The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, May 15, 1897, Image 1

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UU Alii
I 1 ITPI'VI' It'll .. MllVlnv ........ 1 I -- n .r r i r i
NO 20
L.nmri.1.. PUUUMILK
L..t " "
i 5; u:
l'.sia::s K:!
1 .no
rates made known
on application.
,.n.- " H"AK),
,,.U.KI!IN .5lSafc
.ll.-rll.. l,, .h ,,.,, ,
I'.HH L I ,!,(, y U
Air ady II,.. tow,, f lu.
porlitucr iu the Will,,,,,, lie vll,.y are,
iitki.gari.nig..,n.i,t, (.,.:,.irilU. ,,ie
1 t U""'ivw-Mr ..f n,e in h petidenc
"I HIH 1 III ,-. ,St.,i,., (J,,
grainiest mil inn i;
s'watcnes. Cl,.vns. Jewnlry, Etc.
il work warranted.-!
vlolan ".ul Surgeon.
I,i.HU...T"f'll''!- """n':
I is ,: l" ' ''
,1 N,.w it lii ForeUn
tMrMeii'l irnU-. Moimmeuui.
Ddd.Wlri nil'
I rr meter? w.irk 'il
J ,11 kinl
eJitrwI. n' I'' K"''m'' r
I J:io lull Work "H" timniu.
i mi
S. K. Maiiklky.
jey & Markley,
v.aChminftn HliV
jrrnoN, n. e. markley
cm .... Oregon
I ntm-tlce in nil i In- omit of this
v, W
S Smeiil, nf Waltervllle, was in the
'! to.tay .
MrsJ L Page returned todav from i
visit to Albany.
Scciciury Kiucaid returned to Salt in
thi ini, riling.
Cunt house . Mlclals did only routine
work today.
Five more week, of studies at the
I'oiterslty of Oregon.
Fletcher Linn, of Portland, spent
Suu.tny in thin city.
1 I .
greatest and ''" - if rren, the ralein hopbuter.
"Uu ever shone vv'" 1 tilt-city tmlHV.
up mi. I.i.t i.i4i.t 'rt m., ,e.d a -Min Fo.hay, the Albany druggist
" r-r ihl , ur. h,.,..,! yesterday in Eugene.
noe-l. I.intc II..- ...n.eii.ii, nli,,i., !
of the reside,, sof,ho... v.. .,,.,," "e0, B"t
tln.i il,..v ,.,,. ,. . ,,,u'llcrcatlnn on the street tmlay.
llml Un-.V i-uniiul all .i, t cclel.rale 1
lo h it tlii.iir ,.1,.,,,, ..i " " ""wianii, went to Poitland on
fwiiiiK tiiui h,v..i: u. i.,e. .,.r llll!II"-"",r"l"i'-'l'f"'ii"'H
C lizii. mid in ,ieP il, . i,.r i I I Hrtrlley and (Juorue lUrtxu.r.
vmi.iii i,f ti,,, d.iy IAiwr t,( ,e, p "f "''", "r r 'If.were in Kngi'iieyeMer-
Ol.llu'l.t'.lll. ".v.
I '-i-ilnif lM( I'.uaeiie iind her I " ' "" bo haa been rustical In
buiiieH men i,.,,k 1 1 w vie of die I '" lUv 'ouiitry for wune time is aKuin
niiiiier a l.fAi.n ri'.orier t.k oieu'.ioii 111 Mig.-ne.
llllt 1 1 1 0 r 1 1 1 ! I L' tn inll I, ............... I... M,. '1 . . ... . . .
. " 1 " ", .".m:i i.noKiy arrived up
; " '.r ine;r view a ulhl Iron, N , on today loeal for a vUit
...,. iiirin iiiiiv. r!iii in luvorol the uitll re!alive.
move lis tlie ril.ou ii,l' u ill .l,..u . . . ...
" kt.l.l lltut u u. ......... .. Ml 1
l..ip-ne ,,eo,,le i.,H-iie.lln the (J.aidiiwn blwli on NVH-
"m K"j I iinitte street uliortly.
. lliuir.ird bleyele man wm eiib
iiinit his w heel in Kligeue today, hlld
looking for an aiteney.
Miis Mrie W'Hre has rnuriied home
from a two weeks May at the Ware
farm o'i the Mohawk.
