J rm Tin M j EUEiNE Y L Jl" H. J mjHllSUEH MR TIIE OIWEJIVUIOS OF DEVOCRATIH NlXl'IPlES, iJIP TO WW i I0SEITMT1M BT TDK SWEAT OP 01 R BROW EUGENE, OR., SATURDAY, MAY 22 1807. - 30 M) 21. IKLY EUfiENE GUARD. CAHPBELL, PUBLISHER Me ( Wlllstnclte b-lweeo 11.00. 1.00. .to. tiling rates mad known f on application. I ATHLETIC CONTESTS. Mnltionil la TralDlcj to Meet OolTtnlT Team.- letter! to GUARD, 1 LUCKBY EALF.U IS batches, Chains. Jewelry, Etc. BIN( PROMPTLY DONE. ru"orm " r -W. BROWN, M. D. liclan and Surgeon. iMaril'ncovrpo.tomo. Hours; io.i u " I ...... r tiinnlA jTE AND mAKBLt wursi0. Jb, ...a New Prices l Fof'" 4 .. I UmiiIi.. VnllUBIDtli auc si.tuic " Ltitwatt '"J Cemetery work nl ll kind! for lSa4. WOHK GUARANTEED ! ... siwel. nnt l-ostofflce. Eugene, Or m a-. C. WOO JJUUUiv., Utoriicy-at-iaw. ! lOoe hl( block sontta of Chrlsmsu's OREGON. ECliF.SK, I. BMIT K. E, Makklit. jsey & Markley, AUorneys-at-Law. smi.l iud ProUtc Bailnes 8lo- ilti "iJ.WilTON, H. E. MARKLEY j ATTORNEYS-HUM. .... Oregon Vil.Vctice i H ,lie court of this in Wi lton lock. I MOWN. B. 0. PAINE. F. W. 08BUKN. 'winl. Vici Pridnt. Ceihle. THE A Loan and Savings j BANK, MONDAY, MAY 17. Mike WaM rode to Albany yester day. G V .Scott of Cressvell, was In town todny. K II Lnuer, of Portland, spent lust night in thin city. Mi.s Lulu Green it the guest of Miss i-Mythe HolliLan. I TAXES NOT YET DELIXQU EN T Ttis Ralls Hsfl Been Announced !i Sl'Mll But Still ODE!. Cl:se Hrabable l.i.i ol I. vi in.. The Oregouiau of today avs the Multiioinah team stints I ruiiiinir today turned fr.nu iipper Fall Creek under the caitful eye i.r Traltir King. Mr and Mrs Ira Martin returned for their eouiingdunl mw.. with Eu- their home at Pleasant Hill today. bciiu university ami llie Olympic i l-iuu leBin. llieinet with Kugene will Comenlf June lit, and will proba bly be a good one, hh t lie E.igei.t team U the champion college learn of Orc g"il. The iieraKiiiiel of the Huge e team M S Marker atnLMr Rissell have re- to Fletcher Linn, the commercial tourist, stopped nil in Eugene today, Mr W E Calkin returned home to Salem today ufler a few day visit here. Tame straw bcirlcs are tegiiiilng to Mill I'rabablr Close n) ii has not been inwounctd as yt-t, but tl e "I" Si A A C will irohahly he represented by a team picked from the following tiieu: Fuller, J.irdan, hlumentlial, Coyue, Iti-aui-e, Uurnett, Tallunt, Ker roii, Moigan, Miller, Kerrigan, Wat khiH, Treucknian, Percy and Muiphy. Flaunagan of course, will lakecare of the weights. The event have not yet t ecu decided UMii; but will prohubly include the tliree upriutM, the two dialitnce r.ius, both hurdhn, the mile walk, the j'linps, vuult and thiee weiglit events. The scoring will t v ns lullows: Firt iilt.ee to count five nointH, mcond pl.ice to count two points, nnd third place toe point iu each event. Male Sell' o'. 'oim. The reports of the various county echool superintendents of the tiliite to A number nfC Edelegales returned to their homes on the eaily overlaud train Keelt-r H iltihlert is visiliug friends In Eugene. He is mining near Cuti Jouviia'. Hon E P McCornack, of Salem, xpi-nt Stindiiy in Eugem. with friends and relatives Itev Needy made a short dip to Irvicg today. Father Itlack went to Cottage Giuve today ami fr mi there goes to West Fork, Douglas c unty. II W Thompson hud the misfortune to .-i rioiiHly damage his tandem while on the picnic yesterday. Win Delanev, now a resilient of ll.iise City, Idaho, is visiting rela Ivei a'td friends In Lane county. 8 ale Superintendent Irwin .