w in y rTfj r" for Infants and Children. Ciator la It no wet laptal Ui i JiJMn-n t hat s omiiwnd It aa,iirlrt'.B.ny pr,vrl.tii.ti .vrnuimfi." JLA-AaiiiKOf. !., Ill St. OifurU bt., Umuklfii, .'. V. un of 'Contort li to unlvcrwil and i i.JirJta well known that it x-mi. a work ftiJKMTotfallon l rmliirw it. 1 cw ore ti... iwi:ilfmt fiunllle nl.o do ic.l Irr o Catri Ciau IIutk, I), J)., Jftrw Yrk City. CanUirln cmi Colic, 0illl..n, Hour !)Uim,1i, Iiiurluixt, rnictailoa. KiiU Wn..a, (Iim alc-p, ul jrvim.to Ion, Without liJurl(u.H wll'-atlon. Tor a. vend )eam I have iMvimmn .c o your 'L'ANloria,' uii1 li:ill alwaya contlr: I lo it It hua li.Tuml,! produce.! U-.u.i . .., r-.lU.M I'liWIH I". l'ilixa, M. T., IX.'.h Ktrti-t and Till Av., Nct York I jr Tin Ciirrai-a Oom-ixr, 77 McaaaT T-xr, Vona i J(l(ii; llrAltl'lllK. Judgo Lewis L McArtliur of Portland, who di'l ut Wiillu Wall i yt'blcrdity afternoon, was Lorn in Virginia, March IS, IS I Ik- graclunti'i frinn tlm lickiiniii col lego, IVniiHvI vuniu, ami rowl law in 'anliingt(n City, 1M,'., ami wns ailiniUod to the bir ut York, l'n in ISO I, ami began liis legal work at that pluco. Ho caino to Oregon in November 180-1, and tarried few months in Portland and tlien went to Umatilla, wliero ho ru inained iiiree yearn. Jit; lioeame clerk of Umatilla county and edited tho Index, a deiiiocrutiu niper; he ulso assisted in the elitorilii of tlio Columliia Press. From that place ho went to Auburn, liaker county where ho practiced his pro fession and engaged in mining. While at thir place he was elected county judge and moved to J'.ikcr City. In this place, in H70, in connection with M l Abbott, he tutubli-hi'd tho lied Kock Demo crat. Tho aim) year hn was elect ed circuit judge; was rii ih did in 1 80 and again in 1SS0. In 1SS2 ho resigned t!io oll'uo and resuiiied his legal practice at Tho Dulles. In 1SHI ho was a delegate to the demo cratic National convention, which nominated (i rover Cleveland, presi dent. In l'iSti ho whs appointed II S Attorney for Oregon and after his tvrm became a member of the law firm of llronaugh, McArtliur ,V l'Viiton, which ho continued with until tho time of his death. lie has been a regent of the University of Oregon for twenty years and took great interest in the institu tion. On the 10th day of June 1S7X hi was married to Miss Harriet K, iVesini'h, daughter f the l.ilo Hon .1 .Nesmitli. J hey have two torti, Clifton Nesmith and Lewis Anktniy. Tho Judgo titn nieinbor of the Masonic order, the 10 OK and of tho A O U W. A good citizen him gone to his reward and the people mourn their lots. II OKU MILK HA It. Some very remarkable pictures aro published in t, May number of the Ciisinopolitan magazine. There are half a iha-n of them and they urn photographic: sketches, of detached portions of bettlefields taken on the scenes ofueti ui im mediately after battles of the civil war. TIh'm- pictures do not frhow large numbers of the dead, but the ter rible reality of tho pcem s, and posi tions of the dead, impress one with a horror of such a conll ct. They are simply horrible. And yet Ninileeuth century civ- ilizition with all ji boaHtedcharity, liiimaiiity and advancement, is preparing t tigini s ol di strnction far leadlier than were ever before even Ireatiied of! 1 Kti'HKKV INMIIITK. I'mcrMiu of the 'IVafliT' In-itltaU I In lb hi at Klnilra. Hulnrdnv. M i; 22, "il. I'M. A. it. Hinging l,y (he Inalltijte. U-(ttloii -Mi- Mangle Lamlt, lli.lory ami i exerclws-L llxllmati. MetllixlK if I. selling Ugliinera lo reml-Mra MHrll.a Met 'lure. Iteeeca. ICiilUtion MUa K MhikIm Howard Mi tlinil n( leucliing ri HilIng lo 4th amlotli reu.l.r grit U,t Klla I- Miak. Atu-niion! How to kUain It. How to bolil It Murion K Horn. Dinner. 1:30 I'. Jl. iViligiligny (lit) IliMllute. JCirllutliMi MIhii Lavlua Voder. (leogriipliy -u clan, exerclim l.ullier Mllledge. AildriM-IWIMwaril II McAIUter, i; of O. Wliul sboiiM lie done w ith Miat bail lsi? Jiiinin KiirnlHli. H' CtN. How I have clamilleil ami graded my w liool- V L Millar, hlioulil ateucher liave aknowleiliM of pbrenologj? Vliy?