Attorney K II Skipworth unit dauicbt
Gw. Kiliyiifr, I. II. Tilt aiiJ
S. Bralluii Arresltil on Charge
of Krilim'.
TlTxl) vY, M.vY II.
Vil I Miiiwl Tr es ure ripi-uing
I'll,' fli.'rrv it.iji in Kiii'in w ill be
I-Kiit. ;
I I! r.imphi'!' went t'i Yooiturii !
ilil morning. j
M i W.irner I-. l.:i, k from ;i l i . C I
trip to ( i.islien. j
Atlorney K I! Skipworth A. I
tuny yeMi rdiiv. !
lie I .
ir ii.
Atlilelei Hell
SiTttrm the
21 & I M MOlTftVi-
of 1. i.raiid Juiy.
nil me"lis let lis I
oran .V Son
bettei Mll'.ird lo
ii way. '
Del iluliwili ' ii
Horn A I'iiiiii ,. t ii hiiveu L.o.,,1
one or none."
A Yeriligton "We miriht lo etle
omle. I uould like to -ce one.''
llt'ioli-rMiii A I.inn " I'nink
ue I
should have ii l'.hi.I e,-lt l,i!ii j,iu evert-' tr arrive!! home on the afterniHin Iih-hI
trto of ihriv yen-, ei I ot'u p mr one ' fr,,"i ' Lebanon vUii.
every jeiir." We urn h .tv u good ore , Two hohosare workinnon the streets
eveiyjear. I.mi only demands it ! of Kuyene, throiiirli the kindness of
oureily marshal, J SSiiies.
hoiild bate it bit;! m,. u-i. ci.. i
, " ".n . vnirj ?t,a,, noil iriltes lllllior-
eelnhruion of two or (line ibivs dura- lllu. flll.,l1M ...
i n Hllll'ina 1 I'll III
f In t. lii-R,
I'liKII.AM), May 111 -A Vi-rdk-t w i.
rendered by the trial Jury In Hie f S
distrh'tHt I'ortlaml, In the early part
!if IV.Kt. broiiL'ht l.v thu 1"i.Iim.I si,.,. . I II Talle'rorii.ndelinmMoil ol ' H,r,,'t ''ur ,n,, k ''"'-'y
lands near tVlil.. for the n. of . 1:'""U "tll' "(.'il. nt.
I'llited States eovernn.ent for a boat i Work Iihs lieen oomiiieiu'i'd on llu
railroad, for the film of i l, "ii in favor s,,: "' i"1"'''! sewer, Amlfrs in A
ol Talle Judge Itellinger thouirhtj ,!,"k',r. I'onliaolors
the verdiet ex ibltaut and set it aside, i 'i-t Matloi k nri ived a new Sii arns
s iliirday nifcht, May ,s, tttm given
tli.- Ilit ii ihsir Held meet in the hi
l..ry of atbleties in the l'liivi'l'ity i f
Oregon. 'I he petrnrmaui'!' of thii t ar
Ions iithleti'4 was wry rredilable, but
is not indii-alive of t'..' bet ttork of
It 'll I' II liaki r, of Walli-rt ille, w as ' any of the men, n they were i-on-1'iigeiie
toilay. ! Mantly husbanding their Miciigtli, in
IT Met ornilek was n pas-i tiger "l", r n eiiu-r its ninny eteiils as pos-
to Oakland todav.
I he roiolbi'd of tlm tr,-i t
iiotv in guild eoiidiiiiin.
I "iiue. i ue program i-ommeiii-eil ui.out
railway is S " ''',"'1 "l,H wiltiesM-d by n large
erowii. Ktiykendall was the
iii',''sfiil I'oiitestaut and was present
d with a g.Id medal well made mid
neatly litti n d which aunouiiies the
plai'e mid rhararter i.f his vietory.
Kuyki-ndall n-ori'd ti total of tWI
point-, with Harry Sandi-rs it gmsl
sei'oiid who had flsl points eouiitnl tij
lo hi credit, lit the various eveuls
the find place counted live points, the
see. ml four, thhd three, fourth two
and lUlh one. The eveuls, with the
exception of tlie wrestling match,
n nieii was omiit. il, w in le touud as
follow, with tln winner of the Hist
and second plae-s:
-il yard dali.-H Ktiykendall, II
Weight lift.- Point iijually divided
Kuykfiiilall, .Sanders and 11 I laud -saker.