-how a! K W ()! um and wife h-ll v.alerdav large diirereiux- between the iiuinl.er of lll()rniiig in a buy for Florence. They will begone about one week. children enumerated in the state this year, as being ol school age, ami the number enrolled I 'i the h'IidoU. The number enrolled is l:),ld7, and the number actually attending scliod dur ing the year 80,1s-"), leaving the num ber not attending the public schools, although used as a basis to distribute state Fchoot monies, 44,-S.t. The enu meration showed 1,0S ! more Inyo that) girls, and the enrollment developed the fact that 3,3.'t more boysthtn girls attended the seho ils. The above llgures Include Gilliam county, as re ported last year, this year's report not being in yet. Lane county shows an enrollment of about 2,685 males and -"S ft males, a total of 513. She isexceided by Mult nomah with 13,107, and Marion wish 0.781. The number of teachers imploytd in Lane county was !'0 mules 11ml 1!I7 fe males; lotal 287. She wns exceeded only by Multnomu i wilhaTil teachers. The average monthly salaries paid in Lane county were f'to.4'. for males aud f.0.9j for lemales. I'niverslly Notes. The thermometer registered 82 lu the shad" of a brick htiilding at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon. A L Mohler of Minneapolis, has been appointed manager of the O lit X Co to succeed President M Neill. Mr McChallen if Salem, who wa engaged last season b lying hops tor llorsl Bros., Sundayed in Eugene. Kevs (' F Clapp of Fon-st Grove and II L Hood ofShedd were among the C E visitors who left this morning. J P Holland, of Junction, and Ed L-uig of Cntta e Grove, went to lort laud today to attend I O O F graud lodge. The household goods 1 f the gentle men w ho are tostaita feed yard here arrived from Woodburu on today's freight Mrs C A Sehelbrede ami Miss Leone Shnpe of Uiselburg were niuong the 1 C E delegates returning to their homts jtod-iy. j C J Eddy tlie railroad (onimis i sinner ('.') passed llirough today on the 2;0i local bound for his Itoseliurg VrbRS-D. K. I'ulne, J. B. Harris, J. K. tlii, B. 1). r.ine. W. K. Brown, J. F. tafcttuon, F. W. O.burn. Od Caunal. : : : $50,000. Bankina Business Transacted. tllawtx on lime depoilU. :i-innitiuii(l lo our ctrewtll receive iitiunitou. 1 6 County Bank. (bubUibed In 1881) GENE, OREGON. iontral Banking bualnats ill branchsi transacted on ble terms. A. G. HOVEY, President .m. A is K A Mo, Cashier. fr. G. HUVEY, Jr.. At-Cashr t. home. riie genii) who ehclid to laKe ... , (lf i5:,Uer City, a son of o alions are now uusry hibki I prof .. formerly principal 01 r.u- lojking for material for same. I gent's public schools, is visiting friends One ol the noble old oaks on the I' I in Eugene. of O campus Is to be dedicated as tl.el M F Turner U7 class tree. It as the llrst choice 01 the class to plant the Oiegoii grape, but, it was delayed until to late, so the memory of the clas-s w ill be pie- served w ith duel.npressiveuess by one of the old gi nls that have so long stood guard on the campus. The seniors have chosen Miss Ltta Johnston class poet and Miss Edith Veazie orator, and the class rightly ex pect great things from them. The game of ball Saturday last l e-j la wn McMinuville college and Moil-j ly the mi ni Rowland who has been visiting her son, Arch Rice in this city returned to her hum i this morning L'ninteiiiio ally the name of Mies Henrietta Lauer was omit'ed Irom the A O 1' W card of thanks In Saturday's issue of the GUAM). June Stli has been (iesignatid by Grand Master W I Vawter as Odd Fellows memorial day, and he has so proclaimed to all lodges of the Juris diction. Hon A G Hovey and WM Green It had been announced by Sin nil' I Johnson that the lax rolls w ould hu ! closed on Saturday. May 15th. but they are still 0111 for collection. Mr Johnsou inlormcd a reoMcr Unit he had decided to keep the rolls 1 p. 11 this week, but that they would lu all piobabilily lie closed Saturday night May '21. He stated that he wanted lo make it easy on the people, but that when they had ceased paying this would be the only thing left to do. SCHOOL AProKUiJJiMKXr. Villi