-Ja. Mw.re. I hope all t lie teacheis and friends of Hie pul.lic mIumiIs, anywhere within ten or fifteen mills of Klimrs, will ei.inu prepared to aM tid the day. To do Ibis it wll! be inrexsary to I. ring your ! anlieU will filled. C. M lll'NT, '(. Hunt. . lU.SIOKr.U 10 (lllK.NHIUP. liov L-nl Lives a hull panln to an ex-( ouvict. I'. - i..X.ijJlLUW I - MlSltlPAl, LMiM.tTlKK. KeroUr Meetlnif of C'Wj lalher. L'xoal Aini'iiut of Huiiin-" I .! I'aiiT (eiara. II Council met lu regular asion at ehaiuUrr In city hall lant evening at So'eliM-k. Frvaent, Mayor Kuykeii (lall, Councllnien Day, Fiilier, Horn arid Luekey. Minute of the la-t meeting were r-ad and approved. I lie 11 nance voiiniiittee reported fu vorahlv no the uaual iiiiuioer of hilla, which were ordvred psld. On the uroiMiaitloo of C F I'miier to sprinkle the streets the enuiiiiiliee re p irled adversely Mr Day, from the Judiciary in m It tee, reported that In Hie matter of vhangea lu the lice Hie julinuiiee, cum mittee wasagalimt any general amend men la. On moitnn of Mr Gray the matter was Irft with tie Judiciary committee to draft audi amendment as they may think adviahle. ( arrii d Mr Fiaher read the monthly report of the street committee, which wan ordered tiled. A ielltlon was read from (lie li A It AX OLDSTORY. o,.. vevrssiro, lSor 2 mavis1, at on f tl,e.n I" tww""1 .. " -f.,1, nil in coimn.nid who fame u na In ilcn iilmr was nn.l. tilal lo and even ,.aiii.nierlii thcUtca. Hi. courap, . I Iivn tmivitl B liiimlriil ItlMl M.l' IV,' a , ) lime Ho wis hlg nwl ntMtigaH(l lf'i ; , 'i p-.l uifii nilh-d him "Tho tinat Chit 1 , s I guaranteed nnl-. which was a pity, as ineni 1.1 )., i l l-1., ilo when tin) Indians urn quirt. U tl.r .,!li r (J!i,viN iniiM M-ry well, most ,f He in. and n It was lln ir only omusc-m.-r.l. I Lev raturally ,n-fern'd tliat lie l,uld nt m-.ll the ga.na I'artlcularly tl. n.pmlll ol.j.vt.il, f..r he I-layixl exceed Ingly wi ll ami with on eiilliuslnun that was tilmC t-i pronoiimiil. unless ouo .,k Into mli-lilenitinn tlu total ahsclico i,f other f,.niinf eritertalmiient A man who cml.lirt ,L-iy rants was n very xT ,,rt of man In his eye, and a man who was siii eri.lv f.iirliss ami yet entirely ni.l.-twas one to ! Jmlmi-ly iidmlnsl and wi ntly, hut lionet!..! less Intensely, hal.iL '1 hero was i.Uo a nlro young lieutenant of two and twenty who played l)kcr very well nt so well natlio captain perhaps, hut he had o t'av, Imyi-li unit rather pro yoking way of l-in willfully lueky that mmle him a very fair mlver..ry. Ho ami theciititain were dwp In It ono night, mid UiltigH wero gmwing inien.-f Junction City : Milling Corapaj, ,M.NL FA TI'lCFItS OF THK ' and V It C, asking that a donation "f '1(l0 ji,.i,.n,iit wan Lumhlng m .""aleio MaleMiiiau of today : (lov W r Lord yesterday reHtored to full citl V..tiul.l.. I.. I... I. t. . .. ' i' -"mil', .ocuoweii, who was xentciiced to the aiiitentiary from I.iine mui.ty for a t o veara' term, and entered the prison on Match 10 18!MI fei red to Judiciary cnmmiltee. having hevti found guilty of forgery. At reijuest of Mr Gray the city at McI)owell who was only a boy In yeaia torllty informed the council of the nro JiVOO be made hy the council to e-i-' la defraying the expenses of the ol aervalicea of Memorisl day. Laid on the table. Ordinance unit tiding salary of olll cers read setuid lime. Fisher moved to amend salary of ma.shal to read fISO ier yeai." Carried. Mr (fray moved to amend further ao as to nad, "(.alary t.'eai-urer (I(S) tier annuin; salary, city attorney T5 er aiminii Mr Pay moved to rtfer the i.rdi' nance Lack to I lie Judiciary committee with instructions to prepare proposed amendments, t'airied. 1 lie oidinai.ee vacatii g ceilaln streets and alleys in Martin's addloitn lead second Iim hy title and re erred tojudicialry coinmiltee, A bicycle ordinance read and re and again exelfdly. 