Standing high Jump. Kuyketidall,
I'ole vault -Sanders Kuykendall.
Shot put.-K Knox, Kuyketidall.
Kiiniiing high Jump. Sanders and
Knox divided first place. Kuykcii
dill. Standing broad Jump. Sanders and
Kuykendall divided llri;place, Knox.
I.unnitig high kick. Knox, Kuy.
tl yanl hurdle. Kuykendall,
Oli.staclii race.- -Sanders, Kuykendall.
of us. Ho
Frank Ware-
, Hull locK.
. 0. PAINE.
Vice Hreudtnt.
Vincent A Walton "We favor a
good celebration."
A t.' Auten "It would nlcase me lo
have Kugeiie eelebratt."
W I, Delano "I am always in favor
of celebrating "
Win IJ-'ishuw " We should
fail to celebrate every t ear."
J V K.ulliiiau " Would like to
rkir "You know my sen
I think tte should cele-
Kiigene celebrate. A town her
khould tin so every year."
D K Iticv-'-We i-h and cclel rati
r u roll.i -- 1,,-iieve II iii-1 lo ci
V K Dunn "I aui a'wavs in favor
of it.'
A V I'ctcr.. "Wc ohi'iild hate a eel
bration." J D Matlock A sons -The idea Is
a good one and should be
J O Walts" I favor a
Irien.U in Marlon county.
Julia M liroilie, of Kugelie, has been
granted an original widow's ensiou
by the depart mint at Wanhington,
J II II.ikins returned from Shedd
this ufleruiKin accompanied by his
daughter, Mrs Frank Porter, who will
visit here.
l'ostmastet Koneyol (ioshei. was In
livver Kngeiie today. Ills store has not been
j robbed for a couple of weeks and he
w" , feels encouraged.
"'j Frank McAlister, who Is now In the
! employ of Kakin A lirislow, mer-
i i hiints and bankers of Collage drove,
spent Sunday in this cily.
In Ihe last number nf Ihe I orllaud
"Helping Hand" is a tine cut of the U
II church of this city, and an excel
lc in descriptive article of F.ugcne by
Kev Mr Needy.
Messrs L K Masters, L'.'pple, Gardln
-f -0 A IViii", J. II. ItsrrU, J.
'AH Ii. I'm i -. w. K. Ilrowa, J. K.
ttiwiu, K. W. iNlMirn,
Cajliil. : : : $50,000.
"1 Bankina Business Transacted,
aflowo.! on lira,. iloiHMtt,
' l''''itn,siul lo iur ere ill
' lt:llon.
ii County Bank.
j .fcuLllilivrt 111
-eral Banking business
ranches transacted
"! tsrms.
Vli. Hovi-v i,.!.i
I t, . ... " ' 1 'esnieiii,
.hovky.jk.. Asst.n
A.'i.tant l'iulili-r.
I National Bank
V Eugene
J,epUsli Uplt2 50,000
r-.uu mmts, 50,000
i.m on rMb-
i L '"""Hi'
vAsTv L.V.hi-f. "P NEW YdltK.
r. ..:.. r ha l 'Kivi , if,T
IKiiiiY viuruiii.
forl,Ti coiltltriwi.
or oertiS
"lch,.t. " .,,
.. i
0 isoelT,
cariici oui. ipr Mn Mai tin, students of the Divin
c'lebrat'oii." ty Pehool relumed from their preach-
S 11 Fiii'iully "The people of the ; jg iniiiu-rary over Sunday on thif.
county demand it. We luiist have u I afternoon's Ii cal.
big celebration. I am alwats in favor
of it."
e i years nsideiice there he never law Ihe
I ........ t . i... r....t. 1....1.
Ki" .ia "' i..c iit.iw tiers limn.
liner than now, and fays the renldeuie
of that section all feel J-Jblliuit
Holl'iuan House - "llnnk tte, F,e, Herbold and Al Kuykendall
I'ri-Hton A Hull ' Its all light,
should cclcbrali-.''