he Made the Kits! Moii.Iht August. -'I lie Law Explained. In The Salem Si-alcsman says there has becen considerable inquiry of late as to the time when the Interest derived from the lireducable school fund, for the up ort of the public schools, ill be apportioned, and as to how many apiHirtinnn.eiits w ill ba made. The law fixes ihe llrst Monday in August fur the apportionment, which Is the only one that is made under the law. In 18113 two apportionments were made, the llrst one on the day tlxed by the statute being so small that it was con sidered advisable to make a second ap portionment lu Dtceinhcr of that year. This action of the ofllcials has caused a number of county superintendents and others Interested in the schools to believe that several apportionments were made annually. At present it is Impossible to slate just w hat the apportionment w ill be, especially as one of the county super intendents in the state Gilliam coun ty official has not filed his annual re port of the schools iu his county with sitate Superintendent G M Irwin, aud for that reason the uumtier of pupils In the state, ou w hich tin apportionment will be made, I- not known. Dull; Uusnt, Msy IT W11.1. They Nkvkk Lkaun'.'-U lias so olteu been said that If it rains 011 Easter Sunday it will rain fir seven consecutive Sundays thereafter, that every nov should bo cognizant of Ihe fact but they don't heed It. One week ago S inlay a nuiuler of Eugene people spent the day on the tanks of the McKeuzie and got caught in the rain before leachb g home, a number of them having went on bieyclei. This was not enough for them, how ever, and again yesterday they went out, aud analn got rained on and this time worse than before. It would not be lira much to say perhaps they w ill go again next Sunday, iu the hopes that rainy weather cannot continue all summer. Perserverance is a great virtue. ''Intuits. s- r it.KiN I rroidmt rliirt t- BNulKiRASS. A.ii.Unl Puhlnr. i Usual Bank Ot Eugene. UD U&h f mltal &n mw) m ma Profits, $50,000 fene " - Ofcgon. 'IT1 basinew done oa resjoii- ''""'Ud o foreign countries. ldd,uWo V check or oertifl- JwtnuVxl to wlU teoelre inouill lias ueeu p.u..v.. v , . tr team l hey are pro esl lug on iin.imwi.nji - - - - ounTthat ome of he players were lodge, which convenes at Portland to lpJillr .tiuiu, Del. morrow. They are delegates from Ku, kendal. of the U of O a member Spencer P.utte I dge of th.s city, of the inieieo.legiate executive com-, Two boat loads of fUher.iuu tried mlitee will probably go to Moi uiouiii .ir luck on llie iiiameue ywieiu.,. Thursdav where the protest will be , ,()ne caught 30 liout and the other II. The final game will mi The river was loo nign u navmg mmcu 4 inches iu the past tew uavs. ii.,n Kliiah t.'orU'lt. the brother of fiiiiiHlilered be arranged, therefore, until ui'ter this meeting. i... r. ....i,t ml 1 ii lt of the L Jin lllg to low ' vv..- . IU -nat-.r Corln-lt, died at his homo of O faculty the U ol O team m' j h, Portland lust evening, aged 72 years .. 5'l X' mJ . he was a a number v . " " - J - , i to have the final baseball game p-j i i pontics in time when the faculty docs nut ,eUI buvejurlsdiciioii over tl'lll city ti-e-lilons. TTia; : I wtt 1" be I M- . U....I ,lie,l vester- Ami with the I . M IIICII h rilllK r 14 U " mi F- . - nf consumption, 3UJ 11 .'., k.. of his brother L a Hunt . . .... .n. ..f K.iiiene on llie i aboill i nines um. o river road. Deceased was 63 ,"r "f age and came out here about one week ago. The remains were interred the Luper cemetery this afternoon. democrat and of Important s stand, An ink-p(l nu luy cu"ltri A htamir in my hand; Al.d there before the letters HI work with glowing face, And daily pral-e the Preldnt For giving me the place Atlanta C institution. colleges will Vol.i'NTKKHS. Ashla nd Tiding: "A I detachment ol lialliugton lloolh's new Salvation army, called the "Volunieeis of America" has been in Ashland tlii- week, and a meeting was h.