1 ho captain s fa-e was white anil drawn, and his hands shook a little. Winter .oir-rs aro made as com fortahlt! as I" i-iil in a nsigh and nwly fasldiiti.ai.il when then) Is a wninan In the ease thrv an' grneri.lly attnictlvo enough, for a soldier's wife learns many a makeshift, and marvelous effivts can he in a with hoxrs and luirnls, some stnw and a few- yanls of muslin and colored stiiffs. Hut the r.iptain s moms were iwru enough, uud when tho colonel kms;kod and was ahruptly told to "ollle,', tho dn'arii.s-s of it all hit him l.anl, and ho hiiilt un tho iiegliH-tl tiro without cen- linmv Is'lore he strolhil over to tho tablo nt.d ilrrw up a chair. At the llrst pause In the game he invited himself to join In. 'I lie a t.ilu rather grullly lnvlt.il him not to, for, as I wild hrfon n.nls were not his strong s.lt.t, hut when the ro.in lieutenant imautiously siiggest.nl that the stakes woro rather high he laughed his mellow laugh and said ho had a few dollars to lose, ."so miicu even when oif duty and playing ioker a soldier cannot shako olT a certain (.Isilienro to his sii rior ollirer, ho p't his wav. Hut the n.ptain's hrow gn'W hlark, and Ids hand "WHITE ROSE" -FLOUR.?.. . . BEST QUALITY The most iiojiular Hour in the market. .0ij i leading grocers. " 0 riii i "..!. r r--vr,,.,.,,k. i..a..c:.e. w..w.M.... w, il Or .nts. lu i.lr i r ma " aiaw WKll.tnt.rt.- x ..... ,. l'.,l.:,.,. ,,.,,., e.,V5 an.llMMU,i.l.li-e. Mnk I Mi .-il.. , , , .. ".T15 ...I.I .... I. ,, ,,,,1'l.n ,.,,.. .--" '"'HI U. -""St m Ml. funale in Bug, II SVJ rfSJ 1 S4 II'"'". "1 '" M"1-Irn(ni.,r.,nl.. mtn.mr., rl . "i.."'!! i fciilBajl?fca3snsniisi.i -. w.v. tr ..;, ,7 J "fllmoei, ( u... kML. uri-wifc.-l.. . .Mlllilbj. J. 1' '"""'hi?' ueiiu.on-s.,urliiiM'tiiMJ.s n Lv.vN.ai..iiiro;siiLHN it l."i'Avr.!rka ilreauieil ol! Tin.' ngi; lias not yet made a trusty sikui after entering reas anil status of the case of I. sue sMpis-d shaking, come when tl. ,on an,,mb will Prison, and the.ehy shortened hi. county es the city of Kugene, and he Jr,m Un down together ex-ept tbe lamb occiiiies a position insidi) tbe lion Tbes" aie not pleasant davs for Kepnbliciii coiircfsineii ami sena tors who in.isi pros, t cluims ol tlieir conhtittleiils for otlice I'n.si. lent McKinlev b is U'cn compelled t notify mcml.iTs of congre-s that no consuls would be appointed un til after tin. fcn'oii f i'nin,r,i.. acb number of congress has from one to twenty men in pursuit f bitn for a consulate. I I. c names ol a'l these men liare 1,.,,,. ..1 1 before the president and secretary of state. One senator I.,.. .',11 (ro:n his stale who want 0 enter the c. XX -lllar sen ire -enlence eoiisideiahly, regaining his hiicrly one day last week The restor ation was petitioned fr ,y a large niiniinT or people, und, as the young loan's conduct lu the prison wit high- l.v spoken of, and be was going to au- olher slate, tho restoration was made. iioisa are ispldly rising In i.rhe, from one end of u.e country lo the oilier. Owners of horses, who I. ml almost I. st hope, are taking fresh courage, fur they hi gin insee a bright outcome that is ever grow ing brighter. r course, this dms not apply to cay- uses. was instructed 10 make surli ai swer aa was necessary to proltcl the city's interests. An ordinance extending the tire limit south 011 the wtst side of Will ami tie street, read first time. For the Information of ihe council tbe mayor read some rules of unioi lot ihe government of It proceedings iteferred It a special committee: Day. Henderson and Fisher. A message to the council from the hiingl.il his ranis ami Inst his iiioncv, hut l.r was iirriistoiiird to that. 11.) Ilrvrr eollld Is' made to understand that sikerwas any thing more than a pastime, mid so ho laiiglnil l.is low laugh and played on. Alter nwl.ilctlio captain I hrow tint cards under the l.iMe and took n new- park "for lurk." Half a doen olliivrs had dmtiiMMl I In and wm- looking on, hut nolsslv olijis t- ed It was the custom. It eaino the colo nel's turn to deal. With his usual gentle, smiling awkwardness he fumbled the ranis, (lri.lt them, and w hen It ramo to his own hand dn,pHil one of