(ieo T Ha'l A Son -"Yes.
would like losee (he city celebiale,
I C T. ..!.. lo I,, t.r.... .I n I....... VI....
u . i.j ., .a.,, tiuit, mi i..n, ...un'
jlivv. II j repirti tint d irin hi nine
Ihe case was hgaiu callnl for trial on
IVcenils-r II. 1MM1, and i.n "he follow
ing day tie jury gave Talle a verdict
for f IT.oOO, ii rai-eof f.l.oinl (,ter the
former Judgment.
When the jury in the last trial w as
selected, several talesmen were taken
that were not on the regular panel, as
tliat bad been exhausted. The w ide
d fTerence of opinion tkat w as salil to
exist bi I ween the J ii, or was thought
to be due to thi fact, as some of the
regular panel held f,,r much smaller
stiina. One Juror was reported to have
held out for HOO.OIM), 0 mere than
was asked by the defendant in his
cluiin, and nni, e went Mow i"i 00.
Now the 1'nited Slates grand Jury
in session at I'ortla-id has indicted!
H Talle, (leneral Kdward Killfealher
and t, h ltratton. on Ihe i hariri' of
briU ry, ami they are under ai -est.
Talle was owner ol the properly
wniie iviiiiea-iier ami lirattoti were
inembeni of the trial jury. Considera
ble excitement prevails in this city
over the arrest.
Tito Hlii-Ht Market Has an I pnard
Ssrll lO till' l.l'ARII.
I.iVKKi'ooi,. May
If). Cargoes on
should celebrate by all means. Ireturnidon the overland train this
K II Ingham "O yes, we want to m(,riiing fiom a bicycle (rip to Klk toll
celelii-ale, of coime."
Howe A l(n-e-"Kugcne should celc
biate." J (loldsinith "Yes, li.e H'.ple de
mand it."
W O .ciglei - 'I Ibiiik tve should
F L Chamlicrs-' I have several dol
lars for a cell luatio; always."
David -"It is best for the town
lo celebrate."
"Deacon" Davis-" I am always en
thusiastic for a celt bration."
1, A Overton "We would have no
competition south ol Portland."
C D Combs "A g' nl thin,' to do."
I II M.t'luiiL' " patriotic, obser
vance that should never be
Among others seen w ho are In favor
of the celebration sbou d be mentioned
on the I'mpijua river in Douglas
county. They got caught by the rain
and, returning, bad to walk and push
their wheels for twenty miles before
reaching Ihe railroad. No fun or
excitement in that.
A Soup fcShot Needed.
A crowded Pullman sleeping car
jumped the track In The Dallea depot
grounds Wednesday morning at 2
o'clock. The passeiigeis were badly
shook up and frlghteneil, and were
not particular as to their costumes as
thev rushed from the car. In oonse-
oueii :e there were some surprising
dispensed ! see, e as witnessed uy a lelegram
reporter w ho llius describes u:
"One might a well attempted to
stop a retreat of the Greek army.
. ,. 1. II..,, 1 1 Ulllll IK iroin too nrFO i,
the names of C M oung, Da A Hen-, '
t',,. luver K i on as ""J '
ih-rson. J I. Page. V m
Hangs, A K Patterson, Calllson A Son,
I I.'., I-'
' I'llH'X J " H. aronnil. olllv to have
Fish. r A 1 K"",r" ", . :
to Hulk III llli ir oare in so'iaing irrt
Piiilinun conductor and porter efforts
to stop them, many of the men passen
' I: j t
Schwar.-chlld, W M (ir.-eii
Watkins, J T Witter, J V Khwegen,
Louglimillcr A Peter and (iray A Soli.
While the rej.orter did not see all
the business men yet Iroin Ihe above
quotations of sentiment it would M-ein
that t lie opinion I- a ui animou one
and that with tin mea in .- k. irt.w.ied among lbs crowd of men
List Vbiig to do id t "I 'Ke "n wl,i,., wended its way back toward I
..,,is r,,r the coLMimmatioii of ,,, ...i,. Mr,er having jumped oft, was i
i I..,, , ,. .