-ld at the Congregational church, last evening. This "army," It will be remeiiilK red, was organized by Halliligton I tooth, former comiiunder of the Salvation Army in America, as a result of a iup- mie betweeu tlen lloolh, comuialider- In.ehli f sod his boh. and it has the merits of being an American oigaiii.a tiou at least. The members wear a gray military uniform, and this de tach m nt carries a very good brass band. They go on north this even ing." They will be In Eugene Wed nesday. - - - Pilly Guard, Msy 17. FoKTHK Eaht. Mr M Bvarverud, manager of the Eugene R -id Estate Ac Iuvesiineut Comaany, left thin morn ing on the overhaul for Portland, from whence he will leave over the Northern Pacific for Minneapolis and 8t Paul, In the interest of his company lo negotiate and close some quite ex tensive real estate deals with parties there w ho are looking toward Lane county for farms. Mr Bvarverud will advertise Eugene and Lane county to a considerable exleut, and expects to bring back with Mm quite a party of settlers for Lane oounty. TI'ESD.VY, MAY is. Keelcr (labbcrt left for Portland today. Fletcher I. inn went north today on the local. A It Seal, the well known drummer is iu Eugene. S A Htiliu aud wife of Cr swell were iu Eugene today. Miss Eva Adair returned today to her lioiue at Sale n. Mrs E P Coleman and son came up from Poilland today. Mr aud Mrs J I Junes were dow n from I'nttiige Grove today. Portland w ill ceh brute Ihe coming Fouithof July. So w ill Eugene. I L Campbell is coutlued to the house today w ith an lull lined eyelid. W Samlets today loaded near with chlttemlatk for shipment to It.illl m rc. Mii-HOlaf Wrarci, the lNkimail lec turer continued her journey north t Hi ay. Miss Minnie luiiu rol Albany, Is the guest of her oi-ler Mrs David Link, of this cily. Giant 11m. -Itoti, of Creswell, is Visiting at .lie home of Mr and Mrs T G Hendricks. Will Kciishaw is having some im provements made ou his Willametle street residence. W W Haiuis started north t slay ill one of his (rips iu the Interest of the Eugene tannery. The Hendricks block, now under going repairs, w ill soon he ready for the plate glass front. Arthur Gilleland, ll t' of O student went to Albany today where ho will work during the summer A bicycle and buggy collided i u Eleventh street toda , w ithout any serious damage to t ilhcr vehicle. Eugene bus as nice a lot of driving horses with as line streets to drive them on as any town In the slate. The e.hereal blue of sunny Italy's skies cannot compare with the sky above our beloved Willamette valley. The judges of the MUpieme court have returned to Salem afier having held the Pendleton session of thai body. Jack Palmer or the RegiMer force, is laying i IV for n few days, umi9ftUeiit upon striking his lingers in a pa r cutter. Salem has taken similar action to Eugene aud appointed a eoinmitU-e to arrange fora Itryan meeting at Ihe capitol city. Mrs E S Cattron, of Monmoulh n turned home today uftur n visit Willi her daughters, Mesdames T W Harris aud T J Crai'. Ko.ehurg Plaiudcalcr: Several car loads of baled hay were shipped from Junction City last week by Maurice Allen. Sixteen dollars per ton was paid for the hay. The Albany Democrat unfeelingly heads a bit of news about a man acci dentally discharging his gun and kill ing himself w hile getting over a log, "Lane county style." Jack Davis passed llirough town yes terday w ith aliout forty calves hound for his ranch on the McKen.le. He paid (-" apiece for them. The, other night the Hioux Falls lodge of Elks initiated a candidate who weighed 4UH pounds. The goat Is now in Ihe hands of the veterinary surgeon. LN Rouey, Drew Griffin and rred llellman. took a Imat up to the Hen dricks ferry on the McKcnzie day be fore veslerday. and caught .ID fine trout coming i!owu. A Portland paper very kindly and svmnathliiliuly con-oles Halem over the loss of an extra session of Ihe leg islature by stating that there will be a horse race there this fall. ONION SILVER FORCES. lum Mar Se:ure a visit rr-jai H.i I. bum. w. I: '-- y at I NIGHT I 'JHt BOWELS IN l y T iiam. .... sasj mi oiii gu'i My i v l ii-i KciATt- The gate- fm:u Eugene lo Ue, I O O F. to fhe grand lodge, which -'S" Portland tomorrow are: i M . Will Greeu and L O Reck ill.