who took a Uvelj lutt-rv., ta
O . n
Hie page dro.o r... ;',nr.
ouutess I l,l,i .
- :;:rt :
'"'isi.K'ra. and her deep reso w "r
'"' Wcblnn Montis,. S , 'T r
father to carry to tl... . , 1 L,'r
t brls.lau Marlot s,i '
Shortly afterward L w V?! CrT1
",- "Tcat of Men,,. , A ' "''l
Countess Lid., ii , !
-. .. sO,,,oSSi h,r
l The Greatest M,.r(ere
"'i-' was probablv ,,, " ,,',;ml'
'l-ress,hew', J . J .f """" ''"''
"sti.nated her e lm' " ls
uuVL, ,t
I"'t up In small bottl... i - '
I I cinder v ."'0 "-Mil.
1 1 in s as i, T ,",t",1 v'-
thear.'h pou ,(r ,,,,,X'V. In 7.,
-give,:t ,:;;:;;:;---'-
'J' strangled bn t. 1 1hm rlvt-
"'"""x ' t m, ;; "';""""" Insist
Naples au,. . , " " ".V,,1,r I"'-'", the
her aln.l,,... ... '"" ""'"K K-Hl
Value of Wild .loim
T-i... n ii I..,.- u-lii. tueascT I
X ..I" 1,11111 II "".' " I ,-, I of tl Ii-i-us lyr tlv I-
of- Its elephati's. Is vcrj'
a to method. Tin' Iasliy.lerw
l...U,.,l., U the most fOSlff 1
cnptlvltv. African clcpli.inn 1 1
quoted at from .si'i.umi to f. IV
(Hun elephant at J''M '
nre worth abi.u: the satwr'
,1, .1,1, .,11, oil tliv""3''
b,,l I' Hi'" m
I., I- exlllbltl' i
Its nrlce keens UP. A c!
instil i"' "
most pointl.ii-
III US 11 lit I Of I " .
,n for fruiii '",
for J-s"'
t, .... nt.ui wonn '
nciigai llgeis " .,
ifliiMi. and ctiiels from f'"-"
big African II.
r.i h i, and a tine I:
patent of ni,,tJ. ws'
ot fonnldabi,,
,,s " a s.son.,nkt.r.
Use of
enough for ,!. i.i ii,.,. ""iiani,.
iH-ke's brothers. and the young
Several years after,.
ess. mm- -i .... , . -tic Con
- -- - ..... ...... s I I I I I.... ,
Oil lltlSl,
ma r-
r ed n 1,1. ,1,1,,,, ... . .
-- . .. .-.tiu I, V. ., ,.
niw from Afrt ;'f'' w" bul re
'i.'i.ce an extremely v.li11,hr,"'1''rlnS
It wa, a happy uulo,, , l' 8,'rvo
cratle lady had lean cd J , arls!--imegr,s,
torJ ".t.
mastered tbi world f Ur
...... , M , .1
v,, u
Just Si. ,
She- 1 .. . 1 J,,,mcnt.
things. ,lllv-"",ls""'-'l-l.iiealotof
''';-vvm,s,,;";:f ,h" t
s , v-,1 i, ' 'V"u '"' think
""ir .we? tIm""1."""""1" U'w
'::'.'n,;,ha, ua,.J"M " "hn.W,
A Chi
On one of tie
cngo there has
queer spectacle
trnlr of sail '
lilnir nloi.'' 1-!"
nrotind corti. is.
verse bre.v.e. I
Jilcycle wheeis a'i
:lie deck of a ,
'.wo boys of 1 1
i,i,. avinn'
s lately thH-u n-j
r eiirt '
s:ill ami i
tiie v' '
r tackins 1
,, .. ..r-lft n
,,t,l hwal-lf1'
. i, insHf'''.r-
;;,,- i saidw?
clist.-ul. "'
,..g la"
I, I,. vvliit'
'- '111.
1 hat imiv i.
,., i ..... ' ""'. le
" as man- ...i ... ..
' She tohi
"I'ort f . "'" who fell far
Journal ' l"liauapolis
he sang.
"Vol , J- A ,l',,"''
..runTv'uK,,:r,,jr aiiiuvr
. repi,, Mi ,. ' .
cbati.-l,'--1.laCvAi;i8JJ- toretty to
Br ttnny
In Hrluany t
curious miiiria
fete days t hi
red nettlcoats.
lM.rd.-rs around
Isirders denote
is willing to i:'
white band d. :
scuts gold -a tl.,"-"-'1
i... isirti-'ti l"
.1, i
lir.u if
, !!' IV"
It te for d"'
It Is stilt. si Ci.t
1,ihmi,Iiiiii mad '
f ten
i. i
i Ipl.
erumeut li.v I'"' ;ril
tabllshcd at Ki" ''" . '"jf
at the rather iiuiX'-'1 :
per annuui.