. .... ,
A nieelinir sl'i'Ul'l "e tn"
the train length which the cars pro
ceeded before stopping. The women
passengers were more considerate of the
picture they would make in their neg
ligee costumes and all stayed with the
car with but one exception.
po.sil ly the mo-t s'artlllig ncia
the earliest date c. IiVeliielil and t!,.-n
let the Inter, st not iau until g"od
nvss men have been a pointed i u all
of thei-ouimitle-s i,ec.s-nry cany
ih.n.niier forward, 'i h" (ifAKl- wHI
tuke pleasine in further tig the
cf the piople in thin ina'ter.
passage, fli m; Li.'erpool options (bar
Nkw Yoiik, May l'.V Firimr and
higher. Market closed today at mi;
cents, un udvanco of 2) ciuils over
CllIC Ano, May 10. Maiket Unit and
higher, closing al a raise of 11
cents over yesterday.
Han FiiAsasro, May 10.-IIigher
and llrmer, closing at fl.'Jti',, it raise of
one cent over Saturday.
Hki.iciiois Pai-kii kou Ki'ik.k.
1 be Christian Reporter, a paper w hi-h
has been published at Independence,
Oregon, In thu interests of the Chris
tian church, Is to be removed to F.u
gcne. Kev M L Kose, rastor of the
First Christian church of this city,
and C (I I.eMasters, a student of the
Divinity school, have purchased the
paper, and will be Its new publishers.
They have based the Stile job print
ing plant. It is expected to make the
publication an liiipoilniit adjunct in
building up and advcitising the Di
vinity school.
IUtm wii.mik Ci r. The Astoria
lludget of May Olh ay: "The Uudget
Is informed that therein to he a big
cut in passenger rates on theO It A
ncesn eteann rs, commencing within a
week or ten days. The first slash will
be from H- to ". In that event the
Soul'.ern Pacific will reduce fans over
the road and every Udy In Oregon who
can dig up a twenty dollar piece will
drag it out over the country."
Pko.MINKNT Ml.Nl.STKK. JleV Clay
M Hill, now pastor of the Tenth Ave.
Baptist church of Oakland, California,
has gone to Pittsburg, Pa., to repre
sent California in tne iiaptlst deiiom
inatlon of America. His alma mat r.
Ihe Kaptltt theological Institute ol
Rochester N Y., has ulso appointed
him one of the board of examiners.
Mr Hill is a irraduute of the (' of O
ami wa for two or three years pastor
of the liaptist church of this city
(.'ASK DlSMISSKD. The trial of
William I wan in Justice Wheeler's
couit Saturday for the crime of rape
resulted in his dismissal, an alibi be-
l-.g proven. Jacobni ., the l-r-
year-old girl who has l-eu the tlt-tlm
of some person's cupidity or knavery,
is a poor ignorant Herman girl, and If
possible the guilty wretch who has
brought shame '.o her young life
should be made to do penanc -.
Ali.SlONMKNTS MaI'K The Free
Methdli hat e Iseu In!, ling I be an
hiihI Co, f. al ( I egoii ' mid
il. si. is
ii,. t f, i New ork traveling man
ii i , .ion i.f) st The Dalle., and
.,,- Mu.meut the car lumped u made the Mlowlmj appointment, f.,r
... , .bl.. ul.nt.tfUl.fthu SB- '" WUI'tV
clu-iuii 0' hi e-rvwued ls.rth. to
lihaugehi uuilsrcSj. Hs had suo
c.eded in disrobing htu the first
ruuii lecame. With e 1 of teiror,
the drummer sprang from the berth
..,.,1 , !ad in the 'altogether,' (as my
for lh- cnsuiig tear-
Fugeue distrii-t, IIFSmalley, district
elder; Eugene and Springfield, J F
Llese; Mohawk, Cohurg and Cedar
Flat, Win Piatt.
... $H'
aid i S
""i-ie rorj, .lore.
s.,,11, II. n,!. WV ll . oce
I ..!.. ...111. u ...., I ., I, UClt ioll
buiblirgs, is now a n.u.,i.-i al r. ch,
hard y ant thing U-iug lefl there. he
Herald basal la-t givtn u. me n"" '
a id Mown to II hco. O
Dsllj lout'i Mhj 1,,.
Akkb-TEH." f. A lb"-", who lives in
, i ti,, has it i made for the the eastern t oriioii of the city was sr-
j, x.r of the coach. For unately for the rested by Marshal Stiles thi morning
other p i-seiikif, 'he drummer ws for refusing to keep hi hoises up after
., ... . ,....l;i. l.,tn tiitt l.lntf n.tlift , lo lo so. Ti, Irtfil uitl
and iuru"i ,.,u,,j '"ry " " - -
before be ba.l a cbsiics to s sni-' occur at ! a m tomorrow in the poi,j
i el"
l.erLIl."-- .
the entire car:' l"V-
wheel by last night's freight.