- lUois went yesterday. Green t..d.,...J LO Reckwith will go tomorrow. dele have The f lull TheWhoNh Nl.MBUl day's Gi'ARi) It was statu uuruU-r lor Ihe washing n, E Wood's grocery should hive read " j'i " In ye!r the lucky . . . 1 tiClilue i . ' It Mt:E4.-'bf l,tercoll''gi' at : ! .. I ' ...Mrall tsKtS p a' new mm , . . . ; . II I,, on June 3. Ihe to w ,PZnA i l,e winuiiii: team down fj n.i, corner drug .tore end the w inning teaui Uov iiur hoV-i of Oregon to try again ou their college yens. . . . . Si... l.Ul.SSS . ..in.-kihll i.iLfr thn UiJ r V 1 ' l'c I - 1 .... hete oreisewneir. li.s.in a la. ka, bo.m a-!acka, liow, wow, wow, ( ink! la' ka, ching- hka, Chow, iLo, chow, Uoom a lacks, t hing Iscka, Who are ,o' from Ouachita? We, we, ", Whoo ra w hio inpla, diploo. l;i, -i ki. hi. Hot, e l I. et or dry, i.ai'ceK.P O (j-ia.-lnla "y high. o Memorial Day. - Arrangements now going on for the proper oh servance of Memorial d ly by the J W Geary Post and Relief Corps are not yet completed and the program ' cannot yet lie given nut. Memorial id.iyfail Sun ay I hit jesr sod It ! h .s uot Uen decided yet what dsy to hold the services. Ry a perusal ol I the valley exchanges it Is seen that at I their places they are to be held either Saturday or Monday. Some favor I observing the day here W Sunday, however. "I'm .Low "Albany Democrat: "The Eugene Gcakij continues to keep ry readers enlightened about President Chapman. It says lUt out oi his present (JtUJob he would prob ably get l )0 and be over paid. This Is pulling it too low. He would get more than l-ToO." Imitation III be t.Hrii I L Campbell is iu receipt of the fol lowing letter from the chairman of the L'nlon state cotumiUe relative to huv log Eugene listed as one of llie ap pointments of Hon Win J ltryaii. the gieat silver leader, who Is lo be lu Ore gon In July: Mi Missvil.l.K, May 11, lv'7. I L Campbell, Eugene, Dr.-Dear Sir: Seveial letters have leeu reivlved irom dillereut parts of the state asking that appointments bo made lor llmi Win J Itryan to sHitk lu mveral towns as he w ill tie in Oiegoii about the mid dle of July. We are corresponding w ith the na tional slate committees, with a view to securing a iiuiiibcr nf speecheH from the distinguished gentleman at that time if possible. In case we succeed lu getting all the f iieeches asked for, your town Is listed for one appointment, If the time Is agreeable. Please have several of your most In lineal ial silver men write to their n spective national committee chairmen at once, urging that our request le granted, that we call announce the ap pointments. Very truly yours, J l! CiniI'EII, Chairman i'nlon Staie Committee. I n response to the above commun ication a meeting of citizens was hehl Saturday afternoon, and ll was decided lo maki) every ellort to liiiiinti the dis tugulshed visitor to make a date for Eugene and Lane county. Chairman R F Dorris w as authorized to appoint a committee; of twelve to make arrangements for a meeting ut Eugene. The commit tee to consist nf four Democrats, four silver Repub licans and four Peopled parly repicscii latlves. Chairman iVirris will an nounce Hi o commltteo later. It Is to tie hoped the committee will meet with success ami secure a date for Eugene. The crowd of visitors would be Immense, I! or 0 VICTORIOIH Cluse Contest. A Good (iaino cc pi lug First lulling. Ex- - ytti.iltl'itLj. C i -J. lJ ,V;J . TH .r is sin v, fot; l dniiii : anl l thtf . . . M.i! tisei. II -iv., ' h. Willi-., A pOfM'll , vonr -will. ' I rv i I Jin'.