them on tho lloor. Your Cough, like a dog's baric, is a sig;n tfiat there is something; foreign around which shouldn't fce there You can quiet the noise, but the danger may be there just the same. SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oil is not a cough specific; it does not merely allay the symptoms but it docs give such strength to the body that it is able to throw off the disease. You know the old proverb of "the ounce of prevention?" Don't neglect your cough. A book which will tell you more on the subject sent free on re quest. Your druggist ktrpi Scott's Emul tion ol Coi liver Oil. Put up in SO cts. and $1.00 ii:ts. SC.OXT IIOW'NF.. Nrw York. ATTENTION! Farmers!! Farmers!! Without looking he st.s.tssl and pathmil mayor was thru read. It treated of la raid fnuu nmlrr the tahlo. JIU faro the pnsei.t financial condition of the I'rightnnil. '1 hr captain sent a quick hs.k Keconlir lh.rns is Miincwhat of a humorist himself. Hi improved uililitii.tl to the pruposcl hievde onlimtnio that pedestrians ho com pel Id to wear head lights and ring bells had n ileiiioralizing t'tlcct on tho hioyclo uommittco who were seeking favors at the hands of our city fathers. The Salem Journal is rakinir the! Marion county commissioner court over the coals for leitincj tho in surance of public record ami build ing to ono firm. Kight, lirothcr Journal. Such work should be divided hihoiij; legitimate insurance men. bile recalling to mind lirovcr Cloveland' speech at the Keform club dinner, do not overlook the t.m ..I . 1. . . 1 .... I . 1 ,1 I ici inai iieueiitci .rnoiii also talked loudly about "splendid pa triotism" while ehnr.eiiiiig a knife for the rib of his country. One of tho war correspondents at Athens asserts that the (Jrcck women are not so beautiful a the poetry about them; hut perhaps he hasn't read any of the poetry thai lias been written since ltyron. Tommy llayard will bring the log of the Mayllower back to Amcr i.a. lie really had to have some excuse for hi return, and in ti c absence of any other ti e May flower' log will surtice. Several juror in tho Portland United State district court uro in nerious trouble, over alleged bribery. which, it i alleged, occurcd during the trial of a damage suit for right of way fjr Tho Dalle portage road. South llend, Washington, was a boom city of great iroportions, but it i now a municipal wreck. Nut!,. ing left of its former greatues but unpaid debt. A numher of cities ,,IU, r,,.ri., their policemen t;, nnvl h:cvcle scorchers 011 sight. Jt j v,.ry ;v,., to make such an r,,.r i (I t W, would like to know howatnati thai can run at the rate ,.f i, he mil. a an hour cm catch a nun OLOIlcimig IllOllir ,111(1, hero , that is rum i'.ny to thirty miles l0Ur 1'he old saviiiL' 1.1 ,.,,...1. .. .1.: r ... j - r. 11 11 unci win a thief inicihi In, .i.,,,i;..i.i... t... "I'll policilncn with bicycles, ami toach them to run a lin (llMvr I Until the scorchers. l earn lo I. row OI,l Urmn-rullT. 'I'liere Is 11 most adnilral.lo Irs in mn tilling in the following extnu-t from I Ian- nini .Mores '.slrirtur.-s on the Mislern y-'''!" 01 l-emalo Ki I unit Ion :" "silnre. nini, 1 hen- Is n season when the jniithfiil iiiiist crust, tu In, joi.nu and the Ixiintlfiil loexruo Hiliulnitli.n, 1,1 l.Mtrri Id (trtitv old irrarrfnllv Is s rhaps ..no of the rarest and st Isantlfiil arts that mn I si taught to " Aim 11 must ts isnifi-ssed It Is a inosi severe trial Tor those women U lay down their Is-iinty who have imthititt else to lake up. It Is for this soIht season i.f i.irinat ctiiinitioii ht,i,i hiy up Its rich p soimvs. Ihiwever dlsn tiani.sj they tuny have Urn, th. y w ill . wanted now. Wheit ndnilrers fall away ami llntterers lsi.tno unite, tho mind will !. driven hi retire wiinm itseir, ami If It llmls no entertain- 111. tu in noine it will U driven l. k utraln "i "o iinriii wiiii iiirrtviseil fonv. Vet, ioiireiiin mis, U,.wo not MVm to itluroto our ilauiiliters eirhislvely for tho transient sTlod of .vonth, whn, it Is to matutvr llfo o