Walter Shelley and sister,
Maude, are down from Mohawk.
Frank Davis, the well know u ill urn
incr, was in town over last nlg.,1.
Attorney W'oodcoc was a pa-scnger
to Portland on I ga, h'i,ioc today.
'Ihe I U O F gran.l lodge will 1.
uei,l in I'oitland May is, 1.1, aininl Ll.
Win I lodes went lo Cort allis loilay
III Ihe inti rest of Ihe Eugene
Mri Wesley Shannon went to Marion
county this morning for it visit with
Ihe Southern Paeillc railway
the west side is employing while
borers on the seel ion.
.. .....
.or .toa .tunic;. n ieit mis morning
for a I wo week's visit to her mother,
Mrs Lackey, at Cliui.n.
Ihe Iron work, inanufact.ired by Ih
I-.ugcue Foundry, for Ihe (ioldsmith
building, Is on the ground.
Arch idee rcturuud from Cnttag.
. rove this morning. His family will
remain there yet a few days.
W'oikiniii aie phiilng the comii
Irimmings on the Hotel Eugene today
at the first and sicoml stories.
At Ihe graduating exercise of the
Junction City public, seho.l Pn
rrieilel of the t nf o presented Ihe
Ml David Mai k ley iiimu down
iroin i oitnge tiiove tin morning In
visit with her daughter, Mr (J. It
I hrisman.
I ( (implied has returned from
llic upper McKen e where lo, l,s
Ihi ii running a saw mill for the past
two months.
Several fishermen report trout
biting good this week. Al Auten ev
claims (') to have caught a half a doz
en in a few limits.
Night vatch Simp on locked up live
tough looking hobo la,t night, and
Marshal Stile escorted I hem nut of
town this morning.
J II (i iodiiian Inform us that tin
rumor that his brick bill, ling on Wil
lameiie sireei nan men reiileil for 11
restaurant Is liicnrrirt.
Mis N W Smith and little child, ol
Lebanon, who have been visiting nt
Ihe homj of Prof D V 8 Keld, went to
Drain on the afternoon local.
irs it ii (MiaoKieu, per many
frii lids w ill he plcused to learn, Is now
rapidly recovering fioni ihe ratherdis
aslroti cllcct of a runaway of a week
Car No 2 of the Eugene at nil rail
way has come out of Painter Van
itiiren s shop and was placed on the
(rack again toiluy. Ills a haudsomi
looking vehicle now.
Albany D, nun-rat : E W Langdon
sold hi trotting horse DeLinn and
purchased of Dr Harris of Eugene a
Lay gelding by Oregon Wilkes, which
ihe Doctor has driven as a road horse.
P Frank A Sons uie having the
eoiumnilious windows of (heir new
.planers arranged in mcttopolitan style
and w ill place French mirrors In to
lorm a background ft r Iheir window
All classes of business men with ad
vauced Ideas are learning that when
ever il becomes necessary (o stop ad
vertising In outer lo "save expenses"
or because Ibey "can't a fiord It" Ihe
lime has aboi.t airivid to make an
The prize b iby show held Saturday
In the ( ioo.liuaii building under the
aii-pices of the ladies of the Firs( Pres
byterian church iietled Ihe neat sum
of a lit reward for the labor en
tailed, and il proves to have struck the
popular clc rd.
Msichi-IA Co, II. e oldest gem ral
merehaiidi-ing firm in Prineville, ad
vert i-e i In, I they contemplate retiring
flo.ll biisiio.s 'I he I), in ha been ill
exi-tel,ce f,,i i iieitis, end ha done ail
In, no; si; business. Their determina
tion to quit luisiiie-s w ill be a loss to
Iteglster: "It is said that a well
know n young lady of this county, who
Is baching in one of the towns of
8 iiiUiern Oregon, is soon lobe joined
In matrimony to u prominent member
or (be Orego:: Pries Assofliillou."