-..,. I li I ll " ditlet "i llic.i.iv piw.l i; ; I iv I'l.- . i it 1 ! ' I i J. i i i ' . t in - .'I -' n'll l .. I lii o"k hr it. i ATO.- J.m't i iv sluirgish l...c M nature, .I'oheJ up fy h briiig on - .1:1 1 Whciim ,., i ,i vonr I iver : mmnons i J i it. It j!n , it T 'prrlv at i nl he lice from . i i.'oritcj. ULitODwhrn 1 ii "i, .inj that isi.pt .utive. and note the ,iV MW.MONS i , Simmons ' i: .kes the 1. r mi l'.uij a i.i 'I the I l ! i Kt.viU .1) i. en c ry J. 11. . lint ., riilladclililo. Pa. A Linn county man is In hard luck. When ho parted from his wife on a trip, a short time since, she kissed him gtMidby. Now she wants a final good by in the shape of a divorce, suit for which has betu commenced. Cattle buyers ar now working Klamath county. For good 2 and ?. year old beef steers they are offering til, but are making few if any pur chase', says the Klamath Republican. Some of the cattle owners are repotted to be holding out for f.10 per head. Messrs llinetard, Ruton ami Geo Ol e bert, w ho are to sla't a feed yard In Ibis city have received their household Kim, ds. Mr Gillierl is moving into the Emerson house on Sixl'i street and Mr Russurd Is moving into tne house formerly '.ecipled by Col J A Straight. Hi-cause the Stale University base ball team ls-ul the Aiany uoys me Albany U tu.M r.it opines the Eugene hoys will uot I lu it when they piny Monmouth. We predict the Mon mouth boys w ill be aware they have lieeu chasing the ball at lit close of the game. The county cull of Jospblne lias len enjoined from having tin county records exported, and Judge llanna bus also decided that it cannot compel the sheriff to publish the delinquent tax lit in a itHj'aln iiewspar, as he has complete jurisdiction of the mallei and tan use bis own judgment. "Cast the lulsu prophet out of th synagogue; for behold his iniquities. sayeth the multitude." The following from the Albany Herald or Saturday is very interesting reading: "The Albany College Iuvlnolbles, au eonipunled by a throng ir rooters, will leive Tor Eugene on the noon train to day to play baseball with the V of O bojs. The Albany team, which Is u strong one, Is composed or the follow ing: Ruoth, c; Layton, p; Cuslck, 1st b; Wealherford, 2nd b; Connuway, 31 b; Aldrlck.ss; Marks, I r; Crawford, o f; Rarret, r f; subs, Htewart, Ktell macher, Rarret. Tim Eugene boys will go out In one, two, three order, as Laylou Is a young wonder lit the box and Ids support Is excellent. The Eu gene boys might as well accept their defeat, for our hoys are going up there to A lll." The Eugene boys did "go out l;i one, two, three." That Is they went out around tho diamond In that order and came back with a tally each to their credit. The llrst Inning looked very much like an iiiiiihiii.II v laritu sc irv would I made by both sides the score lailng 11 loll in favor of the visiters. Aflir Unit, lint 1 1 tennis did better work and tho game finished with 2"i to 24 In favor oi the U of O. Tho home boys had only two practices before the game, hut in spite or this played a very good game. The star plays for the visitors were made by Marks, Rooth, Layton and Connaway, while tttetens, Smith, Coleman and Rrowti did tltectlve work for the home team. I.INE-UI'. A1.IIANV. V. OHO. Rooth o Rrown Layton p Coleman Cuslck 1 b McPherson Wcatlierford 2 b Harding Coiinoway 3 b Stevens Aldrlch s s olgter Marks 1 f Collins Crawford of -" Rarret i"f H'"llh Htewail sub Davio Htellmacher Logan Raret Kuo1 Hauders II IK UK VAN toil Mil IKE. Tlietieiillenieii Ai"nlcil to Secure a Visit From Ut" Relented IVu ilelillal l aildiildle. The billowing named gentlemen have been appointed a noil partisau eoininitte.' to make artnngc incuts for a speech In Eugene by lion Win J Rry an, on the occasion of bis vl-il to Ore gon about tlie middle of July: Hons. II R Kiucald. J D Matlock, Cll Raker, A J Zuinwalt.J F Amis, P J McPherson, M J liillegas FM Wll klnp, A S Patterson, L Rilyeu, M B Slephclisalid J G Stevenson. Ou moduli R F Dotria was selected as chairman of the committee. 