i.ii,,!,! tomni rtr is, wo tint ediionto for a crowd, fortfrttliiK that t hoy are to ' " " "'or it crowd and not for themselves, for show and not for use, for ...n. nun un, mr rirrnitvr ' city, It revenues, IndeUnlnm, pros' M-ets, etc. J'his was aimed simply as Information to the memhers of the council toenahle lliein to net more In telligently hi Ihe n lament ol municipal finances. The luessHee was ordered spread upon the minutes. A number of hills were read and referred to the finance committee. Adjourn d. Ihe Wheat Malkrt. S,reisl lo lhalic.lll. I.IVKUI'ool. May II -farxiss on passage, .ulet hut slead ; opllmis, hall penny dearer. Xmv VHK, May II -Firmer and higher; 711. I'llli Aiio.-MHrket llru.i r hikI high er; 731. Han Fkamisvo, My ll.-Fi:mer and higher; f .27. l'on lickins) asked tl.,.1 .,.. ..f Ins friends l. retained s po.t.nast. 'r in a Michigan town as a M.rtol regard for his (HickinsonV) ., I'rt of the McKinley ti. kel. The friend has Inn. ii...i .....i . 'ii.oui warn- iiK nI Don is now pon.Jcring l)V(,r v"t. ingrain tide (. il0( ' political treachery of tie (inson sripi. profit lifk. A I .User. " I .ii.i .. . . ..,,,, 1, ,-irvrr man, so 1 am a i.nK rom ran let ton r ,m, ,()w tmt men of til.iratlon ami lntrlll(r,.,.vd,i nt nuurT t,.i,,,.,.. . , ....... J -"" 1.1 -eiiu.iwrti,- sum nsuiitiis- fi.l author niintly. Thatacloverwnimin il.s snot nmko atr-sKlwifo Is ono of tho i.os. r.iiirinousor rallm-les. There Is not h ln In life that n clever woman rnnn.it and will not do Is-ttrr than a stupid one. Kdu- .... 10.1 urteiops a woman's siwer In every direction and inakrs her mort, chloof dlnx tlinf n household and ooiistnirtlnK a A Vai.iahi.k Socvkmr When I'erry Frank attended Ihe centennial eeiemonles in the 1-jist he pr.s ured a piei-e ur wood that was taken from the old flagship "Lawrence" the I, oat on which Commodore I'erry made sucli an envlahlo moid during the war ollS13 on Lake F.rie. tl.e ..1,1 ., being resurrecl.d from its water resting place at hat tune. To 11 tiiiulv keep this l.isioiical relic Mr Frank has carved II Into a cauc and had silver plate placed (hereon on which is pu.l.lli.ir Hum kI, Tho luoa..,l woman w ho limsrneVl V'V'Z "W wor,,": "Vrry lorms her duties hi life would not hv rr"u" I''ut,',, ur- ' ''' ne is made iroinaplecelakenfn.nl i,t. ,,id hii f It i about time f,,r Doctor I'hap. n take another trip hr0!V( in nckie uti s.ime r..,...i . I 1 , owi tmiiK lor an instant the iWt.-r in not-to use vulgar exprcssion fully onto his ji.h. I'sily Husru. May ,0 K.'Xr:KA,..TllfKs,MV.-A dispatch re.vlve.1 l.erethlsaftrr,,,,,,,, ,rJs the '"l;'" l.attl,o funeral ..fthel. ,. ' Mc.Vr.hur. will wviir Ht rry. 1- .Ik cun.y. Thu,.v fore' '"... 11 o'clock. Tl,e tetuHlns w --Imiiedht (he side of . (V j Ncsmllh, his father I ii-Imu- i. ... 'I'"'- likely that several H.rsos will Is, III Utl...l .. ' .ro-i.t, cr irntn r.ilircne. 1 Mt a nil, ii'a 1. f.M Kvr iW,NK -ll.eotat ul alis.ntrsiofn,,. ,. of II." Northwestern s.a.es to have Uru held May 13 , the Tvr Mr,,.. '' l'rch of I'oi thind has hoei, sWt ' , "'V -- rrtii imk, the 1 y piiewimirr n'presenia Ore fullllhtl thrin Is-tter, hut miirh worst.. If "' " "mi nwivnt 110 trnlnlnt;. And Ihe luully Infiirimxl (ilrl who cooks n kihhI dinner and inetids her huslmnd's sis-ks would do U.tli n Kret dial letter If her powrrs ef mind and of IntclliKonro had Isi n euhlvatiil and hrouuht totsMtron hor daily work. "-New York Advertiser. T.t I rr I urullure From Moths. " rpholswrod furniture win 1st kept fro from moths," n western inil,,iUt.,n.. .... Inn lsitiiplilrti.il tho suhj.vt, "hy takln tint friiiiltiiM.s 1.1 . 1 . ' , , ii.isiiii, iihuu uiitv a iiumth nml Ism It thon.uKhly with trl,s) f -...,....,,, men wiite itttarhixl to a pl.' of l.ns.in handle, .should utio hit ..-,t.s, ,,ni witn tt.is it will not mar It, while the tVKular rattan ami wire heater mar moro parlor frames, ruin more cover . ,. muk up more Inside H11K t)mn itoetl children iMiildilo. 