Uoseburg plain Jeuler: "There are
USctno-:; i.ivt? nv.ri ,vroN-jon't
ft' '. t't.i..- ir. Ih,' I r. , r gets slmrglsli
: t i - V, lat.; , j,: t l:e all nature,
t;i ' ' -t 1' :., s ,!ioked up by
ui" 'I I v. i : -, v. hi. Ii hrings on
i . I . r .: i I A 'i:, nj Klieuma
l i i-;t t i . il.c up vmir
1 ' '" ' ii t.i!te SIMMONS
5 I j 1 1 d it. It al
: i i I .. . t - !,ccp it pr.tperlv at
, .:. i v . r s,-si ,n he iree from
'i i ' I ' ' ! I b. !v mvii-orated.
a :: ' V. Ii; MESJ' Itl.OODuhen
-t t 'i i i i i i Al n,iit..)ii, anJ that
il,-! r- v.h ,i t.'r-1 ivcr is auive.
i Iur b'.-ii.-.iv miic and note the
i I' it t .i i iti- SlWAiovc
.1 i r. :; - it i; sim.mons
.i I- Hi m; :,!, '! makes the
I lo." I! la powd' r ' in ll.uij
u,i, or ni.iiu' .1 lea it t ,
aa I
th' .
II Hi .
I l I
ti. i..
will .
ht- .
dm. -.
I li
I ivi
u h;.
i; i.'i a
dillcicn. -. i r.-i
P 'Wdcr; :nt t.iktfN V W N- I IV! k HI r.ll
L.Mi n. You'll tind the KLij en fvtry
Vs U.i.v.'ktorit.
J. U. Zi lli.s & L., l'hlludvlplila. Pa.
Flttl.U l l.MlltA.
I Coinuiutilcatioii Coiitainlti Many
Iiilcresting Item.
Standing hop, step and jiiiiij .San
ders, Kuyketidiill.
Kuniiiug broad jump. Kuykendall,
Potato race. Kuy kendnll, Sander.
Kuiinlng hop, step ami Jump.-Knox,
Hope climbing. -Sanders, Kuykendall.
Christian ( liuicli Knteitaiiimeiit.
Ihe entertainment given by the
Ladies Aid Society of I ho Christian
church In the opcia bouse Friday
evening was a splendid success In
every particular. There was not a sin
gle prosy selection In the entire pro
gram from opening to close. The
sedate and humorous pieces were suit.
ably intermingled, thus producing a
continuous Interest to the very end.
Tim opening opperattuby orchestra
was a surprbe to the audlcniv and was
received with gnat applause, and dur.
Ing the evening they wero frequently
ailed to repeat selectlolm presented.
The piano dud by Amelia Horn and
Alien M.-Elroy, also the piano-violin
trio by Nina W'ilklns. Alicia mid
Lillian MeEhoy wero charming se
lections ami exhibited special musical
t ilenton the part of theso little gills.
Ihe vocal sob) by Miss Iteatty, and the
mandolin and guitar seduction by Mr
iross and Mr Stephens weru very
lilllcult piece and each received a well
dcservi (I encore. A prominent feature
of the musical prourainJwaH the vocal
luartetto by Misses Yoran, Iteiislmw,
Straight and Hendricks. This selec
tion was especially well rendered and
well received, and was appropriately
followed by vocal solos and duets by
Maud King and other little girl.
1 he little part of the program was In-
Irodiicid by four littlo ulrla: Nina
W'ilklns, Lena Day, Hazel Farrow and
Lillian McKlioy. "The Kitten Kong"
wus very humorous and pleasing.
III.) recitation bv Carrie. Frl.ii dlv
milled "Aux ItalieiiB," was presented
with gteat skill and forensic, power,
and was received with well merited
The crowning selection was entitled
The Mouse Trap," a very pleasing
oinedy in one act presented by Misses
eazle, Straight, Yor.n. W'ilklns,
Hendricks, IloH'inan and Mr Warner
lirown. This was aside splitting farco
to the liulsh and wa entirely appor
tuuetothe season and occasion; the
nice points appealing directly to the
very large and appreciative audience
present. 1'hu entire program was well
-oiiceivei and well presented, reflect
ing sp clal credit upon the managing
committee consisting ol Mrs Hun-
Irb ks, Mrs McElroy and Mrs Dr Har
The net proceeds weru largo and sat
Lo Al Kli. I, a (irhiido Chronicle:
"I he Jones Itrolhers have rented their
photogiaph gallery to Mr llushuell,
lormerly of Eugene, for a peilod of
on.) year, and will retire from the
business for that b iigth of lime, at
least. Mr liushiiell com' a highly rec
ommended, and I a first class artist In
every lespect. He and Miss Lnngford,
(liu well known artist, of I. a lirau.le,
will work together under Ihe film
some peu.le w ho are willing lo wager ,,ame of llushuell I.angford Photo Co.,
a "Nickell" that thai u plies to a maintaining studio bolh at Ciilon and
teach -r in the lto.f Lurg school." 1 Li (irunde."