'Ilniely .spraying roriiuilHS. The i 'all Stale Hoard ol Horticul ture Ins just sent out tho following formulae, which have given tno oesi results: No I, Pari Green-Mix I pound of Paris green with an equal amount of Ih ur; add suOU'lcnt water to form a thick paste, stirring until all lumps are mixed; dltutu to 200 gallous of water; add 4 pounds of lime, slacked to a thin paste; stir thoiouglily and' strain before using. No 2, Rordeaux mixture Fiuely pulveiize 0 minds of copper sulphate aud dissolve it in 2 gallons of hot wa ter; add to tins II gallons of water, .duke pounds of fiesh lime Into a thin paste; stir until cool and then thoroughly mix tho copKr sulphate solution with the lime to the mixture and water to make 40 gallons. Strain the mixture, ciufully. Double the above strength of this solution niny be used without Injury to the foliage, and the mixture of copper and lime lu the form of thin paste makes an elective wash for the trunks of old trees. No 3, kerosene emulsion DUsoRe one-half pound of hard soap (do not use resin soap) In one gallon or hot water: whllosli.l hot, add 2 gallons or kerosene; slir violently until the mixture takes on the iippearunco of whipped cream. Dilute with ten limes us much wider. Skimmed milk may bu used as a lubslllule (t the soap iu making Ibis emulsion, Using 1 gallon of hot milk to 2 gallons of kero seue, stirring tlie same as when soap Is used; add water as above. .. a . I 0. 0. F. Relegates. H.lll (,und. Msy Is. The grand hidg-of Odd Fellows nieelt lu Portland tomorrow; tlie grand en campment being iu session today. The Laiiecounly delegates are: Spencer llutle, No 1-L O Reckwllh W M Green, J M Williams. Oasis, No 41 H V Harvey, J P Hol land. Wist Point, NoU2-M C Rond, O B Allinghain. Springfield, No 70-M Prlemer, J II Snores. Irving, No 7-Clay .uiuwalt, Her man Miller. Heceta, No 111 1. V Akerly. Lorane, No 122.-8 G Lock wood, U E Russell. Judg.) lirysou Dylnif. Umpire C M Young". TEAMS TO PI. AY H.VAf.. McMiu ivlllo college and the M'on month state wirmal bcIuhiI teii.n played at McMinnvllle the sme day the former team winning by a scora of 10 to 2. The final Is now to be plad iH-lween McMinnvllle collego and tlie Ur.ro. It will probably Isti played Saturday, May 2t. The plate has dim len decidnl upon yet, but Eugene being much the larger tow should receive It, and could make- it much more to the financial lulerK. or the (cams to secure the game. I.-Vll'.f Ss.'H V II '1 H. A rt.rdh.it l- vitalioii is extended to a.'f nlteU'I the revival services at the Cumlcrlum' Presl.yltriaii church whicU bgid this even ii.g at 8 o'clock. li.lljr (iii.ni, Msy is. This morning Ruck Rryson, who Is attending the U of O, receive t a tel egram from Ids father, Judge J R Rry son, now lu New Yotk City, telling him goodbye, saylnif that he was .ivimr and would live but a few hours. Judge i try son has been one or the mint prominent jurists of the state, and resided at Corvallis. About Aptll M ho went to New York to consult with physicians regarding the treat ment of cancer, and his friends wilt ,.ru with sorrow thut they were un uhle to successfully combat the disease. Dully Ousrd, My It GHASU LOI'IIK DKI.KilATK8.-OC this morning's oveilatid Mrs Jotl Ware, Mrs H V Holdeii and Miss Ressie Day went to Poilland toattel d the grand lodge of the Rebckalnb Mia i Ware U grand chapluln ol llie oruer. O