'I h 1. we hato moths Is we are alttnvs koIi. to is',,1 .,,1. ..... ....1. ., . - . e , "t'ooisirry nirnlture, hut rarely pt around to It. Cl.it hi JiiK furs, to I,, stonxl lu tho warttwils.. dnr-" ln summer can lv kept entirely ,.,.,, ". anaca u put Into i ,v ,ollr .. T, Til nl,-v,h,,,tf "t imtuc. imd tlsrhtly tlt m, ,lt mlh w ,,.. t. r at the mouth. Hums a,.rve the same purpose when n.t em,uBh .0 prevent the moths from cf.tcrltiK ' if I'ton. IIoNKVMis.N 1,1 foMKVK - l ,,, n the statement ef tiM..,r )rry Ht l-lcy A S tilth was 111 .vests, .f K, Mtl(, .'itiy i.iiaisMi ihury miji v .,u ii,oii iiicir i,,iii, u, ,1..... 1 .... wed. Tin Hullftln, ears ... t Clerk lerimt to lm..- .Vt Acme, .,t, 0,, v Urt) got,, May 3, lv-7, after an I tine, llf several wtvk, K .hen Alexander. MAKKln..-.t F.oivu.v. last L I'.v ltev 1 II Knott. Altsrt Karuo- ky and Mb Mattie Morris. Ssll.,tli,g trrlgo iUhIIm. Aliirruan M.llral nml sj,..i.i in an iinii lr 0.1 n,u ,,.,1.... that pins, safely pins, pehHrt,, L-i.'. stoiitx. etc.. sll ,y children need sia-lon 110 alarm, us ih... in Ihrouh with,,,,! mr,tf the child 1 ho h-morst daimvr Is ,n,m Itlt. ,.,,, , . Which t ie child U Usually ,htl 111 such It Is Ivtter tolcmrthe IwweU at rest 1.11,1 ..nilI cnk,-r. I-I..I ..... !,'.t"'Mk'"!,""",",hl, h lu "tUte n t. .. , . . li'mirts'us mass lii w , , h thr , ,r,-ln Issll,, will l. emlictlrled a .1 rarrutl Ihh. Wh,n for,-!,,,, Uh,1(, t 1. k I the tlmsti , ,h,. 0hll, I. Xllu,u( o swallow, li shouhl n,vHo,n elll,.0 t .ho .,. ..,,..!,., ,,,.,,,, N ,miMuit, lh!s,atsll,l,kc0-.,1r.o.lyl,,. , our c.tse I. ,11, B 1 ,, . . . tf I ... .. . . ireuce. ruiiK mi Lake Krie during it- - I.-.. ..... o rnj nan v in 1 lie yrar s!3." MAKRIKli. - Miss Fay no S.tahan taujc er ol the late Chief Justice -Slrahan, of the Oregon supreme bench, was married April , v.i7 - York City to Mr William A K M.w.r- 'f New Yolk. The nmrriae was a iiiet auair, ta-lng altunhd hv ...,lv ll.ertdatlvesandaiewi.ear Irirnds o. tlie contracting patties. Mr M,Mlle , cspilallst of New York, Mug i,lWr. estitl la the development i f South Aftlcan mining propeiths. Mr and Mrs Mistie sailed for F:unie Msy 1, for a tour of the continent. They will be at the Helgravia hotel, 72 Victoria street, London, until (tepteiuln'r j AssiivSt.H's Wl.HK.-l) Wt'mllil.,., depuiy assessor, w ho is now doing the field work in (he Kugeue p (,. . ext'ts to have hi work e nipleted in j a couple of week. The field work of the entire county will he . omnl-i-.! 1, is inouwi.l, l Jut,,. I, a Assessor l,ir. uuniis-r i r ileputles out, and no at foiia ciiove himself aist lt. in fie ork at him, and his f.u-e was whiter than ever. 1 he liaml was plated out, and tlio iiiIoia-I won. With an almost rhihlliko laiiirh of pleasure, lie put out l.is hand to draw in his tvinniiiH"i, when the captain spranirto his fift and hroiicht his own hand down on the cards, "llentlemen. I denouiu-o this man as a cheat!" Ur lifted his hand, and there was one lihio luiek amonir the red ours srattrr, .1 over tho tahle. In the turmoil Hint foll,.w,xl the colonel was almo.i tlraL'i-itl out of tho room hv lils friends and j."'. away, llf eours., thcro was nothing for It hut to light. His friends. and they were mailt-, waited for l.U or. iters. Hut after the llrst hurst ,,f race he sis'ini-d stuprli,-.!. lie sit prrf.i-tly silent, staring straight in front of him. 'Finally his fellow oilhvM sK,ko. Ho must .lo something. A challenge was written, sent ! "IH eonti si: ami Declined. I here was an uproar of In dignation. Not only the colonel's honor, 'no nonor 01 tlio army was at stako. Ho must horsewhip tho man, sinro ho would not light. 1 here was nothing clso for It, So they talked and arginsl excited ly, sternly, and the colonel listrmil dully and Kiid yes, lie must horsewhip him. He staid in d,K,rs that night, and tlio H,st talkul of tlio morning. At 10 o'clock tho next dav the troops wore drawn up In line ready f..r parado 7 lie r.iptain st.ssl lu front of hlsroiii,anv Kvery man mil woman at thr s,st wa them to seC' l'lic Chief" horsewhln tl,.. ai-iiundrel who had dared to Insult hi,, 1 ho excitement was iiitens,, Tl,.... ..