Elmlrn, Oiegon, May 8, '07.
I-Piniu EiiiKNK (ii'Aiin: Think
ing a lew jotting from (hi corner
may not be amiss, I herewith proceed.
Wo have been blessed with somo
glorious May shower (hat havo left all
iiatur smiling and rejoicing. The
habitual growler had already beenn
to predict short crops ami eventual
starvation, w hile the genial April sun
was shining so brightly, furnishing
farmers the lluest weather for seeding
(hat tvasever wit lies.) i by the "oldest
inhabitant, ' but when tho copious
showers came, and "garden truck" be
gan id come up and no blighting frost,
then all was serene all satisfied.
Among other marked changes, the
roads recently almost Impassable are
gelling In line condition, so that the
top buggy and tho w heel may frequent
ly be met even this far from the center
ol civilization.
Our Saw Mill Co., wlio wr oiled
so falthtully with the log problem last
w Inter, now has about 600 logs at the
mill ready for business.
Oultu an enjoyable entertainment
was held by tho young folks, at tho
home of Mr (lutes last night a real
old lashlourd candy pulling and oys
ter su pper, music, dc.
Mr Millo Hale, of Flk Prairie, was
suddenly attacked with bleeding from
(ho nose, at 3 o'clock n in, last Thurs
day, and for several hour tho symp
toms were very alarming, Attended
with violent vomiting and great pros
tration; dually ut I) a in, tho bleeding
suddenly ceased. I'p to last nccouuts
she was quite comfortable.
Kit-hard Hush, who has been con
fined lo Ms bed w lib a severe Illness.
ut the homo of hi brother Hen Hush,
in Elk Priilric, relumed to his home
near l-alrviow, last Thursday. He
hxpects to start to Juneau, Alaska,
about May l!l, to visit his daughter,
wife of Attorney Crews, and may put
In some time pross-ciing the far famed
Alaska gold mines.
Mrs Horn, of Falrvlew. lias been
quite sick for two weeks past. Others
ontheslck list are Mrs (Jeo Mock of
Elmlra, und Mr Porter, Sr., of Spen
Mr Wilson, nn old soldier and U 8
pensioner, wa last night arrested on
a warrant charging him assault with a
leadly weapon on Mr George Porter,
by drawing a gun on Mr Porter,
what the circumstance or provocation
is the writer does not know. Mr Wilson
presented himself before Justice T O
Duckworth this m iriilug. Ho stated
to the writer that hu had not had tlino
to procure counsel and did not think
the trial would amount to much viy
wny. NVI.sou wa shortly afterwards
seen going out of town alone.
Kev James Howard will preach In
this placo tonight at 7 p. in., also on
tomorrow at 11 a. in., and iu the even
ing. Tho Sabbath schools iu this
place are In a very nourishing condi
tion, tho atteudauco being good and
much interest folt.
The Christian church here, Is at
present without a minister. The con
gregation, I learn from a member, l
anxious to secure the services of a
minister to supply the church with,
regular tervb e.
Dr Muhou ha recently moved Into
Elmlrn. He ocoupk's tho property of
Mrtieorgo Kris.
s'iry ltes eotfuHy.
M .., ArivK. Professor John
D L t her has been appointed repre
sentative of thti Grand Lodge of Vir
ginia, A F and A M, near the Grand
I.ndg,) of Oregon. We congratulate
the profe-sor upon receiving so a high
a mark of esteem and honor from hit
Hrelhren lu Virginia; for, men of high
character and standing are the only
ones cho-eu to till such a IiIkIi position.
His prcluenor was ex -Sen a', or J N
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