-.. . deathlike stillness, and every evo was siranuii as tno n.lonel walkul slowly across the parade ground. His face was white anil stern and his step linn and lie. II sT.ito. In hisliaiidwasiitwist.ineiitl;,., w hip such us teamsters use driving mules. 1 ho captain saw him coming a KtKU, like a nvk, with his cold smile of unuttrral.lo contempt nnu malignant hatred on his fare. When his adversary st..p,i I fM, f ,,lm ,10 nils.il his licui ,,d without changing his position look.il hi,,, ,r..i,.i 1.. ' 18 h s black and evil face set ,, oxpriioa li " 1 ";;" a gestae of noble nd.gnatlon the Mln,. raistit hi whip .0 air. held , ,s,uila moment, and then tho bravo soldier, the superb puitlonm,, shrunk luck weakly. ,i, Us ', the grtiucd and burial his face In hi, band., 'ihet.hotiirnixl. wontl,ekt l s quarter and shut ,,0 UlMir Mllm, , A IOW lltilipq ultM 1.. ..1 . of bis friends, ,,, , h,m was I, s ktil. 1 he ncif .1 ,r 1,.. .1 . I nd a few days later resign,,, ,'",; ' .n.,y.-... Wrigh, In Lin.i.ui.tt Ma i If vou want Mens, youths and Boys Oregon all wcol ' Suits. Come and See what spcial price; In discounts we will iiive you for cash At Brcwnsville Clothing Slot, HOWE&RICE, MIEHIFfS SALKOX FORECLOsrtt Notion is her.h, Kiv,n, ihst l.,,ifc .111 ex-culiiiii, dill iss!iHli.,,t,,t,i,r,: Conil ..f IheStHteol Or. gn. Ir II.' (.W ly id Line. ..11 Ihe yoth d,.y of Msrrk J 01. ajudgnieiit re.,1. ie, 1, ssid Coin . .eHihiW., ,.f Ms,, !,. 1K.7. f,.r ,b." tlite Hlll.itr.l luu, .. ..... . . .... --,,, 111111 i.oitu fu li.rs lugo ileo.i, of thn fi.jt.il s," ,, .eri si uier.i.i, tn, , b , -Jla.eli,h!.,.at .he .t , annua, ,.. t Iwnu-Bve , , r 0 be and Ihe lunber sun, ,.( fir, .7 e..sls .al-OM.,...i,K e,M, .,,.,.( Court wherein W E Hr.iw,, w JTJT and Noliiey Ibnimr, Wnysssdminj,; the.stsl ( Msi., J Hegr, j'J n.li:iiHtle. Walkrr ,,, Si. , JJ ...d Edna H.g.r, . '.l,,,,;, sgsii.st il hImv i.siu.d d l.idn. ti iiry Jl. mine, way af aMii.iiii.ii,,,, ,.V t ile of Man ha J il,.g,rt, Oe, rssed, Ult " 1 bcr.e of foreclosure ami order of birr d red in ... id Court. e"ii,iiiiB,iiti , k older to sntbfy said jailriuent L Kl sii.i aen.iu is.sim ... .... ... tlie prize bring a psir of slimes. Sect .1 leso.ii.ed re. 1 prop, riv tuwi- nH ., ...... .. . I. ..II. 1. 1.- .'' '. "l" 1 lass, o 111. nil lis 10 I llillllllia, llaugll- TlIK I'kizks AWAKIiKI). The very successful baby show cou.liicled Satur day a'ternnoii by the ladi.-s of the Presbyterian church in the tioodinan I, nil, ling resulted in the following prizes b. ilig Hit ii'ilnl The first e'ass ill. -hided I lie haliies opto six months, ami was a war I., I in favor of the daiik-htcr of Mr ai d Mrs V. Jj IVaiik tor of Mr tin. I Mrs Will Heavy; priy.-, rinjf. lhlrdcla-s IS nionths to ,'! y b s. ilaoght -rof Mraod Mrs W L p. lu ll", prize, silver mug. The judge lion S II Friendly. Mil' or Km ken dall and Mis V, ... It Ih I.,s,,,,it, f Portland, ne coosei, red 1.1 .ve been most fair si.d in j n t i 1. 1 in tin r (,.. cisioti. A Inry,. irowd WMs in Hltei.- .1 . . . uai.ee a. 1.1 . 1.1 i.hiin W,.,H u,;, red it. .... ... . i.,,.r. iim.k . i.i.y.-in sliding; mat the little child . f Air 1,1,, I Mrs Frin'.- -i. won a piiz a 11. e ,, show, ! . st,., ,.1,1,,, j( gir W 1 1 .1 ws.,'t I, was ,, l,",'1",1";r "'i"""no4',iDiih nonh half . I in- nor timet pirteiH.iS .. iio.. 21, in To ..ship pi.'simih kU . .s. n fli . ci.Utslliuig Kill ,frMi I. l.e (:,..,.. 0.go:,. N.,w lbpt, , 'l I. thr t.t - .. h.l,ve d-CliW 1st pr ,pn j. . t ,,.ii,ic sin ti. 11, f r t.h. a tl.e (ou.t il.e ,1,,, r , tuw, U, l oiii ty, Or.g, n, 011 Mo.idiiy tUliJibk ' Mat, 181)7, Istw.,,, , h.nn of, II Urn ocicl. A M. a, d 4 i.M,i I' at 1 n'r o k 1' M of NMl.! due I, t .l this 2. .1 d..j ... l,y;. A .1 JeHSMH, ' e ill , f .,,t,r Cnii.iy, Oregi. Summons. -t... cr I. . . ... ii.iKT.-The trial of L lws In the police eo irt tmlay r-suli, lu his lie!.. nnetl and cos'ls, . total oflbV I!, was given until noon lo morrow l liquidate. The el.arKe pre- ivr.rti .Kl.ist 11 1 It) a, of r,,rg his horse out in th ,tr( ta fuln to keep them up after being r. ilered to do so by the inarsha1. N..l.l Intllsrretlon. Tho Kmpress Kngenl,. was often willful and prleloua ,,,., .,. J . pulses ., the w,a ,a,l I, hard for 1 r .o su ,n, tothenMndntsofth,,,' l ., s. i,,pllU, ,,,,,,, maili M . , known was of vital ln,,s,ru ,IV' W ' I , '.'..i,j, in,, .nier can doniist she Mwagt.mlarniom using a pun , sirtvt. hiii.m. 11.. r........ . h.tr own safcv ... . V': ref i.f press ana 1 ivnnnaiul v.,'. '" Ir. Evans thriisi l r i...i. ''''acXpla,n,i.,o,,,c'h luX:,tn t '1 am tli,. em. you to let that in,,,, Us,n tho s uiakMiin.s.,,. 1.. ., . . r'uif ,,",,rv Aftc.".... Taking: course of Ayer's Pills the system is Sct ir. goorUorlring order and a man begins to feci that life ii worth living. ne who has become the gradual Prey of cotistip.itlon. does not realize the friction under which he labors, until the burden is lifted from him. Then his mountains si,,k jto molc. MI, his rurosencss gives Place to jollity, he is a hnrpy Nan again. If life docs 1J0( seem worth living to you, you may take a very different view of it after taking Aycr's eii:bi:8 puis, j j i. ijagr7.; I fheCircuit r..nrtf tin ttt .l Off lor j.Hlieis.iintt, t tea I.aiicr I'lallillll 1 v" I J. Ci.rsrn, lien ,. I 'arson I II. lillsll ell, Sternls-iv ' .S-iideis and Iaae Cs.sno ,. I lefeinUiiU ) I Isiiao (Vn.011. iha alMV nnipl If l.'liilltl.t. In the t.ane of the State ef Orcunn, p hereby siiii.tiioiieil H,,Hr in isiJ l "ii or before the second Ab.ml.iy in Jum lf, tliat l ing the Krst ,Uv ,.f ,1.- nt ntraitf term of .iii.l coin t anil nnsttvr the coufiUiil "f the pi . il.tilf riled therein nr iuiL-nml uJ I'eer.ettill Is, tiikenfur the f,.rec.iiwf l-erlltlll ill... tel. eM..nt., I.,- tl,e llrf.llS S t'. I'ar-on ami ;rce J Csntiin iol of the l'liiiniilf upon the f,,.,iiiK JmcHW real property sitit'ed ins.iiil Unt t'i (Iri-snn towit. Coiumrn. l. g st tlio .North" corner of county urvcy .... tHii tt division line between tile Kut halve, of the , ..i.iti,.n 1 111 1 claim ol D lb 'nd sle claim ,. ft. in sertina 19 TpU fl'lW lhei.ee Nrrlh to the oeotw l ike on said l,.iin il,a,,,v iilnnv th, us "f'l e line el the lnke to the . ,rth liM id claim; thence Kst t the Xorlli e;nnT of said claim; themv .N'orlb 1 Ktst line ,.f mj,j claim t Ihe .sVrthw corner of County survey Xn ITti; If" North 8!' deg. 1.1 min. West -10 (SI cliuu JJ l Ueeof Isi. inning coiitaiiiiiig:i42. -17 laiul in Luna county l re.;iiii ami fur it oovtryofthe. sum of ;).(oil ll(l ia I'nit fiti.t, a gold coiii with interest at H veto per annum since Jauunry Hth, S!KapJa'" sa-fsseil fti'int a.i.l am,, an.l i'A'i lit I ee aim mr costi atKl !li.-'iiMuenn at-ainat the I'efw. S. V. Canu n anilU1 I M. t'anwn, an! such oilier relief M ""jj IJ'otirtmsy ,?em eipiitahie. It wm or'1" ', the Curt. The Hon. J. C. Wj'l Judge at hrrUuUr March t-riu thereof l I tiut rviitn.f this suiniie.iH he n 'f 1 ou hy hy imhiictjon in the Ku."n n'(,L' I'O AHUa uswspauer of 1,'eiieral circuliU' j Mil, li,he,l weekly in aai,l county for aiJ , ecutiva weeks. (i o. IS PoR, l'lttr.Altf. 0. S. Land Commissioner. ! t F .-n.nnH.uU HI 1 ho Um. , , - ""! , 7 I do! Of acry Ib.HN -M.j- 6,17, toIr and Mn a; 11 TELEGRAPA " E1 CaDitflnnpn0s.Bi ' . v"' cti, Monogram, oeimont, Stanfnvri 1 hi other popular brands of cigars at ' Ju.ius h'clilsmitli's. Joel Ware, having been ip 1 11 r. t. : fVinrt t n , . ,'"uut'i u. o. Lircuu w-r 'nVJLLR ES 'rmnmissionerfor the district . if Oregon, U now jTftpa I a 1 . . r. tv18. "sviiig a i.inv,. ,, 1 . ,'0 make Homestkap r1"' ii-n.iKsl,,.v(1,::;r::,,H.K''fiF,vAi. 1k,m,m. and take to tll.l.OIll , ' . . 1I jUmony in Contest j Having had thrty years ej ti 'I.f .,a! iiiiirk.-ia, J W Harris a ou. Tull Line of Toba ceo and Cam yi w EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH ierience in this iin s'Mel i.rl.. 1 i every case. 0, he will satisfaction Oflice in IB 03d M I Headquarter, for the E q I Soda Work oene Q, 1 wl.!lli:j;:a.n: Mirke: Price o Oregou.